Working to a Brief LO1 Hannah, Marie and Charlotte

Working to a Brief

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Page 1: Working to a Brief

Working to a Brief LO1

Hannah, Marie and Charlotte

Page 2: Working to a Brief

Contractual BriefDefinition – A contractual brief is a contract that explains what the rules are between both the

client and the worker. It tells you about what the client wants from his job, this helps the worker to understand what they want. For a contractual brief to work the worker would have to agree before they signed the document. By signing it, it means that they agree on how much they are getting paid etc. You couldn’t do a contractual brief properly without including the liability insurance. This is another contract that covers any legal issue’s that you may have. For a worker they would have to make sure that they understand and agree to everything that has been put on the brief, if not then it might be to late. You have to make sure it’s correct so that you don’t break any rules on the contract, if you did then the client could sue you for your actions.

Advantages – When you have a contract like this, it should help be an advantage because everything that you do will be covered e.g. insurance . This contract can guarantee that you’ll be paid after doing the job, by having a written document it means what you have signed for is what you will get which is safe and helps you to meet your deadline straight away. Another advantage about having this contract is that it outlines all the guidelines that the worker had to do, this makes it easier and clear so that they can get on with the job without any hassle.Disadvantages – The disadvantages of having this contract is that it can be to controlling, this is because you and the client might not get along with the rules of the contract. By not getting along it means it will take longer to actually negotiate a contract, you want to be professional and have a deal but if your not agreeing on the terms then it wouldn’t work out. For example on the client brief you want to get along with the company because if not then you lose business and that client.

Page 3: Working to a Brief

Formal BriefDefinition – A formal Brief is a contract that lays down all the rules and regulations for the

company to follow, it’s normally from the client telling you what to do. It only tells you the information that is needed for the project nothing else. This is similar to a contractual brief because both the client and company have to agree on the regulations before they go forward. The contract doesn’t always cover legal contracts which would be risky to the company. Formal briefings can also be told to a larger group of people which can be quite useful when getting a large project done.

Advantages – It is known that a formal brief is very easy to read and helps the client to understand the different aspects of the contract. It’s similar to the income brief where it’s nice and relaxed which means the contract isn’t complicated to read, but instead quite easy which means they can get the job done quickly and sufficiently. Another advantage is that the contract can never be changed which means you don’t have to read about any other new ideas but just the ones on the contract. By sticking to this contract it means more people are able to stick to the contract without any distractions, this makes it look more professional.

Disadvantages – As the contract can never be changed it means that if the company want to buy more resources for the project, then they couldn’t because of how fixed the contract is. To do this you would have to pay for the products yourself, this would affect the companies budget which can be more expensive altogether.

Page 4: Working to a Brief

Informal BriefDefinition – An informal brief is a something that has to be done together with the client. It would have to be set

out like a meeting so that they can cover most things about the project. An informal brief doesn’t include a contract or any documents but the brief has to appeal to the company for them to go forward without a contract. By discussing the brief it means theirs no strings attach, which means the date can be chosen at any point, this makes it less complicated.

Advantages – The good thing about having an informal Brief is that there’s no strings attached, it’s easy and sets a nice environment for the company and the client. These kind of meetings can be done quickly as it’s just a discussion about what the project should be, whilst a normal contact meeting would be quite long as it details all the rules and regulations of the contract. Another advantage of this would be you can change ideas throughout which might make it easier for the client and the company. For the client’s brief if we had an informal brief, it would be good as you can be creative and change your recipe's on the cards which might look better than the original idea.

Disadvantages – The issue with having an informal brief is that it’s just a meeting which means all the details are verbally told and not on a written document. When you have things written down on a written document it helps people to feel comfortable knowing they will get paid. Sadly without a written document you might not be paid and you can sue the client at all. This would link to the client’s brief because if we are making the recipe cards and then they don’t want to pay us then we’ve wasted money making the cards and also wasted our time when we could have done other projects with other clients. Another disadvantage you be that it looks unprofessional to meet a client and not organise a contract, by just talking it doesn’t seem as professional. By only being verbally told what to do, you might easily forget some significant factors about the project which might make the product look quite rubbish.

Page 5: Working to a Brief

Co-Operative BriefDefinition – An informal brief is a something that has to be done together with the client. It would have to be set

out like a meeting so that they can cover most things about the project. An informal brief doesn’t include a contract or any documents but the brief has to appeal to the company for them to go forward without a contract. By discussing the brief it means theirs no strings attach, which means the date can be chosen at any point, this makes it less complicated.

Advantages – The good thing about having an informal Brief is that there’s no strings attached, it’s easy and sets a nice environment for the company and the client. These kind of meetings can be done quickly as it’s just a discussion about what the project should be, whilst a normal contact meeting would be quite long as it details all the rules and regulations of the contract. Another advantage of this would be you can change ideas throughout which might make it easier for the client and the company. For the client’s brief if we had an informal brief, it would be good as you can be creative and change your recipe's on the cards which might look better than the original idea.

Disadvantages – The issue with having an informal brief is that it’s just a meeting which means all the details are verbally told and not on a written document. When you have things written down on a written document it helps people to feel comfortable knowing they will get paid. Sadly without a written document you might not be paid and you can sue the client at all. This would link to the client’s brief because if we are making the recipe cards and then they don’t want to pay us then we’ve wasted money making the cards and also wasted our time when we could have done other projects with other clients. Another disadvantage you be that it looks unprofessional to meet a client and not organise a contract, by just talking it doesn’t seem as professional. By only being verbally told what to do, you might easily forget some significant factors about the project which might make the product look quite rubbish.

Page 6: Working to a Brief

Negotiated BriefDefinition – A negotiated brief is when two or more companies come to together to negotiate ideas

about a project. When negotiating through the contract, they don’t stop the discussion until they have an agreement altogether. The brief is all about going through the contract so that everything is fair between both parties and the client, it allows new ideas to come forward for the project so that it can be the best quality. When negotiating they would have to make sure that the ideas they produce are in the legal guidelines, if they broke any of this then they might get sued.

Advantages – This helps to let you know what you are doing and what has been improved e.g. the theme and visual aspects of the project. This means both of the companies and client can really grasp on what they want and need. Another advantage of a negotiated brief is that when you negotiate your ideas with one another then it means that there will be less conflict but strong solutions. When negotiating through the contract, it helps to find new economic deals, this is because if they discuss about spenditure etc. then they might find better ways to save money. By Negotiating ideas with the client it means that you get to see a wider picture of what they want and have a better understanding.

Disadvantages – A disadvantage of having a negotiated brief is that you can discuss about certain subjects to much, this can be quite draining and it wouldn’t help you to get to the bottom of your problem. When both parties are negotiating about the contract then they might forget about the best deals that can come from a contract. Instead the two parties just agree on a idea because they have been talking to much. Which means they don’t agree on what they want altogether.

Page 7: Working to a Brief

Commission BriefDefinition: when somebody commissions a brief they hire a separate independent media

company to create a product for them coming, formulating there own research, proposals and ideas for the product which is then over seen by the commissioner, in our case this doesn’t effect what we are creating as we have been given a formal brief set by the client but in some cases if this had been commissioned the profits would have had to be split between the company and its developers or the independent company used.

Advantages; this works well for the independent company because they are getting paid for doing there job as well as the chance to have a share in the profits made by the company meaning they are ending up with a healthy profit. In eyes of the company it works well for them too because it means that they have the time to work on other projects at the same time as they don’t have to be so involved in projects.

Disadvantages; the company doesn’t get such an active role in the desion making for the product and so they could end up with something very different to what they expected. You may have to also share out profits with other investors and share holders in the business meaning the profit that you get is a lot less than what you might have first expected.

Page 8: Working to a Brief

Tender BriefDefinition: this very similar to somebody advertising a job advert, where by the

client publishes an advert showing that they need a media product to be made, where by a number of production companies may pitch or send in there brief and adaptations to what the client is wanting to try, showing the estimated cost and how the product may be produced and get that bid and secure the project, it is then left to the client to decide upon the which proposal they feel fits there needs and has answered the brief in the best way.

Advantages; some of the advantages to using this type of brief is that the client has access to a number of different ideas that they not have first thought of, and then they can choose between them or have the opportunity to build in aspects of these different briefs to create a product that you want.

Disadvantages; however the disadvantage of using this type of brief of could be for the companies that are wanting the project because not all the of these companies that have applied will get the job.

Page 9: Working to a Brief

Competition BriefDefinition; is a brief that is left open to any company to take part in for any participating

production companies. As each company has the opportunity to complete the brief , which can then be judged and assessed on there suitability for its end use, the chosen project is then published by the company. This type of brief is seen as very similar to a tender brief as the same elements are applied with the fact that many people can apply for this project/role. Similarly to our own product is the fact that we have been set a brief to create a set of recipe cards, as well as competition within the group to get the recipe cards printed, which will be chosen by the client who set the brief for this project.

Advantages; an advantage for the company is that most of the time these types are projects become available through competitions or advertisings and the winning idea is given a prize or paid in cash which can work out cheaper for the company then any other way. As well as the fact that the company can take on other work on the side meaning they are making more money as the business is expanding.

Disadvantages; however, it means that after all that work put into each production company only one will get chosen and paid meaning the others have make there projects for nothing without prizes or being paid.

Page 10: Working to a Brief

My BriefWhich structure/structures will the Vegetarian Recipe Cards brief use? Reference your reasons for choice/choicesThe recipe cards also has elements of being a Competition brief because as well as

our group completing 8 recipe cards there will be a number of other people in competition to create the recipe cards that will be picked out by they client for its end use, element which reflects this style f brief is the fact that isn't a paid job and could be seen a competition which will then be judged.

the recipe cards that we will create have the elements of both Informal and aspects of formal. The informal parts to this are there is no contract or written agreement that proves the partnership and what this contract includes such as payment, deadlines and the basis for the product, which could means if there are an disagreement between the client and production team meaning that these circumstances might chance. However the aspects of this being formal is that a brief is drawn up that establishes the boundaries for the final product, and so by having this document means the producer knows to create the product within these guidelines.

Page 11: Working to a Brief

Reading the BriefWhy is important to thoroughly read your brief?When starting any project it is important to read through the brief that you have been set because it will express

what the client wants, and so with this information you are more likely to create something that is appropriate for its purpose. From this you are able to make notes on what is needed such as for the recipe cards that express how they want these recipe cards setting out using metric rather than imperial measurements , numbering the method and the ingredients in order. Using interesting and creative designs that will suit vegetarians and vegans.

For this there are two main elements that can be split up to make the brief easier to understand and break down which are: the nature; that is based on what had been asked for you and what the final product expected. As well as the demand; that cover the details involved including the time constraints and man power needed to get the project finished in time.

When applying it to my own brief the nature of the product and some of these key elements include: • wanting interesting and creative designs for a new series of recipe cards. • We need designs on both the front and the back of the card. • There should be a clear theme across all the cards so it is apparent that they are a set. When applying this to my own brief the demand of the product is as the following: • Been created by three people that have the skills needed for photography, graphic design, the copy and

having a chef or expert in that area.• This project has a 10 week schedule to get the recipe cards completed, using college time 3 days a weeks as

well as time outside of college to get this project finished within the deadline.

Page 12: Working to a Brief

Reading the BriefWhat is the nature and demand of the Vegetarian Recipe Cards brief?The nature of the brief is that we have to produce a set of cards. The cards need to be sturdy and

need to be able to be wiped clean. Usually laminate enables this but the product also has to be biodegradable which raises the price of production so a solution would be useful for the organisation but it isn’t 100% needed. The cards need to have the design on both sides although with a clear theme linking all the cards together. High quality food photographs need to be used on the cards so the public knows what the should meal look like. The information about the recipe, the method (which needs to be numbered) and ingredients, need to be set out in a special way and certain information has to be added onto the cards before the recipe. This information is the serving number, preparation time, cooking time and vegan suitability. The companies branding strip needs to be included so the public know that the product belongs to the client.

The demand of the brief is ten weeks until deadline. We will have three people working on the project, this will ensure the project gets done in time and done to a high standard.

Page 13: Working to a Brief

Negotiating a BriefWhy is it important to discuss the brief with your client prior to production?If you have any queries or problems with the brief then you can clear them up before starting the

production. If you start production and you’ve not understood the brief properly then you can start to produce a product that isn’t right. If the product doesn’t fit the brief then you won’t get paid. This will be a waste of time and money.

You can also discuss your ideas and see if they match what your client had in mind. If they like your ideas then it’s a green light that you are on the right tracks and can go ahead and make the product.

While discussing ideas with your own clients we could bring up the Afternoon Tea theme we have decided on and see if it is suitable or not. If the client is pleased with this theme then we can continue into production, if not then we can revaluate your ideas and change it until the clients agrees with the recipes and theme.

Page 14: Working to a Brief

Negotiating a BriefWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of employing discretion with a brief?If the information on the brief is vague and left for your own interpretation can mean that you

have freedom with what you produce. You have to make sure it fits perfectly with the parts of the brief that is set but if parts are very vague then you can interpretation them yourself meaning you have a lot more freedom with your ideas and ultimately your product.

However, if your client interpretations that part of the brief differently they can refuse to pay you since you haven’t met the needs the brief portray. Its important you don’t change important parts of the brief or your work won’t be accepted or published. An important part of our brief is to use vegetarian recipes so we can’t include meat in the meals. If we do then the cards won’t match the brief and the client will refuse the products.

Page 15: Working to a Brief

Negotiating a BriefAre there any potential legal/ethical/regulatory issues with the brief’s proposed product? There are some laws you need to think of before going into production. For example, Copyright.

You can’t include anything that is copyrighted unless you have permission by the creators of the item. If you give your product to the client when it is infringing copyright and they use it, it will result in them getting sued. They will then sue you for giving them the product. Privacy laws and the race discrimination act needs to followed too. You can’t publish peoples private information or use their lifestyle/stories as an example in a negative way.

You need to ensure the brief fits the ASA regulations. For example, in our brief if they said it was okay to include meat in the recipes then that would be false advertising because the products say they are suitable for vegetarians. False advertising is against ASA regulations and they will remove the product from the public.

Page 16: Working to a Brief

Negotiating a BriefAmendments you have considered to;The ProductIf the finished product isn’t of a high enough quality then you will need to redo some of it. This needs extra

time which should be in your schedule as contingence time. Similarly you could have to lower your ambitious of the product in order to finish it on time. You could of misjudged the time taken to complete a part of your work and in response to that have to cut other parts out of your work. Reaching the deadline is more important.

Also ensuring you haven’t used anything that breaks the law like copyright infringement. If you have used something in you work that is copyrighted without getting the companies permission then they will sue you.

The BudgetIf the budget needs amending its most probably because the project will cost more than originally thought. If

the project does go over budget then there are multiple things you can do, ask for more money off your client and explain that your work has gone over budget. If they refuse then you can make up the difference yourself or downscale your work. Remove some things so it costs less.

The ConditionsIn the brief conditions include wages. It is important you sort out how much you are going to get paid for the

project before you sign the contract otherwise you will have to be paid that much. This is bad if the project overruns or requires more resources than you thought, therefore costing you more. If you get paid less than it cost to produce then you are making a loss

Page 17: Working to a Brief

OpportunitiesWhat opportunities could this brief allow you to explore? Self Development; this brief will allow the people of the group to work on there team work,

discussion and negotiation skills within the group, it also means that you will be able to develop your skills in the aspects of work that is required from you such as the graphic, writing , photography and cooking of the recipes.

Learning new skills; as well as giving people specific jobs to do, from our group we will have the opportunity to try out some of these skills as well whether this is supervising the photographer or getting involved in the cooking of the food that we choose to create. Another skill that we will learn is when it comes to working with a client, meaning it has to be to a professional standard, and maintain a business like attitude to the work.

Multi-skillingWithin our group we will be doing different jobs between us e.g. One of our group members will

be a photographer and chef. Another one of our members are doing graphic design and copyrighting. Combining the skills of us of our members they will collaborate to create the graphics meaning team work will be key.

Contributing to a briefWe will be making all the food products from our chosen recipes. As are theme is for elderly

people, we think making cakes will be a good option as it’s a product that everyone loves. We will be doing this by going to one of the members house to produce this.