Workbook by Jim Chaput, Artist, and Deck Creator Copyright © 2015 Martha J. Karnopp, Editor SECOND SIGHT TAROT DECK Created by Jim Chaput, Martha J. Karnopp, Editor

Workbook by Jim Chaput, Artist, and Deck Creator Copyright

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Workbook by Jim Chaput, Artist, and Deck Creator Copyright © 2015

Martha J. Karnopp, Editor


by Jim Chaput,

Martha J. Karnopp, Editor

Page 2: Workbook by Jim Chaput, Artist, and Deck Creator Copyright

My new tarot deck, called "The Second Sight Tarot", is something brand new and very unusual. These abstract Tarot images in this deck are from my abstract watercolor paintings and Photoshop images I created. These images display each card's psychic and intuitive energy. This deck shows the universal powers and energies, rather than the symbolism of the traditional Medieval card images on the Rider Waite card deck.

This new deck will activate and inspire your inner guidance to address your pressing questions by looking at the card images.

The Second Sight Tarot deck follows a traditional Tarot deck structure of 78 cards, divided into the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The deck follows card and suit sequences used by leading Tarot authorities, like the Golden Dawn, Mary Greer, Robert Wang, Eden Gray, and others The entire deck vibrates with color and energy that you can see and feel. When you look at the cards in a reading, you will see a profusion of colors. The border colors on the Major Arcana come from the Qabalah Tree of Life paths. The border colors of the Minor Arcana display the colors of the four elements that are Fire (red, Wands), Water (blue, Cups), Air (yellow, Swords), Earth (green, Pentacles).

Card Reading Issues Do not use unclear or inappropriate questions as a reading issue to predict what others will do or the outcome of even ts or any questions you feel uncomfortable answering.

Do not read, or continue reading, when,:

1. You are tired or not centered 2. You are having judgments about the client's situation. 3. A person does not like Tarot readings or has a "show me" attitude. 4. You are doing multiple readings on the same topic in the same time frame to make the reading

come out better. In all cases, just read what the cards are saying and the issue they address using your Intuition.

It is important to see how the cards respond visually to the question raised by looking at the different colors, shapes, images, card positions, and patterns on the cards as a whole design with numerous parts.

Reversed Cards

Reversed cards can indicate several things: 1. This is an issue that needs attention 2. This card should be read upright 3. There is a misperception about the issue raised. 4. It can be a positive, negative, or neutral interpretation of the core meaning.

The bottom line to reading reversed cards is that you need to keep the topic of reading in mind, the surrounding cards, and above all else, follow your Intuition

Doing a Reading

1. Describe the card shapes literally 2. Repeat what you just said about your descriptions of the cards in the declarative first person

present tense. 3. Turn your statements into questions from the card shapes and then answer them. 4. How are your client's choices of actions and beliefs benefitting or limiting them? 5. What qualities of the card/s would you most like to see developed in your client?

In any reading, you can gain information from many factors: The card keywords, the card position in the spread, the colors, shapes, images, and patterns.

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6. If you are familiar with astrology, it can be helpful but not required to add Elemental Dignities (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) to your reading.

If you have questions or want to clarify an issue during a reading, draw one to three cards. If the cards give you a vague answer, this means that either your intention or question is not clear, or the cards are giving you guidance in an area that you need to pay attention to that you did not realize at first. Come back later and do another reading.

Four Tarot Card Reading Methods 1. Therapeutic (Wands) This card reader looks to discover a more personal meaning of the cards in the spread. Thus reader acts as a counselor and listener. 2. Psychic (Cups) This card reader uses inner "sight" and subtle sensory "feelings" to sense things from the reading. The card reader on this level assumes the role of a Psychic. 3. Analytical (Swords). This card reader analyzes the card symbols and meanings to determine the best answer to the question posed. 4. Magical (Pentacles) Affirms the client's ability to create from the reading what the client wants to experience as a worthwhile and acceptable outcome in a positive framework. Discretion is necessary not to trivialize significant issues of the querent, and at the same time, the Magical reader needs to give the client a reading grounded in the achievable 5. Eclectic Reader Combination reader. Combines two or more of the above reading techniques.

Four Possible Dimensions in a reading 1. The Moral Dimension – The Ethical values that are present in the reading 2. The Spiritual Dimension – Mystical experience of the spiritual essence of the card 3. The Literal Dimension – Literal description of the card's energy 4. The Allegorical Dimension –What the images symbolize

Yes/No/Maybe Reading

When using a card spread for a yes/no question, a four -card spread is used and scored together to determine a yes, no, or a maybe. A Flow card indicates a Yes, a No is shown by a Resist position. card characterizes no. Cards 1 and 3 count for one point each—card position 2 in the center counts for two points. Card 4 is the topic of the question and does not count toward the yes/no total. You can have a tie decision with this method. This decision means that the cards are not ready to answer your yes/no question

Tarot Decks Used, History, and Deck Comments

I have been reading Tarot cards since the mid-'80s for myself and my clients. I have numerous books and Tarot decks from many traditions in my personal collection.

The Second Sight Tarot represents a new and more accurate way of seeing issues and challenges in your life. There are extensive collections of energy oracle cards of 53 or so cards, but I have not seen any 78 card Oracle decks with energies the traditional Tarot cards except for the Second Sight Tarot. When studying this deck for the first time, you do not need to read several books or look for extended periods just to understand the cards. It is helpful when doing readings to know how the card's images were created, which is the purpose of this booklet. I have taken on the task of simplifying the incredible maze of learning how to read and gain insight from the Tarot cards. I do not suggest that the study of Tarot cards is a belief or a religious system. Use of the Tarot cards is simply information that you can use, if you choose, in your life. I am very aware that the Tarot cards offer great potential for self-deception. This is especially true if you start seeing the cards as an "always right" religious belief system. Most significant issues from using the Tarot cards come from overuse and personal projection of problems and situations into the cards that are not there.

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The most successful readings I have done happened when I let my Intuition guide me rather than relying on the strict interpretation of card images or the Tarot system that I was studying at the time. The guiding notion that inspired me to create my deck was that a person's intuition and gut feelings would give the most valuable and accurate answers for personal answers to life's questions, whether for yourself or your clients.

The purpose of my new deck is to activate or inspire your inner guidance so that you can apply this insight to the question or issue that presents itself.

The creation of my deck uses the original abstract multimedia watercolors that I have been creating over the years. Each card image is selected to fit the energy of the card.

You will see the words flow and resist on the cards. These terms indicate that you or the person you are reading for is flowing with the card's energies or resisting them. Reversed cards are not always negative, and, in some cases, a reversed card is desirable.

The deck's artwork shows that any challenges you are facing are not harmful. Instead, these challenges are energies that need to be dealt with so that you can flow with the energy and not resist it. When the card's power is reversed, this creates more layers of issues for yourself or your clients.

My new deck vibrates with energy. You will see and feel this energy as soon as you have the deck in your hands and look at the images. When you look at the cards in a reading, you will see a profusion of colors. The border colors on the major arcana show the Qabalistic colors on the Tree of Life paths. The border colors of the minor arcana depict the four elements. All you will need to do to use this deck is practice and to have your intuition and gut feelings intact.

Generally, the Suites Mean

Wands --Creativity and enterprise Cups --Emotions and the psychic realm Swords – Intellect or struggle Pentacles – Work, money, and security

The Four W's and a P

WHO? The court cards represent people influencing the situation and answer who is affecting your life, including you. WHAT? The Minor Arcana are the numbered cards that express the aspects of a situation that answers what is in your life coupled with the who of the court cards. WHERE? The aces answer the question of where something will happen in your life. The authorities show you what part of the elemental world, Fire, Water, air, or earth, influences you the most. WHY? The Major Arcana are associated with significant life events, mysteries of creation, and the origin of life. They are related to karmic issues and archetypal energies and answer why something is happening in your life. The Major Arcana tells you why the who needs the what. POSITION -- The card's location in the reading, Reversed or straight up, and how the surrounding cards influence it. As you probably noticed, this deck utilizes the words Flow and Resist, which correspond to upright and reversed in a traditional Tarot deck. Flow and resist indicate that you or the person you are reading for is flowing with the card's energy or resisting it. Depending on the card's power, flowing or resisting may be positive/harmful or desirable/undesirable. Because the intention is to spark your Intuition, pay particular attention to what catches your eye or attention. You will find that this process becomes more accessible and more accurate with practice. The cards will change each time you do a reading to fit the issue at hand.

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The Second Sight Tarot The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana of the Tarot deck is associated with significant events of your life

0 The Fool Card 0 of the Major Arcana card is "The Fool." The keyword image of "Free Spirit" represents the energy of limitless possibilities. This also directs your energy towards taking a chance and trusting the universe to bring you what you want or need. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting that the world is a friendly place. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting or resisting trusting God, source, spirit, etc., and that life is an unfriendly place to be where you have to be on constant vigilance.

1 The Magician

Card 1 of the Major Arcana card is "The Magician." The keyword image of "Creative Power" represents the energy of directing your energy towards completing or creating a project. This energy can be seen in the card's image because the foreground colors are a creative variation of the image in the background. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting your creative directions towards a project outcome or creation. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting or resisting your creative actions in a project or in producing a result.

2 High Priestess Card 2 of the major arcana is "The High Priestess". The keyword image of "Hidden Answers" represents the energy that the answers for your concerns are not readily apparent. This is frustrating for us when we want answers RIGHT NOW. The card's image shows this energy by having areas of less color contrast showing there is more to come. The flow or upright position shows that you are flowing and accepting that you do not have all of the answers. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are fighting or resisting that the answers are not right here right now. More investigating, mediation or quiet time is necessary.

3 The Empress

Card 3 of the major arcana is "The Empress". The keyword image of "Giving Birth" represents the energy of giving birth to a new idea or project. The card's image shows this birth energy moving from the less detailed area in the upper left to an area below that flows into new forms and colors. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting that birth is happening and that the new form is beautiful and perfect. The resist or reversed position suggests that all you can see is the pain of birth with no benefits and that the resulting delivery is not good.

4 The Emperor

Card 4 of the major arcana is "The Emperor". The keyword image "Power and Reason" represents the flowing and robust energy of one in authority that is tempered with reason. The black flowing forms on the left side of the card define the Emperor. These forms show the scarlet red power energy from the tree of life path. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting the fact that you are using power with reason. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting or resisting either yourself or another attempting to use power to control.

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5 The Hierophant Card 5 of the major arcana is "The Hierophant". The keyword image of "Intuitive Guidance" represents the energy of guidance available to us when we come from a place of stillness, not need. The main image of black forms in the dark blue areas represents the challenge of seeing only need. The main image of black forms in the light yellow areas indicates helpful guidance from stillness. The flow or upright position means that you are flowing with and accepting the fact that only stillness can answer your questions. The resist or reversed position means that you are fighting or resisting being still enough to listen for answers.

6 The Lovers

Card 6 of the major arcana is "The Lovers". The keyword image of "Choice and Duality" represents the energy of choosing wisely and keeping in mind the duality of head and heart that shows up as intellect vs. feelings. This duality on the image resembles an abstract bird using the two wings of mind and emotions to produce an enlightened choice shown in the body area between the wings. The flow or upright position means that you embrace the only lasting choice for your issues: consider the heart and the head. The resist or reversed position means that you only use one aspect of the situation to choose.

7 The Chariot

Card 7 of the major arcana is "The Chariot". The keyword image of "Victory Through Control" represents the energy of the wise use of control considering all possibilities This energy is shown in the image by the evolution of the black shapes to the vibrant colors on the left side of the image. This shows a movement from victory at all costs on the right side to seeing new possibilities in the colors on the left side. The flow or upright position means that you are flowing with and accepting wise control to achieve victory. In the resist or reversed position, this means that you are over-controlling and not flowing with new possibilities that arise.

8 Strength

Card 8 of the major arcana is "Strength". The keyword image of "Perseverance Through All" shows the energy of encountering obstacles and overcoming them. The image shows this energy by the abstract person shape in the right of the image confronting the image on the left. The smaller image is not diminished or threatened by the larger image on the left. You are flowing with the barrier and will find great strength in the flow or upright position. The resist or reversed position means that you are fighting this, defeating you on some level.

9 The Hermit Card 9 of the major arcana is "The Hermit". The keyword image of "Searching In Silence" represents the energy of reaching to all corners of the card, symbolizing finding the necessary answers to the issues at hand. The colors are also searching by shifting to the bold colors in the center and bottom of the image. The flow or upright position indicates that you accept that a time is necessary in this process to seek answers for yourself. The resist or reversed position suggests that you are fighting or resisting the seeking and will not wait for the process to unfold naturally.

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10 The Wheel of Fortune Card 10 of the major arcana is "The Wheel of Fortune". The keyword image of "Serendipity" The wheel shape that signifies the Wheel of Fortune is a straightforward port to see through the mist of confusion in the foreground. We can see our intention aligns with the will of God/spirit image. The Hubble image shows this energy in the distant background. Serendipity happens to us when we least expect it. A breakthrough to our path becomes evident because of our intention. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting that your clear intention will produce the breakthrough you desire. The resist or reversed position suggests that you are fighting or resisting a breakthrough and see it all as quite impossible.

11 Justice

Card 11 of the major arcana is "Justice". The keyword image of the "Restoring Balance" image represents the energy of coming back to the point of balance as symbolized by the abstract balance bean in the center of the card. The weights on the balance beam are the green ellipses on either side of the beam. These images symbolize that true balance is not a matter of equal importance but rather a spiritual balance of energy of life as it unfolds. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting that the best of your life is an intuitive balance that can be felt, and it is different for all. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are looking for rational balance in a situation that dictates a higher order of thinking.

12 The Hanged Man

Card 12 of the major arcana is "The Hanged Man". The keyword image of "Surrender to New Order" represents the energy of realizing a new way of doing things in your life, symbolized by the multicolored image that moves throughout the card. This image brings a new way of seeing a different possibility. The notion is that waiting is necessary for this energy to manifest as the image is only in the birth stage. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting that the time is not suitable for action, and it is time to be still and wait. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are totally against waiting for any reason and will not accept what might come.

13 Death

Card 13 of the major arcana is "Death," .moving from death to life, shown by a color transition from the right side of the card to the left. The image indicates no death and no end, but merely a transition from one energy form to another. The flow or upright position suggests that you are flowing with and accepting that all things will change the structure at some point in another dimension. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting or resisting any transformation of the state and that this life that we can see is all there is.

14 Temperance Card 14 of the major arcana is "Temperance". This image of beautiful, moving colors on a light brown background represents the energy of the keyword "Balance and Harmony". This card image represents the energy of different forces working together harmoniously by the interweaving of the colors that create new and more complex layers of color that would not be there without all of the energy flowing together. This energy dynamic flowing together is much more potent than the separate individual energies. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing and accepting the fact that all must work together to achieve a dynamic and ever-expanding outcome. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting or resisting working together and that you have to do everything or it will fail.

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15 The Devil

Card 15 of the major arcana is "The Devil". This image of moving colors and images that seem to emerge from a dark background represents the keyword "Illusory Bondage". This card image represents the energy of being imprisoned by your perception, not by circumstances, so you cannot take action but merely negatively speculate. The flow or upright position indicates that you cannot see possibilities clearly because of unnecessary confusion. The resist or reverse position clearly says that the facts are not clear because of your perception and that now you see concrete steps to move forward.

16 The Tower Card 16 of the major arcana is "The Tower".This dynamically moving image on a light background represents the keyword "Inevitable Change/Growth". This card image shows the energy of long-overdue growth by the energetic forms filling the space. Something needs to happen as the image is already moving outside of its box. The flow or upright position indicates that you accept the need for change and are willing to take action immediately. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting or resisting change at all costs and that you will be taken through the change kicking and screaming if necessary by the universe.

17 The Star

Card 17 of the major arcana is "The star". This reaching image on a dark background represents the energy of the keyword "Optimism/Foresight".This card image represents the energy of going towards an optimistic outcome as symbolized by the form moving towards the red and yellow light source. The flow or upright position indicates that you accept that a favorable outcome is in sight and achievable. The resist or reversed position suggests that you are fighting or resisting any positive development of any kind. \\

18 The Moon

Card 18 of the major arcana is "The Moon". This brightly colored image on a star-studded background represents the energy of the "Intuitive Evolution" This card image represents the energy of recognizing that significant evolution can happen within us by using our Intuition to guide us. The image of the bright egg-shaped object contains our best possible future. It will only open with the use of guidance from our Intuition. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting that your Intuition has all the answers and you are investigating your highest and best way to open the egg. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are fighting, resisting, or denying that you have any level of intuitive guidance. \\

19 The Sun Card 19 of the major arcana is "The Sun". This image of our wonderful sun and the image of green growth around it reflect the energy of the keyword "Attainment and Glory". This card image represents the energy of your highest and best outcome by the form that is around the Sun. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting the fact that having your dreams are assured. The resist or reversed position indicates that you cannot have your dreams and very little will ever change that.

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20 Judgment

Card 20 of the major arcana is "Judgement". This commanding image on a light background reflects the energy of the keyword "Rebirth". This card image represents the energy of having a rebirth experience of your ideas, goals, or life path depicted by the green energy showering down grace into your life and your experiences. The flow or upright position indicates that you are flowing with and accepting the fact that new birth is happening to live your life to a whole new level. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are fighting or resisting change no matter how good it will be. \\

21 The Universe

Card 21 of the major arcana is "The Universe" This abstract image in space that has luminous colors on a Hubble background reflects the energy of the keyword "Cosmic Consciousness". This card image represents the energy of turning your focus to the heavens for the most expanded of viewpoints to see Hubble images of the unending vastness of our Cosmos. The image of the card shows this expansive viewpoint where we can contemplate the nature of God. In the flow or upright position indicates that you accept the viewpoint of the good of humanity. In resist or reversed position indicates that you refuse at some level to see more than what you can see on the earthly plane.

The Minor Arcana The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles

The Wands Suit

The Wand images denote the Fire of creation that lights up the imagination to a new way of seeing, an explosion of ideas, enterprise, glory, renewal of life, growth, ideas, and creativity in all forms. The element of Fire identifies the Wands suit, and the card border is red.

Ace of Wands, "Inspiration" Astrological aspect Elemental Fire Inspiration symbolizes the start of receiving inspiration for your ideas or projects. In the flow or upright position indicates that you are receiving new inspiration for your heart-felt desires and projects. The resist or reversed position means that you dismiss your inspiration by focusing on selfishness and not listening to your gut feelings.

2 of Wands, "Power of Clear Choice" Astrological aspect – Mars in Aries

The power of clear choice shows the wands of choice emerging from uncertainty and darkness. The flow position or the upright position indicates significant distractions affecting two issues in your life and you are still able to make your highest and best choice. The resist position or the upright position means you are letting circumstances and issues decide your two crucial life choices.

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3 of Wands, "Vision Synthesis" starts with the Astrological aspect of Sun in Aries. Vision Synthesis is a new vision being brought into manifestation by creating a new form in your life. The flow or the upright position indicates that your concept or idea will come together. The resist or the reversed position suggests that you are scattering your desires and not accepting the possibility that your vision or idea will come into being.

4 of Wands "Celebrating Completion" Astrological aspect – Venus in Aries Celebrating Completion explodes with the celebration energy of a job well done with results raised on high. The flow or the upright position indicates that a celebration of success is necessary for further blessings to come into your life. The resist or the reversed position suggests that you should realign your desires on what you really want.

5 of Wands "Strife and Competition" Astrological aspect – Saturn in Leo Strife and competition suggest that competitive situations build character. As Horace said, "adversity reveals genius; prosperity conceals it." The flow or the upright position indicates that the competition is a learning situation for character building. The resist or the reversed position asks you to seek the opposite of strife for new opportunities and gain without competition.

6 of Wands "Success and Advancement" Astrological aspect – Jupiter in Leo Success and advancement portrays the energy of accomplishment through your effort. The flow or upright position indicates good news and victory. The resist or reversed position announces that success is delayed but not dissolved.

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7 of Wands "Determination and Resolve" Astrological aspect – Mars in Leo Determination and Resolve is about the need for a focal point in your life. In the flow or upright position, this shows that you have focus and energy for your project, even with significant opposition. In the resist or reversed position, this indicates giving up, being overwhelmed, and being overly protective

8 of Wands, "Rapid Growth" Astrological aspect – Mercury in Sagittarius Rapid Growth burgeons with the energy of new life. The flow or upright position means you are moving with the rapid changes and expansion that are taking place because you have done adequate preparation. The resist or reversed position shows that you have not done adequate preparation and the growth will be stunted and short-lived.

9 of Wands "Strength in Facing Opposition" Astrological aspect – Sun in Sagittarius Strength in Facing Opposition shows significant obstacles. The flow or upright position indicates that you can stand before your doubters and take action on your dreams and goals. The resist or reversed position indicates that you see the opposition as a real barrier because of inadequate preparation and it is something you cannot handle or get through.

10 of Wands "Feeling Burdened" Astrological aspect – Sun in Sagittarius Feeling Burdened conveys the energy of being overpowered with issues and projects. The flow or upright position indicates that you have over-committed yourself, and you now see a way to address all problems and project completion dates. The resist or reversed position suggests that you are overwhelmed and see no way of moving forward with your goals and you want others to take away your self-imposed burdens.

Page of Wands "The Messenger" Elemental Powers – Earth of Fire The Messenger brings or receives messages. The flow or upright position indicates that relevant and helpful messages are coming to you in the form of hunches or feelings or from another person. The resist or reversed position suggests that you block any messages coming to you by denying their existence and possibly receiving bad news.

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Knight of Wands "The Risk Taker" Elemental Powers – Air of Fire The Risk Taker is a person who likes risks. The flow or upright position indicates that you are willing to take certain calculated risks to move ahead and be successful. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are not willing to change or take any chances and are content to stagnate Possible delays.

Queen of Wands "Passionate Innovator" Elemental Powers – Water of Fire Passionate Innovator portrays a person who can manifest a new vision. The flow or upright position indicates you have great passion and resolve to bring about your ideas. The resist or reversed position indicates that you have no energy to bring about your project because you have little or no guiding vision. Possibly jealous of others.

King of Wands "Noble Ruler" Elemental Powers – Fire of Fire Noble Ruler bespeaks one in charge. The flow or upright position indicates you can be a just ruler. You can also blend your needs with those around you. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are ruling or giving orders that are inappropriate or severe.

Cups The Cups suit is the element Water with the blue card border. The Cups hold the Water of emotion and are associated with love, happiness, emotions, desire, the inner self, instincts, fertility, and the psychic and intuitive arts.

Ace of Cups "Opening to Love and Joy" Elemental Water Opening to love indicates that you are moving into a new cycle of beauty and health. The flow or upright position shows that love and joy are surrounding you with new spiritual understanding. The resist or reversed position indicates that you cannot see any possibilities of love coming into your life.

2 of Cups "Harmonious Relationship" Astrological aspect – Venus in Cancer Harmonious Relationship denotes a rewarding relationship with another. The flow or upright position indicates the joys of a harmonious and mutually supportive relationship. The resist or reversed position indicates that you cannot see any possibilities of love coming into your life and you are missing the joy of this type of relationship because of misplaced decisions and actions you have taken around that issue.

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3 of Cups "Celebration of Good Fortune" Astrological aspect – Mercury in Cancer Celebration of Good Fortune represents a happy conclusion with others and the discovering of talents in the arts. The flow or upright position indicates a celebration of your good fortune. The resist or reversed position suggests that you cannot see any possibilities of love coming into your life. You are possibly overindulging and negatively judging your level of success. Talents can lie hidden.

4 of Cups "Re-evaluation" Astrological aspect – Moon in Cancer Re-evaluation denotes a time of introspection. The flow or upright position expresses a need for things to be redone, redefined, or downsized to discard what is not necessary. The resist or reversed position indicates says it is time for new goals and new ambition by listening to your guidance.

5 of Cups "Learning From Loss" Astrological aspect – Mars in Scorpio Learning from Loss shows a significant loss is at hand. The flow or upright position indicates that even after a time of grieving, you continue to be overcome by loss and are defined by despair and you are focusing on the three cups that are tipped over and spilling (lower right area) The resist or reversed position indicates that you recognize an important loss has occurred and you have the ability to improve your life using newfound courage. )

6 of Cups "Gift of Friendship" Astrological aspect – Sun in Scorpio Gift of Friendship expresses the value of a rewarding friendship. The flow or upright position indicates that you have empowering friendships that are a great source of strength for you. The resist or reversed position indicates that you living in the past using defective knowledge and friendships

7 of Cups "Illusion and Deception" Astrological aspect – Venus in Scorpio Illusion and Deception shows that things are hidden. The flow or upright position indicates that you do not know what is happening and you are overly confused and unclear about a situation even after attempted clarification. The resist or reversed position indicates that you have a situation filled with deception yet you still can make a clear choice of an appropriate project or a course of action

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8 of Cups "Seeking Higher Ground" Astrological aspect – Saturn in Pisces Seeking Higher Ground demands a more enlightened or higher view of a project or situation. The flow or upright position indicates that you see only emotional dissatisfaction even though the cups are full of satisfaction. The old way needs to be analyzed and perhaps transformed. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are gaining a new horizon and outlook on life.

9 of Cups "Wishes Fulfilled" Astrological aspect – Jupiter in Pisces Wishes Fulfilled denotes a deep alignment of the spirit with your wishes and desires. flow or upright position indicates that you are giving thanks and basking in having what you have always wished for. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are not celebrating the fulfillment of your wishes because you feel there is not enough for you or things should be in a different form. Wishes are not fulfilled

10 of Cups "Success and Joy" Astrological aspect – Mars in Pisces Success and Joy demonstrate an acknowledgment of your accomplishments and a happy family. The flow or upright position indicates the ten cups are full of your accomplishments. The resist or reversed position suggests that all of the cups are emptying out their abundance and you are placing defeat in the cup of victory.

Page of Cups "Gentle Dreamer" Elemental Powers – Earth of Water The Gentle Dreamer is the card of the artist. In the flow or upright position indicates, you are bringing forth your dreams of poetry and the arts from your Intuition. The resist or reversed position suggests that you are blocking your creative inspirations so that you create very little.

Knight of Cups "Visions and Ideals" Elemental Powers – Air of Water Visions and Ideals refer to your guiding vision. The flow or upright position indicates the Knight is using your highest vision coupled with your ideals and emotions to create a new world. The resist or reversed position indicates that the proper time has not been given for a vision to materialize. The Resist position can also indicate trickery.


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Queen of Cups "Empathetic Listener" Elemental Powers – Water of Water Empathetic Listener signifies a totally present listener. The flow or upright position indicates that you or someone around you can listen deeply to hear the true essence and emotions of what is being communicated. The resist or reversed position indicates to one who only listens to the words that others speak, often totally misunderstanding what is being said.

King of Cups "Wise Use of Emotions" Elemental Powers – Fire of Water Wise Use of Emotions denotes one with an intelligent balance of emotions. The flow or upright position epitomizes the wise use of this balance for the benefit of all concerned. The resist or reversed position indicates one who over-reacts emotionally and is carried away to take inappropriate actions

Swords The Swords suit is the element Air with the card border of yellow. The Swords suit associates with mental and logical functions, struggle, courage, and conflict.

Ace of Swords "Discriminating Wisdom" Astrological aspect – Elemental Air Discriminating Wisdom shows the beginning of using justice and wisdom to empower others. The flow or upright position indicates that you are using the sword of justice to give wise encouragement to others. The resist or reversed position means you are using the sword of justice as an instrument of wrath and punishment.

2 of Swords "Stalemate" Astrological aspect – Moon in Libra Stalemate speaks to things that are frozen in place. The flow or upright position indicates that you are in a standoff and do not see a resolution. The resist or reversed shows the blessing of the stalemate because it is a time of reflection to allow a different path to reveal itself at the appropriate time.

3 of Swords "Heartbreak" Astrological aspect – Saturn in Libra Heartbreak epitomizes the depth and the pain of disappointment. The flow or upright position indicates you only see the pain of your broken heart, and you may sink into despair. The resist or reversed position suggests that your denial of this energy will release the hold that despair and hopelessness have on you. You now see a way forward, and your heartbreak does not define you.

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4 of Swords "Recuperation and Rest" Astrological aspect – Jupiter in Libra Recuperation and Rest denotes the swords in a neutral position of rest.The flow or upright position indicates that you know the absolute necessity of rest and recharging after conflict. The resist or reversed position shows that you will take no rest and you feel compelled to keep on charging, leading to more issues.

5 of Swords "Corruption and Regret" Astrological aspect – Venus in Aquarius Corruption and Regret exhibits an avalanche of negative energy that can overwhelm a person. The flow or upright position indicates you are immersed in corruption, leading to a deep level of regret because you see no exit. The resist or reversed shows that you deny this lose-lose cycle, and you know a way to change the dynamic.

6 of Swords "Passage from Difficulties" Astrological aspect – Mercury in Aquarius Passage from Difficulties signifies that a challenging situation is present. There are significant issues in the flow or upright position this indicates that you can take action to start moving toward resolution. In The resist or reversed position, you see no exit from the difficulties, and you feel like giving up.

7of Swords "Deception and Betrayal" Astrological aspect – Moon in Aquarius Deception and Betrayal shows an out-of-balance issue that needs resolving. The flow or upright position indicates that you are trapped in a web of deception, and you see stealing others' ideas as the only way out. The resist or reversed position shows that you are fighting against being imprisoned by the betrayal cycle, and you now see a way for resolution.

8 of Swords "Confused by Indecision" Astrological aspect – Jupiter in Gemini Confused by Indecision shows a paralysis that is felt by having too many ideas. In the flow or upright position, this indicates, that all you see is a vast cloud of equally essential possibilities. In the resist or reversed position, you acknowledge a large number of competing ideas. The more you relax and use your Intuition, the sooner a way forward will be revealed.

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9 of Swords "Haunted Suffering" Astrological aspect – Mars in Gemini Haunted suffering exemplifies the days and nights of torment caused by obsessive thinking. With nine swords hanging over your head, the flow or upright position indicates that you are worried about real. The resist or reversed position means that necessary actions are revealed to you even with your concerns.

10 of Swords "Battle Lost" Astrological aspect – Sun and Moon in Gemini Battle Lost show that a conflict is over, with a seeming defeat. The flow or upright position exhibits the mental exhaustion of having lost the battle. The resist or reversed position reveals a new situation, and new possibilities emerge from the ashes of conflict that show a way forward.

Page of Swords "Penetrating Communicator" Elemental Powers –Earth of Air Penetrating Communicator indicates a person with the ability to communicate clearly in a challenging situation. The flow or upright position indicates the gift of connecting deeply with others at heart. The resist or reversed position symbolizes one who runs over people.

Knight of Swords "Courageous Warrior" Elemental Powers – Air of Air Courageous Warrior embodies the tremendous courage that is necessary when confronting a very large obstacle. The flow or upright position indicates one who stands up for his or her principles in the face of fierce resistance. The resist or reversed position indicates holding back a true gift of leadership when it is most needed.

Queen of Swords "Astute Director" Elemental Powers – Water of Air Astute Director signifies an ability to organize, direct and lead others. The flow or upright position indicates the use of your words to run and manage a group thoughtfully. The resist or reversed position shows the use of words to divide, disrupt and find fault.

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King of Swords "Rational Protector" Elemental Powers – Fire of Air Rational Protector shows one using a clear thought process to protect others. The flow or upright position indicates defending what is right with reason. The resist or reversed position indicates one ignoring the idea of protection and using his or her own ideas to run over others to win.

Pentacles The Pentacles suit is the element Earth with the card border of green. The Pentacles suite in general is associated with, money, resources, industry, and material gain

Ace of Pentacles "Beginning of Prosperity" Astrological aspect – Elemental Earth Beginning of Prosperity lays the groundwork for prosperity to begin. The flow or upright means that you are planting and growing the seeds of prosperity. The resist or reversed position implies that you are pulling on the seedlings of prosperity to make them grow faster which injures or destroys them.

2 of Pentacles "Juggling Possibilities" Astrological aspect – Jupiter in Capricorn Juggling Possibilities typifies the decision-making process. In the flow or upright position, this mirrors the fact that you carefully consider different factors of an issue before deciding. The resist or reversed position indicates that you are making snap decisions based on little information that leads to unwise choices.

3 of Pentacles "Rewarded Effort" Astrological aspect – Mars in Capricorn Rewarded Effort points out the aspect of getting justly compensated for your creation or effort on a project. In the flow or upright position this indicates that you are celebrating the rewards received for your efforts. In the resist or reversed position this signals that you are unsatisfied with what you received for your efforts and you feel cheated.

4 of Pentacles "Frugality" Astrological aspect – Sun in Capricorn Frugality resonates with wise use of available resources. In the flow or upright position, this shows that you are very careful using your resources for maximum results. In the resist or reversed t position, this indicates that you are wasting your resources unnecessarily.

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5 of Pentacles "Hardship" Astrological aspect – Mercury in Taurus Hardship illustrates that a challenging time is at hand. The flow or upright position indicates that you are in a difficult time and that the suffering describes you. In the resist or reversed position, this signals that you are addressing complicated issues and that suffering is present, but it does not define or hamper you.

6 of Pentacles "Philanthropy" Astrological aspect – Moon in Taurus Philanthropy exhibits that you are sharing your resources. The flow or upright position demonstrates that you give back to those who are your spiritual home that you receive the most value from. In the resist or reversed position, this indicates that you are hoarding your resources, leading to a deep cycle of poverty thinking.

7 of Pentacles "Empty Promises" Astrological aspect – Saturn in Taurus Empty Promises typifies the notion of an empty harvest. In the flow or upright position, this points out that the promised result has changed and you feel cheated. In the resist or reversed position, this indicates that you need to reevaluate why the harvest did not manifest as you hope

8 of Pentacles "Learning New Skills" Astrological aspect – Sun in Virgo Learning New Skills clearly shows learning or a teaching mode. In the flow or upright position, this indicates that you are soaking up new concepts and ideas for yourself. In the resist or reversed position, this means that are misusing your newfound skills.

9 of Pentacles "Material Well Being" Astrological aspect – Venus in Virgo Material Well Being symbolizes an overflowing garden where you are alone with your abundant resources. In the flow or upright position, this indicates that you are basking in the garden with all of your needs being taken care of. In resist or reversed position this means that there is a loss or a theft of prized possessions.

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10 of Pentacles "Prosperity" Astrological aspect – Mercury in Virgo Prosperity conveys an overflowing abundance for yourself, your family, and older generations. In the flow or upright position, this indicates that you are experiencing prosperity on all levels. In the resist or reversed position, this suggests that there is a level of difficulty with counting on or coveting your wealth.

Page of Pentacles "Diligent Learner" Elemental Powers – Earth of Earth Diligent Learner illustrates a thirst for knowledge. The flow or upright position points to one pursuing greater knowledge. The resist or reversed position suggests the possibility of becoming a wasteful person with unrealistic ideas.

Knight of Pentacles "Stable Supporter" Elemental Powers – Air of Earth Stable Supporter signifies a reliable supporter of others. The flow or upright position denotes that one who can always be counted on to be there for others. The resist or reversed position indicates one who cannot be counted on to help others. Money matters are at a standstill.

Queen of Pentacles "Charitable Provider" Elemental Powers – Water of Earth Charitable Provider signifies a generous benefactor. The flow or upright position shows one giving appropriate assistance to others. The resist or reversed position indicates a resentment about helping others possibly because you are spending money to achieve happiness.

King of Pentacles "Accomplished Entrepreneur" Elemental Powers – Fire of Earth Accomplished Entrepreneur is a captain of the business world. The flow or upright position indicates one who is a talented and accomplished business person. The resist or reversed position means one who will use any means necessary to accomplish his or her money goals.