Women Made Incremental Progress in Tech the Past Few Years (1)

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Although Silicon Valley is a key place to the technical industry, Chicago and Boston are actually known as being the cities with the highest number of women-founded startups. Industry leaders such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Twitter have been hiring women at a higher rate than their male counterparts during the past two years, which proves that female entrepreneurship gained power. The innovation in this case comes from the additional value which an organization created through this. Encouraging women to adopt an entrepreneurial and to be more involved in the tech industry. There are still more steps to follow in order for this entrepreneurial orientation of women to be fully developed. It could be said that these steps should be made on both sides. On the one hand, considering that 56 percent of women leave tech positions due to no room for career advancement and unsupportive company culture, it becomes clear that companies should adopt a more flexible approach in this regard. On the other hand, women will develop their position towards a stronger career development and this will probably be reflected also in organizational flexibility at some point. Also, it is worth mentioning that there are differences in terms of womens career development in the tech industry depending on the culture and country. States like USA, United Kingdom or France are experiencing a higher rate of female employment in the tech industry. As examples of cities in which there are many startups founded by women we have Chicago with a 30% rate, Boston with a 29 % rate, Silicon Valley with a 24% rate and Los Angeles with a 22% rate. Among the European cities which are also present in this classification, we have Paris with a 21% rate and London with a 18% rate. This leads to the idea that culture also plays an important role in this matter. As a conclusion, innovation is strongly highlighted in this case through the overcoming of gender barriers in technology area, which, until some time ago was strongly dominated by men.