Modelling for trade-offs analysis at regional and global sca Petr Havlík + >30 collaborators in and outside IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya CGIAR Workshop: Analysis of Trade-offs in Agricultural Systems WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

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Page 1: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Modelling for trade-offs analysisat regional and global scale

Petr Havlík + >30 collaborators in and outside IIASA

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Kenya

CGIAR Workshop: Analysis of Trade-offs in Agricultural Systems WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Page 2: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013





CO2 sink

Land sparing


N2O emissions

Water use

Soil degradation

Food, feed, fiber, fuel

Farmers income

Trade-offs in the land use sectors

Page 3: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


1. Model overview

2. Global case study – Sustainable intensification?a) Rigid system b) Flexible livestock systemsc) Land productivity

3. Regional case study – Development scenarios

4. Conclusion


Page 4: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

1. Model overview


Page 5: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

GLOBIOM: Global Biosphere Management Model

Partial equilibrium model: Agriculture, Forestry, Bioenergy




Page 6: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Supply functions

implicit – based on spatially explicit Leontief production functions:

production system 1 (grass based) productivity 1 + constant cost 1

production system 2 (mixed) productivity 2 + constant cost 2

Demand functions explicit: linearized non-linear functions


Spatial equilibrium model a la Takayama & Judge

Maximization of the social welfare (PS + CS)

Recursively dynamic (10 year periods)

eqqpp /1)ˆ/(*ˆ


Page 7: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Supply Chains

Natural Forests

Managed Forests

Short Rotation Tree Plantations



Other natural land


Bioethanol Biodiesel MethanolHeatElectricityBiogas

Wood products

Sawn woodPulp

Livestock products









Wood Processing

Bioenergy Processing

Livestock Feeding


Page 8: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Output: Production Q - land use (change)

- water use

- GHG,

- other environment (nutrient cycle, biodiversity,…)

Consumption Q


Trade flows

Main exogenous drivers:



Technological change

Bio-energy demand (POLES team)

Diets (FAO, 2006)


Page 9: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Altitude class, Slope class, Soil Class


Altitude class (m): 0 – 300, 300 – 600, 600 – 1200, 1200 – 2500 and > 2500;

Slope class (deg): 0 – 3, 3 – 6, 6 – 10, 10 – 15, 15 – 30, 30 – 50 and > 50;

Soil texture class: coarse, medium, fine, stony and peat;

HRU = Altitude & Slope & Soil

Spatial resolutionHomogeneous response units (HRU) – clusters of 5 arcmin pixels

Source: Skalský et al. (2008)


Page 10: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Simulation Units (SimU) = HRU & PX30 & Country zone

Source: Skalský et al. (2008)

Country HRU*PX30


SimU delineation relatedstatistics on LC classes and

Cropland management systems

reference for geo-coded data on crop management;

input statistical data for LC/LU economic optimization;

LC&LUstat> 200 000 SimU

Spatial resolution


Page 11: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Rain, Snow, Chemicals

Subsurface Flow

Surface Flow

Below Root Zone

Evaporation and


• Weather• Hydrology• Erosion• Carbon sequestration• Crop growth• Crop rotations• Fertilization• Tillage• Irrigation• Drainage• Pesticide• Grazing• Manure


Major outputs:Crop yields, Environmental effects (e.g. soil carbon, nitrogen leaching)

20 crops (>75% of harvested area)4 management systems: High input, Low input, Irrigated, Subsistence

Crops - EPIC


Page 12: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Relative Difference in Means (2050/2100) in Wheat Yields[Data: Tyndall, Afi Scenario, simulation model: EPIC]

Crops - EPIC


Page 13: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Source: EPIC model(t/ha DM)

Grasslands – CENTURY/EPIC

Page 14: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Gridded Livestock of the World – Robinson et al. (2011)



Page 15: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Livestock production systems distribution

Sere and Steinfeld (1996) classification updated by Robinson et al. (2011)

Page 16: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Livestock sector coverage

Livestock categories:

Bovines: Dairy & Other

Sheep & Goats: Dairy & Other

Poultry: Laying hens, Broilers, Mixed


Production systems:


Grass based: Arid, Humid, Temperate/Highlands

Mixed crop-livestock: Arid, Humid, Temperate/Highlands




Page 17: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Herrero, Havlík et al. forthcoming

Production systems parameterization

Page 18: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Downscaling FAO country level information and forest growth

functions estimated from yield tables

Source: Kindermann et al. (2008)

Forests – G4M


Page 19: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

2a. Global case study: Rigid system – Trade-offs at their best


Page 20: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Page 21: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

DO NOTHING scenario – Projected forest area

Tropical deforestation (2010-2050)

Page 22: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Diet Shift Bioenergy Plus Pro-Nature Pro-Nature Plus

Alternative futures scenarios

Zero Net Deforestation and ForestDegradation by 2020 (ZNDD)

REDD policy scenario

Page 23: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Diet Shift Bioenergy Plus Pro-Nature Pro-Nature Plus

Scenario definition

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Diet Shift Bioenergy Plus Pro-Nature Pro-Nature Plus

Scenario definition

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Diet Shift Bioenergy Plus Pro-Nature Pro-Nature Plus

Kapos et al. (2008)

Scenario definition

Page 26: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Total land cover change (2010-2050)Results

Page 27: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Agricultural commodity prices compared to DO NOTHING


Page 28: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Agricultural input use compared to DO NOTHING


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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

2b. Global case study: Flexible livestock systems


Page 30: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Systems Herds

REF0 Fixed Fixed

REF1 Flexible Flexible*

* in regions with specialized herds

2 reference scenarios

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


LPS distribution for different animal types in 2030

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Price changes 2000-2030

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Annual average GHG emissions over 2020-2030

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Scenario ALL AGR ANM ENT LUC DEFLivestockEnteric fermentation CH4 X X X X Manure management CH4 X X XManure management N2O X X XManure grassland N2O X X XCroplandCrop fertilizer N2O X XRice CH4 X XLand-use changeDeforestation CO2 X X XOther LUC CO2 X X

Mitigation scenarios

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Total abatement calorie cost (TACC) curves for different policy options by 2030

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

2c. Global case study: Land productivity growth

(Havlík et al, 2013; Valin et al, forthcoming)


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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


• Alternative crop yield scenarios– S0: No crop yield increase– S: -50% yield improvement

• Fixed demand on B reference: no rebound effect

– B: Baseline - linear historical trend– C: + 100% in developing regions

• Fixed demand on B reference no rebound effect

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Commodity price index 2030/2000


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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Land cover change 2000-2030


Page 40: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

ResultsAverage annual GHG emissions (2000-2030)

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

0 500 1000 1500 20000







GHG taxProductivity abatment levels



D p





S0 S B C

R&D investment cost

Crop yield increase as a mitigation policy?


Marginal Abatement Cost Curvewith S0 crop yields


R&D investment necessary for S, B, C- calculated as in Burney at al. (2010)


Crop yield growth can be a cost

efficient element of the mitigation


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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Scenario Crops Ruminants

TREND FAO historic trend 1980-2010 Bouwman et al. (2005) trend

SLOW 50% TREND growth rate 50% TREND growth rate

CONV Closing 50% EPIC yield gap Closing 50% efficiency gap

CONV-C Closing 50% EPIC yield gap TREND

CONV-L TREND Closing 50% efficiency gap

Pathway Crops RuminantsFertilizer Other input Non-feed cost

  adjustment adjustment adjustmentConventional Yes Yes YesSust-Intens No Yes YesFree-Tech No No No

Management assumptions in developing countries

Productivity assumptions in developing countries

• Free demand potential rebound effects

What kind of intensification?

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Food security x GHG: Trade-offs & Complementarities

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

3. Regional case study: Development scenarios


Page 45: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Four storylines for Eastern Africa

Page 46: Workshop Trade-off Analysis - CGIAR_20 Feb 2013_Keynote Petr Havlik

Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Storylines quantification

Main drivers:


– Crop yields and management systems

– Livestock yield and production systems

– Producer cost

– Land use change limitations

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

GDP per capita in EAF [USD]

2010 2020 2030 -








Industrious AntsHerd of ZebraLone LeopardsSleeping Lions

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Calorie consumption in EAF [kcal/cap/day] GHG emissions in EAF in 2030 [MtCO2eq/y]


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4. Conclusion


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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013



• Bio-economic model (“Integrated assessment”) - consistent coverage of economic and environmental parameters

• Land use model – solid relationship between production and land

• Bottom-up representation with detailed management systems description

• Multiscale approach – 10x10km – Region – World

• Global coverage – regional trade-offs (leakage)

• Multisectorial representation – trade-offs between agriculture and forestry

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• Partial equilibrium model – no income feedbacks, no other sectors

• Single representative consumer at the region level – poor food security proxy

• Water resources – economic versus physical irrigation water availability

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013


Key discussion points / challenges

• Global CGIAR agricultural systems classification/parameterization database?

• Linking between models to bridge the scales in trade-offs analysis?

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013

Thank you !

[email protected]

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Havlík et al. Modelling for trade-offs analysisCGIAR Trade-offs Analysis, WUR Wageningen, February 19, 2013



Havlík, P., Valin, H., Mosnier, A., Obersteiner, M., Baker, J. S., Herrero, M., Rufino, M. C. & Schmid, E. (2013). Crop Productivity and the Global Livestock Sector: Implications for Land Use Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95 (2), 442—448.

Valin, H., Havlík, P., Mosnier, A., Herrero, M., Schmid E. and Obersteiner M. Agricultural productivity and greenhouse gas emissions: trade-offs or synergies between mitigation and food security? Environmental Research Letters, under review.

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 2011. Living Forests Report. Chapter 1. http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/how_we_work/conservation/forests/publications/living_forests_report/