Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^

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Page 1: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 2: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 3: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 4: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 5: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 6: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 7: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 8: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 9: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 10: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 11: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 12: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 13: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^
Page 14: Without drugs or knives' : the early years of ...collections.mnhs.org/.../59/v59i05p200-212.pdf · makhn`ahnm ma^ fb]p^lm^kg lmZm^l Zg] mh ma^ ^Zlm Zg] p^lm \hZlml' PaZm p^k^ ma^l^

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