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Unit 1 My First Job

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Worksheet 1Name

Find out the words/expressions from the two conversations to fill in the following blanks.People who work in a company:

A business that has a manager and other people working there:

A university or a government usually has several branches that are called

Good wishes for someone who is to take a trip:

Answers for Worksheet 1

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People who work in a company: staff /employee

A business that has a manager and other people working there: company

A university or a government usually has several branches that are called departments

Good wishes for someone who is to take a trip: a safe trip, happy landing

Worksheet 2Name________Complete the following sentences with suitable expressions.

1. ______________ meeting you here!

2. How are you getting ____________?

3. I’m afraid I must be __________ now.

4. It’s a small ___________!

5. It’s been a long time ____________ we last met.

6. It’s a sad job for me to put my feelings to ________.

7. Here _________ my bus!

8. This party is really a ________________.

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Answers for Worksheet 2

1. Fancy meeting you here!

2. How are you getting on ?

3. I’m afraid I must be off now.

4. It’s a small world !

5. It’s been a long time since we last met.

6. It’s a sad job for me to put my feelings to words .

7. Here comes my bus!

8. This party is really a surprise .

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Worksheet 3Name: ____________

QUESTIONWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of paying children for doing

household jobs at home?

ANALYSISAdvantages Disadvantages

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Unit 2 American

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and British Homes

Worksheet 1Name Address an envelope to your imaginary girl/boyfriend, using the following address information.

1. Invent a full name for your friend (including both a first name and a last name). It might be fun to incorporate a “middle name” as well. American teenagers and college students would often write out their friends names with

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great flare and creativity. For example: Michael Joseph Steckler.2. Invent a reasonable address and country. (No fantasy places, such as the moon

or Mars in the Galaxy). You can use the following:Country: U.S.A, Britain, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, etc.

Province/State: New South Wales, New York, Ontario, Montana, etc.

City: Toronto, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Boston, London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Columbia

Falls, etc.

Postal code: ZP 21 D, 10034-2344, 59912, etc.

Street Name and Number: 105 King’s Street, 2008 Thomason Boulevard, 991 Fifth

Avenue, 12 Garden Path, 45 Oxford Road, 225 Pine Valley

Loop, etc.

3. Write your true home address in English.

Address the following envelope. Be sure to put each part of the address in the right position.

Worksheet 2Name

Read the section of American Homes and find answers to the following questions.


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Where do these people live? Suggested pointsYoung people such as college students

Young married couples

Young married couples if their income has increased

Senior Citizens

Can you make a generalization about the American homes based on the reading passage?

Suggested Points for Worksheet 2

Where do these people live? Suggested pointsYoung people such as college students

Live in shared apartments Go back to their family homes

occasionally for the weekendYoung married couples Move to new suburbs

Or build their own homes there

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Young married couples if their income has increased

Move further away out of town so as to have more space

Have houses with better amenities or more rooms

Senior Citizens Don’t live with their grownup children ,live in assisted-living facilities or retirement communities specially built for old people where it is quiet (There are no isolated towns just for older people.)

Can you make a generalization about the American homes based on the reading passage?

Change houses frequently (constantly on the move)

Worksheet 3Name

Read the section of British Homes and find answers to the following questions.

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What can be learned in the section about British homes? Suggested points


Types of homes

Buying homes

State provision

Can you make a generalization about British homes based on the reading passage?

Suggested points for Worksheet 3

What can be learned in the section about British homes? Suggested points

Size Smaller compared with American houses

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Types of homes Expensive old houses Old cottages Modern flats, in new high-rise buildings Big homes in the country with enormous

gardens Small houses in the country with very small

garden, with just one tree and a few flowersBuying homes Borrowing from “Building Society”

(mortgage)State provision 1/3 live in state-owned houses, called

council housesCan you make a generalization about British homes based on the reading passage?

A great variety of homes/residences Like Americans, old people, young families

and unmarried people do not usually live together.

Have the students elaborate this point

Worksheet 4Name

Study the following chart and write your points of view in the appropriate boxes.

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American house Traditional Chinese houseAdvantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages

Unit 3 What Is in a


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Worksheet 1Name

Fill in the blanks.

Lost object Important features

Where was it lost?

How would you like to be contacted?


File folder


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Suggested points for Worksheet 1Lost object Important


Where was it lost? How would you like to be


1 HandbagLeather, brown, small, triangular in shape

Student’s canteen,

library, etc.

Send me a letter to the

address here:

2 File folderCardboard, pale

yellow, a little larger

than a sheet of A4

paper, with our

college logo printed

on the cover

Classroom, lab,

reading room,

auditorium, etc.

Call me at this cell/mobile*

phone number:

3 DictionaryA hardcover book,

Longman Dictionary

of Modern English,

almost new, my

signature on the

inside of the


Student’s activity

center, School bank

Get in touch with me via the

student’s office

4 WatchA quartz watch,

looks like a sports

watch, water

resistant, dark blue

plastic belt

Media room,

department office

Contact me via this email


5 RaincoatSynthetic non-

woven material, a

red belt around the

Corridor of the

student’s apartment,

School bookstore

Call me at my home


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6Jacket Nylon, dark blue,

slack, zip, size: XL

Sports ground,

Football court

Leave me a message on the

bulletin board

7 PulloverWool, gray, V-

shaped neck, long

sleeves, size: S

Ping Pong Room,

school theater

Come to my apartment

anytime in the evening

Worksheet 2Name

Fill in the blanks.

Job Why do these people often have a sore throat?

What do you think of this job?




Truck driver


Suggested points for Worksheet 2

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Job Why do these people often have a

sore throat

What do you think of this job

TeacherHave a heavy teaching loadHave to teach large classes; Often

have to speak at the top of their

voices while teaching

Talk to the students too much

during the day

Mixed feelings

Rewarding sometimes

Disheartening, discouraging

Steady salary and job security

SingerHave to perform to a large audience every now and then Regularly have to practice very hard even when not performingWork in a recording studio for long hours

Challenging, and exciting

PoliceHave to go out in all types of weather and may easily catch a cold. Note: “to catch a cold” is an idiom meaning “to get a cold”.

Often have to shout at criminals when chasing them

Challenging and rewarding, good for

developing self-respect; but dangerous,


ModelCare more about one’s figure than healthOften wear very little and may easily catch a coldHave to practice hard and often get tired

Exciting but the career is short-lived

May bring fame and money to a person

Worksheet 3

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Your friend has found the following web page information and had it printed out for you. You decide to take the first step to protect your rights by completing this web page form.

Thomason Billy LLP

Thomason Billy LLP has extensive experience in employment cases. There is no charge for this consultation and we hope we can help you.

We accept cases on a contingency basis. We pay all trial preparation costs necessary to prosecute a case and are only paid if, and when, we are successful.

All information will be kept confidential. We will respond to the email address you provide. If the address is inaccurate, we will not be able to contact you. Please double check your email address.If you need immediate help, call 800-815 4752.

Tell Us Who You Are and How We Can Contact You.

First Name

Last Name

Number, Street & Apt

City, Zip Code & State

Day Time Phone

Evening Phone

Page 20: Worksheets

When did you first learn that you had been discriminated against? YYYY.MMM.DD (e.g. 2003.06.18)

In what city, county and state/province did it happen?

State the names & addresses of the offending party:

Describe the events that you believe constitute discrimination.

If the information you have provided is complete, please press the Send button below to send it to the Thomason Billy LLP Law Firm. If you wish to start over, press the Clear All Fields button below and re-enter all information. Your information will be kept confidential. Please be aware that the transmission of an email inquiry itself does not create an attorney-client relationship. Our firm can’t serve as your counsel in any matter unless you and our firm expressly agree in writing that we serve as your attorney.

Send Clear All Fields

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Worksheet 4Name

1. When you speak to someone in a friendly and casual way, you can address her/him on _________.

2. When people fill in official forms, they are more likely to use their full name including __________________.

3. When you want to show great respect to someone, you are more likely to use _____________.

4. In writing, people often abbreviate their _____________ with initials.

Suggested points for Worksheet 4

1. on a first name basis2. given name, family name, middle name, maiden name, Christian

name, and even initials3. title + last /family name, or surname, such as Doctor Smith4. first name/given name/first name and middle name

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Unit 4Doing Away

with the King’s English

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Worksheet 1Name

What is the key to the learning of English?List some things* that constitute a knowledge of English and some things that we can do to practice English:

Knowledge of English: a. Vocabularyb.

Ways to practice: a. Read one story from an English

newspaper everyday, such as Shanghai Student’s Post, China Daily, the 21st Century, etc.


Unit 5England as

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Seen by Americans

Worksheet 1Name

1. Have you ever traveled to any city/town/village/county/country other than the place you live in?

2. If so, list at least three things in that other city, etc.,that you think are different from your own familiar culture. (E.g. ways of talking, ways of treating a stranger, ways of cooking, types of entertainment, concerns, landscapes, city views, aspects of architecture, business, etc.)

3 Might you be biased against this unfamiliar culture? If so, why so; if

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not, why not?

Worksheet 2Name

1. Place you’d like to go: __________________________

2. What is the reason for your choice: What can you see there? ________________________

What can you do there? _______________________

What’s the weather like there? __________________

Other personal reasons: e.g. Paris is the home for romance; my sister is in Australia. ___________________________________________

3. What conditions does the travel agency offer? Accommodations: ___________________________

Transportation: _____________________________

Others: Is the price all-inclusive? Any special gifts or program?

4. Price: ___________________________________ Is it fair? Inexpensive?

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Worksheet 3Name

1. What do the locals do when their friends or relatives get married?

2. What do the locals do when a baby is born to a family?

3. What do the locals do when their friends or relatives die? (Or: How do the locals behave at a funeral?)

Worksheet 4Name

Positive/Negative aspects of having a longer holiday

(Over four weeks a year)

For the employee:

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For the employer:

For the government:

Suggested points for Worksheet 4

Positive/Negative aspects of having a longer holiday

(Over four weeks a year)

For the employee:

Better benefits; life is less stressful; works more efficiently after the holiday; becomes more motivated at work; more time with family, more time to live a meaningful life, more time to pursue one’s own interest, etc.

For the employer:

Helps create a more relaxed atmosphere at work, boosts employees’ morals and raises productivity, promotes better relationships between employer and

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employees; Heavier financial burdens, higher costs in running the business, employee turnover; lower productivity, etc.

For the government:

Stimulates tourism, helps create more jobs in the transport and service industries, stimulates the market; less work done for the public, higher costs in social welfare, etc.

Unit 6The First Day

at School

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Worksheet 1Name

Making suggestions

for improving the learning of English

Aspects Write your suggestions here Make at least one suggestion in each aspect Some suggestions have been given as examples

1. Classroom? Decorations/Posters

We could put up some English proverbs on the wall.

2. Class Discipline

We should listen attentively when the teacher is giving instructions.

3. Teaching Methods

If I were the teacher, I would give students a chance to ask questions in class when they have problems in understanding a text.

4. Cultural Activities

It might be a good idea if we have English parties once a month.

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5. Learning Strategies

We can set up a good previewing and reviewing plan for our lessons.

Worksheet 2Name

Think of at least three things that you would like to do during the coming winter vacation.

My Plan for the winter vacationThree things that I hope to do: The details of the arrangements:

Worksheet 3Name

What dictionaries should we buy for our study?

Dictionaries Advantages Disadvantages

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Big dictionaries, such as Webster’s Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary

Pocket dictionaries, such as Longman Active Dictionary of English Webster’s Basic Dictionary of American English

Modern, electronic dictionaries, such as Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of English (electronic version sold in China)

Suggested points for Worksheet 3

What dictionaries should we buy for our study?

Dictionaries Advantages Disadvantages

Big dictionaries, such as

Webster’s Eleventh

Collegiate Dictionary

More entries of words and


Clear definitions

Good usage notes

A good coverage of current


Rich information of

changing meanings of words

over the centuries

Few example sentences for


Heavy, difficult to carry



Not suitable for students

below intermediate level

Clear and simple definitions Limited number of

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Pocket dictionaries, such

as Longman Active

Dictionary of English,

Webster’s Basic

Dictionary of American


Simple usage notes and


Easy to carry around, with

rich information in pictures

and usage notes

Colorful pictures

Many simple sentences

illustrating usage

Cheap or inexpensive

Suitable for learners of or

below intermediate level

entries Definitions limited only to

frequently used ones

Modern, electronic

dictionaries, such as

Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary of

English (electronic

version commercialized in

the Chinese market)

Most convenient to carry

around and find entries

Each entry has


Easy to use

Multiple use, can be used as

a notebook or an aid to


Often bilingual (From

English to Chinese and

Chinese to English)

Almost no example

sentences for usage

Oversimplified definitions

Distorted pronunciation of

electronic voices

Limited entries

Almost no up to date

information on usage or


Worksheet 4Name

Coping with learning difficultiesYou should respect me, including my learning difficulties

by a student

According to Richard, he experienced paralyzing shyness on his first day of school. His mind went

blank when he was asked to write and speak before the class.

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Richard Wright was not the only child who showed paralyzing

shyness in school. Many students experience different learning

problems. Here is a high school student, who tells us his

problems in learning.

1. “My mind often goes blank when asked to recite a text or a

story before my fellow students.”

2. “My memory is terrible when it comes to remembering

names or dates.”

3. “The knowledge I learned is not accessible when I take

examinations. So I am never happy with the results of my


4. “I have difficulties remembering the schoolwork. And I often

fail to check my notebook for the assignments I must do.”

5. “I often find it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork.”

What should I do to solve my problems? Please give

me some suggestions/advice.

What are your difficulties in learning? Write them in the following boxes.

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Unit 7Computers

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Worksheet 1Name

1. What is the title of the book? 2. What is the story/book about? 3. Name a few features of the book that appeal to you. 4. Name a few features of the book that annoy you when you were reading.

Unit 8

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The Missing Monarchs

Worksheet 1Name

Surprises! Surprises!! And Surprises!!!Work individually first

1. Read the following surprises.

a. John surprised everyone in the class when he suddenly stood up and shot out of

the door.

b. The class were surprised when asked to do a quiz.

c. The students surprised their teacher by holding a party in celebration of her


2. I also want to plan a surprise for the class. Mmmm …, I’ve got an idea.


What is your idea of a possible surprise?

Write it in the following blank.

Work in your group

3. Group work

Let’s plan a surprise for the class/teacher/parents/ …

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Worksheet 2Name


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Worksheet 3Name

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Protection of wildlife in our world

What is a habitat?

Are there any wildlife habitats in China?

Name three wildlife habitats in China:

List at least three things that may destroy the habitat:

List at least three things we can do to save wildlife:

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Unit 9The Risks of Life

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Worksheet 1Name Read the following conversation and fill in A’s words.

A: 8734059B: May I speak to Dr. Thomas Nelson?A: Speaking. May I ask who’s calling? B: This is Lee Ting, secretary at the Dean’s Office. A:

B: I’m calling to inform you about some changes in our arrangements for next week.


B: Well, first, the seminar will be moved to the law school Auditorium. And secondly, the time will be 3:00 pm on Monday instead of Tuesday. Will that be all right with you?


B: Oh, by the way, the Dean wants to know if you have any special needs for facilities for your presentation.


B: Ok, overhead projector, or PowerPoint projector. What about audio equipment? Do you want me to arrange a wireless microphone for you?


B: Sure, we’ll put a microphone on the podium. Oh, and finally, we have to cancel the field visit because there really won’t be time for it.


B: In that case, should I tell the Dean that you had really hoped to see the lab? A:

B: Sure, I’ll let him know this first thing when he returns to the office.

Worksheet 2Name

List some things that you could do to help your classmate who cannot

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come to school for a week because of illness.

What would you say to her/him on the phone?

Write down possible sentences that you could say to her/him.

Worksheet 3Name

My story of a good turn deserves another

What is the good turn you received?

What did you do in return for this good deed?

When?Who? What is the good turn?

What did you do in return?

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Worksheet 4Name

Write a brief argument to counter your friend’s argument regarding the relationship between health and diet.

His/Her argument Your argument1. An old man is happily pushing 90.

He drinks a lot every day.

2. Diet may have something to do with health, but a good diet has to be developed early in life. I’m well over 20 and it’s too late to start a new lifestyle.

3. Medical science is still unable to identify how diet affects our health.

Your conclusion:

Worksheet 5

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Choose the correct answer.1. anticipate

a. be likely

b. recall

c. expect

d. can’t tell

2. evident

a. accurate

b. rough

c. appeal

d. obvious

3. variation

a. change

b. similarity

c. difference

d. option

4. constitution

a. law

b. governance

c. system

d. habit

5. assume

a. believe

b. appoint

c. carry

d. pretend

Answers for Worksheet 5

1. c 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. a

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Unit 10Words Give You


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Worksheet 1Name

Guideline for the studies of some linguistic phenomena:

Categories Definition and exampleFor what purpose or effect

do people use them?

Ambiguous words



Weasel words


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Suggested points for Worksheet 1

Categories Definition and exampleFor what purpose or effect do

people use them?



Words that can be interpreted in more than one

way, e.g., an English teacher could be ambiguous

because it could mean a teacher (he may be

Chinese) who teaches English as a school subject.

Or it could mean a teacher from England.

Every one of us is likely to use

them either intentionally (for

aesthetic value) or accidentally

since a large number of words

have more than one meaning.

However, context usually solves

the problem.


Substitutes for some expressions that may sound

unpleasant in a culture, e.g. pass away for death in


People of all social ranks may

use them, but more among polite

circles, or from the mouths of

pretentious people


The use of language intended to deceive.

Doublespeak frequently renames the world

deceitfully with euphemisms. For example,

pacification programs were used in the Vietnam

War mean large scale of military operations which

resulted in deaths of thousands of civilians and

soldiers. Revenue enhancement is used by some

politicians to mean tax increase

People who hope to cover their

intention or avoid commitment

tend to use this style of language.



Sly, cunning, and sneaky expressions without

integrity, they are intended to conceal the truth. In

the end they say one thing but mean something

quite different. E.g., an “official” direct mail from

some business informing you that you have won a

free gift worth $1 000. If you send $50 for the

postage and handling fees, you will receive the

free, big prize. But the truth is if you send the

money, either the gift never materializes or what

you get is nothing more than rubbish.

Some writings for political

purposes tend to use them in


Some business people tend

to use them in their

commercial promotion

materials, warranties, terms

and etc.conditions in


Advertisement writers

Street con men (街头骗子)


A label applied to nonstandard, conversational,

informal words that are limited usually to use

within a particular group of people or a particular

context. Slang is an uncountable noun; one either

says a slang word, or a slangy expression. E.g.

grass –marihuana; he’s a lucky dog --he is lucky.

Anyone is likely to use

slang when talking with

close friends in informal


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Unit 11The Transcation

Worksheet 1Name

For A For BYou play the role of the student, asking the landlady the following questions.

You play the role of the landlady, choosing the correct information to answer your partner’s questions.

1. May I study in the living room? a. Yes, … But …pay for the washing, 20 pence (cents) each time.

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2. Can I use the kitchen to cook Chinese food?

b. No. We won’t have any stir-frying in the kitchen

3. May I use your computer sometimes? c. Yes, … But you must clean up … We haven’t used it …. and it is full of ….

4. Can I use the laundry in the basement? d. No, … But you may study ….

5. May I park in the garage? e. No, … You should use …

Answers for Worksheet 1

1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a 5 c

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Worksheet 2Name

Aspects for Comparison and


The guest speaker as called “Dr. Brock” by the narrator

(Suggested points)

The narrator(Suggested points)

1. Relation to writingHow are they related to writing?

Dr. Brock is a medical doctor by profession. But he actively writes and publishes stories in national magazines as an amateur writer.

The narrator makes a living by writing. He is a professional writer.

2. Appearance of the panelHow are they differently dressed for the meeting?

Dr. Brook is dressed up in a bright red jacket, looking vaguely bohemian. (The narrator was being humorous here by describing a non-professional writers attempt to look like a professional one in attire.)

The narrator didn’t mention this point. But it can be inferred that he did not try to impress his audience with what he was wearing.

3. General feeling about writing

What is it like to be a writer?

Writing is easy and fun for the doctor. He can sit down at his desk as soon as he gets home and write away his tension after a day’s work.

Writing is not easy and isn’t fun. It is hard and lonely. Words seldom just flow.

1. Views about the writing process

What are the differences in their viewpoints about the writing process?

Writing does not need rewriting. One should leave one’s writing in its most natural form.

One should try many attempts to write and rewrite until one is satisfied, with what he has written.

2. Dealing with difficulties in writing

How do they overcome emotional barriers to writing?

When the writing is not smooth, Dr. Brook would stop writing and put it aside for a day. Things will go better. . If he suffers emotional problems such as feeling unhappy or depressed, he will go and play sports.

Whatever happens in the process of writing, the narrator will stick to the work, following his schedule.

3. Social life for Dr. Brook thinks it is very The narrator thinks

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writersHow do they view the social life of a writer?

important and he enjoys meeting and hanging out with his publishers and agents.

professional writers are lonely men, and they seldom meet other writers.

4. Attitudes towards symbolism

How do they view the role of symbolism in writing?

Dr. Brook enjoys using symbolism in writing. He finds great pleasure in weaving it into his stories. .

He doesn’t like to use symbolism.

Summarize the possible lessons that you or the audience may have learnt from the panel discussion.

The discussion is a revelation both to the guest speakers and to the audience as well. The two speakers are fascinated with each other’s answers. The audience has probably learned that there is a great difference in writing methods. They may conclude from the panel discussion that there is no single method of writing that is suitable for everyone in every situation. Each writing student should search actively for the most appropriate ways of writing for himself/herself.

Another lesson that may be drawn here is that the two speakers exchange their views by disagreeing with each other. This shows that real learning takes place when people are able to embrace diverse viewpoints and perspectives.

Worksheet 3Name Conducting a Survey

Work with your partner to discover information about the following aspects of his/her life.

You may ask the following questions to elicit the information you need.

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Guidelines for asking questions

What did you use to do, but are no longer doing ?

What did you do in the past, and are still doing now?

Fill in the following chart as you discover information about your partner.



Free time


Family life


Summarize the information and discuss your findings concerning the changes in your classmate’s


Unit 12

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The Message Behind the


Worksheet 1Name

Suppose you are the teacher, you want to talk to your students about your rules for your class.

Rules Reasons List at least one reason for complying with the rule.

1 Turn off cell phones in class.

2. Don’t be late for class.

3. Be quiet when others are talking.

4. Don’t kick at or slam the

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door. 5. No smoking or drinking in

the classroom. 6. No cheating on exams.

7. Add more rules here if you want to.

Suggested points for Worksheet 1

Rules ReasonsTurn off cell phones in class.

The sound of the phone ringing will disrupt the teaching.

Don’t be late for class. If you come in late, it is very likely that you will interrupt the lesson; you may also miss important information.

Be quiet when others are speaking.

It is not polite to talk when other people are speaking.

Don’t kick at or slam the door.

It is bad manners to bang or kick at the door. You may damage it. Besides, the noise is disruptive to the teaching and learning environment.

No smoking or drinking in the classroom.

Smoking and drinking are not healthy habits. Students should stay away from them.

No cheating on exams. It is important to be an honest person.

Add more rules here if you want to.

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Worksheet 2Name

Types of emotion associated with the

following eye behaviour

Eye action Message communicated

Neutral eye behavioureye contact

look at

meet one’s eyes

An awareness of another person’s presenceAcknowledgment of another personAcceptance & recognition of another person










Other types: Please extend the list.

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Suggested points for Worksheet 2

Types of emotion associated with the

following eye behaviour

Eye action Message communicated

Neutral eye behavioreye contact

look at

meet one’s eyes

an awareness of another person’s presenceacknowledgment of another personacceptance & recognition of another person

Attentive attentive stare, look into each other’s eyesmeet one’s eyea long and steady gazelook too muchfix on somebody an attentive stare


friendlinesssternness (judge)rudenessinterest

Inattentive look awaylook too little

not interestedbored

Warm warm looksmeet one’s eyea long and steady gazefix on somebody an attentive stare

care and concerncare and concernadmirationlove

Cold cold stareslook awaylook too little

meanunfriendly, disinterestedhaughty

Humorous look too muchfix on somebody an attentive stareblink eyes


Flirting look into each other’s eyesmeet one’s eye frequentlya long and steady gazelook too muchfix on somebody an attentive stareblink eyes

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Friendly meet one’s eyefix on somebody an attentive stareblink eyes

Despising look into each other’s eyeslook awaya long and steady gaze with eyelids loveredlook too littlelook too muchfix on somebody an attentive stare

Evasive look awaylook too little

Other types: Please extend the list.

Worksheet 3Name

What are the rules for using

1. the living room(s)?

2. the kitchen?

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3. the bathroom(s)?

4. the balcony?

5. electricity plugs and appliances?

6. other things?

Suggested points for Worksheet 3

What are the rules for using

1. the living room(s)? Hints:

Sitting in a particular place? Taking off shoes?Moving the objects and furniture? Objects on the shelves?

2. the kitchen? Using the knives and the cutting board? Disposing of garbage? Using the gas burner?Using the ventilator?Using the electric cooker?

3. the bathroom(s)? Flushing the toilet after using it? Washing hands?Using the towels? Disposing of paper/tissue? Using a glass for drinking?

4. the balcony? Opening/closing the window? Moving the pot plants/flowers/bonsai? Sitting on the balcony? Opening/Closing the curtains?

5. electricity plugs and appliances? Turning on/off the lights?Using TV/DVD players? Plugging into power sockets?

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Using other appliances such as coffee maker, hi-fi stereo, etc.

6. other things?

Unit 13A Delightful


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Worksheet 1Name

Worksheet for Competition

Where are you now?

Game Procedures 1. Think of a destination on campus, but don’t say it. 2. Use your classroom building as the starting point, and write 3 to 5 instructions

for directing one of your classmates to figure out the destination. 3. Read your directions to him/her and then ask him/her to guess where he/she is

now. 4. Award him/her one point for a correct answer and zero for an incorrect one.

Your destinations: (1) _____________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________ (3) _____________________________________________

Your directions:

His/Her score for (1) ______ (2) ________ (3) _______

Total: _____________________

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Worksheet 2Name

What are the sights that a visitor can see in and around the village Garrick? Tick (or “check” as in checkmark – American English) the correct boxes for the correct items.

rivers national parks waterfalls

the seashore waterfowl gorges

modern hotels sea gulls caves

lake deserts deep valleys

wildlife geysers fishing boats

woodssnow-capped mountains wildlife habitat

Answers for Worksheet 2

rivers national parks waterfalls

the seashore waterfowl gorges

modern hotels sea gulls caves

lake deserts

wildlife geysers


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deep valleys fishing boats mountains wildlife habitat

Unit 14

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The Mystery of

the White Gardenia

Worksheet 1Name

What qualities does this job require? Suppose your class was a multi-national company. You are the manager of the human resources department. Follow the procedures and then report your findings to the class.

Procedure 1: Write the qualities needed for the following positions in your company.

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Positions Qualities needed for this position

General ManagerFor Example John is the best person for this position. He has leadership ability. Besides, he was very good at organizing activities when he was a student at college. So if he becomes the General Manager, he will contribute to the success of our company.


Secretary to the General Manager



Truck driver

Sales support staff


Accountant Procedure 2: Select candidates from your classmates to fill up each of the positions and explain why you think they are appropriate. (Don’t forget to take your teachers into consideration, too.)

PositionsThe best candidate for this position

The reasons

General ManagerFor Example John is the best person for this position. He has leadership ability. Besides, he was very good at organizing activities when he was a student at college. So if he becomes the General Manager, he will contribute to the success of our company


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Secretary to the General Manager



Truck driver

Sales support staff



Suggested points for Worksheet 1

Positions Qualities needed for this position

General Managerleadership ability, sociable, calculating, shrewd, careful, thoughtful, knowledgeable

Salesmansociable, shrewd, calculating, good language/ people skills, knowledgeable in business

Secretary to the General Managercareful, detail oriented, good verbal/people skills, good telephone skills, good computer skills, honest, hard-workingwarm-hearted, careful, patient, good

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Receptionist verbal/people skills

Chauffeur honest, reliable, careful, good manners, mechanical skills, warm-hearted

Truck driverauto mechanic skills, reliable and honest, hard-working

Sales support staffhonest and reliable, detail oriented, careful, patient, well-organized, supportive

Janitorhonest and reliable, good manners, polite

Accountanthonest and reliable, good at numbers and details, well-organized, planning skills

Worksheet 2Name

Although the narrator does not explicitly reveal the identity of the person who sent the flowers, she weaves in many hints throughout the story that suggest who the person is. Read the following list and tick the details that may suggest the answer to the mystery.

The flower was a cash purchase. The flower gives off a heady perfume

nestled in soft pink tissue paper. Mother asked her if she had done some

She never slammed the door at her mother because she didn’t need to do so.

Her father died one month before her

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special kindness to someone. She once helped a neighbor unload

groceries from a car. She once retrieved the mail for the old

man across the street. A boy broke her heart when she was 17

years old. Mother scribbled Emerson’s words on

her mirror. Mother knew that the daughter was all

right when she cleaned up the scribble on the mirror.

high school graduation. The party dress was dotted swiss. Mother remembered to buy the party

dress for her and insisted that she attended the school graduation ceremony.

Mother persisted to make her children feel loved and lovable.

Mother wanted her children to see themselves just like the gardenia – lovely, strong and perfect.

Mother died ten days after she was married.

Answers for Worksheet 2

The flower was a cash purchase. The flower gives off a heady perfume nestled in soft pink tissue paper. Mother asked her if she had done some special kindness to someone. She once helped a neighbor unload groceries from a car. She once retrieved the mail for the old man across the street. A boy broke her heart when she was 17 years old. Mother scribbled Emerson’s words on her mirror.

Mother knew that the daughter was all right when she cleaned up the scribble on the mirror.

She never slammed the door at her mother because she didn’t need to do so.

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Her father died one month before her high school graduation. The party dress was dotted swill.Mother remembered to buy the party dress for her and insisted that she attended the

school graduation ceremony. Mother persisted to make her children feel loved and lovable. Mother wanted her children to see themselves just like the gardenia – lovely, strong

and perfect. Mother died ten days after she was married.

Worksheet 3Name

The Milestones of LifeA. List some of the milestones of life in Chinese culture.

1. 2.3.

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B. List some of the activities people might do in celebration or commemoration.

1. 2. 3. …

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Unit 15For or Against

Smoking in

Public Places

Worksheet 1Name

List the acts of PDA on your campus you have observed.

Write your storyt here:

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