Work Experience 12A Activation Assignment Students Name: Students Email: Cell: Parents Name: Parents Email: Phone #: Cell #: Gender: M F Current School: Are you currently timetabled for a support block at another school? Yes No Have you previously taken a Learn@Home Course? Yes No I have attached my carefully and thoroughly completed activation assignment By signing below we are making a formal commitment to completing this course through weekly submission of work that meets Learn@Home’s Academic Honesty guidelines. I understand the grade for this assignment will be part of my overall course mark. Parent’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________________ Student’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________________ Teacher’s Use Only Marked Date: ___________________ Communication Date: ____________ Communication Notes: In-Person Email Telephone Training Plan: Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Workplace Safety Worksheet: Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Meeting Interview: Excellent Very Good Satisfactory __________________ Teacher Signature Score: __________

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Work Experience 12A Activation Assignment

Student’s Name:

Student’s Email: Cell:

Parent’s Name:

Parent’s Email:

Phone #: Cell #: Gender: M F

Current School:

Are you currently timetabled for a support block at another school? Yes No

Have you previously taken a Learn@Home Course? Yes No

I have attached my carefully and thoroughly completed activation assignment

By signing below we are making a formal commitment to completing this course through

weekly submission of work that meets Learn@Home’s Academic Honesty guidelines. I

understand the grade for this assignment will be part of my overall course mark.

Parent’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________________

Student’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ___________________

Teacher’s Use Only

Marked Date: ___________________ Communication Date: ____________

Communication Notes: In-Person Email Telephone

Training Plan: Excellent Very Good Satisfactory

Workplace Safety Worksheet: Excellent Very Good Satisfactory

Meeting Interview: Excellent Very Good Satisfactory

__________________ Teacher Signature Score: __________

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Work Experience 12

Course Outline:

Work Experience 12 provides students with an opportunity to plan and prepare for their careers beyond secondary school. Students combine

school courses and a minimum of 100 hours of paid or unpaid career related work experience, workshops, field trips, post secondary visits,

and curriculum work. Work Experience placements in the community can be school arranged, student arranged or a combination of the two.

Students will be required to complete 20 hours of paperwork that supports the program including but not limited to: job application,

resume, covering letters, job interview, reflective learning, and a work

experience evaluation. Application for Learn@Home’s Work Experience 12 is completed through consultation with the programs coordinator, vice-principal, or


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S.D. #68 Nanaimo-Ladysmith

Work Experience 12 Evaluation Form

Student: Student #: Grade:

Course Outline: Work Experience 12 consists of students completing a minimum of 100 hours of paid or unpaid work experience, training, workshops, field trips, post secondary visits, and curriculum work. Work Experience placements in the community can be school arranged, student arranged or a combination of the two. Students will be required to complete approximately 20 hours of documentation that supports the program including but not limited to: job application, resume, cover letter, job or information interview, reflective learning, and evaluation of the work experience. Tick one or two areas you are interested in below.

… Business & Applied Business … Health and Human Services … Human Services & Social Sciences … … …

Fine Arts, Design & Media Fitness and Recreation Trades and Technology

… …

Liberal Arts and Humanities Science and Applied Science

… Trades & Technology … Tourism, Hospitality and Foods

Activities completed: The student has participated in a combination of the following activities to complete Work Experience 12:

Superhost Paid work experience Reflection sheets Foodsafe Unpaid work experience Portfolio criteria sheets WHMIS Field trip First Aid Post Secondary Liaison Squirrel Immersion Activity Other Other Total # of hours

Evaluation: 1

Meets Expectations

2 Good

3 Very Good

4 Exceptional/ Outstanding

Teacher evaluation

25% Training Plan & Workplace safety Resume Cover Letter Final Report /25 75% Completed work experience

Strong evaluation from employer Self evaluation Reflection sheets – analyze skills Effort Initiative Meeting deadlines Total hours completed Other /75

Date: Teacher: Final Mark:

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WEX 12 Activation: Training Plan

Student Name:

Work Site Telephone #: Work Site Employer Address:

Teacher/Monitor Name:

Work Site Fax #:

Work Site Employer (Business


Work Site Employer Email:

1. Student Focus Area: Please () the area that applies to your Work Experience. Refer

to the Focus Area section for descriptions of each. Business and Applied Business Liberal Arts and Humanities

Fine Arts, Design, and Media Science and Applied Science

Fitness and Recreation Tourism, Hospitality, and Foods

Health and Human Services Trades and Technology

2. Focus Area-related Courses Taken/Planned:







3. Employer On-Site Safety Orientation Provided:

Y / N (Please circle)

4. Days/Hours to be worked: Provide an example of a typical week during your Work


Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.



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5. Outline: Provide a general description of the nature of work to be performed during the

work experience placement,

6. Duties/Tasks: List the specific duties/tasks to be observed or performed alone or with


Duty/Task Observed Performed

With Help



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7. Employability Skills: List the employability skills to be practiced. Refer to the

Employability 2000+ list for examples of skills you may acquire

during your Work Experience

Skill Performed

With Help



By their signatures, the parties signify their agreement with the Training Plan School:

Parent/Guardian (if applic.) Employer:

Contact Name: (Print)

Student Signature: Contact Name (Print)


Parent/Guardian Signature: Employer Signature:


Date: Date:

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WEX12 Activation: Workplace Safety Work Safety Worksheet

A. Please review the sheet entitled: WCB Regulation 3.12: The Right to Refuse Unsafe


B. Did you receive a work site safety orientation? _________________

C. Answer the following:

1. What are the potential dangers on your job?

2. How do you protect yourself from these dangers?

3. What safety gear are you expected to wear at work?

4. Who is responsible for providing the gear?

5. What is the procedure if you are injured at work?

6. Are there hazardous materials on the worksite? If yes, What are they?

7. Did you take a WHMIS course?

If so, when?

8. Which machinery/equipment/power tools have you been trained to use?

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WCB Regulation 3.12: The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work Procedure for Refusal:

(1) A person must not carry out or cause to be carried out any work process or operate or cause

to be operated any tool, appliance or equipment if that person has reasonable cause to believe

that to do so would create an undue hazard to the health and safety of any person.

(2) A worker who refuses to carry out a work process or operate a tool, appliance or equipment

pursuant to subsection (1) must immediately report the circumstances of the unsafe condition to

his or her supervisor or employer.

(3) A supervisor or employer receiving a report made under subsection (2) must immediately

investigate the matter and

(a) ensure that any unsafe condition is remedied without delay, or

(b) if in his or her opinion the report is not valid, must so inform the person who made the report.

(4) If the procedure under subsection (3) does not resolve the matter and the worker continues to

refuse to carry out the work process or operate the tool, appliance or equipment, the supervisor

or employer must investigate the matter in the presence of the worker who made the report and

in the presence of

(a) a worker member of the joint committee,

(b) a worker who is selected by a trade union representing the worker, or

(c) if there is no joint committee or the worker is not represented by a trade union, any other

reasonably available worker selected by the worker.

(5) If the investigation under subsection (4) does not resolve the matter and the worker continues

to refuse to carry out the work process or operate the tool, appliance or equipment, both the

supervisor, or the employer, and the worker must immediately notify an officer, who must

investigate the matter without undue delay and issue whatever orders are deemed necessary.

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S.D. #68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith)

Employer Evaluation Form Work Experience 12

Organization: _____________________ Supervisor: _____________________________

Student: __________________________ School: Learn@Home 8-12

From: Rick McDonough Phone: 740-2013

Email: [email protected] Fax: 740-2040

The above named student is registered with the School District in a course called Work Experience 12. This course allows students to develop a program that meets their personal needs while attaining the skills and knowledge required in making a smooth transition to post-secondary training and/or work. Please assist us by ticking the appropriate column in the chart below. This information will be used as part of the student assessment for the Work Experience 12 final mark.

Student Job Title:

Skill to be assessed Developing


Competent skills Good skills Strong skills



Teamwork skills

Positive attitude

Willingness to learn job

Works safely (see reverse)


Communicates well

Manages information

Solves problems

Shows initiative

Work ethic

Job specific skills


Approximate number of hours worked to date:

Employer Signature: Date:

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Assessment of Work Site Safety – please check appropriate rows below

Student participated in a work place safety orientation and emergency training

Student takes care of and safely uses tools, machinery and/or equipment

Student knows how to report unsafe work or hazards in the workplace

Student is aware of first aid procedures and injury reporting procedures

Student respects rules about hazardous materials

Student wears any required safety gear

Student follows safe work procedures

Workplace Safety Comments

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation!

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1 Student Self-Evaluation Form

S.D. #68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith)

Student Self Evaluation Form Work Experience 12

Student: Grade: Student #:

This evaluation is similar to the Employer evaluation form. Please rate yourself. This will be

compared to the assessment by your employer and will be used as part of your final mark for

Work Experience 12.

Employer Name:

Job Title:

Skill to be assessed Developing skills

C level work

Competent skills

C+ level work

Good skills

B level work

Strong skills

A level work



Teamwork skills

Positive attitude

Willingness to learn job

Works safely


Communicates well

Manages information

Solves problems

Shows initiative

Work ethic

Job specific skills

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Employability Skills Worksheet

Using the worksheet entitled Employability Skills 2000+, please complete the

following trade. Give examples of at least three skills under each area.

Skill Area Skills you have How you use those

skills on the


Skills you need

to improve








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Employability Skills Questionnaire

(Please note you may answer these questions on your computer and print

out the page and attach to this package or you may use this area and the

back to write your answers)

Reflection questions:

1. What are some of the employment skills that you need to improve on and what will you do to


2. What parts of this job are the most appealing to you? Why?

3. What parts of this job are the least appealing to you? Why?

4. What are your career and educational plans after high school? How has working impacted

your career and life plans?

Student Signature: _________________________________

Date: __________________________________________

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Employability Skills 2000+

The skills you need to enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work—whether you work on your own

or as a part of a team.

Fundamental Skills The skills needed as a base for further development

You will be better prepared to progress in

the world of work when you can:

Communicate • read and understand information

presented in a variety of forms (e.g.,

words, graphs, charts, diagrams)

• write and speak so others pay attention and


• listen and ask questions to understand

and appreciate the points of view of others

• share information using a range of

information and communications

technologies (e.g., voice, e-mail, computers)

• use relevant scientific, technological and

mathematical knowledge and skills to explain

or clarify ideas

Manage Information • locate, gather and organize information using appropriate technology and information


• access, analyze and apply knowledge and

skills from various disciplines (e.g., the arts,

languages, science, technology, mathematics,

social sciences, and the humanities)

Use Numbers • decide what needs to be measured or calculated

• observe and record data using appropriate

methods, tools and technology

• make estimates and verify calculations

Think & Solve Problems • assess situations and identify problems

• seek different points of view and evaluate them based on facts

• recognize the human, interpersonal,

technical, scientific and mathematical

dimensions of a problem

• identify the root cause of a problem • be creative and innovative in exploring

possible solutions

• readily use science, technology and

mathematics as ways to think, gain and

share knowledge, solve problems and

make decisions

• evaluate solutions to make

recommendations or decisions

• implement solutions

• check to see if a solution works, and act

Personal Management Skills The personal skills, attitudes and behaviours that drive one’s potential for


You will be able to offer yourself greater

possibilities for achievement when you can:

Demonstrate Positive Attitudes & Behaviours • feel good about yourself and be confident • deal with people, problems and

situations with honesty, integrity and

personal ethics

• recognize your own and other people’s

good efforts

• take care of your personal health • show interest, initiative and effort

Be Responsible • set goals and priorities balancing work and personal life

• plan and manage time, money and other

resources to achieve goals

• assess, weigh and manage risk • be accountable for your actions and the

actions of your group

• be socially responsible and contribute to

your community

Be Adaptable • work independently or as a part of a team • carry out multiple tasks or projects

• be innovative and resourceful: identify

and suggest alternative ways to achieve

goals and get the job done

• be open and respond constructively

to change

• learn from your mistakes and accept feedback

• cope with uncertainty

Learn Continuously • be willing to continuously learn and grow

• assess personal strengths and areas for development

• set your own learning goals • identify and access learning sources

and opportunities

• plan for and achieve your learning goals

Work Safely • be aware of personal and group health and safety practices and procedures, and

act in accordance with these

Teamwork Skills The skills and attributes needed to contribute productively

You will be better prepared to add

value to the outcomes of a task, project or team when you can:

Work with Others • understand and work within the

dynamics of a group

• ensure that a team’s purpose and

objectives are clear

• be flexible: respect, be open to and

supportive of the thoughts, opinions and

contributions of others in a group

• recognize and respect people’s

diversity, individual differences and


• accept and provide feedback in a

constructive and considerate manner

• contribute to a team by sharing

information and expertise

• lead or support when appropriate,

motivating a group for high performance

• understand the role of conflict in a

group to reach solutions

• manage and resolve conflict when


Participate in Projects & Tasks • plan, design or carry out a project or

task from start to finish with well- defined objectives and outcomes

• develop a plan, seek feedback, test,

revise and implement

• work to agreed quality standards and


• select and use appropriate tools and

technology for a task or project

• adapt to changing requirements and


• continuously monitor the success

of a project or task and identify ways to


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GREAT RESUMES There is no specific guideline on how all resumes should be created. Much depends on your own

accomplishments and strengths. Here is a list of the required and optional elements of a resume.

Job Objective (optional but recommended)

This is a sentence identifying your reason for applying for a position.

Contact Information (required)

Name, address, phone number, cell, email (*only use if you have a professional sounding email

Ex. [email protected] opposed to [email protected])

Education and Training (required)

Your school and grade

Courses you have taken pertinent to the job (Ex. Foodsafe, First Aid, Peer Helping, Foods, etc.)

Skills & Abilities (required)

These are the employability skills you possess – the qualities employers are looking for. Try to list

6-8 and make them relevant to the job you are applying.

A hint is to pick out key words from the job posting or the company’s website to help you decide

the skills you want to highlight your abilities. Use the handout titled, “Employability Skills 2000+”

Work & Volunteer Experience (required for those who have experience)

Be sure to include the position, dates, employer, and a description of your duties and

responsibilities. List these strting with the most recent or the most important to the position

you’re applying.

Community Involvement (optional)

Any clubs or organizations you are a part of.

Interests and Hobbies (optional)

Usually include if you have little or not work or volunteer experience, or if the hobbies pertain to

skills or the job you are applying

References (required)

Pick three adults (non-family) who know you well and can speak highly about your work habits or

personality. Include first & last name, the person’s connection to you (Ex. Teachers, coach, former

employer, family friend, and telephone number. *Be sure to ask permission, and it is a good idea

to remind your references when you go out to apply for jobs.

Other Pointers

Keep your resume to one page, adjust the borders if needed. Use 12 pt font for your name.

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Work Experience 12A

- Final Report -

Description of Job

Name of Employer:

Hours Worked: Minimum 100 Hours (Provide Evidence ie. Paystub or T4)

Job Title

Major Duties

Future Career Goals

What do you want to be doing in five years?

What is needed (training, schooling, pre-requisite high school courses, etc.)

Resume & Cover Letter

Attach Resume and cover letter on separate pages.

Please see examples on Google or use a Word Template (open Word, File, new, open a template)

You have now finished your Work Experience 12 Activation Assignment. Please bring all this work to the meeting you booked or contact Learn@Home (250-740-2032) to schedule an appointment with Rick McDonough ([email protected]). We are located in the tower behind NDSS on 355 Wakesiah Avenue. We are on the third and forth floors. Check in to room 257. See you soon.

Rick McDonough
