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Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................... 5

The Life Circle .................................................................................................. 6 Personal Outcome for the Program .................................................................. 7 Goal .................................................................................................................. 7 Adrian’s Laws ................................................................................................... 8

Energy for Life ................................................................................. 9 Finding Your Current Reality: Food and Water ................................................10 Target Heart Rates for Exercise ......................................................................11 Eight Day Health Challenge .............................................................................12 Revised Personal Outcome for the Program ...................................................13 Eight Day Activity Challenge ............................................................................13 Day 1 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................14 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................15

Three Keys to Apply the Law of Attraction .................................. 16 Asking Good Quality Questions .......................................................................17 Day 2 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................22 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................23

The Platinum Rule to Get Respect and Feel Important ............... 24 Traditional DISC Model ....................................................................................25 Some DISC Behavioral Style Features ............................................................26 The Platinum Rule ...........................................................................................27 DISC Behavioral Style Exercise ......................................................................28 Coaching Session Exercise .............................................................................33 Some character examples… ...........................................................................34 Day 3 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................35 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................36

Relationship Mastery..................................................................... 37 Belief Statements ............................................................................................38 Hierarchy of values ..........................................................................................40 Additional exercises for finding that one special person ..................................43 Day 4 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................47 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................48

Discover Your Purpose ................................................................. 49 Statement of Purpose/Mission Statement ........................................................50 Spending Time Alone ......................................................................................50 Day 5 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................51 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................52

Leadership Mastery ....................................................................... 53 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Learning .......................................................................54 Three leadership questions… ..........................................................................55 Managers versus Leaders ...............................................................................56 Three states of Interaction ...............................................................................58

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GROW .............................................................................................................59 Day 6 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................60 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................61

The Eight Laws to Your Productivity ........................................... 62 Influence/Control Exercise ...............................................................................63 Day 7 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................64 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................65

Money Magnet................................................................................ 66 Is Money a Priority for you? .............................................................................67 Newton’s Laws of Motion Applied to Money ....................................................68 Exercise: Fifty Reasons ...................................................................................70 Positive Affirmations ........................................................................................73 Three Rules of Leveraging ..............................................................................75 Day 8 - Activity/Goal List ..................................................................................76 Adrian’s Laws ..................................................................................................77

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The Life Circle









Look at the Life Circle diagram and pick out the top 3 areas in order that are most important to you. Just write 1, 2 and 3 in the segments of the circle above for the ones you choose.

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Personal Outcome for the Program Look at your top three areas and create an outcome for yourself about what you’d like to get out of this program.

Goal Write down a goal that is so big that in achieving it you would know that this program has had a profound effect on your life. Be as outrageous yet as specific as you can.

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Listen to each audio three times before moving on.

Law 2. Use your workbook and use the same workbook for the entire course. Write down things that strike a chord with you.

Law 3. Make the outcomes of your goals clear and specific.

Law 4. Do all the exercises for each program before moving on to the

next one.

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Module 1

Energy for Life









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Finding Your Current Reality: Food and Water Step 1: Find the current reality for yourself with regard to what you eat and drink. Write down everything, I mean everything, that’s passed your lips in the last 24 hours, include snacks, specific drinks, meals, desserts.

Step 2: Put an asterisk or a tick next to each item of food that you’ve consumed that you believe would be high in megahertz (MHz). If you’re not sure have a guess but be as honest as you possibly can. Step 3: Next circle everything you consumed that is water content based. Things like salads, fruits or vegetables, pure water etc. but not coffee, tea, soda or beer.

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Target Heart Rates for Exercise

This chart is only to be used as a guide and doesn’t take into consideration your current weight or fitness level. To find out exactly what your ideal heart rate is consult with your local gym or cardiologist. It is always important to speak with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

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Eight Day Health Challenge

Do eat and drink

• all green vegetables • wheat grass • all salad • raw almonds • grilled fish - maximum three times in the eight days • all fruits except oranges – limit to two pieces a day • free range organic chicken - maximum three times in the eight days • all nuts, pumpkin seeds - raw or with sea salt not regular salt • pure water • fresh vegetable juices and fruit juice (limit fruit juice to one per day) • herbal teas and tea without caffeine

Don’t eat or drink

• meat (except the chicken and the fish that is on the do eat list) • bread • pasta • rice • fries • white flour • tinned products – e.g. beans, tuna • cereal • cakes • chocolate • candy • potatoes • beer or any alcohol • coffee • soda • bottled fruit or bottled veggie juices

Exercise requirement

Exercise for a minimum of six times over the eight days. This includes:

• minimum of three days of aerobic walking for at least 20 minutes • minimum of three days of exercise that reaches your maximum heart


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Revised Personal Outcome for the Program Take a look at your outcome for the program that you wrote in the introductory section. Does it inspire you? If not you can either change it or create another goal right now, for the kind of person that you really want to be. Make sure you focus on what you want to be like not what you don’t want to be like. So think carefully about who you are and how you want to be, and word it in the way that reflects how you want to be, not how you don’t want to be. The more concise you are here the better.

Eight Day Activity Challenge At the back of each section of your workbook there is an Activity/Goal list. If you are clear on what kind of person you’d like to be you can write that in the Goal section below for Day 1 now. Under activities, you simply write down all the things you have to do tomorrow and also the things that you’d really like to do tomorrow. This list may include things that you keep saying that you’d like to do but don’t or at least don’t do it consistently. Follow through on the things you write in your activity list and repeat this process for the eight days.

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Day 1 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Health must be in your top three priorities of your Life Circle as your health underlies everything else.

Law 2. Eat foods that resonate with your body (70 MHz) to supply the

energy you need, e.g. fresh green vegetables, wheat grass, fruit in moderation.

Law 3. Take time to smell the roses.

Law 4. Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses a day. You need to

replace water lost through drinking coffee, tea, soda and alcohol.

Law 5. Get plenty of exercise. Three days a week of aerobic walking for a minimum of twenty minutes and also three days of exercise that reaches your maximum heart. It is always important to speak with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

Law 6. Remember your Eight Day Health Challenge.

Law 7. Follow through on the activities you wrote in your activity list.

And remember to write your activities for the eight days.

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Module 2

Three Keys to Apply the Law of Attraction









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Asking Good Quality Questions Here are some questions that may be good quality questions:

• What specifically would you create in your life? • How specifically? • By when? • How will you know when you’ve achieved it?

Pick one of your top three areas in the Circle of Life that you identified in the last program. Pick the one that if you achieved the next level in that area, it would have the biggest effect on you and possibly others around you. Write it in the box below.

Step 1: Write down, in the form of a question, what it is you want in this area of your Life Circle. Be as specific as you can be. When do you want it to happen? Make it believable for you.

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Step 2: List at least twenty reasons why you want what you’ve written.

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Step 3: What or who could get in the way of you achieving what you’ve written? Write down as many possible blockages as you can think of.

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Step 4: What action steps are you going to take to get around these obstacles to achieve what it is that you want? Be specific.

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Step 5: If you don’t think you can overcome all of them, ask yourself the question, “If I could overcome this, what would I do?”

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Day 2 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Be present… with others, in activities and in creating the kind of life you want for yourself.

Law 2. Be clear about what you want.

Law 3. Ask good quality questions.

Law 4. When there’s a big enough reason for something you make it


Law 5. When you’re not sure you can overcome an obstacle or how, ask yourself, “If I could overcome this, what would I do?”

Law 6. Keep referring back to this program to apply the Law of Attraction


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Module 3

The Platinum Rule to Get Respect and Feel Important









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Traditional DISC Model


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Some DISC Behavioral Style Features

Style Environment Power Orient Question No 1 fear No 1 goal

High-D - assessing + task what loss of control results

High-I + accepting + people who rejection recognition

High-S + accepting - people how sudden change stability

High-C - assessing - task why criticism accuracy


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The Platinum Rule

Treat people the way that THEY want to be treated!

Style Communication Keys, Motivators and Negotiation Points

High-D • be clear, specific, brief and to the point

• give them freedom from control, supervision and details

• alternative choice questions, direct questions


• be warm and friendly, social recognition, compliments, feeling questions

• give them freedom from detail, freedom of speech, favorable working conditions

• open-ended questions, encourage conversation


• use a personal comment to break ice, be non-confrontational, patient, take your time

• give a long time to adjust to change, recognition for dedicated service, be sincere

• how-type questions, draw out their opinions softly, slowly


• be accurate, realistic, prepared, thorough, stick to business, focus on logic and facts

• standard operating procedures, reassurance, limited exposure, personal attention

• tell both sides of the story, ask “so far what are your reactions”


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DISC Behavioral Style Exercise

List ten people that you know and what you feel is their primary behavioral

style would be and why. If you don’t have many people in your life then use

examples from the media or somewhere else. You can even use media

examples as an extra exercise as it can be a fun and useful exercise to do.

Person 1

Primary DISC style


Person 2

Primary DISC style


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Person 3

Primary DISC style


Person 4

Primary DISC style


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Person 5

Primary DISC style


Person 6

Primary DISC style


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Person 7

Primary DISC style


Person 8

Primary DISC style


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Person 9

Primary DISC style


Person 10

Primary DISC style


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Coaching Session Exercise

Pick one of the people from your list. Imagine you were having a coaching

session with that particular person. List some bullet points of things that you

could do or say that may make it an effective coaching session.

As a further exercise, go through the other people in your list and apply the

coaching exercise to them.

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Some character examples…

This is just a fun and light-hearted example showing the DISC behavioral styles

in the Simpson family. The examples are high-lighted with a few characteristic


Style Closest Simpson Quotes…

High-D Bart Simpson

-- I'm Bart Simpson, who the Hell are you?

-- Dear God. We paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for


-- Bart (writing on blackboard) I will not instigate revolution.

High-I Homer Simpson

-- Maybe, just once, someone will call me “Sir” without adding,

“you're making a scene”.

-- That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm

going to clown college!

-- I didn't choose to be a gifted actor, Marge. They chose me. I

am just a vessel through which the genius flows.

High-S Marge Simpson

-- Homer, I don’t want to leave Springfield. I’ve dug myself into

a happy little rut here and I’m not about to hoist myself out of


-- I guess one person can make a difference. But most of the

time, they probably shouldn't.

-- I'm going into the dining room to have a conversation. If you

want to join me, fine. (leaves room) Hello Marge, how's the

family? I don't want to talk about it. Mind your own business!

High-C Lisa Simpson

-- Lisa (walking past cats in the pound) Too fluffy... too

scrawny... too needy... too arrogant... eye infection... (stops)

Clearly a skunk.

-- Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by

Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece.

-- Relax? I can't relax! Nor can I yield, relent, or... Only two

synonyms? Oh my God, I'm losing my perspicacity! Aaaaa!

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Day 3 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Behavior is based on perception

Law 2. There’s a big difference between a person’s behavior and the actual person you’re interacting with.

Law 3. Of the DISC styles, you may have behaviors that reflect all the

different styles but you will have a predominant style.

Law 4. Each of the different predominant behavioral styles behaves differently in their communication and interactions with others.

Law 5. People tend to like people like themselves.

Law 6. Treat people the way that THEY want to be treated. This is the

platinum rule.

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Module 4

Relationship Mastery









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Belief Statements Have a look at the following belief statements. For each statement, make up your mind about which one is true for you and which one is not true and mark it in the table below. If you are not sure just go with how you are most of the time.

Belief statement yes that’s like me no that’s not me

I’m confident with the opposite sex

I am a good person to know

I’m shy

Women/men, aren’t interested in me

I’m good looking

I’m interesting to talk to

So let’s challenge some of these beliefs. They are not true. Remember…

Every human being acts not in accordance with the truth as it really is but in accordance with the truth as we believe it to be.

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In the space below, write down some empowering beliefs that are contrary to what you believe you have at the moment. Start telling yourself the new constructive belief.

Limiting belief Constructive belief

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Hierarchy of values We have real values and ideal values. This will help you find out what your real values are. In the following table, think about the question and list the main things for each category. Remember, these are what you value. There is no right or wrong.

What do you spend your time on?

What do you spend your money on?

What do you surround yourself with?

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What do you have energy for?

What do you talk about?

What do you think about?

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Circle the things you have in common over the categories. For example, you might have some things that you spend your money on but you also think about and talk about. In the right hand column below list your top five to ten values. Don’t worry about the order for now as that will be the next step.

Hierarchy of Values

Next, to find an order for your values, ask yourself which things are more important to you; which would be ok to have without the other. For example, if you had your family but you didn’t have a partner, would that be ok? Remember you are not losing whatever it is you are just putting it into a hierarchy. Go through your list and you keep asking that question and flipping them around. So, in the example, if I had a partner but I didn’t have my family would that be ok? Number the values in the left hand column as you go. Be patient as this can be a painstaking task.

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Additional exercises for finding that one special person Part 1: Define your ideal partner List the attributes for the type of partner you want to create. Be very specific. Make it more about the person and what they are interested in rather than simply on how they look. Take more space if you need. List as many things as you can possibly think of and be really specific, here are some example questions you can ask:

• What do they value? • Are they funny? • Are they intelligent? • What is it about them that you like? • What is it that you love about this person? • What are they about as a person? • What are their interests? • What are their passions?

My Ideal Partner

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My Ideal Partner (continued)

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Part 2: Defining your ideal relationship Next define the type of relationship that you want. This part is important because you may create the ideal person but that doesn’t necessarily give you the relationship that you want. Again be very specific and take more space if you need it.

Energy follows focus. So whatever it is we focus on in life, we will see more of that.

My Ideal Relationship

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My Ideal Relationship (continued)

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Day 4 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Applied knowledge is power.

Law 2. You can only control yourself, how you think and what you do. You cannot control others, you only influence them.

Law 3. Everything to do with relating to others is influence.

Law 4. If you change and improve the quality of your internal and your

external communication, the quality of your relationships increase and the quality of your life increases.

Law 5. Ask quality questions, to yourself and to others.

Law 6. Every human being acts not in accordance with the truth as it

really is but in accordance with the truth as we believe it to be.

Law 7. Construct beliefs which empower you and generally support who you are and the results you achieve.

Law 8. Know what your values are to improve your decision making and

be on purpose in your life.

Law 9. Be clear and specific about what kinds of people you want in your life and what you want in your relationships.

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Module 5

Discover Your Purpose









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Statement of Purpose/Mission Statement Experiment with writing a ‘statement of purpose’ or a ‘mission statement’, something that inspires you. Keep it as short as possible to hold the power within the words. Give it your best shot then re-write it once a month until you know its right. You’ll feel it when it is.

Spending Time Alone Your exercise for today is to spend ten minutes alone with yourself and no distractions. If you can visit nature fantastic, if not sit in a room at home, close the door and just be. You don’t have to meditate but you can if you like. Be present to what is now.

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Day 5 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Allow the space for your purpose to unfold by spending time alone with no distractions.

Law 2. Sit still in nature.

Law 3. Meditate regularly. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate.

Law 4. Write a ‘statement of purpose’ or a ‘mission statement’,

something that inspires you. Keep it as short as possible to hold the power within the words.

Law 5. Practice receiving and accept the gifts you are given otherwise

you may miss all the wonderful gifts that come your way.

Law 6. Be present. When you are present there is no pain, there is no stress, no worry and no regret, there’s just what is now, which if you’re truly present is always magical.

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Module 6

Leadership Mastery









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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Learning

Unconsciously competent

Consciously competent

Consciously incompetent

Unconsciously incompetent


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Three leadership questions… 1. Alive or dead, who for you are great leaders?

2. What is effective leadership?

3. Do you see yourself as and effective leader? Yes / No

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Managers versus Leaders List the difference, in your view, between managers and leaders.

Managers Leaders

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List the best and the worst manager that you’ve had and basically what they did.

Worst Manager Best Manager

Now look at how much of what you are currently doing is in either the best or the worst list right now. This is to help you bring things into the realm of “conscious competence”.

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Three states of Interaction

Dependent Relies on others

Independent Relies on self

Interdependent Mutually responsible; interconnected


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Will (action)


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Day 6 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. You’ve got to change the way that you think if you want you’re life to be different.

Law 2. Activity equals results.

Law 3. Change takes place when you move from being unconsciously

competent in performing activities to being consciously competent and examine how you are doing things.

Law 4. Repetition and practice is required to move from conscious

competence to unconscious competence.

Law 5. Teach and encourage other people to think for themselves.

Law 6. Great leaders inspire others. Being inspiring can be as simple as having a fantastic attitude about life.

Law 7. Leaders are often really interested in other people. They want to

learn. They’re like a sponge, to learn and grow themselves.

Law 8. You are an effective leader even if you don’t know it.

Law 9. Independence can foster dependence and neither is truly effective. Become an interdependent person.

Law 10. Let other people devise their own goals and action steps and you

merely facilitate the process.

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Module 7

The Eight Laws to Your Productivity









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Influence/Control Exercise Write at least 10 specific things that you have influence over and can’t control.

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Day 7 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. People being different, is a good thing.

Law 2. You are the most interesting person.

Law 3. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Law 4. You can influence others but you cannot control them.

Law 5. Every interaction between two or more people is a process

of influence.

Law 6. You and only you control your actions.

Law 7. What’s really important to us we don’t struggle to do.

Law 8. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you get


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Module 8

Money Magnet









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Is Money a Priority for you? Have a look at your hierarchy of values you came up with in Relationship Mastery, if money isn’t high on your list on your list of values, and you’re sure you want it, put it in the top three now. Notes:

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Newton’s Laws of Motion Applied to Money Briefly stated, Newton’s three laws are:

1. A body remains at rest until it is acted upon by an unopposed force 2. An unopposed force acting on a body causes the body to accelerate in

the direction of the force. 3. For every force, there is an equal and opposite force.

In the example of flying a kite, there are two opposing forces. The wind force is taking the kite away from you and at the same time there is the pull force created by you. So there are two opposing forces. The kite example of how opposing forces act on an object applies to everything in the world even money. There are just three different ways that we either attract or push away money whilst using the laws of physics.

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In this first picture, how you push away is equal to how you attract money. So money neither moves towards or away from you. This is generally when you are just getting by. Every dollar that comes in also goes out.

In the second figure you are pushing away more than you are attracting it. This is often when you keep going more into debt.

In this third figure, you are attracting more money than you are pushing away. This is where no matter what you do you get richer.

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Exercise: Fifty Reasons List fifty reasons why having an excess amount of money in your life would improve your life.

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Positive Affirmations

Buddha said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. And with our thoughts, we make the world.”

Come up with five positive affirmations. Keep them concise and start them with ‘I am’.

I am

I am

I am

I am

I am

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For ten days write each statement down ten times a day, once first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Also say them out loud in a strong whole-bodied voice. Write down five more affirmations. Use your Life Circle to spark ideas.

I am

I am

I am

I am

I am

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Three Rules of Leveraging

1. Use other people’s time and skill and even money

2. Focus on what you enjoy and what you are good at

3. Delegate so clearly that anyone could understand your instructions


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Day 8 - Activity/Goal List

Activity Goal

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Adrian’s Laws

Law 1. Make money a priority if you want financial freedom in your life.

Law 2. Pay yourself first, around ten percent of what you get paid and don’t spend it.

Law 3. Agree and believe that money is at least ‘something’ if you truly

want to create more of it. Newton’s Laws of motion can be applied to money because it is ‘something’. Use the attracting force and you will have a flow of money.

Law 4. Recondition your subconscious mind to have constructive beliefs

about money and therefore attract money into your life.

Law 5. The more you link a good feeling to attracting money, the more money will flow to you.

Law 6. Use the power of affirmations. Make then positive and concise and

repeat them often.

Law 7. Leverage your time.