World War I The Global War

World War I

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World War I. The Global War. Journal #1. Take a few minutes: How do you believe imperialism would come to shape World War I? Here are some things to keep in mind: Note the location of different colonies (Think about the chart) Note those who were involved in imperialism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War I

World War IThe Global WarJournal #1Take a few minutes:How do you believe imperialism would come to shape World War I?Here are some things to keep in mind:Note the location of different colonies (Think about the chart)Note those who were involved in imperialismNote why there was often conflictConnecting Past to PresentThe MAIN Reasons for the WWI StartingDefineMMilitarismAAlliance SystemIIndustrialization/ImperialismNNationalismMilitarismIncrease in:Glorification of the militaryAll things militaristicOngoing arms raceAll nations prepared for war by 1914

Alliance SystemMajor NationsAllied PowersGreat BritainRussiaFranceItaly (1915)USA (1917)

Central PowersGermanyAustria-HungaryOttoman EmpireAlliance System

Terms of an AllianceIf Italy or Germany was attacked by France, each would aid the other. If Austria was attacked by Russia, Italy would remain neutral, although Austria would aid Italy if she was attacked by France. If one of the parties was attacked by two or more powers, the other signatories were to come to her aid. And, at Italys request, both Austria and Germany agreed that in no case would the Treaty operate against Britain, but as the war loomed closer these disputes became less important as attention focused back to Europe.IndustrializationMachine GunsGas AttacksTanksArtilleryU-BoatsAirplanes & Zeppelins

Machine Guns

Hiram Maxim created the first portable machine gun.

Fifty Rhodesian police officers fought off 5,000 tribesmen with only four machine guns

MGs devastates the battlefield in many way- Rapid fire over no mans land- Enfilading fire across trenchesGas Attacks

Mustard Gas Yellowish Brown, smells likeMustard plant. Formed blisters on skin, throat, lungs, & closed airways, blindness.

Chlorine Gas Yellowish Green, smells likePineapple & pepper. Pain in eyes, lungs, suffocation ensues.

Tanks, Artillery, Airplanes, ZepplinsWorld War I Firsts

U-BoatsUnterseebootenGermany 1st to use submarine warfaredsd

ImperialismConflict due to colonialismIn Africa, every European nation, but Russia & Austria held colonies there. Conflicts over regions between France and Italy or France and Germany.

Imperialism & IndustrializationImperialismLand expansion & desire for more land, powerIndustrializationAllows a nation to build upon what they have & become more powerfulNationalism

Belief that aligns one with a strong identification of a group or nation. Germans were proud of their military; France upset at the loss of the Alsace & Lorraine in the Franco-Prussian War

Domestic ProblemsNations involved were experiencing problems:England v. IrelandRussian Uprisings


With Europe being set up in a competition like scene as nations strived for both new lands & already disputed lands, how do these terms essentially set up the continent, and world, for the destruction that would be World War I?

Thinking ahead, what impact do you think World War I will have on the 20th century and beyond?

Blank Map!Take this time to fill out the map (Europe in 1914 side) to the best of your ability.Questions!What was the main spark that led to the outbreak of World War I?

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Gavrilo Princip & The Black Hand

Find Serbia & Austria-HungaryAustrian Ultimatum to SerbiaSerbia was to investigate the murderAustria-Hungary was also to investigateSerbia was to suppress any & all anti-Austrian propagandaTake steps to rout any domestic terrorist groups within Serbia

Austria-Hungary demanded an answer within 48 hoursCRASH COURSEWWI Crash Course

QuestionsName two areas where Great Britain had imperial power which supplied troops for the British war effort.

What is the problem with trench warfare and why do you believe that it was so deadly and counterproductive?

Time to Enlist. The Trenches Await!


Who is this man?

He Is WWI Iron-Cross Winning War Hero

Adolf Hitler

Key Terms to UnderstandWar of Attrition?Causalities?Selective Service/Conscription/Draft?The Schlieffen Plan

Count Alfred von Schlieffen9 years of planning (what does this indicate?)German plan to avoid fighting a two front warW vs. FranceE vs. RussiaQuick victory over France to free troops to fight RussiaFailed

35Trench WarfareTrench Warfare - History Channel

No Mans LandWhat is no mans land?

Questions!Why was no mans land so dangerous? Why was it so hard to traverse despite possibly length and machine-gun fire?

Dangers of Trench WarfareTrench footTrench RatsLiceEnfilading FireRebuilding TrenchesOver the top

Over the TopAn offensive consisted of days of shelling the enemys defenses followed by an order to go Over the Top and into No Mans LandOffensives were very ineffective and resulted in huge losses of lifeBattles at Verdun and Somme resulted in massive loss of life

Questions!What were the causes of so much death in the trench warfare environment?

Do you believe that trench warfare was effective? And if not, what are some of the different strategies militaries used to overcome trench warfare?

Somme & VerdunSomme


Somme & VerdunBattle of SommeJuly 1, 1916 November 18, 1916(4 months, 2 weeks, 3 days)

Battle of VerdunFebruary 21, 1916 December 18, 1916(9 months, 3 weeks, 6 days)

BattlesBattle of SommeAllies: 623,907 casualties | 782 aircraft lostGermany: 465,000 (400,000 to 500,000)Indecisive Result2.5 million troops in 150 divisionsBattle of VerdunAllies: 542,000 casualties (362,000 dead)Germany: 434,000 casualties (336,000 dead)French Victory2.5 million troops in 125 divisionsQuestion!What is total war?

Sinking of the RMS Lusitania

128 Americans DeadRevolution in Russia

1917, bread riots break out in St. Petersburg. Tsar was overthrown. Lenin took control & signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.What did Russian withdrawal from the war do for the Central Powers?

Question!The Zimmerman Telegram

Question!Do you believe that Germany was sincere in their offer of friendship? If not, what problems presented themselves to Mexico?

US Joins The War

April 1917, Pres. Wilson declares war:We have no selfish ends to serve to make the world safe for democracy.US Joins The War

Mobilized by 19182 million strongLittle troop involvement116,708 deaths205,690 woundedFourteen PointsCalled for free trade, free seas, reduction of arms, end to secret treatiesA plan to end warfare entirely


The League of NationsA general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.

War EndsGermany attempts a final pushGain 40 milesUS Troops assist Allied forcesGerman forces removed from France & BelgiumRiots begin in Germany due to poverty

Costs of WarEurope was shatteredFlu Epidemic of 1918 killing 20 million worldwideBattle zones left entire sections of nations from France to Russia in rubbleReconstruction & War Debt = $$$German ReparationsCosts of WarMoneyGreat Britain$55 billionFrance$45 billionRussia$25 billionUSA$35 billionGermany$60 billionAustria-Hungary$25 billionLifeGreat Britain1,115,597 killedFrance1,397,800 killedRussia1,811,000 to 2,254,369 killedUSA116,708 killedGermany2,050,897 killedAustria-Hungary1,100,000 killed


Before the war, imperial powers seemed invincible to colonies. Many rebellions were put down and hope of freedom seemed far off. What impact did WWI have on the way colonies viewed their mother countries?Paris Peace Conference

(L to R) David Lloyd George (UK), Vittorio Orlando (ITA), Georges Clemenceau (FRA), Woodrow Wilson (USA) Paris Peace ConferenceMeeting of more than 32 countries to decide what would come of the defeated Central Powers (GER & RUS not invited)Reshaping bordersDivision of owned colonies across the worldThe Treaty of VersaillesStiff financial penalties/blame to Germany"Germany End WWI Reparations 92 Years, 59m Final Payment($442 billion in 2013 currency)Outcome of the Paris Peace ConferenceWith so many nations involved, these meetings proved difficult.Creation of Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, YugoslaviaColonies outside of Europe still remained coloniesReview

ReviewWhat does MAIIN stand for and what is the significance of these five points?

ReviewWhat was the main spark that led to the outbreak of World War I?

ReviewWhat are some reasons you believe that Princip assassinated the Archduke of Austria? What was the nationality of Princip?

ReviewWhat was the nickname given to World War I?

ReviewIn what year did the war start?


Thinking back to the age of imperialism, name two areas where Great Britain had power that supplied troops for the British war front.

ReviewWhy was trench warfare so dangerous and slow? How did technology help to overcome the struggle of trench warfare?

ReviewWhat is no mans land?

ReviewWhat is total war?

ReviewWhat were the two main causes for the US joining the War in Europe?

ReviewWho was involved in the Zimmerman Telegram and what were the conditions of the agreement?


Why did Russia withdraw from the war and what impact did this have on the war?Review

What were the Fourteen Points and what President of the United States proposed them?Review

Who were the four major nations at The Paris Peace Conference and what were some of the major goals to come out of this conference?