WORKPRO A SOFTWARE TO IMPROVE WORKING LIFE ! Designed, Developed and Marketed by Dev Pro Engineers & Consultants Chennai, India

WORKPRO A SOFTWARE TO IMPROVE WORKING LIFE ! Designed, Developed and Marketed by Dev Pro Engineers & Consultants Chennai, India

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Page 1: WORKPRO A SOFTWARE TO IMPROVE WORKING LIFE ! Designed, Developed and Marketed by Dev Pro Engineers & Consultants Chennai, India



Designed, Developed and Marketed byDev Pro Engineers & Consultants

Chennai, India

Page 2: WORKPRO A SOFTWARE TO IMPROVE WORKING LIFE ! Designed, Developed and Marketed by Dev Pro Engineers & Consultants Chennai, India

This Presentation will give you..

1. An overview of the WorkPro software.

2. How it systematically helps you in Improving your Operations.

3. What you need to do to Start using WorkPro for your organization.

Click the Mouse to Advance the Slides !

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WorkPro Software is Based on..

WorkPro is fully based on Work Study & ‘Lean’ Principles.

• WorkPro has various specially designed features to assist you in doing Kaizen, SMED etc in your organization.

• 5S can be done quickly with the software and the data stored for later verification.

WorkPro uses the power of Multi-Media & Database Technologies to make Work Studies very simple & easy for all.

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How does it Work ?

‘Work Study’ is the systematic study of the Work to create a knowledge base of ‘How, When, Where, Why, What and Who’ of the work so that the Work can be Improved.

  WorkPro has special menus and features which help a person to

perform an effective & accurate Work Study using a Video of the Work. This process is called Video Work Study (VWS).

• VWS consists of Two parts

1) Video Time Study ( VTS ) – which is the same as the conventional stop watch study but done more accurately using a Video. VTS can be quickly learnt by anybody.

2) Video Methods Study ( VMS ) – is the analysis of the Work Method so that the flaws / errors / wastages can be identified and improvements can be thought of to eliminate or reduce them. VMS is a good knowledge of the Work being studied.

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Sequence of Activities in WorkPro Software(Click the Mouse to Proceed step by step)

Take VideosIdentify New


Do Video Work Study

Analyze Data

WorkPro Team

Identify Improvement


Discuss & Create Implementation

Action Plans

Implement Action Plans

Create / Revise New

Operation Sheets

Work Study Data stored in Database

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WorkPro Software is meant for… For Doing Continuous Improvements :

• The main thrust of the software is to improve the operations by doing WorkStudy.

• Normally, a minimum of 10 to 15% improvement in throughput is observed, when the WorkStudy is done using the WorkPro software for the First time.

• WorkPro is a catalyst for the Lean & other improvement initiatives like 5S, Kaizen & SMED.

To Demystify & Simplify Work Study :

• Work Study is a simple & very helpful science to improve our working lives and it can be learnt by all personnel. Work Study knowledge will help the organization.

• WorkPro’s Use of Video and a PC has replaced the Stop watch & Writing pad used in conventional studies. This has made Work Study ‘Offline’ and indeed simplified it too.

• All Operators, Supervisors, Engineers & Managers can learn and usefully apply it to their own work with a basic two to three hours training in using the WorkPro software.

To Create Proper Work Standards :

• To help organizations to create their own ‘Work Standards’ which are more suited to their environment than third party ‘standard’ data.

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Advantages of WorkPro software..1. Improved way of doing Improvements !

Systematic Work Study : WorkPro software helps you in doing Work Study in an ‘organized, systematic & standardized way’.

Faster Rate of Improvements : It less time than conventional studies. The Productivity of People doing the Improvements are improved !

Fair Results for all : All the Studies done with the software are verifiable by anybody with the software in any place. This will help the managements & Unions in an equal way to eliminate mistrust due to differences in ‘Standard Times’ & daily Quota ‘fixations’ !

Ready Data at all Times : They can readily refer to the Data anytime they want and clear ‘doubts’ which is better than debating about a few ‘standard time’ seconds here and there !

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Advantages of WorkPro software.. 2. Creation of Operations Knowledge Base

Creation of Operations Knowledge Base : Work Pro Automatically creates & stores the Work Knowledge from the Work Study in a RDBMS Database (SQL Server Express) .

It can be accessed if the database & videos are put on a central server.

You can see the Video of the operation plus the Work Study Data at the click of the button— right in your Work Station Screen.

This kind of access can save a trip to the shop floor or a phone call / air trip to a far away unit.

You can even give your own Kaizen Idea / suggestion thru a customized WorkPro software module called ‘Kaizen Viewer’.

Worker Training : Train new workers to get better work output using the operation videos – by using our ‘Training Viewer’ module.

Correct Data for Planning : You can Transfer the actual cycle time & process Data to ERP & other planning software systems so that they are effective.

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Advantages of WorkPro software.. 3. Catalyst for Lean implementation ..

Easy of Implementation : Will help in easy implementation of Lean by identifying & reducing the seven wastages in all the operations.

For quickly identifying & doing Kaizen, SMED, 5S etc in your company to Improve the Quality & Quantity ( You can get about three Kaizen Ideas per five minutes of a Work Study Video).

Help in doing Ergonomic assessments to reduce the fatigue of the Worker and at the same time make them more productive.

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Main Modules of WorkProModule Name Purpose

1 User Login Users Login

2 Study Planner Planning the Work Studies

3Collect Data & Full View

VTS data collection & Capturing of Improvement Ideas

4 Comparisons Comparison of two videos & For Training

5 Standard Time Preparation of Standard Time & Work Method

6 Analyze Data For doing Method, SMED and Kaizen analysis & ERGO Assessments

7 Do Improvements Review of Improvements, Preparation and Follow up of Action Plans

8 Reports For all Reports

9 System System Maintenance

10 Help For users to access the WorkPro Guide

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This module is for users to Login to the system. An user ID & Password is required for every user.

Any number of users can access the system from a single PC.

This module also creates a user log of system usage & access monitoring by the software administrator.

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This module helps the planner to create a Work Plan & organize the video lists.

Has features for Creation of Master Data of Factory Units, Sections, Work Centers, Manpower, Tooling & Part Nos.

Also used for Input output of Work Study Data in XML and XLS formats.

Users can quickly Load and see any Videos in the Small screen and easily take a number of snapshots from it.

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This module is for doing Video Time Study (VTS) and registering the Improvement Ideas which come up during VTS.

Also has features for Creation of Routing sheets with of resources data.

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COLLECT DATA ( Full View )For viewing Videos in Various Sizes

Mainly to help viewing the Videos in a 800 x 600 resolution during measurement of Micro Motions , Therbligs and ERGO VTS studies.

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Meant for comparing two Video Time Study elements by playing the video side by side.

This module is very useful when one wants to know why & how a Time Study element differs from the other.

Is also used for playing the VTS elements in a different sequence to find out how the whole work will look like.

This module can also be used to create Training Videos which can be used for Training purposes.

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Mainly for creating ‘conventional’ standard time reports based on VTS data. You can give your ‘Allowances’, Ratings & Occurrence per cycle here and get the Standard time & Qty / Hour instantly.

This Standard Time defines a Standard Method also in an Implied way and is mandatory for doing Methods Analysis.

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This Module has the features for doing Methods Analysis like Flow Analysis, VA/NVA/RNVA analysis, Kaizen & SMED analysis.

Also has a very detailed set of menus for doing Method Study by Primary & Secondary Questions, Check Lists and Assessments.

Attached to this modules is the Ergonomics Assessments for RULA, REBA etc.

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All along your VWS work a number of Ideas come up. You can record these ideas using a very simple two step process in Work Pro – at any time.

In this module, you can view the list of Improvements recorded in a particular study.

You can also create an Implementation Follow up and Action Plan for each of the Ideas.

You can also do a quick cost and Time Estimate for each of the Ideas.

This module can easily be used to create minutes of the meetings in Excel format.

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Preparation and formatting all the reports from the software is done in this module.

The reports can be customized for each customer based on their requirements.

The Reports can be printed or can be taken in XLS, PDF and HTML formats.

In addition one can take output of data in XLS, PDF and HTML from any Debatable the you see in the software.

In this module you can easily prepare a very exhaustive Routing sheets from Work Study Data.

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This module is meant for creation of the User Data and their Access Rights.

The system gives three Types of Access Rights – Admin, Power user & User.

It also has features for the maintenance of the system by the Admin user.

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Users can quickly refer to the User Guide (PDF File) without leaving the system,

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Summary of the Benefits of using WorkPro in your company

Anyone in your company can learn WorkPro and apply the Principles of Work Study in doing Work measurements and do Improvements. With in an hour or two any person can do VTS. Within two days of usage they will get a full grasp of the software.

After WorkPro introduction, Improving any Work will be a normal affair and not a special event in your company.

It records all the data in a database so that you can retrieve it at any time for reference.

Your company can easily create working standards using process / operation / activity sheets besides the video documentation.

It can form the basis of doing all the Work improvements in your company.

Use of Visual Data will save lots of Time and arguments over technical matters.

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Q & A : How much Time one should take the Videos ?

Cycle Time (minutes)

Recommended Number of

Cycles to Sample

0.10 200

0.25 100

0.50 60

0.75 40

1.00 30

2.00 20

2.00 - 5.00 15

5.00 - 10.00 10

10.00 - 20.00 8

20.00 - 40.00 5

40.00 and above 3

Multiply your operations cycle time by the number of cycles to get the total video time required.

Also add 10% extra time to account for Video beginning and interruptions.

Pl note – the more samples the better will be the results

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Send us your Queries..

We have guided many customers in India and abroad in using Video Work Study for doing Improvements in their organizations Improvements.

We have guided them right from the selection of the Camcorder to storing of their Videos after Work Study.

We can help you fully in making WorkPro work for your organisation in a very quick and effective manner.

We would welcome your queries on all aspects of the software and its implementation..

Pl do send us your Queries by E-Mail or just give us a Call..we are fully prepared to help you.


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CONTACT USDev Pro Engineers & Consultants

Block 15, Flat ‘I’, Kalinga Colony,

P.T.Rajan Salai, K.K.Nagar,

Chennai – 600 078



Phone: +0091 44 2366 0154

Cell: +91 9884403477

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