Function Category ABS Math & Trigonometry ACCRINT Financial ACCRINTM Financial ACOS Math & Trigonometry ACOSH Math & Trigonometry ADDRESS Lookup & Reference AGGREGATE Math & Trigonometry AMORDEGRC Financial AMORLINC Financial AND Logical AREAS Lookup & Reference ASIN Math & Trigonometry ASINH Math & Trigonometry ATAN Math & Trigonometry ATAN2 Math & Trigonometry ATANH Math & Trigonometry AVEDEV Statistical AVERAGE Statistical AVERAGEA Statistical AVERAGEIF Statistical AVERAGEIFS Statistical BAHTTEXT Text BESSELI Engineering BESSELJ Engineering BESSELK Engineering BESSELY Engineering BETA.DIST Statistical BETA.INV Statistical BETADIST Compatibility BETAINV Compatibility BIN2DEC Engineering BIN2HEX Engineering BIN2OCT Engineering BINOM.DIST Statistical BINOM.INV Statistical BINOMDIST Compatibility CEILING Math & Trigonometry CEILING.PRECISE Math & Trigonometry CELL Information CHAR Text CHIDIST Compatibility CHIINV Compatibility CHISQ.DIST Statistical CHISQ.DIST.RT Statistical

worksheet functions.xlsx

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Page 1: worksheet functions.xlsx

Function CategoryABS Math & TrigonometryACCRINT FinancialACCRINTM FinancialACOS Math & TrigonometryACOSH Math & TrigonometryADDRESS Lookup & ReferenceAGGREGATE Math & TrigonometryAMORDEGRC FinancialAMORLINC FinancialAND LogicalAREAS Lookup & ReferenceASIN Math & TrigonometryASINH Math & TrigonometryATAN Math & TrigonometryATAN2 Math & TrigonometryATANH Math & TrigonometryAVEDEV StatisticalAVERAGE StatisticalAVERAGEA StatisticalAVERAGEIF StatisticalAVERAGEIFS StatisticalBAHTTEXT TextBESSELI EngineeringBESSELJ EngineeringBESSELK EngineeringBESSELY EngineeringBETA.DIST StatisticalBETA.INV StatisticalBETADIST CompatibilityBETAINV CompatibilityBIN2DEC EngineeringBIN2HEX EngineeringBIN2OCT EngineeringBINOM.DIST StatisticalBINOM.INV StatisticalBINOMDIST CompatibilityCEILING Math & TrigonometryCEILING.PRECISE Math & TrigonometryCELL InformationCHAR TextCHIDIST CompatibilityCHIINV CompatibilityCHISQ.DIST StatisticalCHISQ.DIST.RT Statistical

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CHISQ.INV StatisticalCHISQ.INV.RT StatisticalCHISQ.TEST StatisticalCHITEST CompatibilityCHOOSE Lookup & ReferenceCLEAN TextCODE TextCOLUMN Lookup & ReferenceCOLUMNS Lookup & ReferenceCOMBIN Math & TrigonometryCOMPLEX EngineeringCONCATENATE TextCONFIDENCE CompatibilityCONFIDENCE.NORM StatisticalCONFIDENCE.T StatisticalCONVERT EngineeringCORREL StatisticalCOS Math & TrigonometryCOSH Math & TrigonometryCOUNT StatisticalCOUNTA StatisticalCOUNTBLANK StatisticalCOUNTIF StatisticalCOUNTIFS StatisticalCOUPDAYBS FinancialCOUPDAYS FinancialCOUPDAYSNC FinancialCOUPNCD FinancialCOUPNUM FinancialCOUPPCD FinancialCOVAR CompatibilityCOVARIANCE.P StatisticalCOVARIANCE.S StatisticalCRITBINOM CompatibilityCUBEKPIMEMBER CubeCUBEMEMBER CubeCUBEMEMBERPROPERTY CubeCUBERANKEDMEMBER CubeCUBESET CubeCUBESETCOUNT CubeCUBEVALUE CubeCUMIPMT FinancialCUMPRINC FinancialDATE Date & TimeDATEVALUE Date & Time

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DAVERAGE DatabaseDAY Date & TimeDAYS360 Date & TimeDB FinancialDCOUNT DatabaseDCOUNTA DatabaseDDB FinancialDEC2BIN EngineeringDEC2HEX EngineeringDEC2OCT EngineeringDEGREES Math & TrigonometryDELTA EngineeringDEVSQ StatisticalDGET DatabaseDISC FinancialDMAX DatabaseDMIN DatabaseDOLLAR TextDOLLARDE FinancialDOLLARFR FinancialDPRODUCT DatabaseDSTDEV DatabaseDSTDEVP DatabaseDSUM DatabaseDURATION FinancialDVAR DatabaseDVARP DatabaseEDATE Date & TimeEFFECT FinancialEOMONTH Date & TimeERF EngineeringERF.PRECISE EngineeringERFC EngineeringERFC.PRECISE EngineeringERROR.TYPE InformationEVEN Math & TrigonometryEXACT TextEXP Math & TrigonometryEXPON.DIST StatisticalEXPONDIST CompatibilityF.DIST StatisticalF.DIST.RT StatisticalF.INV StatisticalF.INV.RT StatisticalF.TEST Statistical

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FACT Math & TrigonometryFACTDOUBLE Math & TrigonometryFALSE LogicalFDIST CompatibilityFIND TextFINV CompatibilityFISHER StatisticalFISHERINV StatisticalFIXED TextFLOOR Math & TrigonometryFLOOR.PRECISE Math & TrigonometryFORECAST StatisticalFREQUENCY StatisticalFTEST CompatibilityFV FinancialFVSCHEDULE FinancialGAMMA.DIST StatisticalGAMMA.INV StatisticalGAMMADIST CompatibilityGAMMAINV CompatibilityGAMMALN StatisticalGAMMALN.PRECISE StatisticalGCD Math & TrigonometryGEOMEAN StatisticalGESTEP EngineeringGETPIVOTDATA Lookup & ReferenceGROWTH StatisticalHARMEAN StatisticalHEX2BIN EngineeringHEX2DEC EngineeringHEX2OCT EngineeringHLOOKUP Lookup & ReferenceHOUR Date & TimeHYPERLINK Lookup & ReferenceHYPGEOM.DIST StatisticalHYPGEOMDIST CompatibilityIF LogicalIFERROR LogicalIMABS EngineeringIMAGINARY EngineeringIMARGUMENT EngineeringIMCONJUGATE EngineeringIMCOS EngineeringIMDIV EngineeringIMEXP Engineering

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IMLN EngineeringIMLOG10 EngineeringIMLOG2 EngineeringIMPOWER EngineeringIMPRODUCT EngineeringIMREAL EngineeringIMSIN EngineeringIMSQRT EngineeringIMSUB EngineeringIMSUM EngineeringINDEX Lookup & ReferenceINDIRECT Lookup & ReferenceINFO InformationINT Math & TrigonometryINTERCEPT StatisticalINTRATE FinancialIPMT FinancialIRR FinancialISBLANK InformationISERR InformationISERROR InformationISEVEN InformationISLOGICAL InformationISNA InformationISNONTEXT InformationISNUMBER InformationISO.CEILING Math & TrigonometryISODD InformationISPMT FinancialISPMT FinancialISREF InformationISTEXT InformationKURT StatisticalLARGE StatisticalLCM Math & TrigonometryLEFT TextLEN TextLINEST StatisticalLN Math & TrigonometryLOG Math & TrigonometryLOG10 Math & TrigonometryLOGEST StatisticalLOGINV CompatibilityLOGNORM.DIST StatisticalLOGNORM.INV Statistical

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LOGNORMDIST CompatibilityLOOKUP Lookup & ReferenceLOWER TextMATCH Lookup & ReferenceMAX StatisticalMAXA StatisticalMDETERM Math & TrigonometryMDURATION FinancialMEDIAN StatisticalMID TextMIN StatisticalMINA StatisticalMINUTE Date & TimeMINVERSE Math & TrigonometryMIRR FinancialMMULT Math & TrigonometryMOD Math & TrigonometryMODE CompatibilityMODE.MULT StatisticalMODE.SNGL StatisticalMONTH Date & TimeMROUND Math & TrigonometryMULTINOMIAL Math & TrigonometryN InformationNA InformationNEGBINOM.DIST StatisticalNEGBINOMDIST CompatibilityNETWORKDAYS Date & TimeNETWORKDAYS.INTL Date & TimeNOMINAL FinancialNORM.DIST StatisticalNORM.INV StatisticalNORM.S.DIST StatisticalNORM.S.INV StatisticalNORMDIST CompatibilityNORMINV CompatibilityNORMSDIST CompatibilityNORMSINV CompatibilityNOT LogicalNOW Date & TimeNPER FinancialNPV FinancialOCT2BIN EngineeringOCT2DEC EngineeringOCT2HEX Engineering

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ODD Math & TrigonometryODDFPRICE FinancialODDFYIELD FinancialODDLPRICE FinancialODDLYIELD FinancialOFFSET Lookup & ReferenceOR LogicalPEARSON StatisticalPERCENTILE CompatibilityPERCENTILE.EXC StatisticalPERCENTILE.INC StatisticalPERCENTRANK CompatibilityPERCENTRANK.EXC StatisticalPERCENTRANK.INC StatisticalPERMUT StatisticalPI Math & TrigonometryPMT FinancialPOISSON CompatibilityPOISSON.DIST StatisticalPOWER Math & TrigonometryPPMT FinancialPRICE FinancialPRICEDISC FinancialPRICEMAT FinancialPROB StatisticalPRODUCT Math & TrigonometryPROPER TextPV FinancialQUARTILE CompatibilityQUARTILE.EXC StatisticalQUARTILE.INC StatisticalQUOTIENT Math & TrigonometryRADIANS Math & TrigonometryRAND Math & TrigonometryRANDBETWEEN Math & TrigonometryRANK CompatibilityRANK.AVG StatisticalRANK.EQ StatisticalRATE FinancialRECEIVED FinancialREPLACE TextREPT TextRIGHT TextROMAN Math & TrigonometryROUND Math & Trigonometry

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ROUNDDOWN Math & TrigonometryROUNDUP Math & TrigonometryROW Lookup & ReferenceROWS Lookup & ReferenceRSQ StatisticalRTD Lookup & ReferenceSEARCH TextSECOND Date & TimeSERIESSUM Math & TrigonometrySIGN Math & TrigonometrySIN Math & TrigonometrySINH Math & TrigonometrySKEW StatisticalSLN FinancialSLOPE StatisticalSMALL StatisticalSQRT Math & TrigonometrySQRTPI Math & TrigonometrySTANDARDIZE StatisticalSTDEV CompatibilitySTDEV.P StatisticalSTDEV.S StatisticalSTDEVA StatisticalSTDEVP CompatibilitySTDEVPA StatisticalSTEYX StatisticalSUBSTITUTE TextSUBTOTAL Math & TrigonometrySUM Math & TrigonometrySUMIF Math & TrigonometrySUMIFS Math & TrigonometrySUMPRODUCT Math & TrigonometrySUMSQ Math & TrigonometrySUMX2MY2 Math & TrigonometrySUMX2PY2 Math & TrigonometrySUMXMY2 Math & TrigonometrySYD FinancialT TextT.DIST StatisticalT.DIST.2T StatisticalT.DIST.RT StatisticalT.INV StatisticalT.INV.2T StatisticalT.TEST StatisticalTAN Math & Trigonometry

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TANH Math & TrigonometryTBILLEQ FinancialTBILLPRICE FinancialTBILLYIELD FinancialTDIST CompatibilityTEXT TextTIME Date & TimeTIMEVALUE Date & TimeTINV CompatibilityTODAY Date & TimeTRANSPOSE Lookup & ReferenceTREND StatisticalTRIM TextTRIMMEAN StatisticalTRUE LogicalTRUNC Math & TrigonometryTTEST CompatibilityTYPE InformationUPPER TextVALUE TextVAR CompatibilityVAR.P StatisticalVAR.S StatisticalVARA StatisticalVARP CompatibilityVARPA StatisticalVDB FinancialVLOOKUP Lookup & ReferenceWEEKDAY Date & TimeWEEKNUM Date & TimeWEIBULL CompatibilityWEIBULL.DIST StatisticalWORKDAY Date & TimeWORKDAY.INTL Date & TimeXIRR FinancialXNPV FinancialYEAR Date & TimeYEARFRAC Date & TimeYIELD FinancialYIELDDISC FinancialYIELDMAT FinancialZ.TEST StatisticalZTEST Compatibility

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Description New XL2007? New XL2010?Returns the absolute value of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic FALSE FALSEReturns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest FALSE FALSEReturns the arccosine of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number FALSE FALSEReturns a reference as text to a single cell in a worksheet FALSE FALSEReturns an aggregate in a list or database FALSE TRUEReturns the depreciation for each accounting period FALSE FALSEReturns the depreciation for each accounting period (the depre FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE FALSE FALSEReturns the number of areas in a reference FALSE FALSEReturns the arcsine of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the arctangent of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the arctangent from x and y coordinates FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the average of the absolute deviations of data points FALSE FALSEReturns the average of its arguments FALSE FALSEReturns the average of its arguments and includes evaluation o FALSE FALSEReturns the average for the cells specified by a given criterion TRUE FALSEReturns the average for the cells specified by multiple criteria TRUE FALSEConverts a number to Baht text FALSE FALSEReturns the modified Bessel function In(x) FALSE FALSEReturns the Bessel function Jn(x) FALSE FALSEReturns the modified Bessel function Kn(x) FALSE FALSEReturns the Bessel function Yn(x) FALSE FALSEReturns the beta cumulative distribution function FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for FALSE TRUEReturns the cumulative beta probability density function FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density FALSE FALSEConverts a binary number to decimal FALSE FALSEConverts a binary number to hexadecimal FALSE FALSEConverts a binary number to octal FALSE FALSEReturns the individual term binomial distribution probability FALSE TRUEReturns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial di FALSE TRUEReturns the individual term binomial distribution probability FALSE FALSERounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest mult FALSE FALSERounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest mult FALSE TRUEReturns information about the formatting, location, or content FALSE FALSEReturns the character specified by the code number FALSE FALSEReturns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribut FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-sq FALSE FALSEReturns the cumulative beta probability density function FALSE TRUEReturns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribut FALSE TRUE

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Returns the cumulative beta probability density function FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-sq FALSE TRUEReturns the test for independence FALSE TRUEReturns the test for independence FALSE FALSEChooses a value from a list of values FALSE FALSERemoves all nonprintable characters from text FALSE FALSEReturns a numeric code for the first character in a text string FALSE FALSEReturns the column number of a reference FALSE FALSEReturns the number of columns in a reference FALSE FALSEReturns the number of combinations for a given number of ob FALSE FALSEConverts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex numb FALSE FALSEJoins several text items into one text item FALSE FALSEReturns the confidence interval for a population mean FALSE FALSEReturns the confidence interval for a population mean FALSE TRUEReturns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a FALSE TRUEConverts a number from one measurement system to anothe FALSE FALSEReturns the correlation coefficient between two data sets FALSE FALSEReturns the cosine of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the hyperbolic cosine of a number FALSE FALSECounts how many numbers are in the list of arguments FALSE FALSECounts how many values are in the list of arguments FALSE FALSECounts the number of blank cells in the argument range FALSE FALSECounts the number of cells that meet the criteria you specify FALSE FALSECounts the number of cells that meet multiple criteria TRUE FALSEReturns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon FALSE FALSEReturns the number of days in the coupon period that contain FALSE FALSEReturns the number of days from the settlement date to the FALSE FALSEReturns the next coupon date after the settlement date FALSE FALSEReturns the number of coupons payable between the settleme FALSE FALSEReturns the previous coupon date before the settlement date FALSE FALSEReturns covariance, the average of the products of paired dev FALSE FALSEReturns covariance, the average of the products of paired dev FALSE TRUEReturns the sample covariance, the average of the products de FALSE TRUEReturns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial di FALSE FALSEReturns a key performance indicator name, property, and meas TRUE FALSEReturns a member or tuple in a cube hierarchy TRUE FALSEReturns the value of a member property in the cube TRUE FALSEReturns the nth, or ranked, member in a set TRUE FALSEDefines a calculated set of members or tuples by sending a se TRUE FALSEReturns the number of items in a set TRUE FALSEReturns an aggregated value from a cube TRUE FALSEReturns the cumulative interest paid between two periods FALSE FALSEReturns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of a particular date FALSE FALSEConverts a date in the form of text to a serial number FALSE FALSE

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Averages the values in a column of a list or database that mat FALSE FALSEConverts a serial number to a day of the month FALSE FALSECalculates the number of days between two dates, based on FALSE FALSEReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, u FALSE FALSECounts the cells that contain numbers in a column of a list or FALSE FALSECounts the nonblank cells in a column of a list or database th FALSE FALSEReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, FALSE FALSEConverts a decimal number to binary FALSE FALSEConverts a decimal number to hexadecimal FALSE FALSEConverts a decimal number to octal FALSE FALSEConverts radians to degrees FALSE FALSETests whether two values are equal FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of squares of deviations FALSE FALSEExtracts a single value from a column of a list or database th FALSE FALSEReturns the discount rate for a security FALSE FALSEReturns the largest number in a column of a list or database FALSE FALSEReturns the smallest number in a column of a list or database FALSE FALSEConverts a number to text, using currency format FALSE FALSEConverts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar FALSE FALSEConverts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a FALSE FALSEMultiplies the values in a column of a list or database that ma FALSE FALSEEstimates the standard deviation of a population based on a s FALSE FALSECalculates the standard deviation of a population based on th FALSE FALSEAdds the numbers in a column of a list or database that match FALSE FALSEReturns the annual duration of a security with periodic inter FALSE FALSEEstimates the variance of a population based on a sample by u FALSE FALSECalculates the variance of a population based on the entire p FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of the date that is the indicated n FALSE FALSEReturns the effective annual interest rate FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of the last day of the month before FALSE FALSEReturns the error function FALSE FALSEReturns the error function FALSE TRUEReturns the complementary error function FALSE FALSEReturns the complementary error function FALSE TRUEReturns a number corresponding to an error type FALSE FALSERounds a number up to the nearest even integer FALSE FALSEChecks to see whether two text values are identical FALSE FALSE

FALSE FALSEReturns the exponential distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the exponential distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the F probability distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the F probability distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the F probability distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the F probability distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the result of an F-test FALSE TRUE

Returns e raised to the power of a given number

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Returns the factorial of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the double factorial of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the logical value FALSE FALSE FALSEReturns the F probability distribution FALSE FALSEFinds one text value within another (case sensitive) FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the F probability distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the Fisher transformation FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the Fisher transformation FALSE FALSEFormats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals FALSE FALSERounds a number down, toward 0 FALSE FALSERounds a number down, toward 0 FALSE TRUEReturns a value along a linear trend FALSE FALSEReturns a frequency distribution as a vertical array FALSE FALSEReturns the result of an F-Test FALSE FALSEReturns the future value of an investment FALSE FALSEReturns the future value of an initial principal after applying FALSE FALSEReturns the gamma distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the gamma distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x) FALSE FALSEReturns the natural logarithm of the gamma function, G(x) FALSE TRUEReturns the greatest common divisor FALSE FALSEReturns the geometric mean FALSE FALSETests whether a number is greater than a threshold value FALSE FALSEReturns data stored in a PivotTable FALSE FALSEReturns values along an exponential trend FALSE FALSEReturns the harmonic mean FALSE FALSEConverts a hexadecimal number to binary FALSE FALSEConverts a hexadecimal number to decimal FALSE FALSEConverts a hexadecimal number to octal FALSE FALSESearches for a value in the top row of a table and then return FALSE FALSEConverts a serial number to an hour FALSE FALSECreates a shortcut that opens a document on your hard drive, FALSE FALSEReturns the hypergeometric distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the hypergeometric distribution FALSE FALSESpecifies a logical test to perform FALSE FALSEReturns a different result if the first argument evaluates to an TRUE FALSEReturns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number FALSE FALSE

FALSE FALSEReturns the complex conjugate of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the cosine of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the quotient of two complex numbers FALSE FALSEReturns the exponential of a complex number FALSE FALSE

Returns the argument theta, an angle expressed in radians

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Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns a complex number raised to an integer power FALSE FALSEReturns the product of complex numbers FALSE FALSEReturns the real coefficient of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the sine of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the square root of a complex number FALSE FALSEReturns the difference of two complex numbers FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of complex numbers FALSE FALSEUses an index to choose a value from a reference or array FALSE FALSEReturns a reference indicated by a text value FALSE FALSEReturns information about the current operating environmen FALSE FALSERounds a number down to the nearest integer FALSE FALSEReturns the intercept of the linear regression line FALSE FALSEReturns the interest rate for a fully invested security FALSE FALSEReturns the interest payment for an investment for a given pe FALSE FALSEReturns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is blank FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is any error value except #N/A FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is any error value FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the number is even FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is a logical value FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is not text FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is a number FALSE FALSEReturns a number that is rounded up to the nearest integer or FALSE TRUEReturns TRUE if the number is odd FALSE FALSECalculates the interest paid during a specific period of an inv FALSE TRUEReturns the interest associated with a specific loan payment FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is a reference FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if the value is text FALSE FALSEReturns the kurtosis of a data set FALSE FALSE

FALSE FALSEReturns the least common multiple FALSE FALSEReturns the leftmost characters from a text value FALSE FALSEReturns the number of characters in a text string FALSE FALSEReturns the parameters of a linear trend FALSE FALSEReturns the natural logarithm of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the logarithm of a number to a specified base FALSE FALSEReturns the base-10 logarithm of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the parameters of an exponential trend FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the lognormal distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the cumulative lognormal distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution FALSE TRUE

Returns the kth largest value in a data set

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Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution FALSE FALSEReturns a value either from a one-row or one-column range o FALSE FALSEConverts text to lowercase FALSE FALSEReturns the relative position of an item in an array FALSE FALSEReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments, ignoring log FALSE FALSEReturns the maximum value in a list of arguments, including lo FALSE FALSEReturns the matrix determinant of an array FALSE FALSEReturns the Macauley modified duration for a security with a FALSE FALSEReturns the median of the given numbers FALSE FALSEReturns a specific number of characters from a text string, sta FALSE FALSEReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments, ignoring log FALSE FALSEReturns the minimum value in a list of arguments, including lo FALSE FALSEConverts a serial number to a minute FALSE FALSEReturns the matrix inverse of an array FALSE FALSEReturns the internal rate of return where positive and negativ FALSE FALSEReturns the matrix product of two arrays FALSE FALSEReturns the remainder from division FALSE FALSEReturns the most common value in a data set FALSE FALSEReturns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring, or r FALSE TRUEReturns the most common value in a data set FALSE TRUEConverts a serial number to a month FALSE FALSEReturns a number rounded to the desired multiple FALSE FALSEReturns the multinomial of a set of numbers FALSE FALSEReturns a value converted to a number FALSE FALSEReturns the error value #N/A FALSE FALSEReturns the negative binomial distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the negative binomial distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the number of whole workdays between two dates FALSE FALSEReturns the number of whole workdays between two dates (in FALSE TRUEReturns the annual nominal interest rate FALSE FALSEReturns the normal cumulative distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the standard normal cumulative distribution FALSE TRUEeturns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribu FALSE TRUEReturns the normal cumulative distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the standard normal cumulative distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distrib FALSE FALSEReverses the logic of its argument FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of the current date and time FALSE FALSEReturns the number of periods for an investment FALSE FALSEReturns the net present value of an investment based on a ser FALSE FALSEConverts an octal number to binary FALSE FALSEConverts an octal number to decimal FALSE FALSEConverts an octal number to hexadecimal FALSE FALSE

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Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer FALSE FALSEReturns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd FALSE FALSEReturns the yield of a security with an odd first period FALSE FALSEReturns the price per $100 face value of a security with an od FALSE FALSEReturns the yield of a security with an odd last period FALSE FALSEReturns a reference offset from a given reference FALSE FALSEReturns TRUE if any argument is TRUE FALSE FALSEReturns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient FALSE FALSE

FALSE FALSEReturns the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in FALSE TRUEReturns the k-th percentile of values in a range FALSE TRUEReturns the percentage rank of a value in a data set FALSE FALSEReturns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage (0..1, FALSE TRUEReturns the percentage rank of a value in a data set FALSE TRUEReturns the number of permutations for a given number of ob FALSE FALSEReturns the value of pi FALSE FALSEReturns the periodic payment for an annuity FALSE FALSEReturns the Poisson distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the Poisson distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the result of a number raised to a power FALSE FALSEReturns the payment on the principal for an investment for a FALSE FALSEReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays p FALSE FALSEReturns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security FALSE FALSEReturns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays i FALSE FALSEReturns the probability that values in a range are between two FALSE FALSEMultiplies its arguments FALSE FALSECapitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value FALSE FALSEReturns the present value of an investment FALSE FALSEReturns the quartile of a data set FALSE FALSEReturns the quartile of the data set, based on percentile value FALSE TRUEReturns the quartile of a data set FALSE TRUEReturns the integer portion of a division FALSE FALSEConverts degrees to radians FALSE FALSEReturns a random number between 0 and 1 FALSE FALSEReturns a random number between the numbers that you spe FALSE FALSEReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers FALSE FALSEReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers FALSE TRUEReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers FALSE TRUEReturns the interest rate per period of an annuity FALSE FALSEReturns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested s FALSE FALSEReplaces characters within text FALSE FALSERepeats text a given number of times FALSE FALSEReturns the rightmost characters from a text value FALSE FALSEConverts an Arabic numeral to Roman, as text FALSE FALSERounds a number to a specified number of digits FALSE FALSE

Returns the kth percentile of values in a range

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Rounds a number down, toward 0 FALSE FALSERounds a number up, away from 0 FALSE FALSEReturns the row number of a reference FALSE FALSEReturns the number of rows in a reference FALSE FALSEReturns the square of the Pearson product moment correlatio FALSE FALSEReturns real-time data from a program that supports COM a FALSE FALSEFinds one text value within another (not case sensitive) FALSE FALSEConverts a serial number to a second FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of a power series based on the formula FALSE FALSEReturns the sign of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the sine of the given angle FALSE FALSEReturns the hyperbolic sine of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the skewness of a distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one peri FALSE FALSEReturns the slope of the linear regression line FALSE FALSE

FALSE FALSEReturns a positive square root FALSE FALSEReturns the square root of pi FALSE FALSEReturns a normalized value FALSE FALSEEstimates standard deviation based on a sample, ignoring text FALSE FALSECalculates standard deviation based on the entire population FALSE TRUEEstimates standard deviation based on a sample FALSE TRUEEstimates standard deviation based on a sample, including tex FALSE FALSECalculates standard deviation based on the entire population, FALSE FALSECalculates standard deviation based on the entire population, FALSE FALSEReturns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x FALSE FALSESubstitutes new text for old text in a text string FALSE FALSEReturns a subtotal in a list or database FALSE FALSEAdds its arguments FALSE FALSEAdds the cells specified by a given criteria FALSE FALSEAdds the cells specified by a multiple criteria TRUE FALSEReturns the sum of the products of corresponding array com FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of the squares of the arguments FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding value FALSE FALSEReturns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding va FALSE FALSEReturns the sum-of-years’ digits depreciation of an asset for a FALSE FALSEReturns the text referred to by value FALSE FALSEReturns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-d FALSE TRUEReturns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-d FALSE TRUEReturns the Student's t-distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the t-value of the Student's t-distribution as a funct FALSE TRUEReturns the inverse of the Student's t-distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the probability associated with a Student's t-test FALSE TRUEReturns the tangent of a number FALSE FALSE

Returns the kth smallest value in a data set

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Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number FALSE FALSEReturns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill FALSE FALSEReturns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill FALSE FALSEReturns the yield for a Treasury bill FALSE FALSEReturns the student’s t-distribution FALSE FALSEFormats a number and converts it to text FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of a particular time FALSE FALSEConverts a time in the form of text to a serial number FALSE FALSEReturns the inverse of the student’s t-distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of today’s date FALSE FALSEReturns the transpose of an array FALSE FALSEReturns values along a linear trend FALSE FALSERemoves excess spaces from text FALSE FALSEReturns the mean of the interior of a data set FALSE FALSEReturns the logical value TRUE FALSE FALSETruncates a number (you specify the precision of the truncati FALSE FALSEReturns the probability associated with a student’s t-Test FALSE FALSEReturns a number indicating the data type of a value FALSE FALSEConverts text to uppercase FALSE FALSEConverts a text argument to a number FALSE FALSEEstimates variance based on a sample, ignoring logical values FALSE FALSECalculates variance based on the entire population FALSE TRUEEstimates variance based on a sample FALSE TRUEEstimates variance based on a sample, including logical values FALSE FALSECalculates variance based on the entire population, ignoring l FALSE FALSECalculates variance based on the entire population, including FALSE FALSEReturns the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partia FALSE FALSESearches for a value in the leftmost column of a table and th FALSE FALSEConverts a serial number to a day of the week FALSE FALSEReturns the week number in the year FALSE FALSEReturns the Weibull distribution FALSE FALSEReturns the Weibull distribution FALSE TRUEReturns the serial number of the date before or after a spec FALSE FALSEReturns the serial number of the date before or after a spe FALSE TRUEReturns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows FALSE FALSEReturns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that FALSE FALSEConverts a serial number to a year FALSE FALSE

FALSE FALSEReturns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest FALSE FALSEReturns the annual yield for a discounted security, for example FALSE FALSEReturns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at ma FALSE FALSEReturns the one-tailed probability-value of a z-test FALSE TRUEReturns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test FALSE FALSE

Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date

Page 19: worksheet functions.xlsx

Category Count of FunctionStatistical 98Math & Trigonometry 64Financial 54Engineering 41Compatibility 38Text 24Date & Time 22Lookup & Reference 18Information 17Database 12Cube 7Logical 7Total Result 402