-•-V0L7 XV11I; NO.-271-^ CtlNTy;-- ' TWIN fAliUS, IDAHO, MONDzVY, l-’KUHUAUV IT, W.W. High Winds Leave Destruction On Coast ......................... - .... , ........... ... .... ,...: Sweeping Verdict Endorses All contested Issues in rower Suit ------------------------ ------------------------------ , Pow erful Trio Seeking —H auptm ann Gonfession • Feb. J^ m^i^ttaWao and Ull of Amlw A r^ m to d» «ft«r _ Uieir blg^at tb# Jubilant rocky hill, cive 8,toK, .................. ' i^ext.Qoa) —Btfore-the'Italluu lie* ft olesr uoiiant luuMuu. loii uver ui« r j hill, Muchioff -4U inany Next .Qoa) - before Uakale aw] iii o 0abinetrJOefits=:iorS&ai»zl^^ Prowam for Sean Of Empire |St_ to the Temblen region behind their . Ilnea »n which fop month* lurked -1 warrlora of Raa Slyoum to ral<3 them! . For-slx day* I have stood-at .obaervatloD port tfear 4?oghea pass (Copj-right, 19U, Unlt«d Press) LONDON, Feb. 17 a'.P)— The £300,000,000 (Jl.500.000.000^ re- armament program wWdi It be- lieves vital to the country's de- rmovB out like tiny toy do osUClly uilial Us lu , .._i.th? climax to Ings of the cablnci's aub-ocmmlttee,on defense wtthta - at NontOrDwrnttori inHilnptHti* TTwntflT^ .nimr. the *‘now “iSijueiianiitlag , ..flies on ttaft^llei] lumralt of Mt. :_:.Aradftm~M'fl'tlfOperfttlontt..com« g ^ te t e . ■ T h c - n n o T i ^ l n —H " m n i t « d wo«n^eUi -"rhB Italian casualties have not bcen.announced'here. But . on thfi' two .bloodiest daya of the alx-day operaUon they ioat In all 107 killed and 82Q wounded. - T«n thousand Ethiopian regulars of -the empcror’a Imperial guard under .Has Mulu QetU, EUiloplaii . (Continued on Page a. CJolumn 8) wwmiN’s lUUL.Xh«fttrio&l XIom6bMk,.b-[| Found D«ftd HOl,LY /.w tio anuuHwd one of . j -lart«»t ttfeator-.ifor. rough the . medium of , ----- / WM'ftaund dead In bod today, appai-cnlly the vIcUin of An autopsy w«u oi'dered to de* ‘— -IM.tho exact cauffs of death. ^is&W 'C'sr Alexander Paptages .'omergeU /rum Uia Alaakan gold ruali to found a, nalkmwUe chain of tiie* TRKNTON, N. J.. l-\'l). 17 il'.i:; — ; in t nf Mi.-t, Jlcl.oan, owiior <if tlic One of Amcricii's ricliosi women, i Sl.OOO,000 H<>|h- dirimcuscl aii'i bvn- ODO of Its m ost succ<‘fi(*ful criin- 1 ‘ficiiir.j’ of lu'r iiitniiiprU’Hl huH- Jnsf 'MtvycVs anJ Ifw Kovrrnor at Jw/id’.s S'i.OOU.OOO tr u s t <w{;i(o. Mtx. New JPMoy qIIIihI l.«lny to w t l i i K ' I i i i h Ikvii liitiTi'-Hlvd lit ilm a coilfi'MHtiitl froitl Uruiio fUclinnl Tjfmdk'rglv kiiliiajiini;..since ft.s..i>r- Hiiuptrauiin. Iciirri.‘nce. She Inst $100,000 to • iTho cntenli’ l)cci»nn> iippftrent^ton \}. Means who pprsuailcO Jipr only a few hQurs_befor«-Juatlce'itli'ai hiTTHiVmn^contricLiviUi Itir Tlibmas W. Trenchfirfl irni to rn rWrtninTrrt iiiiTT couljl^oUliii»_tlie flcnUnFoT Lone Dissenting Opinion Offered '\ ' Governm ent Experts See ^H^-io^e99^hnl^etght wcJkSTirsTLeaii gnvo him the ransom, then „jnv \ itk-i^ itM i v v members are Mrs. Evalyn WnUhlMoaiiR' claim.i were proved fraud-} nr-iv it. McLoan. commondluB a mulll-iulfnt by-discovery or the cliild’s' ■\VAS!ll>\nTOS’, Fcli. IT (I'i’) - 'nie siiiii'i’iiic pniifM iidnv million dollar fortune. Samuel Lei-jhcxiy. Ho Is sm-Ing a pilnun term 'upli.-ld coiistiliituaialii.v oi' tlie Ni-w Pval’K Viul 'L'niiH'^sru VaU 'wlOrfi'tT oil aillinintTT-ptar-’H in issuc-in-the case and BUcceasful defemler of 111! Washington yeslerdny liefore hco»! I’t'f''*'*'! ........................... 1 'I’liP vnlc nf t)'<- .siiliri'mo court to UdIi' oUI tlic'l^Piionil con- R ooms were unrooted treea uprooted and oil dei'rloks topplM over <ihen • roaring tornado atrnrk Long B ea^- -ABtambht; iand Torrtoco, CUf., leaviitg deatn(ct(»D In lU wake,- F«i«»-o(-the whul-is- Pl»7» on Emotlor piaylnp upon Huuptmnnn' inlll< wmm foS.oooj It' waa reported the caWnet Ula* OBsed ttie folkiwlng-toplca: l~Ail 9caUon,o< the |1,500,000', 00(Ffimd=ajiiC«igTlRrTiaWR------- Ices over a three-year period. Seek CoordinaUpn 3—A K^emetor cowUrallon of llw defeMe services. wliMi waa nected to entail appointment Eustace Percy, mLnistor without portfolio and one of the ."young ........ —■ .up.’ai head of a com- combined navy, apny mlttee -i—PoMlbly.- re*creatton of muniUons ministry or iome other organiiatton for proparing foi' in- ifcistiial moblllzELtlbn. 6—Prepemtton of an official white paper to be Issued probably •nf-Iitt tfte fW l W«K in March to plain the reasons for the iwavy roarmonient program. BIWEr Cost at $7,000 Members of the board ,ot_ s today-ea- “tlmated-that-total-cost-of-ths- iSiiSP ililFK >-J8ick-P<rMttg-itey«d^-CC< Workers Shoveling Toward Warooned Town~ tal to capture and trial of the >n thA Btnta penitentiary. -awaUIng e.xccu- tlon: Previously they , had esU* mated Iho cost at a larger sum. LlsUd amon^ the expenses aro costs of trial. 46,000; of which amount S2.S00 was ex- pended..lor jury, bailiffs-and Cdpturo of the murderer of Mildred HOok. Deputy Heno' C. Givens and Traffic Officer f\in- laine Cooper, "approximated $700. it Is stated. Appeal of .the. case by the de> mdnnt-win be-without-te^ensa- to him. excepting attorneys' recent trial, expanses of ^loat (lAfcnse witflessea being borns by the county along with the costs for proflccutlon witnesses. 99 KEAK G IVEN YOilHttlS ;TrujUlo_ In skying'of Taylor,” 'Vagabond Author —(<cibowltzcross««xa»incUHaupl-.tioBS in every-poulblc way manh llkf-a-prosectUing aHomfev:i4uc<uhlm-to talk fr<?i?ly, 1^1 for almost four hours ln the stateitook the nc\*. John Mntthle to iu-|)'*' '.hisii.' tiilit'r nf the TV.\ .liimi-s .MoUi'ym.id iulit to diu'. TIu' loiif tlivM'iitor' F'mr just ice-;, liowcviT. pre- Mntthlcscn toldrcisinii rfJtd hv (!lii<‘l' Jii.sliirc 1’liarlt‘s I'lvinis il\ij;hps. --------------- PriBcm death house Ve^erJfty. THgo-^th07~<lcath~ hoiise with him .-Mat-}- he talked with Hofftnan /or three'thicsch. puator of a Trenton Luth-j j through a secretary—rcfu9ed"l6 when Lelbowllz accused Haupt-'vaht powi-r t'xjX'riiuciits, siu-h ns (Jr.iud (!oiiloc. Uniiiicville and . mann. of telling “allly cock nn<ii __________ Peek, ^ Tligo-;thordcath- hoiise with hlm.-M m-t - Tin. iii.Ini...! ..f i l . . . - ua rijaLrbyilhr(>liii^;_v\7.s ini,- lli.t N .'v p,..vr .„ml k'Bal lugh a secretary—refu9e< aay.whcther-Hauptmann, had fesse^ a p*rt in the crime of ;whlch hs.-has maintained his inno- cence. FinancInoiBacking— .. • r-i»o-c< ish, I think.” Uebowlti CDtcred the c with tho fini roach 20CT vUIJgerS” facing > tion after a^rhonth’s Isolatl latlon to- day topped llKTbattlo against win- ter's intense cold and snow. Residents of tfie village of Hat- fieW. in northwcHterff Missouri, have.been cut off from the outside world~for > full niontii. Fuel aup; 12 sacks of flour and a few cam of beans asd other tinned goods remained to bo rationed. Plans Will Drop Food A force of 300 C CC youths and tate highway plows atUmpted to. Vhade trees anil small abandoned buildings to obtain fuel. Tweiitv men .shoveled through seven.miles of drifts for two clays to reach tlie farm home near Bed- ford. la., where Mrs. Dale, Sleep sufferli : fropi 1 after giving hirth to a child, wag removed to her sifter's home at! Beford last night. . bundled hlm 'carel .,,, .................... sled and rushQd him over 70 miles of nnow-choked road ^o a .St, ;seph(—Mo.,- -ho«i)itttlr'Vrticre- emergency operation was per- bull stories." threatened to let him; die unless he confessed. bcggcd;ni him to think of his wife' and - ' ' ana promised him life if -lalkAwaa.calculated-ta.-l GESm ferrlng ^AUorney-Goneral-I)avi(\ ^ T. WDentz. Hauplmann's pro.se- cutoc............ * Mwmm .No Right to Sue' Juslleo-l^ulK D. Brandeis. in a com;urriDg opinion, said he. to- :elhcr with JusUces'TTarlan'T. Jr-«Ol Beuiamln-N. -Cai-<10io^coacurKsL- MBATM Anct Kailroads BATTLES NEW YORK. Feb. 17 Game wardens reported tcstny .................. O tx ................................. . and wild (lucks on the frozen [xing Island shores arn fighting aerlttf battleq daily tor posses- sion of open water spaces li) the ice. Warden David H. W. Ben- son- said he had seen more than 2,000 ducks and gulls in aerial- •comlwt. ''Y/lth .feathers flliitig tlie air.” ta A 'VENI 17 tlMn-^Prlsons committed to the Leavenworth prison almost immediately sho\i phynical and mental Improven'jint. according to Wardeiv Fred R. Zerbst. Fat men lose excess weight, thin ones gain, ami wor/led men find a haven. . -------------- Auto R ace Driver Slays One Officer, 'Wounds Another At Hollywood iifouBh’ n. w .-woirV hii^ a Tot nf com'plQStors he didn’t want to attempt & hike to lielle- fonte. Pn., his next slop os % BBleamun for a firm tlial makes font remedies. He was lu'Jall today. ou-A-dmrgu-ofhotdlug. up a drug sinre ami tnking tiO which liu said he neeiled to ro- ntsce hin train fnr<‘ whloh ho Retaliation Hinted for Demand By Mtnobukuoani; Tokyo Treaty Denied AT.mtQuiffnQTtw >j -ir»h^ 17 (lf.l!i—Modesto Trultllo, Who' is river 'ohovb Paducah, Ky. not yet 10, lP>‘'ty |° I ! Taylor, vagabond writer who em- nioyeil him as hou/ia iKiy, and was Immodlntely isntenced to wsiva.QO to 100 years In tho New Mc^xluo state t'onltedlltfry. . Taylor was shot to iteAlh In Ills cabin 20 miles frohi hei-Q Fob. R. and InvoHtlgntors at first believed he might have been killed'by \ Ul.ii PoUi;r gomi:. 'T pooN enr^'—' cucvr.iMND, 17 (in:) —ktr«.-l<«arl -Jlayu<»r<aO, -oma^- rE-XllD [C A S [ except that at'Harbin, and slmul- tancouoly to reduce the number of oI tho 'Peiiltentes. soir-riagellitnts * about whom Taylor woa wrUlnf a T manusciw: iJiter Trujillo confpsscd, under questioning., that ho killed Taylui; to rob'him . and dirgutod 4)f{iuers to the hiding .place nf his. loot. Soleotioni Oooupy First Stage Of $ 2 W O lv U ‘A6tlda' " Against County homo oarly this marolbg and fmm<l II couple "spooninK" <>» Her nni'Ioi' Hofu.- Hlic luUI po- lice the .youth, b m l w v i n - . iH'ftCO, silUck her ovov tlio head with a revolver and left with hcr.pockelbook contalaing SSO.. Tlie girl fled with him. Bonus, Farm Funds Inserted Into Bill SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 17 (L'.r. Proseculit>n of Police Chief Jnmes E. Davis of Los ADBClcii. HOLLYWOOD. Feb. 17 (lM‘i-A identified-os.Gcorgfl Well. self woa wounded dangerously in gunbatUo today in an office build- ing at Hollywood bouluvurd and Vine oti^et. polio* reported. •Oponing firo when the two offl- ere aLlampted to aireat him in an invcfltmont company office where hlr-wlfe WOfkod,' W dl iftof and killoil Polifcroan Clyile rritchetl 42, and inflictod an arm winmd or ^--wb'rSr% provisions .wa^ asked, today by Ernest Beslg. director of the north- ern .California unit of the Ameri- can Civil Liberties iinlon. Beslg's request was addressed to George B. McGlnty. accretafy of tho interstate commerce commis- sion in Wasblngtou, D. C.. In pro- Uslno Box Cars He chorged the Los AngelCB of. ficoi^ and ibo railroads , . .. wTTcy the amallnnt wnn rnioitt'd neur deiith in a hospital, Police said Well called m Uie lnv»*ntnienl compiitiy offlro In the EkiuiUhle building to vM t liLa wife. M m I>orU \Vvll, und thm i rrcotoil <IUiturbiu)Co. Trutflo OfflftT AiiHHt'ni A, call wiui m,-»it in to police tuid RwhI loM hU |MMl of duty h t tlH> WABIIINQTON. Kuh. 17 (HI*!, Appropriations ,to provide money * poymont of the soldiers' iHums to finance tho ortmlnlntratlnn's Tl>o tnifflfl offkiT gnipple^i wllh \Veilnml«vnepo*iti roil wns put In l 5 ” rwlWi>. '■»U<R5imtw,--Tmenprr wax Jusl MUerlng tho office wlim Well jerlfwl out a ro\'o1ver and opened fire, the- Inillet plmlr Prttohett'fl heart. As'W oll turm tlie weik|H}n on Itnod; tluit orrioer rinHt and both men Ml wtnmded. tXfiee wnrltora overwworwl thu iiAAaliant uml he was lukiiled off to u hospital luid plsred un<ler am 'nt im ausplulon itf murdoi'. Mrs. Weil was so hystvrleul de- terilvos wt're unul>Io to elicit ii _ j^ylu're^it story ftjjin^her.^^____ P. It. It. (iltANI).\» ACIAIN NEW YOlUC, Kel.,' 17 ll'irt - grun<l MS'' ohargoM of a 17>year*old oomobaok and was rebuilding Ills ahowhouss chahi at llte t -dsath. In.aDldUUBti, 'A t la -he arrived at Da«Uon 31ty at the he«g1it of the Aloakon * fahreo other . l{io prooent two. tl» ftorolg^'offlco had Invuld Max- lw-X*tvlnov,-Ilusirian foreign roln- later, to vUrtt Tokj-o tp dlaanas oiw > thie week, was calm us he enteroil * hie' ploa of guilty uml lectiked a ^ flpond tho feot of. Ills I doyi In prlwn. / moE nmvi had no right t “The ruling." according to Ed-' ward_J. Foley, jr., chief PW A ....................... ■Ueclafed constllullonamrs' 1 ;overnmcnl'B program to sell tha lower the projects created by v^'at- slorage.'' . , Upholds Authority In succint fashion, Hughea up- held the follpft'lng rights of the, governnJent; ing ScciloO 2 of the act in •nltig iM fcnts to , other states in box cars. '•Wliliq common carriers, may extend free tranBi>«rtntlon 'to in' dlgcut, deslllute and homeless ner- sons,’ " HuMig said, "we bollovt pusses trains." Besig said It was ■•public knowl- edge" that 200 persons were plac- ed aboard oustbound freight trains Feb. 11, and that 41 had been ‘•do- ported" from Cullforniu tlio pre- ceding day by officers opcrntlilg within 1/iB Angeles city hoiiti- ilnrlcH. ehHirtrT.-Ex^MBmber- — Of-Cabinet, Difj aiding navigation. 2. The .rlght to sell power p ro - duced at such d&ma. < » *- 3. Tha right to'bulld transmis- sion lines to transport such pow* rcasoDable market. . , administratira leaders to clear the way to wide and scattered ■•Little T V A ‘^-de- mitted an opinion In which they ' expi'tsscd coiicurn!t><;B . w ith .the. views of the chiff Justice a* to conslllutlonallty of the various phases of T V A dperatlon at 1s- . noy dectared further, howovor^ tliey belleve<l the preferred stoek- holdera of the Alni)ama Power Co. who brought tbu case had no le- gal rigiit lo do HO. Justice Louis D. Brandels, vet- « eran liberal memlMr of the bourt,'- rrad the concurring opinion la which ho was Joined by' Justlcea tlio court found no merit in- aoy ' , 3y TVA-op. - . niCTKOiT. K.ib, 17 mill — The of tho polntB ralBCd hoy who quit college JIB years ugn, iioncnls. to Icam tlio Infant automobile In- Cays tinfi dustry ■‘froiii tho ground up.^' Roy l>. CftapJn. presldenl «f Hudson Molor car company and former rnlilnct nii'mber, dl«l here last nlglil. Chiipin, snri'otjiry of coinmereo under Pi'esiilent Jloovnr, hud IjNjU ill six «iBys with piieumunla, ,Ho .w niS ______ _____________ _______ Swanson Improves W A S lllN a T O N . F e ll, 17 (U.l'-l —' flecrntary of the Na' ta Power ,.<» ' rijght lo the eele « u p -'^ generated m." Mld .HutbMk ! [yhallie.Ml^o.U.. Insist Hint it shall be the chaser of the energy- tho Wilson datn.” "that tho energ] ' or to go to WBsl , Hughes-jdesoribed' drawn by ■proHpecnU,. ............. .... .. TVA power for factoiiee .w(iuld.comtieta.wlth private.,iBdiyi*. issue here.'Tka g using the water power at y son (lem to-eetabUn Irate SolQii Fives .Threafi A t Rja^^ Prleit For ^'Fraudulent" Bill Charge pubuo. .. "The loveram ^at !• dlep^iar'roC,.,< (Oontinued o n . g 8 g , ? . . - . * -pftokfU

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- • - V 0 L 7 X V 11I; N O .- 2 7 1 - ^ C t lN T y ; - - ' T W IN fA l iU S , ID A H O , M ONDzVY, l-’K U H U A U V IT , W .W .

High Winds L eave Destruction On Coast......................... - . . . . , ........... ... .... , . . . : Sweeping Verdict Endorses All

contested Issues in rower Suit------------------------ ------------------------------ ,

P o w e r f u l T r i o S e e k i n g — H a u p t m a n n G o n f e s s i o n

• F eb . J ^ m ^ i^ ttaW a o and

U ll of A m lw A r ^ m t o d » « ft« r _ Uieir b lg ^ a t

tb# Jub ilan t ro ck y hill,c iv e 8, t o K , ..................

' i^ ex t.Q o a ) — B t f o r e - th e 'I t a l l u u lie* ft o le sr

u o iia n t luuM uu. loii uver ui« r j hill, M uch io ff -4U inany

• N ex t .Q oa) -

before U ak a le aw ] iii o

0 a b in e t r J O e f i t s = : io r S & a i» z l^ ^ P ro w am fo r Sean

O f Em p ire

| S t_

to th e T em blen reg ion behind the ir . Ilnea »n w hich fop m onth* lurked -1 w arrlo ra of R a a Slyoum to ral<3

them ! .F o r-s lx day* I have stood -a t

.obaervatloD p o r t tfea r 4?oghea pass

(C opj-right, 19U , Unlt«d P ress) LONDON, Feb. 17 a'.P)— The

£300,000,000 (Jl.500.000.000^ re ­a rm am en t p rog ram w W di It be­lieves v ita l to the coun try 's de-

rm ovB ou t like t in y toy do osUClly u ilial Us lu

, . ._ i . th ? clim ax to Ings of the cab lnci's

aub-ocm m lttee ,on defense w tth ta -

a t N on tO rD w rn tto ri

inHilnptHti* TTwntflT .nimr. the

* ‘n o w “ iS iju e i ia n i i t l a g, ..f l ie s on tta ft^ llei] lumralt of Mt. :_:.Aradftm ~M 'fl'tlfOperfttlontt..com «

g ^ t e t e. ■ Thc -n n o T i^ ln —H "m n it« d

wo«n^eUi -"rhB I ta l ia n casualties have n o t bcen.announced 'here . B u t

. on thfi' tw o .bloodiest daya of the alx-day operaUon they ioat In all 107 killed and 82Q wounded.

- T«n thousand E th iop ian regu lars o f - th e em pcror’a Im perial gua rd u nder .Has M ulu Q etU , EUiloplaii

. (Continued on P a g e a. CJolumn 8)


lU UL.Xh«fttrio& l X I o m 6 b M k ,.b - [ |

F o u n d D «ftd

H O l,L Y

/.w tio anuuHwd one of . j -lart«»t ttfeator-.ifor.rough the . medium of

, ----- — / WM'ftaund dead In bodtoday, appai-cnlly the vIcUin of

An autopsy w«u oi'dered to de* ‘— -IM.tho exact cauffs of death.

^ is & W 'C 's r

Alexander Paptages .'omergeU /rum Uia Alaakan gold ruali to found a, nalkmwUe chain of tiie*

TRKNTON, N . J .. l-\'l). 17 il'.i:; — ; in t nf Mi.-t, Jlcl.oan, owiior <if tlic One of A m cricii's ricliosi women, i Sl.OOO,000 H<>|h- dirimcuscl aii'i bvn- ODO of Its m ost succ<‘fi(*ful criin- 1‘ficiiir.j’ of lu'r iiitniiiprU’Hl huH- Jnsf 'MtvycVs a n J Ifw K ovrrnor a t Jw/id’.s S'i.OOU.OOO trust <w{;i(o. Mtx. New JPMoy qIIIihI l.« lny to w t l i i K ' I i i i h Ikvii liitiTi'-Hlvd lit ilm a coilfi'MHtiitl froitl U ruiio fUclinnl Tjfmdk'rglv kiiliiajiini;..since ft.s..i>r- H iiuptrauiin. Iciirri.‘nce. She Inst $100,000 to• iTho cnten li’ l)cci»nn> iippftrent^ton \}. Means w ho pprsuailcO Jipr only a f ew hQ urs_befo r« -Jua tlce 'itli'a i hiTTH iV m n^contricLiviU i Itir Tlibm as W . T renchfirfl irn i to rn rWrtninTrrt iiiiTT couljl^oU liii»_tlieflcnUnFoT

Lone DissentingOpinion Offered

'\ ' ■

G o v e r n m e n t E x p e r t s S e e

^H^-io^e99^hnl^etght w cJkSTirsTLeaii gnvo him the ransom , then „ j n v \ itk-i^ itM i v vm em bers a re M rs. E valyn W nUhlMoaiiR' claim.i w ere p roved fraud-} ‘ • n r-iv it.McLoan. commondluB a m u ll l- iu lfn t by -d iscovery or the cliild’s ' ■ \V A S!ll> \nT O S’, F c li. IT ( I ' i ’ ) - 'n i e siiiii'i’iiic p n i ifM iid n v million dollar fo rtune. S am uel Lei-jhcxiy. Ho Is sm -Ing a p ilnun te r m 'up li.-ld c o iis ti li i tu a ia lii .v oi' tlie Ni-w P v a l ’K V iul 'L 'niiH '^sru V aU

'w lO rfi'tT oil a illin in tT T -p ta r-’H in i s s u c - in - th ecase and BUcceasful defem ler o f 111! W ashington yeslerdny liefore hco»! I’t'f''*'*'!

........................... ‘ 1 'I’liP vn lc n f t)'<- .siiliri'm o c o u r t to Ud Ii'oUI tlic 'l^ P iio n i l con-

R oom s w ere un ro o ted tree a uprooted and o il dei'rloks topplM over <ihen • ro arin g to rnado a trn rk L ong B e a ^ - -ABtambht; iand T o rrto co , C U f ., leaviitg deatn(ct(»D In lU w a k e ,- F « i« » -o (- th e w h u l- is -

Pl»7» on Emotlor p ia y ln p upon H uuptm nnn'




I t ' w aa repo rted th e caW net Ula* OBsed ttie folkiw lng-toplca:

l ~ A i l9caUon,o< the |1,500,000',00(Ffim d=ajiiC«igTlRrTiaW R-------Ices ove r a th ree -yea r period.

Seek CoordinaUpn 3—A K ^ e m e to r c o w U rallo n of

llw defeM e services. w liM i waa nected to e n ta il appoin tm ent E ustace Percy , mLnistor w ithout portfolio and one o f the ."young

........—■.up.’a i head of a com-combined navy, a p n ym lttee

- i—PoM lbly.- re*creatton of muniU ons m in istry o r iom e o the r o rg an iia tto n fo r p roparing foi' in- ifcistiial moblllzELtlbn.

6—P repem tton o f an official w h ite p a p er to be Issued probably •nf-Iitt tfte f W l W «K in M arch t o

p lain th e reasons fo r the iwavy roarm onien t p rogram .


Cost at $7,000M em bers of th e boa rd ,o t_

s today-ea- “ t lm a te d - th a t - to t a l - c o s t - o f - th s -

i S i i S PililFK

>-J8ick-P<rM ttg - itey«d^-CC < W o rk e rs S h o v e lin g T o w a rd

W a ro o n e d T o w n ~

ta l to cap tu re and tr ia l of the>n thA Btnta

peniten tiary . -aw aU Ing e.xccu- tlon: P reviously th e y , had esU* m ated Iho cost a t a la rg e r sum .

L lsU d am on^ th e expenses aro costs of tr ia l. 46,000; of w hich a m o u n t S2.S00 w as ex­p e n d ed ..lo r ju ry , b a ilif fs -a n d

C dpturo of th e m urdere r of M ildred HOok. D eputy H e n o ' C. Givens a n d T raffic O fficer f \in - la in e Cooper, "approxim ated $700. i t Is s ta ted .

A ppeal of .the. case by th e de> mdnnt-w in b e -w ith o u t-te ^ e n sa -

to him . excep ting a tto rn ey s '

rec en t tr ia l, expanses o f ^ loat (lAfcnse w itflessea being borns by the county along w ith the costs fo r proflccutlon w itnesses.


;T ru jU lo _In s k y in g 'o f Ta y lo r,”

'Vagabond Author

— (<cibow ltzcross««xa»incU H aupl-.tioB S in every -pou lb lc w ay m anh llk f-a-p ro sec tU in g aHomfev:i4uc<uhlm-to ta lk fr<?i?ly, 1^1 fo r a lm ost fo u r hou rs ln th e s ta te ito o k th e nc\*. John M ntthle

to iu -|) '* ' ' .h i s i i . 't i i l i t ' r

n f th e T V .\ .liim i-s .M oU i'ym .id

iu lit to d iu '. T Iu ' lo iif tlivM 'iito r' F 'm r j u s t ice-;, liow cv iT . p r e -

M ntthlcscn to ld rc is in ii rfJ td h v (!lii<‘l' Jii.sliirc 1’lia rlt‘s I'lvinis il\ ij;h p s .---------------PriBcm death house Ve^ e rJ f ty . THgo-^t h07~<lcath~ h oiise with h im .-M at-}- he ta lked w ith H offtnan /o r th ree 'th ic sc h . puator o f a Tren ton L uth-j j

through a secre tary — rc fu 9 e d " l6 w hen Lelbowllz accused H a u p t- 'v a h t pow i-r t 'x jX 'r iiu c iits , s iu -h n s (J r.iu d (!oiiloc. U n iiiicv ille a n d .m ann . of te lling “allly cock nn<ii __________ P e e k ,

^ Tligo-;tho rdca th - hoiise w ith h lm .-M m -t - T in. iii.Ini...! . .f i l . . . - ua rijaLrbyilhr(>liii^;_v\7.s ini,- l l i . t N . 'v p , . . v r .„ m l k'B al

lugh a secre tary — refu9e< aay .w h cth er-H a u p tm a n n , h a d fesse^ a p * r t in th e crim e of

;whlch hs.-has m a in ta in ed h is inno­cence. •

F in anc Ino iB ack ing— . .• r-i»o-c<

ish, I th ink .”U eb o w lti CDtcred th e c

w ith tho f in i

roach 20CT vUIJgerS” fac ing > tion a f te r a ^ rhon th ’s Isolatllatlon to ­d a y topped llK Tbattlo again st w in­te r 's in tense cold a n d snow.

Residen ts of tfie village o f H at- fieW. in northwcHterff M issouri, have.been c u t o ff fro m th e outside w orld~for > fu ll n ion tii. F u e l aup;

12 sa ck s o f f lour and a few cam of beans a s d o th e r tinned goods rem ained to bo rationed.

Plans W ill D rop Food A force o f 300 C C C you th s and

ta te highw ay p low s a tU m pted to.

Vhade trees anil sm a ll abandoned buildings to ob ta in fuel.

T w eiitv m en .shoveled through seven .m iles of d r if ts fo r tw o clays to rea ch tlie fa rm home n e a r Bed­ford. la ., w here M rs. Dale, Sleep

sufferli : fro p i 1a f te r g iv ing h ir th to a child, wag rem oved to h e r s if te r 's home at! B eford la s t n igh t. .

bundled h lm 'c a re l . ,,, ....................sled and rushQd h im over 70 miles o f nnow-choked road ^o a .St, ;seph(— M o.,- -ho«i)itttlr'Vrticre- em ergency opera tion w as per-

bull stories." th rea tened to le t him; die un less he confessed. b c g g c d ;n i h im to th ink of his wife' and - ' ' a n a prom ised him life if - lalkA w aa.calcu la ted-ta .-l

GESmferrlng ^ A U orney -G onera l-I)av i(\ ^ T . W Dentz. H auplm ann 's pro.se- cutoc............*


.No R igh t to S u e 'Ju slleo -l^u lK D. Brandeis. in a

com;urriDg opinion, sa id he. to- :e lhcr w ith Ju sU c e s 'T T a rla n 'T .

■ ■ Jr-« O lB e u ia m ln -N . -Cai-<10io^coacurKsL-

MBATMAnct K a ilroad s


Game w ardens repo rted tc s tn y .................. O tx ................................. .and w ild (lucks on th e frozen [xing Is land shores a rn f igh ting aerlttf ba ttleq daily t o r posses­sion of open w a te r spaces li) the ice. W arden David H . W. Ben­son- said he had seen m ore than 2,000 ducks and g u lls in aerial-

•comlwt. ''Y/lth .fe a th e rs flliitig tlie a ir .”

■ta A 'VENI 17 tlM n-^Prlsons com m itted to the L eavenw orth prison a lm ost im m ediately sho \i phynical and m ental Im proven 'jint. according to W ardeiv F re d R. Z erbst. F a t m en lose excess w eigh t, th in ones gain, ami w or/led m en find a haven. ■ . --------------

Auto R ace D riv e r S la ys One O fficer, 'Wounds Another

A t Hollywood

iifouBh’ n . w .-w o irV h i i^ a Tot nf com 'plQ Stors he didn’t w an t to a ttem p t & hike to lielle- fonte. Pn., h is nex t slop os % BBleamun fo r a f irm tlia l m akes fo n t rem edies. H e w as lu 'J a l l to d a y . o u - A - d m r g u - o fh o td lu g . up a d rug s in re am i tn k in g tiO which liu sa id he neeiled to ro- n tsce hin tra in fnr<‘ w hloh ho

Retaliation Hinted for Demand B y Mtnobukuoani; Tokyo

Treaty Denied

AT.mtQuiffnQTtw > j -ir»h^17 (lf.l!i—M odesto T rultllo , Who' is river 'ohovb Paducah , Ky. no t y e t 10, lP>‘' ty | ° I !

T aylor, vagabond w rite r w ho em- nioyeil him as hou/ia iKiy, and w as Imm odlntely isn tenced to wsiva.QO to 100 ye a rs In tho N ew Mc^xluo s ta te t'onltedlltfry.. T ay lo r w as sho t to iteAlh In Ills cab in 20 miles frohi hei-Q Fob. R. and InvoHtlgntors a t f irs t believed he m ig h t have been killed 'by

\ Ul.ii PoUi;r gomi:.

' T p o o N e n r ^ ' — 'c u c v r .iM N D , 17 (in:)

—ktr«.-l<«arl -Jlayu<»r<aO, -om a ^ -

rE-XllD [ C A S [

except that at'Harbin, and slmul- tancouoly to reduce the number of

oI tho 'P eiilten te s. soir-riagellitnts * abo u t w hom Tay lor w oa w rU ln f a T m a n u sc iw :

i J i te r T ru jillo confpsscd, under questioning., th a t ho killed Taylui; to r o b 'h im . and dirgutod 4)f{iuers to th e h iding .place nf h is. loot.

Soleotioni Oooupy First Stage ‘ Of $ 2 W O l v U ‘A6tlda' "

Against County

homo oarly th is m a ro lb g and fmm<l II couple "spooninK" <>» Her nni'Ioi' Hofu.- Hlic luUI po­lice the .you th , b m l w v i n - . iH'ftCO, silUck h e r ovov tlio head w ith a revo lver a n d le ft w ith hc r.pockelbook con ta la ing SSO.. Tlie girl fled w ith h im .

Bonus, Farm Funds Inserted Into Bill

SAN FR A NC ISCO . Feb. 17 (L'.r. Proseculit>n of Po lice Chief

Jnm es E . D avis of L o s ADBClcii.

HOLLYWOOD. Feb. 17 (lM‘i - A identified-os.G corgfl Well.

se lf w oa wounded dangerously in g u n b a tU o today in an office build­ing a t Hollywood bouluvurd and Vine o ti^e t. polio* reported.

•Oponing firo when the tw o offl- ere aLlampted to a ire a t him in an

invcfltmont com pany office w here h lr -w lfe WOfkod,' W d l i f t o f and killoil Polifcroan Clyile r r i tc h e tl 42, and inflictod an a rm winmd or


provisions .w a ^ a sk ed , today by E rnest Beslg. d irec to r o f th e n o r th ­e rn .C alifornia u n it o f th e A m eri­can Civil L iberties iinlon.

Beslg 's req u e st w as addressed to George B. M cGlnty. a c c re ta fy of th o in te rsta te com m erce com m is­sion in W asblngtou, D . C.. In pro-

U slno Box C a rsHe chorged th e Los AngelCB of.

ficoi^ and ibo railroads

, . .. wTTcythe am allnn t wnn rn io itt 'd neur deiith in a hospital,

Police said Well called m Uie lnv»*ntnienl compiitiy o fflro In the EkiuiUhle building to v M t liLa wife. M m I>orU \Vvll, und th m i rrcotoil

<IUiturbiu)Co.T rutflo O fflftT AiiHHt'ni

A, call wiui m,-»it in to police tuid RwhI loM hU |MMl o f du ty h t tlH>

W ABIIINQTON. Kuh. 17 (HI*!, A ppropriations ,to provide money * poym ont of the so ld iers ' iHums

to finance tho ortm ln ln tra tlnn 's

Tl>o tnifflfl o ffk iT gnipple^i wllh \Veilnml«vnepo*iti ro il w ns p u t In l5 ” rwlWi>. '■»U<R5imtw,--Tmenprr w ax Ju sl MUerlng tho office w lim Well jerlfwl o u t a ro\'o1ver and opened fire, the- Inillet p lm l r P rttohett'fl heart. A s 'W oll turm tlie weik|H}n on Itnod; tlu it orrioer rinHt and both men M l wtnmded. tX fiee wnrltora overw w orw l thu iiAAaliant uml he was lukiiled off to u hospital luid p lsred un<ler a m 'n t im ausplulon itf murdoi'.

M rs. Weil w as so hystvrleul de- te rilvos w t're unul>Io to e licit ii

_ j^ylu're^it s to ry ftjjin^her.^^____

P . It. It. ( iltA N I) .\» ACIAINNEW YOlUC, Kel.,' 17 ll'irt -


MS''ohargoM of a 17>year*old

oomobaok and w as rebuilding Ills ahow houss chahi a t llte t

- d s a t h .In .aD ldU U B ti,

'A t l a -he a rrived a t Da«Uon 31ty a t th e he«g1it o f th e Aloakon


fahreo o th e r . l{io prooent two.

t l » ftorolg^'offlco had Inv u ld Max- lw -X*tvlnov,-Ilusirian foreign roln- la ter, to vUrtt Tokj-o tp dlaanas o iw

> th ie w eek, w as calm us he enteroil * hie ' ploa o f gu ilty uml lec tiked a ^ flpond tho feot of. IllsI d o y i In p rlw n . /

m oE n m v i

had no r ig h t t“The ruling." accord ing to E d - '

w ard _ J . Foley, j r . , ch ief P W A• ■ .......................

■Ueclafed c o n s t l lu l lo n a m r s ' 1 ;overnmcnl'B p rog ram to sell th a low er the pro jec ts c rea ted by v^'at-

slo rag e .'' . ,U pholds A uthority

I n succint fash ion , H ughea up ­held the follpft'lng r ig h ts o f th e , governnJent;

ing ScciloO 2 of th e a c t in •nltig iM f c n ts to , o the r sta te s

in box cars.'•Wliliq common c a rrie rs , m ay

extend free tranBi>«rtntlon 't o in' d lgcu t, deslllu te and hom eless ner- sons,’ " HuMig said, "w e bollovt

pusses tra in s ."

Besig said It w as ■•public know l­edge" th a t 200 persons w ere plac­ed aboard oustbound f re ig h t tra in s Feb. 11, and th a t 41 h a d been ‘•do- ported" from C ullforniu tlio p re ­ceding day by officers opcrntlilg w ithin 1/iB A ngeles c ity hoiiti- ilnrlcH.

e h H i r t r T . - E x ^ M B m b e r -

— Of-Cabinet, Difj

aid ing navigation.2. The .r lg h t to sell pow er p r o ­

duced a t such d&ma. < » *-3. T ha rig h t to 'b u l ld tran sm is­

sion lines to tr a n s p o rt such pow*rcasoDable m a rk e t.

. , a d m in is tra tira leaders to c lear th e w ay to wide and scattered ■•Little T V A ‘^-de-

m itted an opinion In w hich th e y ' expi'tsscd coiicurn!t><;B . w ith .the . view s of the c h iff Ju stice a* to conslllu tlonallty of th e va rious phases of T V A dpera tlon a t 1s-

. noy dectared fu rth er, howovor^ tliey belleve<l th e p referred stoek- holdera o f the A lni)am a Pow er Co. w ho b rought tb u case had no le­gal rig iit lo do HO.

Ju s tice L ouis D. Brandels, v e t- « e ran liberal memlMr of th e b o u r t, '- r ra d th e concurring opinion la which ho w as Joined by' Ju stlcea

tlio court found no m e r i t in- a o y ' ,3y T V A - o p . - .niCTKOiT. K.ib, 17 mill — The of tho polntB ralBCd

hoy who qu it college JIB ye a rs u g n , iioncnls. to Icam tlio In fan t au tom obile In- Cays tin fidustry ■‘froiii tho g round up.^' Roy l>. CftapJn. p reslden l « f H udson M olor c a r com pany and form er rn lilnc t nii'm ber, d l« l here la s t nlglil.

Chiipin, snri'otjiry o f coinmereo under Pi'esiilent Jloovnr, hud IjNjU ill six «iBys w ith piieum unla, ,H o. w n i S ______ _____________ _______

Swanson ImprovesW A S lllN aT O N . Fell, 17 (U.l'-l —'

flecrntary of th e N a'

ta Pow er ,.<» ' rijght lo

th e eele « u p - ' ^ generated

m." Mld .HutbMk ! [ y h a l l i e . M l ^ o . U . .

Insist Hint i t sh a ll be th e chase r of the energy- tho W ilson da tn .” ■" th a t tho energ] ' o r to go to WBsl ,

H ughes-jdesoribed ' d ra wn by■ p ro H p e c n U ,. ............. .... ..T V A pow er fo r fac to iie e .w (iuld.com tieta.w lth private.,iBdiyi*.

issue here.'Tka g using the w ater power a t y

son (lem to -eetab U n

I r a te S o lQ ii F iv e s .T h r e a f i A t Rja^^P r l e i t F o r ^ 'F ra u d u le n t" B i l l C h a r g e

pubuo. .."T he lo v e ra m ^ a t !• dlep^iar'roC,.,<

(Oontinued o n . g 8 g , ? . . -

. * -pftokfU

Page 2: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com

_ > -.Page T w o -------- - . TOAHO. EyENlN.G TlM


3NEW*SmN ew s in] Brief


lie KvtiiliiK Tlmw oinlriUule. brief

!l>'|iiion«, Ti»« n i D l S f f l l E B .


ICrrc from Coeur trAIolir iC on tlnued (lun i ruKn Ono) 1' KaniRny Walk<T, p r o m i n c u L .

't lio cncix v ItHuir wlilcn Mmply l s ; c,„..|ir ,l'A1pnc Jn 'm ocm t. ta iiiaU- th c mc'ctmulcal etierK V TlnclJcnnn .Ing a Uvo-iliiy visii lu te , to falllMK w utr'r at- llio iliim,vortcil 'liilo 'ih c r lcc tr lrn l cnci Ky which 18 nuHccpllblc of trnnsraU - slon,

___ LCcnUmuid-froiii I'acc-OnOT^luiiiH' lo.lity- A sU'i'l-luillcd gov-

'iT nm cm -tm vbw it-rtlt-lhroucfci -the ,Kc nn<i oiirriprl th im n-slinre Into

HiTP r ro m IliiKrritum SntiirOay nlRlH.. Xhoy sa id tlieyH c r t over lh>: wciJf-fmi fm m 'w nu lil tinvo n ro icd n few new

Hagc-rmaii w ere Mrx. J.io «upplir.s t-.tlay bu l ollicrwisoM , . J i j p l . C urran J .V l . l f . ; '- - ! ■IMf-


to nequh-c o r dispose of such cn-.w lll m e e t tom orrow evening n t llic e rc y cxccpt aa I t comes iiilo bo-,hom o of M rs, L. V. Jlm'Jiiiii, J440 Jng In the opei-atlon of w orks con- .S lxtli uvenuc east.(ilructed In the excrclsc o f-som e j ■ pow r -d e le g a te d - to -U i« - -U iuU yilfornier K o ldf iiU .S ta te s . M r. a n d Mni. Oleed Miller, for-

-t-aw folly-O onrtnteU d^---------"A s wc have sa id . Qicso tr n n f t- i f r o m '-S a l t - - I ^ h c c ity , "visltlnE

m is s io n 'l in es lead d irectly from tjricuaa; T hey will re tu rn to: the ir —tbc-dom . .which.hM_.l>?cp .)a'vfiiUy home \^edne8day.

con ttrueted , and th e rjuesllon of th e constitu tional r ig h t o f the fjov- e rnm en t to acquire or ope ra te lo­cal o r u rban U istributlon Bystcmii Ifl no t Involved.”

The c ou rt did n o t go Into the au th o rity o£ the governm ent to f i­n a n c e -n ira l pow er ll;iea w«l rau;

over m ost of tlic cen tral today find tom orrow , w ca th - '

shot th e mercui-y to 50 de- (,TCe!i below zero n t W llllaton. ,N . D-, bi-eaklng the 46 below record eslnbliflhed the prev ious day. I t icM ..l6 ..b c lo w a t H avre. Mont., and 41 below a t Rhinelander, Wla.

.K I I lA - ^ r -----— .

Hint Of Rapid Conquest- -not«:‘T he-fo |lov(in(i

ap p ra lttn g th e Impor* ia n t K alian v ic to ry In E thiopia wa* w ritten by W ebb Miller, United Press w ar co rrespond -^

— ^*^ |^ned fro n t the , no rthern fro n t and now r-H to n a t- l i

On« sec'piijjj from took to u r ' lives a t RK-cr- .. , Mich., b ring ing to W t h e ‘num ber o( itPHths-in sim ilar nccldents over

Union McetliiR S la tfd ’ the m idw est du ring the p a s t week.Tw in F a lls s take M utual lm -:T h e new v ictim s died In nn explo-

provom ent ai»oclat(on8 will hold a rion.union mcetlnfr here today a t 7;30i A n overheated funm ce w as held p. m . O rra l Lulte will conduct th e responsible fo r a fire a t Moline, lesson. , ................ * ’

Hrheduto fainchSon.. :± = = T r a r i in t :a t :1 aauc.-:r= .r- — - u c — r r ^ - B a m d - T x ln l r w i lh t t ie e t^ 't e lc

)e4red from the option th e neuday fo r a l:aO dessert lunch'ty_i)f fu tu re te s ta of .some ‘ ..................": th e govcm m ent'a powr ram rem ained. However,

loy upholding - t t e funtlam ental C liib 'to M eet —Stuay^olub-or- ai-ent-TeflohfP

• association of St. Edw ards wiltm eet Tuesday a t 3 p. m. in the

assu red th a t th e v a s t New- D eal experim ent could, go fo nvan l a t

hindrance.B itter D lnen t

“ T he 'd is se n t p repared b y -M c- jte^molda—M tterly -denounced th r T V A .

' ' ‘The' recbnl lifaveS fio root* for ■ ‘ t th a t th e p rim ary

• “ ic f e r tm l------ernm ent in to tbo business o f^ Ia - ' now s^' fo r PUttera!

• tributlDff a n d se lling e lectric pow - M r. a n d M ra. KcnneUi C. Beach e r th m iB h o u t certa in largo d ls- re tu rn e d yesterday from Ltfwlston tr lc t s " M cReynolds sAid, " to e x -w h e re th e y a tU nded the funeral pel the p o w e r . com panies w hich of th e form er’s fa th e r. R . C. Beach.

- S i d lone serviced th^m and to c o n - a w eek previous. They came by tro l the m a rk e t tbe re in .'' be ing m e t a t Shoshone. ..........................nuqted from varJ-

. D. Reyn- wefe trapped by flam es. A coron­e r's Inquest-revealed 'the children died of f rig h t, and suffocation.

F re ig h t C ars Derailed — A - ifno» -cr«w -w rke tV -^w Jlh -ra derrick to c lea r C hicago and G reat W estern tr a c k s a f te r 12 derailed

'ig jjt t a r s uenrrMaraliftTlibvniT

To> H old Dance -B a lm o n -S o c ia l 'c lu b w ill bold a danco F r id a y evening a t A m erican Legion M e m o rfa lT a lir^ MemBers DTo“ rDqUcated by -officers to con­firm th e issuance of all Invitatlonn.

, ; JilcReynoids quoicd from varl-j —ons-T -\^A -»ei^«-an*l-<T ocurocaU

in defease o f l S l s contehlidn. H er to aJL icg io n -M « ;t_

---------auwM -thft-O plnlon Of. FP drm l - r -----------------^-------- t ^ c t Ju d e jrS v ilt lan rT rG n itJb rT r tio 'ih e -p o s t-a re -a rra n g in B a-speeia l

he ard the te s t case w hen i t 'w a s P^offram fo r th e m onthly Legion _ l_-.fin it.b rO U gllt..B nd .rU led7.T V A •— 'm rotinp*. n t Memorial hall Thurs-


lo .,'b locked the line from Chicago to lie s Moines fo r m ore th a n 24hours. ................. ............. - --

R apid C ity 'a p J ~ Belle

iv scufrfU gbts over th e snowhounil B lock hllla region, d ropping food,medicine a n d m all. - •-------------r-;- 'F aritte rB ~ tb rtU g h o n t - th e -f fre a t

' n have been unable_tc................. _ the ir stock . M any cat-tie froze to death . Some fa rm e rs klllea c a ttle and Glilckens fo r'food .

the corrcc t conclusion and th a t Ui ■" (iccree snouiu dc approved;"' M c

Reynolds said.

SiTpHio.N I^V YOR^C, F eb . 17 (IM n-Thc

silver purcbasfl a c t of 1034 "ifl a b la tn n t failu re” and the forthcom ­ing-Pnp-A nicrlcan coafcrebco m ay

ot HceHflncf. Mur pBy & c o ;; wn c iT bullion dealers, told th e United T iesa totlay. .

» 'T h e re a rc tw o elem enls In the prcBont Hilver s ituation w hich.holi' cxtrfto rd inary In terest fo r the stii •lent of m one tary phi'nomeiiii," he said.

"The f irs t Is th e poHslblllly that • tho Impending l*nn-Amerlenn ciui'

. ' fiTenco—ostriis lb ly called lo illH i-uti>i Iho p ra r lic a l applleatUin o

------------ni'If h b ni-'- pu lley- muy• • . - m u rk the heglnnInK of Aiin-»li-ai

ino tiry rrnllBtii.''Thcr» 1« reiiKon lo belli

/lilvi'C ciiiehtUin m ay l>r exploied M nrpliy bellovrs, becaiino of r r r n i

' .(lent Hiiohcvclfn s ta trn ien t In May llKM. In w hich ho said:

" I hiivi* Im-kuu to ciiiifer wll poin'i ri( DUr iioiKhhoin lu rei;.ir tri Ihe unii nr Ixitli nllvi-r iirul k<>Ii j.ie fe iab iy on ft. coordinated liunls

......... fnaWHS'-SfhKK't'««lva buying of tlio m oia l hy till.' Aim-clciui gi'Vcrnincnt cim vrvy Mtnllv M'HUlt In It' ileellne hecaiihe (It srlllnK hy Chlnu. ,

Piiioeliie Club Has KpKular Gatheriiiji:

M r. and .M rs. C. K, Hniiiicn -

S p a p k s ^ ' r o mT h e ^ W t i r

t o - r o t t r a r ^ n ■“The M urder of D r. I la rrlg an ,” w ith . M arj- A sto r and Phillip K«ed. Tho prog ram Ineiudes a B etty Boop ' csrtoon , comedy and nen-s.. .\Vedneflda>- a n ti. Tfaurvdav th e Idaho mid-.\veek

- 4 0 t - U - ............... "

brinies b a c k tb e rom antic da.ys of e a r l7 C alifo rn ia hlstery. I t I* th e f i r s t w ttdoor m usica l to reach tb e screen In several ye a rs a n d fea tu res G lad js

-h Ise x n erle n cB -in -E ttilo p la .)

----------- By-W E 8B -M I t r t e R ----------‘ (C opyright. 1936, United P ress)

NEW ■ YORK, F eb . 17 (LU:i — iThe I ta lian v ic to ry a t A m ba Ara^ dam on th e no rthern f ro n t In Etlil- op ia is th e prelude to w h at is like-

18*.k m iles soutb.. A m b a ^ l a g U a .. . . .....t a n t n a tu ra l fo rtre ss In E th iop ia an d fr^ m th o s tandpo in t o f m orale a n d preMlge It is m ucli m ore im ­p o rtan t to both s ides th a n is A m ba A radsm .

.. .H is to r ic Goal............M «/or T o ite lll a n d 1,200 :

and C h a r le . Boyer In “Priva te Worids,” T his c as t ineiudes Joel MeCrea, Jo a n D ennett and H el­en %'lnson.

2Vew« of Record.B irth i

M.. iiw.t •Um V iM nr.n .JU tn . ... T w in Falls , a

M .4llC 'lH 8ptin.‘' ‘ ’‘To Xfr. and MVs. D . Van Zante,

Filer, a eon S a tu rd ay evening a t the h o i^ ta J .

To i l r : and M rs. Dale Riley, Tw ln-Falls, a daugh ter, yesterday a t th e I fon too th m a tern ity '

Buffalo Bill Show^^ In Roxy’s Feature

A lt c inem a records of recent ycara fo r co lor and variety of sels w ere s h a tte re d du ring tbe film ing, .... of- Aaalfr OakKy,‘ cutrtarwWUg

S a tu rd ay d«pict*PK t h » l t f e ^ t J » ; t l U r a 5 i ^ _ a c te r. p o r t r ^ e d ^ B arbara S ta n i

an ^ t e w yck fa th e UtTe role.“A nn ie O akJey" covers a range

o f even ts b road In scope, stfe tch - Ing f ro m th e A m erican fro n tier to th e c ap ita ls o f E urope. I ts scenes, the re fo re , required 48 sets, *he m o s t In terc tO ng and plc tur-

.............................. If thsF o i ie r a ls

, REICHERT-:rrRIteB_for C h i le s

w lU bc-held .tom orrow IE r2 :20 pT m a t the FUer.M otbodljrt church w ith Rev. C harles Hellnaa n end Rev. IrvIn«..Molz_j>flicSUii%..SlKmlic r ite s will be conducted by Che Fllei M asonic lodge and -In te rm en t-w llI be direc ted by th e W hite m ortu­a ry . • •

fam ous B uffalo Bill wild w est show.

U lsfl f iU nw yck Is s tarred A n n ie .-w ith -P re s to n Foster, who recen tly sco red In "The Last D ays

Irta : I n - o th e r ^ p o r ta h t -


P n i^E iitered ---------------------- ................ ................ - _____E . I . Shaw , Tw in Falls , reported 1 gHo, com m ander in chief In east

0 tile police Sunday th a t his -car - • la rk e d on Third avenue cast, w as n te re d S a tu rd ay n igh t and robbed

3f a K ra g rif le and E as tm an ko- iak , a m ong o the r ftrtlcles. E n- rnncp w as gained by b reak ing off

tho .handles of the doors.

noiinil O ver'J : H".- S trlngham . accused of a

relnny Involving alleged eheck for- ,'c jy, w aived prelim inary exam lna- Ion in probate court today and vas bound over to answ er a t the n ex t te rm of court on $1COO bond. Com plaining w itness is O, W. Rob- iro n t sn n loaay r .u , opmnp m - GInlw Seed and Feed for A ne>v. m lie r , •'Singapore S l ln t," or8, A; V . T racy , v

~ , ~ist^H'tM»»^iVro»»ry F e td d iiJ C f lir^ o ir^ io ivh»r> 'aT i biiy-y(TOr fttvo r-|:T a (n ra6 irS faT ^TTTy

Ciuesl of Mr. and Mrs. E. !O s tn m d e r ovor, Uie weuk-end:,w.......... ’8pee<r Newman, tllfltrle.ttra f f ic manageiT for tlw United Air L ines w ith headquartem In Kalt i:.nkn C ity . Uo .w as ocKM'inpnnlod by ( iro rg o D. K rysrr , Jr., S a lt M k e C ity .-a .i« )cln tiil w ith WcHtf-m A'


Ainiuiil IHtiner HUiti-d'riid m ill annual jmiftl |>lg d in­

ne r a lia jw iR 'h i ittie rs : n ig h t «»f.theTw lu l'’alUi Miifunijr liulKO will I"-' litl<l Wednewliiy. Dltiin’r will HiTvtsl a t (1:30 mid p. ni' i>n<l IntiT paflt masterH will have ■liiirKO and n iif e t ' Ihe M. M. ‘le


Ilv»■n i-»voniinelicliilicin« of thcfX e ................. .o. !.'<>niiiiltl>'<' •>( Uii: Towiuii'lid {lurly. Tho

.......;atlon. To y o u r excellcncy',-K ho Oli-cctcd th e b a ttle ; to the o fficers; to Uic titiops wlio m ade possttjle th e victory w ith

J Jy Uiilled r r f s s

. . . - 2 0 — 8. - .02.......... ... . - e '— :iwK antas C ity ..... 0 8 .04tjos A ngeles ..... 50 €2 .22Miles Caty ......—30 — 14 .00Minneapolis ....—16 10 .00 New Y ork

AD DIS-A D ABA . I 'c h .1 7 — Advlcvs from the sou thern f ro n t said today Elhiopinnji had

........... .—10 4Pocatello 40Portland ____ 20 .. 28S t. L ouis ........_..14 ' 18S a lt L ake ............31 • 40San Francisco -....60 CO -SeatUc ................ 20 40TW IN FA L L S .,17 32W illlaton ........—34 - 2 8 .Yellowstonfl ....—26 - - 0 . ,

GInlw Seed and Feed for

t o th t 'l ta U a n s A m ba A lag l is o ndvon iy t o - A d u w a .- th e i r - f i r s t objective in th e w ar, in historical Importance.

W hen I w as la s t in M akalc, whence th e la te s t I ta l ia n offensive s ta r ted , tbe o ffice rs w ere ta lk ing a lready about tb e "sac re d road” to A lagl. .They expected Instruc- tions du rin g D ecem ber to ' '

T h a t w as tw o and a h a lf m onths a g o and It will ta k e U arsh a ! P ie tro BadoglTo a n o th e r m on th o r tw o m onths to p ra p a rt f o r th is ba ttle b f A s ib a A lagl, w hleb Is Ukely to N 'd e c is iv e .

Pom pe«t“ -a a -b e r-^ tu re < W n a l» U iat t h e t io o p » -o f-R a s^ u

S ^ n T o d a y• A y tes , looking

j»m c.floft.icatL forlW 5Jninln,t,urc. ■founary-DO'jic'can‘mp.Kc-8ome' Hiora".tln.y>1dlers.’’ >Vhe? ma^e. Suuii T\jiltty Is to be presented w ith a sam ple. . . . HoIlLster people, com plain ing th a t they received no nia ll las t w efk a f t f

-didsaoy— ]Ufll bccausc U30 t r a ^ no t happen to g e t the re—

—tliough' th c i i lg l iw a y was open fo r th e m o s t p o r t . . • Glimpses of th e Saw looths, Teveallng th a t th e y a rc .c lothed In deep w hite.. . . E xp lanation by c ity author-' iUc» th a t th e renson~ JJarm on’ f ield p lunge h a sn 't -been filled w ith w a te r to p e rm it the-for-^ m a tio a o f a sk a tin g pond Is tho fe a r o f dangeV of crack ing the co ncrete ; a n d tho Reason thO'

-ex c av a tio n on Blue L akes no rth h a s n 't been slm ilerly converte<l is becaus<i th e re 's a slnh-hoR: In tho n o r th end w hich ilra ln s tho w a te r n u t on fa s t as It's p u t in.

V. m ixer, •'Slngi^wre Slln^,'

N EW YORK, F eb . 17 U'.i;)—As resu lt o f M arshall P ie tro Badog-

npporen t m a jo r victory, I ta ly‘anyone supposed w hen the w ar ■tailed,

Badoglio appears (o have served notice n o t only upon Ethk>pki bu t upon the world, th a t h^ will no t pe rm it tho heavy ra in s o f early sum m er to find E m p e ro r Hail* Se-

. ...‘ . . islon of his em piren n it- tha rn itly . ga«i»l«t <-Bmpgl{ri»

-Bflitt. e n c k Force* Southw avd fxom -lC akale-lln linn

troops have s laughtered ^anil scat- terecT the men upon w hom the k ing


D ifficult P a th

Ita lian s I s a te rr ib ly d ifficu lt one. W aves of rugged bills face them, every one an obstacle. •

A nother ’ f a c to r ' o f 's lgn lflcancc in the v ic tory is th e adm ission

Lhe'Qortb, a p p aren tly go t a w a y in )tfd -C fde>nt~ iB ~ lB aic a te d -th e rc tir i s n lpnfy nrW gf'V In T here is no doub t th e victi

A m ba A radam ,w m a n ' Im p. one to th e I ta lian s . Badoglio used tw o of h is r a c k d ivisions o f regu- Jara — SllHi an d .S a b au d a — and a crack F a sc is t m lU tia division, M arch 23._ - B a d o g lk _ -„ - of hU «ggs in e

* 4EDITOH>8 - N O T E j^ H . FJdns, ve teran V nlted P ress correspondent ba* bUC i^ccn tty re tu rned t» Ihe U nited S ta te s a f te r extensive service w ltb g th lop liin trJops In B a s t Atrle>.

R egnjan W in BlggeBt-Triumph o f W ar by DembraQzmg , ------- A rin yof«0 .000

Momlay, February, 1 7 ,0 936.

a u j a i K

Have been defeated and sen t back (lemorallKCd. - ~

Badoglio used ab o u t Ttl.OOO men In alL

F o r Bomo weeks, oh v is its to ^ i ls fiv n t, I w as able to s

stage. This w as to fo rtify domin­a tin g positions w ith trenches, re­doubts, stone fo rts and machine gun nests. M ounta in artille ry and field pieces, w ere broQght up. Air­planes w ere b ro u g h t In to bomb and rcconnoltre.

A week ago Badoglio w as icndy to gc. -

o f k ings depended to keep th e in ­vaders o ff the high.platc>au lands o f biff e m p ire .'

RctonUy General R odolfo O ras- lanl, operating in th e souU:. dealt

" ..........

^us"burwil*®WI/“ln*Pt“»JpnP,MarsJiiall Baiogilo a n d his gen­

e ra ls have ghreo II Duce ano ther victory to add to the morak effec­tiveness .o fJ}rU lan l’s s lau g h te r In t h ^ south.-

trlw m bhjgnfl ewer a hrilliant.. of tb e Conquelring Lk>n of

Tudah’s m ost s ta lw a rt w arriors.R as Kaass, R as In ru . Ran Scy-

oum, and Raa - U u lu G etta , the E thiopian m in iste r o f w ar,---------^ E th l i ip ia -

■^lieTf dow nffll Would~mean th a t hcnccforth..U ie_em pepoE.jauat-dc^p c n d -Upon-dUorgapl«fl»l|—famtaltaA tro O p i^ lh c ir m o ^ e sh a tte re d by ^ th e ir f irs t ' real C o u n t e r w ith the arm am en ts of a m odem ly equipped E uj^pean a rray and th e ir m eager suppUea'afJajnm u&ltton spent.- Once again th e I ta l ian s have dem onstrated tho fu tility and m il­ita ry suicide of th e E th iop ians' In- s l8 ten c a ':u p o iin » ijc ii jtra tln g .--— -

flown before. .The v lc to iy m ay be cxpccted to nu rtu re the sp irit, of

O nty w h ite I ta l ia n s pa rlidpated In ac tua l f igh ting : T he flerc irA s-- k a r is w ho did th e early fighting

ere on th e side lines.The field guna,'‘Including heavy

pKeeSi opened up and the bombing airplane's roared o u t southw ard a- th e Advance began.

The te rra in w as h e a r t breaking.H ■ r a l t i t - x t t - t im e s -w lth -p henom »- «na). ln te ^ s ity . A t . Umes tB i r s i r r '

nmddy- f le l<^ and- th e f low-of: sup­plies w as slowed because the roads

up and down the , roeXy m ounta in slopes, the Ital-

—B a d o g ^ ou6anart£d .^ the ..^Ihl-. opiaa s ta f f , in c lud ing w blte’ of- ■fWnrwHiJBrwSTiAw W ler leading E th iop ian forces.

r c v o lU f t jM U l j a j t i a t iU » « a th rea t to H aile Selassie i the guns-arid a irp lanes of Italy .

T> 1. Ri* u j B eck F u n e ra l H e ld K u p e rt iVlan r io n o r e a w e n d e l l , F eb . 17 is p e c ia i)— ,A s . services for Jcrtin W esleylA t b e rv ic e s t o d a y Bock, w ho ^lc<l W ednesday, w ere,

---------------- -- - - sn iu jjja y a fternoon a t thePresbyterlaQ church . _ In tM tn c e r ----- In th e W endell cem etery.

R U PERT, F eb . 17 (Spcclfll) — F unera l services f o r K . B. Tracy, 46, w ho died .'W ednesday evening a t tho C o ttage hosp ital In Burley, w ere lield today a t 8 a . m . at- St. NicMUff C a tho llc .x liu rch .. .B uria l w aa In tho R u p e rt cem etery , w ith the ' Goodman m o rtu a ry In charge,• Mr. T racy w aa a pioneer, se t­

tling on his fa rm d u r in g th e home- .s tta d days. H e is survived by his I wife and th ree ch ild ren ; tw o broth-

' ors, A ; if . .T m c y , who’ lives in the.

D e ite r W osben a t Moon's.

W om en’* S hoes

t I O O D ' S

.... .................................. ............... .......abou t 200 m iles nnrthe(i»t of Dolo and tow ard Addin A baha, killing 20 and di-Jlnitrly hallUiK th e advance.

Zu Zim’s Initiate ~ Folii-New MembersI ]H)t-luck sujiper will ho held 1 < vcnlnj* a t Ihn hoine of llnb

Mngel for fou r new nii'iiilH-rs win) weio in itiated Inlci the V.w /.Im club. hiKh solioui ,,fi'niriiiiltv>.ym;. te iilay HflerniMni. 'Tln! serious lidtlatkin- pervleit w as held n t the hotoo o f .liu d ilixitli iind wuh cmi- duetcd hv N orm an H ales, proni-

I ’leciKes aiT Kd Niivin, ItolKTt ilw d n lg lit. lli'ucu I 'a ln tc r and W niuti lloviirka, Kullnwlnn

iiy the ni’‘">l* illfeuwHi'il tvnliillvely plniiH fur ii tipvliig

riy . Tho jK int,. niinlnled hy hin 'I her^, Ml'fl... C - K - liooth, -sprvrrt •

NoT h e r e a r e

rakes Madet h a n t h e S u p e r - S a f e t y B r a k e s o n t h e 1936 F o r d V - 8 -

elu l) N<i, 1, r<\!Mi11y .ifn-iii lw l, will ... . . ............. ....r f t t i t ” lu 111*- ( lul>'*toimiiTOW refreshhU*i>ti>. i < »

i vetiinr lU the N a p iv n n ohim-h - • - 1 ..............H ; J , ReyiloVM U 'm i n s j m nnrt - .\Hn. C’lniUiiUiiii Hinlth Is sefre-

o f tho com iiiltlie ,

Rrclin A dnilnlstm lnnihlpF . W . H arder has riln l a pe tlllnn

in prubatn court aerkliig appoint- nu’n t ii« adm lnlstriitn r o f the ex­tensive e s ta te of his faU irr. the lati* 11. K, H arder, who illed Feb.

ItApV :R lten w e re held th is iifteinc»>r

llin n in v rr rem e te ry for lh« ilay- old son of Mr. n n d -M is . Ki'liait IJrn n a n , b'»rr. Hev, W. F . U.m- iic«i(i-ldt, piuilor n f tho (.'lover Lu-

I T rin ity church, o rd ciittx ' Ttie nrui«e nm rtua h«rg() <H InleriiieiH,

w es t ov rr th«* w eek-end. I'lnnrliln ii«i fi;verslnn of Ihn evening'

i>>i»e«'"g(lIrtB"th Mrri,

lertHlned the M. and M. eliili n t 5 ,ji i^ n g Heiieh wIUhiuI leaving Iheir liotiir on Addison avenun will. I 'rnporly Includes considiir-

iDln Tw in F a lls n-nl e s la tr . in iddlllon lo stncks and o ther ‘eniiHles'.1 IehViiig fiii tho-nppllm -' ll„n h a s iH'ell Net hv .llldgo (iliy L. Kinney for Feb. ail. H eirs Include lh« i.olllii)ner und unollier sou, > 1-1 A,» H a id e r Htephnn und SiMuirora; j . ’tsniTinniB. nrt. loys foe tho apjillcanl.

:rz2EBia-5:jiPM5unCTrfiTU!:iiiia'3irH; A, V, W illiams, Ml', mill MrH, llevereiinihe, Mr. and M rs. W illiam K ing, Mr. and M rs. ^uuh and Mr.

-h n m -M y i,-» m ir r , '-M r , -and -Mrs. Klntc will i n le iln ln the clul) in Iwu w rehs.

lA H 'A I. M lil>KNT NAMICU JJw t U im rii, MiiilMil u t Uiu llnl-

vm rtly » f Idiiho, Is i-hitlrnwii Ju n io r w erk . M a u h 111 l<« :/!, Bll-0«lleKO ‘'VV't.

B u ild S tre n g th IT o n e U p S to m a ch

• • f»fl''nii.-H..w», .lussuir«lllM>lil Sli|>»lll» f>'r »«o.l np ».n» fo llvlMNl li<iM‘C niirrtr stinllirr ilu:

■loiminhM ■lliniilani, a lalhl Ikss

i W i i A C ; tffl'j;., ;■ t . r t f X i ' i K i p t l ® . !re>ulla <ir m<m*r >*o1' ...............M I.K. forniiiU Is ebtiiv Ih* prsicripilon af *<1ix-lur who iiitd U bt liRs niBiiir ytsri iLui.usisd ni(L

. .

- l I N O I J t iUK-H'M-

3 H S 9

Oart««n : News

N O TB i l i ' s AU In r u n , an4 Wa N ever U a i u O iu - rf lo s e l ..


"NoToilior oar in A iiiorioa hae th e ^ a m c besio i le iig n es (ho F6Fd'V 3ir~''A aJ.l)'cbauic o f ite .u m iiu ^ d c s i^ n ^ Ih c T o rd w co u ld iiso any ty p e o£ brek in g ■ystein novr in oom nioti u se.

B u t , w ldi the whole ficli] 10 your lafetjr, comfort Rod peace* choosc from, Ford Hands by

f in c h a iiic a lly -o f* r« l* i/, S u p tr- Sujtty brnket *s die safcti, m eat. iDosc posiilvD fot.lb e r o id .V'S.

'riiis is the type o f braking sys­tem used on msAy o f America's cnsiliest cam and on niOit racing rsrs. And because o f its iinlc]uo

IS the whole . car . . Ford utci a »pc*plece, weldcd'Slcel body becsuse it it.aafcr.iQd.qulcKc., 1. . l ’{)id.gLm ._ jrou Ssfeiy G lau io every window 4 t HO tx tm n i t becauic Ford be­lieves it i< die minufaciurer's duty 10 provide for maximuiu safety as

htHtr thsn any other auto­mobile built today.

Drive ihe Ford V-8 . . . Notice how ii "liolds (lie road'* on curves

"- '[y»'(i"nev(‘f“hav“e to""*I Notice w-woik-

scItcs, Ford bat provided more Ford around turns) i \ cffeciivc si|uaro inches of brakioK bow d<penJahl[fjlie hr«

llffn 7 5 '‘[TTTB)“ niTn is foiin«l in on rough roadi^nn weep hllla any oilier low-priced (!af. . . And big, 12-inch slloy-irnu drums with apeciil coolin{t/ins to rIt® intrtmiiffl hnklnft pttwer uhder ' ell road com lltinns, . , A ll In all, no isfcr brakes are m ide than you gel with the 1931 Ford y-H.

And right through tbe Ford V-H for 19.16, from bumper to bumper, the same aitention lo

-'Or anywhere elie. You c range to do th l| easily by cslllng:

, ft # a # 1 nn'tonufMA

Ib 0 « m i d im ti (WrmaJ CiwM C—A«»»> ,4mWw^ I M M»mw n<»

like a pa ir of l l a n t a rra s . Radius rods a iid T o rq u e - tu b a ta ) give frfpfs ttrac .

pared s tee l link th e prassure of you r foo t o n ih e pedal w ith th e f -

d r w r n i l n e f R l N f f d c u d o tb U p o s lih sM lureijr, u a d s r e ll rea lw B yahetdequ l-dU lan l-I;«p« r< ruad cond itions. Not

■ t t S W Sfee t aildnm sH t* O n tl .0 one Portf te a k s has to depend on

u io tt to tb e fu lle s tu lra i ita A a ......... ... w l ib tb e c r

» ii llitt A l 't - l 'u r d Kj>ni|ihony O rcbcalre, H unday Kv«. 7 lo 8 >1. n . T, K red ^Yarltig hiiiI H ia I ’cnnsj IviHlaM , T u ts to y JEvaalnf l i l o U l iM M LfcT— O slum U a N a lw s l ll .____ ^


Page 3: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com

l l o n d n y , F c h n i a r y 17, I D A H O E V E N I N G T I M E S . T W I N F A L L ? . I D A H O ------------------------------------j .

M A JO R c h a n g e s ^

3 i s i i f e

'■ M in o r S T iir rM a a b 'ln T o rw a i'd--------- P a s s m g H e g u i a l io n s on ”

‘ r “ S c r c c n ” .P l a y e r s

IfflE lH P iB

, PALM 8PR IN G S . CnllJ.. F IT F irs t BcssloD of the i

a a e t o a t fnwth»lla « H M aM m il» i»"bi- h<rUI Wpjit oC i ’hiladolphitt

* • to iiay w ith only tw o m a jo r Changes! i n rcgiilutiona w ritte n Into the '

^ JfiM grid iron code. • • ., A tlc r th ree d a y s of secret meet- iMKR. the com m lltcc disclosed:

, “ Free Ball"L 1. A .blockcci k ick w hich did «ol p a ss Iho. Jlne of sc rim m age .here-

• y lously th e k ick ing teom could not . advance th e ball w hen Its punts

w ere blocked.■J- T he. "Blow*whistle” w as ellin'

Inatcd because it apparen tly re- au lted In loo m noy in juries. Pre- v lously ending of a pla y w as de-

• " l a ^ T o give ' th e ofetisSTe “leam -T- -ipo re U tltu d e -io F -la te ra l-fa » w r

- ■ n ilea g o v e rn h ig - ^ T forw ard pass, expected to bo d rastica lly altered a t the m eeting . T h e boa rd decided

V only th a t use of "screen" play­e rs should be tigh tened .

P laye rs Ineligiblo tA receive a p a a s ’tnay -no t-ndvanco beyond-tjje

-•— IM >lnt-w here-ihe-pa»-l»-is«ghtrJfl»te rccp ted l or fa lls Incomplete nor iHny Ineligible p la y ers "obstruct th e view of a n y opponent."

. . r ___ S a m e.P enallyV iolation of th e new '•screenlnfT'

ru le w m -£ai-ry_ the sam e penalty

a'.Pi-.-Here t ■pie r hMiniioi...

W onion's comblnoil sk i—.ila- lom and tlownhlll — Ohrlstl C rinz , G erm any.

IJen’fl com bined e k l—^ilalom and ciownhlll—F ra n z Pfnucr. G erniajiy. . . -

....................................... m

fiOO m otor sk a tin g —Iv tir Bal- ItLngrud, N orw ay. 43.4 seconds, tied Olympic rocord.• nOOO m e ter a k a t in j — Ivor B allangnid,' N orw ay . 8:10.0, b roke Olympic i-ecord.

18 k ilom eter special sk i race — E m lk Laraaoa, Sweden.

t«am (P ie rre M iw y).- -ISOO.-moter -B katlng— Oliarlcs M athiaen, N orw ay.

18 kilom eter com bined altilng — uddbjocm H agen , N orw ay. •

P a ir figu re ska tin fr — Ma.xi« Herbor- tuid E r n s t B aler, Ger­man);.

10,000 m e ter s k a tin g — r -BiU U uig,ud,J4o-------

Men’s ' figu re sk a tin g — Carl Sc to e fe r . A O s t r i a r '

!\yn.m fln . . .boBfllcd..___________ . --tln iisrS ta te s (Ivan B row n and A lan W ashbond). ■

50 k ilom eter ak l race—Elis V iklim d, Sweden.


p —m rg e r Kuud, _

B J W i

S c l ie S i i lo '- I m e d f o r 'H iize lto ri T o u rn n m e n t t o D e te rm in e

D is tr ic t E n t

IIAZELTON, Fob. 17 (Special)■^Schedule to r the HoutH sUlo sub-

I< touvnumoMt,

hftU, been mailo pub lic he re today by Supt, W. W. S lokesberry , gen ­eral m anngfr.

Iti the boys' com j)ftltion, glx team s will seek sub -d istric t lion- ar.'J and the rlg lit to e n te r the ill.strlct C lass B tou rnam ent, a t

iShoshone on the , j^'cek following..The tw o 'top o u tfits will e n te r from

leam a will compote here, w ith the! vic tor w inning th e r ig h t- to enter; the sou th ccntr.-il frills' cv-ent a t Buhl M arch 12-14.

Boys will ;ilay a roim d-robln .RchcUulc. G irls will to m p e tc on a sInffJc e lim ination baiis. ,S ix B o y s '

Supt. R alph T . N yblad, Hansci and Supt. H arold S tap le ton ., Ho n s tt r , ~a76®' aiding~S'upY.'.^ Stokci berry w ith tournam ent de tails.

Kali.s Dnmsite quintet.T he I)BnislterH dolhronod Ituport

,Uo'osters, defending chiimpions, in n hectic ti tu la r battle here Siitur- day night,. -J4 to '.’3,

T he narrow vlrtor3S,.cl(maxlng .a tou rnam en t conielwck a^ter A m er­ican F a lls had lost to Uu|)crt_.by tw o poin ts earlie r on the final day

ji£_UnL-loiirncy.-£uyfl_llio_En)US!l?. cUil) pe rm anent possession of the

Thonm s H. Shlbf*, head of the I -h il!.d r l|.h l« - Athl<‘tkH. A m rr- i Iran leHR.ie buHebuU club, dird ^ .iiH l»y-u«-lh^-Kg«-of-7lU — H*.

iijilied (o i^com |i1Iratloii of

luK y band up Ji;i, p-jinln t.inn i uw av w ith the un.>iricial

th e '! '. 5 m u u iw[-T inn-

l,lg silver trophy-and brough t-K O ld ;-if ,i„„^ ,-i(v -T f,( .r relMrnl.ig m edals to 10 m e n ., Tho B ooster.s^ .-,.i,i,|,j,.i,,,,,„ sniifc.rd, FI;

Mit U

T eam s, F iv » G irls S q u a d s W ill S ee l; H o n o rs

McCall I,eginn won Iho niw hlp cup.

Final I i 'T h r ille r .

-----FE B . CT. — EileiT V,7 p. :

(boys).8 p. m.— iiazeii

(boys).0 p. m .—Han.’

(boys)., . —------------ -------p e b

■9 a . m.—M urti (boys).

10 a, m . — E. {boyst.

PA U L, F e b .- lT 'ta p e . .: i l i tr ta t ig h '’'’ *•<*>■•''' te a m s ,a n d five feminine

iaggrygatlona scheduled to compete Castleford l h e re 'F eb , 27. 28 and 29. dutaila 6t

th e M inidoka sub -d istric t Class B I H o ilia l'erttoum am en l have been announced

jh y a u n t. J . B. F ridley, in charKC

B n in 5 3 «S t2 5 h »»= J.H I»e -»> «lall floor In fh<^,college gym nure, • -

Uic team at;uulinx-; w ith only arji;, p>-

Will Kut<-M.a-vI of Uie Aim-ilcan rcjir.'-,

HonlativeB will pnrllcipute In other Kaf\>tK-(in (ttccM ■ - - Ire l»ic)<ry

jo n d 3 " Q u li3 te t t u m e s W ild c a ts '” •B y U nleash ing - N ew -P o u n d -

H o o p ' P o w e r

Th(^,college g y m liu re , ^ —tr c r p r a g r o rA f tc rT X in ip r t tn i r th w a. th rille r from s ta r t to finish.; P lu la d e lp h ia B a se b a ll M a g n a te thc-y w in .ploy in Munich. The puck

--------------. -_ .i . . , • „e[,c<lultfd tentativelyMIxup betw een the scoreboard and: D ie s a t 70 •

-----------—[of -the- lou rney r—Han.scn' T he tw o high teon is f rom *m ong

ith e Ijoys' e n tra n ts will enter

official scorer caused added fi since p layers and the crow d I 'though t th e ti l t ended In a '2 i-2 i. P H II:aD K M -H IA . Feb. 17 ----------v ............. ... „ -

j^iL .aK C CU m iL-jJay-off .waa..T)H >H iB»-8.-9hibc,;nilcr-nf-TncrJlU^^<!^Pttrtitr:A ttt:r-g).ir_^»«~t»^^»yi s ta r t as .the e rro r w as „nolphla. A thletics, died lu.st n ig h llth e - ...... ......... — -

to sail fo r New York on M arch 11.U. S, figure sk a te rs departed

today fo r the world championBhips

and other Tyro

■about to s ta r t as .the e r ro r w as 'm io lph la A thletics, died lu.st n ig h ll tl '^ sk a te r s w i l l ' '^ " t o Ofilor Nor- inouncod and the cham pionsh ip ',,( £onn-'.'iciUi'd a ilm ents iw ny. M ost m em bers of Uie sk

c '.w .:i,n^ ;:''iw ardcd to the .D am .sllcr« .2 i.M . | The ve teran organizer and Icch-^K-am plan com petition a t Inns-'. H azelton Cla.s.s B d ls trlc l ^ 'e e ts a l Shashone, deadloclccd th ree „icui expert in the Hpovtlng e<iulp.i'>ruck, .........................

iM arch 0, 6 and I h e v;^nn n g | t , „ , , ^ Inisine.ss wa.n 70 ye.u^ ol.l l>v3orW,

~ " “'""■iSm.u, s f s » E S K j r t ’ ..

I'S Castle- wili Iw the roinVTirobin syslern,— adlfil' ..............

d almo-Ht the entire rem ainder o f , fled.as 7 a ff ra y r^rhp -fin t’.h~ 'nnv>w nin-;ra ll-o f tho-onfP-poworful-AA ...................... ........... .........

■lional—w ith A! \Vcatcrgren_slDklni: incnLioned n.i Shllie'.s nr<il>,il)l.- .sue- jin N o w d y for Jlbiiut spectncuhir long i^hot to give pc.'-.soi-. They w ero 'C onnie Mack, }Tlie' c itttre Iwlj .sled (■

I ’u 'k lnc up w here they left off runniiin T tn tm n r -B n m n —r

rllolied sm oothly Sa tu rday n igh t defeat F ile r \V ildcatiir48 to-l-4:—• cH- IT. .^ r r J p n c a t ir l iw j.gtgn r r ^

u[f w ith m ore of the sw U t bull-handling and accu ra t# shoot­ing th a t had cheered B ruin sup- p b ite rs ' the r ig l i t before. T hey , w ere In com m and of the til t itoU E hQ U t-dcsp ltB -a . gam e b a ttla — i i^ C w ic b ..J im uulXil,^-w hlch m anaged to sink only thre* field goals a g iiin st th e -a tlff Bruln- delensive bulw ark,

I.lncolii, T u rn e r Ill^ h Ix's I.incoln ami ila v T urner eol-

lec'te<l 11 po in ts each afid BillXX JIMIllk... WUVl, niKI MillUoy Mlkltel-sen, a s k l Jum per:^c |,iff,j,n ii tu rned in ciglit, l ‘ond

w w kfl.l 'U ~ lo t,

T w r r

close "^C-'Jl ■ flvw n iAr iiift v<.i> inj-:'\VTTiien'ts"iindn.’f r t j y o n t - p o in r ai

neeond^half. _Tho, saiiads mus*. i"-.;. , ___ . ___on the field and rea d y to p ta y ^^ tiM a jtie M o d e s t ly S a y r H e W ill a t mTTSt

Year and H alt

T -p .-m ^castip^rtirv s .-H T O H C 'n^---------------------f e b ; -2T--------------------- :sc5’ffi:5ar<TrRrxToft(iow‘f convm oirR 'm iii.q; and jon m j.'sm n i'iT sir.T iu ’r-T irtrdtnpr-iparm g-Hnm t-iiUJOys).,, I ........- 9 - ,a . m . — Bcclo vs, Ace<iula.> free throw In the final 10 s e r-v .f the l:Ue prcsldenU iu.l vice p re s - .r^ v . , _ , • iu u i.lia lf. A r t T ran m e r scored JO’ (bo ~ ___ ^.jonds for the, point t)iat nppiiren»y;uient^or ih d w i V.t‘ 1^^111 "^^m >lnl» for Hie Culis and Erickson

_,.t(on of p u ttin g th e pigskin Id r z ii rrp U v rr ro m 'r s e fliB ittn g fr r in s tc jiil rQ t'iz " ™ -

- ‘ -;hc k ickoff w as eliminated.. T lie ball . . . . .

L arge N umeral*A recom m endation th a t will not

— Ba-a!nion:m-iiy_pi!UJilLleii usK.i. lUut pl.iyers w ear, a alx-lnch block nu'-

OAKLA N i). Calif,, Feb. IT 'd 'f i '

Vack,G ridiron officia ls a n d '

-•-perm en-Aad com plained, t t f requen tly were_uDBblo to identify som e p la y ers lie ca u ae they carried on ly sm all n u m era ls on their Slacks. T he com m ittee refused to

. m ake th e suggestion on num erals a m an d ato ry « g u la tIo p b \it ex­p ressed beUef th a t It would be ob- aerved generally .

No action w as taken

om w E

• a c c o j^ ln ^ o " I ’ll b e rea d y to f ig h t-ag a in In

(t. n f fhi-po m o n th s ." B a e r " nouhced ye sterd a y a s he puili th e gloves fo r h is f i r s t w orkout s lncc .Joe L ouis annih ila ted him In , fou r rounds^ in th e ir Now TTOrJC bout. A t the tim e. M ax announced "defin ite ly” fo r th e second tim e h is p e rm a n ep ^ Jc tlrem M t fn yn .Jhe ring .

O v e n v e ig h t.O verw eight and considerably

---------- . a - . . . - 1,1. n ia .^)unds,_____ F ra n -

. . . . ................. _ .leavyw elght, andJaoJf L on< ron"an< I'H li^h Wedge, m lddlew elghts. H e dem onstrated the punch w ith w hich ho__floore<l

t a .win th e cham-

J ie“T 5tfc~per55'rw ^ m y D uffy '# gym to see h is w nrk- m itT P ......... ....... ............................

. 11 a . m ..-^ 'E d c n va, CastlcCord boys). . ^

gam e -betw een -w in n ers - o f - E den- H azelton and M urtaugh-C uatleford gam es.

B o y C i

• 8y U nited P r e i t------ ♦ h e - N w —Y o rk - IU n a - r* -had

sole poHNesNlon of Uilrd place In tlirt A m erican division .of the N a ­tional hockey’ Icoguo to d a y by vlr-

nuo Of ihoir 1 . 1 ovorlimo t(« with the last-placo M ontreal Canadlens (if tlin In terna tional division a t N ew Y ork Inst n ight.

-UoNton's Q tu lns, w ho hod Iwcn iteadlocked w llli th« K angers. drop­ped Into lust p lace when beaten 4-2 iiv th« niiiek H iiwka a t Chicago. Tlt/s v ictory

B aer s till h a s n 't lo st a lt h is ot- tructlon n* a crow d plcaser.

As usual, ho w ound up his w ork­o u t by Clownlhg w ith Tony Felice, a w restler.

B u t fu tu ro -c tow n lng w ill-be re- Blrlcled to th e a>rt hft dJaplayed y esterday . M ax Insisted.

HR)-»JUii’JL.ilei:ormed . ,w q u it th e b r ig h t llgmn

and for nil," ho olalmed, " I haven 't touched a d r in lrm tw o-wcekH .'l've rcauced c ig a re t te s to tw o a day,

ve done a lo t of roa^ w ork and -alklng. My b ig problem Is the

hands,. "T lia fa w lia t llckcd mo in my fightit w ith B rnddock an<l U u ls , T h a t n n d .th o p la y b o y ,stu ff,"; Max bellevcR ho can hu In shape w llhin a Hionlh und he w ants. Phil


x — ' can II

). 17 (Special) g t “ ' H st^U on a u ft- ‘I, 33 to aa. hera * ..,|1

• HAZrci.TON, Feb.• Gcno. I'iunMnp’a H at^llon t<>t dow ned H oyuuni, 33 to 3! U atiirday n lgbU .. Xllaon W U J i if Klin In th e w inning H azelton drive, iim asslng 31 polnls.

lleyb iirn sopha dofenled llat^V ton HiipUi, a s tu 11, In the cu rta in

,, ..ra iiau ....— '

O lsim andH iinsvn , forw ard*; Biidd, .-.mler! W ebb and D m he, |;uar(li. ■* • -----------IJT ' "“ •••

lilnlin tm v e r vs. Binerkk**, «iillny« 1 itiid », ^

TliM ., Fnb. lA—n ub lw 'a v*.— D J ii w o ra i,' irtiiyii - r - M d -

U roukrk lit VI. M . and

rmnrlng thn C hicago flim ' iicddler, JraioiM of HrubAker

The pralae w ith w hich ring c rit­ics have greo ted B rubaker 's stoudy advanoe in to - th e lifavyw elght- top f ligh t npparerrtly aroused aomo jealousy In th e O aer b reast,

•'So they 're n lreody saylntf ht I Ilok 1D07'.’ B aer.dem anded In'

m tly, ••Well, I 'll be ready to . h im In Iwo m o n th s -m u y b u weeks.

•He's Just a kl<l and they 're n n h ln r - him a lowr ■ t eo -faa tr—Jus»^ beoausa ha licked l,.ovlnaky Is no

w hip me, Levlnaky.

: -Haxertoii; a . 1

11. H ollis ter; 3 n '.m .

^ “Hnnscn'’^

I. Albion, boys, va. M alta, girls,

.nM »IU.-boy«.

by th e official scbh 'r, however, made the free loss the mui'K' ' victory,

F re d Jiidrt-lne and W estei

..r te .l t , .o w ..ac o iiL n .llin t’ :Hl.'dfl--^f rfir .six Olympic eventi n ia iti- ..sam e: . F r t w -i.lwimpl-m.ship.s won a l.Ix jk c J .^ c ld .G ,, , , ,a „ — , jack.son. forw ards;

___ _I irr,f»rB i^.m . 1 K,>V llrA It-lin'w .. .

boy.H.8:30 p. m .— Albion

S a lt L a k e rs F e e d ___ACCqm'g'- vs:- PttU l;icn--po1nta-cnch,-R ud5’ -R lnge- I c ti - - T ) A « > t » - n r i v p t T -T ^ ff> '

.HIM «r«iv.r\..>..,ii, iv iw a iu J,-yrnrs (.go, • r u-y ijre lv a n U ^ „ „ rd fl , c e n te r: H arshba rgc r and

Uimvn and A lan Wuahbond of gimrd.t. T w in F a lls — *.fichlffmoii iindJU idre iva,Joh i.’ui'da;_.

—A lD lon'vs. x\cequla.

7 p . m .—H azelton vs, H ollistcri boys). . I

" i>. m.. — E den vs. .H ansen boy.>..

FEB , 28 _n .— Fi‘ui va. M alta, boys, m .— Albion vs, Declo, girls, .-m .------Acequia

itiA u a m s ltc rs w lin H oyburn, T he all - tournam ent .selections

by officials:-------------H H ^T TkAM---------------- r

-•F onvttn ls--? - Fred Judevine, Ru-- p e rt: F red Z arltig ,'A m erican palls.

C ity by S no w fa ll .strong—jnm n tile'

LASS A SWINGSif lil- L - A B ™

Mfllta ..girla. 3 p. m*.— Declo vs. -Albion, boys.

- 4 p. m .—H eybum vs Pau l, boys.7 :3 0 'p , m .~ A lb lo n VS. Acequta,

boys.I 8:30 p. .m .—P a u l vs. Accqula,

l l c b u r . ,

Center—M artin N ofby,. R upert., Guard.'<—Rudy Rlnge, A m erican '

i i t t l ta ,:F a ll8 ; Malcolm H erd, Gooding col-; lege.


FEB,' 29 -1 5 « Jo vs. M AJranJuys;

n ,— Paul va, M alta, bo.ys., — H eyburn vs Accqula,'

F o rw ard s—Dean Croft, R upert: E a r l W illiams, Jprome.

C enter—D. Parrish , Burley. G uards—E d Lacy, R u p e r t; D

UeadoiA’s, A m erican Fails.Scores o f the 10 gam es

fina l day : * ’ .• • - Tls^4: R upert 23,

th e '

A m erican Palis 24, le rom e — A m erican ' Palls 30, Gooding college 23.

Jerom e 35, McCaK 31.Goedlnfl college 43, yv*"-

-S A liT -I .A K lC -C IT y .-F o b - l? - (r.l>; — More Hum 100 deer,

.drivini from the hills by h e a \i' snow s, roam ed throuffh Suit

.L ake C ity ICKlay, .•*o.’king_an<l lim ling food,

The pru.sence of acvni-arherds w as rc|>oi:led by 'fluburt)ui dwcl- ler.'i to W illiam Jucklln, w arden fo r th e s ta te fish and gam e de- parU nent. Jack lln uaked th a t all hertia be reported so food touUl bo p laced fo r th e animals. .

■ T housands o f- deer- roomed canyon highw ays, leading from th e e ity t o the mounlaina, Var-

public senrlcc organizations joinccJ w ith the fteft aiul game d e p ar tm e n t in feeding Uio dew.

T o u r n a m e n t E n t r y R ig 'h t - O n L a s t a t n it oli*---------

McCall-61. Burley 4 ■ W tndell 3B. Fairfield ;

G oodins colleoB


M A X E K E G L E R ;

.(W aa.Jeav inc.____ ;........... ..................I . WdiiK'ii Fuliit .' Several women fainted and olh-

:cT9 su ffe red brui.ses and .‘tci-atclitfs iwlien gua rds of the N azi .labor

■taonlcc- corpji we>Iged a lane ithnm gh the jumme^l crowd so th a t iH ltlcr could d e p a r f t o r th e ‘ra)l‘ Iroad M ation. Tlic d isturbance w as Isiight.

H itle r and the president o f the

vflided n t the closing cercanonie*. illo t-L a to u r presented seals to

j w inners a s cannon roared iind flags w inning countries wets; n m up,

IM m JIj- th«i Oljvnp/c f]ag ivaa hau l- le d down, and the ' Olympic torclS hvtui cxtJngulflhe<i.


r th la 'L :e a m p an independent kingdom- ab o u t 250 B. C., ami.-de- sp ite continued Ronruui a ttaclcs it maintalne<i its Indepwidencc until 225 A . D-, v/hen i t w as conqutfred by Ihe I>ersiiui.s.'

A B oston b a rb e r a ttr a c ts trade by serv ing te a to h is custom ers.

Fem inine iiouicr&-u p t to defc

c If^rge.st oil refinery In exist • m n ‘ Ciirncfl«;'D iucTrnvcat in^

U ihns 10,000 employes and

Madigan Urges S port Program

W ith Class B sub-d istric ts o u t­lining plans fo r tou rnam en ts th a t L will dccldo cn trles fo r th e a js tr lc t meets, .Class A schoofs llilR weeksw ing Into (Imi home s tre tc h a t - igamn schedules which will d e ter-l - A o C C V ( . I t f ' Pm lno e n tra n ts fo r the d is tr ic t tou r. noy In Twin F a lls M arch C, Q and.. and fo r U ie-g lrW .lou rnan ien t.a l Uuhl M arch 12, 13 and 14.

E ig h t o f .th o 10 ClOH A.BCUOOlfl will Iw en titled t« com pete In the boys^ m eet. Tw o Class A schools p lus Buhl, as th e h o s t- te am , will entec tho-com blned C lass A and D Bouth conlrnl tou rney for ft Ininu Icauitf. . . . .

A m boys' team s en ter tlie fln^l ^wo w eeks n f regu la r scliedti

- MOHAOA, Cikllf., Feb. 17 dim .^ E d v v o ra r . (Slip) M adigan. coach of Bt. M a ry 's . G alloping G utia today appealed for fu r ­th e r em phasis o f well-organized a th le tic s ns a m asculinity re- Btnrallve on the A m erican unl- v>’rs lty cam pus which, lio snld, :« .iroeding "an effem inate type (,f cooklc-oater,''

-Din\il>tt >i« I

___ K b g Lcvhiaky rlouluin aa Iho only aiternn tlve

and itlght losses, la Iho club which definitely Is nu t. F iler, KImlwrly,Wcndoll and R u p c rfn M n l-lu c U PI- lattw will bo sceUlnK th e en try privilege during the nex t fu it- n lg h fs cam paigning. A ssured of spo ts In lhi> U nirnanienl are Oak- ley. Bulil, Tw in J^H s, Gooding Burley,

Among the girls, W onrtell has cllnobed one o f the C1Ah< A Bpotr


i K F tlAGO

a ttem p t rl.vals lit fl p, n u tuam Ilf five \ m en on alleys 1

L ineups:■ TI19' T a a ic s ^ r r - s - R, KlrcheT,

M rs, J . Rogers, Mbs, L, Viizquoz, M rs. L. Uuhlcr, M rs, L, Stone.

Tho m en—"Hpixiuts" I-clchlelter, U. K ln-her, Carl .Imigst, A. C, Catnjibi'll, Gei>ige Buhle.r,


____ iniiirtfis: ■. Cobb, E rickson,

Tw in F a lls ^ Sm ith. .vndcnwn, T ran n ie r

Help Kidneys• iLsssissasfcSSsja;:

Twin Fall« Owned!

tIOOD'S‘”jTwinHFaH« Operated!—

CIIICAOO, F^l), 17 'd'.l th a n 30,000 persons braved sn o w [_ and n e a r-u 'rp w eather to sco Er- geno W llsnn of Culenilne, Mini win tho C lass A chi»)ni'ln--‘-' - tho f irs t ski tiiurnanu'Mt <

m e n '------------- .......................ta ilo r 's dum m ies hn<l w alking fash ion p la tes ,". M udlgan’fl ouluupst w as ^ ro

Bign rte Is through . Hhy Ijefore ,Ji

I Unooked out Ixivin

L ' f L I . l 11. ” T ' •"**

tha dlsh.^'

ifl“”prHllirt.,*““"He can't punch. 1 proved that

M tls fa c tlw b^ 1

_ * Moxla and Louis are t tln f f o f ' th e world ohamnlon*} a year from next June,’’ he


-Mn’ M4(-^Mrfl.>0»org« QuhUr, TivJn F a llf , jvtm U w .................... ...

..... Mra. h. K frertr .o f Duh. . llghlers w n by three gam es to twn m iU l .Iu Ui L oL I 'J J L I il .889:..


Mr#, n , l( irclier 149 18* 188 404 ” , 'uiUihBi-........ . 1«B 178 W

NuUoiiul U iiiid ry , n llera-S bmtu«rt'4. ............... -

r r l . . l^ih, a i^ C a m K t’ Kofn «s. J lrm iau luk , a M a ^ . l ; u d i .

0 . Htlhler l f lB '1 ^ 1 0 8 4QB

Win Skating TitlesHT, -P A U I.|. r eh .-IT 1in*)“ Al«

B O W tlN G -W Wthe'ion loi- OMDiTiploiuiHtp* nt tt|»

Open Fri..9 '«, m

kr»: I,. ■iSS " T l -,0pecia1 Vatupjit

Page 4: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com

- P a ^ e T o n r IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLsVlDAib" M o n d a y , F’c b rw n ry -1 7 ; 3a3A -

L K l s r U K C l .A S S W littii ,T. 1>. >101-1111 l.'l. h i s I ia i r . lo w n in iil D ia l

-----------sn ii jo a u ,1)00^0)11) A ii io r i t 'i i i is — ju i'an i ii} : . w e t a k e i f . i- A i j J w io u _ i ;u i i iU w « = ; i r i : - f a i : - e i i u a y l i_ U u iU u _ t l i ( ^ h i i i : U ' l - U ) : . b e Ubii;

111; se t, |).'opii«* w m u li'i- iii; ; w lirH ic i ' e i i i i i l i .y i i i i ’iil o f ; a m a id i i u lo i im tR 'a l ly j . i i l s o n r in ilu ; t r i ^ m r r l a ^ s — \\ Ijii l i . ! I f it fibc.s, w i l l iV- a s iu i i n ln g siii'] .i-i'- i‘- t o a l i a n i - j\v -o i'la :.n io iis i :x v h v ;s . ' • , f

o i i l jiinL licnv w iilo ly ih c i i i a to i 'ia l l i l i-s s in n s o f i ' . . I ig |i- il .» i , . i l i i . V his u o n n lr y . .

(n TTnodrArd. ffO w ’(50 w r t n .T f iu s T o n t

CHAPTEn XI ...........O nK A T niX S S I.T Julia and Clo

FOR CARROT TO P tra followed the tr io Into thi* ate room When Ceorne Woodford

Lady Who I ,I t , n ,o ttipmher* cf Mu ert v w ith. Pnynon hetwecn them, lili

- — -------- ty t» wIdenH -frnm-th«lr-alcoliollirop, i f l t s .

' “W imf* nil t l i lo r . he *nld ■Wo found him IrylnR 16 get Inti

•■‘“ Oen6uiTeid“ Mc

tha radio tfio men.

tw : nbfd I

i l i z i i l io i l

iiu i tiy A iiic i- l l i i i i - I ia i id s o n llii) g o (o s m o o t h p u t (li

IK.-.___ IT n w lu u ir .a v a -w o -l^

ill o lh iT w oi'nV T T H ivcT i'.'tiiiill.rT irm - l l t l l e li ix iiv if 's a i i . l .:oIlV(■lli(•m•.■^: llia l,

! ro i i - rh l i l a c c s . i i i l lm Ij iim ih -s .s o f l iv ln u ?

___tnsty b it of cooklfiQ,’ ~

-w » 1 w i l iy -K (ii in l-o ii-H iH ‘h iim U<‘rK-aK K(‘)’vii:u au<l a i i lo n io l i i l c s , l<■ll'))]l^ll^s a n d r a d io s , a m i s

.Go bacfr"

_ i . / w i s e , - - - - -It *

F i l ' i i i ’c s a r c lia i-tl l o *^f(. I t i t l i e iiu i tl« ‘i‘ o f d o n n - s t i i ' m .t v - n n tK , iv f r liiiv c o n ly t l i e t - d i l i .s l i r s c o n ii |i le t l f o r lI ii: y e a r 1!):10

-U U in t-i ii tlifil- y w v -t lie rc -w « 'rc -t ir l5 t;< )0 l> ^ * m e m m T S F m ig a g p 4 l:


_ J i W i i i ‘k tt.c ii.Q 'i? ,jn i(U liC -U k c .____ : ______ • ........................... 'T im U n i t e d S t n t c a c o n t a i n s — o r d id c n iU a in o n J u u . _

‘ 11)31— 1 0 ,7 1 0 ,SD8 te lc i ilT o n e s , 2 0 ,7 5 0 ,0 0 0 r a d i o ’ v o w iv in g ■ 's e L s a n d 2 1 ,5 0 1 ,0 0 0 p a H s o n g c r n u ( 6 in o b ilo s . O f ou i- 0 ,2 2 8 ,'

OOP f iir n y h o m e s , s o m e 0 0 0 w e r e o q u in i i e d .w i ih r t i n tm ig n<) i>lpetTip-M (;;titR-niid p o w ('

prcU-y-fjood pay ..*o----------------------G E T IN T O TH E Swim tfilfl week

;wltli your.<Jwn sh o rt s to ry o r short ^rae — m axim um 50 words. You la .a u b n H t.M .JUAny. en tries an lu w a n tFO U R O TH ER S W HO -i-ln hor

o rable m ention amoD^ th e week' coQtrlfia a re T he B»t, M arv Gc r o u n a ;:V i5 ir .f a f I i i r i f c l7 H u n r D

S l lg l l t ly in o i’e l l i a n 3 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 o r d i n n i y l i f e i i i s i i r n n c e » i n fo i<L‘C‘ | no i» o 1 4 ~OOQ:000 A n n ' i-io n n n - liu i

- ;-m o n o y -o n dPjWKifc i n B R v lngs lin n k f l; a n d in 19 ‘W f io m c 3 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 A m e r i c a n s m a d e c h u iik Ii n io lio y t o f i l e iiico n ii! l a x I 'e h iri i .s .

] - i iin i) ‘lU t l u 'w K la t i s l i c s lo g e t l i i ’r a n d y o n g t i t— w lia L ? A p i c t u r e o f t l i c A m c r ic i i njf l« )d ay , w i th r o n g h o n t l i n c .s o f tlic H ta lc o f .w e l l- l ic in g o f tlif! a v e r a g e m a n .

W h i l e w c K w m t o f a l l a l o n g w a y s h o r t o f J l r . M o r g a n ’s • -CKt im a te o f 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 j ie o p le In o u r le if iu re clafesi, w e n e v e r-

• th i* lr« s d p p r e s e n t ft p n ^ t ly f « i r g e r tc rn l le v e l.

— ^ e n u L j y d y - fn iiii l ic .s . U la i ic iu j

tu in U w w -^ lig h U y - f i 'w e r - t h a n .3 0 ,0 0 6 ,0 0 0

th rit. h r t l e r U ia . iim i'i' i i in ii W i

I h a l f « T liT T iT r

i ii r f am itic .s h a v e t ( ‘l i ‘phont>K . , _____________________m -h c o m fo i - is a n r m l i o s l m r i n o c h a n c e sil jT ^

___ __________I t is i i r i ' l l y c l e a r ( h a t , n o t m o re th a i l o n e f a m i ly i n ,10

ijoHKi} o f a n j f tc o m o lo j»ay ap ru } ) f ) i l io n r 'n jo y c dt a x o n i t .

.T h iK V o iild h e « g r e a t d e i iM ie t l e r ; ll r o u h ) «!«'> I"! O K i''‘n l i l c a i w o rs e . W o m a y n o t h a v e r c i i c h r d th e h -v c l h o iu 'f u l ly H iiggi'Hli-d b y ,Mr. M o r p in , Im t w c a n - g e l l i n g w i t h i n s h o n i I n g d i h l n m - c 'o f i l — c V p r r ia l ly w lin i y o n i r n i e m h r r lh a l iheM - ‘riM;iin.N w e i r l i i l ;e n ill th e r a g v n d o f o i i r w o rs i . l e | i i r s - M o n . • ■'

U tU tA I - ‘( I H A l 'K V lN i :* 'I 'l ie r e iH a n -V e a l in g h i in u in lo iie li in a d i s i- ii l ly III n g n ili i- i- i ii ; ' o f le le |iho in .- co iiQ » in

• b |s i i |v < o f f i r i ils 1

J h U astonished Woodford than-erer.— “ fn to 'tbe-fft^o-room T ^n o .looked nt Payson. “Whflt f o r r btf dem anded.'Then, before Psyaon g m n rn ngW r r ‘*WIial

■PayaoD." eatd the roanger mao quiekly. "And I'd like lo the whole thing If Toull i % ehnnce.-

Neabltt burrlcd be tw ee n ,the men. Bo Mood faclos Naab ■BitDt bt« eyci gleaming with coo (empL And tbeo. wordless, tie

Nath bard w ith

-" If -y o u 're he g?ld telly.Naeh."

Nash rubUcil W» am artlng cheek. "There's oDouBb-trouble here ;"-he telccrea i t I s fi . “J '« • - • i '» '"Jk to you Iftier."'

. OeorBe. W oodfcrd _ aald quiekly. 'T b o r t'a ' been aulie eoougb trouble. Take tbla moA ouv

■HQ would bBT« left the lodR*’ then ..bu t Mra. Joseph appeared j the balcony and sailed down a ifty good morslDK.

— ;tiD -f««t*h»dJl.ibe-K om an..cpn_ (osaed. m'akloR her wa> regally doW n^ibe tlalrca ia . “I’rt atra ld I quite torgol to bare dinner last nlRbL I hope tha boye brinp lo somethliiit daltclous' r ro n ttMSlTbunllng trip .'- '------ -

“1 think Oho la ifctilnR hrenk- faat reedy oow." Julia told her.^ T i d o e d r " - ^ ^

•ousetl, and then. ............ . —ean som eth ing else.- ‘ ItoQ news for tho lORl tlire.. ,F6 r Instance, Sertator Pope o f - h a s been m ainly nhout w h at is

fered fo r p rln tlno In the Conore»- inf- lo happen anti m ost n f 11 dalonal Record th e o the r' day six eV Uoofi, ...............K tte ra to JhoW th e opinion of the peopie of Idaho about W P A .Pope aaid th e le tte rs dem onstrat­ed th a t W P A had been ttr out- iU i«llno-lhflt_lhtJjfl5lJ.rtfl..c lti«na }f hia s ta te could not resi Ing -ab o u t It; -E ac h -o f- the - letters s ta ted ao m uch. ' .

The troube w as they all st,ited th e sam e een tim ent on the same . itea in a b o u t 'th e sam e language, fnrfeerf, three <3t th e Ic d e r t werc^ identical, w ord for word. (Conorei

out tlie

T ry ciinginji vine for s tra teoy , T orget your college learning, F in tte r <is a b it and you'll Find c.nlvalry retu rn ino :

— Solly The Snooper

irc'dits fo r Al K. Hail. wh<■ o u ? ^ t 'S h o ts ahorl iloT?

• “Go ahead, then," saJiJ Woodford in frlly .- "ao-ahead-JU Jd. explain.’

“Well, when your men soy that ; was trying to get lolo the radio ;oom they’re quite eorreet. But Ihe Inference Is th a t they cSoBht me breaking Into J tr ifh lc h Isn't tm a ”

•H e told me be’d g lte

of th 9 men bclllgercotly. -

residen t of Buhl, bu t

^ y -n > 7-cae'to -brlb»-tben i.-Pay8trti.— W br ' were roo .so .QUlooa tor get a t tbe l e t r

' I w asted to send ■ ocBsai*.* d id n 't yon u k m e r t n r

rested Woodford...1 h a tn ra ltj u a u m ed ro tt were

tboanS t) ie .b o ai. W1)*b 1 Toa-wefeD’t - l ttUA- U iet-p«raili>

i n r b t ' t h r men.**W oodlord BoHded.

Al K. H alU w U lacnd u a liU address o r drop In i i t th e E vetim ea offices, we'll aee th a t our P o t Sho ts treas- ire r comes a c r o u w ith th a t BO lentfl,

W lUt.

Pot Shots & Co.:Some aclentUIo guy says he'e

pre,tty n e a r succcss on a n expcri- m cnt to m ake onlopa "teariess." A nd th a t, m y dear air, m eans th a t -I w ife w ill have to rely on i ilra l£h t.aa lca^ ta lk ,tf l g e t her. ne \ u r coat from hubby. ,

. — EKoalslor

P o t Shooter:T hey ‘ a rf eKcfl“ tt~ re iif I ' ^ e f ' i nirm any fo r hoarUini; 9&0 okes,

A nd pleoA n-don't tell me yot were K<'lnK to any CRK-zactiy thi

ime thinp,— 8 tu Bad

.M illili 'a iio l'D i Im fllui-lilwlll'if I ' Hk: j i t Ill'll I iffii .'l I lu ll tll ijliL r [ | | ' ; l l . I'.mil.

m iin ilic H 'w < -h 'o iii it i|1l i i i u n i ie r o f .m iw in e c lm n ic a l ga d g c tN , t l i c r c ^ is .............. w ay lo w h i r b I h e y r l l i i g ; th e y

. - i lu .lilii: ili i ;.i i! '.l.i 'i i )'ly lii.i.i:.iL'Jmtliyjic...)\:Iii':lLl''.'niLllH.iiU.-iUHlHiiiidi'.v (o. l ih l c n i n b n t h e i r n c ig lilio rj i’-convc i-M il ioiiK.

“ II Ih a n i i i l im a le |u i r t o f T i i n i l l i f e ," s a id o i i f ( ,IT irin l. ' ' I f II doH .M - is to b e c a l le d , If b a b y knmiIIow h a b i i i lo i i , o r i f iiliiiiM l a n y o t h e r h o r t o f e in iT j;e iiry a r i s e s , ilir- h o u se - w ll'i ' n i n s l o thr> p lio i ie , tw is I jL 'J i ' ' h t'll, a n d g e l s t i n ' |iei'hMiiH i i r g c i i f ly w n n le d , A n d l i i c r f s t 'h ' f ' f l i c ii f lg l ib o rH K now a l la l t im l it ill a few m iim le H , fo r ' i l i e r e in ....... .. m a n y iin 20

l i a i ' l l e s o n om - l i n . ' . ’’

AND, Hl'KAKINC? OK c rr i ro t Shota fllftff nrllBt hiia unci tiol h lniseir a n u rse lo nmUi nnciihpr «kctch w ith w hat hi tlilnliH Is a p re lly k»<m1 pun. W , th ink It’fl tcrrlblp. Hut ou r atnff arlin t. w ith nn, In anmctliint; llk< Ik hlri'il coiilt ia w ith you ( It you'r. Divitdiriitlu I'nuuKh to liuvu one) Viiti titkfl w hiit (h ry <io ainl illii it M>i' cinr, .So ltrru 'ir tlie aliMcih:

, j d i u i t f c i ^

T l i i -b<< « n ................. 1i>iri i i t b im i e III......Ill eon

T h .i o ld i i a r ly lin

L a n i f f n i i u i v Nil

I I lls ilMI

l-'I.V .......

s iin iit, nuM .M ier-v. A I 'a riii . a n 11)' M < h li> l fo r

beli<« lo

.U iL i ' l i u i L

n e e d ill f .i

l u i i m u i ib . .


w iin i t . i ,!iv. l ip :

M .N N 'H I N i n ' . \ i , A S I ‘l'Y" rn r rF F i;

b’oi- M-

M ylvanlii waN lhi<

. 'b i l l h

iid o i i a n d I Ih c o iie iiin i!

r i l l l ie r , IV a ii W h a t

W h leh ilie y e(|. W e l l , d o w n in

MIN II N h ive i'ii ig , JMisiire.

............. . '

TUb'i ii t'f n Tiii'ii.v r iii 'p r----------------•k e n il diiw<, ill l i i l / z i i n ly , im ii'i 'ovo f a ...... ia b iiiT i i v a l i a i i l h ' . i in l i i 'n i l ....... e i i i l i a g a |m lt i liv n ln a b le iib .ieel l l ic y H .i ig h l , f.

d i i t 'c d H iicli^ tii ird K liii» i a m i ■ d ls i 'o m f o r l f i l e e re v l i ' i ', c a i ig l i f f l i ' in ly in a w ed n '\v l i l i i i |i i 'r l i ig IH ijip y , > \e iik ......... *

A n i l \U iy - l ( i irA’c r i ' a g i i i i i t<A iiie r ii;a n H n f i i n n y raciiV

H e<a«H ti I l i i ' H iiiiie I \|10 iff iH 'o jile w iio w lU a l in o s t , hiili m il . lo J o r l i i r e l o a id a m if f c r ln g |iiilt|i,V , I lN len l o h a r r o w il l g la h 'H o f lllO ilN lm dH o f liven m ic r lf ie c d a n n i i i l l l y ( o Ih g r c n l . g o d H p e e il ; n n d c h ic ic c l i ie k l a K y n i |ia l l iy a t III l lm i ig l i t I lf llift g r e a t ’ lliro iig H o f g r i e v i n g m o tJ ie iH a n d lif tf ii 'lh l 'o k fln liH H lm ndH n m l w Iyph.

T lio i i , j n u t t o p lu f f “ A i n ' t I h a t l e i i i h l c , " l l i c y c l im b in lo t l i o l i ' a iilo H , g lo w w l l l i t l i e fee l o f iio w c r In I h H r h nm lH . nTif! — *'0 -t)0 jiv !— U l i^ ’h ' Otlf; J if x ig h t , w i th n i r f l e d ' |n 'd e H t r l a i i ttO K liig i i n g r l l y i i f l e r I h e in .

<l>r.l tiKi "<lliui nl Miry’re |. ||

IV|i» of KiKlainiirii '

Woodford anilled inUy.

to .x e t » « m lB 8 le B j« r ..tS 5 ^ 1 - tu ak i r a _ o d d i M d ld n l aafc th « Cap- U la C o a t on. Payi yotir l a m e t—W bat-w aasacs 70Q w asted to get i^ ro o g b r

Obeying, the-two m em bers of tbi ttcbt's crow' ted Payson on t o l the «3gfc:_jla:dld-jjot_loflk- aL _;u lis a be le ft II be bad. ba would a?e noticed th a t-b e i ' eyea-w ere ,

mmed with sudden te a rs for the trouble and b n n n ia tlo n she. bad cauied him. C ln tr . lA* saw Julia's glance following Payson fro n the room, sod she whispered onlek lr: "Easy there . J o lla. *Jilnk—l - t e e —tb roagh—thU —JUid-

cofnpanlon of .the hosu had 'o r ­dered breakfast In tbe-absence of Woodford. She sensed also that ibe widow wss assum lng-tbt tllQS- Mon snd reseotlog IL to a In s sudden Oasb. J ^ l a recognized tb«

o f 'tb 'ls 'n rangs woman's no ibapplnesi

lb-00.--------------------■t’m so rrr th is .b ad lo iisppen.*

tie u Jd .' ■ ■U*i been « . HttUi , npset^

ng," said Julia, weakly. " I t yoa don't m<Dd..l UilDk I’ll go op la bed."

back jO io n tJ « r-1 0 -« > fa n s e ^ I t tb a t Obo has a good break- t u t rM ayl”

A T Itn^tad* ParaoD atralgb tenad aod

bla ebeek* flashed w ith anger. ■Atter a ll. H r. ...................................

C in ln o a d ta a low to)c«> 'U U e tolk cao bold » bead o s a n r

I t l l be a woBder.-

iftijo-te-mii ihlc m anlfcaln tior. irncticrif laws of helping

th lnps alonp. As nil In s id e rs ...........public le tte r w rittnR la an, oW-lcrbT**ed-thi r . - - -<.■ . 1 . . . ___ _ hu

cloaked her laguo l/ yet su re lj. 8b( was a possesslTe woman: a womsD who wanted all things and att men >nd sbe coDld OeTor be bappy oa

JuHa was-glod When ClDtra ajv

-Tbe slendtr dsncer had hardly

■w H b^H efrw <ii^T »m m fll16ironl-' side a n d Woodford pusticd open thedoor-from -the-pO N h.--------

Re Was snptMrtIng Nesbitt no . j i 'a m and J i i lb rn w tha t NoslL tan, was bslplns to hoId .R o ja l e re c t OlDtra*s band flew to ber o o n tb a n d stifled a if tU e .m .

n ri-*n rT ig iic= z .W oodfo rt7 fa ia : Nw M tt rw m

N a b i t f t face was w hile aa b(

thresblDg aronod la > 'tb e i»Dsb

a police oonrt, jo b taow .', “B ai thal’« B j yaebt. Payeoa. Tbla to o y bland, and tbesa are my men. Ton can't e t away wlUi anyUiliif." ,

w u n t try ing to get w ltta-anrtbrng. - l - h a r a - « e a n p on - th a jB it Inland. ' ' ‘

And wbea Jn lla bad Bndraaaad nerTons^ and ellmbed in to Md. ihe waa fn^ined to agree w ith 01b- Ua.

T bat n ight.abe a lap t fltto llr. and Is tb e D oraing she waa grateful fo»«a eold abower ..wWcb rerirod

im i i a p fo r » Mtf

rM B. -8taa raa llsad tb u - a b a mos^

DSB depart e s tb e lr bapM m taoat.

n ra llr. 'Woodford sa t Nesbitt on th e big a tber da fenpo rt “J a s t a e lip w

tb e sbouldsr." be said. •'But we'd better start back ,-tbls .morning D o s t want lo U ke a eliance on any InfeeUo*.- F

a s Instant tk* w ldo* waa at N esb itts side, tanderJi retn'oTln*

leatber bnntlng laeket C l a t» U # -ObU . stood, w d n g , bw

w as a ta r ln 't -u f a t N esb itt bu t at

In stlnc tlit ly lu tia went to b tr. (To Be.O onliaBed)

H I S T O R Y of Twin F dls City & County

7 E A R B A G O

Tho Improvementa

will be hMd M arch 0.) main nu ilitorlum IS th e £ci

,tr r o f the tnuch needed and a

iiiikn ltTluHarKi*B? nnil beat Mclli- nillHt ch inch In thu porthw vat. AinonK Iho liu|niivi-m>'iits urn tho

in thii m if , overcom ing tho necca- "lly of iinlii^r ai-tlflciut llKht, nini lc .lrin i« lliiK llM i'nitlifl lii tn lo r .

llcv . If. W., J 'arkci', who p rt iiuli- ll tho f irs t acruion over K'Vi

U a u tB y O l iv e R o b e r U B a r to n ____________

I t In salil th a t m o st pcol^Ia nov r Rm w up. Ab th ia aceins lo h leunlnRlesa to m any, perhnpa. .. ..

rheiTh^ beat K t / to ' beg in la to plok

p ou r pet tiuublo and look a t K.- I 'e rhnps It la health . W e f e e l ' badly, and 11 la a ll w o c an di c arry on. H u t-Isn 't th e f lra t th ing wri th ink o f thlai “ I w ish (hei waa aomo w ay fo r o thern to Itno junt how tprrlblo 1 feel."- H mpp—*-4 t-le wewey wofiy< Dli tracti'd , wc wlatj th a t Bomo ui: linrw how wu ft'l t. llecituao If people could know how o u r liearla

imotlnnH, they w ould bo <iulckvltli « y in p a tV

C un 'l lltm r Trotibh m att

if over-cmotlonallam Above dlecuased. True, recently th e re haa been good reason, b u t I bellevi th a t m uch damage, o r m o u , wbl done In 'our m ost proapcroua years.

A ctually I t la c ruel to allow (»>r )hlldren to ' grow to m anhood onii --------- w ithout Bufflcfont cat-

The new a -M istah f troa-Mirv Sfprftary , W ayne T aylor, will ftdoquately fill th e W ashiniilon social position vniiled by his prcdec'caaor, CHrpT^OTertHrTJr.ih— aro-m em ber# -o f—w h at-p ie UlmiB— - hcrcabouts Inaccu rately cull ."the w hite spnta - briBmlt-,'’ larRCly-centereU In the a lu tc liir- p.irtmcDt.

There hfts been a revival of tnik

.. . ^lubtTcun tickci. i ... o f l>andon 'a n ti Dougiii!:poscil

b u t there arc d e n b trg and Douplas.

t congress I w ho author

bylng tr ic k . I t Is ao old lh a l m ost IpbbylstnJiav.c droppcd^t, .although ■■ TO a ro s till som e here w ho —. -t they can deliver 00,QOO pop le tte rs to editors, congr non o r gbvernm ent otflclals m y sub jcc t w ith in a week, fc lufflclent sum.

__ r<rgni'lT>rt iiito nf Ip.ttfr UTitorain polltlcnl.cam pnlRns, however, is

toed by P residen t Roosevelt and widely denounced on th e floor of W e’ house, w as Rules C hairm an O'C onnor; one of the big th ree of th o houst. In deference to his pop- ilarlty, no one m entioned his lame, bu t referred to th e blli by lumber only.

w orked o u t by. h ighly efficient mo«lerBFT)51KIc*1~pUiniotty^Tnen.- 'TOuy hnuwT Uic"pro"lJono~ptibHeo le tte rs a rc generally printed, nod w hat ia m ore, p e o p le ,rea d them , even, in th o C ongresaiw al Record.

H o w e v e r,-m o s t-p u b llo lly - men jw o ffe r m ore diversity In the

choice o f languoge th a n Mr. Pope exh lb itea J o r th e people of Idaho.

v o i o

connection wlth-thjB twctUlie___ t re s tr ic tin g a u p y m e coiiVt-iusticcH from i^ndci-frg^doclsiohs' » » lM a -th fg nrft fnm illnr w ith Ihe BU bj«K>t,-lh«-oniy-dIrUfarmef-4rf»— the suprem e cou rl bench is Ju s tice “ ■ Tts, w ho rendered th e opinion

to r N orris ' excellent speech' »upreme court waa iflerw ara-rEnarocijv

nothing.A lthough h is address w as aa

good M co u ld 'b e p r e y n te d for

no reaction e ith e r from h is ^ o d friend , th e P residen t, op from congress. T hla w as no t an o v e rs ig h t Tho Presiden t w as a sk ed abou t U, bu t passed the question off ligh tly w ithout di- •reel com m ent.

C ongressional.. J .u d i c I (i.r y> C hairm en Sum nera a,nd .Aah- u r s t bavo declined to ta lk about th e ir re c e n t W hite H ouse \js lt .

....... a n d constltu lional amend-m enta in a ve ry . very , routine

-- 'N e itr ty -a l i the-P r<siden l'a ad-- »lser» believe th e constltutlpnal

ta lk IB n o t doing h im any goocl, o try in g to -------------- ‘dlBcoui^Rc it.

liuni In the ir raorsi legs and back­bones to " tako 11" w hen adversity comes. Adversity in a n y o f » hun­dred forms. A ll llfo la abou t two- thlrdM ndvera ity ;. and m ore than

tr4»-¥>*-ar«'iBYfm iTo of o w ly irohennlvo o r oyorly-acnaitlvo.Id one auggeata tho fipurtan

Iriiinlng. T luit c arrier “_____

LuHo.upfleu la his nUhle, . hrood, han a be tto r chanco n-as and health, too.(.-•ipyrlght, loau, N E A Bnrvloe.iluc.

r wlint inlKory v■nvla FiiilH anil fo rm er imatm- of w ith u«, o r.... .......... ...............................______ . ‘ im-UTrnli-r ni- «vnlhf>)liD).> rh i r l , ) ,n r , n t j« r* .';.f ‘T «y>)‘hetli

- - .x h ,w lin .o p n ;i- r - t 1 . ^n .lscry, ih<

a r 1 .. W laio.

‘ ;27 V E A K B AQO

l*n*t hlH'Vn'fttVv Hcjinrliodles) In feel «»rryll iiK/ilHl III Ihti dedicMlim

iwuulU be sutiHfliHl-wllli tim -aym *,I.„. ..t In !{(>« !l‘“ lhy ll* inujiy oases, aa a ohlld is

' Ii«|ij)y w ith n hlan and p u t th u l

I l.ib trn inu ian


icn-c tory of l|ni I liu'Ko nuiohi:)

iil|;lil, I'lilmly Ki , ilirn ,ir llln ,i oiil i oifl a litrdai; In lo >oniiilhlnK (i> wliUi>


H al Ihi'y u» t auuU' liy m<'III"K lli.-vr .-itrly, aiKl liuil wan am: lliim I i1t>l. 1 wnii jM'iKrlloully ||itli| III); fioin a> iiifln '.

— Qaoily Qooilliiy


I'o l niiola:A nninic I'oi'iiontllnn Iihk nai'

for iiifrtn,{.'m riil of i<.i.yiiniil o "Nome H nany Pny ,"

'I'hal aiiivi'H niv iiii/Rli'aicii' lloiiiconu Kiiq a r<)|>yilKlil i>n ll.

_ p , t * r f » s n

fA M O U S I-ART t.lN EI 'J iu t QUMi to

lieif) Iiiy nonceiitratloiil . ,TH i! O C N T I.tM A N IN

T iii i T i im o n o w

luliirilay rvciiliii: to lintoii iinpofliil luiuin by Ihn Kllhl xiay of Holm', an<t I. M. IVrrii i|ipLU(lliK u a I'iitu'ijaulilullutf uf Uui -iitili-rn i ' . i .......................i(f ■flpntm(uhnx laid fl|;i n o i lliiilKo nUK llai lowi-nl cohl i.r ii «ii»i)n i«i„ h n idge ni-ronri liin Hiiiilio r lv rr »t

llio liiIlH l i t '} : ’ii:i,1)0(1, and Uiat a ni)inlili>ivtliin inilw ay nnd whkoii

iilKO rapithiu of hunIuIiiIiik aa<

hy'iiiTrii?^thlnK tliiiL

miNii,.v I IXllllIlt


Ilf tlin intlHlnirKl mi'll wlili'li, in brief, vviia in th r i f e r t lh a l onr-lialf Ihn in la l ciiat Ilf tlin bridge woithl he b<irn by

■inrlrlH n illw ny o f w hich Ihe;Kiilai I (he iirra,

provlhlon thwi Ihn iiltlsenn i I triii 't fianlnU It


PlilIlM flvlllK Ol iiu tcn of Ihn llni ippr^ixliiiiili-iy -id

. /.-iijiella . h fou r lUesej

Ixm'M' ea,;h

aeatiil iiiall Inlva <ioVur

Tholot (

whiD tlio hu

thin]H)nair III a n a b n o rin n rd a - inollonully Immiiti <t bear trm iblo aluiic.

n r r r a r r s'ii hn rdur to lin tr.

ilin-nl fo r miHory lo w an t mtuuiy, .If-JuaL In . Ihuugbl. H u t

Thefia-Inlly, Ihat ii

It. If liu in uniiilloimlly stu: Tliin is w hy u go ix lly ' pn rt

;iho vhlld'n Irid tilau ahiiuld cunalst ,iif freeing lilm from any abnorm al

‘ >f aynipiithy. W hy ho bIhiuIiI In face dully g rief w ithout

iilder lo c ry on. Uy g rie f r of uourar, to thono u ffa ln

me. srliool and social llfi th a t.m a k e him unhappy .

O m vlnf Rbould N ot, n « Met T ha real nieaiiing of iho w ord

"sym pnlhy’l In no t p ity . I t ---------I.. "ll,l.,U ..III,'! ,.r ! >.i.i.l/.i"th ink w ith" I Ing." t.'oiiBlnictlve help Is thing; lo aUt In deepening hla self-pity Ih ttiiotUer. ’iM try lo rrm nvo rn iuen is c onstfiir tlve , Tn rornione bln sorrow for bim self mill not Ihn e lom ni ornv lng fo r, A pfirinor In lioiiblo. in d i t t ru c i lv t .

Tho A ^ueitean ayatam o f ohilt: i-riirliig han liuil oan K>eHt' defeol lliii liinl fnw iloiMkiloi. Thu

MURTAUGHl.flyil Dftvla, A lbert ICgbort ant:

P a l IXMknim m et w ith BXlgoi M .N >m «n--W ertne*fny-Tor~inifflf Low U t t dlatriol budnaas moeUntf

Holiools were okwe«l Thuraday m orning on iioootml of th a (trlttlng — W«xiiiP«luy n ig h t ond Tftura-

You JVlay__NQt K now -¥fert=

------W flBhnfRt.on'R— Oirlh<riiy—a u n i v e r m y , S a t i i r d a y . o f

J llji8_w .cok,_iH .n o t b e ob .

J e t v c i h e re as. j day .

k>t;ul lioli-

HAZELTONMr. i|nd Mrff. -John H omhorM e parent* of a son born Feb. 8. Cleo Roas h aa re lu m ed from

th e iis lverslty n t Moscow, H e h a s i(w iF ^ rio o B iy u jf:.w ith = « aB j» rn

r an d -w ill n o t be able to com*

M rs. M abel B ennett and JC a tb - . lyn Pool en terta ined the teachers of the H azelton school a t a bridge party -M oB day-eveningphlM -aoof* - going to Miss T u ck e r a n d low to M ias Pow ers. Refreahm eota w ere

Mias r a y e WlcJcliara o t tb« Uni- veraily of Iiluho, aou lhem bVanch. Pocatello, waa elected vice presi­den t of tho W omen’s A th le tic .as- soclatloh“ ln ‘ «"-n!cctil~e1ectT6n“ Sr- offlcers. M iss W ickham is a H az- clton Klrl.

H. E . G undelfinger la enjoying a vAacllon In San F rancisco and oth­e r d i) ifo m Ia points,

John B runcs lK c»me cr|li<»liy ill , w ith blood poison W ednei.m y ahd w aa ta k en to th e Tw in Fulls hospital and operated, upon Thar^- day. D r. H oppor,'W lth th e a id of neighbors, n^ado about h a lf of the tr ip th rough Iho d t«p snow and a n n a w iia th o s n f fc r in jrn iB T n n -a - Blelgh. H e 1s reported Improving.

SILV ER TH REA DSI f you will look under .Senator

P rn m a n 'f fW L w hcneyer he takes a stand on anything, you wlU gen­erally d iscover a vein of pu re sli­ver. l i e iB th e silver key lo the trea su ry policy.

I t w as not -evident in hi« ap-. pa rcn tly Illogical b la st ag a in s t the Jap an ese, b u t K you will assy h a t Bpecch w ith th e followinr latea, ym i m a y find tr%ees of- val u a b leo rc :

12-0-.T5—-T reasury lowers bid oIver S. cent.13-10-d&—T rea su ry Id a allvcr

m orket b rea k wtflo npon try ing to e lim inate Japanese amugBlingnf a llver.Q _ _ _ _ Claronce W lndle rcturneil

n - if i-f lr^ T ^ ltin o T T T jn iW la p iF T m ii ty -a r tr r a n ~ ^ m t i o n-nt*^tTf -■ ■■ 'Pft-ln Falla hospitabneae a t Mia Vegas.

Closeup and ComedyE R S k lN E J O H N S O N ^ G E O R G E .S C A R B O ,

hei-o VWtTiig-lftr fllU oi'TTffilg^S^ tni<hi Hall. •

Miw. I<. Hlnwarl, ncoin, huii ar- rivctl to . jiiidto .(u i_ex lm dcd wUh lM>r daughtor, M m Wllllum

Bgbei ........•IHlKing p a rty Wedncft.Iay foe

Mid . lOUiel li tTlwrt, Mra. MiUiet Uff- liw l, Mrs, l^ytllii B gherl nnd Mra, Hiiru lOglifvl, •

Mrsi Bell Honored At Home Services

111)111.1, Fob. 17 (Speoini)—ru* nara l aervloes for Mra, Nelllo Uelli 7D. who pnsseil nwny F rid ay nfl- eiTioon u l tho homo of hor (lAUgh>icr, MfA 0 , n . Dvfrtjflujp).- w<r«oondaeted today n t 3 p . m . a t tha O, II, Dvorbough home. n e y . W, If. I lertsog , pasliir (if tho Idelho- dls l Kplsootial ohurclr, offlolaled, A q u a rte t fliinpos*<l o f M ra. .John ' ' " a M, I'lokrell, Joe

W, A K trlohaanf.M ra , Pickrell and U r, C lark aan g « duet.

-l-he body will he U k en V ie s iln y «>) Uenwlok, In., fo r hurlni.> Mra, O verbatign n lli toooutpajiy Ute body.

1'ho lOvans and Jiilinaim rnorti. n iy Is in charge of arrunfcoinenla.

HBfO H-r;6FB ffT;aiN CrtBe.W B |Q H T ,I75A 9U N 0C

BLA CK HAIR, 6 f t» V < N -, BY cyT . fW M ,M ftW N bRK O i r v J F ^ a l t t t W , W Pl/M <V 4|A L e C 0 R B i

o - a

l l O N O O F p o u u s a ^ •

Page 5: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com

-------- -------------- • - [DAHO'.EVfiNING -m iE S .-T W IN -F A L L S . IDA HO - - Page Kv«

.SO C IE T Y ...

T h o T c b r lik ^ rO .' A'. O. ila n d n g club bait scbedulcd for n e x t Mon- tiny cv'enlnp w ill have o s hosta Mr.

—«nU-Urc;r-AliMtc~ Benoit; W ; and

^ ^ ^ C a le n d a r -

■ e . V rM rs. T. T . Grocnholgh, M rs. G rccnhalgh, chalrmfui, announced today. D an cb ff w ill begin a t 9:30

- o -d o c k - -af-nffdR lM id -a i)d -m u .iilc w lir be provided by the A m bassa­dors.


Ja ik P ierce a n d Billy N eal w e n

ivt form al ccrem onles a t the hom e o f H iA ert P « c k .H j6 r itu a l foUow- f d mock InltlatJon o f th e neophytes S a turday cven lne and th e trad l-

: tW iftV Red K n igh t b rea k fa s t b rtd ycfitcrday m orn ing a t th e V lcfbr home- The b reak faat w as Qltcnded by Mr. M\d-‘~Mrs E . V. L araoneponiors o f the group. T a l k s -------

— B tv n rb y - th B -p le d g w ^ V 'M rr .. son ,-the_«ep to r m ciu lm rs-ard_J)y

D ick Hcppler, prcflldcnt, who w as In charge of tlw event.* w IX)CAI. r .U B S JR

' ATTEND BK BA K FASTMr, an<l M rs, O. E . T y le r w ere

hosts ftt b rea k fa s t ycsterdny moi-n- Jng &t th e ir new homo a t K im ­berly. The tab le w as a ttrac tiv e ly

W arner. # * ■* _Pi'lmrofic Rebckali loilpo will

me«<r tomoTTOw-at-S p. m'. M Ui«- I, O. O. K. haJl. M embcra a re u rgctl to a tten d o rd %-imllng m em bera dro welcome.* * #

The meeUnp of the Com muni­ty L adles' Aid society scheduled ..................

T h e-a d u lt council o f . the V. W. C. A . will m eet W ednesday a t 3 p. m . w ith Mrs. P . W. Mc- R obcrts, 70 Shoshone «tree t no rth .

th e T w entieth C entury ,-club-'w lU ..jace t-T ni!ala)i.aL 2:30-

p . m, a t the home o ^ M r* . Orr_ Chapm an. T h e sub ject ^ l l 'b b perennials. ■

# ■ . * #A ll m em bers a ie u rg td to a t ­

tend th e 'm e e t in g of th e S u ­prem o Forpst W oodmen circle to bo held tom orrow ftt 7:30 p.

f f l l H f P i l DmmI HEYBURN I

-------;------------------------------------ 4T he in fan t da u g h ter o f E<i Cole,

who has been «ordou«ly ]]] wiUi

to p ro v r i . ,M rs. II. G . Pullm an, M rs, Alice

Harold Canada, Oooding;, Must Receive Okeh b y N ational

Headgtiartflra ' -

a t -tho Ben Sill’s hom o T uo«lny.M rs. B yron LowTy w as hoBtcM

to U ia B. B. ciub Wetlncflclaj-

r and Dornii JUitlcr.H arold C:;nnda, Iroop 41. Oood-

mjr, has been approved for the Engle- aw ard by th o -S n a k c r iv e r n r»« Boy Scout headquartera. H is quallflealloius m u s t bo approved by Ui« na tional council. N ew Y ork C ity, before X te m tik is awarded. They w er6 poased by the local board of rc '^ew held In Jer6m e

' ' 1 Ciuu-lcH lit.'llv hiii] ixtui II M ill.T , K<l'.'5alt I-ik o whi-K h.: iiiic

en t included Mi-a. M. f ; . 1 B eatty . [1 Mr.9, K rw ie th K ing, Mr.si i t , H, tciiitiiiK- Leonar<l. Mr«. 'Leo H ondy, M in.l I’filllimrers w r i '. lo h n V lrp il-C iw o ami M r s . 'J . W . H ol.lOwalcy. ArUin Alliai. S. W . Jlc-,m aj*/r-<,j>ciuU w i.-iio is «UyjiiK i sten . G uests w cro L illian WeslLT.lcUnc, Jiiu ry Kmzlor. Jtoy I 'n iv t lip M. K rlly lioiiir .TfiircM 'n; ii W ilm a W hlto, NVda D ali Olio, V lr-isons nml Jinnarary pHllbi'nrcrs w.-ro is ivin.i-i- d '

' la Retifonl. S th e l SW rls. M rsJA . II. Hiall^roi->l, Twin F u lls :! ' — ........... —•1 Merz tuid Mm. K im bairw iO |.lamcfl Barlot;', l-"ile Cndy. W o r k R e l i e f

B u rk h a ller and K . E. Giles.O ther aw arda approved v............

sevond cl«s» Ixidgc for D ale Burk- luiUer, troop 40; .m e rit badge, Ray mond Cormvell. tixxjp 41, electriC' ity ; and a s ta r a w a rd to Raymond Cornwell,

Troop 40 In under Ihe an of th e Je rom e R o ta ry w ith , Rupert,-.acaiiL m im er--*D ic„Jeinnic B a p d s t ,chM rch.fipon.sors"trttip_*l and Sam. H atm aiter is ncou'tma.v

A m erican I/^gion li

LUNCHEON H E L D B L S A D A D O M E M B E B S ---------

Members o f th e Sabado elul were guests S a tu rd ay afte rnoon o Mrs. P . W . M cR oberts a t he r hom e on Shoshone avenue no rth . L unch ­eon \va» se rv ed fea tu rin g a Vftl- enlina them e in decorations and

nue e ast. Mr». E m m a Clouchck is in chargc of the p rog ram and JR’UI speak on I. Q. Johnson '8_ ta lk o n cu tting tlie cost o f crim e.

Gooding Board Asks For Building Grant

— GOODING. Keb. 17, (SpeclBl)— Gooding school board h a s au thor- ■ • ■ n WlllJjim Pvlc to

___i to n - fo p -A -g ra n £ ^ f$40,00D to m a tch th e SSO.DOO bond Is.we recen tly vo ted by taxpayers o f the d is tr lc t- fo r th e conslrucilon |W aah.,

- n e w - * c ' - - - * " — ’......bonil issue v/as au tho rized b y jie a r ;;b o th of C a lhage She alfio i n : i v r . K . _____ Ily a 4 to 1 vote. ' tw o graw leW H reti.

- rncttu. G u tatB-p r -tn c -E i .airg, D avl4 C lark and M rs. Staji.lcy

~ T a r m n r H t ^ BWfFClu f rprl t e wna w on by Mrs. R obert H aller -And

.i .ihe.feutauLftnra'ayTiri\V IN T E R M C N lC i ____ *PLA N N ED B Y CLUBS

S a turday 's session of th e R u ra l ■“PedemUon w a T r e i a 'a l IheT ibrae

oi: Mra.. 0 , P . S trobcck :on ,.T hlra avenue e a s t to p lan f o r th e 'a iin u a l winter, p icn ic^ I t ; ------------- -*

ii*t.o3«up*itowr______________ _ -be servea a t 12:30. p . m . ' E ach c lub in th e o rgan ization Is to be

___ responsible fo r th e decoratlona a t'• - o n e - ta b l6 r uB lng -tb* -o lub - oolora.

-Club songs w ill be p resen ted as p a rt o f th e p ro g ra m ." T a b le - a e rv lee M d a covered d la h 'a rq to be

m ent w ill bo provided u nder th e dlrccUon o f th e p rog ram com m it­tee. /

Two Hats of candidates fo r th e - _comWg election o f, o ffice rs w cro

]ir««entcd by th& nom inating com- m ^tee.

F ra n k H um m ell'O f th e -f irm of T ou fte llo tte and H um m ell, a rch i­te c ts w ho drew th e proposed plans fo r th e , building, wan here from ,Boise fo r. the m eeting. He had p repared th e d e ta ils o f th e appli­cation, w hich w ill be turned 'td - J . v tw e n ' o t t c g - ^

K r m w i n e z n

-M r» ,-L o l» F a y -V a n -Z a n te ,_ 3 6 , Filer, w ife of Deles V an Zante, died y e s te rd a y 'a t 8:30 a . rn. a t the hospital. She w as bom .’J u n e IS, I f iS M a . K ansas,_________________ _

Roy and Johnny,, a tw o-day-old in- fa n t ; 'h e r fa the r. Sum m er M ar-


j to have school - week because th e bad roods m ade la ImpooBlblo fo r the this to m^Ue 1 ^ route. However, th e ro ad s a re

~~»iow~cTajta~^ftaa~WDrK w aa ir wtthTelatt'

i!ii\u.“ Y Tiii-tniri

W alte r M arthaU and F ra n k M ar-Bhidl.~ l)oth~ livin g - 1^- O regon.--------

F unera l a rrangem cnta pendw ord fro m rela tives. The body rea ta a t th e T w in F a lls m ortuary.


.♦L'-'ii-Which IB. m en UXO em ployed; T h i i r « N i o K flillsa-HiU a i y ro4il—p to jc cL —1* * l i | U r B . l ^ l g a amen; llagcrm nn fish hfitchrrv p rojcct; Gooding h ighw ay d istric t I 'rojcct; W endell h ighw ay d istric t l>rojcct, and th e w om en 's Bewinp

jSIifls - i lo ra n ia n . Oriiniatlc toachi____________ land. Superin tenden t A, E . C'u4i. U

CaW c,_M rs. K ennclh _K ing, and tiiicluciM t^ n n k B iiiton, On,-illePe te A ndirson w ore 'T ltnncf g m n : -T lA n rn M A N , Feb, 17 fFiK'cIfll)li<»” f ‘'.:M ary Ellen.Cluvpm(in, j r iK

- Tiiipf<«iiv<! n tc s fo r Joe Uurj;y.lL'lUCflri,' I5thol ThftniU'n, Mljilcc'iit pivmtnonl M ieffmnn and rfltM'li«-v^I'o*t, JlJO rl«lt UurltJuud. K who, dlcil ^VediicadAy. w cjc ^ o ngj.l »«iuUcr,- Tx

•, -.Mlchacl F, Ityan,- Buhl, <rffl


Mrs. Toylor Gudmim.wn o f B iirlcyJJensen, lliip .’nna ii; W ill lUt;i M w . LilllttJi Jcnkinw h a s bcc-nljju;k Adlcmiuiii, J.inioa .McDonald,

111 a t h e r liome tJie p iu t lF rank Davitlwm, Kuynionil Moor.-,

b e tter . She is a ttended by Miss Lu-IBoifio,



Intom ien t was in th e T. O. O, F. ccniclfry. HiiKcrman, The «i rv!ceB

atlrndod by t h e ’!iij;li rcIkh)!.iUitlcnt.1 in a body to lionor his de,volion to school actlvtiee. He

W ali*o known sJi a clv^c leader,I'rt-sont a t Iho dorvioes wore

luiuiy pe«K*8 fion i Boise, Good- ia r . IiYiu FaH i Mi<l_Huhl.• ^ ........—♦ — '-----;----- r-.--.— .“ “ ^ “■-^jwliich-! HANSEN 1 Goorling-Iliigct

Mn».‘ F lo ra B.-Infrraham.-TZ. , idcnt of thLs vlc ln lly fo r 24 yc.ir«, '•• • ....................... a t 5 v .

TwiJi Falls.She w as bora Sepli 23. 1883. n t

nrtHtafr/t Jl] KitfvltMnfrJyi- art hi'fim sband; E lm er "lugruliinr^ two sons, F red ’i f . I n g ra h a m ,‘ BoI/h,',

i.ind R. A . Ing raham ; YaUinin.- b ro ther, J. E , M ei-ritt.'

te tiim -lo :-B 6 U a ln -aU ltu t.lO -dayg w h e th e r 'o r n e t th e requested g ran t la given iP ._)V .^^6pprovJil.____

Men a t Gooding File Bonui Applications

GOODINO, .Feb . 17 (Specia l)— Abo u t 60 ex-aenrice m en have! mad ppUeaUoni'fof IfiWTTUa ■ tf iu s^ ffifT airco ra ingT oT rrs: L ieuru L ueke w ho is handlin |r the soldiers’ bonus fo r th is com m unity.

Periding f u n e r tl ' a rrohgcm cn . Uie body re s ts a t the Tw in F a lls m ortuary.

SSS BA 8SEN G EK S K K SC l’KI) ■\VEYMOUTH, E ngland , Feb. 17P)—Thren him.lrwl nn .l Ih trty .

eig 'ht ~paaBangcra w ere removed

P ro je c ts U n d e rw ay


iOODlVC:, Fci). l7-(H prrii>D -- Ciirti.i T. lU cketU , Juni-.r field <n- Siiieer fo r th is d is tric t, iinnoiincoi th a t th e re w ere seven w orlt relief p n ije c ts under, w ay in Gooilinp c o u n ty , under the govcrnn;int r W A p rogram .

T he p n .je r l s Include; the r ity .street p ro jec t In Gooding du whiiii

— -'i, i 2 t m r n —nro -p rr.7 T .- l ,—OT.Tk "on resum ed lust

F. C. Graves & Son .line SlH H eal E htiil«^I.onnft— Inonraiice 150 Main No,

Send Your Washing To The

National LaundryH. L, W alker Olid iluuplitcr. , \

Lucile Wnliier. a re vl.iitlng w ith H e re 8 S w if t a n d frieiui.s nnd relatives In I>.fl A n - ( . p v . . * .♦•jiic.-!. Calif, U ire c t A c tio n to

Home o( llv.?"fac'uUy niemb.'i-s ere foree<i lo .^ay in tow n during

the p a s t week in ordt-r lo a tlem l

'nTnrnng'B xi

Relieve t h a t ColaJ e r n a j n c s U j i H i k H d p s J

OoloB W i th o u t R isk s of C o n s t a n t " D o s in g ',”

S tu a r t Scolt harf..;clumt.^l hojiie from Bolso w here ' he r c c d v c il. trea tm en t fo r sinus- Infection i hospital.

m o D ^

Two generations o i molhevH have proveil Vicks Vapo- B ub th e m o st effec­tive trea tm e n t for c h i l d r e n ' s colds. V apo-Rub is extern-

____________________Ita . th e ,^..ixlBks Of constant.lnternal_-;d_qsing':

■^whlph ■ a o ' o ften upseta ’ digestion

E lla s Brownfleld, b ro ther* ol M rs. M a ry GulUckr celeb ra ted hla

the re a re a n eaUmateT'SOO vet- «& aa -lft_thb_oounty_w liQ are fli- g lble fo r th e bonus.

v ice fro m th is county In ie i7 and 1918 w as close to 4 0 0 .' M rs. L ueke s ta te s th a t-ap p U fatlo n i! a re -a lso be ing iw eW ed a t- th e L egion posts o f W endell a n d H agerm an .

W bero. th e re h a a been no loan ob ta ined on th e a d ju sted service certificate,- th e ' applIcaUonT' gbea in to Boise, b u t In th e caae of loana

I -90: y e a rs old, live i e in llie b^st 6 f neUlB

A N N O U N C E M E N T ------- '

--if-i T o allTW oiiif l iT d i^ i i ia g : th e n e w e s t ip ~ p e rm a n c n t u a T - - --: in g o r j i a i r s t y l i n g , . . . th if i's iro 'ir is u o \v 'r in iy cfiuiiipe'rt lo g iv e y o a tl i e Z Q T O S .find JA M A Ij m iu rh iucless

-^icn iianen t-W & V ita . ___________!_____ — J_____________________

land Bppelite, tbTis low ering bodyr i ■ - j r i . . — - t^c^^^^^Mc w hcn .m oat needed......

- U p e i F r - n d a y 4 | . a ^ m . - -^ a s t- ru b b e d -o n - th ro a t -e n d -c b e s t .- i a t bedtim e, V apoRub t u r t s to |(vo rk im m edlaU ly— tn « iia y s- » i

l i By stim u la tion -th rough th e akin, like a poultice o r p laster—

2.- By Inhala tion of lls pen elrallng m edicated vapors, released by body h e a t and brea thed in direct :to 'l i in a m e d “air-paaagcj.;-T--T; -• C on tinu ing - th fou*Ji_ lhe_niH ht.

thlB pow erfu l poultice - and - vapor ac tion loosens phlegm —soothes ir­r i ta te d m tm b ra n c s -e a a e a difficult

Madeline Lacey WiUoraw h o « lla s b e e n i n N ew Y o rk f o r tlie p a s t s e v e n y e a rs is now . e ro p lo y M in th i s Bho]),. a n d w ill c u t n n d « ty l^ . y o i i r h a ir , a c c o rd in g to y o u r f e a tu re s fo r $1 .75 . ,

GRAYCE MATSON BEAUTY SALONS h o n e 668 T r o l in g e r ’a B a lc o n y

-A. P n e t i c a l Guide fo r E ac h year, m bre and m ore fam -

!«■« f f . ‘hg lng -hglp»d tn fewM colds a n d sh o r te r colds by Vicks P lan fo r B e tte r C ontro l of Ck)Ids. V icks F lan U s .b e e n clioically te s te d - b y < 5p rae lic ln f- physlelanar and f u r th e r ' p roved In everj'day hom e use by jnllllons. F u ll details o f th e P la n 4n each package '* V lcka V apoR ub, .

and addA Day of Leisure to:^ :.Every:;

■ T H R I F T Y .S E R V I C E -C a A n v D a y o f T b e - I Z i*

W « k ___________ L b ,


T he O. E , M arler fam ily m oving aoon to W ashington. M iss T helm a .'M arler w ill re m a in 'h e re

will m e et __________ ______F rank M cDonald. M rs. F ra n k B alls will be Uie noslsting hoatese.

Former Rupert Man Diet in Salt Lake

nu W rn T .’ F c b T i n 'S ^ i n i ' . -Word h a s been received he ro or the d e a th o f W . P . B u ik e o t S a lt L ake ,C ity on Feb. 12. M r. B u rke

—was ft-form ey-rasldont-of J t l n ld f^ * county, ow ning a f a rm n o r th Itupert fo r,m an y years . Som o sev-

Cllfford Show ers tw o years.

L ucky T w elve club m e t T h u n - a t th e home of M rs. E lizabeth

m s x s ^ ........................* p resen t ai . - ‘ th e w h ite e lephant prize . A t carda

M rs. B . C. H uffm an and M rs. DreW S taa ts rec freshm onls werij

G eorge B ear,- visltlBK a t -th e homo o f h la par* ents. M r. a n d ,M rs . O . 0 . Bear, w ttne !liU fa th e r Is- c o n y a J ^ a * from a recen t Illness a t th e so m e

qen overfaxed our tense

Page 6: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com

Pfcgd S ix - I D A H O F A X N I N ’ G T I M K S . T W I N F A l J . S , ' l O A H O , — 10H6—

Page 7: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com

-M onday, Fcbtuarjr.l?, 1938 IDA HO EVENING TIMES.-TW TN FALT.S, IDAHO Page Sevcil'

I s a y ’ s

A U T p M O B lL g B

WANTSID TO B U T —1000 CU* to w n o k . F t rm e r tf A uto 8u ' U w d l> r t« p e j . L _ P ^

F u n k - ^ C ^ Ju ita m c ro Inn. Ph. 4D6 OastB H om e pb. H I .

O N E n ica fu rn ished ftpt., « t Cambridge r io td . '


lM -8 lh Ave. E.

H O RSES—1 boy, sm ooth ;\iouUi, 1 black m arc , 9 y rs . old. «ach

ay, Bmooth. 9 y rs . old. .......

w eigh t l.WO. F ra n k K aw nl. 2 ml, E., ^4 ml.. So. o f T w in Falla.

horsoTT M ake i t know a In Uicm co lunua. Y ou'll f ind « buver prompUy. ,

B oard and room. 55.00 pe r wk. 137 4 lh Ave. -North.


~ ~ -----------— _ ' iiuioua Vi uuna. uiKiivab. CUSTOM killing, curing and I paUl. P a tron ize a hom e owned In-'X ve. E . Phono 1335.

MOVfeD from 23C-6th Ave! E .. to

“ 5 room houBc fo r ren t, roonc

Five room furn ished house, g a r­age. Close In. Phone 200. W. O. Smith.---------------- - ••• ' -

F ive room, com pletely m odem house, fu rnished. Sleep ing p — **

A ve.-N or ' . ■ ..

h e l p w a n t s ® - m a l e

m e n w anted w ith f a ir educa­tion.. jn echanlcaU y Inclined '


12,000. S teady to ehadc lower, »i>o(a'51u I0 'ccn tfl )<>v\cr ' A F I E R O

170-200 Itw. HO.OO-ll$10.r>0-.ti0; m««t

JlO.75-13.00; biilH RtKxi fio v 10.00.

Ccittic: 10,000, c«lvf8 lofRcly fltcf-r n in , nioiltui

- n NKW YOf!K, Kdi.A t vIoH .I li r.Ki

Iy A la s k a Jununu.........; Aiiicr! -m rn iica T — - TA >H jr ”C tin t m>'n> —

R M O E S a H t

140-100l^^H tCA C:0,' K cb .-L I.irr .i WUr.it Am » '‘r n M i r r l - f t Am

Ibu-^lirl in Into ilcaHtij;N o n ’• llii- Am l,000;|1)o;ir<l of trlidp today iiftiT un .-av- An;

(Iw lllcr drop o f 1rlc.'Ui '1

■ A tlanlic IM iiiinc

CHEAP, fa ir ly heavy w ork team [cnlng. T hom ctz T o p f t Body V and harnesses, fo r ctiah. IX 'S ljr! — ' ' / . ....r .V Jr .T "Anderson, 278 V an 'B u rcn . j Q A IB D & E -8SE R 8

predom inating, w eigh ty offcringB^ scarcc, csirly <tcman<l n a n w . lui-ifigri iimrkctK; derlonc about B(«'(idv. a ll JH-ifi'i-.sj A t the closo M ay w tira l

m is o e l l a n e o d b

am oklng m eats . Phone 25. fndc- dual'ry. Phone 039J. E d Roberta, pendent P ac k in g P lan t.

M ax’s Harness Shop

bida on Red G o v er and A lfalfa seed bcforo aelllng. Globe Seed and F eed Co., Twin F a lla , '

Hide & Tallow Co. 0& a-m ila.a of Twin F a lla Phone collect 1 Falls 314.

EST IM A T E S B klnda of Job I Idato-C

W ANTED —■ Ul pairing, F u rp ltu reWindow Shade W ork. ____ . .BruliiVK^Fum. Co. Photie 5 ^ '1 9 0 - 2nd S tJU u U --------------- a —

H eavy T lm M r* ,--B rld f« -P U D k ; rough lum ber.. W oodlawn Lurr,ber Y ard. O ppoilta BwUt * Oo.

CARBURBTORS, C a r b u r e t o r 't s and service. F . G. H . Motor

2 i0 8bo<diOD« BLp a r ts a i Servicft.

SPRIN G m X B D M A TTRESS­E S M ADE FR O M T O tm OLD ONES. MattrcBBM renovated and recovered. W ool card ing . Twin Falla, ,M a t t r e ^ " F « c t 9ry . Phone

H a i r y M u s g r a v e

WEDDING ANNO U N CEM EN TS , a a d calllBg carda engraved or ' p rin ted . M any correc t s ty les to

chooae from . Call a t th e Eve-

r Roxy TTieater. P e rm a-

M ra B«am er.------


ishlni Cress

M ain A venue South.

■E A 1N IIH G ^ .= ,D B O ORAT1WQ

K A LSO M IN IN a a n d . G eneral Po in ting . S . L, Shaffer. Phone 1 2 9 W -


F irs t In S c n lc e and Q uality. F a c to ry E quipm ent to Rebuild y o u r Shoea Econom y prices. Tw in

•Repair. 132 Sho.

tatffiTTTklnde value to ficll a t S7.50 upward,Dcef cow s' c««y b u t c u tte r cowa fully s ttn d y iit.J5 .50 down, d u e ‘to (»lcl a n d '^ o w w c«lher^ ri.'pliicc-

im ont maa-kcl di^ll mvl^wcoK. bc- leclcd vcalcia ,ui»‘-to SI2.B0.

Sheep: 9,000, f a t lam bs oi^nlnK.slow, undortcflc w eak to unevenly .................... .......................................lower. Bhecp abou t stejuly, feixllngiw.ilinK' i>oured Into th e m arket l umter--iintr," ciifljigrd;—R*x*d— i<nnT]5niTmt^HnnTcnii'cinrronow..,„.^o.„ cho lct J a t J a m b a .J )ld .ilO.OO au d ;u jc TVA dccUiou. A l ^ . r a l l y in . |) i i r f .n l .1« .vcrn**

'; c . Corn w.i.'s uriflmiiBCtl to 'i c ( iirllilo lic ... hiKlier. on ts w rri! \ ; c lower am i Uonlcn 'I?*)... rye was >.j to Ic u bu.nhpl lower.- .1, 1, C;usr <:>'

•J-c.-iH th a n nn Im ur bt-forc Uie Cfil., Mil., .Si’ clo.Ko wlipiit pnc i'K 'frll to now bol- C hryslrr touiB for tlie sfssioii, w ith May Ccica Ccil.’i, down l^iiC n e t am! a t the lowc.st comnicn^lal ;

•vi'l since liust Drccm bor. H ravy^Q oninu'nw ca tl . o n of

111. A wave of ;.i'l!iii^; ^alwiilc i! tb< ' mn'rkc’t , wa.i rU in wli' ii

r iitr .tn t'v ic to ry was aiin>'; <’cj. lt.'^wcpt oviT tlic iiiarkcl c n-.ur.jly Instantlv. Hjil.s w crr u

,n 'fo ih utllitii.<. and <! icl;.n<cl on the f}noi-i of tli-'

.stocli.H from Ihi? lo provrd yiippiirt IntoJTCOVI' llril.

U V ESTO CKOMAHA, Neb,. Feb. J7 dM ll- (Wt.MN lAJU.K

Hogit — 6M»; moderately HCtlve,' C}IICA<30, K rti. 17 <IM!steady to lOc low er tl;an K H day'ft.rangr: _____averftfferisO -iSO IW , "■-.■..O'iS'n. IUkU I...1p rac tical top (lO.G.'i; 230-2&0 Ib.i. u iii-u l;J10.-A-10.55. ! M a y '. . .P K ___ yS____ .liS

C atlle—7500.' ealve.i 300; rent "Ju ly~ .:H O .\ .8 fn ; ,88 steers, yearllftgfi and he ifers slow, . scpt, ...88',; .88i'. .87weak; (juali I .chiefly medium lo Cogood: ly: vcalers weak to,COc lower; stockers and feeders slow, w eak; fed s te e rs and year­ling t7.50-8.65; he iferir $0.2.'5-7.25;

May ...01^, Ju ly ...Gis; •Sept.



bi-oufiht Im -.K nslm aii Kod;ik who.-it prlco.i.K icctric Pow er * l-iplil .

• .C fncra l- K lcctrlc .............idPIKTSll iMkHlS..................a j f n t w l -M otors,.

ilV aln'O oodyoar l i r e ' .................IntnrnaticHuil Hurvc.fli'i'...

Clone Iniiaiiiitloiiftl T(‘U'phoin‘ .’ Jolinfi M anville................

, 9 7 : K rnecott C oppir.......,Kf> 'I .o iw 's InoV... .’ .^ ..7 ......,88',i Montjroihoiy W ard ........

N'a.HU MotoTW ....................01 .01 i,^ 'N ation.il D airy Pitxlucls

.01 •■'i N ew Y ork U 'n tra l ..........,Oli;. .C l^i'Packaix l MolorH .... .........

Par.im oim t' I’ie tu ri-.i.......

i4 c i. .[w u i : unable tu a rrive at iiric'>!hi'.-ivy w rrc tlii' ord-'i .i. OIIh t ; r c -

!).V tionn w in t down w itb lli<- ulilia-'^ . •SO'V,' T 'iw a ril Uip cIms.- tlie i i i i i iU n .■(.H'.jlstcaduJ on s lio rl i-oviTiinK- Tlic r,s itli'.'-c wns-irr<'i,’ulai 21)1. i ’rV;:dln(; totalUnl -1,720.000 .s!iar<». O c'-Ttv.r. .'.impartti with •)h> ,'-!iliitJ ta .l ''rid ay ...... . , . ... __

r.>2 I L>- w JonM prplirnmary cl'i.sinK •}7 ) , showed {ndiistria l',\r. ;n if 1.00; railroad'HH,37, off b.3&;'

; ;iK :iitiH ty .327r.. off, l.O l. ' • '

' \ SAN FRANCISCO. 37 'm FJIANCI.SCO, f 'eb . 17 .dM'-

l l> , i n u tte r : 92 score 3 5 ! ic ; 9 1 / i- o r t ! 10‘«j3-'ic; f'O score 3r>e; 89 s.core S i ’-c .

U o c a l M a r k e t s

- $11.00. . ' , I Ju lySheep—4.'i00; lam bs slow, undcr-1 Sep l .28’

- - r i to n e w eak; ash ing a tronger; nhecp;Hyp:land fec-'trra scarce, s teady; bent. M ay. ,.^8

^ l l f e d InKT.i held above 510.25. I Ju ly ...?iO";.S.-pt. -.5(1'.;.

ij ; C. I’ciHit-y Co...... ..........28 Oil . . . .

•Radio OoiT».................,ri7 s; Itadio K citli O irlioum ..

Rt-ynolil.s T«b«cco U .......■•jOi'- .'Sa few ay Slorea ......... ..

. 7 is^ ism a ll 14'-,o.J!)i> ‘ chr<nc; Fancy fla ts 1 7 'j c ; li*ip-

.. 121, I r ts 37c,

' :>~i\ U )S AN<iK!.F.S D A lltV . . - n ^ l l.O.S A N llELK S. Feb. 17 d ;.l 'i.-

g'lvlng age. phone, p rese n t occ and address. U tU ltJes .E ng .-l

E X P. g irl fo r housew ork; mual; go homo n lgh tjv P h . 1630. R efer-

- ences.

■■‘pltlflburghT P a ;

_____ Z a DDRB.SS„ envelopes jspare tim e; $5 to $ lo wcc, .

- lu m c c .-D ig n lliw l .y o rk - Stahij. b rln t's de tails. E m ploym ent Mgr.,

--------D ept.1031, BoK 76, H am m ond, Ind .

- g l T U A ^ ^ o i^ O W A K T E D -

E X P. g lri w an ts general hojise- w ork in coun try o r tow n, Evelyn Landon, care_J. T . Robertscm, R t.

— ------F A S M a -g Q R 8A T .B ,

L ow ca t-ra tes . L ong term s. Q uick Service

, S A l^G B ItJO N E S - R eal E s ta te —L o a u •

129 M ain E . Phone 42?

. A V A N T E D -T O "RE N T W ith ‘6p- tion to buy, sm all o r medium un-

m lahed . h o u se . in -iu :-ncar.-T « .’in Ills.- W rite- 178P Care- Times.

A C REA G E w ith S-6 room house. Capable p a r ty w ith steady-job ; rcf- ...........- L ocated T w in F a lls 15


N O n C E I S H E R E B Y GIVEN, Thftt'the-urtdersigncfl- w nrseii ’ i t


, 30 ACRES. 2 m t fro m BuW, sm all paym ent. BaL 10 years. 0- M. Capron, Buhl. ________• ..

'c a sh , balancc cro session a t o

- F im in i

One m ile' f ro m 'T w in ' Falls. 0-roam house, p lostered . B a m w ith 3 aU nchlons and hay loft. Cow shed, 30x80, m < i_ . collar, fam ily orchard , etc. G round In good contlltlon.

. Priced a t J6000.00. W ill trade to r good m odem c ity prop­erty , ,

.S U D L U R -W E Q E N E R 'C D M P A N Y

____ ^phone ftlO ,

^ M W E Y J O ^ O A ^offlcfc 224 M ata Ave.


^ i N G r i i i c ^ ' "G rains

t-Whe«t-:---TTT.Tr:r.TT. .-:.-TTT;:77;.:r


NOTICE O F S l iE R lF F 'S SA L E j

I OGDEN, Feb. 17 a'.P) ( U S D A )- -680 Hog»-^Eftrijr-«flca:^tcadv^tlrlioit - •80C w eek' • •

In th e D istric t C ourt of th e E lev- g q ^ 5 ;^ 9 en th Judicial P i s t r lc t o f t he l ^ ' -S tn to of Idaho, In a n d " '-" .........C ounty of T;vin Falls.

|f l0 .7 .5do 'w n toJ0 .B 0 ;pa :ck ipga i ,,.$!58.73^down.-

May ,.43i.:.N |.snrll Union Oil ■'

C A S ir ( iltA lV ISorony Vacmmi .

F rank . . .................T errill, husband tfn d 'w ife :

-G _ D _T hQ m naB n .L B litdyci o f The F irs t .N a tio n a l B ank

-o f-T w in F a lls ,- Id ah o ,-a -n a* ------tional banking corporation, and Idaho Pow er Company,-.ji-,carpora tion,_,_______ _____

D efendants.


(Lohdcd c a r s ) V‘alcnci(ia,-2-t(J-3-ln.;-cwtr-..v.—.■51;25V alencias 3 in. up. c w t.............$1.40

P o u l t r y .......................

________________________________ U nder and . by v ir tu e o f an Or-T u n T irp n r P i m u n s a t . f 0 Salc. lssued o u t.o t th e above

t V M. on th e 3Sth day

premlaea knovyn 88 ____ ________vice Stores," 410 South Main ~ • “ ■ ->a«sr*ialta in 1931 8-cyllnder 4-door Sedan N A SH autom obile, m oto r No. 70068, se ria l No. 0801D, owned by F a y Cox. to sa tis fy the paym entv r m .............. ..........* —

entitled Court, In th e above en- UU ed-action, -d aU d tho -24 th .^ ay of Ja u a ry , 1030, w herein th e plaln- Uff-Dbtalned -»:tJecree-of-Fofeck>9- ure agalnsL th e abovo nam ed d'e->fendan ts on th e 18th ..................a ry , 1930, sa id decrco

piece or pareel-of land situated M County o f Tw in Falls, S t it e

- , anJ boundrt ^n<l ' ' '

r w,. ^HUijidruti Oil «>f G llif. ............--..52.40-2.50j'Cftitlc—2100; fa ir ly active; m ost-U yellow* SOU-Olc; No,'*5'

.. S lJ lft.l.fL 'iltu cUn/it, . Irn n ff t; -ivliite . n..*in U c : . " I ....................c, .54..50<ic.

_ . . . . _____ ____ ___|gyr.^<>r-4^=M rnneW a ~ . ul. i-ninn' iMcHicins to feed lot $5.00; odd lots localiNo, 2 Illinois to u g h -SCc; feed ,1“ ,, "s teers and heifer8'SD .20-6.00;'1oadiq„oted 30-45c; m a ltin g 54-80c; - ;H " " ’

r •:irrm ,--'m =H -H 4U »op:4C 38;=10Sy^T Y m othyN icear $ 3 ; i r r - - - - ^ — ititnh.q SC.OO; lonrll • rir>«-f.,. < i9 n n .s i« 7 r. 1'-'' '

K K i;i*-Large 25c; medium 24c;

-AVc-flpm cheese Daisies ripKtH l'7c; lonBhonis 57c; s^md- vich p rin ts ll'c .


[weighty 8Cl-lb. U taha $0,00; load • Clover seed: $12.00-S18.75. 924-lb. good young U tah cows S5:25;"16ad 1020-lb. M ont, $ 5 .0 0 ;;* - fcw ou t $4.00; odd lo t i com. to![

Colored hcM, under 4 Ib .V.......jo m hena --------------------

_ ...reU Toostera, over 41 b e ...... 13cL cglw m frycr8:;.7r.-:;.::;rr;— .— I3c L eghorn broilers, 1>4 Iba up — 15cCol0Ped.:-broller8.;=z:r..T.^=s:.-.Tn5.-.13«

good loeaVcow.i 54.00-4.73;'CTJttera $3.50 dow n: 'few bull.s $4,50-5,00; vealcrs slightly lilg h e r ; good and


IDAHO FA L L S PO TA TO ES . Boeing ..

r n i\» ', : ...................: wc.otcm • u n i . w . .....

~ T :W i“:;inghou.S(.- Klc i:tric .....,.l ! f . AV..-W<x)lw.)rtli--Co. —...

_ 4 ■ A m erican Bulling Mill.'i ....

«(,f) ■ . ■ .! IDAHO I-'TLYXSr Feb. 17 (U S ........^ s h . c p - 3 - , n o m r . ,...................... ' ' ~ • ■ Icw t.: U . S. N o. 1 80c lo S7 '«< ;.'S ludcbaU er .

P O R T Ij\N D LIVESTOCK ! U. S- No. 2 35c to -10c. 1 .S: Tlpc

- M arke t unse ttled ; rccclptu i331 F r e s h 'g r a d e d 'f i r s t s 32c;

firs if l-3 2 c ;-< u rrc n l_ rcc iap l i_i p i r m r r c n ic k n 2 s e . '

IH iltfC —:M a rk e t firm , rectlptR i.''^S‘lub>. TIxlrimvsifTStri'i'^rn^cT-' vXtriiS 30-’ c ; flratH 35-35VjC: !tpt-o n ls -37M -a7^o; fiU ndards .3iix ,c ;-----

•ntralizcd 35i.',c.Oheesei — Tvvlh.-i -15',i -17 r.‘-:,c;

daisies I5u_-15.a;c:~longhorna ir> -t-.

Capon* _ ^•j cks

-POKTDANbV-Ofc;; F c f r n 7 r a ’.r —H ogs—2000, A ctive, moatly.CSi., hlgher?>Oood-cholco lig h t hutch?fH mosUy $11 .60; heavlea $11,00. U g tit lig h ts $10.70'-11.00: packing

- $9,00-9.50: no feeder pigs ........................ ►-♦11.00.

D ressed geese ...______ .;D re u e d :T itf l( e jsNo. 1 young hens.

C attle—3350, calves l&O. Supply includes liberal proportion etbers. P la ine r kinds a round steady . Many b ids 29c and m ore low er. Sbe stock

riago thereof, a t th e request of the sa id ow ner, m ore th a n s ix ty days hav ing expired since the ren ­dition of servlcea to th e owner, and the said ow ner having failed upon dem and to m ake paym ent fo r said services.

D ated th is 11th day of Februoi-y, 1030,FIR E S T O N E SE R V IC E STORES

By A . H . TIMMONS,^ M anager.

r O R BALE>^■ .M lflOBLLAM EOya.

AUTO w indsh ie ld Q laai. T hom eU T op A Body W orks

Pu re Sorghum molsss Ihe I'ubllo M a rk e t__ ^

S tn iM O N B FO R -iM m U O A TlON I n the D is tr ic t C ourt of the

E ievenm -JuaiciB i u t s t r to t o f-the S ta te of Idaho, In and for the

of Tw in Falla.S B L F. , ■

..................... i> ia ln tl(f-

to ld ru raH M iu i, U o o n 'j p»cm« ». b tori, No, 1 | P lm n in M .e w « M ° »'

Office M anager.

a u t o DOOR G L A a a shields and window . f ) « - No charge for setU ng fU M . Briog In

fuel bills. PhOB* B, ilooo's.

E, K SELF,PeTcndant.

STA tltf OF IDAHO aeirdrfreel* tnga to E, F . Self, the »bove named defendant: .

You are hereby BflUlled t^at i Complaint has M an fQad agalM you I d the Distriot Court of thi Eleventh Judicial D istriot of tbt B U U 'O f Idabo In u d for Twia FsJIs County by the «bove named

(10). th e W est H a lf of the N o rth ea st Q uarte r, the E a s t h a lf of the N o rth w e s t Q uarte r, and the N orthw est Q u arte r of th e S ou theast Q u ar te r of .Sec­tion T h irty (80), a ll in Tow n­sh ip Eleven (11) South, of Range T w enty (20) E a s t of th e Boise M eridian In Twin F a lls County, Idabo . Contain­in g 240 acres, m ore o r less, to-

Cer w ltb .one huQdruL fUty*.

Inches rtf w ater o f D ry Crock and Its ulbutaries, w ith a prU o rltv da te of D ecem ber 31,

-lB 77 rto D o d lv srtw l a t t h . XIp.- por Jo rdan D am in See. 12. T P 12. South R ange N ineteen (10) E a s t Qf th e Boise M eridian,

- d a s lg a a ts d - a a ^ 'W a U r . .R ig h t . N um ber O ne <1)'' th e sam e being m ore pa rticu la rly des­cribed lu the decree os shown

No. 2 b u tte r fa tE ggs, Special........Extras ....- ...........W hites, medium...Standards ............Baker* ...............

E ggs, ungradwl, In trad e ......J8-U veetork

Choice ligh t butcher*, 180 to

butcher*, 210 Lo

by d u e N o. JOaS, JwAgme Book n . P age 401| Twin Faim County,. Idaho, and also tu-

FOR 8 A U D -X carlowl of Mu^

bring back w hat you > » /• W t ^ s loan you a bn»*h to McMurtry House P a in t

-Ptaamel, ITloo tilsh drys in have a la r g e and Linoleum . . war prioea, Phono

~ S u X l i , i io u a u , r t o n . >1114,fvoiilnga.

to said Complalr herein speolfled,

W ANTED TO BUY—About 300 tons^of r to lw bay.. Phone 1834after fllflO p, m,__________

FUlUflTURB WANTBD ^ W*buy UM<1 f iw jt l i i r^ ^ataveli nnd Jo* bm sfc W* pajr.cash p ^ n e B. Mooo'a. *

gether with any other Water right or w ateiurlghU that are or may hereafter become ap­purtenant lo the above des-


GIVEN: That oh^the t to l Otl) day

A . U ., (Mountain

the ptaiDtlff will

i , » “r A j « u cThis U an «otloa to aeeurs a

divorce on the-frounda of^dewr- tlon and non-iyppor^ continuing

o f January, lOM.


P A U L II. ao n O O N , Deputy,

Ihs-O ouo^ o t ^ l a FaUa,.Stat«;o Idab9, I w ill sell the abovo des­cribed property to satisfy plain- tlff'a decree w ith interest thereon^ together w ith a ll cosU that have seem ed or m ay aocnie, lo tho’highi est bidder fop c u h , law ful money of the United States.

Dated a t Twin Falls, Idah<

R A YU O R N .A fU i\

A i a r A S f e w M . . ,

K q n a l i « “ « « « ,» * 2‘Y™,

I po,imdei

■ -<W-p e u n d tf» - .......................eight buwbers. 2B0 to

ww, poundera .........................$8.70Underweight butchers, 120 to

spring lam bs .Mill

B rin , 100*na.-.:Bran, tWO iba.........Block food, 100 lb- StnqK food, 000 ibs.

Itcifem $4,7C-B.7n: early lo p $U.29| low c u lle r and c u tte r cows $2.75- 3.00; com,-med, $4,004.50; - good beef cows up lo $5,00; b u lb $4.75- O.^S; vealers 50c h ig h e r; practical lop $10,00; selected to $10.75.

Sheep-2200 .-^A etive , F a t lambs m ostly COc h ig h e r; ' o th e r clasiiea Ateady. F ive loads S7*lb. fed lambs S10.00*-b«.»-tw eked-in lamb« held around $9.50| fnw yearllngfl $7.00;


SA N FR A N C isC O , Feb. 17 (U.lil - H o g s : '4 0 0 r-A o tlv # i-m o M ly 00c lilg h w 'tlu m S a t- ,‘o r around 7Bc lilifhcr U u u i.la s t T h u r s , : . tw M inilk 160-235 >b, C alif, .bulclwni $11.70: few 240-200 lb, avemRo $11,23;. packing, sow s OOo Wglier,mobtly $».IK). - ........................ ............

C'allle: 1.000: ab o u t 05 per cent run s la u g h te r «t<<er8, quality m ost­ly ,me<l., ftpw«<l a tn m g , la te r tm de

: :_ N 7 Y . c r n r o u x c ir A ^ - .o E ^A m erican Super P « v w —.... 3_

___________________d.Cu__________________________SPUD M A RK ET CEN TERS W hile Motor.s-

IDAHO F A L to , K c h ..l7 - (U S D A )— P o ta to m a rk e tin g contcr

3rt« fo r S a tu rd ay : ■ • ............................ in c in n a U -A rr lv n ls : 3 Idaho . 1 Cltien S e r\ice , '

Mich,. 3 N ebr. Supplies m o d e m t^ Electric Bond & Share .

f irm .'Id a h o R uasetg U . S, No. I s mostly $2.10; po o rer lower.

F o r t W o rth — A rrivals; 3 Colo.,1 Nebr.^ I .a te T r i. : Supplies light.

D EN V ER IJV E S T O aC * D K NV FJl. Colo., Feb. 17 d Jli-:-

C iittle : 3,200; steady-low er; beet -fltfrers $7-$S;.cown.iind.hj.VPH.^-J7.75; calves S5-$10.50; ferdoraaod-atoclttr.»-.$i-17-_«5; ^

H oct: 3.600; steady-lO c low er: to p $10,60; bu lk $10,36-$10.60; pack ing sow s $9-$9.00.


light- D em and fa ir . Mni'ltot firm . iRuf«et<» U . S. N o. Is , Idaho. $1.85-1.90, • „

D m ver— AJTivaJa: -14 Oolo., -2 Idaho, Supplies Uberal. llffht. M o fk et s tead y .

' Dem and

Francisco ~ A rrivals; 2 Cniif,, 0 O re. Di-mand slow. Mar- ket-<l«lJ.> A lm ost too ft^W c arlo l sales i-eporte<l to quote, Idaho Rus- iKil a ^ . No- 7 ,-v.nr23 Idaho, 1 N ev., 1 Oro. S iipp li« modenUe. D em and for RuHflcts m oderate. M u rk et sM ^ tly w eaker Brokwa- si\leH: Idaho R»U«*ets U . S No. 1« Jl.55-1,00} a few »1.0B>^ U. 8; N o. 2s $1.17i(,-l-20.

riiiC A G O . 1*OTATOEH - r u J C A a o . F eb .. 1>0UU

toes supply m odera te , dem and fair, n iiirk e t a teady . Idaho H " llu rbanks $l;l)0. 2,10 i U. 8 . N<

Fund. T rust, A . ..Corp? T ru s t ........Q uar. Ijieoiuo’ ,

0.7U.... 2,80 -.... 1.«0


HOOD'SM o d e r n F i x t u r e *

M aryland F und ............. «.l-OTAT()K«‘ , ' I

M arch d e liv e ry .............. .........$1,75,A pril delivery ,'..... ........$l,70-$l,H0,


nO L C 2*i P e t......................$100.00FFM C n l*ct.......... $102,0l)-$102,«25

MINING STOCRK •M tn. C ity Copper ..... _..$3,60-$0^fl0P a rk ,C ity Consol.

,1, K w ill IoiirUoi) tiio I lf* uf liny . ,Uir Bilrt fl'itcr Viilvn-arliiiUnK T>r .(idlKliOl) uf iiPW rlliBB,

....K hcen awnnloa Itipi t'ertlflcn tp of • MpDI hy III* AutoniotlM . .1 e » l , U ibointorlr* uf Anmi-lCB, H*»l No. •

8 ilvcr K ing CoiUltion RunHhlnn M ines . iw . T ln tlc H(an<lurd ......

.30-32C , .... *>2,120

$U.05-$0.20 !;'ri)l’’ w|ll_.l)«_4Si!i

. . . . . . to « « Mnln Av»„ HnntlL,,;.............. .............

)urt House of •

WOOLBOSTON, Feb, 17 1ll.l!l—Trade

w as QUIet on domestto wools In Boston, aocording to 'today'p o r t .'o t tt tt U.- 0 , .MriOtlltMre <le.partnient.

M ost of the few siuibla loU beid a t quoU^i^ttl

Markets a t a Glance. By United Press

Stoeks Irregular In m ost actiVe

ation Iwnds lower led by

Curb stocks, lower, c a n jnonsy M o f l per cent. Dollar firm In sterling; ateady

igalnst gold. . • , ,Cotton futurM ■teady lii 0 pnlnti

\vtant oloMll ! l .to , , ,lower; cum unelionged to U blgh- en oals o ff 1,8; rye down >4 to 1 oent.

. . above; stie atock aoUw, Ble«u)y, i>ort toad med. good 835 H). fe<l li<4fen $0,40; Utrcfi kiads med. ranee cows $8.00, low-cultors-oul- Ura mainly »a.00-4,00: fpw bulls ia .76 down, ateady. Calves: None. Nominal; -gMd-cftolce Vealers uuoted $|,BO-D.OO.

S h e e p r a,OOCr,-NOMJiuU! g o ^ c)K>lce under 80 lb. wooled .lambs mioted aiWaul $8.71M0,28; - ' Mlabla > 5 .^ down. ’

The llrjll h U il used oo.AinerlcAn ■ the profile of Georgeon/

FalDons kill their prey while In >uU n iiM -ty , . I r J k l w > U aw »1U

after-uiBklnic in w high". .......... .. _

ftUOAR /.NKW YORK. Feb, 17 d l.lll-S ifg.

a r futures closed unchanged tu 8 points Ugher, Spot SI.40. March 2.80 to 1,87. May 1.87 to 9,80, Jul SI.SO to a.40, M pt, 3,40 to 8,41. Nov. J.41 t o *.«.,ISll}*B B,890'tons.

I1.20-1.3B; . dommerciftis ■Jorth D akota Cobblors.$,1,40-1.50: IWrty Ohloa $1-80: Mlnneaoln Bllsa -mumpha $ l.30-l.80: Colorado Clu'res »1,M - 1.77V4I Nebraska Blisa Triumphs $1.B5-1,6B,

Arrivals 1«4, on track 208, ship­ments 880-SaturjlH y, 03 -aun day,

N B w 'Y 0R K ."B ^':i* r‘nrpj=B4r ■llve^ renialned-.unchangtiL-UMliy. at 44 Kn t fino ounce.

— - p U B L I G p A L E — -I w ill sell a t iny plw«s 2 blw ka w eet of Kimberly Bank BIdg., Klmhrrly, and y, ndlei south, i>»

Thursday, February 20thSU rtIng FrampUy a i 1* oTlooh N oen/tfe« FoUowlng P rop erty .i-

HORSEa A N D C A T T L B -B ay gelding, B yrs. old, Wt. 1800 Ib .lBay gelding, 11 yrs. Aid, w t 1(500 lbs.! Bay gelding, ----------- ‘IQ M lbs.! Bay mare, e yrs. old. w t. 18W fbs.; Brow

Open Friday 9 a. in.

HOOD'S,pngnrann'Hotel Cft>r«;jl^

horMTs yrs. old, w t. 1400 lbs.t Team m ulesi a Mllklnff Sbortbom^ bull balvea, B and 7 montba oldi-A bem.ot.fOOdJnUflnjBOTfii .v 11008^ 2' bead Bpottsd Pohuid bogs, cbnslstlnr pf 8S brpo4, sow s; 1 boar and 10 feeder plga. . i >;M AO niNBRV, BTC.—Manure s ^ d e r j Iw o-way plowi hiimeas; other machinery, sm all tools^ etc. Some hoosehold'foeiU r

TBR]rfB-<CA8H •

C. T; BROWNtOwnet* ....... -

IT P U B L I C S A L E S■ A t niy plneo Ihree witos w est.and ',4 ipll« sowth or the Sow ^ ■■ I'ark earner or>Twln F alli. or 1 mtio •" « «'< **•“ ■■ Ourry Hiding. IftJo sU rU prompUy at Ili0l> noop, on a

■ : Tu esday, F eo i^ary iS lh■ |IO » B K S -B a y horse, smooth mouth, w t. 17M | ^ r r e l iw w , jji

I Attention Fam <W IIX O U L rO B A if o r A T Q U B . ..

I 'M D 4 M Itr T f o i r t h lw i '

! i? > iu a i i __ RTts

Rl. t , y jisr phttMi r a t t o i u n

......... ......J is 11 -16 penes ftlo iiW fl t ot ttiw' ouno«. m b U m


Page 8: wmm ililFK - tfpl.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com



T h r e e M o v ie C o m s a n iu T iy io g “ ~ ~ T (r 'S T g ii 'I ijr f3 f-O ftv « o d i4 it-—

. .. . F o r F i lm s

TUKSDAY, FE B . 18-A.M.". ; ;____ :

filOO F arm ers’ B re ak fas t Club 0;1S Rpnettlcm cnl Atlm. J ra n ia 11:30 F a rm ana homo flashM

Ji;45.<;tct?<‘.r a ] ,m a rk e t q u o ta tio n s .

7;1S World-Wide lixin.sradlo U' 7;30 G uy LombanlQ - a n d .lluy iil.

i r a i rCUIfPOPENM'


T r n m c o n I h , W Ml. r a l lw . , n i l - _________ _

Mrs. n . W. H erm n has rc ti f tl- fro m -Pi>rt1an<l -where »h?— called Home Umo ago Ijy the 111- n o * » - o fh e r i l a i c ' ‘ 'r , - M ra .- p ic - ti-Ich.

I'. ,C. M eredith o f Boise waa r. Buhl vU ltor tcMt w eeh. H e w as er

iD iE ie i iC C lM -3 3

r A .lp k \_ n .w ‘ 8; i 5 B ingham andA vclfs 1, tba«y. wiiji' B130 T jilca l diince fcli'a.i.-J!

F re d A Btalre'j Bla ter- th e .Lauy Caver................ ..................................•ou^fht by th ree iUm companie.ii 8 :15 Opening in a rk o t (juotalionsw hich belicVc<l she , woUM ' bo a i t 9;00 Ju n k ie Jimiv u e h 'o / a'HUCceea In- moU<->n pic-1 9:15 H enry K ing and his oiches- tu r e i aa her dancinc bro ther. Ira

. Lady Cavcnilijih w aa he r b roth- 0;3f) E vening Tlmofl ncw.i /l.ialu ® r'i dancing I 'f trtncr u n til iffie — — •-* '0:ir> The Dixon trio

11:00 M ary l ^ e , T ay lor iiiaU»i m oat jHittlea In toiiiaioc iiaucc

A ccording to film colony r>;- ports, M etru-Gnldwyn-M ayor. Unit- «d iUtlflta .and an unnJtMied lh lrd |BtuOlo.wore a ttem p tin g to convince “ -^5 ^ n Falla m nrkct qu

4 - ti ie da rk-halrcd fo rm er danccr th a t i^ r-B h< s *hould S tar In a t-,least one [He- “ ' . f

• tu re. Ip . m .12:0<1 Songa w ith the G irl Frli

■ SS|;=:io ,’ ■ b u T t h f l h n r » f u j 'o . ? i m m W l X t t ' o ' 'V<Mnc.<l«y

J^ov. a i ld ' Mra. Brooka lloo iv , The trnfn w hich ie tt here

, l .y „ l » to r .l,c “tim e Stmclftyv-reftchinf'-here e l -

Union PnoKIO' aR(>nt, ] l - l« rvnRaln a t 4 p. m . Sunday and nr-lriR i,t wri.st T hurs-!ay evcningw hen rived In W ells n t 3 a, m. to d a y !„ ,e foil on the Ice in fro n t o f her and la i-.xpcclcil to m ake the round home •trip again to d ay . ( The Royal N eighbors of A m er-

rh i’re w as hn additional slx -lnch ||ca will Iwvc a 1 o 'clock luncheon Bnowfnll In th e te rr ito ry belu-oen ,,t u ie homo of M«t. L. G. L acey


p. ; , ton tra r

■fcsbltl, 03,

ter, M rs. Annie B. W isem an, H an- en. w ho died two ye a rs ago. Ho lad Kved a t-H an aen fo r ab o u t 10

y i'ars and w as a retired b ak er. Ho

camo to HanBcn from O sage City, Kan', Pending funera l a rra n g e ­m ents the body resta a t tho ^Vhlto

I'c lock luncheon l'" '“ ’‘^ '‘ '’>’-

plain the changes beln^ m ade in 0 orig inal benefit plan cortlfl- to.i.BuhV-W. C. T . U . m r t la s t week

M axine Crosby, grand- w ith Mi-a. L, G. Lacy. The 16 nienv daughter o f J ,' E . MaxivoU, w;i.s'l>crs w ere led In th e dCTOtiona nuirrifij rcccn lly tb George W. A n -|8ervlcc by Mm. Gan L. Thomivwn

• incio, Co l e ) . ______M ra.' Goori-e. S tude b a k e r . led l«■. am i MiTiiX'hi lfl B re-rprayer

derson of Ig;•llorn (o’ . . , . ................... ................. . . . . .

vloh-u-Ron •\V’<><lne(Hlny-«i-Llip ho.i-|sented (he program. Mrti; •Tlionip- pltal. ‘ ' ‘ Ison spoke on the unlawful,!

The M. T. A. Oretn .and CroUrnaiwlic.s and the Increasingber bt dope neddlern and addicts. The week from Ki:b. 22-29 wU be cWrvMll aa narcotic etlucation

After rcfresluiienlarV tum lng to E ni

I fc . G O O D I N G ' - " ‘---------—;------ '--------------------♦ , S :00 V ernon D alh art

] S:15 Band c^jncertT I 5:30 Tlmea a n d trunaradlo newa

z .'ThunKlay a tte m o o n w « h Mrs, Ju - 5,^5 Ed,lyXie.vy,.. ;6b c . »erve<l a •desert] in te rn a tio n a l concertorches-

^Mlow lng w bleb brldgeiL^aivcr.»!on,.„MM. w . D.

C hap te r C /P - E . 0 .,.Thur»day .n in g a t liom e o | th e ^ fo ra c r.

6:49 W altz ing w ith A rt G lllham 't , oi^heAtra

7:00 N ational Cavellera •7:15 M usical m om enta

Tlmcji E ven ing m a rk e t Bum-


nbig thc‘lr aim unl Wa.-<hinfilon liii-thihiy r a r ty Feb, 21, . _

O ffice r* E le c te d - A t H a n se n Schoo l

HA N SEN , Feb . 17 (Specia l)— The newly, elected studen t.body of- flcera for th'o Hanacri high school a rc : Presiden t, J a n e t M uM aster; vice p resident,. Ross T runkey; sec* r e tarv . B la k e : r ro l lch :—treasu rer:Lew H arney ; business Howard C hoa t; aasia tan t business manager, R obert FomwAlt.

Senior officers for th e second aemeater a re : P resident, Ross Pen^

M Tw ln-igall» [-7 ;33 W url^’wld e -tra n B rfti^ -p e^ v e -» -U lk on - 7:45 R tohard H lm bef’s orohcsUi

to tbe^ L ad les’ A id society of ChrU tlan cburcb a t h^ r home

V: \V «dnesday afternoon .

^ i s 8 e o L .iT b e _ B i i e r n ^ n . :w M .1 r^ ^

„ .T K )-v « y -u w ie '----------^'•MinNot ■ WontetS" - ..........8:30 R l ts q u a rl'o f' an3 StHglB

ngy .^ ,a« jc ta ry --a n d - tfta ui-tf ;N o ftKver; business and publicity

o«rsare ;-P r«^ «n tT -A u th -B «D ne it;

± y ^ - — ___-o rs from Radio-

secretary and 't r e a s u r e r , , Luclle ” lynes.

Sophomore offipers: PresFdent,

'O rd e r of E a s te rn '8 l i 'r " B e 1 i l-« IwHlatInn a t th e Mason-

,le ■ hail W cancsaKy *vcntngr-O ne tcnibcra lso-w tw -rcceived-in to the

i0:00"BvM lng'_rM uc*t' hbiir l l : 00‘sign ln g 6ft


'fiTOOFarm ors' ‘B r e a k f ts tC lu b - -a:90-H om e-anU Jarm Jla8hc86:45 Genera! m orU et q u o ta tio n

j . . n n .-\Tnfnin(f dft\’0tl0nala......................... T-16 WorUl-wldo tranaraaioTncWB

local c hap tc r by affilia tion . M rs, 7:30 D onaldson q u a rte t and trki O. D. H eller, w o rthy matvpn, haa 8:00 F reddy M a rtin and hla ot

_ .................. . Valtsn-tino decorations w ere used. Mrs.

^ q u s c r w aa chalm a^^ of

chostm 8 :30 MIWren-Balle.,8:45 openljjg m a rk e t quotations S :1R Relnnld W o rren ra th i - ..........

e tcry. The L . D, S. church conduct-...... .. .................................................... „ IK AVnt-i-«tn-nMi -............ cd tlie .acrv icca -aad -thu -T w iaJa llS :

,. day eveninK a t Gooding college in ‘. College hall. A bout 60 students • w ere present a n d cn joyed-a-prtr*

' ^ ram o t yam es a nd contests . E ach pttMt—.brought VaTemine, anil thrse wore cxchangcd. Thwte in

ic lm rge w ere; JnT ita lio n -e o m rrtt^

ehlgal: r e f r e s h m e n t s , M arie .Schlake, VcncUa H eldel, Lonzo Baldwin, D oris W aUon and thiu- DshielB.

\3StM,' D ontoo__Xilama

9:15 B ina M ossm an'a H aw aiian Glee Club

40;15-G « n ^ A « lr y -a n 4 . Julea-A liav 10:30 Schum an Helnk- ll-a a - :? rw ln n ffa lto -n m rh r t .• ,<iuola-


M fiyfalr o rchestra-----r - ---------------

12:00 T he P eerless q u a rte t 12:18 Jo seph K am ak a n ’s H aw aiian

orclieatra 1?:30 Oz7.lo Nelson and hla orches-

. _ n iem lieS................. liusTjandr SQi prlsed Mr.and Mrs. W alte r Shaver on th e bc- ca-slon o f Mr. S havcr‘8 b irthday T hursday evening. P ioochle w as th e diversion o f the evening. H lg* prizes w ere given to Mr. and Mrs, Buhl GllleUc, and consolation to U r . and M rs. I^lck Shaver. Travel:

" ciaroBCfl., .W alcottR efreshm enta b rought In by the unexpected guesta v.'ete served a t

la te hour. !- .M rs. Puaa V oight en terta ined

tho I3ohtract .E ven ing clu{) thla

rS e c v ic e s . f o r_ ln fa n t._'■ Graveside r i le s 'w r o H eld'y iStcr- day afternoon fo r Gladys Moore, slx-weckfl-old da u g h ter of Mr, and M ra.,F rcdJH fiO te.-aLthc-Eiler ccm-

W B B lr-M nrth? -h H > h H K O » ^p rl» -« n d -M » _ E dW llaoa..the.-conaolation. T raveling

lii-wan by Mra. Bv Barron.„ .......— .......... l u e n e w o ff lc e ra elected by th e- ^ b « r t- F o m w « tT ^ffilo rT ilgH -sch -oo rG rri

F rid ay w ere: P residen t, Lorene T ltlis; vies p resident, V adls Kit lian; aecreU ry , Isabel Jackson . t r e a a u rc T C a th e r ln .t S c o tt; report- s r . M a:(lne;HaW ey. The Sunshine ............................... re d raw n arid a r ­

m ada foV th e Val- ' .d tJ lto -

rr*G !flIned the jun io r and aen-

... ____ »rveB :at= irsln)w nB titlieRam ona th e a te r T hu rsday evening. The 47 gfris o rdered refreshm ents a t th e cafe a f te r the show.

..........._ annlversaw T Jon day atUie homa of tbelr daughter, lira.

- M rs.- Ja ck Slm plo t en terta ined m em bers o f -her-b rid g « -c lu l^ -a l-a p a rty "^ u ra d a y a fternoon , w ith

and M ra. H elen S parks, K ing Hlil, gue^ta. V alen tine fav o rs war«:pr*- JCl\le4_l<L0®ch guest. Mrs- L am ar C raner an3 M rs- Sjw flia recflveff th e prlzea.

BuslneM a n d 'w o rk 's e s s io n s ____held by the th ree L . D .-S . relief 8oci;.ttefl_Tueaday.-Mra.-A,

Calli. Qpi evening (

IngT T inff^n-flrE & l'itT rX raner'T iaT

w ere served by th e 'o ffice rs . Mrs, F a n n y ' H u n t and M rs. L enora Thom pson w ere In c harge , o f the second .w ard m eeting, and quilt blocks w ere com pleted and the

TodayBy U nited P ress

SE N A T E ;T akes up independent’ o ffices


lubs m et W ednesday a t th e ‘home of M rs, J a c k Peterson , w ith Mrs. A.- D. S tee lsm ith in charge. Talks w ere given by Mrs, E ^ e a t S te ­phenson, M rs, H om er S a u tte r and M rs. J . W. B rand t. R efreshm ents w ere served w ith a valentine

;tlf belDg c a rried out.

M unltluna .'com m lttea - 'resum es hearinfeH.

Judic iary.com m ittee m eets ; m ay diactv‘« proposals to cu rb courts.

HOIJ.^ET akes up extenrrion of n e u tra lity

law ; 8U8|x;n»ion of ru les to be asked.

- .^ p ro p rla tlo n s com m ittee opcW hearings on S54O.n01.2P0 n avy ap-

B e e H iv e G r o u p H a s V a le n t in e P a r t y

A V alM tinc p a rty w m heW F rt- day a t the home o f N ell K irkm ao b y_ the Bee , Hive ,glrJi.-Be«freah- m eota were served bv the hoatcals ansiated by E dna Rocher. PrlzM . a l gam es were w on by-M erla Salm on, Nell K lrkm an and U a M ae D ut

Th<»e preaen t w ere N ell K lrk- -Bdnft-Roeher, V erla

- A trir i ^ n r ^ a H i Jane w B gtit.' F e m g ; N . A rrington, M rs. M yrtle B lt- afeS.-na-M Be-TM H »B j^ntr=3W nn^ a tm rM w u sa ln K m rO w ttth y l a n p m an and Lola A dam s.

M odern Methbda!

D aniel Defoe baaed hla a tory, “Robinson Crusoe," la rge ly on the

riences of A lexander Selkirk,

Pre^ u e Tfiur>,'N ight

HOOD'S7 :3 0 - 9 R e fre s h m e n ts

la !4^-W opld-w ld»-tranaradlo 1:00 L a tes t dance relcnaes 1-.45 S ill -Bo>-d-and-hi3-C oTt'bpy


2:30 E ven ing ,T hnes N ew s floshes “ -Aftcmoon-rcqi»e*t-hour

3 I ! 2 ' ^ P A V £ £ _ CUSTOM T O W IN G [T

rST T icK D udley presided a t Sunsh ine- -c h a p te r—m eeting

W ednesday, w ith M rs. Bill Satter- ly as hostess. The afternoon wai spen t In ta k in g k n jttln g in struc­tion, a f te r w hich refreshm ents

e re served.M r. and W rs. S. H . K unau and , R, D aw son drove to Pocatello 1 Thui-sday to a tten d the funera l

of-rC a^ -K M rska,^ wbo^^

w hen.a truok by a tru c k in L ba'A n- gelea. - He w a s the son of W. P . ICasiska, p residen t o f C a u la N a­tional bank In B urley, and wai well know n here.

Mr. and M ra, W alte r T . H o lt of B urley celebra ted th e ir golden


U S E R S *W ould you be interested

in-sharliifif^in'tfi^-profits "of- your P H O S P H A T E pur-

^ h w es? _ I f so, ad d re sB me at B ox N o. 177-P, care of Times.' I am in p68itron~ io put this in to effect this year •if su fficleot-interest is.man-

f riends o f th e c

Mr. a n d -fin .'~ l^ |t~ w e re nurrleO a t Logan, U tah , on F etam an 3,

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choice of “ the only complete low priced car”—the fast-iiclling 103G Chevrolet. .................. -

- S E E U S A T 'O N C E = D R I V E A

S A F E , M O D E R N G A R N O W !:

Glen G. JenkinsO E D S M O B iL E

.13 r.'lli'Vlijlft Hnliin . '3a Chl'vnili 'l 1‘lrliiiji

:’a i,C h o v raU t .C.,iiiiu .. .’.10 (.'hcvnili't I ’liiijm .. '•J|i Ulii’vrnlrl fca ipf '311 i'Vu'd h'iiKtiir,

'34 l-‘«H«i' J'V.i- '34 l''<jrii l i i 'l .11x11 C.'iiii|io ...

jai_ffDra.TuUi>rHi>.l ......'33 F i if l T inlnr, ilciv niytcii 'Sa Koril IN.UPV'— '•;il F on t . .‘31 li’oi'll Tuiliir Hodiu) . .. '81 li’iird li'iiiilor Hnluii '80 pftflolo Hedan .'SO LIiii'IjUi (Niuf)!', n-punx.

F o n l Coiipp ...........■j Kord T udo r Hrdiin ....

I Fo rd T niiih , i n v .........t a ? K9«> Trxxen. n w ..........i H l r W F d T n irk , n W

U -Jftu il 1‘lckuji

f milCilXI

.. SJni). t m.147(1


C ash IT TiTMlH T h rro 's A , Hiiiiure pi'nl fo r Ynii a t

Your K (m ii Deiilpr


i:* V oii/ rORD Dealer Twill l<Ula, Idaho

i f “Doub!e-Melldw’’ Old Golds don’t win you!This Double-Money-Back Offerhas been made to pmokers since October 6, 193S

T a k e n { ip o r t in g .c h n n c R o n n p n c k f)( D n iib /e - M c f lo iu

0 \ d G o ld s . S m o k e to n o f t h o c lg a r o t t c a . I( y o u

d o n ' t s a y t h e y 'r e t h e f i n e s t y o u e v e r U a t o d . . . m a t l

i h o p Q c k a g 'e >vrqpQ fiE ..w i(h t h a t c t u f c m D i .n in g c ig n i 'c l l e p

t o u a , a t n n y l i m e b e f o r e M n y 1 s t , 1 9 3 6 , a n d >ve’ll

s e n d y o u ( /o i i b / o t h o p r i c n y o u p n i d ( o r t h e / i i f l

p n c k n u e , p fu n /)p s fa g e .

( E i t a b U i h e d 1 7 6 0 )

1 lU Weal 'lOth Street, New York City >

S e n d th re e g a rm e n ts a n d o n ly p a y fo r tw o . S e n d a su it, c o a t o r dresB, th re e g a rm e n ts o f o n e k in d , o r a n y com> b in a tio n o f th re e a r t ic le s a n d the^ lo w e s t p r ic e d a r t ic le in th e g ro u p w ill b e c le a n e d a n d p re s s e d F re e o f C h a rg e

C A L I, A N Y O ^ T H E F O L L O W IN G C L E A N E R S :

______N E R SP h o n i 8 70

ID A H O C L E A N E R S P h o n e 4 07

R O Y A L C L E A N E R S P h o n e 2 79

IMT R Q Y L A U N D R V .&

M P E R IA L C L E A NC L E A N E R S P h o n e 6 6 '


Phone 788 .