•-•^'•'Sh- " r*%g&3KL&%8f&i •*vi* . *** Ml?: 1928 k * FRflJAY. JULY 27. 1928 *- ;*%fr ' ^ C & '^ W^'& * ~7^\ I.-' '. GOUVERNEUR FREE PRESS K" '•?&•;<*?-£: * - . - ' * x$ - . IP? :A : ;: pw '•'^'•V W;»; .-. "'V *,* Free Frets Business Directory Two wl*ea claim the body of a murdered gangster In New York. He probably had a gang of wires. —The Pathfinder. *i Jfi i the urday, >r 788 AXGE )n the Friday 11 sold 30 at > +20 as at D. M. HAZELTON General Insurance DaaaadaUt Stock GLEN W. SEVERANCE Funeral Director Ntebt Call CVT nOWUS LEONARD & FULLER Men's and Boys' Fannshinfs Tiab-hfi * Tl Main St Plume SO-J A. M. JEPSON & CO. Insurance of AH Kinds Mukipal Bldf. PboM 248-J J. R. STURTEVANT, MLD.| Eye Specialist STXAWRKNOE INK MAT t JXTXB 5 JULYSaadSl 4 AVON WATERTOWN NOW PLAYING Matinee and Kites Hot. Coat, Bid Baraga Prices ALL TALKING PICTURE 100% TALK Acclaimed by the Norther* New York people the movt iipminrtanVil tnnovatlo in the eattlre history of of B. J. & I t J. Carpenter Every Knows Kind of INSURANCE and BONDS »Ck»caSt 31 OtwifatdM Lifk ft F«war Co. Ooui t w wM '• Ifiraaff ^"Twrftiny LIGHT • POWER • HBAT ' Electric Merchandise and AD - Kinds of Jobbing % W Church St. It W. BUSH High Grade Securities and Real Estate 90 Willi**. St. Phone «7-R -Little Mabel—Miss Sharp, mamma wants to know if you really left your songs at home? Miss Sharp—Yea, dear. Why? Little Mabel—Well, papa says It sounds too good to be true. —The Pathfinder. Wfean motoring thru the Adlr- ondfeks stop at M AT7TO T I L - LAGS'* located between Fine and Orwegatchie. Cottages, and filling station with restaurant combined. MRS. IDA M. KEENE SEE *W HEAR * | * ALL TALKING LIGHTS OF NEW YORK AN ALL-STAR CAST OOtV tW MVfcM N t S M t f a t f NtfBSW SSjVW You will hen>r every word spoken throtighont the entire picture. 100 piece orchestra and effects. It Is Truly WONDERFUL! Bring the entire family and witness the greatest event in history.. MaUSOA I.& >ttes50.a&,ao*15 EDWARDS MAN BITTEN BY DOG ODD FELLOWS P U N BIG FAIR OMMI Fiwaua ScTtrdy bj««d Wkea' Aviators WS Be AHackaJ hy Aaawal OwaaJ j Exk&itfM tt Cttebralioa by Father j Aug. 10 FINE | Fine, July *6.— The Charles Locke* recently w Mrs. Daniel Ramroft of Russell, l.*e Barker, Alice Penny and James ^ I Burna of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Present mm ^ Give * } ' ^* wlon an( * children and Flora Mrs Miii- Wood* of Edwards, July 27.—Aug. 7 is the' Depeyater, July :'« -The Metho- date for the annual school meeting dUt Indies' Aid will hold a lawn At that time a trustee will be elected : social on tha lawn of Mr and Mm. to nil the place of W. H. Brown whose j Charles Morris,, Tuesday evening, office expires aud for the transaction ; July 31. lea crt-am, cake and hot of such other business as is necessary, jdogs will be served A-U m e m b e r s ! Thomas Willis. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrow are intare requested to furruah cake. Should! Mrs. Jay Hand and son Syracuse where Mr. Morrow is being [it be a rainy evening the social will , Harrisville were Sunday 'Penny of Liverpool. N Y I Die Gotham and All**rt j O^densburK:. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Payne and son, iieorKC. *>f Edwards, were Sunday afternoon caller's at Thomas Willis. Mrs. Mary Colton of Oswegatchie was a supper guest of her sister, Mrs. Nancy Muir. last Sunday evening at Frank of quests of be held in Ut* house. Everyone Mrs. Hand's mother, Mrs. Margrt-tt come and enjoy the home made ice' Eggleston treated for his knee that he hurt so long ago. . Mrs. Mariett Fenton of Pitcalrn la} cream. a guest of relatives and friends In I ^ August 10 all roads will lead town for a few days. to Depeyster where, the I. O. _ . . .. _ f Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brown and' win hold a community fair Two Mrs Forneys daughter. daughter of Grand Rapids. Mich., are syracuw stunt fliers Ernest Hanaru p^* 1116211 *' wno la in Mert y Hospital in town visiting their relatives. | an j Cy Blxtner, will give an exhlbi-1 where thev Lela Compo Brown and Mia*; l l o n o f tnelr ^jt in the air thousands \ could °^ ^^P^ted Mr. and Mrs. John Forney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forney and son mat- r\"vT I ored to Watertown la HI Sunday to see *'" " " % Mildred found her as well as Mrs. Malena Compo, nurses at the State | 0 f f eet over Depey*ter. A parachute i Mr - and ^ rs - Charles Locke. Mrs. Hospital at Ogden&burg spent Sunday | jumper will give several exhibitions Margaret Eggleston and James Moote at their home here. Mrs. Brown re-tin both the forenoon and afternoon, turned Sunday evening and Miss wh ile the two planes will be in ac- Compo will stay a few days. , tlun m0iU ot &,> day A narv <. st din . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beach and , n ^ r wiu ^ ^rved in two large dining two daughters of Syracuse are guests hdUs ill8twa< i of throne usually used in town of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Beach. j Oswell Freeman was badly bitten by a dog belonging to his father. Mr. j Freeman was at his father's farm last , made a trip to Canton last Saturday. Max Worthington of Flat Rock was a supper guest last Sunday even- ing of his uncle, Thomas Willi's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone of Wat- thus giving araryone time to eat and ertown were guests at Milton Briggi be ready for the afternoon nports, la * Ht **«*k. A 5 o'clock snppet also will be served.! The 500 Club met at the home ot During the ©renin* a dance will be j Mrs. Thomas Willis last Tuesday and held and a midni«ht supper will be i enjoyed a picnic dinner on the lawn served. Several other features are i and Mrs. Marvin Masterson of Spring- Friday and the dog went with him for the cows For'some reason the dog jH. inK planned and will be announced attacked him and bit both hands and > i at » r H was with difficulty Mr. Freeman, ThU eonununUv was shocked and got him so he could get hrm home and ' saddened Friday when a telephone tie him up. It is said the dog had caII came announcing the sudden a vicious disposition and was-mostly <i eal h of Miss Cora Reynolds of tied up at home. Mr. Freeman is Ogdensburg. Two weeks "ago Miss still suffering from the bites but is R e vnolds spent th»- week end in .'-7-—— ———~^- 'town - a«u sinmm 1 gv^ninirrTriTrTf Mr. and Mrs. Lyie Hughes, Roy she with her friend. Miss Jessie Mur-Sner Meldrim and Thomas Farley left phv mol0 r e d her^ and witix a party Tuesday mDrnlng for Albany to be; of young people spent Sunday on an gone a few days, (excursion up the St. Lawrence river. Miss Viola \ an Zandt who was In field, Mass.. was the guest of honor. The Glee Club sang several selections and Mrs. Masterson played the piano. Mrs. Byron Barry, and Mr. and Mrs Ray French and children of Oswegatchie, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson FYench and son Earl Joined the campers at E. V. Dawling's cottage ia«t guuiiay arm w!WWl g'ltirtfiv ftlfl- M. Buckley is confined to his home with an attack of Erysipelas. Dannie Cahill, Mrs. William Laide, Mrs. Clarence Powell, and Miss Nora and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Watson visited ih»-ir son Guy at Cleveland and Dan- vlsltors at { f ort h Stevens came as far as Cleve- re Mr and j \ An< \ w i tn lne cro wd and then took th» train for Watertown. The tour stopped at Buffalo and motored along the Canadian side to Niagara Falls and theu ou to Barnes Corners and arrived in Fine Thursday and on Saturday afternoon, Mr and Mrs. Stevens gathered up their five chil- dren and motored home to Coulter. Mrs. Auuie Titus entertained at dinner ou Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frtd M Stevens and five children On Friday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Fred M Stevens and children and Mrs. Harry l^adukt- and sou, Murray motored to, Star Lake and called on Miss Irma Howling. Mrs. Marvin Masterson, and Mrs, F*orrest Coburn gave a party at their summer home last Saturday after- noon in honor of Mrs. Coburn'a daughter Lucille it being her seventh birthday, the guests passed the time j in playing games and Mrs. Masterson and Mrs. Coburn served refreshments of sandwiches. Ice Cream and a beau- tiful birthday cake with seven pink (candles was cut and passed The fav- ours were little pink cups filled with candies and each guests was present- ed a fancy cap which all wore while luncheon was served, and Miss Lu-cile received a present from each of her guests. Tbose present were: The Misses Jennie and Lucy Shene, Ida Sykes. Janice Randall, Ella Sils- by and Kenneth Titus. rnoai enjoyed a trip to ing many beautiful piaeas, the parliament buildings in Ottawa, but when coming boms taa wia4 turned the boat around twico gtr* ing the boys some thrills. & m Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rood s'tond- ed the funeral of Mrs. Byron Jaftara of Hammond Friday. Mrs. Jeff- will be re me be red by many Hatch And was buried at nor old home in Hermun Mrs. Charles Bulick Riverslda. Cal., and son, Chas. Jr. Miss Kthsi Temple. Albion, N. J., wers fUOOt* of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mack rrioay,_ Ruth Greenhill went to tho hos- pital Wednesday to receive treatmsnt for her throat. } Mr and Mrs. L. W. Bishop spent the wt-ek end with Mr. and Mrs. Loom Slack in the camp in the mountains 4 5 miles from there home in Worth- ville. * i$ T i B1GEL0W Bigelow, July 26.—Mrs. Stone who has been with her daughter. Mrs. William Parker who has been ill with Rheumatism for several weeks re- turned to her home at DeXalb Jun- ction Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. G Wood and fam- liU lufi Owtai'dayw *fw»nU rwrj weeks at Sylvia lake. Mrs. Beula Lamonda of Rochester and daughter Carrie spend Thursday at F. G. Woods leaving Carrie to spend two weeks with the sister. Isabel. Ernest Hall of Canton is helping . . . . 1 Miss Reynolds was employed in the the hospital at Watertown for the | s<. ott typewriter offs.v in Ogdensburg 1 Cahill and Norman Murray motored removal ; of tonsils and adenoids came a 8 a stenographer and was taking her I to Ogdensburg last Mondav and Dr. . , home Monday. Miss \ an Zandt is vacation .planning to leave for Adams) Grant C. Madill took an X-Rav pic-i Jan ! eH Newlne during haying far from well. ^Tuesday to spend several days with lure of Mrs. Powells stomach, and! >,r and Mr *- Bert Woods of Her- George Morrow is painting his iher mot her. On Tuesday she was| afterwards Dannie and Mrs. Powell , mon . r^*** Mrs. Wlll^P,arkeT Fri- house and is screening his front taken with a severe pain in her head visittd Richard Towns and found ! da -Ti him very low. 1 Mr Mr. and Mrs B F Jones. Mrs. j Annie Titus. Mrs. Fred Kentfield and Mrs. Annie Evans attended Church at Pitcalrn last Sunday afternoon. Enos Demmons and family motor- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Abbott Ful- ton. Mrs. Myrtle Abbott and Mrs. W, Wetherby. Oswego; Mr. and Mrs. H. Marsh and son of Oswegatchie. I* was a surprize all around as Mr. and Mrs. Dulack were not expecting any of thetn and none of guests ex- pected to see any of the others. THE PERFECT SCREEN Hare you? _ PERFECT ay screen*. No ble to densonoti ate thean. S. A. EASTON Thooe 107-W 15 Trinity Are. Edwards Opera House ^ r, ^ ^ * w w ^ ^ < Her 8i8ter » Mrs c A Marks, 405 Mrs. Harry Webb and baby daugh- {For< i avenue, with whom she boarded ter are home from the hospital. called a physician who thought it a A new upper porch is being buih! caAe of neuralgia but as she was no on the Charles Brown block. | better the following dav Drs. Clark Mr and Mr« Fred Du ack enter-1 and Handbridge were called. Her Ulned Sunday Mr.and[Mrs. Homer : mather wafl „> m for but she became j ed to Hermon last Tuesdav and visit-. Blont and Miss Edith Blont of Can- delirious and soon passed away. Dis- ed Mrs. Lucy Demmons. * [ jtrict Attorney William Ingram and j Rev. N.'lR. and Mrs. French hold ; Coroner L. F. Cl^land were notified; service at Vrooman Ridge School 'and began &n investigation. The .house last Wednesday evening. j body was roa.nv.--4 from the home of, .Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gillett and lit-: Ihrr sister, to the McGillio undertak- tie daughter of Little York, and Miss! ing parlors where an autopsy was Mattie Fuller of Couvernetir were' performed by Coroner L. F. Cleiand, guests at Mrs. Fred Kentfield's last 1 (Drs. Stacy and Clark. The autopsy j Sunday, and Miss Fuller staid until revealed death was caused by acute Wednesday, then Mr. and Mrs J. F. 'nephritis. ^ | Evans Mrs. Fred Kentfield. Mrs. An- Cora Winona Reynolds was b o r a t e Evans and Mrs. Fuller motored 21 years ago at South Hammond, thel t o Gouverneur last W>dnesdav after- youngest daughter of George and I noon and called at George Evans. Edith Gokelr Reynolds. Later she ~~ - and "Mrs. James Putman of Elm Grove district were visitors at F. G. Wood's Friday. Bernard 8haver of Oneida was a caller at E. Planty'a Thursday also Oakley Givens. Orrln Fields and Amasa Rim- MARSHVILLE ' Marshville. July 26.—Haying It progress!up very slowly on account of the wet weather. Mr. and Mrs. H S. Hewitt ipont Monday with their daughter Mrs. Forrest Stalbird at Fordham Corn- ers. Mr and Mrs. Shlrl Finley and^ Claude Carpenter altended Ufa movies at Canton Saturday even inc. John Blevins purchased a new hay loader at Dekalb Junction last weak. Mrs. Frank Killsn ot Sjrracuao, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Young of Na- tural Dam and Mrs. and Mrs. G l o u Erwin and children of Madrid Sunday with their parents, Mr. Mrs. Frank Young on tho Trout Lake road also with other rolativosv Wesley Kendrew and Mrs. Ntn* Kendrew spent Sunday near M* wards with Wilbur Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. W11 Ham of Gouvor- neur spent Sunday with her alitor; Mrs. John Blevins. Orra Hewitt is working for George Woodrow Hero ugh haying. Floyd Snow and Roy Cook ars do- ing part of Judson Shattuck's hay- in? on shares. Worth Fairbanks U erecting a barn on his farm. The Misses Berths and Noble and Helen and Laura Corn* enter of Star Lake spent Friday ovOnV Ing at Fred Carpenter's. vi ^ _. Mrs. John Blevins la ilck wit* IS attack of Gall Stones. Mr and Mrs. Forrest CampboB, Mrs. Petrie and Mr. and Mrs. Floyu\ Roberts spent Monday in Gouvornour. f-r. PHOTOPLAYS OP DWHNOTION SScaadlSc TUESDAY, MySlal— TIM McCOYin "WYOMING" Nerer tea il—htag Tim SSoOajr had a Aacr role tfcaa la this atlr- of |il n l m la the early West. OrarHtag of tatrigwa and warfare, and a that breaka ap •&*»*, beary odda. - M-G-M NEWS COMING ATTRACTIONS— Deny "OUT ALL NK1HT" Start ia T H E COSSACKS" aad Jaact Marray m T H E CROWD" Ckaacy at "LAUGH, CLOWS, LAUGH ^\ GENERAL aBELECTRIC erator Sl Lawrence County Utilities, Inc. Light MnmFWWDBn liT 9L Phone S8 Heat Power moved to Adams where her mother now resides. For the past eighteen months Miss Reynolds has been em- ployed in Ogdensburg and boarded 1 with her sister and tamily. The body was taken by the MoOlilis hearse to Adams, accompanied by j friends and relatives from Ogdens- burg and Depeyster. The funeral and ; burial took place in Adams Sunday. } Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beach, Mrs. Stewart Rickett and daughter, Ther- esa, have returned to their home in I Syracuse. MTn* VIvta* Beach will re- main several weeks with relatives in I this place. Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ames' were Mr. and Mrs. Karl , Berg and family of Morristown Cen- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilson and' daughter. Miss Laura, Mrs. Amber Conroy. son Paul and two children, also Lloyd Smlthers of Morristown Center. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Taggart were: Mr. and Mrs, Burt Truax of Pierces Corners', and 1 Mrtr^rwin Mason of Depeyster. j Mrs. Will Morris of Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Will O'Nerll, Juanita and Cecil Downing were Sunday callers i at Mr. and MfC Charles Morris*. j Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kirby and fam- ily were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. j 'and Mrs. Harold Fieldson. \ \ Mr. and Mrs, John Steele werej , dinner guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason's. . i Miss Dorothy Steele was an over nigh-t guest Friday of her aunt. Mrs. Or win Mason and family. t Mrs. Edra Staiithers was accident-« ally shot Sunday, July 15. Her old- j est son had Just loaded the rifle and laid it down. Mrs. Smlthers was' sweeping the porch when her young-. est son picked up the rifle and shot - his mother through her leg above her knee. A physician was quickly called and later Mrs. Smlthers was removed to Hepburn hospital where an X-ray mas taken, where it was revealed the 'bullet had just missed an artery and ! the bone. Mrs. Smlthers was advised \ to remain at the hospital for fear of Tetanus developing. , i The dance put on by tha I. O .0. F. > > in the Grange hall Friday evening was well attended, there being about 100 tickets sold. t Frank Rounds has returned from Springfield where he accompanied a friend on an auto trip. ? Mr and Mrs. P. A. Bogardus spent , .Sunday. July 14. at Robbie Salis- bury's and Fred Bogardus*. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oorald Bogardus and , TTamTTy 6T Sdwards were guests 6A«* day last wesk at Mr. and Mrs P A~ i Bogardus'. Charles Lytlo fall last week and injured his sins badly. The ice cream social given by the conununity circle on Mr. and Mrs. Ben Steele * lawn WMM well attended. * , The proceeds being about $100. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutton. Mr. . and Mrs. Clauds Hntton of Brasie f i Comers. Mr and Mrs. Harry Hitch- 1 , man and daugntor, Bdna, of Hickory j were dinner gnswts Sunday of Mr. I and Mrs. George Ot«ary. Mrs. George OXoary and son, Mrs Amber Conroy and June, Mrs Harry I Hitcbtnaa and M M onont Tnosday 1 with Mrs. C. J. Hutsoa and family 1 MT%. Gerty Clark reeeivad word > Saturday that ber daughtsr. Mrs ! Warren McHofy was in Hepburn hoswkal. wbers ska was operated on for appendicttia. |t Roy Stephen* wno underwent an Murray Wood, and Mrs David Wood and Mrs. Henry Scott of Lit- tle York were callers at Mrs. Fred4 Kentfletds last Monday evening. Miss Leach Whitaker is quite ill with the Measles. Mr. and Mrs Marshall Murray of Dtriuth r Minnesota, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murray for a while. Miss Grace Sykes accompanied her brother Paul Sykes to Piercefield on the Adirondack Bus last Friday. Mr, and, Mrs. Fred M. Stevens mo- tored from Fine to Barnes Corners two we*ks aro and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson accompanied them to Columbus, Ohio., a distance of 650 m i l e s -wrffnVi fhey accomplished in two days and they visited Mr and Mrs. William Stevens, then Mr. and Mrs.;Fred Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens motored to Indianapolis, Big Executive Urges Shorthandi Training for Young Men W A BIC EXECUTIVE of one of our most important railroad systems made tfits statement to us-the other day: **We want young men**, he said, "trained in stenography.** "Many of bur biggest executives started as stenograpners. We find there is no better, quicker way of training young men for executive positions than through stenographic employment We have quantities of your graduates who are holding executive of importance, many of them dose to the top.** "Tell more young men for me to learn stenography.** - :"U Let us send you s catalog. It will help you to plan correctly lor your future. * _ X - '..«• -* -v.—-. Albany Business College 83 North Pearl Street ; .-y ••: 'cAlbany, N. at Y. •4; *• Exceptional Used Cat Values That You Can Depend On When we recondition a used car we do thejob thoronghlya The motor is gone over completely by expert mechanics and pat into condition to give thousands of miles of dependable service. Genuine parts are used for all replacements. Then we attach a Red 0.1C Tag to the radiator cap showing exactly what units of the car have been put into first claw cfMndkkin. This tag is your guarantee of quality* If you want to secure an unusual,^3e» pendaHe value in a used car visit our used car dispby and inspect our recotv dxrioned cars "with the O. IC that counts." Both the quality and price will please you. returned home. j C-rrw Wasobwru and Barney Smith sf Aibioa Orleans County. w»r* ruests oi relatrras In town last week- Mr *2d Mrs Loland W:laon sprat Monday with Mr. and Mrs Ost> Stem of K*adrew. ,j Miss Margaret Craickioa vu a ruewt of h*r eonstn. Miss Leo la. Crrtgktoa Uat waaix. | Mra Harold daslta and Mrs. WU- lard Badger were In HosrraHon Wad- aosday. j Mrs Ray Dodge and daughter.; Betty, ca^od on Miss Wlmi£rod! Cr*irttom Sunday ,i Mr an^ Mrs. Arnold Banaita>a »pett Sat*May evening la Og^ec*-1 b*rg ,. , j^. __ QUALITY AT LOW COST SEAKER-GRAVES MOTOR CO. OOCXVKSWTR. IkCLOtt ft JOaSSOR ALTWTS GASAGE - S. T. ANTWCir This Car has been carefully checked as shown by v marks below No. vMott>r ¥ v Radiator -4 m vRear Axle vSUrtlna -t •• . v^ itfnitioti sf^-^ V Battery -.-v»»* "iL* IV vTop v-Feadexs 4 & 1 •- v; * i?^' -**?Z^'- '*-£*- Look for the Ki o tn* ~^*& I* ^.n >a* mf^ ^h

W;»;nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1928-07-27/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · be ready for the afternoon nports, la*Ht **«*k. A 5 o'clock snppet also will be served.! The 500 Club

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Page 1: W;»;nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1928-07-27/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · be ready for the afternoon nports, la*Ht **«*k. A 5 o'clock snppet also will be served.! The 500 Club

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1928 k *

FRflJAY. JULY 27. 1928

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Free Frets

Business Directory

Two wl*ea claim the body of a murdered gangster In New York. He probably had a gang of wires.

—The Pathfinder.

* i


i the urday, >r 788

AXGE )n the Friday 11 sold 30 at

> +20 as at


General Insurance DaaaadaUt Stock

GLEN W. SEVERANCE Funeral Director

Ntebt Call

• CVT n O W U S

LEONARD & FULLER Men's and Boys' Fannshinfs

T i a b - h f i *

T l Main S t Plume SO-J


Insurance of AH Kinds Mukipal Bldf. PboM 248-J

J. R. STURTEVANT, MLD.| Eye Specialist


MAT t JXTXB 5 J U L Y S a a d S l 4


NOW PLAYING Matinee and Kites Hot. Coat,

Bid B a r a g a Prices


100% TALK Acclaimed by the Norther* New York people the movt iipminrtanVil tnnovatlo in the eattlre history of

o f

B. J. & I t J. Carpenter Every Knows Kind of


»Ck»caSt 31

OtwifatdM Lifk ft F«war Co. Ooui t w w M '• Ifiraaff ^"Twrftiny


Electric Merchandise and AD - Kinds of Jobbing %

W Church St.

It W. BUSH High Grade Securities

and Real Estate 9 0 Willi**. St. Phone «7-R

-Little Mabel—Miss Sharp, mamma wants to know if you really left your songs at home?

Miss Sharp—Yea, dear. Why? Little Mabel—Well, papa says It

sounds too good to be true. — T h e Pathfinder.

Wfean motoring thru the Adlr-ondfeks stop at MAT7TO TIL-LAGS'* located between Fine and Orwegatchie. Cottages, and filling station with restaurant combined.






You will hen>r every word spoken throtighont the entire picture. 100 piece orchestra and effects.

It Is Truly W O N D E R F U L ! Bring the entire family and witness the greatest event in history..

MaUSOA I.& > t t e s 5 0 . a & , a o * 1 5



OMMI Fiwaua ScTtrdy bj««d Wkea' Aviators WS Be AHackaJ hy Aaawal OwaaJ j Exk&itfM tt Cttebralioa

by Father j Aug. 10

FINE | Fine, July * 6 . — The Charles Locke* recently w Mrs. Daniel Ramroft of Russell, l.*e Barker, Alice Penny and James

^ I Burna of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Present mm^ Give *}' ^* w l o n a n ( * children and Flora

Mrs Miii-Wood* of

Edwards, July 27.—Aug. 7 is the ' Depeyater, July :'« -The Metho-date for the annual school meeting dUt Indies' Aid will hold a lawn At that time a trustee will be elected : social on tha lawn of Mr and Mm. to nil the place of W. H. Brown whose j Charles Morris,, Tuesday evening, office expires aud for the transaction ; July 31. lea crt-am, cake and hot of such other business as is necessary, jdogs will be served A-U members ! Thomas Willis.

Mr. and Mrs. James Morrow are intare requested to furruah cake. Should! Mrs. Jay Hand and son Syracuse where Mr. Morrow is being [it be a rainy evening the social wil l , Harrisville were Sunday

'Penny of Liverpool. N Y I Die Gotham and All**rt j O^densburK:.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Payne and son, iieorKC. *>f Edwards, were Sunday afternoon caller's at Thomas Willis.

Mrs. Mary Colton of Oswegatchie was a supper guest of her sister, Mrs. Nancy Muir. last Sunday evening at

Frank of q u e s t s of

be held in Ut* house. Everyone Mrs. Hand's mother, Mrs. Margrt-tt come and enjoy the home made ice' Eggleston

treated for his knee that he hurt so long ago. .

Mrs. Mariett Fenton of Pitcalrn la} cream. a guest of relatives and friends In I ^ August 10 all roads will lead town for a few days. t o Depeyster where, the I. O. _. . . . _f

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brown and' w i n h o l d a community fair Two M r s F o r n e y s daughter. daughter of Grand Rapids. Mich., are syracuw stunt fliers Ernest Hanaru p^*1 1 1 6 2 1 1*' w n o l a i n M e r t y Hospital in town visiting their relatives. | a n j C y Blxtner, will give an exhlbi-1 w h e r e t h e v

Lela Compo Brown and M i a * ; l l o n o f t n e l r ^jt in the air thousands \ c o u l d °^ ^^P^ted

Mr. and Mrs. John Forney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forney and son mat-

r\"vT I ored to Watertown la HI Sunday to see * ' " " " % Mildred

found her as well as Mrs.

Malena Compo, nurses at the State | 0 f feet o v e r Depey*ter. A parachute i M r - a n d ^ r s - Charles Locke. Mrs. Hospital at Ogden&burg spent Sunday | jumper will give several exhibitions Margaret Eggleston and James Moote at their home here. Mrs. Brown re-tin both the forenoon and afternoon, turned Sunday evening and M i s s w h i l e the two planes will be in ac-Compo will stay a few days. , t l u n m 0 i U ot &,> d a y A n a r v < . s t d i n .

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beach and , n ^ r w i u ^ ^rved in two large dining two daughters of Syracuse are guests h d U s i l l 8 t w a < i of throne usually used in town of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Beach. j

Oswell Freeman was badly bitten by a dog belonging to his father. Mr. j Freeman was at his father's farm last ,

made a trip to Canton last Saturday. Max Worthington of Flat Rock

was a supper guest last Sunday even­ing of his uncle, Thomas Willi's.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone of Wat-thus giving araryone time to eat and ertown were guests at Milton Briggi be ready for the afternoon nports, la*Ht **«*k. A 5 o'clock snppet also will be served.! The 500 Club met at the home ot During the ©renin* a dance will be j Mrs. Thomas Willis last Tuesday and held and a midni«ht supper will be i enjoyed a picnic dinner on the lawn served. Several other features are i and Mrs. Marvin Masterson of Spring-Friday and the dog went with him for

the cows For'some reason the dog jH.inK planned and will be announced attacked him and bit both hands and > iat» r H was with difficulty Mr. Freeman, T h U eonununUv was shocked and got him so he could get hrm home and ' saddened Friday when a telephone tie him up. It is said the dog had c a I I c a m e announcing the sudden a vicious disposition and was-mostly <i e a lh of Miss Cora Reynolds of tied up at home. Mr. Freeman is Ogdensburg. Two weeks "ago Miss still suffering from the bites but is Revnolds spent th»- week end in

.'-7-—— ———~^- 'town- a«u sinmm1 gv̂ ninirrTriTrTf Mr. and Mrs. Lyie Hughes, Roy s h e w i t h h e r friend. Miss Jessie Mur-Sner

Meldrim and Thomas Farley left p h v m o l 0 r e d her^ and witix a party Tuesday mDrnlng for Albany to b e ; o f young people spent Sunday on an gone a few days, (excursion up the St. Lawrence river.

Miss Viola \ an Zandt who was In

field, Mass.. was the guest of honor. The Glee Club sang several selections and Mrs. Masterson played the piano.

Mrs. Byron Barry, and Mr. and Mrs Ray French and children of Oswegatchie, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson FYench and son Earl Joined the campers at E. V. Dawling's cottage ia«t guuiiay arm w!WWl g'ltirtfiv ftlfl-

M. Buckley is confined to his home with an attack of Erysipelas.

Dannie Cahill, Mrs. William Laide, Mrs. Clarence Powell, and Miss Nora

and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Watson visited ih»-ir son Guy at Cleveland and Dan-

vlsltors at { f o r t h Stevens came as far as Cleve-re Mr and j \An<\ w i t n l n e c r o w d and then took

th» train for Watertown. The tour stopped at Buffalo and motored along the Canadian side to Niagara Falls and theu ou to Barnes Corners and arrived in Fine Thursday and on Saturday afternoon, Mr and Mrs. Stevens gathered up their five chil­dren and motored home to Coulter.

Mrs. Auuie Titus entertained at dinner ou Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frtd M Stevens and five children

On Friday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Fred M Stevens and children and Mrs. Harry l^adukt- and sou, Murray motored to, Star Lake and called on Miss Irma Howling.

Mrs. Marvin Masterson, and Mrs, F*orrest Coburn gave a party at their summer home last Saturday after­noon in honor of Mrs. Coburn'a daughter Lucille it being her seventh birthday, the guests passed the time j in playing games and Mrs. Masterson and Mrs. Coburn served refreshments of sandwiches. Ice Cream and a beau­tiful birthday cake with seven pink

(candles was cut and passed The fav­ours were little pink cups filled with candies and each guests was present­ed a fancy cap which all wore while luncheon was served, and Miss Lu-cile received a present from each of her guests. Tbose present were: The Misses Jennie and Lucy Shene, Ida Sykes. Janice Randall, Ella Sils-by and Kenneth Titus.

rnoai enjoyed a trip to ing many beautiful piaeas, the parliament buildings in Ottawa, but when coming boms taa wia4 turned the boat around twico gtr* ing the boys some thrills. & m

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rood s'tond-ed the funeral of Mrs. Byron Jaftara of Hammond Friday. Mrs. Jeff-will be re me be red by many Hatch And was buried at nor old home in Hermun

Mrs. Charles Bulick Riverslda. Cal., and son, Chas. Jr. Miss Kthsi Temple. Albion, N. J., wers fUOOt* of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mack r r i o a y , _

Ruth Greenhill went to tho hos­pital Wednesday to receive treatmsnt for her throat. }

Mr and Mrs. L. W. Bishop spent the wt-ek end with Mr. and Mrs. Loom Slack in the camp in the mountains 4 5 miles from there home in Worth-ville.

* i$Ti

B1GEL0W Bigelow, July 26.—Mrs. Stone who

has been with her daughter. Mrs. William Parker who has been ill with Rheumatism for several weeks re­turned to her home at DeXalb Jun­ction Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. G Wood and fam-liU lufi Owtai'dayw *fw»nU rwrj weeks

at Sylvia lake. Mrs. Beula Lamonda of Rochester

and daughter Carrie spend Thursday at F. G. Woods leaving Carrie to spend two weeks with the sister. Isabel.

Ernest Hall of Canton is helping

. . . . 1 Miss Reynolds was employed in the the hospital at Watertown for the | s<.ott typewriter offs.v in Ogdensburg 1 Cahill and Norman Murray motored removal ;of tonsils and adenoids c a m e a 8 a stenographer and was taking her I to Ogdensburg last Mondav and Dr. . , home Monday. Miss \ an Zandt is vacation .planning to leave for Adams) Grant C. Madill took an X-Rav p i c - i J a n ! e H Newlne during haying far from well. • ^Tuesday to spend several days with lure of Mrs. P o w e l l s stomach, and! > , r a n d M r*- B e r t Woods of Her-

George Morrow is painting h i s i h e r m o t h e r . On Tuesday she w a s | afterwards Dannie and Mrs. Powell , m o n . r^*** Mrs. Wlll^P,arkeT Fri-house and is screening his front taken with a severe pain in her head visittd Richard Towns and found ! da-Ti

him very low. 1 Mr Mr. and Mrs B F Jones. Mrs. j

Annie Titus. Mrs. Fred Kentfield and Mrs. Annie Evans attended Church at Pitcalrn last Sunday afternoon.

Enos Demmons and family motor-

ton, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Abbott Ful­ton. Mrs. Myrtle Abbott and Mrs. W, Wetherby. Oswego; Mr. and Mrs. H. Marsh and son of Oswegatchie. I* was a surprize all around as Mr. and Mrs. Dulack were not expecting any of thetn and none of guests ex­pected to see any of the others.

THE PERFECT SCREEN H a r e you? _ PERFECT ay screen*. No b le to densonoti ate thean.

S. A. EASTON T h o o e 107-W 15 Trinity Are.

Edwards Opera House

^ r, ^ ^ * w w ^ ^ < H e r 8 i 8 t e r » M r s c A Marks, 405 Mrs. Harry Webb and baby d a u g h - { F o r < i avenue, with whom she boarded

ter are home from the hospital. c a l l e d a physician who thought it a A new upper porch is being b u i h ! c a A e o f neuralgia but as she was no

on the Charles Brown block. | better the following dav Drs. Clark Mr and Mr« Fred Du ack enter-1 a n d Handbridge were called. Her

Ulned Sunday Mr .and[Mrs . Homer : m a t h e r w a f l „>m for but she became j ed to Hermon last Tuesdav and visit- . Blont and Miss Edith Blont of Can- delirious and soon passed away. Dis- ed Mrs. Lucy Demmons. * [

jtrict Attorney William Ingram and j Rev. N.'lR. and Mrs. French hold ; Coroner L. F. Cl^land were notified; service at Vrooman Ridge School 'and began &n investigation. The .house last Wednesday evening. j • body was roa.nv.--4 from the home of, .Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gillett and lit-: Ihrr sister, to the McGillio undertak- tie daughter of Little York, and Miss! ing parlors where an autopsy was Mattie Fuller of Couvernetir were' performed by Coroner L. F. Cleiand, guests at Mrs. Fred Kentfield's last1

(Drs. Stacy and Clark. The autopsy j Sunday, and Miss Fuller staid until revealed death was caused by acute Wednesday, then Mr. and Mrs J. F.

'nephritis. ^ | Evans Mrs. Fred Kentfield. Mrs. An-Cora Winona Reynolds was b o r a t e Evans and Mrs. Fuller motored

21 years ago at South Hammond, thel to Gouverneur last W>dnesdav after-youngest daughter of George and I n o o n and called at George Evans . Edith Gokelr Reynolds. Later she ~~ -

and "Mrs. James Putman of Elm Grove district were visitors at F. G. Wood's Friday.

Bernard 8haver of Oneida was a caller at E. Planty'a Thursday also Oakley Givens.

Orrln Fields and Amasa Rim-

MARSHVILLE ' Marshville. July 26.—Haying It

progress!up very slowly on account of the wet weather.

M r . and Mrs. H S. Hewitt ipont Monday with their daughter Mrs. Forrest Stalbird at Fordham Corn­ers.

Mr and Mrs. Shlrl Finley and^ Claude Carpenter altended Ufa movies at Canton Saturday even inc.

John Blevins purchased a new hay loader at Dekalb Junction last weak.

Mrs. Frank Killsn o t Sjrracuao, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Young of Na­tural Dam and Mrs. and Mrs. G l o u Erwin and children of Madrid Sunday with their parents, Mr. Mrs. Frank Young on tho Trout Lake road also with other rolativosv

Wesley Kendrew and Mrs. N t n * Kendrew spent Sunday near M * wards with Wilbur Lawrence.

Mr. and Mrs. W11 Ham of Gouvor-neur spent Sunday with her alitor; Mrs. John Blevins.

Orra Hewitt is working for George Woodrow Hero ugh haying.

Floyd Snow and Roy Cook ars do-ing part of Judson Shattuck's hay-in? on shares.

Worth Fairbanks U erecting a barn on his farm.

The Misses Berths and Noble and Helen and Laura Corn* enter of Star Lake spent Friday ovOnV Ing at Fred Carpenter's. vi ^ _ .

Mrs. John Blevins la ilck wi t* I S attack of Gall Stones.

Mr and Mrs. Forrest CampboB, Mrs. Petrie and Mr. and Mrs. Floyu\ Roberts spent Monday in Gouvornour.






"WYOMING" Nerer tea il—htag Tim SSoOajr had a Aacr role tfcaa la this atlr-

of |il n l m la the early West. OrarHtag of tatrigwa and warfare, and a

that breaka a p •&*»*, beary odda. - M-G-M NEWS



^ \


erator Sl Lawrence County Utilities, Inc.


MnmFWWDBn l i T 9L

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Heat Power

moved to Adams where her mother now resides. For the past eighteen months Miss Reynolds has been em­ployed in Ogdensburg and boarded

1 with her sister and tamily. The body was taken by the MoOlilis

hearse to Adams, accompanied by j friends and relatives from Ogdens­burg and Depeyster. The funeral and

; burial took place in Adams Sunday. } Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beach, Mrs. Stewart Rickett and daughter, Ther­esa, have returned to their home in

I Syracuse. MTn* VIvta* Beach will re­main several weeks with relatives in

I this place. Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs.

Clark Ames' were Mr. and Mrs. Karl , Berg and family of Morristown Cen­ter. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilson and' daughter. Miss Laura, Mrs. Amber Conroy. son Paul and two children, also Lloyd Smlthers of Morristown Center.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Taggart were: Mr. and Mrs, Burt Truax of Pierces Corners', and 1 Mrtr^rwin Mason of Depeyster. j

Mrs. Will Morris of Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Will O'Nerll, Juanita and Cecil Downing were Sunday callers i at Mr. and MfC Charles Morris*. j

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kirby and fam­ily were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. j

'and Mrs. Harold Fieldson. \ \ Mr. and Mrs, John Steele werej , dinner guests Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason's. . i

Miss Dorothy Steele was an over nigh-t guest Friday of her aunt. Mrs. Or win Mason and family. t

Mrs. Edra Staiithers was accident-« ally shot Sunday, July 15. Her old- j est son had Just loaded the rifle and laid it down. Mrs. Smlthers was ' sweeping the porch when her young-. est son picked up the rifle and shot -his mother through her leg above her knee. A physician was quickly called and later Mrs. Smlthers was removed to Hepburn hospital where an X-ray mas taken, where it was revealed the

'bullet had just missed an artery and ! the bone. Mrs. Smlthers was advised \ to remain at the hospital for fear of Tetanus developing. ,

i The dance put on by tha I. O . 0 . F. > > in the Grange hall Friday evening

was well attended, there being about 100 tickets sold. t

Frank Rounds has returned from Springfield where he accompanied a friend on an auto trip. ?

Mr and Mrs. P. A. Bogardus spent , .Sunday. July 14. at Robbie Salis­

bury's and Fred Bogardus*. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Oorald Bogardus and ,

TTamTTy 6T Sdwards were guests 6A«* day last wesk at Mr. and Mrs P A~ i Bogardus'.

Charles Lytlo fall last week and injured his sins badly.

The ice cream social given by the conununity circle on Mr. and Mrs. Ben Steele * lawn WMM well attended. *

, The proceeds being about $100. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutton. Mr.

. and Mrs. Clauds Hntton of Brasie f i Comers. Mr and Mrs. Harry Hitch-1

, man and daugntor, Bdna, of Hickory • j were dinner gnswts Sunday of Mr. I and Mrs. George O t « a r y .

Mrs. George OXoary and son, Mrs Amber Conroy and June, Mrs Harry I Hitcbtnaa and M M onont Tnosday1

with Mrs. C. J. Hutsoa and family 1 MT%. Gerty Clark reeeivad word >

Saturday that ber daughtsr. Mrs ! Warren McHofy was in Hepburn hoswkal. wbers ska was operated on for appendicttia. |t

Roy Stephen* wno underwent an

Murray Wood, and Mrs David Wood and Mrs. Henry Scott of Lit­tle York were callers at Mrs. Fred4 Kentfletds last Monday evening.

Miss Leach Whitaker is quite ill with the Measles.

Mr. and Mrs Marshall Murray of Dtriuthr Minnesota, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murray for a while.

Miss Grace Sykes accompanied her brother Paul Sykes to Piercefield on the Adirondack Bus last Friday.

Mr, and, Mrs. Fred M. Stevens mo­tored from Fine to Barnes Corners t w o we*ks aro and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson accompanied them to Columbus, Ohio., a distance of 650 miles -wrffnVi fhey accomplished in two days and they visited Mr and Mrs. William Stevens, then Mr. and Mrs.;Fred Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Will Stevens motored to Indianapolis,

Big Executive Urges Shorthandi Training for Young Men W

ABIC EXECUTIVE of one of our most important railroad

systems made tfits statement to us-the other day: **We

want young men**, he said, "trained in stenography.** "Many of

bur biggest executives started as stenograpners. We find there

is no better, quicker way of training young men for executive

positions than through stenographic employment We have

quantities of your graduates who are holding executive

of importance, many of them dose to the top.**

"Tell more young men for me to learn stenography.** - • :"U

Let us send you s catalog. It will help you to plan correctly lor

your future. * _ X - '..«•

- *


Albany Business College 83 North Pearl Street ;.-y ••: 'cAlbany, N.

a t



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Exceptional Used Cat Values That You Can Depend On When we recondition a used car we do thejob thoronghlya The motor is gone over completely by expert mechanics and pat into condition to give thousands of miles of dependable service. Genuine parts are used for all replacements.

Then we attach a Red 0.1C Tag to the radiator cap showing exactly what units of the car have been put into first claw cfMndkkin. This tag is your guarantee of quality*

If you want to secure an unusual,^3e» pendaHe value in a used car visit our used car dispby and inspect our recotv dxrioned cars "with the O. IC that counts." Both the quality and price will please you.

returned home. j C-rrw Wasobwru and Barney Smith

sf Aibioa Orleans County. w»r* ruests oi relatrras In town last week-

Mr *2d Mrs Loland W:laon sprat Monday with Mr. and Mrs Os t> Stem of K*adrew. ,j

Miss Margaret Craickioa v u a ruewt of h*r eonstn. Miss Leo la. Crrtgktoa Uat waaix. |

Mra Harold daslta and Mrs. WU-lard Badger were In HosrraHon Wad-aosday. j

Mrs Ray Dodge and daughter.; Betty, ca^od on Miss Wlmi£rod! Cr*irttom Sunday ,i

Mr an^ Mrs. Arnold Banaita>a »pett Sat*May evening la Og^ec*-1 b*rg ,. , j ^ . _ _




S. T.


This Car has been carefully checked as shown by v marks below


vMott>r ¥

v Radiator -4 • m

vRear Axle

vSUrtlna -t • • .

v̂ itfnitioti sf^-^

V Battery - . - v » » *



vTop v-Feadexs

4 &

1 •- v ;

* i?^'



Look for the Ki o tn* ~^*& I* ^ . n

> a * mf^ ^h