\. 4- 7* «i_2 £ "£* f "^H A- ^^^^ " ~° J^,* J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all father and ft-lifi W&miti*:^.;: '••:' $1,000,000 to Save Seconds th ot3ier6oiiuntitiitigs-ftge OUR telephone lrtnrmT- nnrl yrw Do I believe Xflo not. A afttenj of oficlal eensOHhlp 6a8 to skU By BABOLD BEUt WEIGHT T n btira tail ot folks wh»t ltn mebbjr %hl*t» •torlta mfc**ii»fcM- ever that iriMrtt. SUt t *Ba«f» t**; common, vnrpatr. bKetewecfla rolM what »r« «nr« enouffh . UTtn' on motmntsa a Msfel. ElgBer than ta* BIIL haptwrn 11 every proSM* genius ot the famro were to be measured by the thomb rule of n politically ap- pointed board of oonso??l aid,* heavens above 1 —What M hnmlllattne confession U would be! Don't ybo see? To lnaflEtt- rate oflidal censorghlB pWpola be to fleclaro our very dvUtoUon 8 falliue. It wonld deny all the barfl won proercss of centuries. It | would proclaim, the otter Inafle- | ouaey of our educational syaiotis. i our home life, and onr religion*. I IX It has become uecessury *ol "X"jJ jV^sri coromon prtss. e e You ore thinking of expensive g^p thine* to Wit and-drink, and of ' KvUa the expensive thlocs whlth usually ; uhat rhnl cnrt nf —high livtnr." I r , vod llviOE which I have_ In , aiir~one's eatlne habits merely to dlcate the level upon which ODe Uvos. But It ts worth while to ob- serre that oBe may or may not Port with knife and fork. nD<i our children over to Uie o j obscene Imitglnlhgw. to tt sorry end have we ar- lf . m Inilffttl. be 111- , J^^fc It la donbtfnl If one can culti- vate n Obrlstlan-cnlHt antl-fJerclop a case of lBdlecstioo at the same time. The devil finds tt easy to mate acquaintance with one whose liver UH -a Btrltee- Tli t life Is a question ot food In no way belittles the corapai on truth thir death Tnay ntso be found on the din- ner table. When a man takes to dumping ham sandwiches, stront coffee and mince pie Into his -stomach—while his brain Is working at elcliry pounds pressure, he needs a iruar- rtinn He may ROW and then cnxwl out of the crave he Is dlcclns for himself, und take a casual look around: but It cannot In any sense e_tnj*- that he Is living hlsh. No, hi"ch~ liflnB does iiftl "Bece*- sarlly mean lobster and chnm- pngne. The lobster Is not a bird rim; ni»!.ts on the mountain topa of lure; am nut reuuy t we have reached such a degree of rottenness. Bui 1 do believe 100 per cent In unofficial cenorshlp. t I would have JB upply here the I Minw-nrlnrlplf» lo «tu<?h we hold i la our homes uud In our soSBT intercourse. If a 4>crsoa Is u» vulgur. Intlecent, or obsceue la «l»ech or habitx,' t ch a one Is o» truclled by decent »i>ciftj. Cer- t-uiu clmrurteni. you Luow, ure uot tuleraHMl lu out be»l Uotels. 1'cr- , »ons of certain complexes are" 1 " " u^rer ln\ lletl lo our homes, or per- I mltu-d lo ussodalf with our sons ; und dulithUT*. > 1 mean hy that; Hrnt we tlmuld ! domiind for our books, play* uud L. motion pictures the MBC stand- \ ards of deoeucy wlilcli bi~ comuSon t consent-, regulate our lives In all • other ihlnn- lf these dirty scnveiifrrs who clean the stinking materiuls for > their books, pities auU pictures , from the sewers iind c**;i3|MKtls of *, life, are Ju*UUeJ by their comen- ' .Liou ijliut 11 Is url. then why place , any limit ur* k D tlit'lr exhlhttlous? ' It is not true Hint the er>at«=»t | art Is Indecent. The er-uiest art | l hi TITe. Neither ~~nr~5n~ani|Mlpne the rtrlnlc ot the hills. BVth llyinc ts soroethlnc more than a matter 6T restaurants, lunch counters, or gro- cery bill*. - : Think of Benry Fabrc! For forty years, "harassed by terrt- ble anxiety about dally bread mi! •- ->• been Inspired by religion. It Is ..j»Ot true that more money Is mode j l>y these unclean book*, par*, am! T The greatest money- '. ughllnAj| - ot life." . And fien hl« great wish reallted: -A bit of Tulnk 1 um picture* have Uwn rlenu. It over und yon wlU »ee right. The plain truth lliul lliwg I deRon.-rates «h.. lUe b} Oie I putrta oftal ititrh self-.rey>e:l- Inc artUts rrjtv-t. life i&at way Tim nr« - -rtr- Hlch living does not nece*- ll mean lobster nnd champagne. High living nrft thtin Is something taurants. lunch EXocerj bills. counters, or that kind of p p Tl>ey arc procurrn for the pur- poses of mental prostitution. Th«*y breed moral pestilence. The mifc lliey write bt'fouls the mind and p..llni..« ihf imngmntlon Tliyy arv i I l ngmntl degrad «M.tK vand plank ii raued. In the mattes of choos- ing Christoas gifu, 10 many living in BOttbftrib J?ew JCTSCT -tatl^evBT-Keu. York bate le«w»A to cose- l »S fhs Baa* ... - V'^ee .See- Hte, Hewit will be a ciliijpl# Butter hi fufcitive tt tlir tore of ibe person who - ^ry^iWtt It « ^.. ft plfl wHteh. Will trircl •isa&a Ihfetterldand ia ttalereem train and hswl labtrr urve M > Veritable' tbcial lor on tha .Beg aad, to he safe .ide. BsafiberpFT ^jactlj! It Is easily pos- • *n.J6 to tfVchljrti TmTisicalrj-, -•} nnd at the same time dwell mentally In an unheulthy I morass. And these swnnm flwellers irre—poor utvfer yoB evEn though they are envied by Toll: a'trhput nnder- tn»t»pator« of de^Tnllns Immoral- lU* and unmentionable crimes. And to the desree that we rap- j port Uiese people by pnrchasln- tiM-ir www. »T are vf ll S il .k* ne nre~in their clas& Tliere U no law reouirins you and me to tupiioS tliem. TJjen ; why aoesk ^pwn. to—their level J. Why not teep to tho, higher - . Ul—* 1 you I Order TelKPrvi bj 11 *_ U. ana « P. *». **n .•S&X. I ^ YouMust^Buy Now or Pay More Later. ^ s i t Will Hold Anythin; FUR KITU»£ VAL Until You Want it Delivered. Last Call •ms FinalChance On Everything For Your Home! 110:50 All-Cotton Mattress 15 Th. full bed size. Fancy ticking^,, ('elfibration Sale price.. - Full Bed Size Silk Kapok Floss Mattress p Here's a price smash that knocks t-he eye out of every other mattress 8 - Piece Jy ory Bedroom Suite Value Finest hardwood construction Fancy decorated French Ivory Bow-foot Bed, Full Vanity, Chif- forette, Bench, Dresser, Straight Chair, Rocker and Night Table. Never been out of the store. I . ledroom Suites Priced for Linoleum Felt base—dozens of patterns. ( elebration standing. . . . 1 would have na apnly here the larme ijrtnetples 4o schich we hold In oar homes and In our Boclal Intercourse. The»e people may. or _ be artists. The artistic qo i of their wnrea^-^l contrnd> i iiothlhgTOdo with flie irtac abandoned, barren, mod, favored by thistles and by wasps and bees." A laboratory, be called It, where trttbon! fear of onMMi hv the pnsscrg-byT ^ he cqold carry os ilonttions «ror». -a«a-Btiiay -that—ereatert-of-r -^nen- -ma Inbuifct w tl l»e"B problems Instinct in Its nil itte*B problems, tnsttect. In Its meet manifestations. Not exactly high tlvlnc ns high - ^—ts—e»««Hf—ttf * * Aha Jet TS» KOTT liare «rer reached the w'onOroni hcicbtj et life where this poverty-Btrtck«i frenchman vts eo jnnch ju home. thls-'-thlir" U fon doub* uus—rninsinK roc extravagant tn my remarn—read what Fabre ba. written about the common—Me*—tat3—tttettcs—an* nrt mav be nnmoral, but that Is no reason Tor labeling otwcrnltj art. A hoot, .plajr or rilctnre does not Iwnime art merely by violating every code ot human decency. Is It not possible for art to be both great and Inspiring? May not a worV of genius be clean? If this be Pollyanna thinking, make the most of it. human Industry occupations— cround. l o o kaorv what I mean. As a cencral proposition nian trho gets in ' " - - - grar-hoppers nni spiders, which C nnd J ••swat" or tread tinder ; with no concern, Erartlyi It ia utlly *W5~» IIIgl h tAllrfrlg BVfef thfe inter\ r ening distance as though it did not feitist. improved service is the result of a lieW ittetrtod tft making connections between telephones til tttffiSSsnl pli«*s- To put it into effect, changes hid to bft miSfc in office equipment throttghotrt ingfan invesSient of nearly C A laaree sufft vo sa^e seconi €L Yes, but it moans more efficient operati&n. et" tke system, lower cost, greater public satisfaction ana ^ffcater use 6f the service. . €L Finding and adopting a x>ra.y to save seKrads is sqnarely. in line with the Tccorded purpose of Cotapany in the land: "To give the I ifcial saffety.tif titrAasiness." y WIIvl"-EIglf py mni at ths aametlaio d*ell menially tn an unhealthy mo- t h a e «-»amK> dweDen ere -pssr 'by torn* felt *ltho«t BBde inc- In these low tfieatsl levelt thoucht b «t»e««nt and breeds "disease ftad desth. polsonons tHIM*?—llnmii,Dd«fti rcn aba every kmd ot lottb- eoa* weatnre. mate tMIr homw tier*. The eon] tln&s IB btaet osn «ao filth. Hot fevers ot Bflholy ROft bnrn -fmt the Mart* of taea. Xes. 1 toow that boot. re«6 * boa* In order to know wtwt -tlnS -of-e book It-It?—Thl«—tw»t>> Uo?" rather, certain pssplft. Several persons BKve" a«am «e asjae, en oecnttenn, to a*t IB lew eoafla*fetlal t o a a if I d It tn»w ef tueEe <pc»- lttated « charfreany*EtheSteiSiste^this v«ne esr*pt that tt ftalte ty «te* Uie eharr tw ef "the bsnt. It '•vat Uncelb. I think, *ht> taid *TBr th* pswpl* teho 1K» Tint tit thin*. tBlt 1* 36M the *8H « t thlnj that feach vespib Oat af Date^ iMIt p yp eJallsts CTth««IJn th* hallrMira bt r* i».feiartetfbt'tfaat but somelhlnB lor hlmstitt Is not llvtnc on a very hlch clcvntlon. If yon ore cettlne nothlns trota teb -bnt-yonr pny-chcek yoo •e son enongh stack In the mui No matter whnt salary one draws such low Urine Is not worth It. Ou* liumiiMd pei cent pro8t—doey not always slsnlty sneecs*. It Is better to conduct business on the higher lcreli for * 6 per cent re- turn thnn^to operate In the swamps Kf »"SB perreniVprdBt. --.-•-- Another thing. Most of as, at sane time tn onr lives, have cone, to the bottom of the hill for daws to the bottom of the hill for a mote or less protracted visit. I an BM-talMtig wnnnt «nrn wrek ceeaslonat very bomstt dtof— excursioae. BEhreen yoa end «« 1 am rather suspicious of the iwrton »ho never' even stepped in the rand. Who was It raid; 'The^prtdo In nnvw ha* Ins fallen. Is In Itself the greatest fall"? J MB dlficufislBg the titnBsn hogs that hahltnany WSIIB9 IB T»e-Btair Thc real Hanger n -that -we rosb»- our homes, Qnd our pleasure, «OA«. duct our BosiBess—that. In short, ye llv^BB j^ d to statid lo the enn«hlne-»nd watch Every One LavisWy Fur frlramed Smart ModelBiir Wopiea-ttid Sieea 16 to SO, 3Sto44 impossible to duplicale auj wlitrt iteTSSkible Value. Uifk 1 Wirtter CoHter Alljwanted Your Holidays nneCatrton JkUdJat 6eor»»M^ Saun.ln Uh sh«aS. t?ld flot Satin and he i^fVwnfe tttfia the desert htlbig. J t Is IdBfe <!own ap»n itolsmnns vapsrsT BBd BlInaiBt f s p t It Is t* hrentlte ton« alt and to lea dearly _th» : 3.00 Perldt natx for liollSny fo«tt»1llei>—atift -wWrout I. ilduhO the man nnuEtnit VAWTES ot the -entire I" MWson. B*llKM.PB«y ir!tnjni>a an* t«nnrtM»«»ect»; I: tot ( both xronoon and an««e«. All noad site*. veiy pair frill fashioned_pu«i Inlaid Linolenm A large group of patterns in one AMERIG AI BURR WALNUT Suite MAPLE OVERLAP WALNUT What a sensational value! Bow- Bed, Ffeneh Vanity, Dresser, Chest of Drawers, Chair or Bench. A supreme sale value at a stupend- -QPS saving. $149.50 Bedroom Suite Here's a beautiful suite that must be seen in order to realize what a bargain it realty is. It's the latest. Bow Bed, Full Vanity, Chifferobe, Chair or Bench. $159.50 As beautiful a suite so well made is sel- dom seen. Night Table, Chaii*, Bench, Dresser, Large Pull Vamtjv Chiffer- wardrobe. It's an exceptional value! $249. This handsome suite of Dresser, Bow Bed, Chest of Drawers, Chair and Bench upholstered in Silk Brocatelle- Tapestry spells real qualify. $169.50 3 DINING That wm Steel-Bed, any-size, -sagless flat springs and 50 Ib. all-cotton mattress. Complete S1S SO You A Whole $875 Cut Angora-- Mohair 3-Pieee Money Kdon'treare where you go or jwhat you pay, you'll never get the chance to buy |3 Overstuffed Suites litv as cheap as now IVelour and Mohair Stlite [Reversible spring cushions, moss finest construction— $32S 3-Piece Suite Blue figured mohair and velonr l Parfbr Suite You save $200 on as beantiful a brown Wool Mohair Set such as Walnut Dining Set A clean, honest saving of $100 S249.5O Queea Aaae ; - - - -T^wo.toae Wwlaiit Diniog Room Set beautiful Walnut Table, Buffet, Closet, 5 Velonr Upholstered •--filMrtr. $ 2 7 5 lO-Piece Sold Two-toae Walnut Dining Room Suit It's a beauty. A millionaire's suite atacpoormaa's pricec^iff- fet, Table, JServer, Glass-front China Cabinet, 5 Straight sue Host Chair, all upholstered. here long at rm—and W4ng our Celebration price the store either. As is bration -price Room Suite.. It's a price magnet S27.50 0x13 Tapestry Youll travel n long way, •en never be able to buy foil BJ2e,pgB "§3 l

wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all

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Page 1: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all

\ .

4- 7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-^ ^ ^ ^ " ~°

J ,* • J£verellu tn both

telts.A c t i o n in a l lfa ther and ft-lifi

W&miti*:^.;: '••:'

$1,000,000 to Save Secondsth ot3ier6oiiuntitiitigs-ftgeOUR telephone

lrtnrmT- nnrl yrw

Do I believeX flo not.

A afttenj of oficlal eensOHhlp6 a 8 t o s k U


T n btira tail ot folks wh»t l t nmebbjr %hl*t» •torlta mfc**ii»fcM-ever that iriMrtt. SUt t *Ba«f» t * * ;common, vnrpatr. bKetewecfla rolMwhat »r« «nr« enouffh . UTtn' onmotmntsa a Msfel. ElgBer than

ta* BIIL

haptwrn 11 every proSM* genius otthe famro were to be measured bythe thomb rule of n politically ap-pointed board of oonso??l

aid,* heavens above 1 —What Mhnmlllattne confession U wouldbe! Don't ybo see? To lnaflEtt-rate oflidal censorghlB pWpola beto fleclaro our very dvUtoUon 8falliue. It wonld deny all the barflwon proercss of centuries. It |would proclaim, the otter Inafle- |ouaey of our educational syaiotis. iour home life, and onr religion*. I

IX It has become uecessury *ol

"X"jJ jV^sri

c o r o m o np r t s s . e eYou ore thinking of expensive g ^ p

thine* to Wit and-drink, and of ' KvUathe expensive thlocs whlth usually ; u h a t

rhnl cnrt nf —high livtnr." I r , v o d

llviOE which I have_ In ,

aiir~one's eatlne habits merely todlcate the level upon which ODeUvos.

But It ts worth while to ob-serre that oBe may or may not

Port with knife and fork.

nD<i o u r children over to Uieo j obscene Imitglnlhgw. tott sorry end have we ar-

l f . m n « Inilffttl. be 111-

, J^^fc

It la donbtfnl If one can culti-vate n Obrlstlan-cnlHt antl-fJerclopa case of lBdlecstioo at the sametime.

The devil finds tt easy to mateacquaintance with one whose liver

UH -a Btrltee-Tli t life Is a question ot

food In no way belittles thecorapai on truth thir deathTnay ntso be found on the din-ner table.When a man takes to dumping

ham sandwiches, stront coffee andmince pie Into his -stomach—whilehis brain Is working at elclirypounds pressure, he needs a iruar-rtinn He may ROW and then cnxwlout of the crave he Is dlcclns forhimself, und take a casual lookaround: but It cannot In any sense

e_tnj*- that he Is living hlsh.No, hi"ch~ liflnB does iiftl "Bece*-

sarlly mean lobster and chnm-pngne. The lobster Is not a birdrim; ni»!.ts on the mountain topa of

lure; am nut reuuy twe have reached such a degree ofrottenness.

Bui 1 do believe 100 per cent Inunofficial cenorshlp. t

I would have JB upply here the IMinw-nrlnrlplf» lo «tu<?h we hold ila our homes uud In our soSBTintercourse. If a 4>crsoa Is u»vulgur. Intlecent, or obsceue la«l»ech or habitx,' t ch a one Is o»truclled by decent »i>ciftj. Cer-t-uiu clmrurteni. you Luow, ure uottuleraHMl lu out be»l Uotels. 1'cr- ,»ons of certain complexes are"1" "u^rer ln\ lletl lo our homes, or per-

I mltu-d lo ussodalf with our sons ;und dulithUT*. >

1 mean hy that; Hrnt we tlmuld !domiind for our books, play* uud L.motion pictures the M B C stand- \ards of deoeucy wlilcli bi~ comuSon tconsent-, regulate our lives In all •other ihlnn-

lf these dirty scnveiifrrs whoclean the stinking materiuls for >their books, pities auU pictures ,from the sewers iind c**;i3|MKtls of *,life, are Ju*UUeJ by their comen- '.Liou ijliut 11 Is url. then why place ,any limit ur*kD tlit'lr exhlhttlous? '

It is not true Hint the er>at«=»t |art Is Indecent. The er-uiest art |

l h iTITe. Neither ~~nr~5n~ani|Mlpne thertrlnlc ot the hills. BVth llyinc tssoroethlnc more than a matter 6Trestaurants, lunch counters, or gro-cery bill*. - :

Think of Benry Fabrc! Forforty years, "harassed by terrt-ble anxiety about dally bread


• - ->•

been Inspired by religion. It Is..j»Ot true that more money Is mode j

l>y these unclean book*, par*, am! TThe greatest money- '.

u g h l l n A j |- ot life." . And fien hl«

great wish reallted: -A bit of

Tulnk1 um

picture* have Uwn rlenu.It over und yon wlU »eeright.

— The plain truth l« lliul lliwgI deRon.-rates «h.. lUe b} OieI putrta oftal ititrh self-.rey>e:l-

Inc artUts rrjtv-t. life i&at wayTim nr« --rtr-

Hlch living does not nece*-ll mean lobster nnd


High livingnrft thtin

Is something

taurants. lunchEXocerj bills.

counters, or

that kind of p pTl>ey arc procurrn for the pur-

poses of mental prostitution. Th«*ybreed moral pestilence. The mifclliey write bt'fouls the mind andp..llni..« ihf imngmntlon Tliyy arv

i I lngmntldegrad


plank ii raued. Inthe mattes of choos-ing Christoas gifu,10 many living inBOttbftrib J?ew JCTSCT

-tatl^evBT-Keu. Yorkbate le«w»A to cose-

l »S fhs Baa*... - V ' ^ e e .See-Hte, Hew it will bea ciliijpl# Butter hi

fufcitive tt tlir toreof ibe person who

- ^ry^iWtt It « . . ft plflwHteh. Will trircl•isa&a Ihfe tterld andia ttalereem trainand hswl labtrr urveM > Veritable' tbcial

loron tha

. B e gaad, to hesafe .ide.


^jact l j ! It Is easily pos- •*n.J6 to tfVchljrti TmTisicalrj-, -•}nnd at the same time dwell •mentally In an unheulthy Imorass. •

And these swnnm flwellersirre—poor utvfer

yoB — evEnthough they are envied by

Toll: a'trhput nnder-

tn»t»pator« of de^Tnllns Immoral-lU* and unmentionable crimes.

And to the desree that we rap- jport Uiese people by pnrchasln-tiM-ir www. » T are vf llSil .k*ne nre~in their clas&

Tliere U no law reouirins youand me to tupiioS tliem. TJjen ;why aoesk ^pwn. to—their level J.Why not teep to t h o , higher

- — .U l — *

1you I

Order TelKPrvi bj

11 *_ U. ana « P. *». **n


I ^

YouMust^Buy Now orPay More Later.

^ s i t W i l l H o l d A n y t h i n ;


Until You Want it Delivered.

Last Call•ms


On EverythingFor Your Home!

110:50 All-Cotton Mattress15 Th. full bed size. Fancy ticking^,,

('elfibration Sale price.. -

Full Bed Size

Silk Kapok Floss MattresspHere's a price smash that knockst-he eye out of every other mattress

8 - Piece Jy oryBedroom Suite

ValueFinest hardwood constructionFancy decorated French IvoryBow-foot Bed, Full Vanity, Chif-forette, Bench, Dresser, StraightChair, Rocker and Night Table.Never been out of the store.

I .



LinoleumFelt base—dozens of patterns.

( elebration

standing.. . .

1 would have na apnly herethe larme ijrtnetples 4o schichwe hold In oar homes and Inour Boclal Intercourse.

The»e people may. or _be artists. The artistic qo

i of their wnrea - l contrnd>i iiothlhg TO do with flie irtac

abandoned, barren,mod, favored by thistles and bywasps and bees." A laboratory,be called It, where trttbon! fear of

onMMi hv the pnsscrg-byT^ he cqold carry os ilonttions

«ror». -a«a-Btiiay -that—ereatert-of-r -^nen- -ma Inbuifct wtl l»e"B problems Instinct in Itsnil itte*B problems, tnsttect. In Itsmeet manifestations.Not exactly high tlvlnc ns high- ^—ts—e»««Hf—ttf * *

Aha Jet TS» KOTT liare «rerreached the w'onOroni hcicbtj etlife where this poverty-Btrtck«ifrenchman v t s eo jnnch j u home.

thls-'-thlir"U fon doub* uus—rninsinK rocextravagant tn my remarn—readwhat Fabre ba. written about thecommon—Me*—tat3—tttettcs—an*

nrt mav be nnmoral, but that Isno reason Tor labeling otwcrnltj art.A hoot, .plajr or rilctnre does notIwnime art merely by violatingevery code ot human decency. IsIt not possible for art to be bothgreat and Inspiring? May not aworV of genius be clean?

If this be Pollyanna thinking,make the most of it.

human Industry — occupations—

cround.l o o kaorv what I mean.As a cencral proposition

nian trho gets in ' " - - -

grar-hoppers nni spiders, which

C nnd J ••swat" or tread tinder; with no concern,Erartlyi It ia utl ly

*W5~» I I I g l h

tAllrfrlg BVfef thfeinter\rening distance as though it did not feitist.

improved service is the result of a lieW ittetrtod tftmaking connections between telephones til tttffiSSsnl pli«*s-To put it into effect, changes hid to bft miSfc inoffice equipment throttghotrtingfan invesSient of nearly

C A laaree sufft vo sa^e seconi€L Yes, but it moans more efficient operati&n. et" tke system,lower cost, greater public satisfaction ana ffcater use 6fthe service.

. €L Finding and adopting a x>ra.y to save seKrads is sqnarely.in line with the Tccorded purpose ofCotapany in the land: "To give the I

ifcial saffety.tif titrAasiness."

yW I I v l " - E I g l f p ymni at ths aametlaio d*ellmenially tn an unhealthy mo-

thae «-»amK> dweDen ere-pssr'by torn* felt *ltho«t BBdeinc- In these low tfieatsl leveltthoucht b «t»e««nt and breeds"disease ftad desth. polsonons

t H I M * ? — l l n m i i , D d « f t ircn aba every kmd ot lottb-eoa* weatnre. mate tMIr homwtier*. The eon] tln&s IB btaet o s n«ao filth. Hot fevers ot BflholyROft bnrn -fmt the Mart* of taea.

Xes. 1 toow that boot.

re«6 * boa* In order to know wtwt-tlnS -of-e book It-It?—Thl«—tw»t>>

Uo?" rather,certain

pssplft. Several persons BKve"a«am « e asjae, en oecnttenn, toa*t IB lew eoafla*fetlal toaa if I

d Ittn»w ef tueEe <pc»-lttated «

charfreany*EtheSteiSiste^thisv«ne esr*pt that tt ftaltety «te* Uie eharr tw ef "the bsnt.It '•vat Uncelb. I think, *ht> taid*TBr th* pswpl* teho 1K» Tinttit thin*. tBlt 1* 36M the *8H «tthlnj that feach vespib

Oat af Date^

iMItp ypeJallsts CTth««IJn th* hallrMira bt

r* i». feiartet fbt'tfaat

but somelhlnB lor hlmstitt Is notllvtnc on a very hlch clcvntlon.If yon ore cettlne nothlns trota

teb -bnt-yonr pny-chcek yoo•e son enongh stack In the muiNo matter whnt salary one draws

such low Urine Is not worth It.Ou* liumiiMd pei cent pro8t—doeynot always slsnlty sneecs*. It Isbetter to conduct business on thehigher lcreli for * 6 per cent re-turn thnn^to operate In the swampsKf »"SB perreniVprdBt. --.-•--

Another thing. Most of as, atsane time tn onr lives, have cone,

to the bottom of the hill fordaws to the bottom of the hill fora mote or less protracted visit.I an BM-talMtig wnnnt «nrn wrek

ceeaslonat very bomsttd t o f —excursioae.

BEhreen yoa end « « 1 am rathersuspicious of the iwrton »ho never'even stepped in the rand. Who wasIt raid; 'The^prtdo In nnvw ha*Ins fallen. Is In Itself the greatestfall"?

J MB dlficufislBg the titnBsn hogsthat hahltnany WSIIB9 IB T»e-BtairThc real Hanger n -that -we rosb»-our homes, Qnd our pleasure, «OA«.duct our BosiBess—that. In short,y e llv^ BB j ^ d

to statid lo the enn«hlne-»nd watch

Every One LavisWy Fur frlramedSmart ModelBiir Wopiea-ttid

Sieea 16 to SO, 3S to 44

impossible to duplicale auj wlitrt

iteTSSkible Value. Uifk1 Wirtter CoHter


Your Holidays



6eor»»M^ Saun.ln U h sh«aS.t ? l d flot

Satin andhe i fVwnfe tttfia

the desert htlbig. J t IsIdBfe <!own ap»n itolsmnns vapsrsTBBd BlInaiBt fspt It Is t* hrentlteton« alt and to lea dearly _th»

: 3.00Perldt natx for liollSny fo«tt»1llei>—atift -wWrout

I. ilduhO the man nnuEtnit VAWTES ot the -entireI" MWson. B*llKM.PB«y ir!tnjni>a an* t«nnrtM»«»ect»;I: tot (both xronoon and an««e«. All noad site*.

veiy pair frill fashioned_pu« i

Inlaid LinolenmA large group of patterns in one




What a sensational value! Bow-Bed, Ffeneh Vanity, Dresser,

Chest of Drawers, Chair or Bench.A supreme sale value at a stupend--QPS saving.


Bedroom SuiteHere's a beautiful suite that must beseen in order to realize what a bargainit realty is. It's the latest. Bow Bed,Full Vanity, Chifferobe, Chair orBench.


As beautiful a suite so well made is sel-dom seen. Night Table, Chaii*, Bench,Dresser, Large Pull Vamtjv Chiffer-wardrobe. It's an exceptional value!


This handsome suite of Dresser, BowBed, Chest of Drawers, Chair andBench upholstered in Silk Brocatelle-Tapestry spells real qualify.


3 DININGThatwm

Steel-Bed, any -size,-sagless flat springsand 50 Ib. all-cottonmattress. Complete


YouA Whole

$875 Cut Angora--Mohair 3-Pieee Money

Kdon'treare where you go orjwhat you pay, you'll never

get the chance to buy|3 Overstuffed Suites

litv as cheap as now

IVelour and MohairStlite

[Reversible spring cushions, mossfinest construction—

$32S 3-Piece

SuiteBlue figured mohair and velonr


Parfbr SuiteYousave $200 on as beantiful abrown Wool Mohair Set such as

Walnut Dining SetA clean, honest saving of $100

S249.5O Queea Aaae; - - • - -T^wo.toae Wwlaiit

Diniog Room Setbeautiful Walnut Table, Buffet,

Closet, 5 Velonr Upholstered•--filMrtr.

$ 2 7 5 lO-Piece SoldTwo-toae Walnut

Dining Room SuitIt's a beauty. A millionaire'ssuite atacpoormaa's pricec^iff-fet, Table, JServer, Glass-frontChina Cabinet, 5 Straight sueHost Chair, all upholstered.

here long atrm—and W4ngour Celebration price the store either. As isbration -price

Room Suite.. It's a price magnet

S27.50 0x13 TapestryYoull travel n long way,

•en never be able to buy

foil BJ2e,pgB"§3 l

Page 2: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all

"I "T

", ?Vi<- I - > C ^




L- Scene, in Indian. Desert Drama Schaefer—KellsCouncilman-elect Charles Schoeler

and Mlus Helen Pauline Kells. ofNei» Florence, Pa., were marriedTuanlcaclvlnz D*? »n<1 a r t ! o o "Ivlnc In their near hmne at 82" j

\WM~r.raud <ttreet. thin ri'y- The ji m D ua» perlormed by Rev

The tilrl

Tire brtdet.miiM uus' Miss Laura :I Ki-lls a KlRter of the bride, andtin- best man was Homer Kelts, a j

, l.iollirr of th«" bride. The brideuas |:i>\>'ue.1 In bluf crepe, and < «r

'rted H shower bouquet. The bride.*.uaid uus dressed In tan i-repe uud

(iai-r-i'd a bouquet of Ohrvsaiithe •

GIRL SCOUT NOTESBr« aealn plan-

n|n« to Bend oul CbrUuuas BtDck-togB to i-hildre>i» (rom one to Btsyear* cid. The scouts are ready..

*. — The regularwith the "Star


Purple PaMlimeeting openedSpanclBi Bauner," the »eout lnw«.klociu> and projnl"*- A now »crlbe»a> elected The re.»t of the timeua» devoud to gcout work andplane tor a OhrUtmM patty.

and t wo— ••; chum

item will be happy to i.«.rt>nnnPine Cone.—A crottp of scouts afternoon

worjdiiK on »<-cond class" went on a ,hilce Wednesday with Captain An- Peril in "dvi-aon. Several passed their na-ture requirements. Wlneed Mer-cury Patrol. Eleanor Robert*, lead-er, wont to Camp Tliendara to passthe ThaukapivlnB holidays. Theywere accompanied by o^ptaln An-

UiisclcntlBc rtHluclnc cautei jpremature deutbs. sa}-» a prominentphydelan. and II may develop tint,after all. It Is tbo case of the sur-vival of the fnttext.—Bumell Crause

P*»y en Matftnto Lama*Goldflsli, minnows and other* of

their trlbs are. *a!4 to devonr eaar-tnous quantities of mosquito larvae,Sijlcntlers are oretns' the piscineaBd propagation of tlicea fiib in »«• ,t e n that remain stnenant...

Of European Origin. Tbe prlneliml and mqit valuable.breed* «s» the American cattle bave

and other portlouuot1 northEurope.

Fire Alb7m~§Tition&IS—Main and Cherry SU.IS—Broad end Campbell Bta.1*—Slain and Coaimeree fits.IK—New Urun»wlc» and Lake

WrHlll Bead.




jrana ani ir

«C—Home Call.4*-UUton Ave and j

M—Grand. Bo&d i*S \lr bclnefer formerly served i" eg J ^3

_ iht i ni non Council, and. although \ A / Vin the New YorU Gveulag Post.Scout Director Hazel tl—B«»!wood Ave and South

Rt. iM Parme-loe. The Boh Whit* Pa-

chrletroae pla

1 -0ou cKoose Voixr Giifcs*- Second W a r d , t ne

for bocond elas* at the lawt meet

Bluebird.—Slenallnc ' v w thework of the Bluebird* Monday'

I>»| fin liui Oral elmsForget-me-not. --<*ai>tutn S a m u e l s

- iinntOe to hv with ht-r t roopI his W - . K The d l r f r t o r t.»«»k

lutkeri over Th*» u a t u r eu]tl< h v\ as played was much

(.'ourl Kah\\ii>ti,si.-i> of America , andCt.ain> U>«lKe. No 27. 1 O ( ' V

Chii r .h . Sunda>

formerlrorptiralk>iT In thisi mo lit Odd Trinkets Staled ' "" lr

in Sfatue o/ BuddhaDistrict Restricted'The Pan-American I olon says

that while cane fiou-'-iliei* In iinost e\ery r*vi*>n from the levelof Hie sett lo uu iiltitu.te of ,r«.H00tt't. the chief su;ar districts are

nil on the I'acific coast.


"Swocl-ft H-JI. d i n ; t he iu i t f i -T . "I'l.i" cwvor Iv 11* retii. '\ *'d rt-eeru!> . n - \ e.ilihj: n j(rrf-nt ot^h'iM ion of -n:;iH n r t i r l e a T

ini -

A CompleteDevoe


H.- RobinsonTel. B4O 13O-l_?2 Main Street


A Complete New

Wall Paper Stock, '



Aluminum- Toy-Sets—

Best you ever saw ,

Tea and CookingSets


fancy .and chinaware.-tiful gifts atprices.

Magazine RacksMetal, woocL All colors

rated with flower designs



31 Piece-luncheon

Beautifully decorated.Heart design-.—Spee4a4





w Lirh li:id l '«fn s*'iili<l ii|» In t heFtnitit-. it.-nt urif?i aff»». K.f li t u n k i ' t ,n.-<-<>r.l.[i^ to A H X T I K. Amlr-v or ien t -u!i!»i i'U tin' inus-futu >r;ifT, n*[»re-

n Tfi.\ stirrtn.-i* i-n i lie i>artv u u i . w o t ihc luierLor of

1 1 ' . . : .

A : : • ' • « f- - i n . I i n t 1 .

i - l n . l . - . t : i I K . . » > , w t * l l « • •

-4-v i t J i , . - . - n t v -

Heroic Remedyof Human Body

Fillings, Bridges andCrowns Inserted Most


Free Examinationand Advice-Any^Tirae

) See Me First! I Chocolate Cocoanut Royals

What I Have

Orders taken now on Candy for Schools and Churche. .Camly early-for a tjuick deliver>

DR. MALLAS72 Broad St.. Elizabetn

c. u.




Chocolatc~~Peppermriit Patties "7ScIBr;"35c7i"Tb-Assorted Filled Caii3ies . 60c tb.: 30c */z Ib.

S p M "

49c »b.


BAUER'S325 R-arhway- 903 Elizabct

A full line of plugs, switches, silk covered wire, aerial wire etc...Get.wh.at. ou.i>eed_now.

1-uL 1 U«* uniquei 1M* liat:Jnrt»r»

• i - , : i n ' s ] > : » ' ( • I " ' . \

l ; i l ' ' <-f \>rv ' ' : v l i \ \ ui ^ Tn** i\ k±\*\iill , i c»**l \ \ i[\i

Ins iu l t - r t -u l . - i» :,in] askutl i lie doc-tor fur [•(•rsi.i-.vi^ii t.t i r \ u t r e a t -

' iuriit l>r l u n l j l t^iJTit o?* ~ ""• Ttu- i- l i i - l . inn, t w l i r \ i n £ t he ca sp

• >| ..-I f> - . T ..: j i j i - i -:i t i «m t to (joahv;nl if t I f in*-t iiinl r i t j u i r fd H«>

''-Roth'- Prices are aver comparatively lower for the Best]Quality Meats obtainable. .

"Roth" Week-End Specials reflect these low prices.

iR iHamsRegular

What does it mean B r e a s t ofLegs of Fresh Young

yoato iise ah oilthat holds its bodya«d stands off


specially processedoilier oilthat's.sow outselling



The motor of • weU-Wnor* •>« tedan,•ftev tettte driven 2«v7ftO mile, with-dmrRfamf" Mmnr OilTvthe~mIv tohrt-

i l carv

Prime Ri]b -Roast

and Retail> ButphersJerse2*& Laadtna

Oil. BtSliftr 8i t

The BiggestLamp ValueEver Offered

21 inch


nn t n a l . » - n l I I U M - ful ly

A mar»eloH»

SI Shade; 5R1

9A.JI, Q A. M.

OPENS SATURDAYr> a t Ij'rntintny Prir.g».« a s

are the people of 21O other communities

The Biggest Value aQuarter Ever Bought

Gray•?:-rf • ./.T-.'.-V

Thla In strictly flret qualIty nierchuadlito In 'a,» Ide asBortmeut of useful

2 5 c each'JX -

Lovely ~

Kriiikledof Rayon and CottonNever Before at this Price !

Plaid Blankets

or cans r <

$1.OO8ix9O She«t«


From Our Gift Dcpt.Attractively Priced

?eb1)1e Crepe Squares$1

L*arpe- bordered squares lo beuom tut scarf or muffler. AUuhand painted. i?caTfs und tri-anelea of crepe de chine tnH v riktnc desienn.

Hrou-n'teased ovonware. In openworkmetal holder of handsome design, withcolored handle*. Size tor ave racefamily.

Pie Plate and HolderPlair of oven HIAUH to handoomepierced metal holder.

Values We Have Attached

Seen Duplicated

ShirtsOf Fine Broadcloth or


S p t M l i t l l > I ' U I i U : i r i l I n ! ' 1 l i I - t ' l r i ; 1 ,

S p i t - i K t u l m u t t - I ' W i i . f u l l i u ' l " l i i r t a : l - ,


j i r e s h r u n k ii>'i k i mV n a t h - A l ' i u e t l n\ i L l u t - - H i n t i h . - > wjiI n w h i l e , n i i o i r< a

a- M,n<'- I H !l p l l r - I H U l l - l K l l

1 !><- . huui> at *1 J "il pal t<.riift.

,4 \

Silk HoseJtMfet

Full MMAt Lower Than Usual



5 9 c pair




Straight <^|Dresses v J"7 . to 14 ycsr»

4Ws-and Girls Shoes

, li. i .* i»air K»t >h(H'-



• : titrrri- in^ in

-ToysIn Wonderful Assortment

y a *«w Were .Come and See the Rest


Co me.nation* . $1

Rayon SatinCostume Slips

$1 -in* in an »rr.i\ .Vf iialtffy«>ti>r» Klut pluuU at

«a-f wnhotn hunchl-

Felt13 Uppers

-39ct- li bfadln.c.

• T h r a e - a - i l l KQ

AJI »ire». f rom ih(tny uiii-> t«> lift—i-iz

' m a m a " d o 1 1 fc.Daint lty drt*j*tfd.

Mechanical Trains$1

Teddy Be>r«Telephones .


g|ll HI rlertrttUh 6 piecub of trai-k.

-Figmy ThoncsSI

A toy fkUOlK

rcttlliL plays.' "Wooileh paTIIoys c o m B l e te with! for the lltll_e. t<.t n n c rt»nM.^-

_5 rec-ord.Aeroplones 2Sc and SOc

Inter-city But SI Aluminum Tea S»ts 25c. SOc. $1

5«wt ^ 2»c Automobile_ Toys$1

I)uni|i Trmk.1 < I HI.

PoolTablea, Si

W i t h rubberruKhions.

Electric ChristmasTree tights

Knit UnderwearMen's

Part Wool

^ ^



tin1 mar. win'-k« "Ui "fr- W a r m r i l -

t u i l >..>ll"ii midu. , , .1 . HI i.ui.loin

l.ir. .-liehilyfln.<«l in-iilf lor^ x t - a w a r m t h


' i t

Boys Heavy UnionSuits

Random _Df r ib knit co l lon . wt.il nia.lV itn-lt tnlshcti yl icht lv tlt-r-,,,1 iiim.l...

fluflU..! i i . . l . « . 4 - t»i-

Women's JerseyBloomers

1-iBlu welctai kn i t i -oium. i-lii>-U kru't' and wni-;t. Klt-^-li-*'ii l> •


A Large Size for This Price!

p , i j > i i l . u h i : i - - ; I . I I M I I U Nladf "^

"Excello" Mats• : : i , ! : u i t i i i r p ^ a i H

Little BoysSuits $1 I

Sparatf blouse andt huttorio*l-on pants, tnflannel or winter suit-Ing*. Some have wash,blouse. 3 to S years.

Tbo on4y »are way to itf&L your tree.

TOTit.^Hth-ptaB-for-yout M t t e L Beau-tiful effect when lighted.

$1 Set CompleteExtra Bulbt 10c

Children's Knit Waists |Very pood quality. wuh_ Mnwicbnitr>us a lid biiit'nTlToTtiiT TTf- "u^oal value^. Siz<' » - to 111


Boys Blouses

of nm<ira> or percale, made us

Cut fuTI for eomtort. and growth.

Boy « Dozea at this PriceBig Thick


Pltftiy 61 61HIX lowiilg on urn i.ufcl»y> 1° ^ambition ot a C°°d houMkeepcr. Here «i anopportunity to stock up with hundsomo

-TBWBIII. at a -very -low -price-

- Yt>ti4i Find in YourStore Kvery Uay~

Heavy Denim

Overalls $1 || Grant's Dress GoodsGuaranteed Fast Colors

36 in. Rumson Percales, yard 2Sc36 in. Scout Percales, yard 19c I

Of henvy. wlille-l^nclr denim. * utfull and n>om> Bfttrr ihan tlifusual dollar kind, A full rani;*1 *>lsues, lm-lndins rxtra largi'.




ort^lw -kin- X ' « * T i B e d


t;oo{l quulily skins, Klronffly «r¥H,

with M-arm fteccod cotton lining.

Boys' Sizes @W

Chiliren'a SweatersMany All-Wool

K special lot of *ery unnsnal itweater TalueR,ror boys. slrt« ana TJtno tats. AJI wool,wool anil rayon, -wool «oid cottox »"o »JIcotton Coal apd Itnllowr stylos.

"Better malarialSizes 7 to IS


36 in. Printed Tubicilla, yard36 in.-Broadclotb Suiting, yard32ln. Amoskeag Dress Gingham, yd: 19c I

Ttble Oilcloth 29c yd I 32 in. Araoskeag Chambray, yard 19c

Or fine knii cotton. In darkbeat her coloringK. Trim-fillLng. and can ho wornfomfortably uitfler u »tt»t.

Shelf Oilcloth, 3 yds 2Sc I Grant's Guaranteed Hardware12 inches vtde with ptnk wlcv. tn a | | So lSf BfinCh VlSGSchotcf of pati*Tii>. and colors.

Paramoimt AInntinumwareu« ran teed for C5 Ye»rx' ;o Buy Paramonni Alumcst qaaJity atoosii.s oM±\>m hard pure ultiniinuin

29c to l i

Guaranteed for C5 Yeiirs1 Service,Well Infornod People Buy Paramount Aluminum Because—1—They aro the hi.cbest qaMity atoosil.s o<>talna^)e for tlm mo»r> -i-k«-2—Tht;y aro made from, hard pur© ultinifnuin aurt wiJjDtist a JtlCetimrj


hoirty <xnton Ban--OT.L T

for Ecanomy"s Sake Cdme to Grtnts

:.•> \ v n l • <> v >•

Radio Batteries

E. 2. Dry Cellt

14 in. Stillson WrenchesIt) iu. Stitlson WrenchesSolar Hand Drills

[SteelGash BoxesNail and Ripping Hammersj pnaranteed Inner TubesTire Chafes, each

1.001.0079c 1



Uk s -i t

Page 3: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all



Just-Use-rour Phoneft;; Call Rahway

Photic Calls Receivethe Same Careful,

Attention aa thoughYou Called in Person

Buy this House and Save$1,000.00


These frosty winter days give one a keen appetite. Please the whole family by trading a€Greenspan's where the_ • • • • _ _ 1 .— __ _ . . . —.„—._^«i A. MM* Jt 4-1* #» *•%*•• 4 r*oct n ^ f%Or n f t ftfm&f*£%'tl&-quality is always supreme and the prices most moderate.


j t b flilf BiBts Up ButLot, But 16 Ho Afrit

f. M. Ca|ew






Fresh H a m s' bole or balf. pound

Sheffield M i l k: 3 cans

Aunt Jemima's

Pancake Flour2 pngs. for

Ritter'sPork and Beans

Jersey Cut

Long Shoulderspound

Jcrsf. Cut fgfl| JMT

Fresh Cali Hams | /- pound Jmt m

Jersey Cut

P o£Kk o i n s

^feCoffee, lb



g-OOS* , poujid.

Guaranteed TBH~Prrr«-Por


lb average

ji>-r.r a defensl»e uamo-thatte H n i c " vaMlty team »top-

lb peckon on the AUlentyn

., II.II Frank Htl l 'a <-nr«>-

4 lbs av , poundBeauty

Coakiag or Bulciag, 16-qt. bsfct.

i. ;ii, tietirr titan them fot

oiti. .*l» ot the Mlddicsoit nut ion booked thin

, ,i warm up for th«.r u-um.

Fri :assee or SiraChickens, lb

5 pound-average

OrangesSweet mad Juicy, dozea

Smoked Cali Hams4 to 6 lb g


Kb M f i T 2 8 SpiLacfa, 3

Fancy Florida

Large Size. 3 for


pjjjj - rr »•-..-mi-nt -A -g. T4HH>tli3i» ^c " Coach HIU could 1«.fc^ tar. :n: his S n e e r s through[feslr a >h** fruit less stt*m|»in

| h b 'i.i < break down tUa'.1 ., >en«e. DBHnT the en-

i '. ih«-> manaced Ui dri.t'.iFlrets. bolSl fiuul OQt*

„ 1. C. SHELL.

T i . . . . - . ^ "24 Cbrrry St. I*buu« KM

Hufl-rrt t t

Real EstatP for R<»nt


E»M Milton AvenueR'v C. H. 8. W.tk.n,. P.,tor.

TTt I i r v r i l , , , ! , .-.•.-•, ruuiu. mi itMifti i'fli • ., ,! ..l.w^-1..,.]. fu^i—*Wt--r ut..i,tl, tn.intrt- It F.ilt'<-huiiii.H....U. u . 1 - i U i . u . Nal l i . i .a l llai.kl lu i i a iuc . .M-I:X if

POlt REX1'-TJRuroUaftd room.Si Eapt Milton. Bvoutic.

r o l l ltEKT—fiU^ roopi*. all

jtrer-t. Itrun KBKT—Two" rooms a»3 TtRclftn,

fur itubt boawfcwplm;. All iratjroye-ment*. SO Batbsriord vtrot PhfHe

-Purlor «tore, re«"nnat»!e.Muln street . It

Fiilt AALE- Mfiltam nice Oak |mrJorbtruter. $3. >37 Lufbcrry «tr**t. Onllinornlne or (-veiitnga. If

KOIt SXI.E— WcUbnch IFOII heater,thrutra ffutMt h*iit nod nnuntDn littleBaa. (10; uretf^mt, (A; s m t l p r i , etc.Would Ilk. to eiohnnei* ifo-cart forUrrc* bntiy carrlnCe or nurctaaHfe one.L.pw|«. ISO !•«••«• «tn-*t. It

FOIt HALE —Bed •jgtr *h

ami MartlBtn areuuem.

KOtt ftAI.K Early 1D2T(•«B«*h, CIMKI _iauullili»ii. tOSt). Cullr-ft-r T ,, m I'hot.^ STtl-.T XI U«

PUU HALE—ciitM'* LTriln and Stnndart) He111 Hrood l i w i , ItabTi

aiiel Klectrlcrtne i!nchine.

K » . A 1 . K * T . \ T F . r o l l K K N T. i . c n l . . » t..irc r u . u t , . i i , a , i , J . T .• j r l i i i n . i n r » l H....r 4 r , u . di - l . i t . i i l..-nt S£UI

•OK RALE -Onmid ebx-trlc Irlloffiiiuti. 1R0 Irrluc

m flertric manrfcAi»ply II

£ t t


L'lirliard Atl'lv ijrarcr It. M..irm»nOUQ Iriliuil jsLCLt-L a*fr-ir

ur immediate duty. Knbwfty Itepl*try iof Nurwi.' lelepbunf Rabwnjr^

«»JailtanLIM Main


UITR1CAL INBTITL'^JON—R*±«phooe.Clarrnot, Cornett and Violin. 33 Elmttninae, RaB«ft7. diw-4-Rt

eflbl*W^U rematnQpaD evening!

the month at Dt*etob1srrdorM-nt

3. It- UAClKB— r<lnter and Decorator.

fmper baoelfie. white trashing In ftlr. . bra.•trm. Pboai

1S2He 800-."

Wett Grand

fitted t&t S^

I'bone DanelleB. 6-UQ. (opposite C v

« 0 : tot hlU*eljirt and seleutlBc wort.Eitabllshfd-eB -1*MP*

»fcln Tpnf oroi> b|r«i« whll^ yw« <r«ltfepfcln ranmloiHei

Monntlnff. Tsnnlnp, ~Furi. Roe* andD«er He*3 Bat anil Gun RarJts to ordSf.

Trophic* Por Rale.


Ancient Church'

Ht KAI.K• i T l n t - a i.d mmami -prti.c i f ' I"'

w.i «|..nt>l<< bc(l» wi th

Renaonable nrlpc. talf dealing. Aj ttrfip pa^o^ ^ftrj^cii tcr anfl F * ti 11 n ffr 2Ma<ll»uu HUl Uuad. formerly of '

Adams i inwl. Pbon* 1.TT4. »acl

HA1HO TCHRAIBINc; and **•!• rebuilt\V Srull. S4 Irvhic Mtrwt. n«r27 Si

ir.- •>r the flrei qumnqi ; '•u.t of iin. '

•mrtns (his bait »cor««l- - - "for t he lU&»ay

•ura ehlppeA hi a ba»

Ailler and Robrbfteh• •- «I tftfe pauttir Wot)

..AKt-d lo etc* tbe. (.»r the Srarloi twim

1 ^ * it f^ D trfti. IO T) tw ID it • i

.. •' i»* a Uttlo nlott In **"'"

r*>n In. X1MMHI1ATK t-o

Mcsico/ Bottle*


Interior and ICxtrrlor

1'honc Roliffiv J3M-Mfull oft>r 1; :ui r M

I'll; IMtK'IS S T . RAHIX'AV. N J.

K< lit SAl.K TwnAn'Ol'NTANT

K It....m«-|-

Money to Loan Knhwnj". N" J.


US NeB BMUiirleli « » n n >

: Kaliwar., N. J. •l>i»k-«tBillol lodl gth A-rattt.

M J l t l


tins Unn.. 1>C4-. 10th(sulu Artntvr»-»»ry Mbow*

A Fox Movirtuur [.n'tiu'ii.-i,

'PlasteredIn Paris"

TEA»2 MainSt. Co? --


Specials Friday and Saturday


Tummy Ctirl.tlun endTM. intiriiatlnniH "

New Home MadeSauer Kraut


PackageiSee "Oar Wmctowsf

Ask Our Salespeople'.

All Three

-n.1 v,-r)

their Pumpkin W e i | h . 99 Po

I'A1STIN<; —B««id»r« and taduttrlntI «Uh a tnoilrrn okr brush. A flrot

rlssi Joh tnaranrf^d at a Rartn£ ofI 20 ppn.ni 1. 1 rat •bow you Mint OT

our revld.ntlal work done (bli cowway IU>berl J* Smith. S M«nbiS»

A I. INST»trn i l»N Sn r; : — J ' —r- —"V WHh • fUH uud—fit

r.-r.-ni s iyh of p;«> i» .f the third dBiinVr \l

Cbt»et>latc Covered

"Oran^fs, doz.

fancy tweei 9 £ J Kirkman'sSoapPutdtues 6 lbs fcrtl--

TUkNlPS,Rutabaga, 3 Ihs10

Red or YellowOnions, 3 lbs

White Turnips 9 A3 nnnnHa U\f3 pounds

Freshfrom Henry Grother's

Farm, frpch rlnily.



Palm OliveSoap. 3 for 23

Oct. Super Suds OT%small 3 for « «

Parsnips3 pounds

Bean Hole Beans, 2 cans 2 5 cFresh Carrots, • Beets, Lettuce

Celery, Tomatoes at LowestMarket Prices.

pound -potiods^ !*••'• Vic CHalUM

Pot Roast, lbBoston Roll

cans£ancy JVlixed

Nuts, lb

For Roasting, 4b

Fresh Pigs Feet3 Lbs

or ox

Home-MadePot Cheese

Sirloin Steakpound

Fresh Jersey

Spare Ribs, lb

Celery Hearts I r )


*hfr» lor the da:

• thr*« rft

- rut the-1 l l . .»r «MT iuful 4nlrrr-l

I • • K I : t V 1


ShoulderPork Chops, lb

In a frmnilrthan a co°4iW "be ~won

•qumii of r o o t e n « n TT' <*» en to X o v Bru n •

1 k*d lone b«*fbr* it.'**rttn|[ thf c&mr

the- tndUldoal hie*> •* c* nif with n 111 .-a scored sfven i»imi_ S

" ' Chaillrt "Q^S

Common &c«ltL

, I ' . n u n * W X\ •'—..'J l i * h.i I 1 - n

Then O«GlAKUIAJf l



York l inl nn*\ Ho

man lo r*tt>I>ll*ti h«-r In tm>lnrsih«i-«.r.f in thlo r*mmantt» . All

•tisck. H f fafnUb tutrar ott fnniien-mmt. Nio r^tMTlrnt-*- In our 11 nrJI'**

fcf1*MI FT. • O i l HltOTlWI 1IA \ ' ^ I fl

attt-r*. HM unusunl ttppurtunltj lo ihrrtcrtit w-rcmnn to tmllrt n Mplrndlil|>rfmanrnl iMramr. Write In r-on-n«lt-ni-«- t t t inc Ttill drlaits rrrnrd-

KnS ,

aad Nut ClustersRr-jtllnr Value m<ftj-

• —----- Puuiui A f~

CoveredCream Peppermmts"


E. J. Verneau'Cor. Irving & Cherry Sts.

g Nine Cents in Change g- Buy» Farmer a Car o

>'. irn- l*i..m « i- —Hm o


^Vrcklj or nioDthl}- payment*.

tit AltWIA-N LOAN SOCIETT.Tnder Slate Baukluc Sut*crrt«ion.

,.l.r«>n «*t.od not tike stfa vnmeffi

lbsin. NtlOM> STUEET

Red Cabbage• 1-. h«a an opportu o

' uuo the intsco and ^





u n m j JC to K monthly, plus•*t. r#v&?» « 0 t« *lO0

Pall, wrltt or ptaonc

poundTn.-kU- [ .ark.-4 Rooms to Let

iir^t i T*11 |o:l"vl». t«| 'nKXKFICIAi. LOAN HOCIETT

! R.M.m 4«2 Kf«n BMp fourth Ho«r.1 I2i' flrnnd *tro»-t. nwr W. Drand atrfet.

Kllutl>fth, Oprn 8 JO to 3. Saturday*t» SO to 1.

Holiday Special



New Sauerkraut^ife

•tlhfi mnn PII«1IT^1 CTrl. fl.- to tlw .|.«k

MONEY TO LOAN on bond nod mort--Raliwaj

.ma aith nit tin

'Trl'"gl J "' | 1 T r n

National Bank Bulldtns.N J '

il wtirt Thin! Mortpap*1 I.««n«

tl utrvot. Kllut>eth. N. J. l"li»»nc

BananasHelp Wanted

U A V T i a i W, fi.r (ri-iit-rnl hi»Hi*f


i1 mil!troop commltteo. assisted riy the has submitted a model of a crowsenior officers. St-outmaster Har- h u r n t l n w o o d -dtnburg acted its ict5tma»ier. Deputy Scout Commissioner R.

1 Troop activities lor the past' year-J.-SJorlon•*ecenU).-rtstted tJto-tmojCfefcwere renewed. S P. U. Hoaplabd. nieeUnc, and later Inspected

1 iach_ of the patrol leaders and A troop's headquarters on ES" M Monahan '»ere . among the road ~" -

SaiuwJiy affernoon at b'clbctthe sc^ftts »1M meet at the St

speafeers. "The troop has started on a new

capta we .avenue


ScouTmEBTSr - KKrapWDTrnr ten- p * t r o i i » t m «>nteBt-JKh4«Ji w i l l e n d - < » ^ 4 n ^harara o f 4>atrol mee t lnEs -n c u n c e a the n^w Troop Commit - at t h e Chr i s tmas party . T h e Rcout-Tctn ST. -Charley -Stattce*. -1P2 |'ng -period n-at *d«? rntpd In prnrtlre thet».lrnl pprlnj

j_a harea Olot dog roast,troop if expected to partiri- ]* i Q ••-m.i • . . . ^

"«»r- -tne-^hound chase emSlnc' Graha sirefl. rtiairaisn'. Mr JirmeT; ,r 4Practically ' -LouEhHn. Tv Bond street, director were hy Bugler Tawanome. \

' of Bnances -CTrt * Jrrtm tenox, 4 - laexe. Jclll.be A special.oficers:•ErrzaTSFTn TCVeTVBe qoarTermaV Irteetlhg Scnday alternoon at T

L 44 jg Ja,cha.rge,S h

ter in charge of troop equipment. ' o clock at the headquarters on Ed-Th* anniversary inarke<l the '

close of the inter-patrol point con-[December test, the winner of which was the

g ,J v C o f t y Schaefer are going toi-teep*re"Jlbe meal.\ -iiexx. *rhnrsday -nlBht. Decembef^S; attj{e HllTh-'School. District G ! Crow Patrol, nnder Patrol LeaderI "wfll ioVl Sts 8rst board of review Hunter, and A...P, U. Pyle. with I

»&• The scouts who arc pre 11.219 points The Kafle Patrol, withSB receive their first class t 1 2 0 " Points. muSer rstral LxatAor*4^ merit badges wltl ,ap ! "vnTlish and A P L Hook, was

j>5e examlnea. Th s m : i I nd Patrol Leader^EncIlsh wonhe .flrst«t!mc the scouts have ap-Use Indlvijual contest with SSI

Troop <f .At a meeting held Friday eve-

ine the FliW Presbyterian«i Af fh> -rmif. tnta tnicen psaagd- -thrtft

up -vtth- -Alffnaitng' practice underSenior Patrol leader vrtlllamDroece. —Adjutant Stublo con-ducted the dHU and was stnS" otB-

iJT 4n -charge of .patrol meetingPatrol Leader Fred Jones used

tnirtrnctlon Infiwt aid, n kUe Patrol -Leadercool ?iod fira* doiia test dltcnsslon.

A»sHrtani Scbutma'gTcr PetaKAJid" d P d J R KnignT

A»sHrtani ScbutmagTcr P"reported Pred Jones. Rayand £v&lvatore, Oollnl Itad BucceBB-

class tests, while Emlllo Flno andEverett Williams panned mcoBdclass ftrst aid. X. Pster Cooper

tee. coot Inc. ' knife and.atl second class. ^

After dtsmtratl nr Senior PtttroiLoader Wllltani- Droeee the StaffOfficers held a business meetingwith Troop Commltteeman "DscarOarthwalte.

Officers present .were:C4ta\roltteeunan Garthwalte. S

r™.— ^TOTi Contcay. Asttwant. jtrect^-has talCTOa*ter *<?tettawi;a,ano^«u

John Stable and TflUla.m


f r-Elm

'days with her son and daughter-IB-law. Mr. and Sirs. RonaldAcken. ot 171 West MfHon avenue.

Miss Mildred Vandenrende. ot l i_antertalned Snntey

David Ed war*,, of Dayton. Ohio,last wpet,

WlHian> y Blciett. sttperlntend-*nr ot the Ticutou -schools, andMrs. Blolrett xcere Rahway visitors

T l U l Don Day.n m a g y _T*rfcTOT»-l»niil«in.isrtt-Bryant

agmgnt In

Ronsell T*»e-

Miss- -Emlly^rVirlLlnii. Mm BettyLick, -Leslie Meirporu 'WnnamDowney, ot MutTey. ana Jack wall,'of Rosalie.

-Henry I. -Beebe. ot ^place, who was eeverely Injured4tixmt tho hand nnd-taoc In a rait.


ixmt tho hand nndtaoc In a raituad aixldent at Jersey City a-ygfkj and son, EdwlB. of -11 Me»da

d thi h fy y

returned to this home from

clay. Ke TB

street, has rettarned from » fat OlcndsJa. L. I.

Wllbor -Wmiams. of Cstndfn.returned nome after a visit *

Adwrtisements-Six Celts a Line

or Friday-

\tT-. TPnTl.m ird,

Dr. mud Mr». J. Wb i h "IsT. T-

K«.«r. of •

i ; ) . M "I tn.-

-»'Al. MANA".KKS !•• H\..r Health ti t'rmlnctv: fcVAn,- W.»rlh S1S.TC» i»l.tj,l*>ii«-v rvriitMl.-.l l'h<


Regular Values at $10.00Sale Price Only

$2.99All Canaries Guaranteed

One DayRcihway Drug to.

Main flttri Cherry Streets. Rahway

K . » l t I S K N T

I-h.u. l«Cl

TS7TH—Ttwwt r»

iTt'lllir- .t) llwrr

I; KKNT l l .xmr l" Mrtpl.-r.-.>u«* itn<t 1'nth nil liiM'f"

u-i'"""1' "»•"• w hjtit- r «trn-i

rnjttt- j

[ M A L E OKwnnfwl f.»r »i«>n**I»1y Amt'ti'rnn K«

1'h-n.-I n i T i ' H K R N<1.- . S I , h . --rrtr*-

nl O1Rr*> W o r t Al>t ("n , Hnhway. N J !

\\Vf«i Mnt-ti

hooi> *ft«r^mt«. Mr. ffnd-of 107 FnltoB street.

Mr. and Mr

tUIt wfih her P

In iHTonn t<>

norf, h»v« rvtorned fromMrs,

!,,.«•»> til* h»th. ', br-M.nt trtra


OfS<J LXtVY»t«»M>. l lt intty171 I


hold, has been upending scrcral Miss Charlotte Ma,rch. at R a o Baltimore. Ma.


V W r s sAt.ES UlBtES—T.. tako or.l..r« forivt»fr1-tr nur tnilor-mafle Crvp^ Up Cbtnp Band

„.„. National Hunk ItH Gnp<lmaii. Room

' Crvp*

oirt iHtrct rrwm €.«r* fuctory.acentm KC&JttAUnK

t Sample curm

{K is nope4 that there will: attendance.

Troop 40

and Monahan with 27? points and213 point? respectively.

Scant Norman Pelletler ciang acelebrated its second., aolo—"On the Koad to Mandalay.'

„ Pria«y vKt a sapperii»rr'!EM'Bttr road feeaaanarters.

»t IlBail(rmrteT» was packed to' * - - - " - - fe-awe-att,

jRconwnanter Hardenbnrff -ap-pointed A. P I- RnEnor Hoot: tothe patrol leadership of Uje new

Jn- D»«Ten.—He-cho^e-for hl» m-<tlsunt Scarles ot the .Crow Patrol,nwe-lnR TnMiday nifcht,"• "Ptee1 reeav 'ictliuatiuu "IWB SeeTi.

.the largest

a model ot an Indian -toraanawk..

boaril. Scant. Oucrltnt SearTei


-J&&. 1 • •

»„,, w »( l | M,|>Te~fntmr«te<l



». n. 1W»

, ^ . ^ j ^ t r a ~r«st twefe »*rw*

"a»iH»y <ai«y.' «CT-8t|--l

m KC&JttAUnK f- *—.Sample curmrntx antl m w Knp

Tot lnfnnnatinn. onll «t onr {

I in sAt.BSMES—Por Kaltwav! t'rfilcfc. £.lml&tt Oranfnrtl. i Belrt. i

«wtlLcr« stPam heats [ npptittnnftT. Apf'S" The G m n w r f i L

I\n« TV.V r«Tt- ! . N. J. ««?»-« !


" % B S -rttyf •Wm"llw '• p- '*•- '•!- w ' " ? !

LOST—.TraveTinE nlic «n Bryi»ut utrwtfrno. Sn*rnA arTr#t I" Kim tt\v«*ifiip trtIrvlns. Krtiirn 1* lr«l liryani vrrrrt.r.hnn* Rfth«e«y 1^7 n . TI

UW8T-A p»<-to mirinlnc tfttn

l«rne*fc:if> 1p Tfnsz

:.: l i t ;

A.".nW. Bf«»r»l t tWf

-«HJJ> sc

FfefcHireiH the

. Fjot » Limited TimePaly

t -

J aowfa JThKtUfbout Jb.e_Uaited State*

Will Do Permanent WavingMrs. Nnmmn thorMtchly nnilerstandi her «*«rk. h*vWc hn<l

t*«nty years of rtpcrience in Beauty Culture, ten yenr» o( It inFerftantm XT*TlnS *l*pe.

SOit «ill t ive yon « bfUntifnl prrfpeted « v f rrhirli i« th*rMnatt «lf Silni Itmt «ptMence and KVOL Make an uppointaicnt—

-EKE nrx

;yc le i sffiftftrtglit of Every

lerican Younpter

g cydesBrand New—Fully Guaraateed




Nfext ta .thfe-Efiiftiffe ThgBtre 7;

, JU» .

Page 4: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all




lie snrv«d 3T TJrSO p m. hy mem- he was unable to be preseatl&stl.-rs hy (Mrt-ie- .««•

Tlie Sf».»liiii will liuld Itnitm'.llly n.eellug In ll"«

BUlur! umk.

a i

T h o women's Mission Circle willl l o i_.__a rcgujar monthly tta

W d d

u ,!! I Ii.-M

?NO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHMatn St. and New Bruntwick Avc.•'A church for th* -people with a

welcome for all."Rev. James W. L#urie. Minister.T h . - p u l p . ; S i l i u l . i v i . . . H i " • • ! . . ! . • •

H l H l e l - l l l l i t . •> ' • ! ' " I >

i l l , . i t . - \ I i K i i k i i . m i W - - 1 . I i . " u i

, r t t l , . . , , : . > ! , , r : . n . l l . r . . 1 1 •. • t . . I

- ( ' I m p e l M i l . ' - ' , i M i « " - ' l i - i -

i l i v i n - i i n I I . - . ; . ' : . - I I t n •• : i n ' ' ' - i r

- ( ' : : : I s l ~ t l . ; n I ' M I ; I : I : ^ ; K

• i , . i - i i . i . . r : . , - - « u ; i . •:.-.

h« church on Wednesday after-ny " noon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs- Keechililp liroup uieeiinp W1|| Save cliarna of the Kt'udy hQUr^ u-unl on Wedues- 1;1 til(* evening the mid-week

Hi- c i .un l i Ni-'lu Me«iiiit W h i l e " Howard -Greanhalgh andriiiii—<» eienini: ihe iiinrua-' u,,,. ciarV. Their plans will be an-

n«tini'ed in ihe calendar on Sunday.


Last Tribute to^Vestris Vieiiins

JC$~ttABaSif » » » * 4


Tt:-- Ur-Mnlne uf P r a y e r ">..linu~<l We were lor

l,.i\ltu- » i u i u» l.-i-t Tliurs-:.;' 1'M.iplaui (1 1. -M_rkL«-

S.. N J f l . nh. i >l~.k« ul

ST PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH IRev. H. A. L. S»dtler. Rector.--ilSeioml Sunday In Advent.- ' I: : :t» a. m.—Holy Communion.

also the corporate <\>mmunlon for" . « . . . S " « . ; « r . . r * ! s , M - n » r « X Sunday school , . a S

™" .B"id'"B..R_.h"Sr;.. !""« Jo I n—Sunday school. H.pt.

.—MornlnE Prayer and

r n l S I J i ) h n >\ 7 "ii p inS.xt SUIHUN. I w n * " 16. t n e ( ...-.iiiv ,.r Raliwav will allend a t , . . . , . , ,

<ervl,e al' !hl* .-hurra, at the choir. Special mu»<c for I lirlM >. l.,».l


F^T%^^"^^ ^ S . n w n o . . . 8.P.., „ , „ ( .„• i l l - v a r i o u s . l l ' O O a . n i

a - r m n n3: U0 p. m—rlnal inRyucuons i<7:4.'. n si . - -The rile of Connrroo-

lion will of a d m i n i s t e r e d by theRiplil Reverend A-lbion W. Knigh t .II Ii . » lm nill a i m |ii-oni'l • —

s extended to all

Tues(la> . 2 ZO p, m.—church. Workers meel lit Mrs Went lakes:

- mi p ni—Social Chapter willh.ive tl* Christmas party at then,.me of Mrs. Lester H. Wolff. 7

;,.,> SCinl.Mi Court

FIRST M. E. CHURCH"The Friendly Church-Rev. G. A. Law. Pastor.

:. ., ;.t . IIIUM 11 S.h.i..l. es Wednesday andp . 11

; K dtiK "V'l'!l,''.Uu"rlHH.'<l of "s i Andrew dip

meet Ings"* fl* usual.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHT h e Church of t h e Good N e w s "

Rsv. Finlev Keech. Min i s te r ,

ith (traded lowslilp' w u and : Llud

Forman nml'peopieare ul

Oft a. m

Mr- Adelemil .lire, lor

Dne of America

JACr.' = t Stockings

TEXT h u r s d a y . 1-twi p m


Store Open Evenings Until Christmas

A fitilp In dn&cer of destructionby moontnlnouo waves was spvet)by ti>o captain pouring n "TOMIr1

jamo__argp eLipolnsse. overbo?f4.cargo fafet5olaMes7 TTiiT uBcTylttMfsirup drained from row eucnr, hnuthe Knme effect us pmnplnc oil over-lioant. nnd sti l led t W o - t o B t j d

Op&ntMihOB tho eye

qnolotaBees of the bride <Jeel_f«<Stt»nr he »Bb»waVUr5reB_a ""•Ana mar "thp b«t msa. «In." ST. JOHN'S-


at the

New Central Ha

"Theie It no-parttemple stsndlnf. ItHigh Cott of Prodding

Anoil.er thine the nltlroare eoiPV'y destroyed tW thei U SSO B C Other'SSO B. C Other' teazle* **r*tmtm-r pays wltiiout reallctnc It U

l ewtPd on the site, bat no paftftfSororoon"- temple remained.

Hie salary or the bill collt-ctor.-*San Praiirl»<t. I'hrnnlrl*.

A New Coat Or Dressfor Chri

If it comes from Stollman's it will brii^g herH p l i g h t . . »

Our styles and prices aw> always_jijst._right- '

Scwte In Trinity rhuivli. New York, dtirlns (!><• v|Mvlal ser»l.-enheld for thoic wuo perished wlu-n the \eslrin weut down ott tlw Vlr-tlnha capes.

TOLLMAN'138 Maiia St. Open Eveniag*

- - R A H W A - Y T R E C O R B ; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1928

WaiteAve.One block from Scott i

The Buaar— w i l l hp heid_.

y SatAgd Sunday

Tel. 1424

SpecialsFor Christmas

Very_ Useful Gifts$1.69 ..-Men's. Heavy

Ribbed jgfoion * Suit^.Bargain ^Bemeit t Spe-cial ^~~-

Doflnr th» Month 61 1



m a s is lielUfi p r e p a r e d .T r i n i t y t ' hur t -h r e p o r t s ?3.T,IM>

Thur.nlii>. 7 ~M p in - Tr.«.p 47.Hoy Sittut-. Si-oul :naster Thonm»

F B E N E 2 E R - A M E CHURCH Ministers ' . Pens ion Fund. » i t h c h o i r rehearsalC h u r S r of ChrUtiar. Fe l lowihlp about t w e n t y cards Hoi yei r e - . r r i d a i . 3:30 p. m - J u n i o r Ctrotr

D . i \AJ p rnl l l er Paetor [ported, mtH-t> at the cuumuuU> houi-e withK ^ J V v e i i l n K December 7 T h e ! S t r a n e e r s will be conl la l ly wel M r a . u _ > r | . , , . . , „ . ,„ , , , : . r i : , .

Ten C i m n i m d m e m s and Ben l l u r j c o m e d at all the »ervl.-e» ..t l h l » , n , . , r c l . r l . tu iu K,».l--.-.w.r ^' h u n h . u i e e l , » l th Mi»- H ii *qulei

n.i s- tr. i> III !!••>-'


In picture

,1 a m - f ^ a . ^ " " , - Rev j . HOLY C O M F O R T E B CHURCH , . „ , u n a , , I.-...Y. r-h.. . .,f ... lu-t ,II Virtil. of Artun- I«ark. ! EPISCOPAL . v ..., :. . . . - . j l u - - -

1 no p. m —Sumlay Schf>ol7 no p m —A C E. l^-ak-ues H'I p m . — P r e a r H n g l.y

J 1) Vl r ; l l

K ..( t N '1 !Mu:'.ln,M~ !• .>.!•

_ 1 - , .

Rev. Robert W.~E»lott. Rector |..,,e,inDecember 9. Second Sunday in Miwl-

Advent, services will be o» foll..»s7:3u a m —Holy t\imniuiii«ii EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ZION

19:45 a. m —The Church School CHURCHTRINITV METHODIST CHURCH i William C. Martin. Supt. Campbell St.. opposite H.flH School11 • tm ipaver anil-

ermon:So p. m

hVouns I-VI-s p

The Rev Mr. rienvson. of. Ii. >1 . K:.. '..-K


All lnterented in thl- uork»<l to attend.

D. m—Even lns I*rayerm Sermons by • pastor : Studle . In "Fear - The re, . . . , - . . . T S t .•I'nused Powers" and speak on T h e Pear of I W t h " T h u l .,e -es " Special music tiy ' At the p ir l sh meeting held tn the ,,urk t,

at twenty-five voices. , church Wednesday evening. IVcem l—,n• - • • - elfcttum rcnulted ' '

t nur, n i i "" :•—rr:K n c l i - l i i : . . - n r ^ i . . . . . l : M . M

d a y s . t;erui:i: i I If - • •':>'!f.u'irlli S l l i i l n - "

•iur, h . . I' V I T ;

1 !

...I f t V lliW1'

Ions: Warden, E. K. <"onsletoiiWe<lneBday ventrymen. R. T Marah. Joseph

Marnon. H. T Smith nnd John JMorton; deputies to Diocesan ,t>n

l.ii, 'leoii oniiuileil liy the Utdlea" renllon. M. Armstrong. W 11. Marlum.ieon. .onuu ,f Mr«. W-iJm. J. Marson: alternate!,. S 11

flhal :.rrun:Ir h.-IJ K.. . - r . i l . e r 1 I,1UIU . l . . : i . . -

t r t , -.11,1 Sa r 'T -Lf tII II.I I". ' A l o t . ' I " . K.1 I., M-> .!• :.n M^r-a » a i . l - , l . . ' . h e . j » . -

. , . ;i L r I _ - e r > I. ••- « l l ! t . - " I

. h M l K 'I I". H i t - 111''n . . . i i h . - P i r . . - l . t > - S e r

u b f, h - - | . . - : i l i - . . I . T h e<:,1. , .( -I . . - 1 1 . : ! T l : . - . . : m n -_• ---

Ml'! <»•'", <;:;i" :'"l|1t^ 5U\^Zn*. j V ' l ' s i r i . Arthur 1 Love. R. T. Mar»h: H T. Smith',- TIM Y'.l.'leii Weil.lmi: " S. lieiulorf The renular business; 1 S T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BETHLEHEM CHAPEL. CLARKplanurtl lo liave" l.ei.narii II.eel iuK -yt the Uadlf

| l l . l \ < t , i - r ! l l V l . i i l t l « e l e f

.I i ; - I l . l - S U I I . I I I A e l e u l l l i

Clark TownshipC


m — I'nK.u Siiii.lnv :'.-

Aid Society • «yhe Church of Brotherhood andfoil..us >nd &.rvlee.M '

Thursday 7.a<i cr-m- reaBaraalat.) RW. Chester M. Olvla, ^ulnlrter.~ 10:15—Bible m hool. a-lth cla>—e* _OCUST GROVE CHAPEL. UNION

for all a«eiw traded and ^upervued 3 1Ht j, ., —Sun.l.., S. II-H»I9:«5 a. m.—Women's Bible Studyand Service On»» In churice of F R , E N D S M | P BAPTIST CHURCHMiss Emily Shot well. lii:«<> a. m Re v . D. c . McCoy. P i t tor .— Men's Rtblc ClaHs , In chartre ,.f



27 and 29 Cherry St.



-(4-frrrl •S $ • ( » • • -


X8H* B "

pair33 ul.ybnaip

pair 5.70(')nvv Piiintpx Silk Huse for Ladies

SI.50 a pair; :> pairs S4.35

I Kioomers« Vests $1.69

Centemerie Imported Kid Gloves

Essential Full Fashioned Silk Hosefor Ladies

pairs -S2.85SI .III) a pair:Ladies" Laros Brand Rayon Silk

^—(.iuuranteod not to run-5——_ «4^O»J

p-for Ladies. Best giove made. Noveltycuff anil slip-on styles

. S2.95 a pairHandkerchiefs in Individ

Mpn's and Rnys' (Uoves in wooland kid styles at low prices.

Colored Bed Sheets and Pillowv—ses -~to "TO3ticn rtiH ^2e ~

$5.98_a setUmbrellas for Ladies or Men

Ladies""tial boxes-

50c to S2.9S a boxLadies'" Knit or* Jersey Sweaters

S2.50 and\ ip

colored • ""5c to 69c each

_ Pure Linen Tablecloth Sets, table-cloth and napkins to match

Ladieb* a n d

Men's Fancy Silk Neckties m fancyboxes

75c-toS1.50.Fancj' Socks, TToleproor

-Stand. m -individual bo\oa ——S9c a

•••Novelty Garter Sets in in4ivid_alboxes, for Ladies

Ladies' Leather Handbags

Men's Suspender Sets50c to $1.50 a set

Men's White and Colored Hdkfs.LQc-lo 50c each ^ _

Boy's Silk Handkerchiefs and Tiesto match in individual box

98c a set

it IKI ni —Smickiy

and SBimun. -TUe Pearl »f

7:00 p. m—Vaung pexiple ni.-et.7:4£ p. m.—Happy »>>ue «er\l>-e

and short Rermoa. .."The Hlor> ofChrist."

I Monday. 3:45 p m —RobinTroop. Girl Scouts. Captain Mrs.Charles W. Hubbard In charce.

• meetn at -tlte florae o f Mrs. •'J. Kil-I mond Glendlnnlng. 50 Evans »treet

iay. 7:45 p. m







R«bway's Moat Popular Store128 Main Street, Rahway, N.J.



We are splendidly prepared for Christmas

shopping. Why go out of town? Save your time

and money. We have the best and most reliable

merchandise at the most reasonable "prices.

A Branch of The Mother Church.The Flr»t Church of Chntt.

Scientist, in Boston. Mail.. 9:ti> a. m -Sunil.i> Srh,-olI 11:t'O u. m.—Sundav S-TUI- .i Wednesday—Tesktlrnony \tet;:lnp.

1 to S; 00 p. m. ~ "i_^S

i The Vtt of Force-


IMaxim Shirts

•Aa.ftroaticiotn ana rayons.All -new-patterns. - —

1-OlTto 250

team In preliminary Rampa local team, followed b]team-wftS't: St. C~AT

sir, perfnlt rno to ol«<>senior ^ _ t . ^ a . , f r^>^. »i»n* t .enlor


Wednesday, 3:46__!_-_______ ______*]ett

p. to.—^Boy*-* •charge <vr t f j iatvat1on~3^rmy—

moment,* bat ItI the jicccsudty of

Tt mnv snh.lm* fon->t n-move

p. m.—Mid-wreet -nenricep tand prayer led by the pastor, fol-lowed bt i f hofficers

Kdintm.1 Bnrte.lowed by business tnoetinc of the

and teachers of the Bible t *;talulfled Ads. Attract Soyerc

Glassware SpecialPerfume Bottles, Pin Trays,

Jewelry Trays , Atomizers, PowderJa r s ; value to §&50; choice

$1.00 each "

95c and $1.69 a pairQaildren's Fancy ESuaay-SligggrS, |{

all sizest • **. -_ .

Children's Fancy Box .Hdkfs.39c and 50c a box

Children's Leather Handbags75e and

Washable Hand-painted SanitasCard Table Covers, choice

Childreifs f^seo—Zip$&T—Jeiasst

Good-bye, they say where ere they part,Cood-Tbye, until tomorrow.

Good-bye. Good-bye, when hearts are tig-lit;Good-bro, Good-bye in f orron:.

^ Goo_-"bye! Tfs everywhere,j yniffigjogpther.

Oh crowded car and busy Street,In fair and stormy weather.

Good-bye, Good-bye, and still Good-bye!

r tiltu&ysssy the selfsame thins—Good-bye,^ and still. Good-bye. _ •" Good-bye means tiod.be with you,"**

_ The ancient records say."JSaS hands divine -protect yon

JtBd"jj>eaat what they^aee_s_yimt,. The world/xycnld haye mope Tdndlmess.


of tHe neweststyles.

Men's <51ovesMeyers* or ~ Adler's

kid, mocha, suede, woollined or fur lined


PBJBBSMMake practical gifta.

Prettily choiced pat-terns in percale, broad-cloth and outing flannel.

Dainty and pretty

:,0c Ladies' Silk Hoselin Basement G[w-

25c!9c Kitchen Sash Cur-

la ins. Bargain Ba.se-ment Speetai-


T.">c Ladies' Felt Bed-rodm Slippers, all srer?and colors. Bargain


2&c Men s Part Woolif ess- Socks.Basement Special

6t»c Window Shades.Unexcelled Brand. Bar-gain Basement Special

79c Hoys' Shirts, veryuseful jrift for c h r i s t .mas. Harjrain Rasement

69c•^'f Children's Union

^uiis. att siies. Har-Kain H;iMTDent Special

69c1_-V C"hilrli*cn's Stock-

in^.-. Har^iiin liase-moiit SiK'i'ial —~

PRODUCE POWERInventor W U H ^ to Mate

Warm Water Create| Steam.

New York.—Tho familiar school-book teaching tbat water bolls inHie rnre air ot hich ottltades moreeasily tban at cea level Is en routeto Htu-uDu )a the brain of GeorcesClaude, famous scientist, as thetiuKic prictclple of a spectacularproject IO mate sea t ~ I T W Wl r i

Claude propose, to, use the d l tf<*pem-t. in fenipprutiire l ¥ #wurm ipi\t Atreom surface water andiltfp, t-cild water to ruflelt-<iric turbines In a vacuum.

Fu mastic 1B the terra applied

vV Tnnfngtiwhen it U reallstKl that the neonIIL'IIU. tht* r*-d tube lichts, whichur<* K pri*n dint; In bUMineuiithmuKltout lite I'D!Ted States, aret'luudf'it Invfiitlon, or tUnt he Isi>iir of ih»* promoters of nitrogen j

ttttd of a <lim»olrtrd o^etylene proo-*-HM iluit iimrket« iibout f 10,000,000w crih uuuunlly In the UnitedMa ten.

F*rinelpl« Not Questioned.Knirtiieerit ur»d »<ieuUatH do not

<ltif»iu>n that daadf 'n machine wlUi.[«-ri»u*. f.»r he iJemonstrnted on aI tit torn t«iry tu-uW In Kurupe, but theydi.ulit whetlitrr it cou produce cheap-l

19c1 .V Turkish Towel s

iurtrain Ha-t-nn-iu Spe-cial


mt*nt Special

tmTRic Hurca\i s c a n s .

Bartrain Ba>»'nu»nt Spe-cial


IHII fit nln for Invention la

liutt t*bld, OV»T methoUs Uiat a r e IntrU ttif. His Rea-WQter cenera tor Is*•»*>• t,, unOemtutnl.

I-a xt April In Ufffe. Beljrtom. h etfH.k ua>(f wtirm wuter of ii little• .\t-r ;«f (|»-u-rf-»-* t r tn iwrature from the j

t-i-U- t|.«* Mi*ust> rivt^; This wa te r jrun Ihto n rhumlvr , w»nl(Kl tto that jIr win pnrt of »n air t ight tt»iin_<*-11"ii w itti u Iit'UKin? conta tninc aturt.ln.-. An nlr pump created a^ ii.'uutn !n lh»* rhumt»er nnd tur-

Makes ThreeMore Friends 0 That Is All Yon Need

for Delivery of Any Snite


Book TroughsEnd' Tables


<»r ihe turbine.tt.e -team forced

Tti»- air pump un« Ktopped. which |nnrti,:il!y Mould tiQv'e ull<t\veU the)u!>.u* l^uxiiu: to till with enouxh

pn-vr-nt ihln t'lnude twrnpsi a ppray -of r..|il w-iiU-r rrrtn the meam WoudHint I.:iil alri-:ulv pTTBSfd throuch theiur!.iu«*. ihervby r<»nd**[islnc Uie-it-ittn and malnialnlac the vucuum,

T(»»* «ohj water from the con-d**n«atlnn rnme from the M e n »r .wr »t n temperature of TiO rte-cr--»— KWirU- pt.wt^r produced t»yTri.« i-:rt.iu«- wu«i t*stimntt-d nt nt>oat-*«• V -«a:t«. «nflicl*»nt perhaps toi.perrtt,. n liinall furt«'ry,

r '- it.*K»ry IK (hot -the warmh


PuIl-Up Chairs1'ph.ulc.tcr.d tii Twyts


-pi^sit ~f>etivi_rs ThisLiving-(>oom Outfit X

3-Piece Mohair Living-Room SuiteU i l - ; ; . ' U ^ . I . ' 1 M - I I : i i - : M r v v K I i M i : r . - w r - i n ' . > i u - l i ' . . : . ^ . K v i - ] . -

I I - ! I . I : : I . . I I I i n t l i > ' l i u i U i n i : ; . i , ( i . ; , ; i - u , . ' . > - t : i ' M . i i m l . - > : - I K . . L . : . - L !

I - •:•• \ : : l i f l l . i , . < r \ 1 - " t r . - 1 ! . - I ' l l . t l ! ; . ; . i t : i r i : . ' r : : . - M . T f l " l d ( I n

I ' ;• i . l \ I T . . . 1 . 1



Tables .Unusually well made j]

In Mahogany llnlsli. 3Solid end uuiielH.


S7 75


li.il rPA -sl/^ wlcm ami ample <JesV


n n i


hath raW

2-98 to 9,38

Novelty Duro-Glossor Leather Jackets forboys and girls.

"Neva-Wet gas_aHfe§ctRaincoats for ladies and

1-98TO B.98Ladiess* Gloves


- Ladies' Choice Hab d

1.00 to 5-38; Hosiery



A FragrantAppreciated Gifte

Tsbte- PottedT T o e T S ^Rayon Bridge Sets "Plant


In D partial n r u u m umlth:c-i-ld jv_ff*r m«> W1 drawn u p | |


with *._>uii; It U ffu»Uile to drop \a rold water pipe l.iirio feet Ijf no-f a n , aud he h«»liove« thnt for Rtir ,

ytT-ncfg iu tt'inpt

Drawbacks Art Cited.

«*rp nn> thnt the mild steam, lack-1Inc i l 'f p-nvor «f Ore-roimu-t N' i>r»Hluc«Hl In Roch qunntltle^ j I



the son plant mnj t»* eiccswlvp. Antl1 lie plant muni first of all supplythe i^wcr ft>p Its own functioning.surli n« puntplng ^eep w^ter.

I'tit O»ti«l*''« confidonre Is e_-il in a remark that he he-he enn harness power equnl

irj;e wnterfall. He arrived InIn

TftrrU Paul Boocherot,

"World Getting Wone,"

lx>s Anccles. Caltf.—A. seventeen-yenr-nld hoy who found the world ftsordid plnce put It behind hy leav-Tnfi TTie tireatfaat table trnd hanfInc hlm«elf.

John Klrby Brown neeroed moreilmn uuunt.y

"There were a lot oforer t h e Trwt^end." he saidsat down at the breakfast tablewith his parents and his sister.-The world's cett lnc wor*e I t d

worse.An hanr Inter bis sister found

body danclinc from a ropt in the

tffltlff. New!

Colored Bed'sheets, 2 IIo^iPeqoo* quahty

Makes An ldeaT

Birthday Gift— ™ ^ ~ 8s-a birthrtay-jBv_g...-S^T-.Someone yon kaow and love may have one to-aorrow or the aext day or next week.

Die home and 4s^-^constant semiafier of your love andness.

, Tf 6n can*t call in personP h o a e

-neallyT Do thejT" repliedffxtrn-rnj^int «*tfe. **And what do

"T-OU <lo yUh tjjc I't'&l of yoor moneyMontyr1

Oytlert of Old Time*The Bacscfftlon mnae t o trans-,

plant the la ixe oyster* o t SoropeT T AUHMK ^cgterg -whew lt-t>tj

- ! £ " < • * -


omforterswhen yoa sayGood-bye in cans.

-eoBifostera ^ •-- Beaeoa J&i-ble Wssksts

What Became of That?K!lioh<>tli wns n upolled plrl, and

whrn >he mnrrjr<l the celebratedpirv rolton maennte nil her frlendi




<)eci<le<l thnt it WUB Jnst a meant | |of satisfj'lnc her

They had not been married veryInnp before the husband found thntKMzabetft was upending adeal more money than be allowedher.

•*Do yon know, Betty," be said

. up nearly three-quo tiers of my

Beautiful Bedroorri Suite4-Piece Bedroom Suite fl*f

facings and worthy of the finest home. Handsomelai sre Dresser, dainty ..French Vanity, roomy Chif-forobe and full size Bed. On Friendly Credit . m

DELIVERSCedar Chests

In Walnut

for ib« follfiwlnc from «k•tcrlterc- $>«h»p»-e«WBiol-e—,_of oyst6r« jnlcht brine *»<*. ft tje.dttJrprt tt, •«>_« -oywwt a» crear jn ,Tthis (illcnoene »ha alioceae perToa |

10 ®,«»,000 Teumaeo. I t_U_«a • " - " " * • —

.... for * plute ttufxtet,pwte «t oysters. t>osUl Bfc<jll»*mmttM>«_ ttnha tram S to l a Inefaactercam nn(l

(l UK; -ajuiproof BfBnttfct Walnuttuctng*.


lttrirrtivp new patternsCretoane rolled edgedmattress. Complete—

Deposit Delivers This_ 10-Pc. Diningr-Room Suite

H - r i iTqnality. design, finisii and VAX.fR. ComMnatlon TTaimn-etratw-omt. We-toeJndfr Sntfo^ C3xl_a Cablneu ServtaR ChesU Ex

DELIVERSt5ov. Winthrop



mSSBM WtyH&f,*!* *_';£ ~f "P". *>•*»

Page 5: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all


if «W~ *.^.

A"> .. 4r^ - • "~* r ^»«.^ ^ i k ' * (I ¥ ^1 ^ ,



Fiw» Thr^te«5 House, -Neighbors Save WomanFire whicb BLurted from an over-

eated stovepipe In Che kitchen'afbe iwo-and-one-half story frameweltlajE uvvot d and occupied bytr» Rubeccu Urflokn. at 11 Ha.v-

Some ldeo of the ownership e s t l*faction which the Chrysler-boutnew DeSoto Six |» produclne «BSha gained trom the tollowlnu Suit-eoUcited leiter »vrimm_l>y Atnoi CLCase, ot Eust Berlin. Conn..- to UM~

(dealer from whom he purchasod; «i Soto Six ta.c»i " • -

xo about tiOO and tErCTn-t,«.»» ._.^lite ot' ttr»- H cooks, .who 1» Blind.at about *:Sfr o'clock Wednesdaymorcitag.

Neighbors, vh osav smoke* lssn-lug from the rbonss. ran to. the oldof Mrs. Brooks^ and, led her tosurety Au alarm was turned !ufr:n Box 14. Rtremen laid one line*f ho*e bu: did not use It. extin-guishing the names with forty-six

T~ enter"

' than satisfied with tfie D*Sts uad recommend It wtthoia

,-PEGSMBER 7, Ig28

averajje of nearly^ 19 mlleaato.^*Ballon of B»»ollne." writes JO.Case. -In all my axparlepoo as »

I car o«aer, and I have ctrtvgn manyInmkes. I have never found nn 4Ult6-! mobile which please* me a» muca

-to llnd, that It took onfy h«Jtcup fuIL '"There seems to bo no. labof to

the OQ Soto 8fce &ad tha *w»y Inwhich It sH*«-»v»>? tho-hlllB-tBd

7* Rt


ttny afternoon.The fire department h*a respond

**.! u> 11*1 calls- -thi» -yeaiv w4vi«hbreaks all previous reconls.

he smooUiest car I havo e w rdriven At 50 miles an hour yoainn hour nniv ft nwyfins wound tT08j-Hm-HM^KH

« M * _ . * - • - *

STAfflB nifty- #i 111*.. I , ,I . ,"Thi- .Uell, Smith and Grldley. Tickling , have aw It* ouisianUinK feature an 1 Brandon Tynan. OViifrld Seagram,

npf) <tftnHnn: t John Wetuley and Howard Kyle.

BONDING'if,"1'i Kent i* Hit; 'rival [late ieuiurc of StiuberCn "Nifflil lu

y Sutid;iy la Judg* H 1-lnd-d i

ro«Ch>aa<l». th» mannw 1a wfctehIt sto^fsi irtth Its teatwrt asid da-jwndabl* bvttteea « B * tt*-.Qtfst«Tengine, the D* Soto S&TIB ta »wrrway a ettr worthy * * * - ^ * — -

•Starter j m-scsi* RegistryWith Day, Night ServiceA nurses' rejrtatry has been es

lublisiutd in this city wlib Mts*I 1- M. Pickett. of 63 Xlaple avenue.

la ctxar;w. Day and nlpht serviced-r-Hio puBpdtio-of-thfr-p.an

, bc Ing" io _ enab le poopte to *«§• urt*, piai'iiciil a n d rest«t«*n*d nurses on^ h o n uotu-f by te lephone . The•«4ristr>- wti« - es tab l i shed through

, :hr t-Cfort-t »»f the medica l slat! ulI ihe Kah way HospitaL

the joy ofChristmas'. . . all thethrill of the NewYear are concentratedin Xhis BXIJJdC

i GUILD E L E C T S O F F I C E R STh*> Al tar Outld of the Cbor rh oi

1 :.)«- l ln.y Coiulor ter . at t h e honit* of\ l i - T?-rriU Mar* h.lS5 St. kW >r«(M v .-nue. flt-i-U'd T*firtt»rs a s follow*.

fit il Cantor , vh e-itr«u£jdeai.—^t»**-Ikmna h i*oncl<*toa ; st*crt*iary, Mr*br'Ujuniiu S KIIIK ; i reas i i rer , Mr*C r o r s e \V Thonu ' , The next meet

i * r a u <• of K1 i £a t><-1 h a v »• u u e A *ot lal Una- AILI rrfr**^hnu'Uth foil'»**ii:tu- hii-Jini1-* Mi-s Ki van Lira. I-an*: «-:n « w >ni ih r %IH.-L1A1 prtw* It u her - i>ri->t-n: w t*r»- Mr- l If >ru»*

-< , . i i . t. 1.•.im.ii pr . . - idg:n . MmW.iiT«r Ju. k^oii. M r c Henry SloU


Wrist of Strap WatclrA Go >d Selection Now Brine Ihowa


F. W. HUGGINS16 CHERRY ST. . Rahway. N- J.

Middle of the Block"Whete 6- BIS »nd G U Ar~F»irW "5i»W"

O// " Stlt'c'tF R A T E R N I T Y HOLOS DANCE^^he 'Six-nut A+nh'> t^hi prryra tgr i

lUt: i-i-f Lixci-. uiu^J sUi n-*ifui affairsr ; h"-T-H-iTii^uTTTi'f T;>?ni~'i*l .iTi lo

MI rr,;i! tiuiii« Mtvtul.i> «'V**nitu: atiu- Ki tnkUti Stli.-ol Th*1 iwu t »ldu lZf»* * fill !o I'harlt*!. Smith, of

With \fastirpiae \Bod it* s By Fisherml;


26 Mil:an Avcnvc Phone " 1ELIZABETH VkESTFIELD

B E T T E R A H ' T O M O B t L E S A R E B U I L T . . . B U C K W I L L B i l l . D T H E M


M U M .

J . - I : . T » S

>tn 2<»»i p

A B E T T E R G R A 1Past Bra d Mitk and

Cnuo<rt 3>ttledrram




NT THE NEW EMPIREcalled th& *'hlj5KOhi

\. —In leu

f1Bv ii nymplionic movltr-,[ni».iulu*ent a n d ^hiibt-,:l i>t heard as vumi us

m l Tomorrow John Barr>-„..:!>- a favorite, a m »»t-

!a in" Tin- Tempest,** a\tu> apiftun* Other feoiuru* on

.',,[(<• today and lomori;..»ri:e Dewer Wainlnc-

REGENT THEATER.' : ' U c •'<

1 1 1 " 1 t

C L I Z A B C . T H t: .. k...

p f fchorus Klrlu who come heralded

l I il hin fitciaJ uj»d bodily cliurnm I BROAD ST. THEATER. NEWARK"Th<* wlrh- Kluie

ENTERTAHSl£*CLUBThe F. A. N Club was

talued by M n . H. M. Duran

Mrs. J. C. Pieltena. Othersitsr- 1 preaent were: Mm. *fannio '

Mrs. Lesier H. WOIB. AlrsrStewartalued by M n . H. M. Durand. oi \ Mm. Lester H. W61B. A t r s r S t e a06 irnion strfeet. Monday afternoon, | B. Moffeti.' Mrs. H. B. Johnaoij,

h i h th d M W l t J k s o n Q!he clubywhen prizeK hi the card

h M R l l

Mm. Walter Jackson. .The club_ Spain."('f')I'H l lr*f S * l U P t l u £ ^ > | l l i u i l J i n •JUUfA.*: »• #*•*»«- «*«<«j » r^«»v. w * I'-****. M.«*VA • • » A * V •— -* — t i l l * LJ4LDI *V*J T «-. i , • * » - . • - . - « — • " " ^ " , , . . _ (

Mnliu»il i say's (unrjUN fcr«*»n pr«»durtlon. ftla tlif e-ilHemblfc rla8s«n in bur- i p p r E u s o n a H t t s K tar wtll l i e K l " i ^ e r H w u n ' '^ ^ r M - Rnilly (lart-iii. will have U» C h r i s t m a s par tyI CUitiyt-. ' CdiniiaiiliMiHU- Marriage.*" H«r« tetsque lioxlug Thursday night . " . ' . Mrs. We«le> "Meyers. Mrs. MaihHwitiay, December IS. a t the home o l

i I. u ini-iur« ev*ryime will want to I .. " """ »'<a*-" » ens«Kfm™i a i in A r m H | , < ) l l K i contolelloii aw.aril. Mm. Vlalhew A r m s t r o n g . 290 St .nunt] :u- .»*-•• It is tmn ol t he uu t taand lux j RHUBERT T H E A T E R NEWARK i ' ^ Street T h e a t e r on Monday | Mrn. Thumab 1'rmittoii; special ( leorce avenue .

of ihe v December lu.

' " - ' . - . • • • . I . .


• , T. ' r ^ 71''- r11''"1'^ ""r^iiurr»-vlval« Ts^TfBfeiVMtsfirJ.en hy-TTa ._• r ni. la»l n » usual U | i .Nnun u r e a i e r . . u e f o i e u l e . pajjU,. outs ide of New hail I Che young men who C r a v a t.11 i,e _ Hit- | ,%< lu iAl l . iv VaudevlM* will al»o Ije ; v - o r k . wlm rh<- arr ival of Farqu- Ized ••Jarnegaii- a <urrenl Broad-

ii'- ^. This [>r. r«iin-il, ' har't; •'The LV^aux' WiralaK'-m." u t l w a y sui'i*3i.i and John Hun te r••lu. .-d with , . l h e s l l u l j e r l Theater . Newark, f o r 'Boo th , a well-known p laywr igh t .^pukil unit ! EMPIRE T H E A T E R . N E W A R l O i h e w.iei; bt'iiinuln^ D- ieml ie r lu, |a .ni! Is iirodUcml by Kd£ar Solwyn.

;.tv .lr.i(i.i ! A r l M a ) . e r i,c-,-Kn<-.i- r .nned ian . This 1» the famous oltl e l t h t e e n t h Tl i - |>lay 1» a dlvertliiK lightKiunkii- I Ited i Mcinre. nuliurn- ; fanMiry corneUy •whirli e n j u y e i f romi-tly. refrekhliiK and pleaalnK in•-il prlma dontra a re the fea- noei-lacular huice«> at lUmpden ' i t j u »ea«<in conc-erned no largely withI .,n.-» union's the Kmliire T h e n - ' Tht-ater. New York, la-t unrlnu. a» ! Intense d rama , t raeedy . unsolvahle I

h . a i e r ! i«rV~«iwn shew. " T h e Bohemian ' the seventh nr The I'layern' Kerles | problems and hard-boiled humor . '3 - • . . . . . . . ™ . . .

Eml'ire Thwiter, I For thbr-im'nlm-titm. »"j f^" t * ' " B i i i M 1 i " |been attracttuff a'

of rusloroem eaiter -

, - r< luol i irnc n»r!. • "^ motion p ic turesV * Kmplro Is thu firm

H.ilt*"»y to «tvu Ita |ia-

uleasanl Bvpnlng'a en-Sunday Matinf-e. De- ' t r r has been gathered together , te r la inmenl

• .-..rf.l.er i ripni cinklev p .^^i ia it...)i..iinr J a jnes , T. r u w t t s , Fran-- The cast of ouly.*sax -cha«i t l»r» ;, • t i l l lnics. Joh rmy <;ilmore. Billy ' e » Sta r r . Raymond l l l t .h . -o ik . , has been chosen by Mr. Selwyn '' Si-ul"i and .Ml(key Kane a rc ntlier Wallare Kdillnter, Kr ln i Siheff, wltll <are lo insure capab le per- '

liriiii-lnals In a <-,'m,l>anv that « i l l Henry K. l i l i -> . -Minnie Dupn-e. I n r a a i u i - ' . and un.ler his direct ion, •'* .—• = . . ' Lhc-y l i a v made of the play every-

rlriR the au thors could des i re .

$100 $500 $1000 ~":. in the dims.

r T M £ RAHWAY T H E A T E R— K <'al»ln." a vorllat. le, i.iii, w [th a iM-ort- of

. . ' - innl a catu of D u m


Central Baav Trial Co-

* 'ilnf ^ n f r **i~lrr **—%






l l l t a k



r~*tai I

- hunuui i l n m a n In a. l l \ e f ir« - v n r . t l i l -

| . . | . » ) . I T l f H W l t l l 1.11

lit- uufor l iuintr f*Ulzu

!..niorr<>v l b " till! o(ih»ay Include* Hunter

4U!l_»iooL.0Ul!S!u in'• Tr-aH." ?rlth t h r as ..- r -Thv GulllTer Fur-.. L.£] a n ' In «lorc f.ir* .1 Thur sday of n KI




Et.1 ZABE T H Lster RaLston


pr****fui from IU-<1 I*anKT KeIVrlh Anih«\ , Wooubrid«

Br-Unswick. Mrtuchen, Plnttr-WVstllvld. Cm n(onl . JU'-'-IU*.

hi't h. N e u a r k . Jt-r>t-y CJ\\ and

L I E U T E N A N T R E T U R N Sl.ivui. Jameti Bi-:ts. of the Sal-

i uru4a vwillKirs.


rv lueruoiumoITvi

>r \V**ctneM>Ui* of « a rhit* K> ni f-.byteruui

lay and F*tU week andLaat>es at t he

*t» w. uiun liy

JUOGMENTS AWAROEO . . .4ln< lw«)ert in a n u m b e r 1



JudscA.ir.t A. Mt-tirath in District CourtMotul.t> Jiftreitoon wt-ro the followIML. Klltz««r Bro thers aRatnat Profit

Now Just In TimeFor Christmas

1 Y d P»-yarim«»n; S tore , of 12SM.»in *tret>t. Rah way, J23O.24 tn

Young- Huhber Oorporai ion. ]ucaiM-t Howard I . . . TwtidJoton. o l

Ma si Milt ou a venue. Rah way.$13 71', ruhiM-r pood^.

REPRESENT RAMWAY LOI•b^a t t^d Jt *ft»r VVlUHMn Udff. Pg»t

"Exa,Itea~R'uTer5 WUImm "F Weber .J Wll ianl TTmstOTTima W a l t e r ~RrMiller rvp resen ted R a h w a y Lrrf HJHt, u t -rtre d lnnfr ami rg tgp

I T T E believe tne new Model 2S Rosrh all-clcctrrc -RarltoV \ represents the ne'v- e>t development in radio art. Come

In and convince \ our«-elf <>T its fullness and clarity of toncandsharp tuninji qualitie.-. lt^ .-.even aniplifx iny rubc-s and power

"recnTyinrr" tube t5\e ampte vofiirqe uirtiouT disroTrion for alloccasions. Its electrically liyTited single tuninfj dial is sim-plicity in the extreme-.- l'he Bosch Table Model illustrated

Sa-raniay nieilt Ht

above in an inlaid mahogany cabinet is priced less tubes s 132.50


2 S \ , Cmrwilf., sprx-ially deticned o( ttcr*--znA partrrftcd wood*, richlv carved and

rs K.-. Art.


i, Use the Record

C<kaklin. at £nclt->wooli.

PHANTOMS VS. ACESJle l*hamoms will have.d* ruil Saturday nisht when

hr\ i-Uij*h fith the Ortptna! Ace».Klt«aheth. The A»'es will bringn

on< lude two ''former Battand a KoHette Park Atftr. The

muni dUplay a better

he Lincoln*, whom tboy baxe^rutsnd oot tn the last minute of[»tay. Coarh MacAvoy *had therhantoms .drilled in pasMnc andshno{tr»E at their regular practice

ms have -detested., suchw a» the Third Wards and

£urek& Bear&. fo Newark, the tar-'s and Uncobu. ot EUicabeth.

•>f tht. T'hnnmmn «-«.n »»ttt thu ^tnto campTH^ Trttt" Isor ttu •and©'fcauHl Tn xhc <sranty- Coach Mac-Avoy viU have his llne-ap Jickodfrom the following plftyet*: Haoerlo. Hilbert. Coctnza and Pranctssfcy. fnrtc&rdK; Sfeyots at centerAHA Block. «,n<t Karan at gn&rdsThft -PhantoniH same w[JU bo thearRt pr©»tmhiary of the big "*farao». The gftine wUj get under


Scaators Trim Athfettes

The Senators .tonk two from, theAthlftlrn In a K. ot C. howllnpmatch <n» McCartney^ aDe^s l£trlay night. Tax Rccerrer -Iffiutln;P. -Gettlnes turnod' IB 23? for the

<Settlnes- -onMlt


^ ;-.4c... w no


nn% -UK CKS

Ada. Atus£t

Was $175

I t D« o S 2 FeaturesI Buster Keaton

In :


KSLY Dec 9. 10, 11

U fnurs. Dec. 12, 13

TTSaving of $28 and We Can

No OHJO can a«k tor more Uion UUa Radlola

"fi»- can Blve.

It is the one ?real Ideal X m u Gift tor

Ure tamlly.

can eet anythlns t»»l «W «»»'

e.t—«B4 ^ « * - Better .till for

t7^ tsaa **a »en«!UTlW It -cant

n u U O

It amazes evea us—»af ter having matched the miracnlotis def dop-ment of radio imtil we thought aothing could.. ~'_~^This comp&d ^ble tnodel, with powerful AC Ifetdlotrons, is im-proved -with apower detector taba that takes/fete ftD vohxmBbMltup fey the 84abc SuperJSeteHJdyae drctrit asd passes i t ateiig tothe axidioampTifying eiretiit "wShftut aistorfion.

. Fulltaned clarity of leprodgctionsueB.asyou have neverheardtOperates&om aay At iS&knkjtight soclcet.

I I I S iKllllr•* t v • .

< • - - ' < M - | *


^ a L ^ ^ ^

Stantey-Fa! i-i n \The8tersCcDMruon l to 11 P. M.Chenge/of Program

Sunday, Thursday


Erich von Stroheim'sl lie vYxxtrnTrof rvttm

Mil >!»

- Sissic—and. Blake."The International Stcrs of

Svncop Jtion''


U.Th Q 'W onra n Disputed'I l l i s i l l > I »

1 r , f«ST •

Al. Herman and His Co: of 25in "The White b;f3s~6^

with Kov W clch and OrchestO/> tTI r rl i n n »

<->,• t i l t - S C t C t l l

l*r. w nt


Wk^•—,•. T- - -yfrwj;"Praimnrt llltrho.Mk. \V«1

thiuwr. KritKi^ ?t*-h*tt,• '»i*--y. Rr«D<lnn Tynan.•-ts.il ivrcy AIIM^. Wll"cram. \Tntnlr 1»HIH*».**hitrw. «, Mll)t-r K-oi

C T l

'Shadows of the Night'^staitini: Sunda>

\'i\:,;; Moiiorn! Bald'....1 avl_re B. I.inchcy's

"Home of'Movietone and Vitaphone'

Today TomorrowSEE AND HEAR!

John Barry more

"The Tempest"WITH SOUND

On the Movietone(leo. Dewey Washington

andFox Movietone News -

ysaaiR A M \M A.V• " ^^ • • " " f» •

EKxactly K« Sbowo »tthe Roiy. N»w Yr»rlt



TIME OF SHOWSMatinees, Monday to Friday, 2 P. M. to 5 P. M.Evenihfrs, Monday to Friday, 7 P. M. to 11 P. M.Sat-, Sun., Holidays, Continuous 1 to 11 P. M.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday3—Days Only—3

^Vtnnrtny iit^rl fiy Never Sem;


-Time-of ShowingSunday

At 1:35. 4:15. G:50,9:20

Four Timps OnlyCome Early

Time of ShowingMonday and Tuesday

MatineeAt 2:45 OnTji

Monday and TuesdayNiflht

Al. 7 : 10 -sTtd—arie—

• ^ 5 ^


Cnrnpanionate "MarriagcJ' — j :Al B F iAlec. B. Francis

A Picture tveryone Will Want to See.Greater Kcith-Albee Acts

rlirrgA Grnrt Racing Thriller

he Whip" arnl Greater Keith-Albee Acts

* " * •>•«. T W . »»aa*r



At Any Hour of


A SCREEN SENS A TIONIA Score of Star Principals

A Friendly, Reliable ServiceI;,--H'.Ii'.p from S!1 v rn r s ' OTppr1©nce.

rt . , !up:: ' «:.•<! in Newark or New York.

Surgical AppliancesTni"O« Polt». Elastic StofVtnss. Arcli^s. C m l c U i a .

W li.-.l <"hairs, Rny Special Article.Arit'Vi-vl l^P«. Amis, r t c , made by n». ^

Vour Do=»' ' Know* U»—WeebWllWIBll t»»

Broad-StreetH.on S A. M-7 P. M. W I

t ' pnene Em. BIOS


as w.


TThait is winy youi ifc-e to eat at ths

Pioneer DinerI6E JAKES

Cast of Many Hundreds—Three Dramatic Thrill and Intensity—-Great riumuii Dramras "of"Passion" ~\ In a Story that Will Live Forever—Epic In Its Sweep—Mighty In its

[ ""Magnitude—Nr>ttitn^"On-"Stage nr•Screen Ttnrrt'orrffsve Ever Heard

Of or Seen, Regarding Uncle TomsCabin" Can Give You the Slightest

Idea of the Real, True Story As

You Can Now See It In All Its

Laugh with "Topsy"—Cry With"Little Eva"—Hate "Simon Legree"

--=Pity.."Uncle. Torn'"—-Shudder atthe Stark Realism of ''Eliza*' ~ ""

Crossing the Ice—Here is Entertain-ment for All—A Veritable

Screen Sensation.

Cross Keys InnHorae Cooking

Business Men'Pall Goaise Dinner 5:S0"to!

L.tQ-pmrate.dtnnets. -weddings and

Today . . ."gBmBuster Keaton :

In bl» emtmt comfdv

**The Cameraman"with

Marcel in e Day

>n*ow • - v

Wild Associate

Hoot Gibson in

with Dorethj SBIUTK


Johnson in


Claire Windsor, Laueenee Grayand Roy D*Arcy


^Domestic Meddiers9»


L^C«S:X^-. a. ..


^1*^^**™"^^™^^"™""*""^^^^^^!^ -u,oa« IM mi w ^ ' ^ ' - " i f - - w ^ i ' i ~ ^ " * .f " h, L 'T^, *" j_ «--j? • CiJrt ^ ** w

- ». X

Page 6: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all

•J >-



RabwayNew J«rt»y Advocate

SERIAL. NO. 19»4at the Rafaway, N. J. Post Office as saeond claai

matter, under tbe act of October 2, 1027.

J ^ V t " f » ^ ^ -BBBBaJpa

Tuesdays a2id"itahway Publishing Corporation

" " i. R. HOUGH, President.CHARLES A. BRADLEY, Local Editor.

•Jgtgejlptlon rate »2-M per year, payable la atruanoe.




lUTWUl atvaRSM IBtESBHiTIVtS"" m JEUEV NEWSMKii tecr b C V K A v i


Women Take to Armslu Ibis day of orfcuulzed aud widespread crime

-rhe problem tif protecting llie home from the burglar

-tt&d the thug lias become oae o( outitlandlne mofiul*

•TlfTiitXle ttrearms u-trh skiit ami ttre *tiu."«;pUoiially ac-

cm ale in hill ing ;i target. Yfl. there are not enough

lo meet the uut-xpi-cled neoU (or home urotec-tlon

aud main mure >hould n. iiulre :li*. act ompiishnjent

ot lielnc u ->»"! ohot.

Portland, Oregon. !KL* a Woman's Revolver

Club n u d e up "I mother* and wivea who have Knitted

mi e x p e r t u e ^ in marksmanship that is possessed

-1»S -few men Mi» Edna ChrtM.iffeni.m. h>'ad at this

chilli and an International!) kn.iw n re

During IJH and 1B37. 760 murders were recordedIn one American metropolis. Of these, ISO weregang klUtnee- Yet not a siagTe" nmtrrcsponBtble -forany or tbe sang murders was punished, and ID 104 ottbe cases no arrests whatever were made.

In the same city, since 1922. a so-called "beer»«&. In addition jpolice. ?his w<

a record, bat other American elllea* are not farbehind. Practically every ereat center of populationhas Its frequent csae war casualties and Ita unex-plained murders.

- Tao pitiful Inadequacy of the means used to""prewnt" these outrases Is apparent- We even passlair* which ln practice permit only the criminal to-bear -arms- —

doa. parole and commutation of sentence li»-a. help

The Kecord~Scrap5oQJ£Here g-athereit from all place* »n«J »M time,

- waits ofwitdani and ol lolly meet.

Home to laushter. home to restHome to those 1 love 'the ben:.Home, where mother U the cook.Home to slippers, pipe and book.

race. aud

w h e r e a o toe» *n ambush wait;

them to eet "another chance." In the., majsrily « f i where p" jo-i-yin . I - H » » . mindInstances these "chances" come to the thief and the 'shrieks with i lee a tuttll to findmurderer as golden opportunities to continue

The work on the chapel ot theHoly Comforter on Seminary streetla proeres&lni: favorably.

Destructive Fire -A. destructive fire occurred Wed-

nesday morning In a Urge brickbutUllni belonging to Eolph Marah,on Scott avenue. It waj used lertome time as a carrlaxe repository,but of late has been occupied byTWTrnnre~ommiirillfnT nr—»nr-—rfft»nlnta. imtxl In printing toe PaUtey._•. . . a. IV _ _ *-»&>>» Bktl lbfe

t h e

bteeli numbif ~ rwo <»i „ . .map votiitos -lisp al Idkaafcte i-ara.luiwty. N. J- l i ft 7(. U B u » . CWUKnell"*". BUiabatB. 8. J."

Tkla tract tvastati at twe boildlaslota wits OBB two aad oar-haU storyframe dmlllDE arorljU tttarvoa.

SLKVKNTH TBACT: Balac fcoownj gMtsaaud n lot anmb**? a l u n -

(t»l. ohwijr-srou (0T) and th* mostmglj ona-aalf of lot Bmnbay ali»ty-

btas-og-»to<;k-astnaatetrat ttO.OOO. Three carnaEe betoac-hit to Mr. Marsh were burned.

' Oltl Resident OMdAnother of our oldest residents

d l Bcrtmlnal career. I skill.

ThrouKh lefll technicalities cases are draeced jjy place cannot hone to All.i out over Interminable periods of time, often resulting I' m th« circumvention of juBlice.- And. afler convlcy I• rionu. punishment Is delayed through the avenue of I. "appaala." ' Love Is dancing at the door.! Crlgie repression will eome when an awakened 1 am safe, at home once mor*

Home where cunning, strength or j |ed on Sunday last—Dorcasrlan. wldnjr ot Wro. -M. HeQoelttn

10 hoar\ done and 1welvoinuifi cry.

the Sltli year of her ace.I Scow UauoctMMl1 ChambeiUtu £ Ay res launched 3| larre new scow near Monroe street; briape on Tuesday moroins.I New Houss Naartag Completlan

M R A Vall' new hame on

public eonaetouaaeas canaea chances, in

pcred machinery of justice to function, and DOT untilthen We <lo not need more laws, hut lens

Tl i inush our own incompetence , we have i^venthe modern criminal n contempt for law and au:hortiy p.nd society . When tills contempt is t hangedlo r«ai*|i**4-t. we will have solved our crime problem

er ftao•wlifner of many important trophies,pertinent statement ihftt ' A piMoled£c of its operation, is tbe Iwn pohome urouvUun tar a woman*" Tci th«- Minim..!, a w.'iii.ui *\

-fr«l!lie>. aitriliuli-il :n !>"• >• * is- t:i.-He run- MO diinnt'r of mevim;: opp*jtir he tide? when h.'h'.lng up nun

"that hi- i nini' l-.:i;m.i!-! a l » a y f » . • .ol>vk>u»-U walk a treat thailCt; if III.'-familiar mi l l pun- alui knew !ww Ifhe criniina! km-.v thai he via

eiu:has ma dp theand a kliott I-

»sitiU- means of

. i f »

n:i:u:"alvict im

tuin tiy forceth the result.rul It uould

American Legrion Requests~ Amanfi the recommendation* -ntu-dt* \yy tb«* Anw**"

lean Uepion to the PivMdeut for a lep^lattve propram art- lor a universal draft of the wealthnation, as well as of us youae meu. in the *•Ihf I'uued tf Tales Ixnominp involvtMl in a in •; herwar; for lhe enactment of lepislation that will make,he Siar Spangled lianner the •ottW'U.l nai lutial an-them." n»tl to "*i*»are e»-w»rvki-* men hnviuc h innr-

Rahway 60 Years Ago(Kruiu Nalimual Iketnucrat i

Not Well AttendedThe meetine of the German* of

in..* «-tiy io vxpr*»»». »ymp»th>- forPrtusta *m1 rhe measure* to aidthe wounded -to)dr*r». annount-ed(ar Tuw4dy oveuing luaf wan noiw*»U attended, and it was post-

a n < t rotnmsQdi a beaotifut view ofthe surrouudlox uotsbborhood. Itwa« dt>*acn»d i»y Mr. Bonaey of tbUcuv


TbU tr-wt consist* ei "twow.lf hwUtnttf Inf B»lth mi.0tt»-lu»U uivsy frame Owellinj




TWKLFTIl TUACT: B d i f knownnd daalenatett s» lot oatnbtfrs ttlnst>-iii« (Mi. u » auadrad (losi abd tke

wmtaglyaa>aatftUA>. lu block nu

iaiKjn a eeKata mat .lJ«k«al(l* ISirk. Ukb _ , . .J U ULBB*f. Ctrtl Cueltw^r.

This trarfr ctmsfeu athalf balldfoit lota with

at lot alaaty*k numfcar Ihro* Ittip eatktlrtl: *"Msp oxsbwmjr. N. J_ 10l0Ki U l s b M a

tx (10B) In btoeJa no*OB « e«rt«ltj s u p rntlLr«ld* l*ark, l l sbwaj . !muer. Ctv|l K»yiB#»r. 1

l ( 1-Map ofV1J10 J Ut>cta. S J

This tract coaalola ox two balldlnst ith JM two aod » ball Mrjr

The uorkStreet Brttlg

of t-xtetiMflnof the

« of

firemen in Row . , . . .A.fier lhe fir© at Tappisn^ ou j »«t» «rith <»•»• two «od otw half

Tue*dar >!<» ?'• Hoao and the Hook f t T | » S 5 ^ ^ B J 4 1 U ^ t A ' ^ i^ ' i i

aud L4Mid«r Comj«Luy ensaced in a i U(j OaalceatirU a* U*t uawken *M»Uvcij* dl&pulo au Sonunary. •treet. , <ir» i a«5 » « * i Va.* .** o n o i i *» hiih our luforniant denominated j JtJ i .TSlia1 afwiai* u u vBtubNTa» a row. Stretchem were notujrom£ tit luLO neon ts* it lon>

Coraer Stone LayingThe ct.ruer vtone laylnc of the

Irvine stroei Baptist Church will

FRIPAY, DECEMBER 7Ncw Grant Store to Open I ~^ l " ; i i

t ^y : T- Qr». compaay | prw Twio, a ta^wta.'.JJjj_l3h6ri"y S t » TOlHQtlV>Vy'j^ ^ " ' ' ""'""°1!1 « now-type ofrdoltar cr I6B8, 1116 Grant stores at

- - - .. ".", - - - • -- 1 stores dolue bimtffi » a* .^nft'B J tinlllto any other stores 4» AmeHeit_ <iiii*nlnff t h s Bow store ln «. ' ._ B "uBinenB u o a s denarl-1 ClaueiAnnrlonn nt t* «*» m.Mtifli

-, _. _ weax-denartinont» oHer to-taul'B and -tkllditui'. Utrnt, bes ls iy

lP opening ths Bow store tn I m * J llnVa ai/i !? ?opa>'' Ctagnncattone of Grant wWhan-h0rrv BtrecU_thl» eity. tomorrow odd merchanrtt^ l ^ ? S [ ? f | n ^ I d U c . m

feet. P™<*tcaUy e v e r V d a I l>

PublieServiceCorporattoaof New Jersey

EUvWeod No'. U on Cans-man Stock

Bivlfend No. 40 on 8%enmutctlv* Pr»fer«d Stock

GurrtuUtlsn ^rclcrrad 8t*ok

EUylcHnd -No. 2 ea UJ06Cuikulatlv* Pr*ton«d Cteek

Tb» HaarJ of UtWiM&is. 6f l*un«J Sgrr^tr* CurUaemtton of Smv Jetwey has d»-elarw) dlrt*ta»0a at fW ral» of &•% p*rannom on tar * * ComnUUvr l*r?rfart»-dftturk. trtflns IS-OO I**" aliaiv; at tb* rat*

at, tbv'Vatv'af ir ipar saau» cui

aiiiltlv I*rafcr_ . r ^LO) par saau» cu IbeDbu .|»ar rsliir <?uaiiilatlvv I*rafcrtwlUlnrk. halsr m«& iiw saai>: and 91)wota per caar* u tar Ban iwr valuel\>moiun ttlua f l t UlUvnnbrr 31of «M reftt*K w k was a

wota per caar* ul\>moiun ttluca fnrl U b 31. llC«. Anof «M reftt* a SttSP* on

tar Ban iwr alla* quarto* «a(UnaAn utra <tl*i!l»uil

la* Conmnn

Y W VBH )JldUW«w»rtk.

PubHc Service Electricand Gas Company

he wes'.crn • willl

ronduned by Rev. Or.Kltzulmlh. »nd other*.


able their wives and t hildreti. ho In.Ml • "lIUtT I'ulU I •»*«• OftJ STTi-ltra^..h- IWrtri. hnu.lr.tltV. ) 13.' •

' ofto u>e i hem ; H

ilnucer of being j Tt

;tt*aity and prnc seems

I \i\e.m.

a r

ton "i> all iK. r.


should ii'

and fmr thnt it

Veiitjr 0v«* f33> fi««M ' I h«*ti€««a4tmIU-t I« I**- tti>i • n u t - * our

thai ^-1^1 1 hr O t M v* t..t lttirb~rf.nl Sl

he anot h.

«Ti In V^t.t^rlrt»rt .n.l ihrtura»t<Tiy «t.le of

w h < i notarnt'd ' remlynro- drafted, while the wealth

iK-ed increase yearl>\ itiid a growlnc under«iaud-uf Hit1 mwl H fit'"' Mro. Ohri.tottor.on. withtine Te -ord. oas t-eian exaruple that more and


Christmas Seal Sale On~ ~ T " Tht" a n n u a l OlslribuUOn <>r C h r i s t m a s ^ r a t s -irr

thf mail rouic to Lhe »iii2i'U* "f 4.uJ..way ha^ al»out

be**c coinjileted. and all' ihh\ thv r*'LipU'Uta are ex-

Jieijed in do. U ui ri-turu n. I'. S curre.nc> lo the

Ic-ai t r u -urn .it tli« :-<-a: -a),- ilu- amount repre-

T1.p~pr1i'e of thff


onl> our ' \ OUIIK nifii -nrt1

;>f -the nation l^ permittfd

e&cape and 1w ns«4 to cvt BWtve;l-<*h».r >«>4*a andnm.u^i^n^ for the aona.of the capita)

t m n i ir t.l<Ki'KMIlKlt.


T*l» tnr< conmtsta of rwo .••U«lto« IUtm wtth OR* two ••><! uu* half fiprr ,

Otvldand Ho.Cumulalls* Pu

18 oa

86 Irvine St. Rthi


th i r ty niti*- >lXai n o * lui.

t—f .•>»• bnndfT«l f u n v ;11411. lu b W f c nnmht- t t«mr t 4 i .

furb •half »f

tl|autl a


i. lu bUx-h tinmtiBrr i*Mtr t*l.

l-art.—t4-b^».V—>. J , iTiln


Ab«3 vblt-h »b iu*j> &1«HI lo lb* Clerk* 1 T'M- tract o>nilttmnffl«. ri?...i. <N.»i.t?. "SVw JCTWT. AujWalf bntiiTihr lnia_gA

CHA» r . CARD. SM>.


Friends With YouIt is our interest to help you succeed.The greater the success of our deposi-

tors the greater our success.

The foundation of most every successhas been, is and always will be aBavlngsaccount.

And as little as a dollar bill starts one.

4% InterestOn Sayings.


tar all imeiabers Qf theunderwear for men. wameactilldgea, Ua«erle. j ionu d r c . ,WEH"# sMrtB and work dothes. Inthe piece goods sectlda are domes-

'.cs, draperies, dress goods. House-r-i^fn.^7 ' •,'caTaopv . T _,

another large section of tbe atare,wHfle the'hardware, s^oto accessoryana radio parts departments appsalto men. in addition there are manyfnlsoeUaneatifi departments such asnotions, eeckwear, jowe'lry, leathergoods.

Convenience a FeatureTbe new Grant store ls laid out

with the convenience, of the shop-

The. bosh new mer-l * »amiminiiBui iu f | r i " i r — • ——«

odds color to tl>e vbole .A large advertisement of the new

atare ts carried ln other columns ofthis * paper.


a^TlSnce j(i el-OSS'Ryno'B Otledonian orchestra willprovide muulc. The cummlcteo inehftive caBBlats of N&laon Taylor,chairman, Harold CastUon. L-ud-» 1 E Schneider.

Odd Regimental Pet*Among the cnrlous regimental

pets belonging.to units ot tbe Brit-ish armj st different times hsv<r

BOARD ELECTS OFFICERSTbe following offtcera have |>eenectfid by the Sunday £4cho~bi uuurdf 'tbo First Mutbodist Churc*:

Superintendent. GeorEc Sctoolor;assistant superintendent. Ml«sUtrlam Brewer; secretary, TTrtttpAck^rinanj ^aaslatant ' secretary.

played openlyetch marked with price and <that customers can handle *ud

are completed Al aach de-partment. Each saleswoman hasber -own cash register and irrap-

». nu that customers doto wait fat bundles or

chaugt.. Everythlui ls pi«t»iuxj totnakp shopping easy and con:

venlent.AU tbe saleswomen ln the new

store are from this locality. Theyrnln»rt hv

Co offer satisfactory aerriee as soonas the doors open Saturday. Manybf them have been working in thestore for the* past two weeksmarking, gortlng aad fUacing thehuge auantictles of merchandise.

A Trained MerchantE. E. Hartley, vho ha> been

namad manager of the local storecomes here from Milford, Conn

-S*ft ttadley u a trained raci-chant.product of the Orant »y«-

tsm ol training lu own executives.All the manaEers. and with the ex-ception of a few technical man. alltbe officials of the Grant organisa-tion have been promoted from the

In l u openlne dress tbe pewGrant store tit a thlixg of basuty.Tbe walls are 4one in cream col-ored paint, acatnst which the darkwalnut fixtures form s striking con-trast. Light Hooding tram thecloser}' hung special lighting flx-

" from

enta. Home, Mrs. Juliet Vincent;rattle Roll. Mm. George A. l a w ;

Beclnners. Mrs. Harvey K. Woo»-ter; assistant, Mini Lillian Carl-son; oreantut. Miss Ruth~*lftnn are being rrmri«> for

Kr«t Var. * • * * a«ii t W a u .

'fitis every Inch of the store.aiuywlRi; no shadows anywhere.Plate clastr used a» counter edKe».

many, mirror*, add u> the Ben-


is ready lor delivery to yourlar whenever you telephoneWe do not predict a shortage, butever>* ttoe knows—that when everyorder U marked RILTSH. nothingcan be rushed. L<et UH au£ce*t Uialyou get TOUT order in >K>W.

Ice andJohnson Coal Co.=2ILE»st-GMiii5t.

Phouc: ICE 10—COAL 996


r>»iea! i»n. in

* I *i iSs.t'SS'1^!*




e^ijnat ion Th«* f-ausf i

tfey'frdd *>f ni*e(l is larpt

Mr Wilhuin Uret n.

Federallr>n 7ft Labor, uTuberru.ob.j« As>octatiou

t. ulo>ia it beyond! lojial one. while

U lo be u ttroucly uo&damned a» wan lhe prar.tk-*clurtnp the CWtl War of drafting only men who weretvnj pou: tv |>xy tt f*-v.—hundred dolbm. i«r^-thc—tuiti,chu>-*' of ^ul)>tltute^ to po <VI. the flrine line*.

Ther"e fan be uo dou^T Ihfft the Star SpJUiRledBanner, difficult thouRh n may \%e to either* j»mp *»r

: play, .•> rei-ocniied u.& our national anthem, thouph'perhaps but one -pers-ou out of ever)1 hundred kmi»i

Its words, and any man who foupht for Americadnring the World War is entitled m have &U wife ,nnfi vhtlHr«*Ti admitted Into the Uultetl States if they


tbr of. Itu

i»re&identa letter

or the Americanto the National

*. the iraportaucettttHrstrtirt -

Motorist Responsibility UrgedA* a renult nf an t*xhauM i^e -t u«ty *»f motorist

liability, the American Automobile A^sov laMon has> •

matte a ttt|ml>er of Interest.ni. proposals- for legal l

"Tht- Chrisima> Seal Sale of ihe National Tuber-culosU Awtociatum I•^ovtde^ au opportunity to place

"~ Jipon even" communication of JLb£ holiday period a— ~ symbol or rhe spirit of pood will between men. The

ami tuberculofcij- movement one of constructiveand method. Dissemination of health in:

cheek the wiitte plapue»- ture way tobe promoted "buying Christmas

ability and




i_ •

—f-onrrttmt.'—hi—m. t

that Mage-*anier& will do their

i ba> put H perialitiuoat V-ace-earner


ttatf !is an adjied reason for workers to e.ncourapeTlie

UT lJ'L'y by"iudorstmt-ni and by purchasing-

a "fit'Ip m i k e ^hI^ ji KJtle

} f a l .

Wanted—Fat FolksKarnJler^ m the Middle West have btartod

sad** to make fat folks fashionable. *lx>t everyh. f»i mttii as hi^ ideal ot

t utw ,.u- Imn.lml r»rty mix: wtmiv ihnv <uir buuilf^dth*i KIJLI ibiUiT uor(^ nrty -ftr»*forty tkr»r iiuiia'ri wt**t tr-n(.•rty IW.I ••(**• buuttrrdih*

I.. ,».- b>t

urr M>utbti»TO"HT«r

.tr«.iti. .r

come here. J

u d r H t u ylrwslth* »f • font to

frvi »uutb«'4-l]r fmm th» |ntrr«»rtl<tn ofih« Ka-i fr lr -»0« of ICutkerfurd Sttt^-t

Strsajt. a* latil out nn *at«l map and rtto-riioB tb«Ti«-» <t*l Ea»t*Tly and parallel t»\v»BvhlDirtnti Rtrc-t o»*- huadfBHl andftrt i *H-TVQ ami - l i l y M-rru otH- |>»n

i «tr-Ml> h* t \SS 621 frft . th<nM-»- wnuthtwrly

. I VTr-Ilt > -0*<r !.£•• flT-( , ttsfattV t—t Wr»l

Ihr lautnt or pUtv ••f

• rectifier tub*. Out i


n-rtatn EDH r« s-nflf h^lW I'arl. tt«tew»J N J

ttaurT. PVrtt I£nCi»««•?. tt)ts«

« « at>4 »n»

IDIO J t.Wlh. N J

Ths* iri't ™o«isli «f\*lt t>U.Ull.C lol. Vtth• M half Mtvry frautc dwrUttiS


•42 Irving Str*etfUhw*y. N. S,


' n i


n*-in u.-»D C*5uiu«lori «t Uaw

cmhlaet* t Doco flu

Aitc your dealer loc~

in Your- Haas!

imencasGreatest ,


MlliriT lu-rr^t '

That driver*.' ltceDHe luu> bo univer%ai.yadopted.

2. That license* of perttona found eullty • ofmajor traffic* oftenses be suspended until such per-sons have proved financial responsibility.

B«tnd ru •


tttlfr«< t 1 hi-rr-tu --r rlatmlien ur rnruinbranrf tbi-rHalm any tilt* i l

• l # B - t _» illll^'Ulllllap; tii'i-ii'atiauftAivt

3 . T h a t l i c e n s e s o f p e r s o n a a c a i n u t * - h o m i u d c - I ! » . • « • S K M , . - , , , T ) , < v i stwnr.KOSSMAS aV KWAl.H'K. Att ynave been levied be suspended until the

judfrmentg are liquidated.-


• • mhtiwu vu map of property _ „ , „ . _ _ .lu Tltr llenjamln V A'all cumUrmuee^ upon th* aald lattilB u d

A> i'ii»r, |1IIKW« v, N J . 1WW I th^ «aWI PHI t*wt no! ntbs>rwl«*>.1 tn ihr Ilfirl"''-'* • Ofscr in TliFT l>a>(*t| "V;>vS5»6Vf~IlV TES ~

CI-AHKNCE A WAItD.ttnlli-ttor <>f r«.mpUtnat.t,22 W Ulllnn ATfoar.

Ita h way N J

Kl U A It U I I

4. That issuance

ttttt;—to person:

of license> be prohibited

i ixxjuer Lue~ ITUit • t L is*** *' 'F


iftiirhl if) look

that t-urves arc the surest lur»? for a handsome andwealthy huwhau<l." say the h&i-kera of thi>. movement,

rang TSD be* persuaded**olyed it ATTTT

-toiid.* ^ . . Comment ia£ an ihe uew* P*rrn -&&d Pireut.de, nit'totml

eat more

btllty for acxWtents BQuarety upon each driverPersons who lark common sense aad financial

security are clearly unfit to operate potentially dan-ceroiji, vehicle* on the public highway*, it Is to behoped the States. 30 of which do not even reautre

b«- r.itint.v ..f rnbiti ami St»l»- «f Nf^r

Btrctnutiii; nl_er»l«Tl.T lllirthrw itua s is 1

drivers' licensee in concert toward the es-aionc tn-

tellieent, practicable lines.

crui^dc. lhe editor atfarm m«ga»lnel »ay»:

) farmer, are righu Cnrve» wtil solve the tana

_._ Working Conditions AbroadA wage iur^ey Just completed in Constantl-

nople ts gntte appropriate when considering: foreigncommodiUeii placed on the American market Andforetcii labor la pitted agalast Allift American,** Bays

W>ifc- In a tariff


problem. Tbese n&t-chet>ted, skiony-Mppftd,-"bone women ore the reat menace to acri-

W'hat we need is more wholesome respect- obd a?mtration tor fat ponle.

i^ "TTsev jprieKeBt fashion for slender females Is-Hot feased on humac naturJft. > > wokmih ^a&U to*41et. V o m c u like to fill ffc ir tDrnmiei, even better;tjiftn men do. KQaftUy fjneetiemn-hle U the t.tto<«nscfi actually admipes the^e wcazeacA. dehydrated

•yoipcn who can set into the modern ready-mxde1.0S dresses. Any man mooM much prefer to as-

* *HQt~Iaie with and marry a food healthy cylindrical•Slrl vho has a lap and some sirth.

. idea that n lottncn slice otmake a meal mnst ho annihilated Diet- tram *1S t o fSA-

XBR latrlrh .leeth.1"

more crares today than ever wera

AA -one step* tbe farmer*•^ tJop frnro taxation be erartted to »11 people

l i S ' " V'irtpn tyvcr 2(Kr pounds. T%cy declare bltrnUy that^ 3diftt fc^riCQUBpo tJctKls h. more, ooncompU^a «*f Its

i j - IJSSSly.ot inaslnjel

UTS," lt^tia,"'"Why hoi Jha*eCherry »»* Wtaif <trfe



ing"""roe survey showed glfls of * aina 7 years liendover embroider}- tramet making minute crosi

ctitche* and bemstltchlnc blouses. Tor this laborLhe w-aee scale commonces al one cent per hour.Children ape' toond. worktoe c!£arette factories

quartsrs with vanUlailon very bes . . . .""One hotel worker, a noy. was Riven to eat what

was left on the natron's plares. In one beauty parlora child worked 12 lo 14 hour* tor a weekly wageot about 70 cents American money, while men's

rsHE*d from $4* to 44S per month, and women -

"All one has to do to tielleve in a protectiveItt is fco contrast tW» condlUon -with thsft -ol

ittat «xemp^J^nbrioan<Bca}e-of w«2»» » 4 4Irt&e—American Idftalcand the American home."

TttoB>"ycmM u» jiratoied * r must nrdt*gfco TMLB anottt Tha 7«ew ""Fork Stocl

I><>tiii <>tt tb« (ttnitbr Itrr.artwujr dtsttaot

oilrrUtb> f%S.nB. f«rtn thr «-t.riM*r f«rnt»Nl I»T tbe tnirrsssc-

*>f »a| t | itnr »f Itrtuttlwiif with thrn»rt b wnttvrly Uitt* «J Laurula lLuol*>th.riv four ni.nulM thiri> •e f .mln wwi .••lie houartttl ai><) wvew bnnaredtha(U>>,nT) f«rt f<» a ointee: thtmrv iiortaf«rty tjvo Ufirrwn mTcntivn raltiiitm» n l t l t i i iwn nml fui^ty-ultit* 'fattr«*«lth» «\-X 4!il f»H-l to a Mtnfcc: thr.mirth twwify******7".**ejB'f**ri'r Wv»>-Wl l»i

«HWI llnr «T ilrrwtltt«l<t llur «if itrovi)

l lthlrtj


eertvtn tna|>luhlMrlMl: ~Mnp

nd rifPilut

^rcti thlr-in -BlneR

no atnr**ln

fl^^Pnnp of t.tnrln'lutteO-te? I.lb-

un.1 m«I 1«,_ jiwnpil wnd

TVvirlopine r'" - *' l ? - ~fnW.n ('ouDty Itojrt«ler*» Office »•

MK|. N» O) A PB J«n Tlh. TinEV ,"'- ~ amuiti>rln|t nnirintinntetj* tn,

KA ITtTT. U. TnOXi, -Sfceflir.

r r. BKVDKH. suit.m^M-. . » n w ^ fcM. fcfci • ' a* - _ - ^ I

IN C-IIANCEBV OFto -Tartvr I^sd 4

S j 'wlrioe of aa ortlar of »6* C*xort at:^naBCfiry nf Nr^* Jwrwey HiXle m ~H>»I*T >f ib» data batmC,

•to S*>ha I>m* iw enmp

anfl innrf t Th« R1II <l ans— t»la!n»nt nn nr

tlH «f Mid Comthm inrh dirf ni

n^rt.'or iw»\»»ia Sii'lV" H»lffBtynrT

-will Kr

esltor shall <tmn )nat »nil equllabla.)nat

t»f PHm l>Hta ti* 'mrtntn rrrmlon.M r t l ^ l l d T I h l a Y I | 0 9 W

•"Xcw'*^IifSey'K*Ti£p5£li££n' leaders " w J.t!tf..3ggihKAd Trwt X*


mgtoa Stwet, M l i l i

i.ursnatic-- of an•» 8ALE 'i>rrter of tbe Cwiiri


made and <lsti7«l nu«7 4>I Jubj. tilr ^ ^IwriitT -rl'gh^ In a fanw lb««lMnpcntltuc whftvin ttflrwy I^nhaa la c

«•<! LakfltV Uannr la

« d

wmiss-i^, jsj-n^tnTava. _ .

pai*c«4s of land* and pr^mlaak. sit __ylnc and betnff ID lh»« City of lUfawajla tba* Cpanty of Union an«l State of

FTRMT *r'n-\rT: IWInc known andf1t<a*inu.t*«l a* b>i» nunben tea |IO» »ieleven t i t . tn Mnrfc nn o&r (t>, onrrrtnln ninp rntttl*^) . "Map of Tjxk^l

Iota with a two. *m| fioa-balf •tnrjfraiBi» dwalllBti *T»H-IX1 tknwtw.

COJfO TlUCT: Bi-lD« fcto«m and-aalcd at lot* tnuaher* foartcenand Rftcrn d.%i tn hhtrfc iiinnlirr(IK nn jt cfrtaln mn|> cntttlrd:

10in' J U leaner. QrU Xnetneer. Eliza-brih. Ji. J,"

TttU tracth>is « | th a twi andfrntne aweTlihjr rrwrtfd


wo >nUiHnce-balf atory

n--on.known and


ia (IV, on a orrtalo man ««tl(ta4:4Kir-ni L*1t?e»d* P»rt t TlahWay, ¥1. J^HO J. X. Bancr. C.t-0 Xbcioeer, BII«a-

Ttala tract wtnalBta of twn hulltllne|(vu with -N two «n<ft -nnr bait *torjtraai* »j«s»linut «twsts4 tbrr^on.

POUItTll TRACT: Brluc kn««i» anddt*fittfnatrd >m l«*u nnraben tw%nlT-twn•fO3>—ami twonty-tbr** >(3V--4n 5»loctMa>heiLJ0B» — - -

way, M. a™ w a J- tplnw. Klt»twth. N. -,-

Thin tract eotwUla *& twnlota wRb a two sail 4 *.«£

I f m TBtCtJ ilalas taowtt-J' aa Ints IMHy •»> •

O i l - •-"• - -

?«»!h»r one (»s. on a t « M « man ratlttertt t t p f tjbMlde rxrfe 1tBhw«T % Jh»r onetttup of

*, XUtaa-

"Tfcia » a 1 c^hkiiUT-ftf ttJTft T.TlUfltWita wHJf «~T**» »nt| f.«*-Tml[ stot

T>TIlots 'with ft** twv abilfranc dvrll inc rrv> t>*«]


-tttw bait alory.

ltt a tar


l»t» vltb

1»»t» wtth m»r t»iu« tlwdilne ««c«brT with

Cfll TttACT: I M A I kftowaa» lot onn»b*r» « • •

(tCT) "1B bloea i « n b i(MiaU map ralllbMli«• Park. Uakwai. K J .>. (ITII KntritMvr. IHtM

«r Iv* buUdlocand im> halt »t«rrtrti lb**rr«n.: m&d siaffutar the.

pmflw.- r ; wttta

promts** *how tncalkiiml and «1»-'• ' will be itermUKHt to do #o b j

__ ^ .w . • •.* alia _t •* rtaTa^t Ha*

Malaria.H is th* fafisA tptittfy r*»*dy ktuwn

Ot>onr« and Rarard •tM-*(a, In Ibe Cltf<rf S**w Hrnn«wlck

Tvn p**r r«>»t ft tb*> porrbaw moKjrWtU •<* r>x|TiVrt-«l t« W pn.d hj tba ane-



SaltastM Ctosrrattr i^rslskrfo«e d W f e

TA H "5nai«? advantagef h i L t

entertainment to be held JFriday night. December 28.

Finest-Qnalily Fuel

The Premier Oil and -Gasoline Supply Company

i—N-ew-Bronswick Ave.


that prices are down again. So here are the ..'.specials from the Marvel Market.

| For this Week-End, Friday & SaturdayDecember 7th and 8th

Choice Sirloin Steak 39c lbNice Quality Fresh Hams 26c lb

Fresh Cala Hams 22c lb'{Legs Genuine LambFresh Chuck RoastForequarters of Spring LambSmoked Cottage ButtsLean Smoked Hams

34c27c19c lb

32c lb2 7 c lb



—event—by-bityifig—in largequantuies.

Smliint— f. thrrr mt—

E & H. Radio121 Jrving Street



opportunity to huy thispopular advertisedbrand of canned food*•at-tuck low priese —omiy 3 mere day* tef%


H. i. prr/rrtion . . . trAugi fall trff-

HprmMd \with all Uuir a n n u l / w t JtiTTTr Piaeapple t.1 19*1BartleU Pears

ion Oft.

or tw*.

I Bartlett Pears


Starts December 3rd, Rims 50 Wee!Sate tram 25 cents to $5.00 each week.


Del Monte


- \.

For 25 cents etch w«elt with interest you receive $F o r § 0 .**" ' - ^ Vl- ' ^'••* - \



* i


Bel Monte lOterrtesi Apricots

Iu2 afs


ta «t Hii '4-Mayonnaise ^ 21 e

li ^ il 11 H11 H i I 11. h

Week-End Meat andTPoiiTtrySpecials at Super Savings

Meats and Poultry Exclusivttf^r


^Strictly FreshRib Side 1 9 c lbTenderloin Side 2 2 c Ib l


Sirloin, Porterhouse or Round Steak 36c lbTop or Bottom Round Roast . 36c J

Legs ofSpring Lamb


lbRib Veal


Breast ofVeal

Shoulders ofVeai

Selected. Hen TiirkeysSize 29c1]3 t

Selected Geese

/ if *

^ V s ^ J ^

isUseiiKaatiteansiiia ^ ^

Page 7: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all

j ,;fe v-


RAHWAY -RteCQttt), PttlDAY, T, 19M-


_e» mtermeaiato Christian- »» latv of the F*t»t

, ,-lectod the fallow-lag


presidentlookout. Eflt»on Bnrdan.

Minn Mildred Wiitem

l o . i e f '^Uor n"Mstl&n EndeavorKHif—ii fle1- 'ifVtaJrl^ldiSSto"

John U'Ambnua. Sr. wa« named'toalor udvb,er Pinna wer,, „„,,,I2L" "'" 'r?1 «"-"m "

;:Loyal«y to the cMrcK. parity


In celebration ol-har rBturn_frop»_M-*SONS BI.EGT I toe hospital." where sbe was oper-n

>! Rabway LOOKS, No. 14, '?!•?. "PO" *pr appandlcttlp. MtasA. K. and A, M . colorwl electedI Mellnda KchUrttlg. of 139 Broad

run off a vaar on tha camshaft.In a tins negb wire

-screeii-tltroui:!)—wfclch -the -eti-afc-tera botora. lt_ia pumped up Intotho vatve chamber. The screen 1B

moving parts are unravel! hv

Ktreel. wt*« yivwn a uurprUo party j si? 6y a shield no that the

svlasfa Bystem. Prom the pan the ' lanse measure ror me excellent per i»i.iij:ji: [»uu> oi "•« .«-« .«-oil flown tf> the brHrAm fifth" rii-"1 ^'"""r*1—al—Uifc—moinr QA.—n ifip ; n »» dnnfr In miithiimmpr..-yeglne lubrlcatlo-i u reanooBlble in ranue of speeds and under ail ell-[never was a single lnbtanceto be pumped pack aglfc. 'niitiUjixmdUlonii. Whan the Model tine^ overneatlne^

AND GAS RATE,U>r: rrsanuror. >-Taalij uwurd uud

.-harrtn'an of oummlt-!.» mv , Team,hTT,, « tird

. C ra w

Ll Mahter, Chauactfy J. ^uere: Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. BaUer;. -MHlor warden. V* UUam band, of |iot>ell£; Charles ~KeITy,

liauunoiid. junior warden, Ed- i W«»tneld; l>eo Gal^un. JohnLouchary, Leulle Goodwin, L4liden;JolinMm; Kei-retary. Andrew

<•}•, treasurer, Kucent- Hick-1 Joluilthen

Ionian. Geuree Cutfter, Ste-MUler. Cartereti Mian Anna


Schedules encourage voider use of Domestic Labor SavingAppliances and reduce cost of LigEt, Fuel and Powei^to

Commerctalrand Industrial

ETLLOGCrSlndei! (ieornu Polk, ot Fordu; MJV ttvered In a smooth. Sowing atream

The principal purpose of deBverand Mrs. Harold Jenuen. the MissesMar}', l-'Hrtitwlh nntl An"- l»»m>-lf

' "MllJred Kovalchlk, Edward Han-»eu. of Perth Aniboy: StanleyWi-her. tho Mim.e» Mildred, Rossand Elizabeth DeDeo Man' Se-

ifraDka. Mulinda SchllchtiK. Helen{Boxineyei. Mr. and Mr» Herberttil. Jeffries. Mr. and Mr». Onstava

FOLLOWING several conferences with theBoard of Public Utility Commissionersthis company has filed with the Board

new electric rates, effective January 1, 1929,jvvhich will mean for its customers a saving

At the same time it filed new gas rates,also effective January 1.1929, which providea readjustment of charges and apply to

The two schedules are designed to mak<tavailable to a greatly increased number olpeople domestic labor saving services andconveniences such as refrigeration, waterheating, house heating, mechanical launder-ing, and many others; to develop improvedlighting, and at the same time to bring sub-stantial benefits to users of gas and electric-ity for commerciarand industrial purposes.

RADIO with the| Buxni«]^r, Mr. -a id Mrs.Schltchtls. ot thin city.

ALUMNI NOMINATEe fuMouInK nomination, have

made h\ St. Mary's MurnnlH H l l J h Tl

»**. - »^_ - —.Raw* tato tho vatro chamber in -acoat1n.ppun Btreotri whenever theenclue' is mnatne, but Is In nosense a "forced" Jped. It 1» rathe*the full load of the pump 'belne de-

d In a s m . gThe principal purpose of deBver-inc. tY"> "" tf Th*» . valTe- -enamber-ls to provide dlroct grairlty toedluhrlcaMon to the bo&rlnss ot thecrankshaft.. Hbwoyer. It also sup-plies exceptional lubrication for thevalves, eivine better and q.uleteraction, and by ETavSty to the frontend qtmahaft boartng. - ^

mu iss Llllinn O'Connor. John Gore;«-( retary. MU« Cruet- Schmaeltni;.

from, the- valve ckambfir -ID- X&ecrankshaft matB* beaHncs and ot!ftowlns down thoae hy grarity pro-vides an abundance of iubrtcation.The bottom of. the vaht* chamberis M> arranged, through the use ofsnftill. Inbuilt daniH to provider«&ei uuiift o f oil for each maLu Uii

pipe opening.h i in Ihe

iiior, Joheplr Mullrooney:lteaiiur«-r. MUh Marjorie Ennii*. Ar-I inir Reiily. Arraot:*-rnenta art- b»*-

Diade fi*r a nodal and card [tartynlchl IU SL Mary a

'1 lit? cluiiltutt- uf ih*- Young• M**n'« C*aih<ih«- Club tn a luotballcame u ^ art-rptuU and t he came* til l>« iiiayt-fl Suixluy ttfiernoon at

rha-ista on a three-degree angle.Mlopinx to the rear the oil arriYini;in the vnlve chamber ftawg hack,hi line the first reservoir; then overt K«. nt»i«* nTTi. ftt'rntr f^** w( "

.-cflx waa in its expertmexjtal« »u,«yW, »> w^-^.JEbia ratiier Jinlijua jiynlam ^-fcnJ-J- . _PTom the pan the ' lan?e measure for the excellent per- ; Has--J much of the road

Cuuiii} pat \ A duitutiun of %i>to th*s -CarUimaa

reservoir, and then OTOJ—againthr rtt+rtF ttnii \w* reflervMr -Prsnv-ithis j>olni |the overflow oil ts car-ried by an external pipe down tothe front end of the oil pan In tftcrranlcraue where ir flows back overthe pan, filling- the troughs throughuhleh the connecting rode are (n-ttrtcated and from whtch all other

The Department Store of Elizabeth


Modes for Sport and Dress Wear


id will h t a « l . i i H - i i

e Utl! I i»i Anniversary W e e k: L*»t* w ?. S t a t e T(u*at f-r in NVu-

i • k r-tartlnc wirh ih»- Mondayua: i:u-f Thcrv are twe lve plny-

• •.- m tiiir. i r g a n i z m i o n ami th«*y :w'l! civi-, in mid it Um To Iht-lr m-u rutn.r tr . .1 i i umkT* , ph-tny of <i>m-w| \ - r i s i n g anil da iu iILK novel t ies' n . h i - r a<;» «-ii ihe Hmiir bill lii-

u<1 *• t h•• Sun > iaso Tr io . in*r»>tiai ;>f r.ini ' h« (>rt«-iit . RUM1 and ( l i lbe r t .

.\{<>\\ HilU fu r l & Ctiitipanv In

-Beaatifol !Coinjpac*

: operatioB j

<*rd. Aiikttbfr i. orr

domestic ripieconsumption or gas~the prmcithe wholesale rate "which -is generally

recognized as economically sound.

The schedules provide lower rates forgas^r^eTectrieity^tn^uclt1

g ^quantities as to warrant rate reduction.

ELECTRIC RATESThe electric schedule, establishes a new rate,

known as "Residence Rate", which applies to elec-triciFy consumed in residences, whether it be forlight or power purposes, or both. It provides for

—residences oi ten rooms.or less, a rate.of five cents- a kilowatt hour ior all current rnnsnmerl over 50

in sucK month* In excess of the consumption men-.tioned in the first and second steps of this rate.

Monthly Minimum Charge, $1.00 per installa-tion.

ih uf


General lighting,- or for both 4*ghtiag—aa3-

GAS RATESUnder the -gas -rates -filedr-tbe -charge -

first"20O cubic, feet or less of gas consumed, i.$1.00; the next 49,800 cubic feet is charged for rthe rate 9J4 cents per 100 cubic feet. Furthereductions_by steps are made until a minimum ot6 cents per 100 <n\htc. fent ic r^nrhitcL—T :

If you att and if yon listen before vou hay—n»»itii-ing leu perfect tkaa Kelloca reception can uitufyjtour kw»e cf tree, pare lutuic

We invite von to come in and c t to know KeUogsrecepdoa—«at"fcv hearsay—not bv what we «ay- 'but by the eeevlncinB c -ir!cncc c& what your c%rocan h£9& E*«T note is diid.net. But, from thedeep-voice &BS viol to the bird-like flute—everytn.fniiriCTit is iaelfl—clear, urmitrakahle. It brauiic to «mti»fy the moUCTUicat, tone-coasdotu^earr

I Terms as Low asS2.OO

rlaM*-r»-<l hi I'anw.f i . i i i «*Tth M . u m ! . - f f i - r i

> l i i i n i i i i il M ' I V I I I n in ->

Get itJtere an

H I V . » i i h nih.-r flmri lilm> » l lroun.l out I hi srri ' f i i prr»Kram


the n r « MiMlri A. F«li l i a r ia :. «tm.auiit l ii-n ut i>unu>. - p l a t h alls

I T H i ' l i ( . . .1 » l l l . h IK M C X i l U > I V

Group 1



Kt";' , t^T"S"in „„„»,«„, i, ,» I m m e d i a t e « D e l i v e r y;.""':"n,

:;1111 Jr,;;':,lv;; •?,?<th^?,1.ln! Largest Stock in City-uiu-*l I" tin- ~oitif v\ hit" rrvnln-

lti.>nar> type ot four^yUnder.. 1T> . _ _—-.,—f»-.n«l»ttm-s,«.«.!. m.diunwcmpr^.iou; DOW iQ

otl pump u located tn iht? 8 6 IrVlHg St -..f thr- t-rank-i-asi- an<t is ,

Rah way

Group 2

You'll like these coats. With their beautifulmaking, their smart .styLe and rich fur trim-

f pytraordinary values atmings, thoy-affe-toe-nthe price. All we assk is to see them.



Suede Cloths

ihiv'-mere andImportedMixture*

Trimmed Lavishly with Marmink. Raccoon, French Beaver Fox Wolf,- Jaracul and-Bab>' SeaL^ ,A-..^—---^—.» ••> »• ^ r^~AH Colors Including Blues, Browns and Black.

Women's Misses' and Extra Sizes

MakfiJ'hisCUoaei $-20. fltX val"ii--Q Tubci

month. For residences having more than 10rooms, an-additional consumption of five kilowatthours, per month, for each room in excess of ten

~"nTust~be"Teached before the five cent rate is ettec-tive. Under the present schedule 1,500 kilowatthours. or*S9820 Worth of electricity must be used

power purposes.Rate:

9c per kilowatt hour for the consumption in

before the five-cent rate becomes effective.

each month upto and including 20 kilowatt hours;8c per kilowatt hour for the excess consump-

-tion in such aorttJi Qver-ZQ-kilQwattphourSt up toand including 50 kilowatt hours;

This rate, it-is-expeeted, will tend-te-somewhat—increase the earnings of the company which havebeen producing a lessening rate of return becauseof decreased domestic per capita use of gas, andvwill, it is hoped, encourage greater consumptionbecause of a more general use of domestic gas-

James McCollum&9-181 Ireing Street Rahway, N. J .

The General Lighting rate, available to cOrn-and industrial users of electricity lor^kher

6c per kilowatt hour for the excess consump-tion in such mondi over 500 kilowatt hours, up toand including 1,500 kilowatt hours;

per-kilowatt hour for-tae-esGess-ceasamp-

l ighting or power purposes, provides a reductionas compared to present rates for all current inexcess of 50 kilowatt hoTjrs used, by reducing thenumber of kilowatt hours in the various steps ofthe rate after the first two.. The new rates follow:

7c per kilmva.it liuut fui the execta consume—tion in such, mohtli oyex 50 JdloH'Att_hpurs^_up to

quantity rates> and so ultimately inuse4-oi all users. The rate follows:

hui For the first 200 cu. ft. or less pet metfef, pit

month $1.(KV

For the next 49,800 cu. ft. per month, 9Jc per C cu. ft

For the jext 50,000 cu. ft. per month, 9.0c per C. on. ft.

Availability:For residences (lighting with or without inci-

dental power), with all service at this rate. -" Rate: " " "

9c per kilowatt hour for the consumption ineach month up to and including 20 kilowatt hours;

Sc per kilowatt hour for the excess consump-tion in such month over 20 kilowatt hours, up to andincluding 50 kilowatt hours, plus five (5) kilowatt

~ hours for each room in excess of ten (10) rooms;5c per Ji44owa«4vour4€MP-Ehe excess-consumption

-tion in such month over 1,500 kilowatt hours, up to—and inrfariTng- 4,500 kilnwatt hours:

4c per kilowatt hour for the excess consump-tion in such mondi over 4^00 kilowatt hours, up toand including 10,000 kilowatt hours;

._.-:Sc- per^jcttewatt-ligu^for-the-essess-ceasump- •

Forthe next 400,000 cu. ft. per month, 8Sc per C. en. f t

S.Oc per C-cn. ft.

nqsizegives evidence


tion in such month, over 10,000 kilowatt hours.Monthly Minimum Charge of $1.00 per in-

stallation for lighting: For combined lighting andpower, $1.00 plus 50c per horse power.

In addition to the reductions contained in theabove rates.'the rate for wholesale power, affectingindustrial users oT electricity, lias Been lowered for

For the next 1,000,000 cu. ft. per-month, 7.5c per C. cu. ft.

For the next 1,000,000 cu. ft. per month, 7.0c per C. cu. f t

Sc^per C cu.it.ts not

=F* die next 1,000,000 cu. ft. per

For all v-cr 4,000,000 cu. ft-per month, 6.Qc p e r C cu. f t

The old schedule called for a flat rate of $120per 1000 cubic feet, or 12c per 100 cubic feet, up to20,000icubic feet, and then by steps'.tb 8Je per 100cubic ieet, with, a. minimumjcAarge of $1.00

EverythingH» spcoalplea to them

—.„ 1WV WSO CVXl in the provisions of that will awkh In the .eatanen. of e » » - come in

- ^ r family at a

The com


contact wuh tnetnbtre of thi_timcJ*hcn emotions are-deer; J ^ * 6 n e a d

to flB ptat&e «»A uAom ynu ctme -in

readjusted ratesadditional 4iomes the convenience, comfort and labor saving to "be seciired throughuse of modern electric and gas appliances, hut wiH, through40weped-€0S^©ipower^nd-fu€t

^ f e -cornTneTOar-^taisfehTnent^^

in die luuwk^e outs., . ..- ' .Thoughriulneat for others

foi pood sdv-ice is often msent. It'swhen sympathetic understandinganda*m-rcnrdesircTO help are quire as necessary a*

iKrie*. trips to the Prohste Court,and so on.

W c a r e pdnilMvd to know tne wives and




WillDeliver A»y


Brand new, SS-note player of high quality specifications. 1929rertet T\frah<?}rf"vr Tyrrepr TTTT^1* -^-"T'TH- -ha^t; strings. F ^ 4«etal -

Still fnrtherraiphariaag ttytBeattfewOiB UBOstfaBsn of tfe» "Sa»M-Doraa" .high-comnwssion engine, u « ^any ga»olifw; s sd the »af«Q(of t«ier«al-eTcr«nea^ hydraulic4-whed brakes—the only car at iBprice with such equipment.

Merely to use dw n«w PlymeoBk b

.te. Automatic loud pedaL Transposing "Hevice (can be~pTayed in "5different keys).

If desired, we will be pleased to hold your purchase for holidaydelivery: —

Goerkt-Ktrch Co.—Ptano Dcpt.—Third Floor



to-knomitsy p ^in stylet duality vnd 'luxury, xodriviit?» tocofufea yourimption that in its price class no o t t o

You Get Your

F you were a member of our 192S Cta-isLmas Club, you havejust -received a substantial Christmas check—money that willadd to the gaiety of youngsters, the happiness of older folks,

at the year's greatest holiday season. — -if you did not get a Christmas Club check, now is the time

to make sure you'll receive one next year, W« « t c wu-olling. mem-bers in our

1929"Christmas ClubThere's a class to fit anyTTmstmas tradget-^12.50; 325r$5&:

$100 aad an up to $250. Weekly payments range from 25c to $5,according to the class you choose.

Select the «lass that suits your plans and join today. You'llnot miss the weekly payment—but you'll appreciate the worth-while sum that will come to you next Christmas.

"The Banlt of Strength"

j- v *-• vi*

Page 8: wm · 2015. 12. 18. · 4-7* «i_2 £"£* f"^H A-J^,* • J£verellu tn both telts. Action in all

t ^1 ~-

> - - * - )


^•^• ' i t r -V;

; i -

^is-is-Wfaqt you Ii^ Him Now-fet:At Chaleonas' Store

And Not him; Will II;1 A ppr»-. i:iU' More- Than

Something To WearF i r s t of all . rfT c o u r s e , c a m e a h a n d - o n u 1 Su i t t.r O v . r c o a t . W e c a r r y t h e

v c r \ finest iin:ili:> L: :irn-.'. •;• ::t ' .• . ;- rv: i- :>nahle p r i c e s .

T H E F O 1 . I . O W I N T . \'.l W ^ S ' C OI K L K A O E R S :

W O R S T E D - T K \ S l ! T SF " a n i n i i s t h e r . M i u . . • • • \<

h e r e a n d r v e r v w l i n v :•.<

MinniSHADE BI.l K SI" ITSE i t h i ' i - . b l u e - r r o ' «'i' '••• ' '


$35B U S I N E S S A N D S P O R T S I ' I T S

A s p l e n d i d l i n e u i l > u - . " . r • • • ' i i ; - .

m a n y w i t ! ' . t \ \ . > j • L •. i ; • - <>; ] > • ' . ; v • . - M

a w i d f l a n e . • ' ! • ! ' . - ] > n r t - ! • ' - \ ' ; , :

k n i c k t - r > . I ' i r . c < , i . : - . : . ' ; . .:•• j •• :••, •

t w i ' f t l s . l ' r i i - i - i i f : . • ! "

r\ \ i i TKV TOPCOATS_ • . .• .d.'..i uri-'t. Sold liViv anil

\\'INTFU-TFX OVERCOATSi ;.''i-.-". ! '.:;ii!a'n!e. Nationally

ZZTZTZZEI: nr.Ti._"ktrrT^-nLsii -rnvr

OT!!KK WINTKR COATSA \ • :. - . ' i - . n ' . e iu n! ' q u a l i t y p a r -I - I - ! ' . : - \v i ' ln i - ">• m i v t u i t - s . l ' r i e e d

-5M MS-SM $42

A Word About Our Furnishing DepartmentH e r e You l i n d it K.isv H Cln> >se " H i s " ' Gif t .

A* W e H a v e A V j r i u J and H i « h Qua l i t y A s s o r t m e n t

Ar row Shir t - „ *.? upArrow Collar.-;. A hex Aif TJ

'makes an ideal irit't . . . . S'J 10The Famous ("hi-iu-v Crawus .

iremeiiiurns as~"i uvchoose from ., \ ...

SILK Ml F F L F R SA gift every man will appii

" a l e . .'. .." . ."" - ' "

I to

RETS UNDERWEARVv- f:inuius n a n ? is known aH over

f( r rincst quality.M.,'.- U(.•!.- I'nioii Suits . . . .$2 up


TAILOR AND CLOTHIER69 Irving Street Rahway, N. J.


..v*^l^l Btn-p).^ tndeparted members of RahwarJiU>Ugi . Nil C73. 1. B. 1». O. K. of Ww til be lifld ui 3 o'clock Stti»d:i>ufiei itonn at Friendship Biti»t UtCbui. li, Kast l l a t t ! wood avenueThe t.«rniini will be deHverrd !•>

u [

R u l e r CliaVreiHrr-IU.- T h e Klks will h a v e tlvi-lr!lr-[ u r m u a l J"«*ot-p'Ion und d a m .- J-1K i a n k l t n School F rk luv i i ighr. !>.-•i-i-mlw-r I I M u s h will 'l... fiirMi-hi-<1'»> Mifilntnc Arnold s .uv l i f - i ..T u . i In t iu , ; cup. , wCl 1..- U » : I I ' < I - ..nit- i.I t !u- f r a t e r n a l u r e a i n z i i 1 - > n -lk;i\in£ thi* litrRusl tiutnl>t>|- ui t *nt i a t u l m a r c h u n d I h«- oth.-t ! . . '.Ii.I.-nil.;. ' ..r D a u g h t e r Klks l u u « tini u m f s : m i m h e r li\ l lnr Tli- . . ' i n

arraairemeiits n

Liiana^f i 7—Huroltl-t a r j . SUlney A r c h e r , I r r a M i r . i Ira1. <'n>m-.iell. Kilwat'd . 1 . . ! : : : - .( h a u m . - v J Sarcut- l - A:;.!:.

V 4 t . r i i u . Hf i i ry Wlittw.

WELFARE GROUP PLANS» • ' - ' • • - ' • • ' ^ • h l ^ l ^ . l l • . . • ^ f . . - .. V ' U

. . I t . ' . i I h . : r u s - . . • - » .

1 1 1 . . W . l t a l . A : . i I

. . u u l l ' r . - s l . \ t . t . j . , i ' . u i

- l . l . - l i i - e , . f M r . V r l i ' . f

> l ; • h i • : . 1. \ I J T - ! . . .i M r - i . . . > M

H . . » a l l . M : - K r . i ! l V \ V IT . - M i :M - - ^ ' ' \ \ : : i . . : • H . - » f i i \ : i - n . - . nH i 1 . t p . - t \ 1 - - \v i t H . 1 ; . s - ! '\ l l - .1 11 .1 ;. . : : . « : - • ! ' 1 I I ' . •!. •. » . i . . . l M: - « 1 : . . - i .- \ : . •

PLAN FOR CHRISTMASM r - ! l 1 ! . . k . - ! . M - - '

T . l ' T l i . . 1 ' \ l : - 1 l i . i : : . - - - 0 - . . V - . | S - -

a : . . ! M ; - 1 , . S J < ! . . . • . . . • • : i .

V • 1 . - : i , . • T ' I

Week HaysS:.'»0 A. M. to

11:30 I*. M.

Phillip'say,N. J.




Today: P»lf and warmer.

Tomorrow: tftcreaslng cloudiness. The PUBLISHED



T&Zfr.i^f^F7t1.lXV^^'JJA3kil ^•rnz* *&"•> * ^^^•s^^sus^^i^'.




Death Takes ProminentResidents Since Friday

For Every^Iemfer

HOLIDAY HOXini i i f ivhiL-f;- f»'r


IAVO Hand Embroidered

Packed in HolTy Boxes.Special

KIMONASIn very attractive stylesand pretty designs in

S i d Silk

I ' . , i t . | M . - t \ l i ( • U \ V . - . •


> ; - H I . . ! . . . . : > . . N . l - - ; i-. i . i ' •: I ' " • . - • I . • • - - •

. t ! . . ^ : . 1 ' u k . i . . . - , . s i I . . . . .I - i . - v i f . l : I I . • ' • • : • • « ' • • •

s . . - . . ] . . • , . f r . •- • - •

M . i : : • . . . - . r

1 . . T . . . . •>. f'.. • . . . • . •

• • i . : . i .. I . M i - j l . , • , , . : . r .

: - . l t : : . » • • \ \ l i : w . . i i 1 ' ! ' • .. •

T ! . m . •• - » i : l i . ' : i » . i . - . | 1 '

. - . - i t ! . - - ! 1 s >.\ ( i - ; . t r • . , t . ! • ••,

• I " i H . ii I . I I I — I ' ; i — i — i — • " ••)•

S1.9S TOILKT SETSCii".si.-t::'..ir v: 2 l ^ . u l e si-:' Mi'.:h i ; .- :u ! i ' '\\<\U ',\\nlcy. l ' . tk-um ! '6 \v-

HOLIDAY BAGShirl i T : ' k c a w r y

00 to 5.00

Crepe, Satin and Silk

1.98 to 5-98INDIES' RAYON

INDIESLn all kinds, styles and

50c to 5.00

ami 1'ov.der Holder


Ma<lo of linon and tapes-try doth

39c to 2.98

tu\ i us* at

Consisting of bedspreadand large pillow to-match .


BEDSPREADSIn beautiful designscolors -

2 50 *>BABY WEAR

Of any style, make orkind. A large varietyto pick from

25 c to 5-00CURTAINS AND

—PXNELSFor H,oliday use

Single sad DoubleBLANKETS

89c to 5.98

Y. N. C. A. Drite Will 0pmWttfa-DiMef Toflifhti

F o u r Rah way i !"I I ' lark T. .« t i . lnuv. a. . . . . . . . K n , , ,

and one morning for Anton Tarlach. of Val-- pa«»ed ley road. Clark Townxhlp.-who died

* T a tihort lUnesn. In-I «aw in St. Man'" r « t n ^^ native of Ormany. he had

..ii.I :u..l rf.-j.U-<l h^re for the punt eighteen"**•—^—^JJ- Ml Tnrlaih liatl u uliutiiu-

r#- Kmimluy


l>u».l» tn Sew York

Packed in Holly Bogj|

B 9 ^ annunl roetnbcnthtp

ennui, Cailidli. church.The rteceaned leaves &

;-\renr Tarla<h, threert. John and Bruno Tar-


2-98 to 5911oll., « |.re»l<l'

\ Tptrr-.-o.-*. of

a dinner utvil over tiy l-'ra'

t b e Board o

-nil.. Tiirli'fli. all ,,f Clark Townlin1 • • •

itkaicn .ihlH yt*ar u t l lI» pre<l<*cpMmorH andn . a - l

MRS. TERRILL BURIED. It-i s \v T.,»ti»end of Bay-

(.i.-twrl) [.ust™r >.t Trinity

Packed in Holly Boxal

39c to i 2S!two olv

C'haltUiand all t


iih School Boys1 Car HitsI reck at Milioa AYCDOC

and PterpssrStreeL

T!ie two Rahway High Schoolittudents nho were cut and ftbakeTfup Ui an aut^»mot>tie aceideui al-y: 3d o'clock yeRierilay morntuffwere rt*i>oriwd IUKI ulght an tiavlusrt-iKVcrwl from any aerioua effecisof thfetr tnjuriff*.

John NVwkirfc, prenldent of ihe

and i 'har l . .


afternoonMr... John R. Newklrk. ot ITS Elmavenue. U treated for

rut over the left eye, uhlch


With or without COIIJAll packed in Ho


1.00 to 598

:> IK tit'* d inner . Kir«.t>tl lx> made \V«Klii*-».lti**n & luncboon will pr.•..-rtfd U te r In the «*v<*ni»er v . M. C. A. N o t e .- iho annua l " ( h r ^ ; -i•<( ktddte>« an«l *j»--.« p j i n i f * b y ' Y " < • • ! . .

tl l

*«d- wtrtr

11 art-)wood Cemetery.^ >.-r Frank -K, T»mM.w u- l.wrn in Kuhway

the lam-1 (*rt*oree L. Orton. at tbe RahwayHospital Alho Laken to the has-


CUSTOMS OF INDIAKri. Forrest1! TrsTelefse

Entertains Clob Women

An Illuatrated talk on India wftoIVPTI M * h t * mopfinir of the Worn-

ana Club Friday by Mm. ChaidesN. Forrest. ~bt 175 vhm avenue.Mrs. -Vorrent recently returned

a tour of the Orient occupy-ing oeveral months. Sfie~3Uplayeda number of curios from fodta .Shewan invited to address the clubagain on the Rubject of her trip.

Because Union IK one of the sixof the twenty-one counties ofthe State which make no provision

lclub voted to requesi the Board of

ld k hb

.Freeholders make the necea-appropriation. Rahway has

tl h d th b f i tuntil recently had the benefit ofthe' Middlesex County aervlce. se-cured through Mra. F. William Stlll-

Rfter the craau wan Thomas JJU Q w h o lives in thaL^CQnnly and

T. and ha.i lived h e r e I U.• f\*\ fi.r a few yearn

N o i Mo«t*man. son of Mr. and Mrs. C.MoH»manL of 52 Maple avenue.f p

on the head.

lulapThrr* will (>*•

-• •• tournament and:ian.fnt, T h r n u n mmi ludcw : I t^n Ha

Boys* and Girls*rwr

y.ade lu*r home Andrew ]_*•>•. driver of the caru a - a inember I e»i:apfd injury a« did George Hoff-

i-i Church uud | man. of Seminary avenue, who- iti t he Lad•*•>(* j threw his <\>ai over his head andh«-r liriinchei* of was thus Haved an he plunged

^ a- • onrie.-teU j through The windshield.of ihe Their car collide*! with a truck

enue and Pierpontn e r e returning fromrtchoj] to the high

!J5h~" »chboT

riwav H n. uiltl .-r Arn<-ri. M .at Milton

r-, Mr* <*harle*t K ' Ihe ttoosevelt tit-hCentral ii w/tuiej _lh_i»L a<.;huol.

Ka> ""ti."NUjhrm. of * Leon "Shailiinuer


$8^8 Ladies'Sa .K DRKSSES

--I'or ftotkhtv

eUl. o n e s t u d e t i t wtta « < m t h r u K h e f4^ Wood tiaU s«-ahon wi thou t in jury , s l ipped


ywho Is chairman of the home dem-onstration work of the RahwayClub. The service Is no longeravailable, nowever. because of thetime of ihe Middlesex workers 1»taken up In their own county.

The Kelioec peace pact was In-dorsed. The executltve board wanentertained at luncheon by Presi-dent Mrs. Georee E. Gallaway be-fore t he meeting.

Plans were made to hold a luncheon in >Jewnrk after the holiday*.

p final of the nerieR of t a lira on

Spftnish-American WarVeterans to Form PostAU Spanish-American \&T vet-

crana are cordially Invited to at-tend a meettng IQ organiee a campof "Spamsh. "war Teterans "on ^TburB-^ b 4 J Q- U- AM. Hall, 1 <0 Irving street, thirdfloor, at 8:30 o'clock. Through thecourtesy of the P .O. S.A.. whtehrents the hall Thursday nighu. theu&e of it after their regular meet-tng thin week has been granted forthe c&nvenUmef! of tntmt' IIn...ihe prftiioae<l__or(:antxatlon. E.t -Androw-'a,

tttendtng to the preliminary worTcThaving been commlaaioned to do soby the adjutant-eenerat of iheSpaniBh-A.merica.n- War vets.


Amateur Standard

In producing- "Nothing But the'


Thieves Have Been Active Here SinceFriday Night When Miller & Hoff. and

Oliver Co.—Wtsfe Visited

Three safes were battered, and most of a man'sclothing and his radio, and live of another man'sben5^'ere stolen here since Friday night. The~safeyielded"hoTHing oT~value to anyone expectiTi^th'owners, Miller & Hoff, lumber dealers, of Elizabethavenue. The theft of-the man's clothing was serious,as it left him with nothing but the suit he had on.

Truth.'' the RooBtvelt Schoolauditorium Frkiay and Saturdayevenings, ihe Senoir Clang of Rah-way High School repected the suc-cess attending the Junior Clas*play, by the name class last sprrm;

The play was a clever three-act jcomedy replete with lauffhs. par-ticularly suitable for hiph

BUflN ISJNVI5IIEDKSome People Bave Nev.r ' ^

Even Heard oi Sanatorium ";!:


Tnrrent Events" will be given by;Mrs. Marion G. Atwell tomorrow.

tian,— nmtj—rhe cTret "»••hool ' a r P p numher

-a-;-tTTttti ty ^4***-^*ft • l i t Vi iUi i i i f H n

Coan. of the highhigh standard lor fui urV

'school"facuTTy." cave a lalU' on "cur-

' < W a n u y a n d aN- tu-ld In K » h « a - .ni.| 1.tl.i.in and Thonia

rr~l..iuitrn- tiny. •

trranut-hU-' aiTd Teil on tne y. M. rr A.d Churiff ! durum ihe * storm iiuturdayhe MiKses-( broke one leg. j maln thlnga to occupy the attention

In un automobile collision at St . lof ^ e present n#SBion of Ctfneress.


e vent a, speaUlng of the two Stanley Mason a<i Robert Ben- -n O l unett. and Leona Pray as Gwendolyn ! existedRalston, handled the leading, roles , m tg!n**A l> marked success. They w^re • nni\ t t l

4.50 to 5.!$5~ Children's



n- Stat<- Th*- i•int*^l hy m i n p r r "< amp and ih«*rr :' . iTtary—Ward IF

in^l.l Shr jat 7 • 2« A M. Sunday. WUUam'if-r-. Mr*. Lud.'inan. <.f 23 Linden avenue, re-«*Kt Hazel ieiVfd abras ions and lacerations

to reln-nd

> ..r the annunl St^te <n' ••:»ftT»nr*» at KII*J» I>• - lurlodVd (;«-arc»- It-ir*»:UiuH. R o n K<>« jf r-t Mutranl. whlW- . » >m.

Reports were presented by Sec-retary MUs Caroline Mandevllle

ttrcr Miflfl Helen "Announcement was made that thec ho run will have a rehearsal at 2p. m. tomorrow, an hoor preceding

Ador,anotheritize-ns*. i

i . MTM Krae \ sions on back of head and injuryiixt IlHitlw.icHl u> tht* right side, and Emma Lude-L<*hl«-it«'r and'nwn, his wjfe. suiiered from r r

r yum S ea^n^ nervous «hork. Albert Huntler, | M r 8 Atwell'n addrees. On Decem-itv i or 2OS East Klnney street. New- j b e r 1 9 t h e m u s i c department, bead-

' * " ' AT\ H. "Walter, will piveThe Sew Jersey Fed-

Terrill. thU! ark. driver of the other <-«r. hadje<j n y Mrs. :of its highly | severe braises on arms and legs.

kind uud

• \- \

J U N I O R M O O S E E L E C TT . u - .Jut: or M... **• r ]»• T, , | •:.

I'a-. .1. :i'

! * « t f l - • - t l M U - t r > t - - , T * l . » T l . H - I .• ' t l

:m. .A .TiTn"! T"t ti ^ , troji^nfe"1'. ifi-r ! jiinh. M.tiar)1 , \ \ ti'.i.ni.

Plp.ni «f rt' mnd** for a so

i*±*. U ^

>• r , - r t h * - J u n i t i : M

h f i r l ,.'\ M i i i . l a v :, - t . t : » i 1 1

ARRANGE CONTESTSA r r a n K t - m i ' i i t j i f o r » t > n t •*«••!» f

twit turknys anri for $"> In cold

mmlf Monrtav night 1>% (iMarconi I>.<U-,'. S*»ns i»r ltnl>-t*reskitl**»t ^is«'ph f'opiHjfa « a - ini harpf ofs the tneftuic

r-r* i n n *\VilUft.ni Co-puil. flmini 'IalS**<*t*f»tary AnfiTfUt R&imn aii?I Tr^•ll^•uif r Ii*-ii»>f)fttit flrtinu

Ever svalk throughthe woods on a

sunny dayIf you have, you've seen iiow the . unUg-ht. shining through -

the leaves, weave.* a stranp-p. shifting pattern of hrig-litness and .shadow across your path.

So in our journey through life we encounter bright patches of i|sunshine ami dark patches of misfortune and sadness.

Enjoy the sunny days more fully and avert or lessen thegloorn_of the cloudy ones by maintaining a growing aceount-here-where it will earn 4', interest.


MEETING POSTPONEDFterause of ihr l> < Iai tuf -lln

bjr Boy»' S«- r. : :and PHbclpnl Kuit '""

-•* of the Il lrb school

\tl\r- trfMthtnen

M R S H O W A R D S L - R l f O iO.-

Wtll^p^sirPaeeairt;"the Ways," December 23

• " t unilT.-rriil. »»- i.. ailmirp M i . , rioru Graves, chairman of1,»T: » m rradjr to a»-' t h e <.Ommlltee for the annual Sun-b-lptul movement the d a ) . Br(,oo; Christmas entertaln-

• >nd ic share »Uh 1 m e n t or the First Presbyterianl>aihv rl...sr of hor many , Church

peration sonc sheet was used Friday

leftdlne the And Mrfl. Thou.h iH. Roberto. Jr., at the piano.

tiy a wide r lnle of I o f ", h l . b e i t j^ eeants procurable,uho .itoml to th» u l s e n t t u e d - r h e Way." a Chrisl-


I tutmly their heartfelt

NEW CHEVROLET "<•H PD?U»ei£BS 4 .s :

I Fifty Ptrtafe~d ChiSrn ;•'}";!,.— • —Anl Hctr Speeches ": .u.

r \ .MRS. ANNA TIERNEY-r.il services lor M rs. Mat-

V ' - H " « > •>•

• ".'^rn of Ure Rahwar

Ti. r u r \ . who died Sunday::. . Ii* fi».l.i» inc a wefkV tllneBu

" "*~n T»rT" i'T—rntT..n whirti was per-*.•:::••'••'. F i . j ^ i . will tie beld tomor--o* nitrntiiE ~from her residence,I" 1 Jug!!*-* avenue, thence to St,\la-> - i'hur.-h. where a ROlemntiikh rr:h —* of rt'qutem will be cele-

ittlt , Kenneth

RoLitrell. and Is In harmony withthe recent world peace movement.The paceant urlll be presented Sun-day December £3,-at "5 p. in. "aha»-tll taK the place pi the n»unl eve

l i Th I d i i d l bservice. The individuals whowill imperoonnie Xb« Y*r*P5* bibli-cal thuruncrs have 4>een selected.

RltpMf hiis general

• , j ;

1 il

. ' • • , - '

. |

11. lu -

lu1 ,

i i ! ' ' > • :

i l l . ' 1 1

1. U - '>• i i t


• i ' l




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1; _ ' 11.:TTI_ '

>>: i n

t- h .

T m '-•

\ , - • , ' . ,

. - r i

\ . - L

,.( ihei.;iunv.

, ^ . m j

.; ...ill

.,': tnvi-r^l. in :i

.. ' u.iu<_

i n i. i 11IT )in~s*

i ' - i UJ

11 ii w t.

, | i n


.• (Y.lVt. . n i f t i i

adjoin- ja;Until j?M»lointlV ' ^ n

at the ^ T

ranklhl §G&

by Pa- ^ S•ha nee- ^fffi|

iti i.he i

P otllro I!TW rtiirt :ternary n

moved. 1'rr.«( off —

it lakey IO

—;"T (Aoni- '"

119-1 ;

pvincinc; in their sty-le and had nice ] piuJiert tlstape presences. Mascii. on whom ! village orthe built of the work fell, in an , mountain-*

-.r city"b a c k <if S , - \

a m a t e u r of exce 'pTio i ia* m e r i l . a n d h a v i n g u l : o g e U n - : u i i . - i rH e n r y W e l t z a e E . M, R a l s t o n ; j p e r s o n a m o s t «>r tht* t .mt - Tlu->.e f a t t i e r , - t o p e t h e r w i t h D o r o t h y j t n r l u d e a d u l t pat:*-«+•*. t-hr- i***+-«*r-

J a c o b s , a s ! a r s . R a l s t o n , g a v e i m o r e c h i l d r e n , tht* n u r s e s a n d n\.c l e v e r p r e s e n t a t i o n s of t h e c h a r - O ( t i i e o t h e , h r ' . p » h ; < h t; i - u--« ••-•a c t e r p a r t s . W e l i z p o s s e s s e s • a s a r y t o e m p l o yv e r j ' fine b t a g e v o i c e . , ••"n. i s cor .s id t - r ->d t»y t u h t - r . u'.n?-i-

H a r o l d H a r r i s . J o s e p h W U e n y j n u t h o r i t i * - s hi t h i s (li>«-a^«- in Thi-a n d C o n r t l f t n r i R W T Y u s T>trk Dnn-

i r - w r t i i 11) t h e r o a li.'i'«-ii <i(l : i i ^ h a n d l e:, i,in u , - r r u n a l i l e, , ; . . . ; . N o t h i n g fclse' i ' l i i - Ir.'-^iik w a s n o t\\ ; !>• cfl\( e \\ a s


ID e t l y , C l a r e n c e V a n D u a e n a n d r f n i t e d S t a i e . s ^ riiul 1 >r .1. J-I U u nB l f t h o p D o r o n T e « p e c t l v e l > ' , a l l h a n - ( n e l l n , « t i u i - iiu* s u p ^ r l u t f n - N t i i .d i e d t h e l n e p a r t s c l e v e r l y , w h i l e i s r e g h r d e d a - >>u- .'f ; i i r i-n. i . i .1 .M u r i e l M t i x s o n , M a r g a r e t O e l s t , a u t h o r i t i t . - v in t h i s I1I~*-M-I I\. tii f > . . ' -i: 1:1F l o r e n c e W e u s c h e r . a n d H a r e l c o u n ' . r y . " 1; 1 - •••'S o t c k m a n a c t e d t h e o t h e r p a r t s ; T h e " f u n d w h U h M r T r u - l f r i - »*.>uu- : u rv e r y a c c e p t a b l y . I a t t e m p t i n g t o r a i s v a g a i n t ! : U > < : n !"•••:. r . i.t>

T h e p r o d u c t i o n w a s u n d e r t h e t o r t h e p u r [ k > * e o i h * - h i i n c :-• ^ . ^ | i • ' h i * . 1<d i r e c t i o n o f M i s s J a n e D . B e y n o n . n c * h r i ' i t i i : a * . f i i ! e r ! : i t n i i i » - t i t i " ih<i*-- ' i m l . - n vt a c u l t y c o a c h , t o w h o m t h e j w i s t \ m B o u m u B u r n a m i •<• a ^ i - i i : . ' v - > - - . » i : i -p r e s e n t e d a floral t r i b u t e , t h r o u p h h u y i n p iim^*.»*-*l 1 l u t h n i i j f>M -t i int . ' * * r w t i u l . ' WS t f t t t l e j - M a s o n a t t h e e n d o f T h e ; t h e r h i l d r e - n p a t i e n t ? * iw r m w n^ flitwun-

U o t . , : . . ! L y i h e

T a k e C l o t h i r t Q . R a d i oi r . l u v i . f . - : ' ; T l i . - i n . . * H i t -..!• 1 t jk>- - l : u i - ' , 1 • I ' .n i t - . l t h a t; i i r . k . K r i . ! . i . n : - t w l i " h a d

r. ; . U ' ; n f .. j ' >'•'•'• 1 .» ' l io -••! a n d

•11 a ' s i d ef l . - . l . L *H i t

. .p

\SSOCUtiOB 1S Entcrtkified Bl°n to thank the Board ot Educa-'Prvelously atknowltlon for the use of the auditorium. } - \ Friend'HiB high .school prpfig for ticketB . FJT-e-nve-H'•*» Muiu*tiand programs, and the high school; Asso . Rahway I.orchestra for the music. 33

The committee of arrangements -Success to You'1 ,Publicity. Su&anne Van Llew; | -m His Name

nMtf.U ui ii similar _._

By School Pupil*

The- Colombian Parent-Teacher

lm\ * vi ho were:.,<• \\'i»odbrtdtro

Patrolmen's Annual BallAttracted Throng Friday

^r&l:a'»-l « i " ''.-• in.K-^«*(lale a n d Linden Ceme-1 charce of the production, assisted.

I o! Huh*ay local. ratroim«»n •lWn-*..>nt ARSOclatton la*i nUht

h\-f*d ln ;hls city nearly .allShf was a member of

b. ihe "Rosary -So-


S50t - o T t n o Common' Coum.-it Tm?s«la>I nicht the Kt> »tr>ti of "the Ttnar.l ->fi School KstttnaCe wa- postponedj~Thr Movietone .WWH an-1 a < mt*-I at)on r>f $26.0fM> for ftrrjinwiftrtc ihei hlch v, hfM»| hulifting Tt>«- ttrt;i.-<!' of Kdncation u-tll have ui •**-{ an

other date for the owt-tinj;


j plans for a banquet nnd <lanrvTh*- (-omniitte*1 In «-harpr !•. I lr*-

I Mmp for t«»lh cvt-nrs. tnfluvt^n^' Ralph Smith. Harry Collins. VVill-

All Cars have been reconditioned and Ok'd.1928 Ohewelet-geclaiir —-- - — $450-1927 Chevrolet Coaches1936 Ghev^olei1926 Ford Sedans1926 Poid Coupes1925 Ford Sedans~1^25~Fordr Coupes1925 Hudson Coach

:U.T.J Kpeatcfni n» folio* •*' N T»Uey: S u i f P f S c a ! '

Miller; F n m n r>"»k s»rTii<«T, R*TBer.--now rrtlii-<l '

1 ;t James Thompson: Viw'".it Jo«rph Jsrtlol. ot Rail '' • •a l C.forrp PlnftrlU. i hair '"f the Hou»* Cammltiw

•• HnmmelL trwasur^r of R a h 1

l^u-al, Pstrolman Willla.m.

^—. ',<•• .—TITF 1x>yal "Catholic Benevo-» 1. nT A.iwv'lation and Rah«-ay"~Clr-'•' , ; , j x<t_ n . "Lady Foresters. Be-

n t -I.;..- hrr~nusband SBe~Tpaves uuert v.ii, l.-lin Tterney. president of ther'l" Su Mar\'i. Alumni Association; one"" .InuL-hrer. Ml» Helen Tlerney. and'• .- vurvi^'tl ».\ her i»arent». Mr. and

' ins

rator. and Ned Baumgartner. elec-trician— 32ie -rehearsal -tot thisweek is scheduled tor Friday eve-

•BIBS" at S oolojk. ln llie churcTiandltorlum.


FSarhor, Jaznca Conun aii'1J—i!v Kelly. \r«er dinner tin-» : i » o l matche. tn the

iv, n c r ihree hrotlien.." JohTT-Too-n^\ or 1<K Jaques avenue; WIHlam1 T'-'m'-v. of »T Wow Hardwoodi\ >nw Pr:ink Toomey. of Newark;m , . ..i^H'i—\r"—ThomaB-*Z"©&nn<41.

. r 1''6. Jaques avenue.

r B \ dnbrooiTh affatr wmi

Camden Socictv Presents Moose Lodge Makes PlansT "" ^ t 4 4 A t t t e \ l c m b e r s - For Christmws S^nqon

ermHiE lu liie imliuul tiietemeil a•ketch. "The Lnnd of Good Habit*."

COBtames: Walter Ritchie. d—Kn1"-M«

The—Set -e*«i ffleera—fteen

persons att.e'hdetf":;

>i.:i ,.f Railway 1>>;mlm*'ir< Henevo-

« r ^H-l-:r A - - '

President. John Newtlrlt; Ticc- patrlckpresident, John ElHott; secretary.J "A Friend" _, A I >..i...win

Sru:. . lTes l -,i[ t - : i l iabeth;

"wo"n "by t i e Class

St. Mary's Alumni HoldParty In School Hall

The arsT" attendance prtie -wa»

^h. Ha td the

-Sit.Mnrr s School held a card partyla»t night in the school .hall, withSHM A4K-e enDl»-ehal«n»n.—Manyprizes were awarded tor pinochle,bridge -ami—enehrc. after whfr»h- r«freshmentfl were served. Othersou the committee were MarionWalker. Betty Moran. Catherine

nnU. Grace Schmaeling and Cath-

classes ot Miss Marion Bajer andMra. Helen Meyers were tied. Ar-rangemenfcfi—were -mado tor ^lvltthe youngsters, of the schoolChristmas treat.

Muss Baker reported that ninety-eight and six-tenths percent of the

Jorle Jones.

Slack- liasdolf. of IT -Kearneyarenuc, who was one of a numberot actors who sailed Friday night

" • • " " ' - minis

WILL PERFORM MAGICFea t s of maprw\ venn-lLiquKm:

ftttti a Punch a»*} Jiwly ^h.iw. willbe presented at Franklin ^.hoo'. w-morrow afternoon a: :i .'ic . . •'*> k

on the Majestic for an eleven | by C h a r t ' s \Vinter>weets. tOttr of the Olyniplc circuit] Friday a playlet. - T ' I P lr.:<-rrii;.'to lSnclanO, w a a ' p t v e n a ^on voy-; ed Weddlnp," Ttre t:rb- -rrf » t..v ^

T r r a - i r r r r Wtttrn-mN'MU. V»irk. SPCTeiar

K' of HuJ<r.n OonnTy.

Vice-of This


iu chttfr-

Jinfu-M, riialrmin, S»M>a» P*1"""r and Fred Caoa. The dinner*a. prepared *y A.—C. Verka. v ^*>««»* try -SJT. «WJ Xln>. • Jo»Pli • (-,,Jiriiot Appreciation wan n - i n ,••"tiilert 10 those who arranged the s

Aninnc those prwient were Mr m i»"<l Mr,. Joseph Ryan. Mr. and^ ^ James CofBan. IWr. and Mrs. J<vWaller Barton, Mr. ana Mrs. WW-i

ChH,ti«n, Mr. and Xtra. ' " "

V.> <(«.

. I n

owiitK to the Christmas party.hr joint «K-tal of the three ^tooseririn*7nM^n" planned for Mondayill nol he held The next socialtil »«> tn January-. The Christ-

--.« l u n r a w , **r. ana a*^»- «••» «" tn«-n.t^r- o: i»«Eemer, Mr. »KS Mr*. Ensepe Me- t r o n l OomrtcnM»hnn. str. « td Mr*. James T h P j.nvei »-»»

GETS POLICE "JOBK*win pnynp^hB* Tsr*n Tiai

act4ng detective perceant i<» fitl .th& -vucancy -e«o«*tl. Iry th* -demo- ~tion of-James A. Conwn.

Sore Tltroat?Don't Gargle..

Panuut Prescription .Dont Bnffer from the pain ant! ;'

A a r a n e a t e t h r o a t l :

priate <-ere-^ .»^ transfer of the

presulent Aiicu^t T

v i^ent"Three othec c; Kettner. James BodwelU George

the affair to be

mas committee Includes Benjamin\ \ tmmer.. rlarence Joltnson. Henry

C A. CohlU. Mrs. M. -P. Snnls. M.Bargen. U B. Keeshan. CliffordO'Connor, R. U McVoy. GraceSchmaellnK. N'orma Spllatore, Oeo.J. Rellly. M. M. Schwlndinger. Mrs.C. A. Cohill. M. Bedow, HenriettaBergen, Frieda Lerkc. Mrs. R. L.

Thompson, Mr. and Mrs- Josephlg»L_Mr. Bpd_Mni. C. 3- Oowley. , .

- - - - M r I 1

l o e r

held Sunday. December SO. at S

party ever held by the" . ,VM. eavel to anifiahway Moose. The next i«6ntar

'I€"the^tate meeting wl.l be Simday. Decemberp tn tnr :*.»i*.e. «.«;»• , K « M « . n i A r mnorinir Tiltlrt tall-the regular mooting night tall-

i T • i l • i I

»nd -salve* fcre t«v> slow—they re* *lleve only fetni>orB.rfly. Bni *Thox-1tnfe. a famous phyKl^Jan's inrwicrlT*-'

almost InKurotty.Thoxine has a double action—\

Toltevcs tbe-«oretic«* and goes 41-{.

n f n p for ttie]whole ramlj AlKo m-ondcrfaHy tit~tferttwe for tt;Hgt>>nt t O K K j

cnanmt*ea or your money~ i 6 c 66c, and $1 W>. SoM

P">nphy, Mf. mnfl Mr«. ThomasSolan. Mr .and Mr*. JoTtn Kle-•erki-r. \

Jurtgs p. j$ TaUey. George nn->Cathan yartwrv Henry

wnteiijBd to the Netewt i« -Snn-

Governorwill be

^irvlceCol Bo!iBn._W*n:«t.—Jo«ep1> C»- «minent*l moslc. .°anrii» _~-tbett-WjOker^ J o s pJoseph Gerlaen, Hawmril "VKI>-

' William -C3orB«nn»(H!dwt3>"e A U -WTIlU Mlntel Life, Accident



F W J Dp

4-vilL-gt?e a

Vfhe croet, L » i n n ,

l»TlWd. TBW-

.Broad Street and l^ilton Avenue. Opp. P. S

Prizes were awarded to the lot.wing: Charles Bader, Mrs. M. A.

Uajree. R.s B .

O'Connor. Marlon

ln the school bank. Mrs. Williamswas named chairman of refresh-ments tor the January meeting, -andwjn select her own committee.

ary meeting Includes Mrs. Millerand Mrs. William Prater. The nextmeeting will be held January 14.


aee a delegation from the Raw. life as seenUn Community Club and other. acted h>- 4-R-l. ;aui:!i:

pnn Tlir . tuTreasurer and Mrs. Rober t C. Law-1 ters were! Mr T Keney \\ I'eneyrence. C. T. Drake. Fred Schult l . ' Oeorce FUthmnn , hi» lu»«kli<>. p. :Thomas Bbresch. P - J . Walsh. Will- j w a l l s Moimett Tippy T« uikl. . i :ulam Story. Mrs. Blach LAndolf. In I Fairy. Claire t\>.'itfi . f>uit- !!•. ~.».

r . . . . .1..:i.,->M.'l>'- Mi.,1 K.I P .h .

' . A Smith, ;. 11 "1 ry JVI .• Th.'' of

urtttee tor Jann- -behaJt «t the club Mr. Drake pre-scnted a valuable sHk muffler to i Coffoy, Leslie Ake s<»

Star ot Rahway Council. Mo. 11°.Danghters ot America, elected thefollowing omcer*. Friday night:C i l M B} TE Hhlore. Frances Pierson. E. Boland. councilor. Mrs. Ben}. Hughes.

M Idtr.: sociate q D ,Pinfleld; vlce<»nncnor. Mrs. RalphSammona; associate vice-councilor.Mls» Clara Moore: warden. Mra.


Cy.Mr. Lanaolt. Mr. lAndolf will have | with; clonn doll Prank Kopeu.an opportunity to visit his brother, j bride doll. Cazella B<">1> o- iv.ai.l .•'.Joins LAndolf. of l^ondon. whom he , honor. Dons* Sulllva.n. hi>ho|., .la. k

. K . ^ l l i I r f - I ' ; , . i . l r l . t i'..: Helm- •' i ' r»»ley:il, .los.-i n .lar*tot; sec-.i.'^ Alt" r- treasurer,

Kommel. serceant-at-

GUEST AT BRIDGEMiss Rath Ma«emanti. or Rldcre-

wood, 'was the week-end guest ofC o u n r . M } gtr.: associate coqDcllar, Mlas Ida. the Mtasea Ethel and Edith JardinaP f l l d l n n M Ralph - - — i— - -

Warewal; other I VVf1. Mftrv ^ *'*kuHc. Marparet Packard. Mini *l«:raden. Tolanda T>allaFiT=tr.i

• ff snriir "trr "fli il'1

lil.ai.1....! ^U ivUa had.

MH£> the u(Ti\lr a s a o

of 179 west Grand street. Shewas also Lac guest of honor at a

OFFICIALS PAY VISITSupreme Coun.MlAr .1 ti Rnh of

New York Clty.paul an official vi-1.bridge par ty Sa tu rday night-! to Advance Coirnc.l. No li>4

MeVoy. j .Catherine Bnnia. J. T. Kelly.Husbands. Elysla Phllllpp. Mra. J.T. Kelly. Claire T. McCuIlongh.

— -BOOKS-DANCERSMottpn JSI. Brntter. manager p i

the R&hwsy ThoaTerT umonaeeith«t aa o tpoclal attrlctlon »t that

E N T E R T A I N S C L U BM, . i l , . . ]. II.••ui:.•> . <>r :< N e w

I'ru: , - w :, k ; i \ - . : im . t t i : e r t a lned t h eR.IH. .V. i ' :uh T h u r s d a y a f t e rnoon

_^ __ . . ^ , . , _ . r Prir*-* in liie rarfl came? were wonMeCnllongh. I n"ard 7ohn«on attUtait financial I award went to Miss Doris Clark 'H . Farreit or pat erson; Grand vice-• nv Mrs Frank Mofs* and Mrs. -Lou. _' • • - " - • " ' _ - . . ! . . . _ . — . 1 . _ . . ( r r n r A other* present -were:

Mrs Charif. H u e Mr> Ross HeW-*M ^r l-::i?.nJ>»sth Mr-* William MeVI.corn. \lr> All." W.i.>d«. Mrs. Kd-ttin p^.ynp. Mr*. K'inn English. ^TrR.Hi'leti HCatlley nr~r>rhr xff; The-

John Stiles; conductor. Mrs. Geo. I Prlles In the games were won by | As-wclat ion. FrWaWhite; onUMe'sentlnel, Mrs. Oeo. Miss Florence Whltehead and Miss • in the official visiting deleectl.'t>

inside sehttnei. atrs. Bar-1 Mmsenaann while the consolation', were: Supreme Vice-councilor Jinaon; attUtant financial I award went to Miss Doris Clark. .H. Farreit or pat erson; Grand vt, Mrs. Walter I. Sprinter; Others present were. The Mlssas councilor Douslas But;er»orth

assistant recording secretary, Mra. 1 Evelyn Clark. Galdys Wliltehead. Paterson. and J G. El>erwett\. o'William Hleelnson; trustee for Katherlne Milnes. Dorothy Mac-1 New Yorkeighteen months. Miss Mattel A. WKlnney. Dorothy Ktrstein. Mar-1 Grand Oounri'. r Fred Korten. <.fWay- These ofApers will, b^ ln-ljorie Preeman. JYances Shu Us, i Union City, s**nt reprets that hestalled at the first meeting in Jann- Florence Paarcc. Margaret Me- • • - '

*nbWhou>eoB tChristfiiaiif h

airy. "Oure:~Hr8L D. M. Oowins, tithclsn3 Edith Jardlne.

was enable to attend

*nbWhou>e faring £B* Cseason, he has arranged for -the ap-pearance ot forty ireplls «t DorisWlppfrman, dancing I n t r o a n n otEllealieth.- The tronp will appeartwio* Friday, tieeerabar SS andtwlM Saturday, BecenAer it. ?h*doneen range In age from S to Sflyears. Sfngint and other enter-

l in 0 n d d 1

The Jnnlor and Intermediate gtrls Iof the Plrst Presbyterian Sundayschool were entertained Fridaynight at a'social gathering at the-community house. MtM E<Uta Pat-terson was general .chKlrmmn. whileMiss Helen Sqnler had «barge otthe nmea. The '• -?»5re*lHBents.were sernd hy the Misses Flora

AUJClUAfrV NOTESThe following officers were elect-

ed hy the Elks A.nxHlary Thursdaynight: President, Mrs. 3ohn R.Laonard; TlcajlreEtdent, Miss Fan-nie JL. Roarke; secretary, Mrs.Ionia Rnbln; aoasarer. Mrs Rarry

iif»Tn*T>afir>g commlttfie. namPd n**xt mpettnc will he ttekcl wttn Mm.to present a list of candidates for William Melh^urn. T Essex street, .officers at the next tneeTinC. coft- after* the hotidaj"«.

—Ctrrrtlowed the meeting. Prices were•win 1 X t ^ P f e l k M P i f c

Ijegton," 'with "Xewls Stone enal>DPorted by ali *JI-T

aasociate leatore Iana

Money to loan on bend and HisrtAuoeJatlon, ISMS1 Irvine street.

east Hauslweed »T»SJO». Tne cartwere epsmted hy Jk)8£*adcr Klsh.

Mrs. Sdward Day]*. "> P>Tiridee. H B . Morrti H.

Fred Repfcle and John Gemer TWO SHOTS FTREty =* ' ._T».-> «h«ts tired In the vicinity Ot»il

BIRTH DATE MARKED Hay !o, k, srree: at ahout 1 o'rfocfe =4In celebration of his birth <late. Sar«r«lay mornins resulted In on I**^!

Charles CarroIL Sr.. of 119 East •veRilcatlon hy Patrolmen Rarmond^Scott avenne. was ptven a surprise • Ftarton. Nathan Farber and Howaed jarty.by a croup of friends Satnr-1

won hy ^Vnnette -Rose. Roy.of

nY CTile PKpirnOC Tin

CHAPTbK PLANti t*AKT>• The Sov-tal Chapter of •Sr.-'PaoKp^rwvpai Chnrch tcBX—^olil .. >Chrlstms? party tonlchl at_llt»JJ

MEETINGSsrs. Roy cxvnaron. l^.ixaoei.n an*i ,T.WlIH«m Crendrtm. Mr». Albert Pa-1

_ . _ . . . . »>8rnlk. Mrs. Marsrcret Owens.!and Oscar Redlc, ot 1S»—Malttlway HoapItA) Association will he Charles Carton. Jr. Miss Cmlherlne •

- - - - ^ ' ^ ~ v - - - - - • - — - - r . and »tr!k ffhrtrlw Car-' i

St Pennine avenue. Carter*!. I The annoal meeting ot the Rah- TWINS ARRIVETwJn <lan«Ji5eT« were born S»t\

. . .<A .Mi. .-ml J - •». >J. 1 A J . jyfu iClUmtf Banaing * lota reet flrlvlng.

ffCampany. roll _ jhoir home; i«M vru

1 T N ^

I * J l