Page 1 Words of Peace “Peace Through Christ” April 2015 A monthly publication of Peace Lutheran Church Camarillo, CA Miguel de Cervantes has been found. Maybe you didn’t even know he was missing. Maybe you don’t even know who he is. Cervantes is the father of the modern novel, known for his iconic work, Don Quixote. He died in 1616 and was buried at the Convent of the Discalced Trinitarians in Madrid according to his request. The Trinitarians had once worked to ransom him from Algerian captors after an attack at sea. The exact location of his tomb was lost after a renovation in the late 17 th century. Investigators have been searching the crypt and its alcoves for almost a year with infrared cameras, 3D scanners, an radar, looking for his remains. In January, the team reported having uncovered a coffin with the letters M and C marked on it, but inside they found the remains of a child. Just recently a box dug up from 50 inches beneath the crypt containing bones from ten adults and five children is thought to contain the last remnants of the great author. Authorities in Madrid are hoping for enough of a confirmation to erect a monument to Cervantes before April of next year, the 400 th anniversary of his death. When the women went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning, they had every expectation his remains would still be where they had laid him Friday night. A great stone had been rolled across the opening to seal it. Pilate had posted guards to make sure his disciples wouldn’t try to steal his body so they could claim he had risen from the dead. But when they got there the guards were gone. There was nothing there to guard. The stone had been rolled away and instead of a corpse they discovered an angel waiting for them with news that he wasn’t there. He had risen, just as he had said. Pastor’s Message

Words of Peace - Peace Camarillo · Words of Peace “Peace Through ... Aiden Farinella, (Rawlin & Toni Radle’s ... Brennan, Ada Bruns, Win Burkhardt, Cindy Fox, Joshua Kappel,

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Page 1: Words of Peace - Peace Camarillo · Words of Peace “Peace Through ... Aiden Farinella, (Rawlin & Toni Radle’s ... Brennan, Ada Bruns, Win Burkhardt, Cindy Fox, Joshua Kappel,

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Words of Peace “Peace Through Christ”

April 2015 A monthly publication of Peace Lutheran Church

Camarillo, CA

Miguel de Cervantes has been found. Maybe you didn’t even know he was missing. Maybe you don’t even know who he is. Cervantes is the father of the modern novel, known for his iconic work, Don Quixote. He died in 1616 and was buried at the Convent of the Discalced Trinitarians in Madrid according to his request. The Trinitarians had once worked to ransom him from Algerian captors after an attack at sea. The exact location of his tomb was lost after a renovation in the late 17th century. Investigators

have been searching the crypt and its alcoves for almost a year with infrared cameras, 3D scanners, an radar, looking for his remains. In January, the team reported having uncovered a coffin with the letters M and C marked on it, but inside they found the remains

of a child. Just recently a box dug up from 50 inches beneath the crypt containing bones from ten adults and five children is thought to contain the last remnants of the great author. Authorities in Madrid are hoping for enough of a confirmation to erect a monument to Cervantes before April of next year, the 400th anniversary of his death. When the women went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning, they had every expectation his remains would still be where they had laid him Friday night. A great stone had been rolled across the opening to seal it. Pilate had posted guards to make sure his disciples wouldn’t try to steal his body so they could claim he had risen from the dead. But when they got there the guards were gone. There was nothing there to guard. The stone had been rolled away and instead of a corpse they discovered an angel waiting for them with news that he wasn’t there. He had risen, just as he had said.

Pastor’s Message Pastor’s Message

Page 2: Words of Peace - Peace Camarillo · Words of Peace “Peace Through ... Aiden Farinella, (Rawlin & Toni Radle’s ... Brennan, Ada Bruns, Win Burkhardt, Cindy Fox, Joshua Kappel,

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There was little argument over it because for the next forty days Jesus showed himself alive to hundreds of people before ascending to his rightful place in heaven. It’s not only an edge of your seat thriller, it’s a perennial best seller, maybe because it’s also a true story. Our own story of rescue and redemption by our Trinitarian God, our ransom from slavery to sin paid not with gold or silver, but with our Lord’s own shed blood on the Good Friday cross. That’s what the gospel and Easter is all about. Jesus came into our world to live the perfect life God requires in our place—for us. And then, during Holy Week, he submitted willingly, out of a deep, sacrificial kind of love we can hardly imagine, putting himself and his life on the line for you and me. He took the punishment, the mocking, the beatings, and even the death on a cross that should

have been our punishment. The death our sins have earned. It’s a remarkable story isn’t it? Almost too good to be true but it is true, historically and spiritually. By faith and for Jesus’ sake, our sins are washed away by the blood of God’s own Son. And even though it cost him everything, we owe nothing for it but our thanks and a life lived in his honor and to his glory. A life lived in a way that when people see us they see a little bit of Jesus. Because God looks at us through the perfect life of his Son, we have a place waiting for us in heaven when our time here in this world is finished. We can be sure of that because of the empty tomb. God raised Jesus from the dead on Easter morning to demonstrate his power over death. To assure us that our bill, our sin debt to him, has been stamped PAID IN FULL. We have been ransomed, redeemed from slavery to sin by Jesus’ shed blood. God is great and God is good. Now go and do someone the biggest favor of their life—tell them about him. Invite them to Easter worship to hear the story and experience the celebration. Invite them to find out what true freedom and a sure hope can do for them, now and forever.


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Anniversaries April Keith & Diane Hedrick 4/6 Doug & Carole Morrison 4/9 Helmut & Susan Klein 4/24 Tom & Linda LaJeunesse 4/26 Rick & Bonnie Gatling 4/28 David & Sandra Miller 4/28 Birthdays April Karen Johnson 4/3 Melanie Gingerich 4/6 Nancy Nipstad 4/7 Rick Poore 4/9 Cole Supple 4/11 Leslie Hochhalter 4/12 David Stafford 4/13 Shirley Kinnon 4/14 Dave Hutter 4/15 Abby Schneider 4/16 Matthew Geib 4/16 Tina Gingerich 4/17 Sandi Stepp 4/19 Carla Lacy 4/21 Loretta Wright 4/22 Michelle Lourenco 4/22 Dick Mahlke 4/23 Sarah Taylor 4/23 Tami Ullerick 4/24 James Miller 4/24 Pastor Rob 4/25 Virginia Herman 4/27 Sue Zinger 4/27 Karen Raso 4/27 Janice Swanson 4/27 Ken Haugrud 4/29 Gene O’Neal 4/30 Kevin Krumdieck 4/30

ELDERS CORNER As we close out the Lenten season and ponder anew

the great sacrifice our Savior made on our behalf, I want you to think about wood. That’s right, wood! When I think of Jesus, I think of rough wood. Like bookends surrounding a library of prized writing, the open book that is Christ’s earthly life is bracketed by rough wood.

Jesus began his human life with his back against rough wood, being laid in a manger, an animal feeding trough. Jesus had to come down from his rightful place of glory at the right hand of the Father, lay aside his prerogatives as creator and take on the limitations of human frailty, all in order to perfectly represent fallen humanity.

Jesus was connected to wood through his earthly father, Joseph. He was a carpenter by trade. Jesus is referred to variously as “the carpenter” and “the son of the carpenter” in the Gospels. We also find references in the Old Testament where the coming Messiah is referred to as being the “Righteous Branch”, the “Stem” or “Branch of Jesse.” Jeremiah wrote “The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness.”

Jesus ended his earthly life with his back against rough wood, nailed to a Roman cross. He perfectly obeyed his Father in everything, even to laying down his life as a satisfaction for God’s demand of justice for the sins of the world. He was our substitute, coming into the world to undo the curse that became ours through Adam’s sin. He took that curse to rough wood, hung on a tree, cursed of God. Now, because the curse has been cleansed through the shedding of Jesus' blood, we can realize the amazing vastness of what he has done. Isaac Watts wrote, “His blessings flow far as the curse is found.” Our risen Lord can enter into lives everywhere to make what is wrong right, what is foul clean, what is corrupt holy. This is the promise of Easter, the priceless gift that God has prepared for us, a perfect picture of Love incarnate, born in Bethlehem and borne on a cross, framed by rough wood. May we all be blessed as we celebrate the Righteous Branch throughout this glorious Easter season.

Peace in Christ, Your Elders

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Receiving cancer treatment: Aiden Farinella, (Rawlin & Toni Radle’s nephew), Tom Gumfory, Nancy Johnson, and Hedy Pein.

Prayers for healing and strength: Lily Baehr, Doris Bosman, LaJoyce Brennan, Ada Bruns, Win Burkhardt, Cindy Fox, Joshua Kappel, (John & Karen

Johnson’s friend), Pia Kund, Dorothy Lewis, Stan Lojewski, Ruth London, Jim Mainland, Gloria McLeod, Bee Muenich, Jim Richardson, Robin Schmidt, Buzz Schultze, (Mike’s father) Chelsea Schultze, Matt Sullivan, Paul Trahan, Lewis Vang, Jim Warczak, Duane Wentlandt, Loretta Wright and Sue Zinger.

Our sympathies go out to John & Karen Johnson & family on the loss of their nephew Glen Almany. The McComas family, former members, as Annette’s mother Pat Holmes, a frequent visitor to Peace, was called home to the Lord. Please pray for strength and healing as these families go through this most difficult time.

Thank you for your prayers for our nephew, Glenn Almany. Glenn was taken home to our Heavenly Father on Tues, March 24th. Please continue to pray for his young family. John & Karen Johnson

Pray for all military men and women especially:

Jacob Chiles, (Bill & Linda Young’s son-in-law) Tristan Grell, (Elisabeth Pohl’s grandson) Daniel Gross, (LaJoyce Brennan’s grandson), Davis Kelly, (Melodie Kelly’s son & Sonja Manzer’s grandson) Brian Miller, (Dave & Sandra Miller’s son), Brett Taylor, (Gary & Karen Taylor’s son), Stephen Volpei, (Connie Morris’ grandson), Brady Wentlandt, (Duane & Caroline Wentlandt’s grandson) and also remember their families in your prayers.

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“Let the Children Come to Me”

I love this passage from Matthew 19: 13-15 where Jesus was busy and the disciples tried to keep the children from bothering Him. Jesus stopped long enough to correct the disciples telling them, “Let the children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Jesus took the time to lay his hands on the children and pray before going on his way. Teaching children about Jesus and bringing them to Him is a very important ministry in the church. We appreciate our paid workers who faithfully teach our children about God, like our Youth Director Mike Schultze and our pre-school teachers and leaders: Sharon Thompson, Sandy Miller, Camille Farrell, Francine Beatty, and Alicia Borodaty. They have an important job, but they could never do it well without the wonderful volunteers who give of their time so faithfully. The Stewardship board would like to especially thank our Sunday School leaders and teachers, including Lisa Sage who is the superintendent as well as teaching the pre-school class, Roger Sage, who teaches our middle school students, Carol Yung, Bob and Irene Hutchinson, Jim Devries, Sharon Frasier and Lori Schultze. A big thank you also goes to Dick Mahlke for playing the guitar for the Sunday school opening every week. The Bible tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he won’t depart from it.” Psalm 22:6. These Sunday school volunteers are living out this verse every week by volunteering their time and talents to teach our children. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please talk to Lisa Sage about opportunities to serve. We also would like to thank our many Vacation Bible School leaders and helpers. VBS is an amazing outreach to the community that brings almost 100 children to our church every summer for a week of fun, Bible stories and verses, fun games and songs and great crafts. For some unchurched children it might be the only time in their year that they hear about the love of Jesus. The people of Peace Lutheran have been so amazingly helpful that it’s hard to know where to begin to say “thank-you”. Every year we have between 30-40 volunteers who give of their time to lead games, make cookies, decorate, tell Bible stories, help children learn a new Bible verse and just love children. Unfortunately we can’t list every name, but be sure that The Lord has seen your service and appreciates all you have done to help bring those children to Him. Linda Le Jeunesse has graciously volunteered to be the VBS director for a second year in a row (a HUGE job) and is currently recruiting volunteers for this year’s VBS program, Camp Discovery, which is happening June 22-26. If you would like to be a part, please talk to Linda or to Mike Schultze to volunteer. Every month when the Stewardship Board meets, we thank God for the faithful members God has given us here at Peace Lutheran who are so consistently giving of their time, talents and treasures. Thank- you!

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LifeTree Café

Please join us and invite a friend or two to LifeTree Café on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 for an hour of stories and conversations for your soul. We have fabulous coffee drinks, refreshments and yummy snacks. Topics for April include the

following: April 9: Surviving the Death of a Loved One – Finding peace

in your time of loss April 16: How Do I Know What God Wants Me To Do?

April 23: Inside The Gun Debate – To hunt? To defend? To assault?

April 30: Isolated and Alone: Imprisoned in Iran: Lessons learned in solitary confinement

LifeTree Cafe is in need of Friendship Team members. It is very rewarding and you’ll have a good time, too. Please see

either Rich or Rebeka Medina.

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The Fellowship Committee is busy planning Easter Brunch. We will be at church on Saturday morning (April 4th) at 9:00 to set up the tables and chairs. If you have an hour, please come join us. The food sign-up lists are posted on the announcement boards. Please sign-up to bring a coffee cake, fruit, deviled eggs or sliced ham. We can accept items on Saturday morning or as early as 7:30 on Sunday.

Save the Date – We will be

hosting a Mother’s Day Tea on Saturday May 9th. Please mark your calendar. Details to follow.

The Fellowship Committee would like to thank Dave Miller and the trustees for hosting a Saturday Work Party. Many, from our committee were there to help. The kitchen, pantry and refrigerator were cleaned and organized. They look amazing! It was an enjoyable time, working with others and accomplishing so much. We hope that even more church members will join in on the next Saturday Work Party. Your Fellowship Committee

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Join us Easter morning...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

• Worship• Brunch

• Egg hunt• Bubbles & Butterflies



were friendly!


(but hard to photograph)

LUMINARIARelay for Li fe

NEXT Faith & Fun Friday:

April 10th

We will be preparing for the Relay for Life on the eleventh with…

Last month’s Easter baskets were a great community service project for Casa Pacifica… JOIN US this month, as we support Cancer sufferers & “The Relay for Life.” We will be making Luminaria F, 4/10!

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

29 Palm Sunday 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3yrs-adult 9:30 AM Praise Service (Fellowship Hall) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (PCH)

11:00 a.m. New Life Church 4:00 PM Cub Scout Mtg.

30 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Boy Scout Comm. Mtg. (FH)

31 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse)

1 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Rotating Homes)

2 5:15 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship Service

3 12:00 PM Good Friday Service 7:00 PM Good Friday Worship Service

4 9:00 AM Easter Brunch Set-Up 10:00 AM-Noon Praise Band Practice (FH)

5 Easter Sunday 8:00 AM Traditional Communion Service (Sanctuary) 11:00 AM Praise Worship Service 9:00 AM Easter Brunch 9:30 AM Children’s

Activities 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

6 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

7 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse) 7:00 PM Church Council Mtg. (FH)

8 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Rotating Homes) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

9 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Many Meals 5:15 PM Handbells 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Mtg. (FH) 7:00 PM Choir practice (Sanc.) 7:00 PM Lifetree

10 6:00 PM Faith & Fun Friday (FH) 6:30 PM Storytellers (Coffeehouse)

11 10:00 AM-Noon Praise Band Practice (FH)

12 8 & 11 AM Traditional

Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3yrs-adult 9:30 AM Praise

Communion Service (Fellowship Hall) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (PCH) 11:00 PM New Life

Church (FH) 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

13 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

14 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse) 7:00 PM Super Tuesday (FH)

15 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Rotating Homes) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

16 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:15 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Choir practice (Sanc.) 7:00 PM Lifetree (Coffeehouse)

17 6:00 PM Confirmation (FH) 6:00 PM Cub Scout Pack Meeting (FH)

18 10:00 AM-Noon Praise Band Practice (FH) The Summit grades 4-6

19 8 & 11 AM Traditional Communion Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3yrs-adult 9:30 AM Praise Service

(FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (PCH) 11:00 AM New Life Church (FH) 4:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

20 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

21 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse)

22 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Rotating Homes) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

23 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:15 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Choir practice (Sanc.) 7:00 PM Lifetree

24 6:00 PM Confirmation (FH) 6:30 PM Asperger’s Group Mtg. (Coffeehouse)

25 10:00 AM-Noon Praise Band Practice (FH)

26 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3yrs-adult 9:30 AM Praise

Communion Service (Fellowship Hall) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (PCH)

27 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop Comm. Mtg. (FH)

28 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse)

29 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (Rotating Homes) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

30 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:15 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Choir practice (Sanc.) 7:00 PM Lifetree (Coffeehouse)

1 6:00 PM Faith &Fun Fridays

2 10:00 AM-Noon Praise Band Practice (FH)

APRIL 2015 Calendar

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April 5 Communion Easter

Blaine Wanke


Tom Waddell &

Phil Hamilton

Lyle Lehman* Jim DeVries Todd Harter Bob Lacy ++++++++++++ Dave Schmidt* Roy Poehler Mike Hale

Tina Gingerich

Todd Harter


Greg Foley

Irene Hutchison


Sarah Harter &

Nicholas Pettit ++++++++++++

Sean Farrell &

Logan Farrell

April 12 Blaine Wanke


Scott Klittich

Ken Anderson* Andrew Geib Scott Ehlers Art Schmidt ++++++++++++ Scott Klittich* Tim Klittich Peter Sandstrum

Tina Gingerich

Susan Klein


Lori Schultze

Millie Dunivin


Peter & Irma Sandstrum

Matt Ullerick


Melissa Poore

April 19 Communion

Blaine Wanke


Scott Klittich

Blaine Wanke* Gene O’Neal Keith Hedrick ++++++++++++ Ralph Hochhalter Leslie Hochhalter Mike McCracken

Tina Gingerich

Bob Lacy


Al Bosman

Stepp Family


Luci Pommers

Chandler Supple


Cole Supple

April 26 Blaine Wanke


Bob Hutchison

Craig Frye* Gary Taylor Karen Taylor Bill Young ++++++++++++ Dave Miller Tom Taylor Rick Poore

Tina Gingerich

Dick Mahlke


Bob Hutchison

Gary & Karen



Dave & Sandra Miller

Sarah Harter


James Miller

May 3 Dave Schmidt


Craig Frye

Lyle Lehman* Jim DeVries Todd Harter Bob Lacy ++++++++++++ Dave Schmidt* Roy Poehler Mike Hale

Linda LaJeunesse

Ingrid Poehler




Jim & Kerry

DeVries ++++++++++++

Tom & Noreen


Matt Ullerick


Sean Farrell

9:30 Service Elder Readers 4/5 Tom Waddell & Phil Hamilton Greg Foley 4/12 Tom Waddell & Phil Hamilton Craig Frye 4/19 Tom Waddell & Phil Hamilton Steve Herman 4/26 Tom Waddell & Phil Hamilton Dave Hutter

5/3 Greg Olewiler & Dave Hutter Peter Lee

ACOLYTES: If you have any conflicts, please call Mike Schultze 302-0888 or the Elder in charge.

READERS: If you have any conflicts, please call Marsha Larson (805) 482-3313.

April 2015 Servers