1 THE WOODSTOCK INDEPENDENT I NDEPENDENT The Woodstock July 3-9, 2013 Serving Woodstock, Wonder Lake and Bull Valley, Ill. $1.00 www.thewoodstockindependent.com Published every Wednesday Est. 1987 OBITUARIES 5 OPINION 6 EDUCATION 8 A & E 10 MARKETPLACE 12 INDEX The Woodstock Independent 671 E. Calhoun St., Woodstock, IL 60098 Phone: 815-338-8040 Fax: 815-338-8177 www.thewoodstockindependent.com OBITUARIES William A. ‘Bill’ Freund, Woodstock Vernell E. Bennett, Marengo Robert J. Nickels, Hebron Richard A. Volz, College Station, Texas Wayne. A Sherman, Huntley END QUOTE “Working for the big box clubs, you kind of forget why you’re there.” – Mo Ahmed, Page 12 COMMUNITY 14 CALENDAR 19 CLASSIFIEDS 20 PUBLIC NOTICES 22 SPORTS 32 NEWS PAGE 4 Franklinville Road will close July 8 for repair COMMUNITY For paranormal investigator, Woodstock is rich with haunts ASSESSMENT NOTICES Hartland and Seneca townships publish changes PAGE 14 PAGE 22 Council approves new contract with longtime auditing firm Sikich By KATELYN STANEK The Independent e city of Woodstock entered into a new contract with Sikich LLP that will see the accounting firm provide auditing services to the city for another three years. e Naperville-based firm has served in this capacity for the city of Woodstock for the past 12 years. Sikich handed the city a proposal totaling $85,200 in base audit fees for the length of the contract, $12,695 lower than the next-lowest bid, which came from the firm Baker Tilly. In total, six regional firms submitted proposals that averaged $103,866 in base audit fees. Some members of the Woodstock City Council previously had expressed concern about entering into a new agreement with Sikich because the firm has overseen the city’s annual audit for many years. Implementing a mandatory auditor rotation policy would have replaced the city’s auditing firm after each contract cycle, ensuring new auditors were examining the city’s finances regularly. Proponents of mandatory rotations, including the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, say this increases objectivity and independence in the auditing process. Opponents of this policy cite studies, including one by the Government Accountability Office, that have concluded regular rotations raise auditing fees while failing to improve independence. In response to concerns about auditor rotation, Sikich agreed to replace the team that had audited the city’s finances in past years with new personnel. “I’d been reluctant about this, because I feel it’s important to have a new set of eyes to look SURF CITY Woodstock cleans up — and dries out — after a flood leaves basements and parking lots underwater Ethan Ash rides his bike on a rain-covered basketball court at Olson Park June 26. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER Three Brothers employee Sipriaro Carranza uses a power washer to remove mud from the restaurant’s parking lot June 26. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER Homes, businesses hit by floodwaters By KATELYN STANEK and LISA KUCHARSKI The Independent When restaurant owner Kujtim Alimovski and his staff arrived at ree Brothers Family Restaurant June 26, they knew they would have to trade their aprons for galoshes for a day. “Our workers came to open the restaurant, and there was an ocean out here,” Alimovski said. Nature had made a show of force that morning, pounding Woodstock and the surrounding area with an average of four inches of rain and leaving residents, business owners and city employees scrambling to overcome the flooding left in its wake. At ree Brothers, water breached a retention pond adjacent to its parking lot, flooding it almost up to the restaurant’s front doors. “All my workers, instead of working in the kitchen, they’re working in the parking lot,” said Alimovski, who Storm knocks out police communication By KATELYN STANEK The Independent A lightning strike during the June 26 storm temporarily knocked out service to the Woodstock Police Department’s radios and phone lines, forcing dispatchers to reroute 911 calls to the McHenry Police Department before they were relayed back to Woodstock on a separate line. Calls to the police can be rerouted by dispatchers by activating a switch that bypasses the building’s equipment. e outage, which lasted several hours, started at 5:35 a.m. Sgt. Chip Amati of the WPD said the switchover was seamless. “e dispatcher called me saying we lost the phone lines, lost the radios,” Amati said. “But we have two switches in the room. We flip the switch and all the calls are immediately rerouted.” Please see Flooding, Page 3 City opts against mandatory auditor rotation » CITY COUNCIL Please see Auditor, Page 5

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INDEPENDENTTheWoodstock July 3-9, 2013

Serving Woodstock, Wonder Lake and Bull Valley, Ill. $1.00www.thewoodstockindependent.comPublished every Wednesday Est. 1987



The Woodstock Independent671 E. Calhoun St.,

Woodstock, IL 60098Phone: 815-338-8040Fax: 815-338-8177


O B I T U A R I E SWilliam A. ‘Bill’ Freund, WoodstockVernell E. Bennett, MarengoRobert J. Nickels, HebronRichard A. Volz, College Station, TexasWayne. A Sherman, Huntley

E N D Q U O T E“Working for the big box clubs, you kind of forget why you’re there.”

– Mo Ahmed, Page 12




Franklinville Road will close July 8

for repair


For paranormal investigator,

Woodstock is rich with haunts


Hartland and Seneca townships

publish changesPAGE 14 PAGE 22

Council approves new contract with longtime auditing firm Sikich

By KATELYN STANEKThe Independent

�e city of Woodstock entered

into a new contract with Sikich

LLP that will see the accounting

firm provide auditing services to

the city for another three years.

�e Naperville-based firm has

served in this capacity for the city

of Woodstock for the past 12 years.

Sikich handed the city a proposal

totaling $85,200 in base audit

fees for the length of the contract,

$12,695 lower than the next-lowest

bid, which came from the firm Baker

Tilly. In total, six regional firms

submitted proposals that averaged

$103,866 in base audit fees.

Some members of the Woodstock

City Council previously had

expressed concern about entering

into a new agreement with Sikich

because the firm has overseen

the city’s annual audit for many

years. Implementing a mandatory

auditor rotation policy would have

replaced the city’s auditing firm

after each contract cycle, ensuring

new auditors were examining the

city’s finances regularly.

Proponents of mandatory

rotations, including the Public

Company Accounting Oversight

Board, say this increases objectivity

and independence in the auditing

process. Opponents of this policy

cite studies, including one by the

Government Accountability Office,

that have concluded regular

rotations raise auditing fees while

failing to improve independence.

In response to concerns about

auditor rotation, Sikich agreed to

replace the team that had audited

the city’s finances in past years

with new personnel.

“I’d been reluctant about this,

because I feel it’s important to

have a new set of eyes to look

SURF CITYWoodstock cleans up — and

dries out — after a flood leaves basements and

parking lots underwater

Ethan Ash rides his bike on a rain-covered basketball court at Olson Park June 26. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER

Three Brothers employee Sipriaro Carranza uses a power washer to remove mud from the restaurant’s parking lot June 26. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER

Homes, businesses

hit by floodwatersBy KATELYN STANEK and LISA KUCHARSKI

The Independent

When restaurant owner Kujtim Alimovski and his staff

arrived at �ree Brothers Family Restaurant June 26, they

knew they would have to trade their aprons for galoshes

for a day.

“Our workers came to open the restaurant, and there

was an ocean out here,” Alimovski said.

Nature had made a show of force that morning, pounding

Woodstock and the surrounding area with an average

of four inches of rain and leaving residents, business

owners and city employees scrambling to overcome the

flooding left in its wake. At �ree Brothers, water breached

a retention pond adjacent to its parking lot, flooding it

almost up to the restaurant’s front doors.

“All my workers, instead of working in the kitchen,

they’re working in the parking lot,” said Alimovski, who

Storm knocks out police communication

By KATELYN STANEKThe Independent

A lightning strike during the June

26 storm temporarily knocked out

service to the Woodstock Police

Department’s radios and phone

lines, forcing dispatchers to reroute

911 calls to the McHenry Police

Department before they were

relayed back to Woodstock on a

separate line.

Calls to the police can be rerouted

by dispatchers by activating a

switch that bypasses the building’s

equipment. �e outage, which lasted

several hours, started at 5:35 a.m.

Sgt. Chip Amati of the WPD said

the switchover was seamless.

“�e dispatcher called me saying

we lost the phone lines, lost the

radios,” Amati said. “But we have

two switches in the room. We flip

the switch and all the calls are

immediately rerouted.”

Please see Flooding, Page 3

City opts against mandatory auditor rotation


Please see Auditor, Page 5




added flooding around his restaurant is

a common occurrence.

“It’s the city’s problem,” he said. “�eir

storm sewers are not taking in the water.

… But when they get 4 or 5 inches of rain

in two or three hours, they can’t handle


Employees at �ree Brothers

temporarily closed the business and

worked for hours to clear the flooding

with push brooms and pumps.

“Of course, the worst part of it

is, insurance will not cover outside

flooding,” Alimovski said.

Elsewhere, residents in neighborhoods

throughout Woodstock encountered

similar problems.

Dan and Vicky Heidenreich said they

were used to the occasional appearance

of “Lake Calhoun,” referring to the

flooding in the backyards of homes

along the street, but said this was

the worst flooding since city workers

repaired drain tiles in the area following

a major storm in 2007 that left much of

Woodstock underwater.

“�e water literally came through the

[basement] drain,” Dan Heidenreich said.

Vicky Heidenreich said her Calhoun

Street home had been in her family

for more than 55 years, never having

suffered structural problems from water

damage. Besides some ruined carpeting

and soaked cardboard boxes, the couple

said they were prepared, having stored

most of their items in plastic totes.

�ey plan to tile the perimeter of their

basement in case of future floods.

Vicky Heidenreich said she doesn’t

blame Woodstock Public Works for the

damage to her basement.

“People always want to scream and

yell at the city, but they can’t predict. It’s

not their fault,” she said.

On Donovan Street, resident Scott

Rebman worked throughout the day to

pump about 4 feet of water out of his


“Once in a while you get water in the

basement, but not like this,” Rebman

said. “�ere was 6 inches in the entire

yard, the first time I saw flooding in the

entire area that went halfway out to the


With flooding a common occurrence

in his neighborhood, Rebman said he

keeps the basement empty and has his

own pumps ready.

‘Maybe we should be doing other things instead of thinking our system is adequate’

Jeff Van Landuyt, Woodstock’s interim

director of public works, said the speed

and intensity of the storm was difficult

for the city’s sewer system to handle.

“�e way the storm came in certainly

affects a lot,” Van Landuyt said. “It was

a lot of rain in a short duration. … We

didn’t even have a chance to prepare.”

By LISA KUCHARSKIThe Independent

Steve Renkins, a Woodstock

resident since 1965, has

experienced his share of flooding

in the area, but after spending

the day pumping several feet

of water out of his son-in-law’s

basement on Donovan Street

following a June 26 storm,

Renkins is more certain than

ever of the correlation between

development in the city and

increased flooding.

“Until the subdivision was

built out by [Woodstock North]

High School, we never had this

problem,” Renkins said. “My

feeling is when they subdivided

that, they didn’t account for this


With the “flashier floods”

caused by saturated soil from

several days of rain last week,

Ed Weskerna, district manager

of McHenry-Lake County Soil

and Water Conservation, said

the soil cannot keep up with the

amount of rain it needs to take

in. Weskerna said rain came

down at a rate of approximately

2.5 inches in just two hours June

26, leaving little soak-and-drain

time for the ground.

“In the last 25 years, there’s

been portions of Woodstock that

have developed, and now you’ve

got more impervious surfaces

and you’ve generated more run-

off,” Weskerna said.

Elsewhere in the city, areas

like Raintree Park serve as storm

water detention and retention

basins designed to capture water

from subdivision watersheds,

retain it, and then let it gradually

drain through the storm-sewer

system at a controlled rate.

Raintree Park is composed of

wetland, clay-based soil, so it is

not as permeable as other soils.

Although lots in the area have

sandier soil — usually allowing

for better drainage — nearby

residents are noticing a decrease

in efficiency and an increase in

overflows in the storm-sewer

system, with some homeowners

experiencing flooding in their

yards and homes. Weskerna said

development in Woodstock may

be contributing to a decrease in

surface area for water soaking,

and stormwater infrastructure

may not have the capacity for

holding “today’s” water.

“�ere’s possibly too much

water coming into Raintree,”

Weskerna said.

Is development causing floods? Some say yes

Ways to prevent stormwater flooding

Infiltration and Inflow Program

Source: Woodstock Department of Public Works


Van Landuyt said a total of 47

employees from public works — everyone

in the department — were called in to

help pump water, monitor rain levels and

block off flooded streets, among other

things. He said a major retention area

in Raintree Park — which sits directly

behind homes along Calhoun Street

— had filled especially quickly, forcing

workers to pump water from the area at

a rate much faster than it could empty

on its own.

“Retention areas fill up quickly and

then drain slowly,” Van Landuyt said.

“We had to bypass the restrictor that

controls the drainage. If we hadn’t done

that, it probably would have crested.”

Van Landuyt said public works

employees will continue to monitor

areas hard hit by regular flooding,

including Tara Drive on the city’s west

side, a project they have undertaken

since 2007. He said he believes flooding

is becoming more frequent within city


“Everyone says we got this 100-year

flood [in 2007], but it seems like it’s

happening every couple of years,” Van

Landuyt said.

He added the city will have to re-

examine its retention basins and sewer

systems to determine how to handle

future storms.

“Maybe we should be doing other

things instead of thinking our system

is adequate,” Van Landuyt said. “We’re

going to be putting a list together of

things we should be doing. ... Is our

system inadequate? I’m not sure that’s

100 percent true. Are there areas that we

could improve? Yes.”

He added the nature of flooding makes

it impossible to prevent entirely.

“We did the best we can, and we’re

seeing there are some areas having

repeat problems that we have to

address,” Van Landuyt said. “But for

me to say that everyone’s problems are

going to go away — that’s just not a true


Dorr office closes, storm impacts entire county

�e offices of Dorr Township, 1039

Lake Ave., also closed temporarily

after water flooded the building, which

opened in late 2012.

“We’re working to dry it all out,” Sue

Brokaw, assistant to supervisor Bob

Pierce, said last week. “�e assessor’s

office doesn’t have computers right


�roughout McHenry County, other

cities faced similar problems, with the

National Weather Service issuing and

then extending flash flood warnings

for the area throughout the morning

of June 26. In McHenry, a spur of the

Union-Pacific Northwest Line was

temporarily shut down due to major


“Everyone says we got

2007], but it seems like it’s happening every couple of years.”

— Jeff Van Landuyt, Woodstock Interim Director of Public Works

A manhole cover is open on a city street after heavy rainfall filled sewers June 26. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER


Franklinville Rd. closing July 8By LISA KUCHARSKI

The Independent

As part of the McHenry County

Division of Transportation’s Pavement

Preservation Program, Franklinville

Road will be closed July 8 for pavement

rehabilitation. Construction is expected

to be complete by July 31.

In 2004, MCDOT began the Pavement

Preservation Program to “extend the

useful life” of roads in McHenry County.

Among other county roads in the

program this year, Alden, Bull Valley and

Deerpass roads have been completed,

and construction on Kishwaukee Valley

Road is set to begin this August.

Franklinville Road was last surfaced

in 2000 but now is in need of base

course reclamation for a cost of about

$600,000. Construction will be on the

section of road between South Street

and Perkins Road, allowing residents

access at South Street, Perkins Road

and Secor Road. Detours for through

traffic will utilize Kishwaukee Valley,

Vermont, Garden Valley, and Millstream

roads and Route 176.

Construction manager Jim Werner

said Franklinville was in line for repairs,

so MCDOT added it to the preservation

program. He said the project should not

hinder residents from gaining access

to their homes but may result in minor

disruptions as the crew moves along the


Werner said MCDOT may have to

handle minor repairs on the road in the

future, but the pavement rehabilitation

should give the road 10 to 15 more years

before it needs resurfacing.

“�e important thing is to be patient,”

Werner said. “We understand it’s going

to be an inconvenience for some, but it

will be an improvement for the whole

for some time.”

Marquee design for Opera House commissioned

By KATELYN STANEKThe Independent

�e city of Woodstock has

commissioned preliminary design

work for a marquee at the Woodstock

Opera House, 121 E. Van Buren St.

Naperville firm Hitchcock Design

Group, which developed the city’s

downtown streetscape master plan

in 2007, will design an electronic

marquee to advertise upcoming

events at the Opera House.

Concerns about the property’s

historical significance mean the sign

will not be mounted directly on the

building, but instead will be placed

in one of several proposed spots,

including in the Park in the Square,

near Stage Left Café, which sits

directly west of the Opera House, or

in a curb island.

“Whatever it is, it can’t end up

detracting from the visual image of

the front of this facility,” said John

Scharres, managing director of the

Opera House. “It has to fit in with the

historic downtown.”

Scharres said the purchase of

marquee signage has long been

considered because of the limitations

inherent in advertising upcoming

programs with posters.

“�is is something that’s been

suggested over a lot of years, by

users and even by the City Council,”

Scharres said. “We’ve been doing

signs in the windows or a message

board out on the sidewalk, but we’re

trying to do something that has more

consistency and that can be changed

easily. We want to provide more

information about the plethora of

events that are offered here.”

City Manager Roscoe Stelford

said the addition of a marquee had

been included in the final phase of

the city’s streetscape plans but was

expedited during a budget meeting

in April.

“We’d been exploring ways to

increase revenue and to increase

ticket sales [at the Opera House],”

Stelford said, “and this is one way to

let people in the community know

what events are coming up.”

Once the initial design work is

completed and cost estimates for the

sign are submitted, Stelford said a

decision will have to be made as to

when to add it to the city’s budget.

“It all depends on the opinion of

the City Council,” Stelford said.

As part of its June 18 consent

agenda, the Woodstock City Council

unanimously approved a waiver

of the normal bid process for the

design work, accepting Hitchcock’s

proposal at a cost of $7,500 plus

fees. Julie Dillon, Maureen Larson,

RB �ompson, Mike Turner, Mark

Saladin, Joe Starzynski and Mayor

Brian Sager voted in favor of the


“Whatever it is, it can’t end up detracting from the visual image of the front of this facility.”

— John Scharres, Opera House managing director


Franklinville Road Pavement RehabProject type: Base course reclamationProgram name: 2013 County Pavement Preservation Program Project limits: South Street to Perkins RoadStart date: July 8End date: July 31Project Cost: $600,000Impact to drivers: Road closed to through traffic, follow detour.Detour: Kishwaukee Valley Road, Vermont Road, Garden Valley Road, Millstream Road and Route 176. Website: www.co.mchenry.il.us/departments/DOT



William A. ‘Bill’ FreundWilliam A. “Bill” Freund, 86, Woodstock,

died Wednesday, June 24, 2013, at Florence Nursing Home in Marengo.

He was born May 19, 1926, in Woodstock to Arthur N. and Margaret (Long) Freund.

On Jan. 31, 1948, he married Mary Huebsch in Woodstock.

He graduated from St. Mary High School in Woodstock and served in the Army Air Corps. He was an active member of St. Mary Catho-lic Church, Woodstock, and was a founding member of the Woodstock Little League. He also was a member of the Woodstock VFW. He was a fireman in the Woodstock Fire/Res-cue District for 36 years and was a trustee. He also served on various city commissions, including the board of building construction. He was a carpenter and contractor by trade and enjoyed golf and fishing.

Survivors include his wife; two sons, Steve Freund and Bob (Denise) Freund, all of Woodstock; a daughter, Susanne (John) DePaul, Itasca; six grandchildren, Katrina, Boone, Alyson, Joe, Cole and Andrew; three great-grandchildren, Tori, Lilly and Riley; and two brothers, Don Freund, Alton, and Dick Freund, Arlington Heights.

He was preceded in death by his parents.Visitation and the funeral Mass were June

29 at St. Mary Catholic Church. Interment fol-lowed at Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements were made by Schneider-Leucht-Merwin & Cooney Funeral Home, Woodstock. Memori-als can be sent to Passages Hospice, 929 S. Alpine Road, Suite 202, Rockford, IL 61108.

Vernell E. BennettVernell E. Bennett, 88, Marengo, died Sun-

day, June 23, 2013, at Hearthstone Manor, Woodstock.

She was born Oct. 15, 1924, in Freedom, Ky., to Paul and Ruby (Davis) Burks.

On Dec. 15, 1945, she married Gerald J. Bennett in Chicago.

She loved doing cross stitch, cooking and gardening. She also loved flowers.

Survivors include her husband; two sons, Gerald J. (Debbie) Bennett Jr. and Richard J. Bennett; two daughters, Paulette J. (Budd) Haas and Kathleen M. Bennett; three grand-daughters, Kelly Haas, Claire Bennett and Lily Bennett; and a sister, Margie Bullington.

She was preceded in death by her parents;

a brother, John Burks; and a sister, Claudie Bullington.

Visitation and the funeral Mass were June 27 at St. Mary Catholic Church, Woodstock.

Burial was at Calvary Cemetery, Wood-stock. Arrangements were made by Schnei-der-Leucht-Merwin & Cooney Funeral Home, Woodstock. Memorials can be sent to the American Alzheimer’s Association, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601.

Robert J. NickelsRobert J. Nickels, 72, Hebron, formerly of

Woodstock, died Thursday, June 6, 2013.He was born Jan. 4, 1941, in Woodstock

to Marvin and Hazel (Wilcox) Nickels.Survivors include his mother; a daughter,

Deborah (John) Brown; three sons, Richard, Zeke and Zack Nickels; and two grandchil-dren, Anthony and Jacqueline Brown.

He was preceded in death by his father and an infant granddaughter.

Private services and burial were held June 13 at McHenry County Memorial Park.

Richard A. VolzRichard A. Volz, Texas, 75, formerly of

Woodstock, died Wednesday, June 19, 2013, after a battle with cancer.

He was born July 10, 1937, in Woodstock to Helen and Emil Volz.

He was an Eagle Scout and a Scout leader.He received his BS, MS and PhD in elec-

trical engineering from Northwestern Univer-sity, Evanston. He was head of the Computer Science Department of Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, from 1988 to 1997.

He was the founding director of the Ro-botics Research Laboratory and professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., from 1964 to 1988.

He served on five federal advisory boards: The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, the Ada Board, the Aerospace Safety Advisory Board, the NASA Space Station Advisory Panel and the NASA Cen-ter of Excellence in Information Technology Advisory Panel.

He and his wife traveled around the coun-try and to Australia, New Zealand and the Panama Canal.

Survivors include his wife of 51 years, Mary; a daughter, Cindy (Bill); a son, Rick,

and his girlfriend, Lisa Sutter; a son Keith; two grandchildren, Elizabeth and Becky Chisum; a brother, Howard (Sara); a sister-in-law, Carole Volz; two brothers-in-law, Karl (Marilyn) Jensen and Ed Jensen; and nu-merous cousins, neph-ews, nieces and their families.

He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Ken.

A service celebrating his life was July 1 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, College Sta-tion, Texas. Memorials can be sent to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 1001 Woodcreek Drive, College Station, TX 77845; or to the Texas A&M Foundation, 401 George Bush Drive, College Station, Texas 77840; to the Richard A. Volz Memorial Scholarship.

Wayne A. ShermanWayne A. Sherman, 73, Huntley, formerly

of Woodstock, died Sunday, June 30, 2013, at home.

He was born April 16, 1940, in Woodstock to Dorr A. and Adlynn E. (Piska) Sherman.

On July 17, 1965, he married Audrey F. Share in Woodstock.

He was a member of the First Congrega-tional Church of Huntley. He loved fishing on Lake Michigan – or any small pond – and was a member of Salmon Unlimited in Ra-cine, Wis. He loved to farm and was an avid Chicago Bears fan.

Survivors include his wife; a son, Richard (Jesika) Sherman, Lake in the Hills; a daugh-ter, Tami (Rick) Van Wazer, Lombard; a sister, Sharon K. (Barb Iverson) Sherman; and two grandchildren, Ezequiel and Jacob.

He was preceded in death by his parents; his mother-in-law, Dawn Saxbury; his father-in-law, Dick Saxbury; four brothers-in-law; and many aunts and uncles.

Visitation will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednes-day July 3, at Schneider-Leucht-Merwin & Cooney Funeral Home, 1211 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. The funeral will follow at 1 p.m. The Rev. John Critchfield will offici-ate. Burial will be at McHenry County Me-morial Park, 11301 Lake Ave, Woodstock. Memorials can be made to the family.

through our financials on a regular

basis,” Councilwoman Julie Dillon

said. “However, given the economy

and the pricing of the other firms,

as well as the quality of the firm we

have and the quality of the staff we

have, I have a

little bit more

confidence in

being able to

vote in favor

of this item.”


RB �ompson


“I, like Julie,

was thinking

Sikich had

been here

for 12 years,”

T h o m p s o n

said, “so I was

very pleased

we didn’t just

[waive bids] and go with them. …

We’re justifying why we selected


�e city’s Audit Review Committee,

comprised of Community and

Economic Development Director

Cort Carlson, City Manager Roscoe

Stelford, Recreation Director Dave

Zinnen and Senior Staff Accountant

William Straczek, recommended the

City Council authorize the deal with


�e contract was approved

unanimously as part of the council’s

consent agenda at its June 18

meeting, with Dillon, Maureen

Larson, �ompson, Mike Turner,

Mark Saladin, Joe Starzynski and

Mayor Brian Sager voting in favor of

the measure.


Average gas price

$3.89 /GAL.

Reflects average price of regular unleaded gasoline at Woodstock gas stations the morning of July 1.


Any charges are merely accusations, and defendants or suspects are pre-sumed innocent unless proven guilty.


To approve a con-tract for auditing services with Si-kich LLP:

YesJulie DillonMaureen LarsonBrian SagerMark SaladinJoe StarzynskiRB ThompsonMike Turner

Arthur William Anderson, 60, transient, was charged June 13 with possession of alcohol in a city park at 100 Main St., Woodstock. Anderson was issued a notice to appear in court. Court date was set for July 19.

Joel Escobedo-Herrera, 24, 905 W. Roosevelt St., Harvard, was charged June 14 with driving while li-cense was suspended, speeding and passing in a no-passing zone at High-way14 and West South Street, Wood-stock. Escobedo-Herrera posted $150 bond. Court date was set for July 25.

Lloyd Lewis Coghill III, 26, 340 Council Trail, Lake in the Hills, was charged June 16 with unlawful possession of a controlled substance, driving with an expired license and driving an uninsured motor vehicle at Highway 14 and Lake Av-enue, Woodstock. Lloyd was turned over to the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office. Bond and court date were to be set.

Joseph Manzella, 26, 421 Sham-rock Lane, McHenry, was arrested June 16 at Highway 14 and Lake Avenue on a warrant with Kane County for failure to appear in court on a charge of driv-ing under the influence. Manzella also was charged with unlawful possession of a controlled substance and resisting a police officer. Manzella was turned over to the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office. Bond and court date were to be set.

Vanesa Gonzalez, 25, 1624 Wal-nut Drive, Woodstock, was charged June 17 with endangering the health and life of a child at 145 S. Eastwood Drive. Gon-zalez posted $150 bond. Court date was set for July 18.

AuditorContinued from Page 1


WL man arrested, charged with sexual assault of a child

A 42-year-old Wonder Lake man

has been charged with a felony

for allegedly sexually assaulting a

14-year-old girl over a period of six


Benjamin Priest, 42, 7206 N. Oaks

St., Wonder Lake, was arrested June

22 and charged with predatory

criminal sexual assault of a child,

a class X felony. �e alleged

assault took place in a home in

unincorporated Woodstock.

�e arrest followed an investigation

conducted by the McHenry County

Sheriff’s Office that began after it was

notified by the Illinois Department

of Children and Family Services that

a girl had accused Priest of sexually

assaulting her.

Priest was being held at the

McHenry County Jail in lieu of bond,

which was set at $150,000. His bond

hearing was June 27.

�e investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information pertaining

to this case can call the McHenry

County Sheriff’s Office’s Department

Criminal Investigations Division at


— Katelyn Stanek, The Independent


WPD announces restrictions for fireworks display

The Woodstock Police Department re-cently released the following restrictions relating to the Fourth of July fireworks show, which will begin between 9 and 9:30 p.m. Thursday, July 4, at Emricson Park:

The West Jackson Street park en-trance and exit will be closed to all traffic except pedestrian traffic all day July 4.

The Bigelow Road park entrance will be open to vehicles until 7 p.m. Vehicles will be able to leave the park via this exit following the conclusion of the fireworks show.

The South Street park entrance will be open throughout the day and after 7 p.m. will be the only entrance available for vehicles entering the park.

Pedestrians will be allowed to enter and exit the park through the South Street entrance until 9:30 p.m.

Alcoholic beverages and all legal and illegal fireworks will be prohibited.

Throughout the month of July, the Wood-stock Police Department will undertake a traffic enforcement initiative that will see officers pay special attention to posted speed limit violators. Police will increase enforcement of speed limit laws within the city of Woodstock.

Richard A.Volz


CHERYL WORMLEYPublisher, Co-Owner



General Manager



Woodstock, IL 1987

THE EDITORIAL BOARDCheryl Wormley John C. TrioneKatelyn Stanek Jay SchulzRhonda MixLisa Kucharski

With volunteers,a reason

to celebrate this July 4

�ousands of people will descend on

Emricson Park July 4 to celebrate Inde-

pendence Day, gathering for an event that

wouldn’t be possible without the hard

work of volunteers who organize Wood-

stock’s annual Fourth of July fireworks

celebration. In Wonder Lake, residents

will gather by the lakeside for the village’s

annual show.

Here and throughout the area, cities and

villages long ago dispensed with paying

for fireworks shows and other related cel-

ebrations. �ey’re expensive, and, frankly,

with municipal budgets shrinking and

other costs increasing, they are costs that

are hard for governments to justify.

But thanks to donations from private do-

nors, residents in Woodstock and Wonder

Lake don’t have to miss out on the festivi-

ties. In Woodstock, donations collected

thoughout the year and at the gate, along

with parking fees, cover the $12,000 to

$14,000 expense of the event, and police,

firefighters and public works personnel

provide security, fire protection and park

preparation and cleanup. In Wonder Lake,

neighborhood donation drives lasting

weeks serve to collect money from resi-

dents and drivers passing through the vil-

lage, raising somewhere around $20,000.

Without these donations and the com-

munity members who help to collect them,

it’s likely fireworks shows in Woodstock

and Wonder Lake would have fallen by the

wayside by now, relegated to a long list of

events and services that boost morale but

hurt cities’ bottom lines. �e Independent is

grateful for the hard work of the volunteers

who strive to make area Fourth of July

celebrations a success every year, and we

encourage people who take in the show to

make a donation if they’re able.

In both Woodstock and Wonder Lake,

however, Independence Day celebrations

are more than just fireworks shows. �e

Woodstock City Band kicks off the Fourth

of July on the third of July with its an-

nual Independence Day-themed concert.

In Wonder Lake, a parade, ski show and

events for kids precede the fireworks

festivities. The Independent thanks the

performers and organizers who work hard

to make all of the Fourth of July events in

Woodstock and Wonder Lake a success.

weigh inEmail letters to the editor to [email protected] or mail them to 671 E. Calhoun St., Woodstock, IL 60098.




If you aren’t angry, you should be

�e 2012 tax bills have been sent

to property owners’ mailboxes. For

many, their tax bills increased. If you

are not angry, you should be. If you

haven’t appealed your township as-

sessment, you should. Why? Because

the township assessment system is

flawed and unfair. Property own-

ers, both home and business, will

receive a higher tax bill than those

who appealed their assessment and

won. �ere are many winners. �e

McHenry County Assessment Office

received 10,500 appeals in 2012, a

record number. On an average of the

county’s 17 townships, 84 percent won

their appeals, which lowered tax bills.

Note: Of the 10,500 appeals, none

came from the 17 township assessors.


Township assessment challenges

are increasing. �e McHenry County

supervisor of assessments received

1,100 challenges in 2007, 2,300 in

2008, 5,900 in 2010, 8,900 in 2011 and

10,500 in 2012.

Last year, the county granted 111

assessment reductions of $100,000

or more on business properties,

equivalent to $300,000 in fair cash

value. Some business properties were

over-assessed by about $2 million. JC

Penney in McHenry had a $427,500

assessment reduction.

Property owners do not receive

assessments that are fair, uniform or

equitable from the township assess-

ing system. Why? Each township has

its own assessor; assessments vary

from township to township because

each assessor uses a different proce-

dure. When township assessors make

errors, they don’t receive a higher tax

bill, you do.

Property assessments should be

done on a countywide level by the

county office of assessments. �e

township assessor, and township gov-

ernment, should be abolished.

Bob Anderson,Wonder Lake

INDE THOUGHT An Illinois Department of Transportation project that would reconstruct and widen Route 47 through Woodstock has finally moved into the second of three phases, with $2 million being allocated by the state to develop engineering plans.

It’s no secret the state of Illinois is short on funds, but as long as area residents are sending their own tax dollars to Springfield, it’s encouraging to see IDOT turning at least some of its attention to Woodstock. Route 47 is a vital highway that handles much of this region’s traffic, and moving forward this construction project has been a high priority for the public, a number of elected officials and public employees in this area. While construction is likely to be a long way off — no money has been allocated to put shovels in the ground — we’re pleased to see this important construction project moving in the right direction.


The city of Woodstock is recruiting a num-ber of new employees, including a finance director and a public works director.

Applications for Woodstock’s finance director are still being accepted and will be taken until 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 17.

Candidates for the position of Woodstock’s public works director are still undergoing in-terviews, which were pushed back due to the recent flooding that hit the city. Candidates will be interviewed Thursday, July 11.


“The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors orcolleges, or churches, or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors, but always most in the common people.”

— Walt Whitman


The Woodstock Independent (USPS #001287) is published weekly at 671 E. Calhoun St., Woodstock, IL 60098-3213. Peri-odicals postage paid at Woodstock, Illinois.POSTMASTERS: Forward address changes to The Woodstock Independent, 671 E. Calhoun St., Woodstock, IL 60098-3213.Subscription rates/year: $35 in Woodstock and Wonder Lake, $37 in McHenry County, $42 for snowbirds and $50 out-side McHenry County.Letters to the editor: We welcome letters of general inter-est to the community and reserve the right to edit for clarity or length. Letters should be fewer than 400 words, and writers are limited to one letter per month. Letters are due at noon Wednes-day and must be signed and include the writer’s address and a telephone number for verification purposes only.Corrections: The Woodstock Independent strives for ac-curacy. To suggest corrections or clarifications, email [email protected].


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John C. Trione GENERAL [email protected]

Katelyn Stanek MANAGING [email protected]

Jay Schulz EDITORIAL ASSISTANT/SPORTS [email protected]

Lisa Kucharski ASSOCIATE [email protected]

Rhonda Mix STAFF [email protected]

Jason Reinhardt GRAPHIC [email protected]

Display Advertising Melissa Knight, [email protected]

Other Advertising Jen Wilson, [email protected]; Barb Gessert,[email protected]

Columnists John Daab, Lisa Haderlein, Dick Hattan, Lisa Kelly, Paul Lambert, Debbie Skozek, Tony Casalino, Laura Witlox, Paul Lockwood, Nick Weber

Editorial Cartoonist Jim Pearson

Photographers Michelle Krenger, Ken Farver, Alisa Ellegood

Proofreaders Tricia Carzoli, Don Humbertson

Reporters Tricia Carzoli, Carolyn Handrock, Elizabeth Harmon, Megan Ivers

Administrative Assistant Sandy Kucharski

Sports Interns Marilyn Chakkalamuri, Mallory Bellairs

s ta f f dead l ines


Pressing on toward the goal

On June 23, 13 million people tuned into the Discovery Channel and watched with bated breath – and some with sweating palms – while dare-devil and aerialist Nik Wallenda inched along a steel cable 1,500 feet above the Colorado River without a harness or safety net.

I will admit I’d never heard of Wal-lenda before seeing an ad for the live televised event and watching his amaz-ing journey across the Colorado River Gorge in Arizona ( a place in close proximity to and very much resembling the Grand Canyon). Initially, I thought Wallenda was crazy and didn’t know how I felt about him putting his life on the line – literally – and risking the

chance of imminent death and leaving his three children with-out a father and his wife a widow.

However, after wit-nessing the comple-tion of his treacher-ous and seemingly impossible walk and, as a spectator, under-standing the enormity of his confidence in his abilities, but most importantly, of his faith, I felt extremely inspired by Wal-lenda.

�e event wasn’t as covered by the media as I felt it should have been, so for those who didn’t have the chance to watch, be sure to check out the cover-age online at www.nikwallenda.com.

Wallenda is a seventh-generation member of �e Flying Wallendas, a fa-mous circus act and group of daredevil stunt performers known for perform-ing high-wire acts without a safety net. He holds seven Guinness World Records for a variety of acrobatic feats and, in 2012, was the first person to walk a tightrope stretched over Niagara Falls. I won’t get into his family history, but the Wallenda family tree has had

its share of both amazing victories and horrible tragedies.

But why should people care about Nik Wallenda – a man many have al-ready deemed crazy?

Mr. Wallenda is interesting for many reasons, but most notably, in my opin-ion, for his unabashed faith in God and desire to perfect his craft. �e kind of faith and confidence Wallenda exudes, as well as his dedication to his goals, is something I believe we all can learn from, whether one is religious or not.

I think about how many humans throughout the course of history have given up on dreams because they lis-tened to the clamoring voices out there in the world shouting “�at’s impos-sible,” or “You’re nuts.” I find it refresh-ing that people like Wallenda exist and people like Wallenda choose to ignore the critics and naysayers and decide to go ahead and take giant leaps of faith anyway.

Wallenda’s walk reminded me that all of us are capable of living the lives we’ve always wanted and that we don’t have to stick to a set path. Sometimes, we really do have to push ourselves to the edge of everything we’ve known to discover what we truly are capable of and who we want to become.

I am not suggesting we take on dan-

gerous activities and, most certainly, am not suggesting we bring harm to our loved ones by engaging in risky behavior.

But I know in my own life, the dreams I have stored inside are slowly emerging into the light of day only because I’ve taken roads less traveled and forced myself to listen to my inner voice – to take certain risks instead of listening to the critics. I still have a long way to go and, sometimes, the thought of letting wishes curl up and retreat back into their hiding places seems like the easiest solution.

But that would just be stifled living.So with the embers of my dreams still

burning, I press on, inspired even more by people like Wallenda. His faith and boldness are qualities I believe should be celebrated, not ridiculed, and, in his high-wire feats, we can uncover the truth of this quote:

“When you come to the edge of all the light you have and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on - or you will be taught how to fly.” — Patrick Overton


Mix Messages


Rhonda Mix is a staff writer for The Wood-stock Independent.

In 1987, when The Woodstock Inde-pendent was in its formative stages, I interviewed several reporter candi-dates. I remember one in particular. He asked what stylebook we would be using. It was a conversation-stopping question. Stylebook? I was a home economics major in college. Style to me had to do with fashion. I had no idea what style meant in the world of newspapers.

I responded with a question. “What stylebook do you prefer?” He said he preferred �e Associated Press Style-book. He wasn’t hired, but he helped decide what stylebook �e Independent would depend upon for the next 26 years.

�e AP Stylebook is a key reference for journalists in the United States. It outlines basic rules of grammar, punc-tuation and journalistic style. It also provides direction regarding changes in language.

�e Independent is easier to read because we follow the stylebook. All of the articles, press releases and photo captions are written using the same standards. For example:

Information about an upcoming event is given in the same or-der every time – time, day, date and then place. So, no matter who on �e Indepen-dent staff was to write about Woodstock’s Fourth of July fire-works, it would read, “Woodstock’s Fourth of July fireworks will begin at dusk �urs-day, July 4, at Emricson Park.”

If “to hyphenate or not to hyphenate” is the question, referencing the style-book provides the answer. For example: is nonprofit hyphenated? Stylebook says no.

Stylebook specifies numbers one through nine be written as words and 10 or above be written as figures. However, ages are always numerals. So, Reagan is 7 and Grandma is 68.

Stylebook also specifies abbreviations for states, which, by the way, are not the same abbreviations as the postal service uses. It also details what months can be

abbreviated when used with a date. If I’m writing about the months from Au-gust to February, they are abbreviated only if used with a date – so the first day of classes for Woodstock School District 200 schools for the 2013-14 school year is �ursday, Aug. 15, but the McHenry County Fair is the first week of August. March, April, May, June and July are never abbreviated.

I’m thinking about style because cop-ies of the new 2013 AP Stylebook arrived at �e Independent last week. For the first time, I also ordered an online reference, which I am finding much easier to use than the 500-page spiral-bound hard copy. �e AP Stylebook is updated every year with input provided by readers and users.

Independent proofreader and retired press release editor Marylee Steinwehe may have influenced one of this year’s changes. For years, she has been frus-trated by AP’s treatment of the word un-derway. Until this year, it was two words – under way, but the decision makers saw the light and declared underway one word in 2013.

Among the other more than 90 new

and revised word entries are: after-party, backstage, battleground states, doughnut, face-lift, horse meat, land-line, moped, regifting (“Passing on an unwanted present to someone else.”), wacky, weightlifting and wildfires.

With regard to numbers, the 2013 stylebook editors deemed it necessary to provide 200 examples of when to use figures and when to spell out. �ank-fully, they adopted numerals as the preferred usage for all distances and dimensions.

�e new book’s Fashion Guidelines section was expanded with more than two dozen new terms, including chichi, décolleté, froufrou, paillette and soigne. Somehow, I don’t see �e Independent staff referencing the section very often. �e addition of upside-down cake to the Food Guidelines has the staff wondering what took AP so long to make a determination on that old-time favorite.

With the AP Stylebook at hand, �e Independent is ready for the presses.

Cheryl Wormley is publisher of The Wood-stock Independent.

The Independent is up-to-date stylish» COLUMN




Three students receive bank scholarships

By JAN DOVIDIOThe Independent

Golden Eagle Community Bank in

Woodstock sponsors an annual schol-

arship program to benefit a graduating

senior at each of the city’s high schools.

�e winners of this year’s Golden

Eagle Community Bank Business

Scholarships are Jack McCoy, Wood-

stock High School; Samantha Reis,

Woodstock North High School; and

Clark Cannon, Marian Central Catho-

lic High School.

First Vice President of Business De-

velopment Todd Kinker said the bank

awards the scholarships to encour-

age study in the fields of business, ac-

counting and finance. Each scholar-

ship is $1,000. A bank representative

attends each high school’s awards cer-

emony to present the checks.

Students apply through their school

counselors. �ey must maintain a 3.5

grade-point average or higher, hold

leadership positions, demonstrate

school and community involvements,

have work experience and write an es-


“Golden Eagle feels this is one way

to promote education in our field and

give back to the community as well,”

said Kinker.





Call (815) 338-8040


106 out-of-district students enrolled in therapeutic, special education programs


When Woodstock School District 200

established its therapeutic day school

program at Clay Academy in 2007, the

goal was to educate Woodstock students

who had been sent outside the district

for special services. Six years later, a

number of area school districts are send-

ing students to District 200’s therapeutic

and special education programs, creat-

ing a revenue stream that brought in

more than $2 million last year.

“We are the district that has been will-

ing to take these extremely medically

fragile students, and we have the space

and facilities to do it,” said Superinten-

dent Ellyn Wrzeski.

Currently, District 200’s special educa-

tion programs include 106 students who

live outside the district’s boundaries.

Students come from 16 out of the 18 dis-

tricts in McHenry County, not including


“�e students come and go, so we don’t

have all of them here all year,” said Mark

Heckmon, District 200 associate super-

intendent for human resources and op-


About half of the out-of-district stu-

dents attend Clay Academy, which offers

therapeutic educational programs for

kindergarten through 12th-grade stu-


“When we set this up, we never

dreamed Clay would explode as it has,”

Wrzeski said.

�e remaining students are enrolled

in District 200’s life-skills program, the

post-high school Transitions program

for special education students ages 18 to

21, the Target program for autistic stu-

dents and prekindergarten special edu-


According to the 2012-2013 budget, the

district received $2,113,000 tuition for

out-of-district students, which is paid by

the student’s home district. Tuition rates

for most self-contained special educa-

tion programs is $17,855. For specialized

programs, tuition runs $20,600. Pre-

kindergarten half-day tuition is $8,925.

Summer school also is available to tu-

ition students.

Before Clay Academy was established,

District 200 students with certain special

needs were transported daily to facilities

as far away as Rockford and Libertyville. District officials have said, in addition

to saving the cost of transportation

and out-of-district tuition, bringing be-

havioral programs to Woodstock has

enabled local students to remain in the

community and transition more easily

back into their neighborhood schools.

“We’re providing the least restrictive en-

vironment for the students by keeping

them close to home,” Heckmon said.

It also has created a close-to-home

option for surrounding school districts.

“We’re serving students at home in

quality programs, as well as other dis-

tricts in the area, and having a very

strong revenue stream,” Wrzeski said.

D-200 tuition programs bring in $2 million


Chantel Madson, right, executive director of the Challenger Learning Center for Sci-ence & Technology, accepts a $66,666.66 distribution from the Ruth Frejd Trust from Rick Schildgen, left, board chair of McHenry County Community Foundation, and Robin Doeden, executive director of the foundation. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER


News of recognitions and milestones can be sent to Janet Dovidio at [email protected].



Creekside announces fourth-quarter honor roll

Creekside Middle School an-nounced the students named to its fourth-quarter honor rolls for the 2012-13 school year.

Sixth-grade high honor rollAmber Acevedo, Andrew Ad-

ams, Jacob Aellig, Brandon Al-lison, Bella Arias, Vera Atkinson, Ryan Azzaline, Lindsey Bart-kowiak, Keyla Bedoya, Justin Benjamin, Ethan Beth, Allison Bishop, Kamryn Bogott, Evan Bridges, Michael Brown, Alexan-der Cambio, Eric Canaday, Kel-lyn Carey, Aurora Castaneda, Alexi Cazares, Jordy Cerritos, Ol-ivia Chambers, Antenesha Cobb, Shane Colby, Katie Collins, Mary Connelly, Sarah Cornell, Brooklyn Crowley, Diego Cruz, Daniel Cu-bert, Ian Dawdy, Cielo DeLeon, Annie Detwiler, Ashlynn Drach, Gloria-Marianna Escobar, Maria Esquivel-Cervantes, James Farmer, Alexander Fetzner, Zoe Fried-man, Gage Frost, Elisha Gallosa, Ashton Gambrill, Zidane Garcia, Lauren Geissler, Evan Geske, Eris Gjon Bocari, Jennifer Gomez-Alvarez, Ashley Gray, Kylie Hag-mann, Natalie Hansen, Camden Hanson, Michelle Hanson, Syd-nie Heidtke, John Howe, Molly Hughes, Mason Hurless, Lauren Jacobs, Emily Johnson, Jerelyn Jones, Anna Kempka, Amy Keyz-er, Leyla Kohley, Justin Krause, Da-vid Kruse, Erica Lande, Madison Leetzow, Maximillian Lisowski, David Lopez, Miguel Lopez, Di-ego Lugo, Jeremiah Christian-Luna, Grace Maidment, Madison Martinez, Valery Martinez, Kevin Martinez-Mondragon, Sophie Ma-son, Nolan McCoy, Korrin Meck-

lenburg, Midori Mendez-Estrada, Hailey Michelsen, Kenna Miles, Abbey Mulvihill, Ishta Nabakka, Yesenia Najera-Mercado, Pay-ton Nelson, Sophia Newman, Alexandra Norgard, Alyssa No-wicki, Margaret Oefelein, Johnny Orozco-Chavez, Angel Ortega, Thorsen Paglialong, Noah Parker, Izaak Pope, Spencer Potthast, Brit-ney Radloff, Jacqueline Ramirez, Courtney Richter, Nathaniel Ro-jas, Anna Rowan, Vanessa Ruiz, Maribel Santos, Davin Scherman, Madeline Scolio, Blake Shallen-barger, David Shinherr, Stepha-nie Shook, Ashley Stahmer, Tay-lor Standish, Chandler Sullivan, Bryce Swanson, Angel Tazelaar, Noemi Tecuanapa, Madeline Thill, Benjamin Thuma, Ethan Toepper, Brooke Tromotola, Elvis Valadez, Irene Vasquez, Yeni Vazquez, Riya Virani, William Vorpahl, Ju-lia Walsdorf, Katie Walsh, Caleb Warmbier, Jacob Waryck, Jordan Watson, Lauren Wietermann, Am-ber Williams, Ashton Zalke and Jake Zimmerman.

Sixth-grade honor rollNolan Adams, Savannah Ad-

cock, James Agrifoglio III, Bradley Albrecht, Jarrett Allison, Bryan Ayala, Luke Baker, Bradley Baseg-gio, Wyatt Bliss, Kyle Bozza, Mat-thew Brzezinski, Abigail Burns, Anthony Cabrera, Kiara Carey, Sarah Christ, Dane Clute, Logan Croner, Samuel Egger, Evelyn Es-trada, Jacqueline Flores, Brandon Fried, Anton Fudala, Avril Gamez Aguilar, Loy Hernandez Jr., Da-kota Hofstetter, Kaylea Hofstet-ter, Blake Howell, Aidan Jacobs, Patrick Kelly, Clivens LaGuerre, Destiney Lindholm, Angela Lopez-Leon, Maximus Lozowski, Emma Martin, Andy Mendoza Ortiz, Jes-sica Moreno, Samantha Murphy, Amanda Nolan, Sarah Phipps,

Zachary Phipps, Dominik Post, Bryce Radcliffe, Chantal Reynoso, Mikayla Romero, Xochitl Salazar, Justin Samuelson, Matthew Sand-ers, Christopher Sargeant, Nicole Schramel, Amanda Sincere, Ev-elynn Slania, Madelyn Sundberg, Carly Sutherland, Quinn Thornton and Andrew Wojtas.

Seventh-grade high honor roll

Andrew Ahmeti, Miguel Alva-rez, Austin Ash, Aarianna Becerril, Harrison Beck, Jade Bellairs,Ciara Bellmore, Olivia Berg, Nathan Berna, Gavin Bishop, Jose Botel-lo-Herrera, Isiah Bryant, Joanna Burn, Rafael Cabrera, John Cas-tillo, Andy Cerritos, Fiona Child, Ashley Chorney, Kayla Cooper, Mason Corpolongo, Nicole Critch-field, Destinee Dankemeyer, Kayla Deegan, Jocelyn Eisenmenger, Carmen Elliott, Abigail Emricson, Peyton Erb, Cale Fey-Keane, Mir-iam Figueroa, Caden Fosnaugh, Litsy Freites, Haley Fringer, Alyssa Gibson, Andrew Gippert, Molly Griffin, Dylan Grisolia, Carter Hansen, Madelyn Heidtke, Bridget Kelly, Sophie Kerver, Christopher King, Jesselyn Koscinski, Mariana Kostova, Samantha Krak, Danny Lara, Alaina Leith, Samantha Long, Emma Mathison, Meghan McGrath, Jatziri Mercado-Cruz, Thomas Monfeli, Lesly Montero, Rose Murphy, Jacob Nihan, Paige Olandese, Autumn Overly, Mar-garet Palmer, Jackson Parrish, Eva Payetta, Tyler Peake, Eduardo Ri-vas Jr., Faith Roskens, Maria Ruiz, Courtney Sciarro, Gavin Scott, So-phia Shinherr, Taylor Spanbauer, Madelyn Spear, Camryn Tafoya, Vanessa Tapia, Anthony Thomas, Christopher Tinkler, Devan Treliv-ing, Nicole Troy, Travis Tucsek, Julia Vosburgh, Haley Walker, Joanna Watson, Caroline Wojcik,

Dylan Wolf, Lizeth Yeverino and Amanda Mary Zingre.

Seventh-grade honor rollJuan Aguilar-Santillano, Alyssa

Archambeau, Jennifer Arellano, Andrew Arndt, Lauren Arrigo, Jennifer Ayala, Alena Baseggio, Adam Bauman, Cooper Bentley, Jack Berry, Jonathan Blair, Ashley Branscum, Joselyn Brown, Kath-erine Bryan, Kayla Carpenter, Aimee Carreno, Noela Cavero-Egusquiza, David Chimal, Benja-min Chonos, Jose Cruz-Avila, Ken-nedy Daniels, Kyle Dehn-Franklin, Geimi Castaneda-Diaz, Brian Flores, Breanna Funk, Ali Garcia, Jackeline Godinez-Guerrero, Agus-tin Gonzalez, Jared Grupe, Payton Heidtke, Tanner Heidtke, Jocelyne Hernandez, Theopolis Hutchens, Logan Jones, Thomas Martinez, Tesslynn Mitchell, Maribel Moreno, Kai Naik, Daniela Ojeda, Alexan-dra Orozco, Clode Presisto, Jorge Puga, Kelsey Reuter, Nicholas Ro-driguez, Liam Sexton, Rebekah Shearer, Alyssa Sutherland, Luis Tapia, Alberto Toledo-Gumecindo, Ryley Torres, Michael Tromotola, Yesenia Vargas, Sydney Wiersum, Colin Wilk, Spencer Zanck, Di-anne Zavala and Jaxson Ziszik.

Eighth-grade high honor rollJordyn Albrecht, Joseph Alessi,

Caroline Arana, Ryan Baier, Justin Belski, Yosmelyn Benitez, Anthony Benjamin, Andrew Brewer, Cullen Brown, Parker Burton, Aneliz Car-bajal, Kathryn Choitz, Samantha Curtis, Kathryn Dawdy, Paxson Dechant, Grace Detwiler, Natalie Dominguez, Mei Eldridge, Edu-ardo Estevez, Reynaldo Estrada Jr., Carrie Feigenbaum, Shannon Fetzner, Erin Fisher, Yesenia Flores, Pamela Garcia-Chimal, Alen Gjon-Bocari, Kyle Gogolewski, Veronica Grover, Mauro Gutierrez- Ramirez,

Linzie Hahn, Spencer Hanson, Autumn Harvey, Samuel Hughes, Abby Iden, Samantha Jones, Luke Klinefelter, John Kubacha II, Justin Kucharski, Alexia Lopez, William Maidment, Emily Maxwell, Dakota McCoy, Patience McKenzie, Kelsi Morefield, Alexandria Muschong, Madeline Neubauer, Stephanie Nunez, Estela Ojeda, Pooja Patel, Corrine Patterson, Ashley Peake, John Presisto, Kyle Ratway, Cay-sie Reuter, Noah Robey, Andrea Robles, Jose Rodriguez, Sophia Rogers, Caleb Ruff, Gabriella Sco-lio, Grace Sergel, Matthew Shook, Isobela Solberg, Diana Spokas, Marie Stahmer, William Steiger, Justin Tillman, Joshua Turner, Cora Uidl, Christian Villavicencio, Jared Warmbier, Blake Waterson, Har-leigh Welch, Georgia Wicker, Mi-chael Wirth, Audrey Wojnicki, Jer-emy Wolf and Benjamin Woodson.

Eighth grade honor rollTaylor Adams, Jessica Aparri,

Jarod Baker, Emmaline Bateman, Jake Berninger, Anthony Cer-vantes-Brito, Alexandra Cochrane, Daniel Dipano, Andy Dominguez, Tyler Drzewiecki, Guadalupe Flores, Andrew Fraase, Andrea Freeman, Emily Furlano, Benja-min Hernacki-Hager, Nathaniel Hogue, Jack Hughes, Kate Ja-cobs, Elianna Kaufmann, Andrew Kohley, Dylan Kohley, Kaitlyn Lashua, Justin Leith, Lance Lewis, Nicole Lipecki, Margaret Little, Liz-beth Martinez, Jackson McLellan, Ryan Micek, Payton Miller, Alex Mueckenhoff, Taylor Nelson, Jax Obenchain, Manuel Ortiz-Bernal, Jordan Popoca, Alan Rico-Beltran, Karina Salgado-Delgado, Abigail Sanders, Cooper Smith, Olivia Sobieszczyk, Dion Surma, Mollie Thill, Xavier Thrun, Daisy Tolen-tino, Nathan Van Hoorn, Mariah Wirth and Margaret Zawadzki.


Boyd makes president’s listGregory Boyd, Woodstock, was named

to the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., spring 2013 president’s list.

Huntley named to U of C dean’s list

Abigayle Huntley, Woodstock, was re-cently named to The University of Chicago spring 2013 dean’s list.

Chavez earns bachelor’s degreeJennifer Chavez, Woodstock, recently

graduated with honors from Northern Il-linois University, DeKalb. She earned a

Bachelor of Science degree in psychol-ogy.

St. Olaf College announces spring 2013 dean’s list

Lark Meiners and Phillip Meyer, both of Woodstock, were named to the spring 2013 dean’s list at St. Olaf College, North-field, Minn.

Woodstock students make Beloit College dean’s list

The following students from Bull Valley and Woodstock were named to the Beloit College, Wis., spring 2013 dean’s list:

Mary Hahne, Bull Valley, and Rebecca Clow, Woodstock.

Barrett named to William Woods dean’s list

Emily Barrett, Bull Valley, was recently named to the William Woods University, Fulton, Mo., spring 2013 dean’s list.

Truman State posts spring dean’s list

Lisa Kucharski and Rachel White, both of Woodstock, were named to the spring 2013 dean’s list at Truman State University,

Kirksville, Mo.

Barger makes dean’s listBradley Barger, Woodstock, was named

to the John D. Odegard School of Aero-space Sciences, Grand Forks, N.D., spring 2013 dean’s list.

Iowa State lists area graduatesThe following area students recently grad-

uated from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa:

Joshua Stephen Sass, Woodstock, with a Bachelor of Science in agricultural stud-ies, and Hannah Huff, Woodstock, with a Bachelor of Science in accounting and finance.


A children’s theater tradition continues at the Opera House

July will mark a milestone for

Woodstock Children’s Summer �e-

atre. When “�e Little Mermaid, Jr.”

opens Friday, July 19, it will be the

25th year in a row children have

performed for the

community at the

Woodstock Opera


In 1989, I pro-

duced “�e Pirates

of Penzance” with

high school and

college students at

the Opera House,

and we also pro-

duced a show called

“K.I.D.S. Radio,”

directed by Katie

Amundsen and

featuring young performers from

the Woodstock area. I produced the

program for 17 years, and for the past

19 years, Sue Kazlusky has directed

it. For 16 years, she has worked with

Anita Tebo to present some outstand-

ing entertainment using talented per-

formers from fourth through eighth


I first met Sue in 1977 when we

were both in the Woodstock Musi-

cal �eatre Company production

of “South Pacific.” Sue performed

in community theater as well as 10

productions of “Paradise People” and

“Dille’s Follies.” She’s been a member

of the Dickens Carolers for 24 years.

Sue was a teacher and theater direc-

tor in Hebron for 15 years and for

20 years at Lundahl Middle School

in Crystal Lake. When Katie left the

WCST program in 1995, I asked Sue

to direct, and she has led the program

ever since.

�ree years later, when Mary

Prestipino left the company, Anita

joined Sue as music director. Anita,

who also has been a longtime com-

munity theater performer, was a sing-

er with the Dickens Carolers for 28

years and performed in community

theater in Michigan for many years.

She moved to Woodstock in 1982. For

years, she directed the Woodstock

Boy Singers and taught piano and

voice to countless young people.

Rounding out the creative team for

the last 10 years is Christine Connell.

Chris has designed and taught the

choreography for the program. She

has performed at the WOH, was a

Dickens Caroler for 25 years, di-

rected and choreographed at St. Mary

School for 15 years and for the past

seven at Woodstock High School.

Others on the WCST team include

Kathie Bruhnke, who started Kat’s

Kloset and who has been costuming

the performers since 1998; Gordie

Tebo, who has produced the shows

for the past eight years; and Mary

Fetzner, who has been working on

technical aspects of the productions

for the past six years.

Nearly 1,000 different children (in-

cluding children of former perform-

ers) have graced the stage in WCST

productions. �e majority go on to

perform in school and community

theater, and a few have even made it

to the professional stage. Each sum-

mer 40 to 50 young performers and

crew make memories that will last

a lifetime while entertaining Wood-

stock audiences.

When “�e Little Mermaid, Jr.” runs

Friday to Sunday, July 19 to 21, I hope

you’ll be in the audience. Bring your

children or grandchildren and go

“under the sea” at the Opera House.

�e young performers, alums of the

program who come back to help and

adults who guide them give every-

thing they can to present top quality

performances. I hope Sue and her

team continue the program for many

years to come. Our young people

deserve it.

Coming soon High Performance Dance �e-

atre presents “A Night at the Cabaret” Saturday, July 13.

WCST presents “�e Little Mer-maid, Jr.” July 19 to 21.

For information and to purchase

tickets, call 815-338-5300 or visit


A & ECabaret act coming to Opera House

Members of the High Performance Dance Theatre dance the cancan. COURTESY PHOTO

By RHONDA MIXThe Independent

�e High Performance Dance �eatre

will bring its cabaret act to the Woodstock

Opera House Saturday, July 13. �e Colo-

rado-based troupe, from Fort Collins, will

combine dance and modern technology

numbers in its production “Music, Joy,

Dance – A Night at the Cabaret.” Live mu-

sic will be provided by duo Lauren Joy

and her husband, Mason Bassuk, of �e

Key of Joy, Woodland Park, Colo.

Kim Lang, the dance theater’s artistic

and executive director, said the group

is excited about its upcoming debut in

Woodstock. Lang grew up in South Hol-

land and said she has been dancing since

the age of 6. She said she has been to

performances at the Woodstock Opera

House but has never performed on its


Her parents, Chuck and Delores Huff-

man, live in Huntley. Lang said her moth-

er encouraged her to do a local show and

bring the group to the Opera House.

“[�e Opera House] is quaint and beau-

tiful,” Lang said. “�e theater reminds me

of theaters here in Colorado.”

Lang, 42, attended Colorado State Uni-

versity, Fort Collins, and received a de-

gree in dance. She formed High Perfor-

mance Dance �eatre in 1996 and said

dance has been an important part of her

life since childhood. She and members

of the High Performance Dance �eatre

perform regularly at shows, fundraisers

and events in and around northern Colo-

rado as well as outside the state.

Additionally, the group provides dance

residencies in public school districts

around Colorado, teaching dance to ele-

mentary and junior high school students.

High Performance Dance �eater con-

sists of 10 members – six women and four


“We focus on jazz, modern and musi-

cal theater,” Lang said. “But we train in all

kinds of dance [genres]. We have a lot of

really talented people who are talented in

diverse ways. [We are] a group of strong

musical people and dancers. And it’s

great we have four men. Having men [in-

volved] with the group is important, and

we’re really lucky.”

Lang said members of the group range

in age from 19 to 42. Many of them went

to college together and share a special ca-

maraderie and passion for dance.

A number of members also are in-

volved in choreography, which, Lang

said, is helpful. As a result, choreograph-

ing responsibilities don’t fall solely on the

shoulders of one person. �e group aims

to provide high-quality entertainment

while also increasing community knowl-

edge of the arts, expanding the quantity

of performances and exposing the art of

dance to more people.

“People should come out to the show

because it will be a great, fun and enter-

taining evening of arts and dance,” Lang

said. “And it will be very sexy,” she added,


High Performance Dance �eatre and

�e Key of Joy will perform at 7 p.m. Sat-

urday, July 13, at the Woodstock Opera

House, 121 Van Buren St., Woodstock.

Tickets are $23. For information, call

815-338-5300 or visit www.highperfor-



Now Playing



When: 7 p.m. Saturday, July 13Where: Woodstock Opera House, 121 Van Buren St.Tickets: $23Phone: 815-338-5300

Tony Casalino is chairman of the Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission.


WOODSTOCK’S ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTSThe Entertainer» MUSICWOODSTOCK SUMMER CITY BAND CONCERTJuly 3, 10, 7:30 p.m.Woodstock SquareBring lawn chairs and gather around the bandstand. An ice cream social will run concurrent to the concert. Themes are: July 3: “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave,” patriotic concert with guest xylophone soloist, Anthony DeMartinisJuly 10: “Fun and Games”

LIVE MUSIC AT EXPRESSLY LESLIE’SJuly 5, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.Expressly Leslie Vegetarian SpecialtiesWoodstock Square Mall110 S. Johnson St.Freeexpresslyleslie.comJ.W. Rice will perform.

JAZZ JAMJuly 5, 7 p.m.Stage Left Café125 Van Buren St.$5 donation815-338-4212jazzonthesquare.comJohn Nellson and Billy Denk will host jazz on the Square.

FIRST SATURDAY MUSICJuly 6, 7 p.m.Unity Spiritual Center of Woodstock225 W. Calhoun St.$3 donation815-337-3534Visitors can participate in the open mic night or enjoy the show. Doors will open at 6:30.

WOODSTOCK FARMERS MARKET MUSICJuly 6: On A Dime will perform 9 a.m. to noon.July 9: Kishwaukee Ramblers will perform 9 a.m. to noon.Woodstock SquareFreewoodstockfarmersmarket.org

STAGE LEFTOVERSJuly 10, 24, 7: 30 p.m.Stage Left Cafe’125 Van Buren St.815-334-3555The band will include Rich Prezioso, Joe Pesz, Brian Murphy, Laurel Palma, Pete Jonsson and Les Urban.

OPEN MIC NIGHTJuly 12, 26, 7 p.m.Stage Left Café125 Van Buren St.$3 donationoffsquaremusic.orgOpen Mic is sponsored by Off Square Music. Various artists will perform in 15-minute slots.

28TH ANNUAL WOODSTOCK FOLK FESTIVALJuly 21, 12:30 to 6 p.m.Woodstock Square$15 - $25 suggested donation815-338-2080woodstockfolkfestival.orgThe main stage will feature Brother Sun, Emily Ebert, Donna Herula, Sult-tons of String, Judith Avers and Red Tail Ring.

» DANCEHIGH PERFORMANCE DANCE THEATREJuly 13, 7 p.m.Woodstock Opera House121 Van Buren St.$23815-338-5300High Performance Dance Theatre will present a night at the cabaret with live music by The Key of Joy, with the mission of combining dance and modern technol-ogy.

» THEATER‘LITTLE MERMAID, JR.’July 19, 20, 2 and 7 p.m.July 21, 3 p.m.Woodstock Opera House121 Van Buren St.$8, July 19, 2 p.m. $6, July 19 5:30 reception and 7 p.m. show $20 adults, $15 students815-338-5300Woodstock Summer Children’s Theatre features cast members from fourth through eighth grades presenting the familiar ani-mated tale based on the Broadway musical.

» MOVIESPreviews by Jay Schulz of films currently playing at the Woodstock Theatre unless otherwise noted.

‘WHITE HOUSE DOWN’Channing Tatum (“Magic Mike”) tries to save the President, played by Jamie Foxx (“Ray”), from a terrorist takeover of the White House. “White House Down” is directed by Roland Emmerich (“Indepen-dence Day”) and also stars James Woods (“Best Seller”) and Maggie Gyllenhaal (“Donnie Darko”).RATED PG-13, 131 MINUTES

‘WORLD WAR Z’United Nations employee Gerry Lane tra-verses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to destroy humanity itself. “World War Z” is directed by Marc Forster (“Finding Neverland”) and stars Brad Pitt (“Legends of the Fall”), Mireille Enos (“The Killing””) and James Badge Dale (“Iron Man 3”).


‘MAN OF STEEL’ 2D and 2DA young journalist is forced to con-front his secret extraterrestrial heritage when Earth is invaded by members of his race. “Man of Steel” is directed by Zack Snyder (“300”) and stars Henry Cavill (“Tristan and Isolde”), Amy Ad-ams (“Cruel Intentions”) and Michael Shannon (“Bad Boys II”).RATED PG-13, 143 MINUTES

‘MONSTERS UNIVERSITY’The sequel to “Monsters Inc.” goes back in time to college where Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) and James P. Sullivan (John Goodman) meet and are instant rivals before becoming best of friends. “Monsters University” also stars the voices of Steve Buscemi (“Reservoir Dogs”), Helen Mirren (“The Queen”), Alfred Molina (“Chocolat”), Dave Fol-ey (“Sky High”), Sean Hayes (“Will & Grace”), Bonnie Hunt (“Only You”) and John Ratzenberger (“Cheers”).RATED G, 110 MINUTES

‘THE LONE RANGER’Lawman John Reid, played by Armie Ham-mer (“The Social Network”), becomes the Lone Ranger after being saved by his faithful Indian companion Tonto, played by Johnny Depp (“Benny & Joon). “The Lone Ranger” is directed by Gore Verbinski (“Rango”) and also stars Helena Bonham Carter (“Big Fish”), Barry Pepper (“61*”) and William Fichtner (“Black Hawk Down”).RATED PG-13, 149 MINUTES

‘DESPICABLE ME 2’ Gru, the voice of Steve Carell (“Crazy, Stu-pid Love”), is back with his minions and this time he is working for the Anti-Villain League to fight a new supervillain. “Despicable Me 2” also stars the voices of Kristin Wiig (“Whip It”), Ken Jeong (“Community”), Rus-sell Brand (“Get Him to the Greek”) and Mi-randa Cosgrove (“School of Rock”).RATED PG, 98 MINUTES

‘THE HEAT’ Sandra Bullock (“Speed”) and Melissa Mc-Carthy (“Bridesmaids”) team up to take down a drug lord. Hilarity ensues. “The Heat” is directed by Paul Feig (“Freaks and Geeks”) and also stars Marlon Wayans (“In Living Color”) and Jane Curtin (“Saturday Night Live”). RATED R, 117 MINUTES

‘RISE OF THE GUARDIANS’ Wednesday morning movie series 10 a.m.Jack Frost, the voice of Chris Pine (“Star Trek”), tries to save the world from the sand-man (“Jude Law”). “Rise of the Guardians” marks the directing debut of Peter Ramsey and stars the voices of Alec Baldwin (“30 Rock”), Isla Fisher (“Wedding Crashers”) and Hugh Jackman (“Wolverine”). RATED PG, 97 MINUTES

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Over the last few weeks, I met with

several people looking for new jobs.

Some were old friends, some were

friends of friends, a couple were cold

contacts. Each was in a unique situa-

tion. One just graduated from college,

one has been out for

a year, and three are

currently working

but see little oppor-

tunity for growth.

One is working in

the for-profit sector

and wants to move

back into nonprofits.

One wants to work

closer to home.

I made a point to

meet with each of

them because I was

recently in their po-

sition. Last summer,

I started looking for a new job. It was

the first time in eight years that I was

looking, and the world of job searching

is very different now.

For my search in 2004, I looked at the

Chicago Tribune’s Sunday Help Wanted

section under Social Services to find

job openings. I would buy the paper on

Saturday to get a jump on the action,

and resumes and cover letters would go

out in Monday’s mail.

�ere was no social media, and inter-

net job boards were just starting up. You

did not sign up on individual company

websites; you did not apply through

an online form; and you did not email a

resume. To get my last job, I answered

an ad in the newspaper with a printed

resume and cover letter, had three in-

terviews and was eventually hired.

Fast-forward to 2012 and my job

search process was very different. First

and foremost, I was fortunate to have a

friend who owns a career services firm

guide me throughout the search. He

worked with me to develop and stick to

a plan. Secondly, I networked daily, con-

tacting friends, former colleagues and

cold-contacting community leaders.

And to a person, everyone I contacted

was willing to take time to meet with


And so, I do the same – maybe it’s for

30 minutes in my office or for an hour

over a cup of coffee. I ask them what

kind of work they are looking for and

why. I ask them how they are connected

– are they using LinkedIn? Which job

boards do they use? And afterwards, I

add them to an Outlook contact group

and forward job opportunities.

However, I don’t presume to consider

this a “pay it forward’ activity, as there

is still a level of personal gain, because

I enjoy it. I like reconnecting with old

friends and meeting new people, hear-

ing their stories and how, if possible,

I can help them. I am broadening my

network of contacts, developing my

networking skills and learning about

the community.

One day, far into the future, I may

again look for a new job and will be back

on the other side of the conversation.

�is time, I will start out by reaching out

and asking to meet for a cup of coffee.

Networking: the new reality of the job search


Minding YourBusiness


John Buckley is executive director of Adult and Child Therapy Services. He has more than 15 years of nonprofit and business experience.


The Independent

After five years of business on the

Woodstock Square, Katherine Sheetz

decided to close her studio to spend

time attending the events and activi-

ties accompanying her daughter’s final

year in high school. Soon after, with a

daughter off at college, a son married

and moved out and a husband at work

during the day, Sheetz realized she

needed someone to talk to — other than

her chickens.

Sheetz re-opened her bead shop at

the Starline Factory in Harvard, but

two years later, she decided Woodstock

was home for her business. Katherine’s

Beads will open July 6 at 116 E Calhoun

St., the former location of the Blossom


“I moved here on faith, but I knew

this was the place I was supposed to

be,” Sheetz said.

A self-taught jewelry designer, Sheetz

specializes in metalsmithing. She also

teaches weekly classes and workshops

in her studio using gemstones, semi-

precious stones, freshwater pearls and

mainline sterling silver. She said she is

trying to bring in a line of pewter be-

cause inflation has increased the price

of silver. Sheetz sells in-store and on-

line, with much popularity and success

selling internationally.

Fourteen years ago, Sheetz walked

into �e Backdrop, a gift shop on the

Square, and was inspired by the jewelry.

“I saw it and thought, ‘I could do this,’”

Sheetz said. “So I got on this quest to

figure it out.”

Employees at �e Backdrop gave her

information about where to buy met-

als and stones, and, once Sheetz start-

ed producing jewelry, �e Backdrop

bought her work. Sheetz used this op-

portunity to begin wholesaling her jew-


At one point, she became a mini-man-

ufacturer, producing mass quantities of

some of her jewelry. She realized, how-

ever, it wasn’t what she was hoping for

and decided to go into retail. She said

she will continue to make jewelry at her

studio, carrying her own line, but may

feature and sell jewelry from other art-

Bead shop returns to Woodstock


ists to take off the pressure of production.

“I want to do it for the love of it now. I

don’t want to do it because I’m feeling

pressured to,” Sheetz said. “It’s like my

therapy art.”

Sheetz said she is working for fun, but

also to keep herself busy since her daugh-

ter, now a senior in college, is spending the

summer at school.

“�is season of my life of parenting is

kind of coming to an end,” Sheetz said. “I

guess it’s my turn to turn around and get

busy again and build my business back


While her parenting may be wrapping

up, the last few weeks have been full of

new beginnings for Sheetz with preparing

to re-open a new studio and the birth of

her first grandson.

“Running back and forth to the hospital

and to [her son and his wife’s] house and

then going, ‘OK,’ I need to get refocused

again’ … now it’s trying to get refocused and

getting this baby open,” Sheetz said.


Address: 116 E Calhoun St.Phone: 815-276-3399Website: katherinebeads.etsy.com, katherinesheetz.blogspot.com

24-hour gym hosts grand opening

By KATELYN STANEKThe Independent

Mo Ahmed had always loved sports

and working out, but it was his father’s

journey that led him to realize he want-

ed a career in fitness.

“My dad developed Type 2 diabetes,

and he’s as stubborn as an old man can

get,” Ahmed said. “It was really hard for

my brother and I to get him out of his

ways, but ultimately, we taught him to

eat right and exercise. Now he doesn’t

have to take any medication. Seeing

how well he started to do opened the

door for me.”

As general manager and part-owner

of the recently opened Anytime Fit-

ness, 11613 Catalpa Lane, Ahmed said he

feels like he’s finally found what he was

meant to do. For years, the 27-year-old

worked at what he called “big box” gyms

that served about 12,000 members.

“Working for the big box clubs, you

kind of forget why you’re there,” Ahmed

said. “You hear someone talk about

their fitness goals and why it’s impor-

tant for them to get into shape, and then

the next day, you forget.”

�e 24-hour Anytime Fitness, which

marked its grand opening June 18, will

have 400 to 500 members when op-

erating at full capacity. �e company,

based in Hastings, Minn., has about

1,700 locations nationwide.

“�is is more of a career than any-

thing else,” Ahmed said. “We know all

of our members by name, and that’s ex-

actly what we pride ourselves on.”

Exercise physiologist Kimberlee Es-

hbaugh, the club’s fitness manager,


“Being one-on-one with people is a

lot more about building relationships

with people and knowing what their

needs are,” Eshbaugh said. “�at’s what

brings the most joy to the job.”

By rotating equipment and providing

fitness education, Ahmed said he hopes

his club, which currently employs six

people, will inspire members to meet

the same goals he had for his father.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to do

well,” Ahmed said. “I want to do what-

ever I can to make sure my members

meet their own goals. ... It’s not always

fun to work out, but we want to make it

as much fun as possible.”


Address: 11613 Catalpa LanePhone: 815-338-2678Website: www.anytimefitness.com

“I moved here on faith, but I knew this was the place I was supposed to be.”

— Katherine Sheetz, Katherine’s Beads owner


Hours 8 - 6 daily

Farm Market3500 S. Rt. 47 (2 Miles South of Woodstock on Rt.47)

Seniors 10% off Wednesdays


Maggie and Doug Crane, Woodstock, meet Tad Edwards, right, chairman, chief executive officer and president of Benjamin F. Edwards & Co., at an open house June 28 at the company’s Woodstock office, 11621 Catalpa Lane. More than 150 people attended and talked with Edwards. The Woodstock office, which opened in January, is one of 34 offices nationwide. Benjamin F. Edwards & Co., St. Louis, is a brokerage firm. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER



Filed in the McHenry County Recorder’s Office June 13 to 21:

Residence at 5604 Wonder Woods Drive, Wonder Lake, was sold by Roy and Virginia Ciolino and Alfanso and Jeanne Risco, Crystal Lake, to Gay and Roberto Monroy, Grayslake, for $65,000.

Residence at 649 Silver Creek Road, Woodstock, was sold by Federal National Mortgage Association, Dallas, to Melinda Bailey and William and Me-lissa Hughes, Woodstock, for $75,000.

Residence at 425 Washington St., Woodstock, was sold by West Town Buy-ers Group, Chicago, to Maureen Kidd, Beloit, Wis., for $32,000.

Residence at 656 Silver Creek Road, Woodstock, was sold by Jennifer Beattie, McHenry, to Lawrence, Cheryl and Deanna Wenzel, Woodstock, for $61,000.

Residence at 1524 Golden Oak Drive, Woodstock, was sold by Federal National Mortgage Association, Dallas, to Joseph and Shaina Hankes, Wood-stock, for $108,100.

Residence at 3503 Elaine Drive, Woodstock, was sold by American Com-munity Bank & Trust, Woodstock, to Mat-thew Hooper, Woodstock, for $107,500.

Commercial building at 1330 S. Eastwood Drive, 2.5 acres, Woodstock, was sold by American Community Bank & Trust, Woodstock, to Kingston Lanes LLC, Woodstock, for $1,200,000.

Residence at 9003 Acorn Path, Wonder Lake, was sold by Intercounty Ju-dicial Sales Corporation, Chicago, to The Secretary of Housing and Urban Devel-opment, Chicago, for $176,371.

Residence at 1411 Cord Grass Trail, Woodstock, was sold by Esther Le-mus, Woodstock, to THR Property Illinois, Tempe, Ariz., for $170,000.

Residence at 664 Verdi St., Wood-stock, was sold by Dawn Ehrke, Wood-stock, to Christopher and Renee Marvel, Woodstock, for $200,000.

Residence at 14515 Windsor Court, Woodstock, was sold by Dale and Rebekah Lundeen, Center City, Minn., to James Collins, Woodstock, for $315,000.

Residence at 9305 Bull Valley Road, 15 acres, Woodstock, was sold by Mary Ann Stone, Edina, Minn., to Jeffrey Burnett, Woodstock, for $614,000.

Residence at 8513 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, was sold by Federal Na-tional Mortgage Association, Dallas, to Samuel and Angela Kirkland, Wonder Lake, for $123,900.

Residence at 1628 Walnut Drive, Woodstock, was sold by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Atlanta, to Jose Rojas, Woodstock, for $37,500.

Residence at 421 Leah Lane, Wood-stock, was sold by Deborah, Michael, Ken-neth and Thomas Kellner, Crystal Lake, to Sara Stasiak, Woodstock, for $55,500.

Residence at 407 Forest Ave., Woodstock, was sold by Saini Group LLC, Island Lake, to James and Derek La-manna, Woodstock, for $81,500.

Residence at 14221 Oakview Court, Woodstock, was sold by Alan and Deborah Barnhill, Woodstock, to Bernard O’Leary, Woodstock, for $272,000,

Apartment building at 709 Dean St., Woodstock, was sold by Charles Har-wood, Woodstock, to Darrel and Elizabeth Cosgray, Woodstock, for $99,000.

Residence at 609 Handel Lane, Woodstock, was sold by William and Donita Tallon, Neenah, Wis., to Arthur and Judith Koeller, Woodstock, for $237,500.

Residence at 8801 Dorr Road, Won-der Lake, was sold by Group K Properties LLC, Oak Brook, to Trent Raupp, Wonder Lake, for $117,000.

Residence at 407 W. Greenwood Ave., Woodstock, was sold by Nancy Mor-ton, Harvard, to Elm Street Homes LLC, El Segundo, Calif., for $105,000.

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Call for details 815-338-8040



The Independent

When Steven Austin moved to Wood-

stock in 2008, he became convinced he

wasn’t the only one calling his house


While in his basement, the 32-year-old

said he had his first paranormal encoun-

ter, seeing unexplained moving shadows,

hearing voices, witnessing his dogs’ ap-

parently unprovoked barking and even

experiencing physical contact with an

unknown source.

Austin, a fan of television shows like

“Ghost Hunters” and “Ghost Adven-

tures,” was intrigued.

“�at got me interested in getting equip-

ment to find out exactly what was going

on, and when the spirit actually touched

me — I kind of banished it from the house,”

Austin said. “When I figured out exactly

how I did it, I decided it was time to see

what I could do for someone else.”

Hoping to find other houses plagued

with poltergeists and study spirits, Aus-

tin formed the Paranormal Investigation


�rough his amateur operation, Aus-

tin said he wants to help others under-

stand the unknown and learn about life

after death.

“My goal is to be a professional and

to actually get an answer from the oth-

er side, knowing what it is like,” Austin

said. “Everybody’s wanted to know [the

answer to] that question. Death is some-

thing that many fear, and knowing what

it is like on the other side will probably

ease the fear.”

To capture what he considers evidence

of spirits, Austin purchased startup tech-

nology from the Ghost Adventures’ Gear

Guide, including something called Spirit


�e P-SB7 Spirit Box, a device invent-

ed by electrical

engineer and

paranormal in-

vestigator Gary

Galka, rapidly

scans through

radio frequen-

cies to allow the

listener to examine white noise. Austin

said the Spirit Box can run through 100

to 300 stations per minute, blocking

out radio frequencies and only entering

the white noise because of the speed of

the scan. He believes spirits usually use

white noise to make contact.

When analyzing sounds detected

through his devices, Austin said they are

categorized as “residual” or “intelligent.”

Residual voices are random sounds,

while intelligent voices are spirits that

speak. While in a cemetery in Wood-

stock, Austin said he encountered an in-

telligent voice through his Spirit Box.

“I asked the question, ‘Who’s here?’

and I get the answer ‘Baby,’” Austin said.

“I didn’t think anything of it, and I looked

down, and there was a tombstone of a


Austin said he and his teammembers

Brian Murray and Heather Stone have

not investigated any homes in Wood-

stock yet, but they have explored cem-

eteries and other houses in the area.

After posting fliers around town a few

weeks ago, Austin

said he received

a couple of re-

sponses from

people wanting

to find out about

his business. He

said, however, he

also received criticism for advertising

his service.

“I had two people say, ‘Are you for

real?’” Austin said. “Another said, ‘You

shouldn’t do that; you’re messing with

God’s will.’ Some people don’t like it

and say, ‘You’re crazy for doing this and

you’re opening a door.’ I’m not trying to

provoke a spirit or disrupt the function

of the spirit. I just want to talk to them

and understand what it is like on the

other side.”

While Austin said he is not looking to

have a TV show or gain fame from his

exploits, his hope is to gain more experi-

ence in order to become a professional

and help people understand spirits.

“Knowing the unknown is great adven-

ture, and I’m willing to take it,” Austin said.

For information, call the P.I.T. at 815-219-

8495 or email [email protected].

Seeking spirits A paranormal investigator sets up shop in Woodstock

“I had two people say, ‘Are you for real?’”

— Steven Austin, paranormal investigator

Paranormal Investigation Team founder Steven Austin said his new venture has attracted responses from both incredulous and interested residents. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY LISA KUCHARSKI


District 200 HR director named volunteer of the year

By RHONDA MIXThe Independent

United Way of Greater McHenry

County recently awarded Woodstock

School District 200 Director of Hu-

man Resources Teresa Dailey with its

Volunteer of the Year award.

Dailey has worked for District 200

for 20 years and has volunteered

with United Way, an organization

that works to raise funds on behalf of

charities, since 2003. UWGMC Execu-

tive Director Steve Otten said Dailey

has continuously led the school dis-

trict’s donation efforts.

“She has done a lot of work and

continually leads other schools in the

district [to contribute to United Way],”

said Otten. “She puts in a lot of heart-

felt effort.”

Dailey said she feels very strongly

about the importance of United Way

and works every year to organize

events for the organization. She said

she spends time speaking at United

Way events, makes presentations and

helps coordinate campaigns through-

out Woodstock schools.

Despite this, she said she was sur-

prised she won the award.

“I wasn’t expecting such recogni-

tion,” Dailey said. “I was very humbled

by it. I believe in the good United Way

does. …. It’s hard to fundraise in these

difficult times, [but] United Way helps

provide a little additional support for

so many and does good for people

right here at home.”

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United Way of Greater McHenry County Executive Director Steve Otten presents Teresa Dailey with the Volunteer of the Year Award. COURTESY PHOTO


Kids can compete in statewide photo contest

Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford, in partnership with Illinois agricultural program Ag Invest, is hosting the first “Cream of the Crop” electronic photog-raphy contest. Agricultural photo submis-sions will be accepted until Friday, July

12. The contest is open to students ages 8 through 15. Students are encouraged to submit innovative and scenic photos that depict their visions of agriculture through-out Illinois. The contest winner will have lunch with Rutherford and be featured in marketing materials for Ag Invest. There is a two photo limit per entrant.

For a list of rules and entry information, visit www.Treasurer.Il.Gov.


In McHenry County, water is all around us – groundwater, wetlands, watersheds, stormwater. Even so, all the water people use locally comes from the ground. Municipal and private wells reach down into groundwater aquifers and pump water up for human use.

Aquifers are not underground pools. In this area, aquifers are found where deposits of sand, gravel or sandstone have water filling the spaces between sand particles (or filling cracks in the rock). �e water in the aquifers starts out on the surface and slowly works its way down to the porous material where wells can access it for pumping back to the surface.

Sand and gravel aquifers are found 10 to 400 feet below the surface in deposits left by the glaciers 12,000 or more years ago. It can take water up to 50 years to reach these aquifers depending on how close the sand and gravel is to the surface.

Sandstone aquifers are up to 1,300 feet (one-quarter mile) below the surface. Sandstone formations are the

remnants of ancient sea beds that were compressed into stone over millenia. Water from the sur-face may take 200 or more years to reach the sandstone. Note: the water moving into sandstone aqui-fers under McHenry County comes pri-marily from Boone County.

�e city of Harvard has three wells – one in a sand/gravel aquifer and the other two in the deep bedrock formation. �e wells can supply more than 3,000 gallons a minute, or about 4 million gallons a day. Average water use in the city is about 900,000 gallons a day.

Here are some important things to know about the water under McHenry County:

Most of the available water is in the shallow sand and gravel aquifers. But that water is more susceptible to

contamination because pollutants from the surface will reach it sooner or later. Note: �e communities of Fox River Grove and Crystal Lake had to issue advisories to residents in recent years because of elevated levels of chemicals in their shallow wells. And more than 10 years ago, the city of Harvard had to close a shallow well because of chemi-cal contamination.

Water in the sandstone aquifers is less likely to become polluted, but there also is much less of it. Also, McHenry County municipalities already are withdrawing more water from deep wells each year than is filter-ing back into them. So, they will run dry one day.

�e good news is – if we plan for it – McHenry County has enough wa-ter to meet current and future water needs with the water resources that are available to us right beneath our feet. Planning includes protecting the water quality in our shallow sand and gravel aquifers to be sure this resource is available for future generations. Pre-serving the ability of the land to allow



Lisa Haderlein is executive director of The Land Conservancy of McHenry County.

The Nature of Things


Every drop of water is precious water to soak in so the aquifers can be recharged is critical as well.

�ere are some simple things resi-dents can do to help ensure there are ample water resources for the future:

Stop treating stormwater as a waste product that is sent away as quickly as possible. Slow it down. Let it soak into the ground to recharge aquifers instead.

Use native plants for landscaping. Water use peaks in the summer when residents water their lawns and gardens to keep them lush. Many native plants are drought tolerant once established. �ey also have the added benefits of re-ducing stormwater runoff and increas-ing infiltration.

Let lawns go dormant during the hot, dry days of summer.

Preserve open land and farmland that allows water to soak into the ground.

Tune in for more�e public is invited to tune in to Har-

vard Community Radio, 1610 AM, from 6 to 7 p.m. �ursday, July 18, for the first “Speaking of Nature” radio interview program, when local water issues will be explored in more detail.


Historical society to host Heritage Fair

The McHenry County Historical Society will host its 28th annual Heritage Fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 14, at 6422 Main St., Union.

The theme will be “Hip for History.” The historical society will celebrate its golden anniversary this year as well as the two-year exhibit “Return to Woodstock – All-American City,” which focuses on Wood-stock’s nomination and presentation in front of the All-America City jury in Detroit. The fair will feature a car show, music by The Clef Hangers Barbershop Quartet, enter-tainment provided by the Freddy Fredricks Magic Show, a cakewalk and games, quilt demonstrations, a pie-baking contest, an antique auction and more. Visitors are en-couraged to wear 1960s attire.

Refreshments will be available for pur-chase. Admission to the fair will be free.

For information, call 815-923-2267 or visit www.gothistory.org.

Pie bakers wantedThe McHenry County Historical Society

seeks pie bakers for its 28th annual Heri-tage Fair pie-baking contest at 6422 Main St., Union.

The 2013 pie contest categories are fruit, berry and open class. Cream pies will not be accepted.

Interested bakers can register pies be-tween 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. the day of the fair at West Harmony School, located on the museum grounds. The entry fee will be $2, and judging will take place at 10:30 a.m. Ribbons and a grand prize of a trophy and historical society gift certificate will be awarded.

All pies will be sold by the slice following judging. The grand-prize-winning pie will be auctioned off at 1 p.m. For information, call 815-923-2267.




25 years ago The Woodstock Jaycees cancelled

the “Believe in America ’88” Fourth of July celebration due to potential fire haz-ard from drought conditions.

Anne Johnsos was named Miss Woodstock, and Sharon Fulgenzi was named Miss Wonder Lake.

An alumni hall at Woodstock High School was dedicated to the memory of Lois Coulas, former English teacher and dean of girls.

20 years ago The Woodstock Independent chron-

icled Bev Hodges, Woodstock, who reunited with her birth mother after 40 years.

Automated Liquid Packaging cel-ebrated its 25th year in business.

Keith Ehrke and Rob Crain, Wood-stock, completed the Grandma Marathon in Duluth, Minn.

Jim Aberle, Wonder Lake, and Luke Kyle, Woodstock, qualified for a nation-al freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling tournament in Columbus, Mo.

15 years ago Kristin Farver was named Miss

Woodstock. Longtime Woodstock High School

teacher and coach Jim Patton retired from teaching after 34 years.

Olson Middle School student Adam Milbratz received a “Good Samaritan Certificate” for turning into the police a large sum of money he found.

10 years ago The Opera House annex, on which

construction began in April of 2002 at an estimated cost of $2.2 million, was almost complete.

The Independent chronicled Mag-gie Crane and Ann Henslee, who swam laps at Woodstock Water Works dur-ing the summer and at Woodstock High School.

In Woodstock Little League action, the Orioles defeated the Mariners 11-8 and the Tigers defeated the White Sox 14-3.

Jason Rishling, a member of the Wonder Lake Ski Show Team, opened a ski school in Lake Geneva, Wis.

5 years ago Woodstock Christian Life Services

purchased a 2008 Chevy Eldorado 22-passenger bus with funds obtained through a grant from the Illinois Depart-ment of Transportation.

WHS senior Arek Lucich received a $1,000 scholarship from the Woodstock Garden Club.

Basketball in the Park, a fundraiser or-ganized by Woodstock resident Chris Schau-er to raise funds for Give Kids the World, was expanded to a two-day event.

1 year ago Direct Energy replaced ComEd as the

electricity provider for Woodstock residents who did not opt out of the municipal aggre-gation program.

Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating Inc. cel-ebrated its 70th year of business.

The Northwood Middle School robotics team, the Cornstalkers, returned from the First Lego League Open European Championship held in Mannheim, Germany.

The White Sox won the 50/70 WLL championship game by defeating the Red Sox 7-6.



Worship: 10:30 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:


Worship: 3 p.m. Sunday (Spanish)


Worship: 10:30 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:


Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday


Worship: 9 and 10:30 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:


Worship: 10:30 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:

GRACE LUTHERAN1300 Kishwaukee Valley Road 815-338-0554 Worship: 5 p.m. Saturday; 8:30 a.m. (traditional), 10 a.m. (contemporary) Sunday


Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday

MCHENRY COUNTY JEWISH CONGREGATION8617 Ridgefield Road, Crystal Lake815-455-1810Worship 6:30 p.m. Friday, 9:30 a.m. Saturday


Worship: 8 and 10 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:


7330Worship: 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 5 p.m. Saturday; 8 a.m. weekdays


Worship: 8:30 and 10 a.m. Sunday


Worship: 6 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:


Worship: 7:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday; 5 and 6:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday; 7:30, 9 and 10:30 a.m., noon (Spanish), 5 p.m. Sunday


Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday


Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday


Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday


Worship: 10 a.m. Sunday Programs/events:


Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday prayer service, 10 a.m. worship service


Worship: 9:30 a.m. SundayPrograms/education/events:

p.m. Sunday


June 3to July 21

CALENDARUpcoming events in the Woodstock area Events are free unless otherwise noted


GOLF CLINIC FROM A DOCTOR’S PERSPECTIVENorthwest Healthcare Center800 E. South St.7 [email protected] naprapath and chiropractor will re-view proper stretching to avoid injury and for improvement in golf perfor-mance. They also will perform an in-dividual swing analysis. Reservations are required.

CITY BAND FOURTH OF JULY CONCERTWoodstock Square7:30 p.m.See The Entertainer, page 11.


WONDER LAKE FOURTH OF JULY EVENTSWonder Lake10 a.m.The village of Wonder Lake will hold its annual Fourth of July celebration featuring a parade, water ski show, fireworks and more. Fireworks begin at dusk.

WOODSTOCK FIREWORKSEmricson ParkDuskParking $5Donations will be accepted at the gate for Woodstock’s annual fire-works show.


JAZZ JAMStage Left Café125 Van Buren St.7 p.m.$5 donation815-338-4212jazzonthesquare.comSee The Entertainer, page 11.


RUN FOR HOPE 5KGrace Lutheran Church1300 Kishwaukee Valley Road8 a.m.raceagainsttheodds.comThe race, run in the memory of Hope Fuller, will benefit The Cure Starts Now, an organization committed to funding research of childhood can-cer.

HABITAT RESTORATIONHarrison Benwell7055 McCullom Lake Road9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.815-575-1684Individuals, students, small groups and families with children older than 6 can participate in restoring native habitat at the conservation area.

HONEYCRAFT INDIE CRAFT MARKETMixin Mingle124 Cass St.10 a.m. to 4 p.m.www.honeycraftmarket.comHoneycraft is a monthly Indie craft market where artists, makers and crafters showcase one-of-a kind hand-made wares.

FIRST SATURDAY MUSICUnity Spiritual Center of

Woodstock225 W. Calhoun St.7 p.m.$3 donation815-337-3534unitywoodstock.orgSee The Entertainer, page 11.


HELPING PAWS NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATIONHelping Paws Shelter2500 Harding Lane1 p.m.815-338-4400helpingpaws.netHelping Paws will welcome new vol-unteers and offers a monthly orienta-tion.


COFFEE WITH THE CHIEFWoodstock Police Department656 Lake Ave.7-8:30 p.m.815-338-6787Permanent beat officer Fred Eisel-stein will present a program on traffic crashes, their top causes and the po-lice department’s response to them.


ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA FAMILY SUPPORT GROUPValley Hi Nursing & Rehabilitation2406 Hartland Road6 p.m.815-334-2817Caregiving tips and strategies will be discussed.


DAYTIME BOOK CLUBRead Between The Lynes129 Van Buren St.12:30 p.m.815-206-5967The group will discuss “Life After Life” by Jill McCorkle.

STAGE LEFTOVERSStage Left Café125 Van Buren St.7:30 p.m.815-334-3555See The Entertainer, page 11.


WOODSTOCK STADIUM MOTOCROSS SERIESMcHenry County Fairgrounds11900 Country Club RoadGates open at 3 p.m., races start at 6 p.m.$10 spectator admission815-337-3511Various classes and levels of rac-ers will compete on a full motocross course at the fairgrounds. The race is the second in a series of six races held in Woodstock.

OPEN MIC NIGHTStage Left Café125 Van Buren St.7 p.m.$3 donation815-338-5164offsquaremusic.orgSee The Entertainer, page 11.


HABITAT RESTORATIONDufield PondCountry Club Road10 a.m. to 1 [email protected], students, small groups and families with children older than age 6 can participate in restoring na-tive habitat at the conservation area.

MEET P.C. MAROTTARead Between The Lynes129 Van Buren St.11 a.m. to 1 p.m.815-206-5967The author of “In My Mother’s Kitch-en” and “Brooklyn Italian: A Memoir of Recipes of Days Gone By,” will be at the book store to talk about memo-ries of the life lessons she learned.

MEET M.E. MAYRead Between The Lynes129 Van Buren St.2 to 4 p.m.815-206-5967The author of “Inconspicuous,” will be at the book store to launch her lat-est novel.

SUMMER’S FIREWORKSPleasant Valley, Shelter #213315 Pleasant Valley Road4 to 5:30 p.m.mccdistrict.orgTake a guided hike through nature’s display of floral fireworks.

HIGH PERFORMANCE DANCE THEATREWoodstock Opera House121 Van Buren St.7 p.m.$23815-338-5300See The Entertainer, page 11.


EVENING BOOK CLUBRead Between the Lynes129 Van Buren St.7 p.m.815-206-5967The group will discuss “The Light Be-tween the Oceans” by M.L. Stead-man.

VILLAGE OF BULL VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION The Stickney House1904 Cherry Valley Road7 p.m.


HELPING PAWS NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATIONHelping Paws Shelter2500 Harding Lane7 p.m.815-338-4400helpingpaws.netSee July 7.

CITY COUNCIL MEETINGWoodstock City Hall121 W. Calhoun St.7 p.m.

DISTRICT 200 BOARD OF EDUCATIONClay Professional Development Center112 Grove St.7 p.m.

woodstockschools.orgThe meeting will be on the second floor. Use the parking lot behind Clay Academy and enter via Door 5.


WOODSTOCK SENIOR CLUBSDorr Township1039 Lake Ave.11 a.m. to 1 p.m.A fee will be charged for lunch, $2 donation for bingo815-344-3555The activities will include a coffee klatch, trivia and bingo. Registration is required.


LITTLE MERMAID JR.Woodstock Opera House121 Van Buren St.2 and 7 p.m.2 p.m., $67 p.m., $85:30 reception and 7 p.m. show combination, $20 adults, $15 students815-338-5300See The Entertainer, page 11.


‘LITTLE MERMAID, JR.’Woodstock Opera House121 Van Buren St.2 and 7 p.m.$8815-338-5300See The Entertainer, page 11.

GAVERS BARNDANCEEmricson Park5:30 p.m.Tickets: $50gavers.orgThis annual fundraiser for the Gavers Community Cancer Foundation will feature a buffet dinner and three live bands.


28TH ANNUAL WOODSTOCK FOLK FESTIVALStage Left Café125 Van Buren St.12:30 to 8:30 p.m.815-338-4212See The Entertainer, page 11.

LITTLE MERMAID JR.Woodstock Opera House121 Van Buren St.3 p.m.$8815-338-5300See The Entertainer, page 11.


WOODSTOCK FARMERS MARKETTuesdays and SaturdaysWoodstock Square8 a.m. to 1 p.m.Woodstockfarmersmarket.orgVoted No. 1 in Illinois for midsize markets in 2012.See the Entertainer, page 11.

COFFEE AT THE CAFÉ FOR SENIORSTuesdaysStage Left Café125 Van Buren St.

1 to 3 p.m.Senior citizens are invited to drop in for coffee.

DIVORCECARETuesdaysWoodstock Assembly of God1201 Dean St.6:30 to 8:30 p.m.815-338-1316divorcecare.orgThe weekly support group and semi-nar will be conducted by people who understand the pain of separation or divorce.

WEDNESDAYS AT HEARTHSTONEHearthstone Communities840 N. Seminary Ave.9 a.m. to 2 p.m.$5 for lunch815-338-2110hearthstonewoodstock.orgSenior citizens are invited to drop in for activities beginning at 9 a.m. with coffee or an exercise class.

WOODSTOCK SUMMER CITY BAND CONCERTWoodstock SquareWednesdays7:30 p.m.See The Entertainer, page 11.

DIVORCECARETuesdaysWoodstock Assembly of God1201 Dean St.6:30 to 8:30 p.m.815-338-1316divorcecare.orgThe weekly support group and semi-nar will be conducted by people who understand the pain of separation or divorce.

BINGOWednesdaysWoodstock Moose Lodge406 Clay St.7 to 9:30 pm.815-338-0126Games will include crossfire. Food will be available. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.

SOBER MOMS AA MEETINGThursdaysBlue Lotus Temple221 Dean St.10 a.m.847-809-1104Moms with a desire to stop drinking are invited to meet with the group.

LIVE MUSIC AT EXPRESSLY LESLIE’SFridaysWoodstock Square Mall110 S. Johnson St.5:30 to 7:30 p.m.See The Entertainer, page 11.

OPEN GRILL NIGHT FridaysRedeemer Lutheran Church1320 Dean St.6 p.m.815-338-9370rlcw.orgThe church provides the grill, and the community is invited to bring what-ever you want to eat and drink and maybe something to share.


To submit calendar items, e-mail [email protected] or visit




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Valuation date (35 ILCS 200/9-95): January 1, 2013Required level of assessment (35 ILCS 200/9-145): 33.33%Valuation based on sales from (35 ILCS 200/1-155): 2010-2012

Publication is hereby made for equalized assessed valuations for real property in this township in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-10. As required by 35 ILCS 200/9-210 and 35 ILCS 200/10-115, the following equalization factors have been applied to bring the assessments to the statutorily required three-year median level of 33.33%: Farm Land: 1.0000 Farm Improvements: 1.0000 Non-Farm Land: 0.9370 Non-Farm Improvements: 0.9370Questions about these valuations should be directed to: MIKE CROUSE 15813 NELSON RD, WOODSTOCK IL 60098 (815) 338-5526 www.toi.org/hartlandtownship

Property in this Township, other than farmland and coal, is to be assessed at a 33.33% median level of assessment, based on the fair cash value of the

assessment by the median level of assessment. The resulting value should equal the estimated fair cash value of your property. If the resulting value is greater than the estimated fair cash value of your property, you may be over-assessed. If the resulting value is less than the fair cash value of your

assessed valuation is not uniform with other comparable properties in the

from accepting assessment complaints for properties in this township. For more information on complaint deadlines, call (815) 334-4290 or visit: www.


All equalized assessed valuations are subject to further equalization and

the Illinois Department of Revenue.

IllinoisA list of assessment changes for this township for the current assessment

township equalization factor noted above, is as follows:


07-01-100-004 NELSON, CAROLINE L 61,16707-01-200-002 AEGERTER, JOHN C 16,759

07-01-400-007 HARRIS NA TR 3442 1,33507-02-100-003 WILNER, D JACKOVICH D 33,85907-02-100-004 LENZIE, RICHARD J DIANE J 53,432

07-02-100-011 D AGOSTARO, A SELF DECL TR 4,69907-02-100-012 D AGOSTARO, A SELF DECL TR 124,28807-02-100-013 KEATING, WILLIAM C JR SUSAN G 65,96507-02-100-014 KOOISTRA, JOHN A 5,66807-02-100-015 LARSON, DENNIS L 47,59207-02-200-002 KOOISTRA, JOHN A 33,216

07-02-300-001 STRITZEL , FRANK ANGELA REV T 64,47807-02-300-005 STADE GORDON CORP 10,51707-02-300-006 STRITZEL , F TR A TR 11,610

07-02-400-008 STADE GORDON CORP 5,76407-02-400-009 STRITZEL, FRANK ANGELA REV TR 2,14707-02-400-010 GOLDA, LEO J 16

07-02-400-012 AMELSE, LUCAS JAMIE J 6,59907-03-100-001 WOJNICKI, A J & E L 31,61207-03-100-003 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 1993 4,16307-03-100-005 LANGHANS, D K C M REV TR 3,08507-03-100-006 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 1993 2,17107-03-100-007 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 1993 3,04607-03-100-008 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 2,53607-03-100-009 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 2,72407-03-100-011 REED, RUTH F DECL OF TR 124

07-03-200-007 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 7,38307-03-200-008 JAKAL, ARLENE FIELDS 9,832

07-03-200-019 WILNER, D JACKOVICH D 891

07-03-300-002 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 9,65607-03-300-003 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 4,57807-03-300-004 ANDERSON, THEODORE W TR 5,46207-03-300-005 JARVIS, EUGENE 17,14707-03-300-006 KRAMER, DAVID M DOREEN A 24,81207-03-400-002 STRITZEL, FRANK ANGELA REV TR 81,14807-03-400-004 LINDMEIER, M/CZIRJAK P * 22,38907-03-400-005 LINDMEIER, M/CZIRJAK P * 102,97707-03-400-007 LINDMEIER, M/CZIRJAK P * 1,88407-03-400-008 ANDERSON , THEODORE W TR 13,15107-03-400-009 KINDMEIER M, CZIRJAK P 1,107

07-04-100-003 RUDAWSKI , TR 148,041

07-04-100-015 RUDAWSKI TR, 16,249

07-04-200-003 LANGHANS, D K C M REV TR 58,271

07-04-300-006 FINKE, DAVID J TAMA S 58,007

07-04-300-009 MARKOWSKI, J L K J H 77,387

07-04-300-025 FINKE, DAVID J TAMA S 40607-04-300-026 JARVIS, EUGENE P 13,569

07-04-400-006 CARDELLI, LEO IDA JNT TEN TR 10,95207-04-400-007 JARVIS, EUGENE 4,80307-04-400-008 KRAMER, DAVID M DOREEN A 8,322

07-05-100-003 PIEPER, KENNETH MARGEE TR 35

07-05-100-016 MANOKAS, ANDREW CHRISOULA 1,192

07-05-100-020 LDO REV LIV TR 8899 66,555

07-05-200-010 CHANG, SWENSON ALFRED TR 50,363

07-05-200-013 NELSON, R C/C W/J M 4,89307-05-300-001 SCHULTZ 2012 FARM LLC 43207-05-300-003 TARCHENSKI, KEVIN HELEN 68,35207-05-300-006 GOLDA PROP LLC 3,82207-05-300-013 ANTCZAK, MATTHEW T DORICE C 56,990

07-05-400-007 MCDONALD, GORDON K 69707-05-400-008 MCDONALD, GORDON K 60,512

07-06-100-001 CHANG FAM LLC 3,72907-06-100-010 PARTSCH, RICHARD H 4,543

07-06-100-020 POLNOW, JAMES H 4,98507-06-100-021 MANKE, MICHAEL PATRICIA 3,871

07-06-200-005 KULESZA, AGNIESZKA 51,28507-06-200-006 RECKAMP, ALLAN J JEAN M 84,534

07-06-200-009 SCHULTZ 2012 FARM LLC 25,621

07-06-300-008 SANFORD, CHARLES SARAH 31,78407-06-300-009 CRONE, RICHARD C & GAIL ANN 889

07-06-300-017 HUNT, FLORENCE 53,27307-06-300-018 DEJA, ARTHUR G ANN M TR 05 01 93,89307-06-300-021 NELLESEN, PAMELA A TR 39,316

07-06-400-003 SCHULTZ 2012 FARM LLC 272

07-07-100-003 CRONE, RICHARD C GAIL A 22,82007-07-100-006 SCHROCK, JUDITH A ET AL * 4,61207-07-200-002 THOMPSON, JAMES L ALICE S TR 907-07-200-003 STREIT, RICHARD J 51907-07-200-009 PASMINSKI, ANDREW C/IRENE 136,71807-07-200-012 STREIT, RICHARD J 29707-07-200-013 STREIT, RICHARD J 137,37007-07-200-015 STREIT, RICHARD J 37507-07-200-016 STREIT, RICHARD J 1,31507-07-200-021 THOMPSON, JAMES L ALICE S TR 77,649

07-07-400-008 KASTEN, AUGUST H FAITH E 18,35107-07-400-009 PROKUSKI, R J T C TR 108

07-07-400-011 STECH, JAMES J CHRISTINE L 72,592

07-07-400-014 WINSLOW, ALISON L 1999 TR 275,031

07-08-151-005 GOLDA, LEO J LIV TR 89,295

07-08-151-007 THOMPSON, JAMES L ALICE S TR 2807-08-226-002 REDDING, STEPHEN R JANICE A 42,80907-08-226-009 ESCH , LAWRENCE J JUDITH A TR 150,00707-08-226-010 ESCH, LAWRENCE J JUDITH A TR 1,45007-08-251-001 KING, THOMAS J TR NITCHIE 3,95307-08-276-001 KING, THOMAS J TR NITCHIE 22,47807-08-300-001 GOLDA FARMS LLC 60,82407-08-300-002 KING, THOMAS J TR NITCHIE 6,80207-08-400-001 KING, THOMAS J TR NITCHIE 1,62307-08-400-004 NELLIGAN, MAURICE 5,30007-08-400-005 GOLDA FARMS LLC 74,428

07-09-100-004 KING, THOMAS J TR NITCHIE 6,682

07-09-100-016 ESCH, LAWRENCE J JUDITH A TR 94007-09-100-017 ESCH, LAWRENCE J JUDITH A TR 1,307

07-09-300-005 CREDEDIO, JOHN D DELORES K 162,29807-09-300-006 CINEFRO, J A JR ET AL 113,525

07-09-400-002 JARVIS, EUGENE 1,867

07-09-400-006 OOST, THEODORE R CATHERINE K 2507-09-400-007 LOGAN, ANNE HARDING 47,74207-09-400-008 FED HOME LOAN MTG CORP 55,587

07-09-400-010 JARVIS, EUGENE 4,81607-10-100-002 GOLDA FARMS LLC 19,664

07-10-200-002 GOLDA FARMS LLC 33,13107-10-200-003 GOLDA FARMS LLC 26,93707-10-300-001 MEADOWS FARM LTD 6,93307-10-300-008 WETLANDS WOODS PROP LLC 7,226

07-10-300-011 STAUSS, JOHN JOEL TR 1,90907-10-300-012 STAUSS, JOHN JOEL TR ET AL 47,48607-10-300-013 STAUSS, JOHN JOEL TR 84,001

07-10-300-016 WETLANDS WOODS PROP LLC 3,96207-10-300-017 WETLANDS WOODS PROP LLC 4,87407-10-400-002 GOLDA FARMS LLC 1,53207-10-400-003 GLOWACKI WDSTK GEN PRTNRSHP 3,08507-10-400-004 MAXWELL, JEAN E REV TR 85,71107-10-400-007 PESAVENTO, DANIEL 117,804

07-10-400-009 ESPOSITO, RALPH PATRICIA 1,44207-10-400-010 ESPOSITO, RALPH PATRICIA 51,915

07-10-400-015 WETLANDS WOODS PROP LLC 6707-11-100-001 GOLDA FARMS LLC 9,54207-11-100-006 MEADIE, RONALD C CONSTANCE S 68,369

07-11-200-006 GOLDA FARMS LLC 8,64407-11-200-009 GOLDA FARMS LLC 14,20007-11-200-011 GOLDA, LEO J 1507-11-200-013 AMELSE, LUCAS JAMIE J 50,006

07-11-200-017 TIEMANN, GREGG 5,192

07-11-400-003 KRUSE, CHARLES KAREN 50,96107-11-400-004 KRUSE, PAUL/CAROL TR 31,601

07-12-100-003 KRUSE, PAUL/CAROL TR 13,585

07-12-200-024 COOPER, CHRIS R LEE ANN 3,79107-12-200-025 COOPER, CHRIS R LEE ANN 110,969

07-12-300-007 KRUSE, CHARLES KAREN 12907-12-300-008 KRUSE, PAUL/CAROL TR 43,22307-12-400-009 MAGDZIARZ, FRANK LIV TR 62

07-12-400-024 IOVINE, SCOTT M 32,657

07-12-400-027 SWORD ANITA M TR ET AL 1A 45,925

07-13-100-004 KANE C P A L SELF DECL OF TR 60,815


07-13-301-001 COSTELLO, M C F M TR 48,51707-13-351-005 TRICRAN PROP LP 33,91807-13-378-001 FISCHER, LAWRENCE J KATHLEEN 65,186

07-14-100-003 KLINDWORTH, JOHN H 5,271

07-14-200-009 KNOLL, JOHN H/JANE M TR 4,68007-14-200-010 KNOLL, JOHN H/JANE M TR 1,18407-14-200-011 MERGES, JOSEPH J MARGARET H 1,24907-14-200-012 MERGES, JOSEPH J MARGARET H 68,321

07-14-200-021 WAICHUNAS, PETER J TR 34,61807-14-200-022 WAICHUNAS , PETER J TR 4,02407-14-200-023 WAICHUNAS, PETER J TR 3,20607-14-200-024 WAICHUNAS, PETER J TR 4,542

07-14-400-002 COSTELLO, M C F M TR 9,72707-14-400-003 TRICRAN PROP LP 12,393

07-15-100-001 NELLIGAN, DANIEL J 5,120

07-15-200-003 KLINDWORTH, JOHN H 45,512

07-15-300-013 ANDERSON, JOEL L 83,42807-15-300-014 WEISZ, CORRINE F REV TR 28307-15-300-015 WEISZ, CORRINE F REV TR 208

07-15-400-004 ANDERSON, JOEL L 2707-15-400-005 WEISZ, CORRINE F REV TR 585

07-16-100-013 WILSON, ROGER G GONTHIER G 61,841

07-16-200-001 KEUPER, GLEN W LIV TR 37,499



07-16-300-004 LUKEY, JAMES I CYNTHIA L 136,48007-17-100-002 LEVIN, LAWRENCE W JAIMEE H 5,87007-17-100-005 STUMPF, MARK R TR 19,72007-17-200-001 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 88507-17-200-002 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 3,99807-17-200-003 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 9007-17-200-004 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 30,63707-17-300-001 STUMPF, MARK R TR 1,18807-17-300-002 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 51607-17-300-003 BEVERLY RIDGE REAL EST 58107-17-300-004 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 1,04207-17-400-001 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 19,29907-17-400-002 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 80607-17-400-003 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 1,00507-17-400-004 PRD EQUITIES INC 51,52307-18-101-003 REYES, JUAN MARIA 73,01207-18-126-002 TAYLOR, MARY F TR 1 ET AL * 1,65107-18-126-003 PHILLIPS, DORTHY J 2,15607-18-126-004 PHILLIPS, DORTHY J 1,22607-18-151-001 SCHMITZ, EARL J AND L * 807-18-177-002 HARVARD ST BK TR 428 1,25807-18-200-001 TAYLOR, MARY F TR 1 ET AL * 33,40007-18-200-002 TAYLOR, MARY F TR ET AL * 5,10707-18-200-003 LEVIN, LAWRENCE W JAIMEE H 8,06707-18-300-001 WILKENING, DENNIS LAURIE A TR 37,70307-18-300-003 HARVARD ST BK TR 428 2,84407-18-300-006 NIEDZWIEDZKI, JACK G PAMELA S 92,26807-18-300-007 LEHMANN, WALTER A TR 80,91107-18-300-008 VAN MAREN A TR, KIDD M D TR 122,12307-18-300-009 NIEDZWIEDZKI, JACK G PAMELA S 22607-18-400-001 HARVARD ST BK TR 428 25,51007-18-400-002 TAYLOR, MARY F TR 1 ET AL* 2,65607-18-400-003 HARVARD ST BK TR 428 3,25307-19-100-002 W CHGO 1ST NATL BK TR 140 1,03507-19-100-004 CRYSTAL LK HOME ST BK 1034 91,74307-19-100-005 W CHGO 1ST NATL BK TR 140 72307-19-100-009 DALTON, JERRY MARYANNE E 29,41907-19-100-010 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5274 1,02307-19-300-001 W CHGO 1ST NATL BK TR 140 5,18107-19-300-002 W CHGO 1ST NATL BK TR 140 68107-19-300-005 BROWN, M E J B SELF DECL TR 5,33207-19-400-001 W CHGO 1ST NATL BK TR 140 79907-19-400-013 BRZICA, SLAVKO J/MARY J 2,71807-20-100-015 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 10207-20-100-016 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 1,27707-20-100-018 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 37,17407-20-100-021 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 87307-20-100-024 BEVERLY RIDGE REAL EST 4,02407-20-200-002 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 75707-20-200-010 FISHER, MARY ELLEN REV TR 77,26507-20-200-011 FISHER, MARY ELLEN REV TR 2,84007-20-200-012 FISHER, LAUREN M TRS 2010 TR 1207-20-200-013 FISHER, LAUREN M TRS 2010 TR 170,80007-20-300-004 SAMPSON, GEORGE N JUDITH L 136,87807-20-300-008 ZYCH, MICHAEL J KRISTINE L 58,91407-20-300-011 FOREST PK NATL BK TR 971038 1207-20-300-013 PARZATKA, JACK J 46,40807-20-300-017 BRZICA, SLAVKO J/MARY J 1,85607-20-300-018 FISCHER, M C ET AL 63,26507-20-300-020 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 2,99907-20-300-021 HEGNER FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 30507-20-400-007 LEE, JAMES H JERRY H 178,92207-20-400-009 FOREST PK NATL BK TR 971038 85,74607-21-100-013 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 1,78307-21-100-014 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 3,20207-21-200-008 HALLISY, ROBERT G DECL OF TR 4,09207-21-200-009 HALLISY, ROBERT G DECL OF TR 1,41007-21-300-012 JOHNSON, W T P L 8907-21-300-014 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 19,76707-21-400-016 D CENTRAL LLC 25307-21-400-018 D CENTRAL LLC 53,32107-22-100-001 HALLISY, ROBERT G DECL OF TR 32,06907-22-100-013 DIMITRENKO, GREG JR STEPHAINE 1,09907-22-100-014 LEHMAN, EDWARD 2009 TR 37207-22-100-020 HARRIS NA TR HTX 7192 102,24607-22-100-021 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 56207-22-100-022 WEISZ, CORRINE F REV TR 7,00107-22-200-005 LOHMEYER, CARROLL MARGARET TR 4,13507-22-200-007 WEST, JOHN C SUSAN G 61,46407-22-200-024 ALG ST BK TR 1496 3807-22-200-025 CZERWINSKI J, HEFT J N 1,74907-22-200-026 DEUTSCHE BK NATL TR CO TRS 131,86807-22-200-027 GRILL, ALGIN 54,30107-22-200-028 CARLTON, DENNIS CATHERINE 93,85907-22-200-029 WEST, JOHN C SUSAN G 65207-22-200-030 NEMMERS, LIV FAM TR 45,67207-22-200-031 WEST, JOHN C SUSAN G 58307-22-300-002 D CENTRAL LLC 5,91107-22-300-003 D CENTRAL LLC 1,79607-22-300-004 LEHMAN, EDWARD 2009 TR 114,16907-22-300-005 LEHMAN, EDWARD 2009 TR 5,28307-22-300-009 BOETTCHER, R MARK LINDA 34,90207-22-300-012 LEHMAN, EDWARD 2009 TR 3,15207-22-300-014 RUBEL, JOHN M DEBRA M 86307-22-400-006 CHGO TITLE LAND TR 8002350449 3,81607-22-400-010 ALG ST BK TR 1496 132,92607-23-101-003 LOHMEYER, CARROLL MARGARET TR 21,32307-23-151-001 WEST, JOHN SUSAN 8507-23-152-014 LARSON, LARRY J LOIS A 52,82107-23-176-003 OLAGUE, E J C ET AL 32,94907-23-176-004 KSEPKA, LAUREL L 99507-23-176-005 KSEPKA, LAUREL L LAWRENCE S 67,72207-23-200-002 TRICRAN PROP LP 9,360

07-23-200-003 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 4406 131,60507-23-300-005 HUNTER, P A & L G TRUST 101 49,58507-23-400-007 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 39207-23-400-009 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,25707-23-400-010 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,18107-23-400-011 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 96507-23-400-012 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 70507-23-400-013 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 15007-23-400-014 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 51107-23-400-015 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 85507-23-400-016 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,37707-23-400-017 SEDLOCK, DAVID P JANET M TR 1 264,12407-24-101-002 TRICRAN PROP LP 20,89407-24-178-002 GALL, EUGENE W TRUST 1 67,73507-24-200-007 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 10,61207-24-200-015 BEU FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 12,18707-24-200-016 BEU, ROGER H LINDA F TR 351,45007-24-300-001 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 34,75507-24-400-001 BEU FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 12,37207-24-400-002 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 7,61207-24-400-003 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 10,78907-25-100-001 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 10,43807-25-100-002 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 9,38407-25-100-003 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 22,41807-25-200-001 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 9,24007-25-200-002 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 17,40707-25-200-003 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 24,25907-25-300-001 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 5,04507-25-300-008 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 17,02907-25-400-001 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 11,72007-25-400-002 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 9,10507-25-400-003 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 5,72807-25-400-005 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 53007-25-400-006 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 2,08407-25-400-013 BERWANGER, DAVID C 51407-25-400-014 LAMB RD PROP LLC 40707-25-400-015 MERRYMAN EXCAVATION INC 23107-25-400-016 PAULSEN, JAMES DANIEL 91607-26-100-003 CHGO TITLE LAND TR 8002350449 18,98307-26-200-001 CHGO TITLE LAND TR 8002350449 4,23207-26-200-003 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,01807-26-200-004 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 44807-26-200-005 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 54807-26-200-006 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 42607-26-200-007 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 92607-26-200-009 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,14007-26-200-010 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,04307-26-200-011 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 93107-26-200-012 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 58607-26-200-013 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 42807-26-200-014 FITZGERALD , MAUREEN REV TR 62807-26-200-015 FITZGERALD , MAUREEN REV TR 1,12707-26-200-016 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 42207-26-200-017 FITZGERALD, MAUREEN REV TR 1,43207-26-300-001 HAGER, WARREN A 11,81907-26-300-005 TRICRAN PROP LP 2,06407-26-300-008 D CENTRAL LLC 2,58707-26-300-009 HART, MICHAEL T SANDRA A 17,01907-26-401-003 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,68307-26-401-005 TRICRAN PROP LP 48107-26-427-003 SANDERS, ROBERT L SHARON 49,62007-26-451-001 TRICRAN PROP LP 2,58007-26-451-002 TRICRAN PROP LP 3,98107-26-476-003 TRICRAN PROP LP 4,61807-27-100-002 LEHMAN, EDWARD 2009 TR 6,41307-27-100-004 GAVERS, S J/HANSEN W L * 1,37707-27-200-001 CHGO TITLE LAND TR 8002350449 8,12907-27-200-002 HAGER, WARREN A 6,58407-27-200-004 CHGO TITLE LAND TR 8002350449 12,36007-27-300-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 1824 6,90907-27-300-003 SCHULDT, WILLIAM PEGGY 1,65207-27-300-004 GAVERS, S J/HANSEN W L * 7,76107-27-400-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 3623 2,10507-27-400-003 HAGER, WARREN A 69,90307-27-400-004 LOUGHRAN, RICHARD H TRUST 79,03107-28-100-008 JOHNSON, W T P L 82,03707-28-200-004 WDSTK ST BK TR 1587 89607-28-200-010 WDSTK ST BK TR 1587 5,37207-28-400-001 WDSTK ST BK TR 1587 42,03707-28-400-002 WDSTK ST BK TR 1587 22,48007-28-400-009 FRISBIE, HUGH MARLENE A 195,46307-28-400-010 HOFFMEYER, ALLYSON L CARSTEN 53,60607-29-100-002 WILKENING, DENNIS, 2,50307-29-100-003 WILKENING, DENNIS 8,32207-29-200-007 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 80,38607-29-300-005 MCHENRY CON CONSERV DIST 27,73807-29-300-006 WILKE, MICKEY J REV TR 12,17707-29-400-005 HARVARD ST BK TR 805 10,97007-30-100-003 MENGE, BARBARA J REV TR 54,99907-30-100-004 DOMEK, MICHAEL E REV TR 12,06207-30-100-012 WDSTK ST BK TR 4727 1,10607-30-200-004 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTN 3193 257,08307-30-300-002 PRINCE, JOHN J SHEILA 4,20707-30-300-003 MOEHLING, MELANIE J 65,41107-30-300-010 SHAFER, JAMES D 83,17707-30-300-012 PRINCE, JOHN J SHEILA 66,26007-30-400-001 PATULA, TIMOTHY T 18407-30-400-002 PATULA, TIMOTHY T 81,10207-30-400-004 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 1965 17,07807-31-100-002 BENSON, SAMMUEL W JR 45,69507-31-100-004 BAUMAN, H B/J 6,19307-31-100-006 GIESEKE, RYAN J RHONDA M 1,18307-31-100-008 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 1965 3,697

07-31-100-013 MOELLER, DANNY S 70,58307-31-100-017 MOELLER, DANNY S 72907-31-200-001 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 1965 9,08607-31-200-002 POREP, ROGER/KATHRYN 7,96907-31-200-003 JOHNSON, STANLEY S JR TR ET A 4,72507-31-300-013 PIERZ, RHODA D TR 38507-31-300-021 BAUMAN, H B/J 36,77007-31-300-025 PIERZ, RHODA D TR 43807-31-300-026 PIERZ, RHODA D TR 181,48507-31-300-027 PIERZ, RHODA D TR 27407-31-400-002 BAUMAN, H B/J 4,62707-31-400-003 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 6,24907-31-400-004 JOHNSON, STANLEY S JR TR ET A 3,08107-31-400-005 WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY A ROSEMARY 3,99907-32-100-002 JOHNSON, STANLEY S JR TR ET A 57,03707-32-100-004 POREP, ROGER D 61,49107-32-100-005 POREP, ROGER D KATHRYN A 50,28607-32-200-004 HUGHES FARMS LLC 50,78607-32-200-005 HARVARD ST BK TRS TR 698 77,15007-32-300-001 JOHNSON, STANLEY S JR TR ET A 5,18207-32-300-002 JOHNSON, STANLEY S JR TR ET A 10,30807-32-300-003 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 11,76307-32-400-004 ARROWHEAD FARM LLC 10,16307-32-400-005 EPPEL FARM LLC 39,31207-33-100-003 HARVARD ST BK TRS TR 698 64,87207-33-200-007 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 27,57307-33-200-008 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 47,01907-33-200-009 ENGELBRECHT, JAMES T MARY F 45,46107-33-300-003 ARROWHEAD FARM LLC 5,87307-33-300-007 HARVARD ST BK TR 698 9,47307-33-300-008 HUGHES FARMS LLC 17,07207-33-300-009 EPPEL FARM LLC 16,74107-33-400-002 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 168,04507-33-400-004 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 48,34807-34-100-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 1824 2,19707-34-100-012 GAVERS, S J/HANSEN W L * 56807-34-100-013 NEWTON, TRACY A 45907-34-100-014 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 3623 69,02107-34-100-016 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 34,65707-34-100-017 HARRIS BK TR SVGS TR 1207 3,67807-34-100-018 WOODSTOCK LAND INVSTMNTS LLC 7,17907-34-100-019 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 40,38807-34-200-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 3623 62807-34-200-005 BARR HARRIS BANK 1207 1,74407-34-200-006 HUGHES FARMS LLC 5,01007-34-200-007 HUGHES FARMS LLC 9,17807-34-200-014 EVERTSEN, RUSSELL 72,57307-34-200-015 LENZI, RONALD RHONDA 1,01707-34-200-019 BARR HARRIS BANK 1207 8,26107-34-300-003 HUGHES FARMS LLC 6,13507-34-300-007 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC ET AL 74,60007-34-400-001 HUGHES FARMS LLC 62,90807-35-100-005 D CENTRAL LLC 33,03907-35-100-008 CARPENTER, JOSEPH G 62,03507-35-100-016 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1530 55307-35-100-017 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1531 72907-35-100-018 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1530 70607-35-100-019 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1197 66207-35-100-020 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1531 1,07107-35-100-021 TUCSEK, MICHELLE RENEE 4,47307-35-100-022 CARPENTER, JOSEPH G 5,11207-35-200-011 HARRIS TR SVGS TR HTB 1157 21607-35-200-016 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTB 1157 28607-35-200-017 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,12807-35-200-018 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,16707-35-200-019 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,05107-35-200-020 TRICRAN PROP LP 78107-35-200-021 TRICRAN PROP LP 64407-35-200-022 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,10707-35-200-023 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,07307-35-200-024 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,22207-35-200-025 TRICRAN PROP LP 81007-35-200-026 TRICRAN PROP LP 1,38807-35-200-040 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTB 1157 1,69407-35-276-002 ARNOW, JOSHUA C JESSICA M 119,44207-35-300-001 HUGHES FARMS LLC 13,08607-35-300-005 HUGHES FARMS LLC 1,08507-35-300-013 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC ET AL 120,73907-35-300-014 HARVARD ST BK TRS TR 698 47807-35-400-002 LINS, MARJORIE A 37,61807-35-400-013 KRANZ, DAVID G LINDA S 109,37307-36-100-010 BBBD IL LLC 6107-36-100-017 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1767 1107-36-100-019 WIGMAN, JAMES B KATHLEEN A 1607-36-100-021 FRISBEE, LYNN REV DECL OF TR 5707-36-100-022 FRISBEE, LYNN REV DECL OF TR 74407-36-100-026 PATEL, SUBODH 2,24407-36-100-032 PATEL, SUBODH 93707-36-200-001 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 64807-36-200-002 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 2,46607-36-200-003 CONCORDE COUNTRY MANOR INC 26507-36-200-015 BBBD IL LLC 707-36-200-030 GEILS, DAVID A DEBRA F 6,03507-36-301-010 WIGMAN, JAMES B KATHLEEN A 9507-36-326-003 BBBD II LLC 3,04707-36-353-007 ARVIDSON , DAVID LEE TR ET AL 80,64407-36-400-001 BBBD II LLC 78,68207-36-400-005 EIDOK, WALT & ADELINA 94907-36-400-015 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP TR 15640 2707-36-400-017 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP TR 15640 2507-36-400-023 HONEY BEE LLC 1,69207-36-400-025 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5283 1,212(Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8685



Valuation date (35 ILCS 200/9-95): January 1, 2013Required level of assessment (35 ILCS 200/9-145): 33.33%Valuation based on sales from (35 ILCS 200/1-155): 2010-2012

Publication is hereby made for equalized assessed valuations for real property in this township in accordance with 35 ILCS 200/12-10. A s required by 35 ILCS 200/9-210 and 35 ILCS 200/10-115, the following equalization factors have been applied to bring the assessments to the statutorily required three-year median level of 33.33%: Farm Land: 1.0000 Farm Improvements: 1.0000 Non-Farm Land: 0.9370 Non-Farm Improvements: 0.9370Questions about these valuations should be directed to: PAUL BOCKMAN 16506 GARDEN VALLEY RD, WOODSTOCK IL 60098 (815) 923-5922 N/A

Property in this Township, other than farmland and coal, is to be assessed at a 33.33% median level of assessment, based on the fair cash value of

the property. You may check the accuracy of your assessment by dividing your assessment by the median level of assessment. The resulting value should equal the estimated fair cash value of your property. If the resulting value is greater than the estimated fair cash value of your property, you may be over-assessed. If the resulting value is less than the fair cash value of your property, you may be under-assessed. You may appeal your assessment to the Board of Review.

equalized assessed valuation is not uniform with other comparable properties in the same neighborhood, the following steps should be taken:

with the McHenry County Board of Review. For complaint forms, instructions, and the Rules and Procedures of the Board of Review, call (815) 334-4290 or visit www.co.mchenry.il.us/departments/assessments/

publication date. After this date, the Board of Review is prohibited by law from accepting assessment complaints for properties in this township. For more information on complaint deadlines, call (815) 334-4290 or visit: www.co.mchenry.il.us/departments/assessments/PDFDocs/BORReport.pdf.

as follows:

All equalized assessed valuations are subject to further equalization and revision by the McHenry County Board of Review as well as equalization by the Illinois Department of Revenue.

IllinoisA list of assessment changes for this township for the current assessment

the township equalization factor noted above, is as follows:

SENECA TWP 12-01-101-015 O CONNOR, PHIL E 12,60612-01-126-001 BBBD LLC 67,09212-01-151-005 DAHLFORS, THOMAS HARRY TR 67,82712-01-200-013 CHANG FAM LLC 7,17712-01-200-017 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5283 17,04312-01-200-018 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5283 5212-01-200-023 WEBSTER, RALPH A 79,63812-01-300-016 MICELI, JOHN J JR BARBARA T 33112-01-300-021 MICELI, JOHN J JR BARBARA T 143,15712-01-300-023 BBBD LLC 18012-01-300-025 KAMPS, DONALD B LISA J 75,68012-01-300-027 BUTTON, C D DECL OF TR 70,62312-01-300-032 STAHLECKER, SHARON E LIV TR 59112-01-400-001 BBBD LLC 1412-01-400-003 GUALTIER, MICHAEL R PATRICIA 103,024



12-01-400-022 GUALTIER, MICHAEL R PATRICIA 17,43512-01-400-023 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5413 146,57512-02-100-001 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC ET AL 1,93412-02-100-002 AMCORE INVSTMNT TR 0214627 5,93512-02-100-003 AMCORE INVSTMNT TR 0214627 358,56612-02-100-005 HOLST, ROSEMARY B DECL OF TR 10,16612-02-100-006 HOLST, ROSEMARY B DECL OF TR 94,81712-02-200-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT TR 0214627 89312-02-200-006 HOLST, ROSEMARY B DECL OF TR 1,27112-02-200-007 MCCORMACK, J L M V REV TR 94,35012-02-200-013 MCCORMACK, ROBERT 20512-02-300-001 CAIRNS FARM LLC 60,97612-02-300-004 WCH FARM LLC 1,69912-02-300-005 WCH FARM LLC 3,06812-02-300-006 WCH FARM LLC 1,42812-02-300-007 WCH FARM LLC 1,55412-02-300-008 WCH FARM LLC 1,79812-02-300-009 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTX 7029 164,19712-02-300-010 WCH FARM LLC 84512-02-300-011 WCH FARM LL 70312-02-300-012 WCH FARM LLC 93412-02-300-013 WCH FARM LLC 69412-02-300-014 WCH FARM LLC 97012-02-400-005 BUTTERCUP LLC 313,17112-02-400-016 SASSY STUFF INC 9,25312-02-400-021 SASSY STUFF INC 96,79412-02-400-031 SASSY STUFF INC 1,89012-02-400-032 SIMKOVIC, OLEG 139,32012-02-400-040 MORITZ, RONALD E TR 1 65,86512-03-100-004 HUGHES FARMS LLC 7,57212-03-100-006 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 102,13312-03-200-004 HUGHES FARMS LLC 9,34512-03-200-005 HUGHES FARMS LLC 1,89312-03-200-006 HUGHES FARMS LLC 19,60712-03-200-007 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC ET AL 13,89012-03-300-003 HUGHES FARMS LLC 2,17612-03-300-004 HUGHES FARMS LLC 12,97212-03-300-005 HUGHES FARMS LLC 14,60312-03-300-008 HUGHES FARMS LLC 4812-03-300-009 HUGHES FARMS LLC 9,81112-03-300-010 HUGHES FARMS LLC 23,10612-03-400-010 HUGHES FARMS LLC 14012-03-400-012 WCH FARM LLC 3,94812-03-400-013 WCH FARM LLC 1,10612-03-400-014 WCH FARM LLC 1,09912-03-400-015 WCH FARM LLC 1,21212-03-400-016 WCH FARM LLC 1,09012-03-400-018 HUGHES FARMS LLC 81212-03-400-019 HUGHES FARMS LLC 4,97912-03-400-020 HUGHES FARMS LLC 1,75112-03-400-021 IPL PATOKA PIPELINE (USA) INC 25712-03-400-023 HUGHES FARMS LLC 7,41912-03-400-024 HUGHES FARMS LLC 8,15212-04-100-001 HENNING, JOHN P JOSEPH J 24,88612-04-100-002 JRH 72 LLC 18,50312-04-100-004 HARVARD ST BK TR 698 22,26012-04-200-003 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 12,41812-04-200-006 LEVEL ACRES FARMS LLC 92,21012-04-300-005 KAGEL, ROSEMARY GRAFF REV TR 9,75812-04-300-006 KAGEL, JAMES C SHARON L 3,15312-04-300-007 HUGHES, JOHN R 1,04212-04-400-002 HUGHES FARMS LLC 10,32912-04-400-003 RANDALL 1993 IRREV TR 12,74912-04-400-005 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTX 7106 2,59012-04-400-006 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTX 7157 8,02112-05-100-002 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 47,09212-05-200-001 JRH 72 LLC 79,60112-05-200-003 ARROWHEAD FARM LLC 111,80012-05-200-004 HENNING, JOHN P JOSEPH J 2,21312-05-300-002 MILLER, RICHARD T F DIANNE 94,17012-05-300-003 JRH 72 LLC 2,74812-05-300-007 SUND, THOMAS E JANICE R 97,15912-05-300-011 SUND, THOMAS E JANICE R 78112-05-300-013 PALL HOLDINGS LLC 2,46812-05-400-001 JRH 72 LLC 18,53912-05-400-003 LUCZANICH, KIMBERLY A 45,96012-05-400-004 MCCANN, R G M T 91,90312-05-400-006 PALL HOLDINGS LLC 85,71712-06-100-001 HARRIS NA TR HTX 7034 4,82012-06-100-004 MERRYMAN, DANIEL JENNIFER 1,28412-06-100-005 GAVRILOVICI, ANA FARCAS RADU 3,19512-06-100-006 EDMONDS, MARY DECL OF TR 91,49812-06-100-007 PALSGROVE, PHILIP M SARA M 1,22312-06-100-008 LEA, THORNPAW LIV TR 2,12212-06-100-009 RADFORD D E J A 2007 TR 89,44412-06-200-001 WILCOX, MARGARET 83212-06-200-002 DDS ENT LLC 32812-06-200-003 MIKYSKA, R J M E TR 5,19612-06-200-005 CENTRAL LAND MGT INC 15,21112-06-300-001 MERRYMAN, DANIEL JENNIFER 70,26612-06-300-002 GAVRILOVICI, ANA FARCAS RADU 84,19912-06-300-007 WAYNE, JOHN W TABER A 75,91712-06-300-008 PDF INVSTMNT TR 114,84012-06-300-011 BOYSEN, EARL R DIANE L 90,47512-06-300-012 VILCHIS, GUSTAVO N 1,62912-06-300-013 RANKINS, DIANNA L 2008 LIV TR 47012-06-300-014 RANKINS, DIANNA L 2008 LIV TR 71912-06-300-015 ZIEBA, STANLEY J & GERTRUDE B 77,20212-06-300-016 DOHERTY, LINDA 45512-06-400-001 MIKYSKA, R J M E TR 14,06412-06-400-002 MIKYSKA R J M E DECL OF TRS 89,66212-06-400-004 HAHN, ROBERT D PATRICIA R 64,46312-06-400-005 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 1933 103,60912-06-400-012 MIKYSKA, RICHARD J MAUREEN 712-07-100-001 GUIDICE, J P J J TR 63012-07-100-010 TAUCK, SUSAN O TR 84,83012-07-100-012 ZACHARI, SUSANNA TR ET AL 131,50412-07-100-018 TAUCK, ERIC 2,50412-07-200-002 GAFFNEY, CYNTHIA KAY 109,05512-07-200-003 DIONNE, WILLIAM E JOAN M 85,05212-07-200-006 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 4,21612-07-200-007 MICKUS, ALGIMANTAS A SUSAN M 85,08712-07-200-008 KIM, CHUNG S 7,72812-07-300-003 PERKINS, JEFFREY S 76,50112-07-300-006 PERKINS, JANICE LIV TR 1,07512-07-300-007 DEERBROOK ST BK TR 97 54,51712-07-300-008 PERKINS, JANICE LIV TR 81,79812-07-300-009 PERKINS, JANICE LIV TR 24212-07-300-015 AHRENS, STANLEY & MARILYN 70812-07-300-016 AHRENS, STANLEY MARILYN 65,07512-07-400-001 KIM, CHUNG S 1,99912-07-400-002 JARVIS, EUGENE P 9112-07-400-003 JARVIS, EUGENE P 2,39712-07-400-004 STRICKLAND, ELIZABETH F 95,08712-07-400-005 JARVIS, EUGENE P 1,58112-07-400-006 JARVIS, EUGENE P 2,15612-07-400-007 JARVIS, EUGENE P 6,15612-08-100-006 SINGLETON, SUSAN M TR 355,44412-08-100-007 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 1,74412-08-100-008 SULLIVAN, H E & J J 1812-08-100-009 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 3,46312-08-100-010 LANGE, RICHARD R VICTORIA 169,77012-08-200-007 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 68,549

12-08-200-010 KAGEL, R G REV TR ET AL 63,78712-08-200-024 MULLEN, JANE L TR 2,23912-08-200-027 MULLEN, JANE L TR 66,53312-08-200-028 MULLEN, JANE L TR 16212-08-201-001 HARRIS TR SVGS BANK TR HTX713 16,80612-08-201-004 HATFIELD, JAMES A JULIANA J 76,58512-08-201-005 FRANCIS, GREG JACQUELINE 16,80612-08-201-006 FRANCIS, G P/J N* 137,27512-08-226-001 GULLI, GERALD DANIELLE 138,64312-08-226-002 RUSHTON, KEVIN L JUDY T 94,60712-08-276-001 FRANCIS, GREG 16,80612-08-276-004 OVERLY, SHANE M CASEY J 120,74412-08-277-001 HUTCHINSON, KENNETH S LISA A 16,80612-08-277-002 GILLINGHAM, GARY D SHARON A 108,10112-08-277-003 TORRES, ANGELO M MICHELLE B 127,80612-08-277-004 ORTIZ, JUAN 16,80612-08-277-005 FED NATL MTG ASSN 103,59912-08-277-006 AMER COMM BK TR 16,80612-08-300-001 JARVIS, EUGENE P 1,49012-08-300-002 EIDOK, W & A 1,47312-08-300-003 EIDOK, W & A 61,82212-08-300-004 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 60,73212-08-300-005 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 6,04912-08-400-001 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 96212-08-400-002 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 25,79812-08-400-003 WOODSTOCK FARM LP ET AL 6,27212-08-400-006 BAUMAN, GEORGE A/PAULA A TR 15412-08-400-007 BAUMAN, GEORGE A/PAULA A TR 64,60912-08-400-009 KUCHARSKI, C B/S L 84,10812-08-400-010 KUCHARSKI, C B S J 51212-08-400-011 DASSO, DEBORAH E TR 81312-08-400-012 DASSO, DEBORAH E TR 90712-09-100-004 KAGEL, JAMES C SHARON L 1012-09-100-006 COOK, MAUREEN T FAM TR 2,96412-09-100-007 TABERT, GREG M CYNTHIA L 1,29112-09-100-009 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 2487 85,14312-09-100-010 TABERT, GREG M CYNTHIA L 59,07812-09-100-012 HOFMANN, RONALD LISA A 61,21412-09-100-015 HOFMANN, RONALD LISA A 98012-09-100-017 WDSTK ST BK TR 3740 4,54512-09-100-018 KAGEL, JAMES C SHARON L 51,02112-09-200-004 KOHLEY, HOLLY K 54,28412-09-200-011 WDSTK ST BK TR 2487 2,83012-09-200-012 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTX 7106 30,04912-09-200-013 HARRIS TR SVGS BK TR HTX 7157 3,21612-09-300-002 STACKHOUSE, C P & J E 6,85812-09-300-004 DESERTO, D S JOZWIAK J M 2,08512-09-300-005 COOPER, GAIL MARK S 165,99512-09-300-006 DESERTO, D S & JOZWIAK J M 129,28712-09-300-007 GIESEKE, L G A D REV TR 2,67312-09-300-008 COOK, MAUREEN T FAM TR 3,37212-09-400-001 DDS ENT LLC 15,75012-09-400-003 DDS ENT LLC 12,05412-09-400-004 STACKHOUSE, CLARENCE P JOYCE 55,52512-09-400-005 STACKHOUSE, ROY D JR 1,02012-10-100-001 HARRIS TR SVGS BANK HTX7106 12,98312-10-100-002 HUGHES FARMS LLC 12,31512-10-100-003 DDS ENT LLC 12,05612-10-100-004 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 15572 19,80512-10-200-001 HUGHES FARMS LLC 10,64812-10-200-003 HUGHES FARMS LLC 4,88912-10-200-004 SCHAID, KATHLEEN D LIV TR 4,89912-10-200-009 ROOD S R , RATCLIFFE J A 55,28112-10-200-010 ROOD S R , RATCLIFFE J A 37212-10-200-011 RATCLIFFE, JENIFER 53,68712-10-200-013 GOLEMBIEWSKI, ROBERT S KAREN 70,82212-10-200-016 GOLEMBIEWSKI, ROBERT S KAREN 1,26212-10-200-017 WCH FARM LLC 1,13812-10-200-018 WCH FARM LLC 1,25112-10-200-019 WCH FARM LLC 2,79412-10-200-020 WCH FARM LLC 1,30712-10-200-021 WCH FARM LLC 1,10012-10-200-022 WCH FARM LLC 1,13012-10-300-001 DDS ENT LLC 25,90512-10-300-002 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 15572 31312-10-300-003 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 15572 11,05212-10-401-002 SCHAID, KATHLEEN D LIV TR 13,64312-10-426-007 MEYER, THOMAS A CATHERINE E 74,25712-10-426-008 MEYER, THOMAS A CATHERINE E 53812-10-476-002 SLATER, DEAN T JACQUELINE M 90,36212-10-476-006 LOHMEIER, THOMAS E HOLLY A 58,73612-11-100-003 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5277 104,71212-11-100-004 WCH FARM LLC 1,54812-11-100-005 WCH FARM LLC 3,63112-11-100-006 WCH FARM LLC 1,39912-11-100-007 WCH FARM LLC 1,38712-11-100-008 WCH FARM LLC 1,11512-11-100-009 WCH FARM LLC 1,10712-11-100-010 WCH FARM LLC 95912-11-100-011 WCH FARM LLC 64812-11-100-012 WCH FARM LLC 68012-11-100-013 WCH FARM LLC 1,02812-11-100-014 WCH FARM LLC 92512-11-200-002 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 324 12,14312-11-200-004 WDSTK ST BK TR 3219 168,57512-11-200-005 GREGORY JAMES, KOVAR LINDA 176,75312-11-300-003 WDSTK ST BK TR 3219 49,22812-11-300-006 RAUPP, ALBINUS A TR ET AL * 5,89512-11-400-023 DOMINAS, EDWARD THERESE 74,80112-11-400-024 DOMINAS, EDWARD THERESE 83612-11-400-029 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 1965 4,89812-12-100-002 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 324 3,94412-12-100-006 WDSTK ST BK TR 3219 6,21712-12-100-007 GREGORY JAMES, KOVAR LINDA 1,61312-12-201-019 HARVARD ST BK TR 377 17,54712-12-201-022 STUMPF, DA ED TR 9,67912-12-300-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 3671 121,12112-12-300-002 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 3671 25912-12-453-002 SERENITY CREEK LLC 62,34312-12-453-009 SERENITY CREEK LLC 62,34312-12-453-010 SERENITY CREEK LLC 62,34312-12-476-013 LYNES, JAMES KEITH ARLENE J 95,23212-13-100-001 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP NA 3671 3412-13-100-009 FIRST MIDWEST BK TR 8200 61,84312-13-100-010 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 17112-13-100-016 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 70712-13-100-018 FITZGERALD , PATRICK J REV TR 28012-13-100-019 WDSTK ST BK TR 1889 59912-13-100-020 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 5,56412-13-100-022 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 7,49612-13-100-024 KRAFCISIN, TERESA M 28112-13-200-001 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 3,96212-13-200-004 BARR 1ST NATL BK TR CO TR 893 4912-13-200-007 BARR 1ST NATL BANK TR CO 893 73512-13-200-008 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 4,73212-13-200-009 CHGO AMER NATL BK TR 25321 68,43412-13-300-001 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 43112-13-300-006 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 6,37412-13-300-007 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 5,80812-13-300-008 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 13,70212-13-400-003 LORR, WILLIAM T MARILYN M 10,92912-13-400-005 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 10,17112-13-400-007 EYRE, R W S T FAM DECL OF TR 2,428

12-13-400-010 DUNNETT, GORDON NANCY 56,81612-13-400-011 EYRE, R W S T FAM DECL OF TR 53,97412-13-400-012 DUNNETT, GORDON J/NANCY K 25012-14-100-002 MB FIN BANK NA TR 3179 71,34312-14-100-003 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 1,17912-14-100-004 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 1,56812-14-100-005 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 1,67312-14-100-006 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 1,50712-14-100-007 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 66112-14-100-008 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 69812-14-100-009 GONZALES E A, MURILLO S J 96,48612-14-100-010 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3678 92412-14-100-011 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3681 104,26612-14-200-007 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 1965 22,23212-14-200-009 MARUNDE, DANIEL R DEBORAH L 8512-14-200-010 WDSTK ST BK TR 1889 71,11512-14-200-011 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 6,74512-14-300-003 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 3681 7,04012-14-300-004 HENRY , FLORENCE V FAM TR ET 104,96712-14-300-005 NELLIGAN, MAURICE BIRDIE 4,29012-14-300-006 HENRY, FLORENCE V FAM TR ET A 1,49112-14-400-002 FITZGERALD, PATRICK J REV TR 4,17312-14-400-004 SASS, ROGER H DARLENE 2,86612-14-400-005 STUCKER, MARY ELLEN ET AL 2,36512-14-400-006 FITZGERALD , PATRICK J REV TR 4,41512-15-100-001 STACKHOUSE, C P & J E 13,77812-15-100-002 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 9,02412-15-100-003 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 15573 25,53112-15-200-007 MOGDANS, MICHAEL J ZENOBIA A 60,22212-15-200-008 WEBB, B R/LIBERS B J * 10,79612-15-200-009 HARVARD ST BK TR 796 11,20912-15-200-010 SASS, EDWIN ROBERTA 59,61012-15-200-012 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 15573 94612-15-200-013 SASS, EDWIN ROBERTA E 26,12112-15-200-014 AMCORE INVSTMNT GRP 15573 9,13312-15-300-001 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 3,10312-15-300-006 WIDOFF I LTD PARTNERSHIP 13,43212-15-400-003 HENRY, FLORENCE V FAM TR ET A 3,31712-15-400-004 SASS, NORMAN TRS 1,05212-15-400-005 WDSTK HARRIS BK 5580 2,72712-15-400-006 BURNETT, W L TR 101 ET AL * 7,35112-16-100-001 GUENTHER, G D FAM LTD PRTNRSH 3,12712-16-100-003 GUENTHER, G D FAM LTD PRTNRSH 3,43612-16-100-004 GUENTHER, G D FAM LTD PRTNRSH 4,67112-16-100-005 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 2,97612-16-100-006 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA 1520 1,60112-16-100-007 WDSTK 1ST NATL BK TR 1520 2,08012-16-100-008 O BRAITIS, D W J TR 82,72912-16-200-001 GUENTHER, G D FAM LTD PRTNRSH 11,03912-16-200-002 GUENTHER, G D FAM LTD PRTNRSH 85,33012-16-200-003 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 1,69912-16-300-001 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 74,76512-16-300-002 WARCZAK, DOLORES REV TRUST 53,46712-16-300-003 WARCZAK, DOLORES REV TRUST 81012-16-300-004 PETERSON, C W J P TR 65,80112-16-400-001 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 3,80112-16-400-002 PETERSON, C W J P TR 4,08712-16-400-003 PETERSON, C W J P TR 8,33012-17-100-001 BOCKMAN, FAM TR 1 73,77012-17-100-002 DAHLIN, ROY EDWARD ROSE ANN 75,87912-17-100-003 DAHLIN, ROY E ROSE ANN 59012-17-100-008 WEBER WENGER C J DECL OF TR 25012-17-100-009 JOHNSON, MICHAEL A KRISTINA L 86,79312-17-100-011 DUMELLE, FRANK V CONSTANCE G 71,14312-17-100-017 WEBER WENGER C J DECL OF TR 51,81912-17-100-022 ANDREWS, RONALD D SHARON 52,64112-17-100-026 ANDREWS, DONALD R VIRGINIA C 71,59112-17-200-004 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 9,62812-17-200-006 MUSA, RICHARD C ETHA E 58,32712-17-200-008 MOGDANS, ANITA ET AL 64,64512-17-200-009 WALLER, E BOTTAZZI G 67,22212-17-200-011 VOSSEL, DALE CAROL 79,98912-17-201-001 POST, MICHAEL E KIMBERLY F 99,15012-17-201-004 BOURKE, BRIAN M JANE E 99,21512-17-201-005 LIPECKI, RICHARD A DEBRA A 17,89912-17-201-006 PETERS, TIMOTHY J DECL OF TR 17,89912-17-201-007 GUENTHER, KEITH R 79,07712-17-202-001 LECHNER BROS INC 18,74012-17-202-002 RIVER TRAILS INC 11412-17-202-003 BC ENT INC 17,89912-17-202-004 BASER, VIRGIL L 94,70912-17-202-005 HARVARD ST BK TR 920 83,52412-17-202-007 SEBASTIAN, TIMOTHY M TONI A 87,46812-17-251-001 GUENTHER, KEITH R 13,32212-17-251-002 BERGBREITER, STEVEN LISA 95,43212-17-251-003 SPOTO, CHARLES A 89,60112-17-251-004 VOLKENING, PETER J ROXANNE R 17,89912-17-251-005 ANDREWS, DONALD R SHANON 18,44212-17-252-002 MILLER, CHAD M DYAN R 17,89912-17-252-003 B C ENT INC 17,89912-17-252-004 BROUGHTON, BENJAMIN KELLY 93,41712-17-252-005 BOOK, MICHAEL JILL 106,91512-17-252-007 LECHNER BROS INC 18,74012-17-300-001 PETERS, TIMOTHY J DECL OF TR 45,57612-17-300-002 PETERS, TIMOTHY J DECL OF TR 2,60012-17-300-003 MUELLER, HERMAN J REV TR 16,74812-17-300-004 NICK, ROBERT F CLEONE M REV T 75,24312-17-300-007 MATSON, LARRY D LYNDA 59,19212-17-401-001 BROLING, GREGORY J SHANNON M 103,21612-17-401-002 LEONARD, R D P A 118,46312-17-426-001 AD LAND HLDGS LLC 4,54712-17-476-001 PETERSON, C W J P TR 3,52612-18-100-002 VENNERO, JERRY S 125,63212-18-100-007 HORWATH, ROBERT M & PAULA 85,60912-18-100-011 CONWAY T J, SULLIVAN R A 97,84612-18-100-012 LCG LAND CO LLC 26112-18-100-013 GIESEKE, GERALD A CHRISTINE K 70,82612-18-100-014 HORWATH, ROBERT M ET AL 69812-18-100-015 WECK, CHARLES M CAROL ANN 126,36112-18-100-016 SPRAGUE, KEVIN R ANN E 114,91712-18-100-017 ZIELINSKI, GEORGE R JUDITH J 90,44612-18-100-018 KONOPKA, PETER J KATHLEEN M 58812-18-100-020 GIESEKE, RYAN J 49412-18-100-021 GIESEKE, GERALD A CHRISTINE K 19512-18-200-001 KONOPKA, PETER J KATHLEEN M 4,49612-18-200-004 GILMAN, ANN H REV TRUST 99,10712-18-200-005 GILMAN, ANN H REV TRUST 1,32512-18-200-006 GILMAN, MACK & ANNA H 84412-18-200-007 GILMAN, ANN H REV TRUST 1,98112-18-200-008 HOME ST BK NA TR 4093 45312-18-200-009 HOME ST BK NA TR 4093 134,97612-18-200-010 HOME ST BK NA TR 4093 20712-18-200-016 CAVANAUGH, T D J REV TR 12,82612-18-200-017 CAVANAUGH, T D J REV TR 45,85012-18-200-019 ZIELINSKI, GEORGE R JUDITH J 19612-18-200-020 OLSEN E G FAM LTD PARTNERSHIP 54412-18-200-021 OLSEN , EUGENE G FAM LP 82,78812-18-300-004 GIBBONS, STEVEN M SR LANA R 53,66612-18-300-005 REINKE, HENRY S REV TR 29,34812-18-300-006 KUNZ, ROY H LORRI A 110,72512-18-300-007 PURDOM, MELVIN JAMES 1,82912-18-300-008 PURDOM, MELVIN JAMES 3,87612-18-300-009 REINKE, HENRY S REV TR 313



12-18-300-010 REINKE, HENRY S REV TR 24312-18-300-017 LAWRIN, PAUL A DIANE M 95,26512-18-300-018 WDSTK ST BK TR 1928 2212-18-300-019 KUNZ, ROY H LORRI A 31912-18-400-005 INDERMITTE, E G C 53,19112-18-400-008 UHLIR, DONALD G SUSAN A 50012-18-400-009 UHLIR, DONALD G SUSAN A 90612-18-400-010 PURDOM, CODY A DONALD ALAN 40212-18-400-011 BERRY, J DALE 67,60912-18-400-012 UHLIR, DONALD G SUSAN A 115,74412-18-400-015 BERRY, J DALE 2,43212-18-400-016 GEISLER, PHILIP A BETTY B 67,20212-19-100-001 HARRIS TR SVGS BK HTX 7101 56,66512-19-100-002 THORSON, RONALD K MARGARITA 128,77312-19-100-003 SHRIVER D A TR, ROGERS J K T 1,11612-19-100-004 REINKE, HENRY S REV TR 1,47512-19-100-005 RIVER RD FARMS LLC 2,91012-19-100-006 RIVER RD FARMS LLC 4,56112-19-200-001 PURDOM, CODY A DONALD ALAN 68,49012-19-200-002 RANKINS, DIANNA L TR 197,75112-19-200-003 SUMMERKAMP, V A TR ET AL 4,31012-19-200-008 KUCABA, DENNIS E SANDRA A 99,86712-19-200-009 SUMMERKAMP, V A TR ET AL 60,91412-19-300-001 SHRIVER D A TR, ROGERS J K TR 2,43512-19-300-002 PURDOM, DONNA LEE 50,92512-19-300-004 RIVER RD FARMS LLC 4,84012-19-300-006 KUEKING, E J LIV TR ET AL* 3,60512-19-300-007 HELFERS, ROBERT KAREN 68,68112-19-300-008 KUEKING, ROGER A & CYNTHIA M 56,97612-19-300-009 EDGE AX LLC 91,07812-19-300-010 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 50412-19-400-001 AFFIELD, TIMOTHY MARIETTA 58,15012-19-400-010 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 25,97312-19-400-012 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 80912-19-400-013 PURDOM, DONALD A SHARON J 71,92412-19-400-020 HARRIDGE, W H III & K J 74,17212-19-400-021 HARRIDGE, W H III & K J 5712-19-400-025 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA TR 2671 80,20312-19-400-028 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA TR 2671 70212-19-400-034 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA TR 2671 10112-19-400-035 KAMHOLZ, WILBUR H CLIFFORD E 40,92912-19-400-036 DAVIS, DALE D CHI T 81312-20-100-004 CASA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 94,56612-20-100-006 MUIR, LYNN L TR 93,08912-20-100-014 LOOBY, MICHAEL J SHARON L 87,98212-20-100-015 LOOBY, MICHAEL J SHARON L 76912-20-100-016 CSANDA, G S/S W* 85,04712-20-100-019 SMITH, WILLIAM S/DEBORAH V * 54312-20-100-020 MIKOS, CRAIG S 108,41012-20-100-025 JACKSON, DAVID E LIV TR 56,36112-20-100-029 MATHEWS, KEITH E SUSAN D 188,30412-20-100-030 MATHEWS, KEITH E SUSAN D 10812-20-100-031 MATHEWS, KEITH E SUSAN D 44,35812-20-100-032 TOBIASZ, NANCY L JOHNSON 129,17912-20-200-009 WESTMILLER, ARLO D DECL OF TR 49112-20-200-010 WESTMILLER, ARLO D DECL OF TR 94912-20-200-014 WESTMILLER, ARLO D DECL OF TR 77812-20-200-015 WESTMILLER, ARLO D DECL OF TR 79712-20-252-003 OSTROWSKI, MELINDA J 18,74012-20-276-001 CAMPBELL, N D K M 17,89912-20-300-008 CSANDA, SUSAN W REV TR 92212-20-300-009 LAKESIDE BK TR 102686 1,86412-20-300-010 LAKESIDE BK TR 102686 13,37812-20-300-024 CSANDA, SUSAN W REV TR 2,14212-20-300-025 VOTAVA, GARY D 47312-20-300-026 HARE, JAMES J JR STACEY LYN 72812-20-300-027 MACYGIN, ROMAN E JUDITH A 1,94912-20-400-005 STANISLAUS, STEVEN J TR 77,59412-20-400-010 CHERRY LANE FARM LLC 315,74112-20-400-011 CHERRY LANE FARM LLC 58612-20-400-016 KMOCH, WILLIAM J MARGARET A 75,47212-20-400-018 RECENDIZ, JOSE N RAMONA B 78,62712-20-400-021 DENK, NANCY L REV TR 2,00612-20-401-002 RECENDIZ, JOSE RAMONA 45312-21-100-001 WDSTK HARRIS BK TR 5692 109,40912-21-100-002 DENLEY, RONALD S/ALICE E 62,85312-21-100-008 LARSEN, WALTER L JR CANDACE K 62,93312-21-100-010 ZIELINSKI, HENRY JR GEORGIANA 52,54412-21-100-011 OCHESKEY, KARL R DIANNE M 83,21312-21-100-014 SASS, DANIEL N DENISE D 46,20112-21-100-015 CROWDEN, JOHN D KIRSTEN F 70,07012-21-100-020 DDS ENT LLC 85512-21-100-021 DDS ENT LLC 9512-21-100-022 DDS ENT LLC 97112-21-100-023 SASS, DANIEL N DENISE D 100,31412-21-100-024 ZIELINSKI, HENRY 49712-21-100-025 ROSE, LARRY A KATHY D 62,64112-21-100-028 WESTMILLER, ARLO D DECL OF TR 5612-21-100-031 WESTMILLER, ARLO D DECL OF TR 19312-21-200-002 LARSEN, WALTER L JR CANDACE K 21812-21-200-003 BRUNO, SALLY J 64112-21-200-004 LANG, STEFAN CHRISTINA REV T 82,79512-21-200-006 PETERSON, C W J P TR 4,92812-21-200-007 TENGLER, BILLIE JO M 5,17712-21-200-008 SASS, NORMAN REV TR 2,09312-21-200-009 SASS, NORMAN REV TR 1,74312-21-200-011 TENGLER, BILLIE JO M 1,49212-21-300-003 SWANSON, SCOTT DENISE 62,59212-21-300-010 KOLBERG, GERALD C 61,61012-21-300-016 KANE, RONALD A CHRISTINE D 43612-21-300-021 GIESEKE, BRETT M SARAH E 77,28512-21-300-022 CHERRY LANE FARM LLC 74612-21-300-033 MONTEMAYOR, M JR & S 38912-21-400-001 TENGLER, BILLIE JO M 56,11012-21-400-007 GERLACH, NEIL A MARLENE J 13812-21-400-010 LANGNER, JOHN W KAREN M 95,29412-21-400-012 LANGNER, JOHN W KAREN M 39612-21-400-013 LISK, LAWRENCE MARY LYNN 88,59212-21-400-014 LISK , LAWRENCE MARY L 2,16212-21-400-015 WARCZAK, DOLORES REVOC TR 1,28512-21-400-017 TENGLER, BILLIE JO M 76212-21-400-018 WARCZAK, DOLORES REVOC TR 85912-21-400-021 SASS, ROGER H JR ANGELA M 2,73912-21-400-022 MEYER, N S J E REV LIV TR 1,39412-22-100-005 SASS, NORMAN TRS 3,44312-22-100-006 SASS, NORMAN TRS 3,44312-22-100-009 SASS, NORMAN TRS 2,87312-22-100-011 WDSTK HARRIS BK 5580 3,10812-22-200-002 HARVARD ST BK TR 796 3,47412-22-200-006 HARVARD ST BK TR 796 45,25812-22-200-008 SASS, NORMAN TRS 85412-22-200-009 WDSTK HARRIS BK 5580 2,80612-22-200-010 WDSTK HARRIS BK 5580 66,70312-22-200-011 TOBIAS, MEIRION O ANNAMARIE L 56,69412-22-300-002 TOBIAS, MEIRION O ANNAMARIE L 63,81912-22-300-004 THUN, EDWARD H 3,25812-22-300-006 KLEINER, RALPH JANICE P 1,46712-22-300-007 RASH, ALEX P DOROTHY J 78,55712-22-300-009 FIERROS, ARTURO Z JR NANCY D 88212-22-300-010 LEFEVOUR, RICHARD F GINA M 20,08912-22-400-012 TALIDIS, VASILIOS D TR 77,85412-22-400-015 NIELSEN, JOEL W ERIN R 2,391

12-22-400-019 GRASSER, JOSEPH J & LOIS M 70,74112-22-400-020 TENGLER, BILLIE JO REV TR 97012-22-400-022 TENGLER, BILLIE JO REV TR 59,22212-23-100-001 HARVARD ST BK TR 796 72,45612-23-100-002 HARVARD ST BK TR 796 10,01012-23-100-005 SASS, ROGER DARLENE 12,68112-23-200-001 SASS, ROGER H DARLENE 53,48012-23-200-003 BELVIDERE NATL BK TR 3511 14,08112-23-200-004 STUCKER, MARY ELLEN ET AL 70,27412-23-300-004 KUGLER, JUDITH A REV TR 20,02412-23-400-001 KUGLER, JUDITH A REV TR 4,65112-23-400-002 STUCKER, MARY ELLEN ET AL 11,31412-23-400-007 STUCKER, MARY ELLEN ET AL 4,95512-23-400-008 STUCKER, MARY ELLEN ET AL 1,05512-24-100-001 BELVIDERE NATL BK TR 3511 48,24612-24-100-002 BELVIDERE NATL BK TR 3511 37,52112-24-100-004 GERLOFF, R J TRS TR 101 ET AL 59,78512-24-100-005 GERLOFF, BRUCE R LOIS B 101,64712-24-201-001 LUMPP, W P E E TR 3,31812-24-201-004 LECHTANSKI, PETER PATRICIA L 8,13912-24-201-005 WEBER, RONALD J 75612-24-201-006 WEBER, RONALD JAMES/GAIL M 65,76912-24-226-006 ROLLING RIDGE LLC 94612-24-228-008 ROLLING RIDGE LLC 89612-24-228-011 ROLLING RIDGE LLC 44112-24-228-012 ROLLING RIDGE LLC 56812-24-251-003 GREGG, THOMAS B ERIN A 47912-24-251-007 KAHOUN, CALVIN J/DEBRA L 82,99112-24-251-008 KAHOUN, CALVIN J DEBRA L 70612-24-251-010 KAHOUN, CALVIN J DEBRA L 7,89012-24-300-002 DANIELS, SAMUEL B JUDITH A 1,32912-24-300-004 BELVIDERE NATL BK TR 3511 9,60212-24-300-007 PERKINS, DONALD L JOYCE S TR 60,10312-24-300-009 HERVERT, J G/BETH-HERVERT J A 81,76812-24-400-001 TINBERG, VERNON C NANCY K 66,08512-24-400-002 NIBLACK, BILLEY P LIV TR 63,31212-24-400-003 HARRIS NA TR X 5105 73,39712-24-400-007 DIERKING, RICHARD & DARLENE R 5,23512-24-400-009 WHITNEY, ROBERT B ET AL 46912-24-400-018 CRANE, R B TR 0223951 ET AL 1,87612-25-100-004 DRUCE, HOFFMAN GEORGE IRENE 10,32812-25-100-006 FREUND, ROBERT D DENISE S 14612-25-100-007 PAPPAS, NICK JOANN 8,76512-25-100-008 BERTRAM, JOHN R KRISTAL E 60,25412-25-200-001 CRANE, R B TR 0223951 ET AL 58,92712-25-200-002 LAMPE, J H B S TR 50,56412-25-200-004 HANDELSMAN, SUSAN 10,51412-25-200-005 HANDELSMAN, SUSAN 210,60712-25-300-003 CLARK, GARY JEAN 62,73612-25-300-004 ZIMMERMAN, DEA M TR ET AL * 1,73312-25-300-005 CHGO AMER NATL BK TR 50121 53,08712-25-300-006 CHGO AMER NATL BK TR 50122 1,20912-25-300-015 HONG, JAMES I AE SOON 2,65512-25-300-016 HONG, JAMES I AE SOON 13,74512-25-300-018 PIOLLUCCI, RICK DEBRA A 78,94712-25-300-020 HONG, JAMES I AESOON 82,82412-25-400-005 HONG, JAMES I AE SOON 110,78412-25-400-006 HANDELSMAN, SUSAN 1,44012-25-400-010 FLOSI, JOSEPH C LAURIE J 89,63512-26-100-003 HALAT, THOMAS C TR 101 4,18012-26-100-004 HALAT, THOMAS C TR 101 4,38312-26-100-005 HALAT, THOMAS C TR 101 84,99712-26-100-007 HALAT, THOMAS C TR 101 4,75212-26-100-008 HALAT, THOMAS C TR 101 5,66712-26-100-009 HALAT, THOMAS C TR 101 1,88612-26-200-009 PETERS, AMY G 61,97912-26-300-002 KUGLER, JUDITH A REV TR 35,96012-26-300-003 GOEBBERT, JAMES P 62,76412-26-400-001 GOEBBERT GRIMM LLC, 78,55812-27-100-003 ALTERGOTT , DENNIS F JACLYN T 88,09612-27-100-004 HENSLEY, MARGARET G TR ET AL 107,84212-27-100-009 PETERS, ARLENE L/WILLIAM E 55,84712-27-100-012 SEABURG, BRADLEY DOROTHY 8712-27-100-014 RASH, ALEX P DOROTHY J 1,85412-27-100-015 KUNDE, JAMES H LISA A 75,84912-27-100-016 PDF INVSTMNT TR 35212-27-100-017 SEABURG, BRADLEY DOROTHY 49512-27-100-018 STORY, JAMES N DEBORAH A 98,86912-27-200-003 FISCHER, R A & G 57,57412-27-200-005 SPINIOLAS, JAMES ROBIN 61,30612-27-200-006 FROHLING, L D M L TR 1 51,97312-27-200-008 TALIDIS, VASILIOS D REV TR 3,43912-27-200-009 MARTIN, MARK A KIMBERLY G 3,89212-27-200-010 TALIDIS, VASILIOS D REV TR 2,21212-27-300-003 92131 LLC 6,97212-27-300-004 SANGIORGIO, LUIGI DOMENICO 9,29212-27-400-003 TALIDIS, VASILIOS D TR 4,62112-27-400-004 92131 LLC 11,97312-28-100-004 PODGORSKI, STANLEY & THERESA 41112-28-100-005 PHILLIPS, JAMES T ALTA M 82,06512-28-100-016 DOWEIDT, BRAD S 212-28-100-019 CHGO CSMPLTN NATL BK 19204 88,44612-28-100-020 RBE LLC 28,76712-28-200-001 LISK, LAWRENCE MARY L 3,23912-28-200-002 BAKER, THOMAS G & JENNIFER U 84,91812-28-200-006 LOHFF, JAMES C DECL TR 3,94912-28-200-008 SASS, ROGER H JR ANGELA M 2,75012-28-200-009 SCHROEDER , FAM REV GRANTOR T 79,44412-28-200-010 HELFERS, ROBERT KAREN 8,40812-28-300-005 MIRALDI, ROGER C LYDIA REV T 57,99012-28-300-006 KAWA, S TEODOR DENISE 80,39312-28-300-007 MIRALDI, ROGER C LYDIA REV T 42312-28-300-009 MATANOVIC, ANDREW LIV TR 65512-28-300-010 ARNDT, DOUGLAS R SHARON ANN 42712-28-300-012 BOYD, ROBERT H & ROSEMARIE H 77,74412-28-300-013 BOYD, ROBERT H & ROSE MARIE 92612-28-300-014 DIVITA, JAMES R 101,62312-28-300-018 CHGO TITLE LAND TR CO 33843 39312-28-300-019 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 7,05412-28-300-020 WDST HARRIS BK TR 9393 3712-28-300-021 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 3,60412-28-400-004 CHGO AMER NATL BANK 107330-04 48912-28-400-006 THUROW, EDWIN H 41312-28-400-008 VOGEL, DANIEL J DARLENE M 96,77212-28-400-011 MASELLIS, ANGELA LIV TR 42112-28-400-014 MCCARTY, JOHN P MICHAEL 39212-28-400-016 CHGO TITLE LAND TR CO 33843 43612-28-400-017 CHGO TITLE LAND TR CO 33843 43612-28-400-019 VOGEL, DANIEL J DARLENE M 76812-28-400-022 CHGO TITLE LAND TR CO 33843 1,03712-28-400-023 CHGO TITLE LAND TR CO 33843 79312-28-400-026 SANGIORGIO, LUIG/DOMENICO 8,82612-28-400-027 KUNDE, ROGER M LINDA M 53512-28-400-028 ETTNER, MICHAEL B JUDY K 42612-28-400-029 ARNOLD, WARD S JANICE M 42412-29-100-002 PENA, JESUS L ROSA H JESUS M 62,68812-29-100-003 SEARS, DONNA M 21012-29-100-004 WALDOCH, R & S M 63,58512-29-100-005 LAKESIDE BK TR 102686 43,49012-29-100-011 RAUPP, DANIEL F 79,27112-29-100-026 HARRIDGE, W H III K J 19712-29-200-005 NELLIGAN, MAURICE & BRIDIE 988

12-29-200-007 RBE LLC 1,42612-29-200-008 RBE LLC 1,69512-29-200-010 KOSTAL, NATHAN J SHARON L 55,94412-29-200-013 JUNKROSKI, J P MELOY P L 3,08912-29-200-014 GRECO, MICHELLE A TR 215,80612-29-301-002 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 4,08112-29-301-003 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 27,54212-29-326-002 VAN HOORN ENT LTD 77,30612-29-376-001 LAZZARO, BARBARA L 63,93512-29-376-008 JANET, BARBARA L 61,29712-29-400-001 PHILLIPS, RICHARD & BERNADETT 11,00412-29-400-004 STANDISH, G W S M DECL OF TR 45,20312-29-400-009 CENTRAL LAND MGMT INC 5,47212-29-400-010 STANDISH, G W S M DECL OF TR 2,59712-29-400-013 TURNER , PATRICK H ANITA E 96,00212-30-100-001 KUEKING, E J LIV TR ET AL* 4,65212-30-100-005 EDGE AX LLC 7,46112-30-100-006 FREISE, GEORGE L REV TR 7812-30-100-007 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 46112-30-200-001 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 2,14812-30-200-005 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1,28712-30-200-006 GIESEKE, RYAN RHONDA M 66712-30-200-007 HARRIDGE, W H III & K J 25612-30-200-008 HARRIDGE, W H III & K J 37112-30-200-010 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA TR 2671 10912-30-200-019 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA TR 2671 4612-30-200-020 WDSTK AMCORE BK NA TR 2671 15312-30-200-022 PURDOM, DON 8,77312-30-300-002 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 41012-30-300-004 FREISE, GEORGE L REV TR 21,43612-30-300-005 LGC LAND CO LLC 6,89912-30-401-001 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 31,14612-30-426-002 GUDINO, JOSE M MARIA T 80,64612-30-426-003 GIESEKE, RYAN RHONDA M 67,03812-30-451-001 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-451-002 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-451-003 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-451-004 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-451-005 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1712-30-452-001 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1712-30-452-002 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-452-003 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-452-004 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-30-452-005 TWIN PINES LAND LLC 1412-31-102-005 BARTMAN, J F/R H TR 1 2,50312-31-102-009 ITASCA BK TR CO TR 10288 71812-31-102-011 STADE, JAMES D TR 96812-31-126-001 BARTMAN, J F/R H TR 1 * 47,37512-31-151-002 ITASCA BK TR CO TR 10288 61312-31-176-001 BARTMAN, J F/R H TR 1 * 2,32912-31-200-002 1ST AMER BANK 6602 82,63712-31-200-003 BARTMAN, JOHN F/ROSEMARY H TR 87,08512-31-200-004 BARTMAN, J F/R H TR 1 7,78712-31-300-001 FRANKS, EILEEN TR ET AL 13,38412-31-300-002 CHGO TR CO TR 1105286 5,60312-31-354-001 PRAIRIE ENT LLC 28112-31-400-001 CHGO TR CO TR 1105286 7,48112-31-400-002 LINDOW REAL PROP TR 1,31412-31-400-003 LINDOW REAL PROP TR 1,27812-32-100-001 MOSS, W W & C J 36,23612-32-200-003 WDSTK ST BK TR 1968 50,64312-32-200-008 SOUTH BRANCH NURSERIES INC 1912-32-200-009 GIESEKE, RYAN A ET AL * 2,66112-32-200-010 MONTEMAYOR, MARCELO JR SYLVIA 1,09712-32-200-011 MONTEMAYOR, JESUS FRANCISCA 1,09412-32-200-012 MONTEMAYOR, JESUS FRANCISCA 1,04912-32-300-003 HEIMSOTH, ROGER JOYCE E 9,07112-32-300-006 GELDEX INVSTMNTS LLC 11,43412-32-400-005 HEIMSOTH, ROGER J JOYCE E 7,06812-32-400-006 WALSH, ROBERT J MOLLY H 1,77912-32-400-010 GANVIK, STEFAN M JOY L 117,41812-32-400-011 LAMPE, JAY A PAMELA K 96,57112-32-400-012 DAMICO M M , LARSON M S 77,20912-32-400-013 RUHL, PHILLIP SR MARY LOU 70,82212-32-400-014 SCHULTZ, C C S L TR 73,54712-33-100-007 WARD W G, ROTT K M 72012-33-100-008 S BRANCH NURSERIES INC 1,69612-33-100-009 S BRANCH NURSERIES INC 1,72312-33-100-015 SOUTH BRANCH NURSERIES INC 32,57712-33-100-016 CHGO AMER NATL BK TR 1059197 6,11512-33-200-003 GOSSWEIN, LORNA R REV TR 43612-33-200-004 PARKWAY BK TR CO TR 13206 45912-33-200-006 RMZ INVSTMNTS LLC 10,68312-33-200-007 RMZ INVSTMNTS LLC 87212-33-200-008 RUDAWSKY, A R G 87212-33-200-009 RUDAWSKY, A R G 87212-33-200-011 ROMO, JOSE R LUPE A 72,57112-33-200-012 ESPINOZA, FIDEL SOCORRO 49,49812-33-200-013 LIEBOLD, FAM REV LIV TR 1,39812-33-200-017 RUDAWSKY, A R G 1,74312-33-200-019 MUELLER, ANTHONY F & MARY E 1,83012-33-200-020 THOMPSON, ROBERT D P A 1,42412-33-200-021 NICKELS, DAVID P LINDA E 56,98712-33-200-022 CASTILLO, ABELARDO 2,90412-33-300-004 WDSTK ST BK TR 2087 66,43812-33-300-005 WDSTK ST BK TR 2087 28312-33-300-007 CHGO AMER NATL BK TR 1059197 8,23712-33-400-007 RADER, FREDERICK L 1,76412-33-400-011 HIGH BRIDGE ASSOC LLC 71,60212-33-400-012 HIGH BRIDGE ASSOC LLC 2,00512-33-400-013 RADER, FREDERICK L 55,32812-34-100-001 UNION PROP LLC 6,97212-34-100-002 UNION PROP LLC 15,98612-34-200-001 UNION PROP LLC 13,83012-34-200-002 BRUNO INC 63,38412-34-200-003 BRUNO INC 30,60012-34-300-001 UNION PROP LLC 6,13512-34-400-001 FREISE, HENRY H & ELVIRA M 6,63512-35-100-001 BRUNO INC 96,27512-35-100-002 BRUNO INC 4,86112-35-100-003 BRUNO INC 46312-35-100-004 BRUNO INC 1,83412-35-100-014 BRANCH, NANCY A TRS 143,14912-35-100-015 IGLESIA, CENTRAL EVANGELICA 1,71112-35-100-017 BARTKOWIAK, PAUL D SCHERRY R 139,78512-35-200-002 DAVIS, MICHAEL T VICTORIA L 81,98512-35-200-021 HEADLEY, MARY A DECL OF TRUST 1,94012-35-200-022 HEADLEY, MARY A DECL OF TRUST 89012-35-200-029 TURES, G P SELF DECL OF TR 3,92212-35-200-030 TURES, G P SELF DECL OF TR 94,50212-35-300-001 FREISE, HENRY H & ELVIRA M 62,63512-35-300-002 UNION PROP LLC 5,10112-35-300-003 CHGO AMER NATL BK 100387-01 8,35412-35-300-005 EWERTOWSKI, THOMAS DECL OF TR 5,18312-35-300-006 POWERS, T J/J D LIV TR * 28012-36-276-002 KARSTEN E G, ALG ST BK 1168 7,03812-36-300-002 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 27,72012-36-400-005 PLEASANTVILLE FARMS LLC 2612-36-400-006 PLEASANTVILLE FARMS LLC 61,99012-36-400-020 DOYLE, ANNE C TR 88,53212-36-400-022 MCHENRY CO CONSERV DIST 7,580(Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8686




Public Notice is hereby given that on JUNE 10, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as FROGIES JUMPERS located at 2311 North Ringwood Rd. Unit #101, McHenry, IL 60050.Dated JUNE 10, 2013./s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8660


Public Notice is hereby given that on JUNE 10, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as 1 UP SEALCOAT located at 401 First St Apt 1N4, Cary, IL 60013.Dated JUNE 10, 2013./s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent JUNE 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8681


Public Notice is hereby given that on JUNE 21, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as AACE TRANSMISSION AND AUTOMOTIVE located at 1302 Borden St, McHenry, IL 60050.Dated JUNE 21, 2013./s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent JUNE 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8682


Public Notice is hereby given that on June 24, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as J AND J CONSTRUCTION located at 3012 W Route 120 “UNIT D”, McHenry, IL 60050.Dated June 24, 2013/s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent JUNE 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8683


Public Notice is hereby given that on May 24, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, concerning the business known asCRYSTAL LAKE ENGRAVINGlocated at 9112 Butternut Dr, Crystal Lake IL 60014 which certificate sets forth the following changes in the operation thereof: WITHDRAWAL OF NAME AND ADDITION OF NAMEDated May 24, 2013/s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8689


Public Notice is hereby given that on June 28 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as FOUR LEAF CLOVER CLEANING COMPANY located at 715 Carlisle Dr, Woodstock, IL 60098.Dated JUNE 28, 2013./s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8687


Public Notice is hereby given that on June 28, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as WALTER HOROWICZ CARPET located at 4512 Hickory Nut Dr, McHenry, IL 60051 Dated June 28, 2013 (Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8688




Plaintiff,vs.ENRIQUE BARRANCO; CATALINA CALLEJAS-FLORES; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,11 CH 1656PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on February 22, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 2 IN BLOCK 14 IN LAKELAND UNIT NO. 3, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 1953 AS DOCUMENT NO. 269384, IN BOOK 11 OFPLATS, PAGE 90, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 09-28-228-005.Commonly known as 5213 SHORE DRIVE, MCHENRY, IL 60050.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1114807.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541551(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8661



ILLINOISFIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY;Plaintiff,vs.CHRISTOPHER D. JOHNSON; MEGAN E. JOHNSON; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 2631NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on April 19, 2013 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013 at the hour of “Time of Sale” in the law offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate:LOT 210 IN SPRING LAKE FARM SOUTH UNIT 1, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 AS DOCUMENT NO. 93R058543 IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 491 Windermere Way, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156.P.I.N. 18-26-101-016.The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.For information call Sales Department

Kochalski, LLC, PO Box 165028, Columbus, Ohio 43216-5028. (614) 220-5611. 12-024537INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541600(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8662



ILLINOISHSBC BANK USA, N.A.;Plaintiff,vs.ERNESTO VILLEGAS; BAUDELIA CABRERA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 01627PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on November 30, 2012, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 6 IN BLOCK 10 IN SPRING CITY ADDITION TO WOODSTOCK, A SUBURBAN IN THE WEST HALF OF LOT 2 OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 13-05-103-006.Commonly known as 1133 WHEELER STREET, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1212454.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541583(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8663



ILLINOISDeutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-3Plaintiff,Vs.Douglas W. Frerichs; et. al.Defendants,12 CH 3054NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on MARCH 19, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on JULY 29, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 1 IN LEWIS RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 38 IN COUNTRY CLUB ADDITIONS TO CRYSTAL LAKE, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, AND A PART OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JULY 25, 1990 AS DOCUMENT NO. 90R027259, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.The common address of said real estate is: 2035 Broadway Avenue, Village of Lakewood, IL 60014PIN:18-01-452-007Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a

Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-11-00040I542356(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8664



ILLINOISJPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationPlaintiff,Vs.Chad Harrison, et al. Defendants,12 CH 1937NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on APRIL 23, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on JULY 29, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:UNIT 3-C AND GARAGE UNIT G-3-C, IN CREEKSIDE OF ST. JOHNS CONDOMINIUM, AS DELINEATED ON SURVEY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: LOT 1 IN CREEKSIDE OF ST. JOHNS, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 28, 1979 AS DOCUMENT NO. 785309, WHICH SURVEY IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT “A” TO THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM RECORDED MARCH 10, 1980 AS DOC NO. 791251, TOGETHER WITH ITS PERCENTAGE INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS.The common address of said real estate is: 416 St. Johns Road Unit C, Woodstock, IL 60098PIN:08-32-405-015Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-11-25962I542323

(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8665




ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,10 CH 1453PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on March 21, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 30 IN THE COVE - UNIT II - PHASE 1, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 30, 2000 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 2000R0046803, AS AMENDED BY CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED OCTOBER 18, 2000 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2000R56992, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 18-36-403-005.Commonly known as 970 ESTANCIA LANE, ALGONQUIN, IL 60102.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1120094.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541531(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8666





AMENDED FORM TIME TO TIME, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 1307 New Haven Drive, Cary, IL 60013.P.I.N. 19-11-303-003.The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property ActSale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information call Mr. Anthony Porto at

Lindberg LLC, 1807 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (866) 402-8661. For Bidding instructions visit www.fal-illinois.com 24 hours prior to sale. F12060406I541592(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8667

PUBLIC NOTICEIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 22ND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MC HENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYPlaintiff,vs.ADAM C. ROWLAND AKA ADAM ROWLAND; DANA M. ROWLAND; WEST SHORE BEACH PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; BMO HARRIS BANK, N.A., S/I/I TO AMCORE BANK, N.A.; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 1194PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 18, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOTS 9 THROUGH 16 INCLUSIVE IN BLOCK 5 IN WESTSHORE BEACH, MCCULLOM LAKE, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MAY 6, 1939 AS DOCUMENT NO. 138763 IN BOOK 9 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 09-21-406-009, 09-21-406-010, 09-21-406-011.Commonly known as 5403 HILLSIDE DRIVE, MCHENRY, IL 60050.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1209668.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541573(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8668



ILLINOISJPMORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION;Plaintiff,vs.ERIC NICKETT AKA ERIC J. NICKETT; MICHELLE NICKETT AKA MICHELLE M. NICKETT; THE SPRING LAKE FARM SOUTH CELEBRITY SERIES SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 3049PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on March 21, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder

for cash, the following described property:LOT 671 IN SPRING LAKE FARM SOUTH UNIT 2, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 9, 1995 AS DOCUMENT 95R004680, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 18-26-353-009.Commonly known as 360 STEEPLECHASE WAY, LAKE IN THE HILLS, IL 60156.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1224871.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541613(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8669



ILLINOISWELLS FARGO BANK NA;Plaintiff,vs.RAFAEL MORALES; LISA MORALES; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,11 CH 2307NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 22, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate:LOT 70 IN HAMPTON WEST UNIT 1 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 14, 1994 AS DOCUMENT NO. 94R59288 IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.Commonly known as 2011 Brittany Bend, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156.P.I.N. 18-23-328-003-0000.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information call Mr. Anthony Porto at

Lindberg LLC, 1807 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (866) 402-8661. For Bidding instructions visit www.fal-illinois.com 24 hours prior to sale. F11080563.I541556(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8670



ILLINOISJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,vs.DANIEL LANG A/K/A DANIEL A. LANG; JESSICA LANG A/K/A JESSICA ANN LANG A/K/A JESSICA A. MISSAVAGE A/K/A JESSICA A. LANG; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants,12 CH 2964PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 18, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the

offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 9 IN BLOCK 1 IN HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 AND PART OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 AND PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MAY 22, 1956 AS DOCUMENT NO. 307953 IN BOOK 12 OF PLATS, PAGE 73 IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N. 08-32-181-009.Commonly known as 137 TERRY COURT, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1224152.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541605(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8671



ILLINOISWells Fargo Bank, NAPlaintiff,vs.Florencio Ortiz; Gabriel Ortiz;Daimlerchrysler Financial Services Americas LLCd/b/a Chrysler Financial; Leticia Bernal; Unknown Owners and Non-Record ClaimantsDefendants13 CH 222Property Address:417 Center Street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONThe requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Florencio Ortiz, Gabriel Ortiz, Leticia Bernal and UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, defendants in the above entitled cause, that suit has been commenced against you and other defendants in the Circuit Court of the 22nd Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, by said plaintiff praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to wit:THE WEST 44 FEET OF LOT 9 IN


WOODSTOCK, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED MARCH 2, 1899 AS DOCUMENT NO. 5226, IN BOOK 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 74, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.P.I.N.: 13-05-401-024Said property is commonly known as: 417 Center Street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098, and which said mortgage was made by Florencio Ortiz; Gabriel Ortiz and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds as Document Number 98R00051708 and for other relief; that Summons was duly issued out of the above Court against you as provided by law and that said suit is now pending.NOW THEREFORE, unless you, the said above named defendants, file your answer to the complaint in the said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Court at MCHENRY County on or before July 19, 2013, a default may be taken against you at any time after that date and a Judgment entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint.Katherine M. KeefeClerk of the Court2200 North SeminaryWoodstock, Illinois 60098This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.Steven C. LindbergAttorney for PlaintiffFREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC1807 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 333Naperville, IL 60563

630-453-6960866-402-8661630-428-4620 (fax)Attorney No. 3126232I540354(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8672


Public Notice is hereby given that on JUNE 19, 2013, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as THOMA CO. located at 4517 Clearview Dr., McHenry, IL 60050.Dated JUNE 19, 2013./s/ Katherine C. Schultz (County Clerk)(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3) L8674




NORTHWEST CORNER OF UNIT 2; THENCE SOUTH 08 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 45 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EXTENSIONS OF AND SAID CENTERLINE OF THE PARTY WALL 72.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 32 FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF UNIT 2; THENCE NORTH 81 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST FOR 23.67 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.The common address of said real estate is: 2905 Talaga Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102PIN:19-30-402-028 (19-30-401-009 underlying)Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-12-31104I542368(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8675




INC.; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,09 CH 454NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on , Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 148 IN THE PONDS OF BULL VALLEY PHASE 3A; BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHEAST OF QUARTER OF SECTION 15 AND PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 31, 2004 AS DOCUMENT 2004R0078701 AND AMENDED BY CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT RECORDED JUNE 15, 2005 AS DOCUMENT 2005R0047040, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.P.I.N. 13-10-454-024.Commonly known as 2137 Greenview Drive, Woodstock, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property ActSale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0902744.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543723(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8676



ILLINOISPNC BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION;Plaintiff,vs.TIMOTHY S. REUTER; JANET A. REUTER; CITIBANK (SOUTH DAKOTA) NA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,10 CH 02624NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 26, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:THE WEST 330.0 FEET OF THE EAST 990.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 660.0


FEET OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 6, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF MCHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS.P.I.N. 12-25-300-008.Commonly known as 15000 ROUTE 176, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1026971.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543729(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8677




RECORDER OF DEEDS FOR MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON MAY 20, 1996 AS DOCUMENT 96R025772, TOGETHER WITH A PERCENTAGE OF THE COMMON ELEMENTS APPURTENANT TO SAID UNIT AS SET FORTH IN SAID DECLARATION AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, WHICH PERCENTAGE SHALL AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMENDED DECLARATION AS SAME ARE FILED OF RECORD. SITUATED IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.P.I.N. 08-32-406-069.Commonly known as 583 SILVER CREEK ROAD, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property ActSale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1103263.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543733(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8678



ILLINOISWells Fargo Bank, N.A.Plaintiff,Vs.Jennifer L. Rink; et. al.Defendants,12 CH 3095NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on MARCH 26, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on AUGUST 5, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 147 IN PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF FOX TRAILS, PHASE 1, BEING A PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 14, AND THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 43 NORTH, RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 27, 1980 AS DOCUMENT NO. 800652, AS AMENDED AND RESTATED BY PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARY 26, 1982 AS DOCUMENT NO. 831493, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.The common address of said real estate is: 706 Royal Glen Drive, Cary, IL 60013PIN:19-14-452-025Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The

balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-12-37001I542379(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8679



ILLINOISWELLS FARGO BANK, NAPlaintiff,vs.BERNADETTE FRANTZ; BERNARD R. DOBRZYNSKI; ELIZABETH A. DOBRZYNSKI; THE HIGHLANDS ON THEPARK TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 0037NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on January 11, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:LOT 17 IN HIGHLANDS ON THE PARK, UNIT 1, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 7, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,

ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1996 AS DOCUMENT NO. 96R48018, AND AS AMENDED BY CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION RECORDED OCTOBER 28, 1996, AS DOCUMENT NO. 96R55104, IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS.P.I.N. 13-07-152-004-0000.Commonly known as 794 DUVALL DRIVE, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098-7011.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1127399.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543746(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8680



PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff, -v.- PATRICIA BROSKY, APPLEWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONDefendant12 CH 2066NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 13, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 1:00 PM on August 12, 2013, at the NLT Title L.L.C, 390 Congress Parkway, Suite D, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate:Parcel I: The East 49.94 feet of Lot 145 in Applewood Unit 2 Resubdivision, Planned Unit Development, being a Resubdivision

Resubdivision, a Resubdivision of part of the East half of the Northwest Quarter and part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 44 North, Range 7, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 10, 1992 as Document Number 92K037966, in McHenry County, Illinois. Parcel II: Easement for ingress and egress to and for the benefit of Parcel I as set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements for the Applewood Neighborhood Association recorded December 20, 1991 as Document Number 91R049380, and as may be amended from time to time, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as 2410 ASPEN DR., Woodstock, IL 60098Property Index No. 13-15-176-134.The real estate is improved with a single family residence.

The judgment amount was $126,381.87.Sale terms: The bid amount, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, shall be paid in certified funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.

attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC, 111 East Main Street, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales.HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC111 East Main StreetDECATUR, IL 62523(217) 422-1719Case Number: 12 CH 2066TJSC#: 33-10410NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised

debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.I540332 (Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8684



WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.;Plaintiff,vs.ENRIQUE BARRANCO; CATALINA CALLEJAS-FLORES;UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,11 CH 1656PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on February 22, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 09-28-228-005.Commonly known as 5213 SHORE DRIVE, MCHENRY, IL 60050.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will

receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1114807.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541551(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8661

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 22ND JUDICIAL CIRCUITMC HENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOISFIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY;Plaintiff,vs.CHRISTOPHER D. JOHNSON; MEGAN E. JOHNSON; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 2631NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above entitled cause on April 19, 2013 Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013 at the hour of “Time of Sale” in the law offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal

Lake, Illinois 60014, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate:Commonly known as 491 Windermere Way, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156.P.I.N. 18-26-101-016.The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.For information call Sales Department

Kochalski, LLC, PO Box 165028, Columbus, Ohio 43216-5028. (614) 220-5611. 12-024537INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541600(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8662



ILLINOISHSBC BANK USA, N.A.;Plaintiff,vs.ERNESTO VILLEGAS; BAUDELIA CABRERA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 01627PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on November 30, 2012, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 13-05-103-006.Commonly known as 1133 WHEELER STREET, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://

service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1212454.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541583(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8663



Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-3Plaintiff,Vs.Douglas W. Frerichs; et. al.Defendants,12 CH 3054NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on MARCH 19, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on JULY 29, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:



The common address of said real estate is: 2035 Broadway Avenue, Village of Lakewood, IL 60014PIN:18-01-452-007Description of premises: RESIDENTIAL

at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to

twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is

Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-11-00040I542356(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8664



JPMorgan Chase Bank, National AssociationPlaintiff,Vs.Chad Harrison, et al.Defendants,12 CH 1937NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on APRIL 23, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on JULY 29, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:The common address of said real estate is: 416 St. Johns Road Unit C, Woodstock, IL 60098PIN:08-32-405-015Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527

Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-11-25962I542323(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8665




ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTS;Defendants,10 CH 1453PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on March 21, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 18-36-403-005.Commonly known as 970 ESTANCIA LANE, ALGONQUIN, IL 60102.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1120094.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541531(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8666



WELLS FARGO BANK NA;Plaintiff,vs.ROBERT ZIMA; KARIN ZIMA; THE CAMBRIA AT CARY CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 1703NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 22, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate:Commonly known as 1307 New Haven Drive, Cary, IL 60013.P.I.N. 19-11-303-003.The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property ActSale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information call Mr. Anthony Porto at

Lindberg LLC, 1807 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (866) 402-8661. For Bidding instructions visit www.fal-illinois.com 24 hours prior to sale. F12060406I541592(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8667




SHORE BEACH PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; BMO HARRIS BANK, N.A., S/I/I TO AMCORE BANK, N.A.; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 1194PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 18, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 09-21-406-009, 09-21-406-010, 09-21-406-011.Commonly known as 5403 HILLSIDE DRIVE, MCHENRY, IL 60050.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1209668.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541573(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8668



JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION;Plaintiff,vs.ERIC NICKETT AKA ERIC J. NICKETT; MICHELLE NICKETT AKA MICHELLE M. NICKETT; THE SPRING LAKE FARM SOUTH CELEBRITY SERIES SINGLE FAMILY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORDCLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 3049PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on March 21, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 18-26-353-009.Commonly known as 360 STEEPLECHASE WAY, LAKE IN THE HILLS, IL 60156.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1224871.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541613(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8669



WELLS FARGO BANK NA;Plaintiff,vs.RAFAEL MORALES; LISA MORALES; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,11 CH 2307NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on

April 22, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate:Commonly known as 2011 Brittany Bend, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156.P.I.N. 18-23-328-003-0000.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information call Mr. Anthony Porto at

Lindberg LLC, 1807 West Diehl Road, Naperville, Illinois 60563-1890. (866) 402-8661. For Bidding instructions visit www.fal-illinois.com 24 hours prior to sale. F11080563.I541556(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8670



JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff,vs.DANIEL LANG A/K/A DANIEL A. LANG; JESSICA LANG A/K/A JESSICA ANN LANG A/K/A JESSICA A. MISSAVAGE A/K/A JESSICA A. LANG; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants,12 CH 2964PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 18, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 08-32-181-009.Commonly known as 137 TERRY COURT, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1224152.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I541605(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 19, 2013, June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8671



Wells Fargo Bank, NAPlaintiff,Vs.Natalie T. Nuzzo a/k/a Natalie T. Viohl; et. al.Defendants,12 CH 2689NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on APRIL 23, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on JULY 29, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:The common address of said real estate is: 2905 Talaga Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102PIN:19-30-402-028 (19-30-401-009 underlying)Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified

funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-12-31104I542368(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8675




INC.; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,09 CH 454NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on , Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the

Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 13-10-454-024.Commonly known as 2137 Greenview Drive, Woodstock, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property ActSale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0902744.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543723(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8676



PNC BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION;Plaintiff,vs.TIMOTHY S. REUTER; JANET A. REUTER; CITIBANK (SOUTH DAKOTA) NA; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,10 CH 02624NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TOJUDGMENT OF FORECLOSUREUNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGEFORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on April 26, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake,


Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 12-25-300-008.Commonly known as 15000 ROUTE 176, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1026971.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543729(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8677



WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.Plaintiff,vs.DONNA J. PATNAUDE; THE TREES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DONNA J PATNAUDE, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,11 CH 490NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on May 18, 2012, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the offices of Botto Gilbert Gehris Lancaster, 970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 08-32-406-069.Commonly known as 583 SILVER CREEK ROAD, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.The improvement on the property consists of a condominium residence. The purchaser of the unit other than a

mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by subdivisions (g)(1) and (g)(4) of Section 9 of the Condominium Property ActSale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1103263.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543733(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8678



Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.Plaintiff,Vs.Jennifer L. Rink; et. al.Defendants,12 CH 3095NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on MARCH 26, 2013 LENDER SALES OF ILLINOIS LLC will on AUGUST 5, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 A.M., or soon thereafter, at the front doors of the McHenry County Courthouse located at 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, IL 60098, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:The common address of said real estate is: 706 Royal Glen Drive, Cary, IL 60013PIN:19-14-452-025Description of premises: RESIDENTIALSale Terms: 25% down by certified funds at the close of the auction: The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “as is” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

If the property is a condominium, the purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessments and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If the property is located in a common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).No refunds.The property will NOT be open for inspection.For information: Sales Clerk, Codilis and

15 W. 030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527Attorney Number 0468002, (630) 794 - 5300, File No: 14-12-37001I542379(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8679



WELLS FARGO BANK, NAPlaintiff,vs.BERNADETTE FRANTZ; BERNARD R. DOBRZYNSKI; ELIZABETH A. DOBRZYNSKI; THE HIGHLANDS ON THEPARK TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS;Defendants,12 CH 0037NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAWPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on January 11, 2013, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, August 1, 2013, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. in the

970 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property:P.I.N. 13-07-152-004-0000.Commonly known as 794 DUVALL DRIVE, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098-7011.The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject

mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act.Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmation of the sale.For Information: Visit our website at http://service.atty-pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates,

Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 1127399.INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122I543746(Published in The Woodstock Independent June 26, 2013, July 3, 2013) L8680


MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOISPNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONPlaintiff, -v.- PATRICIA BROSKY, APPLEWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONDefendant12 CH 2066NOTICE OF SALEPUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 13, 2013, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 1:00 PM on August 12, 2013, at the NLT Title L.L.C, 390 Congress Parkway, Suite D, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate:Commonly known as 2410 ASPEN DR., Woodstock, IL 60098Property Index No. 13-15-176-134.The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $126,381.87.Sale terms: The bid amount, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, shall be

highest and best bidder at the conclusion of the sale. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential

real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further

Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale.The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information.If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW.

attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC, 111 East Main Street, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or

THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATIONOne South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEYou can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales.HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC111 East Main StreetDECATUR, IL 62523(217) 422-1719Case Number: 12 CH 2066TJSC#: 33-10410NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised

debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.I540332 (Published in The Woodstock Independent July 3, 2013) L8684


them blue for the Dolphins and

improvising with kitchen cabi-

net handles for a backstroke bar.

“Other teams gave us fun-

ny looks because our blocks

looked so different,” Graff said.

“Our blocks were huge com-

pared to everyone else’s. �ey

sat so high that you were on the

ledge of the pool and someone

had to sit on them or else they

would tilt off the edge.”

Graff said the team didn’t

win a meet until its third year,

when the Dolphins defeated

Belvidere by a single point. She

said the whole team jumped

into the water to celebrate.

Today, the team has grown to

become a year-round sport with

more than 120 athletes from

several different communities.

Dolphins president Brian Fer-

guson said a big change for the

Dolphins is its association with

USA Swimming.

“We have continued to de-

velop a more competitive

team over the last five years

as a result of swimming with

stronger competition, but at

the same time, we still make

sure that it’s a club for all lev-

els of swimming.”

Ferguson, an Algonquin

resident, joined the board five

years ago when his children

found an interest in competi-

tive swimming and sought out

the Dolphins. �ough Fergu-

son was never a swimmer, he

said he quickly caught on to

the sport and learned the par-

ents and volunteers are crucial

to its survival.

“It’s a fun sport, even for

parents because these teams

are completely relying on the

parents to volunteer,” Fergu-

son said. “Running the team;

running the fundraising; it

takes a lot of money to keep a

team going.”

Besides vigorous volunteer-

ing, Ferguson said another rea-

son the club has been around

for so long is because of the

support from Woodstock Water

Works and Woodstock North

High School. He said the facility

at WNHS attracts many swim-


Ferguson said strong coach-

ing is a key contributor to the

club’s competitiveness and

success. �is year’s coaching

staff includes George Keenan,

interim head coach from Crys-

tal Lake and head coach for

Huntley High School, Renee

Walker, Ben Bradley, Haley

Brasile, Zach Zankle and volun-

teer coach Rebecca Ortmann.

Brasile, 21, swam on the

Dolphins for 11 years and has

coached for the past two years.

She said Dolphins create life-

long friendships, and she likes

the strong work ethic the club

has given her that she can in-

still in her swimmers.

“I like to make sure that

these kids are not only getting

out and swimming, but [I like]

getting them to work really

hard at something, because it’s

a big help for their future.”

Ferguson said the Dolphins

team is on track to name a per-manent head coach at the end

of the summer season. He said

he is looking forward to several

more successful years of Dol-


“We want to continue to be-

come more a part of the com-

munity,” Ferguson said. “When

people think of swimming,

they think of the Dolphins as

a place they want to send their

kids to develop their skills.”

Dolphins Continued from Page 30

“It was one of the few things, when they started, for girls to do during the summer.”

— Robin Groh, Dolphins alumna

had to make a decision,” Benitez said.

“We all think it paid off.”

Benitez, whose term ends in August,

said the league is already thinking

about next year and is sure travel will

be one of the main discussion points.

“If we recruit coaches and parents

knowing we are going to be traveling,

it will be a much easier pill to swallow,”

Benitez said. “People seem to like the

competitive level we saw.”

Dan White coached the 12U Wood-

stock Blue team that finished second

in the Nippersink Gold Division with a

record of 17-2.

“It’s been a lot of fun for the girls,”

White said. “It’s a new adventure for

us. We used to be an in-house league

… Now we are venturing out into other

towns, and it’s a lot of fun for the girls

to go to different parks and different


Woodstock Blue was undefeated go-

ing into the last day of the season June

30 and lost the last two games to John-

sburg, 13-1 and 10-2.

Involvement in the Nippersink

League has led to a large increase in

participation for the league’s 15th an-

nual softball tournament. Fifty-six

teams have signed up for the tourna-

ment which will be held Monday to

Sunday, July 15 to 21, at Bates Park and

Woodstock North High School.

“We have never had that many

teams,” said tournament organizer

Marty Hammond, who noted the av-

erage participation is about 32 teams.

“[Joining] the Nippersink League really


�e tournament will have competi-

tion in 8U, 10U, 12U, 15U and 18U and

is double elimination. �e tourna-

ment has used a pool-play format with

teams playing five to seven games, but,

because of the number of teams, the

format was changed to double elimina-


“Obviously, to a certain extent, we

are [excited], but because of our field

limitations, we are going to be pushing

to get all the games in,” said Hammond

who was one of the tournament’s origi-

nal organizers. “It’s a shame, because

we are trying to get the girls as many

games as possible.”

Softball Continued from Page 32

Woodstock Blue’s Abby Primus pitches against Antioch July 27. INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER

In the championship game, that same

day, Woodstock defeated Crystal Lake

9-5 behind Waryck, who collected three

hits including a three-run home run.

Kyle Knauss followed Waryck’s home

run with one of his own, and Max Mar-

kowitz faced 23 batters, striking out five

and allowing one earned run in the win.

“It was a fun tournament,” Oman said.

“We battled the rain for a couple of days.

It was well fought. Every team had at

least one victory. It went really well.”

�e District 13 tournament starts Fri-

day, July 5, at Wing Park in Elgin, and

will have seven teams in pool play. �e

top four teams will advance to the sin-

gle-elimination bracket.

�e WLL Intermediate All-Star team

(12- and 13-years-olds) won the Dis-

trict 13, Area 3 tournament by defeating

Marengo June 25. �ey were undefeat-

ed, winning their first three games by

the mercy rule (10 runs or more). �ey

are the No. 1 seed from Area 3 at the Dis-

trict 13 tournament on Friday, July 5, in

South Elgin.

The Woodstock Little League Intermediate 11 all-star team won the Brink Tournament June 23. Pictured, from left, front row, are: Tyler Oman, Ben Strang, Aar-on Montgomery, Max Markowitz, Collin Mc-Clurg and Ethan Ritter. Back row: coach Tim Oman, Daniel Stumpf, Jacob Waryck, Kyle Knauss, coach Craig Strang and coach Tom Stumpf. Not pictured: Carter Miller, Austin Zieman and Joe Chase. COURTESY PHOTO

Brink Continued from Page 32



By LISA KUCHARSKIThe Independent

When the Woodstock municipal

swimming pool opened in 1962 in

City Park, six families gathered in

Harold and Marge Buschkopf’s din-

ing room on Pleasant Street to come

up with an organized summer activ-

ity for their athletic children. �e re-

sult? �e Woodstock Dolphins swim


Officially established in 1963, the

team is now celebrating its 50th an-

niversary with an alumni gathering

at Woodstock Water Works from

5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 9, and a

swim meet against Geneva starting

at 6 p.m. An after-party for alumni

and current Dolphins’ parents will

be held at Ortmann’s Red Iron Tav-

ern, 101 Church St. Because the Ort-

mann family has two alumni swim-

mers, Ryan and Rebecca Ortmann,

they are donating 10 percent of the

night’s sales to the Dolphins.

�e first team, founded by the An-

drew, Buschkopf, Conway, French,

Nowaskey and Parker families of

Woodstock, started with 20 to 30

athletes ages 5 to 18. With no other

sports available to girls at the time,

Dolphins swim team was a leader

in providing a competitive, athletic

outlet for girls.

Robin (Nowaskey) Groh, a for-

mer Woodstock School District 200

physical education teacher for 25

years, swam and dove on the first

Dolphins team when she was 12

years old, along with her 7-year-old

sister Lynnsey.

“When I was growing up, there

wasn’t anything for girls,” Groh said.

“�ere was no softball league or

anything like that. It was one of the

few things, when they started, for

girls to do during the summer.”

Groh continued to swim for the

Dolphins through her first year of

college, when she was 18 years old.

Groh stayed near the pool by life-

guarding throughout college, with

grade school and high school class-

mate Jonathan Biel, who is actress

Jessica Biel’s father and a former

Dolphin swim team member.

Alumni Jo (Buschkopf) Graff, Won-

der Lake, also swam on the first team

at age 7. She said her mom designed

the team’s first logo, a dolphin with a

sailor’s hat. Graff’s parents also built

homemade starting blocks, painting

Swimmers mark team’s 50th

Please see Dolphins, Page 31

Officially established in 1963, Woodstock Dolphins past and present celebrate a half-century of swimming

Little League all-stars take first at Brink tournament

By JAY SCHULZThe Independent

�e Woodstock Girls Softball League

executive board had a dilemma. WGSL is

normally an in-house league with four to

five teams in each division and all games

played in Woodstock. But registration

for this season was way down and the

WGSL board was concerned there would

not be enough participants. �e decision

was made to take to the road, transform-

ing the league so teams travel to other

cities’ ballparks.

“We got nervous,” WGSL Alex Benitez

said. “We had talked to other leagues

about organizing a weekend league and

getting a higher level of competition. We

heard back from them that their regis-

tration was low [as well]. We thought we

cannot have a season with two to three

teams per division. Last year, the old-

er girls participated in the Nippersink

League, and we decided to join up with


�e change affected the 8U, 10U and

12U divisions. Travel was limited to Ge-

noa City, Wonder Lake, Fox Lake, Rich-

mond and Johnsburg.

�e decision led to some consterna-

tion with the league.

“We had to start to travel, which was

something the coaches and parents

weren’t ready for,” Benitez said. “But,

when all is said and done, it seems to

have been successful.”

Benitez said the league still has to send

out the postseason questionnaire and

should have a better idea how the travel

was received.

“We know we lost some people be-

cause we had to travel,” Benitez said and

noted games were played on Saturdays

as well, which may have interfered with


By the end of the season, the league

ended up having about 190 participants,

close to the average of 200.

“We probably could have stayed in-

house, but when this was happening, we


Date: Tuesday, July 9Alumni gathering: 5 to 7 p.m., Woodstock Water Works, 1313 Kishwaukee Valley RoadDolphins vs. Geneva: 6 p.m., Woodstock Water WorksPost party for parents and alumni: Ortmann’s Red Iron Tav-ern, 101 Church St. Ortmann’s will donate 10 percent of sales to the DolphinsContact: Kecia Griffin, 815-334-8131 or [email protected]

By JAY SCHULZThe Independent

�e Woodstock Little

League Intermediate 11-year-

old all-star team won the first

Tom Brink 11 Early Bird Tour-

nament held June 19 to 23. �e

tournament was named after

past president Tom Brink, who

has been involved in WLL for

many years.

“Tom still volunteers with

the league and has done a lot

for Woodstock Little League,

so we felt we should honor

him,” said WLL rookie league

vice president Tim Oman.

In summer league play, the

11-year-olds are part of the In-

termediate League, which in-

cludes 12- and 13-year-old so

they usually aren’t chosen for

all-star teams.

“�is was a chance to get the

11-year-olds [some more game

time] before the district tour-

nament,” Oman said.

Five all-star teams from Dis-

trict 13 participated in the tour-

nament – South Elgin, Bartlett

Blue, Bartlett Green, Crystal

Lake and Woodstock.

Games were played at Mer-

ryman Fields No. 5 and 6 and

the main diamond at Emricson


After initial pool play where

every team played four games,

Crystal Lake was the No. 1 seed

and they played No. 4 seed

South Elgin. Woodstock, 2-2 in

pool play, was the No. 3 seed

and they played Bartlett Blue.

On July 23, Woodstock de-

feated Bartlett Blue 8-2 in the

semifinal game behind Jacob

Waryck, who collected two hits

and drove in two runs. On the

mound, he faced 18 batters,

striking out five and giving up

one earned run. Daniel Stumpf

had two hits and drove in a run

to help in the effort.

Please see Brink, Page 31

Facing declining numbers, Woodstock Girls Softball League hits the road

Please see Softball, Page 31

“We probably could have stayed in-house, but when this was happening, we had to make a decision.”

— Alex Benitez, WGSL president

Woodstock Dolphins swimmers participate in a fundraiser for the swim team the morning of July 1.INDEPENDENT PHOTO BY KEN FARVER