11/11/2010 1 LinkedIn,Twitter, Facebook…Oh My! LinkedIn,Twitter, Facebook…Oh My! What does your online image tell What does your online image tell employers? employers? Lamar University Career and Testing Center http://dept.lamar.edu/careerandtestingcenter / Social Media Social Media Revolution Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFZ0z5Fm- Ng&NR=1 “Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a “Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we fundamental shift in the way we communicate.” communicate.” y % of employers who reported using social networking sites to research job candidates in CareerBuilder survey In 2008? 22% of employers In 2009? 45% of employers “Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a “Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we fundamental shift in the way we communicate” communicate” Employer Testimonial: Google, University Programs Specialist “We use [Twitter and Facebook] to announce our latest openings, talk about where we are on campus and will also try to start discussions (“How have you used Google Docs in your classroom?”). So I would definitely encourage students to be on the lookout for employers on these sites…We are just now starting to see candidates being interviewed and offered jobs who we have “sourced” through these sites (students who have sent us questions, or responded with some thoughtful ideas).” “We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” -Tom Peters, Author In Search of Excellence Personal Branding Personal Branding Personal Branding consists of three elements: Value Proposition: What do you stand for? Differentiation:What makes you stand out? Marketability: What makes you compelling? Examples of strong celebrity brands: Donald Trump Martha Stewart


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFZ0z5Fm- Ng&NR=1 LinkedIn,Twitter, Facebook…Oh My!LinkedIn,Twitter,Facebook…OhMy! What does your online image tellWhatdoesyouronlineimagetell employers?employers? “We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.” -Tom Peters, Author In Search of Excellence Personal Branding consists of three elements: 1 Examples of strong celebrity brands:

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LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook…Oh My! LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook…Oh My! What does your online image tell What does your online image tell


Lamar University Career and Testing Center


Social MediaSocial MediaRevolutionRevolution


“Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a “Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we fundamental shift in the way we communicate.”communicate.”

% of employers who reported using social networking sites to research job candidates g jin CareerBuilder survey◦ In 2008?

22% of employers◦ In 2009?

45% of employers

“Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a “Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we fundamental shift in the way we communicate”communicate”

Employer Testimonial:Google, University Programs Specialist

“We use [Twitter and Facebook] to announce our latest openings, talk about where we are on campus and will also try to start discussions (“How have you used Google Docs in your classroom?”). So I would definitely encourage students to be on the lookout for employers on these sites…We are just now starting to see candidates being interviewed and offered jobs who we have “sourced” through these sites (students who have sent us questions, or responded with some thoughtful ideas).”

“We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.”

-Tom Peters, Author In Search of Excellence

Personal BrandingPersonal BrandingPersonal Branding consists of three

elements:◦ Value Proposition: What do you stand for?◦ Differentiation: What makes you stand out?◦ Marketability: What makes you compelling?

Examples of strong celebrity brands:◦ Donald Trump◦ Martha Stewart

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How Do You Build Your Brand?How Do You Build Your Brand?Once you have defined your personal brand:◦ Write a personal branding statement ◦ Google yourself◦ Use Twitter search◦ Create business cards (paper and/or electronic)◦ Create business cards (paper and/or electronic)

Photo, personal brand statement and contact informationJobray.com

Develop a presence within relevant professional organizationsDevelop a positive virtual footprint

Some of the Main ContendersSome of the Main Contenders

Basic Tips for AllBasic Tips for AllPhotoUsernameContact InformationContent-clean up profiles pictures tags Content-clean up profiles, pictures, tags, status updatesBe careful who you are connected with, including organizationsMonitor your personal brand-Google alert & Twitter search

“Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your


More than 400 million active users

“Re-connect, Power your career, Get Answers”Over 50 million professionals use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideasand opportunities

BloggingBloggingSample Sites◦ Blogger/Blogspot: “Share your thoughts, photos, and more

with your friends and the world” (Free)◦ World Press: “a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a

focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability” (Free)◦ TypePad: “Share anything…From Anywhere…To anyone”

(Free or for pay)

Becomeablogger.com: Provides 10 online video tutorials to help you get started.

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Free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. (Total characters: 115))Tweets are text-based posts (max. 140 characters) displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to the authors subscribers who are known as followers.


How Employers are Using Social How Employers are Using Social MediaMedia

Facebook◦ Have accounts, post recruiting and other events, etc.

[Tip: Become a fan of employers you are interested in!]

LinkedIn◦ Post positionsp◦ Network to identify candidates

Blogging◦ Sharing information about company to attract

interested candidates◦ Research candidates◦ Identify talent (they may find you even if you don’t


Twitter◦ Post Tweets that you can follow to learn what the

company is doing (e.g. Google, GE)◦ Post job openings (TwitterJobSearch.com)

TurnTurn--offs to Employersoffs to Employers1. References to drug abuse2. Extremist / intolerant views,

including racism, sexism3. Criminal activity

4. Evidence of excessive alcohol consumptionp

5. Inappropriate pictures, including nudity

6. Foul language7. Links to unsuitable websites8. Lewd jokes9. Silly email addresses10. Membership of pointless / silly


TurnTurn--onsons to Employersto EmployersProfile provided a good feel for the candidate’s personality and fit within the organizationProfile supported candidate’s professional qualificationsCandidate was creativeCandidate showed solid communication skillsCandidate was well roundedOther people posted good references about the candidate Candidate received awards and accolades

How Do You Use Social Media for How Do You Use Social Media for Your Job/Internship Search?Your Job/Internship Search?

List on resume (e.g. LinkedIn profile link)Network with other professionals in your field(s) of interest◦ Average ages of users◦ Average ages of users

Research employers/search companiesSimilar uses for graduate schoolFind specific job opportunities Other Ideas?

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No You Didn’t!No You Didn’t!NBA ban on Twitter useSocial Media banned at New England Baptist HospitalHarvard Librarian fired for bloggingHarvard Librarian fired for bloggingIntern fired for faking a family emergency, yet seen in Facebook photo the same dayDominos staff fired for Youtube video of inappropriate behavior

Resources Resources Library books◦ LinkedIn Working by Agin &

Howes◦ I’m on LinkedIn- Now What?

By Jason Albay J◦ Me 2.0: Build a Powerful

Brand to Achieve Career Success by Dan Schawbel

◦ Social Media at Work: How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance by Arthur L. Jue

ResourcesResourcesWebsites◦ www.mashable.com◦ www.studentbranding.com◦ www.personalbrandingblog.com◦ Wikipedia’s Social Media/Networking Sites:◦ Wikipedia s Social Media/Networking Sites:


Electronic Business Cards◦ http://twtbizcard.com/◦ http://office.microsoft.com/en-


ActivityActivityWhat are your next steps?◦ Reflect on the workshop information provided

and identify at least three next steps for you to improve your online image (aka personal brand).

Consider the following questions:Consider the following questions:◦ What does your online image currently convey to

employers?◦ What pictures/images do you have posted that

may raise questions or red flags?◦ How could you improve your online image to

more effectively and positively represent yourself online?