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This is my workbook for semster two hand in

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I’m going to create a virtual environment that will consist of two main sections, the first being a child playroom and other being an island. I have decided to do this based on the information I’ve gathered

via my ethnographic research. The first section relates to when his parents spoiled him as a child and got everything he wanted until his parents broke up causing a “big change” in his life and becoming an inde-

pendent individual. You will start off in the child playroom and see big toys everywhere, while the wall slowly pushes you, leading to a narrow hallway, at the end of the hallway you have no choice but to jump and this will be the entrance to the second main section. The island is in a pixelated atmosphere everywhere you’ll

look; you’ll walk around and see the old video games combined with the aspects of commination such as two mobile phones playing pong, Skype clouds, Tetris blocks into the shapes of internet signal bars.


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I’m going to create a virtual environment that will consist of two main sections the first being a child playroom and other being an island.I have decided to make these two main sections based via my ethnographic research. The playroom is based on the early years of Jamal’s life, this represent his life when his parents was together he was spoilt and got everything, until they broke up and his life changed into an independent individual I have spo-ken to Jamal and he recommended I put something about his parents into my world. The island will represent independence and an in-depth meaning of his current life today. There will be ambient sounds in each section to give an more of an atmosphere.

I have decided to do this based on the information I’ve gathered via my ethnographic research wanted until his parents broke up causing a “big change” in his life and becom-ing an independent individual.I found a lot about Jamal during my ethnographic re-search that I didn’t understand before, it has helped me understand him a bit better and made my work more in-depth meaning towards him.

You will start off in the child playroom and see big toys everywhere, while the wall slowly pushes you, leading to a narrow hallway.I made toys to represent him as child for one; they are also going to be scaled up in size to give the impression that Jamal is a child the wall slowly pushes you into the narrow hallway to like force you out of his past life. The hallway is just there as like time portal to the future into his current life today.

At the end of the hallway you have no choice but to jump and this will be the entrance to the sec-ond main section. I made this interac-tion to represent your “ jumping into the future “ once you jump you can’t get back to the past.

The island is in a pixelated atmosphere everywhere you’ll look; you’ll walk around and see the old video games combined with the aspects of commination such as two mobile phones playing pong, Skype clouds, Tetris blocks into the shapes of internet signal bars.Via my ethnographic research I found out that Jamal spends a lot of time on the computer but is always speaking to somebody either its friends or family. He is clearly into video games and will spend a lot of time playing them. I decided to combine old video games such as Pong, Brick Breaker, and Tetris with everyday commination to give an in-depth meaning towards Jamal instead of just making out the obvious.


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Here is my assets list I used in my world on untiy, which consists of sounds,models and textures, aswell I used some of the standered assets to contribute to my world.

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concept research


This is my concept research and the stuff I looked at the helpe me create ideas for my concept art, I looked at my ethnugraphic research and started looking at the stuff I need to research to give me an idea of how my modles will look.

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concept art


Here is some of my concept art of what my models would look like to be honest im not realy happy with my drawing skills, but hopfully over time with practice they will get bet-ter.

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style sheets


For my style sheets im going to look at my sub-jects intrestests and take a look at different styles of art and come up with an soild idea for my own viur-tual world. Im going to look at his intrests more since from my enth-nographic research shows that his already into video games already, I might do somthing involed around this.

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For my map ideas I was thinking about creat-ing two sections for my subject. The first part at the top right of Map1 is the starting posistion of the game, where you start off in a childs play room and go down the tunnel and jump off onto the island. The isalnd will consist of video games combinded with commication such as moblie phone ping pong, these object will also have sound coming out from them creating an atomp-shere based on my subject.

For my second idea which In my opinion would of been better if I went with this, would of been 5 sections and each section is a differnt stage in my subjects life, for example on the far left it starts off in his past life with toys everywhere ( simuluar to my first idea) when his parants spioilt him intil they broke up courseing his life to change. You continue and see different stages of his life after they broke up, with sounds and models to create a different atomosphere for each one.

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This is my layout design and I think i will stick to the layout on the left, its clear and easy to understand, when you start a moving wall will be behideyou pushing you outside the room, so you will end up in section two.

For the island I will just put my models and animations around it, dosent realy matter to much where they go.

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drawing perspective


Formy perpective drawings i perfer drawing in mark-er pen to give a clear understand-ing where everything will go and a simple viusal of what it will look like. Everywhere you will look there will be some kind of pixels happen-ing, the ground the sky the models, I want my world to look pixelated, for the childs playroom its going to be a 3 shades of gray blocks to give a that simple pixcel effect, I kept it gray aswell for the dark bad memorys of my subvbjects parants braking up. The models inside are all one texture to give an under-standing of what they are. You will

start off in the room while the wall pushes you driectetly out towards the tunnel, which acts as like a time portal to the futur or my sub-jects current life at the end of the tunnel you have to jump into the island and ou cannont get bck to

previous first section. On the sec-ond section you will see game as-spects combined with commication on a daily bases that will represent my subjects currentt life style.

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Youenter my world and you will see toys every-twhere, this is my subjects past life when his parants was together, everything around this room are toys that probably cost alot of money to make my subject happy. The toys consits of a robot,teddy,aeroplane and a remote control car. These was designed to be simple but effective with the pixcelated effect going on, You will here alot of sounds at the begining the main one being people argueing this represents my sub-jects pararants braking up, but the toys around the room will also make noises to give the room more of an atomosphere. The wall behide you at the start is animated and will push you out the room forceing you to continue down a hall tunnel passage way which will lead to secontion two

In section two there is alot going on, the skybox I desided to use was a loads of squares to give a pixelated feel with the sun just peaking through the end of the tunnel aswell as skype clouds. You have to jump down off the tun-nel to get into section two where you will see alot animations taking place also once you jump off you can’t get back to the toy room, this will represent changing his past, you cannont change his past but you can focus on the future. These animations are commication like moblie phones, email, internet combined with old pixcelated vid-eo games to give a feel of who my subject realy is. I tryed to make the ground and water to also look ab-stract in a pixelated atomosphere to give more depth to my whole world as a whole. There is two

other islands in the background with trees on them to give an extra feel of independance to my island.The sounds and intercations on my island will include old video game nosies such as Pacman, Mario, Snake to give this sence of video game atomosphere.

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3D models


Here is some of my mod-els I made on 3Ds max, to be honest I am very bad at the program but I enjoy it so much, I try to make stuff and watch turtorials to get better. I tryed to go for the pixelated effect and in my opinion it works ok.

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unity 3D screenshots

visit www.jsmtih24.gdnm.org for sounds,interaction and animation design

Here is my current stage of my 3D en-vioment, I must say Unity is very hard to get used to I had so many exporting problems but through these problemes I learned how to overcome them. I do kind of like my world with its simpleisity and pixelated effect. I think I stuck to the breif and my concept art pretty acctruately. Hopfully overtime I will get much better in Uniity and 3Ds max becuase I do realy enjoy these programs, over summer I will probably learn java scripting and see what I can do then.