J 1 -I ^ §8 ill S iill CKANFORD. N. J., THURSDAY 1 1 JV"A'' * TRAVCLCRS' CH€QU€S trcn tb* Jiff< ntt pejtti «r* aung. And matter fa m confut «• aw, tb* rh th ritie M*» «ll moat, m b wg uckt hat M m N h Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare U t a Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h .g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § by wr fe* t M^, ape •pok.Ni by (twee whaaniatartttM, aud tonf eoiumoa tu tb* nwwepapm, all Vi 00 •fifed. H'tMit'M UM tfpubto with the, etbaene ID a proep*fou» to*a lilti* CraatanJJ _Jk oe« eohdot io tlu» towuahtitof Cr»u- tord U> aa »b«ol»t» »«ata*tty.—Tin* t* wfeo cried c "Ail*. A." Trm«W Cheque* U efthuasstic in pniw cl Own. "Good at gold e n v y _whara M , » their teetiawoy. Trjr them ypunck on poor next top. They are *a«r dm money] hudiet dwa Por cat Cranford National Bank al Bank Ib* taaorwraaad pupils, and . aoai* woown ot the town, tb* «i»- iontyof whuurarveonDttotati with tb* VUlatf* IiuprOT'euinot 'AssnrialHMi. Ttieee p«opl* are unable to do anything Io batter condition*. Tbey have icon* too far. and Uie people who are able to do ao'tne iblog, loituetelaily ami financially ate entirely dtainureaUMl. JfBese pao- pie 'muat booome Involved; tbey almply uittai; until tbey" are. the, tiupU* and teachera In the Cranford .erbool will have to aurlfjor try to) under <«indt- UOOjrthst arh H dtmrttre*Jltnt~a. doin-' dlntinuUy heard i t ut th*»ift nd one' c*u [ « ( « ilallontln Uiecfaw toOrn* M IJ)» )( lh« halt. At! ci«l»i-tw*o(y I had a law Iu 11M tst|>ratury. 1 nav« n«tM *ut*r<Ml thai latktrttlory thai H liaa not lxwn»lth«r unbearably boiorvdry eolil -u»imlly oulUJ I M l and >hlv»nHl. Tti» oeilto« alupoa dovru toward th« back of Ui* n<ol!) nolll on* ta nut Abl« o aland up aUlilKht. Th» «ol» lUihl vrbiob. •u(«-r»U)B nwm tbruugh a small ((apinil ai<>'-ll«{hl (from which tbo t t t h ' ^ * j Ten chances to one It doesn't fit t£cause it Isn't properly Ironed. *- Our method for LAUNDBRINO CELLARS produces a -toenutlful-saUn-flnisl^and attape^eadecollar just a^it-was- : Not only that; but everjf shirt garment wisLAUNdEfc ia Uundered-to-f It just-as tbejnaker Intendeds Let us show you. Wagons call everywhere. f r g , i Ui* mure »iiv«ntiqj«>, that bav* out got, whirh the local school*-tq towoa hot any"hi<ii8 pnw|Mtn)ua than Ounford, laEaiui M mutter of wup», Si>tu« oo» will ln»glu a convMraaUuii with n Uiyb School srtt.l^ut on utllloliiai: "Oot a bmkei bftiuumu thin y«ar?" "Nupo, o pluctt to l>lay." Add thla liut »en- teoov uttHrM lu - a d«wp»lnug, xstmUSlr voitw. thai IVIIB tlin iaitor that tho |M I MIUII hoa bMU o(l« pf uuoiU'r^wbQ tiuta tnod .tu lhid a Mw, UutftnlKil. Tim aluilaM w right. l'b'«t» IB lilxuluwly nu pliioo in f'rnn- ord thnl would Dven do far & poor »«• tuwt ua n gjmmuHuni.. Mo*i w;hi«>li\ i(iv« H "«>m.," If not, in tha liuiKlnit. ;heu one In hired outiidu. W« havtrtiut " m ibM bmtdim(. Wu UUII- iaui»TO*w*Treri?nBM-ra' we-to* LaatyeatlheAlbl«li«.AMuclntton took, dollar out fit it* twcfcet-enab. U«i« 'In* WVB uenl the old gymnasium lu lh« tansrthe- und oue in n few tiimuie* what »ri xiMuiln thla meant. Ani^vory cunt of iway Steam 61-63-66 Campbell Street, Drop postal and wagou will cull. V: 1 J! Any Design. All Colors. GUARANTEED DAMP PROOF. If you want the best, we make'it. m - Telephone 6a«- J •••ex iSM»ei •<•>«>>••.»»••* «tlngr&~-TJnnlng; ^•vrrmtri* Miller, NEW WOBK AND REPAIB8 of all kinds Ebl P -OFFICE-MILLER BLOCK -. and 89 Grove Street , Tel.!Sl-B CRANFORD, N. J OTJBPIiAOBOrBC8INES8.OPENED FBOM J A M . TO &,?.' Masons Materials pTis.WRirQrit 'fx-Noith Avenue,-GAR-WOGD ttbioh limk out fntutblo hall. U ta n«(l baololol) uutK>hntl>l* to juit wit Ihiira Dd rwtto, but liifi.li tif td« pMipl* whu iiunt stuuy unit utlti-.1h.vr*, brciiuo hem in ui) *lu<l} hall Ilk llti>acbuul. Thmi t»« bnve,ji cbap«l. 1 liavn mao- KI«I\1I« |>nr(iliou lu lh« otmpel. -U'in» tumllj tjikeaup a lut of room whew th»r» «m-«o«o*.*MKa, -It it DO tonfff i>o/>»llj|« fur all Ui« olafdi'S to in«t fur i>rti|ti|{ 0M»Ulbl>. Suuh, a lliilitf ought )nt In li» tolemlisl in h publiu ISCJIIMJI For ihn mm* rmitwm It \vili tw luipowib i IIHVH Clnaa " I )K)" tii*tvl»t"« m th.a muling HH hurituifuro. Wtill. iifxl 1 wjvnt tutu Kniillib I'hU IN bolil in tfiujtbcr liny room PIIVK*. It 4||KW little foum tli "tf)IU irynioiiBluni ban UwUloriido*o. No' winter ntbli<llca In the *chool. HOBM people argue, "Athletics urn uul new»- sary In a a«hou| They hinder •tutllt>s./ TbIB IH uioat vniphaliraliynot *o. Will thu innutnetabU peoplo who haverarit_ 1hm rtmarlt pleas* r»«4 thn-conaljtutlein of tho Aiblello Aasomullonf ''Jfa pupil pp ot any. l' o A a allowed to play in any gam k l V h a « « ta "b) lva.per uint. WltbouUiiorn ei| tou, thin »huw« Uiat n>oy or Kirl, rotiil of utblflicH, niutt study In orilor io «n er Into M-buol *tnnd. Alhlntlc»nra«lau » n<i^«i^ai|y.' Yfjn hwi^r n pfryon any. . auytluuK in. HUM. Rohool." Thuri'a only i. few hid* upd they don'ljnnount to anything," ,011 buutt/whjr Tile Craoford (teprciafly tho Itlgb bcuooi). dot 1 * not orTer,*nough nltractlon* to keep a pupil u llie acbool aft«r bo lift* reached tin- quired age Athletic* m one attraoliun. Anotlier v«ry lmportaut on* i»tlie aouiat aida ot the school Mr. At the head of tb« »<> tittlooluinaaru-the.otas* dances. We mve not got a place to dance in thi [leant, achool hiiddinii. "A~ f^w year tlM<a- tu ^^ .... K«.. Tbe*oom tolaige and tbi lloor Is fairly good, linat'ycor danulnu in tho chiipel* was prohibited. TIIH tJ<*ril ot Education aaid tlie Illoor waa not ftsfe. We believeil it. Tho room lookAl (and looks) it. If wnbt n dance now It inuet-be-h«liJ in tbe luw hall or else tbe puplla iheinaelvyD.itrn forced to go outBldo-»Tid pay from ton K . &m^^ ^ ._ A Art 4V __» tfAdrill^ ^i^ *?^m^ it B^IM V^^ 'Wt\ |C long, narrow and pructicalty untrunti- lated, Tbe floor Is hardly more thn rough board*. People ootne here and nay. "Oh. what A dreadful place to bav« iodai.eel" Yet, It ut tbe best wo our eelveBcan do. Wo havb bad aomo "awfully Rotxl time*" at those affaire but Dumaurfietery one will agree that tboae/ times were net due to th< •.!•»•> Th«o oathll ^ public School, bU \fraohool*. we iBT public 1 ' got wijUfdift jukidg fot them. 'And tben Oommeniwrtebt, " From time Immemorial tbe qomtneneement ime* place; They cal> to keep up with teriati Church. „-,--. farsathesiM 1* ooncernedA But, the oiu»lol»(U«fty»«a Important factor in tbe Comnumcement eicieise* and aby one who haa tried it can readily uswrt bow diffleuU it i« to sine In tbi* cliurch Tbe lajt coople of yonn the Hiiin ic'bool ha»aloOd upon tbe choir loft, to •ing. , There tbe different one* are a t r W nut alottff the loft, and ua on c*n hMr«nToa»,else; tbii •* impytan Mail" System bfaitcli-of our bankingby by non-residents'Of^Plainfield during jtb4,motithi» of Oecember and January year as there were during the same' period last ^ear or the year b«£are,-is proof of , of this statement ' ">Vritfi for particnlartu , ~. ( -(' 4% Interest R"i^ on.Accounts of $5 or More., 1 , THE W^^^M^m " ' " Plainfleld, *The Bank That"Pays ~4%." withth. . - be at «tth OeoBra- ueoewili«4 ami lh«V* »r» phwty of jthew.', 'take a day ia wihool. Thin; was iitg dally rautiti* /ur tU»'!«>"• U" <h* wn»d. all tael t»n«. •nlup in I n third floor at abotti rlgbi. oVIocIt* j. My olamaroow is Whinil lh« inrhllou In chapel, h baa no _U»_ - I ift rut llHll lUl«t[ WllHU day, Uiulur pIlM-H Hit oHiiritiiiMitmii ._ . ... _ i .. . partxff tbt* riH>m havo a, drutt r them. A U)UK plimtrt iiu whleh run* trutti th« lluur to IIIK ruI«nil whut light (hare H.froui tlio l4>ia-b-»'«il^k. DnpitO Hi" iil)iip« of thn rtxmi uuil the UUIilhnr uf p<>opl« In II, It i*-tieuHlly jwinpHrMivelv wiol,- in aimimer uml tln>n- I Tito bant labrriblol Nuluriilly, w> ttin aim lH«Hiif dt'Mii f>u 111** rtKtf jtut'ovtic our t «hlu*» ttt lit* WluJn*H. tthlch are un nlil he Eiilea thxy uughl uul U> IJ«. , Tho iiuit uluaa rwii) wliorn 1 wont for Laa JOUJ mated J.t»aj«oiH^—itbJa JIUUI,, t ^ l U t l f d d JJ ma t isjuriM^ <lu» Ui tllD-u'efUKiwded, |K)or y vnDlllnti^l, condition of thu room. Il IH nmuii Iiitc the KIIKH«II oHm nwiu in BIIO|W mill noun* uf light. Altar inxM 1 had (leniiHii on lli» ilutfuru in> | chap*). lu the far nlluu nt ihe te*t, a blalory n\v»*wu* going mi, Thu UMiolirr'a VDIKK rose clear and dmatinotty tu our uuwiillug pars. It wuo iiu uttof unpmMiblllty to .conranlrjte your tufnuuu «hvn }<iu could b«ur that vowe in Din bnt.ll nf IIIA mum. A t>jtfiuii!itunjitila_liii)Ji<i»t'i»utl< underuandUiQU»JitiB.iiieiier-- -.- -,3.-7 After tliAt 1 bud aaludy . luvelntboJaboratorytHOuivtiinra in i(i« cliapwl. Oeio there are no <1««x« and onu must ait lu a cramped, uncomfurt- ,bI6 prj*it)oa to study. Then came Lntln in th« hot Owometry Inaa rlinffl ^I'lha waa t h * liiat rteniKl in the afternoon and by tbls time ihtt foom waa unb*»fa81e7*~W> wetn tired 'and T Jfaibl t b l l l I I I '.TBeraom u prettlly'TurnlsD" ed Kfldni first glouce, luok* very loflt- injr, bill do not form your opinion uoul yuubavohidtnratuily in there at l«a»t forty minutes at tt time. The room hua .tbo aamu alopitiK wall* that are'ii) tbe other lliltd floor ruom*. Tbe ouly light outn** |r> through 11 sky light; X do not rtjy light and air booauae I Dave navec kLOWuanyalrtooumein there, Where " ' do yott n*k? Jt •*" Is one deak 'way over to th« doro»i •wtisre no dayhahl could poaftibly «s 'and on artificial light. b«MU»e there «r« «cr<iiaorhave been heldV the Prfgby- tmtixtttreav--Th»'oatr table -where- the Thla In airaery well M light doe* get Hone in tbe eenter uf th* ruint but it doe* ooCbegta to aeoommp- daMtbe pupil* who> mv»t do referouae ,wotk in U11* room, ' No II7MIIDN« mad lu orJifiarily com ,fotbibl* circumdaoc^f, weuld to work »t»j)*fit»a we aruat do, cirCuiu«t»oc«» Jlk'"the**. nin»* ot lh» i»*a in tlilg town are ooaifonsbly I way say. well off. Why should " uhildren bare to undergo lhw»- fortufuran education? If th» wouUI tak« Ida HUM to joal think tit the wroBK 'bat is being dm»;and It wrtiuf*. In the' "Uioft run" they - *J toioloff Uieir ryof and luog<« and d prirhig them of Urn pleaaorea that holp to make mAiooi llf«. Itfat«lmt>Ir a afUraft Ar* "ihSmn A new, Hbjb School bolldlnij would twta the -pnsaot iMjildiotf imdrely U ibe grade*, *b»r» th«,(»nuiUoo(i croWduu'tlufilaa* rootna »re Jmoat more aarlooe erer? day, ThecUltewottb*, town h«»« lately been UlfaprJab6ttt btipttita a MM etoekr- "whydoo't tl>«y put that mone aanle for (oroetulnc toat W* rMily naed, lBil Hehool tha «oe* navss- a.Bigli H wiry edlSeeat pneam. ' fbesfl men will be. toned Ifihaantbinasin the near foort. W ^Inotlf-flr? - J.A.M.-H. to tfauk tort." Wh THCTHIBO DeORCE—AEAO IT. ,t 4 Per Cent GompouncHnterest and Security of Principal. W« enn»menti,*n *eey«nt is K/ by Mail Ifop&rtouetit, M aj» aWalntelj »«it_. iBWWtlUfnt- tUal r«jH(«>«. no 'looking «/frr ; Ia not such »!u Veount subjMt tu 4 ^ t that may bring a lijtfln'f intfr»«tXret«irn Imt ik f il y risk of priiu-ip»l? •Ml»t# i* a <l(iKi'rii>ti<vtl ut Uii« A pq»t tsril will bring it tu yon free _Ma»P anil ttt THE STATE TRVSTCOMPANY C a p i t a l . SIO0,OOO.O<X Plalnfleld. N.J. 9OOOI Jlew Jersey OQOOOOOOOCKIOOOOQpOOOOOO From $12.50 to $30.00 , \ CONNECTHD. No Dirt, Heat, orAshes to Carry Out. -The Cranford - Gas Light Company ; 305 Uaat Broad Street, > Westfleld. N. J, 1 MMM * « Ptmlnlne Rttourt*. Mr. D, went to th« duti, Icatiug Mrs, D,- with a lady (rkud-whotio abllr- tte* as n ncandaltuonKvr and ml«ul»f mater w<-ro pi rcturnjnl \i» Jiut poked hl» bead Into the drawing room and saty' with a JttU. Wf!'5ft ^ ^ S « f ««• ! S*Hia* T g ; 2 5 —#-br ajrlaitsnt tfier» wtt* a pfofouo4 •tleuco. for ait he uttwad the tatt word be tacountorea tbo »tony «Un» of the At wbo hitd^baem in hi* mind. 'tb*n bin wife csuio to the resctw.. "Ob, y«*. dear." ab* aaM. "I sent IT to the cat* homo In'a bartrt tblK L Pgiaon -'Wben-ilnr * deadly «• awnk'« • ftrji sin* along Ui« court In l^Sl'tne Uttetf. retired to tb» lnticrtor. Wbeo tl» £nrncb_pur«uid_tlj«m Uny.fountl a queer line of deftiUji»rb«yond wiiKB they could mako \n progress »od ia storming wlih,b Jnipy died.. The I moWos iMnrpotoonl*! tfm iprtllg*, tor couweiv etc. k* they reU**tai;«(Jd the catouafgn* ot b<>JPrttUfti 8((aJu»t them o«rer pit far line. SKIE- hut 1 tlmo tbe 7rWareh4: ~ Ae n. Shapiro Arju* By*d an "Arglis H»e ryetT term g a U At«ofdl»« todtts tifnthiu U», Argus bud 1U0 eyesraod Mm 'to w«tcb air of wbop abV Wml jeatou*. When "ArxiMi w » »J«(it.*> 'tl ktU it A* noon' •*' be Amck off, «4ej# It* b«-i't*i*<>«Dpt ail «if «u p t o w - ' Oar falbrry prrferr«d a whh h <ru When s lac Old Ruttib a #mpap«r contained tuM REMEMBER IN OUit SHOE DEPARTMENT Unes—Dorothy Dodd, Doukla*. Gu, : 4' 17-19 Union Avenue Cran^brd, N, J. TfbipliriiHi I00.U Contractors & Tern MeVfbf VanetorCHy orC

W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

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Page 1: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

J 1 -I

^ §8 ill S



1 1 J V " A ' ' *


trcn tb* Jiff< n t t pejtti «r* aung. Andmatter fa m confut « • a w , tb*r h th ritie M*» « l l

moat, m b wg uckt hat M m N hUrn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»«page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a writtenby war namfe* -et ^a t

k b (t h


by wr fe* t M ^ , a p e•pok.Ni by (twee whaaniatartttM, audtonf eoiumoa tu tb* nwwepapm, all Vi00 •fifed. H'tMit'M UM tfpubto withthe, etbaene ID a proep*fou» to*a lilti*CraatanJJ_Jk oe« eohdot io tlu» towuahtitof Cr»u-tord U> aa »b«ol»t» »«ata*tty.—Tin* t*

wfeo cried •c"Ail*. A." Trm«W Cheque* U

efthuasstic in pniw cl Own. "Good at gold e n v y_wharaM, » their teetiawoy. Trjr them ypunck on poor

next top. They are *a«r dm money] hudiet dwa

Por c a t

Cranford National Bankal Bank

Ib* taaorwraaad pupils, and. aoai* woown ot the town, t b * «i»-

iontyof whuurarveonDttotati with tb*VUlatf* IiuprOT'euinot 'AssnrialHMi.Ttieee p«opl* are unable to do anythingIo batter condition*. Tbey have icon*too far. and Uie people who are able to doao'tne iblog, loituetelaily ami financiallyate entirely dtainureaUMl. JfBese pao-pie 'muat booome Involved; tbey almplyuittai; until tbey" are. the, tiupU* andteachera In the Cranford .erbool willhave to aurlfjor try to) under <«indt-UOOjrthst arh H dtmrttre*Jltnt~a. doin-'

dlntinuUy heardi t

ut th*»iftnd one' c*u [ « ( «

ilallontln Uiecfaw toOrn* M IJ)»)( lh« halt. At! ci«l»i-tw*o(y I had alaw Iu 11M tst|>ratury. 1 nav« n«tM

*ut*r<Ml thai latktrttlory thai H liaa notlxwn»lth«r unbearably boiorvdry eolil-u»imlly oulUJ I M l and >hlv»nHl.

Tti» oeilto« alupoa dovru toward th«back of Ui* n<ol!) nolll on* ta nut Abl«o aland u p aUlilKht. Th» «ol» lUihl

vrbiob. •u(«-r»U)B nwm i» tbruugh asmall ((apinil ai<>'-ll«{hl (from which tbo

t t t h ' ^ *

jTen chances to one It doesn't fit t£cause it Isn't properly

Ironed. * -

Our method for LAUNDBRINO CELLARS produces a

-toenutlful-saUn-flnisl^and attape^eadecollar just a^it-was-

: Not only that; but everjf shirt garment wisLAUNdEfc

ia Uundered-to-f It just-as tbejnaker Intendeds

Let us show you. Wagons call everywhere.

f r g , iUi* mure »iiv«ntiqj«>, that w» bav* outgot, whirh the local school*-tq towoahot any"hi<ii8 pnw|Mtn)ua than Ounford,laEaiui M mutter of w u p » , Si>tu« oo»will ln»glu a convMraaUuii with n UiybSchool srtt.l^ut on utllloliiai: "Oot abmkei bftiuumu thin y«ar?" "Nupo,o pluctt to l>lay." Add thla liut »en-

teoov i» uttHrM lu - a d«wp»lnug,xstmUSlr voitw. thai IVIIB tliniaitor that tho |MIMIUII hoa bMU o(l« pfuuoiU'r^wbQ tiuta tnod .tu lhid a

Mw, UutftnlKil. Tim aluilaM w right.l'b'«t» IB lilxuluwly nu pliioo in f'rnn-ord thnl would Dven do far & poor »«•tuwt ua n gjmmuHuni.. Mo*i w;hi«>li\i(iv« H "«>m.," If not, in tha liuiKlnit.;heu one In hired outiidu. W« havtrtiut

" m ibM bmtdim(. Wu UUII-

iaui»TO*w*Treri?nBM-ra' we-to*LaatyeatlheAlbl«li«.AMuclntton took,

dollar out fit it* twcfcet-enab. U«i« 'In*WVB uenl the old gymnasium lu lh«

tansrthe-und oue

in n few tiimuie* what »rixiMuiln thla meant. Ani^vory cunt of

iway Steam61-63-66 Campbell Street,

Drop postal and wagou will cull.

IV:1 J!

• Any Design. All Colors.

GUARANTEED DAMP PROOF.If you want the best, we make'it.

m -

Telephone 6a«- J

• • • e x iSM»ei •<•>«>>••.»»••*




NEW WOBK AND REPAIB8of all kindsEbl P

-OFFICE-MILLER BLOCK-. and 89 Grove Street ,



Masons Materials

pTis.WRirQrit'fx-Noith Avenue,-GAR-WOGD

ttbioh limk out fntutblo hall. U ta n«(lbaololol) uutK>hntl>l* to juit wit IhiiraDd rwtto, but liifi.li tif td« pMipl* whu

iiunt stuuy unit utlti-.1h.vr*, brciiuohem in ui) *lu<l} hall Ilk llti>acbuul.

Thmi t»« bnve,ji cbap«l. 1 liavn mao-KI«I\1I« |>nr(iliou lu lh« otmpel. -U'in»tumllj tjikeaup a lut of room whew

th»r» «m-«o«o*.*MKa, - I t it DO tonfffi>o/>»llj|« fur all Ui« olafdi'S to i n « t fur

i>rti|ti|{ 0M»Ulbl>. Suuh, a lliilitf ought)nt In li» tolemlisl in h publiu ISCJIIMJIFor ihn mm* rmitwm It \vili tw luipowib •i IIHVH • Clnaa " I ) K ) " tii*tvl»t"« m th.amuling HH hurituifuro.Wtill. iifxl 1 wjvnt tutu Kniillib

I'hU IN bolil in tfiujtbcr liny roomPIIVK*. It 4||KW little foum tli


irynioiiBluni ban UwUloriido*o.No' winter ntbli<llca In the *chool. HOBMpeople argue, "Athletics urn uul new»-sary In a a«hou| They hinder •tutllt>s./TbIB IH uioat vniphaliraliynot *o. Willthu innutnetabU peoplo who have rarit _1hm rtmarlt pleas* r»«4 thn-conaljtutleinof tho Aiblello Aasomullonf ''Jfa pupilpp

ot any.l '

o Aa allowed to play in any gam

k l V h a « « ta "b)lva.per uint. WltbouUiiorn e i |tou, thin »huw« Uiat n>oy or Kirl, rotiil

of utblflicH, niutt study In orilor io «ner Into M-buol *tnnd. Alhlntlc»nra«lau» n<i^«i^ai|y.' Yfjn hwi r n pfryon any.

. auytluuK i n . HUM.Rohool." Thuri'a only i. few hid* updthey don'ljnnount to anything,",011 buutt/whjr Tile Craoford(teprciafly tho Itlgb bcuooi). dot1* notorTer,*nough nltractlon* to keep a pupilu llie acbool aft«r bo lift* reached tin-

quired ageAthletic* m one attraoliun. Anotlier

v«ry lmportaut on* i»tlie aouiat aida otthe school Mr. At the head of tb« »<>tittlooluinaaru-the.otas* dances. Wemve not got a place to dance in thi[leant, achool hiiddinii. "A~ f^w year

tlM<a-t u^^.. . .K«.. Tbe*oom tolaige and tbilloor Is fairly good, linat'ycor danulnuin tho chiipel* was prohibited. TIIHtJ<*ril ot Education aaid tlie Illoor waanot ftsfe. We believeil it. Tho roomlookAl (and looks) it. If w« wnbt ndance now It inuet-be-h«liJ in tbe luwhall or else tbe puplla iheinaelvyD.itrnforced to go outBldo-»Tid pay from tonK . & m^^ ^ ._ A Art 4V _ _ » tfAdrill^ ^ i ^ *?^m^ i t B ^ I M V ^ ^ 'W t \ |C

long, narrow and pructicalty untrunti-lated, Tbe floor Is hardly more thnrough board*. People ootne here andnay. "Oh. what A dreadful place to bav«iodai .ee l" Yet, It ut tbe best wo oureelveBcan do. Wo havb bad aomo"awfully Rotxl time*" at those affairebut Dumaurfietery one will agree thattboae/ times were net due to th<•.!•»•> Th«o oathll ^ public School, bU

\fraohool*. weiBT public1'

got wijUfdift jukidg fot them.'And tben Oommeniwrtebt, " From

time Immemorial tbe qomtneneement

ime*place; They cal>to keep up with

teriati Church. „ - , - - .farsathesiM 1* ooncernedA But, theoiu»lol»(U«fty»«a Important factor intbe Comnumcement eicieise* and abyone who haa tried it can readily uswrtbow diffleuU it i« to sine In tbi* cliurchTbe lajt coople of yonn the Hiiinic'bool ha»aloOd upon tbe choir loft, to•ing. , There tbe different one* areatrW nut alottff the loft, and ua onc*n hMr«nToa»,else; tbii •* impytan

Mail" Systembfaitcli-of our bankingby

by non-residents'Of^Plainfield during jtb4,motithi» of Oecember and Januaryyear as there were during the same' period last ^ear or the year b«£are,-is proof of ,of this statement ' ">Vritfi for particnlartu , • ~. ( -( ' •

4% Interest R"i^ on.Accounts of $5 or More.,1 ,

THE W^^^M^m" ' " Plainfleld,

*The Bank That"Pays ~4%."

with th.. - beat «tth OeoBra-

ueoewili«4 ami lh«V*»r» phwty of jthew.', 'take a day iawihool. Thin; was iitg dally rautiti*/ur tU»'!«>"• U" <h* wn»d. all tael t»n«.

• n l u p in I n third floor at abottirlgbi. oVIocIt* j. My olamaroow is Whinillh« inrhllou In chapel, h baa no

• _U»_ -I

ift rut

llHll lUl«t[ WllHUday, Uiulur

pIlM-H Hit

oHiiritiiiMitmii . _ . . . . _ i . . .partxff tbt* riH>m havo a, drutt

r them. A U)UK plimtrtiiu whleh run* trutti th« lluur to IIIK

ruI«nil whut light (hare H.frouitlio l4>ia-b-»'«il^k. DnpitO Hi" iil)iip«of thn rtxmi uuil the UUIilhnr uf p<>opl«In II, It i*-tieuHlly jwinpHrMivelv wiol,-

in aimimer uml tln>n- I Titobant labrriblol Nuluriilly, w> ttin aimlH«Hiif dt'Mii f>u 111** rtKtf jtut'ovtic our

t «hlu*» ttt lit* WluJn*H. tthlchare un nlil he Eiilea thxy uughl uul U>IJ«. ,

Tho iiuit uluaa rwii) wliorn 1 wont for

Laa JOUJ mated J.t»aj«oiH^—itbJa JIUUI,,t ^ l U t l f d d

J J mat isjuriM^ <lu» Ui tllD-u'efUKiwded, |K)ory vnDlllnti^l, condition of thu room. I l

IH nmuii Iiitc the KIIKH«II oHm nwiu inBIIO|W mill noun* uf light.

Altar inxM 1 had (leniiHii on lli»ilutfuru in> | chap*). lu the far

nlluu nt ihe te*t, a blalory n\v»* wu*going mi, Thu UMiolirr'a VDIKK roseclear and dmatinotty tu our uuwiillugpars. It wuo iiu uttof unpmMiblllty to.conranlrjte your tufnuuu «hvn }<iucould b«ur that vowe in Din bnt.ll nf IIIAmum. A t>jtfiuii!itunjitila_liii)Ji<i»t'i»utl<underuandUiQU»JitiB.iiieiier-- - . - - , 3 . - 7

After tliAt 1 bud aaludy .luvelntboJaboratorytHOuivtiinra in i(i«

cliapwl. Oeio there are no <1««x« andonu must ait lu a cramped, uncomfurt-,bI6 prj*it)oa to study.

Then came Lntln in th« hot OwometryInaa rlinffl I'lha waa th* liiat rteniKl in

the afternoon and by tbls time ihtt foomwaa unb*»fa81e7*~W> wetn tired 'and TJ f a i b l t b l l l I I I

'.TBeraom u prettlly'TurnlsD"ed Kfldni first glouce, luok* very loflt-injr, bill do not form your opinion uoulyuubavohidtnratuily in there at l«a»tforty minutes at tt time. The room hua.tbo aamu alopitiK wall* that are'ii) tbeother lliltd floor ruom*. Tbe ouly lightoutn** |r> through 11 sky light; X do notrtjy light and air booauae I Dave naveckLOWuanyalrtooumein there, Where• " ' do yott n*k? Jt •*"

Is one deak 'way over to th« doro»i•wtisre no dayhahl could poaftibly «s'and on artificial light. b«MU»e there «r«

«cr<iiaorhave been h e l d V the Prfgby- tmtixtttreav--Th»'oatr table -where- t h eThla In airaery well M light doe* get Hone in tbe eenter uf th*

ruint but it doe* ooCbegta to aeoommp-daMtbe pupil* who> mv»t do referouae,wotk in U11* room,

' No II7MIIDN« mad lu orJifiarily com,fotbibl* circumdaoc^f, weuld b«to work »t»j )*f i t»a we aruat do,cirCuiu«t»oc«» Jlk'"the**. nin»*ot lh» i»*a in tlilg town are ooaifonsblyI way say. well off. Why should "uhildren bare to undergo lhw»-fortufuran education? If th»wouUI tak« Ida HUM to joal think tit thewroBK 'bat is being dm»;and It 1»wrtiuf*. In the' "Uioft run" they - *Jtoioloff Uieir ryof and luog<« and dprirhig them of Urn pleaaorea that holpto make mAiooi llf«. I t fat «lmt>Ir a

a f U r a f t Ar* "ihSmn

A new, Hbjb School bolldlnij wouldtwta the -pnsaot iMjildiotf imdrely Uibe grade*, *b»r» th«,(»nuiUoo(icroWduu'tlufilaa* rootna »re Jmoatmore aarlooe erer? day,

ThecUltewottb*, town h«»« latelybeen UlfaprJab6ttt btipttita a MMetoekr- "whydoo't tl>«y put that moneaanle for (oroetulnc toat W* rMily naed,

l B i l Hehool • tha «oe* navss-a.Bigli Hwiry edlSeeat pneam.

— ' fbesfl men will be. tonedIfihaantbinasin the near foort. W

^Inotlf-flr? - J.A.M.-H.

to tfauktort." Wh


, t

4 Per Cent GompouncHnterestand Security of Principal.

W« enn»menti,*n *eey«nt i s K /by Mail Ifop&rtouetit, M aj» aWalntelj »«it_.iBWWtlUfnt- tUal r«jH(«>«. no 'looking «/frr ;Ia not such »!u Veount subjMt tu 4 ^ t

that may bring a lijtfln'f intfr»«tXret«irn Imti k f i l

yrisk of priiu-ip»l? •Ml»t#i* a <l(iKi'rii>ti<vtl ut Uii«

A pq»t tsril will bring it tu yon free

b£_Ma»Panil ttt




From $12.50 to $30.00 ,\ CONNECTHD.

No Dirt, Heat, or Ashes to Carry Out.

- T h e Cranford -Gas Light Company ;

305 Uaat Broad Street, > Westfleld. N. J, 1

MMM * « •

Ptmlnlne Rttourt*.Mr. D, went to th« duti, Icatiug Mrs,

D,- with a lady (rkud-whotio abllr-tte* as n ncandaltuonKvr and ml«ul»fmater w<-ro pircturnjnl \i» Jiut poked hl» bead Intothe drawing room and saty' with aJttU. W f!'5ft ^ ^ S « f « « • !S*Hia* T g ; 2 5

—#-br ajrlaitsnt tfier» wtt* a pfofouo4•tleuco. for ait he uttwad the tatt wordbe tacountorea tbo »tony «Un» of the

At wbo hitd^baem in hi* mind. 'tb*nbin wife csuio to the resctw..

"Ob, y«*. dear." ab* aaM. "I sent ITto the cat* homo In'a bartrt tblK


Pgiaon-'Wben-ilnr *

deadly «• awnk'« • ftrji

s in* along Ui« court In l^Sl'tne Uttetf.retired to tb» lnticrtor. Wbeo t l »£nrncb_pur«uid_tlj«m Uny.fountl aqueer line of deftiUji»rb«yond wiiKBthey could mako \n progress »od iastorming wlih,b Jnipy died.. The ImoWos iMnrpotoonl*! tfm iprtllg*,tor couweiv etc . k* they reU**tai;«(Jdthe catouafgn* ot b<> JPrttUfti 8((aJu»tthem o«rer pit farline.


hut1 tlmo tbe

7rWareh4: ~

Ae n. Shapiro

Arju* By*d an"ArglisH»e ryetTterm g

a U At«ofdl»« todtts tifnthiuU», Argus bud 1U0 eyesraodMm 'to w«tcb air of wbop abV Wmljeatou*. When "ArxiMi w » »J«(it.*>

' t l

ktU it A* noon' •*' be Amck off, «4ej#It* b«-i't*i*<>«Dpt ail «if «u ptow-'

Oar falbrryprrferr«d awhh h <ru

When slac Old Ruttib

a #mpap«rcontained tuM




Dodd, Doukla*. Gu, :


17-19 Union Avenue

Cran^brd, N, J.

TfbipliriiHi I00.U

Contractors & TernMeVfbf Vane tor CHy orC



Page 2: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

<t If


. *. *

I a T«*r|

it, Ti ! i

, . By DONAL.fr ALLEN*

llnnf or ***. w ^V 1 ^' , I ^. t T^*i* .w-^ l T 1 -

U.HL. ^.3Wur^'S«l*«Sc133«3v-?'

3w-.2i.v- •• —

, , i-«K W."M'" * ° *

* • • > • • • r»(b»n bsdnt »»'l)

r win* arid Hg»r»

tome on* **; after be

fT«4U>* clawhammer.

ft* terwier U Ox pioneer coat

UVe * dlnbsaunu, only

7and M»M

IMImlr* should eho»a* »

tn.B do-loe «s»Ub«-"lr««.-Kolt-autofng and then tbo Intervals^* •t*u t


i alapplag her.

m&&#wW'A£za*A#r~ caused a fcarked sen-

UBW to b« UlMMl M



oMd nollom.would b»»« «tood

Ji»d ib« «o«m<!

' * '

forbr bud. »n4

qwsthm »tAfter »

iwithout giving n*r wo? »« ••"-' - - -asked her to thln(M>v«r It f p

w £ t * ^ £

i f bad «Ptred *ndrbe-"»»-b« e l 11 t m r a


SCIENCE IS LACKINGloureea ot conatant annoyance to"rdirty Creator..for be. 1. conatanUy

»0 tie'natural cou»«» ol

With city chlmB.*. !#'

H £ 5"t)»r

MA » d ^ n d % o u . «

w t n » t mol" b . *bl.i«rh*r aaitvur In bar tuts*,* -I . i r » « d I trwt to . !«• TOU«a«on». Yott »r« a butltrfly- »

T l ' » »eaompH«h»«i ti

tbo^ < V . c W D « l o l * . h « r o , b u t l t

tarred on him. HI* auto came

iytleUn l« AddW. ••»oSociety AtaerU Tlwt • •»!• •

Delna Neglected•Itth^Ba

•ays Prof. Lowell In Leoture toNew Yorker*. . 1_

New York.—"Mercury and Venns1 dried upr

«» rapidl a I U U ot

nlaln*. On Mars tho —. — . .ly clear from morning till night andfrom spring'to fall.

"Wblle the water on the eartn J*ilowly. Cut'-surely, disappearingthrough tubUmatlon-lnto tho heavens.

. l - i i « - J

**You wim*r oo th« me** no«thing*.' You play tor blyh stakes atth« club. You have tl« ambling

i-ot TiMmor to tol«money

Afewdayt MU»

th« 'eott|jatlior» and

/ VUnim to toi rattw1'ihw uhai »,9M.m lnndtj-Uboldlnie

r. «p«imutlo.

OhtnA.il aoUtfo»V«oTiiroir»7tl»»t»'U>«».» cowMintton and

«n< if to be wuWUbed,tWnk « Wd beaded China-

h l»h

M ttr

Americani h l l t

i whtiher

I K S / a pie. for -S-TOIear* of infanti. e»ylng tbat "theman baby Ubetur than a « " •

applied t» •

iprooe«lon headedtoward the « £ , J ^ ' i ^ _ h . , V been sea.there ages ago**" ' '

eervatorr, wbo U In New York for af l t before adonUflo

eervatorr, wbo U In New•ertei of lecturea before adonUflobodlea.


rifars^ !• certainly Inhabited by lurturned KlondjIk^JTMnJa Corkrimxiin

JSumt ud ib«a « • otitH «»t. uPtora

>"' *«laJ«n*d t


nwawyHe .poke

^a~Tne"Trannmrreason to deny that —the earth, than we have that they donot exist

"But there Is no llfo on any otberplanet* beside* tho earth and-Man,all other member* of the solar systembeing either already dried up, so that

uioe* In , —-••„..**•*• and Death Hate,principally ot the work of ._ .milk commUslon. whleb recently wasreorganised under the name ot tho In-fant Welfare society.' "With the birth rate constantly de-creasing we most copojwlth this great-est of all problem*, the e 0 0 1 8"*™"

a'crist*'** never before In the matter] aia™Neptune. are much too young tnof child raUIng," *ald the doctor. "Be- L,orld evoluUon. and therefore muchwot advanoe* n .dentine cattle and too hot from Interior *oure«*. to ad

tt.a* limdl«l*ri" nog raliUg h»T»~

New Tork.-^l«jred by *torle* of thediscovery of gbld In tho Klondik*.Herbert O. Manley ot Washington,who was a street car conductor, dre*from a savings bunk $200. After_tenyears In the wild* of Alaska he haa -returned and. according to hi* intl- -mate frlond*. should anyono succeedIn "pulling his'leg" they would find,a roUof $150,000 fresh--from-th»>-iUnited Btates treasury. \

It would all depend, howover, upon^i.irh lee Is pulled. The man'* left

1 ••*

tb«re w»a I»r aaode over her face.N « <!«««. Sh. e»t tb«» own-ered

£ £ watcU the Pr tlat IUU- w wthat «T#r took ptaw on a hlgb*ay.

-«UuaUon-*hould-ba roT*r*ed_JoVS,ochild a SQuare deal. There Is

I crying *«A for educaUon In Amer-lea along these Hnea and especiallyurgent Is the need tor such a reformIn the g m t dUefc ,To do this * »•-Mtnatlo educational campaign must beJuried wder th. , leadwaht>^th«medical men at the great cities.

That the general health ot the city

atnee the palewolo era, baa reachedperfection. Man Indeed must be the

used by


mttlftg •» tbey g" Tb»" tltTht of t*i.yte ««»d tb« K>y ut contest Inb»*it« »n* tb» »lrl «at there andetery » o " . riv«~»lst~a<.veo

Incontest In

fewer caiea of pneumonU wer« re-portedThan-during the Tirerlima weekwas the informaUon contained In thebulletin »ent out by the city health de-partment.-But the bulletin! statedthat Uj» Pyumtola death. y W

* • *

Plaht8 Stimulants by Wire.

Increase of 80 Per Cent In Eleotrical-ly Shocked Field I* Not Consld-

ered Hloh—Wires Stretch

| been possible -to get out figure* »how-*n»>*b«- profitjaeaultlng, f,(bH)«Jarmj;,tbecause In some cases the wheat 1*

jt-yjrt thTcshed. - — — •*•An Installation, to electrify the crop*

on 800 acres could be fitted up for$7,500.

The treatment Is not good for pea*

gy'.'•'•'•••••ffhura <-n||

couldn't gobla head.

"I'm nfrali*s they leftout bis handbear It in mlTil loolc you

Climbing \ot the eieva

Across Fields.

In S6^S«owid* He Was Oowtt and Out

most reckless manner Tfo» are >«n»«-lo»sl'y extravagant. They teir me youhave il>t> autos." ' ,

"I'll sell four ot thim If yqu'say »o." '"That would.<m»lte no Ullference-' Imutt tell you tl»*t som«,ot tn» fttn«»you do border on lo»'t«Tj«Di"

"You Uont m*»Jn H! H»T« ?Qtt be*r*

tbe chin


A toSLl

T b «

**ooa jm«ng; anff«g«ln*t Jh« *W»l

»V> •>«»* ' ^ ^dl

w » w by tk« poltot ot *•Web 0e.« ov«r th« fooUtgbt*."% oo mqrs than l«*t to «!»•

u»4d.ta,Pwiny,** J>*»1 out a


he ad-

'w^^^^aoTfSr-ortfi.M«JW»-^t oa tte dirty air'disease*,due alway* to bad Indoor air. are b £ginning to bear fruit, read* the buiio-

to polion tbomielvo* wltJb bad alr» Juttso lo£g wltt-pneumonia prevail andthe pneumanla death rate bo high. *

"Sleep with the window* open II to18 -ttipho. mn«ball door *f tran«m

or' beans. " It aota as u .stimulant and.not as a food, having the same affecton tho .planU'as Bunshlnei,_ J

tdt a peanut cari t ,»tou w * l e k n l « to tscx *trl

nounred MUi kvtnters with••verity,

- »V*». *lr, 11 *M Uwt ioaterlsm.»hvUW a g«nil«W»n learn bowpound uiv^oiit/ wtta hi* A*t*t

lie .hi,bimselt wtta,

nor mine ha*/h*d to ,re*ort to »aehnractloe a* bo&lnc.**

tt«a tWUalt*' could haT* tahl feet

" Btlmulus by wlro for plant*.• In lac' nice tor ttftclency between

»atur*. *dence hasUken, forward, and the above

You can now buy an electric appa-rein* for *hocldng yonr crops Intogrowth from a company of whlcn•Lionel Lodge 1* one of the directors.It ha*, com. into being a. tho result of

It* tcrpentlamaze of grin

-air, tu$ tEo-nppartasupplies them with more. - It" fworked from spring until the end ofsummer.


t >f«ltfter your fatbe*,

l>t bW I ready tor «.


i'ta UtU

"Oh. com* no*-U you understood th«# think* Teakaow" * t ..

-nut I don-l ana W . n i t to.Wfctn you enter tho rlnjt wttf It b« a*•ruttllng BeWalW." or •*.»»-—

-Agoea, you »r» allTM« and aldtMhl9n»A c mayor ot the sltysnd lie enioyt-i


adc «7« »«»4 • " «

WoumJed Habblt.Md Winum^lflo »«lp«d form «


i « « B tw. t ^

Tfc* rtory U, toW.. ?Pwr.*M*hw A*mcoadan. « duc* dear It It mm* bo tru*.

•nd^flneat bedding I* cheaper thandoctor and hospital bill*. Dont.ihutyour carriage or Umottalne up so tUhtliimand better air tn-*tr«etr.*rev*(»na etoam car*. Blow out hoase. «rf-dee, taetory or *^ir* »«T»r*l time* a4»y. Blow your»elTe*"ont occa»lonal-ty ht deep breathing tb>*« to five ml*ate* befor* an opes window.or on atear poMh* Wn*a'aU are away fromIbe home,.return to"an -aired,"coldbonce, -rather than a hot, *tu8y on*Burglar window stop* and a little «x->rik «oaX will reward you wltiu bottor

todg*. t)»" tamptts scientist, whoprincipal ot Birmingham university.

Haven Installations bave rscenbeen erected In Germany, a a rare two In Scotland, and two In Eng-land and another now on the high seas

th t Java wber^lt-wlU be

FLEAS. CAUSE OF PARALYSISUniversity Scientist Explains SprewT

of Infantile >Mal*dy Iq .C ' --—"— -a—«• cut-' EpWemte -

Middletown, Conri.-^Thatthesptead;. mayInfnr pnrftlysl». may haiflj»f JL

duo to Seas or other Jnaecta carried _In the hair ot cats or dogs U * state-

I t d lor

« *

WPV «uu Mwu». •.-- — -; "v.*, v i njent made In & report prepared. JEoron the waytp Java, wberelt wlU b e ] t h e g t a W b o a r d o { health", by-Prof,nsod to »Umnlate the growth of sugar j U B r b e r t w < Ca^ hoad ot the bloloi-cane. * . » "• "'I'lcal' department at'Wesleyan^n'"•An-aMOCfatlon of the sugar growers+;n._ - , -—.-=--»-there ba* bought It," and they are go-Ins to give It wtbauatlve trial*, though

u«* * « » gl»ea the Up that, thej- ' GeofgV|e Head" on Coins. >

1 tondon.-:-Kini o!eonK«'* head on thenkw-ooltian »tt«h more, closely ro-i«ble*Prtnc« Henry ot Prus*la U*aE l d * * king •

gtre It wtbauatlve trials, t h gU U realised that tho condition* oi•the climate tHere are adverse.

| » t f a j r f . U D »coin* ww«-,coa*ld-,T^tiB'Wrtottlillcar

The station* In Great Britain, tfrfCodge *ald, are moro or l « s experi-mental, but the Qennan instaUaUenshave been"i>ut"up as commercial un-dertaking*.

The principal ScottUh station Is ona farm at-Balmakewan. Klncardlne-

1 - - — - ' t h e r e 1* One on

Professor Conn inventlgatedan epi-demic of the disease which prevailedrecently Id Middlesex , county. < He^ • » his InvfiMlgBtlnn* ImUnitft fliatthe malady was not-spread-by, meansof milk, water or fruit. S" .','••

"All the facts." say* .the, report."would'be explained oa'the asrtmp-.tlon that a' few. fteaa may. have -be--como Infected from one or twoj:orlg<

• • _ _ .. =_ j J A.S_ ^ A A ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Jt^^J^^m Atf^h^T_


Usued.andtt 1«too tate,to recali them.1 ? * ;

to Uoltedl State*.

ton. near Bristol. 'Tbe apparatus consist* of i

fore they diichhrge a lot oi electricityInto tbo Air. Tb« current is seat'alongthen HLvery tlgh pressure.

^ ^ ^ . J H i u a ^ l o J - s o - ^ B e a i a a ,„ animals, end that eom«.,«f themafterward had an opportunity to;geten children and bite them,, ihuijprc-duclng the disease."« ',i-> -'.''

^ i *,-i i hto tt^ike Scaping» there'aayaUd.tim




Rainbow Sheep or Goatt {'":; •New York.—Uno Topp«rWeln ol^San -

Antonfo." Tex, has a.? "seven-edtoredsheep h» wants to sell to tbo city n«has written" tq Mayor Oajngr iaylii«


that he -got the vhorp In Mexico mm,I*, actually <fi seven dl»unc1

An Increate ot 30 pec cent" In th« He'haa sheared Uio shrep tirioewid., ^ectrifill'"-«nnfked trop a* comp4re<! hai the ealored nool to pro**; hisulth on* FTO» \ under ordlBarr <padl- sipry to {ruftr If the dtir want* tpluydon*. I* no* ronsldered Itigtu . ] • t the cneep, TJno «U1 bring tbe anlaU

In tho case ot wheat; li an* not 7*t | on In person, 'V;


Page 3: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t


' r -


I M B waat s* d w » , a * » —b* ft* aot trirt to nsftat, Twas Underwood <*n*cx**4 »

"1 ' r * t * - * - ?

cut lip all klaci of eayvra,

* * wnrr* sen. un4wa Mlow-Mudtni M ?•»«. 1M4* • tif» of«lMlP»llon, nuurrtm UM daochUr of a(ambler who dl«a J» prUoa. and U dta-«wn«j by hb < 0 Ilk i«wn«j by hb <»0»r.work sod fall*. Ilk trie* U» g*t

CHAPTER 1,-ContiiuMd.


^ wisn I could help you, old. man.A* It Is. my ow» salary barely serve*to' keep me In 'neckwear. Wall street'great fun, but it doesn't pay muchthat is, not unlaita you play the garni,Jpursel£Jl,__ .

Howard smiled feebly a* he 're-Plied:

"Xo&sense—I wouldn't accept helpof that sort


The atblcte made no response. Hiwas apparently lost In thought whensuddenly be blurted-aut:

"8ay, Jeffries, you haven't got any, money, have you—Bay, s couple of, » thousand dollars?""

'-Howard stared at the questioner as, , It ha doubted hla sanity. ._.'.

- " T w o tfiousand dollars!" he gasped.Do you suppose that I'd be wearing

•„ out shoe leather looking for a Job,_ - tt I had »2,O0O?"

Coxo looked disappointed as he re-piled.-

"Oh, of course, I understand 'youhaven't It on you, only I thought you

.^^ard, his curiosity aroused.

Coxo looked around J o aea It any_w_as_ .listening. Then In- a w IiIs-

per he sold:"It's a clncfl. If you had 12,000,

you and I could make a snug little

• are going to do. When tboy start toinovo a certain stock up, I'm on theJob. Understand? It you bad *2,000,

T could raise as much, and we'd pooour capital, starting In the businessourselves—on a small ecnle, ot course.If we hit It right we might"make anice Income."=. Howard's mouth watered. Cerily.that waa-t_h«-ltlnd ot life he liked

• "best Tho fovorlsh excitement ofgambling, tho close association with

_ rich men, tho promise of a luxuriousf-iUMog—all-tblfl-ftppealed-toji&ffyr-VafyrtHsrvSg Ol6-UBOT


JWhera—could- he-get $2,0007. Hocouldn't go to his father.- Ho shookhla head.

"I'm nfrald not, old sport,",he said_ -as they left tho saloon and ho held

out bis hand to say good-by. "But I'll.. bear it la mind, and'It things Improve,"Til look you up. "Bo long!"' • Climbing wearily up the dirty si

ot the elevated* railroad, ho bought.^.ticket with one of tbe,few.n|ck.e.ls i" 'i£alnlng""lri "ata'pocfcetHrad talcing-.* scat In a north-bound train started on' tils' trip back to Harlem. ,

Tho day waa ovdrcast rain threat-ened. A pall of mingled.smoke andmist hung over the entire city. Frcrtnthft mr window fin fTift tmliiits serpentine course -In and out thenaze of grimy offices, shops and tene-

itt'ugtleBf "Ensconced In across-soat, his chin leaning, heavilyon bis bans, Howard gazed dejectedlycut of tho window. Tbe depressing

• outlook was In keeping with hla own'State of mind./• How would tho 'adventure end?Reconciliation with hi* father was outof tbe question, pettqrs sent homenreinalned without response He

too well" to expect that he would re-' ,' . lent so soon. .Besides, If the old man

' '.•"':.wfta 8O iPfernally proud, Jie'd show.- . -" him be had'some pride, too. He'd"

' drown himself before bo'd go down on. ,' - ' nisjtnees, "whining; to be forgiven. Hlai *.,' father'waa dead wrong, anyway. "His

' ' ' marriage might have, been foolish;'- '< Annie-might be beneath him socially,.

• i ' / ' ; She .was not educat'ed and her father„ _ -''wasn't any better than be ought to

•'- ' . , ' "be. She did not ,talk correctly, her'.'"i manners left much to be desired, at

times he waa secretly ashamed of ber.1 ('But he,r,brlnglng~upTrcs~her ralsfor-. torre not her fault, The girl herself

; 'was straight as s -die.- -She had a.: heart df'gold. She was far more In-

' teHlgenU ' far more likely to make"klm a happy home than some.siuck-

\i up, idle society girl who, had noI thlgr s» m yasythlngr moaey,

her. -father would hare thoughtmore highly of him. It heCd minedth,e girl,-no doubt" Tie would hare been•welcomed home with open - arms'.

He snigfat be a poor, VeidBk 6 4 t l M ' tgfcawX g p ,

|ift>ot but thaak 6o4..tl»ey eouMn't re-„ him' wltn that Annieto Mm. throughout 'He'd stick

/ h e r through thick'and thin.N^A* tlu* tr*in swept reond.the carve

ttSr old-sMbelki*/Tjais"qnc*,,since leaTtng college.. He

\a w

Cni«-wood I H coming out atshop. He explained hurriedly

l bad left Yale, and when asked•boat his futur* plan* talked raruelyof going Ui for art HU matter waafrigid and nerrous^-tbe attitude ofth» man who fears he may b* »p-proaehad for a small loan.., H» waaevidently welt awaro of the'chanis Inhla oM assotUte's fortunes, and hsv-ing squeMed all h* could out ot him,bad no further us* for him. It wasonly when he had disappeared thatHoward suddenly remembered a loanof 1250 which Underwood had neverrepaid. Some time later Howardlearned that he occupied apartmentsat the ^exclusive and expensive A»-t'nlcla, where be was living In great

l H hg

style.- He. went there determined to

Underwood had always been a mys-tery to Howard. He knew htm to bean Inveterate gambler and a man en-tirely without principle. No one knew

* or where h»who hlacame "from. ,too, waa always a puulc. At college


»Ills source of Income,

ho was always hard up, borrowingright andJeftJftPtfQrgeiilrigLtdliiay.yet be always succeeded in Dying oathe fat: of the land. His apartments

U* «o •wrytalng n«- to d a no matter bow fool-

i*» or gnreasoaabt* tint tcqwwt. Bvwryoo» at colivg* ua*4 to talk about It

sot up and. standing; dlroetly t)»of aim, gated steadily into hi*Again he commanded htm to doridiculous, degrading thing*,felt hims»lf weakening. M« wasdenly sehwd with lh»moat ob«y. AmU roar* of, Uug rtwbe recited the «Kttr* alphabet *ti :o«-Ing on on* l * t h* crowed Ilk i arooster, he hopped Ilka a toad. W»dbe cravled abjectly on hla belly Ilk*a snake. On* ot Jh* fallows told "htmafterward that h* had bean hyp-notized. He bad laughed *t It Jbvaa* a good Joke, but now bo came tothink ol It, perhaps It was true. Fo«-albly~ho was a subject Anyway'was gtsd to b* rid of Underwood andhis uncanny Influence.

The train stopped with a Jerk at hi*station an'd Howard rod* down tn tb*elevator to th* strait. Crossing Eighthavenue, be was going- straight hom*When suddenly be halted. The glitterand tempting array ot battles In*acorner saloon window tempted bim.

en utenslIn tha • pkchair fro imnU tlmtravel baci

JELUiHIAKENUEnroportkm* a«4 *

so taut that ft.r. . scarcoly enough

f"ipg a cat around. Th*

h4us«k^n»r. Floor*i**n. the cover en

Tb* f«ral*hlngsth«y w*r* IngMr

"•lender purs*' Ui*y» veresas* only th*

bed. a chair, ortlroom UW*. a (*w kttcb-

wanttd to *it. oBjlhey waned to »tlor tb*^ bad to carry a

' dlla* ' dtltting room; watncams th* chalrsuhad to

again. A soap box turnedupside denfe and neatly <$v*red withcblnts did j duty as, a drawer In It*brdroom. Hhd with a f«w'photographsand Hack* ftbey had managed to Im-

thetlc ippearaac* to th*Tltls Mac* cost tba huge sum

Dart anTaflorTof t t t a month, it might Justhave cost 1100 for all Howard'* abilityto pay It Th* past month's rout waslong overdue and tha Janitor lookedmore Insoltiit ev*ry day, Bu,t theydid not rate. They were young andlife wa* stfll before thiun.

] Annie cam* In csrrylnia* steaming dish of stew, which she

d l > b

ha had bad mar* than enough already.Hut thst was Coxe's fault He hadtnvltod htm and -made him drink.There couldn't be any harm in takinganother. He might as well be hangedtor a sheep as a iamb. Dy the timebo emerged from tbe saloon hisspeech was thick and his step uncer-tain--! A-few-mlnutea later It* -wa*painfully climbing up tbe rickety stairsof a rbcup-looklng flat bouse. As hi

"I Wllh I Could Heln You. OM M*n.»

In the Astrurla cost a small fortune;be.-dreiwed. well, drone.a smart.

not Identified with any particular busi-ness or profession. On leaving collego he became Interested in art Hefrequented the IroDortant art salesand soon got bin name In tho nows-papers as an authority on art matters.i l ls apartment was literally a museumof European and oriental ar t ' On allsides were paintings by old masters,beautiful rugs, priceless tapestries,rare ceramics, enamels, statuary,

passed (or a man of wealth, and moth'era with marriageable daughters, consldering "him ~an~ellgibte~young~ bach-elor, hastened, to Invite bint to theirhomes, none ot them conscious of thedanger of letting tho wolf slip Into tbalambs' fold.

What 'a strange power of fascina-tion, mused'Howard- as tbe trainjogged along, men of Underwood'sbold and' reckless typo wlMd. espe-cially over women. Their very daringand nnacrnpulousness seema to render

ttractfver—fie-htoseU-«frhfixo more/ —. - •--.college had' fallen entirely wider theman's spell-. There waa no doubt thatbe was responsible for alt bis trou-bles. ' Underwood possessed the un-canny gift of being able to bend peo-ple to'his will. What a foot he

h l !ple t o shad made^of. him at the.nnlverslty!

piled himself to serious study, left theuniversity with honors and .be'ncrtr arespectable member ojt the community.He rememMred with a unllo that' itwa* through- Underwood that be bad

.met' hi* wife.*'-'Borne"ot the fellows": hinted , that Underwood- hail 'known

her nors-Jntlniftely; than he tad pre-tended and gad -only passed her on tb

became he wa* tired of her. B»bad nailed that as .» Ite^


Annie, bea girl AS

erb ,He couldn't" explain Underwood'sInfluence .over bin?,, He had done wUi

reached the top floor a cheerful vole*called oat:-'. ..•»'.- —

A yquag woman hurried out of on*of the apartments to "greet Howard.She was a'vivacious brunette of me-dium "height. Intelligent looking, withgood features and Una teeth. It wa*not a doll face, but the face of. awoman who bad1 experienced early the

'whom' adversity '"Sid not succeeded I awholly subduing a naturally buoyant,amlablo disposition^ There WM da-term Inatfon In tbe lines above, bermouth. It was a face full of character,the face of a woman who by sheerdint of dogged pej-severaoceTnfgnt a ccompllsh any task-she -care'd to setherself., A.'smile'of welcome gleamedIn her eyes as she Inquired eagerly;

"Well, dear, anything doing?"Howard shook his bead for alls- re-

sponse and a look of disappointmentcrossed the young wife's face.T"8»y. that's ath't u rexclaimed. "The. Janitor was h«raagain- for the rent. _H« say« they'llserve us with a dispossess- I told binto chase himself^! was'that mad."

Aunfe'i roe&bulary was easpbatlc,rather than'choice. EnUrely Withoutd t i h '

y uteducation,, she. 'made. nospr$tensa-|t4» lo ) fwlvat»b«w»»wHain lUrte

roproachfulty:"You've be*n .drinking again, How-

ard. You promised .to* you. wgujdn't?The young man. mada- no reply.

With an Impatient gesture he passedon Halo the flat and-Dong himselfdown. Jn a "chair fn the dtnlsg room.iTom' tbe .adjoining; kitchen eaimV'awelcome odor of.eogkJcg.

yTHnttw r w a y y h* demafiTgd. "I'm

-, 'dear, Just a minute," replied „"hi* wif* from tba Jtitc^eO: 1-Th«r»'* C6«-spm« nice Irish stew, Jusl.what yotf ' 'like.'"

• t * - '

Howard Iras too busy paling to art•wor. As he gulped down a iug* pier*of bread, fan growled:

"Nothing, as usual—saraa old story,nothing doing."

Anols sighed. 8ho hsd been 'glv^nthis answer so often "that It wouldhave surprised ber to hear anything

to-mouth atrugcJn must go on. Shesaid nothing. What was thn us«? itwould never do to dlscoursgn How-ard. She trlnd to mako light of It -

"Of course It Isn't easy, I. qutt«understand that Nnvor mind, dear.Something willI turn up soon. Wher* jnew Tb"at" Klljah's'd«part'ur»* * as'<ll<l you goT Whom-dld you i w ) Wliy'-^i),—• —

was Coxe'a blurted

others for hU own •horlroiulngi"You rpuicmbcr Coxa! llu win At

»Yalo when 1 WBS A big. fair felWwwith blue eyes. Ha pulled stroko/in

SsasV SdUtl UHsahr *Wr, I , N i l***y^^^p^SK^a^^^s^^sf

UCWON TSXT-^I Ktawi I.Ms.r v J t UT

O N TB-VT-ienocti w»JK«4 WtlHOod; ami h« waa ao<; tat OeH tank htm."

y about a c. mt**n Kttw ttw itklf 9t Matwth**nrd, our tut knew U**yrt«n 1ST) UMti l rwr of tb« divUtd kin«d«ro.' PLACS-^rms* lh» J»nl4tt. «*!«•<«•

JiFitctra. trota -mtlmft KIU»1> was «r*ns>Ul«4.

Klljah'smor* than Si>

lit* *xt*nded ov«r notytar*. Tit* first Uy

wer* *tr*auotw and hsrolc, with crisesIlIlk* thtwaerstonns. Th* M»lhodl»lBilnlster,-who WM cx>1nplatn*d of torshouting so toad tn hit pulpit, replied:"I am not storing luUaelu; t, amblwrtlug rot'ks.'

ASTONISHED THE "OLD MAN?HI* 'Rah-'Rah Son by No M.snt

"QUO*- H* Hid Hl«h«rt«

rocks.Hut for tbe last six y*ars sine* th*

vision ot Ood, Klljah had been work-Ing mor* on the plan ot "Ih* ailll smallvoice," Once only did his florc* "wo*unto you" blue, forth, whnn KingAhailah, Ahab's sou. sought aid fromttaftMlfitrad of tb* Ood of tarjtot l i thad been training hi* successor Kllsha.sho was full* nf Kll)»h'« »plrtl nf r»

of th* s«v*ral srhooU of th* ]>roph*t*,whor* be could train aad confirm thonumbers In their work of living andteaching tb* tru* religion, thus quiet-ly undermining Idolatry.

Klljah went with Kllsba, a* Ttdl tookMark with him on bis tlrpl missionaryJourjdvy. Klttha was Elijah's attend

Ot ih.as» y»ar» it I* recorded only thatthej young man "ministered" to Klljah,•'njnii poured water on bis hands." Andl^Uah said until ISIlsus, Tarry here. IItfay thoe. Klljah, Kllnhu, and eventbsi sons of the prophrts, evidently

ly laid out fur him. Its object wastw.a-foM; tt^natmal desire w\'tf>* partTJf th« nroHr,J»Si>Br~lo~fmvlsU UiS"«cen«« mi-dear to him, mid his pur-.ixise to fix li|K>n Ills dlsclptes' utlndn jtho prlnclplos" niul nniapt* ho hold ;

Tu'« oew^jjovBrtior ot a w»st«rn'it«U has tiro sons. On* la big andhusky Ilk* hi* father, but th* olbar I*rnoro slight; and at times h» rather.v«x«* his Uth*r by hla affectation ot'r»h-'r».hboy cloth«*.jiiid a general air

The two sons and th* father w*r*ot loasltutto and dudUhn*ss.In tbe library ot»« night and th* haro*t f t h >


r ;but bis *«nt prleVed up at th* man'*n»me aoil be drawM: "I rather Ilk*that chap, lie's all right"

I'Wbut.iio roit-know- about htmr*,(h« othor brother asked, ratb«r ron<twmptuoiMly. " • -

"Oh, ho *»ve mo » shade the bestof It otm rjl«ht."

"Qavo .you-tb* -httt-ot- ItfS-fatb«r anit litotlier »hniit«d.

"Tm; you sv«t I Aght uml*r thsnMne «( YOUMK Ityan and ho couatfld(ipetty nlnw ono tlmo when t wasd " ^ Hatunlay Kvnnlng Tost.


think J .do," rupllal bin wlf«, In-dtrfar«ntly, ni nho helin-d him to/inor<!•tew. "VS'lmi did ho wsntT Wbutsho doing In K'ew York?" /• "Ho's got a flno pltico In a' l rokerls

ofTlco In Wall street." I felt tt'shHtnodto let him see mo low diiwqllko this.ll« said that f-could mnko a «ood d«nlof monr-y It only I had n Utl/o capital,j lo knows «veryth(ng eofng onMnWall strpot If I went tn With Jiltu I'dbo on- Kasy stroet," . / ,

"How much wou|d It rt<qurri>?'"Two thoiumnd dollar^," —

answered.' ]'TBt^frald lfirtl'«~a dnjr drrnrnT Only'

your fnhar could gly« you such anamounTand you wouldn't go to him,would you!" /-.

"Not If we hadn'l another crust tnthe'housa," snapped Howard savage-ly. "You don't want me to, do your*he asked looking, up at her quickly.

"No, d.ear," she answered calmly."1° havo certainly no' wish that you

to stand In the way of your future.Your, father and stepmother hate tan,I Ipow that 1 am the cause of yourseparation from your folks. No doubtyour father would ba vqry willing to-b«lp, you -It .yau" would cciDttmt t»loare mo,"

Howard laughed as he replledV^".Well, 1| {(wt'*" ttw -»riti«/jfer^<ft*

^ 0 0 0 ' I1 itfftti-J'tf'ito^rnhbtit tt'VJwouTdn't glv* you-up'for ainfllfonUme* $2,0001"

Annie stretched Nher hand acrossthe tabla.

'Really r sh» said. " •(TO fiM CONTINUKU)

' Enulnetflng In hospitals.'Practically all th* Important

,flrmarles and hospitals' InID-

EnglandMyjOfeJr^W^.SLstations, ana tn¥ SIMU ld l

Instaua-s, ?Uons would surprls* th* majority ofengineer*.. Th* touipnunt- has' ta b*designed with unusual ear*, owing tothe *p*clal condition* which prevailIn hospital work. £v«n>wh*r* a pub-ic-supply- Is. avsIlaUe, tb* us* of an

ludependenC system \» Jastlfl«d on ac-count of tb* security which It g|v«s•gainst failure of currant at a orltiealmoment Tha Installation* sr* t)s«4for lighting, beating, ventilating, Wl«-pbonlng and other, purposes,,. andma«y hospitals har* Isqndrles op-grat«4 *htctrfc*llf^On« eountyasyluntDas_lis own private electric railwayfor convoying supplies inm tb* near-est railway station.

' Th*duration of fJnftm*,'\ Somethlnjt, regarding tbo duration

and dreamed. H* saw b£ms«y 4)nisFlil« work,' IP to tb* club, l*av* fortb* statKw. run for th* train and ml**<r..,'H«'returned to his club aad r*-elfttad on-a soU«* In th* library. Tb"»r*h» passed' a mlserabl«,'wr*stleas night.jt«UiDg graijaally colder ahd"col4»r a*th*nr* died dowa, and with a painsradnally growlog sbanLbf«Tne»d jtpHfao* trout th* hardness' of his couch.P I * ' l o k l t b i 4PIv* o'clock-, ln,tb« morning; cam*, «o4-^h*^st*yard-roii»sa hlw jto-wy--tnat-ib*'clab-jauii HOIK b* «to«*d> - Th»f»-Sluil Osrmb*

iA-r^.- .—••,, v*r7'>Uf|•wV*i/ds4

'*: bid

, M our live* j•; >|k«ninslcV

vstodl "«I1 b*


anTlMho slRh,t ot t t i *

Coot' ft 4*wru«y"'irf imirn than 30mller. hls""KliTdllng glnmes. bis ring'Ing voice, nium Imre remnliKKl withthem a pritrloim ni«mory, nerving them(o grimier boldnen* lu th« CRUM or J*.bovah.

Ami 6A Bonn of Ih* prouhels went,and. «t<x>4 to vlow afar off, Thu ab-rupt lu-lKhU b«hlml tho-lown colnnistid-«H| an estuuKlvn view uf tho rher, ttionearest bond of which was flv« mile*away. With a dollcnto (ruse of pro-priety, tba young won kept at a dls-

wltn»ss**-of-t>i»-Kimr,"t(r-tiwt'lfy sfforwarjg_ Uiruii«hout tbe In nil to UIP-Jah's favor, with Ood and to ths r«»I-ily of lintnortallty. For similar rea-sons tho II witnessed tbe ascension ofour Lord.

, ISIIJab said: "Ask what I slull Aofor tbco, b«foro I ba rtket) aw«y fromtb«q." So Ood jukna* Bototnoit at thebj.glnirfn« of his relgu. This wa*

lljab's last opportunity to do any-successor.

love.KlIsba'B «nsw«r was: "liet a double

portion of thy spirit bi upon 1110." Th*"doubl* "portion" wa* the portion, of

.the eldest son according to Jewishlaw—h* r*c*)v*d a donbio »hari».of th*InherlUnce. eiishK-dld not askcom* .an RUJab, but to succeed him.

,ii«. wanted »h«, tain*. jiptrM J>t~ Cktd

useful.'' What fa*virtue* ot his friend. H* was li«li*dwith an Irraslsttbl* deslr* to pots***thoso glorious chsracterl»tlc« of dsvo-Uon to duty, courage in danger, loy-ally to Ood./ Tbls i» tb* longing ofall nobl« souls, to catch TiDa Mtilnaotnatblng at thm. spirit of b*ro«* andMints. - It was not a request of prid*,or It would not|hav* been grantod.

Tliero appeared a chariot o( flr* *n4

KrlcnU u-'itisollngly)—So you're lostyour Job, ehf Woll, don't worry aboutIt I rockon you was only wiutln' y*rtlmo In a plac* Ilk* that,

n y i , «what the boss told ma when 'n flrudme. _

Successful Uf* Work."Ho hat achieved succosi who bs*

llvad wtill, ldu<bcil ofton, Aud loveilmuch; who ban gained Ibo rosrxict ofInteflUvnl mon anil tho lovo of IIUlOcblhlrtm; who has Oll*<l 111*, fllob*an<J arconijiltsbod his task; who leftthe- wurtil bntlnr than be found. It,wh«th«r by on lnjprov*d poppy, *.

ho* n«v*r locked *|tpr«cl«tlon of"earth's beauty or JslIeJ. to «xpr«st It;who him alwayx lock*! for tho' b*stIn oilier*, am] given Uut bost be bad;whose life wa* an Inspirationi who**-,memory a b«ti»<ilctk>H."f~ President

gguard; but'KHJab did not in a

Into bvaven. Th* marvelous effect*oof electric tight) through prlim* *n4founUkis, might; give us some Idea attb* «c«ns. It was. In this ascent, a*In the ascension ot Christ, tbat hi*physical body was changed Into 4 g1<*rlous spiritual liody,

Afld Ellsba saw It. • The ascensionot Elijah, 'whlcb, .wa* tha sign givenhim by waich.be night know that bowaaad succeed to hl» nuuiUr'r Qfflc*.ATHl-hB-crted, "My titbit, a y fither."Elijah h*d be«a a father to him, In hiscar* and trainlDjc,,, in love, and1 lalegacy, u 'ww jtbo cry of ot-pbanoood.Tp«s* fords. to», nur UUly,b4stru*d w-wggwtlBjran' wpect ot EU-^ b ' charaeUr h i h


Jovft- - . - ' , - ,Elljab was not tl<ta4, •

record at his lite.- fltf lived In th« .feet* of his life, He ilve4 (a EHso*'*:work. He witb M w i , r«tort(ng "Mspeak with Jcrt* on- t i* Sfoaai'ot

siudl all p* mlnlilirinfriplar\h~pt*'ia ztnied tat tbtm

Wany"table* fa*v*7pe*n launch**' «-.>,"\Into life'with.constltutloa* weakened-by dlsftM* f*k*n in wltb their tooih*•rs' milk. Kolhfr* cannot bo tao'can*bfl a* to tb* food they its* whll* sunktog; Ut*tr babos, ~ _

Th*_B*perli>ncer of a Kansai-Cltr;mother 1*. a CUD to point;

"I wo* a great coffe* drink*f tiota «child, and thought I couM not do «lth-,*at-4t—B«H»fouod «t-Ust (lag me barm. For year* I bid be*a'

spot*u t jjf p r t

which was added, two years laUr;'*,.,cbronle »our stomach. ° •'*'

"Hut bsb/.was bom 7 ttonlhswo,'•'•od alniostfrom tnfl bsglnnllig, It, too; /•uS#r*d fronw^r stomah Bo* »•*»uff«r*4 froai so^r stomach, flb* wa*..,-,. *taking It from m#J. • . < ifiif:

"to, Jar a*&mftt coatulteda friend ;ia mart- ezp4rl«Dce and *h» U?ld uo *to quit "cogs*," tSai coffsa, 4j4 not -*';,q g , , {mak* 'good orJIk,:, I have- sines'

i that it r*»tly drig. «n th» milk.' ".Bo, I'4ult co,Se« and tried,lea and ', 1*t la*t coega, put Uwy did not aireo '•••with me. Then I-turned to Postoa-r-wlthUi* ftappl*»t rwultj.. it provgd ' '

speak with Jcrt*. onp . a o tTrttntlgurailoa, give.*' a-' .a«r prooftbat.dyto* U ontr tr»orterrtes>iyotweilsfnee ia «n«toaf tUIS W9f*^eilsfenee ia «n«toafwb«r« all we.hav*

i S"

Page 4: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

*, i (1.1

Ui' » T ' ' ,

i' 3£&i£™T,i

Wtr-, -• -'^' V,$,


a j M

t f f HI DAT,

li wwMfe Affairs,Member* of the Tbwuabitt

bandied all the A>u«i

Cbtaage,>w»»w*delor Jofa|n I

rt« | t te&t

1UB0U 1,1*11.

ittb«rfjr*tTegn»ig beJd laat wight.f Chairman Heln*

been calledCommittMinan Hmith

hairman pro farm. Audisubmitted hi

t, >. • report of«uuninaUoit of account*of Collector tad Township Clark,oerUfjring*nie to be correct and

•-*•• tWlH'UH'i l .aw.wuM*-"—-jajjaorTdWwmtirunaJif**!r~mciuq

ing the sinking fund, the detai" flgureeofwhiobwill appear iu th'

forthoomittit Townehlp IteportUtVH W I U «ifrarv«*a aaj >

„ , j Township Iteportlite figure* •ubialtUwl by tht

Auditor ab«w a ««*b balance at thedoe* of the 0*0*1 rear of $!» 631.80

- in ill* gea'eraf. account and

Of thi» the glutting Food Cant.iul«kw«n Jk.v*Jii«e*teu 1111,877.06in ImpfovMrneat OertifloaUa iatuedagainst aa» finable improvement*.Tn* tota|l receipt* from all nonroee this aoouuat mu mlditioaatlor the year jviv were 178/1115,02e j M V e 1 / ,aod disbursement*, all account*,

y•5,000 Haad Bonds.

JSagifMwr Faertiaa 1* preparingto laajut hia report to tb* Town

aiidthis will probably be in hand1 time this townth.

'' Uat well jmt down on the oldtteraW property on Springfield

, Artmue'haa been put down abou• SSOfeeL A heavy flow of watei

- .WaaaU-ijiok in this well which iibow- running over the top in _vol

:~ume. ¥rom the two well* putdowtijnaynow behad muoh more

, water than Cranford's present re-- The water is *eld to

«Mh other-near the river end „tb* Pienoo tract When EuglbewFuartiwa aubmlU hi* full reportUi« Township CommitUe will be inIKMiUoatopoeiUosto

. UatiOJrht'* meeting of the Town-•hip Ouuuuitto to deny * chargen« acid be had .heard had been

bom* of Dr. George F. Greenewhilaarae WM quaAfttitfed. Mr.

, BwawU claimed thai auch chargelu*d been made » U meeting of tileBoard of HeaJU,. , He wis told*ha>tm» n t not *u. that Uieuulvnot aul' that thr-

ntioa of lik *ama |j*4 baen that

,"wlk « - . , —.-

fier bridge.

v _ j — a * i. t fc i ^- t J* ^

Iroin the


at tt>« IIi«fa School. tb*i « « '**n> ..»•-

WitH»«« of V e * Tvrfe. •

proved aa ieleiaHiac Ulkvf aad <•"»-w w w hw Mblbifioo of li«» f»f«it*»which b* brotlfbi «>ta bim. Vim «*b-}*ei, " tnib Aboat Hoata*" eta* 4*-pt»r4 with th* $id <* manoytwum p»-

ar*r* ti>M o< eaptarutg * t>a«* dbaok raltWr, 4JoU*-«lla Ooplist sewHowlaf a txmch »h)p.ataey tib*r *•#••. Mr.bt« r*,eiark« hj mjiog tbat m ttw d*-•trartloo of tb* ~banalnath* country «•> k»iB( ibouawd* of **•Jar* *natiaUr throagh th* Suw «fmjip* by th* (tejt/ortu* Rtd*nla,

Th* Ltorary Bocwty at Ifemr•b(cb wilttfi* riottt Ht XSm

Cranfofil Oaoioo 00 Q u a day.TM tbr**-en ooawdy. "Tb«

by tb*

00 Fi)il«j •v»DfD|f lwrt. Th*• « • full of jjood aettetf i u p<»y twinrbwatnl in limil'in, wbcie Uw tnmbtaiof «rwf day (if* and !)>• irrmulb»r I»'U* *fir« i» *>ldnx*. Jiaa

tb* xou"(J «>»n to do K M (fnd la tb*trorU, li*oaii>c followwt UM t

f, th*studi>ol« r««JU>«fr

TlMt Bgbt tot ttiir-iiwii School Ru**t

Ulv HophwofM iWnlal Ibo Joown»a *t«it» of S-1 - Tb* IMK* al tb* rivl ofth« rirst half wa* M, It rw*Mjetn« t l«•am* at tb* end of th* **CMUI half.

ArjLJawsJ-i.had 101» |iUr*d for th* final pojot TtwIm* up Was au follow*:

n\V|nf HopkinsKiivnr0 ririm

'H. 1.

Ufltoi Sovkcs.with A«b

which • •» ulaMr««I in Iht liluchurch** ami there will fw L*«r*t«»fr«Hu now unul En*t*r. fb*»MVi<vt *t Trlmljr Church duriuKlm*# txttit wraiutwl w fulkmi

HiiiHlit)»-Mi>fnio« k>r»tc*. II a.m.

«flrt~»mUWf«ll*«mUTi<. H «n( II *. M.

pta)(ir, !1.."W a m Tuiotay*. l*r«j»t»With IUTOIKHIBI r*adie«. U 1 pW « 1 B « « U J « ; MatloR, » » « o... **MI•onj aiiil »KRH>n, ft |>. in ~ KrtJj

a. ro.; prafatw «IKI tlun;

linly Wt<^k.-((p addition, lo'uthrr

•. m,i

Oood FrWuy-MatiM. litwjr anddm*. 11.90 a, » . ; T«t*p*ra, i X a a

Etelet Pay—Qoty Jg.i|ahLUto,, Moretnaprar*r add Doty Kv'chwh*at D a.jn. J HuoJii^JcWI^ tJto^a. n .ewrta*. *»f mon and Ho>j.jE>>oh>n»i. ia. m. 1 tjueday aehool f**u.al. 4 p, atfull «h«rat wrtloK 8 p. au '

fiafaMUlht ae«nmi win btmSi Uirowh-a M * tawetn* «i*a>hy a «jr aad BOutta* Tuuranin*nii wfatoti «tti b te

d a' ttwt tnWrnaiioaal Tta|.T<NirMme*Vaad BO io h* b tl Hank ft|«, at

& l a O l * t U W a

70 « d « aed

^ V t e « d b as etooteie *hotit iio«br«ak{a«itwol*; btrdt ow* the

l ^ i r f l wjtt U

ma*nadea« la

" Tfclals.H^a atoiy «rf

CARW0O0 nOTfS.mm of U t . mad

OB Xncih I t f t w ,A u r l j o i <iT (b« IVwdi of Edocatioe.

) « t > t v c w4wtr>) » II elowt oo- J'tomm*. <M* a<«naot 'if U<« •pidciaio uf

t> oo» eaar* in

lit . aod Mn. Kiwi MiitM of Glruibelb

frwwfa lo tl'« Uin>u«hTh* Rorouith (Vmf.cil will hold a

al l t» Bomvffh Mai!IW|*M*itlalirr* tnm U>*edcaxur-aorii'iM uf tb* ut»ut»tjr wl

la Ib* (l»r»<«nj trhnp*l (hl» f t»oM>)t*t »bldi tlou» • nnnilj«r tit Import• • t qareiKMi* »ili \<f •ubmilt*J fur

(or Carwoed.Th*- ptati[**u far Uio «>r«wttoo of a

K|ii*a>p*I cha|H"l tn (lnrwuiMl or« **I>ur>ft« IU* past few f

Ut>lil »nd ag eofamiflro appoinb'il'

of l l w r a . ('. W. Erikw-n. B. Uliniand Ot» WrlffUv. 1'lan* worn urawn

at TrrDUin fur appro-rat I im ttewl/ ordanuuMl *wii>t jr limalready ni*ed f'uO nod morn I

- Ttw tooatiul) of tiir d•III l » «o Uwu»t Av8o?ieiy now uwna a bullill»(c lot, 6}IWfr-l. Tt>*lr>!rrf»rQf.<llThA|*l wl

floi«b>(l and roomytlfi* trtiilillftK Iirio({ "i.f 1T» ivinltriK-ru•wllb kluVno fof'ltie t'JIcrldrlllilnll ' Him«*tl(ja will ftlmt n» «(«>» m ib

Cretfwd Ulray:

tilul; fnimall!

Uopkln*,' ml.i^rekipnlla of formula*

Antrrtcan y'-nr IM-HIIC

lTorn*;. ikiot«*tn(it .Mo>|etni»mtUi>**;ta. t)rp»t American tinlvu

tlMI,Van III** (Jonwrvtttlon of nulnr/i

iitt-l tttf>»f ilgh

i, How l<> live 41 limit* n (In;l'an>ut and <<hil<l

- If'-ttttn nf jWarhtBirhm"lTrt«jr"t""«5tvajraiMuiii j.niriu-> itnHIU

the world

Colonel Tixlbun'i'r cHiMnurl'

Moorr. Ttw (rtft uf till* grawL l - r - W q o o Ood IniiRha - .,

;Tbn Anit«f«>i>«

CblW. Jim Uaml*.

Omy. Tt>f wwrlet plmperoel.KtMtlT}'. To thfltMbli*. The1*Jlrir

AJV^IUW* iU Mvlidahl

FjJm, T ibjtt ibSbir!.Omudar. H»l«» Qrafit'e Vrjen<l».Plldflv ^uU atxt«nn.

Paris* Gnkef TrMy Ckart*..The Pariah iSwsle. of Trinltv

Chareh KeJd iU monthly unitingayhetkotaejof: Mtn. tfeniatn witia ftilt attendaJ»c«. "

aw aa follow*: Mr*. Gan«t«!tl

fraT Wolton, Marct «h MmatK March S7;JW.jr*. Wetherill,

Mpril 3 ; Mre.Uerrimn, April 17.TJbei* will b e t a W« on .Monday o

oljWe^k.On.the afternoon of

OMHV wilH be a Mid-teut aale atRanptoa Hall of faoey artiolca,"" ~ earchi and * book exchang

be eaUired - on; tb*' mtnutetraf the'Fwiajb CStcIe and a eon; Uo setrfher.daBgliter.'wbo «UTT)Tes her. ~

KBHttWOBTB W I B .An Adkntnwd mWrfiny ,1

the MeKt«l«7 HeboolFriday *v«img for U

e held r

pwpowget for tW «tia-

on at tlx>"'. aennuat tne«tA»irMarch Slat, when «hr«twaibe«l««ted for 3 yearfill the yUce* «f luhh Hiller, JrJohn T. Kaitane and Jotwph (iowwho** term* ejpire w* member* otho Board.

Ihe follotring j _ _ w _ _,rendered by the pupijg «>r the Sf<Kinley Hnhool at the WashingtoBirthday exercise* ou TUHKIHVbut week.

»««.. M o Vttnte. H^JM t o Jokn ftwk., Altart |J«u

iJHwurt* Kmm. W.W w.rkt M«uuwam»M«*t<

to M K

„ l»«TldArtb»r.*fa«g-t» HU4r* Laadft _WlKwnH

iWfcwl UK«MT


Mr*. Albert Hoiiuou, ofN. J., JH TMitiug her parmitA, M

M M . John S l l l y

Mr. aud JUri*. Juliil Mniil Un,\rulunied' froui their w«!<Ultu« tiriami IISTP tnkuil up thotr HOW rt-«idenj'o <m Moufmj avenue. " '

A nnw time clock win |)lftc«l oiNorth 20th street, on Mouilny l>tho Public Wer?jco CoriHirutiuU an

. tttrtwt li({ht»Are uow .„..automatically, being nwueliail u

requiring no lurthor attcutiu

The tu&uageinetit liViievfOrntu;Park lmvo advanced anuthvr titc-in tboir "(lovelupmont, thu lntesnuprovoment buiug the illmmimti»nr-pf»t*T«r-iltrMf6r'in3jr^ — — -

thtt ereBt df t»« hilMa fully oqiped with a dyunino und cngifur forcing the water into tbo In w

Hliuuljiipt! from which tin ubimdiiucc of wnter in niippUed to•vore of huustiH and the b^drwiill tho MlreutH. liunitfj tlio piwt'ok alt acrciwury' proumou "1liglifH WUH uindo when the wu v». othe t'ublio Horvicu Cor]H>rati(>iwore couuuetori with tho pnvut«wituhboard iu tho'powt'Hiousu.

The Capy-connlderiblif aixtauo* from tliv rml8outb,Atric» ami U. lu-fact. thtt nildof the UIIV* pruinoiitorlwi, wtomllyt whlcb jointly t,onnln«t

In laagth, formtng tti« barrierKahir bax-anil ' ^Ibe we*t Tbfte three beoillnni,!", iylognear tof«ther1ind coinmonljr ^ U l U l dan a map of moderate Kal«, arv

tbnt IlartbalooioW' Dlaa Brst cucuuoternd tu (till toxtt, tbe prntalent i\outb-M*l«r|y (talc* ana drtmunccd Ihe run-|ML threatening. UuWfold promoatprjrunder llw ••oundlog appcllattoa uf tbvCwpe-af-Storuu. to be atterwanl re-h t o O by pluu*. tru*tfnlhe«i!t» t|i

ot Oood Uope.

^TtobwttiwHi- . .late tbe foUowmg amusjug , . . . ,mm br a •otttb sea trader, l ie todMen la tbe habit of carrying all kcrts,of tmned meats, which the natives'boutl^ wtth aTliUtr. Each tut wa*trended with a colored picture-a caw'n>r-beef, a »h«p (or tuuttou ami adab for aartftaw. It baptwiied ibat,ib«flru wblcb fornlsbed tliv muttunthousht It a'tivod plan I<T niter It

easily 41s.tinsttlsb«a fromTb* mark cbuwn t t w tbe tlgure (if ntroclr coated -stJsgiu»-llkK-*t»lttn!tCTtIn a cblmnejr pot I>4L Ytit aenUit «fpne* came to tb» ccsiu'tastun iiuiiUna contauted twttnU wKHkuiary. amitbent wa* a «rvat run on tt»> u«werfood*.' ^ • .

•, TH* J*o«r Enjlith Landtpnt.x' nav* tt»vn a |>roii«n.v '.vwuW for

fivd bar* lo«t trviu Ueiilvclutl<m vii,- I M » | f a ^ 4 » 4 » ^ ^

Oo You Want a Home?paaaed bythe Pariah CWd*- BfUQlve^tTtwt In the death ofH n . <X t ImhoM th* TarUh Cir*

has Kwt a

uts <*v#rI tout lam of atpr-fKMWk}, l>urtn£

Ha»o Plana and Moneytenant hunest^ enougu -to

ftuBi tbe4BC* bebouO.»Letter In

h««w»1a ttw Van*

8h«. wa* welting arttttuj tb* <wfdot* uf. tiff l<«nttitrlv«tthv i c a t k i j - oftW> rui«, A m with'Jh* plin-w » «

at elbow- Iwujth, evU.-wlj- Adutrtuo. »»m<»tf the works. Otttfjftwia ttmtiOio trur« Wan

i-IC-aid. not hbowSwtay 8«*«il »J» a.-w..


Masons andthe nniarfc. - l iikln ( know tbat TOU**rt such an adm.m- utM l * . — "if "Oft, sea. ln«k*u," abr i«puVd, "I JuuWl«tt( bi lakialMea.9 A-

Cellars Enca\vated,

MlaalPwurKBa Bi»a|MBiag,tast nj*b\

tba wtaaiftiat the awolng weraOMIlL

New J^rswCentral

v. Collegei'reparaioiy

r<ir « Ukmhtl In »O I fbTM.li-S 1 i> » » * » I »C "V. * « r. «. »*» |4U1I> K«l • « • * • » »f * > J i

f . 4 a « = i i » j . - I I , > " A . a m r >»i*»tl*nt.-('••»

<I«J ..JllJi. . X 1 !•r. M.

, - r . . i« . . (n«»l Ontiat Ifca wtohw; . . , •»,,> K itwnatCk. ean(aU|P, , -ru «a h* ll^li cirti.

. ,3 »IJI (»• *( l t«

fur ^ut<* uf^ i* >ri^ib »*l

I »lj i f r lixfl^tr^lj « i ,*( t in Kini i r t i i ' \ r •>»

K li . \ . t w l lM,-< tfi. rij - *i '-i *u» t I** i l

<.*4« n i l i.ri-.rti*-'* ttttiAb.

N I - W Or«*•*(*', t H U M * > IF ' I , S t * )»*••*»» tv w -

f iwl wiittf (<t<tj[ M M ! r»-*r rtiv* ittiw fctin l r « i ! t I * " ^

BaumannrsPhotograph Studio

Bnud Siratepp. Central

WtSTFiHD, N. J.One of tbe Best Studios In tfo

— State.

ss PhotographsrRll'KH,

..^r i>»-at-n*f V^M «u I I .«•'»!• l a j n l l t M . W I ' -.<

| .N( I H M l l . t l i m A II li-tM -

_ t . . !« «, uui n 1 i .n»> 1 . . li.-. in.I >t-

l . y v i m i t * nl I ' I tiril»»r f MM* t i . t i ' t « ' 'Of JS> « >HFM]r t w | 4 ' i II flir t If i f (J

i*«»1l| Iftllmlkt ui> t V.MI i»r. «(> f^it ' l^jT^ )

' I m t i ^ u t t l I n j d t M I n . i m i i i I* t»>r» It i* f w v u t j :

liT*T'll'* Iv f.l»>jkj ^ T).t raft.*\uaiu*t ^Jlf' l*i. > u 1'ir }• IT.

IhOitn if*>f**ra I ill , hm^iif t*Jtri (lt*»r*H I, it

l i t t»f(*l*»> Mti'Mllttll

iS I : M \ I N I

i«t*r -if * tnttt U i t r w i

MANORRealty Company

CRANFUKft S1"!In u.1.1)ti<m to CIKUI-O UUII.DINQ

in rttl |nirl« nt CtimfnKl lit iirk-fl'oiu *;!,(KI(» to m.OOU.'Tli«\ttlso DESIRAIH.B HOUSES FOKRENT. Aj.ph tu "

Iliiino l>opart»HPTiii U i l d h


SanitftryWIk & Cream~"PfPiliiu>J unit Hulj In Crunfonl

D«if>: Orai.git .Vso. tiranfiinl, X. J


Boxl ; ' . Cranford.




' . „ * * W e s t t l " c o l n Avenue J.??**• FOFtD.-N. J. 3

iial* Kniidaya. -t Kodaks, Film* «nd Picture*


JAMES C. PARK,General -

Ibe fore part of ttack of tbe frripr. MUs Vorn M


1 -, jj.'y.

VEfCtlltMltV-SURGEON* .^ Pet animal* a Specialty.

towuinxw. 1)uWo»r BlraaUrri53-\C. ' WESTKJRLD, N. J.

O. H. &fcdart]the gu*at of hiOroff, nt 31 tluoi

Tl>* members.'harmonloi

I G.K Wheeler \

Jt Flour.Feed, Baii^i nay ;

t Straw, PouUfy f«d, He <



All varieties ofthe calendar tbMarch's entrancelamb-like.' Rehearsals Yre

members of St.i01n6Tor~tluilr prcthe Farm" wlucApril. '

il Th" p»"rt piw»ti

Musical Hnpiety_v



Painter and Decorator

46 Bumsid- j w;»TA,MV..wt . • f .«jj J i •• -

- Bon o ^. entertaining.

; Tlie new petitthUtown to serveCbirenoo B. FlintQarwood, JamesTPIalofleldhtan

Andrew Oorneg- otlved ^notlcB -U

tQthe Pqbllo U bAnother land c

neaa in Cranford IWith a capital *to

-inoorporators areBjroegor nml Hwn

Recent real eattown recorJeJ at


f Favorable« n a appomtmenU,

laranbl* cltw add quality,

of <!o*ioow«a I t i

w a ^' /)' feet sou thenstcrlj.-' ' 'lie Bllgabeth (' buiauce took two;-| thla 'week to the

•^ 'mfent., They wen/ J h f a C l

Pbultrv' Netting

• Garden Tqqlsl^,?Jt&-

wiia"DetectlveJ-W.l~" Junction the past'vw*ra arrested on

•; 1 M ' J d J ^

SL, CraafooL

GAMILLO MASSfl, , »100,000 wsi, "apt"• Uoloa county, «

Page 5: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t


tepbMediaUieQMtMd^tUiasi;Ttw Bt



Moving plcture»iK>Dtinu8°to pleaseat Cook's tnentrc

John W. Uelns la on a ten day*'> business trip In Canada.

U, h. Coudert of London, Edg., hasbeen renewing old acquaintance* Intown.

Sergeant Wm, Jennings was lat<t~uplbs fore part of tbo week with an at-tack of tbe grippe. '. MUs Vern Merriam of Hampton

mUt ar»Hil thin-mnnth with

tfrileetnan Otio Bebnart tjka wee•red from his rr©«u Ulnaa* «W b nowback ,oj> tbe fd>, ^ ™

; ereitM of•Tatbodbt church at Aldeiiheld on the tin* Sunday tn.' Mm. U. A. tHnrburweek from N*w ¥oik, • !d«rwent an operation for

The bouse owneil by . / .Walnut avenue, baa recently been•.Iterated and n^wjdumblog Inatalledby I»liet> a Miller.

MUa VluU Palmar, • ilia musicluvtnictorat Miss Wchinood'a school,took pan to acooaert at tb« Waldorf-Aatorfa, on JUonday evening., H'ANTiU>^A dnjtcliiaa grocery

olerk; alia a young man for deliverywagon. Apply' by letu-r only* L.'Lehman $ Go.

ftw jroung isiMtaftf t tw^atarwla great hit ~ " *preeiative

eat amatei r performance jet so farCranfajrd-is' concerned. • The


and ap-Without

E. M.

MUa Mary P. llamroood. a njembeiof St. Michael'. Drtimatlc CSub, liM ro-k<gu<ni from itm cunt wblob expocu to

O/H.'Mccarty of Philadelphia, latbe guest or his friend, Prof. W. W.

- Qroff, at 31 Lincoln Avenue. '•The members or tho V.' I. A. Phil-

_ meet this eveningreaTH*

All varieties or weather have been on'-'the calendar the past week, and

,~ March's entrance yesterday was ratherlamb-like.

Rehearsals Yre In progreag by' the— members of St. Michael's Dramatic

, 'Club foTthelr production of "Down onihk, L the Farm" which-will presented in

'iwrVif"laart«Box No. I", jLoew Mre alarm number

for the Uranferd f ire Department,was installed yesterday by the Oamo-wel| Oouipaoy at tbe corner of Walnutand HoUlh Aves. . - —

Tbe day-leltur ayatem ol tho West-ern Onion Telegraph Co. Wefil intoeffect yeaUrday at the lucnl office. Al-though the mesaage8~»lll bo^un* nodone-half times us expensive us nightletters, they are at 111 greatlycost of tuo regular day teloRn

e Bil r Boy ffeauttaa,h! You Kid."ie TrUCily Quartette.W. Waters, wpnol

Uliauia & Wilker, black faoeeota

MCflle. Aubre (MJi. Ralph Airy).1>v«, with the aid (if a few hats,j

impOreonafiops of the different'type* of women one sees in NewYork. This-was cleverly done andpleased the audience immensely.She fchen gave b,eri iinpreiuitHis otthe way different girl* danco andconcluded with a very realistic im-


t Gtlmttv.


ttv rfttnfJtr»««



Van Naiu | gsnoj.

p«t«9natipn. of a young lady takiugher first ride in au autoinohle.

Billy Boya Beauties—Adel9SeuiAr, May Senior. Edith Hilliur.Mollia Droescber, Mattie Uodgeraand Holen Sharp assisted by Fan- | Wea|,«" Mfr. Ua^ a A K« * I I ft M mm mm • • • • • * • — • JIM . _ . » JM 1 ^_^ i t f l l \mm\nie Hilliermany Wnl

were Veryhit*

good I vllW, _


bi North-bat. by

antl. r*mll| h»r.

bt>u>« a l 13 Sfailimaby tbe r>(rao.jf««wly

lisa been united bj Sir*. A, O.&abwH'ktiita sold h»r bout* at t>

nan*, lu Ml, V. T- <S|uaoe,(J. U. My ;n» and funrtlj li«*« niovwi

trow II H. Juiuu «»•., tu % Hut over]|*ay*«ilcu| atom.

U. Ifai rooiiU t»«Utl No. .117


•aaaaawaMf - • saawaa S S i

Uiya late r««lHi,) r DlaJ of 41.1 Norlb


and Carrutii took tiie. aOlrmatlre,while Messrs. Denning and Stimpsonwere on the ^negative. . -

The iQsbeis ~uf tli« . 1'r'tnbj terlnnh

iL Th" P«ft rnnetinn- <?t the ftose Villabe held on March

son on^rjttaiieiii Btrwt, airs. _;.entertaining.

Tbe uew. petit Jurors drawn fromthUtown to serve'at County Ouurt are

--CbirenooB. Flint and.f'redeilok Qay;Qarwood, James Boaley..

" TPIainfleldbaa not been overlooked byAndrew Carnegie,' Mayor Moy re-

- oelved notlCB .last week that "Little

to/theAnother land company to. do bual-

neas in Cranford has be>n incorporatedWith a capital atock of $100,000. The

-InoorporatQis are Henry Xroeger.Pau!" ' ir'flwwry Nnrrhhorat.

' !Recent real estata traDsfers in this

town recorded at Elizabeth. Is (hat of

• a s ^ of Johnaoof' feet sou thenstcrly of Ells* Btreet.

'Itoe Elizabeth General Hospital am-bulance t6ok two patients from heretbla 'week to the bqapltal for treat-

V They were, Mrs. 0. O. Weal-»7 Xghjuj.'otS. ColouAve., and John H.f>?:JMjner;orX«xingtoiiiiv». , __


lthatcliy to witness

U l " f

the acbool tothe prodnotion

"Uncle," a tare* comedy'in three acts.'it-waswelUtagedvandlhe bouse was' " - - Msjwell R.to Its capacity

- \ ;-wa» one of tbe uahen.' '-.^Cof juwpera and the|vjp«~ Italians

- ' w'liavebeena source of annoyance to' Detective J.'W. liobman, at Cranford

' "-'Junction the psst weeki A tuo of boys- vwere arrested on Saturday-and taken

* "'-btfffi*' Judge Van S.Mtooea ay Poselle,|i" forstesling rtdis. After reoeMng ajrVUMfrnt* from the Judge, tbe bojrs. were

_V.rj*s1ntback to their homes In Phlladel-.'phto, Two Italians of South Cranford••"-* —' "lea op for-taking^eoal-from

at the JunclioDi fi^nt«noeas they agreed to settle


fet*tnattr}aily in road improvw»«fataitfcu last annual report rabmltud io

oToroar.'-State Boad C«nmls-Frederick-(MlkyK>n>bow« that

" r i t d f m tl»s^f F r e d r i y >«0Q,«» was, "appropriated from rtl»yrr» ...T - ^ fnnd fitt

l ist ev»t|.ng. n't tho Drug aujl ^CttDtnlcnl Oluu

of Mew York. " A delightful eveningwas spent in good fdjow'ablp and 1ngiving eiprus»lons of interest- In th"ebutcb with wiilchHUuy arauontieotod.

Mr. auU Mr*. MiMivton tiaruvtt, Airs.Lovolaud, and William Urysdnle, werevisitors to Atlnnlic City OQ Humlnyanil attended, thu micred yonvert Inwhich Mlaa Mary K. Iturko made hertiebut. Ttte Oranronl «lnger was - *

&'few'remarks dbout'tho Iibbbteskirt; and the Craufor.l watur;Bhowod how bridge should hepUymlaml sang a little song toBilly; They , wanted = to -know

WIIHI'H thet uinttvr"'with a uuiuhurof thiugs and people. ' A cloveract wnV*\Vhsro tho Hubbies Wora"Hix ot thn girls representing the"hubbiuH*1 au<l tho seventh a noil-brptt*; very realist io (Inn.' AU«s Sharp in "Oh You Kid'Vrfk

very flrvcr iudeeil.uud inont anius-jiHrtin'itlarty

or DrboltlirTi; naa

North ave.,<Kuiit. Mi. t*aitHnt»r.formrt Mftfpaut uf tb« luiiiao, uow r*.uliles nt liiTUniun Avi», Nimll.

Tln> ritillim^ntArj' IAW tllaia.of theV. I. ,\ , «ill bt»n(u H «eri«a uf meaUings in lhnt Crmiford I'IIIIIIO Library,on Muinluy at a-lft p, m." "Mrs—JohnKuwlt-i l i y w will ItiBtrnnl th»

the'steef nler*au<inorlum"iucity.


I la enpq'

Lyric (Jlub nuain- redeemedTho Lyri (Jlub nuain redeemeditself1 oo-Tuesday evening by givingtheaecond dellghtrul concert of' theseason at the CasinoT U> aa apprecia-tive audience. Seven numbers worerendered by the members includingtbe cantata, "The Lady of Shalott,"b Wilfred -Bendell.. Mn. W. H. A-

waaably assisted by Mrs. J.'Belllo'k,soprano, of Jersey City and George E,Olauder,'ccUbtl. , ' < ,'

Court Cranford, 1. 0 . b\, held a largeand Interesting meeting on Tuesday.evening In Masonic. hadJ.. "DlstriotDeputy Jones of Newark, was present.One oandidato m initiated < and

the meejlng In March. -Plans werei^itlloed bjr.the EnterttlnmeDt Com-mitted for a .Forester'* night enter-tainment to be bald fa. the Cranfordopera house at some future-date. Ahigb class vaudeville show will be pre-sented;- •

About forty.ave ladies were pleas-antly entertalntd on Friday afternoon

b f T l i f r T F l l dat Hampton Hall. Bridge was playedand a general soclaTtftne enwed Inthe parlor of that hospitable .iouse.Honors were dlstribated to Ity) follow-ing sQoeesaful ones: Mrs. U. Damon,Mrs. OrattoA, Mrs., Oavls, Mrs. liar-low, Miss Edith Jones, Mrs. a.Darnon,Miss Edith Keel.y, and Mr*. Po««r,Tbe oonsqlation prize wafl'won by llrs,Hegeman^ lA" luncheon wju seryedat the close of tbe party.- ; •

tlon at their annual-meeting In TrtO'ton Uwtweelr, a»i«>orreioTaUon«~ur«-ing that the' back st«mptoR_o('>ordin-

•mailb*dtsqpnttpoedand that*"(fieor sebum, ot posUgp^srArops becolor

ciirriwted Itucolor

iwrU. * i : ft Bayr» ^tJaJnoieoejected president, arid .Walter.E,hart of tfils place, was te-«4ec«edt Onan-d*l-aeeretarr> ? ,-;4

:-»*i4w t""- "O6r Alas(wn jPriends"' la -the "titlef d d * & b ' b ^ O

(of aa addre* & beP H h

byU* « y .

P Heck, at the PresbytrrUn chapelon Monday af icraoon next at 3 o'rlorkonder ibe. anspless of the, W A D MUlsaioaary Society. Jtfr Keek b _re#raseoiaiiv»ot thci'iibildoa JaeknwUcoool and bcsldea bb laik'uil th»be will also exhibit s> loi of ennoa. Asocial hour will follow- MM.' B. BBoTtooMd lfn..Bobsrt Rtqdelt a nUiecominlUealacliirs*';-""

nvcoiiipanlitl gave HOIIIO of Tlie boil"numbera on tho program ;thoroughly onjpved by alL

Tho' hlack fnuo artiotH WUlHauiiWilkur' (MonBrs Harry Follt and

liirCfrmpitojl) -won' greatTa«fur ina sketch that brojtght one laughntter another, Mr. Jcampbolt' buiugbM\iocin\]y good in HOIIIO of bin rugtiuie.RoleotioriHou the piaua

W. TV. Wutore was bettor ovursii-uminV; workitig-oif-niuch.. tiew

talk, As a matter of fdct.ono 'ofthe b«Bt fcatnros of->-tho wli^loJ'HIIOW"- was that nlmont,all of UmHkitit aud hits were entirely new, HR

well HH clever. If it in jirainu-tuld-ilmtzthcir-

£EifS~SlireJ5 tiio 'ttuiate'urB iregpou'-rely tinr thin HIaiblo for ThT» sucausa yrill bo mfr-

foited with prawo, tor their workccttuiuly was of 'Al profetmiouuli)uality:

Dauciug followed the show withluuaic by Zt'iitiler.

tliHCrnlnluid wluxiU won \h« Una-nfl'/ur'thj.' bfnt ulU'iidttlii* of uny ofLhci»>li,i"li< In ilxwoiihlyiluriiiK Ji(iiuiry. 'I'lui pt-ioi'lilHiiP \>t ntlend

WmiIli-lil \vltr "pli'iitU In llid. Presb>('h\ituh DM

t cut. A"I giKKliy'gy gg^ i»vtMiliig f ri'nily uppivulutvi)l 4 ' "Inn

MountHftlnl MnrJ's C»lli<f(i>,

l ' biiiiiiiutiiliiij' nt rUlullnlJ, WII* tit)-'stroyi'd by flront ali^cnrly Imurjhlnuiurulim. U'lin nUnlontj) had 'llnid tn

f. frutil ittm Ijuiliilng Tho lo»n isnlmut MO.OOO. ^J|Th;!.T|i'lii9ii_li'llor apiioat* on. Umlghtli pM|,ti< ortoiliiy'u Iwiim,

• Tlui-r-i/|tulur iiti'uling uf the I ' r oO i b «I»M libld at Mrv. i'lnlip

i ti il, tliiu iiioriiint,', tint [~&fiHH Brtiwn in Um cliuir. Curriuit

WITH jmuLhy—Mra.I)JT.. Mra.

The Coal Dealer Telephonesr-"TETTS see, you had fifteen tons last year,

£ j Mr; Blank. Did 3?ou nave enough?Duplicate last year's order—all hght t

Thanfc you. very much."The coal dealer does a large sliare_oLhia_

business over the telephone.' The customer does not have to ace sam-

ples of his stock;The coal dealer couldn't do' business

without the telephone.T h B




BtU TrUfhomt « of the Syilem

COOKSThNorth Avenue and Eastman St., Cranford, N. J,

-1KB OF NOW l ' l ,At« i«

Motion PicturesNKW-

MatiiieoH, a.15 I*. M.

CHILDREN under 12 year*. 5 Cents, exceptSaturdays and, Holidays. -'

K»eniritf T IS ».t 111 1*M,

For Sale or Exchange.In rii'i'tlon iiin» en tli». (i)«p uf KenH

't'i Ih Ul'ii'k Wi Hint-lu -8*ctl«ik I, l/n I Ililfii'k 3», Will »i<tl rlittit <>r ,.•>.

fur Ncbiakka pni |x-c iy .


ANU MANUTlil^U. i'AULOHH.All kiad* of llHtfuoixlii, J toll Wig*-^ -Bdti'i .t .Wft(t.'tjr -unit B f w W r U •


' i M a r y y g yof OharloH W. Doyle, died suddonly onTuesday forenoon, at her reatdonue,1)8 Centennial Av«. Mr*. Doyle wasabout the bouse'when attacked withheart trouble and before, medical aaai*t<anc« arrived sue was dead. Thedeceased, whose maiden name wmI»onen, w'aa well known, in-Cranford,

. . . 0imBesides her buabdn . Uiere art liveohlldren'»ur»lving, littwreuo«,TliereM,'Thomas, Anna and Bernimf. Funeralaarvlces will be held tomorrow piorh*IQR at 8 30 from her Jato resh)ancoarid thenoe to St. Mlobael'a1 Gliuroh,wbera a solemn requiem mass wilt beheld for, the repose of nts soul. Inter-'mentlnSt. Mary's oometery, Plain*

, CATHBHISB IMBOJ»T._ ' ,Catherine Imhorst. aged 65

years, a former resident of Cranfonl,died at Weatfleld, on Saturday even-,Ing, after a long- Illness. Tbe deoeai-eU was a relict 6t the lah» H.|Imhont,Ad. wav wall and favorably known m"iblttowD.~tit»i*ave*%Mirviviptf, anonly daughter. Mlai- Rataerlno Im-bontof Westfltld, -Tb» fu.neral saprloea were lariely attended qtj TABS*day afternoon ,*t Wjate^onuv 3M E.Broad Street, We#t8eld, Jlov^-JoboEdgecumbB, rector o? Trinity "Epls«Jo-pal cijuroh/ otOcihtipg. Interment

At a meaUnK of tbe llaster BuUders<held \al Westflald, last


repr««nt*d,,tlje Association' at tberPbUadelpbwsesaloo.

On the first, page of {hig_ig»ne. atconsiderable % length t&« reason*

" i n favor of a ttew>1 bmjdinglroia tbe student's

_^, having t»e>» writ-

sbnrflyb«np for sarious diaeusslon, it appaw to. be *erj uiaehto the mint ' It would be fairhowever to » y that the SchoolantbontiM bad no handy» thepreparation; at

Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchangedto,


Telephone 160-J./ " ! •


can seoorn a umHlon with me.b«st boys I Sm going U> itlva HAVINOrJBAXKtf and caab prices. Xh« wurlr Is

and d^es not Interfere with otherdut


T~Slx room dat with allH h e a t -Price

S t f i 7iaUM), AUnion Ave

FOtt~ 8AL&-Uondaomely carved-Oblone teekwoml tsbterbaotl-TflJfiidchtna top, Tuo pieces of brdcadfdorhiatnl silk, miil»b!» for dresses wandcloaks., AddreM Offloa CuAnront>Cmztm

UOOMS-Wlth bdard. Wartn, anasangr; Exoellent table. 18 ForeatAveniiy, Cranford. K- J.

TO LET-rjA ol«e'larg» front roopi,*lth uoaid Multaltle for a youngcouple or two yoana menj Ko»r tbaaUtion. "Addrt-eg a EL, Crrtti* ofttov,

ir&res, sold <ti( installuients. Beadpostal to John-Collen*, general dc?

First classr_cond»tfon. _Apply thisufSiw. ~-": rr - - - •

waoitT, >


Mn, F PabrM taA Miss McOavwrlefionToe«4ayAntlieirfreMan iri|>araaa lit* eooUaent They will tWtibelmpMrUotpolauldlbe V dPadflo coast, nitnrqlaftbr Uw

^ H I * «•





t , Cat#fe«s f Ornhibed uprta reqawt.


. * *


Page 6: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

t / !'


I'V,'\ , 9' A

,%'r- ,! 1

• 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 11 n I 11



took t w ; potato!* opportsoMy to lavpreat OB Jwig* and iwr ttat etratm-


KB barren, rocky tltU*t^* farm IB Northern V*r»

mom, a mil* or twooat from tb* villageof Newtown, near tl>*Derby line, WM •**-

£ g*ttlv* mainly of hardwork and amall re-tarns, «e th* ordinaryobserver. litTbulld-tng* war*, small and

s^ff old and out tif itpalr;IU fenoee were sag-•Jag In place*; th*

orchard, long patt IU prim*, WM dy-lag oat, and tb* Itch of money to buya n trees had prevented th* filling upof th* vacant places, ' But In tplte ofall IU drtwbackt, the barren. roikyattl*,,fann WM a (larlftea place toJohn1 Bairtiit* that—day—IS—early"

ou don't knew bow uppr > « mtk**. Ml to and wbtotl* for An«jy—I

aw* •upp«i'i nearly ready."Andr. bowater, dla not rnpond topMited wbtntUng*, and flB»Uj John

west to tli* ft*l« to **ar*fa for him,ut could »ot And' Mm and returned

* tb* bou*a. "I gtieee be'f «on*. toth» rllUg*, mother," he aaJd. "Mil Iavppoae b* will e»t *npp*r there.Ton know b* often doe* tbat." Ill*

4eonc* esueed no alarm. Lat*r In tb*evening a haystack, tbat stood la tbeHeld near the place whereto* broth-er*, had been at work, WM disseveredto be on fire. John went out to try to•aveit, but It teemed to be burning alliver'at th* same tlm*, tad be could, dololhlng. T*e flr* wat «ttrll>al*4 tooBe" rnaHcIou* or thought!*** ~boy*,

wtf*. Jan* Iwd llv«d alone la tb*little bcrtM In th* Tillage, ton to 1tt»ron the death of *«r fsthtr and moth»r« m r i l y**r» befor*. and always tb*famine* bud been friend*. 8b* i t i• Uif tttol girl, with tbt g l o w bUokhair, M dark todipvkltni blue W M .tb»4>« apple cheek* and tb* »uo-hi naiur* tad undaunted courag*

6irlth ancestor*. 6h* Iwd n*v*rshiny,of fc«r

- b**«Ti frald to lit* *.to»--B*ltK*r fearo( pbi slbl* physical p*rll nor of tb*mental attitude tb*t ««n«Um*f t«

j b* dr«wd*d •»•« Umn thl»»«»or w>Bd*rtim b»tt*r». by uoopU

«r*r~T» lop much of Ibelr own »oct*lr,*r »«4 dUtutlwd her. Bhi p<wi«u«d


S*v*r*l day* *t*p**d, aad Andy>t return, lit* mother and brother

thought be might have gob* to vlalthit friend. Malcolm Thornton, wholived'a short distant* tmr tbe UD* laCanada. Newly a w**k later Thonr-aon appeared at the narrows farm totransact awm* bu*tfi**l, b* *aM, withAndy. He ***m*d greatly mrprlsed

dlMBpolaUd at AodyViand expressed anxiety lett tome acci-dent had befallen hlra. The follow,ing day Thornton went to the villageand In the *torw and ahopt be dis-gusted the dlaappearaw* of Andy.

did not » « I I M but which, Ini m*try Jetm DMTO

thrt-«h*.tt»T» hire liw UfldjlBH

4,had known John' narrowi Inng! otlmately—alnt* th* day* whenwent to U* llttl* v)IUg* /cb '

oHen iho

up i John, and hit notjier and hitbrot: W Andrew, Mra. Btrroy* tov«din* : |ttnny*f actd girl ** a daughter.

M»djr—Andr on* nourc*at I flprehenalou \o the otherwise *n-tlrtjfS ntppy young taupi*. An amic%bMtl|t«*ni«at at to the division of" tttm tad been rakchedt but '*">"

bad a**in«d inondy and de*pond<' often Ji* watched John and

b JeatoM «y*s. A f*wtohsi Ahdr

d mwr.hlnt.'but «h> lud

w y yrt tor* with John, llo',than"T. 'and b*(i*r favored,T tallM In lot* wltb hl

ttitt-ypu'r* tnlno bthe old«t,t 1 *b«>i

«bolc*. Ob, do cay you

Andr, you know I eouldot know I 40 noi

you eooug^ ry m*»

fc*»« *a tb* farm,

^,^awrf,^«ftfti .; i iarlt n j

bad an intimateThonaoav 'a sloae-

Boot, aid to him AndytrottW**. Tbomiwon con.

tin maUM. taw «dTt»*d Andy* l* id |y tb* t i nrotlw and thut1 ^ l r t

t dear, to-tb* fe«*tt

yotaut court* «*i»


ibroutttlnT seller*.



ISBEOT" - _ . - -Barrow*. Taee* oM petghVvr* alwaysbad b**a bit friend* aa4 ware- notrealty »*Meious, Jb»lr acUoo-beingmerely, tb* r*«ult .of tb* w*IV*owa

culm Thornton. John- WM . _guilty of murder In the first degree.

Jan* Heath vowed the would move(•even and earth ttffree her l o w .ind thraugb her effurtr be WM grant-rd a abort mplU by tb* governor ofIh* slat*, and he wts to' remain *few month* In jail tiefor* th* exeat*Lion. Wltb renewed hope, tbe deter-lined to prove til* Innocence aad *»v*

it* life flbe minted that there WMno proof whatever that An'dy Barrow*wat not allvn; that ell th* evidenceWM purely circumstantial; and she soearnestly persisted in ber theorV, andcast M much doubt on the- guilt ofJohn, that too anally prevailed uponth* governor to commute hi* tentejtoeto life .Imprisonment. - —>— •

Boon after th* trial tif John Bar.— determined

to leave that neighborhood. Before o-Ing so, be oalied on Mis* Heath andtalked ifi her roost consolingly. ButJan* WM auspicious, tnd hit protestedsolicitude caused ber to believe hi*declaration* of sympathy and friend-•hip were not genuine. HI* talk la*k*dsincerity. Jan* mad* up her ttlad towateb him. It possible to dojo. M.lb*_ B > — * • _ £ • A * _ *U ^h^fc A-.~ A** m* -

Two year* later—yean In whichJane Heath, though not Inactive, hadaeconpUtbed pr*«tlcalty nothing to-ward th* release of "her lover—« young•oldler returned to northern Verawntfrom the *outh on a furlough.c" Fromhim Jan* learned that Thornton wa*In New Orteana. She decided to go 16(bat city, making tbe long lourniy atdid Brangellne—n»t to Bnd ber lover,but to .aeoompllib hli freedom. Travel

and ptlrrefl up eonalderabl* commentamong the vlliag*n who had thougbt.

Andy waa visiting Thomson. Tb*Sgobabmaa appatred much, concernedand, while expressing no opinion, keptup the gotalp b* had started unTintlast' suspicion was arouted. Thatwfi1ch'i«aU.}ie*ira commonplace elr-eumttnnee at tint Iwoarn* a mysterytbat grow diwper and deeper eachhour, until Malty tomitone suggestodfoul D»r.' ~Thl«" •uinWion rapidlytook root tnd gathered credence untilthe entire neighborhood wat eitre thaiAndy1 Harrows had tt»en murdered.

John narrow* «nd hit mother, ofcourse, were the latt to bear those»torl««i and when" (hef-Onally'TejSfbedhit ears, John started an Immediate In-vestigation, In which nearly all themen ot tbe vjfykgo willinglyThey searched every out-ottnewayplace, every abfeiidoned well, everypoislbl* nook and cranny on th* farm.At night th* men looked puttied an

Varch-to go over until th* »*«t da:V a g dwhan Tboraaon caaually mentionedth* burning of tbe btyvtack.

tt«r* tte* »ear«h«n were horrlOeito find a partly burned tody. RtklnIq th* aahea, *omeon«r found a buncot keya and a poeketknU*. whleta wererecognlted at one* a* baTlng beloncsto Andy Barrowi. A blood-etalnedax, with »otn* lUlbt-red hair*, tuactlyt r t d f A « W I h J , *4b««ia|r to

Sby. Tb***flB?*cov*rl** teemed to tolv*th* tnrttery -ojf Andy's disappearance.A cowardly ipurder had been com-mitted, th* body bidden in th* tuck,sad tb* stack: burned to conceal th*.crime. There *e*m*d ao doubt *» f>

thing wa* to dlaeover til* criminal.Buiplclon at one* pointed to Job:

Thomson, -whit*- «rpr**a"lni doubt a*'to Joh»*t (tttrt, (aid he knew (her*had been wat* mltunderatandlng be-tween the bro<h*r*. bat did sot thinkIt *T«r would reach tuoh a Hag*, Sev-eral ptrweai who had heard, or heardof. the quarrel between the brother*,cam* forward to tell what they kn«wor Imagined, and thing* began to lockW*«r *»r* for^iWim- H*wa*«*amuch putaled ai aayoa* by th* dl*>c«r«nr n*de IX th* Mb** of the hay•tack, aad- coiild offer no explanationof the mratery. - - '.. John Barrows wa* formally cbtrtedwith the" murder of hit brother, anda warrant waa (worn out by Thorntonfor hit -arrest Thomson took , thiastep ntost'UBWtlUngly. he asML'lnitfelt he mutt *** lu*tlce> don* hit eldfriend. No denial on John** part madeth* *Ught**t Impreadon on the mlaoeof_th« escitad p«O«t*.' Tb«y wantedan IttOMdlatt triaU but wtM* com.

to convene, aad attar a brief preUnvInary heerlWsv Jokn.WM takes to th*

Jan* Heath, when th* Brtt ta*pl>

d5Sar**,h*r faitV la bbnl aao* loW*h» would stand by h i s

9la "John, -Md. bar triaAd*

tarded D*r ,m UtUf jahorl of d*>nested when A * declared, ehe, neiwwould h>r**k»^oha Barrow*. No on**»•* fcad th*;;ellfntt*t talth to h l baoenefc «!r«ai Al* tnoth*r. a t w g knot upt*j**latf her oplnlon,twaa ^ro*vtrat«d by UiergrWiiart tb . dtsgrsoe,and **fna»d to •»* oer *on,: Bh* be-Ue»»d,Wa pflRriMir^aH noTlSt f tWtb«

*. (Wb*» ta*«HW C U M to trial tbwaWtt.UtU* **M«Me la behalf ot the'•oounoV cat Mtibbon.'nadr 14 M-

l l 4 l

« '

charactor. t«

ywtta «Mja reality a

Hot tag afUf t l i _ported to ate ttat tbe had

TkotMon, aad. wa* mm bela mm* ktod ot crooked

lag, to eatUvato that gwtlamae'saequalataae*.' tow' he di*coveredthat Thomeoo WM carrying an a thri-ving busiae** smagglteg goods aero**Lake Pbatchanram Into tb* Con*ad>•racy. Al*9' It WM fooad' out thatThornton WM greatly strald of d*t*e-Uon by th* federal authorttle*. Ukeall crook* he deemed everyone elsecrooked, and WM teekMig *a alManc*with tomeone who eoald "t«" th* ru-Upg pow«r*.' This timidity tod himto uk* into hi* coofldene* tb* detect-Ive is my employ. Colon*! Moncocto*.

earily arranged a parvuertblp with Thomson, after convta-cttig Mm of hU—Moojinfluence with th* federal tuthoritle*

l-hl* tbnity to obtain ihw n*r**»|ry

1 IN CONSTANT PAIM.WM badly wwas«*d,« ft*- *"*** *

"ZZSZZ^L™^^ Uttle He. and U« F — * - - VB

poaea, ate - - . , . .Ma* *y*».-*cwever,of «* wicked nature. . - - - - .

• a l l inTOtB »ho«ed f

When 1 west forward tohim I rwgnlted Hopper as a manwho bad been tried and convicted forpasting eouaUrteil money at Sew Ot-leant several month* before, tie nadbeen **nt to tb* penitentiary at KatouRouge, but had'eeeaped during a bat-tle at that point In which the prisonWM partially d**troy*d. He made hi*way aerou -*»• Amit* river into tbtConfederacy wher*, by_ standing la

patn. _ . .were frequent anaobliged me .to altdo»'n to keep fromfalling Kidney secre-tions were generallyprofuse, then again,scanty and depositedheavy sediment. Myfeet and ankles were

Confederacy where, by_ • t " d ' « » ; b a d l i W O l I r a that mornings I couldar«ssarss«;»>»»*. «...-.handle and thlp out cotton.

I »**t*d myself betid* tb* woundedI y ideman aad • took bit band, aad neverwiU*I.forget tb* ghMtly atar* with

d I dev

permit* for taking out good* »>dbringing In. cotton. Tbomaon WM tofur«ltb tb* money, wall* Moncotfau*'wat to Uk*" charge 1 of the ihtle•eboonar employed, and manage DMantborlUe*. Tb*r* al*o WM a thirdpartner la the aebMna, a man namedHopper, who WM located at Maade-lll Ju»t' U*Pon^bartralB

partner, to whom be WM a stranger,and Thomson furnished him with aphotograph of th* man, that iher*might bo, no trouble In Identifyinghim. MoncoMU* brought the photo-graph to m«, and I left It 6a my deskwithout thinking much about It MMHeath, happening la soon aft*r, tawthe photograph and recognUed It M apicture ot Andy Barrow*. Th* mythi-cal scheme that had been planned by

from kidney troublf". Two boxes ofDoan/s Kidney P1U» effected* com-plete cure."

Remember the name—Doan*.wm i.iorgn uw s"—"/ •»»» ; «- Bala D»-au dpajers CO cents awhich'b. reg^d«l me . . I endeav- | J^VosteVlinburn Co. Buffalo, ff. T.ored to—Itppr*** wpoa. him—uo*—VIM .realisation- of hit condition and th* j Q T U N U 8 y A L .duty Incumbent upon him, My urgent 'appeal hsd.lt* affect. Hopper admittedtbat hi* mind was burdened with agreat crime, which ha WM willing to Ieonfcts. ,1 bad set htm down M Iscoundrel, but wat not quit* preparedto be brought f«ce to face with one-who**-hurt wai tot inbomaB-M de--

ttrothw:—"* —•• • — ' - — «>•"A few year* ago." he-said, "I, wltb

my younger brother, lived with ourwidowed mother on a little farm Innorthern Vermont There lived nearu* a most Mtlmtbl* young woman. Ipaid ber some attention, and in timtfeU madly In love with her. When Isupposed ,1 had won her affections Iatked' her to marry me. She refutedand did not denjr 'that the loved mybrother when I charged her with, that

"1 i i v a pianist laat nightplay with bit toes."

-"Umph!—rvo got a kid 18 month*old can do that I" •

One Happy Condition.• "Wlrologs 'a a uouderful thing. Isn'tIt? It's • going to take the placeDf everything—telegraj*, telephone,th might tranaferoncp—why, they even

ma. She WM not Imade no promises. I had merely mil-taken ber Utterly regard and kind-nett io ma lor anecuoo.

for the error.1

"Yes, but there's one thing they'll

| "What's that?"

to gather courage for what win to fol- j important to Mother*low. "Up-to-tUt.tlme h# Ka4,mH my ! Exatalno carefpUy every" botUe'oteyef 'frankly, buf now he shifted bis , CASTOHlA, a safe and ture remedy for

., . lpfantn anit chlldrpn. find y*1 ^hat it"When she told mo-.the could not

marry me,.and made no denial of herregard for-my brother, I WAS filledwith unuUembln rage. Calling her ahcarflca* flirt, I soiled my hat »ndleft her. Is WM furious, desperate, anddetermined to bo rovenged. While myheart WM filled with rnncor anil mymind with splfoful thpugbtt, I con-fided my troubles to Malcolm Tliora-aon. Ito always .was on. evil cp.un6c.lQr,but a cunning—one. He dissuaded mefrom my plan for Immediate revenge,and advised mo to Appear friendlywith my brothor In order better tocary out a plot which he rovealed to

I Dears tho' Slgnn(ure of[ tn ijt<f For Over _ .M The Kind You Have Always Bought

-Havei to Pull Them In.. _'_| Ella—There' arc just us good fishI In the son L

"Stolin—IJut you havo to have a«pullo land them. ' '

The Chic«)9> Fire could have* b«n pre-vented with one Tail of water, but thewster wtt* not hnmlv. Kttp .ft bottle ofItnmliha WVanl Oil Tinndy and preventhe fiery pains of inflammation.

by rail to New OrlMna wtj^euipendW.and tb* city could b* reached «nly

She woared aletur (o General Bta nutler from th,egovernor of the *t*t*. took. patMg*

Immwllately w*nt to General Butler1*hw4Quartera,'but waa refuted adml*alon by the_»tntln'*f on. guard, whoaald Mi order* wet* to admit aocivilian unleat boMMUd with head-quarter* affair*, 1 -WM at that Urn*attlgned to tb* Mere* etnrtoe depart-ment of Ue United aute* govern-ment aad wat returning to aeadquar-tara, and ***laf tb* young woman, I

t t a J 4 j tearance—h*

j i l p . J # . f l S * s j ^ Jetttd at out* In h*r appbeauUtut face aad graceJul figure, b.«rair ot breading aad refinement, outnor* tbaa tatte. In aw quiet dignityand evident atncerlty nt purpo**; Atmr MQUMt ah* gav* me th* letter ad-dreattd to Oewral BuU.r. anfl 1 tookIt ttralght to him. tl* glanced at Itand handed. U baok to me. dlroctlntm* to' Mowtaln what'lh* young wo-man wanted and report tminsdlatalyto Mm. the letter lnt«*duced t i tbearer,.approved her minion, aad re*quested tb»t all .potalbl* eourtetle* b«abown her. 8b<. wafaeeklnt a permittb * l l tW T b t o l tb dabown her. 8b<. wafaeeklnt a permittb *lalt tW varTout yobttool tb* do,paitm«t ol tb* gwU where troop*w*wrtWiM»oand toirm* frankly

ilatenlng'-to Wtt* Heath'* ttory^ w l of Itiand nade up toy mind to aid bar. ao

J i u r e ,aiaq, thatTiW werrlto* eould be madeT*luaM*"to ,the government, and Inaiding bar I might ateoJk* aiding tbV«au*« tor which i wa* working. 1offend to employ, hex to pick up In-formation la,regard to th% doing* ottl»*n*mt*« ©ft** government Thta

'" ' her. a-jjoo« thane* to^the TJnlon rUnei

eoBMai «*I -UoaUty. I 'matah* aainae 'toasquUn* apptnl,«c\*d «t anew oa ttta *ugf«r"~wfcm ah* apptarod tafor*pared to *at*r oa-har alattatv V\


MancoMua for the purpose of entrap-ping the Scotchman, on suspicion that*lt w*t fl **l my f *h« gnvflrament.

after this my brother an-

Mitt Heath, and 1 wUhcd him ^with 'bitterness in my nearC Planswere Jnado for the marriage, and Iteemed to take an Interest In them,and to hare forgiven my brother andhit Banco© my fancied wrongs. -But IWM only biding my time.• "When the time, waaiips-fpr

ting the plot we had arranged, I man-aged to be at work wltb my brother In

a*ldion-~<rorf»rmr--Oir tJ)0 iwrtout"night-Thom*coivan«Jv-.li*l-J>J«o«4. the.body o( a man about my alte In a hay-atack, which ttood near where w*were at work repairing a fence.'Thon>spn had obtained th* body from a pau-per's burylDg-ground on th* Canadiantide

'had unintentionally, become^ of para-mount Importance. Step* ware tskeo.jU-nncj JtA bring AndyJ

test hi* part in the mlterable *ch*m*to spoil th* live* «f hit brotbw and

"hi* brother1* aweetheart.' A *maU schooner WM procured andloaded. It WM planned to captureAndy Barrowt-Hoppw, and bring himto New Orluna. ,O*nera| Sutler,when consulted, tald the plan WM auraty one, but Koncossu* daclared h*contt carry-It out It did **«m a dU<ftcult uadtruWttfi l » t JfonooMU* WMwilling and~*nxiouVto take Ih* riskand abide Mr th* eon**an*ne**..~ Wh*n th* HtU* boat arrived atMand*Tllle It WM unloaded, and Ukena tew mile* distant acroaa a, bayoufor the, purpoae/of Uklngion batot ofcotton. "Hopp*r* wa» there to tupef.Intend th* d«Uv*ry - ot jth* cotton.When the tchooaer WM ready to Milb* came 'on board, with two' . otherm«n, *ip*ctlng to be landed atltaridj*-vUlfc~**-th* schooner passed on IUway' to- New Orleans. Th* .wind WMblowing heavily that day/Head ahead

'My brothor left the 41*ld that dayjust before dark. ' I remained for tbe

il*rrow» feMb»-i-PUrj>QM, .of _ cpono tetlng,_. the.-, wqrkv

• ~ - BmMa&mmmtisaanM:I punctured a small vein, in my arm.

vllle, but well In. ft*or wh*aheaded aerou tb* bay toward NewOrleans. '•

Hopper'*_two Mtlttanta w«r* pereh-ed upon a cotton T>at* .with;th*lrj*g«

with treat force, the.boat gav* *">sud-d»H .lurch. *,nd th* two men alttlngon the cotton bale wero knocked. Intotb* lake, v ' '- ," > • -

••Heave her to," shouted Hop-par, atthe same Urn* drawing hi* nrolvw.The next tMtant he WM Wag on'th*deck. - A bullet had ptercad. W», *M»from, the forward part of the schooner;which, now w&* headed: directly/to*Ne'vfiOrleana befor* a tan or twelveknot breese:' When th* Khoomr ar-4-|»»4,-*n4 .w;M hauled us oat of th*lsk« W,tpl«i*fttwIbMln, I was awail*lag, IU atrivjd aad w«at aboard Asurnoa had bejsa a*nt tor to car* MrHonour. Kft had not arrivtd. Hopper

pand with\tb* -blood .b.eameared the bitof the a* w* bad b«*n using. 1 cutoff * lock -Of my hair and scattered Iton the bloody blade, and then pitchedIho ax Into the grata. Reaching be-neath th* body In tb* bay I depositedmy pockatknlfo and bunch of keys.Then-t tet lire to the stack and hur-ried to Join Thomson, who WM. watt?log near by with a horae and. buggy,We drove rapidly away,'and" I toonWM on tny Way to New. Orleans,.where Thomson waa to Join me In.afew weeks.

"H WM agreed that Tbomaon shouldlint return to the Tillage and atlr upsuspicion, which would result In -a••arch tor me and th* discovery ofthe burned body. ' Everything turnedout thus far M we had planned. Mybrother- WM accused- anr convicted.

"It was, my purpose^ when my rivalshould be.out of inyway, to returnhomey att&'aftet *' tfane renew my at'tentloa* to Ml** Heath, but I put offjiolnftroin Urn* jto time. Itcould not -fae* tar old W*nd*,;*nd_i«i*,hbor«.Tb«Kqft:Th«a*0n:i learned thai^mybrother ' s ^ « * R t o C * v w » s l t d

th* moment Colonel Mopootsus put tor my CrlinW My-«am* it Aad>,B«r-

D e a t h , c a m e , t o o a t o A o d > B a r r o w s ,

mortal-trUiuM•rate way gel an Inkling otof- *JB«lr». ditapp«»r*6V-h* ."whoa*wtclwd-braln bad devised andmaa-•i«d.1he «nttf* plot' ,'aUn Heath, wlti.v*rifjta«- ,th*r «rp*»oae«-;(°wUch. ah* had >««•««.***»«* v<m«to lay befor* tt* governor the proofsof th* truth ot ber Intuition,den WM promptly tuned* 1WM Bjvw tba w*lt*am*4 prt _carrying It to tb* torn wnos* Inno-cence had been **Ubttt**A t y J>*rtalth sad. untiring devotion, • -

. ' . ' * .

And many a man nevor realizes the -\value of. hla home until he has occa-

Some of your i4*ted In our metlmanent cold frscIt better for grcthan .the ordinalbe termed a coldplants (hat muttoefore danger oand cold is past ithe ordinary fraidltldns It hard w

10x80 feet, and

sketch, sho«this cold frame tput -where tfitf pliand tb.o air. Inclc

Garficld tea purities the blood, rkcanwsthe iiyiiteni, clean the completion, cram-

t d i and promote* Good Health.

volutno" that aico- froBt can" be soft

fo the pjants. In- er 'we used stra1

Will build -twty'jn'-the coming sprlni- don or Constable,v ly Market Growci

In making thetrench wldocnouicedar pickets, thi

-=row.~"WS"set ththo trench wasabout three feethem up on tbo o

it as shown I_ wide on either BI' ,we drove a row

, tho outside edge,~.wboarded.-tbese, up

banked up earth2x4 plate, which

A woman always fears sho won't baIn time for tb« bargain esle.

SltT^WTBTtat U LAXATIVour l" Cu

mn nt «, W. (IRoVk. l'mtreCla In oo«0.j J6e

Ib. nlrumn nt «, W. (IRoVk. lour l" Cure.Cola In oo«0.j. J6e.

NIMB. book fate

Carfield Tea la the tiert remedy for con-stipation. Take a cup before retiring ~

Dweller* in glaw« houses should,keep out of poHtica. , '

BACKACHEAs the. result ol

'/machine shed In' ' iDunning j ends In-'J^Orange Judd -F' ^well-drained spot

-- jtbft bett shinglest-1 >mr«d were used' >hed and 4b* aide1 <Jown, whl*c& will

Cored by Lydla L Rnkoam'sVegetable Compound - 'M Morton's Gap; Kentacky^-'l »uf.Iered two years with female disorders,

~~lmf health, was -verjbad and-1 had a-contlnnal backachewhich -was simplyawful Icotffiinot

d on my feetoogh to c o k

rf fc. ^ M i Htm. . *

had sorenesslneach•toadtUghtcloi

Page 7: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

!> , l




Batdwliwr ooc»•

Dm BmUmr tor C w W

TeUs How to Erect On*.Ways, la

UtiUnsV-bepltam"Pretty stewp tad

HI" a"vt*ttor *sk«4MB.

•t*«tt," th* furrow asse«t*d."I sappo** It's gull* difficult to

plant your eanV > •I ous* wires or* (sating

New'York Growers' Convenient'cold Frame.

Some of your readers may be Inter-ested In oiir method of building a per-manent cold frame, which we b»Ue\oIs better for growers In the norththan the ordinary frames. It mightbe termed a cold greenhouse. We uieplants (hat must be started and grownbefore danger of considerable snowand cold Is past and handling Bash onthe ordinary frames under such con-ditions is hard work.-liasLfell_B'fl_bullt-tato_cold frames,,

10x80 feet, and we would not change* «*"» » M M ^ ^ i M ^ f ^ i " • VT _ - . — •— • . * i i i , f l S * M - ' T i l l . • l . ! l . ^ ^ . . J . , j

t The sketch, shows a cross-s.ectlon of, • this cold frame house. - Tbe beds are

* put where tfie plants-can "be easily'setand ^ho air- Inclosed is of so large avolutne'lhat awmsiaerutniTdeKree ot~

- Jrost can" be suffered without danger


fo the pjpnts. In extreme- cold weath-• eT we.used straw for a cove?."- We

will build twpr'jnore frames Uko this''the coming spring, writes 11. P. Lang-

__.'-. don or Constable. itf. V., In tho'Week-. ly Market Growers' Journal.

In making the frame we dug thetrench wide enough to net two rows ofcedar pickets, threAfeet apart in the

^Tow. "We"sefc these "pickets so' thattho trench was two fcet_wlde andabout three feet deep7. We boardedhem up on tbe outside and made "the

as shown In sketch, four feetwide on either sldo of trench. Then,we drove a row of short pickets at

., tho outside edge* of each bed nnd•boarded-theae., up~on~Xh»-Joglde,—JVe-fof-'banked up earth on the outside to a2x4 plate, which was nailed to the

pickets We then put up sash bars tomake the walk In the trench 714 foerin the-clear.

The bars were set at distances apartto BUU the glass used. We used but-ted glass. 10x14. set up and down.The'bars were grooved one-alxieonthof an inch deep and three-eighths ofan inch wide and set far enough apartto allow one-slxteentb of an inch fullTor side play .of glass. Tho glass wasfastened"Dy~6FginaxjTaIh~put on tilthone-Inch fine nails.

material, tour lights each, hinged totb«' ridge five-bars apart oh tbe castsldo. On tbe west sldo tbere are five

lebsth f'rom-ridge—to

ertat.The latter is excellent tor cutting

oat dress patterns Q,at ym, r j , n t qpreaervo against the ravages W tlmfland constant handling.

Besides being strong and

I rofsr shade* -e* today v$ frftgU* an.,sbftt lived coknpand to the'i ;»ub»tati •Uaj Holland ahade* w* all bought i,d« ids ago. Th* spring- breiks toneai ly—a. single snap or Jar when se:toqptensely will rapture tt—rm 4 w th. >wh 1* ahada uselas* unleas ytou earnto' other with m*as«r*sienta and sup•

i nmrrolln-to suit Whan Mwoodif . First Collets Student—Oont youcurtain luelf Is a-little wonl think some people ask a good, many

punctured It doesnt neem to pay fooi questions in lettersTshad* U a discard and t& wastel j Beeontl Collet* 8tud»nt—Yes," Now.

rahj*st apparent. j j my f»ther always wants to "know U

for window shades lint sre p* it ordl j * — — — — — — • \nary t»e-the «b*ap paperTne. a* ; COULD NOT STAND SUFFERINGwell aa those of standard ma ertal. 1 i r n n u ei/iai rniirtvinuI FROM SKIM_ERUPTION

-j "I have b«es~ustng Cutlcura Soap\ and Cutlcura Ointment for th* poafi threo months and I am glad to say

rolled, ttyleld. readily to th. rfwsur* | » « £ • * cured m* of amost annoy-

suo paper in which most patterns areoffered for sale. When smoo hod orIroned out on dress goods forIt "stays put" and requires less,pin-i d d j t i S dning and readjusting. Some

*patterns, entirely out of the provinceof fads, are good for years wlout9 of something, more dtirahlnewspapers or the like. Fousleeve patterns, glove fittingand princess patterns would caInto this class.

There are fow abrupt changesthe styles of aprons, anderwi



on cuto thanidatlonwaist,

lly fall

Inar, In-

fonts', clothes, and. the like, add hereagain one pattern cut.out off some-thing stout and durable may save jou""much shopping.

face and scalp. Although they wer*rather disfiguring, 1 did not think any-thing of them until they bt-s>n to getscaly and dry and to Itch and burnuntil I could not stand the suffering.Then I began to-uae a different soap,thinking that my old kind might bohurting me, but that didn't seem: to doany good. I went to two different doc-tors but neither seamed to xelleve are-any. I lost many nights' sleep in con-tinual'scratching^ somotlmo4 scratch-ing till I drew the. blood on! my faceand head. Then I started in to umth* Cutlcura Remedies and In twomonths I was entirely relieved of that

I-am so delighted over-my euro by Cutlcura lletuedlos that (

stencifs for

plate, two ban wide and hinged to theridge: la the north end •»« made adoor above ground level and anotherdoor full depth In th^-south end. Justtho width of 'the alley with two atejis.leading, down tO-it- All'-the picket*were evt very firmly with bar andledge* to. prevent itpreadlng

If one Is handy wfcb tools this coldframe can be made at home with thoexception of the sash tars' Especially'for the north It is much superior toany cold frame In romfort nnd sav-ing of work In handling sash. Theplants can be sot In cold, rainy orwindy weather. This Is often desir-able when the work Is rushing. It Iswell to cover the jSI«(«; ^ifh n .frjp

p_ut_on._ The__house_.north aod south. '

u i


scfapbooks or morein whTclTlo keep y6ur~einbroldefy~an»rcrochet patterns. - Cut^ho ' leavus ofaverage book slxo, atid •puif'ch sovpralboles down tbo edge largo enough forfish cord or baby ribbon to pussthrough. Lace back and forth acrossthe back edge through opposite holestp get a" fairly secure binding. It H

"better to sow, your .'samples or pat'tern^.tp.^gjDAIMJtbajn.jgJie^

"«iwtJopefi.^Then_"j>PH.=,'KllL. l a yknow 1 Just where to find (n.eiu"lnsleadof going- through tho whole collection.

To Enarnel-Woodwork,Whenever' you want 'to apply an

enamel finish, lightly" rub with n me-idlum grade of' sand paper. Thereare several liquid paint and varnish

h f

, ,' As the result of our reference to the\ ( machine shed in a recent ISBUC, W.-H., ' iDunnlng sends In his plan, says the"•^Orange Judd -Farmer. Selecting a' *well-dralned spot with a south front,

jthe b t h i l t b t ld b pro-the

jthe- best shingles tbat could belf- ,. Vmred were used for the roof of. "jihed and,the sides ore shlplap up and• ' <3own, whfcfr will paint Tho front IsV'idlHloor* ind no Bill to-lltt ovcr^ There

,3« .only,one hinge door. Uie binges be-ta* set !S\,enqt>sh so that' the roller

- doors will pass on a track nailed on to

the 2x8 plate before the roof is put'on. Use as abort a roller aa possibleso it will'roll under the eaves. Thereare only twd posts inAfter passing the door

the center,there' Is at p g t e d o r there Is a

space 1CXS4 feet so that it is not nec-essary to move everything tp get whatIs wanted. The,'heavy machinery willgo through the ten-foot door'and canha Uken-fa and out with. a.team^Thtashed may be built longer and the samekind of-doors used witbout more hingedoors.

FOR PRUNINGmoved with great care and tbe woundspainted to prevent the entrance offiingi whleirwtt] Induce decay.

Avoid "all crotches, that will bars atende'ney to split down or break rben'the trees become loaded, with heavyfruits or sleet and Ico. If bad crotchescannot be avoided . they should, bestrengthened with Iron "bolts to pre-vent them from breaking and rulnlag-tho tree. .

Drilled Grain.Drilled pain will yield from one-

•ftraKh-aiore crop than the\The>' drill deposit* the

lag. 'When'sown by hand many, seedsfail In depressions and are"covered toodeeply, by the harrow while othersare Vttt on top of tbe ground and arenot entered at alt Too roller should'follow the drill,,.

made by

e BaTte. tt Wfcakeap,

9a5»g£U welt as • ltee Uler Used on UednqnKac board* u d roosu. It vfll de-stroy sad proveot red mites, aod willJ kOl O

tern. And a little of this Is generally,

per Is not available.Ono housewife has

[used olii

H.8t, ,Ne* York Ctly, Oct.*.

1910. ". Cutlcura Soap ("f>c\ and 'Cutlcura,,Ointment (Cue) are sold throughouttho world, Bend to I>otterj Drug &

dow shades .In a more Ingenioiil way. [Own. Corp. sole props., 13R-Tolum-Being too narrow for any of tbo wln->»™» ATO- """O". .'«"• >**« fx*>\ »"Being too narrow for any of tbodows In her now homo, she ihttd onuof thorn fastened • under the -pantryshelf, whore It'could be drawn dawnwaste' of tlmo. than 'turning tbV loavescooking rcdpo came t« band (hat par-ticularly appealed to her «bc' woulddraw down this shade and paste It un-der tho prot>er heading. It Is f farhandler than a cookbook, for dho 'canrun her eye over the whole routdlyand spot tho recipe required with lenscommodlously. Whenever tt good newof a big cookbook entails. /

Intact parts of this window Bhade

q premovers-on . the market If • tho old

M&SSib&m&BmaZ!W£M&SSib&m&BmaZ!W£women are ablo and have tbe time toKite'the .finish in a room a coat ofenamel paint" Dust and dirt do notAdhere to this finish, and It is 'a groatlabor saver as well as' a dollght to the•ye.

Honey Drop Cookies.* v

One-half- cup butter, one-half copgranulated sugar, ono cup honey, beat-en "y6Iks-twd%^irgrBted ti*4'ot onel«mon, three tablespoons lemon juice,whites of two eggs beaten dry. thre»cups sifted-flour, one teaspoon soda,more flourrit needed, iliz in. tbe ua-oal manner,. Drop. iho_dough by tea-spoonfuls upon "a buttered baking-pan"and shape In smooth rounds. BakeIn a moderate oven.' For a changeadd one-half cup or more of cocoanut>

Steak In Buttered Crumbs.Prepare enough dry bread crumbs

and fin'a cup, turn onto a platter., cuta pound and a half slice of rump orrfmrtA alaa1* *— M 1 W J I . * A SIIP^SI

which butter on both sides andHaltand pepper anfftfiorooghly cover withcrumbs; brojl ovar a bed of 'red-hotc o a l « p t e n n t r W o t 3 W t : i t t J o ;servo with browned potatoes, celery

ipd tbulrskin, am) scalp diseasestreatment, ' - |- ——

Uncle Joe's Check. •Col. Henry Canaon, scrgcatU ollorma

of trail liOumi of rt<|ires(!iitat{>u«, h'aKthe original rheck grvnn by KpvakcrJon«|)h O. fanualiji^ fo# vi>»^« sRO-ttJ'a book ttgont.'iuul about wUW'b Air 1»-tcrcntlng story has IM-BIV tnld | I~ A a agNit vlsltml the KjicaViir ajul In-tercsted him In (in eluhoratu ildltlun ofsomething which Undo Juo didn'twant, but bought. When (ha bookaarrlyod llncln Joe examined Diem and

b w n put over 'on him. Wtinn the wgentcarno for his mono? (ho Hpuak«r dotermlned to 111 aku him In lortw a tersesentiment on books, sp bo wroto out Acheck for 17.1, the amount duel, and ontho bock of It he Inscribed: 1

"I'ay to tho ordor of Mr rdaiik. Infqlt payment for an edltloln w|ilcb wasnot worth a d—, and demr Rt ' thatprice, but for tho noso\an I gijuM withWfthmit'br^yotj^

(t vWait-wemoil Life.

f' (

I filSTEMPERmln all ik< furms among >ll » i » {of bone*,as well as dug*, cured sn<l nthen in niuestable prercnUiI from li«vin« tlid IIIWSMwithEvei


, gu«rante»<J.sold 1M* year f M sail 11.00. Any

dnuitUt. vt tend to iaanuh«t«r«rs.

Between Oetostnarlstfi."I understand they scnlUm

to llfo impritonmentf •-»-"-no; It wasn't as j

He got only 4i years!"—Puck.

What women feel Is "more, ron,vln-ciBlf'tS theia than -irhsl menk

Better health is sure tn folk ,th* natural Herb Uxativr." (jarful*All drngsirt*.

Peace with God Vttbbut imen'Is an Iniquitous thing/

Xra. wtatlow'* t M i t l i i (fynp tor .dlUtttitcctblag. iMfieiu tbm rvm«r rtdaerfi Iblimmrnm*Uaa, »U»»» p»ln. earn mini toUe. JEo • twttla.

The ocean is crossed in love—-by a.number of bridal parties,

Almond Candy. ' /Boil oo* cup^saicar, oae-thfrd cup of

water without stirring, until ambercolor. Just before taking from- fireadd oneniuaiter'teaspoott cream tar-tar. -,F9ur_ caiMiy__over blanched al-monds te sTbuttered jaar~ -1-1

Ms guest a look, of wlthertng-seorn."No, tbat Utt-1 true," h» anJwersd.

"I'm trying to make conversatioa."

' A RtHdlAua IhnavaUen.A certain *M1 brought up little girl

yawned at the breakfast latyf lastSunday morning and ventured a politeproposition to her'mother.- - f Teally-den't teyt at

T>rontUt» cvvrywhr* wll 0»rfi»U Tna,'ttin ll^rb UiAttir^,. I|^actvM«to N'ature.

Intvrventtoii in love Is equivalent toa declaration of war. r

yitM !. w , - , . . . « f tm. to i»a».

A tfcl1! A twf sUOsTtt ftaJkffT ftleaBTtUsaVl

The vtaltor wma lBt*r««t*d, and I ixyrvhi** »ir mrith*. Uwrtbf* *>tfi *w bl**ouU not D* put off with short re- i r><akc brwtVuc with M*tt trutbo ti\ hr- , , M *^ 1 but 10c in swap*, ar *MU) Sjc.nd n»U

>. "Eh—how do you manac* to plant- J«tba A. tUtsmr 6«wl Co., t«3 boutii *t& dt,o» UU htlir he twrmtud. ' - - I* Cr«s*!,,W,!».

The ramer gated 'at alar i"W» have to shoot it ail into th*

earth with shotguns, stranger." b» as-sured his guest.

The tUltor gasped. "Really V beejaculated. "Really now? Is that ac-tually truer

Nine er Ten Oepeslla,"It t» Mpeaslve to ieara to fly," sail

Clifford Harmon at Mlacols: "Touraeroplaa* cost* nor* than |S,N0. Yountust pay a- r*» of ftOO for tuition, andyou- muK deposit, too, about |E0«-raore for damage*.- All the damageyou do to tb~e mnchlne'you leam onmust b« paid for, aad jour depositmay easily b« eaten up.

"I was talking ono day at Nice to aaBsgUstt l)yer.

" 1 learned to fly lo a week.' I said..•How long did it take you to lvarnr

" 1)h. uln« or ten—'- "'What I' I Interrupted. 'Not nine or


Violation of Rules."They have expelled my favoriU

waiter from bl* brotherhood." _ saidone hotel palmn. v v

"Tin," replied tbe other, "ho acct<donul'ly smiled and *ald Thank you.*ar dollar's worth for a «0-cent tip,"

Spring Medicineis

Needed No r> and the Best IsJ HotwFs-Sarsaparllla

j -ni^- ' .« .u^i rttjsfti

p:W(ft>J4l*-'At***J*iUjr M ^ U U

Ufa ^yitatKw^c^Ioor'Srrid^does:" 4CC365 tcsiiraottiitla .of .curbs, in-two" y^Ars.r "

L't it in usual liquid f>?n)i ttt tablets- .called Snrsatnba.

Impure Blood l» ronnnon in th«spring. bi'cnu»<» xif llu? ahlioalihfulmodrrof llvtbg during t)i» winter,.._.. It Is the'raas* «t . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^appetite nntl that (trail fnellng" aiwcJl as the sores and rrupltan* thatociur at this time.

Do sum ttt take Hood's this spring.

Roots* Barks "and H»rto»—Hood'sBarsaparllla to jyimblne* Iho greatcurative principles of roots, V

humor*, all blood dineusc-tt, and run*down conditions, • '

Tlwro is" no nubjtUttto for Hood's. :Va

Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton'sSchool fbr Girls

WITHIN EAPT M'CKM of all p«ru of the rlty, snd of th«i.) m.i...umj>. Uiipnrtunltjr «1»»n fur •ttfriKlxu.'a at pubtla rnW

T Mllonifcl tttWt Ar t l« t l « VMtWL

«F««* jlWHJnmniU

Tlidltui;uil ANIJ C'ONBERVATIVBTmrwrst-wmi —

imiillo «II

jnoral. lntcllecti

KACUI.TY LJiliQi:. ««rh i w M r » tiwdaUat; mill pupils wur»fl llw Itull-

I'lllMAIir. J-ItBl-AnATOHV AS|» A C A O K M I C 1>K»'AHT*«KNTII; atno.s.vnti/uo iltp»rtni«tol kn-<*n »• lh» VfrVtiUOUOVHU). lor unAunlm and •u*r>tal

' l--nltln» in PWIM th» wtnt*r In New fork in » mnsninlal social aunoain th« n>o*( t»»rr«til» rondltlom for cult|ir» of aactal «rai»s a

ls»«t - "-..- VDVUNTAUO* of >*w York available fur th« study of Munis, Art,

phrrr. undiT th« n>o*( ttifnUlf rondltlom for culturt of uctal «rai»s and furln(«lll«»nt »ilT«nr<m»nt. Ttt* " '" "

In* hokltlH triut »a<l r««* or*rrfn«ii an> Ir fjia/v* at a r~'HBIl CAMI'llniXw Hun

, xiiB.kuiickias.tiJfjarri>lv^ th«

•a«) att«ntla» «1»«n With ttm nhjujt of proinot-Km «n4 WPOM Of minimi. Tlw'gymMtaiW «r.-«• «I Dr. (UfsVr.1, of C.inbrldi., M»Mr, MUM;

il« hlctioat n>nn«HUI>on ofof Um hlKbMl ^(IWil* OtAlHt-f'tiyby x>tr«t«itoiri«-tw-B" «isa In l\«#ld*nl tnti Mn*.

rtaldfnt-Vmt Mrs. ilov«fvi*lt. and UM

fjf '

Make the liverDo its Duly—

Hm ti-M is tsa wt*a a t f a i s lW« * •



HOTKI OUrt tlEETPOWOEWFOaOUlfllHIttarnXoidtnietmSik '" alowda,









The bestfoif nc^rl .a century, '?J

'"Apple Lemon'PI* ' •"„•sgiv«n, two small "sp-

tt OM •*«, one juarter rup7 crsekererupts, fraud rind and jukw of, one

Bake with t«o muu;v«ek«f

looe wooden for me. X/p tntlnir cored aod fed like a new

man." George Kryder, Nspoteoo, O, . ail AM woodMM^anuM of tit*world'* nost >ottderiy todttstry*your mum mbd. «4dn«i idday .youget it tln«« moodW wftboctcost. Urtil/ws

ilaeb^rolir order* ymU{\l&tM''$/ /. •» , .


^ / Z£-i

Page 8: W^^^M^m - DigiFind-It · Urn question which teat tb* tesp ot th»« page, Tben hare Uta Wtkt«a written by war namfe* -et ^a t k b (t h.g/V/fe"AM£RICAN BANKERS ASSN j § wr fe* t

3l.r- ^.., V f.



„.. , Mr, KMMl* tbe aaweaOwt tbat U ««Mt»«|*>d tbta* U Mr. KAaa wwtld father



u«ih> wit %•«••• »<••Itoiinwd C

K"u «a CatiBtaatary—A

Jlafth l,~ffbe feature of

hfcrh. *M*Iai»<.waa "aboolato-." Wr. OrtUardr al«f» tooH •

Mac at UM MJWWIIT* coat of tip «**Tmnoa dtjr ba». with* Mf. I«aHUtroiwtrwd Hto aa lniintt«llon that illwa* twt ricbt with thai bolldlu*. »ndtlH> M»w*r**iuil"r I f * U» lit Mtm*Ttw VUI pataad.

In *««irtlTt wMlon Uw aw*!* «**•flrmnl Ib* nomlaatton of Colonrt N«l-»«n V. Ovacu «f Jtenwrrlll* an }udl*of lb» rlrenlt twin I* »u«r««l WilburA. HrUWy «t J-on« Bmncb »»4 r»r«lr«I tba noialnrtUtni of Walter B.I»«im ofBorgne and 0<wrg* W, 1'rf-kin. of Kf w York to »• I'altMid* I-*""coinmlmtpfHTa.

otodcra itfB f«tl«W« ft*tbe

trafta of bto

clMt prototyp*.

aettlon OfI | l l M | t by tbe botwe of ttr.

i automobile reciprocity nwae-r'«(Mir it bad bcwn killed at «

* *

*W J« • ! « • « > wltowoMV art.UM Wdprodty feature add*l. andl UM Fwrtlnnbuyaenlaw «f l*».

fc h f r » l l


„ , . _ A l l J B B W s B K ^jforttttlfta; tlwt voiirealdftata m-ed n«tlasTMt an attorney up*m wbotn proWt,-ib»n"be amed and m«y ewnetutu Ilia etate not «r»c«-dlnjf (lft<*»Jdayi In any year wlthnut tnktnif outnurMnw. pfpr»<jW|tbeUwiu»rtheet«lefrom Vhkh aaid ihmre»ld«nu m a ttnwti aluilar «wu|>tltm« and |»T1v1! to motor v+Mrie* re«i»lcfmt

7Aa#ooa~a» Mr. Uraekan called op the

^ e n a u i * Monday til*ht be wan aenattedby a flood nf queattum. Demor-rattr

. leader Matthew* wanted, to kiww what|irw(]alou tbera waa In I lie hill limiting

' i y « tt' w « nmpnwxl In e«.tmML and Mr nrarken. refilled, that

and im* of tti»H lawyer* of tlw aUt«. He b «

preaaculof of SoWfWrt «>nntr.^Mrtns «« Kgan till,

Oo» of I tba nxwt Impartaot iMHiriopnf the M|NI<HI. Jodirta* l>jr tlu> lutrmt

bltrwaa taken In It by th« iml.llc,y«* that wfclrh the tutnt* ixinuultttw»n rallrwUi *nd canali ***>• Tuwdiy

A f t # 1 0 0 tf^fflpfV O^^k* » »»• p-•• — — ~~~mr~~j

board, flot^iba patteran ea.0 ba read

aarret. although It may b». la platavtcbH «» a el«riboard-l» «pw and puVlie. Ibe i»tte*a may ba termed ofabcka or (toon or gn*f placed crowteabloa at tbe parUog of roada i» foeba»aen»r tbat onlj a «pay would In-stantly notice and nDdertUad, To blmU ,on>an» worb-flral of all. tlwrdlrec-(ton taken by Itonuny predacaaaora-—Oantury Magailna,

The Hungarian Cfewn.Tb* HuugtrUu crown worn at tbelr

aeeeaalod by tbe emperow sti AttatrUaa kltce of Hungary li tba identical

tntda for Hlepfaen and Mtd a r t t rcoronaUon orer 800 ye*pi tga. Tbawhole t* of pure gold, neept Ibe art'tlnga. and welgbe a I too* t exactly four-Ken pound". Tbe avtttnge above alluO-•d to conalat of Rftylbraa aappblra*.Cfty ruble*, one emerald and 838pearla. It irlll ba noticed tbat thereare no dlaiiHiudi tnumg tbeae precloo*

Ilita la aeeounted fur by


# < MARCH 2, 1911..

8> UnionCRANFORD. If- J-

nn« lutrdducad In th» wui l* by Mr,Otbortw ittd ba« tb« ariprotal of Uotrrtnw Wl aoii- t,

Tint |>mw*pal urtuiMiir at the h«r-(iiK wai wtdtt ty Praak Hm*r, t*o-m\ corinael for tba JNMIC "*«(«• wr-tHtratlon, aftd waa dlr»ct«l a«aln«trfrtaln foatarea of tlip incsxurf.callad attantlim-ftrTtnr-frrrfliat bl«i-(iwi«nr Itad ap**t-otrwara» nf *«>.•OKt,fWO In Jmptwrlw t l» troltrx f""l"uiidw It* control'-and that an a<!dl<tlonul «»pwdiror« of fWXMttin a yrarfor the Mir fir* yaara will bn minlndtwfora tha (wrporatlon will. I* in aptwllton to flnant^ It" oirn <>|icrallaiM

« * 4 b t J ^ i 5 a t L t S f i f

•red tu«m .-nniiicky.

lN6W«K«r^t»48W#flufwWV ><r. Wfaltvof CiUl(l*u waaatvtut in b»» «*portM<>n w iM w w w *and Mr. Watob. of »U*eer'rliafi(*fll ttkattntbe »Mt fampatwi Hw ainomolillUtii

PI1 lutimiasTHiti t oto

piid a return* PIpandldatM for thi>

H in

It It 01

IMfroni. ,Tbat nmnoy. (M> j«•£!»: not »«• obtained If *wh a"Jn«aaiur* aa tba K«an bill Iim-auitt a litw.Tbf awfUoa which uuttw It » l l

l l t ttUoa which uuttw It » nitu «lolat«-aiiy «artton otd l i l i d l

Battla of th» Harrlngt.^Th» battfp of tit* herrinja wa« tSeeomlral naiua g1»tn to a figbt betweenan'Kuifllib tore* »nil a Vrancb Uetacli-ajfitt wrt far from Orleuaa.ln |«t»Tu.e~i:iigllab wef« conveying .a Urgequuntlly of nuppltm. uiulnly b«rrlnii».fur It waa I^flU to the nnuy iiim wintxwtogluK Orleaiu. Tile Ko«ll»b bitrt».«W tueu^be-Kreofb 0,000. Tile fur-tn»r rtrpulaed tb* aanallatita aud MVM!th« brrrlug«. ao tbe battl* wai uauiwlIn iHiuor Of b ll

Vdurt»bo'do odl- your ctiiUlrco «r»

GuHty of CriminalN l ht

* J>e»ler InFlour, Feerf, Grain, Hay, Etc.

Elevator «qd Warchotiae,PARK, P. J.

Some of Our SpedaHles:

High Gnulfl Bl»njwla of all kimla.Hameaa awl Htable SuppliM always ou lmn.1.Crane. Cfle.brat*.l Old-Fasbiourtl Bo.>*lieat Hour will

v make ileliciouH cakes, lie earn und try i t!€liickm F«cd Miie«l to Or.ier.Tt» mjkf.vour h«u» lay feed-er«ae'^tii^» Ormn.

or b»i»; neither !>»«• y««. He«l'liilaWarrilnut nod let ua •*m»iio>.your rbihlren'a *yf». We arf,«"«|»H»


Dealer in Hardware & Housefurriishing GoodsOAKUEX TOO1A LAWN. »Oj**jjP'



Op*n l*«nln»» till «ioo O'clock'

Willing t* T*ki TMurBaetn

iis:--out Mr,t * 1

wdtiroclty w«» HnttdlirwdbMd «t IJulon, wliuthat UM utmiwra ivad the jof Aeir re»pectiv* HHHK* and «•« J««fMint IMUI mtiA vt»ii tlm "iibject.

- Mr. ClriOn of Ilmlaon, KUIIOUUII heth# bit), jiolnttHl out *lm( boi a avrhAiH iJiTwl In th«

ttwint, rta, tUal no pr*»v»«tou «»•tttida tor laauUtg procpno Bimliul a for-

(*Ut «bo nlgttt violate tlif taw

yact) b» derlawi, applied in lawji".k* II vrorkled Iliar any oni> irhu filmuldndvlta apaNlc utility «w)»ifnil»n tod l W 8 i r ~ f h 1 r t l j t t l i v n c t

ubym foutHl •fauli

d a n / 8 i r j t :wiwld be rollty of n mtwlwnonnor, ITS"CbaraHfrlted tha blU'aa nuwlno Ifd*-IftUon'Attd aatd b* tlmuklit It ulimild•matiata from MIBJWIHIU »r KanmaJnmitad of fronrtpJaw Jerw.v.'rt »taieihat wna.famwa for'itin i«Hty of Its•Rdnitnlitratloft nf J\i«llcf, Mr. flfryrfabrit rtalniaU tbat the bill MHIINIIIIHI noc\auM> r#i>eallnf Um law |in<t IIII 'thi» r<n<amt nablk' utllitjr-r1**"1"1'

AtlxTt Wall, for I UP rulliiiiui t'Oin-|*njr, pppoaed ibnie foaiurr>-uf th«tiHt-wateb wuuia |m»allyf w

I I 1 ^ I » • • a i l W i l • • • % — • ! • ^ • ^ I I I B I I I I H P I I

aa)rltt( Ibat I lie clotb ilint bud beeuaent them ivatfullof wotbar Waa.tb?wbolvMle buu«e takeu atia^kJ Not ItOy return \w*t went o hibulTe to tbl«

iitreetr"On looking over jraur order w» find

that yon tiki not ordrr any moiha Itwaa our error, and you will pleaw ro-

J.UTO"ibtULat. »»•» «t our eapeiwe."*.Hfg0B»pt

Couldn't Hilp Hlm«el(."lie lived next door to a mad tot

ten ye«r» without even learning hlaneighbor'* iiumo.""" hCan ton Itiiotsluo Hnytwdy potng *o

JOHN T. KANANE,Real Bstatc and Insurance:

UOUBO* and Htorc for


Cor. lloulevard and 20th St.KHNILWOHTU'N* J.

MECHANIC'S TOOLS.It wi l l b« worth y o u f l i ra* t o - t r y nie .b*for» b u j i u * * l » t » l <>•ur un<) qual i ty l h » beet .• - CHRONICLE BLOCK, CAANFORD.- DIEDRICH KREIE. Carpenter and. Builder. _

a ^ g » « f a * B ^ S ~ T - r - p - ; ^ « ™ = - H

- • - • • - • • - • - • • > • - » - • » • • • • • • • • • ' • » •••• • - • - • - » -

N. A. BARNETT,North Avenue, Cranford, N. J.

v 'i- InULJUU.

•• Mr. limctwii triwi to with'but-waa nut |ierultlHl-lo

;'', <W ao< ' _; ] '.'." ^tiaarf-en RaoaniMaratlan.< ,"• Wbefl tb* Tote on the j<aananfr«f th*.?- .jwraaut* waa Dually taken tin hour

* waa tat* and wTerul of the member*"' ' h a d ' f i t to -thelt-houiefe- ao_tbnl_MtL< - itraokan waa able to a^cure fw bl»

•','; ' weMor*. only tw«4ity-«lgbt vote*, three

A W b « tb* houw hod awwtableA*MQf^6t|rthS'rwMt«#'baiJ^8SrilttTp

^..< ^Um tniwactcd. Mr. McVrau, tlwItadef, tpoved fo recoilby, wbK'h the, bill waa hut.

audit *ra« carried by a rote ot H to40° IIMIBIMHI >ft«r (he inMjftire «"»'nl

toliU A

»«M»bit;"On, ye«,_Vou -we,-tbe wanien

wouldn't let them talk,"-lllrnilugbmiiAg*-llerald,



Jeraey.tw Jeraey.William Mayo Alklueoii ur lillialielh

defendad Ui» Uea*ur» atxl eoiulemnedIb* attitude^ of the ptlWfc fltlUt.v cor

lowardNt. The <ll«<'<itiilnu-rnUb lI * ot the TwfhtyrtMctf »ln*t ferryN t l b tb« Ivunaylvaula nill-

b t l l i d(o New t i y yr«ni, be doclareil. abow*ttltliHi *Ur tnaatiire wai neeiliti Id' >'««ildHunt a igmpauy, be declared, liwlilt' uriT^ilil^lSfttMfiJ^ftHriartftWI

fha Lady e n l i r "Ttoert*—- —

"I kuuw It, but will >o»'>""I mu<t hnvu llun' tu i-ouaUer."

' , ' l l«w uiui-h tluii'V"Au hour. Would Uu*-ili||iHHMiHt<ilrlTe

you fniiitlc't"Ji 'Tl„..,„•, 'Tiitirt tin. »U»IH'II»C, i.iu it

ywu im« JK»I"8_ titJi»» J!»U?V«!L' 1 JJOJ3^i?7! RINDELL.mint tu ku«« It imU Bi'l » » « ! '» Hun1

for n |">MT pnrly

!a ttaUaf tn 1U rMu|t« to tbe

llMmretu get through w»m.

raUro<d ua«r fur lbt> pub-

tbe |«laa It waa Wag"unen

Baapeii MarHt Canal Caee, -In tha aanate, at the requem uf W'll-

tlam U. Corblo, rouniel for the U'hlgbValley lUllruad cumpagy. HelK l d ot Undiwn lutrodurea a| w k U « a of tbaMi*ri#,*a»*l akm* tha Hnea of-the

will bt t«uambercd, tbe companyto

of y**r, toi

4AWt It wtUtat'ta WM at tvaat a jreir

b tba Um# tt tau be u»eU dbt law. wbjl^ Mr. T

\ (Ivlnx nityw* of tow«i theJOJBr pauay* and TrequbrbiK a

OD»I.'..Tbe. a*Hkte'r««olttUoo

i n t W B^BTT^HIW^y^fliw^w^gfw^PWw^<

attd Huuatconi and dltf«r«nt «(r«atnaIn tb* uortbern t*rt of tha atata, butPtwhcMWd to bold tin to tba canal t«»lnIn Jeraay City,'which h> eatlt&atvd to"

h b ft tUMiooofjO t S3QQUUV


8t)rn»y ( iimw Slid tlifi'. II I* thii wouf whU-liIn « m vn fnV» th*' w«rp of lift*, and ho

lthu wu

Jto I'hllipp JBIII

House. Sign, andfresco Paln4Vng,

vf lain and Oeeoratl**

Paper Hanging—AKD DM MR M— ~


Expert Horseshoeing. Gefferat'Jobbing

-anti Wntl t»aperrCranford, .l*r»«y

»Ut 11.'

Lehieh Coal, Lumberv r r u : . w

nbhH i» ui 1W li'uni'ViliiU Ufo l». I1'- W

Tbe White EUphint.AUmt hfty wlM eUiihimtn ntv

nwir Nan. In Blum. >'vt*ry

tbouuh it

ayI* wohb

tUMioo,ofjO to S3Q.QUUVU ta taad-wtt«htb« waapauj ctalnu to

theaute. Slue*

of thanoatywhlrh wai

ba« dodded In a. mlth b b l

ba« dodded In a. m tbronsht by tbe atata la

UXJT (tor tba purpmie of t«atln«Jha^on tapjr'a cbiim to the bailn tbat Ifbelowra to (tba |Ute aifl W to tba

.^.Tbr cotajtany. It la uuder*from the, de*

d h

ihi'1 \»'tony." At--thtf \m\A »f liji>

:, a ^^»e nUtliio Ki*ln»r 1«rarity. Tin' whlt«-»t owV Hti<re-

Hisht colottil or xtwltiHl. The'no ' railed' wbllo- Hvphnnt 1» m»IJr iiItttW .llnbhf t»an.Jbc onllnaV iiwfc

t W f tth# WIIUKW lu ryvTiu youniIblht tirowiu with ounie white






Teaming of All Kinds.




Carafirily Don*Eatlmata* Furnlahod- _

ftasidanta and Shop, 'Telephone 117-U • *




'. O..W. RANKIN.

Lehlgh Valley Coal

Kindling Wood: Htcrr>rBlooU. North Ave,

J. L BAl/ER,Givil fcwineerandSnrveyor.

CeHHlrlnt'eeer,Burveyg, Letting Flap* andurvey


l>«n(l Development.„ -«O


Berkshire Hills Butlerha the'Uark, Tb*fr- *«* record*, hovr*

avX In the PteWlr* a Rntojiejiu rtfi-iw w<<ut "In ltnnRto* wUb « hl

W tUV t«ll»t cflwe off. und,m\i(-ti inilitio Iiidtjtuittkth

>l«<»>»*ilt flW « r^w daw .later.

aott* p>ople Uoaglbed thatd Mil h i t d

pif tha abandonment Mil ahwitdthe.xjwapaiofa ftiUto to.lhe bailn

il U b d U b lp

wuiild ba«a»bU»b»d. U « n to obtl-f b h t t lat« any <Jan«ar of ttbat that twtow la-1

KWd top«lt^ao^h»^tbe bill

ahimM ««t la any way affeet tbe tlU*

aebgo) dtatrieu of thl» nut* wberetlaW adyted by the ntt

Prepared Under Strictty Sanitary^CondTtions.thi* rtiwtrt».tf)J is

WgjSwaya locitetthfnow vr hereafter

b i W .and,' tln»'"nVutht'<-aoid.

Tbe «Mtn lonkrdenable any taw*|Hlb.Mlr Ah. mun l)feu' UM he notor nore to nt ib»

Could he ml ranmilwntelelf A and cidlcriuf of

Marl* talk hx imrdwix

• w tu* pofal. isalo piunauRd^tUtMOI^bl Inter Ck«UL



come to aak

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DorI Ten ch»n«e


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when new,'• Not oil

Is Jaundere

Let us

! Rah^i'1 ~ 6; Craufoi __ Di-opj

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! Talephon*fl
