Working with the fillable pdf - Form No. 549D

Working with the fillable pdf - Form No. 549D

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Working with the fillable pdf - Form No. 549D. Agenda. Opening Comment Fill in a simple Form549D Will address Generic FAQs / Errata as we proceed in filling out Form549D ( to eliminate inconsistencies between Form and Data Dictionary) Open the workshop for questions. Opening Comment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Working with the fillable pdf - Form No. 549D

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Opening Comment

Fill in a simple Form549D Will address Generic FAQs / Errata as we

proceed in filling out Form549D (to eliminate inconsistencies between Form and Data Dictionary)

Open the workshop for questions

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Opening Comment

In designing the form, defining the fields in the data dictionary and writing the instructions, our goal was to produce a package that was generally applicable to the entire industry of 311/Hinshaw companies.

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Opening Comment – cont’d

The Data Dictionary, the Instructions and Orders may initially describe our most preferred form of certain of the requested data, followed an acknowledgement that if you don’t have the data in this form, then input the data in the manner in which you maintain the data.

This is true for receipt and delivery point names and IDs as well as shipper number and contract numbers.

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Opening Comment – cont’d

Field No. 27 – rate schedule designation. NGA companies (excl. Hinshaw) must have

tariffs that conform to section 154.103. The 311/ Hinshaw companies need only

comply with section 284.123(e). For Form 549D – just identify the shipper’s

rate schedule from your “statement of rates.”

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Sample Form 549D

Respondent data – (Fields Nos. 1-18) – One time per reportShipper Data – (Fields Nos. 19-21) – One or more per respondent

Contract Data – (Fields Nos. 22-25) – One or more per shipperService Data – (Fields Nos. 26-32a) – One or more per contract

Rates Data – (Fields Nos. 33-53) – One per serviceBilling Units Data – (Fields Nos. 54-67) – One per serviceAnnual Revenue Data – (Fields Nos. 68-72) – One per


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Sample Form 549DRespondent data – (Fields Nos. 1-18)

Field No. 1 – Your company’s name

Field No. 2 - FERC designated Company Identifier is obtained though the FERC webite and is required to make this and all eTariff filings. Note:The Data Dictionary is correct – the CID is a “C”

followed by six numeric digits. Every company should have a Company Identifier – required

to make an eTariff filing. The number is public but the FERC has not posted them.


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Field No. 2 What is a FERC CID and where is it?

To find a number go to eLibrary and open the “FERC Generated Tariff Filing.RTF” version of your Baseline SOC filing.

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Field No. 3a – Explanation for Resubmission

This is a contextual Field that requires you to first select “Resubmission” in Field No. 3.

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Field No. 5 Do I file if I don’t transport anything?

Yes, see Field No. 5. Must fill out Fields No. 1-18 concerning

respondent information. In Field No. 5 confirm that you did not

transport gas in the current quarter. Note: If the report is for the 4th quarter and

you transported gas in any of the first 3 quarters you must fill in annual revenue data in Field Nos. 68-72.

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Sample Form 549D Shipper Data – (Fields Nos. 19-21)

Input new shipper Add new shipper – click the “Add

Shipper” button. Remove a shipper – click the “Remove

Shipper” button. Removing a shipper will remove all of its

contracts and services

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Sample Form 549D Contract Data – (Fields Nos. 22-25)

The contract information is meant to identify the transaction with a shipper.

Input a “master” contract number – the contract number is not meant to trigger a new transaction.

The shipper and contact data is automatically included in the header for billing units data and annual revenues.

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Sample Form 549DService Data – (Fields Nos. 26-32a)

Recall earlier comment – FERC doesn’t control the SOC in the same manner as NGA tariffs. Provide enough detail about the service and rate schedule so that one can reasonable identify the rate from the “statement of rates” in SOC.

Field No. 28 refers to the docket in which you requested the rates you are currently charging customers. If there was a rate change list both dockets.

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Sample Form 549DService Data – (Fields Nos. 26-32a)

Field Nos. 29-32a contain instructions for collecting data that would be uniform across the industry. The Orders state that if you do not use industry common codes / names, then provide the identification codes / names used internally. Requesting consistency between periods.

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Sample Form 549D Rates Data – (Fields Nos. 33-53)

Field Nos. 33 – 53 are for a single transaction. Will only fill-in a select set of fields for any given transaction.

Field Nos. 33-35 are meant for peak day service for firm transmission or as peak day / daily deliverability for firm storage.

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Sample Form 549D Rates Data – (Fields Nos. 33-53)

Field Nos. 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, and 52 are and examples of the diversity of the 311/Hinshaw companies industry. With state rate elections the FERC does not control the rate units.

Are there options currently used that we may have missed including?

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Sample Form 549D Rates Data – (Fields Nos. 33-53)

Field No. 53 is meant to include any non standard charge, i.e. some state based rates may include a meter / customer charge.

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Sample Form 549D Billing Units Data – (Fields Nos. 54-67)

Field Nos. 54 – 67 are for a single transaction. Will only fill-in a select set of fields for any given transaction.

Field Nos. 54-56 are meant for peak day service for firm transmission or as peak day / daily deliverability for firm storage.

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Sample Form 549D Annual Revenue Data – (Fields Nos. 68-72)

Field Nos. 68-72 are only required for annual revenues to be filled out in the 4th quarter.

They are only required for transportation transactions – not storage related transactions.

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Simple Example ofExport to Spreadsheet

Complete data input and save file / form. Export data to a spreadsheet / CSV file.

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Sample Example of Edit Prior Quarter’s Form 549D

At end of prior quarter – do SaveAs Q2Y2011-Form549d.pdf for 2rd quarter of 2011.

At end of current quarter – open Q2Y2011-Form549d.pdf.

Immediately do SaveAs Q3Y2011-Form549d.pdf for 3rd quarter of 2011.

Edit and save the Form.

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Simple Example of Data Validation Process Clear Form 549D Import XML file

Does it properly populate Form 549D? eFile the XML file and the validated

Form 549D PDF file.