Community College and Career Training Grants Presented by WorkEd Consulting, LLC Fulcrum Group, LLC

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Community College and

Career Training GrantsPresented by

WorkEd Consulting, LLCFulcrum Group, LLC

Bio: Mason Bishop

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

Principal, WorkEd Consulting

Vice President, Institutional Advancement Salt Lake Community College

Deputy Assistant Secretary, DOL/ETA

Legislative & Marketing Director, NASWA

Public Affairs Director, Utah Department of Workforce Services

Bio: Brent Orrell Principal, Fulcrum Group

Senior Fellow, ICF International

Acting Assistant Secretary, ETA

Deputy Assistant Secretary, HHS/ACF

White House CFBCI

Director, DOL-CFBCI

Capitol Hill Legislative Aide

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC

All rights reserved.

Overview Purpose of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)

TAA Legislative History

Trade Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act (TGAAA) of 2009 and Community College and Career Training Grants (CCCTG)

CCCTG Planning Process & Implementation

Pre-SGA/Post-SGA Proposal Development and Implementation

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

TAA Purpose Provides aid to workers impacted by

increased imports or shifts in production to other countries

DOL delegates program operation to states

Worker group eligibility determined by federal petition process

State workforce agency determines individual eligibility and provides benefits/services

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

TAA History Foundation of current law—Trade Act of


Workers impacted by trade receive more benefits and services than other dislocated workers

Reform and reauthorization in 2002

Consolidated with NAFTA-TAA

Added Health Coverage Tax Credit and wage insurance option for older workers

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

TGAAA of 2009 Became law as part of the America

Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

Expands benefits/services for TAA-eligible workers

New benefits/services expire December 31, 2010

Appropriations likely to continue reauthorized program beyond 2010

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

TGAAA Training Enhancements

130 weeks of cash payments to workers in full-time training and 156 weeks for remedial training

Full- and part-time training

Pre-layoff training when separation is imminent

Annual funds for worker training increased from $220 million to $575 million (DOL to states) WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum

Group, LLC All rights reserved.

TGAAA Grants Creates Community College and Career

Training Grants to expand job training for TAA-eligible workers

$2 billion in mandatory funding included in health care reform bill

$500 million per year from FY 2011-2014

Provides minimum allocation to every state

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

CCCTG Program Grants to quickly re-train and re-employ

TAA-eligible workers

“Eligible institution” of higher education must have programs that can be completed in two years

Secretary will publish grant guidelines on DOL website

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

CCCTG Program

To receive a grant, an eligible institution must include the following information in its project

proposal:1 The manner in which the grant will develop, offer, or improve an education/training program for TAA-eligible workers

2 The extent to which the project meets the education/training needs of workers

3 The extent to which the project fits within economic development and community strategic planning

4 The extent to which the project relates to any other project submitted as a Sector Partnership Grant (another TGAAA grant program)

5 Any previous experience meeting the training needs of TAA-eligible workers

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

CCCTG Program

To receive a grant, an eligible institution must conduct and provide a detailed description of

outreach to:1 Employers/community partners to identify

education/training gaps, employment opportunities, and job skill requirements

2 Other similar higher education institutions with proven best practices

3 Any eligible partnership that has received sought or received a Sector Partnership Grant

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

CCCTG Program

DOL could utilize either a discretionary or competitive process, and grants will be awarded based on the following criteria:

1 A determination of the merits of the grant proposal in developing, offering or improving educational or training programs for TAA-eligible workers

2 An evaluation of the likely employment opportunities for workers who complete the educational or training program

3 An evaluation of prior demand for training programs for TAA-eligible workers and the availability and capacity of existing training programs to meet future demand for training

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

CCCTG Planning

Eligible Educational Institution

SWA, LWIB & One-Stop



Development Agencies


Supportive Services

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC All rights reserved.

CCCTG Implementation

Employer Feedback

Continuous Quality


Student Support


& Placemen


Dislocated Worker Recruitm


Career Pathways

Training Gap


Capacity Building

Economic Recovery

and Communi

ty Strategic Planning

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC

All rights reserved.

Summary CCCTG is more than a grant program

Must combine training and job placement

Economic recovery must be at the core of every project

Requires comprehensive community strategic planning and economic development program integration

Must bridge public/private stakeholdersWorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum

Group, LLC All rights reserved.

Updates CCCTG was formally announced on October 5 at a

White House event focused on community colleges

This morning ETA published limited guidance on the forthcoming CCCTG competition

SGA to be published by end of October

Emphasis on consortium proposals, employer engagement and broad understanding of community economic development needs

Text of ETA announcement at http://www.doleta.gov under “Program News and Updates”

TM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights


WorkEd – Fulcrum Group Strategies

and Services

TM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights


Pre-Application Support Services Conduct 90-minute pre-solicitation strategy call

Convene industry, workforce development and community-based stakeholders via conference call

Analyze regional Trade Adjustment Assistance data

Review regional labor market information

Recommend community college innovationsTM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights


Pre-Application Support Services Develop pre-solicitation outline aligned to

CCCTG statutory requirements

Develop a preliminary budget outline

Develop performance metrics matrix that includes both education and employment outcomes

Within 48 hours of publication develop detailed compliance matrix and briefing

TM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights


Proposal Development

Services Integrate pre-proposal outline with CCCTG

Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA)

Convene grant team from partner institutions to collect needed data

Establish timelines and review processes for application production

Assist with budget development and review

Assemble proposal/ensure full compliance with ETA objectives and compliance with ETA objectives and technical requirements

TM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights


Immediate Post-Award Services

Adjust statement of work to award requirements

Develop dynamic work plan with timelines/metrics

Support grant “stand-up” in mission-critical areas Innovation and training Worker recruitment and in-take Coordination of trainee supportive services Data collection systems and protocols Post-training placement strategy

Craft and implement partner subcontractsTM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights


Ongoing Strategic Consulting and Troubleshooting

Ensure data quality control and analysis

Support production of regular reports to DOLETA

Support performance management activities

Provide policy advocacy and best-practices support

TM WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights



Mason Bishop, Principal, WorkEd Consulting, LLC

[email protected] / 703-209-7890

Brent Orrell, Principal, Fulcrum Group, LLC

[email protected] / 703-220-9949

WorkEd Consulting, LLC & Fulcrum Group, LLC. All rights reserved.