World Foot Print

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  • 8/12/2019 World Foot Print



    Youve probably heard of the Ecological Footprint - the metric that

    allows us to calculate human pressure on the planet and come up

    with facts, such as: If everyone lived thelifestyleof the averageAmerican we would need 5 planetsIt examines the benefits of

    ecological accounting, introduces some of the most important

    Footprint findings, and addresses provocative questions: Do we fit

    on the planet? How can the Footprint foster sustainable human

    development? How do carbon emissions contribute to humanitys

    Ecological Footprint

    Humanity needs what nature provides, but how do we know how much

    were using and how much we have to use?The Ecological Footprint hasemerged as the worlds premier measure of humanitys demand on

    nature. This accounting system tracks, on the demand side (Footprint),

    how much land and water area a human population uses to provide all it

    takes from nature. This includes the areas for producing the resource it

    consumes, the space for accommodating its buildings and roads, and the

    ecosystems for absorbing its waste emissions such as carbon dioxide.

    These calculations account for each years prevailing technology, as

    productivity and technological efficiency change from year to year. Theaccounting system also tracks the supply of nature: it documents how

    much biologically productive area is available to provide these services

    (biocapacity). Therefore, these accounts are able to compare human

    demand against natures supply of biocapacity.

    World Footprint

    Do we fit on the planet?

    Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.5 planets to provide the

    resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the

    Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year.
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    Moderate UN scenarios suggest that if current population and

    consumption trends continue, by the 2030s, we will need the equivalent

    of two Earths to support us. And of course, we only have one.

    Turning resources into waste faster than waste can be turned back intoresources puts us in global ecologicalovershoot,depleting the very

    resources on which human life and biodiversity depend.

    The result is collapsing fisheries, diminishing forest cover, depletion of

    fresh water systems, and the build up of carbon dioxide emissions,

    which creates problems like global climate change. These are just a few

    of the most noticeable effects of overshoot.

    Overshoot also contributes to resource conflicts and wars, mass

    migrations, famine, disease and other human tragediesand tends to

    have adisproportionate impact on the poor,who cannot buy their way

    out of the problem by getting resources from somewhere else.

    Ending Overshoot

    The Earth provides all that we need to live and thrive. So what will it

    take for humanity to live within the means of one planet?

    Individuals and institutions worldwide must begin to recognize

    ecological limits. We must begin to make ecological limits central to our

    decision-making and use human ingenuity to find new ways to live,

    within the Earths bounds.

    This means investing in technology and infrastructure that will allow us

    to operate in a resource-constrained world. It means taking individual

    action, and creating the public demand forbusinessesandpolicy

    makersto participate.Using tools like theEcological Footprintto manage our ecological assets

    is essential for humanitys survival and success. Knowing how much

    nature we have, how much we use, and who uses what is the first step,

    and will allow us to track our progress as we work toward our goal of

    sustainable, one-planet living.
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    Earth Overshoot Day

    In 8 Months, Humanity Exhausts Earth's Budget for the Year

    Just as a bank statement tracks income against expenditures, GlobalFootprint Network measures humanitys demand for and supply of

    natural resources and ecological services. And the data is sobering.

    Global Footprint Network estimates that in approximately eight months,

    we demand more renewable resources and C02sequestration than what

    the planet can provide for an entire year.

    In 2012, Earth Overshoot Daythe approximate date our resource

    consumption for a given year exceeds the planets ability to replenish

    fell on August 22. This year, it will likely come even earlier. We willthen go intoecological overshoot,and make up the deficit by drawing

    down local resource stocks and accumulating more carbon dioxide in the


    Earth Overshoot Day, a concept originally developed by Global

    Footprint Network partner and U.K. think tanknew economics

    foundation,is the annual marker of when we begin living beyond our

    means in a given year. While only a rough estimate of time and resource

    trends, Earth Overshoot Day is as close as science can be to measuringthe gap between our demand for ecological resources and services, and

    how much the planet can provide.

    Humanity's Consumption of Resources

    The Cost of Ecological Overspending

    Throughout most of history, humanity has used natures resources to

    build cities and roads, to provide food and create products, and to absorb

    our carbon dioxide at a rate that was well within Earths budget. But inthe mid-1970s, we crossed a critical threshold: Human consumption

    began outstripping what the planet could reproduce.

    According to Global Footprint Networks calculations, our demand for

    renewable ecological resources and the services they provide is now
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    equivalent to that of more than 1.5 Earths. The data shows us on track to

    require the resources of two planets well before mid-century.

    The fact that we are using, or spending, our natural capital faster than

    it can replenish is similar to having expenditures that continuouslyexceed income. In planetary terms, the costs of our ecological

    overspending are becoming more evident by the day. Climate changea

    result of greenhouse gases being emitted faster than they can be

    absorbed by forests and oceansis the most obvious and arguably

    pressing result. But there are othersshrinking forests, species loss,

    fisheries collapse, higher commodity prices and civil unrest, to name a

    few. The environmental and economic crises we are experiencing are

    symptoms of looming catastrophe. Humanity is simply using more than

    what the planet can provide.

    Methodology and Projections

    In 2011, Earth Overshoot Day came a few weeks later than it did in

    2010. Does this mean we reduced global overshoot? The answer,

    unfortunately, is no.

    Earth Overshoot Day is an estimate, not an exact date. Its not possible

    to determine with 100 percent accuracy the day we bust our ecologicalbudget. Adjustments of the date that we go into overshoot are due to

    revised calculations, not ecological advances on the part of humanity.

    Based on current assumptions, Global Footprint Network data now

    suggests that since 2001, Earth Overshoot Day has been moving three

    days earlier each year.

    As Global Footprint Network methodology changes, projections will

    continue to shift. But every scientific model used to account for human

    demand and natures supply shows a consistent trend: We are well overbudget, and that debt is compounding. It is an ecological debt, and the

    interest we are paying on that mounting debtfood shortages, soil

    erosion, and the build-up of COin our atmospherecomes with

    devastating human and monetary costs

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    Footprint for Nations

    In todays world, where humanity is already exceeding planetary limits,

    ecological assets are becoming more critical. Each country has its own

    ecological risk profile: Many are running ecological deficits, with

    Footprints larger than their own biological capacity. Others depend

    heavily on resources from elsewhere, which are under increasing


    In some areas of the world, the implications of ecological deficits can be

    devastating, leading to resource loss, ecosystem collapse, debt, poverty,

    famine and war.

    TheEcological Footprintis a resource accounting tool that helps

    countries understand their ecological balance sheet and gives them thedata necessary to manage their resources and secure their future.

    Learn about the work we are doing and how we have engaged with 57

    nations through our Ten-in-Ten Campaign.

    National governments using the Footprint are able to:

    1.Assess the value of their countrys ecological assets2.Monitor and manage their assets3.

    Identify the risks associated with ecological deficits4.Set policy that is informed by ecological reality and makessafeguarding resources a top priority

    5.Measure progress toward their goalsIt is almost certainly the case that countries and regions with surplus

    ecological reservesnot the ones relying on continued ecological deficit

    spendingwill emerge as the robust and sustainable economies and

    societies of the future

    What can the Footprint tell us about biodiversity?

    While not a direct measure of species populations, the Ecological

    Footprint provides an indicator of the pressure on ecosystems and

    biodiversity by measuring the competing level of ecological demand that

    humans place upon the biosphere.
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    Global Ecological Footprint data show that humanity is using resources

    and producing CO2 emissions at a rate 44 percent greater than what

    nature can regenerate and reabsorb. This gap, known as ecological

    overshoot, results in the depletion of the natural capital that all species

    (including our own) depend on for their livelihood. It also results in theaccumulation of carbon dioxide that leads to climate change, with

    profound implications for ecosystems and the species they support as

    well as for our societies well being and economic stability.

    Humanitys Ecological Footprint has grown 80 percent over the last four

    decades. The greater the gap between human demand and natures

    regenerative capacity, the more pressure there will be on the resources

    other species need to survive, and the more perilously biodiversity will

    be under threatLooking at the various consumption sectors that go into

    the Ecological Footprint can provide us with a glimpse of the human

    activities that are drivers of biodiversity loss.

    Meeting the Biodiversity Challenge

    A recentScience journalreport to which Global Footprint Network was

    a contributor provided a stark assessment that the worlds governments

    had not met the target set by the Convention on Biological Diversity,

    and had instead presided over enormous declines.In October 2010, the parties to the CBD met in Nagoya, Japan to decide

    whether to adopt a new biodiversity target and new indicators for the

    post-2010 era. At the conference, the BIP presented a list of strategic

    goals, including means, milestones and indicators, for achieving the

    goals set forth in the CBD.

    Ultimately halting species loss and enabling biodiversity to thrive will

    require bringing human demand for ecological services into balance with

    what nature can renewably supply.By advancing decision-making that takes resource limits into account,

    Global Footprint Network is working to promote a world where the

    reality of resource constraints is central to the national and international

    policy debate, and where decision-makers understand the risks that
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    resource limitation and declining biodiversity pose to our societies well-

    being and economic stability

    he Ecological Footprint and Biodiversity

    The threats facing the rich array of plant and animal life on the planet

    seem greater than at any time in modern history. Problems such as

    climate change, water shortages, overharvesting and habitat disruption

    symptoms of human pressure on the planets finite resourcesare

    driving down wildlife populations worldwide.

    In 2002, under the auspices of theConvention on Biological Diversity

    (CBD)the leaders of the worlds governments committed tosignificantly halting the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010. They adopted

    a suite of indicators, brought together as theBiodiversity Indicators

    Partnership (BIP),to provide information on biodiversity trends and

    assess progress toward their target. Global Footprint Network is a BIP

    Key Indicator Partner, and theEcological Footprinthas been officially

    adopted by the CBD to be included among its biodiversity

    Data and Results

    TheNational Footprint Account 2011developed by Global Footprint

    Network, provide comprehensive data on humanitys demand on nature.

    They track how this demand compares across several over 200 countries,

    territories, and regions, and how it relates to the planets biological

    capacity to meet these demands.

    Graphic country time trends for tracking per-person Ecological Footprint

    and biocapacity since 1961 are available in the COUNTRY TRENDS

    table to the right. Each country includes a link to a country factsheetcomparing changes between the past and current editions.

    The annually updated National Footprint accounts undergo continuous

    improvement under the advice of the National Accounts Review
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    Committee. The latest method is described in theCalculation

    Methodology Paper.

    Obtaining DataThe National Footprint Accounts results are available under license for a

    wide variety of applications including educational, research andcommercial purposes. To view a sample of the data tables, you may

    click here to view theData Tables from a previous Editionof the

    National Footprint Accounts, which show theEcological

    Footprintandbiocapacityfor almost 150 nations.

    Updated National Footprint Account results from the 2011 Edition are

    available as follows:

    Customized datasets are available for finance-related applications.Clickhereto see a description. Please write

    [email protected] more information. Finance-

    related applications include use by those in the finance and insurance

    industries including investors, rating agencies, data providers, index

    providers, fund managers, insurance companies, etc.)

    For non finance-related purposes, please use our online requestform:Request for Dataset of National Footprint Account Results.

    Obtaining National Footprint Account Workbooks

    National Footprint Accounts Licenses are available for both commercialuse and non-commercial review under license. Free Learning Licenses

    are available for personal and non-commercial purposes. Please see out

    NFA License descriptions if you are interested in ordering aNational

    Footprint Account license.

    Additional Resources

    TheGuidebook to the 2008 National Footprint Accountsdescribes the

    implementation of the Ecological Footprint methodology as presented inthe 2008 edition for the National Footprint Accounts. It provides an in

    depth description of each part of the 2008 NFA workbook, along with

    detailed descriptions of calculations and data sources. An updated

    version for the 2012 edition is coming soon.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    TheEcological Footprint Atlas 2010explains the purpose behind

    Ecological Footprint accounting, addressing research questions and

    basic concepts, as well as the underlying science of the calculations.

    Giving examples of how the Ecological Footprint has been applied. For

    the technical reader, the Atlas includes more detailed notes aboutcalculation of the results, explains recent advances to enhance the

    consistency, reliability and resolution of the National Footprint

    Accounts, and reviews the evolution of the National Footprint Accounts



    Community of Andean Nations

    The CAN and its member nationsEcuador, Colombia, Bolivia and

    Perubegan working with Global Footprint Network in early 2009 on

    an initiative to maintain one of the CAN regions richest and most

    important assets: its natural resource base. The initiative seeks to

    demonstrate the interdependence between a countrys natural wealth, its

    economic health and, ultimately, the well-being of its people.

    As part of the initiative, the CAN launched avideo(in Spanish; seebelow) that explains this lofty concept in terms almost any family can

    relate to. Its as if a family needed to adjust expenditures because of

    having another child, the video explains, yet nevertheless, in spite of

    these forces, the family continued to spend more money. Now,

    however, the video says, the CAN is working to address that situation

    in particular Ecuador, which has adopted specific Ecological Footprint

    reduction goals.

    The CAN has also released a preview version of a report on theEcological Footprint of the CAN countries that it will release with

    Global Footprint Network in 2010. The teaser, which introduces people

    to the concept of the Ecological Footprint and provides a snapshot of the

    data, can be downloaded here inEnglish andSpanish. The longer report

    will provide an in-depth look at the ecological trends in each of the
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    member countries, along with perspectives and commentary by in-

    country experts.


    The Philippines is on track to adopt the Ecological Footprint at thenational level. In 2011, the government began exploring ways to

    incorporate the Ecological Footprint into its proposed National Land Use

    Act for 2012. The legislation, a comprehensive national land-use policy,

    will protect areas from haphazard development and plan for the

    country's use and management of the country's physical resources. The

    government will continue to work with Global Footprint Network in

    2012-2013 to make the Philippines the first country in Southeast Asia to

    adopt the Footprint at the national level. See the recently releasedPhilippines Ecological Footprint Report,"A Measure for Resilience."

    Costa Rica

    The Ecological Footprint and biocapacity data for Costa Rica were

    included for the first time in the countrys annualState of Nation report,

    an overview of national social, economic, environmental and political

    issues. In it, Steffan Gmez, the reports chief researcher, attributed the

    countrys growing Footprint to its increased consumption and pollution.

    The Ecological Footprint was one of several indicators used in the report

    to provide information relevant to public policy on sustainable human



    The Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial (INTI) have created a

    new interdisciplinary working group: the Ecological Footprint and

    biocapacity Program Argentina, to validate and provide data to measure

    the ecological footprint at the national and sub-national (provincial,

    departmental and/or municipal) levels.

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    The world population is the total number of living humans on the planet

    Earth, currently estimated to be 6.96 billion by the United States Census

    Bureau as of July 1, 2011.

    Today humanity uses the equivalent of 1.5 planets to provide the

    resources we use and absorb our waste. This means it now takes the

    Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year.

    Moderate UN scenarios suggest that if current population and

    consumption trends continue, by the 2030s, we will need the equivalent

    of two Earths to support us.

    The Ecological Footprinthas emerged as the worlds premier measure

    of humanitys demand on nature. It measures how much land and water

    area a human population requires to produce the resource it consumes

    and to absorb its carbon dioxide emissions, using prevailing technology.

    each country has its own ecological risk profile: Many are running

    ecological deficits, with Footprints larger than their own biological

    capacity. Others depend heavily on resources from elsewhere, which are

    under increasing pressur