Wollemi College Staff Handbook 2019 - for... · Mr Scott Williamson Head of Primary . ... Mr Jay Pacquing Mr Boyd Finn . Mr James Burfitt Mrs Julie-Ann McLoughlin. Administration

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Page 1: Wollemi College Staff Handbook 2019 - for... · Mr Scott Williamson Head of Primary . ... Mr Jay Pacquing Mr Boyd Finn . Mr James Burfitt Mrs Julie-Ann McLoughlin. Administration
Page 2: Wollemi College Staff Handbook 2019 - for... · Mr Scott Williamson Head of Primary . ... Mr Jay Pacquing Mr Boyd Finn . Mr James Burfitt Mrs Julie-Ann McLoughlin. Administration


Wollemi College Staff


Mr Matthew Aldous Headmaster

Mr Andreas Engesser Deputy Headmaster

Mr Peter Harb Director of Personalised Education

Mr Brett Wright Director of Teaching and Learning

Mr Scott Williamson Head of Primary

Mr Ian Mejia Director of Administration

Mr Angel Bueno Mr Mark Ranftl

Mr Kadhirvelou Dhandapani Mr Bryan Reyes

Mr Joe Tabone Mr Jean Pierre De Villiers

Mr Iain Fraser Mr Andrew Todd

Mr Ian Ison Mr Anthony Toutounji

Mr Jacob Kuruvilla Mr Gerard Weber

Mr Raphael Lambert Mr Mark White

Mr Andrew Naylor Mr Brendan Williams

Mr Jay Pacquing Mr Boyd Finn

Mr James Burfitt Mrs Julie-Ann McLoughlin

Administration and Support Staff

Mrs Camille Wiggins PA to the Headmaster, Events Administrator

Mrs Rocel Quinn Registrar & Uniform Shop

Mrs Pauline Ward Receptionist/Secretary

Mrs Blessida Aguilar Admin Receptionist & Chapel Assistant

Mr Justin Lockley Librarian

Mrs Lydia Jocson Accounts Officer for Wollemi & Montgrove

Phone: 4749 4722 Email: [email protected]

Chaplains Fr JP Maldonado

Fr Max Polak

All members of staff may be contacted by e-mail commencing with their full name in lower case and then adding @wollemi.nsw.edu.au.

Example: [email protected]

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Wollemi College 4 Gipps Street Werrington NSW 2747 Tel: 9833 0499 Fax: 9833 0599 Website: www.wollemi.nsw.edu.au

839 Old Northern Road DURAL NSW 2158 Tel: 9651 1177 Mr John McMahon…General Manager Mr Bob Ash ………….Financial Controller


Term 1

First Day Monday 4 February Last Day Friday 12 April

Term 2

First Day Monday 29 April Last Day Friday 28 June (Public Holiday Mon June 10)

Term 3

First Day Monday 22 July Last Day Friday 27 September

Term 4

First Day Tuesday 15 October Last Day Tuesday 10 December

Page 4: Wollemi College Staff Handbook 2019 - for... · Mr Scott Williamson Head of Primary . ... Mr Jay Pacquing Mr Boyd Finn . Mr James Burfitt Mrs Julie-Ann McLoughlin. Administration


THE TUTORIAL SYSTEM The Personalised Tutorial System is the most distinctive means used by PARED Schools to achieve their aims. Families are assigned an individual tutor. The tutor meets regularly with the student, with the student’s teacher, and with the parents. In this way, parents progress in their interviews each term. The tutorial system assists each student’s academic progress and character development. The tutor’s rapport and friendship with the student and family are fundamental to the education process. In order for the Tutorial System to work effectively, parents are expected to attend formal parent/tutor interviews. Appointments are scheduled every term with the student’s tutor and parents. Both parents are expected to attend interviews. Apart from formal interviews, the tutor is available to talk to the parents whenever necessary. Tutors’ available times for the parent-tutor meeting each term are published on the College website. It is in the interest of parents to book the meeting each term. We suggest a meeting early in the term allows goals to be set for the term. You will be able to meet your son’s tutor at the New Parent Orientation Day. IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR

New Parent Orientation Parents new to Wollemi College are required to attend a special Parent Orientation on Saturday 2 February 2019. There will be guest speakers and workshops to help new parents get more acquainted with the philosophy of the school. Even if you had a child enrolled in Montgrove College prior to joining Wollemi we ask you to attend this Seminar which is specific to Wollemi and Boys’ Education. Please find letter of invitation and program at the back of this booklet. Key Parent Functions Key Parent Functions are scheduled in the first three terms. Term 1 KPF focuses on an information session where class teachers explain their program outline for the year and their expectations. The first Key Parent Function in 2019 for the whole school is on Tuesday 12 February. Please mark this event in your diary. In Terms 2 and 3, there are presentations that can assist parents in the character, educational or spiritual formation of their children. Key Parent Functions are attended by both parents. These sessions are not only informative but also provide an occasion for parents to socialise. Father & Son Camps

Camps are organised by the school once a year for years 2, 3&4, 5&6 and 7&8.

They are held at a camp site booked by the College staff. These camps are a great opportunity for father and son to enrich their relationship by spending quality time together, and for fathers to observe their son’s interactions with other students. Fathers also get to know other dads in the class better, and have the opportunity to enhance their parenting by exchanging ideas & listening to talks relevant to their sons’ age group.

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The first father and son camps for the year will be held on the following dates;

Year 2 - Friday 22 February to Sunday 24 February 2019, Blue Gum Lodge Springwood Years 3 & 4 - Friday 22 March to Sunday 24 March 2019, Blue Gum Lodge Springwood The cost of the camp is usually added to the term fees.

CLASS PARENTS Class parents are appointed by the College to help foster friendship and unity, among the parents of individual classes and the school, and to co-ordinate support for families when it is needed: e.g. in case of illness or upheaval in the family. Your support and co-operation with class parents is vital to the success of the school.


Wollemi College offers students a solid grounding in the Catholic faith as the basis for a simple and deep love of God. Students are encouraged to live their faith with a genuine spirit of freedom and commitment. The School emphasises the primary role that parents play in their children’s spiritual development. Wollemi is open to children from all faiths. The Chaplain of the school is a priest of Opus Dei. Sacramental programs are parish based but students receive thorough instruction in the sacraments as part of their religious education at school. Mass is celebrated every day of the week at 10.30am by the school chaplain. Parents are also welcome to attend. The Chaplain is also available for reconciliation and to speak with parents and students. The primary classes attend once per week while the secondary students attend on a voluntary basis. VIRTUES PROGRAM The character development of the students is aided by the practice of virtues which are taught to students as part of the curriculum and should be reinforced at home. Students have a new “Motto” every week which is printed on the top of the Newsletter. This virtue is emphasized and discussed during school time. Parents are asked to encourage their sons to put the particular virtue into practice at home. PARENT INVOLVEMENT Some families contribute to the school community by assisting in areas such as fundraising, sport, book covering, working bees and more. Opportunities are advertised in the Newsletter as they arise. The school relies heavily on parental involvement which helps in building the relationship between school and home as well as assisting the school. However, the principal involvement remains being effective parents in the home.

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School Times

Students: 8:40 am – 3:25pm

Parents are advised that students are not permitted on school premises before 8:15 am unless there are co-curricular commitments or prior arrangements have been made with the school. ALL students should be picked up by 3.45pm

Daily Timetable

8.40 am School Begins 11.05 am – 11.25 am Morning Tea 1.05 pm – 1.45 pm Lunch 3.25 pm School Finishes

SPORT DAYS Students will be advised the day of their sports day at the beginning of the term. They come to school in their sports uniform on the day. The sports uniform is the light blue Wollemi polo shirt and accompanying dark blue Wollemi sports shorts. In cases of cold weather students are to wear the college tracksuit only. Students should bring their coloured House Shirt with them on sports days, and change at school if required. The House shirt is also to be worn at the athletics, cross country and swimming carnivals. It should not be worn for travelling to and from school. SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES Short school assemblies, separate for Primary and Secondary, are held every Monday. Students learn about the current motto and other announcements are made. Whole school assemblies are held several times each term. A separate Primary Awards Assembly is usually held at the end of the term during which students are presented with Merit Certificates and other special awards. BIRTHDAYS Parents may bring a birthday cake for the class to share on their son’s birthday. Please keep in mind, however, that the simpler the better. A small cake to share, donuts or cupcakes are sufficient. As we have students in specific classes with nut allergies, please ensure that any food brought to share with the class does not contain nut products. COMPETITIVE SPORT Competitive Wollemi sport teams are organised and run by parents on behalf of the school. School teams enter local sporting competitions such as football (soccer) and basketball. Competitive sport

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and training takes place outside of school hours. Information will be made available at registration time for various sports. STUDENT ATTENDANCE & NOTIFICATIONS If your son is marked absent at morning roll call, or arrives late, you will receive an SMS message. This is usually around 10.00am, notifying you that his absence or late arrival has been noted. If you receive an absentee SMS, but your son is supposed to be at school (i.e. your son is not sick, and you expect him to be at school) please contact the office. If you are aware of the reason for the absence, the message is for your notification only. Please notify the school immediately if these SMS notifications are to go to a different number.

Absence from school The Education Act requires each child of school age to be in school each day that the school is open. It is a legal requirement that parents inform the school of every student’s absence in writing. The usual method of notifying the school for student absences is as follows:

• If your child is absent from school, sick or has a doctor’s appointment, you are requested to contact the school by 8.50am with this information. Messages can be left on the answering machine at any time.

• A note explaining the absence should be sent to the child’s teacher upon the student’s return. It is acceptable to send an email for this purpose.

Extended Leave The Government now requires parents to apply for all periods of leave for their son. There is a formal procedure for this. Please enquire at the school office for an application form. After completion, the form has to be returned for approval by the Headmaster. A communication will follow informing approval or non-approval. All applications for leave need to be processed before departing on a holiday or any planned time off school. Late arrival School starts officially at 8:40am. Students are expected to be punctual at all times, and the school keeps a record of late arrivals. Students who arrive at school later than 8.40am are required to sign the late arrival register in the office. Late arrivals affect the learning outcomes of a student, and are a disruption to other members of the class. Students who are repeatedly late in arriving at school can suffer long term affects to their learning.

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Early departure Parents are to notify the school when a student needs to leave school early. All students leaving early must report to the office and fill in an early departure note. In the case of parental pick-up, the office staff will arrange for the student to be called to the front office for collection. Parents are not permitted to collect their son from the classroom or other school areas.

Alternative arrangements If you make arrangements for another adult to collect your child from school please notify the school office beforehand. Pick-up is from the front office, and an early departure note must be filled in and signed by the collecting adult.

Please ensure your child knows his travel arrangements before he leaves home in the morning. If there is to be some change for the day please advise the child’s teacher in writing, giving details of the change. Messages to the front office to change arrangements should only be sent in cases of emergency.


• Vehicular entrance is from Gipps Street off Werrington Road.

• Entry is from the second gate only.

• The curb by the buildings is set down and pick up only – no parking.

• Do not alight from the right hand side of cars in the set down lane. Please be especially vigilant with children not to alight on the right.

• In the morning after set down, boys should move straight to the classroom and not loiter

on the footpath in front of the school.

• If you wish to park in the morning, drive through the gate and turn right into car park. In the afternoon, for safety reasons, the right hand turn into the carpark is barred. If you wish to park, please drive around the pickup line and enter the car park via the second entry point.

• Please do not double park in the set down lane but wait for space to be available on the


• Please watch for young students crossing on pedestrian crossing from the school veranda entrance to the carpark.

• After school the Primary boys are supervised on the field side (South) of the Admin

building. Secondary boys are supervised in front of the Chapel. Boys should not be waiting on the footpath until released by the supervising teacher.

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• Students who wish to make their way by foot to Werrington station should depart the school via the pedestrian gate adjacent to the overflow car park.

• Students who wish to make their way by foot to Werrington Road or the Great western

highway should exit the school via the pedestrian gate adjacent to the vehicular entry gate.

TEXT BOOKS AND STATIONERY PACKS In Primary, Wollemi lends the students’ their text books. The hire fee is incorporated into the curriculum/material levy every term, while subject-related workbooks are charged for in the term fees. Texts are returned at the end of each year. In the case that one is misplaced or badly damaged, its replacement cost will be charged to the school fees. In Year 7-12, students purchase most of their own texts, as published in their book list. This is because the Education Authority’s courses and texts often change, and it gives the students greater ownership of their studies. The advantages for students when they purchase their own texts is that they have:

• the most up-to-date edition of their texts in very good condition • a greater sense of personal ownership of their texts, enabling them to write notes in

them if desired • access to digital versions of their texts in pdf and/or to additional online content • less need to transport the texts to and from school because they can access digital

versions at home. Some of the texts required in secondary are still supplied by the school. The cost of these texts is incorporated into the curriculum/material levy every term. Stationery lists are sent home at the end of each year to all families with students in Year 2-10. A student’s stationery supplies should be purchased over the Christmas holidays so that he is in readiness for the upcoming academic year. SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY It is a Parental responsibility to ensure students are dressed in the correct school uniform each day, including sports days. Students are to arrive and leave from the College in their full school uniform. The Wollemi uniform is only available for purchase from the uniform shop. It is not available from other public outlets or venues. The Uniform Shop is located near the hall, building ‘Block C’. Mrs Rocel Quinn manages the uniform shop voluntarily but appreciates help from other willing mums. The shop is open on the following days:

• Every Friday from 3.30pm to 4.00pm. • Friday 1 February 2019 between 10am and 12 noon • On the first day of each term 8.15am to 8.40am

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Summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 and 4. Full winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 and 3. Primary students wear shorts all year round with short socks in the summer terms and knee length socks with garters in the winter. All secondary students wear long pants all year round. A blazer, long- sleeved shirt and tie are worn by secondary students during Terms 2 and 3. However, there may be some instances when students will be asked to wear their formal uniform for other occasions as advised. Please see Uniform Check/Price List attached to this handbook.

Labelling Of Personal Belongings Please ensure every item of clothing and property is CLEARLY labelled with your child’s name. Please check items regularly as property belonging to other students is inadvertently taken home. Labeled items may be returned from lost property to the appropriate student. Uncollected lost property without names will be either placed in the second-hand uniform pool for resale or sent to St Vincent de Paul for recycling. School Shoes

Students are required to wear clean, black leather school shoes. Boots, joggers or other casual shoes are not to be worn with the uniform. Black sneakers are not acceptable. Joggers are only to be worn on sports day with sports uniform and should be predominantly white in colour. All students are encouraged to bring a pair of joggers to school that they could change into during their lunch break to protect their shoes.


A cap is compulsory for all Primary students and MUST be worn outdoors at all times. The Primary school has a ‘no hat no play’ policy. Students may leave their school hats in their desks during the week and take them home on weekends if required.

In Secondary, the ‘no hat no play’ policy applies in Terms 1 & 4 only.

The Uniform Shop sells hats for primary and secondary students. It is also permissible for students to wear a Wollemi sports club cap. In addition, primary students are permitted to wear their ‘winning-team hat’.

School Bag Please ensure your son has a navy blue school bag of appropriate size for the student’s age. Backpacks are acceptable providing they are designed for school and not

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recreational use and do not have inappropriate logos. The uniform shop stocks a very good quality bag for your convenience.


Hair should be neat, tidy and moderate in style. It should not be excessively short or long, and should be cut at an even length throughout. No hair colouring is allowed. If a haircut is unacceptable, the class teacher will direct the boy to have it rectified as required. This area is primarily one of parental responsibility. Senior students are to be clean-shaven. Belts should be plain black with a plain buckle. Jewellery that is visible is not permitted. Wristwatches are permitted.

SPORTING, MUSICAL AND NEWS ITEMS Personal property of this nature is brought to school at the student’s own risk. Items of this nature should only be brought to school if requested by teaching staff and specific storage arrangements have been made. Students are forbidden to carry anything that could be construed as a weapon e.g. pen knife.

Musical Instruments Many boys including Year 6 and secondary band members are required to bring instruments to school. Instruments should be clearly labeled with: Student’s Name, Name of school and Phone Number Toys and trading cards from home should not be brought to school.


The Newsletter is distributed every Tuesday of term via the Wollemi College SkoolBag App. The Newsletter contains weekly school news and information of interest to parents, and communicates with home about administrative matters and upcoming events. The Newsletter is distributed by Skoolbag direct to mobile phones, as well as emailed to both parents’ email addresses. Parents should download the Wollemi College Skoolbag App for their mobile phone from their App Store. Skoolbag is the principle means of receiving information from, and communicating with, the school. Articles for inclusion in the Newsletter may be emailed to [email protected]

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TELEPHONE CALLS TO SCHOOL OFFICE Messages for students and staff members may be left at the School Office and every endeavour is made to convey the messages as soon as possible. It is not always possible to pass messages to students that are received late in the school day. CHANGE OF DETAILS It is imperative that parents notify the School Office of any change of address, telephone number or emergency contact details as soon as they occur. The PARED office issues CHANGE OF DETAIL forms at the beginning of each year to all families. Families should complete and return these forms to the School Office as soon as possible. FAMILY LISTS

One of the major objectives of the school is to foster friendships among the parent body. This is done through the various sporting and social functions. It is customary for personal details of school families (such as address and telephone numbers) to be made available to other families within the College. Should you not want your details to be made known please notify the Office. To obtain details of your child’s class please enquire at the school office or ask your class parents. USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES

• Mobile Phones and other Electronic Devices Students are not permitted to carry or be in possession of a mobile device during the school day.

Students are required to hand in their mobile devices to their class teacher during roll call each morning, or to the Secretary, should they arrive late. The mobile devices will be kept in a secure location by the College during the day. The class teacher will return the devices to the students at afternoon dismissal.

If any student needs to contact a parent during school hours, he or she should do so via the School Secretary. Parents who need to contact their child during school hours should telephone the School and leave a message with the School Secretary, not via their child's mobile phone.

• Games at school Any student caught playing computer games on the school computers will have his school account closed down for a period of time to be determined by the school. As a further measure, the school may restrict a student’s access, once his account is reinstated.

• Laptops Personal Laptops are not allowed at School. Students will be given access to the School network as required.


For school excursions, permission forms detailing the student’s requirements and cost are sent to parents electronically, via email and the Skoolbag App. Upon receipt, parents should complete and submit the Permission Form as soon as possible. Excursion costs are covered by the Curricular Materials and Activities Levy, which is charged on a family basis.

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EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Football, basketball, rugby, chess, debating, public speaking and ukulele are offered as extra-curricular activities at Wollemi College. Arrangements concerning these activities will be advised. LUNCH AND RECESS

Parents are required to provide their children with a healthy recess and lunch to eat each day. There are no canteen facilities at school, so students should take responsibility for bringing their lunchbox to school each day. Please include a drink for both lunch and recess, particularly during hot weather. Please clearly label your child’s lunchbox and drink containers, including lids. As we have children at school with severe nut allergies which can be very serious, please avoid sending to school all nut spreads such as peanut butter and chocolate nut spreads. Please check that children do not bring foods containing nuts to school. PHOTOS IN THE MEDIA, NEWSLETTER AND COLLEGE WEBSITE From time to time articles about the school appear in the media. Often photos accompany these. An authorization is included together with the Student Medical Form. If you do not wish your child’s photo to appear, please notify the school office in writing. STUDENT IT AGREEMENT Each student at Wollemi is asked to sign an agreement to become a registered user of the College IT network (including Internet access, and use of all IT facilities in the school). Both parents and students need to read and sign the attached form and return it to school for our records. PRIVACY COLLECTION NOTICE This notice is a legal requirement concerning Privacy Legislation. Wollemi College, as always, respects the privacy of each individual. Please sign and return to the office on first day of school or earlier. HEALTH A Student Medical Form is attached. Please complete carefully since staff need consent from parents to administer any medical aid to students.

Sickness at School Students who feel ill during class time are required to seek permission from their class teacher to go to the Sick Bay. All Administration staff and teaching staff are qualified in First Aid and will supervise and care for ill or injured students.

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Staff will contact and advise parents/guardians when an injury or condition requires further attention.

Immunisation Each year the NSW Health Department provides a school based vaccination service to offer vaccines recommended for adolescents by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Dates will be communicated at the beginning of the year. Usually this service is provided to students in Years 7 and 10. Infectious Diseases In the event of a student contracting an infectious disease, please refer to the NSW Health Guidelines website. These guidelines indicate the minimum length of time a student should be excluded from school. Professional advice should be sought from a Registered Medical Practitioner in all cases. Please advise the School Office immediately if your child contracts even a mild case of an infectious disease. Some children in the school are particularly susceptible to infection and their parents will need to be advised if there has been the possibility of contact. The decision to re-admit students to class following their exposure to an infectious disease is ultimately at the discretion of the school. Parents may be asked to provide a Doctor’s Clearance Certificate before re-admittance.

Medication The school is not authorised to administer any medication including paracetamol to any student without express permission by the parent or guardian of the student concerned.

If it is necessary for a student to take medication of any kind, it should be taken to the School Office with a note. Medication should not be left in school bags as some medication may cause allergies in other children, with serious consequences. Over the counter medication such as cough mixtures will be administered at the parents’ written request, but only the recommended age/weight appropriate dose will be given. All medication by law must be in its original container and all prescribed medication must have child’s name, expiry date and dosage details on the chemists label. A letter will be required from the doctor authorising any changes.

Asthma Parents of Students who suffer from asthma are required to provide the school with medication and a puffer to be kept in the first-aid area of the school office. Medication will be administered as per written request from parents or in case of emergency as determined by the First Aid officer.

Wollemi is recognized as an Asthma Friendly School by the Department of Health.

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Allergies Parents of students who suffer from food allergies must contact the school office to arrange for relevant individual procedures to be put in place. Anaphylaxis medication and emergency procedures for each identified student are kept in the first-aid area of the school office and in the student’s classroom. Please ensure that all medication kept at school has not expired.

FINANCES 2018 TUITION FEES SCHEDULE (2019 Fees will be communicated by PARED in Term 1)

SCHOOL SECTION FEE PER TERM Tuition Fees (four terms per year) Infants/Primary $460 per student Year 7 to Year 10 $785 per student Senior Secondary 11 – 12 $935 per student Curriculum/Materials and Activities Levy: Primary $225 /term/per student Secondary $245/term/per student Building Fund contribution (Compulsory) $300 per family/term Sibling Concessions Second Child 10% concession Third Child 25% concession Further concessions for additional children enrolled. Further information about financial arrangements may be obtained from the PARED Office.

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Please also note the following items relating to fee accounts:

1. For convenience we request that payment of accounts be made monthly by electronic bank transfer. Should you require any clarification regarding this method of payment, please do not hesitate to contact the PARED Office.

2. Payment of Fees - Fees may be paid at the School Office by cheque or money order.

Please return the remittance slip by the due date in order to assist with identification of payments, especially for building society and company cheques. Separate cheques are required for other PARED schools. Fees may be paid by credit card for convenience, however, a 4% administration charge will be incurred.

3. If payment by cash is your preferred option please pay at any Westpac Bank:

Account Details: BSB 032 376 Account No. 238 443

Once payment is made please attach the bank receipt to the school fee slip and hand it to Wollemi office so that payment may be identified.

4. Receipts are not issued unless specifically requested, in which case, a statement of account will be sent.

5. Difficulty in meeting payment - Accounts should be settled within two weeks of issue. If

difficulties in payment arise the PARED Office should be contacted before the due date in order to inform of difficulty and agree on some settlement arrangements. It is important to inform the Office since failure to do so would result in the student not being allowed to recommence classes in the new term.

6. Administration fee at the rate of 1% per month will be charged on all accounts not

received by the due date for payment (except for direct debit accounts).

7. Withdrawal of Student - One full term’s written notice (or one school term’s fees in lieu of notice) is required when withdrawing a student from school. Holiday periods do not constitute adequate notice.

8. Accident Insurance - An accident cover for 24 hours a day is included in the account for

each student. Completed accident report to be handed to Headmaster. Attachments (to be supplied to new parents)

� Medical forms � IT Agreement � NAPLAN details form � Privacy Collection Notice form � Uniform Price list

Documentation to be given to the school office.

� Immunisation Record