w^m HUH ipwwi^iijiiuii t w •• 1 - • • "•'• •-NEW-YORK DAILY tDVERTISER. XMHKK .1161 UO\D%Y ]«©RWIN«, SEPTEMBER 15. -31. *10 IMK A \ > l »l OLH LINL t»r UVKUTOOL tMCmU" BE A us. iw—.» •3*. W-Tw ttxweeahte>*i - DUIIMM Faskei* wiH be eoatlntsrd by lAssubscri- he.*TieTZ.IIK— New V.wh and Livero,*,! on U * 1st and IMhtsf n i i M M t , with ibe exemption'hat wheaibeaailiag niAii.miai.^'lM Mm* will *eR the MM#J| M..n S r«»a LIVERIMKII.. July M T M BRITANNIA. W stetthiey. »3U I M laa i_fnjaci.RPlOTS.lia BurtiVy. i73l»W«. A«' IR-Tbs NORTH AMERICA! Ditty, «M toes. Haw I -Tke«'ALEln»AtA,H lirekaa*. OOtoau. data IR—TRc WIRERNIA. J Wilson, 551 toes. «T 1—The KCRoPE, A I' Wsrsball.tlrtioeJi, Oct- IR—Naw Mm CRLI hIBfd.N t'oM. PROM NKW YORK J... l - l k a N O R T H AMBKICA. laa* Ig-Tb* CALEDONIA. Jaly I- TM HIBERNtA Jaty t b - T h e C O L t taBUi-i. A e g I-Tbe BDROBR Aug It-TRa »Ol f TH AMERICA. 1-TM BRITANNIA ,n—TRaoarHRrn. i at* all of tM Rret elaaa, commaaded hy men ef aRaracfi and experieea-.-, t n d care a4*il be take* lhat «ka beds, tedding, and store* shall be of the l*-»l kind The rate efi a**age outward, a Axed, by an understanding wilb lb. p tonne or* nfi liter Hi.**, Btgiai. mn including wine* •ad Ho,ii.w«. which will ba famished by the Steward, at ike eieoaa ..leach passenger, al lairs punted <>n raids, which WW M Read on hoard Netlhet th* Captti**. aer owners of tbaaa thip* will ba reepuadble |.„ any letter*, patrrls at l)Mt>|n teni by them unless regular bilk, lading ara signed uaetefor For Ireakt at iwiuiir, apply m H \KINU. BROTH KBJ A TO U W M L and u, UOOUMUR A CO or C. H MARSHALL, If 64 South s*n i New York m m M The subscriber* have feuhiisrted ibs foik.wing •hip* a* a Mas olinwasa* Between Ibi. portend Liverpool, W.ktavetnl* port *e Us* «th, and Liverpool ihe'Mth «l rath month in Use year, rteetn thai wrtm tho** dates uli on Sunday, Iba ttf riteabtp* *>iiihe deterred until ihe next day. PROat NEW YORK A-New ship INDEPENDENCE, E Nye, master. -RhipRO*Ht»IS,J I". Urlano. dm R—RRivli WASHINUTo.N. II Hukjrrdf., do M—MRtp N A F l H . K O N . J P Haiuh, aiaawt. rHHMI.lVKRr«R>l.. :i rti. INUKPKMiKNl i: <«-TI»r Roscur. . ««-rh«UBo|»«,K WAMHINKTON. te »i-TRa NAH»LKt>N •Ripa ara all of lUe (If»l r l i r of about Mu> tnna bur tb»a..r. fouimandnt by at. mil' *r.ai .fprriewra, and no paiiM m nnt>fM> w iNnsl lo have llw* arroanuudalhiiw run v.ntaar. and l b . Mot>-> of lit. b m d^irrlplloa. Tba ptitm ml p i a i | i • "— " t~ -•*"• Parknl.mni. lurU «i $l-s». ntiHMVr of wtwro and Imnura, wlmh will lm IIIIIIIKIUKI by Iba M<-waid» a. callad lot.at ralra dmcrilml on prlnunl catds Wbtrb will liandt^ lo iMmcriifanou boatd Ihr alilpa. NeRhar lb* t aptatna «t nwaata of Ik* .iil|i«i will br n.pon atMa toe aajr brtteit, paraabi 01 parkagM w « t t y them un- mrrfiilar blltoof Udinx air.tfitCdUit-rrl'or. For Irriglilot "ay^'^KINNRH.. MINTmN it m m rKMlaU_ ~" *H*"viAi:~i»AtkiciN-r NIO* LINK VHaa Nrw Votk on the ttn.l&tk a nd >.Mth o f a v . r y Fruai Ua.ra ou the lat, Hlb and MHli 0 1 e v « ry aioa mm O.I. o»i <a£dk IB II i*«M ai.d^ H t«RHJ — I H a new arranftaaaat for the aatllna of Uie»e , iba aubaritbara win deapatcR ibam t» above, and In L b* lullowliii order •Rip RULLr, C, A. Foiber, Mew 4>ip FRANrJ OKPAf, HaHtv Rounwon... BRIp IIIONB, John Racketl, •Ma rORMOaU, Vim. I. Ofwa. •Rtp FRANIX118, J. W Bojtau«h. i !*ili J a n ' y . t let J Sth May. < lat. ( BtR Sept. f lat 1 f»th J a n y 8Ui May. Mil Sept. t Ibth Jan. { ltun May ( Intli !tr ( i i *iih Jany New ahipNORMANOIK.W.Fell, ^«4th May N.York, rrotn Havre t Rlti Uacr. t i n Fehy \ Hih April ' l»l J.in'* (8lh Aufaat^ lat Oct. t lftth Uec'r. l Wth reby { tnth Apell,<Hth June, f l'»th Ail*, (tHhOet. ii4iu m<r i i«tlt Feb. {'Hih AMHK l6ihJune { .'tui Atif. f.ltth Oct RKWIORK ANbNOkWICII ri!bB or PACliBrs. £•!& £&& iuiife For the better srroeaiaodsMum <i t h e pabtie, the follow ing veaaalu will coaipo* a l.me at Fackrta uetwaew Nat Wtck and New Yolk Reitooner t'OMKT, Captain Darnel Haven*. Hk*.p JUPITKR, Capt.ti. Beni'a R . « <a f*tk.M*oet R.N<"AS.l'apuiu Freeoiau Lovcll, Jr. SI ,-p ll! \MoM>, I'lptJin \itred t o w n Aad will leave Norwich leflutarly ev.i) lueeday and Friday, and New Yoik »v«ry \\adii>xl^y aa4 H..t»iilay. i*hi|.pei« ami iA«wimet* way (leaen-l on tin- above vaMela oailiuv an then le^nlai day*, and will be n.wed up anddown UM River by atrauibua\ wneu netevaiiy. A I ireifhl will ba takea at the I weal tale*. For tiei^lu or pajsafe, apv<v lolRa C'arn iiii.on bwaid. ••' ba RVKKKK.-t R NORTON, 1 JKl> HINTINOIHiN, U„.„ h -,, n A HtULMAN.or .* f N.vrw.ch,orto •AMI I. HYUK. J all let < ' >PP R SILL, "" !to«.h >,raet. New York flfr 8& L.INK or HACItlCTR rOR MttUILK T • »SMI the lat and lMh at each iimnih)— Ni-w Hiup Hetioi. J.ieaph P'»t, maiacr, •• » J t M O R . O . Parker, ntaater. New ili.ti H'MrtKI.I.RAI.HWIN.F. We«t itTk.ter. " VI.AllAMIAN.4' R. IViaite.innetei o '• RT. JOHN.T. »r»«ie*f,o»aa»er. " " LORKN A, T. 1'niuhart, tnaM.r. - o r.l.lSH.A IIKNISON.W K L.tinj maauir. o ri'DKlNA, K. II. Coat. i».,o i The. •ubaertb.ra lmv« r.napl, iro ilieir inr ind v. ill cmn inenee the awjaJB with eijltt »lilp-, wbtrli willena'ile them toilitnalth three ve»<el* a ittoatli When tRetiade retjuire- it. I'hey ara vaaeeR of the kratclaa*. bailt eipresaly fro the trade of the beat tuateiiala, coppered ami copaariaatencl with i ii.iif.lv aad handaoma Krorumodatlonr, and cow mandad by nipertvarad nmatem. and will -ail ndnelunily be ,iav.n,«e,t All* nod* lorwarded tot ho •iioacrthara, will i" oiipm-d lie. ,,1 rommuaHoi. a-il K. I> H I R I . B I T A . C O f<4 S o t i t h a t . For AALE I'lnt-.p lo chute a rnneern—The achr CHARLES KING, 110 law, ? > . n •>• i, arfh derk irna faao ned, balll nt Greal K«a HatRnUi, and about 'Akl Ui b hu.ill.o \|-pH iu K B t W FXI^+tj Walt at. t ,r KKHi.HI or I'HARl KR-I'he oot>p%rMl «hip f\S!*A.>|iF.R. Roiniiaiii, ataatar, SBRRBbl ,,r ;UHI bfla. now Ivtna •'! fort of Rotrvvll atreet— apply to K l> HI Ht.HI f * CO Mf.mth.l. " ForHAUt , .."FRKldUT or CHARTKR-tl5 arat rat. faal nailtn», ropprred ami a w - r laa t. H.-.I Hark MARY BALI.ARH Sh«: » two a\earai>kl, o| 'iiM loua Inttihen ami CWtlagSMB uoxea »u«ai, IK well found in every itapect, ami can be id- led tin »ea at little or no etpenav Site IKIW lieu at Pier It. Immediate ipplli un n will In- nee.ra.irv lo the aubaciUiere Horn whom luriher p.nn ni,.« can ba obtained lUlw BRUillAMRr'AV.Mir.onl.t' For 8AI.R. KRKItllir or I'HARTBR-The roppernl and copper faaiened brig FLORA. N . P UaiAy, mamer, burtnen v':>tl haia. Apply on board at Market atteet wharf, or lo AI.I.EN *. l'A\SoN.*MMI_»np I'or ttAt.r:, I'KlitlHTor iHAll f F.E-TR*'«op p,<r laataind and coppered bitf NICKOI.AI.Capt 8. Merrv, burthen iCi low .« o^fai barrel., la well lot m l and can he vent to a..» » nil ilitle or no e l Apply on board at imt No it t\ R, or m H V. .\ WM. DEL A FIELD, aOBoiHR at For ft A l.e'.—"i lie la«i aaiiinf. copper t**oo..i and coppu ed !*rhr IIKN K1KT I'A. 'JS ton* bur then, will carry 1W b a n e •», G year, old X pply lo all) R.M^K *. BENSON, 30^outli »t_ ForFREIOHr or l"H A R I K R - I lie line la»t valimaw hi A J A X , J T P.aice, maiter, I'.tui brta. hurt hen, audi. In lir>t fate order Apply to all Mil I.Ml A. HA.Srk.KI! Fo BACRT FRF.IGHT «H OBARTIR-Tha aulwtantl.il. faal a-uling bilf AUM-'..-", Capl.iin Talbot,'JIM toua burthen, built m r M M l m Hh-Ua yejn old, Well loiind, coppared and cop aasleued, and her aUnding rtgjjias new itua voyage penae. A{ ( • III per Aputv »n board alU lat March July. Nov. ( Mill Marc u { Wh July. ( nth Nov. t inth Mar. ..< l«lh July ( MaR Sert. I Unit Nov. t rkh Feb ry, t lat April . v MthJuiie, Mat Aug. (tRhOei. ( \< Dec i IrUli Feb. t Mh Apvtl { IKth June, -Vsih Aug. ( loth Oct. ( 8th Dec t 44th Feb. ( IrUh Apr POLAND, E4v». EtcRafdatHi,?»4th Jums,' lrkli Aug 1 | ( iUh Oct. ( Ihllllle. BM CHARLEMAONB, Fierce. BR*V»H.VlKIRjORArtHK, U VVtedaiDodt, ~ •Rln^ALBANY.K Hawklaa,,. •Rip HAVRK.l baa, Baoaward.. t mh March ( lat May. ? » h July % lat stent. {fan Nov. f Ut Jan. i lfttfi March t d t h May , ? tilth July {Mb Sept ( Idth Nov. frttbJau'y ciHlh Marcht lnthMay {tMlMBj <lSth4ep •Rip HENRI IV, JURB CaattoB". (-.'till Nov f loth Jan. TRaa* are all veaaaRiot the brat rlaaa, and ably ronuMti daR-wiUi ateaanl aroaiWHalalHUM lor pawwngBra, cotupri abaft all that way be reaiuued tor ciuulori and convenience, lariadiaa wiaea and afuea ot every di^ctiptH.n. U.aalaaent In etibar of ihe aubactibara at New York, will ba Imwarded byttteaa packila Iteaol alt charge*, ei.eptthoea aatually ''"T'.Bm.HJN.FOX Rt I.IVlN0tvrON,tt» Waltot WM. WHnLlR'K, Jr. atJAmth at. JNO. L. BOVlLBruket. <t» WaUat. *!A Fat NRW ORLBANH—Tbe Louiatana awl aadQBX. New Vo«k Lloa of Packet., »ill Mil on evarv IWffli*Maiwlav ftwut New Yoik, aad Irow Naw Otleana, J| •aeoBiriaanrlnglhrlP.M Sept fr.ua New York, and fo taaure ibe aiiK-teal puuclaalily in the leim of .railing, lha LIM will bercaitet couaaat oi Six Ship*, via Yaaou, Miaaiaaippi, lAmlavllle, Wm Jarat), Haal.vtlh), New Ship, t'apt do Jo do do do Packard., Miner, c*rtca, Wtbray, PalBier, Colli... Tk» above .hipa are all now rat the Rru cluaa, copper fka- lawad and ropparad, and upward* ot aUD ton* burtuen ; aia •f ft RRkl draught of Waiar, betag hunt in thl* city exptca- arv ntclRe trade. TRatr t'.bln.aie lined up on the moat iBueovad aoa eonvenwnt plan, and turnrafied lb a oral ftdetegaai atyr*. AaapW atorea oi every dewriptioai and ef tba k m awaRty will ba provided, and every regard had to law comfort and aallro aailaiaciioa ot paaaaugai*. TRaae Packet, are coaaaaaa.W hv rapiatnt well etpari eared io the lrad«. who will give every atleiiuoa, a ml ei ert thaoiaeivea to accou,r».idaie I'hey will al all tiutea be K>wed upaivd dowuthe Mlaalawipi ny Steaoiboata, and UM auwle.l puiu tuatll) ubea rved In their lirwa ot vailing, ill Oooda aval lo lha Subatriber wilt be lot* aided foi a caaaaara*Mat. Foe Fr Igkiu» Faaaaga apply lo ^ijar S. E COLLIN g* Moth at. cot of Piaa r> No ireajbl raceived alter Satuidav evening peevtoua lo the Raw ot aatltag. iHAHbE'ttoS'i'UREl RHII' LlNK Tlie imcketaol the above Line will co.nmrncc running on tba lat, amlMii every lour d«v> (Sun- kdav* eiceiiledl to toe following order Uhlp CALHOON. E. D Suttoa, tktt. StR. N«w - ANC.KLimE, E. L Hab»y,Oet, «• •« " H.ALLEN, H.Wibjon, Oc.. 15 « *• •LVI'ON, Mwhaal Betty,Oct l». »• - LAFAY RTTE, J. T. WitaRt, Oet *». w « ANSON, J. O'Neill, Oct. W. w » NIAGARA, S. Beabei, Nov «. ft" " SALl'MA.A.U. JaortiMa, Nov. 7. fRe public may rely ou the above veawlt sailing uuanuall) a annrrtawd Allgood* forwarded to t he aubacrtber* wilt be lUBaeRfrcwofcoainwaMMk. Forpart»cular*,atiply 10 g lUEOEOE tlUTTUN SS 8ootb*l.cot. Burliaia)ip. "~ DARIE"N (tie*)" LINE OF PACKET8. Brat AMELIA 0 1 0 1 1 0 , J t'baaa, aaaater. Brig PREMIUM, Sheraaati, aiaaier. Brig t ORAL. C. P Rurkbiy. maatat. SriMMoer D. H iKA.VK. A Bllihina. m.iaiei TRe above veoaela are all c.#pei i*»l*»ed, and have eitie- rie»cedco«iM»ai»deiaiaiba« tiade, lad WIIIMII the Ut, 10th, aaM 4BMI ot each utoaib, cuuuuetu'iul .uj the lat Aug. nett laere at a aieauiooal pit ing between Haiiruaud Macon ami alao one between UaiM'n and Rt Auguatioe, wln.h will al- lued aa eaay aoaveyame lot pa***nger< going Svnilh tor health, with much h-*a latigoe and eipence than any .rthet oowv^^bta. AgjtTMo o|?||iu r v m a BEN J STRONG * SON. I7fi Eront at. JvlS law JOHN T.ROWLAND, Agent, at Dalian MlRrilLK POKEIa OM lJa>?- *43fcj. .en, CAMILLA, W Eeilv. tuaater iggRf-v EMPIRE, C.matahet. d.. 9 K NORFOLK. M. tb*>«rn, do mmmm ^ FOETt*MolTH.RKhludo •.VINCENT,E i.a'haiodo TRa above bra ail ntet rale copper faaiened vewebt of the era** with ananaitra and atipeiHu lurnwbed aeconi una lor gaaaaag r aad are gggggRggkaW by uiaateit AIK>. a al Cuetitie* *lin, or to SILAS IU 'I.MI'S Jr. CU.ii: South >l For SALE—A new herinaplinaiile hug. IRlon* ready for aea. For tartna, apply on board, al Had darn.Conii.toJuraea K. fhild A Co builder*, or aa J » liUAiN AKI). ISotlouih at new achr about 140 loa*. Enuuire a* above, al'l For FREIGHT or t ' H A R l ER—*1 ha very .u petior, faat .ailing enncred brig ROANOKE t'apt. Hatch, l.urihen "ill inn*, cam** :*>»»! bar- rel*, ilea at Elephant* wharf, apply lo Captain Hatch, or in C. A J. BARSTOW A C O , 7:1 South alreel. For SALE— The lot l ol a new brtg, now on lha atnek, near ROM.HI, of the followiiig dimciut on» odteii on dock. *1 feel beam, lit teet hold, men iiure* about *ital ion* regwter, la built of while oak, I* well nailed, thoroughly copper tattened, and dniahed in good atybj—ao« can be launchod and delivervd at Boatoii at abort notrca. Apply lo .14 CkJ BARSTOW R Ltl, 7U Biiulh at WANTED in I'HARIER- A g.atd venael to lake .tboui 35<a) harrela ba a IMII tn Hie Notlh of England. Atiply to »l« WOODIIDLLK MtNitJRN,rtRarMiih_ ~ WANTRD to PHRCHARE— A vaaaal uf HO lo I'JO ton*, not over 3 year* old. Applv lo all BAYMAK A CO. 34 Soulh .1 SKLV la J For FREIGHT or CHARTI.R-Tfce Hue brig «>NLY SON, KDea, taattir, l7Hton* hutlhea.low deck, will canv 1'JRO btl*. under deck. Applv M M BtTK R BENSO.,34 South at. FUIEEEIGHT uf CHARIKR-Vhe ta:,l anil tug coppered audi oppei faetenad achr FRANCIS. I yeat* old, hurt hen 100 iona, lull built, and U in avei* reaia 11 a Aral toga, vaaael Apply lo JOHN I T U l HBCl.Laj t O. US Front at. For FREIGHT or CHARTPR-TR* auperl.Tr faal Miling voppet fkatened and cnppernd ahip ANN AWON, Huitaun, luafier, 4S« ton* burthen, now ready to i, reive cargo. Apply on board at No .t.Soiih River, m lo .IS lm WETMORE, HOPPIN A I'O. 14 Br.unlal, WANTED to OHARTF.R-A veaatt of about AtHi brra, lo load Or Moniego Hay, Jam. la which deapatrh Will W giv< o Applv l<> •II B WM.AK A CO. USoulhal CAMUE.v A > U A M B O Y K l ILKOA l> 1.1N K IXIK CillLAHKIIIIIA. DaiU. Snndava, trepud. at 6 and '.0 o'clock A fa.from Pier No. 1 Notlh Eivei. sa ia the trade, uaa oi ihava wit) clear ou every Saturday irtroughoul the year. Good* aeot JTthe agewta will be received and <otward ite. from coana.ia.aiti. For freight or poeaaga apply oo board weal ahle I ..rfee H.mae alip. Of to Wat ROWLAN D, Norfolk, Va, or to a>U DOANB.BTL'RGESACO.Ol.>"*»:.. ^^^ RICHMOND I.IAiB,-TReloIhiwiagj ve. J i ^ b v aeta cauiajac ih« New York aad RrcReaoad IJne jyjaJjMol t'arkeu. -willing lrom tht* tavrl ou lb* lat, a*h, H a f a K l i k b , IStb, * a h and J.vth of aacR otoeth, via -- Schooner RICHMOND, aewi Jtdli.G.uild, Ntaater, EFFORT, Juba Bell, - W ASP Tiatomv CoRto, u w LKONTtNE, E.BaldwIa, R w TANTIVY, R, Couch, «• HoRNrrr, Ja*n Pnu, " » NASSAC.Lu her l.ilby, For Height or paoaage. a pply to ALLEN R PAASON. <*« V, II dip, orto JAMER Hl'NTKR, SS South *t. j&- No Goode received ua UM day ot wnhivg. ».m ON IMF. RAR1TAN. Steam Boal INDEPENDENCE, c.pt o N Dtehl. And " BWAN.Cant.Sevmour UN I'HE DELAWARE. Bleam Roal NEW PHILADELPHIA, Capt A Jenkin* TRENTON,Capt. WM Jenkina, SIX O'CLOCK LINE. Ry ateatii boat INDEPENDENCE, paaaangara for Phila delpotaiake the Rail Koart Caia at gaMRR Aatboy lo Hot dentown, and arrive at Philadelphia by atuaat bout NEW- PHILADELPHIA, at '4 o'clock f M. TEN O'CLOCK LINE. Bv ateara boat SWAN, aaaaeiigen for Philadelphia lake tlietaiaat Bouth Atnboy, and arrive in Pniladcipt.t.i by Mean boail EEN'I'ON. at * o'clock, P. M. I'are, in each of the uhovn Hue*. §3. Forward lH*k i>«si«iigerii laken Uy the b o'cVick boat to Philadelphia, »" Fnehokl and Monmouth Line bv the ti o'clock Roal, via Rail Road lo |llght*b>wii, front thence to Freehold by Sta gee. Fare to FieelH.W, •i'JS. Princeton and TreBlou Line by u and 10 o'clock Bout*, via Kail Roa.l and Stage*. Faie lo Piiocetun, « l SO. BRM to I teuton. |r.' 00, Long Branch Line, by the6 and 10 o'clock Haata via Rati Uaari lo II ightatown, there take si age* to Long Branch, and ariive early aani:- tteia.aui Fare ihrough Rd ad. Paaaenger* for N w Bruu*>v tck lake the 10 o'clock Moat. a* the 6 o'clock Boat proeeadaoniy a* .ar aa South Amboy Far. loPctth, S.vuth Amnov,* New Hritn.wica.SH cent* Altbaatejte at the tiak ofita owner jwrt ^ * HIA BLI88. Agent. STi\V Yt5Sra7~Bi>8'l'()N STEAM BOAT"tH»MPANY. COR NKW-rtiK.' AM> HROVIOKNCK, Froni the tool of Cminlamlt si N. E , Fverv Monday, Wedueaday, and Frula/, at S o'clock. P. M. Arraag.aieaia for Sentelilbet f\__a»*, ll*SI. The aplendtd low prea«ure aieam packeia. I'teaidcm, Capl. RllhuS Bunker, -and Henjaaim I'lai.klin, Capt. Kobett B- t'oieajiaa. will leave New Yoik and Piovidence, in Septem- ber, aa loltowa THK BFJfJ.IMLY eK.lAAif.V, Will leave New Voik, at 4 o'clock. F. M Monday, September l*t, Friday, Wwlnewlay, Monday, "• Friday, " Wedneattav, " Monday, Slh, Mondav, Ifrth, Ftlday Ian W.daiadav, Uth, Monday, 94th, Friday, *Mh i THF. P«EAir*>r.VT, Will leave New York, at 4 o'clock, P M. Wedneadav. September 3d, W ill leave Providence, a* IJ o'clock, vt WfHli'"*dav, September 3d, Bin, lAh, I'tb. fWd, fJRJA FOR «IA»»-NlN«,,TARRY-TOU Af, |)oUB>* FERRV IMIVOVKKRH Fare I'Jt ranh eaeh way. The well known Steam boat ITTI2EN . Caataia Hendrie, « HI k|ave the Pliv fm l ol *.rm Murray at., North Elver, every Morning, at lull p.i-t «,.'chirk louchiiuT at the nig State Frieou lV--k. at 7 o'clock. R. turning, will leave Sing Slag, 13 o'clock neaui. -In roR SBwronT AND PKOV^DEMK.. FAKE REDCUED V.i O^rFare— F.iur Dollars, aad Found J-J5 The ai.uuu packeCCONNEC- TICt.'T, having boca thoroughly Atted up Uet pnng in thai ciiy. in Hull. Engine, Boiler* gat. cottpei la-tened and newly coppered, by which her apeed having been considerably ine.r.aaed, will "in for to.- remainder of ihe ». .UKUV between thi* Ctly and Providence, under the command of Captain Porter. Will leave the foot of Chamber *ire«i, North River, on Sundav next, 7th inetaat.a, 4 o'clock. P. M. All kind* ol freight ta ken al redueed raiaw-—«ig reipa p-r ruble foot. Inquire on lio.rd.oral GEO W. SUMNER'S:. Ill G „ o at. ab rOR SIIKb.WMrH R Y A LONG BR A \ CH- The vtra,,, b„ a , FLUSHING. i.apt. Lane, will runaa followt, trotu Fulton kxRihgRaRBr- XKW- _ . >VORK A fllll AOF.ta'HlA H«frv llkslxlt H I.IXK. RSviLa OM Wannaaoaif aac SaTvanav or aa.it Ji *K Scuaadicr Sl'AK, Richard G hkauer*. tuaater » INANA, David Smnb, •• MIOITRRR ANEAN.Tnoa lielaud, u.aat, < o PEDMSTR1AN. Jedin Cutliao, a AMITY. William Rowea, •« o JAMER FISHER, Rtcbard L. Weat, •• TRe Deaoalch Line 1* c^npo-ed <>t an •pI'BBld Packet* 1 nmwaaJril >T «x«eriaweed a»*o, and wetl ac«|uainied wm BBJ) RBBBBJjg IB faaaa Pbrbidely _ by expe ,and are at lioerty to aund iheir axaaW aorta, rha •ubeenbeta intend to apare aw ,tame in utabladtiaal the regulaiiiy ot the line t. and pnia Ailg.a*wi»r».atdediolhe u»det*lgite,l •are every aticntioa pant » theaa, and wul pay all cha/gee, aad .. whip them free M romwiaeid*. laaurMM t an bTnCted M IM a.ave- RRR &~&l+**J» kjMRRM dip, ot to MILLER A »ANIE»R, loetuie. ehp, weaa aide, and AARON B COOLEY.iaouOl whaivaa. Tky'iiadatinn-* latewd MI future to aall punctual oat the Mote day., aad •>• gooaa w III be received the day uf *ainag Bgtat eta o'ekxek. P- !!_• **_ MOBILE PACKRIS— Neaj'Uiw*—The veaaeaa rurap-WHig the above line will be reguhtrl) dea- paicbed troea Naw Yotk on the 10th aad tfch ot ,ch aaowlk. Will b-avw Providence, at lit o'clock, M Monday, Soptemhtr 1*1, Monday, Slh, Fttday, " 5th, Fnday, •• lath, VV.duea.la*, " IIHh, Wedneadav, " l"lh, Monday, »' l."4ll, Mou.lav, fat, iF.iday. •' HRh, FTKI'V '• Mill, Wedneeday. " V'tih, BVaadaxe, BR** 5JT FARE. »6-*^D FtJl'ND F<u luither iiiLvrmaiion, ai^dy al the orti.e. it Broad »t . C. A. Woohiev, Jeraey City ferry-ti.Hi*c, t.au of C«nrlla-.dt Of ofthe Caataia MI board. _ a3tl r.S. NIAll- •OKAM PACKETS DAVID BROWN AND WM C.IB.ONS, FOR CHARLESTON. * C TRe Steam Packet DAVID BROWN, 1'apt James CoRbv, will leave Catherine * ., Xviiait, E. E. aa lolhtw* rt.«i New Vock | Fn*» Charleat.m. Salurd.v *th JuiHt at 4 P M | Raio.day Sih July at 4 P M rvaturn.y g»» agirri »*« *• »» * J •• .«th V ai4PM| *d Aug ai4P M Th. Steam Packet WM.GIBBONS,I'ftfi. Jaaaea Peunoyet will leave Caihtriue at. Wharf E. R a* !*!)..*> - FIOUI New Yiwk. I Kioto itiariexdaigi. •-.turdav 5th July at 4 P. M I Saturday Mt July at 4 P M UHh do, at4PM\ ' « U l do at4P M Al Aug ai4PM| " 9th Aug at 4 P M In ooler that pa»eeitgvr* f.w the aVnilh may know whan h) »et the paeket*. ihe above atrangBttieWt ut aimouneed. up«m MM da>a aod at which hour* thev w>tl leave precisely, ami everv luiktw ,.,» Saturaay iron* each port at 4 P. M. U.iough- wn pilot* at both { out llwaeaaon l4tB»r* hy the aU ve Steam Packet, will be received at the Post Ot*ce .inti! it oVU^k, P M on th» dax* of sating I oi M M f a . having eleisant fui iiudted acco«uind«iioi« (aa per plan ot arrangement ot the Cabins, » be aeen at the rfbw) apply to iue Catuaiaa tm b>«rd, t>l to CHARLES MORRAN, 31 eNMbtRet. **^ between tMd A Coeoliea all FXILARR.AM.KMKM. OK bl.lSHINU |M) | U l l I i C T M VO\ L< ave* New-York, on I-. avea Red llai.k, Shrew*. Motidav, Sept S. at " A M | Monday, wept. U at 11 A M. Tue«day, — 0, 7, — Tuewlay. _ 0 12 N.ain Wedneaday, — 10, d, — | IVedtie-dav. -- 10, • Ii.tn.day, 11,8,— 1 t'hurday, —11, 1. P M. Friday, — It, », Saiwduy, — 13. b, — M.<itd iv — IS, 4, — Wednesday — 17, 7. — Fiidav — 10, 7, — Friday, — M * — Saturdav, — 13 9 — Monday — 15 I — Wedneaday 17 9 — Frnlay — 19 3 — Siagtta v ill ba >a lendineaa to convey paaaei.^er* to L.un Braitrh, ami eleewiiere. sR H.VI O O K C I H I I ! AMiailPKl WAR* BT ROOMS, 44'i I'earUueet.NewYutk. The atibacnbe having mane exienaive additluDn lo htn man cloth and car pet W .neroom*. and nieim into .... li nnangemeiitt a* wU enable hlin to otf. r ai al! tunes a nio.t -plendid and imuiioo- aliU'aaa.i.iiiiei.1 ol BfBxMMl and Ingiani Cttruetlug, in new ,"litem* of eve.y var.ety, a..(t cdor* rich and el' gaut, aiau ttuur oil cinrti-, aupeii.Y m paiiani", iichues* of t u l e a and aaajRey, to au> h. r. to n aoag lu thiacuy; w m •Mtf Mtl Cle conuecied With the c f pe! ItUaineii* lleroBUti'lull) io •egBj in- tiieii.o. and the puhoe in general, to call an I evam toe In- assortment . cmprK.il in part of the tollowitig HeM-ripiooi "I" loiials, vti Slop CAHAWwA, W. D Samh, Ship WARSAW. J Tharchet, SS WAVERLY. Thoa Phillip. w alMuROBT.WlLBON. A Arnold alt N#w MU*U w TRe above ace all Scat rate .nipt that a re MMJRf faaiefl ed aad coog*red. and coeuaaanded by turn experienced m ike trade have bwoowwne lutawhed >o ,«im.aian.>n« I.M ti.aaa* baiwarded to Ibe awbwitbem will be ut uwwoikMioa Foi iie.gbl ot i^^-ige applv R1PLK V CE NTER A CtV>H fine at. ~~ |-.< rRr.li.MI .« i liARt'rR - I b e v e t , *a 4B#vtevt*wn»tandlBet*ailingbfigUAI.EN. ti Bnterwtl. j K * . MA batrtnew 13R uwas,". U* kwtew, la ut ica 9 Lanawrs lu n v e o t ( i r g u AppiJi to naeute- io e*^ ^ eAiSiX>W\ CtK 73 South M. FOR s A I.E to cattaa a < imeetn The aubatan ,.al tretghtiag «aip AMERH'A, Merchant, no- ilea aa ahe arrived Iron* aea, barihrn 44% low* - baa uall.aw.lv delivered he* eargoee in goad order —Max* and w«ck.weft, M very eawy M kee rtggnaf J *IH) -BHUM donbiwat aaakt i Rang, erRgjae S h e ax awppawed t.. Re enltrerv a « a d , aad BUM be kuted bv Ihoo*. who wish to •WRUaae Apply «u •oUKRr R KN RIU. kNIC.vr .11 Jw *~VANT"El« lo CHARTER • A veoset ISM u. ^00 AwAyJfcv tuava, to .ring acaigo at aall it.ua> Park's l«taad — m i^Auadvta. BUCK A •EiNdON, •axiaxKi •*; JOevuiliai Ingiaihetaii i a- |-e- Ve e'tati do d.i Floor olie.oth»,evcry width Na. kin Matting Fl. «t rioth huixo* Prt.ited diu.i!«:> 1 ahleund piano cover* Carpel biiHimg* All. am and inn tila Mr sair M iy »,ua>' *•• irwoitutent ot t.i|a)riai. Biu-r. •-, a I <• ..,W<n* I'utM} liraillt iuge, I'lcVir. oe-, .,, .•.••-. FngliMh Brtiw«k < aipetittg Three ply tugr.iii Doubleaupl do c.rp. ting Superline do do K t i r a ini< do do Fine and common do Cotton do Rnval damask Venetian MMRBR Vetietiau at.it. Carpel ll.ii- - - du do A Ml pel lul ed, ami w.a.i eh g tin lamp mala, wool door ruga, Jtr. ill or winch will void on term* ibe uitwl lavoiahle, and at price* aall .lactoiv io the purrhiieet RICHARD E PI 1.1>\ N B Carpet* sent to any pan ol the etty, or Brta.klyn, and, when requited, made In the ue,t mamiei. f\xM nil .'lulu* nut down tn halh., r.Hiiiw, Hleaitibnat*, and ».ii|w' c*b ilia at the -luoie-l nonce -l.u RYUOUDN AND IIOt NkKKKPIXb AH D I'ICLlS-R.A A. aie now opening LANE, 11 a d I- M.t.le lane, and daily r>. living ih. i| Fa I a. d Wnter nsaoriiiient ol F.iuoiy Dry Uinalk I'he npifl aie iiii|«iileil to ot.ler, and aie.vanaiited in every particular lor *erv ice. Viui-ii^ « hich are ;— '.1 h a l o 7 ?• w i n o Fluituela 9 do 4 4 do du 9 do 0-4 do no 1 bale* HI.4 super while London tehee-lings 1 do Iff 4 do do do 1 bajtj 10-4 I Id 4 Maraudlf * Uuilt* I bale U 4 to 13 4 K led GMRterpanca, all qualities I do Etigli*!) G.tiiiui Flaunel* 9 thi doiihle R.we Blankeia, Whilnet do M and li 4 rent Siteala Sheeting*^undriftaed do tin extraauper white Russia Sheeituga do ti 4 in du Irish do S-M and 3-4 axRBasR Diapets, 3 1 hue and niperUn. liirdaeye lii-h Dia|n*r 7 - MI per Long Lawn, some extra .AS, 3 4,7 S and 5 4 Linen Camhric Hdkla Linen Cambttc, hue to extra super TABLE LINEN. 6-4 to -H-1 aatin Damask Table Cloths 10 4 to 'JO- living's Dui'iuak Table Cloth* 7 4 to JOt leal Si'mia do do do ii I lo 10 1 S .lm It tui.isk Table luieu do du Double Diaper do do do In 1 do do do Cli.tli* do 10-4 aloul Ite.ivx Table Linen II lo 4 4 Damask ruble Naiikiiis.new patterb* Fnngea white and coloured datotuk doylei Ck-ied daiuaak Table I'uvera all sue*. I-OWEHNG. A gteat variety oi supeilor kind, well worthy the alien lion of tamlllee, Including double diaper, Irtoged Ituckahack and French linen Napkutr, log. ther Willi every gualilx 4-4 Ir ".li 1 .i i n n - of Ihe round wire thread sly le, such a* h a w hii'ii long approved . li thread while outouStockings ; rib bed and plain M»h*iirainl Thibet wool Uoae and half Hoae, rawsilk.ln. English aod Italian silk do white and black all qualtliaa, Ac. wholesale mid it tail. N. B. The Flannels ate w.inenud not to ahiutk ill wash- ing, having been lully tested. Metchaiiiafioiii neighboring cilies and villages wiilnnd their account incalltngioexaiittue good* of aiiperiur a'vle at teasonable wholesale prices. sit T I N T ' l . A T K , N i l K K T IRONTiTHICATlilNG .COPPER, IRON W IRE,SHEET I.EAD,».c— fi.iikt t i e v o tiu plale of the tn.'-i approved brands 1S00 biiinlle- Eiigltsu Iron No I Ja'.'T ; 'J si do do dnutaged I9tkl do l.n-ii.t sheet iron lint i|uauty 1 .II.I.SI pound-, noil wueO a'.'I lai.ntsi do long IS's do .uitahie tor reUttcinglocard WHO tU.IHBi .Upl.ii.il do ll.i-JJ taksi.l.. blight do'JO a-."i 3U.U0II do bias* du Kill; 7u cnaka card wire 100 i'.II- sili 11 lead, loll hoxea Canada plate laO case* Loudmi shealhiug coppei,assorted 30.0UU isHiuds pig copper •Jtkki do copper iNili. 1000 do old do till OHO du India, English and Spanish block tin l.iMRl do English bar Hit. 1000 do bar lead 90,000 do sheet ante, superior quality for rooting, Ac llkjii da «ei* cast Iron weights, 100,000 do spelter 100.000 do lead pipe . .akkl do composition un tal (Stall do copper Uittoni*. VMO do Uiaaier'a copper Hkt raised hot torn*; total lb* copper kelllaa 40 WW jxtuiida French aimmony, SOOO do English do -•o . a s s Eng • i M i Kctip » . lOUO it... speller noltlri Togo her with an extensive assoitiucnt ol Iron atid lin'd rivets and eats, scale beams, Tinners tools, atu. uta. hint s. constantly on hand aad lor -.tie bv at) PHELPB, DODGE 4x CO,cot ClilT A Fult.-m t»B ami alter Monday. Sepia *, ine Sn-atutioat FOX, Capt. Leva aids, wilt iun aa tolkiwe, every u*), except Suinlay. *H 'cxnrk 30 ni. aaorniug. do g„ do g a do 4," V j ATEN ISLAND FKKRY-rMxTTi^Cee**."" Ou and attet Moadav the lat .it Seplembt t athe steam boat Itttl.lVAR, Capt •rafted. ^ will rtnx a* te4H>ws —. Leaves Staten Mand, Lewvee Whitehall At »o'clock, A M At oo'clock, A M. .• in •' " - 15 » \ " f«, " J •' P M .. A " " " « '• On Sundae* the Heaexilea will rwn In eoaianetto* nith ihe Hoiivar, Vraetexg eaih place evrtv h.an though the day 3JT AR lietgR* and ••§»»*• »l tb. n,g at the era a— lliHlllhlMHtkl. I heS eajukwatsHoBORRN, and PC NEP.R w i l l l e a w the lo-HOi RarclaiiiieaHaadH.dMdicuav <\ X wtauiea, e.HtsaaenciBg at lbs even hour Aad the Faiat ut.n 4 * ive ike footiHC*** 1 *- ai ibe r laatriawn. at oi ave*» R.aat, bad Hoaokea eeajty taaxa mxedlata Real hourdutta the dav. Jf» itnSnndev«lReeewlBb*' towboaia ",.*at'anal at jjp fit .V^xMBST f ? t 5 1 l i 5 x R ^ i r i m r » - » « • • * » t*««ai M AST'SRS A MARKOfe;, SI Sinitlist, ottctt.vt sale— Halback Get man ttacl, a lull supply Eagle and Heatt .vli luu, Gcriuan steel liai boxes Englisli crown window glass 1st J J to J.'vM Patent wine bottle* qis A pis , patent pint porter botile* Bristol porter fioltle-, old neuild (iiaiis 400 kegs JH Ihsea, best lamd >n white lead, ent'd to deb. I.ill hiUbrst English Venetian red 90 casks best I'.ngi.sli while lead In oil 6 cwt each Blue. Muck and gieeu paint, tn cask* 5 rasks ti.tten alone, 19 do madder , purple brown 5 do ground Braxil w.ajd, wood 50 do Chloride of Lime; Paris white German Attn*,.«,.-'.! staca; German hone, ax whetitoue* •si bale, washed Btieuu* Ayic> wm.i I ••..•!.tie Wine—Ca.gn and Lutidou parttcuUt tu quar let casksati.l linde 'Pata-ly' ln.iu.l East India M.i.i- .i i vv ine. auiwrtor quality sin* Phr. ad—white, green v browo n-J and 4 ox roll* Ladle* while Ciltott hose, assorted qn l ilns 9 . a-* r, I 4 and ti 4 silk and r. ittoti -jirdircd shawls 111 do German cotton fringes, aas'd"ii»ilerns Geiuntil pins, No 4,4| and A al reduced ptices do pound pins, in g. 4, and 1 lb papti. White bad lace and boot webbing Osnakurga licklet.luiiRs, crequtll&i, rave duck liinialioii Russia sheeting* Bin Up* and Canvass Padding, No 1,9 It 3 sfl K ~l¥A3* Da^Rl*NFAC^'JO pipe*, ISO hall da, 9 qr high Oavoietl 4th prooi Kivrhelk; tuan.iy 40 half pipes A Seiynette do; 40 ptinrs high flavored 4th pioof Jamaica Rum SDdo Si t Pail nun ol superior quality, 93 pi pee wine 3a0 qr casks 4lh proof do, S other qtialtttea 11*11 in.inn bbls, do all entitled lo deltetiiure lull niutsst Ctoix augat, nn hiui* Porio Eico do 300 bote* yellow Havana do 1011 boxe» pnnie Hav.ina segars HI hi-xea of \ x.'d J 411 finds luu.'Juice, MSI n.,g- Jamaica puiicuio 40 casta attoW nsn, mi MM Kus it iron 30 tons ci> an Uii-Ma Hemp, 47 pnd>* seal -km* •Jn t-iis Russiagotdage. 700 Dunuge man*, Dtaklbu-heb lagged *ln d sail, O0bal>am«xicau w.wd 30iai Us old cop|-er,'J3isi Potto Rico and Maria hides •i in in j..n. a, 1 MM bai-.m tou.oii 10 hols prime quant, maddei l.i niii.i'oni BhjBd, ksi ton* Savannah luetic, 47 ca-essupeaor q .aliiv LovilU clarei 3 bbla old give*, lot sale hv *8 BAYMARA'O 34Souti's|. F I.IKK R i : M X I A ^ l T i K ~ l U 0 P^rT*Tre^t.~rt\r lor »aieiIt. 'nliownit. .trie lee— 90tt nli.i- New On. as siugar, now landing 41 ,lo Ken ill SY I o n , , e n do 3-0 bigs ds IVi.iiiugi. C< r}ee 50 pipes in whole, 1,1* MM Ml lughnus' Kentj MaUeria SO do do do dOCaialonia red win* l*>.n* •J do do do du old Mattel ia il> ilk) loss clean St Pttetnb.irgh hemp ,o .mis Russia roitlage. In. packs Rusaia oakum 314) packs Brusgtus sail doth ttido half duck 90 ba'es Uleachi d and beaver sheeting* smat bag. salt paise; isoo d.. IMRIIIXMI 1900 hundlv* twine 9 and 3 ihisad |M M Mun.vei. 10 hales sallowet; 1J00 c»_nny bag* l*J tuxle-.C.iHii-t.i I'.des, aree.i s.lhe.1 7 do IS.ill - do .1 d> Slkki l a i u a uo u stOM; 7". gaeaagMa c .psi gfl i.sesgtllU Siik.i.tC, oiail.e a d .IV.r 30 fAMt* Bengal indigo 40 M M siieuth agMMM loo ca essheetiiuc l.u ..•o(li.g..soio..a pis ifon'Maestee rat tons bar, sheet and re-ip iron; Jo do had t- 3 4 in h.ham cahi.s, U— 3 SA 7 16 do for rigging 1000 hxa Bristol crown glasa, 90 case, liquurice paste A do III.I na. daky ami sii.ah 314 bags filberts, almonds and Madeira nuts SO .I., on. n tag*. JO tons citnlt limns one (in caskai 3 'Jkxt bags Sicily Suiuai. 41S do* auivela and spade. •ii kegs Pearl Barley aS B O O T N , S H O E S IIATN.CtiTTOX A WtH)l C.Alt US, ate 3000 pair men's thick Btogan* ;itaa» ' " klpsenett MifgnaxMI Krogaue v«i " do calf do do do 'J.AMi " .( . do do Si hoe* least do Bovs kip and can sewed and peg'd B'og.m- 9Jt*J " " " Shoes 30110 >l» do stout peg'd Btttgans A Nlmea akkl do Btsns r uf ,ew'd and nail'd B ,,is l.ski do gem* hue veal, call and kid Pump* •.'.asi a o «<o u.i do 1-4 Bu.it •jlstl do do d > ca:t * kin ilord i.e. aa>i do do oo do Union do 9t*jn do do do nultihet. 30ti) " wooieus hHlter welled Shoe* ,*s*i do ladie* nmntc . walking do 3000 do do k d spnngs ad slip* «JMB dvi d.i seal do do walking Jtital dtJ do do li.aits DM.*) ao du black and rol'd Shoe* and Sltpa i.a.i uo missies do du do leather aad seal skin ifMM do lad..* lace prunella and gaiter Roots do children's Sluwa and Boui«e* do mbbet uv«r Shoes ,i.< aval and lur Cats Al SO tM raae* »>w priced black and diab Fur Hat* IS*) " ktack *• d drab wool Hats j% da grab mood c> own water ptoot do 9(a) bote* CIUAU and w.ad Card* Sot) reaax* cap and letter Papet 9St«l do wrap ptag Pajier rr>r s a l e by %n SPKAR ». PATTEN. 143 Water et fMAIN PLATE, SlIKATHIM. I OPPER^AT § naju x.ite»tin p'?"e t 3 X ol approvest Hands Skat butalbr* Eng «*«« iron turn No |g m97 «.V«i do d.. hsa>p HOB fr.«i t*H inch 7O0 wna Eag turn, tal rsniad and square ion Aicbangel iron. 300 do Wrtck A Sc««cR peg do lie), asea l-usthni *n*«lhing copper, fro** l i to 39 oa IS cask* bras* kauery, Mea*.* Loadoa ptn* lygk. lbs Eng bat tin. I'aaai lbs haoca ttu IStavti do *.• BBM do. MRRI do *pr4te* .'»»»• "v.... ! aim iii«- iroa an I i.a'd wire; thee: tine lt***i itn cosniwwili.* nail*. 1Mb bundle* spades A ahnvel* itat rtwa* Saunders * lonmavvn's coach, cant aad eprtag •-M taeat MwtrnW *t.-'t, sheet lead, aavila .steel in casks Patniera tsuuc*. IM b..te* Canada Plaiea 3MR gaikt E M UneMd .Ml. of superior quantuy fJJ pioved ckaia taraVs Unt%A A Lewi* aaaanfdcture 3M ea*R* Bad troa* ion Ai gat'd Ruui.ogbaai aardwajt Fo* saieasilavotablcterass, by •J3 EDVVARD J M * C O , * Broad*. ritEt A <' ANSI A-3JrJ chests Young Hyson lea L 1H3 half chests do oo do IRS whole do Hyson Tea; to do do Gunpowder dn I35h»il du do do 140 do do Imperial do; S3 whole do do SO whole do Souchong ,|.. S0t*J Htatla Cassia, receive*) per snip L.indnn , for aale lota to ami Portihasef*, by OSBORN A YOUN GS ^46 Son oCUAErifM- *C- 130kada~srcr«trangn77of J"*l siip. riot quality; 47 pttiwdoRuai, of choice brand- ,laic ding fitwihrig Madrid from St Cbssg 170 hnd* pnnie P R Sugar, lauding from brtg Henrv.frm 30 Ins brown Havana do, rto from Havana li.i.l.ibio.vn Hav,nt Sugar—from Kingsion, Jamaica Jiw bags Pintenio A 40 tons Fueiie do do .• <rs and IS nil* prime green t'otfee do do SOOO I as .nd Copper du do 4 .••!**.- Btas- -nd 30UI lbs old cad da dn . t -us L-gw-ai 1 du do 9 imns Jamaica Bum do d. A hhds Sugar House Mnlassea, per ship John W Cater, landing at pi. t 10, E R, for sale by B AYMAR A CO. 34 South ,t lu Store—Kocbeilc Brand) Pal.svinsiu brand' JauiaK . Rum Potto Ricti Cotfre ; Hides, Ac t i l 3t U * UNSir.¥ «' MACRAl",8JS.^uthrt,tdT«r|.itsa4e 300 bags E 1 saltpetre , IS ..*».-• Shellac B bale* gteen salted hi.Vs. »a hales E I Stuina 80 'asks (HOI copperas . So bri« gum copal 10 bale* imingec. . lOcas.sgum iragacanlh SO bale* Smyrna wool; 93 do elove* 10 bile bird peppers; jti <n ii. St liunnugo tobaceo 90 kale* neavy raven* duck; so puck* *ailck>tU ISO boxe* Baker* A La, hams chocolate SO do du prtpMred cocoa. 30 bags Afncau do 'Jiim ,-tpsegar*. 950 box* N It. di.td .V Naiituckel sperm ntHtO ii,ill» fall slrattted oil; SOOO .to winter do do (caudle* •Jtkai do leitneil whale do; IS boles w ax i andnsj SOtnlba VV hih bone aunerflne rlaret in use* *)9 G lKjiiHrR & C O , «4 Sotnb st,"olter Rwaaie—14>» tons PSI oM Sable Iron. 40 do I'M do: 100 do Eng Iron i*l*i puck. Riiauasl eel iron; lOodo hi 'cle in RIISO.I beinp HMI piece* 94 inch biuwu Imaarlal Duck, N . l to b M«i uo 94 do blear had do Nn 1 tn „ I'kai do 30 do do do li'Oo do Bni-gi'iiis XI* and other fabrics Rusata sail i l.uh 310 do lit duck. MHIO.II> !.iu-ia roiiiage and bolt tupe I9n hah-s KtiMtn Felt* 9 lings o feaimrs 90 do and is rk* Ruasia glue; 50 du Russia Quills •um -kin Riisaiu red I. ther. tor btmk binding 93O0drv Km x India; Jhbbag* .-.al-peiie; 30 ca^ssshellac 30 cka Duiilt IIUM el oil. NO kegs ntlui.g. la) kegs a n 13 lu is red lead E. hrla wh, • do 30" sumaira ia.'pper, lOHut H.ivaua ergars 60 batketa Champagne wine, imperial orsnd unities Bourbon ctovos; 34 h da Ry. leat ...hatro tila) bat* cngipat bolts, us.'d lion, i to t J inch 1 case col'd sallns, and 3 -l i bik do ent'd to del. Ill do 11.ue sit >wls; u d "in BoagjeeaM A 39 inch 1 do wl:ite sHisnets, 6o yard piece* 0 do black levautlnu lldkta \LSo—By nxein Iniporiaii'iitsftom Canroii.thefollowing •lis il, mm oi l'i aa Hyaoti, -u die ic, hi i nests and u.ixe* Young Hts.ni. do Uu do Hyson Skin, io chiats, am' hfdo Souchong uo do I',-milling, in box, r.nknv. in hi chests Guit|Mivvder.inelieat*. III chesi. and 'a v.* Imperinl, A> do do sR B t I D K N K O R N r K l N G K R~ > "A .\lTlHAV* ELLERs- Tlte picture id New York, and tit ranger*' gutdo to lha Coinni'icinl M-irop Us nl the I' S'aiea— I Vol, IJun Willi a pian. Ac. New Ynrs ii. il i» in 's3l The Noiil.eri. and W"i s t r n i T r a v v l i e r ot Guide lo the Spring*, Lakes at Fall*,nud I. Ihe aeeucry of like I). si in s, Willi maps The T> i d li. ta' guide in the niiddl, and norihern states. and Canada. Emigrant* and I'ravelleis'guide through the Mississippi valley, with maps and plana, I vol 19 mo Mitchells map oi the I S, large, done up in a portable form Itn I'aveller*. Mitchell*. Traveller* guide through lha U. S., being a map of ihe muda, (leant boat and canal ionics, with the dlsttiurva front town to town, laid down in ligutes Taiiiu-is' map ol the V. S., on 4 sheeu, 4lti edition, lor 1S34, on rollnrs. Plans of ihe city of all sixes and price* Haps of Texas, Mexico and So A luetic*. Holleys' Texaa, being n general description til that j cmiiurv. Mexico—Comprising its geography, history and topugra p.,>, with ma|is and engravings. 9 vol* 19 nio. -ALSO FOR sALE- Rialgers' heat |>en knives, Couilni inkstands The vailou* kinds of tleel pei a. letter paper, sealing wax, v. A. . .11 3l GOODRICH A WILEY, 194 Broadway. A I.KMMHK.V Ml •LI.KNhiv.'renMjvedlroni a R N" 199lo 190 From sit nearly opposite, where they of tea lor sal* •Jiii hints Kentucky Tobacco IS do Virginia do 9 do Maiylaud do HHI hale* St iimni' go do very prime qity M) do Cuba At do 70 do eetd leaf do . I bote* Kentucky Seg-ir wrnppcr* brighl and leafy 300boxes Richmond manufactured Tobacco til v.iriou qualiiit* 50 bul* Scotch Smut 100 ca«ea Alevanoriaacgar. Together with a full supply uf every article tn the line, on accmuiiiodaUiig term*. el3 3lu A MKH l ( A N "MTlX t' V At"FI H R D DOODS -THE HOWELL WORKS COMPANY, No. «61 1 nun si , id d.u.r above Hover at. arc constantly manufac- turing and have now in store ihe following aaamlatent o ll.irjj.-w Ware, and other goods, xu. •J i ISSI in.n pois, ain't) aiice front i gallt to SO gala 15000 du kettles dn do do \ d.. IB do - nisi .to Imkepan* or ovens,of 7 different shape* and S.000 do tea kettles lsir.es 7,501) do skill, ts, ol R different sine* do 4,700 do cov'dapidersof 9 alge.s do ...i*.i do flat spider* m b do do do 1,7 m do griddles of 4 do do do .\0tkt pan Holt litI-dugs oi n o i do do 100 ensks sad nous,iienmed for r< tailing 500 lit*each likiisise- wagun and carl boxes, aas'd .u.s, Itoin Is b 7 inches 50.000 giosaWOOD SCREW'S ol'*ui»rinr quality an, Mnish, to any laqiorled ot aamiiled six.s iroui i no. 4, lo >J* in. no. IS 1000 giosa aciew -yes lot Uvokiitg fllas* Manufacture- Itski bote, suis not quality rut ItU ADS a**oried »ix. 750 .o do do do SPARKOWKILLS ,t 1000 iron furnaces, 9 tlzet, wmch will be tound no,., use, to he much superior to those made ol clay 500 pain tailors and hatters irons, assorted site*. 1000 Ai.thlacttecoal .loves, a auperior article for orTkt» iioves, Ac, AH of the above ariirle* ate of the very best anulm ture, and are nfl'eied lot sale upon lite most fkvorahlp I. tin The above assortment of giaat* I* parttrtilatlv ri-coiinne,. ded loike attenilon ol Southern and other tnerchanta. *I3 gafRTfJi COiV A CoTTl ft MaidJiTianej oRet tu' JS intiderale terms— 50 1-9 picul cases Canton Rhubarb 9o do do uo slat iniw i d 90 do do do (lanev) MMM bud* 30,000 liambno sticks; S MAM niu.k in pod 7 c.ta a oil camphor, 1 dpi each. 4 do dry Bombay do 9 cask* mctalic btamtilli. 0 cases Canton srlvea 3.Ss.u at. heavy blue gall*; 70 small baakets prime aim > SO small ban.» Mocha guiu arable , 1 case splendid gu |tl casks African bird pepper (myiri. 90 hales Calrnttn senna, J cases gum trrg.iraulU ltl eiises gum co|ial Boston washed 4 do Farinasuenuiiiecologne w.itsr. si fiau|Tfavr,M.fj«>i*.BAMO « ROA> latuai— k ^ 3000 butt lies sheet iron, asu'd No 7 io Jti l.dK) do charcoal iron tin 19 to 9 6 4000 do hoot a, 1 9 l o 9 i n . iMio do whale hoops 900 inu* htazier* rods, awt'd round and square 75 do band aod .cull iron 75 do boner ami due iron t do rivet iron 90t s Juutelta rods ami bar iron, for sale in Iota lo*uit puichaai .yMACKlE, OAKLEY v J F . N N l f . O N , Ag< ntt sStt New Jersey Iron Co, 161 Front st. Cor B is o. F f N l i K O O O R K • G R l T STcixi^'lTAX«r''rP*ait *tr.er, •. olRus for sale by ihe package Hoaiery—A g»neial assortment of wLile, black,brown, Ian. jy and niivi ho«e and hall hose MM iv-—-1> t assurled color* Silk Velvets—Black, blue black and elegant fancy colore Thread- Laces and edvings Hardware—l!iaa* kettles, skates, tveb tasrt, straw knives, -i i in,s, pins, noedlcs cump.ises, slates,auurf boxes, • id pencils, kaiking glastesjked heads, glass A Indian he is, lewsh.irps, percussion rases, cast IIIMI euatutllcd w.ne Guns and Pitlult German toy* assorted new pattern* E:.u de Cologne—ihe genuine article Gold and Snver L'F.pme W atcne* al3 9a6w ' 3 Pearl si.otfei lot -ale cloth, all ipialliie, ami •. ir* 9 do s.lk hdkfs new st>le , 19 do German ginghams 45 do German tlockings and half h.tee 2 do Eng. muslins, i e w riyis, 9 A* Onnvii linen htisfs lObales Gentian broadcloth* >u,i cassvuieie lOOil pctbruwn linni .s||qualiue8,jti na ui Qtj*M>' MB f* •Aexaasa Eat. dei'.iioeuenl s'ariaa.-.'nt.nnfaciory 15 no G fin in violins; 500 pe* l.e man nuck he.ivyA. tht 15 cases Geimau lined ivum glove-. 3 do silk hat y -li St**} ptei-es slHirl and Wine j e l o w Mxagseiw 5 case* on cloth . w stv.e. 9 do Getoian pine 9 du s Ik vest rioU-us h,sidts | la-te assorlrnent af Itniking elaa.- plale*. snuO segar boxes, jewelty, isicki'l ai.d loilel Italia glaas**, *J slate pctirtls, Ar. Ac, au9 II T llOMAN W. HOI liLlkk, 164 Broadway, iters f..rsale the toll..wing Wines at ivduced prices ta 4u.. Ue* to null purchasers-. t lantpague Wine, Anchor brand do do Eagle do do do Roedeter. do A few case* superior OU Pott .p, i.or oM Madrua in quarter casks i laitM* by Ihe i s - . . Muscat dodo go K l J a ' ~ ) 3 R M i H t * i a v « ^ easescaeaaieel aaaub At.tk. burgundy pilch, 3 ca»e*oilof junipei le. I caawt. ot caraway, I do i.inglasaln leave* i cask*, iileeiirttl I cask Amber rasped 9 do chau.«iitt.e ftowei, 1 do Mueanialu 1 Ai angelica root, I M MMfaxM sitvoiii 9 docokhicunj seed; 1 do A 1 bag cidchie«oj root 4 cltesis gum galbauum, 1 chest extract acuta. sal. v CHS A as. E HKCKSCHER. 40 Broad *t aS_ W INK!* A |.iaV*Va»N30plBe»iiM Lotidon panic ular Madeara WIMC>, from Ike Li**tn dock* i lids do At do *) qr casks Malaga drv Wine: 900 do do aareei do at In brut do do; MM do rich Muscat do 41 baskets Ruinarta'Comet' brand Champagne n pipes and hn.1* old Champagne Brandy i*J caaea deliciou* <dd Hock Wine* I ..bove are all eni'd tie*, sod ottered fas sale on BIO fav raWe term*; by DAVIS A BROOKS^RMR*MjBiRM C ~ * L b l " I I S , Ac—wTeaisT-ti BTigii* and German Merino*, lease* Prussian Shawl* ; 10 bales Carpet* 19") do Hroadclidhs, c.tntlating of black, blue, Adelaide, btowns.grettii, claret, m m , 4tc 15 do tin. -satinets. Ilk) bales ('timing Cloths 70 d o 4 4 t.leaaRed Rheetints For sale by an . tIRKILNOCGH. llJIlNCKEEHOFFax la3,as Plata C tt5PPBR^5l»cases Am Sheathing Copper, 14 in 39 o* 30,000 lb* tttellers Copper, a lull a»*irti>»twl 10,000 do R.K4in- do Sticotl. 10. 11, iiibsheet* 5 nlki do C„p|ier bolts 1-9 to I 1-4 Inch 100 < m BBI Bottoms all alaas Copper of any size rolled to order— for sale ay ,14 ,\ A S WILI.ETS, aiUPearlat *T4 A P T A F L O IT-Coats* and blight GadM Kilt. 3 landing Itoan Brig Gar.et. a«dIt- « l e JgI kabl to MR purchoserabv E P * A WOODBCFF tm«h et In Siore-Turk* I. Bt Uko*. LiTetAwl, GroitBd Mown •alt for sale a* above - I'll.TN. CN»rirrfBfXPA!ff» R a' _al BI.AMi- KTtV-A-1 to 13-4 Marwillea Qallt. B-4 to do White Ci unlerpanea do to»-J 4 coloured do do to 13 4 R.we Hiaakeis do 1,. tn t Whitney do. For sale low at wholesale or r -lail, at .1J R A A LAN KB, II and H Maidtn lane *'. 11 I ARl'laN—l cask Angelica Root; I do blue Smalls ¥ l do Coldplioiitiini Succin, 9 do Colthlcum Setfd I do and 1 hag Cokhlcuiii Root t diesis gum Galbanuui, 3 do oil of Juniper 9 cases Chemical Matches; 1 do extract Cicutae 1 do Isliini.las. in leave*. 1 cask Amber, rasped 9 rasks Catunni.le rtowers, 4 At Carraway Seed F,.. s.l-by URAH A A E HECKSCHKR. *A Broad et ( AOl' NJTR V PRODl'Otfa— 9« tc* and 90 brat T i w o ' ihv Seed. 7 do Flax do; 10 bale* Hops litlO bushel* weaieru wbe it; 900 do Rye ,tt> buds and Kill l.rls rye whiskey lOObilscuy toes* Pork: 900 do do prtate do, 100 At A 70 500 tiushels drv'd peaches, plume A apple* |kkn* Lard B tons Jeraty bar Iron for sat* by 34l JOHN JOHNSOSCd SONS, 9 Rotito *t_ I lAWSTbTKAM RKFINED.I'CAR Siusle.. double and treble quality in loaves and lumps London Crushed Sugars, lor exportation t la t.ii.'.i do, of superior colour Brow n do. of strong quality SuiMi lions.- Molasses do I he subscribers, agi-ni* for llie reflner*, hav* ronatantly liaiidaroinpleleaaaoiunenl ot Ihe above daacription ol s.igai*. tuiaJe by 'Howards' vacuum pruces*. wltuoui the oi III.SHI oi clay,) wlurU they otter lor tale on lavorabl* i ins, by U WILLIAMS A RORF.BTS, HO rout el S ALT AFLOAT SOO .art* laciorv f.iM blown, ,ii good order readi foi delivery from the snip Robert I tat* Abm—'JUOO.sark* tVti'iliiiiglonA Maraliall* lac- i .v lille.1 insiiue, WitliT Island,St Ubes, Cadia, Liv'pool i ouiitl course Ivlre Salt, u.r sale in lot* lo still pun hasers.by ,.j K p A A W'tWHIRUFF. 105 Bouth st_ .AC RR—Siberian squiirtl burk robes; do do akin lining* Wr okalka fox skins supei mi. Ida. genet akiiisuattiral A upl I'utiiess'd black skins brown do do Hi.n k braban Urottey »kins ; grey blue and while do do CndresVd blk A grey .m dn; brown lynx skins Atirachau lamb akin* natural A black White Russia hare skin*; martin and fox boat Hi .-.--",1 eat tail*— lust received for aale by tl 9w F W SCHMIDT A CO. 0V Pine at W IN I" *i.RO|la-5.0«0 gals ol first qualliy Wiuler Oil; 3000 do of second quail 5 du, landing from ..op Helen, Peek slip, lor «aie bv .1X9 GEINNELL. M1NTURN A CO. 134 Front at. Also, HI store, 100 piece* 44 inch Tow Bagging lor a tuure •ales, baling Twine.seine do.sboe Tlliead. 4xc, *R_ 4 XF.N—100 doaCollltta ACo's [Hartford| Ky AIM ISO do 'Hiiuif. Ky Axes; SO do Rharp'ado do till do Uuin's do do; 1011 .!•• Simmoii '* do do 40 do Davis's do do; 50 do 45ole's Uo do; M do Carver, do For tale by in' BliAKD Av CAREY 4>4 Exchange |0ae«^ AwjOAP—1000 boxes 1st quality city made »•> 500 Ai 9nd do *i do inn d o 1st do lor family use 900 small fancy Windsor Shaving. Soap—lor aale by *4 BILLINGS, HALSIED AMATHEVV8, 00 Water at F O R NAlaK-Thxtge drilling machine—I rack lathe— I cutting •tarhiiit'—I small tteBHi engine 'lite above are all new and very valuable; will be sold a bargain, on tp. plication tu tht un.leisici'isl •Aigg SAMCELTTISDALFi. lib Water at D RY I.OOlis -superior 04 drab Flushing! Su|ierinr beaveiteett*; 3 4 hangup cord* Hlark laiiby velvets , tlrl|teti and chrrk'd gingham* 3H inch Verona rruvaU; heavy 5 4 Wetiehcd sheetings Blenched suckiii lor meal bags, osnaburgs Butlaps; raven* duck; lirkleiiboigs; bear duck Dtupei theeiing*, Ac. lor »aleun liberal teim*. by a„i GAHRIF.l. MEAD* CO. 37 P^ne , \ •jlXTRA FINK TF.AS- A small invntra, leceiveo Ki per ship Pioneei, irom Canton, and const* ing of tlie In...•« ing go.ul« Ptiiiclioiig in hi cheats Hyson akin, in chests; Hys.ni in do Souchong in clients, elc. etc For sale bv a!Kf C A at F. HIHKSCHER, 40 Rioad st C AOALS 9S0 chkld.ous hrst qaaluy New t'aMIe heaa J Coal for Smiilts' trte. :00 rhaklrons Itige alge Picum 100 chaldron* Sydney, for sale in quantities to suit pur- chaser*, at 39 Rrn-id si, by RARlLAY A LIVINGSTON. Alan. I* chaldron* Pre too caakt daily expected per brtg Elizabeth A Sarah, winch will lie delivered at any of ihe neighboring port. alt I AWKKSK'K SlIKKI'INOw- Id 115 bales heavy ;i7 im.h C Sheeting 197 it do 49 A. D do 49 do do 43 do R do—rec d for sale ky sli STEKLE, WOLCOTT A OO, K Pis* at P R A C T I C A L I'ERSPKCTIV K. " t o r l M Bwe"of student. - I'ranslaledfrom the French ol T. P. Theaot, by . r.e oi his Pupils. Published, end for sale by BUSS, WA1MWOKTH A CO, 111 Pultonn. tal ___ oRBtaatte Dutch M. I RlT!.'—lSHriri7"F N R a t w aa* hie Iron, on hoatd Mary Ballard, Agaes A Tiberias, frvt* St Petersburg, foi sale by GOODHUE ACOMBasjthM I D R s S R I N M , T A I a l X > W , « H0RNaV-l«N iutme R l.i.iuilc hotae Huie- 50 balea clean washed B. A vie* aheep skin* 10,000 B A visa .bee. pelt* ; 5000 Ike taw Tallow 95.000 selected R Grande Oi Morns, Rat aale by a97 _ Dt.l'ORKSi'ASONrtjrtoulhet B ROWN OOTTONJE FDR RXPORT »» bales 3 A 4-4 blown Cott'VB. euliabs* lor exBortalion— Also, I.in. n Sheetings and Dowlas ; assorted CattRs, lancy aas'd Umbrella*, Ac, cut. to deb, for sale bv all) WELLS A SPRING. Si Pine at 1*5 Appleion. 50 do York Sheeting; SO do Merrimack do 60 do 31 It 37 la kwavv Uiwett; 900 do PitlaAetd BhlrUag 50do Avery Shining k Sheeting, for sale hy BURNS, HALLIBURTON A c o . 4i ,Villlaa>st A93 betweeai Eiciiange A Wall at S ALT A FLOAT—Cadla Salt id very aiip.-rtot qitaiiiv will i utuneni e diwhmgiiig tin* moraing from brig Gar neit, for aale at an unpreceileiind low price, by E P A A WiWiDRI'FF. 105 South at la St ire IvIcal.iouiHl tu bulk and sacks, lit Che*. Cur raroa, A*Iuoa'* and Woiiliingtoii's factory Riled blowa. Ac, I'm aale a* above, AM) W O O L - 100 balea prime hli-vi. aii VVo.,1 100 do clean w ashed B Ayres do. free of burs 50 do Monlvvideo do 10 000 lb* sheared from the skint For sale b* alS _ DE FOREST A SON. H9S,KrtR« AI.A4.'A \A INK*—l.anuiug Ufa aa) from the brig I'mpti'sn, linni Malaga, at wharf fool of Route veil ai, 100 ur cask* Swe.-t Malaga Win. fcOdo dry do, for sai.-nv MASTERS A MAHKOE, 31 rkint* »i A T I Ni K T N - 10 cases ••Fiiiiiuins" sii|a I I,U, CUIISISIIUK of—Lavenders, sage*, botile green laulberry Fine and extta tupernne Otforda An do do ateel talxlurea-for sale by aep3 MOTT, WOOD A MKREl'IT. No. liS Pin* at B ROWN A ! KI.I.OAY NI'GARB-Ot v.nous qualiltss in hairem, for aale by *<• WILLI AMSjA ROBERTS. 140 Front st KATI1KRN—10ii bales aaaorlad qualities, luasi* aa JH veil i aale l M l KM'I. ARM *k GLKIM, IS case. German Mentm •J.aal SxBBJ astn nil es, U C A I I I A i A M I . K S - ISO r a t i Silks cinaiaitng nl- J White sarsiuis, plain and figured Blat k sslitis buick tawtxtaxa) Hla. k sinciitw> and levamiiies Black s u m lev ti.noes uox."1 i.us nngs Blacs and i> van ine-. Manual rrir's, I-I.I.I itid Satin and embi.udeii-tl t rajte Shawl* Black sitdiigui.il i-raj* tiBangand dresses Ulaek, blue and col'd Sewine* Also—3000 pice,* blue Nankin* of fine nankin dye lust do Mantes yellow Nankin* Entitled ut debenture—Pur sale by elJ CARY A CO. » Pin> at C ^IOODS F<kR IMPORTATION—<0 MR clrt ami dark rhinig Prima. JO do navy and two blur .to 10 rate* pink, lilac, l-lui lU.tli Print* 50 haic* 34 and 'itt inch Kngii-n bit-*> lied Sbiltiug* 30 do 3n inch lieavy English grey Hireling l.. c IS-I si 4 i' tn.in ii s Muslins •Ji do OS rich pnnied do, 90 do white Salemp. -. 10 do white Roerbhi miUuirahc 15 u ottks new sit liVeniai-illani lulkla 10 do Mad -do ; At l'.ng:i-h )el black and , laol silk do ISO car* small, itiedium an 1 laige site cnottpa* an ban d.ntisf 10 do Cam-n idacs silk hdkls, ent'.t deb For sab; by PFTEK REMSL.N * I'O.IM Pe,. si IX a L . City mills Flour: 100 do mouiiiatti At 750 lbs Am. an iv.ttv . JO brla black hsh ml •L'l.Ol R, I V O R Y , 4 > I L , **--** M * RaxAxMMhl To hrls tetiiii tl W hale oil, Hal box** speraa eaadlea '.HMO gat* New lledlotd tall sliainedoll lUOO do At winter do Ai 5 hints lampblack, 100 boxes shipping toap 134 hv* A kegs Kit hiiinml iiiniiliiaciured Tobacco 930 diy sailed Para hHvs 7 i rls India Rubber Shoes la hag. Naples ttlbers ; 30 bali»s *oi. shell Alnmud* 95 hall bairet* hu led barley—for ante bv ALLEN APAXRON.09C Help taJt A B*T~*\txttxt*l1 A T—.At 00 buatiul* voaise b.iglu Lisbon »*v salt, (equal lo Bt Ubpsj caigool UrlgClitus, riadyfnr tmiii.sliale drliveiy mid Will be sold a pent bargain from Ihe vessel inku»tn'*iiit hitvers. Also, .-500 bushel* L'pnol ground gall, and 750 snrks A.hUtn'* laciotv hlle.l fin* At. for .On Mir by SAME C J AGUES. SB Fninl at_ W ~~ DOILXKIN^^*0>' :I >»* tidelatdi .mttibriiy Ahrown Bioadrloihs 97 do fine A romnion blk llroadcloth. 19 do k.w oricad bluu do 17 du Meiuiys' black *t blue do 49 do as.-'d culors and qnalliir. CaMlmefe. received for tale by STEELE. WOLCOTT A CO, 09 Pine H OLLOW W A R K - 5 0 0 tons romprismg ihe lar gesi Bssoiimeni ol Pols, Kettles, Bake Pans, Skilteis, Ac, ate olteied lot sale by Ihis company ALSO, Winat St irwt—A siipenor article and great variety of al- ge* ; Brad* and Spariowbilks maiiufaciure.l ai THE HOW- FLL WORKS CD'S Establishment, N. J , »nd for sale at iheir Ware House, 9«t F roni. 3 doore almve^Dtve rj»t._ *5 W|II>I'OI7ATE A COCOX-300'boxea'and haifdo %^t No I Cliov.Rate, *S Talinan" livi do do N o 1 do 'J Preston*' brand 50 .to do J Preston's prepared Cocoa—tor sale by sill «t HOWES, GODFREY dt ROBINSON.90South tt I l ) r > A LE.ii'ilRR-GIDEdN LEE A"CO,"90 Fetiy st, have foi talc 9000 KioSaladn Hides; 1000 M M do Itiim Southern Stale* and Mexican Stsfti Atitcatis; 1000 Calculla lO.Wkl hide* soie leather, oak and hemlock Ilka) do waited upper: 100 dox waxed calf skins 50 do lAg skins-vvitn an assortment of skirting, rusaet hnAle, hag leaiher. Ac A9S^ 9w^ V ~ERMILLION, tUllijEfA^axsTAc- 900 ..a 1'oiiquiu Musk; tS canes liiag •••» Blitod 90 case* Oil of Camphoi; 11 do do ot Cassia lull do Rhubaib, 50 do Vetmtllion.C do India Ink 1 do pearl Lancet Case*, will be told This Dav, at 11 o'clock at the auction roomol sia alii.LdAt O P RACTICAL PER!.PKCTTY*K Thl* day published lor ihe Use of Students, translated front the FieucbotT P.'i'hinoi, by one ol Ins pupils, lot tale by si BLISS. WADS WORTH A Co. Ill FulUm H ~IDKN HORN*. HATR^TALLOW, aV« - .'aaaj prime B A ox hides 94 lo 30ths; 1000 do Bailed do 1500 do R G home hid s. 95000 do ax horua l*i 50lb» 10 bales B A mixed horse hair; 1500 lb* rutted A) do SO pip.-* B A rendered tallow , 900 jara neat* foot ot. Fnrsalebv DE F O R E S T At S O N , S9 South st .3 T RA KK.TTLRN, Composition Metal, l.n'd Inside, 7 1-itw.s assorted; saure pans with cover* do do 5 do da Curry combs, 3 casks assorted English spedes and shovels, 300 dox do English and German tunas kettles do PUIS 94 cases sledge hammer* 3rasks aat'tl aite* For sale by EDW AUD J E E A CO, 3R.Bniad_at- ATEVr PIJBHI'ATIONN-Vol. 9d. of Jacob JLd Failliful— tiale Mlddletoti, I vols—Ihe Kuig'*Owu,R —'liltti Fiutti, 1 vil-linti Latini, I - VVaddiiigl.tu'* Chuich Hi«totv. I vol •"» .—Hist, rv ol Virgliuaii-lor sale by BLISS, WADSWiiRTH *. CO, 111 Fulum, t 'l,, opp isile Dutch Bt. R I'NKI A G O O D V " 0 0 0 boll* Bruiageiia*ail ctwtll SOU .!..'Zui.,* do 100 dohalfDuk 3li bsles broad Diaper* 15 do One unrrow Linen—lor sale by *g PETER RRBWEN A t l ) , 100 Pearl *t C LOTHS 9S rates black, blue and btown Great Fall* 31 cases do do Dennv Co do ICkuht H4 do Oriikanv imxt and blark At ta do a-anrlrd rohtrs Middlesex do 7 *> line Paniarlu black do F sal* by STEELE, WOLCOTT A CO.G9 Piae tt ( ~N At N- H l t i l . l N N O N , ..tier tor sale at 31 P st— laid) bags crude Sali|.. tie . 50 bate* green an dry salted t alru'la Cow and B-.ilt'-.t . Hide* : '••«• intiia-i ltorii>, IJai Madras goat skins. 5.000 Ps i At dti buudlre two and three thread E i Twine lOtl bales mutijeei. 50 roblnus 1'. t Seaua; 7 bat** do 50 chests Bengal Indigo, middling and hue qualm, -suit ante lor stoppers ami mauuiat intent Al chest* orange, garnet and livvi Shellac 99 do E 1 srraoed gum eopa;, 90 lar dye A aw—It* pipes, 3 hfdo, 1 qr do superior oni Maidei i .Viae, imonrie.1 per ship Heury Clav, via Ceyloa atid I ,uhav 15 tiaaktls CoaiupagneW'iiie aS aailtaAR, R l M . «Vt* 130 lidaprltae quality S Crtux I^Sugat. l.«J hhds Porto Uiro do K0 puns high Savored st Croix Rum, ImldoJai -ado 913 bag* txcelirnl qualily J aiuan a Pimento 100 nl pipe* extra quality R.a-i.. in. Brandy 35 pipes 9« at do excellent quality Madeira Wine 308 qr caak. various qualities Teoeritfr •JHPO lb* Did Copper, just rreelvesl. tor sale bv B AYMAR A CO, 34 S. h st H A R D W A R K — « cax-*s bsTti hiBgesTh"d."i hi ,i butts 4 du poltshed trace chains, ii A . blued do. IS . coot u.t.ii and iotas •»*> Swindell'* do, best 50 bag.c.-taxBvtB iwtsi.d trace* 4»bale, cork i -tands 5 bag* ed MM English wrought i. ins :«» do b* do do. 50 do HV do do JO do I9R do do; 10 do 90 do do Ju«i reraaesjd aad lor saw by EDW ARD PIELl agif CottifBPwioa Meirbaai. N tVlK EXPORTAT14IN-Ctetiuiita*, own, -urge JP Iteasians bleached sht runt* Batlap*. I wkiewbu-xt* PateBl IIBell Ibreaos * upset Pepper A Cocoa, Baegtag, Ac, Rw salt by til t. \HUlRLREAD4xC0. 37 t aa M kJPECTATOK, 9 vide—Pope'* Works, 9 vole—each s^roval3Jmo—Tlie ttereotype plates ot the S|wcialor, 9 vols, loyal :i9nio, and Po|a''sWurks, 9 vols, ut theaame site, lobe wdd a bargain, or evrhanged lor books Apply to sStt D MALLORY.Cheeler Building*. 1 Dey atreet H IDE* A* WOOL 3500 prime Buenot Ay re* t.x Hide* 99a 9B loo bale* rlean wustied B Ayre* Wool UO di Mex.ran do ItHjul lbs dressed lri«i lite tkins For ..ale bv DE FOREST A SON, « (tooth at aT~4 L O T U S , A C — 50 taaes 0 4 AT 4 tine aod superfine %_>Ckdhsb.atk, blue.bruwa.idive, citron, mulberry, green, adelaidt, claret, steel and Oxlord mlxl II)rates lanry siii t »ii and diagonal Casaimere* 15 batesb 4 indigo blue strand* III do 3 4 A 6 4 red Padding*—for »ale by ,!t P REMSENjk CO. IM Pearl *i_ P i K , , - | l N l.oialoii—in case* ol Ion parks ot S's aud tt'aaesitned—abac assorted pound Puts in I I and I 4 Ih i.aorrv tuned lot sale on favorable lerms by i: R-HaHAatB R JtORtxtTB. IM FfMA M. D Erttea the Pen «r H j. 9„m9M, aKatWLt* wRw cmwa Masenaar ta thetAipCdsjabus, Captain Gobat, tad dAxLcx- tad so Mi*. C. bo - T ^ S '•• , ••'««» "de TRe brt«d Allanuc wave \ vaaaal staanrh as brave The darling ut bet Mag* tnm A tea gnu ***, „„ .' " w - Or Rytng 'fore tbe gate! 'Twaa on tb* Ah of August, aae The BritishMaaxagI ciaxuM The wind ahead-how readily 8 M atay'•(. Row <lot* Mr at,., ,i < And. how with wagcfi a Usam ua deck A ripple on tbe aea*, * Aa g.adiy wav *M steated to axafca, Aa oUtar* witA a braeac I watched Iwr when lis* gale * i > on. The Muaits'a xeith night o'ercaat Her craes-jara yard—lain top aau gone, Aad lore- top-faliaat maet' A span Ret brighl homtan now, So huge ibe n-iiuw* grew, Yet how she tnpp'd the most nlain ' —bow She ntde die ttaxrpest throtif b ' I taw her trad a rattling wind, The atoir it lagvd, the nun She fling the following wave behind A M spttrmtd ihe warebeh>re Tel smooth a* inland harks, thai apiead No sail, obey no tide, Mer way IM taatMV vessel aped. ta dark and h.aely pride ' Gnd *|>aed lbs ship Cdiimbu.' iut» Her war bright pertntni sliow Ahi.ia.i, at ho i a for mint a day I'M boaat of all lit. I. na God speed bar noble e s t a t e - t.tnd I daredely, or tea, T o hnd an ablet to loaiuiti.d Or kindlier wan Ibau M. Beptetabet 10, IR34. Cavw. A A a « . THE GOLD ItEGION Among tbe ariu-Uw eonuined in the t.r.i v.-inrn* ol tie 1 laiwiM'tninaot Hie leet.lugi.axl S,»-„i> 0 | Poonaylvamia, )U*t publialieaj, i* one wit il.e gold regn.it ol lite I luteal Sltatca, Imm wlnrh llie l»bilauel t ibia Gageile make, tbe Inllowiiig enraru, lha wrtier, alter expressing the opinion Dial tbe loinaa ol tbia . ouiiii t are ncner than tliiate ol Gorgo Soco, in lb* Bruila uf ibe I ralnxu cham ol Mountauu, says In Rvaaia, apiendid and interesting at are the gold luunti in the dapoaiU mines of lit* eouniv F ad F. aih.rt, tor aale by OOODHCF. assotled quulttie*, A CO. 64 Sou ib at H OHARI'A- C I T TACKR-IOO tmiea. aasoited and waiianled lull weiglns. for aale ky -i I at Hi mi AKli A'CASEY,4Ss I xrhauga place OOI. 5tt bales washed Bueaoa Ayrea Wool, just t revived and for aula by 18 N ABTJSRR A M ARKOE, 51 Eon Hi at H OPE—10 balvs Hrat tort eastern hope; S do second do do do, lor tal* by B nl.OSSOM A FIELD, tl3 w* C .IM.NA4J BRAN ltl-Otard. Uttpay J RtaadY, of dtfeiertl vtnUflsa, eauilM tedetse sale by BOGE1V A KNEEL AND, W7 $ AIM, m i A fctgagAW t | r a M > , nx aribxAi, MR, M Co re. in ,lb« MM J al I A P E R N , MIEETINGN.Ac- 10-4 and 19 4 narnsley linen .hening ri4 7 4aiid»4 do M diaper Keues HI", blue and rktth color tewiag* Le Cktbtea't llghl dye do Guanno**uiab do for aale by „.„ s , G G A S H O W L A N D. 49 8ou0l^*t_ aT NL A N N E l > A DONI ET!*— W MAMM k.w white Aateshury A Yaattc Flaaaeb I ft do do red At green do do du 4b do nss'd yellow, red, bite A green Ai At do 97 trusae* *upl 4 4 while do Ai 49 l.ate* very heavy 4 4 do llowanh do I a do hoe acarlet ex cutnmoB yellow do •»i do " e nn> D mew, r.e'd f..r tale by ,0 fw STEELE. WOLCOIT A CO 81 »>i»e at R K'KI'LEANEDby th* •tibacribeea, win, nave re i-eittiy ererie.1 al their Mores lt^> ami li,S Smnii tl—:• nitoplete «et of machine*, lot ii.ii.iM Rica, cowtg roc led to clean * uh very Utile waste reamviag tbe weasel and Rour. aud leaving lie- m e eslire and i*rlectl> clean a*) lm Al.EX THOMPSON A S O N . Z s tTJEbril' I R O N 11» •«>»« neer* nave BOW tm band t^and are daily re.e.*i.-g tr>«i IM wmka af tbe New lax try lru« Cat, of a suprreir quality, aaaorted fraaa • M il, lur sale la Ms sua purrhaarrs, ay MACRIi, OAKLEY AJENNlSoN.ini Front tl •N B Otdert for parurulat s.aes eteruted al *t*jrt BO "*. »!*' R AIL ROAD IROM-TbetutBrrtbet,agexiuf i the New Jen*** Iron t o . , and areo. w prapaicd to ax rrate aedee* at aAori atttira tor Mange auu axle Iroa af vsey superior quality, soluble lot Rail Hoad and Car*--any or iter* dtiecied to them will coaaiuarwi immediate attention ot MACEIE. OAKLEY A JF.NNISON. ,tt IBl Freatt at. «oi t\ajgg*ag a4t»- afSRCDB M*KatM OIL-tMMgah. nataattby U W I A C MTTCttCtxR, H P-cR aRf 1SS Fionl rtreet. C OAL—The cargo of Hie thlp Woodbury Irom Sydney, and lor tale bv Ms SILASHOLMES R CO, R9 Srtulh st T A R — 5 0 barrel* Wiliuiiigtmi I nr tn prime order, lor aale by B rlLuSSoM A FIELD. DM From at C T l R l i i ^ O M E T E l i ^ A irat rale Chronoxoetet, for sale by HY A W DF.LAFIKLD. 40 Soutb et 1IEEMR—95biues Pine Apple, lor sale by *la^_ A BMEECH A CO, 30 Prom rt R A G * - .'si bale* NPFF, 9i-o do S P F , SO do FF Trtesle , :"0 do Lcgliiini run do Mestina Raga, for sale by tig GG AHHOWLAND.40Pou.lhst I RItfH WHISREY^iOpu^^ bond and for sale by .19 ALEX THOMPSON A S O N , Hit) S o u t h at 98 hlitl* SO brlt *I9 JOHN J'lHlNSON'H SONS. 9A aSniilh NAACE l'HAIXS-30 casks blued, now landing •rout Si Andrew, lor sale by •U EDWARD JEE A CO.UB Rroad at -191) ion* MararaytMi Fustic, tut sale by P. W. feCHMlDT.00 Pineal S l ' G A R - " 5 hints Santa Craa MusrovaAi sugar* lot sate by G G A S HOW LAND, 40 Somh st. tlR tRSFHIKRK-A T st ,jpr»T..r Innate by MORHAN A HIT I.HR. 79 fountain! id S I'GAR " hhds Muscovado, lor sale bv BtR OMAI K.AN,l.:NouUi M W II A I.I.HON E " -.too Iba Whateboi.r, for sale hy • Id li LVMAN AI.LVN.til Farlti—si O PIl'M—Ocaaea Ecvpunn, lor sale by tl9 GEO DOCGLASS A CO,99 Broad et S A L T AEl'IrAT—Superior let-lory filled blown,laud _ nig Horn amp Robert Isaacs— also, Cadis, Si C lies. Cut raroa, Ivua, Axr •19 for sale by P A A W i HiUHl I I lu;. Siuili *l H OPE—tt bah * lor aale by JOHN JOHNSON'S SONS,* A3 Bouth tt dARANGES A LEMONN-rtOO l.nie* Inali Sicily Oiauges. 50 do do Lcaxons, lauded lor saie by aff HOWES.GODFREY A RotHNsCN,96Souih st A I'll BRlt'R—now landing ol siipt-noi qnaliiv. lot aale in lo>s io suit nurcnaarvia, and at a rtduntl itrirc, by JOHN C MORRISON. Drtiggtats, 1MJ A IWCfeenWIth al. -1)000"gall ins Whan, ltd. lor sale IE, UAaWARKA HOWELL. 115 South .1 B W HALE OIL by SLA tie ti S EWING OIL JO P''-* contisling ol Fencatna' lat quality, blue* chilli, Le tiiiisso'* lighl dye, anrt Guanos drab Italian Sewings, ree'd direct fiom the Msuiii... imni fm sale hy G G A S HOWLAND, 40 South at ^ATIN'ETN—ltfO rases comprising a good atsoriairnt J5 in. diiiin and hue qualilies, lor *al» by ali PITCH. GOODWIN n <:o, fi« Pine tt Ilia, quality, lauding, lot HAVENS, bCYDAM A UO. IM Front at. A^J A L E R A T t ' N -10 caasa *9 saht by B L I S T E R E D N T E E L - A t l w o o d ' s m a k e Irom get' ultie Hoop to Bats, fm rule Ay "aDOTk s!3 CONG FOX, 11 Plait st t « I ' T L f c R V —Ivory aud sell lip table knives A lorks, /iu tells, pen and pocket knives, ecissoia, Ave, for sale b t!0 t ft M i DON A FOX, II Piait at w O O L - S 0 0 hales Mexieaa W'.a.t for sale by .10 HOWES.GODFREY A ROBINSON, xw South st rillMOTII* N E E D - - • 0 Hi ins and 95 |.w« f..t salt I al91t by JOHN JOHNSON'S fcONR, 9 and 3 Bouth tt f_/slV IHLORIDEOP LIME. lor aale by coM.luis A FOX. II Plan at A I-T NAILS--at redectid CEBRA A price*, for tale, by CCMING, 101 Pearl at -950 kegs in .hipping order, lor .air bv A H MEECH A CO, SOProut et .Altll R io bit- Irom new Wheal, J Mayoaid hiaud, •T lor sale by AH Mr.Ei II at CO, :«l Pmm at C VERM AN »LAT1»~*Y PBMClLS^AaixwiM Rfoi aale by ihe package, l.y si J CONOOON A FOX. II PhMt at t N I l E N I T I M E R I N O S - c a a s s * 4 Flench Merinos 1 ol sB|H>n..iqUkiitv,loi ia'e bv sl9 W fcB 1 VVIIl'.hl.tMUi.il I A C(k| 191'edar «. S EWING SILR-Caa * lialtan rloib c.dt.uri and lirln dye sewing talk for aale by alt WAKE W Itl.l.I.W RIGHT A CO 19 Cedai at B tTTER alt aaSl'GAR-tOO mat* Cuba Muscovado, lor sale by ••> MALRAN A HENRY, I4i Frontal R AGM--40 bag* irtt anrt Leghorn, lor sale bv sll DE PORKS I A SON, ejS.nuh st I RA I . M l . E A F - -Jiki bales good quality, l.u ..." lo »H WELLS A. MlLl^.lir, Water st W A D i l l \G JObe n r double glaxed ami large tike, lot sale by M T B U I Ac Mtl.l.a», 146 Water st B A 1 I t l ' E M ' I V E- -«ki brla VVilai lag inn, loi sale by 1. all IIALl.Kn A BROWN,31 Rumug Blip B ANTARD NIG AR—300 hrls. for tale by 111 WU.LiAMS at Id Ut I It It). Itn Iroi.t*! a»ill K K I 1 R O N lOilpai k. in handa.>m* nrdri, for 3.al. !•» C A A E HBCKSCHER, 40 Rroad at IB R O W N S I I E E r i N G N - 3 5 d bale- 4 4 atowa. ot sll FITCH, GOOOWIN A CO, 00 Pise st 2 I I I R I'IXGS Stout 3 4 Brown, from the Thame. Alang Co, lor sale by til 4i PITCH, GOODWIN A CO, toSPiae at d J A O l N T 1 N G HO LEE DEAR-a htudsome trne %y for sale, apply At IM Froal at. all I S r — 1 0 eases German Sheet Zinc :ot69 10 do do do dn 3<iiM, Air sale by 11 MASTERS A MARRtii: SlRouth si G UM »IIRLLAC-30rase*,for»*leby " JOS1AH HOW A i I. 157 Pearl si L IGIHT I N a T A N T R Y ' T A C I IC-A-ITk* BbrTdT^ ci, t in, oi Tactics lor Light Infantry, prtcr 3s, for *ak st»3l by EGRA I TAN lib Maiden lane, upstair. s z i f 4 H l S A N1LKM 1 raae oittitaining lb piece* white \_/ pnitgt-e bkis, and 4 (< - white pongee ot supatlor qua ree'd per thip Hercules. lor sale by •4 WETMORE. HOPPIN A CO, 14 Rto d si afiTE I RONV-50 cask* Swkxaaatl'i fcjt A l l II sS*Bleby ent'd b. dctt, for CONG DOM A FOX. 11 Plan ,t C A O A L — IS ton* beat Liverrs»)i. far sate at a suw price, J by DE FOREST A SON, at South st C UAMPAGNK-IOOcaaeaand baskel. Cuaaapagne Wine, for tale by iLinnJoif, yet in l«singia, Nunli l arotilia. and pnn. . pally Virginia, in ibe Coiled Nuue* ibe writer lias met w-iin numerous inatanoeM where tb* woighi of »ra»riiTieii~ ot solid goltt, ami tb* rhararteir, has bweti tnucl. aupen-.r Tb* mine* uf tba Bruila, iba Csurgat Soco Useli, cannot be rmuparv i with veto known ui iba wnter aa exist ing in the I'tiiiesl Staiea. Spsieirneut from Jonr.. ami t tlilornm, he baa seen in Mettco, a* arao fr.sm Kl Of* •ml AiigatigBo; and ibia tb* north « Xticaieca* Rn I i liiliuahua They ware, nnleeil. imiVMling au.i beau um ,bui are nut lo be c.Hnparx»ii with those of Ihe goltl region* ot tlie UnilfsJ Slate* Evan tlte far taitietl ittatt ia the rahirtatot St. ISttersburgiluea nut wwtgh awmui n by auveral ounce*, a* that winch wa* tmiml in Nuftb Carolina. In lltai ponton nf the goltl rtggioR of ibe> I unevl St«u>* suuaie.l within the charter* tl limits ol t reorgta, the i ii-hrwi mineral bell, if it may M be NenteaJ, i* met with in talt-oae slat* and granite b.raaaii..na alkar- nating with bom blend, title, gueiaa and t lilnrnle tlatc, laking a direction newrly N. N rv and 8.8. W* be- tween the Chestatee and ChatatiiK^liee nvwrt, m Hah- ar.ltam county, near the Cherokee nation t-roasiitg tubaeqifenily the Cheatattse, ami entering Ihe Cherokee country, It pa**** lfu " ritowali river, and p range an in aatying couiae nil we meet it again on iba banks <•! the CooM rivet, in the Creek nation, in tbe State ol Ala- bama. There are other mineral " bells" ot fold vein* ami mine* running a parallel course, at Mated interval* and dwiaiit e* Irutxt each other—generally bam eight to ten mile*—end are to be met with low down to- ward* Augusta, on the Savannah nver. These letter cruaa the CttaMhooc.be below Columbus. Thaty luriititiait-ti, iu ilieir nearer approach lo tbe aenboaril ol the Atlaniic, by the diaappearantie ol tbe primitive flo- atation, which occur, a abort diaianc* above Augusta "rin* eame ptwiiion of the rocks tsecera a litile above rr*ilerick*burgli, in Virginia, whore tbe prtniiuve I • maiion alao letimnates towarda Ihe ooaat. T h e aaaatt gonlagical fcaiute* ant prestnuo.) a. in the mighborhood of Augoata, Georgia. Following lha course of the UMwr mineral belt of Georgia, which ta a dmtai.ee of irotu iwenij-loi- i-» thirty in.lea Irom the Blue Ktdge chain ol inouuiaioa, we met il In tAimpanuively the same Mpem, m Smut. Carolina and North Carolina ; where, however, itwgaild region enters Virginia, a aenaibbi dtttarettie occurs in relation lo its posiiiun with he blue Ktdge. Tbe upper mineral belta cross the Dluc Uidge, and pat* ou ibrviitgli the valley Itetweeti that rtiani and the Aliegh.nie* Il ta only tlte lower mtadrat belia ibat are met with in Vir- ginia, on tin. ante ot the Itluc KnJge. Tb* largest amounl of gold Una been oblained Irom a cleat at mine* generally known by tbe name of "branch musts," ut atremiu mirtea, aitttaied in ibe bed* ot rivet* and rtvukete and rut me* The capital re- quired to work su. li in ni-s being email, and the urojlie almuei immediate anu daily, a tew uiai rune* calletl "tockeft" tor waaliing the gravel airala m whtch die gold M I..IH..I and atiiiie Mgroea, with ihe nes-esssi y digging tools, are the |>rep«raiioik> for opening and probi ally working a mine ol tht* nature Many httttdit-i! negroes are yearly employed in tlte dirlere.it Metea lor tin* putpuse, and iu geimral profitably. It i*. ..n*t.l. n .1 that a mine ,.i tirdiuaty itiiiiortaiice will yield from one to live il wit tu Ute hand |ier day li M not um-oeaiu n to obtain ]U dwla. t-i lb* bend, nod maiau-s* bav« oc- currt d when as high ut lRD dtvta. to ibe hand per day have been obtained Several individuals in North Caro- lina and Georgia have been ertttnenily aorreasful HI this pariicuiat kind ut gold muting, and have ienuasd bug" ivrtttttM. It ba* been inictitated thai not tern than iti millions ot dollait lu gold, nave been . tti*t led from lb. brant h gold nuaev ol tbs t'mled Mats* *tnie ih* nuniue.veairni ol the mining op. i aim.,, the lttg*t aagtjjatj ut the gold Aadtng ua way, not to the utml, but abroad, aad beli.g Worked ep lot j.weltary in tM uiRereut pa ,u> ol tlte country. line* dcpoeile tuiBts in lieoigia, hate alone Ittnusli. .1 half a Btins.ii nf dollar, aim if we tuuk at Ike greet aumi. • ol ISUHSIS eeapk.yed, the v.oa . nenl ol IM gold leglun, Inn. dreda ol utiles in length, and l b . increasing alusiiimii givoi iu tbe sutijv. i. we need not be snrpintcd if ine gold dciM>*.t< * of the Uuileil Rule* yiebl (ai laigei leiuia. Ibau tUoae af Braail, Columbia, oi to* I'rat* unued On* siaguiat tari, aaalturoaae.ied wilb the hstinry of the geld region and Uw *U»iiginea, may bv uirautily uotii.d here. Il it, thai arrow beads and utber luipivnisnu recuhai to in* Indians ol lue Aim.ni an uuiiiueoi, s.r. mm Willi in tlie aupciiiKunibeul tttala ol timer god mine brain i.e. They have been touiui at varum* depth* above the gravel, but never below it The greatest dei*h* al which ikjey have M M exet Willi it twelve feci beluw tu* suitate, ffi a.. i.i •irata oi giavel. The uiine aitusled lu Georgia, hid three diatioclMiaiaol gravel, rut* st Bit leet.iben Rvetemef blue rlay, wait vrgetablt trruaiu* i ..utaiaed IBM, then a etiaitim ol graveltwu feet thick, iu which were found tbe Indian ai rowA apear head ol a wltceoa* utinerat; men atseut i> Rjet of tit* blu* clay aa above; and biiellv.lU* giavtlio wlmh was found lb* gold, aa much a* 10UU d w l * ot gold having beee rdtaiued ai this Math, if.ui a trench tuny reel le wogti. by tan tu lat Mih In tlie Creek naitoa, at alao oa tbe botdera of tbe Ckerokee iiaunti letnaiat are to M met wuli winch anctKy tudiratn lliatgoid miuas writ known to e t m la tboee i«gi.«ia, and that they bad been partially worked ton* pi IOI to rae present epoch Tlte tradition ot Ute Indies*, et at loam tbear eldest men, are unauit iu give an account ef it It may pt.Wably have been tba aturmpt of i h« exptoriag party of Spaniard, Who peuetraied I uia Peosaco-.a into IM iiuenot. III WBich xxpodiltou lettutaatrd tsiaiit, aacsMdiug tu Auaumaeu met with la tM BSibttc arcblvit of Feetaoula. 17. A". AT«»« f o r d . — A m o n g tbe rwubuabmenlt w l m I. adorn our city, and become a source ot enioytaetw aud rerrealuui lo resident* and visitors, may well be reckon- ed the United Si.t,a Navy Yard, at ihe VVallat.uii in tbia city. Tina soot neat in utility and Malum*, wiih tire rising prnaperity ol our country, atid ibe i.ai, al imrlialiiy Iu our navy. Il <robra.es als.ut titty acres of ground, covered with slore bouse*. ulTirw., anal build- ing* of greet extent and luagniiude. and admirably atlapted M the great object* designed. Tbe wa.ka and ground* ale> exhibit taste and isealnres, which plew* ant aod reireilutig to tbe eye, es d moat also be lo the order and health of Ihe orcupent*. Tbe season ol peace and proepenty i* properly availed to " prepare lor w e r " by having all thing* in mjuwitton. V a s t aAttree af luu trog v«*>i is under cover, and yeaeela pertly otult, and undergoing e aeeaoniug M give them durability —eulatg ing and repairing of docka building a large edii.it* aa a naval hospital—tbeee are ine present ocexipattun* ol the few aaecbanicaemployed.' Tbe "Naval Lyceum" occupant a btnkitng near the renire of the yard, lorteerly used aa a rbureti. or place of tvorahip II it now fijled with books, aaaiat draw- ing*, parnunga, tperimeni m natural hretnrv, ge»l.*y, concliotugy, du , occupying the gallery aim mith tlseww very vaiuable scientttii work* and curiosities. Tine place lorma also tlie daily reaort of the offieer* tor study, aud the reeding of newspaper*. It ia R new aetentific association, aa are all Lycenme Nl Ihe Ueuted htates, and like tnem promises exieoti ve usetaloem, That scourge et ill* world, tbe rholera. hat visited tbe Navy Yard thit season. Il made it* appearance in tbe reeWiving vessel, rtotwiihtiaiiding U.e great clttnRjgtmi eifbe etace and tbe vigilance of tbe ofScerr. T b a tuck were resru. v es. to a high and airy place tn ihe yard; ami it A aa eg- traotdinary laet, that in 30 eases only 3 death* have oecorred. tereat credit m AitJhtlem gggg to tb* |ne» in* pl.t tu nn for bat tymental>c A *ot ceaslu. irMifneut of tba MJMBta. 'i'liuM WJJO vwtt tba yard will mem MM ««Jy wttb ibiugt rare and pleMant to tbe eye, but pereuita with wliom ,t t* a i-leeaure to couvmse, Mm who «p(>ear to derive great aalttfaclkw in coftUtbutiug lo lire uatiotial grauiuat.on ol those around ibam.—I, I. Hiar. sIO LTDEO.N H O W L A N D , 110 Fr. ut it I.GUOKLRRsvlN-lw hale, heavy mixd, mi* day ree'd, for aale by TORRY, GOODWIN A MESIER. « P|„ t W UALKOIL-10,0tMgauafofMleby ~~ Akl WlLLKTi! 501 Peart at •.' lots l.y klACKEI. OAKLEY AJRNNISON. IPLRGl .\N-llt caeet stiver muuatM lur M tr 1AKLEY AJRNNISUN. _1M| Froai K car •arliag sir. •jgfl A A aiO W - 10 wprs douiu Aamcwan blame*, ta, aTI aaktby HENRY ELSWOR'i U.* Beyer Weet et T IIOMARION 1.1 ML- very wipe, u„ ejuamy-TM caakt. afloat, wbicb can be delivered in aay part of De- cay or natghboring ptsrt, tl applied (<* inttneaistel) to j * « ELWELL, 40 WaH et R I N S I A G O O D S - R - t e i v e d per TiMnwt, ai«l Mart Ballard. 46 bale* Brrrw,, Sisaetings 16 s o B*e*rHe,i A. 15d . Reowit Dmptet: M do Crash, lb do Raven* MM) 7b peck* Sail Cloth, lot sale by sClRt ^ WB BF.N». 50 P.ae street S AI.KRATCH-JO brla. smrerMH artwl tor sale by A A I F CORNELL,« jusi rsr'a t is-ii-,i. *»li|i RAJ I' I K l A R R I N b — I t.atr prlase, recanted per Ijgbj avu Riaius, irum Bat mi* Av tie*, lur i ate by •It MASTERS at MARKwR, ,1 Somh tt O L D 4 J O P P K R - 4 ton*, a *up*rnM art, for aale by £t CIS A S liOvVLAND, 4'J ttewtb et a<IIERRt \* INR—mrurlkaJaset A Hermit krand Nt" . i i . by BALDWIN A C O . DO t H dip ( N OLD HKtlKRk M«»l LI»av-f- emaHetM, lor aTaa-ebt UA VIS A KROORR.tl ~ -AyORTOIRK RIJItLty-l box. loreets bj ,10 F OTHUKrtTliN.M S AW r R A M KK-'An d. tea rtc d. for aale by *4aw BYRON A BTA BR. '^ DV-nrher st C N A PR-Case, French Petra.hs* Capt.of saperir a.r J lity, tor late by M W A B I W HEBLW BtCHT *. CO, IS Cedar ax. Vi Arts auiubi* lor tiarrb makrt* A er*. f.*"*e>b7j *- C lOWNBBND A _CO,el Souih i.Nlfi-iWti-A* .wam'aaddryRaltaja w i e , IM M axtMM Ai, fie tale by HRILHAMA FAY.SRINwoli* ¥i*vxz nrL^^^ r frc^-r i - r i i v a - S 3 * gro Vret,lor eale by Tnev r.s A AflLLER, * Maidse laa* S OI R Kl.Ot R _bak W P tll.R Ol aa A ww, I MMIA Nil atriNGN-ISk^leslbwdsyUMHr K, f.7..* ay JodiAll DOW ADO, l57Pemiat *e arml'JWIA DlAPRR»-«axMiaieamihMawytai«ting, jffj lot*asrbv J' "St All DOW A «X). I»T Peart at sn H IDEN— lMj-ark*. aMpieraeprime RusstBtNiWbides tnr*eJebjr MtOOMUR A txu ad RSMII. < " TU PA L— »' bute- ¥. iVrtpT^i t*i ask.TerwavTiw -aT BRK.IIAH A FAY.'aOFrwM.i .J LAN RK I A - : 4 A 8 4 Wbilswy. tot *aV bv JORI AH fwtW A OO, IT Peer! at tyVV* x ta lot tale by CriUaxLVAIJ.miUlaMmM t ior / by W l t l M k g C I -aaatalae., hi* sate ay a* tjAVfc*a».tCYDAM ACQ, IM Frtmi C ^VorTlJR^iAlfSiii^W mmiu~m,^mt* „."." / M A * esme do. lot aaw by ,i0 •M1TU, WHEELER A FAIRRANRP, i * Pn r st ILPHATRail INIWR-iUM oa AAmm. fur Maid, ii Laasr by IN tele be SLTK LOW A CO. I af A O L O C N R - 4 case, tievattut, lur \ j sirtH LOAA a. t t i . Ml-t*KftM VA1* ULatbt- IM Maee^tsaurxed » " ~ i, jAagJgay U1DEON HOWLAND. i r e l i v e . . . i If - Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

w^m HUH ipwwi^iijiiuii —tw •• NEW-YORK DAILY tDVERTISER.fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/New York NY Daily Advertiser/New … · NEW-YORK DAILY tDVERTISER. XMHKK .1161 UO\D%Y

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Page 1: w^m HUH ipwwi^iijiiuii —tw •• NEW-YORK DAILY tDVERTISER.fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/New York NY Daily Advertiser/New … · NEW-YORK DAILY tDVERTISER. XMHKK .1161 UO\D%Y

w m HUH ipwwi^iijiiuii mdash t w bullbull 1 - bull bull bull bull bull mdash bull-mdash

NEW-YORK DAILY tDVERTISER X M H K K 1161 UODY ]laquocopyRWINlaquo S E P T E M B E R 1 5 - 3 1 1 0 IMK A gt l raquol

OLH LINL traquor U V K U T O O L t M C m U


A us i w mdash raquo

bull3 W-Tw ttxweeahtegti

- D U I I M M Faskei wiH be eoatlntsrd by lAssubscri-h e T i e T Z I I K mdash New Vwh and Livero on U 1st and IMhtsf n i i M M t with ibe exemptionhat whea ibeaa i l iag

n i A i i m i a i ^ l M Mm will eR the M M J | Mn S rlaquoraquoa L I V E R I M K I I July M T M BRITANNIA W stetthiey raquo3U I M l a a i _ f n j a c i R P l O T S l i a BurtiVy i73lraquoWlaquo A laquo I R - T b s NORTH A M E R I C A D i t t y laquoM toes Haw I - T k e laquo A L E l n raquo A t A H lirekaa OOtoau data IRmdashTRc WIRERNIA J Wilson 551 toes laquo T 1mdashThe K C R o P E A I WsrsballtlrtioeJi Oct- IRmdashNaw Mm CRLI h I B f d N t oM

PROM NKW YORK J l - l k a N O R T H AMBKICA laa I g - T b C A L E D O N I A

Jaly I- T M HIBERNtA Jaty t b - T h e C O L t taBUi-i A eg I - T b e BDROBR Aug I t - T R a raquo O l f T H AMERICA

1 - T M B R I T A N N I A

nmdashTRaoarHRrn i at all of t M Rret elaaa commaaded hy men

ef aRaracfi and experieea-- t n d care a4il be take lhat laquoka beds tedding and store shall be of the l-raquol kind The rate ef i aage outward a Axed by an understanding wi lb l b p tonne or nfi liter Hi B t g i a i m n including wine bullad Hoiiwlaquo which will ba famished by the Steward at ike e i e o a a l each passenger al la irs punted ltgtn raids which WW M R e a d on hoard Netlhet th Captti aer owners o f tbaaa thip will ba reepuadble | bdquo any letter patrrls at l ) M t gt | n teni by them unless regular bilk lading ara signed uaetefor For Ireakt at i w i u i i r apply m


I f 64 South sn bull i N e w York

m m M The subscriber have feuhiisrted ibs foikwing bullhip a a

Mas ol inwasa Between Ibi portend Liverpool Wktavetnl port e Us laquoth and Liverpool nlaquo iheMth laquol rath month in Use year rteetn thai wrtm tho dates u l i on Sunday Iba

ttf riteabtp gtiiihe deterred until ihe next day PROat NEW YORK

A - N e w ship I N D E P E N D E N C E E Nye master -RhipROHtraquoISJ I Urlano dm

RmdashRRivli WASHINUToN II Hukjrrdf do MmdashMRtp N A F l H K O N J P Haiuh aiaawt

rHHMI lVKRrlaquoRgtl i r t i INUKPKMiKNl i ltlaquo-TIraquor R o s c u r

laquo laquo - r h laquo U B o | raquo laquo K WAMHINKTON

te raquo i - T R a NAHraquoLKtgtN bullRipa ara all of lUe (Ifraquol r l i r of about Mugt tnna bur

t b raquo a r fouimandnt by at mil r ai fprriewra and no paiiM m nntgtfMgt w i N n s l lo have llw arroanuudalhiiw run vntaar and l b Motgt-gt of l i t b m d^irrlplloa Tba ptitm ml p i a i | i bull mdash t~ - bullbull Parkn l mni iraquo lurU laquoi $l-sraquo ntiHMVr of wtwro and Imnura w l m h will lm IIIIIIIKIUKI by Iba Mlt-waidraquo a callad lotat ralra dmcrilml on prlnunl catds Wbtrb will braquo liandt^ lo iMmcriifanou boatd Ihr alilpa

NeRhar l b t aptatna laquot nwaata of Ik iil|ilaquoi will br n p o n atMa toe aajr brtteit paraabi 01 parkagM w laquo t t y them un-m r r f i i l a r blltoof Udinx airtfitCdUit-rrlor For Irriglilot

a y ^ ^ K I N N R H M I N T m N i t m m r K M l a U _

~ H v i A i ~ i raquo A t k i c i N - r N I O L I N K VHaa Nrw Votk on the ttnlamptk a nd gtMth o f a v r y

Fruai U a r a ou the lat Hlb and MHli 01evlaquo ry a i o a

mm OI

o raquo i

ltapounddk IB II i laquo M a i d ^ H tlaquoRHJ mdashIH a new arranftaaaat for the aatllna of Uieraquoe

iba aubaritbara win deapatcR ibam traquo above and In Lb lullowliii order

bullRip R U L L r C A Foiber

Mew 4gtip FRANrJ OKPAf HaHtv Rounwon

BRIp I I I O N B John Racketl

bull M a r O R M O a U Vim I Ofwa

bullRtp FRANIX118 J W Bojtaulaquoh

i ili Jany t let J Sth May lt la t ( BtR Sept f lat 1

fraquoth J a n y 8Ui May Mil Sept

t Ibth Jan ltun May ( Intli tr ( i i i i h Jany

New a h i p N O R M A N O I K W F e l l ^laquo4th May

NYork rrotn Havre t Rlti Uacr t i n Fehy Hih April lraquol Jin ( 8 l h Aufaat^ lat Oct t lftth Uecr l Wth reby tnth ApellltHth June f lraquoth Ail ( t H h O e t i i 4 i u mltr i ilaquotlt Feb Hih A M H K l6 ihJune tui Atif f l t th Oct

R K W I O R K A N b N O k W I C I I r i b B o r P A C l i B r s

poundbullamp poundampamp iuiife For the better srroeaiaodsMum lti the pabtie the follow

ing veaaalu will coaipo a l me at Fackrta uetwaew Nat Wtck and N e w Yolk mdash

Reitooner tOMKT Captain Darnel Haven Hkp JUPITKR Captt i Benia R laquo lta ftkMoet RNltASlapuiu Freeoiau Lovcll Jr SI -p l l M o M gt IlptJin itred t o w n

Aad will leave Norwich leflutarly e v i ) lueeday and Friday and New Yoik raquovlaquory adiigtxl^y aa4 Htraquoiilay

ihi|peilaquo ami iAlaquowimet way (leaen-l on tin- above vaMela oailiuv an then le^nlai day and will be nwed up anddown U M River by atrauibua wneu netevaiiy A I ireifhl will ba takea at the I weal tale For tiei^lu or pajsafe apvltv lolRa Carn i i i i on bwaid bullbull ba

RVKKKK-t R NORTON 1 JKlgt H I N T I N O I H i N U bdquo bdquo h - n

A H t U L M A N o r f Nvrwch orto bull A M I I HYUK J

a l l let lt gtPP R S I L L tolaquoh gtraet New York



L I N K o r H A C I t l C T R r O R M t t U I L K T bull raquoSMI the lat and lMh at each iimnih)mdash

Ni-w Hiup Hetioi Jieaph Praquot maiacr bullbull raquo J t M O R O Parker ntaater

N e w iliti H MrtKI I RAI HWINF Welaquot itTkter VI Al lAMIAN4 R IViaiteinnetei

o bull RT J O H N T raquorraquolaquoieforaquoaaraquoer LORKN A T 1niuhart tnaMr - o rllSHA I IKNISONW K Ltinj maauir

o r i D K l N A K II Coat i raquo o i The bullubaertbra lmvlaquo rnapl iro ilieir inr ind v ill cmn

inenee the awjaJB with eijltt raquolilp- wbtrli willenai le them to i l i tna l th three veraquoltel a ittoatli When tRetiade retjuire-it Ihey ara raquo vaaeeR of the kratclaa bailt eipresaly fro the trade of the beat tuateiiala coppered ami copaariaatencl with i i i i i f l v aad handaoma Krorumodatlonr and cow mandad by nipertvarad nmatem and will -ail ndnelunily be iavnlaquoet Al l nod lorwarded to t ho bulliioacrthara will i oiipm-d l ie 1 rommuaHoi

a-il K Igt H I R I B I T A C O flt4 Sotithat

For AALE Ilnt-p lo chute a rnneernmdashThe achr C H A R L E S KING 110 l a w gt n bullgtbull i arfh derk irna faao ned balll nt Greal Klaquoa HatRnUi and about Akl Ui b hu i l l o |-pH iu

K B t W FXI^+tj Walt at

t r K K H i H I or I H A R l K R - I h e ootgtprMl laquohip f S Agt | iF R Roiniiaiii ataatar SBRRBbl r UHI bfla now Ivtna bull fort of Rotrvvll atreetmdash apply to K lgt HI HtHI f CO M f m t h l F o r H A U t F R K l d U T or C H A R T K R - t l 5 arat rat faal nailtnraquo ropprred ami a w - r laa t H-I Hark MARY BALIARH Shlaquo raquo two

aearaigtkl o | iiM loua Inttihen ami CWtlagSMB uoxea raquoulaquoai IK well found in every itapect ami can be idshyled tin raquoea at little or no etpenav Site IKIW lieu at Pier I t Immediate ipplli un n will In- neerairv lo the aubaciUiere Horn whom luriher p n n ni laquo can ba obtained

bull l U l w B R U i l l A M R r A V M i r o n l t

For 8 A I R KRKIt l l i r or I H A R T B R - T h e roppernl and copper faaiened brig FLORA N P U a i A y mamer burtnen vgttl haia Apply on board at Market atteet wharf or lo

AI I EN l A S o N M M I _ raquo n p

Ior ttAtr I K l i t l H T o r i H A l l f FE-TRlaquoop pltr laataind and coppered bitf NICKOIAI Capt 8 Merrv burthen iC i low laquo o^fai barrel la well lot m l and can he vent to araquo raquo nil ilitle or no e l

Apply on board at imt No i t t R or m H V W M D E L A FIELD aOBoiHR at

For ft A lemdashi lie lalaquoi aaiiinf copper too i and coppu ed rhr IIKN K1KT IA JS ton bur then will carry 1W b a n e bullraquo G year old X pply lo

all) RM^K B E N S O N 30^outl i raquo t _

F o r F R E I O H r or lH A R I K R - I lie line laraquot valimaw hi A J AX J T Pa ice maiter Itui brta hurt hen a u d i In lirgtt fate order Apply to

a l l Mil IMl A HASrkKI

Fo B A C R T FRFIGHT laquoH O B A R T I R - T h a aulwtantlil faal a-uling bilf AUM-- Capliin TalbotJIM toua burthen built m r M M l m H h - U a y e j n old Well loiind coppared and cop

aasleued and her aUnding rtgjjias new itua voyage

penae A (bull III

per Aputv raquon board


lat March July N o v

( Mill Marc u Wh Ju ly ( nth N o v t inth Mar

lt llaquo lh July ( MaR Sert I Unit N o v t rkh Feb ry t lat April

bull v MthJuiie Mat Aug ( t R h O e i ( lt D e c i IrUli Feb t Mh Apvtl IKth June -Vsih Aug ( loth Oct ( 8th Dec t 44th Feb ( IrUh Apr

POLAND E4vraquo EtcRafdatHiraquo4th J u m s lrkli Aug 1 | ( iUh Oct ( Ihl l l l le

BM C H A R L E M A O N B Fierce

BRVraquoHVlKIRjORArtHK U VVtedaiDodt ~

bullRln^ALBANYK Hawklaa

bullRip HAVRKl baa Baoaward

t mh March ( lat May raquo h July lat stent fan Nov f Ut Jan i lfttfi March td th May

tilth July M b Sept ( Idth Nov frttbJauy c iHlh Marcht lnthMay t M l M B j lt l S t h 4 e p bull R i p HENRI I V JURB CaattoB (-till Nov f loth Jan

TRaa are all veaaaRiot the brat rlaaa and ably ronuMti daR-wiUi ateaanl aroaiWHalalHUM lor pawwngBra cotupri abaft all that way be reaiuued tor ciuulori and convenience lariadiaa wiaea and afuea ot every di^ctiptHn Uaalaaent In etibar of ihe aubactibara at New York wil l ba Imwarded byttteaa packila Iteaol alt charge e i e p t t h o e a aatually

T B m H J N F O X Rt I IVlN0tvrON t traquo Wal to t W M W H n L l R K Jr atJAmth at J N O L BOVlLBruket lttraquo WaUat A

Fat N R W O R L B A N H mdash T b e Louiatana awl aadQBX N e w Volaquok Lloa of Packet raquo i l l Mil on evarv

IWff l iMaiwlav ftwut New Yoik aad Irow Naw Otleana J | bullaeoBiriaanrlnglhrlPM Sept frua New York and fo taaure ibe aiiK-teal puuclaalily in the leim of railing lha LIM will bercaitet couaaat oi Six Ship via

Yaaou Miaaiaaippi lAmlavllle Wm Jarat) Haalvtlh) New Ship

tapt do Jo do do do

Packard Miner crtca Wtbray PalBier Colli

Tkraquo above hipa are all now rat the Rru cluaa copper fka-lawad and ropparad and upward ot aUD ton burtuen a ia bull f ft RRkl draught of Waiar betag hunt in thl city exptca-arv ntclRe trade TRatr t b l n a i e lined up on the moat iBueovad aoa eonvenwnt plan and turnrafied lb a oral

ftdetegaai atyr AaapW atorea oi every dewriptioai and ef tba k m awaRty will ba provided and every regard had to law comfort and aallro aailaiaciioa o t paaaaugai

TRaae Packet are coaaaaaaW hv rapiatnt well etpari eared io the lradlaquo w h o will give every atleiiuoa a ml e i ert thaoiaeivea to accourraquoidaie Ihey wil l al all tiutea be Kgtwed upaivd d o w u t h e Mlaalawipi ny Steaoiboata and UM auwle l puiu tuatll) ubea rved In their lirwa ot vailing ill Oooda aval lo lha Subatriber wilt be lo t aided foi a caaaaaraMat Foe Fr Igkiuraquo Faaaaga apply lo ^ i j a r S E COLLIN g M o t h at cot of Piaa rgt No ireajbl raceived alter Satuidav evening peevtoua lo the Raw ot aatltag

i H A H b E t t o S i U R E l R H I I L l N K Tlie imcketaol the above Line wil l conmrncc

running on tba lat amlMii every lour dlaquovgt (Sun-kdav eiceiiledl to toe following order mdash U h l p C A L H O O N E D Suttoa tktt StR

Nlaquow - A N C K L i m E E L Habraquoy Oet laquobull bulllaquo H A L L E N HWibjon Oc 15 laquo bull bull L V I O N Mwhaal BettyOct lraquo raquobull - L A F A Y RTTE J T WitaRt Oet raquo w laquo A N S O N J ONeill Oct W w raquo N I A G A R A S Beabei Nov laquo

f t S A L l M A A U JaortiMa Nov 7 fRe public may rely ou the above veawlt sailing uuanual l )

a annrrtawd Allgood forwarded to t he aubacrtber wilt be lUBaeRfrcwofcoainwaMMk Forpartraquocularatiply 10 g lUEOEOE t l U T T U N SS 8 o o t b l c o t Burl ia ia) ip

~ DARIEN (t ie) L I N E OF PACKET8 Brat AMELIA 0 1 0 1 1 0 J tbaaa aaaater Brig PREMIUM Sheraaati aiaaier Brig t ORAL C P Rurkbiy maatat SriMMoer D H iKAVK A Bllihina miaiei

TRe above veoaela are all c pei iraquolraquoed and have e i t ie -rieraquocedcolaquoiMraquoairaquodeiaiaibalaquo tiade l a d W I I I M I I the Ut 10th aaM 4BMI ot each utoaib cuuuuetuiul uj the lat Aug nett l a e r e at a aieauiooal pit ing between Haiiruaud Macon ami alao one between UaiMn and Rt Auguatioe wln h wil l al-lued aa eaay aoaveyame lot pangerlt going Svnilh tor health with much h-a latigoe and eipence than any rthet o o w v ^ ^ b t a AgjtTMo o | | | i u r v m a

BEN J STRONG S O N I7fi Eront at J v l S l a w JOHN T R O W L A N D Agent at Dalian

M l R r i l L K P O K E I a OM lJagt-43fcj en C A M I L L A W Eeilv tuaater

i g g R f - v EMPIRE C m a t a h e t d 9 K N O R F O L K M tbgtlaquorn do mmmm^ F O E T t M o l T H R K h l u d o

bull V I N C E N T E i a ha iodo TRa above bra ail ntet rale copper faaiened vewebt of the

era with ananaitra and atipeiHu lurnwbed aeconi una lor gaaaaag r aad are gggggRggkaW by uiaateit

AIKgt a

al Cuetitie lin or to S I L A S IU IMIS Jr C U i i South gtl

For SALEmdashA new herinaplinaiile hug IRlon ready for aea For tartna apply on board al Had darnConii toJuraea K f h i l d A Co builder or aa J raquo l iUAiN AKI) ISotlouih at new achr about 140 loa Enuuire a above all

For FREIGHT or t H A R l ERmdash1 ha very u petior faat ailing e n n c r e d brig R O A N O K E tapt Hatch lurihen ill inn cam gtraquoraquo barshyrel ilea at Elephant wharf apply lo Captain

Hatch or in raquo C A J B A R S T O W A CO 71 South alreel

For S A L E mdash The lot l ol a new brtg now on lha atnek near ROMHI o f the followiiig dimciut onraquo odtei i on dock 1 feel beam l i t teet hold men iiure about ital ion regwter la built of while oak

I well nailed thoroughly copper tattened and dniahed in good atybjmdashaolaquo can be launchod and delivervd at Boatoii at abort notrca Apply lo

14 C k J BARSTOW R Lt l 7U Biiulh at

W A N T E D in I H A R I E R - A gatd venael to lake tboui 35lta) harrela ba a IMII tn Hie Notlh o f England Atiply to

raquollaquo W O O D I I D L L K MtNitJRNrtRarMiih_

~ W A N T R D to PHRCHAREmdash A vaaaal uf HO lo IJO ton not over 3 year old Applv lo

a l l B A Y M A K A CO 34 Soulh 1


bull la J

For F R E I G H T or C H A R T I R - T f c e Hue brig laquogtNLY SON KDea taattir l7Hton hut lhea low deck will canv 1JRO btl under deck Applv M M B t T K R BENSO 34 South at

F U I E E E I G H T uf C H A R I K R - V h e tal anil tug coppered audi oppei faetenad achr FRANCIS I yeat old hurt hen 100 iona lull built and U in avei reaia 11 a Aral toga vaaael Apply lo

J O H N I T U l H B C l L a j t O U S Front at

For F R E I G H T or C H A R T P R - T R auperlTr faal Miling voppet fkatened and cnppernd ahip ANN AWON Huitaun luafier 4Slaquo ton burthen now ready to i reive cargo Apply on board at

No tSoiih River m lo IS lm W E T M O R E HOPPIN A IO 14 Brunlal

W A N T E D to O H A R T F R - A veaatt o f about AtHi brra lo load Or Moniego Hay Jam la which deapatrh Will W givlt o Applv lltgt

bullII B WMAK A CO U S o u l h a l

C A M U E v A gt U A M B O Y K l I L K O A lgt 11N K I X I K C i l l L A H K I I I I I A

DaiU Snndava t r e p u d at 6 and 0 oclock A fafrom Pier No 1 Notlh Eivei sa

ia the trade uaa oi ihava wit) clear ou every Saturday irtroughoul the year

Good aeot JTthe agewta will be received and ltotward i te from coanaiaaiti For freight or poeaaga apply oo board weal ahle I rfee Hmae alip Of to

Wat ROWLAN D Norfolk Va or to agtU D O A N B B T L R G E S A C O O l gt raquo

^ ^ ^ R I C H M O N D I I A i B - T R e l o I h i w i a g j v e J i ^ b v aeta cauiajac ihlaquo New York aad RrcReaoad IJne j y j a J j M o l tarkeu -willing lrom tht tavrl ou lb lat ah H a f a K l i k b IStb a h and Jvth of aacR otoeth via --

Schooner RICHMOND aewi JtdliGuild Ntaater E F F O R T Juba Bell bull

- W ASP Tiatomv CoRto u

w LKONTtNE EBaldwIa R w T A N T I V Y R Couch bull laquobull H o R N r r r Jan P n u raquo N A S S A C L u her lilby bull

For Height or paoaage a pply to ALLEN R PAASON ltlaquo V II dip o r t o JAMER Hl NTKR SS South t

jamp- N o Goode received ua UM day ot wnhivg raquom

ON IMF R A R 1 T A N Steam Boal I N D E P E N D E N C E c p t o N Dtehl And

B W A N C a n t S e v m o u r UN IHE D E L A W A R E

Bleam Roal N E W PHILADELPHIA Capt A Jenkin T R E N T O N C a p t W M Jenkina

SIX OCLOCK L I N E Ry ateatii boat INDEPENDENCE paaaangara for Phila

delpotaiake the Rail Koart Caia at gaMRR Aatboy lo Hot dentown and arrive at Philadelphia by atuaat bout NEW-PHILADELPHIA at 4 oclock f M

T E N OCLOCK LINE Bv ateara boat S W A N aaaaeiigen for Philadelphia lake

t l i e t a i a a t Bouth Atnboy and arrive in Pniladciptti by Mean b o a i l EENION at oclock P M

Iare in each of the uhovn Hue sect 3 Forward lHk igtlaquosilaquoiigerii laken Uy the b ocVick boat to

Philadelphia raquo Fnehokl and Monmouth Line bv the ti oclock Roal via

Rail Road lo |llghtbgtwii front thence to Freehold by Sta gee Fare to FieelHW bull i J S

Princeton and TreBlou Line by u and 10 oclock Bout via Kail Roal and Stage Faie lo Piiocetun laquo l SO BRM to I teuton |r 00

Long Branch Line by the6 and 10 oclock Haata via Rati Uaari lo II ightatown there take si age to Long Branch and ariive early aani- tteiaaui Fare ihrough Rd ad

Paaaenger for N w Bruugtv tck lake the 10 oclock Moat a the 6 oclock Boat proeeadaoniy a ar aa South Amboy

F a r l o P c t t h Svuth Amnov New HritnwicaSH cent Al tbaate j te at the tiak of i ta owner jwrt ^ HIA B L I 8 8 Agent

STiV Yt5Sra7~Bigt8 l ( )N STEAM BOATtHraquoMPANY C O R N K W - r t i K A M gt H R O V I O K N C K

Froni the tool of Cminlamlt si N E Fverv Monday Wedueaday and Frula at S oclock P M

Arraagaieaia for Sentelilbet f _ _ a raquo

llSI The aplendtd low prealaquoure aieam packeia Iteaidcm Capl

Rl lhuS Bunker -and Henjaaim Ilaiklin Capt Kobett B-toieajiaa will leave N e w Yoik and Piovidence in Septemshyber aa loltowa mdash

THK BFJfJIMLY e K l A A i f V Will leave N e w Voik

at 4 oclock F M Monday September lt Friday Wwlnewlay Monday bull Friday Wedneattav Monday

Slh Mondav Ifrth Ftlday I a n Wdaiadav Uth Monday 94th Friday

bull Mh i THF PlaquoEAirgtrVT

Will leave New York at 4 oclock P M

Wedneadav September 3d

W ill leave Providence a IJ oclock vt

WfHlidav September 3d Bin l A h Itb fWd fJRJA

FOR laquoIAraquoraquo-NlNlaquo TARRY-TOU Af | )oUBgt F E R R V I M I V O V K K R H

Fare IJt ranh eaeh way T h e well known Steam boat ITTI2EN

Caataia Hendrie laquo HI k|ave the Pliv fm l ol rm Murray at North Elver every Morning at

lull pi-t laquochirk louchiiuT at the nig State Frieou lV--k at 7 oclock R turning wil l leave Sing Slag 13 oclock neaui - I n

r o R S B w r o n T A N D P K O V ^ D E M K FAKE REDCUED Vi

O^rFaremdash Fiur Dollars aad Found J-J5 The aiuuu packeCCONNEC-

TICtT having boca thoroughly Atted up Uet pnng in thai ciiy in Hull Engine Boiler gat cottpei la-tened and newly coppered by

which her apeed having been considerably ineraaed will in for to- remainder of ihe raquo UKUV between thi Ctly and Providence under the command of Captain Porter Will leave the foot of Chamber irelaquoi North River on Sundav next 7th inetaata 4 oclock P M All kind ol freight ta ken al redueed raiaw-mdashlaquoig reipa p-r ruble foot Inquire on l io rdoral GEO W SUMNERS Ill G bdquo o at ab

r O R S I I K b W M r H R Y A L O N G B R A C H - The vtra b bdquo a FLUSHING iapt Lane will runaa followt trotu Fulton


XKW-_ gt V O R K A f l l l l A O F t a H l A H laquo f r v l l k s l x l t H I I X K

R S v i L a OM Wannaaoaif aac SaTvanav or aa i t

Ji K Scuaadicr S l A K Richard G hkauer tuaater

raquo INANA David S m n b bullbull MIOITRRR A N E A N T n o a lielaud uaat lt o PEDMSTR1AN Jedin Cutliao a A M I T Y Will iam Rowea bulllaquo o JAMER FISHER Rtcbard L Weat bullbull

TRe Deaoalch Line 1 c^npo-ed ltgtt a n bullpIBBld Packet 1 nmwaaJril gtT laquoxlaquoeriaweed araquoo and wetl aclaquo|uainied w m

BBJ) RBBBBJjg IB faaaa Pbrbidely

_ by expe and are at lioerty to aund iheir

axaaW aorta rha bullubeenbeta intend to apare aw tame in utabladtiaal the regulaiiiy ot the line t and

pnia Ailgawiraquorraquoatdediolhe uraquodetlgitel bullare every aticntioa pant raquo theaa and wul pay all

chagee aad whip them free M romwiaeid laaurMM t an bTnCted M IM aave- RRR amp ~ amp l + J raquo kjMRRM dip ot to MILLER A raquoANIEraquoR lraquo loetuie ehp weaa aide and AARON B COOLEYiaouOl whaivaa

Tkyiiadatinn- latewd MI future to aall punctual oat the Mote day aad bullgtbull gooaa w III be received the day uf ainag Bgtat eta oekxek P- _bull _

MOBILE P A C K R I S mdash NeajUiwmdashThe veaaeaa rurap-WHig the above line will be reguhtrl) dea-paicbed troea Naw Yotk on the 10th aad tfch ot

ch aaowlk

Will b-avw Providence at lit oclock M

Monday Soptemhtr 11 Monday Slh Fttday 5th Fnday bullbull lath VVdueala IIHh Wedneadav llh Monday raquo l4ll Moulav bull f a t iF iday bull HRh FTKIV bull Mill Wedneeday Vtih

BVaadaxe bull BR 5JT F A R E raquo 6 - ^ D FtJlND

Fltu luither iiiLvrmaiion ai^dy al the ort i e i t Broad raquot C A Woohiev Jeraey City ferry-tiHic tau of Claquonrlla-dt

Of o f the Caataia MI board _ a3tl


C I B O N S FOR C H A R L E S T O N C TRe Steam Packet DAVID B R O W N

1apt James CoRbv will leave Catherine Xviiait E E aa lolhtw mdash

r t laquo i N e w Vock | Fnraquo Charleatm Sa lurd v t h JuiHt at 4 P M | Raioday Sih July at 4 P M rvaturny g raquo raquo a g i r r i bull raquolaquo bull raquoraquo J bull

bullbull laquoth V a i 4 P M | bull d Aug a i 4 P M Th Steam Packet WMGIBBONSI f t f i Jaaaea Peunoyet

will leave Caihtriue at Wharf E R a )gt -FIOUI New Yiwk I Kioto itiariexdaigi

bull-turdav 5th July at 4 P M I Saturday M t July at 4 P M UHh do a t 4 P M laquo U l do a t 4 P M Al Aug a i 4 P M | 9th Aug at 4 P M

In ooler that paraquoeeitgvr fw the aVnilh may know whan h) raquoet the paeket ihe above atrangBttieWt ut aimouneed uplaquom MM dagta aod at which hour thev wgttl leave precisely ami

everv luiktw raquo Saturaay iron each port at 4 P M Uiough-wn pilot at both out llwaeaaon

l4tBraquor hy the aU ve Steam Packet will be received at the Post Otce inti it oVU^k P M on thraquo dax of sat ing

I oi M M f a having eleisant fui iiudted accolaquouindlaquoiioilaquo (aa per plan ot arrangement ot the Cabins raquo be aeen at the rfbw) apply to iue Catuaiaa tm bgtlaquord tgtl to

CHARLES MORRAN 31 eNMbtRet between tMd A Coeol iea all

F X I L A R R A M K M K M bull O K b l l S H I N U | M ) | U l l I i C T M VO

Llt ave New-York on I- avea Red llaik Shrew Motidav Sept S at A M | Monday wept U at 11 A M Tuelaquoday mdash 0 7 mdash Tuewlay _ 0 12 Nain Wedneaday mdash 10 d mdash | IVedtie-dav -- 10 bull mdash Iitnday mdash 1 1 8 mdash 1 thurday mdash 1 1 1 P M Friday mdash It raquo mdash Saiwduy mdash 13 b mdash Mltitd iv mdash IS 4 mdash Wednesday mdash 17 7 mdash Fiidav mdash 10 7 mdash

Friday mdash M mdash Saturdav mdash 13 9 mdash Monday mdash 15 I mdash Wedneaday mdash 17 9 mdash Frnlay mdash 19 3 mdash

Siagtta v ill ba gta lendineaa to convey paaaei er to Lun Braitrh ami eleewiiere sR HVI O O K C I H I I A M i a i l P K l W A R BT ROOMS 44i I e a r U u e e t N e w Y u t k T h e atibacnbe having mane exienaive additluDn lo htn man cloth and car pet W neroom and bull n i e i m into li nnangemeiitt a wU enable hlin to otf r ai al tunes a niot -plendid and imuiioo-aliUaaaiiiiiei1 ol BfBxMMl and Ingiani Cttruetlug in new litem of evey varety a(t cdor rich and el gaut aiau ttuur oil cinrti- aupeiiY m paiiani iichues of t u l e a and aaajRey to augt h r to n aoag lu thiacuy w m bullMtf Mtl Cle conuecied With the c f pe ItUaineii lleroBUtilull) io bullegBj in- tiieiio and the puhoe in general to call an I evam toe In- assortment c m p r K i l in part of the tollowitig

HeM-ripiooi I loiials v t i

S lop C A H A W w A W D Samh Ship W A R S A W J Tharchet S S W A V E R L Y Thoa Phillip

w a l M u R O B T W l L B O N A Arnold

a l t

Nw MUU w TRe above ace all Scat rate n i p t that a re MMJRf faaiefl

ed aad coogred and coeuaaanded by turn experienced m ike trade have bwoowwne lutawhed gto laquoimaiangtnlaquo IM

tiaaa baiwarded to Ibe awbwitbem will be ut uwwoikMioa Foi i ie gbl ot i^^-ige applv

R1PLK V CE NTER A CtVgtH f i n e at

~ ~ |-lt rRr l i MI laquo i l i A R t r R - I b e v e t a 4BvtevtwnraquotandlBetai l ingbf igUAIEN t i Bnterwtl

j K M A batrtnew 13R uwas U kwtew la ut ica 9 L a n a w r s lu n v e o t ( i r g u AppiJi to

n a e u t e - io e^ ^ eAiSiXgtW CtK 73 South M FOR s A IE to cattaa a lt imeetn The aubatan

al tretghtiag laquoaip AMERHA Merchant n o -ilea aa ahe arrived Iron aea barihrn 44 low -bull baa uallawlv delivered he eargoee in goad order

mdashMax and wlaquockweft M very eawy M kee rtggnaf J IH) -BHUM donbiwat aaakt i Rang erRgjae She ax awppawed t Re enltrerv a laquo a d aad BUM be kuted bv Ihoo who wish to bullWRUaae Apply laquou bull o U K R r R KN RIU kNICvr 11 Jw

~VANTEllaquo lo CHARTER bull A veoset ISM u ^00 AwAyJfcv tuava to r ing aca igo at aall ituagt Parks llaquotaad mdash

m i ^ A u a d v t a BUCK A bull E i N d O N bull a x i a x K i bull JOevuiliai

Ingiaihetaii i a- |-e-Ve etati do di Floor olieothraquoevcry width Na kin Matting Fl laquot rioth huixo Prtited diuilaquogt 1 ahleund piano cover Carpel biiHimg All am and inn tila Mr s a i r M iy raquouagt bullbull

irwoitutent ot ti|a)riai Biu-r bull- a I ltbull Wltn IutM liraillt iuge I lcVir oe- bull bull bull -

FngliMh Brtiwlaquok lt aipetittg Three ply tugriii Doubleaupl do crp ting Superline do do Ktira inilt do do Fine and common do Cotton do Rnval damask Venetian M M R B R Vetietiau atit Carpel llii- - - du do

A Ml pel lul ed ami wai eh g tin lamp mala wool door ruga Jtr ill or winch will iraquo void on term ibe uitwl lavoiahle and at price aall lactoiv io the purrhiieet RICHARD E PI 11gt

N B Carpet sent to any pan ol the etty or Brtaklyn and when requited made In the uet mamiei f xM nil lulu nut down tn halh rHiiiw Hleaitibnat and raquoii|w cb ilia at the - luoie- l nonce - l u

RYUOUDN AND IIOt N k K K K P I X b AH D I I C L l S - R A A aie now opening

L A N E 11 a d I- Mtle lane and daily rgt l iving ih i | Fa I a d

W n t e r nsaoriiiient ol Fiuoiy Dry Uinalk Ihe npifl a ie iiii|laquoiileil to otler and a i e v a n a i i t e d in every particular lor erv ice Viui-ii^ laquo hich are mdash

1 h a l o 7 bull wino Fluituela 9 do 4 4 do du 9 do 0-4 do no 1 bale HI4 super whi le London tehee-lings 1 do Iff 4 do do do 1 bajtj 10-4 I Id 4 Maraudlf Uuilt I bale U 4 to 13 4 K led GMRterpanca all qualities I do Etigli) Gtiiiui Flaunel 9 thi doiihle Rwe Blankeia Whilnet do M and li 4 rent Siteala Sheeting^undriftaed do tin extraauper white Russia Sheeituga do ti 4 in du Irish do S-M and 3-4 axRBasR Diapets 3 1 hue and niperUn liirdaeye l i i -h Dia|nr 7 - MI per Long Lawn some extra AS 3 47 S and 5 4 Linen Camhric Hdkla Linen Cambttc hue to extra super

T A B L E L I N E N 6-4 to -H-1 aatin Damask Table Cloths 10 4 to JO- livings Duiiuak Table Cloth 7 4 to JOt leal Simia do do do ii I lo 10 1 S lm It tuiisk Table luieu do du Double Diaper do do do In 1 do do do Clitli do 10-4 aloul Iteivx Table Linen I I lo 4 4 Damask ruble Naiikiiisnew patterb Fnngea white and coloured datotuk doylei C k - i e d daiuaak Table Iuvera all sue

I - O W E H N G A gteat variety oi supeilor kind well worthy the alien

lion of tamlllee Including double diaper Irtoged Ituckahack and French linen Napkutr log ther Willi every gualilx 4-4 Ir li 1 i inn- of Ihe round wire thread sly le such a h a w hiiii long approved li thread whi le outouStockings rib bed and plain Mraquohiirainl Thibet wool Uoae and half Hoae rawsi lk ln English aod Italian silk do whi te and black all qualtliaa A c wholesale mid it tail

N B T h e Flannels ate w inenud not to ahiutk ill washshying having been lully tested

Metchaiiiafioiii neighboring cilies and villages wii lnnd their account incalltngioexaiittue good of aiiperiur avle at teasonable wholesale prices s i t

T I N T l A T K N i l K K T I R O N T i T H I C A T l i l N G COPPER IRON W I R E S H E E T I EADraquo cmdash

fiiikt t i e v o tiu plale of the tn-i approved brands 1S00 biiinlle- Eiigltsu Iron No I JaT J si do do dnutaged I9tkl do ln-iit sheet iron l int i|uauty

1 IIISI pound- noil w u e O aI laintsi do long ISs do uitahie tor reUttcinglocard WHO tUIHBi Upl i i i l do lli-JJ taksi l blight doJO a-i

3UU0II do bias du K i l l 7u cnaka card wire 100 iII- sili 11 lead loll hoxea Canada plate laO case Loudmi shealhiug coppeiassorted

300UU isHiuds pig copper bullJtkki do copper iNili 1000 do old do

till OHO du India English and Spanish block tin liMRl do English bar Hit 1000 do bar lead 90000 do sheet ante superior quality for rooting Ac

llkjii da laquoei cast Iron weights 100000 do spelter 100000 do lead pipe akkl do composition un tal

(Stall do copper Uittoni VMO do Uiaaiera copper Hkt raised hot torn total lb copper kelllaa

40 WW jxtuiida French aimmony SOOO do English do -bullo a s s Eng bull i M i Kctip raquo lOUO it speller noltlri

T o g o her with an extensive assoitiucnt ol Iron atid lind rivets and eats scale beams Tinners tools atu uta hint s constantly on hand aad lor -tie bv

at) PHELPB DODGE 4x C O c o t ClilT A Fult-m

traquoB ami alter Monday Sepia ine Sn-atutioat F O X Capt Leva aids wilt iun aa tolkiwe every u) except Su in lay


cxnrk 30 ni aaorniug do gbdquo do g a

do 4 V j ATEN I S L A N D FKKRY-rMxTTi^Cee

Ou and attet Moadav the lat it Seplembt t athe steam boat Itttl lVAR Capt bull r a f t e d ^ will rtnx a te4Hgtws mdash

Leaves Staten Mand Lewvee Whitehall At raquooclock A M At ooc lock A M

bull in bull - 15 raquo bull f laquo J bull P M A laquo bull

On Sundae the Heaexilea will rwn In eoaianetto n i th ihe Hoiivar Vraetexg ea ih place evrtv han t h o u g h the day

3JT AR lietgR and bull bullsectraquoraquobull raquol t b n g at the era amdash

l l i H l l l h l M H t k l I heS eajukwatsHoBORRN and

PC NEPR w i l l l e a w the lo-HOi RarclaiiiieaHaadHdMdicuav lt X wtauiea eHtsaaenciBg at lbs even hour Aad the Faiat u t n

bull 4 ive ike foot iHC 1 - ai ibe r l a a t r i a w n at oi averaquo Raat bad Hoaokea eeajty taaxa mxedlata Real hourdutta the dav

J f raquo i tnSnndevlaquolReeewlBb t o w b o a i a atanal at

j j p fit V^xMBST f t 5 1 l i 5 x R ^ i r i m r raquo - raquo laquo bull bull raquo t laquo laquo a i

MA S T S R S A M A R K O f e SI Sinitlist ottcttvt salemdash Halback Get man ttacl a lull supply

Eagle and Heatt vli luu Gcriuan steel liai boxes Englisli crown window glass 1st J J to JvM Patent wine bottle qis A pis patent pint porter botile Bristol porter fioltle- old neuild (iiaiis 400 kegs JH Ihsea best lamd gtn white lead entd to deb Iill hiUbrst English Venetian red

90 casks best Ingisli while lead In oil 6 cwt each Blue Muck and gieeu paint tn cask

5 rasks titten alone 19 do madder purple brown 5 do ground Braxil wajd wood

50 do Chloride of Lime Paris white German Attnlaquo- staca German hone ax whetitoue bullsi bale washed Btieuu Ayicgt wmi I bullbullbulltie WinemdashCagn and Lutidou parttcuUt tu quar

let casksatil linde Pata-ly lniul East India Mii- i i vv ine auiwrtor quality s i n Phr admdashwhite green v browo n-J and 4 ox roll Ladle while Ciltott hose assorted qn l i ln s

9 a- r I 4 and ti 4 silk and r ittoti -jirdircd shawls 111 do German cotton fringes aasdiiraquoilerns

Geiuntil pins No 4 4 | and A al reduced ptices do pound pins in g 4 and 1 lb papt i

White bad lace and boot webbing Osnakurga lickletluiiRs crequtllampi rave duck liinialioii Russia sheeting Bin Up and Canvass Padding No 19 It 3 sfl

K~ l yen A 3 D a ^ R l N F A C ^ J O pipe ISO hall da 9 qr high Oavoietl 4th prooi Kivrhelk tuaniy

40 half pipes A Seiynette do 40 ptinrs high flavored 4th pioof Jamaica Rum SDdo Si t Pail nun ol superior quality 93 pi pee w ine

3a0 qr casks 4lh proof do S other qtialtttea 1111 ininn bbls do all entitled lo deltetiiure lull niutsst Ctoix augat nn hiui Porio Eico do 300 bote yellow Havana do 1011 boxeraquo pnnie Havina segars HI hi-xea of xd J 411 finds luuJuice MSI ng- Jamaica puiicuio 40 casta attoW nsn mi MM Kus i t iron 30 tons cigt an Uii-Ma Hemp 47 pndgt seal -km bullJn t-iis Russiagotdage 700 Dunuge man

Dtaklbu-heb lagged ln d sail O0balgtamlaquoxicau wwd 30iai U s old cop|-erJ3isi Potto Rico and Maria hides

bulli in in jn a 1 MM bai - m touoii 10 h o l s prime quant maddei li niiiioni BhjBd ksi ton Savannah luetic 47 ca-essupeaor q aliiv LovilU clarei

3 bbla old give lot sale hv 8 B A Y M A R A O 3 4 S o u t i s |

F I I K K R i M X I A ^ l T i K ~ l U 0 P^rTTre^t~rtr lor raquoaieiIt nliownit trie leemdash

90tt nlii- New O n a s siugar now landing 41 lo Ken ill SY I o n e n do

3-0 bigs ds IViiiiugi Clt ree 50 pipes in whole 11 MM M l lughnus Kentj MaUeria SO do do do dOCaialonia red win lgtn bullJ do do do du old Mattel ia ilgt

ilk) loss clean St Pttetnbirgh hemp o mis Russia roitlage In packs Rusaia oakum 314) packs Brusgtus sail doth ttido half duck

90 baes Uleachi d and beaver sheeting smat bag salt paise isoo d IMRIIIXMI 1900 hundlv twine 9 and 3 ihisad

| M M Munvei 10 hales sallowet 1J00 craquo_nny bag lJ tuxle-CiHii-ti Ides areei slhe1

7 do ISill - do 1 dgt Slkki l a i u a uo u stOM 7 gaeaagMa c psi

gfl i sesgtl lU SiikitC oiail e a d IVr 30 fAMt Bengal indigo 40 M M siieuth a g M M M

loo ca essheet i iuc lu bullo(ligsoioa pis ifonMaestee rat tons bar sheet and re-ip iron Jo do had

t - 3 4 in h h a m cahis Umdash 3 SA 7 16 do for rigging 1000 hxa Bristol crown glasa 90 case liquurice paste

A do IIII na daky ami siiah 314 bags filberts almonds and Madeira nuts

SO I on n tag JO tons citnlt l imns one (in caskai 3 Jkxt bags Sicily Suiuai 41S do auivela and spade

bullii kegs Pearl Barley aS

BO O T N S H O E S I I A T N C t i T T O X A W t H ) l CAlt US ate mdash 3000 pair mens thick Btogan itaaraquo klpsenett MifgnaxMI Krogaue v laquo i do calf do do do JAMi ( do do Si hoe least do Bovs kip and can sewed and pegd Bogm-9JtJ Shoes 30110 gtlraquo do stout pegd Btttgans A Nlmea akkl do Btsns r uf ewd and naild B is lski do gem hue veal call and kid Pump bullasi ao laquolto ui do 1-4 Bu i t bulljlstl do do d gt cat kin ilord i e aagti do do oo do Union do 9tjn do do do nultihet 30ti) w o o i e u s hHlter welled Shoe si do ladie n m n t c walking do 3000 do do k d spnngs a d slip laquoJMB dvi di seal do do walking Jtital dtJ do do liaits

DM) ao du black and rold Shoe and Sltpa i a i uo missies do du

do draquo leather aad seal skin ifMM do lad lace prunella and gaiter Roots do childrens Sluwa and Bouilaquoe do mbbet uvlaquor Shoes ilt aval and lur Cat s

A l S O t M raae raquogtw priced black and diab Fur Hat IS) ktack bull d drab wool Hats

j da grab mood cgt own water ptoot do 9(a) bote CIUAU and wad Card Sot) reaax cap and letter Papet

9Stlaquol do wrap ptag Pajier rrgtr sale by n SPKAR raquo P A T T E N 143 Water et

f M A I N P L A T E S l I K A T H I M I O P P E R ^ A T sect naju xiteraquotin pe t 3 X ol approvest Hands

Skat butalbr Eng laquolaquolaquo iron turn No |g m97 laquoVlaquoi do d hsagtp HOB frlaquoi t H inch

7O0 wna Eag turn t a l rsniad and square ion dlaquo Aicbangel iron 300 do Wrtck A SclaquolaquocR peg do lie) asea l-usthni nlaquolhing copper fro l i to 39 oa IS cask bras kauery M e a Loadoa ptn

lygk lbs Eng bat tin Iaaai lbs haoca ttu IStavti do bull B B M do MRRI do pr4te

raquoraquoraquobull v aim iiilaquo- iroa an I iad wire thee t ine lti itn cosniwwili nail 1Mb bundle spades A ahnvel

itat rtwa Saunders lonmavvns coach cant aad eprtag bull-M taeat MwtrnW t-t sheet lead aavila steel in casks Patniera tsuuc I M bte Canada Plaiea

3MR gaikt E M UneMd Ml of superior quantuy fJJ pioved ckaia taraVs UntA A Lewi aaaanfdcture

3M eaR Bad troa ion Ai gatd Ruuiogbaai aardwajt Fo saieasi lavotablcterass by

bullJ3 EDVVARD J M C O Broad

r i t E t A lt A N S I A-3JrJ chests Young Hyson l e a L 1H3 half chests do oo do

IRS whole do Hyson Tea to do do Gunpowder dn I35hraquoil du do do 140 do do Imperial do S3 whole do do SO whole do Souchong |

S0tJ Htatla Cassia receive) per snip Lindnn for aale lota to ami Portihasef by OSBORN A Y O U N GS 4 6 Son

o C U A E r i f M - C - 130kada~srcrlaquotrangn77of Jl siip riot quality 47 pttiwdoRuai of choice brand- laic ding fitwihrig Madrid from St Cbssg

170 hnd pnnie P R Sugar lauding from brtg Henrvfrm 30 Ins brown Havana do rto from Havana

l i i l ib io vn H a v n t Sugarmdashfrom Kingsion Jamaica Jiw bags Pintenio A 40 tons Fueiie do do

bull ltrs and IS nil prime green totfee do do SOOO I as nd Copper du do

4 bullbull- Btas- -nd 30UI lbs old cad da dn t -us L-gw-ai 1 du do 9 imns Jamaica Bum do d A hhds Sugar House Mnlassea per ship John W Cater

landing at pi t 10 E R for sale by B AYMAR A CO 34 South t

lu StoremdashKocbeilc Brand) Palsvinsiu brand JauiaK Rum Potto Ricti Cotfre Hides A c t i l 3t

U U N S i r yen laquo M A C R A l 8 J S ^ u t h r t t d T laquo r | i t s a 4 e 300 bags E 1 saltpetre IS raquo-bull Shellac

B bale gteen salted hiVs raquoa hales E I Stuina 80 asks ( H O I copperas So brilaquo gum copal 10 bale imingec lOcas sgum iragacanlh SO bale Smyrna wool 93 do elove 10 bile bird peppers jti ltn i i St liunnugo tobaceo 90 kale neavy raven duck s o puck ailckgttU

ISO boxe Baker A La hams chocolate SO do du prtpMred cocoa 30 bags Afncau do Jiim -tpsegar 950 box N It d i td V Naiituckel sperm

ntHtO iiillraquo fall slrattted oil SOOO to winter do do (caudle bullJtkai do leitneil whale do IS bo les w ax i andnsj

SOtnlba VV h ih bone aunerflne rlaret in u s e )9

Gl K j i i H r R amp C O laquo4 Sotnb stolter Rwaaiemdash14gtraquo tons PSI oM Sable Iron 40 do IM do 100 do Eng Iron

ili puck Riiauasl eel iron lOodo hi cle in RIISOI beinp H M I piece 94 inch biuwu Imaarlal Duck N l to b

Mlaquoi uo 94 do blear had do Nn 1 tn bdquo Ikai do 30 do do do liOo do Bni-giiiis XI and other fabrics Rusata sail i luh 310 do lit duck MHIOIIgt iu-ia roiiiage and bolt tupe I9n hah-s KtiMtn Felt 9 lings bull o feaimrs 90 do and i s rk Ruasia glue 50 du Russia Quills

bullum - k i n Riisaiu red I ther tor btmk binding 93O0drv Km x India Jhbbag -al-peiie 30 ca^ssshellac

30 cka Duiilt IIUM e l o i l NO kegs ntluig la) kegs a n 13 lu is red lead E hrla wh bull do

30 sumaira iapper lOHut Hivaua ergars 60 batketa Champagne wine imperial orsnd

unities Bourbon ctovos 34 h da Ry leat hatro tila) bat cngipat bolts usd lion i to t J inch

1 case cold sallns and 3 -l i bik do entd to del Ill do 11ue sit gtwls u d bull in BoagjeeaM A 39 inch

1 do wlite sHisnets 6o yard piece 0 do black levautlnu lldkta

L S o mdash B y nxe in Iniporiaiiiitsftom Canroiithefollowing bulllis i l mm oi li aa mdash Hyaoti -u d ie ic hi i nests and uixe

Young Htsni do Uu do Hyson Skin io chiats am h f d o Souchong uo do I-milling in box r nknv in hi chests Guit|Mivvderinelieat III ches i and a v Imperinl Agt do do sR

Bt I D K N K O R N r K l N G K R~ gt A l T l H A V E L L E R s -

Tlte picture id New York and tit ranger gutdo to lha Coinniicinl M-irop Us nl the I Saieamdash I Vol IJun Willi a pian Ac

New Ynrs ii il iraquo in s3l T h e Noiileri and Wi strniTravvlier ot Guide lo the

Spring Lakes at Fallnud I Ihe aeeucry of like I) s i in s Willi maps

The Tgt i d li ta guide in the niiddl and norihern states and Canada

Emigrant and Iravelleisguide through the Mississippi valley with maps and plana I vol 19 mo

Mitchells map oi the I S large done up in a portable form Itn Iaveller

Mitchell Traveller guide through lha U S being a map of ihe muda (leant boat and canal ionics wi th the dlsttiurva front town to town laid down in ligutes

Taiiiu-is map ol the V S on 4 sheeu 4lti edition lor 1S34 on rollnrs

Plans of ihe city of all sixes and price Haps of Texas Mexico and So A luetic Holleys Texaa being n general description til that j

cmiiurv MexicomdashComprising its geography history and topugra

pgt with ma|is and engravings 9 vol 19 nio - A L S O FOR s A L E -

Rialgers heat |gten knives Couilni inkstands The vailou kinds of tleel pei a letter paper sealing

wax v A 11 3l GOODRICH A W I L E Y 194 Broadway

A I K M M H K V M l bullLI KNhiv renMjvedlroni a R N 199lo 190 From sit nearly opposite where they o f tea lor sal

bullJiii hints Kentucky Tobacco IS do Virginia do 9 do Maiylaud do

HHI hale St iimni go do very prime qity M) do Cuba At do 70 do eetd leaf do

I bote Kentucky Seg-ir wrnppcr brighl and leafy 300boxes Richmond manufactured Tobacco til viriou

qualiiit 50 bul Scotch Smut

100 calaquoea Alevanoriaacgar Together with a full supply uf every article tn the line on accmuiiiodaUiig term e l 3 3 lu

AM K H l ( A N MTlX t V A t F I H R D D O O D S - T H E H O W E L L W O R K S C O M P A N Y No laquo 6 1

1 nun si id dur above Hover at arc constantly manufacshyturing and have now in store ihe following aaamlatent o llirjj-w Ware and other goods xu

bullJ i ISSI inn pois aint) aiice front i gallt to SO gala 15000 du kettles dn do do d IB do

- nisi to Imkepan or ovens o f 7 different shape and S000 do tea kettles lsires 7501) do skill ts ol R different sine do 4700 do covdapidersof 9 alges do ii do flat spider m b do do do 17 m do griddles of 4 do do do 0tkt pan Holt litI-dugs oi n o i do do

100 ensks sad nous i i enmed for rlt tailing 500 liteach likiisise- wagun and carl boxes aasd u s Itoin Is b

7 inches 50000 g i o s a W O O D SCREWS oluiraquorinr quality an

Mnish to any laqiorled ot aamiiled sixs iroui i no 4 lo gtJ i n no IS

1000 giosa aciew -ye s lot Uvokiitg fllas Manufacture-Itski b o t e suis not quality rut ItU ADS aoried raquoix bull

750 o do do do S P A R K O W K I L L S t 1000 iron furnaces 9 t lzet w m c h will be tound no

use to he much superior to those made ol clay 500 p a i n tailors and hatters irons assorted site

1000 Aithlacttecoal loves a auperior article for orTktraquo i ioves A c

AH of the above ariirle ate of the very best bull anulm ture and are nfleied lot sale upon lite most fkvorahlp I tin

The above assortment of giaat I parttrtilatlv ri-coiinne ded l o i k e attenilon ol Southern and other tnerchanta I3

g a f R T f J i C O i V A C o T T l ft MaidJiTianej oRet tu J S intiderale termsmdash

50 1-9 picul cases Canton Rhubarb 9o do do uo slat iniw i d 90 do do do (lanev) MMM bud

30000 liambno sticks S MAM niuk in pod 7 cta a oil camphor 1 dpi each 4 do dry Bombay do 9 cask mctalic btamtilli 0 cases Canton srlvea

3Ssu at heavy blue gall 70 small baakets prime aim gt bull SO small banraquo Mocha guiu arable 1 case splendid gu bull |tl casks African bird pepper (myiri 90 hales Calrnttn senna J cases gum trrgiraulU ltl eiises gum co|ial Boston washed 4 do Farinasuenuiiiecologne w i tsr si

fiau|TfavrMfjlaquogtiBAMO laquo ROAgt latuaimdash k ^ 3000 butt lies sheet iron asud No 7 io Jti

ldK) do charcoal iron tin 19 to 96 4000 do hoot a 1 9 lo 9 in iMio do whale hoops 900 inu htazier rods awtd round and square

75 do band aod cull iron 75 do boner ami due iron t do rivet iron

90t s Juutelta rods ami bar iron for sale in Iota louit puichaai y M A C K l E O A K L E Y v JFNNlf ON Aglt ntt sStt N e w Jersey Iron Co 161 Front st Cor B is o F f N l i K O O O R K bullGRl T STc ix i^ lTAXlaquor rPa i t trer

bull olRus for sale by ihe package HoaierymdashA graquoneial assortment of wLile blackbrown Ian

jy and niivi holaquoe and hall hose MM iv-mdash-1gt t assurled color Silk VelvetsmdashBlack blue black and elegant fancy colore T h r e a d - Laces and edvings Hardwaremdashliaa kettles skates tveb tasrt straw knives

-i i in s pins noedlcs cumpises slatesauurf boxes bull id pencils kaiking glastesjked heads glass A Indian he is lewshirps percussion rases cast IIIMI euatutllcd w n e

Guns and Pitlult German toy assorted new pattern Eu de Colognemdashihe genuine article Gold and Snver LFpme W atcne a l 3 9 a 6 w

3 Pearl siotfei lot -ale cloth all ipialliie ami bull ir

9 do slk hdkfs new stgtle 19 do German ginghams 45 do German tlockings and half htee

2 do Eng muslins i ew riyis 9 A O n n v i i linen htisfs lObales Gentian broadcloth gtui cassvuieie

lOOil pctbruwn linni s||qualiue8jti na u i QtjMgt MB f bullAexaasa Eat dei i ioeuenl sariaa-ntnnfaciory 15 no G fin in violins 500 pe l e man nuck heivyA tht 15 cases Geimau lined i v u m glove- 3 do silk hat y -li

St ptei-es slHirl and Wine j e l o w Mxagseiw 5 case on cloth w stve 9 do Getoian pine 9 du s Ik vest rioU-us

hsidts | la-te assorlrnent af Itniking elaa- plale snuO segar boxes jewel ty isickil aid loilel Italia glaas J slate pctirtls Ar A c au9


T l l O M A N W H O I l i L l k k 1 6 4 Broadway iters frsale the tollwing W i n e s at ivduced prices ta

4u bull Ue to null purchasers- t lantpague Wine Anchor brand

do do Eagle do do do Roedeter do

A few case superior O U Pott p ior oM Madrua in quarter casks

i laitM by Ihe i s - Muscat d o d o go

K l J a ~ ) 3 R M i H t i a v laquo ^ easescaeaaieel aaaub Attk burgundy pilch 3 caraquoeoilof junipei l e I caawt ot caraway I do i inglasaln leave i cask i i leei irtt l I cask Amber rasped 9 do chaulaquoiitte ftowei 1 do Mueanialu 1 Ai angelica root I M MMfaxM sitvoiii 9 docokhicunj seed 1 do A 1 bag cidchielaquooj root 4 cltesis gum galbauum 1 chest extract acuta

sal v CHS A as E HKCKSCHER 40 Broad t a S _

W I N K A | i a V V a raquo N 3 0 p l B e raquo i i M Lotidon panic ular Madeara WIMCgt from Ike L i t n dock

i lids do At do deg ) qr casks Malaga drv Wine 900 do do aareei do at In brut do do MM do rich Muscat do 41 baskets RuinartaComet brand Champagne n pipes and hn1 old Champagne Brandy iJ caaea deliciou ltdd Hock Wine

I bove are all enid lraquo tie sod ottered fas sale on BIO fav raWe term by D A V I S A BROOKS^RMRMjBiRM

C~ L b l I I S AcmdashwTeaisT-ti BTigii and German Merino l e a s e Prussian Shawl 10 bales Carpet

19) do Hroadclidhs ctntlating of black blue Adelaide btownsgrettii claret m m 4tc

15 do tin -satinets Ilk) bales (timing Cloths 70 do 4 4 tleaaRed Rheetints For sale by

an tIRKILNOCGH l lJI lNCKEEHOFFax l a 3 a s Plata

C t t 5 P P B R ^ 5 l raquo c a s e s Am Sheathing Copper 14 in 39 o 30000 lb tttellers Copper a lull araquoirtigtraquotwl

10000 do RK4in- do Sticotl 10 11 i i ibsheet 5 nlki do Cbdquop|ier bolts 1-9 to I 1-4 Inch

100 lt m BBI Bottoms all alaas Copper of any size rolled to ordermdash for sale ay

14 A S W I L I E T S a iUPearlat

T4 A P T A F L O I T - C o a t s and blight GadM Kilt 3 landing Itoan Brig Gar e t a laquo d I t - laquo l e JgI kabl to MR purchoserabv E P A W O O D B C F F Hraquo tmlaquoh et

In S iore -Turk I Bt Uko LiTetAwl GroitBd Mown bull a l t for sale a above -

Ill TN CNraquorirrfBfXPAffraquo R a _al

B I A M i -KTtV-A-1 to 13-4 Marwillea Qallt B-4 to do White Ci unlerpanea do toraquo-J 4 coloured do do to 13 4 Rwe Hiaakeis do 1 tn t Whitney do

For sale low at wholesale or r -lail at 1J R A A LAN KB II and H Maidtn lane


I A R l l a N mdash l cask Angelica Root I do blue Smalls yen l do Coldplioiitiini Succin 9 do Colthlcum Setfd

I do and 1 hag Cokhlcuiii Root t d ies i s gum Galbanuui 3 do oil of Juniper 9 cases Chemical Matches 1 do extract Cicutae 1 do Isliinilas in leave 1 cask Amber rasped 9 rasks Catunnile rtowers 4 At Carraway Seed

F s l - b y URAH A A E HECKSCHKR A Broad et

( A O l N J T R V P R O D l O t f a mdash 9laquo tc and 90 brat T i w o ihv Seed 7 do Flax do 10 bale Hops litlO bushel weaieru wbe it 900 do Rye

ttgt buds and Kill lrls rye whiskey lOObilscuy toes Pork 900 do do prtate do 100 At A 70 500 tiushels drvd peaches plume A apple |kkn Lard

B tons Jeraty bar Iron for sat by 3 4 l JOHN JOHNSOSCd S O N S 9 Rotito t _

I l A W S T b T K A M R K F I N E D I C A R Siusle double and treble quality in loaves and lumps

London Crushed Sugars lor exportation t la tiii do of superior colour Brow n do of strong quality SuiMi lions- Molasses do

I he subscribers agi-ni for llie reflner hav ronatantly l iai idaroinpleleaaaoiunenl ot Ihe above daacription ol

sigai tuiaJe by Howards vacuum pruces wltuoui the oi IIISHI oi clay) wlurU they otter lor tale on lavorabl

i ins by bull U W I L L I A M S A RORFBTS HO rout el

SA L T A F L O A T SOO a r t laciorv f iM blown ii good order readi foi delivery from the snip Robert

I ta t AbmmdashJUOOsark tVtiiliiiiglonA Maraliall lac-i v lille1 insi iue WitliT IslandSt Ubes Cadia Livpool i ouiitl course Ivlre Salt ur sale in lot lo still pun hasersby

j K p A A WtWHIRUFF 105 Bouth st_

bull AC RRmdashSiberian squiirtl burk robes do do akin lining Wr oka lka fox skins supei mi Ida genet akiiisuattiral A upl

Iutiiessd black skins brown do do Hin k braban Urottey raquokins grey blue and whi le do do CndresVd blk A grey m dn brown lynx skins Atirachau lamb akin natural A black White Russia hare skin martin and fox boat Hi ---1 eat tailmdash lust received for aale by

t l 9w F W SCHMIDT A CO 0V Pine at

W I N I i R O | l a - 5 0 laquo 0 gals ol first qualliy Wiuler Oil 3000 do of second quail 5 du landing from

op Helen Peek slip lor laquoaie bv 1X9 G E I N N E L L M1NTURN A CO 134 Front at

Also HI store 100 piece 44 inch T o w Bagging lor a tuure bullales baling Twine se ine dosboe Tll iead 4xc R_

4XFNmdash100 doaCollltta A C o s [Hartford| Ky A I M ISO do Hiiuif Ky Axes SO do Rharpado do

till do Uuins do do 1011 bullbull Simmoii do do 40 do Daviss do do 50 do 45oles Uo do M do Carver do

For tale by i n Bl iAKD Av CAREY 4gt4 Exchange | 0 a e laquo ^ AwjOAPmdash1000 boxes 1st quality city made raquobullgt 500 Ai 9nd do i do

inn do 1st do lor family use 900 small fancy Windsor Shaving Soapmdashlor aale by

4 BILLINGS H A L S I E D A M A T H E V V 8 00 Water at

FO R N A l a K - T h x t g e drilling machinemdashI rack lathemdash I cutting bulltarhiiitmdashI small tteBHi engine l i te above

are all new and very valuable will be sold a bargain on t p plication tu tht unleisiciisl

bullAigg S A M C E L T T I S D A L F i l i b Water at

DR Y I O O l i s - super ior 0 4 drab Flushing Su|ierinr beaveiteett 3 4 hangup cord

Hlark laiiby velvets tlrl|teti and chrrkd gingham 3H inch Verona rruvaU heavy 5 4 Wetiehcd sheetings Blenched suckiii lor meal bags osnaburgs Butlaps raven duck lirkleiiboigs bear duck Dtupei theeiing A c lor raquoaleun liberal teim by

abdquo i GAHRIFl M E A D CO 37 P^ne

bull j l X T R A F I N K T F A S - A small invntra leceiveo K i per ship Pioneei irom Canton and const ing of tlie

Inbulllaquo ing goullaquo mdash Ptiiiclioiig in hi cheats Hyson akin in chests Hysni in do Souchong in clients elc etc For sale bv

aKf C A at F HIHKSCHER 40 Rioad st

C A O A L S 9S0 chkldous hrst qaaluy N e w taMIe heaa J Coal for Smiilts trte 00 rhaklrons Itige alge Picum

100 chaldron Sydney for sale in quantities to suit purshychaser at 39 Rrn-id si by R A R l L A Y A L I V I N G S T O N

Alan I chaldron Pre too caakt daily expected per brtg Elizabeth A Sarah winch will lie delivered at any of ihe neighboring port a l t

I A W K K S K K S l I K K I I N O w -I d 115 bales heavy i7 imh C Sheeting

197 it bull do 49 A D do 49 do do 43 do R domdashrec d for sale ky

s l i S T E K L E WOLCOTT A OO K P i s at

PR A C T I C A L I E R S P K C T I V K torlM Bweof s tudent - Iranslaledfrom the French ol T P Theaot

by re oi his Pupils Published end for sale by B U S S W A 1 M W O K T H A CO 111 P u l t o n n

tal _ _ _ oRBtaatte Dutch M

IRlTmdashlSHriri7F N R a t w aa

hie Iron on hoatd Mary Ballard Agaes A Tiberias frvt St Petersburg foi sale by

GOODHUE A C O M B a s j t h M I D R s S R I N M T A I a l X gt W laquo H 0 R N a V - l laquo N

iutme R liiuilc hotae Huie-50 balea clean washed B A vie aheep skin

10000 B A visa bee pelt 5000 Ike taw Tallow 95000 selected R Grande O i Morns Rat aale by a97 _ D t l O R K S i A S O N r t j r t o u l h e t

BR O W N O O T T O N J E F D R R X P O R T raquo raquo bales 3 A 4-4 b lown CottVB euliabs lor exBortalionmdash

Also Iin n Sheetings and Dowlas assorted CattRs lancy aasd Umbrella A c cut to deb for sale bv

all) W E L L S A SPRING S i Pine at

1 5 Appleion 50 do York Sheeting SO do Merrimack do 60 do 31 It 37 la kwavv Uiwett 900 do PitlaAetd BhlrUag 5 0 d o Avery Shining k Sheeting for sale hy

B U R N S H A L L I B U R T O N A c o 4i Villlaagtst A93 betweeai Eiciiange A Wall at

SA L T A F L O A T mdash C a d l a Salt id very aiip-rtot qitaiiiv will i bull utuneni e diwhmgiiig tin moraing from brig Gar

neit for aale at an unpreceileiind low price by E P A A WiWiDRIFF 105 South at

la St ire IvIcaliouiHl tu bulk and sacks lit Che Cur raroa AIuoa and Woiiliingtoiis factory Riled blowa Ac Im aale a above AM)

WO O L - 100 balea prime hli-vi aii VVo1 100 do clean w ashed B Ayres do free of burs

50 do Monlvvideo do 10 000 lb sheared from the skint For sale b alS _ DE FOREST A S O N H9SKrtRlaquo

A I A 4 A A I N K mdash l a n u i u g Ufa a a ) from the brig Imptisn linni Malaga at wharf fool of Route

veil ai 100 ur cask Swe-t Malaga Win fcOdo dry do for sai-nv MASTERS A MAHKOE 31 rkint raquoi

A T I Ni K T N - 10 cases bullbullFiiiiiuins sii|a I IU CUIISISIIUK ofmdashLavenders sage botile green laulberry

Fine and extta tupernne Otforda An do do ateel ta lxlurea-for sale by

aep3 MOTT WOOD A MKRElIT No liS Pin at

BR O W N A K I I O A Y N I G A R B - O t v nous qualiltss in hairem for aale by

ltbull W I L L I AMSjA ROBERTS 140 Front st

K A T I 1 K R N mdash 1 0 i i bales aaaorlad qualities luas i

a a

JH veil i aale l

M l KMI ARM k GLKIM IS case German Mentm

bullJaal SxBBJ astn

nil es


CA I I I A i A M I K S - ISO r a t i Silks cinaiaitng n l -J White sarsiuis plain and figured

Blat k sslitis buick tawtxtaxa) Hla k sinciitwgt and levamiiies Black s u m lev ti noes uox1 ius nngs Blacs and igt van ine- Manual rrirs I-III itid Satin and embiudeii-tl t rajte Shawl Black sitdiigui i l i-raj tiBangand dresses Ulaek blue and cold Sewine

Alsomdash3000 pice blue Nankin of fine nankin dye lust do Mantes yellow Nankin

Entitled ut debenturemdashPur sale by e lJ CARY A CO raquo Pingt at

C^ I O O D S F lt k R I M P O R T A T I O N mdash lt 0 M R clrt bull ami dark rhinig Prima JO do navy and two blur to

10 rate pink lilac l-lui lUtli Print 50 haic 34 and itt inch Kngii-n bit-gt lied Sbiltiug 30 do 3n inch lieavy English grey Hireling l c I S - I si 4 i tnin ii s Muslins bullJi do OS rich pnnied do 90 do white Salemp - 10 do white Roerbhi miUuirahc 15 u ottks new sit liVeniai-illani lulkla 10 do Mad -do

At lngi-h )el black and laol silk do ISO c a r small itiedium an 1 laige site cnottpa an ban

dntisf 10 do C a m - n idacs silk hdkls entt deb For sab by PFTEK REMSLN I O IM Pe si

IX a L City mills Flour 100 do mouiiiatti At

750 lbs A m an ivttv JO brla black hsh ml

bull L l O l R I V O R Y 4 gt I L -- M RaxAxMMhl

To hrls tetiiii tl W hale oil Hal box speraa eaadlea HMO gat New lledlotd tall s l iainedoll lUOO do At winter do Ai

5 hints lampblack 100 boxes shipping toap 134 hv A kegs Kit hiiinml iiiniiliiaciured Tobacco 930 diy sailed Para hHvs 7 i rls India Rubber Shoes

l a hag Naples ttlbers 30 baliraquos oi shell Alnmud 95 hall bairet hu led barleymdashfor ante bv

A L L E N A P A X R O N 0 9 C H e l p

taJt A BT~txttxtl1 A TmdashAt 00 buatiul voaise biglu Lisbon raquov s a l t (equal lo Bt Ubpsj c a i g o o l UrlgClitus riadyfnr tmiiisliale drliveiy mid Will be sold a p e n t bargain from Ihe vessel inkuraquotniiit hitvers Also -500 bushel Lpnol ground gal l and 750 snrks AhUtn laciotv hllel fin At for

On Mir by S A M E C J A G U E S SB Fninl at_

W~~ D O I L X K I N ^ ^ 0 gt I gt raquo tidelatdi mttibri iy Ahrown Bioadrloihs 97 do fine A romnion blk llroadcloth

19 do kw oricad bluu do 17 du Meiuiys black t blue d o 49 do as-d culors and qnal l i ir CaMlmefe received for

tale by S T E E L E WOLCOTT A CO 09 Pine

HO L L O W W A R K - 5 0 0 tons romprismg ihe lar gesi Bssoiimeni ol Pols Kettles Bake Pans Skilteis

A c ate olteied lot sale by Ihis company ALSO

Winat St irwtmdashA siipenor article and great variety of alshyge Brad and Spariowbilks maiiufaciurel ai T H E HOW-F L L W O R K S CDS Establishment N J raquond for sale at iheir Ware House 9laquot F roni 3 doore almve^Dtve rjraquot_ 5 W | I I gt I O I 7 A T E A C O C O X - 3 0 0 b o x e a a n d ha i fdo ^t No I CliovRate S Talinan

livi do do N o 1 do J Preston brand 50 to do J Prestons prepared Cocoamdashtor sale by

sill laquot H O W E S GODFREY dt ROBINSON90South t t

bull bull I l ) r gt A L E i i i l R R - G I D E d N L E E A C O 9 0 bull bull Fetiy st have foi talc

9000 KioSaladn Hides 1000 M M do Itiim Southern Stale and Mexican Stsfti Atitcatis 1000 Calculla

lOWkl hide soie leather oak and hemlock Ilka) do waited upper 100 dox waxed calf skins

50 do lAg skins-vvitn an assortment of skirting rusaet hnAle hag leaiher Ac A9S^ 9w^

V~ E R M I L L I O N t U l l i j E f A ^ a x s T A c -900 a 1oiiquiu Musk tS canes liiag bullbullbullraquo Blitod

90 case Oil of Camphoi 11 do do ot Cassia lull do Rhubaib 50 do VetmtllionC do India Ink

1 do pearl Lancet Case will be told This Dav at 11 oclock at the auction r o o m o l

s i a alii LdAt O

PRACTICAL PERPKCTTYK Thl day published lor ihe Use of Students translated front the

FieucbotT Pihinoi by one ol Ins pupils lot tale by s i BLISS W A D S WORTH A Co I l l FulUm

H~ I D K N H O R N H A T R ^ T A L L O W aVlaquo -aaaj prime B A ox hides 94 lo 30ths 1000 do Bailed do

1500 do R G home hid s 95000 do ax horua l i 50lbraquo 10 bales B A mixed horse hair 1500 lb rutted A) do SO pip- B A rendered tallow 900 jara neat foot ot

Fnrsa lebv DE F O R E S T At S O N S9 South st 3

TR A K K T T L R N Composition Metal lnd Inside 7 1-itws assorted saure pans with cover do do 5 do da

Curry combs 3 casks assorted English spedes and shovels 300 dox do English and German tunas kettles

do PUIS 94 cases sledge hammer 3rasks aattl aite For sale by EDW A U D J E E A CO 3RBniad_at-

bull A T E V r P I J B H I A T I O N N - V o l 9d o f Jacob J L d Faillifulmdash tiale Mlddletoti I volsmdashIhe KuigOwuR mdashliltti Fiutti 1 v i l - l i n t i Latini I - VVaddiiigltu Chuich Hilaquototv I vol bullraquo mdashHist rv ol Virgl iuai i - lor sale by

BLISS W A D S W i i R T H CO 111 Fulum t l opp isile Dutch Bt

R I NKI A G O O D V 0 0 0 boll Bruiageiiaail ctwtll SOU Zui do 100 d o h a l f D u k 3li bsles broad Diaper 15 do One unrrow Linenmdashlor sale by

g PETER R R B W E N A t l ) 100 Pearl t

CL O T H S 9S rates black blue and btown Great Fall 31 cases do do Dennv Co do ICkuht

H4 do Oriikanv imxt and blark At ta do a-anrlrd rohtrs Middlesex do

7 gt line Paniarlu black do F sal by S T E E L E WOLCOTT A COG9 Piae tt

(~N At N- H l t i l l N N O N tier tor sale at 31 P stmdash laid) bags crude Sali | tie 50 bate green an dry

salted t alrula Cow and B-ilt-t Hide bull bullbulllaquobull intiia-i ltoriigt IJai Madras goat skins 5000 Ps i At

dti buudlre two and three thread E i Twine lOtl bales mutijeei 50 roblnus 1 t Seaua 7 bat do 50 chests Bengal Indigo middling and hue qualm -suit

ante lor stoppers ami mauuiat intent Al chest orange garnet and livvi Shellac 99 do E 1 srraoed gum eopa 90 lar dye

A awmdashIt pipes 3 h f d o 1 qr do superior oni Maidei i Viae imonrie1 per ship Heury Clav via Ceyloa atid I uhav 15 tiaaktls CoaiupagneWiiie aS

a a i l t a A R R l M laquoVt 130 lidaprltae quality S Crtux I ^ S u g a t llaquoJ hhds Porto Uiro do

K 0 puns high Savored s t Croix Rum ImldoJai - a d o 913 bag txcelirnl qualily J aiuan a Pimento 100 nl pipe extra quality Ra-i in Brandy 35 pipes 9laquo at do excellent quality Madeira Wine

308 qr caak various qualities Teoeritfr bullJHPO lb Did Copper just rreelvesl tor sale bv

A laquo B A Y M A R A CO 34 S h st

H A R D W A R K mdash laquo cax-s bsTti hiBgesThdi hi i butts 4 du poltshed trace chains ii A blued do IS coot

utii and iotas bull raquo gt Swindell do best 50 bagc-taxBvtB iwts i d trace 4 raquo b a l e cork i -tands 5 bag ed MM English wrought i ins

laquoraquo do b do do 50 do HV do do JO do I9R do do 10 do 90 do do

Julaquoi reraaesjd aad lor saw by EDW ARD PIELl ag i f CottifBPwioa Meirbaai N

t V l K E X P O R T A T 1 4 I N - C t e t i u i i t a own -urge J P Iteasians bleached sht runt

Batlap I wkiewbu-xt PateBl IIBell Ibreaos upset Pepper A Cocoa Baegtag Ac Rw salt by

t i l t H U l R L R E A D 4 x C 0 37 t aa M

k J P E C T A T O K 9 videmdashPope Works 9 volemdasheach s ^ r o v a l 3 J m o mdash T l i e ttereotype plates ot the S|wcialor 9 vols loyal i9nio and Po|asWurks 9 vols ut theaame s i te l o b e wdd a bargain or evrhanged lor books Apply to

sStt D MALLORYCheeler Building 1 Dey atreet

H I D E A W O O L 3500 prime Buenot Ay re tx Hide 99a 9B k laquo loo bale rlean wustied B Ayre Wool UO d i Mexran do

ItHjul lbs dressed lrilaquoi lite tkins For ale bv DE FOREST A SON laquo (tooth at

aT~4 L O T U S A C mdash 50 taaes 0 4 AT 4 tine aod superfine _gtCkdhsbatk bluebruwaidive citron mulberry green

adelaidt claret steel and Oxlord mlxl II)rates lanry siii traquoii and diagonal Casaimere 15 batesb 4 indigo blue strand III do 3 4 A 6 4 red Paddingmdashfor raquoale by

t P R E M S E N j k CO IM Pearl i _

Pi K - | l N loialoiimdashin case ol Ion parks ot Ss aud ttaaesitnedmdashabac assorted pound Puts in I I and I 4

Ih iaorrv tuned lot sale on favorable lerms by i R-HaHAatB R JtORtxtTB IM FfMA M


Erttea the Pen laquor H j 9bdquom9M aKatWLt wRw cmwa Masenaar ta thetAipCdsjabus Captain Gobat t a d dAxLcx-tad so Mi C bo -

T ^ S bullbull bullbulllaquolaquoraquo de TRe brtlaquod Allanuc wave

vaaaal staanrh as brave bull T h e darling ut bet Mag tnm

A tea gnu bdquo bdquo w-

Or Rytng fore tbe gate

Twaa on tb Ah of August aae The BritishMaaxagI ciaxuM

T h e wind a h e a d - h o w readily 8 M ataybull( Row ltlot Mr at i lt

And how with wagcfi a U s a m ua deck A ripple on tbe aea

Aa gadiy w a v M steated to axafca Aa oUtar witA a braeac

I watched Iwr when lis gale i gt on The Muaitsa xeith night oercaat

Her craes-jara y a r d mdash l a i n top aau gone Aad lore- top-faliaat maet

A span Ret brighl homtan now So huge ibe n-iiuw grew

Yet how she tnppd the most nlain mdashbow She ntde die ttaxrpest throtif b

I t a w her trad mdash a rattling wind T h e atoir it lagvd the n u n

She fling the following wave behind A M spttrmtd ihe warebehgtre

Te l smooth a inland harks thai apiead No sail obey no t ide

Mer way IM taatMV vessel aped ta dark and haely pride

Gnd |gtaed lbs ship C d i i m b u iutraquo Her war bright pertntni sliow

Ahiiai at ho i a for m i n t a day I M boaat of all lit I na

God speed bar noble e s t a t e - t tnd I daredely or tea

T o hnd an ablet to loaiuiti d Or kindlier wan Ibau M

Beptetabet 10 IR34 Cavw A A a laquo

THE GOLD ItEGION Among tbe ariu-Uw eonuined in the tri v-inrn ol t ie 1 laiwiMtninaot Hie leetlugiaxl Sraquo-bdquoigt 0 | Poonaylvamia

)Ut publialieaj i one wit ile gold regnit ol lite I luteal Sltatca Imm wlnrh llie lraquobilaueltibia Gageile make tbe Inllowiiig enraru lha wrtier alter expressing the opinion Dial tbe loinaa ol tbia ouiiii t are ncner than tliiate ol Gorgo Soco in lb Bruila uf ibe I ralnxu cham ol Mountauu says

In Rvaaia apiendid and interesting at are the gold luunti in the dapoaiU mines of lit eouniv

F ad

F aihrt tor aale by OOODHCF

assotled quulttie

A CO 64 Sou ib at

HO H A R I A - C I T T A C K R - I O O tmiea aasoited and waiianled lull weiglns for aale ky

-i I at Hi mi AKli ACASEY4Ss I xrhauga place O O I 5tt bales washed Bueaoa Ayrea Wool just t revived and for aula by

18 N ABTJSRR A M ARKOE 51 Eon Hi at

HOPEmdash10 balvs Hrat tort eastern hope S do second do do do lor tal by B nlOSSOM A FIELD

t l 3


C I M N A 4 J B R A N l t l - O t a r d Uttpay J RtaadY of dtfeiertl vtnUflsa eauilM tedetse

sale by B O G E 1 V A K N E E L AND W7 $ AIM m i A fctgagAW t | r a M gt nx aribxAi MR M

bull Co re i n

l b laquo M M

J a l

I A P E R N M I E E T I N G N A c -10-4 and 19 4 narnsley linen h e n i n g ri4 7 4 a i i d raquo 4 do M diaper Keues HI blue and rktth color tewiag Le Cktbteat llghl dye do Guannouiab do for aale by

bdquobdquo s G G A S H O W L A N D 49 8ou0l^t_

aT N L A N N E l gt A D O N I ETmdash W M A M M kw white Aateshury A Yaattc F laaaeb

I ft do do red At green do do du 4b do nssd yellow red bull bite A green Ai At do 97 trusae upl 4 4 while do Ai 49 late very heavy 4 4 do l l o w a n h do I a do hoe acarlet ex cutnmoB yellow do bullraquoi do e nngt D mew red fr tale by

0 fw S T E E L E W O L C O I T A CO 81 raquogtiraquoe at

RK K I L E A N E D b y th bulltibacribeea win nave re i-eittiy ererie1 al their Mores lt gt ami liS Smnii tlmdashbull

nitoplete laquoet of machine lot i i i i i M Rica cowtg roc led to clean uh very Utile w a s t e reamviag tbe weasel and Rour aud leaving lie- m e es l ire and irlectlgt clean


Z s tTJEbril I R O N mdash 11raquo bulllaquogtraquolaquo neer nave BOW tm band t ^ a n d are daily reei-g trgtlaquoi IM wmka af tbe N e w lax try lrulaquo Cat of a suprreir quality aaaorted fraaa bull M il lur sale la M s uraquo sua purrhaarrs ay

M A C R I i O A K L E Y A J E N N l S o N i n i Front tl bull N B Otdert for parurulat saes eteruted al tjrt BO raquo

RA I L R O A D I R O M - T b e t u t B r r t b e t a g e x i u f i the New Jen Iron t o and areo w prapaicd to ax

rrate aedee at aAori atttira tor Mange auu axle Iroa af vsey superior quality soluble lot Rail Hoad and Car--any or iter dtiecied to them will coaaiuarwi immediate attention ot

MACEIE O A K L E Y A JFNNISON t t IBl Freatt at laquooi tajggag a4traquo-

a f S R C D B M K a t M O I L - t M M g a h nataattby U W I A C MTTCttCtxR H P-cR aRf

1SS Fionl rtreet

CO A L mdash T h e cargo of Hie thlp Woodbury Irom Sydney and lor ta le bv

Ms S I L A S H O L M E S R CO R9 Srtulh st

TA R mdash 5 0 barrel Wiliuiiigtmi I nr tn prime order lor aale by B r l L u S S o M A FIELD DM From at

CT l R l i i ^ O M E T E l i ^ A i ra t rale Chronoxoetet for sale by HY A W D F L A F I K L D 40 Soutb et

1 I E E M R mdash 9 5 b i u e s Pine Apple lor sale by la^_ A B M E E C H A CO 30 Prom rt

RA G - si bale NPFF 9i-o do SPF SO do F F Trtesle 0 do Lcgliiini run do Mestina Raga for sale by

t i g G G A H H O W L A N D 4 0 P o u l h s t

IR I t f H W H I S R E Y ^ i O p u ^ ^ bond and for sale by

19 A L E X THOMPSON A S O N Hit) South at

98 hlitl SO brlt I9 JOHN JlHlNSONH S O N S 9 A aSnii lh

N A A C E l H A I X S - 3 0 casks blued now landing bullrout S i Andrew lor sale by

bull U E D W A R D J E E A C O U B Rroad at

-191) ion MararaytMi Fustic tut sale by P W feCHMlDT00 Pineal

Sl G A R - 5 hints Santa Craa MusrovaAi sugar lot sate by G G A S HOW L A N D 40 Somh st tlR

t R S F H I K R K - A

T st


Innate by MORHAN A HIT IHR 79 founta in id

SI G A R hhds Muscovado lor sale bv BtR O M A I KANlNouUi M

W II A I I H O N E -too Iba Whateboir for sale hy bull Id l i LVMAN A I L V N t i l Farlt imdashsi

OP I l M mdash O c a a e a Ecvpunn lor sale by t l 9 GEO DOCGLASS A CO99 Broad et

S A L T A E l I r A T mdash S u p e r i o r let-lory filled blownlaud _ nig Horn amp Robert Isaacsmdash also Cadis Si C lies Cut

raroa I v u a Axr bull19

for sale by bull P A A W i HiUHl I I lu Siui l i l

HOPEmdashtt bah lor aale by JOHN JOHNSONS S O N S A 3 Bouth tt

d A R A N G E S A L E M O N N - r t O O lnie Inali Sicily Oiauges 50 do do Lcaxons lauded lor saie by

aff H O W E S G O D F R E Y A R o t H N s C N 9 6 S o u i h st

A I l l B R l t R mdash n o w landing ol siipt-noi qnaliiv lot aale in logts io suit nurcnaarvia and at a rtduntl

itrirc by JOHN C MORRISON Drtiggtats 1MJ A IWCfeenWIth al

-1 )000ga l l ins Whan l td lor sale I E U A a W A R K A H O W E L L

115 South 1


by S L A t i e t i

SE W I N G O I L JO P- contisling ol Fencatna lat quality b l u e chilli Le tiiiisso lighl dye anrt Guanos

drab Italian Sewings reed direct fiom the Msuiii i m n i fm sale hy G G A S H O W L A N D 40 South at

^ A T I N E T N mdash l t f O rases comprising a good atsoriairnt J 5 in diiiin and hue qualilies lor alraquo by

al i PITCH G O O D W I N n lto filaquo Pine tt

Ilia quality lauding lot H A V E N S b C Y D A M A UO IM Front at

A J A L E R A T t N - 1 0 caasa 9 saht by

BL I S T E R E D N T E E L - A t l w o o d s make Irom get ultie Hoop to Bats fm rule Ay

a D O T k s3 CONG FOX 11 Plait st

tlaquo I T L f c R V mdashIvory aud sell lip table knives A lorks i u tells pen and pocket knives ecissoia Ave for sa le b

t 0 t ft M i DON A FOX II Piait at

w O O L - S 0 0 hales Mexieaa Wat for sale by


xw South st

r i l l M O T I I N E E D - - bull 0 Hi i n s and 95 |wlaquo ft salt I a l91t by JOHN JOHNSONS fcONR 9 and 3 Bouth t t

f_slV I H L O R I D E O P L I M E lor aale by

coM lu i s A FOX II Plan at A I-T NAILS--at redectid

CEBRA A price for tale by CCMING 101 Pearl at

-950 kegs in hipping order lor air bv A H MEECH A CO SOProut et

bull A l t l l R io bit- Irom new Wheal J Mayoaid hiaud bull T lor sale by A H MrEi II at CO laquol Pmm at

CV E R M A N raquo L A T 1 raquo ~ Y P B M C l L S ^ A a i x w i M R f o i aale by ihe package ly


tN I l E N I T I M E R I N O S - c a a s s 4 Flench Merinos 1 ol sB|HgtniqUkiitvloi iae bv

s l 9 W fcB 1 VVII l h l tMUi i l I A C(k| 191edar laquo

SE W I N G S I L R - C a a lialtan rloib cdturi and lirln dye sewing talk for aale by

a l t W A K E W Itll IW RIGHT A CO 19 Cedai at

Bt T T E R a l t

a a S l G A R - t O O mat Cuba Muscovado lor sale by bull bull gt M A L R A N A H E N R Y I4i Frontal

R AGM--40 bag i r t t anrt Leghorn lor sale bv s l l DE PORKS I A S O N e jS nuh st

IR A I M l E A F - -Jiki bales good quality lu lo raquoH W E L L S A M l L l ^ l i r Water st

W A D i l l G bull JObe n r double glaxed ami large tike lot sale by M T B U I Ac Mtllaraquo 146 Water st

bull BA1 I t l E M I V E - -laquoki brla VVilai lag inn loi sale by 1 a l l I I A L l K n A B R O W N 3 1 Rumug Blip

BA N T A R D N I G A R mdash 3 0 0 hrls for tale by 111 W U L i A M S at Id Ut I It It) Itn Iroi t

a raquo i l l K K I 1 R O N lOilpai k in handagtm nrdri for 3 a l bullraquo C A A E HBCKSCHER 40 Rroad at

I B R O W N S I I E E r i N G N - 3 5 d bale- 4 4 a t o w a ot

s l l FITCH GOOOWIN A CO 00 Pise st

2 I I I R I I X G S Stout 3 4 Brown from the Thame Alang Co lor sale by

t i l 4i PITCH G O O D W I N A CO toSPiae at

d J A O l N T 1 N G H O L E E D E A R - a htudsome trne y for sale apply At I M Froal at a l l

I S r mdash 1 0 eases German Sheet Zinc o t69 10 do do do dn 3ltiiM Air sale by

11 MASTERS A M A R R t i i S lRouth si

GU M raquo I I R L L A C - 3 0 r a s e f o r raquo l e b y JOS1AH HOW A i I 157 Pearl si

LI G I H T I N a T A N T R Y T A C I IC-A-ITk BbrTdT^ ci t in oi Tactics lor Light Infantry prtcr 3s for ak

straquo3l by E G R A I T A N l ib Maiden lane upstair



i f 4 H l S A N 1 L K M 1 raae oittitaining lb piece white _ pnitgt-e bkis and 4 (lt - white pongee ot supatlor qua reed per thip Hercules lor sale by

bull4 WETMORE HOPPIN A CO 14 Rto d si

a f i T E I R O N V - 5 0 cask Swkxaaatli fcjt A l l I I sSBleby

entd b dctt for CONG DOM A FOX 11 Plan t

CA O A L mdash IS ton beat Liverrsraquo)i far sate at a suw price J by DE F O R E S T A SON a t South st

CU A M P A G N K - I O O c a a e a a n d baskel Cuaaapagne Wine for tale by

iLinnJoif yet in llaquosingia Nunl i l arotilia and p n n pally Virginia in ibe Coiled Nuue ibe writer lias met w-iin numerous inatanoeM where tb woighi of raquoraraquoriiTieii~ ot solid goltt ami tb rhararteir has bweti tnucl aupen-r T b mine uf tba Brui la iba Csurgat Soco Useli cannot be rmuparv i with bull veto known ui iba wnter aa exist ing in the Itiiiesl Staiea Spsieirneut from Jonr ami t tlilornm he baa seen in Mettco a arao frsm Kl Of bullml AiigatigBo and i b i a tb north laquo Xticaieca Rn I i liiliuahua They ware nnleeil imiVMling aui beau u m bui are nut lo be cHnparxraquoii with those of Ihe goltl region ot tlie UnilfsJ Slate Evan tlte far taitietl ittatt ia the rahirtatot St ISttersburgiluea nut wwtgh awmui n by auveral ounce a that winch wa tmiml in Nuftb Carolina In lltai ponton nf the goltl rtggioR of ibegt I unevl Stlaquougt suuaiel within the charter tl limits o l t reorgta the i ii-hrwi mineral bell if it may M be NenteaJ i met with in talt-oae slat and granite braaaiina alkar-nating with bom blend t i t l e gueiaa and t lilnrnle tlatc laking a direction newrly N N rv and 8 8 W b e shytween the Chestatee and ChatatiiK^liee nvwrt m Hah-arltam county near the Cherokee nation t-roasiitg tubaeqifenily the Cheatattse ami entering Ihe Cherokee country It pa lfu ritowali river and p range an in aatying couiae nil w e meet it again on iba banks ltbull the CooM rivet in the Creek nation in tbe State ol Alashybama

There are other mineral bel ls ot fo ld vein ami mine running a parallel course at Mated interval and dwiaiit e Irutxt each othermdashgenerally bam eight to ten milemdashend are to be met with low down to shyward Augusta on the Savannah nver These letter cruaa the CttaMhoocbe be low Columbus Thaty uraquo luriititiait-ti iu ilieir nearer approach lo tbe aenboaril ol the Atlaniic by the diaappearantie ol tbe primitive floshyatation which occur a abort diaianc above Augusta rin eame ptwiiion o f the rocks tsecera a litile above rrilerickburgli in Virginia whore tbe prtniiuve I bull maiion alao letimnates towarda Ihe ooaat T h e aaaatt gonlagical fcaiute ant prestnuo) a in the mighborhood of Augoata Georgia

Following lha course of the UMwr mineral belt o f Georgia which ta a dmtaiee of irotu i w e n i j - l o i - i-raquo thirty inlea Irom the Blue Ktdge chain ol inouuiaioa w e met il In tAimpanuively the same Mpem m Smut Carolina and North Carolina where however itwgaild region enters Virginia a aenaibbi dtttarettie occurs in relation lo its posiiiun with he blue Ktdge T b e upper mineral belta cross the Dluc Uidge and pat ou ibrviitgli the valley Itetweeti that rtiani and the Alieghnie Il ta only tlte lower mtadrat belia ibat are met with in Virshyginia on t in ante ot the Itluc KnJge

T b largest amounl of gold Una been oblained Irom a cleat at mine generally known by tbe name of branch musts ut atremiu mirtea aitttaied in ibe bed ot rivet and rtvukete and rut me T h e capital reshyquired to work su li in ni-s being email and the urojlie almuei immediate anu daily a tew uiai rune calletl tockeft tor waaliing the gravel airala m whtch die gold M IIHI and atiiiie Mgroea with ihe nes-esssi y digging tools are the |gtreplaquoraiioikgt for opening and probi a l l y working a mine ol tht nature Many httttdit-i negroes are yearly employed in tlte dirlereit Metea lor tin putpuse and iu geimral profitably It i ntl n 1 that a mine i tirdiuaty itiiiiortaiice will yield from one to l ive il wi t tu Ute hand |ier day l i M not um-oeaiu n to obtain ]U dwla t-i lb bend nod maiau-s bavlaquo oc-currt d when as high ut lRD dtvta to ibe hand per day have been obtained Several individuals in North Caroshylina and Georgia have been ertttnenily aorreasful HI this pariicuiat kind ut gold muting and have ienuasd bug ivrtttttM

It ba been inictitated thai not tern than i t i millions ot dollait lu gold nave been ttit led from l b brant h gold nuaev ol tbs tmled Mats tnie ih nuniueveairni ol the mining op i aim the lttgt aagtjjatj ut the gold Aadtng ua way not to the utml but abroad aad belig Worked ep lot jweltary in tM uiRereut pa ugt ol tlte country

l ine dcpoeile tuiBts in lieoigia hate alone Ittnusli 1 half a Btinsii nf dollar aim if we tuuk at Ike greet aumi bull ol ISUHSIS eeapkyed the voa nen l ol IM gold leglun Inn dreda ol utiles in length and l b increasing alusiiimii g ivo i iu tbe sutijv i w e need not be snrpintcd if ine gold dciMgttlt of the Uuileil Rule yiebl (ai laigei l e i u i a Ibau tUoae af Braail Columbia oi to Irat unued

On siaguiat tari aaal turoaae ied wilb the hstinry of the geld region and Uw Uraquoiiginea may bv uirautily uot i i d here I l it thai arrow beads and utber luipivnisnu recuhai to in Indians ol lue Aimni an uuiiiueoi sr mm Willi in tlie aupciiiKunibeul tttala ol timer g o d mine brain ie They have been touiui at varum depth above the gravel but never below it T h e greatest deih al which ikjey have M M exet Willi it twelve feci beluw tu suitate ffi a ii bullirata oi giavel The uiine aitusled lu Georgia h id three diatioclMiaiaol gravel rut st Bit leet iben R v e t e m e f blue rlay wait vrgetablt trruaiu i utaiaed IBM then a etiaitim ol graveltwu feet thick iu which were found tbe Indian ai rowA apear head ol a wltceoa utinerat men atseut igt Rjet of tit blu clay aa above and biiellvlU g i a v t l i o w l m h w a s found lb gold aa much a 10UU dwl ot gold having beee rdtaiued ai this Math i f ui a trench tuny reel l e wogti by tan tu lat Mih

In tlie Creek naitoa at alao oa tbe botdera of tbe Ckerokee iiaunti letnaiat are to M met wuli winch anctKy tudiratn lliatgoid miuas w r i t known to e t m la tboee ilaquogilaquoia and that they bad been partially worked ton pi IOI to rae present epoch Tlte tradition ot Ute Indies e t at loam tbear eldest men are unauit iu give an account ef it It may ptWably have been tba aturmpt of i hlaquo exptoriag party of Spaniard Who peuetraied I uia Peosaco-a into IM iiuenot I I I WBich xxpodiltou lettutaatrd t s ia i i t aacsMdiug tu Auaumaeu met with la tM BSibttc arcblvit of Feetaoula

17 A ATlaquoraquolaquo f o r d mdash A m o n g tbe rwubuabmenl t w l m I adorn our c i ty and b e c o m e a source ot enioytaetw aud rerrealuui lo resident and visitors may wel l be reckonshyed the Uni ted S i t a N a v y Yard at i h e VVallatuii in tbia c i ty Tina soot neat in utility and Malum w i i h tire rising prnaperity ol our country atid ibe iai al imrlialiiy Iu our n a v y Il ltrobraes als ut t i t t y acres of ground covered wi th slore bouse ulTirw anal bui ld-ing of greet extent and luagniiude and admirably atlapted M the great object d e s i g n e d T b e waka and ground alegt exhibit taste and isealnres w h i c h ilaquo plew ant aod reireilutig t o tbe e y e e s d moat also b e l o t h e order and health of Ihe orcupent T b e season o l peace and proepenty i properly availed to prepare lor w e r by hav ing all thing in mjuwi t ton Vast aAttree af luu trog vlaquogti is under cover and yeaeela pertly otult and undergoing e aeeaoniug M g i v e them durability mdasheulatg ing and repairing o f docka bui lding a large edii i t aa a naval hospitalmdashtbeee are ine present ocexipattun ol the few aaecbanicaemployed

T b e N a v a l L y c e u m occupant a btnkitng near t h e renire of the yard lorteerly used aa a rbureti or p lace of tvorahip II i t n o w fijled w i t h books aaaiat drawshying parnunga t p e r i m e n i m natural hretnrv g e raquo l y concliotugy d u occupying the gallery a im mith tlseww very vaiuable scientttii work and curiosities T ine place lorma also tlie daily reaort of the offieer tor study aud the reeding of newspaper It ia R new aetentific association aa are all Lycenme Nl Ihe Ueuted htates and like tnem promises exieoti ve usetaloem T h a t scourge et ill world tbe rholera hat visited tbe N a v y Yard thit season Il made it appearance in tbe reeWiving vessel rtotwiihtiaiiding Ue great clttnRjgtmi e i f b e etace and tbe vigilance of tbe ofScerr T b a tuck were resru v es to a high and airy place t n ihe yard ami it A aa eg-traotdinary laet that in 30 eases only 3 death have oecorred tereat credit m AitJhtlem gggg to tb |neraquo in plt tu nn for bat tymentalgtc A ot ceaslu irMifneut of tba MJMBta

iliuM WJJO vwtt tba yard will mem MM laquolaquoJy wttb ibiugt rare and pleMant to tbe e y e but pereuita with wliom t t a i-leeaure to couvmse Mm w h o laquop(gtear to derive great aalttfaclkw in coftUtbutiug lo lire uatiotial grauiuat on ol those around ibammdashI I Hiar

sIO LTDEON HOWLAND 110 Fr ut it I GUOKLRRsvlN- lw hale heavy mixd mi day reed for aale by

TORRY GOODWIN A MESIER laquo P|bdquot bdquo

WUALKOIL-100tMgauafofMleby ~ ~

slaquo A k l WlLLKTi 501 Peart at


lots ly klACKEI O A K L E Y A J R N N I S O N I P L R G l N - l l t caeet stiver muuatM lur M t r

1AKLEY A J R N N I S U N _1M| Froai K car bullar l iag s ir

bull jgf l A A a i O W - 10 wprs douiu Aamcwan b lame ta a T I aaktby HENRY ELSWORi U Beyer Weet et

TI I O M A R I O N 11 M L - very wipe ubdquo e j u a m y - T M caakt afloat wbicb can be delivered in aay part of Deshy

cay or natghboring ptsrt tl applied (lt inttneaistel) to j laquo E L W E L L 40 WaH et

R I N S I A G O O D S - R-te ived per TiMnwt ailaquol Mart Ballard 46 bale Brrrw Sisaetings 16 s o BerHei

A 15d Reowit Dmptet M do Crash lb do Raven MM) 7b peck Sail Cloth lot sale by

sClRt ^ W B BFNraquo 50 Pae street

SA I K R A T C H - J O brla smrerMH artwl tor sale by A A I F C O R N E L L laquo

jusi rsra t i s - i i - i raquo l i | i

RAJ I I K l A R R I N b mdash I tatr prlase recanted per Ijgbj avu Riaius irum Bat mi Av tie lur i ate by

bull I t MASTERS at MARKwR 1 Somh tt

OL D 4 J O P P K R - 4 ton a uprnM art for aale by pound t CIS A S l iOvVLAND 4J ttewtb et

a lt I I E R R t I N R mdash m r u r l k a J a s e t A Hermit krand N t i i by B A L D W I N A CO DO t H dip

( N O L D H K t l K R k M laquo raquo l LIraquoav- f - emaHetM lor aTaa-ebt UA VIS A KROORRtl ~

-AyORTOIRK R I J I t L t y - l box loreets bj 10 F O T H U K r t T l i N M

SA W r R A M K K - A n d t e a rtc d for aale by 4aw B Y R O N A BTA BR ^ DV-nrher st

CN A P R - C a s e French P e t r a h s Capt o f saperir a r J lity tor late by

M W A B I W H E B L W BtCHT CO IS Cedar ax

Vi Arts auiubi lor tiarrb makrt A er f e gt b 7 j - C l O W N B B N D A _COel Souih i N l f i - i W t i - A wamaaddryRal ta ja w i e IM M axtMM Ai fie tale by


yenivxz nrL^^^rfrc -r i - r i i v a - S 3 gro Vretlor eale by T n e v r s A Af lLLER Maidse laa

SOI R KlOt R _bak


P t l l R O l aa A

ww I MMIA N i l a t r i N G N - I S k ^ l e s l b w d s y U M H r K f 7 ay JodiAll DOW ADO l57Pemiat e armlJWIA DlAPRRraquo-laquoaxMiaieamihMawytailaquoting j f f j lotasrbv J St All DOW A laquoX) IraquoT Peart at sn

H I D E N mdash lMj-ark aMpieraeprime RusstBtNiWbides tnreJebjr MtOOMUR A txu ad RSMII lt

TU PA Lmdash raquo bute- yen iVrtpT i ti askTerwavTiw -aT BRKIIAH A FAY aOFrwM i J

L A N R K I A - 4 A 8 4 Wbilswy tot aV bv JORI AH fwtW A OO I T Peer at

tyVVx ta lot tale by CriUaxLVAIJmiUlaMmM

ti o r by

W l t l M k g C I -aaatalae hi sate ay a t j A V f c a raquo t C Y D A M A C Q IM Frtmi

C^ V o r T l J R ^ i A l f S i i i ^ W mmiu~m^mt bdquo M A esme do lot aaw by

i 0 bull M 1 T U W H E E L E R A F A I R R A N R P i Pn r st

bull I L P H A T R a i l I N I W R - i U M o a A A m m fur Maid ii Laasr


I N tele be SLTK LOW A CO I

af A O L O C N R - 4 case tievattut lur j s i r t H LOAA a t t i

M l - t K f t M V A 1 U L a t b t - IM Maee^tsaurxed raquo ~ i j A a g J g a y U1DEON H O W L A N D i r e l i v e i

If -

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