www.carters.co.nz LEADING NEWS & VIEWS FROM THE BUILDING AND JOINERY TRADES JUNE 10 FUTURE-PROOF BUILDING Trade Talk ......................................... P02 Regional Roundups .......................... P02 Money Matters .................................. P03 Legal Matters ................................... P03 The Insider ........................................ P04 Future-Proof Building ...................... P13 Hook, Line and Sinker ...................... P14 Tip of the Month................................ P15 NEW CE BRENT WALDRON If a member of the public, a contractor or an employee gets injured on an unsafe building site, it can become a costly business for chippies, with the prospect of them facing bank-breaking fines. What measures can builders take to protect themselves? What measures can they take to protect the public, contractors and employees? Construction can be a dangerous business and a rather costly one if you’re the principal builder on a project and a member of the public, a contractor or an employee gets injured on your site. With the increased pressure of keeping businesses open whilst construction work or renovations are being carried out, the likelihood of accidents happening and builders being held to ransom is becoming an ever increasing possibility. As with most things, the motto ‘prevention is better than cure’ can be a blessing in disguise. A builder’s first and most powerful line of defence against on-site accidents is to prevent them from happening in the first place by being extra pedantic when it comes to making your building site as safe and sound as possible. The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 is the builder’s site safety bible. It provides instructions on how to accident-proof a site in all areas that spell danger including those that are specifically dangerous for passers-by or those unfamiliar with building sites. So what are some of the key dangers builders have to consider? One major hazard is objects falling from buildings and scaffolding, including debris, scaffolding planks or bundles of building materials ‘in transit’ above by-passers’ heads. Also on the perilous side are construction trucks that suddenly appear out of nowhere, including footpaths frequented by pedestrians. Speaking of footpaths, there’s often the issue of pedestrians having to walk on the road because the construction site leaves them no other choice. And some of these pedestrians will be people who are older, have disabilities, or parents who are trying to get prams across obstacles such as hoses, rubbish, building materials and kerb detours. Slippery materials such as mud, paint or concrete covering footpaths or ending up splattered over unsuspecting foot traffic also pose a risk of injury, as does people traversing the site having to make their way past scaffolding tubes, rubbish and building materials or stumbling over weirdly positioned sole plates. Excavations are another biggie – there’s always the chance an adult, or even worse, a child could fall into them. Building sites can also be perilous to traffic, if construction trucks are parked on the road, for example, or carry huge loads that make navigating a person’s way through traffic a nightmare. Another aspect that needs to be considered is how safe and secure a construction site is after hours. So what can or rather should you, the builder and your staff do to guarantee that the public is safe when crossing your site? According to the Health and Safety in Employment Act guidelines, one crucial aspect you should take care of is that pedestrian detours are clearly defined, and that they are protected from road dangers when using those detours. You also need to supervise the passage of your construction trucks across footpaths and make sure there is sufficient signage or protective fencing to stop a person passing under suspended loads. That includes contractors and employees as well as passersby. Scaffolding that obstructs footpaths, also needs to be clearly marked and padded, if they pose any risk of injury. If there are excavations, these should be fenced, or covered, especially if they retain water as this could put kids at risk of drowning. And they should have warning signs, especially at night when there is nobody on site to supervise. Now, we all know that sticking to every facet of any law can be a ‘hard act to follow’, which is where Site Safe comes in. This small independent organisation was set up in consultation with the construction industry, OSH, building and property owners and developers, as well as architects and engineers, to help reduce on-site injuries. Site Safe’s mission is to help you plan and coordinate your building project both before and during construction, and to provide everyone involved in the industry a better understanding of their responsibility under the Health and Safety in Employment Act. For details, go to www.sitesafe.org Now, even if you take all of the above safety precautions, as Murphy’s Law will have it, there’s always the very human possibility that a member of the public, a contractor or an employee will have an accident on your site no matter what. Working without safety measures is a dangerous business 7 PAGE SPECIAL SECTION GREAT PRODUCT OFFERS Cont. pg2

Working without safety measures is a dangerous business - Carters

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fUtUre-Proof BUIldING

Trade Talk ......................................... P02

Regional Roundups .......................... P02

Money Matters .................................. P03

Legal Matters ................................... P03

The Insider ........................................ P04

Future-Proof Building ...................... P13

Hook, Line and Sinker ...................... P14

Tip of the Month ................................ P15

NeW Ce BreNt WaldroN

If a member of the public, a contractor or an employee gets injured on an unsafe building site, it can become a costly business for chippies, with the prospect of them facing bank-breaking fi nes. What measures can builders take to protect themselves? What measures can they take to protect the public, contractors and employees?

Construction can be a dangerous business and a rather costly one if you’re the principal builder on a project and a member of the public, a contractor or an employee gets injured on your site. With the increased pressure of keeping businesses open whilst construction work or renovations are being carried out, the likelihood of accidents happening and builders being held to ransom is becoming an ever increasing possibility.

As with most things, the motto ‘prevention is better than cure’ can be a blessing in disguise. A builder’s fi rst and most powerful line of defence against on-site accidents is to prevent them from happening in the fi rst place by being extra pedantic when it comes to making your building site as safe and sound as possible.

The Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 is the builder’s site safety bible. It provides instructions on how to accident-proof a site in all areas that spell danger including those that are specifi cally dangerous for passers-by or those unfamiliar with building sites.

So what are some of the key dangers builders have to consider? One major hazard is objects falling from buildings and scaffolding, including debris, scaffolding planks or bundles of building materials ‘in transit’ above by-passers’ heads. Also on the perilous side are construction trucks that suddenly appear out of nowhere, including footpaths frequented by pedestrians.

Speaking of footpaths, there’s often the issue of pedestrians having to walk on the road because the construction site leaves them no other choice. And some of these pedestrians will be people who are older, have disabilities, or parents who are trying to get prams across

obstacles such as hoses, rubbish, building materials and kerb detours.

Slippery materials such as mud, paint or concrete covering footpaths or ending up splattered over unsuspecting foot traffi c also pose a risk of injury, as does people traversing the site having to make their way past scaffolding tubes, rubbish and building materials or stumbling over weirdly positioned sole plates.

Excavations are another biggie – there’s always the chance an adult, or even worse, a child could fall into them.

Building sites can also be perilous to traffi c, if construction trucks are parked on the road, for example, or carry huge loads that make navigating a person’s way through traffi c a nightmare.

Another aspect that needs to be considered is how safe and secure a construction site is after hours.

So what can or rather should you, the builder and your staff do to guarantee that the public is safe when crossing your site? According to the Health and Safety in Employment Act guidelines, one crucial aspect you should take care of is that pedestrian detours are clearly defi ned, and that they are protected from road dangers when using those detours.

You also need to supervise the passage of your construction trucks across footpaths and make sure there is suffi cient signage or protective fencing

to stop a person passing under suspended loads. That includes contractors and employees as well as passersby. Scaffolding that obstructs footpaths, also needs to be clearly marked and padded, if they pose any risk of injury.

If there are excavations, these should be fenced, or covered, especially if they retain water as this could put kids at risk of drowning. And they should have warning signs, especially at night when there is nobody on site to supervise.

Now, we all know that sticking to every facet of any law can be a ‘hard act to follow’, which is where Site Safe comes in. This small independent organisation was set up in consultation with the construction industry, OSH, building and property owners and developers, as well as architects and engineers, to help reduce on-site injuries. Site Safe’s mission is to help you plan and coordinate your building project both before and during construction, and to provide everyone involved in the industry a better understanding of their responsibility under the Health and Safety in Employment Act. For details, go to www.sitesafe.org

Now, even if you take all of the above safety precautions, as Murphy’s Law will have it, there’s always the very human possibility that a member of the public, a contractor or an employee will have an accident on your site no matter what.

Working without safety measures is a dangerous business

7 PaGe sPeCIal seCtIoN


Cont. pg2


upcoming events

DISCLAIMER: The editorial information and other articles contained in this publication is of a general nature only. All such information has been checked for accuracy and published in good faith. However Carters accepts no responsibility on any grounds whatsoever, including liability in negligence, for the accuracy or the use or misuse of the articles and other information contained in this publication. Any opinions on legal or accounting matters are not intended to be comprehensive statements of the law or accounting on that topic, and should not be relied upon for that purpose. If actual advice is required on such topics it should be sought on a formal professional basis. Carter Holt Harvey Limited trading as Carters excludes liability to the extent possible at law for loss suffered by any person resulting in any way from the use of or reliance on material in this publication.Copyright: This reference material is entitled to the full protection given by the Copyright Act 1994 to Carters. Reproduction of any substantial passage from the material except for the educational purposes specified in that Act is a breach of that copyright. This copyright extends to all forms of photocopying and any storing of material in any kind of information retrieval systems.


trade talk

ACC takes care of personal injury, but in some cases where a principle builder or contractor has been deemed ‘extremely negligent’; the injured party might be awarded extra costs and damages for which the builder or contractor in charge may be responsible. An example is a case last year where a builder had to fork out in excess of $40,000 for a woman who fell and broke her arm on the Dunedin site a builder was overseeing.

To prevent this scenario from happening, John Lucas from the Insurance Council of New Zealand strongly advises that principal builders/contractors,

in other words those overseeing a building project, take out Public Liability Insurance. The good thing about this insurance is that it not only protects you against injury to another person, but also against damage to third party property. So for example, if a sheet of roofing iron falls on your car (or its owner for that matter) Public Liability Insurance will cover you for these eventualities. For more information on Public Liability Insurance visit www.icnz.org.nz

continued from cover

Hello to all readers of trade leader

My name is Brent Waldron and I am the new Chief Executive of Carters. I am a Kiwi returning from Australia to take up this role and am delighted to have joined the Carters team. Carters have a proud history over 150 years and it is a privilege to take custodianship of this business heritage.

I am currently working my way around our 52 nationwide stores with the objective of having visited them all within my first 6 weeks. One thing that has pleased and impressed me is the commitment of our people to their customers. The Carters people I have met have a genuine commitment to the success of their customers and to the welfare of the communities that they live in. In many cases, this has become a strong personal bond.

At Carters, we understand that our customers are our business and that we have to keep finding new ways to deliver cost effective and smart products and services to keep our customers successful. In contributing to our customers’ success, we will continue the Carters legacy for the people who come after us.

I am looking forward to meeting with and listening to our customers during and outside of my branch visits. We all understand that 2009 was a challenging year for our industry and that world economic conditions

will dictate the pace of the recovery. However, I am also of the view that our businesses will emerge stronger and better placed to benefit from an upturn.

The resilience, hard work and determination of Kiwis should never be underestimated. We are all descendants of people who braved the unknown and “gave it a go”. We try things because no-one ever told us we can’t; in some cases, because someone told us we can’t! We don’t wait for someone to tell us we can.

I’m backing our Kiwi customers to shine through and our Carters people to help make that happen.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Brent Waldron Chief Executive

regional roundups

rotoruaRotorua Youth Justice residence close to completionA 30 bed youth justice residence is due to open in Rotorua later this year.

Te Maioha o Parekarangi is a purpose-built residence, run by Child, Youth and Family. It will provide rehabilitation and therapeutic programmes for young people to address the reasons for their offending and support them to get their lives back on track, in a secure live-in environment.

Carters Rotorua is one of the main suppliers of carpentry materials for the build which is being carried out by Watts and Hughes Construction.

It’s the fourth purpose-built residence in the country for young offenders and will allow young people aged 14-17 years from the area to stay closer to their family and help with their return to the community. Similar residences are in Auckland, Palmerston North and Christchurch.

Built on a 9 hectare site south of the city on land leased from the Parekarangi Trust, the residence has three 10 bed residential units, a secure unit, a life skills/transition to independence unit, administration block, hall, and buildings for other educational, recreational and cultural activities.

Around 100 staff are being recruited to provide 24/7 care at the residence, including social workers, youth workers, night staff, chefs and cooks and administration staff.

For more information visit www.cyf.govt.nz

InvercargillFast food, even faster constructionKFC likes its buildings constructed the way it likes its food – fast and with a strong impact.

When it put out its tender for one of its outlets in Invercargill to be demolished and a new one built and ready for open day, all within 13 weeks, Archer Construction was keen to take up the challenge.

When news came his firm had won the contract director Kerry Archer wasn’t afraid to take on a project that could truly test the performance of any business.

The company demolished the original 300sqm brick, plaster and concrete building and quickly began work on the new timber framed showcase outlet, eagerly watched not just by KFC head office but also by the food outlet’s customers around the area.

It’s the tightest timeframe the construction firm has ever needed to work to. The frame was constructed on site and within eight weeks the exterior cladding was up and the windows installed.

“One of the biggest challenges has been the weather,” says Archer. “There was so much rain in the area that roads and bridges were closed within 10km. The rain caused a lot of difficulty for us – for instance with getting the membrane for the roofing installed and trying to get a watertight building for everyone to work in.

“Another of the challenges of having such a tight time frame has been needing to have so many sub-trades working on the building at the same time - there have been up to 15 working alongside each other, which has kept our contracts manager George Francis and site foreman Ray Quinlan on their toes in terms of organisation.”

Archers, which is celebrating its 30th year in business and has a team of 18, is certainly proving it’s no chicken when it comes to taking on a challenge!

New CE Brent Waldron.

Registered Master Builders Carters Apprentice of the Year competitionIf you haven’t yet entered for the Registered Master Builders Carters Apprentice of the Year competition, you still have time. Entries close 30th June. For more information check out the Facebook page: RMB Carters Apprentice of the Year or go into one of our branches or online to www.carters.co.nz/apprenticeoftheyear.

The 42nd New Zealand National Agricultural FieldaysNational Agricultural Fieldays held from 16th – 19th June in Mystery Creek, Hamilton. Come visit our stand at H72-H74 and we can talk to you about your next building, fencing or farming project.

Certified Builders Association New Zealand (CBANZ) Annual Conference on 11- 13th June at Rydges in Queenstown

Rotorua Youth Justice Residence


All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.

legal matters

moneY matters

PoWers of attorNeY – a UsefUl doCUMeNt

CoMMoN KIWIsaVer QUestIoNs

is valid only if the donor, the person giving the authority, has the capacity to deal with the matters themselves. The power therefore becomes invalid if the donor become mentally incapable. Unlike an ordinary power of attorney however, an enduring power of attorney remains in effect when the donor becomes mentally incapable. An enduring power of attorney is often considered by those who are concerned about who will look after their affairs if they are rendered unable to do so.

An enduring power of attorney in relation to Personal Care and Welfare enables the appointment of an attorney to look after the donor if they become sick or incapable of making decisions in terms of their personal care and welfare. Only one person can be authorised to act under such a power of attorney.

The Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 provides the legal framework under which enduring powers of attorney can be arranged. The purpose of the Act is to protect the rights of people to manage their own

affairs and to make their own decisions, especially in circumstances where through age, accident or illness they may be rendered incapable of doing so. The Act allows people to plan for the future by granting a power of attorney.

It is important to choose carefully who you appoint as an attorney. You may appoint a number of people to act on your behalf in relation to different matters concerning property. It is common practice for people to appoint relatives or professional advisors such as a lawyer or an accountant as their attorney. In the case of an enduring power of attorney the appointed person must be an individual over 20 years old, they cannot be bankrupt or subject to a personal or property order.

Finally, like wills and other long term documents, powers of attorney should be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to refl ect who you currently wish to make decisions on your behalf. They can be retained by your lawyer if necessary for safekeeping.

Edmund Lawler & AssociatesSpecialise in commercial work, building contracts and disputes and litigation. Contact: 09 528 5512

Glenn Beuvink’s company BBR Ltd provides tailored business and financial solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses, individuals, trusts and families. Contact: (09) 309 0388.

Got a legal question? Email it to:[email protected]

Got a money question? Email it to:[email protected]

by Glenn Beuvink

Money Matters is recognised by the Department of Building and Housing as contributing towards the Licensed Building Practitioner scheme for skills maintenance. So if you are a Carpentry, Site 1 or 2 licence holder, by reading this article you will get 1 point towards your skills maintenance.

KiwiSaver has been around a while but it is still a topic a lot of our clients have questions on. Many of the questions raised are common ones and are driven primarily by employees.

This article is going to look at addressing questions from the employee.

Maybe laterEnrolment into the KiwiSaver scheme is automatic once you start a new

job and optional to join up if you are currently employed (and haven’t enrolled previously). This is where a lot of people get confused. If you do not want to be a part of KiwiSaver you have to fi ll out a KiwiSaver “opt out” form between the 2nd and 8th week of starting your new job otherwise, consider yourself enrolled. You can apply for a late opt out but the success of this is extremely limited, so if opting out is your thing, it’s best to opt out within the 2nd and 8th week timeframe.

I could use a holidayA contribution holiday mean - basically you can elect to stop contributing to your KiwiSaver scheme. You can apply for a contribution holiday after you have been in KiwiSaver for 12 months or more. The contribution holidays can last anywhere between three months and fi ve years and there is no limit to the number of contribution holidays you take. It is possible to take a contribution holiday within the fi rst 12 months of employment, however, you would need to demonstrate that you are in fi nancial diffi culty or are likely to be in the future.

I’d make more money buying Lotto ticketsIs joining KiwiSaver worth it? There are a number of schools of thought here, however, it really depends on your fi nancial profi le. For example, are you disciplined enough to save regularly and able to make wise investment decisions for your future retirement that deliver a return greater than what you would get from investing in KiwiSaver? A lot of people say they live on the “breadline” and aren’t in a fi nancial position to afford KiwiSaver contributions – can these people afford not to?

Home sweet homeThinking of buying your fi rst home? There is a fi rst home subsidy available to members of a KiwiSaver scheme that have been contributing regularly for 3 years and are buying their fi rst home (if you are not buying your fi rst home, but are in the same position of a person buying their fi rst home, there are exceptions). The subsidy is $1,000 for each year of contributing to KiwiSaver (maximum of $5,000); if you have a spouse who is eligible

this could mean a subsidy of $10,000.Show me the moneyCan I get the funds out, if so when and how? The answer is yes. You can get the funds out, including the government contribution and employer contributions as a lump sum when you turn 65 and qualify for superannuation. If you want to get the funds out before then, you need to be suffering from what the IRD determines to be signifi cant hardship (in that case you can only withdraw your contributions not the government kick start) or if you move oversees permanently.

by Edmund Lawler

Legal Matters is recognised by the Department of Building and Housing as contributing towards the Licensed Building Practitioner scheme for skills maintenance. So if you are a Carpentry, Site 1 and 2 building participant by reading this article you will get 1 point towards your skills maintenance.

A Power of At torney is a legal document which authorises a person or persons to act on behalf of another person. A power of attorney can authorise a person to act on your behalf for your fi nancial or property affairs or for your personal care and welfare.

Powers of attorney may also be granted by a Company (not a person in their capacity as a director) or by a Trustee.

A power of attorney is useful for those who expect to be unavailable to sign documents or make decisions for reasons such as leaving the country on business or holiday, for health reasons expecting to be rendered

incapable of making important decisions for a time, or simply wishing to pass over the decision making powers to colleagues, professionals or family members.

A power of attorney enables you to ensure that during your absence your fi nancial matters, such as your property affairs, are attended to by an authorised person. You can authorise the attorney to have the consent to act on your behalf in all matters, or you can limit the authority to specifi c matters only. The limitations in a power of attorney may include that particular assets are to be managed on your behalf, how long the power is to be valid for or when the power of attorney is valid e.g. only when you are out of New Zealand.

There are two types of powers of attorney, one being an ordinary power of attorney the second being an enduring power of attorney. An ordinary power of attorney is valid until it is cancelled, or if it is for a fi xed term until that term expires. An ordinary power of attorney

?? ?


All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.

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Premium appliance packPurchases must be made between 1st - 30th June 2010. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Promotion available to Trade account holders and cash sales. Cash sales will need to complete a redemption form. One voucher per customer. Qualifying customrrs will be notifi ed in July and voucher distributed.


Purchases must be made between 1st - 30th June 2010. Offer only applies to purchase of full shower enclosures and tapware not included. Showers brought on contract pricing are excluded from this promotion. Purchases must be on one purchase order. The rewards will be distributed with the products.

Purchase any Athena Allora Lifestyle Series Shower and receive a FREE Gasmate portable BBQ PLUS a BBQ light and tool set (RRP $289)


Purchases must be made between 1st - 30th June 2010. Offer only applies to purchase of full shower enclosures and tapware not included. Showers brought on contract pricing are excluded from this promotion. Purchases must be


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Hitachi DV18DL 13mm Cordless Impact Drill• 13mm steel-cased keyless chuck • Impact mode for concrete drilling • 2-speed gearbox plus vari-speed for maximum control • 22-stage adjustable clutch • 86Nm hard torque output • 2 Li-ion 3.0Ah batteries • Automatic spindle lock • Adjustable belt hook • Side handle • 45 min fast charge • Supplied in robust carry casePTHTDV18DL

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$20280 GST Excluded

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$23880 GST Excluded

Offer is valid from 1st – 30th June 2010, while stocks last. Free CJ65V3 distributed with the goods at point of purchase.

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Hitachi 13mm High Torque Drill• 13mm heavy-duty keyed chuck • 800W motor• Variable speed and reverse • Triple reduction gearbox• Maximum speed of 600rpm but with

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Offer is valid from 1st – 30th June 2010, while stocks last. Free G12SS distributed with the goods at point of purchase.

Hitachi 13mm High Torque Drill• 13mm heavy-duty keyed chuck

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Hitachi 18V Lithium Ion 4 Piece Combo Kit• Kit includes; CR18DL 100mm Cordless Sabre Saw,

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$99900 Kit GST Excluded

Offer is valid from 1st – 30th June 2010, while stocks last. Free UR18DSL distributed with the goods at point of purchase.

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SAVE $150


Get moistureproofed

Purchase a pack of Ecoply® Barrier and go into the draw to win one of 15 brand new Makita Framing Nailers, and 3 boxes of Euronail 3000 nail gas packs!


Ecoply® Barrier is a pre cladding lining designed for residential construction and acts as a secondary line of protection against moisture ingress into the building structure.Ecoply® Barrier is sealed on the face and edges using an advanced polyester powder coating process for increased sheet durability and protection from moisture penetration.

It’s suitable for use as a rigid sheathing and air barrier for residential buildings within the scope of NZS3604 and has been independently tested as meeting NZ Building Code rigid sheathing performance requirements.

• Kit includes; CR18DL 100mm Cordless Sabre Saw, C18DL 165mm Cordless Circular Saw, 18v Impact Drill

• Industry Leading Li-ion technology featuring the full


Nail Gun features:• Easy load gas cell chamber • Hook for belt or extends to fit over joists etc• 7.2V Lithium-Ion battery with 30min charge

• 44 nail magazine• LED light service indicator• Depth adjustment via on-board hex wrench• Air filter to protect machine from dirt & debris

Purchases must be made between 1st - 30th June 2010. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Trade account holders only. Qualifying customers will be notifi ed in July and prize distributed.

Features and Benefi ts:• Fully tested code complaint rigid air barrier system• High structural bracing when installed as per Ecoply bracing specifi cations• Temporary weather protection to building envelope prior to cladding installation• Fast close in allows for earlier interior fi nish• Special water repellent face coating• Manufactured from 100% sustainable plantation pine

• Low formaldehyde emission (E0)• Sheets can be exposed to weather for up to 90 days prior to cladding installation• FSC certifi ed (SCS-COC-001316) upon request

To learn more about Ecoply Barrier visit www.ecoply.co.nz or contact your local Carters Branch

Barrier and go into the draw to win one of 15 brand


All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.

Installed solutions for your building project

Hotwire Undercarpet Heating• Heating mats are “custom made” specific to your

dimensions• Incorporates worldwide patent pending (Patent no NZ

532691) slip cloth between the carpet and the heated mat, which is essential in preventing wear on the topside of the heated mats, from the abrasive underside of the carpet, and provides longetivity to the heating system

• Heating mats are encapsulated in reinforced high temperature foil providing even heat distribution

• Fully earthed protection for added safety• Design and installation = Nationwide “qualified

tradespeople”• Adds minimal height to your floor level• International standard IEC800• Five year manufacturers warranty, and installation, if

installed by a THC registered installer

Hotwire Mirror Demister• Self-regulating heating film• The heating film will not overheat, as the resistance

increases with the temperature• Operational savings are achieved. When the

temperature increases by 10 degrees, the reisistance increases by 4%, so therefore achieving a power decrease

• Superior mechanical strength and durability from the aluminium heating elements

• No risk of corrosion, leakage or product failure, due to all in one unit, with no lamination properties or conductors

• Safer use and durability due to one termination connection

**Installed pricing only valid when installed with under/central vac systems.

Hotwire Under Tile Heating• Heating elements = World leading technology• Design and installation = Nationwide “qualified

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insulation available, providing toughness and durability• Earth braided screened jacket = Safety and protection• An average cover of 3-4mm self levelling screed =

Protection against damage, superior adhesion and negates extra tiling costs

• Provides beautifully warm floors and room ambience• Full automation is available to suit your lifestyle,

therefore offering substantial operational savings• Response time is = 30-45 minutes, dependent on type of

substrate and floor coverings• Lifetime warranty and installation, if installed by a

THC registered installer• International standard IEC800• Local standard AS/NZS60335.2.96:2002

Hotwire In Concrete Heating• Suitable for coloured concrete, residential,

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Hotwire in-concrete heating installed 750w 5m2 25mHEICH0750

$42500* GST Excluded

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$101200* GST Excluded




Hotwire Under Carpet Mat Installed 250W Standard 3.4m2


$34900* GST Excluded

Hotwire Under Carpet Mat Installed 800W Square 10.7m2


$58900* GST Excluded

Hotwire Under Carpet Mat Installed 1600W Std 20.00m2


$79900* GST Excluded

Hotwire Mirror Demister 30W 350 x 350mm InstalledHHEMDI350

$6600** GST Excluded

Hotwire Mirror Demister 60W 275 x 625mm InstalledMDI625

$8250** GST Excluded

Hotwire Mirror Demister 80W 550 x 800mm InstalledMDI800

$9450** GST Excluded

Convection heat from a radiator system.

Radiant heat from floor heating.

Hotwire Under Tile Heating Installed 3.33m2 500W HEUTS0500

$47000* GST Excluded

Hotwire Under Tile Heating Installed 4.00m2 600W HEUTS0600

$50000* GST Excluded

Hotwire Under Tile Heating Installed 4.67m2 700W HEUTS0700

$53000* GST Excluded




A Vacuumone® system comprises a power unit, dust collector (unobtrusively located in the garage or utility room), integrated PVC ducting and usually two or three vacuum inlet valves strategically installed around the home.

* Based on new home construction. Please see instore for other specifi cations and conditions. Selection of sizes advertised only. Please ask for a complete price list.

Designed for ease-of-use and versatility, VacuumOne® systems eliminate the cleaning drudgery associated with dragging a portable vacuum cleaner from room to room. Combining performance with unparalleled effi ciency, and always with a little more style.

A central vacuum system should be an integral part of a building, just as your water, electricity, gas and telephone are.

• Low maintenance – unlike conventional vacuum cleaners, the large-capacity dust container only needs emptying a few times a year

• Easy to operate – a lightweight, fl exible hose simply plugs into the nearest vacuum inlet valve

• Easy to install – can be installed into new and retrofi tted to most existing dwellings

• Energy-effi cient – more suction means less operating time, improved energy effi ciency and lower electricity usage

• Faster operation – superior performance also means less time vacuuming

Mistral 1010 Central Vacuum System with Bag and 9m Hose Pack. 2 wall inlets.• More wall or floor (vac pan) inlets can be added as required.HACV1010MIST2

$139000* GST Excluded


Endura 1040 Bagless Central Vacuum System with 9m Hose Pack. 2 wall inlets.• More wall or floor (vac pan) inlets can be added as required.HACV1040END2

$158000* GST Excluded




PAY FOR 3 & GET 4!Included in each pack.

Aerofast 4m x 25mm Tiedown Triple Pack GEAFAR25TP

$3107 GST Excluded

Aerofast 5m x 25mm Tie Down Mini Ratchet Twin Pack GEAFTWMR5

$4084 GST Excluded

Trailer Cage for 7x4 UtilityGETA0894

$39900 GST Excluded

Trailer Cage for 8x5 Ultra & BossGETA0840

$49900 GST Excluded

Taurus Trademate 4 Pocket Split Leg Leather Apron• Made from hardwearing full grain leather • 38mm heavy duty webbing belt with side release buckle• Heavy duty stitching and riveting for strength• A popular style apron for the tradesman• Tools not includedHTTAAC13R

$7996 GST Excluded

SAVE $40

Cage for 7X4 Utility trailer shown. Trailer not included.

Trailer Tasman Tip 7X4 “Utility”GETA74UT

$139900 GST Excluded

Trailer Tasman Tip 7X4 “Utility”


Free spare wheel and trailer lock distributed with goods at point of purchase, while stocks last.

Free Cooler Bag distributed with goods at point of purchase, while stocks last.

with every Tie Down twin pack purchased!FREE COOLER BAG

with every Tasman trailer purchased!


Trailer Tasman 8X5 Tandem Axle “Boss”GETA85BO

$216000 GST Excluded


Trailer Tasman 8X5 Tandem Axle “Boss”GETA85BO

$2160108 POINTS*

LIMITED STOCKNatural Stone Schist Veneer• Basalt, Coromandel Green and Cape Brown• Random sizes laid out ready to fix• 2-4cm thickness• Column blocks and sills also availableCLSC18/CLSC03/CLSC24

$15000 Per M2 GST Excluded

Accredited installer available.

The rugged beauty of schist


Not an Advantage member? Talk to your local Carters branch manager or sales rep to fi nd out more.

*As per terms and conditions of the Advantage programme. Points as per promotional price.

Taurus Trademate 4 Pocket Split Leg Leather Apron• Made from hardwearing full grain leather • 38mm heavy duty webbing belt with side release buckle

SAVE $40


All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.

Which sheet fl ooring?Carter Holt Harvey® Woodproducts offers a range of easy to install flooring substrate systems to suit almost any flooring project.

Why Use Kopine Ultralock®?• Extremely cost effective particleboard fl ooring system for use in

internal dry applications • Unique edge gluing system (on long edges) requiring no support

nogs or dwangs in most cases saving time and money• Compared to conventional tongue and groove particle systems the

unique glued edge offers superior joint shear strength and increased water resistance.

• Edges can be glued in wet weather • May be exposed to weather for up to 8 weeks during construction

Why Use Ecoply® Flooring?• Ecoply plywood fl ooring offers superior span, strength and durability

compared to particleboard and most other fl ooring substrate systems

• Compared to 20mm particleboard, 19mm Ecoply Longspan Flooring is:

• Over two times stiffer and defl ects less than half as much on joists fi xed at 600mm centres

• At 600mm joist centres 19mm Ecoply Longspan achieves equivalent fl oor performance to 20mm particleboard at 450mm centres

The above information is a general guide only For more information and product literature on Ecoply and Kopine Ultralock fl ooring visit www.ecoply.co.nz and www.kopine.co.nz or contact customer services on 0800 326 759.

Note: Exterior or wet fl ooring areas requires the use of a NZ Building Code approved barrier material to protect the fl ooring substrate surface.

Flooring selection guide

when you purchase over $2000 of Firth Masonry Blocks or Firth Veneer Cladding

• 10.1” LED display• Intel N270 1.6GHz CPU• 1GB RAM DDR2• 160GB HDD• Intel UMA Graphics• WiFi b/g/n wireless• Webcam• 6 Cell Battery• Windows XP Home

Purchases must be made between 1st - 30th June 2010. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Trade account holders only. Excludes Firth paving or retaining products. 1 reward per customer.Qualifying customers will be notifi ed in July and reward distributed.


No No


Ecoply Flooring H3.2 CCA Treated

Use in exterior orwet areas?


Ecoply Flooring Untreated


Is superior span orpanel rigidity required

Kopine Ultralock Flooring


Used with under fl oor heating systems?

• 10.1” LED display• Intel N270 1.6GHz CPU• 1GB RAM DDR2• 160GB HDD• Intel UMA Graphics• WiFi b/g/n wireless• Webcam• 6 Cell Battery• Windows XP Home

• 10.1” LED display• Intel N270 1.6GHz CPU• 1GB RAM DDR2• 160GB HDD• Intel UMA Graphics• WiFi b/g/n wireless• Webcam• 6 Cell Battery• Windows XP Home



SAVE $40

Stabila Craftsman Level ST96-2-1200mm• Get accurate results with a slimline design that can withstand

drops and knocksHTSB9621200

$8884 GST Excluded AL-KO Submersible Pump - Dirty Water• Maximum flow rate of 7,500 litres/hour or 125 litres/minute makes the pump ideal for

quickly draining pits, ponds, dams and flooded areas• Thermal overload switch that automatically switches the pump off if it starts to overheat• Vortex impeller design that effortlessly disposes of debris and suspended particles

up to 30mm• Universal angle connection that has a free pivoting 90 degree angle connection that

prevents kinking of the pump hose• Casing manufactured from hard wearing poly propylene for corrosion resistance• 10 metre electrical cable for added convenience• 2 year warranty for added peace of mindHTMKADRAIN6001

$10662 GST Excluded

Selleys Roof & Gutter SiliconeTranslucent 310gADSERGS310

$1062 GST Excluded

Selleys Liquid Nails 375ml 6 PackADSELN3756

$3107 GST Excluded

Selleys Liquid Nails High Strength 375mlADSELN3756

$707 GST Excluded

Selleys Liquid Nails Platinum 390gADSELNLUS390

$1151 GST Excluded

Selleys All Clear 270gADSEAC270

$1329 GST Excluded

and play for $5,000 worth of prizes

Prize also includes: travel to and fromAuckland, accommodation, breakfast & dinnerfor two, plus pre-game poker training.


when you purchase a 6 pack of Selleys Liquid Nails


Free Beanie distributed with goods at point of purchase, while stocks last

Free Sleeveless Reversable Vest via redemption, while stocks last.

when you purchase 20 or more Selleys Liquid Nails High Strength 375ml cartridges


Stabila Craftsman Level ST96-2-1200mm• Get accurate results with a slimline design that can withstand

drops and knocksHTSB9621200

8884GST Excluded

Stabila Craftsman Level ST96-2-1200mm• Get accurate results with a slimline design that can withstand


Stabila Extra Heavy Duty Craftsman Level ST96-2-1800mm• Made from rugged materials, this extra heavy duty level will go

the distance and still measure with precision

$14218 GST Excluded



All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.

With the launch of Carters new SmartDoor Insulated Sectional Garage Doors range, many builders have been asking the question, why would you bother insulating your garage?

A Christchurch builder who recently purchased a SmartDoor without realizing it was insulated asked that very question. They pointed out that the design had positioned the laundry inside the garage. The garage was being lined as most internal access garages are, so the cost to insulate two more walls and a ceiling was not a lot extra in the context of the entire project. The result… a happy wife and a builder that was pleased he’d ‘accidently’ ordered an insulated door!

On the fl ip side, in summer you often have to open the garage door to let the heat out! As the steel of a single skin door heats up the heat is transferred directly into your garage. The insulated door panels offer the same protection from heat transfer in summer as they do for heat loss in winter.

The other bonus of an insulated door is

the 40mm thick panels don’t have that noisy ‘rattle’ often present with single skin doors and along with the quiet door operation the panels also reduce the transfer of noise to and from the home.

Since internal access garages became commonplace, the function of the home garage has changed signifi cantly. No longer is it just a room where the Holden, lawnmower and beer crates are stored, but increasingly garages are used as multi-purpose rooms.

Andrew Haglund Operations Manager for Signature Homes North Shore recently placed a SmartDoor in their Stonefi eld’s showhome. “It was a no brainer for us, our sales team use the garage as an offi ce during its time as a showhome, so to be able to insulate the room and make it quieter for them was great. The door actually looks a lot nicer on the inside as well, and the cost was similar to a standard door.”

So perhaps the question really should be; “why wouldn’t you insulate your garage?”

SmartDoors are available exclusively from your local Carters store and more information can be found at www.smartdoor.co.nz


Why insulate your garage

Flooring Kronospan• Available in Black Teak, Pine Sacramento,


$2990 per pack GST Excluded

Easy living.


Sealed ready for useStain, fade and abrasion resistantEasy to install - world-patented click system

Easy to clean and maintainHealthy fl ooring choice10 year warranty

Black Teak

Pine Sacramento

Oak Mist

Oak Natural

$16.31 per m2



Cubic Capacity - A home for tools and toys!


Cubic Capacity is the answer... when the question is: “Have we built enough storage into our house design?”

• Tools are easier to fi nd if they have a home to start with. Use Cubic Capacity to make repairs easier.

• Your tools can join you on the job with Cubic Capacity on wheels.

• The extra deep cabinet could manage both your bag and your trundler. Together with your shoes.

• It won’t fi x your short game but at least you won’t trip over your bag getting to the car.

• With a door mounted storage rack for the rods you will also have access to the cupboard space behind.

• Because everything has its place you will fi nd what you need even with an early morning start.


$241218 GST Excluded


$261100 GST Excluded


$143730 GST Excluded


$151348 GST Excluded


$258014 GST Excluded


$283290 GST Excluded

Car/Bike MaintenanceKitset

$301592 GST Excluded


$329119 GST Excluded

• Storage designed to accommodate the variety of shapes gardening tools come in. From shovels to gloves and bottles.

• Hazardous chemicals can be locked away saving you, your family and your plants from unintended exposure.

Cabinets are available as individual units, please ask one of our Carters representatives for more information and pricing.


All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.

Future-Proof Your BusinessCMS began their 2010 Future-Proof Building Roadshow series in May.

Last year’s events hosted almost 3,000 trade professionals across sixteen venues. This year’s events are delivering some topical presentations from DBH, BRANZ, and Edmund Lawler and Associates, as well as innovative products from 30 leading suppliers in the construction industry. CMS are excited to be revisiting Gisborne after many years, and also visiting Rotorua.

The 2010 Roadshow series will highlight different strategies and thought-provoking ideas to make sure trade professionals like you are kept abreast of changes in our industry, new product innovation and required skills to continue to operate at the forefront. This should assist in creating a thriving business for you, attracting and retaining customers and maximizing the value offered to your customers.

And best of all these Roadshow events are still free to attend!

This year CMS introduces three key note speakers:

Department of Building and Housing (DBH) - Paul Alsford will cover topical areas such as trade licensing, clarifying the Licensed Builder Practitioner (LBP) scheme. Also discussed will be changes made to the building consent process

and proposed legislation changes in the pipeline from government.

Edmund Lawler and Associates - Edmund Lawler will speak on facilitating some of the Government changes into commercial reality, managing liability risks and the single hazard class for timber treatment. This is presented with thanks to Carters.

BRANZ - Chris Kane or Richard Arkinstall will give an insight into the extent of some of the BRANZ global research into building design and specification, examining significant development trends, and what the shape of construction in NZ could look like in 20 years time.

The Future-Proof Building Roadshow breakfast dates remaining are:

Tauranga – 29th June - Baypark

Rotorua – 30th June - Distinction Hotel

Napier – 1st July - War Memorial Hall

Gisborne – 2nd July – Gisborne Showgrounds

New Plymouth – 3rd August – Plymouth International

Palmerston North – 4th August – The Convention Centre

Wellington – 5th August – Duxton Hotel

Nelson – 6th August – Trafalgar Centre

Queenstown – 19th October – Millennium Hotel

Invercargill – 20th October – Ascot Hotel

Dunedin – 21st October – Edgar Centre

Christchurch - 22nd October – Addington Raceway


CARTERS fl exible

lighting range:

• Easy selection guide

• Save costs

• Economical energy

saving options

• Fitting designs ensure


Easy Home



Adopt a whole home approach to energy effi ciency lighting with Superlux and everbody wins!

With energy effi cient light fi ttings the home owner can save over $500* per year on their power bill, and for every house lot of 20 units you will receive a $50 petrol or supermarket voucher!**

See the latest Easy Home Lighting Solutions brochure at your nearest Carters branch.

*Average savings for a typical 3 bedroom home.** Conditions apply. Minimum order value $500.00. Promotion valid 1st June – 31st August 2010. See instore for details.

To reserve your place at one of the above events please email [email protected], call Kim on 09 589 2064 or talk to your local Carters rep or branch.




I love making fi shing television and never lose enthusiasm for meeting people and exploring wonderful places. The Gone Fishin team head to Western Australia this month to focus on fi lming whale sharks and catching giant trevally and sailfi sh. I am also greatly intrigued by the pearling history in Broome and have been researching all sorts of interesting stories on the subject.

Western Australia gives us a chance to take you somewhere new and different.

From this month we are off air for 12 weeks while Geoff Thomas does his stint, although we will run a series of late Thursday night repeats.

The line up for the next group of twelve episodes is fantastic and will include Western Australia.

Before series 18 swings into gear, there is an entirely different fi shing show going to air. Match Fishing League is a project I decided to become involved in last year and it turns fi shing into a competitive sport.

Imagine fi ve teams competing against each other in a home and away series. Match Fishing League utilises two identical Extreme 610 centre console boats powered with Yamaha 150 four stroke outboards. The home team gets to set the rules including target species,

points value, gear to be used and any other little twist that they perceive may give them a competitive advantage. Two points for a win, one for a draw and nothing for a loss.

I think that MFL will be great television. This is not just another bunch of anglers going out to catch fi sh; this is fi shing television with a genuine difference.

For me, the more fi shing we have on ‘the box’ the happier I am but it was time for at least one show to break the shackles and produce something new.

When Gone Fishin’ reappears you will notice some changes also; more underwater footage, some seriously good ways to cook seafood and all in glorious high defi nition.

Carters are, of course, supporting both series. The Carters Casters are one of the fi ve teams competing in this years MFL competition and they are a bunch of ‘young guns’ full of enthusiasm but how will they go against the wily old Yuasa Seafarers, a team chock full of experience?

Bay of Islands legend Captain Bucko and his all ‘girl’ team should be unbeatable on their home turf. They appear as the Selleys Reel Appeal team. Representing the Bay of Plenty, enter the fray Michael Rendle editor of Coast to Coast magazine and the Hooked on Kia Team and last but not least a team of commercial and recreational guys called the Oceanz Pirates. We have fi lmed the competition, it’s in the can, and we know you will love it; in the meantime check out the website www.matchfi shingleague.co.nz

Imagine a Match Fishing League test match or series against Aussie and South Africa. Imagine a whole new bunch of sporting heroes that our kids can aspire to. Imagine competing in the MFL qualifying rounds and winning the right to represent your region. Imagine also becoming one of those anglers that competes against Aussie. Match Fishing League is here and I think you are going to love it - especially if you get a chance to compete.

Tight Lines!


Selleys Reel Appeal - Captn Bucko, Karlean and Marilyn.



Did you know?The motherof-all-fi lled rolls Stupid cow!

Although a cow has no upper front teeth, it grazes up to 8 hours a day, taking in about 45 kgs of feed and the equivalent of a bath tub full of water. It all comes out the other end, not surprisingly ripping a gigantic hole in the ozone layer.(source: hemmy.net)

I’ll be back!In Terminator 2 – Judgment Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger received a salary of $15 million. He spoke 700 words that translated to $21,429 per word - so “Hasta la vista, baby” cost $85,716! (source: didyouknow.org)

Best foot forwardNeil Armstrong stepped on the moon with his left foot fi rst. One small step for a man. A giant leap for southpaws. (didyouknow.org)

You’ll need:

- A french stick- 50g butter- 400g ham- 400g salami- 400g block of grated cheese- One diced onion and a can of

gherkins to garnish

1. Cut the french stick in half. Butter both halves, adding ham to one half and salami to the other.

2. Add cheese to both halves, scatter onion and gherkins over both tops.

3. Tuck in.

4. Find a shady spot for anafternoon kip.

Ultimate Stats






(source: didyouknow.org)

(source: didyouknow.org)

(source: didyouknow.org)


Just Weird

Ultimate Stats



All prices exclude GST. All savings are based on Carters normal retail price. All offers valid 1 June 2010 to 30 June 2010 unless otherwise stated. *Advantage points are based on promotional price advertised.


We’ve got you covered with over 50 stores nationwideNorthlandKAITAIA Dunn Street, Ph: (09) 408 6170 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)KERIKERI Kahikatearoa Lane and SH10, Waipapa, Ph: (09) 407 6609(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)PAIHIA Opua Estate, SH11, Main Road, Paihia, Ph: (09) 402 7331(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)DARGAVILLE Normanby Street, Ph: (09) 439 3099(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)WHANGAREI 32 Commerce Street, Ph: (09) 438 3659 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)MANGAWHAI Moir Street, Ph: (09) 423 1180(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)WARKWORTH Main Road, Ph: (09) 425 7879 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)MAUNGATUROTO 186 Hurndall Street, Ph: (09) 431 8575(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)WELLSFORD Main Road South, Ph: (09) 423 8914(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)

Auckland SUPPORT OFFICE Private Bag 94027, Manukau, 2241, Ph: (09) 272 7200WHANGAPARAOA 35 Karepiro Drive, Ph: (09) 424 6300 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)ALBANY 10 Tawa Drive, Ph: (09) 415 7171 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)GLENFIELD 66 Diana Drive, Ph: (09) 441 2333(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)

HENDERSON 141 Central Park Drive, Ph: (09) 837 8796(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)ST LUKES 14 Taylors Road, Ph: (09) 815 5726 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 4pm)ONEHUNGA Cnr Neilson Street & Galway Street, Ph: (09) 634 0579(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)EAST TAMAKI 95 Harris Road, Ph: (09) 274 5755(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)PANMURE 130 Jellicoe Road, Ph: (09) 570 0650(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)PAPAKURA 12 Walters Road, Ph: (09) 299 9081 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)PUKEKOHE 60 Manukau Road, Ph: (09) 238 6836 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)ROUNDWOOD DRURY 280 Great South Road, Ph: (09) 294 8497 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 4.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm) (Stockists of Roundwood and Outdoor Treated products only, excluded from most national advertising promotions.)

Central North Island HAMILTON 1052 Te Rapa Straight, Ph: (07) 849 6042 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 4pm)CAMBRIDGE 41-45 Albert Street, Ph: (07) 827 6460 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)THAMES State Highway 26, Kopu, Ph: (07) 868 7047 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WHITIANGA 12 Moewai Rd, Ph: (07) 866 2489 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WHANGAMATA 103 Lindsay Rd, Ph: (07) 865 8590 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)TAURANGA Birch Avenue, Judea, Ph: (07) 578 9099 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12pm)MT MAUNGANUI Owens Place, Bayfair, Ph: (07) 575 6821 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)

ROTORUA Cnr Te Ngae & Sala Street, Ph: (07) 347 3201 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)TAUPO Cnr Spa Road & Totara Street, Ph: (07) 378 2776 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)NAPIER Dunlop Road, Onekawa, Ph: (06) 843 5877 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)HASTINGS Caroline Road, Ph: (06) 878 6109 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WAIPUKURAU Herbert Street, Ph: (06) 858 9050 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)GISBORNE 342 Gladstone Road, Ph: (06) 868 8099 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WAIROA McDonald Street, Ph: (06) 838 7339 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm)NEW PLYMOUTH 24 Egmont Road, Ph: (06) 759 5460 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WANGANUI 95 Wilson Street, Ph: (06) 348 1750 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)

Lower North Island PALMERSTON NORTH 69 Railway Road, Ph: (06) 351 0810 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)CARTERTON 37-53 High Street, Ph: (06) 379 6866(Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)MASTERTON 134-138 Lincoln Road, Ph: (06) 370 9750 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)KAPITI 14 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu, Ph: (04) 298 8129 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)

PETONE 22-30 Annie Huggan Grove, Ph: (04) 576 0600 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)PORIRUA Kenepuru Drive, Ph: (04) 237 9069 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WELLINGTON 176 Hutt Road, Kaiwharawhara, Ph: (04) 472 1521 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 4pm)

South Island NELSON Nayland Road, Ph: (03) 547 7700 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)BLENHEIM New Renwick Road, Ph: (03) 577 5344 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm) RANGIORA 642 Lineside Road, Ph: (03) 313 7104 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)BURNSIDE 567 Wairakei Road, Ph: (03) 358 5006 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)CHRISTCHURCH CITY 379 Madras Street, Ph: (03) 379 0520 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5.30pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)WESTPORT Robertson Street, Ph: (03) 788 8206 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm) QUEENSTOWN 131 Gorge Road, Ph: (03) 442 7620 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)DUNEDIN 9 Orari Street, Ph: (03) 455 6139 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)INVERCARGILL 7-29 Forth Street, Ph: (03) 214 4459 (Open Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm, Sat: 8am - 12.30pm)


ADHESIVE APPLICATION OF TITAN FAÇADE PANEL Using the correct amount of adhesive when installing James Hardie Titan® Façade Panel to CLD® Structural Cavity Battens is an important tip. Follow the three simple steps below:

1. Mark the correct bead size on your cartridge. The method used will depend on the type of nozzle you have. Either

Cut the end off the threaded stub on cartridge, screw on marked nozzle and cut nozzle to 6mm bead size at a 45º marked angle or

Screw on marked nozzle to cartridge and cut nozzle to 6mm bead size at a 45º marked angle. Pierce internal membrane with nail or similar object.

2. Fit cartridge into caulking gun.

3. Ensure battens are clean, dry and free from any loose material, then extrude the sealant fi rmly as a continuous 6mm thick bead of adhesive sealant. Use either Seal -N-Flex-1 or Sikafl ex-11FC over the CLD Structural Battens. The adhesive is to be applied full length of the Titan Façade Panel.

Adhesive beads thicker than 6mm will prevent the panels from being pushed tight against the CLD Structural Cavity Battens. i.e. the compression on the adhesive must be correct. Do not rely on mechanical fi xing. Excessive adhesive could result in fi xings moving.

Note: These helpful tips must be read in conjunction with the Titan Façade Panel Technical Specifi cation available for download at www.jameshardie.co.nz or simply ask James Hardie 0800 808 868. The product must be installed in accordance with this specifi cation.

Being a Registered Master Builder means belonging to the most respected building industry body in New Zealand. Our well established brand is widely recognised by consumers as a hallmark of quality which gives them confi dence when entering into a building project.

Our reputation of Building Excellence has stood for well over one hundred years – a testament to the high quality skills and experience of our building company members.

Registered Master Builder members have unique access to:

• The Master Build Guarantee• Support and networking opportunities through our regional and national network• The Registered Master Builder brand• Superior member benefi ts and discounts that reduce the cost of running a business • The House of the Year and Commercial Projects of the Year Awards programmes• A wide range of best practice industry contracts and documents• Signifi cant advocacy input into issues on behalf of members and the wider industry• Comprehensive national marketing and advertising

If you are a building professional who wants to build a solid reputation by becoming a part of the country’s leading industry organisation, join Registered Master Builders today.




When you demand high peformance choose the best – choose GIB

GIB Aqualine® for wet area protection GIB Noiseline® to reduce noise GIB Ultraline® for a smoother fi nish GIB Braceline® for protection against wind loads and earthquakes GIB® Standard the economical lining

Just spend $3000 or more on GIB® Standard, Ultraline®, Aqualine®, Noiseline® and Braceline® during June and July and you’re in the draw to win a trip for you and a mate on the Carters Advantage Footloose tour in August.


Purchases must be made between 1st June and 31st July 2010. Total amount GST exclusive. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Trade account holders only. The Prize is a trip for you and a mate on the Carters Advantage Footloose Tour from 27th August to 3rd September. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be substituted for cash or alternatives. If the winner is unable to attend a new winner will be drawn. The prize package for two includes return travel and transfers to Auckland International airport to depart, 7 nights twin share accommodation at The St Regis Hotel (Friday 27th August to Friday 3rd September 2010), daily breakfast, return economy class air travel for two (2) on either Air New Zealand/ United Airlines or Qantas from Auckland to New York, including NZ and USA departure taxes, return transfers from airport to hotel, Carters organised Footloose activities. Excludes other food and beverages. Cisco FLIP camcorder will be distributed in August.



When you demand high peformance choose the best – choose GIB®

for protection against wind loads and earthquakes

June and July and you’re in the draw to win a trip for you and a mate on the Carters

Purchases must be made between 1st June and 31st July 2010. Total amount GST exclusive. Entry is automatic on invoices raised. Trade account holders only. The Prize is a trip for you and a mate on the Carters Advantage Footloose Tour from 27th August to 3rd September. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be substituted for cash or alternatives. If the winner is unable to attend a new winner will be drawn. The prize package for two includes return travel and transfers to Auckland International airport to depart, 7 nights twin share accommodation at The St Regis Hotel (Friday 27th August to Friday 3rd September 2010), daily breakfast, return economy class air travel for two (2) on either Air New Zealand/ United Airlines or Qantas from Auckland to New York, including NZ and USA departure taxes, return transfers from airport to hotel, Carters organised Footloose activities. Excludes other food and beverages. Cisco FLIP camcorder will be distributed in August.