© Andrea Martin Health in Action 2017 Workplace stress myths you should break

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© Andrea Martin Health in Action 2017

Workplace stress myths you should break

Page 2: Workplace stresss myths you should break - Health in Action

• As a busy manager with responsibility for managing people you will encounter workplace stress.

• You have a corporate responsibility to manage workplace stress.

• How much of what you know is fact and how much myth?

Workplace stress fact or fiction?

Page 3: Workplace stresss myths you should break - Health in Action

Improved Service

Myth 1: I am dispassionate when dealing with a colleague or team member suffering from workplace stress

• What you personally believe about managing workplace stress will be reflected in your approach to dealing with it.

• This influences the culture of your organisation, top to bottom without you always realising it.

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Improved Service

Myth 1: I am dispassionate when dealing with a colleague or team member suffering from workplace stress

Myth breaker:

•Review your personal attitude to managing workplace stress.

•Consider how your behaviour can promote positive mental health in your team.

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Improved Service

Myth 2: I am able to identify the signs and symptoms of stress both in my team and myself.

• Your body's stress reaction was designed to protect you but when it's constantly on alert a person’s health can pay the price.

• Identifying when that protection mechanism turns from “good” stress into “bad” stress is complex and requires vigilance.

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Improved Service

Myth 2: I am able to identify the signs and symptoms of stress both in my team and myself.

Myth breaker:

•Ensure you are familiar with the key triggers of workplace stress and have strategies in place to identify the signs and symptoms in not only your team but yourself.

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Improved Service

Myth 3: Stress is part of everyday life and nothing can be done about it.

• The long-term activation of the stress-response system, and the subsequent overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones, can disrupt almost all your body's processes.

• This puts you at increased risk of numerous health problems, including heart disease, depression and memory impairment.

• That's why it's so important to learn healthy ways to cope with the stressors in your life.

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Improved Service

Myth 3: Stress is part of everyday life and nothing can be done about it.

Myth breaker:

•Familiarise yourself with stress relievers and consider how you can better support other people in applying them.

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Myth 4: I can easily identify the potential causes of stress inside and outside the workplace

• As a busy manager you can become so familiar with working practices and culture in your organisation that you can overlook the potential sources of stress for both you and your team.

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Improved Service

Myth 4: I can easily identify the potential causes of stress inside and outside the workplace.

Myth breaker:

•Ensure you are familiar with the key areas of work design that, if not properly managed, are associated with poor health and well-being, lower productivity and increased sickness absence.•Identify the primary sources of stress at work.

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Improved Service

Myth 5: Workplace stress is a minor issue and is not business critical

• The total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2014/15 was 440,000 cases, a prevalence rate of 1380 per 100,000 workers.

• The number of new cases was 234,000, an incidence rate of 740 per 100,000 workers. The total number of working days lost due to this condition in 2014/15 was 9.9 million days.

• This equated to an average of 23 days lost per case. In 2014/15 stress accounted for 35% of all work related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health.

[Source HSE – Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain 2015]

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Improved Service

Myth 5: Workplace stress is a minor issue and is not business critical

Myth breaker:

•Put in place robust strategies to address work place stress and measure days lost and productivity before and after.

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Improved Service

Workplace stress myths you should break next steps

• Review your attitude to stress and consider how to promote positive mental health.

• Familiarise yourself with the key triggers of workplace stress, signs and symptoms.

• Identify stress relievers and support yourself and others in applying them.

• Examine key areas of work design to identify the primary sources of stress at work.

• Implement robust strategies to address work place stress and measure.

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Andrea Martin SCPHN(OH),RN

Health in Action

© Andrea Martin Health in Action 2017

Service: 0208 004 9339Sales : 0208 938 [email protected]

Want to talk through in confidence how to identify stress triggers in your organisation?

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