1 Workshop on Biosphere Reserve Management for Biosphere Reserve Managers and Experts  16 – 19 September 2009, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve, Latvia Programme Wednesday, September 16 All morning Arrival to Riga + Free Time 13.30  Lunch Preliminary registration for all workshop participants Venue: Hotel “Laine”, Skolas street 11, Riga 15.00 Bus transfer to Salacgriva, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve General introduction to Latvia on the way  Accommodation in hotel “K apteinu osta”, Pernavas street 49A, Salacgriva, www.kapteinuosta.lv  18.00 Getting to North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office  Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva 18.45 Opening of the Workshop: non – formal introduction to the workshop and introductions between participants  Dinner Presentation of the project „Nature Concert Hall“ 22.00 Departure by bus back to hotel (optional) Thursday, September 17 9.00 Bus transfer from hotel to North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office  Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva 9.30 General introduction by all participants  Moderated by Mr. Valerijs Seilis, Director, North Vidzeme Biosp here Reserve 10.10 Introduction to the UNESCO programme “Man and Biosphere”, concept of biosphere reserves and sustainable development issues in biosphere reserves, Madrid Acti on plan  Ms. Dagnija Baltina, Secretary-General, Latvian National Commission for UNESC O 10.25 Presentation of the North Vidzeme Biosphere reserve  Mr . Valerijs Seilis, Director, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

Workshop on Biosphere Reserve Management Programme

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Workshop on Biosphere Reserve Management

for Biosphere Reserve Managers and Experts 

16 – 19 September 2009, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve, Latvia


Wednesday, September 16

All morning Arrival to Riga + Free Time

13.30  Lunch

Preliminary registration for all workshop participants

Venue: Hotel “Laine”, Skolas street 11, Riga

15.00 Bus transfer to Salacgriva, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

General introduction to Latvia on the way

 Accommodation in hotel “Kapteinu osta”, Pernavas street 49A, Salacgriva,


18.00 Getting to North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office

 Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva

18.45 Opening of the Workshop: non – formal introduction to the workshop and introductions

between participants


Presentation of the project „Nature Concert Hall“

22.00 Departure by bus back to hotel (optional)

Thursday, September 17

9.00 Bus transfer from hotel to North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office

 Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva

9.30 General introduction by all participants

 Moderated by Mr. Valerijs Seilis, Director, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

10.10 Introduction to the UNESCO programme “Man and Biosphere”, concept of biosphere reserves

and sustainable development issues in biosphere reserves, Madrid Action plan

 Ms. Dagnija Baltina, Secretary-General, Latvian National Commission for UNESCO

10.25 Presentation of the North Vidzeme Biosphere reserve

 Mr . Valerijs Seilis, Director, North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve




10.40 Presentation of the reference book 

 Mr. Andris Urtans, Deputy Director, Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

11.00 Discussion – What values do you see in having a biosphere reserve

 Moderated by Mr. Andris Urtans, Deputy Director, Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

11.30 Coffee break 

12.00 Working session “Implementing the concept of biosphere reserves – establishing a legal

framework, organisation and administration of a biosphere reserve”

 Moderated by Mr. Andris Urtans, Deputy Director, Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

14.00  Lunch

Venue: Hotel Brize, Valmieras street 7, Salacgriva

15.20 Working session “Public participation of a biosphere reserve – sustainable development


 Moderated by Mrs. Iveta Druva-Druvaskalne, Associated professor, Tourism and Hospitality

 Managements Faculty, Vidzeme University College

16.45 Coffee break 

17.00 Excursion to the river Svētupe and Livs holy caves

River recultivation examples and bridging culture and nature

20.00  Dinner and Cultural evening

Folk group “Delve”

Venue: Hotel “Kapteinu osta”, Pernavas street 49A, Salacgriva

Friday, September 18

9.00 Bus transfer from hotel to North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office

 Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva

9.30 Working sessions “Organising a biosphere reserve” in three rotating working groups:

Strengthening community

involvement into management

and monitoring of the

biosphere reserve (The Advisory Board, cooperation

with municipalities to support

tourisms infrastructure, creating

optimal conditions for species and

biotopes, restoration works, NGOs

and community support networks,

Eco-Watch, etc.) 

 Moderated by Mr. Andris

Urtans, Deputy Director,

 Northern Vidzeme Biosphere


Introducing integrated

landscape planning for

sustainable development of 

biosphere reserve (Spatial and landuse plans,

ecological plans, plans for

specially protected areas, etc.) 

 Moderated by Mr. Pē teris

 Lakovskis, PhD in Landuse

 planning, University of 


Ensuring financial

sustainability in a

biosphere reserve (Resource mobilization,

project development, financial

and human resource planning) 

 Moderated by Mr.

Thoomas Kokovkin,

 Member, Advisory Board 

of the Estonian

Commission for UNESCO 




11.30 Coffee break 

12:00 Continuation of the previous working session in three rotating working groups

13.00 Presentation of the work by the three working groups

14.00  Lunch

Venue: Hotel Brize, Valmieras street 7, Salacgriva

15.30 Working session “Biosphere reserve as a learning place for Education for Sustainable


 Moderated by Mr. Raimonds Ernsteins, Head, UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Coastal

 Development, University of Latvia and Mr. Andris Urtans, Deputy Director, Northern Vidzeme

 Biosphere Reserve 

16.40 Coffee break 

17.00 Excursion to lamprey weir and Randu coastal meadows

Examples of coastal meadow management and involvement of local people in nature tourism 

20.00  Dinner 

Venue: Hotel “Kapteinu osta”, Pernavas street 49A, Salacgriva

Saturday, September 19

9.00 Working breakfast: Follow-up from the workshop – discussed by the countries – participants

10.00 Bus transfer from hotel to North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office

 Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva

10.30 Closing of the Workshop:

 Moderated by Mr. Andris Urtans, Deputy Director, Northern Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve

11.30  Lunch

Venue: North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve main office, Rigas street 10A, Salacgriva

12.30 Bus transfer to Riga



Departure of the participants

Free time