Woodford Folk Festival Visitor Survey 2017/2018

Woodford Folk Festival Visitor Survey 2017/2018 …...Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018 Commercial in Confidence Page: i E XECUTIVE S UMMARY The visitor survey was conducted over 6 days

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Woodford Folk Festival Visitor Survey 2017/2018

David Gration
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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Report compiled by Dr Marlene A. Pratt

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Published by Woodfordia Inc, Woodford Qld 4514.

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

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The visitor survey was conducted over 6 days at the 2017/2018 Woodford Folk Festival and usable responses were received from 2,682 visitors. Combined Season and Season with camping tickets represent 44.6% of the sample and 24.9% were Day/Evening or Day/Evening with camping ticket holders.

Total ticket sales for 2017/18 are 31,733 which is a decrease of 10,580 tickets (25%) from 2016/17. There was a decrease in all areas except Adult Season volunteers and Youth Season Performer/Organiser. The largest decrease was in Adult Day/evening with camping (37.1%) from the previous year.

The research results for the Festival will be presented in the following sections: sample profile, visitation details, visitor satisfaction, impact on region, visitor nights and visitor spend, and finally Festival descriptors. Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software v25.

Sample Profile

§ There is still a large visitor base 29 years of age and under (29.5%), which has decreased by 1.4% from 2016. while there has been an increase in 30-39 and 40-49 age groups (1.5% and 1.4% respectively).

§ The gender composition of attendees this year has shown a slight decrease in males to 38.8%. These percentages appear to be a fairly consistent breakdown with previous years. Note the additional option for respondents to select a ‘nonspecified’ gender this year (1.2% of respondents).

§ Consistent with previous years, the Festival continues to attract a well-educated demographic with 64.8% of survey respondents have completed or are currently enrolled in some form of post-secondary education.

§ The largest occupation group of surveyed respondents are Associate professionals (33.9%), followed by Professionals (11.9%), and Advanced clerical and service workers (10.5%).

§ This year visitors from lower income brackets declined where there was a decrease in the <$20,000 and $20,000-$39,999 income bracket from 2016. In addition there was an increase in the top two income brackets, with 35.6% of visitors with an income greater than $100,000.

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Festival visitation details

§ The origin of visitors over the last 3 years has always had the largest group coming from South East Queensland; which has seen a slight decrease this year to 48.9% of visitors.

§ Amongst Season ticket holders, this year there was a decrease in visitors from interstate of 2.5%, however, there was an increase of Brisbane visitors by 2.9% from the previous year.

§ This year’s Day/Evening ticket holders had a different trend to that of season ticket holders, with an increase in interstate visitors (3.1%), a decrease in overseas visitors (2.1%) and Brisbane visitors (3.0%) from 2016.

§ Across all ticket types the average number of days attendance for those in the survey sample was 6.4 (SD = 4.1). The average number of days for a season ticket holder is 6.1 days, the same as the previous year, while season with camping increased from 6.6 days in 2016 to 7.5 days in 2017. Day and Evening and Day and Evening with camping both remained consistent with the previous year.

§ The Festival consistently enjoys a high repeat visitation rate of 69.2%, which is comparable to previous years. The average visitation to the Festival is 6.7 (SD=6.0) for these visitors who have attended the Festival previously. Of those visitors who have been to the Festival previously, 73.6% they were likely or very likely to come back the following year. Of those visitors who have been to the Festival previously, 87.6% they were likely or very likely to recommend the Festival to friends and family. In addition, there has been an increase in first time visitors by 1.8%.

§ As in previous years, word of mouth via friends and relatives continues to be the main source of information for Festival visitors (31.2%), with the Woodford Folk Festival website remains an important source of information used by at 19.2% or respondents.

§ Private transport remains the most common means of getting to the Festival (85.3%), with the average number of people per private vehicle was 2.5.

§ The main source of accommodation is the Festival campsite (69.9%). Tent City is showing an increase of 2.1% to 13.4% with 9.3% living locally.

§ The majority of visitors (88.6%) cited the Festival as their main reason for visiting the area.

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Visitor Satisfaction

§ Overall, visitors express a high level of satisfaction with most aspects of the Festival. The most satisfied element of the Festival was the ‘Festival atmosphere’ (M=6.7), followed by ‘helpfulness of staff’, ‘overall satisfaction with the Festival’, ‘Cleanliness of Festival site’, and ‘quality of music’ (all M=6.6). This was followed by ‘range of music’ (M=6.5). All of the items measured this year had an increase in satisfaction from the previous year. The largest improvement in satisfaction was ‘‘value for money for beverages’ from M=4.7 in 2016 to M=5.3 (however, it is still has the lowest satisfaction rating).

§ Some areas Season ticket holders were more satisfied with include: On-line ticketing system, Information provided over the internet, Opportunities to participate, eg workshops, Condition of the camping areas, Forums and speakers, and Street entertainment.

§ Day and Evening ticket holders were more satisfied with: Range of stalls/goods for purchase, Parking at the Festival site, Value for money of beverages, and Value for money of food.

§ Females rated all items more positively than males. The largest difference is value for money of beverages and value for money of food.

§ The 18-29 year olds, were significantly less satisfied than other age groups for: Value for money of food, Parking at the Festival site, The Festival’s overall value for money, and Ease of moving around the Festival site. However, they were more satisfied with Opportunities to participate, eg workshops Range of Festival Merchandise available, Quality of Festival Merchandise available, Range of Festival Shop offering, Range of General Store offering , Quality of General Store offering, Range of stalls/goods for purchase, and Street entertainment.

§ 60+ age group were more dissatisfied with Range of General Store offering and Quality of General Store offering.

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Additional issues

§ Just under half of respondents (48.3%) would you like to see an online Woodfordia marketplace available year round.

§ The majority of visitors would like to see film footage/talks from WFF 2017/18 online throughout the year (76%).

§ Just over half of the respondents (58%) felt the Festival positively or very positively changed their opinion of the region, whilst 42% of visitors felt there was no change to their opinion of their region.

§ Respondents’ attitudes toward the impact of the Festival on the Moreton Bay Region were also captured using a 5 point scale, where 1=strongly disagree through to 5=strongly agree. The item which was rated the highest was that the local residents should feel proud of Woodford Folk Festival (M=4.6). In addition ‘The Moreton Bay Region is a great location for Woodford Folk Festival’ was also rated highly (M=4.6).

Visitor nights and visitor expenditure

§ To ascertain both total visitor nights to the local area and Brisbane/Other Queensland destinations and the gross amount spent by Festival visitors in these areas, a series of calculations are performed.

§ The survey results have been weighted using actual ticket sales data provided by management in order to estimate the origins of ticket holders.

§ In order to estimate the number of visitor nights generated by the Festival, the average number of nights per person must be multiplied by the number of visitors. There has been an increase in average nights for the Brisbane and other Queensland regions by overseas visitors from an average of 6.0 in 2016 to 8.9 nights in 2017. In addition, there has been an increase by overseas visitor nights to Woodford/Sunshine Coast region from 2.2 nights to 4.2 nights.

§ 95.2% of respondents from Brisbane gave the Festival as their main reason for visiting the area. Interstate travellers are consistent with the previous year at 88.4% visitors. Overseas visitors visiting the region for the Festival decreased from 59.4% from the previous year to 46.7%.

§ The estimation for the total number of days/nights spent by visitors in the Woodford and Sunshine Coast region, who came from outside the region specifically for the Festival is 18,157. This is a decrease of 7,178 visitor days from 25,335 in 2016/17. In addition to this, the estimation for the total visitor days

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spent in Brisbane and other Queensland by visitors from outside the State is 15,620, a slight decrease of 322 days from 15,620 days in 2016/17.

§ The estimated expenditure at the Festival is $9,339,113. This is a decrease of $1,542,648 from 2016/2017. The total expenditure at the Festival including ticket sales is $15,197,247. Box office sales are $5,858,133.64, a decrease of $1,102,065 from the previous year.

§ Total estimated gross expenditure generated by the Festival for the Sunshine Coast is $2,841,476 and $4,318,445 for the Brisbane/Other Queensland region. The Sunshine Coast had a decrease of $267,819, and Brisbane/other Queensland experienced a slight decrease of $164,465 from 2016/17. This appears to be result of a decrease in visitors however were slightly off set by the increase in spending.

§ It is estimated that the Festival generated a gross expenditure of $22,357,169 (including ticket sales).

Festival experience

§ Respondents were provided an opportunity to describe their Festival experience in one word or phrase, with a total of 2,543 comments. The overwhelming majority of visitors had very positive comments…which included: Amazing, awesome, beautiful, chilled, connected, diverse, enjoyable, enlightening, excellent, fantastic, fun, great, happy, hot, inspiring, interesting, magic, rejuvenating, relaxing, unique and wonderful!

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1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 1

2. Survey Methodology ........................................................................... 1

2.1. Research Aims and Objectives .................................................................. 1

2.2. Survey Instrument Design ....................................................................... 2

2.3. Sampling Methodology ............................................................................ 2

2.4. Data collection process ............................................................................ 2

2.5. Limitations .............................................................................................. 2

3. Research Results and Analysis ............................................................ 3

3.1. Sample Profile ......................................................................................... 7

Age .................................................................................................................. 7

Gender ............................................................................................................. 8

Education level ................................................................................................. 9

Occupation ...................................................................................................... 10

Annual household income ................................................................................. 11

4. Origin of visitors to the Festival ........................................................ 12

4.1. Origin of all visitors ................................................................................ 12

4.2. Origin of Season ticket holders ................................................................ 14

4.3. Origin of Day/Evening ticket holders ........................................................ 15

5. Festival visitation details .................................................................. 16

5.1. Repeat visitation .................................................................................... 17

5.2. Information source ................................................................................. 19

5.3. Getting to the Festival ............................................................................ 20

5.4. Accommodation while at the Festival ....................................................... 20

5.5. Main reason for visiting the area ............................................................. 20

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6. Visitor Satisfaction ............................................................................ 21

7. Additional issues ............................................................................... 39

7.1. Woodfordia marketplace ......................................................................... 39

7.2. WFF film footage .................................................................................... 40

7.3. Region .................................................................................................. 41

8. Visitor nights and visitor expenditure ............................................... 43

8.1. Total Season and Day/Evening tickets ..................................................... 43

8.2. Conversion of tickets to visitors ............................................................... 44

8.3. Visitor nights by origin ............................................................................ 45

8.4. Main reason for coming to the region by origin ......................................... 46

8.5. Net visitor nights generated by the Festival .............................................. 47

8.6. Gross visitor expenditure ........................................................................ 48

9. Festival Experience ........................................................................... 50

Appendix A: 2017/2018 Visitor Survey ...................................................... 51

Appendix B: Visitor survey data for 2014-2017 comparisons .................... 55

Appendix C: Festival Experience Descriptors ............................................ 63

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Table 1: Survey Sample Ticket Type 2017 .............................................................. 3

Table 2: Summary of actual ticket sales ................................................................. 4

Table 3: Country of origin 2017 ............................................................................ 13

Table 4: Mean number of days’ attendance at the Festival by ticket type 2017 ........ 16

Table 5: Mean satisfaction scores 2016/17–2017/18 .............................................. 21

Table 6: Mean satisfaction scores for Season ticket holders and Day/Evening ticket holders ............................................................................................................... 35

Table 7: Mean satisfaction scores for significant differences between genders ......... 36

Table 8: Mean satisfaction scores for significant differences between age groups ..... 38

Table 9: Festival and impact on Moreton Bay Region ............................................. 42

Table 10: Origin of ticket holders weighted by actual sales ..................................... 43

Table 11: Conversion of tickets to visitors ............................................................. 44

Table 12: Visitor nights by origin .......................................................................... 45

Table 13: Main reason for coming to the region by origin ....................................... 46

Table 14: Net visitor days/nights generated by the Festival .................................... 47

Table 15: Estimated gross visitor expenditure 2017/2018 ....................................... 49

Table 16: Comparison of Festival ticket sales ......................................................... 55

Table 17: Age of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%) ......................................... 56

Table 18: Gender of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%) .................................... 56

Table 19: Education level of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%) ........................ 56

Table 20: Occupation of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%) .............................. 57

Table 21: Annual household income of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%) ......... 57

Table 22: Origin of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%) ...................................... 58

Table 23: Origin of Season ticket holders 2013-2017 (%) ....................................... 58

Table 24: Origin of Day/Evening ticket holders 2013-2017 (%) ............................... 58

Table 25: Repeat visitation 2013-2017 (%) ........................................................... 58

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Table 26: Main source of Festival information 2013-2017 (%) ................................ 59

Table 27: Method of transport to Festival 2013-2017 (%) ...................................... 59

Table 28: Main accommodation while at the Festival 2013-2017 (%) ...................... 60

Table 29: Main reason for visiting the area 2013-2017 (%) .................................... 60

Table 30: Total tickets by origin 2013-2017 ........................................................... 60

Table 31: Average visitor nights by origin 2014-2017 ............................................. 61

Table 32: Main reason for visiting the area by origin 2014-2017 (%) ....................... 61

Table 33: Net visitor nights generated by the Festival 2014-2017 ............................ 61

Table 34: Gross visitor expenditure 2014-2017 ...................................................... 62


Figure 1: Comparison of Festival ticket sales 2015-2017 .......................................... 6

Figure 2: Age of visitor survey sample 2015-2017 ................................................... 7

Figure 3: Gender distribution of survey sample 2015-2017 ...................................... 8

Figure 4: Education levels of survey samples 2015-2017 ......................................... 9

Figure 5: Occupation of visitor survey sample 2017 ............................................... 10

Figure 6: Annual household incomes of survey samples 2015-2017 ......................... 11

Figure 7: Origin of all ticket holders 2015-2017 ..................................................... 12

Figure 8: Origin of Season ticket holders ............................................................... 14

Figure 9: Origin of Day/Evening ticket holders ....................................................... 15

Figure 10: Number of visits to Festival .................................................................. 18

Figure 11: Main information source about Festival 2017 ......................................... 19

Figure 12: Information provided over the internet ................................................. 22

Figure 13: On-line ticketing system ....................................................................... 23

Figure 14: Front gate admission procedures ........................................................ 23

Figure 15: Festival administration services ............................................................ 24

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Figure 16: Quality and comfort of venues .............................................................. 24

Figure 18: Quality of food available ...................................................................... 25

Figure 17: Value for money of food ...................................................................... 25

Figure 19: Value for money of beverages .............................................................. 26

Figure 19: Opportunities to participate .................................................................. 26

Figure 20: Cleanliness/condition of amenities blocks .............................................. 27

Figure 21: Number of amenities blocks available .................................................... 27

Figure 22: Management of the camping areas ....................................................... 28

Figure 23: Condition of the camping areas ............................................................ 28

Figure 24: Cleanliness of Festival site .................................................................... 29

Figure 25: Helpfulness of Festival staff .................................................................. 29

Figure 25: Parking at the Festival site ................................................................... 30

Figure 25: Ease of moving around the Festival site ................................................ 30

Figure 25: Range of music ................................................................................... 31

Figure 30: Quality of music .................................................................................. 31

Figure 25: Forums and speakers ........................................................................... 32

Figure 25: Street entertainment ........................................................................... 32

Figure 25: Range of stalls/goods for purchase ....................................................... 33

Figure 34: The Festival atmosphere ...................................................................... 33

Figure 35: The Festival’s overall value for money ................................................... 34

Figure 27: Online Woodfordia marketplace available year round ............................. 39

Figure 28: See film footage/talks from WFF 2017/18 online throughout the year ...... 40

Figure 29: Opinion of the Region .......................................................................... 41

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The Festival Management conducts a survey at each Festival to gather information on its visitors, their demographics, satisfaction, and general expenditure patterns. This year additional questions were included to capture visitor impressions of the impact of the Festival on the image of Moreton Bay.

This report will outline the research methodology and the findings of the 2017/2018 Festival survey.


The research methodology used in the Woodford Folk Festival survey will be outlined below. This includes the research objectives, survey instrument design, sampling procedure, and data collection process.

2.1. Research Aims and Objectives

The main objectives of the research undertaken at the 2017/2018 were to:

• Gather demographic and geographic information on visitors to the 2017/2018 Festival in order to gain information on the profile of visitors to this Festival. This enables comparisons to be made with the demographic and geographic profiles of previous years;

• Gather information on visitor satisfaction at the 2017/2018 Festival that will enable Festival management to identify the areas where consumer dissonance is occurring;

• Determine estimated visitor expenditure and visitor nights generated by the 2017/2018 Festival;

• Obtain valuable visitor feedback used to help to improve future Festivals;

• Obtain feedback on visitor experience of the Festival, and capturing their satisfaction with the Festival atmosphere;

• Replicate previous data collection to aid tracking of annual trends; and

• Impact of the Festival on the image of Moreton Bay.

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2.2. Survey Instrument Design

The survey instrument was adapted from previous surveys conducted at the Festival (see Appendix A). The survey was originally designed by representatives of the Griffith University Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management in conjunction with management of the Woodford Folk Festival. Additional questions have been added over the years based on management’s interests.

An online survey was used to collect the data, and forced completion was set on most questions, which increased the responses from previous years.

2.3. Sampling Methodology

The survey was administered to patrons 15 years of age and over only as a supervised, self-completion questionnaire. Teams of research assistants targeted sit-down food outlets, music venues in between acts and quiet spots throughout the Festival site where visitors tend to relax during the day. A one in five random sampling pattern was utilised where possible. Research assistants generally experienced a very low refusal rate and the ‘supervised’ method ensured that a very high proportion of participation.

2.4. Data collection process

The field research team comprised of a volunteer research supervisor, and twelve volunteer research assistants. The full briefing on the survey objectives and sampling technique was conducted before the first period of data collection. The research assistants were again briefed at the commencement of each data collection period and debriefed at the period end. Data was collected on all of the six days of the Festival 27th December 2017 to 1st January 2018, between the hours of 9am and 7pm. Data collection was not continued after dark due to lighting constraints. An online survey was used, however, tablets were supplied to respondents in order to ensure a high response rate.

2.5. Limitations

It is important to note some limitations with the data contained within this report. Due to the limitations in the survey data collection environment (weather, site lighting, entertainment programme, volunteer interviewers and licensed venue) it is not possible to obtain a representative sample of ticket types at the Festival.

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The research results for the Festival will be presented in the following sections: sample profile, visitation details, visitor satisfaction, visitor nights and visitor spend. Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software v25.

The composition of the survey sample is shown in Table 1. Combined Season and Season with camping tickets represent 44.6% of the sample (4.9% and 39.7% respectively not including volunteers or performers), and 24.9% were Day/Evening or Day/Evening with camping ticket holders.

Table 1: Survey Sample Ticket Type 2017

N Percent

Season 131 4.9

Season with camping 1,066 39.7

Day and evening 363 13.5

Volunteer, organiser 538 20.1

Day and evening with camping 304 11.3

Performer 183 6.8

Stallholder 72 2.7

VIP, media 25 0.9

Total 2,682 100

The summary of actual ticket sales as supplied by Festival management is shown in Table 2 with comparisons to the previous year in Figure 1.

Comparing the composition of the survey sample by ticket type to that of actual ticket sales, it appears that Season ticket holders and volunteers are over-represented in the survey sample while Day/Evening ticket holders are under-represented. Thus the survey results cannot be generalised to the entire Festival population, but give an indication of trends across the major subsections.

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Table 2: Summary of actual ticket sales

Ticket Type Number 2017/2018

Percent of total ticket


Number 2016/2017

Ticket N change

from 2016/17

% change

(per category)


Season 435 1.4% 493 -58 -11.8%

Season + camping 5,144 16.2% 6,416 -1272 -19.8%

Day/evening 7,635 24.1% 11,280 -3645 -32.3%

Day/evening + camping 6,891 21.7% 10,951 -4060 -37.1%

Total Adult tickets 20,105 63.4% 29,140 -9035 -31.0%


Season 28 0.1% 38 -10 -26.3%

Season + camping 478 1.5% 646 -168 -26.0%

Day/Evening 578 1.8% 860 -282 -32.8%

Day/Evening + camping 440 1.4% 566 -126 -22.3%

Total Youth tickets 1,524 4.8% 2,110 -586 -27.8%


Season 1,438 4.5% 1,586 -148 -9.3%

Day 2,327 7.3% 2,995 -668 -22.3%

Total Child tickets 3,765 11.9% 4,581 -816 -17.8%


Adult Season 1,052 3.3% 1,001 51 5.1%

Volunteer PO Season 915 2.9% 936 -21 -2.2%

Total Volunteer tickets 1,967 6.2% 1,937 30 1.5%


Adult Season 3,544 11.2% 3,697 -153 -4.1%

Youth Season 204 0.6% 199 5 2.5%

Adult Day/evening 560 1.8% 571 -11 -1.9%

Youth day/evening 64 0.2% 78 -14 -17.9%

Total PO tickets 4,372 13.8% 4,545 -173 -3.8%

TOTAL TICKET SALES 31,733 100% 42,313 -10580 -25.0%

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Total ticket sales for 2017/18 are 31,733 which is a decrease of 10,580 tickets (25%) from 2016/17. See Table 2 & Figure 1.

There was a decrease in all areas except Adult Season volunteers and Youth Season Performer/Organiser. The largest decrease was in Adult Day/evening with camping (37.1%) from the previous year.

See Table 16 in Appendix B for previous year comparisons.

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Figure 1: Comparison of Festival ticket sales 2015-2017

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000

Adult Season

Adult Season+camping

Adult Day/evening

Adult Day/evening + camping

Youth Season

Youth Season+camping

Youth Day/evening

Youth Day/evening + camping

Child Season

Child Day

Adult Performer Organiser

Youth Performer Organiser

A access PO

Y access PO


Volunteers PO

2015 2016 2017

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3.1. Sample Profile

This section presents the age, gender, education level, occupation and annual household income of the survey sample as an indication of the demographic profile of Festival visitors, but particularly Season and Day/Evening ticket holders who constitute the majority of ticket holders. The data is presented in numerical form in Appendix B.


There is still a large visitor base 29 years of age and under (29.5%), which has decreased by 1.4% from 2016. There has also been slight decreases in 50-59 and 60+ age groups (0.3% and 1.3% respectively), while there has been an increase in 30-39 and 40-49 age groups (1.5% and 1.4% respectively). See Figure 2 and Table 17 in Appendix B for more detail.

Figure 2: Age of visitor survey sample 2015-2017








15-17 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+




Age in years (N=2,674)

2015 2016 2017

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The gender composition of attendees this year has shown a slight decrease in males to 38.8% as shown in Figure 3. Note the additional option for respondents to select a ‘nonspecified’ gender this year. These percentages appear to be a fairly consistent breakdown with previous years.

Figure 3: Gender distribution of survey sample 2015-2017









Female Male Nonspecified




Gender (N=2,682)

2015 2016 2017

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Education level

Consistent with previous years, the Festival continues to attract a well-educated demographic. As shown in Figure 4, 64.8% of survey respondents have completed or are currently enrolled in some form of post-secondary education, which is an increase compared to the previous year of 61.8%. The largest proportion is made up of individuals with postgraduate degrees (26.7%), graduate degrees (26.5%) and technical/trade qualifications (18.9%). See Figure 4 and Table 19 in Appendix B.

Figure 4: Education levels of survey samples 2015-2017








Yr10 Yr12 Technical /trade Undergraduate in progress

Graduate Postgraduate in progress

Postgraduate None




Education (N=2,547)

2015 2016 2017

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The categories used for occupation groupings are in line with the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The largest group of surveyed respondents are Associate professionals (33.9%), followed by Professionals (11.9%), and Advanced clerical and service workers (10.5%). There was a decrease in professionals by 7.5% from 2016. See Figure 5 and Table 20 in Appendix B.

Figure 5: Occupation of visitor survey sample 2017

0 10 20 30 40

Managers & administrators


Associate professionals

Tradespersons, performing arts and

Advanced clerical and service workers

Intermediate clerical, sales and service

Intermediate production and transport

Elementary clerical, sales and service

Labourers and related



Home duties and retired















Percentage (N=2,546)

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Annual household income

This year visitors from lower income brackets declined where there was a decrease in the <$20,000 and $20,000-$39,999 income bracket from 2016. In addition there was an increase in the top two income brackets, with 35.6% of visitors with an income greater than $100,000 (an increase of 3.9% from 2016). See Figure 6 and Table 21 in Appendix B.

Figure 6: Annual household incomes of survey samples 2015-2017












<20,000 20,000-39,999 40,000-59,999 60,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 $100,000-$149,999





Income (N=2,547)

2015 2016 2017

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4.1. Origin of all visitors

The origin of visitors over the last 3 years has always had the largest group coming from South East Queensland; which has seen a slight decrease this year to 48.9% of visitors. However, a slight increase in other Queensland visitors. See Figure 7 and Table 22 in Appendix B.

Figure 7: Origin of all ticket holders 2015-2017












Sth East Qld Other Qld Interstate Overseas




Origin of visitors (N=2,679)

2015 2016 2017

Breakdown of 2017/2018 Visitor Origin figures as follows: Woodford/Caboolture 1.3%, Sunshine Coast Hinterland 5.2%, Sunshine Coast 10.2%, Brisbane 32.1%, Other Queensland 13.4%, Sydney 7.8%, Northern NSW 7.7%, Other NSW 5.6%, VIC 7.9%, WA 1.1%, ACT 1.9%, SA 1.1%, TA 0.4%, NT 0.8%, and Overseas 3.4%.

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Overseas visitors comprised 3.4% of total respondents to the Festival. Of these visitors, 17.4% was from the UK and 17.4% from New Zealand. See Table 3.

Table 3: Country of origin 2017

Country of Origin N %

Belgium 1 1.1%

Canada 7 7.6%

Czech Republic 1 1.1%

Finland 2 2.2%

France 6 6.5%

Germany 5 5.4%

Iceland 1 1.1%

Indonesia 2 2.2%

Iran 1 1.1%

Ireland 2 2.2%

Israel 1 1.1%

Italy 3 3.3%

Japan 1 1.1%

Netherlands 1 1.1%

New Caledonia 1 1.1%

New Zealand 16 17.4%

Peru 2 2.2%

PNG 1 1.1%

Scotland 4 4.3%

Singapore 4 4.3%

Sweden 2 2.2%

Switzerland 1 1.1%

Thailand 1 1.1%

UK 16 17.4%

USA 8 8.7%

Vanuatu 1 1.1%

Vietnam 1 1.1%

Total 92 100.0%

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4.2. Origin of Season ticket holders

Amongst Season ticket holders, this year there was a decrease in visitors from interstate of 2.5% from 2016. There was however an increase of Brisbane visitors by 2.9% from the previous year. See Table 23 in appendix B.

Figure 8: Origin of Season ticket holders











Local Brisbane Other Qld Interstate Overseas




Origin of season ticket holders (N=2,013)

2015 2016 2017

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4.3. Origin of Day/Evening ticket holders

This year’s Day/Evening ticket holders had a different trend to that of season ticket holders, with an increase in interstate visitors (3.1%) and other Queensland (1.5%) from 2016. However, there was a decrease in overseas visitors (2.1%) and Brisbane visitors (3.0%) from 2016. See Table 24 in appendix B.

Figure 9: Origin of Day/Evening ticket holders










Local Brisbane Other Qld Interstate Overseas




Origin of day/evening ticket holders (N=666)

2015 2016 2017

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Across all ticket types the average number of days attendance for those in the survey sample was 6.4 (SD = 4.1). The mean for the previous year was 5.2 (SD = 2.8). There is a fairly large spread due to volunteers spending longer periods of time at the Festival site. Note: due to extreme outliers, those respondents who indicated longer than 45 days were removed.

The average number of days for a season ticket holder is 6.1 days, the same as the previous year, while season with camping increased from 6.6 days in 2016 to 7.5 days in 2017. Day and Evening and Day and Evening with camping both remained consistent with the previous year. See Table 4 below.

Table 4: Mean number of days’ attendance at the Festival by ticket type 2017

Ticket type Mean number of days attendance


Season 6.1 88

Season + camping 7.5 1655

Day/Evening 1.5 173

Day/Evening + camping 2.4 251

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5.1. Repeat visitation

The Festival consistently enjoys a high repeat visitation rate of 69.2%, which is comparable to previous years (2016 had 71% and 2015 had 69.3%). The average visitation to the Festival is 6.7 (SD=6.0) for these visitors who have attended the Festival previously (see Figure 10). This is a slight increase from the previous year of 6.3.

Respondents who have attended the Festival before are significantly more likely to come back to the Festival compared to first time visitors. Of those visitors who have been to the Festival previously, 73.6% they were likely or very likely to come back the following year (an increase from 70.7% in 2016). Of those visitors who have been to the Festival previously, 87.6% they were likely or very likely to recommend the Festival to friends and family. Overall 68% of all visitors were likely or very likely to return within 12 months (N=2,547), an increase from 65.6% in 2016.

The likelihood of coming back is also greater for those respondents who have attended the Festival more often, which suggests that repeat visitation, leads to loyalty. Visitors who have attended 6 or more Festivals previously, 81.7% will return the following year, compared to those who have attended once previously (59.2% will return).

There has been an increase in first time visitors by 1.8%, as well as those who have attended 6 or more Festivals by 2.4%. However, those who have attended once previously have decreased (3.3%). See Figure 10.

Of the visitors who have previously attended the Festival, the majority attended the Festival last year (57.2%), and 18.7% of respondents last attended in 2015. Some respondents stated their last attendance was in 1979! Note: 1,757 visitors responded.

See Table 25 in Appendix B for comparisons to previous years.

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Figure 10: Number of visits to Festival









First time Once before 2-5 times >5 times




Repeat visitation (N=2,638)

2015 2016 2017

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5.2. Information source

As in previous years, word of mouth via friends and relatives continues to be the main source of information for Festival visitors (31.2%), however, this has decreased from 2016. Visitors also seem to reflect on their past attendance as a source of information with 22.2% stating this as a source of information. The Woodford Folk Festival website remains an important source of information at 19.2%, followed by the Festival program and other printed material, then the mailing list. See Table 26 in Appendix B. Note comparisons cannot be made to the previous year due to change in source variable.

Figure 11: Main information source about Festival 2017

Friends, relatives or work colleagues

Woodford program, brochures, posters, fliers

Woodford Folk Festival website

Woodford App

Social media eg Twitter, facebook etc

Other internet source

Mailing list

TV, radio, newspapers, magazines

Market stall

Previous attendance













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5.3. Getting to the Festival

Private transport remains the most common means of getting to the Festival (85.3%), (note: interstate travellers catch planes, but still may select motorcar as main source to Festival). The average number of people per private vehicle was 2.5, which is almost the same as the previous year of 2.4. The number of respondents who travelled by air is 6.3%, higher than the previous year of 4.4% which may be a reflection of the slight increase of interstate travellers (for day and evening ticket holders only. See Table 27 in Appendix B for complete data.

5.4. Accommodation while at the Festival

As in previous years, the main source of accommodation is the Festival campsite (69.9%) similar to last year of 70.2%. Tent City is showing an increase of 2.1% to 13.4% with 9.3% living locally. See Table 28 in Appendix B.

5.5. Main reason for visiting the area

The majority of visitors (88.6%) cited the Festival as their main reason for visiting the area, which is similar to 2016 of 90.6%. The 4-year data is presented in Table 29 in Appendix B.

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To measure visitor satisfaction with different aspects of the Festival, respondents were asked to rate their level of satisfaction on a 7-point scale where 1 is very dissatisfied and 7 is very satisfied, thus greater scores indicate greater satisfaction.

Presented below is the average or mean scores for the last 2 years while the frequency of responses for each satisfaction question is presented in the graphs following.

Table 5: Mean satisfaction scores 2016/17–2017/18

How satisfied are you with…



Variance 2016/17

& 2017/18 M SD

The Festival atmosphere 6.7 0.7 6.6 0.1

Helpfulness of Festival staff 6.6 0.7 6.5 0.2

Overall satisfaction with the Festival 6.6 0.7 6.4 0.2

Cleanliness of Festival site 6.6 0.7 6.3 0.2

Quality of music 6.6 0.8 6.5 0.1

Range of music 6.5 0.9 6.4 0.1

Quality of food available 6.4 0.9 6.3 0.2

Ease of moving around the Festival site 6.4 0.8 6.1 0.3

Street entertainment 6.4 0.9 6.2 0.3

Quality and comfort of venues 6.3 0.9 6.0 0.3

Festival administration services 6.3 1.0 6.0 0.3

Forums and speakers 6.3 1.0 6.1 0.2

Range of stalls/goods for purchase 6.3 1.0 6.1 0.2

Front gate admission procedures 6.2 1.2 6.0 0.3

On-line ticketing system 6.2 1.1 6.1 0.1

Condition of the camping areas 6.2 1.0 5.9 0.2

Information provided over the internet 6.2 1.1 6.0 0.2

Cleanliness / condition of amenities 6.1 1.1 5.7 0.4

Management of the camping areas 6.1 1.1 5.8 0.3

Number of amenities blocks available 6.1 1.1 5.7 0.4

The Festival’s overall value for money 6.1 1.1 6.0 0.1

Parking at the Festival site 6.1 1.3 5.8 0.2

Quality of General Store offering 6.0 1.1 na na

Quality of Festival Shop offering 6.0 1.1 na na

Range of General Store offering 6.0 1.1 na na

Quality of Festival Merchandise available 6.0 1.1 na na

Range of Festival Shop offering 6.0 1.1 na na

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Range of Festival Merchandise available 6.0 1.1 na na

Opportunities to participate, eg workshops 5.9 1.2 5.8 0.1

Value for money of food 5.4 1.4 5.2 0.3

Value for money of beverages 5.3 1.5 4.7 0.5 Note: Extra items were added in 2017/2018 as a result some data is not available for the previous year.

Overall, visitors express a high level of satisfaction with most aspects of the Festival. The most satisfied element of the Festival was the ‘Festival atmosphere’ (M=6.7), followed by ‘helpfulness of staff’, ‘overall satisfaction with the Festival’, ‘Cleanliness of Festival site’, and ‘quality of music’ (all M=6.6). This was followed by ‘range of music’ (M=6.5). All of the items measured this year had an increase in satisfaction from the previous year. The largest improvement in satisfaction was ‘‘value for money for beverages’ from M=4.7 in 2016 to M=5.3 (however, it is still has the lowest satisfaction rating). Other areas which have improved include cleanliness/condition of amenities and number of amenities blocks available (both M=6.1). The major satisfaction statements will be shown graphically below.

Figure 12: Information provided over the internet

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,477)

Information provided over the internet

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Figure 13: On-line ticketing system

Figure 14: Front gate admission procedures

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,307)

On-line ticketing system

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,489)

Front gate admission procedures

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Figure 15: Festival administration services

Figure 16: Quality and comfort of venues

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,416)

Festival administration services

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,525)

Quality and comfort of venues

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Figure 17: Quality of food available

Figure 18: Value for money of food

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,478)

Quality of food available

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,530)

Value for money of food

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Figure 19: Value for money of beverages

Figure 20: Opportunities to participate

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,504)

Value for money of beverages

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,336)

Opportunities to participate, eg workshops

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Figure 21: Cleanliness/condition of amenities blocks

Figure 22: Number of amenities blocks available

0 10 20 30 40 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,501)

Cleanliness / condition of amenities

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,501)

Number of amenities blocks available

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Figure 23: Management of the camping areas

Figure 24: Condition of the camping areas

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,259)

Management of the camping areas

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,269)

Condition of the camping areas

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Figure 25: Cleanliness of Festival site

Figure 26: Helpfulness of Festival staff

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,450)

Cleanliness of Festival site

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,408)

Helpfulness of Festival staff

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Figure 27: Parking at the Festival site

Figure 28: Ease of moving around the Festival site

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,215)

Parking at the Festival site

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,470)

Ease of moving around the Festival site

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Figure 29: Range of music

Figure 30: Quality of music

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,424)

Range of music

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,404)

Quality of music

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Figure 31: Forums and speakers

Figure 32: Street entertainment

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,216)

Forums and speakers

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,409)

Street entertainment

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Figure 33: Range of stalls/goods for purchase

Figure 34: The Festival atmosphere

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,434)

Range of stalls/goods for purchase

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,367)

The Festival atmosphere

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Figure 35: The Festival’s overall value for money

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Very dissatisfied


Slightly dissatisfied


Slightly satisfied


Very satisfied








Percentage (N=2,437)

The Festival’s overall value for money

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All 31 satisfaction items were analysed to determine if there were any differences in satisfaction between Season ticket holders and Day & Evening ticket holders. Significant differences were found in satisfaction ratings in 16 areas between Season ticket holders and Day/Evening ticket holders, as shown in Table 6. Most areas were rated more positively by Season ticket holders, and only four areas were rated more positively by Day/Evening ticket holders.

Some of the areas Season ticket holders were more satisfied with include: On-line ticketing system, Information provided over the internet, Opportunities to participate, eg workshops, Condition of the camping areas, Forums and speakers, and Street entertainment.

Day and Evening ticket holders were more satisfied with: Range of stalls/goods for purchase, Parking at the Festival site, Value for money of beverages, and Value for money of food.

Table 6: Mean satisfaction scores for Season ticket holders and Day/Evening ticket holders

How satisfied are you with…

Season ticket holders

Day/Evening ticket holders

N Mean N Mean Var

On-line ticketing system 1713 6.30 594 5.95 0.3

Information provided over the internet 1870 6.23 607 6.02 0.2

Opportunities to participate, eg workshops

1783 5.97 553 5.80 0.2

Condition of the camping areas 1810 6.22 459 6.06 0.2

Forums and speakers 1705 6.30 511 6.14 0.2

Street entertainment 1823 6.45 586 6.30 0.2

Cleanliness of Festival site 1851 6.60 599 6.49 0.1

Quality of General Store offering 1625 6.08 484 5.96 0.1

Overall satisfaction with the Festival 1821 6.64 587 6.55 0.1

Helpfullness of Festival staff 1824 6.64 584 6.55 0.1

Quality of music 1819 6.57 585 6.50 0.1

The Festival atmosphere 1786 6.72 581 6.66 0.1

Range of stalls/goods for purchase 1843 6.23 591 6.34 -0.1

Parking at the Festival site 1634 6.02 581 6.18 -0.2

Value for money of beverages 1893 5.19 611 5.44 -0.3

Value for money of food 1919 5.36 611 5.64 -0.3

Statistically significant at p<0.05

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Significant differences were also found between the genders. Females rated all of the following items more positively than males. The largest difference is value for money of beverages and value for money of food. See Table 7 below.

There were 33 respondents who selected ‘non-specified’ gender. The sample size is too small to analyse significant differences.

Table 7: Mean satisfaction scores for significant differences between genders

How satisfied are you with... Female Male

N Mean N Mean Var

Value for money of beverages 1504 5.40 967 5.02 0.4

Value for money of food 1514 5.55 983 5.24 0.3

Quality of Festival Merchandise available

1238 6.07 826 5.85 0.2

Range of stalls/goods for purchase 1464 6.35 937 6.13 0.2

Quality of General Store offering 1241 6.14 839 5.92 0.2

Street entertainment 1441 6.49 937 6.28 0.2

Forums and speakers 1320 6.34 865 6.14 0.2

Range of Festival Merchandise available 1256 6.04 856 5.83 0.2

The Festival’s overall value for money 1449 6.14 955 5.97 0.2

Range of Festival Shop offering 1291 6.04 859 5.87 0.2

Range of music 1444 6.52 947 6.36 0.2

Range of General Store offering 1258 6.05 843 5.90 0.2

Quality of Festival Shop offering 1277 6.09 848 5.94 0.2

Quality of music 1436 6.61 938 6.47 0.1

Festival administration services 1454 6.34 932 6.26 0.1

Overall satisfaction with the Festival 1430 6.66 946 6.57 0.1

Quality of food available 1488 6.47 957 6.38 0.1

The Festival atmosphere 1409 6.74 927 6.67 0.1

Ease of moving around the Festival site 1479 6.46 958 6.39 0.1

Statistically significant at p<0.05

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Difference in satisfaction was also found between age groups, where lower ratings indicate lower satisfaction, as shown in Table 8.

As shown in Table 8, the youngest age group is generally less satisfied than other age groups which are consistent with previous years. This age group were significantly less satisfied than other age groups across the following areas: Information provided over the internet, Cleanliness / condition of amenities, and Number of amenities blocks available.

The next age group 18-29 year olds, were significantly less satisfied than other age groups for: Value for money of food, Parking at the Festival site, The Festival’s overall value for money, and Ease of moving around the Festival site. However, they were more satisfied with Opportunities to participate, eg workshops Range of Festival Merchandise available, Quality of Festival Merchandise available, Range of Festival Shop offering, Range of General Store offering , Quality of General Store offering, Range of stalls/goods for purchase, and Street entertainment.

60+ age group were more dissatisfied with Range of General Store offering and Quality of General Store offering. See Table 8 for more age group differences.

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Table 8: Mean satisfaction scores for significant differences between age groups

How satisfied are you with... 15-17 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

Value for money of beverages 4.7 5.0 5.1 5.6 5.4 5.3

Value for money of food 4.9 5.2 5.3 5.7 5.6 5.6

Parking at the Festival site 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.2 6.1 6.1

The Festival’s overall value for money

6.1 6.0 5.9 6.2 6.2 6.3

Opportunities to participate, eg workshops

6.1 6.1 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.8

Information provided over the internet 5.7 6.1 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.4

Range of Festival Merchandise available

6.0 6.1 5.8 6.0 5.9 5.9

Quality of Festival Merchandise available

5.9 6.1 5.8 6.0 6.0 6.0

Range of Festival Shop offering 6.0 6.1 5.9 6.0 5.9 5.9

On-line ticketing system 5.9 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

Management of the camping areas 6.0 6.1 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2

Range of General Store offering 6.0 6.2 6.0 5.9 6.0 5.8

Cleanliness / condition of amenities 5.6 6.2 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.2

Number of amenities blocks available 5.8 6.2 6.0 6.2 6.1 6.1

Quality of General Store offering 6.1 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.9

Range of stalls/goods for purchase 6.4 6.3 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.2

Ease of moving around the Festival site

6.4 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5

Street entertainment 6.5 6.5 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.4

Helpfulness of Festival staff 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Note: The yellow and purple highlighted age groups are significantly different from each other (indicating subgroups).

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The Woodford Folk Festival management were interested in visitors’ responses to additional issues regarding memorabilia and the impact of the Festival on the Moreton Bay Region.

7.1. Woodfordia marketplace

Just under half of respondents (48.3%) would you like to see an online Woodfordia marketplace available year round.

Figure 36: Online Woodfordia marketplace available year round



Yes No

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7.2. WFF film footage

The majority of visitors would like to see film footage/talks from WFF 2017/18 online throughout the year (76%).

Figure 37: See film footage/talks from WFF 2017/18 online throughout the year



Yes No

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7.3. Region

The Festival management were interested to have an insight into whether the Festival has changed visitors’ opinion of the Region. Just over half of the respondents (58%) felt the Festival positively or very positively changed their opinion of the region, whilst 42% of visitors felt there was no change to their opinion of their region.

Figure 38: Opinion of the Region











Very negatively

Negatively No change Positively Very positively




The Festival has changed opinion of the Region (N=2,547)

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In addition, management were interested to understand respondents’ attitudes toward the impact of the Festival on the Moreton Bay Region by indicating their level of agreement with eight items, captured using a 5 point scale, where 1=strongly disagree through to 5=strongly agree. The item which was rated the highest was that the local residents should feel proud of Woodford Folk Festival (M=4.6) which is the same as the previous year. In addition ‘The Moreton Bay Region is a great location for Woodford Folk Festival’ was also rated highly (M=4.6).The See Table 9 for the full list of items.

Table 9: Festival and impact on Moreton Bay Region

N Mean SD

Local residents should feel proud of Woodford Folk Festival.

2547 4.6 0.6

The Moreton Bay Region is a great location for Woodford Folk Festival.

2547 4.6 0.7

Woodford Folk Festival generates tourism for the Moreton Bay Region.

2547 4.5 0.7

Woodford Folk Festival involves people from all walks of life.

2547 4.5 0.7

Woodford Folk Festival adds to the appeal of the Moreton Bay Region (where it is located)

2547 4.4 0.7

Woodford Folk Festival creates local employment.

2547 4.3 0.8

Woodford Folk Festival involves the local community.

2547 4.3 0.8

Woodford Folk Festival improves local skills.

2547 4.2 0.8

Note: Mean score is captured on a 5 point scale, where 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree.

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To ascertain both total visitor nights to the local area and Brisbane/Other Queensland destinations and the gross amount spent by Festival visitors in these areas, a series of calculations are performed. It should be noted that the gross expenditure is an estimate only, as it is based on visitors’ estimates of how much they will spend in different locations on their trip to the Festival. Comparison data for this section for the last 3 years is presented in Appendix B.

8.1. Total Season and Day/Evening tickets

The origin of ticket holders and the type of tickets purchased have a significant impact on the visitor profile, for this reason Season ticket holders and Day/Evening ticket holders will be addressed separately. The survey results have been weighted using actual ticket sales data provided by management in order to estimate the origins of ticket holders. Weighted sales include both adult and youth ticket sales on the assumption that youth origin patterns are similar to those of adults included in the survey. For the purpose of comparison the weighting process used is similar to that used in previous years. The weighting process and results are shown in Table 10.

Table 10: Origin of ticket holders weighted by actual sales

Visitor origin Season tickets (%)

Weighted sales (n=13,862)

Day/evening tickets (%)

Weighted sales

(n=17,871) Total tickets

Overseas 3.6%

496 3.0%



Interstate 38.3%

5,302 22.1%



Brisbane and other Qld 44.4%

6,156 49.1%



Sunshine Coast area 13.8%

1,907 25.8%



See Table 30 in Appendix B for comparative data.

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8.2. Conversion of tickets to visitors

Many Day/Evening ticket holders purchase multiple tickets and due to this, one ticket does not necessarily mean one visitor. In the process of converting ticket sales to number of visitors, and to estimate the number of visitors to the region, it is necessary to adjust the Day/Evening tickets. The adjustment is made by dividing the number of Day/Evening ticket holders by the average number of days attended.

Table 11: Conversion of tickets to visitors

Visitor origin Season tickets

Day/Evening tickets

Average day


Adjusted Day/Evening Total




537 2.1





3,945 2.4



Brisbane & other Qld


8,775 1.9



Sunshine Coast area


4,615 1.8



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8.3. Visitor nights by origin

In order to estimate the number of visitor nights generated by the Festival, the average number of nights per person must be multiplied by the number of visitors. Table 12 shows the average visitor nights for the Sunshine Coast region and Brisbane and other Queensland. There has been an increase in average nights for the Brisbane and other Queensland regions by overseas visitors from an average of 6.0 in 2016 to 8.9 nights in 2017. In addition, there has been an increase by overseas visitor nights to Woodford/Sunshine Coast region from 2.2 nights to 4.2 nights. See Table 31 in Appendix B.

Table 12: Visitor nights by origin

Origin Average visitor nights Woodford/Sunshine Coast


Average visitor nights Brisbane/Other Qld

Overseas 4.2 8.9

Interstate 1.4 2.0

Brisbane & other Qld 0.8 0

Sunshine Coast area 0 0

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8.4. Main reason for coming to the region by origin

Visitors travel to the Sunshine Coast region for many reasons and as a result not all visitor nights can be attributed to the Festival. The main reason for visiting the region also includes those that are coming to the region for ‘Festival related’ business. The table below identifies the main reasons why visitors to the Festival were in the Sunshine Coast region.

95.2% of respondents from Brisbane gave the Festival as their main reason for visiting the area (similar to the previous year of 95.6%). Interstate travellers are consistent with the previous year at 88.4% visitors. Overseas visitors visiting the region for the Festival decreased from 59.4% from the previous year to 46.7%. See Table 32 in Appendix B for comparative years.

Table 13: Main reason for coming to the region by origin

Main reason Brisbane and Other Qld %

Interstate % Overseas %

Holiday/touring 2.1% 3.2% 23.9%

Visiting friends and relatives 2.1% 8.4% 27.2%

The Festival 95.2% 88.4% 46.7%

Business (other) 0.5% 0.0% 2.2%

N 1,221 917 92

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8.5. Net visitor nights generated by the Festival

In order to estimate the visitor nights that are attributable to the Festival, net visitor nights must be calculated. The estimation for the total number of days/nights spent by visitors in the Woodford and Sunshine Coast region, who came from outside the region specifically for the Festival is 18,157. This is a decrease of 7,178 visitor days from 25,335 in 2016/17. In addition to this, the estimation for the total visitor days spent in Brisbane and other Queensland by visitors from outside the State is 15,620, a slight decrease of 322 days from 15,620 days in 2016/17.

See Table 33 in Appendix B for previous year’s comparisons.

Table 14: Net visitor days/nights generated by the Festival

Woodford/Sunshine Coast Brisbane/Other Queensland

Origin Visitors (A)

Average Visitor Days (B)

Main Reason Factor


Adjusted Total Days (AxBxC)

Average Visitor Days (B)

Main Reason Factor


Adjusted Total Days (AxBxC)


754 4.2 0.47 1,490 8.9 0.47 3,142


6,944 1.4 0.88 8,653 2.0 0.88 12,156


10,667 0.8 0.95 8,013 - - -

Sunshine Coast

4,409 - - - - - -


22,775 18,157 15,298

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8.6. Gross visitor expenditure

Expenditure data collected at the 2017/2018 Festival enables the calculation of the gross visitor expenditure in both the Sunshine Coast region and Brisbane and other Queensland areas that is generated by the Festival. Expenditure by visitors from the Sunshine Coast region is considered to have zero net economic benefit. It should be noted that expenditure does not include cost of entry into the Festival.

The estimated expenditure at the Festival is $9,339,113 (see Table 15). This is a decrease of $1,542,648 from 2016/2017 (see Table 34 in Appendix B). The total expenditure at the Festival including ticket sales is $15,197,247 (a decrease of $2,644,713 from 2016/2017). Box office sales are $5,858,133.64, a decrease of $1,102,065 from the previous year.

Total estimated gross expenditure generated by the Festival for the Sunshine Coast is $2,841,476 and $4,318,445 for the Brisbane/Other Queensland region. The Sunshine Coast had a decrease of $267,819, and Brisbane/other Queensland experienced a slight decrease of $164,465 from 2016/17. This appears to be result of a decrease in visitors however were slightly off set by the increase in spending.

It is estimated that the Festival generated a gross expenditure of $22,357,169 (including ticket sales). This is an overall decrease of $3,076,989 from 2016/2017. See Table 34 for comparison with previous years.

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Table 15: Estimated gross visitor expenditure 2017/2018

Festival Sunshine Coast Brisbane/Other Qld

Origin Ticket sales Expenditure per person

Total visitors

Gross expenditure

Expenditure per person

Total Visitors

Gross expenditure

Expenditure per person

Total Visitors

Gross expenditure

Overseas $332

754 250,073 $581 1,490 865,985 $620 3,142 1,949,180

Interstate $473

6,944 3,285,941 $151 8,653 1,310,610 $195 12,156 2,369,266

Brisbane/ Other Qld $398

10,667 4,245,806 $83 8,013 664,882

Sunshine Coast $353

4,409 1,557,293 -

Total $5,858,134 $9,339,113 $2,841,476 $4,318,445

GRAND TOTAL: $22,357,169

(including Ticket sales, Festival expenditure, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane/Other Qld spend)

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Respondents were provided an opportunity to describe their Festival experience in one word or phrase, with a total of 2,543 comments. The overwhelming majority of visitors had very positive comments…which included:

Amazing, awesome, beautiful, chilled, connected, diverse, enjoyable, enlightening, excellent, fantastic, fun, great, happy, hot, inspiring, interesting, magic, rejuvenating, relaxing, unique and wonderful!

See Appendix C for a full list of descriptors.

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Table 16: Comparison of Festival ticket sales

Ticket type 2014 2015 2016 2017 Variance 2016

Adult Season 327 531 493 435 -58

Adult Season+camping 6,340 5,957 6,416 5,144 -1,272

Adult Day/evening 9,608 11,199 11,280 7,635 -3,645

Adult Day/evening + camping 9,789 9,846 10,951 6,891 -4,060

Youth Season 33 38 38 28 -10

Youth Season+camping 784 678 646 478 -168

Youth Day/evening 869 829 860 578 -282

Youth Day/evening + camping 775 677 566 440 -126

Child Season 1,436 1,427 1,586 1,438 -148

Child Day 2,369 2,761 2,995 2,327 -668

Adult Performer Organiser 3,499 3,515 3,697 3,544 -153

Youth Performer Organiser 202 192 199 204 5

A access PO 631 686 571 560 -11

Y access PO 56 44 78 64 -14

Volunteers 1,003 1,099 1,001 1,052 51

Volunteers PO 951 985 936 915 -21

TOTAL 38,770 40,464 42,313 31,733 -10,580

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Table 17: Age of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%)

Age 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

15-17 6.5 6.2 4.5 4.3 3.9

18-29 31.6 26.9 29.8 26.6 25.6

30-39 18.5 17.3 17.2 18.3 19.8

40-49 18.5 17.5 17.1 19.0 20.4

50-59 16.0 20.2 19.4 19.5 19.2

60+ 8.8 11.9 11.9 12.4 11.1

TOTAL (N) 3,708 3,591 3,539 3,309 2,674

Table 18: Gender of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%)

Gender 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Female 60.0 61.6 60.4 59.3 60.0

Male 40.0 38.4 39.6 39.2 38.8

Nonspecified na na na 1.5 1.2

TOTAL 3,663 3,589 3,556 3,355 2,682

Table 19: Education level of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%)

Education level 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Yr10 7.4 6.8 7.9 6.0 4.7

Yr12 12.4 12.1 11.1 11.9 10.6

Technical/trade 18.4 19.2 16.6 18.8 18.9

Undergraduate in progress 11.0 8.2 10.2 7.8 7.3

Graduate 25.1 25.4 25.3 27.4 26.5

Postgraduate in progress 4.4 5.2 4.2 5.4 4.3

Postgraduate 19.7 21.4 23.1 21.2 26.7

None 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.1

TOTAL 3,719 3,625 3,564 3,345 2,547

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Table 20: Occupation of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%)

Occupation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Managers & administrators 10.6 11.0 9.8 3.4 0.5

Professionals 29.1 31.6 31.4 19.5 11.9

Associate professionals 7.0 7.1 6.4 22.0 33.9

Tradespersons, performing arts and related

13.0 12.8 12.7 10.7 9.6

Advanced clerical and service workers

1.8 2.3 2.4 7.5 10.5

Intermediate clerical, sales and service workers

4.0 4.1 3.9 3.5 3.4

Intermediate production and transport

.6 .6 .7 2.3 3.0

Elementary clerical, sales and service

.8 .6 .6 .7 0.4

Labourers and related 3.0 3.0 3.3 2.1 0.6

Student 18.6 15.0 16.3 6.3 3.5

Unemployed 2.3 2.5 2.4 9.9 10.8

Home duties and retired 6.3 7.1 7.5 5.5 4.2

Other 3.0 2.2 2.6 6.5 7.5

Total 3,735 3,623 3,564 3,357 2,546

Table 21: Annual household income of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%)

Annual household Income 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

<20,000 15.7 12.6 13.5 10.9 10.4

20,000-39,999 14.2 13.5 14.0 13.4 11.6

40,000-59,999 15.8 15.1 15.8 13.9 14.3

60,000-79,999 14.8 16.5 14.6 15.4 14.3

80,000-99,999 12.3 13.9 12.9 14.6 13.8

100,000-149,999 27.3 28.3 16.1 17.3 18.2

150,000+ na na 13.2 14.4 17.4

TOTAL 3,573 3,568 3,507 3,351 2,547 Note: $100,000+income bracket was changed in 2015

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Table 22: Origin of visitor survey samples 2013-2017 (%)

Visitor origin 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sth East Qld Local Brisbane
















Other Qld 12.7 14.8 12.9 12.4 13.4

Interstate 34.4 30.6 35.8 34.5 34.2

Overseas 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.8 3.4

TOTAL 3,731 3,616 3,580 3,358


Table 23: Origin of Season ticket holders 2013-2017 (%)

Origin 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Local 9.9 15.6 15.4 15.4 13.8

Brisbane 34.3 29.7 27.1 28.1 31

Other Qld 12.2 14.9 12.5 12.4 13.4

Interstate 40.6 36.5 41.9 40.8 38.3

Overseas 3 3.4 3.1 3.3 3.6

TOTAL 2,568 2,508 2,515 2,389 2,013

Table 24: Origin of Day/Evening ticket holders 2013-2017 (%)

Origin 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Local 20 27.1 24.4 25.3 25.8

Brisbane 42.3 38.1 37.3 38.4 35.4

Other Qld 13.7 14.6 13.9 12.2 13.7

Interstate 20.8 17.1 21.1 19 22.1

Overseas 3.3 3 3.4 5.1 3

TOTAL 1,162 1,109 1,063 968 666

Table 25: Repeat visitation 2013-2017 (%)

Repeat visits 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

First time 32.2 29.5 30.7 29.2 31.0

Once before 14.8 13.5 14.0 14.8 11.5

2-5 times 30.0 28.3 27.1 28.7 27.8

>5 times 23.0 28.8 28.1 27.3 29.7

TOTAL 3,697 3,582 3,511 3,334 2,638

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Table 26: Main source of Festival information 2013-2017 (%)

Information Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Friends & relatives 50 43.7 42.3 36.0 31.2

Woodford program, brochures, posters, fliers

14.6 15.1 13.6 10.4 11.3

Woodford Folk Festival website 26.1 28.1 20.2 18.0 19.2

Woodford app na na 4.9 3.8 5.2

Social media e.g. Twitter, Facebook

6.1 4.6 5.5 3.8 4.7

Other internet source 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.5

Mailing list 5.2 6.6 4.3 4.2 4.3

TV/Radio/newspaper/magazines 1 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.4

Market stalls 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4

Previous attendance na na 25.5 22.1 22.2

Other^ 3.5 4.1 0.6 0.3 0.8

^ Other includes Woodford app, previous experience and other prior to 2015 Note: 2016 includes only 1 source variable, so the percentages add up to 100 compared to previous years where more than 1 source was included (so the % added up to greater than 100).

Table 27: Method of transport to Festival 2013-2017 (%)

Transport type 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Public Transport 4.2 5.6 4.8 3.8 4.0

Bicycle .5 .3 .4 .6 0.6

Private vehicle 86.3 90.2 88.3 87.4 85.3

Chartered bus/coach .6 .3 .6 .8 1.0

Hire car 1.4 .9 1.2 3.0 2.9

Air travel 6.9 2.7 4.8 4.4 6.3

TOTAL 3,728 3,622 3,575 3,323 2658

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Table 28: Main accommodation while at the Festival 2013-2017 (%)

Accommodation 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Festival campsite 70.1 69.3 69.9 70.2 69.9

Tent City 11.6 11.0 9.8 11.2 13.4

Other campsites/hotel/B&B 2.7 4.2 3.8 3.3 3.4

Visiting friends/relatives 2.9 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.6

Staying locally 11.6 11.1 12.1 11.5 9.3

Other 1.2 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.5

TOTAL 3,724 3,616 3,536 3,353 2,657

Table 29: Main reason for visiting the area 2013-2017 (%)

Reason for visiting 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Festival 89.2 90.5 90.4 90.6 88.6

Visiting friends/relatives 4.1 4.0 3.9 4.3 5.1

Holiday/touring 3.9 3.4 3.3 2.9 3.1

Festival related business 2.5 1.6 2.0 1.7 2.9

Business other 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4

TOTAL 3,710 3,616 3,565 3,358 2,682

Table 30: Total tickets by origin 2013-2017

Origin Total Season & Day/Evening tickets (weighted by actual ticket sales)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Overseas 1,237 1,217 1,329 1,874 1,032

Interstate 11,029 9,615 11,720 11,451 9,247

Brisbane & Other Qld 18,096 19,196 18,976 19,837 14,931

Sunshine Coast area 8,853 8,742 8,510 9,151 6,523

TOTAL 39,214 38,770 40,535 42,313 31,733

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Table 31: Average visitor nights by origin 2014-2017

Origin Average visitor nights Woodford/Sunshine Coast region

Average visitor nights Brisbane/Other Qld

2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Overseas 4.4 N=118

4.7 N=114






N=118 4.9

N=114 6.0




Interstate 1.5 N=1,103

1.6 N=1,281

1.5 N=454

1.4 N=917

1.7 N=1,105

1.6 N=1,281





Brisbane & Other Qld 1.1 N=1,703

1.2 N=1,539

1.0 N=570

0.8 N=1,221 - - - -

Sunshine Coast area - - - - - - - -

Table 32: Main reason for visiting the area by origin 2014-2017 (%)

Main reason Brisbane/Other Qld Interstate Overseas

2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Holiday/touring 2.9% 1.9% 1.6% 2.1% 3.3% 4.5% 3.5% 3.2% 21.2% 14.0% 18.0% 23.9%

Visit friends/ relatives 2.5% 3.0% 2.5% 2.1% 6.2% 5.3% 6.2% 8.4% 19.5% 14.9% 22.7% 27.2%

Festival (inc Festival business) 94.1% 94.7% 95.6% 95.2% 90.1% 90.0% 89.8% 88.4% 59.3% 67.5% 59.4% 46.7%

Business (other) 0.5% 0.4% 0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 3.5% 0.0% 2.2%

N 1,700 1,535 1,458 1,221 1,105 1,278 1,159 917 118 114 128 92

Table 33: Net visitor nights generated by the Festival 2014-2017

Woodford/Sunshine Coast Brisbane/Other Queensland

Origin 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Overseas 2,216 2,657 1,590 1,490 2,734 3,278 4,317 3,142

Interstate 9,980 12,280 11,155 8,653 11,072 13,624 11,303 12,156

Brisbane & Other Queensland 14,785 14,231 12,590 8,013 - - - -

Sunshine Coast - - - - - - - -

TOTAL 26,980 29,167 25,335 18,157 13,806 16,901 15,620 15,298

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Table 34: Gross visitor expenditure 2014-2017

Woodford/Sunshine Coast Brisbane/Other Queensland

Origin 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Overseas 509,336 612,660 320,812 865,985 704,430 959,225 3,087,314 1,949,180

Interstate 867,776 1,191,435 1,577,884 1,310,610 1,361,214 1,467,204 1,395,597 2,369,266

Brisbane & Other Queensland

951,103 812,687 1,210,591 664,882

Sunshine Coast

TOTAL $2,328,216 $2,616,783 $3,109,286 $2,841,476 $2,065,644 $2,426,429 $4,482,911 $4,318,445

Note: Expenditure does not include the Festival ticket. Expenditure is per person (average of adults and youth).

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2nd day groove A break away from reality A break from the world A chill environment A community for everyone A great part of my holiday A happy experience A hoot A needed break A place for new beginnings and a place to come back A real life wonderland A really good day(&we've i got out) A spectacular break from life A time to breathe connect get inspired and let go A toe in the water of what i could experience next time A true cultural experience A varied experience covering many of my interests A wonderful experience6 A+ Absolute bliss Absolutely fabulous darling, Absolutely wonderful Absolutely wonderful, transformative! Acceptance Ace Acquiescent Active

Addictive Adventure Adventure Adventure Adventure Affirming Algeria Alive All encompassing Alternative Always a wonderful week and our favourite way to end the old year and see in the next. Always fantastic job Always great Amaze balls Amazeballs Amazed Amazed again Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing

Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing

Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Commercial in Confidence Page: 64

Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing and colourful life experience Amazing and spontaneous Amazing as ever! Amazing for filling Amazing music and food Amazing wonderful experience Amazing! Amazing! Amazingly An escape from daily life Another world Art Art Artful village Artist are amazing Artistic Artistic As usual Astounding At my happiness At one with nature and my swamp arse Atmospheric Attractive Authentic Authenticity Average Awesome Awesome

Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome

Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome

Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome and relaxed Awesome as always Awesome as ever Awesome but hot haha Awesome experience Awesome inclusive

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Commercial in Confidence Page: 65

Awesome self Back in 2019 Beautific Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful atmosphere & range of people Beautiful Beautiful smiles Beautiful! Beauttttttttt Bellissimo Belonging Belonging

Best Best days of the year Best event of my year Best place in the world Best way to finish the old year and start the new! Best week of the year already Bewilderment Big Big Big Blessed Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Blissful Blissful Blissful Blissful Blissful Blissful Bloddyabsolutelyfantastic Bloody beautiful Bloody hippies Bodacious Bombastic Boogie Boogie

Boomshanka Breaks down borders Breathtaking Brill Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant, best thing i have done in ages Bring back the chai tent! Broad range on offer Bubbly Budding Bunghole Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy and varied. Calm Calm Calm Calm Calm Calming

Calming Calming Calming Calming Captivating Carefree Catastrophic Cathartic Cathartic Celebratory Centering Centering Centering Ceremony Challenging Challenging Challenging Changed Character building Child centred, Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill Chill

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Chill Chill but hot Chill, Chillaxed Chillaxed Chillaxing Chillec Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled

Chilled Choice Civilised Cleansing Collaborative Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful Colourful. Relaxed. Hot Comfortable Comforting Comforting Commercial Commercialised Commercialised Common purpose Communal Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community Community

Community Community Community Community Community Community Community happy fun Complete Complete Complete disgrace Complicated Comprehensive Connected Connected Connected Connected Connected Connected Connected Connected Connected community Connected, tribe, making a difference Connectedness Connecting Connecting Connecting Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection

Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connection Connective Constant stimulation and inspiration Content Contented Cooked Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool bambinos Cool festive Cool man Cooool Corporate Corporatised Covfefe Crazy Creative Creative Creative Creative Creative overload

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Crowded Cruise Cruising Cruising Cruisy Cruisy Cruisy Cruisy Cruisy Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Culturally uplifting and refreshing Culture Daddy duty Damp Dance commander Day 1 Dear old friend Deeply healing Déjà vu Delightful Delightful Delightful Delightful Delightful Delightful Delightful Delightful Delightful Detailed Dif Different Different

Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different Different atmosphere Different!!! Disappointed Disappointed, not as good as previous years. Discover Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse Diverse

Diverse Diverse, safe, friendly Diversity Diversity Diversity Don't like the parking fees for campers Dope Down to earth Dreamy Dust sauna E joya le Earthy Easy Easy Easy Easy Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Eclectic Education Education Educational Electric Electrifying Embrace Embracing

Embracing Embracing Embracing diversity Emotional Empowering Enchanted Enchanting Energetic Energetic Energising Energising Energising but too expensive Engaging Engaging Engaging Engaging Engaging Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

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Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable Enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere Enjoyable but too hot Enjoyable with my kids Enlighten g Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlightening Enlivening Enlivening Enlivening Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching Enriching of the spirit

Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Entertaining Environment :) people Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic to the max Escape Escape Escape Escape Escape from/to reality Escape to a parallel world Escapist Esoteric

Essential emotional artistic reset with like mindedness Ethereal Euphoric Eventful Everyone is kind Evolving Exactly what i needed Exactly what i needed Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent55 Excellently Exceptional Exceptional Exceptional Exceptionally well organised and truly immersive experience Excited Excitement Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting Exciting and invigorating Exciting and overwhelming Exhausting Exhausting

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Exhausting Exhausting Exhausting Exhausting in the best way possible Exhausting, sweaty but wonderful Exhilarating Exhilarating Exhilarating Exhilarating Exhilarating Exhilarating Exhilarating. Exotic and varied Expanded community expanding minds Expanding Expensive Expensive Expensive Expensive Expensive Expensive Expensive Expensive Expensive, warm showers Experience Experiential bliss!! Explorative and meaningful Explore Expressive Extraordinary Extraordinary4 Extravagant Exuberant Eye opening Eye opening Eye opening

Eye opening Eye opening and inspirational Fab Fab Fab but will rethink about returning Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous but hot! Fabulous p Facilitates the best in myself and others Faded Family

Family Family Family Family Family Family oriented Fancy a bum Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic

Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic 100 plus Fantastic but expensive. Fantastic but i'm not good in the heat Fantastic feeling Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastical Fascinating enlightening relaxing Feel part of the woodford family Feels like being home again. Festival Festive Festive Festive Flow Fortifying Free Free Free Free Free spirt Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freeing

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

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Freeing Freeing Freeing Fresh Fresh and great reboot Fried but enjoyable Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly but getting a bit corporate. Fulfilling Fulfilling Full Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

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Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun- Fun & varied Fun and chilled Fun and fab Fun and friendly Fun and overpriced Fun and relaxing Fun community Fun stuff Fun! Fun. Funky Funtacular Gangster Getting the hang of it Glorious Glorious music Gnarly Go Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good

Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good but expensive entry Good but i think the music lime up has been better the last 3 years Good but too hot Good fun Good mood Good sew Good so far Good stuff

Good times Good vibes Good vibes Good vibes Good vibes Good vibes man Gooooood Gooooood vibes Gorgeous Grand Grande Grass roots Grateful Gravel Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great

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Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great as usual Great atmosphere Great but not as good as previous years Great community Great culture acceptance, range of music and joyous people! Great experience Great family experience Great family experience where we felt safe

Great festival Great for family Great fun Great fun Great fun and totally absorbing Great fun but always hot! Great music Great v enjoyable Great way to start the year Great! Great! Great! But tickets are little unaffordable for us as a family Great, not very culturally diverse Great. Great1 Greatest Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Groovy Grounded and at home but hunger for some headliners Grounding Grounding Grounding Half moon run 2013 Happiest place on earth Happiness Happiness Happiness Happiness Happy Happy Happy

Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy to be here again Hard work Hard-work Harmonious Harmony Harmony Having a ball Healing Healing Heaps of fun Heart opening Heart opening Heart warming Heart warming Heartful

Heart-warming?? Heat Heaven Heavenly Heckers Hibbity hobbity (swallow ur h's pls) High quality musicians Hip and hot Hippie Hippie Hippy Hippyville Holistic Holistically great Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Homecoming Homely Homely Homely Homely Hot Hot

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Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot

Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot

Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot and enjoyable Hot and fun Hot and humid but fun Hot and steamy Hot and variety Hot but amazing Hot but fun Hot but fun Hot fun! Hot! Hot! Hot! Well organised, creative, inclusive Hot!!! How the world should be Huge Huge offering Humanity integrating Humid Humid but joyous Humid delight Humid version of heaven?? I feel connected and loved I love it I love it I needed that Illuminating and refreshing I'm glad i made the effort to get here Immense and emotional Immerse in culture

Immersive Immersive Immersive Immersive Immersive Impossible. Impressed Impressive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive Inclusive and friendly Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredibly magical experience Incredibly simple and magical Indescribable Individual Indulgent Infectious Inner music Insightful Inspiration

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Inspirational Inspirational Inspirational Inspirational Inspirational Inspirational Inspired Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring

Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring and fun Inspiring and uplifting Inspiring people values Inspiring. And thought t provoking Integrity Intense Intense Interactive Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting

Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting Interesting diverse and festive Interesting3 Intimate Intriguing Invigorating Invigorating Invigorating Invigorating Invigorating It was a great and unique experience It's It's grand Its only just started Jaw dropping Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joy Joyful

Joyful Joyful Joyful Joyful Joyful Joyful Joyful Joyful ..... Joyous Joyous Joyous Just beginning Just great Just relax Kewl Kid friendly Laid back and welcoming Laid back Laughter Leafier, connecting, stimulating, multifaceted, fun Leisurely Liberating Liberating Liberating Liberating Liberating Life changing Life changing Life changing Life changing and awakening Life changing and awakening Life changing, so much love Life giving Life learning change the world

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Commercial in Confidence Page: 75

Light Like a warm hug i needed Like being in another very nice country for a week with likeminded people Like coming home Like coming home... Like no other place in the world Lit Lit Lit Lit Lived up to my expectations Lively Lonely Longevity Lots of discoveries Love Love Love Love Love Love emotion earth Love it Love it Love-in Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely Lovely

Lovely Lovely but expensive Lovely friendly and family friendly Lovely people and amazing environment and good vibes Loving Loving Loving Loving Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic, best way to finish off the old year and bring in the new year :) Magical Magical Magical

Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical

Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical Magical but hot Magical fantasy village Magnificent Magnificent Magnificent Magnificent! Majestic Majestic Marvellous Marvellous Meh Mellow Melt Melting pot Merriment Mesmerising Mesmerising Mesmerising Mind altering Mind bending Mind blowing Mind blowing Mind blowing Mind blowing! Mind opening Mind opening and amazing Mind-blowing

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Commercial in Confidence Page: 76

Mind-blowingly awesome Mine Mine More information on the australian capital health care system Most relaxing time of the year. Moving Multicultural Multi-tasking Music Music Musical My favourite place on earth My happy bubble My kind of people My main squeeze My once a year escape My yearly reset. N/a Natural touch Necessary Needed Neverland New New New so still deciding Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nirvana Nirvana No canned music No reggae Noisy

Nom Not as good as last year Not enough fans Not enough safe spaces that aren't bars Not like it used to be Nourishing Nourishing Nourishing Nourishing Nurture Nurtures the soul Nurturing Ok Ok One world one people Open Open Open acceptance Open friendly Open mind Opening Opening Other worldly Otherworldly community Out of this world Outerworldy Outerworldy Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Overdue Overpriced but still awesome Overwhelming Overwhelming Overwhelming Overwhelming

Overwhelming Overwhelming Overwhelming Overwhelming Paarking Packed Paradise Part of our life Passion Passionate Peace and happiness Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful Peaceful reflection, fun and reconnecting Perfect Perfect Perfect Perfect musical village on a huge scale Personal Phat Phenomenal Phenomenal Place of connection Plan yoga classes better so they don't clashes

Play Playful Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant and relaxed. Fun vibe. Pleasant, community Pleasurable Pleasurable Pleasurable Pleasurable Pleasurable Plentiful Plesa Pondering Poo Poor music program Poor value for money Positive Positive Positive Positivity energy reboot Powerful Pretty cool Pretty good Pretty ok Productive Profound

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

Commercial in Confidence Page: 77

Promising Provides a recharge of energies Pure Pure bliss Pure magic Purity Quality musicians, great atmosphere Quality of people, acts, food. Quenching Quirky Rad Rad Reality Really good (tomarchio, b. 2015) Recharge Recharge Recharging Reconnect Reconnect with self Reconnecting Reconnection Reconnection Reconnection Reenergising Reflective Reflective Refreshing Refreshing Refreshing Refreshing and exciting Regenerative Reinvigorating Reinvigorating Rejuvenate Rejuvenated Rejuvenating

Rejuvenating Rejuvenating Rejuvenating Rejuvenating Rejuvenating Rejuvenating Rejuvenating Relax to the max Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed

Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed Relaxed enjoyable Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing

Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing

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Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing and enjoyable Relaxing and free Relaxing and grounding Relaxing but hot Relaxing community vibe Release Relief Remarkable Remembering humanity Renewal Repetitive Rest Restoring Revitalising Rewarding Rewarding Rewarding Rich stimulating, respectful, thought and love

Roller coaster of emotions S bend Sacred and connection bringing us back to our heart space, wholehearted, freedom and oneness Sad Safe and relevant for all my family of all ages Safe haven Safe, secure, enjoyable Salubrious Salubrious Satiated Satisfied Satisfying Satisfying Satisfying Saturating Self-fulfilling Self-renewing Sensate Sensational Sensational Sensational Sensational Sensational Sensational Senses Sensory Sensory enlighten Sensory overload Setting up Sexual Sherman the butterfly man?? Short Sick

Sick Skitz Sleepy Smashing So nice So nice best festival Social Social Something for everyone Somuchtosee Sooooooo siiiiicccccckkkk maaaaaaatttttttteeeeee Soothing Sore feet from celtic folk dancing Sore feet! Soul food Soul nourishing Soul touching Soul-filling Soulful Soulful Soulful Soul-giving Sound spill is a problem Spectacular Spectacular Spectacular Spectacular Spectacular Spectacular Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual home Splendid Squishy

Steamy Step off the mouse wheel and get your freak on Sticky Sticky Still settling in...kids not settled Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stimulating Stressful Stunning Sublime Sublime Such fun Super Super Super creative Super duper Superb Superb Superb Superb 6 Supercalifragilisticespialadocious Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious Support Supportive Surprisingly good Surreal

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Visitor Survey Report 2017/2018

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Surreal Surrender Survival Sushi Sweat Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty Sweaty as balls Sweaty fun wetty Sweeeeeeeettt Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweltering Sweltering conditions. More shaded walkways required and fans Tasty Terrific Terrific Thankful The best The best ever The best people, atmosphere and acts in australia. Great vibes

The best thing that happened in my life The best week of the year is here The festival has stepped up further from last year The perfect reset Thorough Thorough Thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing Thoroughly enjoyable experience Thoroughly enjoyed it Thought provoking Timely Tired Tiring Tiring Tiring in a good way Titillating Titillating Too many drum machines Tops Tops Totally rad Tra lar larring....super relaxing and chilled Tranquil Tranquil Transcendent Transformative Transformative Transformative and renewing Transformed Transforming Treaty Trippy Ugh Unbelievable

Unbelievable Unbloodyreal Underwhelming acts this year but love it regardless Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique Unique and fun experience Unique and interesting Unique experience Uniqueness Uniqueness Unity in diversity Unmissable

Unreal Unreal Unreal Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Uplifting Utopia Utopia Valuable Varied Varied Varied Varied Varied and full of curiosity Varied eclectic vast Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Variety Very connected, no-one angry, everyone so chilled, families bonding together Very enjoyable Very enjoyable Very enjoyable Very enjoyable

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Very excited. Day 1 hour 2 :):):) Very exciting but some changes not for the best food too expensive Very good Very good Very hot Very not vegan Very relaxing Very relaxing Vibe Vibrant Vibrant Vibrant Vivid Volunteering Warm Warm Warm Warming Warms the cockles We had great crowds and had fun Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming Welcoming and inclusive Welcoming and sonically diverse Welcoming inclusive beautiful immersion in life Well done Well organized

Well planned but a bit of a bubble Wellbeing Wet with sweat or wet with weather, but Where’s the techno? Whimsical Whimsical Wholesome Wholesome Wholesome Wholesome Wicked Wicked Wicked Wide ranging Wide-eyed Wining formula once was innovative conservative Wisdom Wish the rest of my year was more like this Woah Woeful Woke af Wonder Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful

Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful energy! Wonderful experience Wonderful marvellous fascinating magical happiness

Wonderful soul cleansing Wonderful to be home again Wonderful world to escape to Wonderful! Wonderfully wonder full or awe full Wonderland Wonderland Wonderland Wonderment Wondrous Wondrous Wondrous Woodford bf Woodfordlicious Woodfordtageous Woodfordy Wooooooohoooooooooooo Work Work World class Worthwhile Worthwhile Would like it to be like it used to be Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow! Wowzers Xx Yeah Yeah good ey! Yeanah Yes

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You know you are surrounded by many people who are friends you haven't met, because it seems as though woodford attracts the best from society Zen