In this issue….. Patient Appreciation Day Why Tooth Replacement is Important West Mountain Dental Referral Network The Safety of Fluoride Oral Conscious Sedation Dr. Abercrombie’s Implant Seminar Employee Spotlight: As a Pueblo native, Henrietta has enjoyed raising her 3 children with her husband and spending time outdoors. Henri started working in the dental field in 1997 and her extensive experience makes her a valuable team member here. Henri is also our ATS (Assist To Succeed) dental assisting school instructor and just started teaching her Fall 2014 class. The next class will begin January 2015. If you are interested in a career in dental assisting, give us a call. Henri would be glad to answer all of your questions! She has been with West Mountain Dental since its opening in 2010 and says the experience has been amazing! Patient Appreciation Day On Sept 1 st we held our Patient Appreciation Day at the Pueblo Zoo! It was a great way to thank all of our patients for making West Mountain Dental the successful practice it is! The day had a Hawaiian Luau theme and included free admission to the Zoo, dinner, a bounce house, music by The Martini Shot and the CAR GIVEAWAY! Food options included hot dogs served up by Lucky Buns, LLC owned by West Mountain Dental patient Shem, shown to the left serving up some delicious dogs, and a pulled pork sandwich dinner! The Martini Shot entertained the crowd of 700 with a wide variety of hits, while face painting and bounce house kept the kids happy! The grand finale of the evening was the CAR GIVEAWAY when we announced the winner of the 2014 Nissan Versa Note! This winner was Barbara Proctor (shown below with Dr. Murray). We are already looking forward to next year’s car giveaway, a new Jeep Patriot! Thanks again to all of our incredible patients that make West Mountain Dental the amazing practice it is! We look forward to seeing you next year! Issue FOUR A Monthly Newsletter for our patients, and future patients. West Mountain Dental News

WMD News October 2014

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Page 1: WMD News October 2014

In this issue…..

Patient Appreciation Day

Why Tooth Replacement is Important

West Mountain Dental Referral Network

The Safety of Fluoride

Oral Conscious Sedation

Dr. Abercrombie’s Implant Seminar

Employee Spotlight:

As a Pueblo native, Henrietta

has enjoyed raising her 3

children with her husband and

spending time outdoors. Henri

started working in the dental

field in 1997 and her extensive

experience makes her a

valuable team member here.

Henri is also our ATS (Assist

To Succeed) dental assisting

school instructor and just

started teaching her Fall 2014

class. The next class will

begin January 2015. If you are

interested in a career in dental

assisting, give us a call. Henri

would be glad to answer all of

your questions! She has been

with West Mountain Dental

since its opening in 2010 and

says the experience has been


Patient Appreciation Day On Sept 1st we held our Patient Appreciation

Day at the Pueblo Zoo! It was a great way to

thank all of our patients for making West

Mountain Dental the successful practice it is!

The day had a

Hawaiian Luau

theme and

included free

admission to the

Zoo, dinner, a

bounce house,

music by The

Martini Shot and the


Food options included

hot dogs served up by

Lucky Buns, LLC

owned by West

Mountain Dental

patient Shem, shown to

the left serving up some

delicious dogs, and a pulled pork sandwich

dinner! The Martini Shot entertained the crowd

of 700 with a wide variety of hits, while face

painting and bounce house kept the kids happy!

The grand finale of the evening was the CAR


when we


the winner of

the 2014


Versa Note! This winner

was Barbara Proctor

(shown below with Dr.

Murray). We are already

looking forward to next

year’s car giveaway, a new

Jeep Patriot! Thanks again

to all of our incredible


that make



Dental the


practice it

is! We


forward to

seeing you

next year!



A Monthly Newsletter for our patients, and future patients.

West Mountain Dental News

Page 2: WMD News October 2014

Why Tooth Replacement is Important After a tooth has been extracted,

some people may opt to not have it

replaced. They may say the missing tooth

“does not bother me and it is not a front

tooth where anyone can see, so why

bother?” This article will let you know

some very good reasons why replacement

of an extracted tooth is important.

The first reason tooth replacement

is important is because bone loss occurs in

a location where there is no tooth. Your

body is very efficient and it does not

maintain tissues that are not needed. When

a tooth is extracted, the bone in the area

stops receiving mechanical feedback from

chewing and, because it is no longer being

used, the body no longer maintains the

metabolically expensive bone in that area.

The result is bone loss. So, who cares if the

bone under a tooth that is no longer there

stays or goes? Well the bone loss does not

just go on under the missing tooth, the

contour of the bone loss is such that it ends

up affecting the teeth on either side of the

missing tooth, compromising their support

and longevity. Here is a series of

radiographs (x-rays) that shows how much

bone can be lost. The first is a picture

showing the tooth before it is extracted.

The second is after the

tooth has been taken out

and some bone loss has

occurred (red line). This

last picture is of the same

teeth after the bone loss

has been repaired with a

bone graft. It is here to

show how much bone

should be between these

remaining teeth. These

radiographs show the

vertical bone loss that

occurs, but there is also

bone loss that occurs affecting the thickness

of the bone.

Here are some

pictures showing how

much bone thickness can

be affected when a tooth is

not replaced. These

pictures show the bone

thickness loss with the

gum tissue and with the

gum tissue reflected.

The second reason tooth

replacement is important after an extraction

is tooth migration. After a tooth is

removed, the neighboring teeth will

migrate in to the void

where the tooth was.

Teeth above or

below the missing

tooth will super-

erupt into the empty

space. Teeth in front

of and behind the missing tooth will lean

to fill the spot. This leaning and super-

eruption compromises the health of the

teeth by lessoning the amount of root that

is secured in bone. Tooth loss also upsets

the balance that must be maintained to

keep a healthy jaw joint. Many painful

TMJ (jaw joint) problems arise because

of the misalignment of the jaw joints

caused by missing teeth and the

misalignment tilting and super erupting

teeth causes. You can probably imagine

the misalignment in the jaw that occurs

when all back teeth on one side are

missing, but the jaw can be destabilized

with just a few teeth missing if it has

altered your chewing habits.

WMD Referral Network

During our recent Patient

Appreciation Day, we were very greatful

to have one of our patients Shem, help us

out by bringing his hot dog stand. It was

really great being able to rely on the

services of one of our own patients and

Shem certainly appreciated the business.

It occurred to Dr Muray and I that

we know many small business owners,

sales people organizations and others

through our practice. From Pastors and

plumbers to chiropractors and car tires, we

know them all and they are all local! Dr.

Murray and I were thinking how great it

would be to spread the word to all of our

patients about the excellent services and

products that can be offered by West

Mountain Dental patients! We have

decided to impliment the West Mountain

Dental Refferal Network to help get the

word out about everything the world’s

best patients have to offer!

We are still working on the exact

form the network will take but it will

most likely be a combination of a page on

our website, and a once a year mailing of

a brochure with picture advertisements

(yellow pages style). If you have a

business and are interested in some extra

advertising and referrals give us a call at

719-547-8338 we would love to discuss

this opportunity with you!

The Safety of Fluoride Recently, a patient brought me an

priontout of a website stating that Fluoride

is dangerous and should not be used. While

fluoride in large amounts can be unhealthy,

and even dangerous (its active element,

fluorine, in certain states, can be harmful)

the fluoride added to toothpastes and

drinking water is completely safe.

Fluoride is an element found

naturally in the environment especially here

in Southern Colorado. In fact, Fluoride’s

helpful effects were discovered right here,

near Colorado Springs! In the early 1900s a

dentist named Frederick McKay moved to

Colorado Springs where he noted that many of his patietns had brown stained teeth that

were also very resistant to cavities. The

condition known then as “Colorado Brown

Stain” is known today as Fluorosis. Floride,

in too high of a concentration, can cause

fluorosis. It took many years but Dr. McKay

was able to proove that it was the fluoride

in the local well water causing the Colorado

brown stain and that, in lower

concentrations, it was benificial to teeth.

Unfortunately, today there is a

large, misguided movement against

Fluoride. Some cities have actually

considered no longer fluoridating their

water supplies. The anti-fluoride activists

cite any number of conspiracies and ill

health effects they claim come from

Fluoride, and cite cherry-picked sources,

many of which are out of date and

discredited by recent research.

As a dentist who is dedicated to the health of my patients, I want to assure you

that the vast majority of scientific evidence

suggests that fluoride, in the propper dose,

is completly safe for your body and is

benificial to your teeth making them

resistant to decay!

Page 3: WMD News October 2014

We’re giving away a NEW JEEP! That’s right! We’re giving away a 2014 JEEP PATRIOT in September 2015 at our

Patient Appreciation Day. Get entered to win this Jeep by referring a

friend to West Mountain Dental! Visit our website to learn more!


Oral Concsious Sedation Testimonial of the month: “Easy access, very pleasant staff and Dr. Murray made my dental work painless!” -Jane M.

tooth tip: A water pick can make a good addition to your daily oral hygiene routine. While most studies suggest it is not a replacement for

flossing it does help to keep your mouth cleaner and gums healthier. Here at West Mountain Dental we have seen good results with healthier gums when our patients start using a water pic!

I believe one of the best services

we offer here for our patients at West

Mountain Dental is oral conscious

sedation. There are many people who

avoid going to the dentist and getting

much needed treatment because of fear

and anxiety. Nationwide, it is estimated

that up to 30% of the population avoids

going to the dentist because of fear.

Sedation dentistry is ideal for these

people and can help them get the

dentistry they need. The goal of oral

conscious sedation is to make the patient

feel very relaxed and calm, but still be

awake and responsive to requests from

the dentist or others. It is not like general

anesthesia where the patient is

unconscious. That being said, many of

our patients are so relaxed they sleep

through the entire procedure. The

medicine we use to induce the sedation

has an additional effect of causing

temporary amnesia, meaning the patient

usually does not remember most of what

went on during the appointment.

The sedation appointment starts

with a comprehensive exam in which a

full medical and medication history is

recorded. The dentist will then check for

any drug interactions or medical

conditions that need to be addressed. If

everything checks out the patient is given

an appointment, usually in the morning

and fasting for 12 hours before the apt is

required. The night before the procedure

the patient takes one pill then a second pill

1 hour before the appointment. This is so

the apprehensive patient has a good night’s

rest and arrives to the office as anxiety free

as possible. A third pill is given when the

patient arrives at the office. The patient is

allowed to rest quietly for about 40 minutes

while the third pill takes effect. It is very

important for the patient to be allowed to

relax as much as possible. The medicine

we give is powerful, but if a patient is not

allowed to relax, or if the patient is fighting

the medicine, the sedative effect will be

greatly diminished. After 40 minutes the

patient is started on Nitrous Oxide and the

procedure is completed.

If you would like to know more

about oral conscious sedation, give us a call

here at West Mountain Dental. We would

love to talk to you about it!

Implant Seminar Are you missing a tooth or multiple teeth?

Do you have an ill-fitting partial? Do you

have a lower denture that you cannot wear

because it is uncomfortable and does not

stay put? If you answered yes to any of

these, then I urge you to come and see my

Dental Implant Seminar next Wednesday,

October 1st at the Pueblo West Library at

6:00PM. Light snacks and beverages will

be provided. This will be a great

opportunity to learn about dental implants

and have all of your questions answered

about these incredible restorations!

Page 4: WMD News October 2014

From all of us at

West Mountain

Dental, thank you!

Back Page

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” -Vince Lombardi “Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty.” -Napoleon Hill

In order to better serve our busy patients, West Mountain Dental is proud to announce extended evening hours and Saturday appointment availability!

M…7:00AM - 7:00PM Th.…7:00AM - 7:00PM Tu...7:00AM - 7:00PM F…...7:00AM - 2:00PM W…8:00AM - 4:00PM S(by apt)8:00AM - 2:00PM

In The Next Issue: CAD CAM dentistry, one visit crowns!

The Safety of Amalgam (Silver, Metal) Fillings

Dental Insurance Benefits -are yours being wasted?

Implant Retained Dentures and partials

141 S. Purcell Blvd. Ste 120

Pueblo West, CO 81007

Contact us at 719.547.TEETH www.westmountaindental.com

West Mountain Dental News is a publication written by

Dr. Arthur D. Abercrombie who is a native to Colorado

and is West Mountain Dental’s new Partner Dentist. Dr.

Abercrombie’s main focus is in implants and he is

currently working towards becoming an Associate Fellow

of the prestigious American Academy of Implant

Dentistry. He has taken over 300 credit hours of

comprehensive implant continuing education including

completion of the AAIDs Maxicourse. If you have any

questions or comments on this issue of West Mountain

Dental News, or anything about dentistry in general, Dr.

Abercrombie welcomes you to email him at:

[email protected]