Why Did America Enter Why Did America Enter World War 1? World War 1? Case 1 Case 2 1. 1. Look at the different cases, these Look at the different cases, these are opinions of why America went to are opinions of why America went to war. war. 2. 2. Search through the perspectives to Search through the perspectives to see different views of the see different views of the situations. situations. 3. 3. Decide for yourself why the US Decide for yourself why the US entered the war. entered the war. Conclusion Work Cited

World War 1 CFH

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Shows different perspectives on why America entered into World War 1. Asks the viewer to answer for themselves.

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Page 1: World War 1 CFH

Why Did America Enter Why Did America Enter World War 1?World War 1?

Case 1 Case 2

1.1. Look at the different cases, these are opinions of Look at the different cases, these are opinions of why America went to war.why America went to war.

2.2. Search through the perspectives to see different Search through the perspectives to see different views of the situations.views of the situations.

3.3. Decide for yourself why the US entered the war.Decide for yourself why the US entered the war.

ConclusionWork Cited

Page 2: World War 1 CFH

Case 1:US Military Advancements

1. Pick a perspective category

2. Choose a perspective within

3. Read background stories

4. Decide for yourself why America entered WW1


Military Build-Up US Draft

Page 3: World War 1 CFH

Military Build-Up1.1. Click on the perspectiveClick on the perspective2.2. Read the background storiesRead the background stories3.3. Go through the primary sources that are linkedGo through the primary sources that are linked4.4. Decide the reason fro US involvement in the Decide the reason fro US involvement in the


Case 1

Perspective 1


Page 4: World War 1 CFH

President Wilson

Sadly, America could not keep itself out of the Great War overseas. We as a country need to defend ourselves. We as neighbors need to prepare ourselves and band together to help our country make it through these rough times. Factories will now assemble weaponry, a War Industries Board will be formed, and all men between the ages of twenty-one to thirty must sign on to the United States draft. Although America was to stay neutral, I regrettably must take the step into war and I need you, to help build our country's defense.

Case 1 Home

Military Build-Up

Page 5: World War 1 CFH

US Draft

Case 1

Perspective 4 Perspective 5


Perspective 6

1.1. Pick a perspectivePick a perspective2.2. Read the background storiesRead the background stories3.3. Go through the primary sources that are linkedGo through the primary sources that are linked4.4. Decide the reason fro US involvement in the Decide the reason fro US involvement in the


Page 6: World War 1 CFH


Dear Annie,Your last letter left me feeling terrible. I myself do not

understand how they can rip me away from my family with such short notice. I hope that soon my checks begins to reach you, so that you can keep our girls happy. Regardless of how much I miss you and how much I need to be home, my country has chosen me to fight for them in the Great War. As a proud American I will do my job, and once it is finished I will return home to my beautiful wife and children.

All my love,George

Case 1 Home

US Draft

Page 7: World War 1 CFH

FamilyDear George,I cannot overcome our loss when you left for the

service. I know that it was not your choice to enter into the draft, but I feel like you have left me alone with my hands full. How can they take you from me and expect our family to prosper? I am raising our four children alone, and I have gotten a job at the metal factory in town. Although I need you here, I want you to know that I am proud you are fighting for your country. You are my hero.

Love,Annie and your girls

Case 1 Home

US Draft

Page 8: World War 1 CFH

President Wilson

Wilson’s Perspective on US Draft:Today, the gentleman of Congress have passed

as act called the "Selective Services Act". The act declares it a law that all men between the ages of twenty-one to thirty who are citizens of this great country must sign themselves on to the military draft. I know that this may be hard for families, but it is important that our country comes together and supports our country's stand in the war.

Case 1 Home

US Draft

Page 9: World War 1 CFH

Case 2:Under Attack Despite Neutrality


1.1. Pick a perspective categoryPick a perspective category

2.2. Choose a perspectives within Choose a perspectives within

3.3. Read background storiesRead background stories

4.4. Decide for yourself why America entered WW1Decide for yourself why America entered WW1

German Submarine Warfare

Threats Against Neutrality

Page 10: World War 1 CFH

German Submarine Warfare

Case 2

Perspective 1 Perspective 2


1.1. Pick a perspectivePick a perspective2.2. Read the background storiesRead the background stories3.3. Go through the primary sources that are linkedGo through the primary sources that are linked4.4. Decide the reason fro US involvement in the Decide the reason fro US involvement in the


Page 11: World War 1 CFH

Commander Adolf SpiegelCommander Adolf K.G.E. Spiegel of the Commander Adolf K.G.E. Spiegel of the Schwarzer Wolf, U-Boat Schwarzer Wolf, U-Boat

submarine Class 05 ,submarine Class 05 , reporting a confirmed hit to headquarters. reporting a confirmed hit to headquarters. The U.S.S. Pennsylvania now lies at the bottom of the ocean. The U.S.S. Pennsylvania now lies at the bottom of the ocean. Initial reconnaissance confirmed the presence of a full crew and Initial reconnaissance confirmed the presence of a full crew and passengers and dozens of horses to aid the British. Once the passengers and dozens of horses to aid the British. Once the cargo was sited I followed protocol and ordered the release of cargo was sited I followed protocol and ordered the release of one of our Top Class Torpedoes; the U.S.S. Pennsylvania had one of our Top Class Torpedoes; the U.S.S. Pennsylvania had no time to react and was sunk without retaliation. When will no time to react and was sunk without retaliation. When will those stubborn Americans learn that any ship within German those stubborn Americans learn that any ship within German declared war zones will be destroyed without warning?declared war zones will be destroyed without warning?

--End Transmission--End Transmission

Case 2 HomePrimary Source

German Submarine Warfare

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Commander Spiegel (cont.)

• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/1915/admiral.html• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/1915/arabic.html• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/1916/sussex.html• http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/sub.htm

Case 2 Home

German Submarine Warfare

Commander Spiegel

Page 13: World War 1 CFH

Andrew WilliamsAmerican survivor of U-boat attack:Letter written to family –

Dear Elizabeth and Sarah,I miss you both so very much and I am sorry that I could not write sooner. It has been an extremely hard time out at sea and I have seen many things. I was fortunate enough to survive an attack by the Germans this past month. It was a horrible feeling, seeing so many of my crewmembers drown and die, and to think that our ship was not even armed! I can’t believe that Germany would have the nerve to attack merchant ships that have nothing to do with the war. They were supposed to be following the Sussex Pledge, and they just throw it all away. All they are doing is building hostilities and spreading the war. I hope I can come home soon if these attacks ever subside. Stay strong and be safe.

Love, Andrew

Case 2 Home

Primary Sources

German Submarine Warfare

Page 14: World War 1 CFH

Andrew (cont.)

• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/1915/lusitania1.html

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kfg_1s1-vQ• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/comment/WarFacts/wfacts2.h


• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/comment/WarFacts/wfacts2.htm#4.14

• http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=rbpe&fileName=rbpe13/rbpe132/13201300/rbpe13201300.db&recNum=1

Case 2 Home

German Submarine Warfare

Andrew Williams

Page 15: World War 1 CFH

Threats Against Neutrality

Case 2

Perspective 3

Perspective 4


1.1. Pick a perspectivePick a perspective2.2. Read the background storiesRead the background stories3.3. Go through the primary sources that are linkedGo through the primary sources that are linked4.4. Decide the reason fro US involvement in the Decide the reason fro US involvement in the


Page 16: World War 1 CFH

Governor James FergusonTexan Governor, Texan Governor, James E. FergusonJames E. Ferguson addresses Congress concerning the addresses Congress concerning the

Zimmerman Telegram:Zimmerman Telegram:

My fellow elected officials, this direct act of hostility towards the My fellow elected officials, this direct act of hostility towards the United States of America cannot go without consequence. The United States of America cannot go without consequence. The German Empire seeks to destroy our democracy and independence. German Empire seeks to destroy our democracy and independence. Their intention to form a military alliance with the Mexican Their intention to form a military alliance with the Mexican Government is nothing short of an act of war and must be treated as Government is nothing short of an act of war and must be treated as such!such!The great state of Texas, along with The great state of Texas, along with New Mexico and Arizona, are New Mexico and Arizona, are enraged by the fact that the German Secretary of State offered us to enraged by the fact that the German Secretary of State offered us to the Mexican Government as payment for their cooperation. America’s the Mexican Government as payment for their cooperation. America’s neutrality must end here! We must take up arms against the Germans; neutrality must end here! We must take up arms against the Germans; we must make them sorry that they ever involved us! We will attack we must make them sorry that they ever involved us! We will attack them with such force that they will never be able to harm another them with such force that they will never be able to harm another nation ever again!nation ever again!

Case 2 HomePrimary Source

Threats Against Neutrality

Page 18: World War 1 CFH

British Nationalist RobertBritish AmericanLetter written to family in Britain

May 20th, 1916Dear Ma and Pa,

I feel homesick during this time of war between nations. I wish I could be there with you in this time of need. You would be happy to know that we are doing everything that we can to support the Allies financially. Many people are sharing the same feelings with me and want to help their mother nation. The United States is really uniting for the war effort and there are posters and advertisements all over. We are all trying to conserve and I think businesses are even pulling their resources for war supplies. However, I still wish there was more I could do to help out Britain. All I can do is wish you luck and pray that you fair well. Hopefully we can do everything we can and the war will be over soon. I miss you both so very much.

Love, Robert United States

Case 2 Home

Threats Against Neutrality

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Robert (cont.)

• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/comment/WarFacts/wfacts2.htm#5.20

• http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/comment/WarFacts/wfacts2.htm#5.21

Threats Against Neutrality

RobertCase 2 Home

Page 20: World War 1 CFH

Where Do You Stand?

Based on the cases and perspectives you witnessed, why do you think that the United States entered into World War 1?

Visit the following blog, and discuss the reasoning for US involvement in WW1:


Page 21: World War 1 CFH

Work Cited• http://www.visi.com/~susskins/dispatch/archives/American-Flag.jpg• http://www8.tltc.ttu.edu/mvugrin/images/right%20arrow.gif• http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/9262696D-791C-4872-83A8-191A63094DAD/0/TwinTownsMap.jpg• http://www.worldwar1.com/foto/gb105.jpg• www.bermuda-online.org• http://www.co.brown.wi.us/Museum/Collections/Collections/Photo_Reproduction_services/Snapshots_in_Time.htm• http://www.lukasmoeller.com/wolf.jpg• http://www.aefsupply.com/ww1.htm• http://www.mtsu.edu/~kmiddlet/history/women/gif/wwi-seeds2.gif• http://old-photos.blogspot.com/2007/07/president-woodrow-wilson.html• http://old-photos.blogspot.com/2007_09_01_archive.html

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