Women in the 20s

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  • 8/18/2019 Women in the 20s



    The main purpose of my TFG is to study in depth the changes that occured in women’s

    life during such a memorable period in the US history as the Roaring Twenties were.

    Therefore, the aim of this paper is to examine some of the social changes that women

    experimented after orld ar !, specifically in the "merica of the #$%&s. !n order to do

    that, the paper has been di'ided in the following sections( the opportunities that women

    had in that period of time, women )s self image * including the changes in clothes or

    hairstyles *, achie'ements of important women, and female role models of the #$%&s.

    Finally, there is a case study in which ! obser'e the most important women characters

    that appear in F. Scott Fit+gerald)s no'el The Great Gatsby . oreo'er, ! will explore the

    male sexism or patriarchal ideology in the no'el and ! will ma-e an analysis based on aclose reading of the text. Therefore, ! will analyse the no'el through a series of e'ents

    and examples that appear in the no'el concerning the three women protagonists /aisy,

    0ordan and yrtle1 and that illustrate the misogyny of the narrator.

    Key words: women, emancipation, twenties, Fit+gerald, Gatsby, /aisy, yrtle, 0ordan.

    2l prop3sit principal del meu TFG 4s estudiar en profunditat els can'is 5ue es 'an

    produir en la 'ida de les dones durant un per6ode tan memorable en la hist3ria dels2stats Units com eren els bo7os anys 'int. 8er tant, l)ob7ectiu d)a5uest treball 4s

    examinar alguns dels can'is socials 5ue les dones 'an experimentar despr4s de la

    8rimera Guerra undial, concretament a l)"m9rica dels anys #$%&. 8er a fer aix3, el

    document s)ha di'idit en les seg:ents seccions( les oportunitats 5ue les dones tenien en

    a5uest per6ode de temps, la pr3pia imatge de les dones * incloent els can'is en la roba o

    pentinats *, els 9xits aconseguits de les dones i el paper de dones important de la d9cada

    de #$%&. Finalment, hi ha un cas d)estudi en el 5ual obser'o els personatges femenins

    m4s importants 5ue apareixen en la no'el;la de F. Scott Fit+gerald El gran Gatsby . "

    m4s a m4s, explorar4 el sexisme mascul6 o ideologia patriarcal en la no'el;la i far4 un
