bimah September – October 2016 Woodford Liberal Synagogue

Woodford Liberal Synagogue€¦ · High Holy Day 2016 information All High Holy Day services will be held 'at home' at Marlborough Road EXCEPT the MORNING Service for Rosh Hashanah

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Page 1: Woodford Liberal Synagogue€¦ · High Holy Day 2016 information All High Holy Day services will be held 'at home' at Marlborough Road EXCEPT the MORNING Service for Rosh Hashanah

bimahSeptember – October 2016



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High Holy Day 2016 information

All High Holy Day services will be held 'at home' atMarlborough Road EXCEPT the MORNING Servicefor Rosh Hashanah. This will be held at WoodfordMemorial Hall on High Road, South Woodford, next toSt Mary's Church. On this day the Totsʼ and Childrenʼsservices will be held in the Memorial Hall's adjacentrooms. All of the details and times can be found on the backof your High Holy Day tickets. Parking in the vicinity ofthe Memorial Hall is rather limited. Please look at themap (on right) to locate where the local car parks aresituated. Also please note car parking fees will apply.There is some parking in the side streets near theMemorial Hall but keep in mind that this is fairlylimited. At present, as far as we know, parking may becharged in Marlborough Road on Yom Kippur, as itfalls on a weekday this year. If you are travelling by public transport, SouthWoodford tube station is about a 10 minute walk away,but we hope to organise lifts from the station.

The 179 bus from Chingford Station stops opposite theMemorial Hall. The W13 also stops near the MemorialHall. If you require a lift from the tube station, pleasecontact Donna at the Synagogue office. For those whoare able to provide lifts to other members from thestation we would be most grateful if you could alsocontact Donna with your details.

HHD tickets for non-membersPlease ensure you bring your ticket to all High

Holy Day Services. For Security reasons

admission is by ticket only.

A limited number of tickets will be available, asusual, for non-members (£25 per ticket) andrelatives of members (£20 per ticket). Pleasecomplete the slip below as soon as possible andsend it, with payment, to: The Treasurer, WoodfordLiberal Synagogue, Marlborough Road, SouthWoodford, London. E18 1AR.I request ________ ticket(s) to the High Holy Dayservices. In payment, please find enclosed acheque to the sum of £ __________ made payableto ʻWoodford Liberal Synagogueʼ.Please send tickets to:Name:


Post code:

Name(s) of person(s) who will use the ticket(s):

Yom Kippur Memorial Service Please submit any names you wish to have read

at the Memorial Service. Any names contained

in the list last year will automatically be

included in the service and do not need to be




The list of names will be available for you to

check on Rosh Hashanah, but it will not be

possible to add names on Yom Kippur.

Please post replies to Woodford LiberalSynagogue, Marlborough Road, London, E18 1ARor e-mail [email protected].


Name(s) to be read:

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At one of our workshops on Saturday afternoona small group of us met together on theverandah of one of the lodges at Danbury.Wewere going to tak about prayer and then try ourhand at creating some new prayers.We began by talking about what prayer meansto us – and we came up with a whole variety ofanswers; it brings us together as a community, itallows us time for individual reflection, we find itcalming, we find it meditative. As you wouldexpect, there were as many answers as peoplein our group! Then we talked about the development of ourliturgy and the difference between prayers

traditionally said individually (the Shema) andthen communally (The Amidah). Lastly wepicked up our pencils and paper and began towrite some prayers ourselves.The prayers we were writing were to start thenext day, and make up a mini-service for us, sowe were writing prayers to be said in themorning. We wrote collectively – each of uscontributing a line in turn, which was aninteresting and fun way to write.Here are our prayers; (with many thanks to ourlovely prayer writing group – Tina, Ben, Rachel,Candy and me!).

Alice Wilcock

The Danbury weekend…

Good morning world

Today is a day for newpossibilitiesThis week is a time tocatch up with an oldfriendTo laugh at ourselvesand the world around usTo look to new horizonsand build new dreamsAll before breakfast


Thank you for this

beautiful day

Let us appreciate that itis beautifulLet us appreciate thatwe are together as acommunityLet us appreciate thethings in life we rarelytake the time to thinkaboutLet us appreciatemoments of joyAnd let us do thistogether with you.



At midnight when theearth turns and nothingis as still as it should beAt midnight when wesearchfor pinpricks among theclouds and hope thatthere'ssomething there –At midnight, rememberthatnothing can be part ofeverything too


The morning has risen and a new day has


May we never take it for grantedBut realise that each drop of rain, each edgeof cloudThe amazing creatures and nature around usAre equally important and must be equallycherishedLet us embrace the day and the world that isall around


May we always look on the optimistic side

of life

Enjoying the moment where peace may befoundSpend time together listening and respondingAnd take moments to drink in the magic ofbeing aloneEven during times of struggle let us know thata brighter day will comeAnd give thanks there are people to support us though it.


Amazing and

wonderful, awesome


Kind omnipresent andalways hereAmazing, wonderfuland awesomehumanityDifferent, inspiring andalways aroundAmazing andwonderful, awesomecommunityGod, you are amazing,awesome andwonderful


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One of the many varied activities that we enjoyed at our joint Bet Tikvah/Woodford Liberal Synagogueweekend had a special purpose. Our quilt making activity was the idea of Alice Wilcock: to share ourideas and ʻtalentʼ to create a Jewish themed wall hanging that might someday hang in our sharedhome, if our two communities vote to join together. I use the word ʻtalentʼ with not a little humour, asthe task of putting the activity together fell to me. I have always admired quilting, but have notattempted it since my school days, a very long time ago. But actually, it was really good fun, and alovely creative experience. Sewing peaceably together provides the perfect atmosphere for getting toknow each other, chatting and sharing stories and ideas.

Our Community Quilt

I was really impressed with some of the ideas that people came up with. It may not end up being themost professionally executed piece but each square will definitely have its own character and story. Itis going to be quite a while before we can finish the quilt – weʼve just made a start. We need help fromanyone and everyone who would like to contribute. There is lots of material left, already cut intosquares, and there are books to browse for inspiration. Please contact me if you would like to havesome squares to have a go with. And I am happy to chat about possible ideas that we came up withtoo. Either leave a message at Bet Tikvah or WLS with your name phone number, or email me at:[email protected] Alternatively, come along to the ʻnitter natterʼ group at WLS held on Sundayafternoons – check with the WLS office or the Bimah for dates. We will leave squares of fabric thereas well as pictures and all the other things you need to get you started. Thank you!

Tracey Grant

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What happened at Danbury!

At the Community Weekendin Danbury, we had lots offun and adventure. We werewelcomed with warm pizzaand pasta. Everyone triednew things and masterednew skills.

On Saturday morning most of us were up andready for breakfast at 8:00 am. The food wasdelicious and there was something hot or cold foreveryone to enjoy.

After breakfast all the young people of thesynagogue headed into the woods for a physicalobstacle course challenge, which includedteamwork and communication skills. We had lots of fun and by the end our friendships haddeveloped.

We had a lovely sunny Shabbat service outsidewhere members from Bet Tikvah and WoodfordLiberal joined together to make a happy andmemorable moment for all, followed by jacketpotato and salad for lunch.

Some of the other activities we did were:• Designing challah boards • Children and adults archery• Aerial trekking• Mountain biking• Patchwork quilt making• Going for walks and playing lots of footballOne of the highlights was building my friendshipswith others and sharing a dorm with Josephineand Samuel. I loved trying new things and I thinkwe all overcame at least one of our fears.We were blessed with a rainbow towards the endof the weekend. Our treasure left at the end ofthe rainbow was returning home – Home SweetHome – after a lovely weekend!

Yasmina Hurst

(I will be celebrating my Batmitzvah at Woodford LiberalSynagogue on 29 October 2016)

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Pride comes before a Fall!

Itʼs a well-known fact that some elderly persons,such as yours truly, are prone to experienceoccasional falls, normally ending in a rapidrecovery. Sometimes, however, a fall occurs forother reasons.Following a recent incident I believed to havefinally reached the zenith of my success. Itseemed as though my lifeʼs ambitions had beenfulfilled and that I was about to hold the worldrecord as the first ever person to be run over bya twin perambulator. I got off lightly with just afew bruises to chest, left shoulder and elbow,swelling of the ankle of my right foot, and acouple of superficial grazes. Merely one of myhearing aids was broken, but at least theother one still functioned. The slightdamage to my shopping trolley could berepaired. So it had looked worthwhileand promising.Initially I considered whether I shouldapproach the Guinness Book ofRecords, but was put off by apessimistic and possibly enviousindividual, saying there wouldprobably not be a categoryfor my uncommonattainment. In all honesty,the feat had certainly notdemanded too much heroism oreffort on my own part. It was achievedonly thanks to the active contribution ofan unknown woman, who had not beenlooking where she was ʻdrivingʼ the baby vehicle,which was heavily laden with shopping. How was

I to know, lawfully walking in the middle of theroad – a pedestrian area – that someone wouldcut across at high speed from the pavement onthe right to that on the left without regard to otherwalkers?Two policemen, who happened to be passing,carefully lifted the heavy pram and my own trolleyfrom my abdomen. After I had been gentlydragged from the ground, a brief three-wayconversation followed between police, womanand myself, which went something like: firstpoliceman: ʻare you OK, dearʼ?, secondpoliceman: ʻI think sheʼs probably not too badlyhurt, mateʼ. Me: ʻplease help me to stay on mylegs!ʼ Woman: ʻI really need to dash off nowʼ.Then in a flash equal to the speed she hadachieved initially, the lady and perambulator,complete with provisions had gone, never to beseen again. I believe she may have been too

modest to stay and share in my possiblefame.

Iʼm not vindictive by nature. So if bychance the lady should ever get to read

this, I hope that none of the eggs shemay have had on board were

smashed by the impact, but thatthose that were, could still be madeinto tasty omelettes!

Assisted by a complete stranger who saw melimping, I somehow managed the short walk tothe station and was helped on to a train. I feltcheated and disappointed that my little ordealwould remain unrecognised.

Alice Alexander


Jewish care in Redbridge is desperately short of drivers for Meals on Wheels. As we are sureyou are aware this is a vital service that we offerto the community, and the demand for meals isconstantly growing.Unfortunately at the moment, because of theshortage of drivers, we are having great difficulties in reaching all the people who need this service.We would very much appreciate if you wouldconsider about becoming a driver for Meals on

Wheels.Many thanks –Gill and Ruth (volunteer recruiters Sinclair House)


Can you spare two hours of your time

every month?

We are looking for volunteers to deliverwarm Kosher lunches to elderly members of our community. This service operatesMonday to Thursday.

If you have a car, can spare some time and would like to help maintain this crucialservice please contact Betsy Mandell

at Redbridge Jewish CommunityCentre on 020 8418 2113 oremail [email protected]

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It has been someyear for democracyhasnʼt it? And foronce, Iʼm not talkingabout the trivialresults coming fromthe Big Brotherhousehold, the XFactor, or theEurovision Song

Contest. Even if you invested energy andemotion in any of these shows, by the end of2016, none of them will have had as muchimportance for our members as the two othersignificant opportunities you have had to vote.The first of these, the EU Referendum, has, ofcourse, already happened, the result of whichstill dominates our media, bars and mealtimeconversations, many weeks after the UK votedto leave the European Union. Whichever wayyou voted and whatever you think about theresult, I am sure that all WLS members will feel– albeit for different reasons – that the imminentʻmerger voteʼ is just as important for ourcommunity.

On the morning of Sunday, 25 September,

the members of WLS will decide whether we

wish to:

• continue as an independent synagogue; or

• dissolve WLS and form a new community

with the members of Bet Tikvah.

In one sense, on 25 September, like the EUReferendum, we are being asked to considervoting either in favour of the status quo, or tovote for ʻchangeʼ. But that is where I believe thesimilarity ends. Whereas, for most of us, therewas very much a feeling of either ʻwinningʼ orʻlosingʼ the EU Referendum, I genuinely believethat whichever way our members vote on 25September, there will be a positive outcome: • if the status quo prevails, then the members of

WLS will have concluded “we have somethingvery special at WLS and we donʼt want to loseit”; or

• if the decision is to form a new community withBet Tikvah and the members of Bet Tikvahvote likewise, both communities will havedecided to make the most of the opportunity tosecure a long-term future for Liberal Judaismin East London.

It is not an easy decision for any of us to make,including those of us who have been chargedwith the responsibility of examining the feasibilityof such a significant change. In fact, there isvery little I, personally, would wish to changeabout Woodford: we are led, spiritually, by a veryspecial rabbi who makes us the envy of manyother communities, we enjoy being togethersocially and in prayer, and we find great comfortand pleasure in the support and friendship weenjoy in the company of our fellow Woodfordmembers and their families. So why are we,apparently, being asked to ʻriskʼ all that WLS hasachieved for over 50 years? Seems like a fairquestion, doesnʼt it? Or perhaps itʼs the ʻwrongʼquestion? Maybe the ʻrightʼ question is “if wevote for the ʻchangeʼ option, will we lose any ofthe things we really care about?” Would welose the rabbi? The people? The communitysupport? Our values? If the outcome of the voteis to form a new community with Bet Tikvah, thesimple answer is that “little will change” – atleast, not in the short term. Much thought hasbeen invested into how the two communitieswould integrate (if that is how the vote goes) andthe clear message which came on 28 Februaryfrom both synagoguesʼ membersʼ consultationmeetings was that any change should be slowand ʻorganicʼ: i.e. the best way to integratesuccessfully should be through ʻevolutionʼ, rather than ʻrevolutionʼ. But what would the new community be called ifthe vote is to join with Bet Tikvah? I donʼt know!It would be for members to suggest possiblenames after 25 September from which a shortlistwould be arrived at for members to vote on priorto 1 January 2017. We had a little fun at theCommunity Weekend in June coming up withsome preliminary ideas – possibly having anEnglish name with a Hebrew byline?Suggestions included “East London LiberalSynagogue”, “Redbridge Liberal Synagogue”,“Chai” (“Life”), Beit Woodford (“House ofWoodford”), and Hatideinu (“Our Future”). Therewill, no doubt be many more suggestions if andwhen the time comes.It is now the time to put my ʻcards on the tableʼ.When I write to you shortly with full details ofhow to vote (which will include the opportunity tovote by way of a postal vote as well as inperson), I will be recommending that themembers of WLS vote in favour of forming a

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The big decision …

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new community with Bet Tikvah. After muchthought, here are just a few of the reasons why I have reached this view: Most of the time, ʻchangeʼ comes with ʻriskʼ. Butso, in our case, does the ʻstatus quo optionʼ.Whilst WLS has enjoyed a tremendous influx inrecent years of new, young members, there is asignificant risk that in 5-10 years we could bewhere Bet Tikvah is now: a close but ageingcommunity, managing decline. Joining up withBet Tikvah builds stronger foundations for all ofus, not just financially, but also in terms of thestrength and breadth of the membership. Itshould, ultimately, provide economies of scaleand our greater size should also attract moremembers. Moreover, I do not believe that wewould have to compromise any of our corevalues, not least because the Woodford ʻvoiceʼ inthe new community would be loud and strong.Over the last year, I have attended a number ofʻregularʼ joint Shabbat services at MarlboroughRoad and Perrymans Farm Road. What wasimmediately obvious is that it is so much more ofa spiritual experience and so much more of a

pleasure to hear 30-40+ voices compared toaround half that number. This is a simpledemonstration of the ʻwholeʼ being greater thanthe sum of its parts.Yes, there will be challenges, not least on the

building front, but there is a Building Committeeready, able and willing to start work. I do notbelieve that such challenges are reasons tosettle for what is perceived, perhaps mistakenly,as the ʻsaferʼ optionʼ. If the EU Referendum hastaught us anything, it is that when embarking onimportant, complex decisions, some of thesolutions to key issues can only become clearerafter the main decision has been taken. Inreaching my recommendation to form a newcommunity, my overriding thought is that, asLiberal Jews, we, as a movement, have neverbeen afraid to challenge the status quo. Wehave a history of evolving what we cherish tomake it even better and more relevant, not justfor ourselves, but also for our future members.Letʼs make this year a memorable year. LʼShana Tova –


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Bertha Betty Benscher – don’t tell her I told you that was h

Born 23rd June 1926 in the front room of a pubon Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green toparents Eva and Harry Levy. She was the middlechild of 3, Sidney being her elder brother and Alfher younger. However, one day at the Maccabi Club inBrighton her whole world changed. Dressed up inher coat, gloves, scarf, hat and wellington bootsbecause the heating had broken, she was spiedfrom the wings dancing to Swan Lake by herfuture husband, Peter. Together they started a beautiful life. Harryinsisting that they come up to London and helpedhim run the pub was how they started weddedlife as publicans and what wonderful stories weheard as kids of the wheeling and dealing thatwent on there during the war! One in particularbeing how one of the dock workers walked intothe pub, dropped his trousers for all to see andthere, wrapped around his waist, was a wholesalmon. Such a luxury! Both my parents workedextremely hard and that didnʼt stop when us twoboys came along. We have many memories ofhaving to work before and after school, one of ushad to go to the butchers while the other went toAunt Adelaideʼs to make her lunch. After the passing of Harry, mum and dad openedthe first City Hardware in Goswell Road. Come1976 we moved premises to where we still standtoday, still on Goswell Road. I remember mumspending her birthday scrubbing the floors of thenew shop before we opened, nothing would stopher. Hardware was something she quickly learnt,much to the amazement of many customers whowould have to double check the plug she justchanged on their behalf, amazed a woman coulda) do it and b) so quickly! Family was always a priority for mum, even tothe extent that when my cousin Ruth was born,she brought her up as her own for many yearswhen her own mother died. She loved beingsurrounded by her boys and for 11 years caredfor Grandma Benscher who moved in with uswhen I was 17 – and she gave me her car! Theywere so close, like best friends. As the family grew with the arrival of hergrandchildren, Marc, Janine and Alex, she veryquickly became the Matriarch of the family. Sheled and guided us all no matter what. Her bakingwas second to none and you would be sure thatevery Pesach there was a race between Janine

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her real name because, boy, would I get a clip round the ear!

and Marc as to who got to the Charoset first. Shealways put on an amazing spread on High Holydays even when her lack of sight started gettingin the way, just this year still baking the gremslichwith the help of Janine.The way she never let her lack of sight get in theway was truly remarkable. For anyone that spentany length of time with her always came awayastounded by how much participation she took in every part of life, right up until her dying day.She still worked, she still cooked, she did all theironing, and she still went in the kitchen andcould tell when my Dad hadnʼt cleaned away allthe matzo crumbs from the work surface so shehad to. Her determination to live life was best seenthrough her love for Judaism, Woodford LiberalSynagogue being her second home. Her love forthe people, her faith and being part of somethingvery special gave her the spirit we all love dearly.It was thanks to her younger brother Alf that Mumand Dad got involved with the Shul, Alf being thetreasurer soon after it was founded. This is alsowhere her love for singing grew, being a founderand established member of the Shul choir for 30years which we are pleased my brother will carryon in the Benscher name. Although mum has now left us and we would allagree too soon, it was certainly on a high. Just inthe last month we have celebrated my daughterʼsmarriage to Matt. Dad and Mum went to awonderful black tie dinner at the House of Lordswhere Simon gave an address, and was proud tobe able to have his parents by his side. Her 90thbirthday celebrated with the family included ameal where her great-granddaughter, Molly,played with spoons on her lap, standing roomonly at a Kiddush at Shul, and afternoon teawhere she came away crying with laughter –saying that this was now her new favourite thingto do. Finally, the Liberal Judaism Biennial inSolihull where just last weekend my parentsreceived the Chairʼs Award for all the hard workthey have put into Liberal Judaism. It is safe to say that my mum lived her life to thefullest and that is something that will live on ineach and every one of us. A kind, remarkableand inspiring woman who will be missed eachand every day, but who we can look back on withwonderful memories and true smile in our hearts.

Paul Benscher

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Be a Betty, Not a Jonah!

Writing for the RoshHashanah edition ofBimah, even though the High Holy Days and Chagim donʼtstart until the eveningof 2nd October, mythoughts are alreadyfocussed on theHaftarah of the

Afternoon Service on Yom Kippur. This isbecause the Study Buddies enjoyed a series ofsessions earlier this year exploring the fourchapters of the Book of Jonah in great detail. Allof those who came found themselves seeing thestory in a very new light. Right at the beginning,Jonah is a prophet who runs in the exactopposite direction to the one God instructs him totake. Instead of going up, Jonah goes down, andkeeps descending until he cannot get any lower –in the belly of a great fish from which he prays.Given a second chance, Jonah speaks fivewords, and yet the whole of the great city ofNineveh takes heed of his warning and suddenlyunites in repentance for their wrongdoings andtheir desire to be and do better.

In response, God forgives them, and Jonah has astrop! So, in the final chapter, God again has toteach Jonah a lesson, this time with the help of aplant – the famous gourd that grows in a day anddies in a day – instead of a fish. Jonah complainsat the start of chapter four using thirty-ninewords; the book ends with Godʼs final speech,which also has exactly thirty-nine words! Itʼs abeautifully crafted story, making a set ofwonderful points and reminding us thatsomething doesnʼt have to be true to revealtruths.

Betty Benscher laughed a lot as we discoverednew and different meanings in this biblical story.She asked how anyone in the group would beable to keep a straight face as we listened thisYom Kippur, given what theyʼd all shared andlearned. Little did she and we know that onereason why we will keep that straight face isbecause she will not be with us to hear the storybeing read.

As the rabbi of this synagogue, one of the greatprivileges is to be involved with member familiesat key times in their lives. As a consequence, Ihad the great joy of preparing a service invokingGodʼs blessing upon the marriage of Nina

Benscher and Matt Beer at the end of May. ForBetty and Peter, it was a delightful and happycelebration, followed in June by a kiddush forBettyʼs ninetieth birthday, and then, all toosuddenly, her funeral in early July.

The number of people who came to pay tribute toBetty at the Kiddush and then at the funeral andshiva services was, I know, a source of comfortto Peter and all the family. Why so many people?The answer is that Betty, together with Peter, was always integral to community life. Bettyʼscommitment to all aspects of community life was genuine, integral to her being, andcomprehensive – social, cultural, educational and religious activities alike.

When the rabbis of the second century pondereda good life, they created the formulation “Theseare actions which bring benefit here and now, but whose full value can be measured only in the light of eternity”. The list of actions reads:“honouring oneʼs father and mother; acts of loveand kindness; diligent pursuit of knowledge andwisdom; hospitality to strangers; visiting the sick;enabling bride and groom to rejoice; consolingthe bereaved; praying with sincerity; and makingpeace where there is strife. And the study ofTorah leads to them all.”

I would say that Betty scored highly on each ofthese ten counts. If, as we always traditionallysay, we are to make the memory of someonewho has died into a blessing – zichronahlivrachah – I would strongly encourage all of youto consider engaging in your community withsomething of the diligence that Betty showed.This is the best, indeed possibly the only trueantidote to the fear and hate mongering that ismost visible in Donald Trumpʼs candidacy in theUSA and has also been seen in the post-referendum increase in hate crimes in thiscountry.

Our role cannot be to stand on the sidelines andwatch what happens to our community – country,region, borough, synagogue – becausebystanders allow evil to flourish. All of us need tobe active in building community and communities– if we donʼt, we share the blame for whathappens. Please, be part of the Liberal,moderate vocal majority, which showsfundamentalists (who come from all faiths andnone) that they are wrong.

Later this month, members of this community will

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be asked to decide if our future is better servedby forming a new, larger community in tandemwith our fellow Liberal community at Bet Tikvah.A number of people have already worked veryhard to explore the benefits and difficultiesinvolved. Their conclusion, and mine, is that thewisest course of action is to move forward into anew community. If the vote is sufficiently infavour, then a new opportunity is created to builda beacon community, one that lives out, in thetwenty-first century the timeless truth of therabbinic teaching from nearly nineteen hundredyears ago. I truly believe our ancestors, whobravely founded this community fifty-six years

ago, would see such a move as honouring thespirit of their endeavours. Letʼs do ourselves,and them, proud. Letʼs not be like Jonah, andrun away from the task that is set for us. Letʼsbe more like Betty – vocal and active in creatingthe future that we wish to inhabit. In this way, if we all do our bit, we will make the year 5777 a significantly good year for us and thosearound us.

My family joins me in wishing each and everyone of you a ʻShanah tovah uʼmetukahʼ – agood and sweet year!

Rabbi Richard Jacobi


In 2012 Rabbi Richard led members ofthe Synagogue on a fun and fascinatingJewish-themed trip to Prague.

A number of members, including me,have expressed interest in a similarCitybreak to Budapest / Berlin / ??? andour rabbi is willing to lead such a trip. Ifyou would be interested in such a visitsome time next year (2017) please wouldyou send me a message to let me knowhow many people and which city youwould potentially like to visit. There isnothing definite arranged at this stage,and we'd like as many of the interestedpeople as possible to meet on Sunday18th September, 7:30–9:00pm to beintroduced to the possible venues andhelp choose where we will go.

Please let me know of your interest, andwhether you would be willing to help witharrangements.

Ruth Harris([email protected])







Woodford Green

Please contact

Sue Powell

07734 693432

A date for your diary

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Save a Life – my story

I'm hoping this article willhelp you save a life.After having a 'strange'feeling from my stomach upto my throat, I visited my GPwho informed me that myheart was fine and that I had'heartburn', i.e. acid reflux.

I continued in the following weeks to see twomore GPs who all confirmed my heart was fine,and that I was suffering from 'heartburn'.Still with no chest and back pains I was takingmy son James to Gants Hill tube on the Saturdayat 6.45am, for him to take an exam. James toldme to go to A&E at King Georges. When Irefused he threatened me that he would take me himself to A&E and miss his exam unless I promised to go to A&E. He was serious so I promised James. I drove to A&E and withinfive minutes I was in bed and the doctor taking a blood test. He immediately told me I washaving a heart attack. The registrar phoned

Barts Hospital, and I was given an x-ray, scanand MRI. When the results came back Barts toldKing Georges to put me in an ambulance forBarts. With sirens blaring I was in Barts in about25 minutes. Andrew Deaner operated on me nextmorning and saved my life.I am now recovering slowly and being cared forby my twins Sarah and James. I am attendingrehabilitation classes and look forward torecovery. I was told that if James had not forcedme to go to A&E I would not be here now.I never realised that listening to the heart wasnot the answer, but a blood test would indicate aheart problem in three minutes.My advice is, if anyone is suffering from a pain inthe chest or back, or a feeling of indigestionwhich they had never suffered from previously,tell them to go immediately to A&E for a bloodtest where the enzymes tell the story.


Michael Mather

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October 2016 / Tishrei 5777

In 5776, the Board of Deputiesʼ profile hasbeen raised to a new high. We are settingand leading the national agenda on thematters which count for Jews in this country.

When allegations of antisemitism emerged inLabour we confronted the problem head-on,raising concerns robustly in a face-to-facemeeting with party leaderJeremy Corbyn. Wewere quoted throughoutthe national media onour response to KenLivingstoneʼs outrageousantisemitic remarksabout Hitler and Zionismand when I gaveevidence to the HomeAffairs Select Committeeon antisemitism. Wemade a detailedsubmission to theChakrabarti Inquiry intoantisemitism in theLabour Party andresponded to what wesaw as the shortcomingsin Ms Chakrabartiʼsreport.

This has been the mosttumultuous year in Britishpolitical life in living memory, with a decisionby referendum to leave the European Unionand a new government. Throughout it all theBoard of Deputies has been heard as theclear and calm voice of British Jews,addressing the issues with clarity andfirmness of purpose. The Board has had along and warm relationship with PrimeMinister Theresa May. After the Paris attacks,she addressed the Board of Deputies andheld up the sign “Je Suis Juif”. I met with heras Home Secretary – raising issues ranging

from antisemitic demonstrations to the Syrianrefugee crisis – and she lit the Chanukiah atthe Boardʼs most recent ParliamentaryReception.

Early in my tenure as President, I waspleased to have a number of meetings withIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.On each occasion I assured him of the Board

of Deputiesʼ and thecommunityʼs steadfastsupport. Whether it isspeaking atdemonstrations, makingthe case in the media,challenging BDS orsupporting grassrootsadvocacy organisationsand Christian alliesaround the countrythrough the excellent workof Steven Jaffe, we havekept that promise and willcontinue to find new waysto do so.

We continue to bestaunch defenders ofJewish schools andJewish education in boththe mainstream andCharedi sectors. Whenthe Hebrew GCSE and A-Level came under threat

again this year, we successfully campaignedto protect it. And we have continued toeducate others about Judaism, challengingprejudice and ignorance through our sector-leading new textbook on Judaism for non-Jewish schools, written by leadingeducationalist Clive Lawton. Meanwhile, wehave redoubled efforts at interfaith relationswith Christians, Muslims, Hindus and others,including through the Government-fundedMuslim-Jewish Womenʼs Network Nisa-

Message from the President of the Board of Deputies ofBritish Jews

We have redoubledefforts at interfaith

relations with Christians,Muslims, Hindus andothers, including throughthe Government-fundedMuslim-Jewish Women’sNetwork Nisa-Nashim andan interfaith projectwhere girls from Jewish,Muslim and Catholicschools came together atTwitter’s UK HQ to studycomputer coding

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Nashim and an interfaith project where girlsfrom Jewish, Muslim and Catholic schoolscame together at Twitterʼs UK HQ to studycomputer coding.

We have continued to interact through alllevels of government, from desk officer tosecretaries of state. This year, we producedthe first-ever Jewish manifestos for theScottish, Welsh and Northern Irish elections,and are planning seminars for localcouncillors across the country. OurEmployerʼs Guide to Judaism, launched bythen Secretary of State for Work andPensions Iain Duncan Smith, is availableonline and provides clear and comprehensiveinformation, and we continue to supportindividual Jewish employees and students toget time off for religious festivals.

We have provided vital services for thecommunity without asking for any moremoney for 10 years. As our costs have risenover this time, this year the CommunityContribution will be slightly increased from£25 to £30 per annum. By working efficientlyand keeping costs to a minimum we arehappy that we have been able to keep theCommunity Contribution down to a veryaffordable figure. I hope you will agree thatwe are providing excellent value in return fora very modest sum.

In 5777, we will continue to represent yourinterests as only a democratically electedbody can. May this New Year bring you, yourfamilies and all of Am Yisrael health, strengthand peace.

Jonathan ArkushPresident

The Bimah Team have worked hard to bringyou this colourful and informative High HolyDays issue of the Bimah. There are variedarticles – from the fantastic communityweekend to how to be aware of heart attacksymptoms, and all subjects in between!

The Team would really like some feedbackfrom our reading populous. (You are reading itfolks, aren't you?)

We can only produce a good magazine if thecommunity provide us with the articles. Soonce again, please think about putting pen topaper and sending us your thoughts,experiences and opinions. If you have anyideas about anything particular you would likeincluded in the bumper issues, maybe thereintroduction of Ask the Rabbi or Questionsto the Council.

By the time the next issue will be due, themerger vote will have taken place. If themerger does takes place, it will mean thejoining of two magazines. Bimah has always

been a great magazine, receiving a lot of goodcomments from other congregations. We wantit to remain so.

So please think about emailing one of us withany comments – [email protected],[email protected], [email protected].

The Team wish you all a Happy and HealthyNew Year – Shanah Tova –

Jenny Sclaire, Editor

So how did we do?

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Our sincere condolences to…

Get Well wishes to…

Heather Payne following thedeath of her mother, Diana,on 13th May

Peter, Paul, Simon and allthe Benscher family followingthe death of Betty on 6th July

Any of our members or their family who

are unwell at this time. Refuah shʼlemah

The next Friendship Club will be on


Please book your place by phoningMichelle on 07774 137 736

WLS Friendship Club Welcome New Members:

Janet Tarasofsky & Robert Lubin

Nicole Levy & Daniel Shrier

Adam Crego & Clare Molloy

Nicky Verra (Friend)

Sharona Sassoon and Darren Hart on thebirth of D'vanté Prince on Thursday 28th July,a brother for Renée and ChloeZara & Ben Fryer

on the birth of Talia Miriam

(pictured right), a sister for Shifra

Nina & Matt Beer, who were married on 29th MaySophie & Simon Sanderson, whose weddingwas on 26th JuneAmy & Ben Norris, who were married on 7th AugustLoren & Dan Desmond, whose wedding wason 28th AugustMia & Nicky Weinrabe, who celebrated adouble Bat Mitzvah on 4th JuneEzra Nathanson-Parry, who celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on 18th JuneMichelle Levy and Caroline Charles, whocelebrated special birthdays with thecongregation on 27th AugustJune Bradbury, who will celebrate her special birthday with the congregation on 3rd September

Katie Joy Rothstein

Miles Rothstein

James Peterson

Freddie Osborn

Bryony Cole

Amber Osborn

Josh Hurst

Joshua Twyman

Nathan Wilson

Sophie Gillespie

Leah Simmons

Yasmina Hurst

Betty Shute

Stone Setting for Doug Zaydner will takeplace on 13th November at 10:30am at theWestern Cemetery, Cheshunt

The next Knit & Natter meeting will be onSunday 9th October, 2.30-4.30pm at the Synagogue

All welcome!

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Life Presidents Betty Benscher l’’z

Peter BenscherLife Vice Presidents Simon Benscher

Anne PetersonIvor KirsteinJenni Kirstein

Vice Presidents Bob KamallDan JanoffHoward JosephValerie JosephJenny RabinRichard Stevens

www.facebook.com/ @wls_infoWoodfordLiberal

Rabbi Richard Jacobi 07802 810 [email protected]

Chair Jonny Hurst 020 8926 1237/07973 361 [email protected]

Vice Chair Bob Kamall 07939 526 [email protected] Wilcock 07901 867 [email protected]

Hon Secretary 020 8989 7619Hon Treasurer Tina Gold 07769 227 830

[email protected] Millenbach 020 8989 [email protected]

Council members Merle Muswell 07961 336 [email protected] Levy 07774 137 [email protected] Gold 07774 860 [email protected] Fryer 07951 601 [email protected] Hajioff 07976 007 [email protected] Glassman 07999 495 [email protected] Stevens 020 8989 [email protected] Rowson 07793 051 [email protected]

Bimah editors Jenny Sclaire/Sue Powell 020 8989 [email protected]

Bimah distribution David Powell 020 8989 7619Burial secretary Tracey Grant/Dan Janoff 07711 107 153

[email protected] enrolment Candy Parfitt& headteachers @

Rachel Kamall@

Choir 020 8989 7619LJ representative Bob Kamall/Richard Stevens 07939 526 050

[email protected] 020 8989 7619Marriage secretary Philippa Newham

@Dan Rowlson 07793 051 [email protected] & Hilton Ellis 07752 234 [email protected]

Membership & Merle Muswell 07961 336 543PR officer [email protected] & practices Hilton Ellis 07752 234 516

[email protected] David Gold 07774 860 799

[email protected]

Ahada Bereavement Counselling 07758 727 328

BACUP 020 7840 7840 / 0808 808 0000

(Information for cancer patients and their families)

Breast Cancer Care 0808 808 6000

(Practical advice and information)

CHAI Cancer Care 020 8202 2211

Childline 0800 1111

(For children in trouble or danger)

Cruse Bereavement 0844 477 9400

(Epping Forest branch 01992 651 563)

Eating Disorders Association 01603 621414

JAMI 020 8458 2223

(Jewish Association for the Mentally Ill)

Jewish Care 020 8922 2000

Jewish Counselling Service 020 8203 6311

Jewish Crisis Helpline – Miyad 0800 652 9248

Jewish Womenʼs Aid helpline 0808 801 0500

London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard 020 7837 7324

Meningitis Now 0808 80 10 388

Miscarriage Association 01924 200799

Missing Persons Bureau 080 700 700

(24 hours a day)

National AIDS Helpline 0800 567 123

National Domestic Abuse helpline 0808 200 0247

(24 hours a day)

Norwood Ravenswood 020 8809 8620

Raphael 0800 234 6236

(Jewish Counselling Service)

Redbridge Victim Support 020 8551 5500

Redbridge Community Care Advice 020 8503 8898

Samaritans 020 8478 7273

(24-hour Emergency Number 0345 90 90 90)

Smokers Quitline 020 7487 3000

Solace Womenʼs Aid Advice Line 0808 802 5565

(Domestic and sexual violence support)

Support Group for Parents of Jewish

Lesbians & Gays 020 8958 4827

Women for Women 0800 59 12 03

(Free confidential advice and support)


Marlborough Road, South Woodford, London E18 1ARt 020 8989 7619 e [email protected]

Office hours Tuesdays 9am–noon, 1–4pmFridays 9am – noon

Administrator Donna Faber


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