with Microsoft Exchange Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

With Microsoft Exchange Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

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with Microsoft Exchange

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Email is a critical means of communication.

Some messages need to be kept Other messages are best deleted

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Some emails must be retained for business use as required by law.

Sometimes we want to permanently remove mail.

Other times we want to keep mail forever And sometimes, we delete mail only to

find out later that we wish we hadn’t.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Only Official University Business needs to be kept for a certain amount of time. These include but are not limited to: Contracts Grants Research Hiring Decisions

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Over 90% of emails are not official business.

eMail messages may be required to do your job. For the most part however, these are needed to perform your duties, but are not official records. These include most simple correspondence.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Jokes Christmas cards Personal correspondence Personal pictures

if received, should not be retained.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Defaults: Messages in your inbox will be

automatically deleted six months after receipt.

If you need to keep an email for a longer period of time, you must move it into a retention folder.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

The University has set up Managed Folders with varying retention periods: University Business / Permanent

Archived, kept forever unless manually deleted University Business / 10 years University Business / 5 years University Business / 3 years General/ 2 years

Kept for the respective number of years or until manually deleted

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Type of Folder Deleted After

Managed Folders

Specified time limit

Inbox 6 months

Draft 1 month

Sent 2 years

Calendar 2 years

Junk 2 weeks

All others 1 year

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

When an item is deleted, it is moved into the Deleted Items folder.

Items in this folder are automatically deleted after 3 days.

After 3 days, the item is no longer is the user’s mailbox, but is still available on the system for 30 days.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Just because you delete a file, doesn’t mean it’s permanently deleted!

With the new system, backups will exist for only the last two copies of the message.

To permanently remove a document,: delete it delete it from Deleted Items, and purge it from the system folder.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

If you wish to keep messages, move them into the appropriate retention folder.

If you wish to delete messages, be aware that they may still be available for up to 33 days after the deletion.

If you don’t want a record of a message sent, don’t send it.

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008

Old Dominion University must follow the Library of Virginia Retention schedule: http://www.lva.lib.va.us/whatwedo/records/sched_state/

Retention questions: Contact Donna Meeks at [email protected]

Presented to ITAC July 15, 2008