www.lhm.org/international Around the world, Lutheran Hour Ministries encourages and equips lay people to help spread the Gospel. Equipping the Saints (ETS) evangelism workshops heighten volunteers’ interest in witnessing and provide them with the practical tools they need to reach out to family, friends and neighbors who need to hear the Gospel and experience God’s love. Lutheran Hour Ministries Equipping the Saints workshops have equipped lay evangelists in every region of the world. Ministry Spotlight— Equipping the Saints in Europe The culturally diverse societies of Russia, Latvia and Kazakhstan are a fertile mission field; Christianity is re-emerging after generations of communist atheism in these societies, but the process of re-establishing churches and educating church workers is slow and costly. Lutheran Hour Ministries Equipping the Saints workshops gather Christian laypeople together and provide them with both the training they need to share the Gospel in their communities and the encouragement they need to persevere in their task. The witness of ETS-trained volunteers generates many thousands of responses each year. Equipping the Saints Workshops (ETS)

Workshops (ETS) the Saints … · Around the world, Lutheran Hour Ministries encourages and equips lay people to help spread the Gospel. Equipping the Saints

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round the world, Lutheran H

our Ministries

encourages and equips lay people to help spread the G

ospel. Equipping the Saints (ETS) evangelism

workshops heighten volunteers’

interest in witnessing and provide them


the practical tools they need to reach out to fam

ily, friends and neighbors who need to

hear the Gospel and experience G

od’s love. Lutheran H

our Ministries Equipping the Saints

workshops have equipped lay evangelists in

every region of the world.


inistry Spotlight—Equipping the Saints in Europe

The culturally diverse societies of Russia,

Latvia and Kazakhstan are a fertile mission field;

Christianity is re-em

erging after generations of com

munist atheism

in these societies, but the process of re-establishing churches and educating church w

orkers is slow and costly.

Lutheran Hour M

inistries Equipping the Saints w

orkshops gather Christian laypeople together

and provide them w

ith both the training they need to share the G

ospel in their comm

unities and the encouragem

ent they need to persevere in their task. The w

itness of ETS-trained volunteers generates m

any thousands of responses each year.

Equipping the Saints W

orkshops (ETS)

Lutheran Hour M


International:Changing the W

orld by Changing Lives

Reach the Unreached.

Lutheran Hour M

inistries shares the Gospel

among m

any of the 2.8 billion “unreached” people in the w

orld who have no indigenous m

eans of hearing the G

ood New

s that Jesus is their Savior.

Reach Young People.

In many countries around the w

orld, people under 30 years of age com

prise large proportions of the population. W

e are expanding and intensifying efforts to share the G

ospel with

families and w

ith young people 15 to 30 years old.



Reach Urban Areas.

More and m

ore of the world’s people are

choosing to live in large urban centers. As a m

edia outreach organization uniquely equipped for urban w

itness, LHM

has expanded its evangelism

efforts in cities and their surrounding areas.


In the past year m

ore than 398,000 people responded to Lutheran H

our Ministries’ outreach

efforts by connecting with one of our international

ministry centers. M

ore than 12,000 of the 59,000 people referred to local churches by Lutheran H

our Ministries

remain active in those


Use your one-time donation,

fundraising event, or door offering to support the efforts of an LHM m

inistry center in a country of your choosing.

One-Time Gift

Form a volunteer team

to participate in evangelism

, building projects, VBS, children’s events, m

edical clinics, and much m

ore, in partnership with an LHM international m

inistry center. Volunteer

You will become engaged in global

outreach ministry by interacting

directly with an LHM international m

inistry center and comm

itting your ongoing prayers and support. Sponsor