1 WONDER – 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 2021 “Wash me clean and make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.” Psalm 51 MSG Fasting is abstaining. It’s going without food and drink or something else in your life that you’ll miss. However, it’s not only going without. The goal of Christian fasting is breakthrough in your life which requires prayer. Prayer and fasting go together. Abstaining always serves some greater end and purpose. Christian fasting is abstaining for the sake of some specific Christian purpose. Without a spiritual purpose, it’s not Christian fasting. It’s just going hungry or without. So why should we fast? STEP 1: THE WHY (P.S. THIS IS NOT A DIET PLAN) Why are we fasting? We’re hungry for spiritual renewal. We all need a fresh revelation of who God is and when that happens collectively, we experience revival. Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify the specifics of this fast as it applies to your life and our Bethel family. Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will awaken our soul, awaken our church and heal our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Make this a priority in your fasting. Fasting requires reasonable precautions. Consult your physician first if you’re doing an intense food fast, especially if you take prescription medication or have a chronic problem. Some people should never fast without professional supervision. STEP 2: THE WHAT Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake. Jesus implied that all of His followers should fast (Matthew 6:16-18; 9:14,15). For Him it’s a matter of when believers would fast, not if they will do it. Before you fast, decide the following up front: One meal, two meals, 3 meals a day, a week? The type of fast God wants you to undertake. Just liquids? Daniel Fast? Social Media fast? sugar fast? junk food fast? meat fast? entertainment fast? How much time each day will you devote to prayer and God’s Word? This goes with fasting. Making these commitments ahead of time will help you stick with your fast when physical temptations and life’s pressures push you to abandon it.

WONDER – 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 2021...1 WONDER – 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 2021 “Wash me clean and make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of

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    WONDER – 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING 2021 “Wash me clean and make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.” Psalm 51 MSG Fasting is abstaining. It’s going without food and drink or something else in your life that you’ll miss. However, it’s not only going without. The goal of Christian fasting is breakthrough in your life which requires prayer. Prayer and fasting go together. Abstaining always serves some greater end and purpose. Christian fasting is abstaining for the sake of some specific Christian purpose. Without a spiritual purpose, it’s not Christian fasting. It’s just going hungry or without. So why should we fast? STEP 1: THE WHY (P.S. THIS IS NOT A DIET PLAN) Why are we fasting? We’re hungry for spiritual renewal. We all need a fresh revelation of who God is and when that happens collectively, we experience revival. Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify the specifics of this fast as it applies to your life and our Bethel family. Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will awaken our soul, awaken our church and heal our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Make this a priority in your fasting. Fasting requires reasonable precautions. Consult your physician first if you’re doing an intense food fast, especially if you take prescription medication or have a chronic problem. Some people should never fast without professional supervision. STEP 2: THE WHAT Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake. Jesus implied that all of His followers should fast (Matthew 6:16-18; 9:14,15). For Him it’s a matter of when believers would fast, not if they will do it. Before you fast, decide the following up front: • One meal, two meals, 3 meals a day, a week? • The type of fast God wants you to undertake. Just liquids? Daniel Fast? Social Media

    fast? sugar fast? junk food fast? meat fast? entertainment fast? • How much time each day will you devote to prayer and God’s Word? This goes with


    Making these commitments ahead of time will help you stick with your fast when physical temptations and life’s pressures push you to abandon it.

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    STEP 3: THE HOW The very foundation of fasting and prayer is repentance. Here are several things you can do to prepare your heart: • Ask God to help you make a list of your sins. • Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind and accept God’s forgiveness

    (1 John 1:9). • Seek forgiveness from all whom you have offended, and forgive all who have hurt you

    (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3,4). • Make things right as the Holy Spirit leads you. • Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit according to His command in Ephesians 5:18

    and His promise in 1 John 5:14,15. • Surrender your life fully to Jesus as your Lord and Master; refuse to obey your flesh

    (Romans 12:1,2). • Meditate on the attributes of God - His love, sovereignty, power, wisdom, faithfulness,

    grace, compassion, and others (Psalm 48:9,10; 103:1-8, 11-13). • Begin your time of fasting and prayer with an expectant heart (Hebrews 11:6). • Do not underestimate spiritual opposition. Satan sometimes intensifies the natural

    battle between body and spirit (Galatians 5:16,17). EVERY DAY ASK YOURSELF:

    What did I learn, what must I do, what did I pray today? What is happening in my life? List the miracles.

    Food fasts require the following: • A doctors approval if you have a medical condition. • Limit your activity. • Exercise only moderately. • Rest as much as your schedule will permit. • Prepare yourself for temporary mental discomforts such as impatience, crankiness, and

    anxiety. You may get hangry. • Expect some physical discomforts, especially on the second day. You may have

    fleeting hunger pains, dizziness, or the “blahs.” Withdrawal from caffeine and sugar may cause headaches. Physical annoyances may also include weakness, tiredness, or sleeplessness.

    The first two or three days are usually the hardest. As you continue to fast, you’ll likely experience a sense of well-being both physically and spiritually. However, should you feel hunger pangs, increase your liquid intake.

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    21 DAYS – LET’S GO! Day 1 – January 25 - Revive our Hearts

    Psalm 51:10-12, 1 Chronicles 16:25

    2021 is the year of wonder at Bethel. We’re connecting ourselves to the godly fear and awe that we should have for our Creator.

    This is the kind of reverence that causes us to simply sit in His majesty, waiting for Him to speak because we know that whatever He will say to us will bring life and have the power to save.

    This year we need to be people with repentant hearts, detesting sin and believing that God has the power to lift us up on wings like eagles. People with full hearts that cry out “Great is the Lord, and worthy to be praised”. This year we ask that God will put a new song in our hearts and on our lips.

    It all starts right here. If we hope that many will come to know the God we love, we must first look inward and say “Where do I need change”. So ask Him. ‘God! Where in my life have I created idols? Where in my life have I become lukewarm?’ Then sit with Him and listen. He is faithful! He will carefully and lovingly show you what He desires for you. Let’s start out this 21 days of life giving spiritual growth with this prayer. God! Create in me a clean heart. Renew a right spirit in me. God may revival start right here, with me, today!

    Pray today that God will revive your heart.

    Day 2 – January 26 – Invigorated Prayer Life

    Philippians 4:6-7

    Prayer is how God gets things done here on earth. There’s great power in prayer. We know that and we all believe that! So why aren’t we using every opportunity to pray? If the church believes that God will move and work through our prayers, shouldn’t our prayer meetings be packed out? This isn’t about feeling guilty, this is about doing what we know is true.

    Prayer does a number of things. It brings about the miraculous. It connects us to our Creator. It humbles and quiets our spirits. It connects us to others around us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer has a beautiful way of anchoring us to the amazing promises of God in our lives. The world doesn’t understand this, but we do. Prayer is one of those things that we do that’s different than the world. Where the world trusts in their own abilities, logic and resources, we trust in the one who has all of these in abundance. He shares these freely.

    So during these 21 days let’s ask that our prayer lives be invigorated. That we will repent of the spiritual deserts we came from and that we will turn to the beautifully full and rich life of prayer.

    Pray today that God will make you a person of prayer.

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    Day 3 – January 27 – Know God’s Greatness

    Genesis 1

    How often do you simply sit and take in all that God has done? From the brilliant colouring of the trees in autumn, to the intricately detailed snowflakes, to the power of a roaring river every bit of it is an expression of God’s amazing artistry and creativity.

    Where you’re sitting right now just close your eyes and allow yourself to remember those things in this world that make you say “Wow!”

    Here’s what we hope you remember as you read Genesis 1 today. God is the Creator of all of it. Nature, the universe, physics and mathematics, the minds of people to be able to interact with science and nature and accomplish amazing feats previously thought impossible. All of it is possible because we have a powerful, brilliant, awe-inspiring and creative God. We should never lose the awe. We must never lose the wonder. Our God is brilliant!

    So pray today for God to show you His greatness.

    Day 4 – January 28 – Know God’s Closeness

    Jeremiah 23:23-24

    There’s an old Grammy award winning song that confidently reminds us how God is watching us...from a distance. Is he? Is that what the word says about our God? Is He sitting on a throne somewhere, beyond the clouds, watching us through some magical orb while He makes judgements on all of the things we do? No.

    Jeremiah 23:23-24 reminds us that God is with us, not just watching us. He’s near to us. When we see God as far away, we see him as a transactional God and not an interactional God. He proves to us that He is an interactional God when He sent His son to live on this earth and to die on the cross for us. The one who knew no sin became sin so that we can have life and live abundantly. But He doesn’t stop there. In Acts 2 we witness the amazing gift of the Holy Spirit for God’s church. The Holy Spirit is with you and in you ALL THE TIME. If you go to the store, the Holy Spirit is with you, if you’re sitting around watching movies, the Holy Spirit is with you. You’re never alone.

    Pray today that you’ll know and experience God’s closeness

    Day 5 – January 29 – Know God’s Strength

    Hebrews 4:15-16

    Yesterday we talked about how God is with us, close to us at all times. Is that a good thing? What about when we sin? Do we really want God in the room with us when we aren’t at our finest? Be encouraged! Unlike what many philosophical ideas and world religions tell us, God isn’t a bean counter. He’s not sitting with scales of justice placing your good deeds on one

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    side with your short-comings on the other. On top of that, He’s the God who understands. Hebrews 4:15-16 reminds us that “Jesus understands every weakness we have because He was tempted in every way that we are”. The beautiful truth about His understanding is that He also understands how to defeat that temptation (“He knew no sin” 2 Cor. 5:21). Still not convinced? Here are a number of scriptures that will help you to see Jesus understands all the difficult things we face in this life.

    Jesus understands sorrow - Mt. 26:38 Jesus understands rejection - John 6:66 Jesus understands loneliness - Mt. 27:46 Jesus understands disappointment - Luke 13:34 Jesus understands weariness - John 4:6

    This obviously isn’t an exhaustive list of what Christ understands about humanity. Want to know how He understands what you are going through? Pick up His word and you’ll see that He can be trusted to be the one you confide in.

    Trust in Jesus because He understands everything and pray for His strength today.

    Day 6 – January 30 – Know God’s Sacrifice

    1 Peter 1:3-5

    Jesus was raised from the dead. Do you believe that? You may think that’s an easy question but I wonder how often we truly ponder it. Do I actually believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? If you’re a Christ follower this is non-negotiable. Everything we believe as Christians hinges on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without this miracle we wouldn’t even have the Bible that we hope you read each and every day.

    As 1 Peter reminds us, because Jesus cannot and did not lose, we are given brand new lives. No longer do we need to be slaves to our desires and our emotions. No longer does the world get to speak into who we’re supposed to be. Only God can do that, because He is the only one who can truly offer a brand new life. Not only is He taking care of you now but when He was raised from the dead He protected your eternity. He defeated the effects of sin which is death. He created a way for you to have everlasting life.

    God cannot lose! He worked and He works for and in you.

    Trust in Him and pray today that you’ll know His sacrifice in a fresh, new way.

    Day 7 – January 31 - Know God’s Love

    Isaiah 54:10

    God loves you. Take some time today and sit in the wonder of that. The Creator of all things loves you. Seriously, don’t just let this moment pass you by. If you’ve taken the time to read these words, take a few more moments and sit in His presence. Think about how much He

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    loves you. Listen for Him and let him tell you how much He loves you. His word tells us that while mountains can be shaken and hills wiped out, His love for us can’t be moved. He adores you.

    For some of us this has been an exercise in futility. No matter how we try, we just can’t seem to connect to God’s love. There are many reasons for this disconnect. Sometimes it’s a past hurt, other times it’s because of the loneliness we find ourselves in at this very moment. If you’re struggling to connect with God and His love for you, we encourage you to practice meditating on His word (specifically around His love for you). Read the words and let them sink into your soul. Sit in His presence and allow the words to wash over you. We promise you God will speak if you wait for Him. His words will lift you up, they will encourage you and they will speak of an unfailing love for you.

    Pray today for a fresh revelation of God’s love.

    Day 8 – February 1 – Show God’s Love

    Romans 5:8

    Often, when it comes to love, we look to screenwriters and authors, to poets and songwriters for guidance on what love should look like. What a misguided place to look. While prose and poetry are amazing gifts we’ve been given by God to express our emotions, our thoughts and our desires the ideas we write about love are far from perfect. There’s only one who by Himself can love perfectly. That is our God.

    Love is a difficult thing to prove isn’t it? You can tell someone you love them all day long, but when it actually comes down to it, how can they actually know what you say is true?

    Sure, another person might make your heart race a little, or they may make your palms sweaty, but these things don’t prove that you love them. So how do we know when we’re loved? This is the place where actions speak louder than words. This is the place where Romans 5:8 reminds us of God’s perfect love for us, that while we were still sinners He died for us. How many of us would die for those who hated us? That’s just one of the ways God shows that His love is perfect. Think about it for a moment. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you do God will and does love you.

    Pray today that we’ll love everybody just like God loves us.

    Day 9 – February 2 – God show your goodness through me

    Psalm 145:9

    When other people describe us, don’t you want to be described as good? That insert name here is a good man/woman. Well here’s the truth. You can be a good person. Often we get caught up in the “sin nature” talk so much that we forget that the one who lives inside of us, the one who we’re to emulate is in fact good. This means that we can be good. What we tend to do as stars of our own little movies is create the goodness of God in our own image. We

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    tend to believe that He’s offended by what we are offended by. We tend to believe that the justice we seek, or our rights and freedoms are in the forefront of His mind every day. We tend to make god in our own image.

    Do you want to be good? You need to rely on the goodness of God. This is why we chose Psalm 145:9 for today’s verse. It speaks to whom God is good. We hope this will be a reminder to us that, as we rely on Him to be good, we need to tap into His compassion as well. We need to realize that His compassion is for us...and it’s for EVERYONE else as well. God isn’t offended on our behalf and our justice is not His justice. His greatest concern is the salvation of others whether we have been wronged by them or not. Don’t worry! As you trust in God for His goodness you’ll find it easier and easier to let things go. You’ll be able to see others as Jesus wants you to see them. Precious, valuable and loveable because they’re His children.

    Pray today that God will show His goodness through you.

    Day 10 – February 3 - Destroy Fear

    1 John 4:17-19

    Fear is something that we all face. Seeing the doctor for a mysterious lump. Admitting to a loved one that you’ve let them down. Taking that massive leap of faith because God is calling you to something new.

    This life will come with moments where the temptation will be to run and hide. That isn’t who you are! That isn’t how you have to live! 1 John 4:17-19 tells us very clearly that on judgement day we don’t need to be fearful of what’s to come, and also as we live and breathe on this earth, His perfect love is in us and His perfect love casts out fear.

    Does this mean we won’t have moments? Does living without fear mean we’ll never second guess? Never doubt? Of course it doesn’t. What it means is that fear will never win. A hero is not a hero because they’re emotionless in the face of trials. A hero stands up to those trials in spite of the myriad emotions they may be feeling. God will give you the strength to stand up against any problem, any diagnosis and any attack of the enemy. We’ll be able recognize fear and put it in its proper place. Our encouragement to you is this. Don’t feel like you’ve lost when you’re scared, fear has not yet won. Give your fears and your hopes over to God.

    He’ll destroy the former and build in you the latter. Fear defeated by His perfect love. What’s left? Faith, hope and love!

    Pray today that God will destroy fear in us.

    Day 11 – February 4 - Go Deeper

    Revelation 3:20

    On day 2 of our 21 days we talked about how God isn’t a ‘far away, watching us from a distance, making snap judgements over our every action’ God. Scripture in fact tells us that

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    He’s very much involved in our lives (Rev 3:20, Mt. 28:20, John 14:16-17, Heb. 13:5). This means that His love for us is also interactional! It’s not just transactional.

    Why is this important? Because we have a tendency to equate our value to things that we do. We believe that if we do a good job, then we’re worthy of people’s affections. How I look, what I dress like and where I live are all things we deem worthy of making us lovable. That’s impossible to live up to and it’s not how God sees it. What God values in you is the relationship that He desires to have with you. This means talking to Him. This means listening to Him. This means understanding His promises for and about you and trusting that His love for you will always win.

    His love isn’t always easy. When you open the door to going deeper with God He’ll come in and He’ll also start to clean house if you let Him. This means that idols will need to go. This means forgiveness will need to be given...and asked for. This means that where you give your time, energy and finances will all need to come under His leading and guiding. It is so worth it! Invite him in. Go deep.

    You can’t earn His love! Just open the door, let Him in and love Him. Don’t bother loving other things more and then throwing God into the mix. He wants you! All of you!

    Pray today that God will take you deeper.

    Day 12 – February 5 – Heal me of Brokenness

    Isaiah 61:1

    Over the next few days we’ll be looking at the various miracles of God and how these miracles apply to our lives today. We can’t sit in wonder of God and not discuss His miracles. Today we’re in the book of Isaiah which reminds us that God is the one who binds up the broken-hearted. He is the one who sets the captives free.

    This is how God always treats humanity. He always looks out for us. He has always wanted us to live in freedom. His freedom. We see it first with Adam and Eve. They had it all and were set up to live without fear, without danger, without sickness and shame. They unfortunately were enticed by the enemy and in an emotionally driven moment, threw it all away.

    We see the Israelites living in captivity in Egypt. This isn’t God’s plan for His chosen people so He sends Moses to lead them from the bondage of slavery. In a succession of miraculous events, the Israelite people are taken from slavery and set out as a free people into the wilderness. Much like Adam and Eve the Israelite people weren’t content with their circumstances. They struggled to trust God as well and it cost them years upon years of wandering before they would finally see the land promised to them by God.

    God is always setting captives free. He is consistently healing the broken-hearted even though we consistently rebel.

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    Does He give up on us? No! Instead, He ups the grace! We let Him down and He gives us more. That’s when we see Jesus burst onto the scene in the greatest act of saving ever known. He set us free from ourselves. He set us free from sin. He set us free from death.

    Today, put your trust in Jesus. Whatever you might be struggling with, whatever thing keeps returning to steal your joy and peace, put your trust in Jesus. He breaks all the chains, He revives the dead bones and He sets the captives free.

    Pray today that God will heal the brokenness in your life.

    Day 13 – February 6 - Bring Hope

    1 Thessalonians 4:14

    The resurrection is the foundation upon which everything we believe stands. Without the resurrection we have only OT law. Without the resurrection we don’t have the power of the Holy Spirit living in us, giving us the gifts we need to live a fulfilled, God honouring, kingdom building life. The resurrection miracle is real and it means everything. Without it, we don’t have a Christian faith.

    But we do have faith and our faith isn’t only reasonable, it’s true.

    The resurrection miracle is the greatest act of love and power this world has ever seen. It made a way where there was no way. Think about it. If Christ didn’t win, we’d be stuck in the cycle of try, fail, pay penance, try again, fail again, pay for it...again. How are we supposed to change this world if all we are trying to do is walk on eggshells around an angry God who only wants us to behave. He does want us to behave, but He also wants us to be the change this world needs. Because He’s risen we can confidently know that all things are possible in Him. Remember this miracle today as you walk out your faith. All things are possible with God. He is the hope for this world! Eternally!

    Pray today that God will use you to bring hope to someone in your life.

    Day 14 – February 7 - Pray for Healing

    Luke 8:43-48

    What do you need healing for today? Do you believe God will heal you? We hope you do, and why can’t today be the day?

    While faith plays a part, healing is fully and always from God. This is where the ‘lady who had been bleeding for 12 years’ story teaches us so much about the roles of God and faith in healing. When Jesus says “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace” we might take that scripture to mean that we’re the ones responsible for our own healing. Wait! There are some clear indications in this scripture that show God’s very clear role in the whole process.

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    1. In verse 43 we read that “no one could heal her”. She had been seeking healing for many years and there wasn’t one other person who could do it. It could only be God’s power through Jesus that heals her.

    2. We read in verse 46 when Jesus says “Who touched me?...I know that power has gone out from me”. This power isn’t something that the woman conjures up. She simply did what her faith told her to do and God’s amazing power is the thing that healed her.

    So what is the role of faith in healing? Jesus did say, “your faith has healed you.” We know that healing can’t come without faith. Actually anything of God can’t come without faith in Him (Heb. 11:6). Without faith, this woman wouldn’t have acted.

    That is what faith is meant to do to us. Cause us to move, to act, to seek the miracles of God. Her faith healed her in that she believed in and sought out the source of her healing. What does that mean for you? Are you asking God for healing, or have you stopped? Did it not come that one time at the altar and so it must not be? You don’t need to beg God for it, but your faith will be in action when you ask. It’s not about the words you pray, it’s about believing in the one who heals. He does heal and He can heal you...why not today?

    Pray specifically today for God to heal you.

    Day 15 – February 8 – Live in Righteousness

    Romans 3:22

    Here’s something you need to believe about yourself right now. If you believe in Jesus and His redemptive work then God doesn’t see you for the sins you committed in your past. His promise to you is that you’re made righteous in His sight. This isn’t something you do. This is something you are. The distinction is vital.

    When we believe that righteousness is something we do, we strive to follow rules and we assume we have some capacity to attain righteousness. We can’t! Instead, God makes us righteous which means we simply need to believe it about ourselves. Faith is how God interacts with us. It’s how He blesses us, heals us and how He makes us who He wants us to be. Don’t fall into the trap of believing righteousness is something you can attain on your own. Christ has given us the gift of righteousness. It is who you are. Believe it and live in it.

    Pray today that you’ll live in righteousness and that you’ll live righteously.

    Day 16 – February 9 - Finish Strong

    John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 9:24

    How often have you actually thought about eternity? You should, because this is one of the amazing promises God has for you. This life isn’t the end for us. We may get older and greyer. We may feel aches a little stronger and yes every one of us will face that day when we will cease to exist on this earth. For the believer, praise God, this isn’t the end.

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    Some people struggle to think about eternity. The trouble is that we only have the capability of seeing through our very limited perspective. There’s no way we can imagine a world where we don’t have struggle, where there’s no sickness, inequality, injustice or hatred. A better way to understand what eternal life will be like is to look to the source. If God is capable of creating all of the intricacies of this universe, how much more amazing is the new creation He promises to those who believe in Him. We’ll spend forever immersed in love. We’ll forever know joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We’ll no longer struggle with the problems of today. This is the same love that was in Jesus Christ when He gave His life for us. This is the same love that will spend every moment with you if you let Him. This is the same love that will be with you forever. It’s a game changer.

    Pray today that you’ll finish strong knowing that what we do now echoes in eternity.

    Day 17 – February 10 – Live Your Purpose

    Various Verses

    Do you know who you are in Jesus Christ? Take time today to think about and meditate on these truths about who you are.

    You are:

    John 1:12 - A child of God Ephesians 1:4,5 - Holy/Chosen/Adopted by God Ephesians 1:7 – You’re forgiven/redeemed Romans 15:7 – You’re accepted by God Colossians 2:10 – You’ve been brought to fulness 1 Corinthians 6:17 – You’re united with Him in spirit Romans 6:6 – You’re crucified with Him Genesis 1:27 – You’re created in His image Jeremiah 1:5 – You’re known by Him 1 Peter 2:9 – You’re a priesthood and a holy nation Galatians 3:27-28 – We’re made equal before Christ 1 John 3:1-2 – We’re so completely loved Colossians 3:1-3 – You’re hidden in Christ Ephesians 2:10 – You’re a masterpiece created by the greatest sculptor These are just some of the things God says about you. Ponder these things because they are good! They are actually AMAZING! God, who is so much greater than our universe (which we can’t even fathom), says these things about you. He sees you this way because He has plans and purposes for you...for us. Allow Him to use you the way He needs to bring glory to His name.

    Pray through these verses and that God will help you live your purpose.

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    Day 18 – February 11 – Reach the Lost

    2 Peter 3:9

    God has a vision for the future, and we’re so glad that He does. If we were to simply get what we deserve we would be left to our own devices to struggle with this life and face an eternity separated from our Creator. That isn’t God’s plan. We must always remember this. God has been and continues to be patient with us. He is also patient with our loved ones, our co-workers and even our enemies. Praise God for this!

    Why is it so important for us to remember that His vision is for all to be saved? Here’s why:

    1. Because we must remember our place and how patient He is with us in order for us to show the same patience for others. He doesn’t give up! We don’t give up!

    2. Because we’re people who are extremely quick to lose hope. You read this in the Bible where it seems that at every turn God’s followers were losing hope. Well...if we were in charge of the vision for humanities future, what would happen at the first sign of trouble? Our God doesn’t give up. He strengthens us to live the same way.

    3. Because we are the only people who have the confidence to say “Our God does not leave nor does He forsake.” He promises to be with you to the end no matter what. He proved it on the cross, He understands it through His life and He is the only one with the power to save.

    Don’t grow weary of doing good. Don’t grow weary of praying for the lost. Don’t grow weary of preaching the gospel. He (and by extension we) don’t want a single person to perish. He’s coming again! Let’s do Him proud.

    Pray today by name for your unsaved loved ones, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

    Day 19 – February 12 – Love Each Other

    John 13:35

    God has chosen us to be His ambassadors on earth. He wants people to experience His goodness, His love and His power through us. What an honour! How amazing is that?

    Here’s the trouble. We’re still people in our completely imperfect bodies, with our completely imperfect thoughts and our completely imperfect emotions that often lead the way. There’s amazing news here though. Even though all of these things are true, God still saves. We’re hearing beautiful testimonies of new and long-time believers sharing stories of God’s amazing providence in their lives. God is at work through us. We aren’t getting it all wrong! Through our trust in God He makes us capable of loving each other.

    Yes, we make mistakes, and yes there is work that needs to be done. However, our identity and our future aren’t determined by our mistakes, and our mistakes don’t make us useless. God doesn’t leave us on our own. He strengthens us and helps us to love each other and to do

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    it well. A better indicator of our love for each other may just be how we treat others when they make mistakes. Do we treat them with grace and mercy like our God treats us?

    This doesn’t mean we go on making mistakes. We shouldn’t assume that it doesn’t matter how we treat each other. It’s clear. Love each other. The world is watching.

    Pray that we’ll always keep loving each other and that we’ll keep walking in unity as a community of faith.

    Day 20 – February 13 – Do God’s Work

    1 Corinthians 12:1-11

    Do you think you’re incapable of doing God’s work? If you’re a believer it means you’re called by His name to do the work of the kingdom. That can mean very different things for different people, but we need to understand that all of it comes from God and that all of it is equally important in the kingdom of God.

    Some people say, “I’m not really sure that I should volunteer at the church. I don’t really have anything to offer”. This simply isn’t true. If you’re a believer and you’re not using your gifts for the kingdom, where are you using the gifts that God’s given you? Don’t let the enemy tell you that because you’re not a speaker or a singer that you’re somehow ‘less than’ and therefore not important in God’s kingdom.

    The key to any of the gifts God gives us to use to grow the kingdom is this: rely fully on the Holy Spirit to give you what you need when you need it. This means have a ready heart to do whatever needs to be done. Nothing is too big, and nothing is too small in the kingdom.

    Pray today that God will powerfully use your gifts to do His work.

    Day 21 – February 14 – Revive Our Land

    Ezekiel 37

    Our God is a good God who brings renewal. There are so many souls in our families, work places, our cities and towns who desperately need Jesus as their saviour.

    God uses all of us to share His amazing story to bring about repentance and salvation. We as a believers need to be praying for a church that is revived. A church in revival will be a fearless church. The revived church is a praying church. It’s a church that relies fully on the promises and gifts of God to ensure that the gospel message be shared to as many people as possible.

    This is no small thing. When revival breaks out, everything changes. Everything we’ve prayed for over this 21 day fast will begin to come into clear view as God breathes life into dry bones. How could we not desire an amazing move of God? Everything will increase! Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control...all of it...increased! Our worship will be something we have never experienced. Our relationships will be filled with the

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    love of God. Our struggles will seem lighter as our perspective shifts from the troubles of the world to the ways of God.

    We don’t need more good services (though we like good services). We need...our families need...the world needs a powerful move of God. Let’s never stop praying for revival.

    Pray today that God will revive us, revive our church and that He’ll revive our land.

    So what has God done in your life? How do you respond to a revived heart? There are a number of things you can do to keep fresh in your faith! 1. Ask the Holy Spirit daily to reveal any sin in your life. 2. Seek forgiveness from all whom you’ve offended and forgive all who’ve hurt you. Make

    restitution where God leads. 3. Examine your motives in your words and actions. Ask the Lord to search and cleanse

    your heart daily. 4. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you become complacent and lazy. 5. Praise and give thanks to God continually in all ways on all days, regardless of your

    circumstances. 6. Hunger and thirst for God’s presence in your daily life. 7. Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength. 8. Daily give control to the Holy Spirit. 9. Read, study, meditate on and memorize God’s Word daily. 10 Pray without ceasing. 11. Talk about Jesus every single day. 12. Join a small group, attend the prayer meetings at church, serve at church.