with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of Mozambique 24 December 2019 | Strategic Frameworks

with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of ......☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Brief summary of the request

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Page 1: with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of ......☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Brief summary of the request

with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

for Republic of Mozambique

24 December 2019 | Strategic Frameworks

Page 2: with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of ......☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Brief summary of the request

Programme title: Implementing the NDCs to Promote Low-Carbon Growth in Mozambique

Country: Mozambique

National designated authority: Albano Manjate, GCF NDA Mozambique

Implementing Institution: Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

Date of first submission: 31 October 2017

Date of current submission / version number

5 August 2019 V.#3

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How to complete this document?

- Please visit the Empowering Countries page of the GCF website to download the Readiness Guidebook and learn how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.

- This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDA) or focal points with support from their Delivery Partners where relevant. Once completed, this document should be submitted to the GCF by the NDA or focal point to [email protected].

- Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - If the Delivery Partner implementing the Readiness support is not a GCF Accredited Entity for project

Funding Proposals, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaire and submit it prior to or with this Readiness proposal. The FMCA is available for download at the Library page of the GCF website.

Where to get support?

- If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

- You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected], copying both the Readiness Delivery Partner and the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. Please refer to the Country Profiles page of the GCF website to identify the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor.

- We will get back to you within five (5) working days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and discuss the way forward.

Please submit the completed form to:

[email protected]

Please use the following naming convention for the file name: “GCF Readiness Proposal-[Country]-[yymmdd]”

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult Annex IV of the Readiness Guidebook for more information.

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Country submitting the proposal

Country name: Mozambique

Name of institution representing NDA or Focal Point: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)

Name of contact person: Albano Manjate

Contact person’s position: Deputy National Director of Monitoring and Evaluation and GCF NDA

Telephone number: +258 82 896 9570

Email: [email protected]

Full office address: Avenida Ahmed Sekou Touré Nº21 2º Andar C.P. 4087

Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences: [email protected] [email protected]

Date of initial submission 31 October 2017

Last date of resubmission 5 August 2019 Version number V.#3

Which institution will implement the Readiness and Preparatory Support project?

☐ National designated authority ☐ Accredited entity ☒ Delivery partner Please provide contact information if the implementing partner is not the NDA/focal point

Name of institution: Global Green Growth Institute

Name of official: Dexippos Agourides

Position: Head of Programs – Africa and Middle East

Telephone number: +251 011 558 0859

Email: [email protected]

Full office address: Arat Kilo, 4 floor Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences: [email protected]

[email protected]

Title of the Readiness support proposal

Implementing the NDCs to Promote Low-Carbon Growth in Mozambique

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Type of Readiness support sought

Please select the relevant GCF Readiness activity area below (click on the box): ☒ I. Country capacity for engagement with GCF ☒ II. Country programming process ☒ III. Direct access to climate finance ☒ IV. Climate finance accessed ☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes

Brief summary of the request

The capacity to access climate and private sector finance will be a key determinant of the success of the Government of Mozambique’s inclusive green growth and climate agenda. In this context, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Mozambique’s National Designated Authority (NDA), has requested the support of the GCF to:

1) Support national planning and coordination for implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and the National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy (NCCAMS); and

2) Support development of a project pipeline assisting National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS) to create project proposals ready for successful submission by them to GCF and/or other public or private financiers. This 18-month program will be based on principles of broad stakeholder engagement, long-term climate action planning, and translating plans to project pipelines to attract climate finance. It will support FNDS (both in capacity and operationalization), and the NDA to strengthen the Comité de Assessoria (NDA Advisory Council) (CoA) to engage with the GCF, development partners, civil society and private sector to ensure the Government of Mozambique’s improved capacity to qualify for and receive GCF climate finance, and then successfully implement its climate change strategy.

At the conclusion of this program, Mozambique will have necessary evidence and preparation for submission of mitigation targets in the energy and waste sectors, and a pipeline of project concepts in the energy and waste sectors, aimed at attracting climate finance for implementation of the targets. The Government of Mozambique (GoM) recognizes energy and waste as priority sectors for this readiness support as this ensures avoidance of overlap with other programs operating in Mozambique as being the only sectors identified per the first phase of Technology Needs Assessment (TNA).These selected two sectors are also among the priority sectors indicated in Mozambique’s current NDC.

In the process, the program will support and consult with the GIIMC - the climate change coordinating committee - in preparing the country’s NDC submission to UNFCCC in 2020. MEF, Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER), FNDS, Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water (MPHRH), Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy (MIREME) and the Inter-Institutional Climate Change Working Group (GIIMC) as the key parties in the NDC implementation will gain valuable experience and enhance their capacity across climate issues, from developing NDC targets, to understanding climate finance and project origination to assessing projects (including gender issues) for submission to potential international finance providers. Throughout the program, gender and social considerations will be made, ensuring that there are deliberate efforts in meaningful participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups, sensitivity to the differential needs and impacts of different gender groups, and monitoring and feedback mechanisms at various levels. The program will adopt a gender responsive approach and ensure coordinated efforts with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare and relevant Government Department Gender Focal Points responsible for gender equality and social development.

Total requested amount and currency USD 600, 545 Anticipated duration 18 months

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Has the country received or is expecting to receive other Readiness and Preparatory Support funding allocations (including adaptation planning) from GCF or other donors?

☒ Yes ☐ No

Mozambique is implementing one GCF Readiness project with FNDS as the Delivery Partner. The project proposal was approved in November 2017 with the title:

“Establishing and strengthening the National Designated Authority & Developing strategic frameworks for engagement with the GCF, including the preparation of country programmes.”

The Readiness project focuses on capacity building of the NDA, stakeholder mapping and coordination, raising awareness of GCF and creation of National Climate Finance Strategy and Country Programme.

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Linking government’s plans and climate change commitments (especially the NDC) to implementation – Mozambique has made significant steps in response to the climate change policy reforms through the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR). One of the most important achievements was the approval of the National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy (NCCAMS), in November 2012, which is the umbrella climate change agenda for all sectors and is also the umbrella for NDC. Recognizing that climate change is an acute threat to global development that increases instability and contributes to poverty, Mozambique ratified its NDC on June 4, 2018 and approved its 2020-2025 NDC (roadmap) on December 11, 2018, by the Council of Ministers. The NDC identifies sector priorities leading to a low-carbon economy, while increasing the country’s resilience and improving communities’ livelihoods. The government of Mozambique and partners have also been working closely on the implementation of many mitigation and adaptation measures. These range from resilient infrastructures, renewable energies, and increased access to water to sustainable management of natural resources and more resilient and inclusive rural development. The government’s national priorities and international commitments, including the Nationally Determined Contributions and the NCCAMS outline the climate change risks and investment needs. These documents form the basis for developing sectoral targets, and project pipelines/concepts at the sectoral level.

The NCCAMS links to several development planning frameworks: Agenda 2025, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the long term; the Government of Mozambique’s Poverty Reduction Action Plan (PARP) in the medium term; and, the Five-Year Plan in the short term. In addition, the strategy also links to the Social and Economic Plan (PES) and the Social and Economic Plan of the District (PESOD) at central and district levels in the short term and raises the financial challenges to a stronger climate change response. Under the implementation of NCCAMS, the country introduced a number of climate change policies addressing the gaps across government sectors. This proposal seeks to contribute towards the revision of the NDC in two sectors (energy and waste) as elaborated in the NDC and NCCAM specific goals on adaption and mitigation, i.e. a) improving access to renewable energies by promoting the use of renewable energy sources – wind and PV – and the promotion of the development of conversion technologies and environmentally beneficial energy sources and b) managing and valuing waste - Promoting sustainable waste management in Mozambique.

The Government of Mozambique (GoM) recognizes energy and waste as priority sectors for this readiness support as this ensures avoidance of overlap with other programs operating in Mozambique as being the only sectors identified per the first phase of Technology Needs Assessment (TNA). The World Bank, WWF, FAO, AFDB to mention a few organizations have extensive programs looking at land-based projects around forestry and natural resources. There are relatively better data/evidence base in the LULUCF sector. Moreover, Ministry of Land, environment and rural development (MITADER) and JICA jointly developed an MRV system targeted for the sector. This is not the case for the energy and waste sectors where the data/evidence base is lacking and/or is scattered despite the importance of these sectors for rural and urban development and arresting rise of future emissions in the country.

These selected two sectors are also among the priority sectors indicated in Mozambique’s current NDC (page 10, section 13 of the NDC). The Energy sector is important in the context of delivering overall economic development and especially rural development in Mozambique. Energy access in Mozambique remains low at ~26% and cleaner development approaches of the sector will be crucial for sustainable development of Mozambique including minimizing air pollution and enhancing climate resilience. Since women and men may have different purposes, needs and usage of energy, their access to the same may also differ due to various factors such as access to information, education, finance among others. It is therefore vital that these differences are taken into account in ensuring equitable development outcomes of energy programs. With growing population and increasing urbanization, the waste sector is key to providing clean and healthy environment in addition to GHG emissions reduction and resource efficiency in cities. Going forward, the waste sector also presents opportunities for generation of clean energy for burgeoning energy demand in Mozambique, while creating decent green jobs opportunities for women, men and youth.

As Mozambique is in the detailed preparation phase for a NAMA project on waste, this Readiness project will provide complementarity in some of the areas that are not addressed by the NAMA project, e.g value chains in the waste sector, as the NAMA facility project is mainly targeting infrastructure. The work will also consult and

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draw from major relevant work in the past in the two sectors e.g. Mozambique Green Growth Strategy by AfDB (2011), project for promotion of 3R / waste management in Maputo by JICA, long-term energy scenario analysis of Mozambique by Eduardo Mondlane University, renewable energy atlas and project database by The Energy Fund (FUNAE)/ Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy (MIREME).

Through the NDC consultation process and NDC partnership rapid situation assessment, a number of challenges the country currently faces in tackling those problems and achieving its NDCs gaps were identified on NDC implementation including funding, resources, institutional capacity and knowledge, collaborative planning & coordination. Examples of Constraints/Gaps/Needs include (NDC prioritization exercise ● NDC gap analysis ● NDC implementation road maps/timelines ● Alignment of NDCs with SDGs Developing pipelines of inclusive bankable projects ● Climate change fund establishment ● Raising/combining climate finance ● Blending/delivering climate finance ● Private sector investments mobilization Data gap analysis ● M&E Frameworks/Results Chains ● Setting indicators and targets ● Data collection and management ● Measurement, Reporting and Verification Training needs in any of these areas/sections ● Feasibility studies (social, technical, economic) ● Human capacity increase ● Tools/guidelines ● South-South learning ● Knowledge sharing ● Communications ● Gender mainstreaming). This Readiness proposal intends to address the following gaps, the setting of NDC targets in two sectors (waste and energy), climate finance access through FNDS by addressing some of the gaps in the accreditation process and project pipeline development concept notes to GCF), gender mainstreaming, knowledge sharing in these areas and South-South learning through NDA and FNDS learning and exchange visits.

Making use of existing governance structures and focusing on existing priorities – The Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER) and the NDA have requested the GCF to use Readiness support to address their needs to operationalize the climate change strategy and facilitate flow of climate finance. This will be done by supporting the next NDC revision/implementation planning process, and the National Sustainable Development Fund (FNDS) in enhancing its capacity in accessing greater flow of climate finance. Guided by the NDA, a Readiness project team will utilize and strengthen existing governance arrangements in place as below:

• Inter-Institutional Group on Climate Change (GIIMC) – advisory body on NDC implementation - will be consulted and utilized to conduct all stakeholder consultations

• Sectoral technical committees including the Natural Capital and Green Economy Committee, governance structure for the waste sector, which is planned to be launched by 1 July 2019 will be consulted and utilized for prioritization of the mitigation measures and review of all underpinning analysis

• MITADER and MEF NDC coordination focal points will be consulted and utilized to maximize participation in identifying mitigation measures and targets.

Linking NDCs to sustainable development and gender equality Gender mainstreaming is a government priority led by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare (MGCSW), which will be working with the NDA on GCF Country Program and Readiness. The MGCSW also collaborates and coordinates with appointed Gender Focal Points at sector level Ministries. These Focal Points will play an important role in capacity building for gender mainstreaming of sector policy and project development. MGCSW has recently reviewed and updated the national gender strategy that will be consulted for this work. Ensuring gender responsive, inclusive action plans in the energy and waste management sector, the Readiness project will help the NDA engage with other Ministries and non-governmental stakeholders to ensure women’s representation in planning, and alignment of NDC plans with national sustainable development plans and gender policies. A Gender Policy and Gender Action Plan will be designed for FNDS and incorporated within the Climate Finance Strategy and project pipeline developed with FNDS. Strategic sustainable development outcomes will be articulated based on environmental and social assessment by utilizing the Technical Council of the National Council for Sustainable Development (CONDES). Potential project concepts will incorporate environmental and social safeguard principles aimed at maximizing positive impact and mitigate risks. A transformative approach will be adopted throughout this program and deliberate efforts will be made to ensure that the intended outcomes are engendered through the identified entry points for gender mainstreaming across all the four outcomes of this Readiness proposal as follows;

• Proposal outcome 1 (“Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms improved to govern and coordinate climate action and finance”):

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Institutional capacity strengthening and coordination will include adequate incorporation of gender, social inclusion, and other social safeguard matters into NDC intervention criteria. This will involve capacity building with the NDA and the Comite de Assessoria on gender and inclusion in the project evaluation and No-Objection procedure.

• Proposal outcome 2 (“Country Programming process”):

In consultation with national stakeholders, where relevant and appropriate, gender and social inclusion targets will be incorporated into the Country Program through mapping of social risks and opportunities across sectors.

• Proposal outcome 3 (“Direct Access to climate finance”):

The Accreditation Gap Assessment shows that the FNDS lacks a Gender Policy and Action Plan, which will be supported under this project. The Gender Assessment associated with this work will also inform the development of a Project Assessment Manual for FNDS, which should also incorporate gender criteria. This gender criteria will in turn support the mainstreaming of gender into projects submitted to the NDA for review and No-Objection as well as any other donors through the processes of call for proposals and evaluation of proposals within the current government strategies and policies.

• Proposal outcome 4 (“Climate Finance strategies and project pipeline strengthened”):

NDA Intervention Criteria on gender, and FNDS Gender Action Plan, and Project Assessment Manual should ensure systematic and deliberate mainstreaming of gender and social inclusion in NDC implementation where relevant and appropriate. This project will support the energy and waste sector in particular, and hence engage more directly in capacity building within these sectors.

Focusing on low-carbon growth potential moving beyond planning – Many development partners in Mozambique, such as AfDB, ENABEL, USAID, UNIDO, AFD and DFID have directly or indirectly been contributing to GoM’s climate change mitigation and adaptation agenda through sectoral projects. This Readiness project complements these efforts but would provide the much-required operational planning and capacity development support for climate action and investments in two important sectors– energy and waste – for Mozambique’s further development and low-carbon resource-efficient economic growth. The underpinning analysis will also take into account existing projects/initiatives by line ministries in the target sectors and best way to implement plausible mitigation measures for consideration through consultation with relevant agencies/stakeholders. This provides the opportunity to involve relevant stakeholders and identify practical mainstreaming /implementation ways of shortlisted mitigation measures.

Complementing ongoing efforts in Mozambique to address climate change – A number of initiatives are currently ongoing within Mozambique that would be complimented by the outcomes of this readiness. Recent approval of the NAMA initiative with AFD, MITADER and FNDS, ‘Programme for Sustainable Waste Management’ will look at a set of the regulatory structures and support sustainable waste management issues. The NAMA Detailed Preparation Phase will establish a governance structure for the waste sector, which is planned to be launched in July 2019, and will contribute towards the Readiness and CP in Mozambique. This readiness will be furthering the overall aim of achieving a circular economy. Within the energy sector the readiness should complement programs like BRILHO – Energy Africa Mozambique being rolled out by DFID.. BRILHO’s objective is to improve and increase energy access for 1.5 million people and businesses, leverage the private sector’s innovation and investment capacity, resulting in market growth of clean coking solutions; solar home systems; and mini grids. The work will also consult and draw from major relevant works in the past in the two sectors e.g. Mozambique Green Growth Strategy by AfDB (2011), project for promotion of 3R / waste management in Maputo by JICA, long-term energy scenario analysis of Mozambique by Eduardo Mondlane University, renewable energy atlas and project database by FUNAE/MIREME to name a few. Further initiatives to coordinate project origination function will be identified during the initial workshop and provided by the ‘Stakeholder and Institutional mapping’ activity being completed under the NDA Strengthening and Country Programming Readiness proposal already submitted by NDA (Nov 2017). Most NDC related processes in Mozambique have been ad-hoc. As part of the process of this project, a systematic bottom-up process to develop (and in future update) NDCs in two main sectors will be pursued. The role and responsibilities of sectoral technical committees will be laid out.

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Outcomes Baseline1 Targets Activities2

(brief description and deliverables)

Anticipated duration: 18 months

Monthly implementation plan of activities3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Outcome 1: Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms improved to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Sub-Outcome 1.1: NDA inter-institutional coordination mechanism

0 1 Activity 1.1.1: Capacity building and knowledge sharing delivered in climate finance, gender mainstreaming, and sector assessments. Deliverable 1.1.1a: Mth 9 = Workshop 1 – Climate Finance, Project assessment and Gender mainstreaming for 30 participants (Workshop reports will include summary of the sessions and questions raised from the audience, a list of participants and trainers, photo documentations, as well as an evaluation of the participants attending the event.) Deliverable 1.1.1b Mth 13 = Workshop 2 – NDC Sectoral Targets for 30 participants (Workshop reports will include summary of the sessions and questions raised from the audience, a list of participants and trainers, photo documentations, as well as an evaluation of the participants attending the event.) Deliverable 1.1.1c Mth 6 = Workshop 3 – Baseline review for 40 participants (Workshop reports will include summary of the sessions and questions raised from the audience, a list of participants and trainers, photo documentations, as well as an evaluation of the participants attending the event.) Activity 1.1.2: Exchange learning visit to Rwanda on streamlining mobilization and disbursement of climate finance. (please see section 4 on “additional information”) Deliverable 1.1.2 Mth 4 = Exchange learning trip with Rwanda. Outcome of the trip to be documented summarizing the lessons learned, the improvements to be taken by the NDA and the way forward with appropriate timeline Activity 1.1.3 Mth 4 = Extract lessons learned from other countries, including exchange visits for NDA key representatives Deliverable 1.1.3 Lessons learned from knowledge exchange are documented summarizing lessons learned and action plan for NDA

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Outcome 2: Country Programming process

Sub-Outcome 2.1: Country Programme for climate finance developed across the climate finance landscape

0 1 Activity 2.1.1: Support the next NDC submission process through consultative and bottom-up assessments for setting sectoral mitigation targets in energy and waste sectors Deliverable 2.1.1a: Mth 6= Produce baseline emissions assessment report. Review (workshop) of identified mitigation measures and proposed scenarios by technical committee, and finalize

x x

1 For baselines rated at 1 or 2, please shortly elaborate on current baselines on which the proposed activities can be built on, processes that are in place that the current Readiness proposal can strengthen, or any gaps that the proposed activities would fill in. If more space is needed, please elaborate this in Section 2. 2 Please include tangible and specific deliverables for each activity proposed, and the timeframe (month number) in which it will be delivered to GCF. Please note that during implementation all deliverables should be included within the implementation reports for GCF consideration. 3 If the duration of the proposal is longer than 24 months, please change the monthly columns to indicate 2 or 3 months each (e.g. change month “1” to month “1-2’ or “1-3”).

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Deliverable 2.1.1b Mth 13 = Produce emission scenarios and propose 2030 targets in energy and waste sectors to GoM for NDC submission - review (workshop) by sectoral technical committee, and finalize

Outcome 3: Direct Access to climate finance

Sub-Outcome 3.1: Accreditation of direct access entities finance programming

0 1 Activity 3.1.1 Support the development of Gender Policy & Gender Action Plan for FNDS as part of preparation and submission of the GCF accreditation application, and to inform the Project Assessment Manual Deliverable 3.1.1: Completed Gender Policy & Gender Action Plan for FNDS


Activity 3.2.1: Develop Project Assessment Manual for FNDS Deliverable 3.2.1: Completed Project Assessment Manual for FNDS


Outcome 4: Climate Finance strategies and project pipeline strengthened

Sub-Outcome 4.1: Project Concept Notes Developed

0 2 Activity 4.1.1: Conduct market assessment within energy sector to give potential project ideas Deliverable 4.1.1: Completed assessment in energy sector in month 9 Activity 4.1.2 Conduct value chain analysis in waste sector to give potential project ideas Deliverable 4.1.2: Completed assessment in waste sector in month 8


Activity 4.2.1: Filter project ideas through the FNDS Project Assessment Process (Deliverable 3.2.1), resulting in 4 project ideas to develop into concept notes across energy and waste sectors with FNDS as the accredited entity and prepare to submit 1 or more to GCF in line with Country Programme Deliverable 4.2.1a: Mth 11: Completed FNDS project assessment process to produce 4 project ideas Deliverable 4.2.1b Mth 18: Completed 4 project concept notes, at least 1 ready for FNDS to submit to GCF as DAE, in line with Country Programme

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4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION With this Readiness proposal, Mozambique’s Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER) requests the GCF to support producing a pipeline of project concepts and setting of sectoral targets of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Under the guidance of the Ministry, the Sustainable Development Fund of Mozambique (FNDS) has been established and started activities to achieve accreditation with the GCF, and the NDA has established the Comité de Assessoria (CoA) to review Mozambique related proposals being put forward for submission to GCF. This will complement the Inter-Institutional Climate Change Working Group (GIIMC), led by MITADER, which advises and opines on climate change matters as related to NDC implementation, so as to ensure best fit for GCF to target Mozambique’s climate change ambitions. GGGI, as the delivery partner for this readiness proposal, will work by supporting FNDS, through capacity building and further progressing accreditation, to be in a position to develop and bring forward proposals for submission to GCF and/or other potential funders. This will be in close coordination with CoA, GIIMC and MITADER; by knowledge sharing and broadening understanding on climate change issues.

As Mozambique is now a member of the NDC partnership, most of the issues concerning ownership and national support are being dealt with through this coordination platform whilst an NDC MRV system is in the process of establishment by MITADER (Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development). A National Coordinator working from MITADER has been appointed to coordinate and follow up on the NDC implementation contributions by all partners as per NDC implementation plan. The coordinator will work with MEF which is responsible for reporting development outcomes in ensuring that the proposal outputs are well aligned and mainstreamed with the government plans. A rapid situational assessment (RSA) on the institutional capacities was undertaken for the key ministries on NDC implementation (MITADER, MEF, MIREME and MOPHRH). The two most relevant issues that were identified during the RSA are low capacity to measure, report and verify (MRV), including the effects of policies, strategies, plans and projects and of the availability and use of financial and technological resources. Weak capacity to design projects to access climate change financing and funds, which this proposal seeks to address.

As the major Ministries relevant to development and major NDC sectors, such as MITADER, MIREME and MEF are fully aware of the NDC agenda and understand their role / benefits in advancing it, there is broad support at government level. Academic entities are also mostly well informed. As this project gets online, along with the government and the development partners, the academia, private sector, and NGOs will have the opportunity to be engaged in target-setting and contributing/reviewing the underpinning evidence base. This is expected to expand the national support base and ownership of the NDC process to wider stakeholders relevant to implementation. The work will strengthen the NDC process, especially the underpinning GHG emission related data/evidence as well as the operational modalities and capacities of relevant sectoral technical committees (GMIICs) advising NDC development. Thus, the project will contribute towards strengthening two important building blocks for national NDC implementation – NDC governance system and MRV development.

Additional information about section 3 “Logical Framework and Implementation Schedule”

Outcome 1: Institutional Capacity and coordination mechanisms improved to govern and coordinate climate change action and finance.

Educational visit to FONERWA Rwanda

A visit will be planned in Mth 4 for two FNDS staff members to visit the climate fund of Rwanda, FONERWA. The aim of the visit is for FNDS to see how FONERWA have successfully accessed climate finance of the GCF, and to see lessons learned about the DAE application process as well as Project Preparation, Simplified Approval Process and Adaptation Planning. FNDS will also learn about current work being undertaken by FONERWA on how they can work under partnerships with lending entities in the country to increase involvement of the private sector. It will also be an opportunity to understand the model of technical cooperation used between FONERWA and international partners, with FONERWA being the entity applying for GCF funding directly.

Exchange visit for NDA key representatives

This visit will enhance and strengthen NDA capacity to perform functions expected of the NDA. This will give the NDA the opportunity to exchange experience and lessons learnt, learn about how other countries NDAs have progressed and implemented their country plans to effectively understand and execute GCF policies and

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procedures – and all other areas relevant to the objectives of the GCF and how the NDA can advance the agenda in Mozambique.

Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building amongst Stakeholders in Climate Change

All outcomes within the proposal will have a clear learning and knowledge sharing component attached which will fall under this outcome. A series of 3 bilingual workshops will be run over the 18-month period, supported by written modules in both English and Portuguese. The target audience for workshops will be members of the GIIMC, CoA and MITADER both in Maputo and provisional government offices. Consultation will be needed with other Ministries and inclusion where appropriate (e.g. Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture). The Workshops will be hosted by the NDA and organized to be run by FNDS, helping position FNDS as the central point of knowledge for green growth and climate change.

Topics of the three-knowledge sharing and capacity development events under Activity 1.1.1 will be focused on the outputs of other outcomes:

1. Climate Finance, Project Assessment and Gender Mainstreaming. Under the GCF Readiness already approved for NDA strengthening (to be delivered by FNDS) a climate finance strategy will be developed. The results of this will be shared, along with how potential projects may be developed and subsequently assessed by the CoA (and/or GIIMC). It will be shown how gender and social inclusion criteria will be included within the project assessment process and how gender will be mainstreamed. (Expected delivery mth 9, following completion of Climate Finance Strategy, and Project Assessment Manual and Gender Policy for FNDS)

2. NDC Sectoral Targets – This workshop will present both the systematic, inclusive, Mozambique-specific process and outcomes of the mitigation intervention identification in the energy and waste sectors, as well as scenario development and target-setting in these two sectors. Based on Mozambique’s mitigation potential, opportunities and challenges presented in these two sectors, the workshop will hold sessions to enhance capacity of participants identification of project level interventions in these two sectors. (Expected delivery Month 13)

3.NDC Baseline Review. The workshop will focus on discussing the outcomes/ findings and working steps of the baseline review conducted of identified mitigation measures and proposed scenarios by technical committee. (Expected delivery Month 6)

Learning by Doing – continual knowledge sharing

In order to ensure FNDS, as the central hub for product design and climate finance in Mozambique have learnings reinforced on a regular basis, regular contact will be kept during this project, by way of two in country staff and regular contact with one further regional finance expert. Knowledge sharing on each step of the process from design of Terms of Reference for consultants to kick off meetings, progress reports and end results will be discussed and shared to ensure as extensive knowledge sharing as possible.

Outcome 2: Country Programming process

Mozambique’s first NDC submission specifies a cumulative emission reduction target at national level by year 2030. The NDC doesn’t specify sectoral targets, or targets below a BAU reference scenario. There are no long-term mitigation strategies available for Mozambique. For meeting the cumulative target, the NDC indicates a number of identified strategies, policies, and programmes, many of which require operationalization support and coordination assistance. This readiness support aims to identify and prioritize Mozambique-specific mitigation measures in energy and waste sectors; and outlines sectoral mitigation targets (below a BaU scenario in 2030) in two sectors, namely energy and waste sectors. Mitigation measures will be prioritized keeping in view the strong synergies these present to meeting adaptation and other key sustainable development goals in Mozambique. In the process, the program will develop the NDA, MITADER and GIIMC’s experience and capacity in strengthening the NDC revision/target-setting process at sectoral level.

NDC Sectoral Coordination and Action Planning to promote Low-carbon Economic Growth in Mozambique – Energy and Waste sectors

The Government of Mozambique (GoM) recognizes energy and waste are priority sectors for this readiness support – these are within priority sectors indicated in Mozambique’s current NDC (page 10, section 13 of the NDC). Energy is important sector in context of delivering overall equitable economic development and especially rural development in Mozambique. Greening the energy sector would be key to arrest rise of emissions in

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Mozambique as well as air pollution control and enhancing the climate resilience of the economy especially in the rural areas. With growing population and increasing urbanization, the management of the waste sector is key to providing clean and healthy development in cities, in addition to GHG emissions reduction and resource efficiency. Going forward, the waste sector also presents opportunities for energy generation. Scope of action planning for the energy sector will be limited to the transformation processes (e.g. electricity generation, transmission and distribution, charcoal production, and coal mining etc.). The scope for the waste sector will be solid waste disposal, collection and treatment. Sectors considered here are in line with Mozambique’s NDC

1. Emission baselines: Baseline emissions assessment for energy and waste sectors will be conducted. (Mth 6 deliverable)

Mozambique’s last National Communications (NC) is from 2003. Currently there is no up-to-date economy-wide emissions inventory. Emissions at the scenarios projection start year will need to be estimated using the data/information from various sources including from the last-submitted NC, data/analysis used in the submitted NDC (where available), WRI-CAIT analysis for Mozambique etc. These will be supplemented with collected data/information from relevant national sources, such as from MITADER, MIREME, MTC, national statistical agency, and Eduardo Mondlane University (for energy), major local authorities (for waste), as well as international sources including from IEA, IPCC, and the World Bank. Sectoral baselines will follow an activity-based approach and will follow the IPCC guidelines for national GHG emissions inventories. A data gap and requirement assessment will be done in the process of sectoral baseline development. This should provide underpinning evidence for required readiness support in this area including for a comprehensive MRV system.

2. Mitigation potential and scenarios. (Mth 13 deliverable)

Sectoral (and cross-sectoral) mitigation measures will be identified and sectoral technical committees will review and validate mitigation measures that will be prioritized based on criteria such as costs, barriers to implementation and alignment to key adaptation and sustainable development goals. All adopted policies and programmes will be included in the analysis. Sectoral mitigation potential and implementation costs based on the prioritized mitigation measures list will be estimated. Business-as-usual (BaU) and alternative emission reduction scenarios will be developed taking into account identified mitigation measures (at time steps of 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2050). The BaU scenario in principle will include legally approved and operational policy measures by the start year of scenario projections. The technical working groups – GMIIC - in consultation with other relevant stakeholders, will advise on the projection start year, sectoral scope, and policies/programs to be included in the BaU scenario. Relevant existing initiatives (such as in NAMA) will be consulted for determining measures and scope in each sector as well. Alternative mitigation scenarios will be based on socio-economic development and climate change assumptions (GDP, population, fossil fuel prices, and outdoor temperature), and technology and lifestyle change assumptions in the target sectors (e.g. fuel switch, modal shift, conservation and efficiency). Shared Socio-economic Projection scenarios will be consulted as well for development of mitigation scenarios. National data will be supplemented by data from international sources as required, such as from the World Bank and IMF for GDP, UN for population, IEA for trends and CO2 emissions in energy etc. Bottom-up accounting-simulation model LEAP will be used for energy (supply, and end-use except transport). Simple projection model will be used for waste sector.

The proposed mitigation scenarios will be developed with a bottom-up approach with specific mitigation measures; and will provide transparent evidence base for preparation of the next NDC submission. Mitigation measures will be identified in context of the policies/strategies outlined in the NDC submitted in 2015, the cumulative mitigation goals in the previous NDC submission will be accommodated in the scenarios. The mitigation scenarios will provide evidence on sectoral mitigation potential that will be used to propose sectoral emissions targets (below BaU in 2030). As bottom-up approach and mitigation measures will be used to develop the scenarios and targets, the underpinning evidence and the developed scenarios can directly serve as buildings blocks for developing sectoral implementation plans and long-term emission reduction strategies.

Preparation and submission of sectoral targets. (Mth 15 deliverable)

Based on the mitigation potential identified through scenarios, sectoral targets for the energy and the waste sectors will be prepared by MITADER in coordination with GIIMC for approval by Council of Ministers..

Outcome 3: Direct Access to climate finance

In order to enhance direct access to climate finance, the NDA has selected FNDS to commence activities that will result in it becoming the first national GCF Direct Access Entity (DEA) for the country. Two activities have been specifically highlighted as directly related to FNDS helping to implement the NDC by designing and approval of project concept notes:1) provide technical support to the nominated candidate DAE to build individual and

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organizational capacity, including gender inclusive climate change project development and management; 2) design/upgrade, adopt and integrate policies in accordance with GCF’s fiduciary principles and standards and gender policy. The following activities are therefore proposed.

Gender Policy and Action Plan (mth 5 deliverable)

Design of a Gender Policy & Gender Action Plan for FNDS with recommendations for further alignment of procedures and competencies with GCF requirements. This will complement the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that is already in place.

Project Assessment Manual (mth 8 deliverable)

A clear set of criteria will be set out for FNDS to be able to measure prospective projects against to ensure projects selected to be submitted for funding to GCF and/or other potential funding sources, not only consider climate change criteria, but also match with the country strategy on sustainable development and incorporate gender and social inclusion considerations.

Outcome 4: Climate Finance

Improved Readiness for NDC Implementation through Pipeline Development in the Waste and Energy Sectors

This Readiness grant will support FNDS to generate 4 concept notes from across the energy and waste sectors. The aim is for FNDS to then develop some or all these concepts into full proposals for submission to GCF or other finance sources. A mapping activity showing current initiatives ongoing in these sectors is to be carried out under the FNDS NDA strengthening readiness proposal (Nov 2017), this will be used to see what opportunities are already being exploited. Following this, assessments will be carried out in each sector to understand current value chains and possible opportunities. Then working closely with FNDS and consulting with CoA and GIIMC, project ideas will be filtered through the project assessment process to produce the concept notes, in alignment with national priorities and country programme.

The preparatory phase of Technological Needs Assessment (TNA) in Mozambique consisted of establishment of the organizational structure of the TNA process, project launching and sectors identification. This phase began with the first meeting of the Inter-Institutional Group on Climate Change (GIIMC) where the TNA project was presented and the sectors to be part of the project for adaptation and mitigation were identified. For adaptation, agriculture, infrastructure, coastal zones and disaster management were identified as the most vulnerable while for mitigation, the identified sectors were energy and waste the assessments have not yet been completed for energy or waste. Should they progress ahead of this readiness commencing the conclusions can be incorporated within our energy assessment and waste value chain analysis, but it is not clear if timings of the reports will allow for this.

A market assessment approach tends to show not only what technology could be deployed in the country but also the potential size of the market ie the financing needs, along with the impact potential. On the basis of GCF funding records it is important to identify projects that have the financing needs suitable to fit to a GCF project proposal. By understanding the potential financing needs of a whole market of sub-sector, financial supportive instruments can be structured of appropriate size to incorporate GCF funding.

Within the solid waste sector, impact can be made through not only technology introduction but also through waste to resource concepts, circular economy and/or prevention of use/refusal (5 R’s). This means a better understanding of the value flowing through the waste cycle will highlight possible potential interventions (technological or otherwise) and also help to show where groups (vulnerable/minority or otherwise) may be impacted negatively by an intervention (waste pickers for example) so this can be taken into consideration at the project assessment stage.

Stakeholder engagement will not only focus on finance but also actors involved in the selected sectors. This will mean interviews and discussions with all actors in the waste value chain – both informal and formal sector e.g. academia, private sector, local communities and social organizations.

Within the energy sector it is important to understand both consumers and producers in order to assess opportunities. Consumer demands and preferences must be understood in order to understand opportunities and therefore on either personal interview or community level basis; current and potential consumers will be included in consultation. On a governmental level, engagement will be through the relevant Ministries MITADER, MEF, MOPHRH including the Ministry of Gender a as a Cross Cutting stakeholder in both sectors

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Market Assessments in Energy and Solid Waste Sectors

1. Value Chain Analysis of Waste Sector (mth 8 deliverable)

The overall purpose of this assignment is to analyze the solid waste value chain with focus on collection, disposal and treatment of waste in Mozambique’s main municipalities. The analysis will offer an opportunity to develop a shared understanding among value chain stakeholders of the current situation of the industry. A mapping exercise will be carried out to identify where unexploited value may lie in the chain and thus where project opportunities may be exploited. This work will complement that already being led by MITADER and FNDS under the NAMA funded, Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Mozambique. Possible opportunities could be to extract some waste earlier in the value chain, or to enhance value of certain waste chains, to provide further progress towards the GoM aim of the Circular Economy.

2. Market Assessment of the Energy Sector (mth 9 deliverable)

The main objective is to assess the current status of the energy market and to identify practical actions related to alternative energy sources, energy efficiency and demand side efficiencies. Challenges may be highlighted, but in the absence of a clear path to change, opportunities should be identified that can work in the status quo. Work will complement other activities and funding in this sector such as the DFID funded BRILHO program.

Project Concept Note Development

From the sector assessments it is hoped sufficient information will have been gathered to allow for development of at least 8 ideas which are then narrowed down to 4 project concept notes, with suitable business plans, financial structuring etc. as required by the GCF.

Project Assessment (mth 11 deliverable) The narrowing process will be done by submitting the ideas through the FNDS project assessment process (Deliverable 3.2.2 in Mth 9) in order to assess the suitability of the project assessment process in a practical situation and as a capacity building exercise for FNDS and CoA. Adjustments may be made at this stage, if necessary, to the submission criteria. This will ensure projects are aligned with national priorities, climate change criteria and include suitable gender considerations. The 8 project ideas will now be filtered to a prioritized list of 4 project ideas.

Project Concept Notes (mth 18 deliverable) The 4 project ideas will now be developed with FNDS by gathering data for structuring projects to create the desired suitable climate change results and, if possible, to lead to the transformational change needed. Structures will aim to use blended finance, involving the private sector where possible. The resultant 4 project concepts will be submitted by FNDS to financiers. The hope is that all four concept notes could be submitted to GCF for finance. However, should some fall short of the GCF criteria, they will be submitted to alternative potential financiers. At least one will be submitted to GCF with FNDS as the DAE.

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5.1 Budget plan Please complete the Budget Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. 5.2 Procurement plan Please complete the Procurement Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage. 5.3 Disbursement schedule Please specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF. For periodicity, specify whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.

Please choose one among the two below and delete the one that does not apply to you. Please fill in information under brackets: ☒ Readiness Proposal that falls within a Framework Agreement with the GCF

Disbursements will be made in accordance to Clause 4 “Disbursement of Grants” and Clause 5 “Use of Grant Proceeds by the Delivery Partner” of the Amended Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement entered into between GCF and Global Green Growth Institute on 13 December 2017.

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6. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Implementation map Please describe how funds will be managed by the NDA and/or the Readiness Delivery Partner.

Mozambique’s NDA provides overall direction for the development of the GCF readiness proposal development. Throughout the project implementation, the NDA guides the identification of priority policy objectives, co-chairs engagement with key national stakeholders to ensure policy alignment and policy maker commitment and endorses the project schedule and activities for GCF readiness project implementation. Through a Nomination Letter, the NDA has requested GGGI to be its Delivery Partner (DP) for this Readiness proposal. The project formulation has involved extensive engagement with MITADER, the NDA, FNDS, Comité de Assessoria(GCF advisory committee- CoA) and GIIMC. As per the design, under the guidance of NDA and FNDS, all day-to-day activities will be closely coordinated and reported. Further, GGGI has and will continue to consult with the NDA

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and FNDS in drafting TORs and invite them to participate in the recruitment interviews for the Readiness project team and/or procurement evaluations. The CoA will also serve as the project steering committee for the implementation of this readiness. GGGI is supporting Mozambique as a long-term embedded advisor (beyond the scope of GCF Readiness), in supporting the implementation of the Green Economy, Natural Capital, Renewable energy as well as capacity building and GGGI’s organizational objective is to build sustainable capacity in its focal ministry MITADER, which is responsible for coordinating on NDC implementation on behalf of the country. With reference to the GGGI-GCF Framework Agreement, as the DP, GGGI will undertake project implementation including financial management. The DP will pay directly to goods suppliers and non-consulting and consulting services as per the respective contracts. DP in close collaboration with NDA and FNDS will guide, monitor and supervise the implementation of the work by the consultants/vendors based on GGGI standard of implementation/monitoring procedures. The DP will provide consolidated report to the GCF as per the Framework Agreement. The DP will prepare periodic revisions to reflect changes in six monthly and annual expense category budgets and monitor and review project expenditure reports and communicate and share with the NDA and GCF Secretariat, if required. The DP will oversee the financial preparation of the project completion report, independent terminal evaluation, and submit the report to the GCF Secretariat. In close collaboration with NDA, the DP will prepare project closing documents including externally audited expenditure statements and financial closure report and submit to the GCF. Upon request by the NDA, the DP will prepare any formal request to the GCF for budget changes and reallocations The DP will ensure that all funds are provided on a timely basis to ensure expediting and acquittal of funds are not delayed, and all funds are accounted and transparent. GGGI has worked closely with FUNAE and other development partners in the energy sector in developing business cases and design of projects in areas such as solar PV based irrigation. Under this project, GGGI will leverage it’s NDC action planning and project development experience in its member and partner countries, as well as its national/international networks, to support GOM in developing concept notes and capacity for project origination in the energy and waste sectors.

6.2 Risks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and other relevant information

Risk Impact

Low/Medium/ High


Delay in implementation

Medium • GGGI considered recruitment/procurement process and duration into the work plan.

• GGGI will coordinate with key government officials to expedite the review/approval process and/or the timely provision of action required.

• GGGI will coordinate closely with consultants and consulting firms to ensure timely execution.

Change in government: Turnover of senior officials in national government ministries might affect project schedule

Medium • GGGI will be proactive in engagement with new authorities to minimize delay risks and will coordinate closely with government technical staff who can still work in support of this project and inform the new authorities

Prohibited Practices (Corruption, Coercion, Collusion, Financing of terrorism, Fraud and Money laundering)

Medium • GGGI will implement the project following its robust risk management framework as well as its internal controls through adhering to the highest standards of integrity for staff, GGGI’s own activities and the activities of all parties involved in GGGI projects;

• Prohibiting any actions by Counterparties • Utilising GGGI’s independent department (Internal Audit)

responsible for ensuring internal control to prevent Prohibited Practices and to conduct investigations if need arises

• Ensuring counterparties are aware of the repercussions for failing to comply with any requirements of policy or other internal regulations regarding preventing Prohibited Practices

• utilize GGGI’s blocked/restricted party screening system

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• all counterparties shall adhere to GGGI code of conduct and anti- corruption policy

• GGGI staff, Counterparties and any person or entity involved in GGGI’s activities or in GGGI’s projects should report any detected risks of corruption, fraud, money laundering, financing of terrorism and other Prohibited Practices to GGGI through its website under Compliance Review

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) GGGI undertakes monthly and annual project reporting to provide mechanism for regular collection of information on progress to support oversight and adaptive management and external reporting to GGGI members/donors. The project progress is reported against the log frame and budget. GGGI also engages independent evaluators to ensure unbiased, credible project evaluation and the final report is being published on GGGI website.

In line with the Framework Agreement between GCF and GGGI, progress reports using the GCF template will be submitted for disbursement requests and project closing as well as audited financial statements at the portfolio level at the end of each year. GGGI will prepare periodic revisions to reflect changes in six monthly and annual expense category budgets, monitor and review project expenditure reports and communicate and share with the NDA and GCF Secretariat (if required). Risks concerning AML/CFT were properly identified and mechanisms and controls put in place to mitigate those risks within the project preparation facility cycle, according to our obligations to the GCF under legal agreements and GCF AML/CFT Policy [yes no □, unsure □]. GGGI’s Rules on Integrity Due Diligence set out the principles for conducting integrity due diligence on third parties engaged by GGGI involving financial commitment or transaction, to screen them, including their beneficial owners, regarding issues relating to money laundering, terrorism, organized crime, human rights violations, and modern slavery.

Other relevant information Start Date After the approval of the Grant, a notification letter will be sent by the GCF to NDA with copy to the DP. The date of such notification by the GCF will be treated as the start date for project implementation. From that date, the end date of implementation will be calculated considering the total duration of the project as presented in the approved proposal.

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The following considerations are important when completing the budget:

1. Before preparing the Readiness and PPF budget, please read the full guidance on our website

2. You can select the appropriate budget categories from the dropdown list in the budget plan:

3. To insert additional rows, right click on the row number below where you wish to insert the new row and choose INSERT.

4. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet. :

Project Management Cost: Project management costs (PMC) are the direct administrative costs incurred to execute a project. They should cover only incremental costs incurred due to the GCF contribution. In most cases, these costs are directly related to the support of a dedicated project management unit (PMU) which managesthe day to day execution related activities of the project.

General Principles for PMC costs: 1. The percentage of PMC financed by GCF should not be more than the percentage share of the overall budget financed by GCF 2. PMC budget thresholds: Up to 7.5 per cent of total activity budget. > PMC exceeding 7.5 per cent for the readiness (including NAPs) proposals, and PPF proposals, up to $ 3 million will require detailed documentation and justification supporting the entire PMC budget. > The PMC should be shown as a separate component in the project budget. A detailed breakdown of PMC should be provided by budget category. > Indicative list of eligible project management costs:

> Project staffing and consultants: Project manager, Project Assistant, Procurement personnel, Finance personnel & Support/admin. Personnel> Other direct costs: Office equipment, Mission related travel cost of the PMU, Project management systems and information technology, Office supplies, Audit cost

Contingency :1. Select the appropriate % of Contingency Budget from the dropdown list :

2. Contingency budget for unforeseen costs arising during the project implementation should not be included in the outcome budget separately.3. Contingency budget must be used for any unforeseen programme (output level) cost that is unrelated to implementation/service fee.4. Any use of contingency must be reported to and agreed by the GCF Secretariat in writing in advance provided with justifications that are acceptable to the GCF5. If you get to the end of the project and you haven’t spent Contingency, you can’t increase the scope of the project or buy some more equipment to use it up.

6. The Budget Notes sheet should be used to record explanations, further details or cost breakdowns for individual lines


If you are unsure about how to complete the budget template, please send your query to: [email protected]

Readiness Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines

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5.1 Budget PlanPlease add rows for Outcomes, Outputs and Cost Categories as required. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet.

Consultant - Individual - Local Month 17.00 5,352.94 90,999.98 30,333.3 30,333.3 30,333.3

Travel - International Trip 7.00 5,000.00 35,000.00 11,666.7 11,666.7 11,666.7 Professional Services – Simultaneous interpretation DAY 3.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 3,000.0 3,000.0 3,000.0

Professional Services – Translation of documents words/Page 120.00 25.00 3,000.00 1,000.0 1,000.0 1,000.0

Training materials W/DAY 4.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 1,333.3 1,333.3 1,333.3

Workshop/Training W/DAY 3.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 3,000.0 3,000.0 3,000.0

Staff Time Month 18.00 900.00 16,200.00 5,400.0 5,400.0 5,400.0

Consultant - Individual - Local Month 13.00 3,778.76 49,123.88 16,374.6 16,374.6 16,374.6

Consultant - Individual - Local month 13.00 3,778.76 49,123.88 16,374.6 16,374.6 16,374.6

Travel - International Trip 2.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 4,000.0 4,000.0 4,000.0 Professional Services – Translation of documents Page 200.00 30.00 6,000.00 2,000.0 2,000.0 2,000.0

Workshop/Training W/DAY 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 666.7 666.7 666.7

Meeting W/DAY 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 333.3 333.3 333.3

Staff Time Month 15 1,804.00 27,060.00 9,020.0 9,020.0 9,020.0

Consultant - Individual - Local Month 2 5,000.00 10,000.00 3,333.3 3,333.3 3,333.3 Professional Services – Companies/Firm Month 3 10,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.0 10,000.0 10,000.0

Audio Visual & Printing Booklet 50 20.00 1,000.00 333.3 333.3 333.3

Travel - International Trip 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,166.7 1,166.7 1,166.7

Staff Time Month 18 1,097.20 19,749.60 6,583.2 6,583.2 6,583.2 Professional Services – Translation of documents Page 80 25.00 2,000.00 666.7 666.7 666.7

Consultant - Individual - Local Month 1.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 13,333.3 13,333.3 13,333.3 Professional Services – Companies/Firm Month 1.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 15,000.0 15,000.0 15,000.0

Professional Services – Translation of documents page 200.00 25.00 5,000.00 1,666.7 1,666.7 1,666.7

Travel - International Trip 2.00 4,750.00 9,500.00 3,166.7 3,166.7 3,166.7

Staff Time Month 18 1,833.33 32,999.94 11,000.0 11,000.0 11,000.0

512,257.28 170,752.43 170,752.43 170,752.43

Consultant - Individual - Local Month 17.00 280.00 4,760.00

Audit Fee Lumpsum 2.00 6,000.00 12,000.00

Staff Time Month 18.00 900.00 16,200.00

Meeting W/Day 1.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Communication Month 18.00 100.00 1,800.00

Project Management Cost (PMC)Up to 7.5% of Total Activity Budget


Total Budget(per sub-outcome)

Sub-Outcome 1.1:NDA inter-institutional coordination mechanism

OutcomesBudget Categories

choose from the drop-down listUnit

Outcome 1:Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms improved to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Outcome 2: Country Programming process

Sub-Outcome 2.1: Country Programme for climate finance developed across the climate finance


Outcome 3:Direct Access to climate finance

Sub-Outcome 3.2: Accreditation of direct access entities finance programming 66,249.60 66,249.60

Sub-Outcome 4.3: Project Concept Notes Developed 132,499.94 132,499.94

Outcome 4: Climate Finance strategies and project pipeline strengthened

18mTotal Budget(per budget category)

Total Budget(per outcome)




Detailed Budget (in US$)



Unit Cost# of Unit

Total Outcome Budget

Percentage of PMC requested:

7.0% 35,760.00

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Total (per budget category)





75,000.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) 7.0%

- Contingency -




16,000.00 Professional Services – Simultaneous interpretation 9,000.00






Delivery Partner Fee (DP) - Up to 8.5% of the Sub-Total

35,760.00 512,257.28

Breakdown (per budget category)


Professional Services – Translation of documents

Training materials


Consultant - Individual - International

Consultant - Individual - Local

Professional Services – Companies/Firm

IT Equipment

Office Supplies

Travel - International

Travel – Local

Audit Fee

Staff Time


Total Outcome Budget + PMC

Audio Visual & Printing



Total Outcome Budget

Total Project Budget (Total Activity Budget + Contingency + PMC + DP)





Sub-Total (Total Outcome Budget + Contingency + PMC)


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Budget Note Detailed Description

Staff #1 - Country Representative - Project Manager/Capacity Building

GGGI Int Staff- 5% of time over 18 months for the below activities •Project management and oversight •Review and approval of final outputs•High level reporting to FNDS, NDA and MITADER Director's and government counterparts Capacity Building for FNDS,GIIMC and NDA staff during the life of project Knowledge sharing with FNDS/NDA/MITADER

Local Consultant #1 - Project Coordinator/Trainer

Consultant ( National) for 17 months responsible for the below activities: •Responsible for day to day project management•Thorough review of all outputs•Coordination with NDA/FNDS/MITADER and government counterparts •Identify training needs during the initial inception task•Develop training plan on identified needs for climate finace, project selection, gender mainstreaming .•Develop and deliver training for FNDS/NDA/GIIMC staff during life of project on identified areas•timely project execution

Staff #2 - Energy Principal

GGGI Int Staff - 10% of time over 15 months (33 days @ $803pd) Working across Activities 1.1.1 and 2.1.1.

Technical TOR development and evaluation of the open tender for both consultancies to ensure meeting of technical requirements and alignment with all GGGI internal requirements. Ensure technical adequacy, integrity, and deliverables of the consultancy output. Design stakeholder consultation events. Co-drafting and review of all technical reports and outputs submitted to the technical committes and government for review and endorsement. Prepare contents for and present at capacity building workshop on NDC target development and initial GIIMC meeting

Staff #3 - Green Investment Services Principal

GGGI Int Staff - 5% of time over 8 months (8.8 days @ $803pd) Working across Activity 1.1.1 & 3.2.1. 5% of time over 18 months (20 days @ $803pd) Working accross Activity 4.1.1, 4.1.2 & 4.2.1.Completing TORs and assessing the open tender for both individual consultants and consultancy firms, ensuring alignment with all GGGI internal requirements. Monitor and input to consultancy work to ensure desired outcomes met, references experiences within other GGGI countries. Work with analyst to design financial structure for project concept notes and suggest/contact potential cofunders for projects. Present at capacity building workshop on climate finance and on sector assessments/design of projects.

Staff #4 - Green Investment Services Analyst

GGGI Int Staff - 10% of time over 8 months (17.6 days @ $416pd) working across Activity 3.2.1 . 20% of time over 18months (80 days@$416pd) working across Activity 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.1.Based in the African region and bilingual (Portuguese/English) the analyst will travel to Mozambique to be the main investment specialist contact with FNDS. Investigating relevant information pertinent to TORs for all consultancies initially, and ensuring FNDS is part of the process. Investigating local consultancy availability and ensuring open tender information is suitably spread to ensure best value for money. Keeping FNDS informed throughout consultancies and gathering inputs. Sharing results and discussing implications. High technical input on project concept notes to design business strategies and financial structures best suited to attract climate finance, complete concept notes with financial modelling if required.

Staff #5 - Gender Specialist

GGGI Int Staff - 25% for 3 months, (17 days @ $529pd) working on Activity 3.1.1Lead the development of the gender assessment and action plan for FNDS ensuring alignment with GCF's Gender Policy and Action Plan Plan. Prepare TOR, recruit and work closely with local gender expert to ensure that FNDS' gender assessment and action plan reflects the local gender situation in Mozambique and promotes gender equality.Review and input in the draft gender policy developed for FNDS

Page 26: with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of ......☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Brief summary of the request

Local Consultant #2 - Gender Expert Consultant

Consultant (national) - deliverable contract $20,000. Support of Activity 3.1.1Engage with FNDS and Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Action. Review documents, analyze information and conduct interviews to support the development of a gender assessment which provides an overview of the local gender situation in Mozambique to ensure that FNDS' gender action plan is designed to promote gender-relevant entry points and policies, and to identify opportunities for enhancing gender equality through FNDS. Develop draft gender Policy.

Local Consultant #3 - Solid Waste Mangement Consultant

Consultant (national) - deliverable contract $40,000. Delivery of activity 4.1.2. Value chain analysis of solid waste sector.- Analysis of each step of solid waste chain for all main material types, from waste bin to landfill / re-purpose or export.- Detail financial amounts generated at each step and identify potential additional activities to exploit further value, in line with GoM circular economy goals.- Investigate policy, tax and operational implications of potential interventions, including on the informal sector.- Give outline business case for suggested interventions - highlighting any financial shortfalls

Local Consultant #4 - Waste sector analysis Consultant

Consultant national- deliverable contract $30, 000 Delivery of ctivity 2.1.1. Waste sector analysis Collate granuar data to prepare Mozambique's emissions baseline for the waste sector- Emissions baseline development and finalization for review- Develop list of and costing of mitigation options for the waste sector, and prioritise based on a scientific criteria and consultation- Develop BaU and emissions reduction scenarios- Prepare mitigation target (ranges) for submission

Local Consultant #5 - Energy sector analysis Consultant

National Consultant- deliverable contract $40,000. Delivery of activity 2.1.1. Energy sector analysis Collate bottom-up activity data to prepare Mozambique's emissions baseline for energy- Emissions baseline development and finalization for review- Develop list of and costing of mitigation options for the energy sector, and prioritise based on a scientific criteria and consultation- Develop BaU and emissions reduction scenarios- Prepare mitigation target (ranges) for submission

Local Consultant #6- Gender Expert

Consultant (National)- deliverable contract $10,000. Delivery of activity 1.1.1 and 3.1.1 Ensure adoption of gender mainstreaming throughout all activities and actions of the NDA and the readiness activities - Provide gender and social inclusion sensitisation for all relevant stakeholders involved - Conduct trainings focusing on FNDS and relevant Government representatives - Provide technical support to FNDS to build individual and organizational capacity in gender inclusive climate change and gender policy - support NDA in reviewing gender inclusion for proposal submitted to NDA.

Travel International

This covers the following 1) one trip for two FNDS staff on a learning trip to Rwanda (FONERWA) to learn and share experiences and knowledge on managing and accessing climate finance 2) Two GGGI staff to travel for Inception workshop and workplan agreements 3) Three trips for GGGI staff to deliver on the three workshops 4) Three trips to work with consultants and FNDS on project assessment and concept notes 5) NDA exchange visit.

Professional Services – TranslationTranslation included for all documents across all activities as well as at the three workshops for simultaneous interpretation to be both in Portuguese and English

Audit Fees As the project will be for 18 months, audit fees budgeted twice for year one and final year of implementation and closure

Workshop/TrainingA total of three workshops have been budgeted for @ $3,000 each under activity 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 to deliver on Climate finance, project assessment and incorporating gender in project selection and design. Inception workshop for the role out of the GCF readiness project budgeted for @$1000 under activity 1.1.1. A validation workshop for NDC targets budgeted for @ 2000 under activity 2.1.1

MeetingProject inception meeting with al stake holders budgeted at $1000 under project management plus Initial meeting with GIIMC budgeted @$1000 under activity 2.1.1 for NDC sectoral coordination and planning

Page 27: with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of ......☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Brief summary of the request

Budget CategoriesAudio Visual & PrintingAudit FeeConsultant - Individual - InternationalConsultant - Individual - LocalProfessional Services – Companies/FirmIT EquipmentOffice SuppliesTravel - InternationalTravel – LocalWorkshop/Training Professional Services – Translation of documentsProfessional Services – Simultaneous interpretatiTraining materialsStaff TimeMeetingCommunication

Choose percentage01%2%3%4%5%

Indicate additional budget categories

Page 28: with Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) for Republic of ......☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning processes Brief summary of the request

5.2 Procurement Plan

Item Estimated Cost (US$)

Translation Services 16,000.00 Translation Services 9,000.00 Audit 16,000.00 Travel 60,000.00 Workshops 12,000.00

$ 113,000.00

Individual Consultants 49,123.88

Individual Consultants 49,123.88

Consultancy Firm 30,000.00

Consultancy Firm 45,000.00

Individual Consultants 95,759.98 10,000.00 40,000.00

$ 319,007.74

Annual Audit Direct Procurement $150,000.00 Month 14 Month 12

For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in Section 3, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

2.1.2 Waste sector analysis

- Collate granuar data to prepare Mozambique's emissions baseline for the waste sector- Emissions baseline development and finalization for review- Develop list of and costing of mitigation options for the waste sector, and prioritise based on a scientific criteria and consultation- Develop BaU and emissions reduction scenarios- Prepare mitigation target (ranges) for submission

Open tender $10,000+ Month 4 Month 3

3.2.2 Project Assessment for FNDS- Collate policy and strategy documentation to find aims of project funding- Set design on project origination (RFP, targeted calls, origination team, windows for submission)- Cross reference requirements of possible funding sources to set criteria for application forms, test market for acceptability- Set assessment matrix and measurements used to qualify projects, cross referencing with gender and other policies already in place.- Establish format of communication with project proponents around success/failures, guidance on improvements, further capacity building available.

Open tender $10,000+ Month 5 Month 4

Sub-Total (US$)

Solid Waste Open tender $10,000+ Month 4 Month 3

Translation of reports/documents Shopping ( three quotations) $1,000 - $10,000 Month 3 Month 2Simultaneous Interpretation Shopping ( three quotations) $1,000 - $10,000 month 3 Month 2

Goods and Non-Consulting Services

Item Description Procurement MethodThresholds

(Min-Max monetary value for which indicated procurement method must be used)

Estimated Start Date Projected Contracting Date

Month 3

Sub-Total (US$)

Month 1 Month 1International Travel (Staff, NDA and FNDS) Direct Procurement $150,000.00 Month 2 Month 1Conference Facilities/Venue Shopping ( three quotations) $1,000 - $10,000

Project Coordinator Open tender $10,000+ Month 2 Month 1Gender Expert Open tender $10,000+ Month 4

4.3.1 Market Assessment for Energy- Gather available data through Energy Sector Donors WG, FNDS, GGGI, EDM and other regarding energy production costs, tariffs, customer rates etc - Investigate green alternatives for power production on and off grid that may be viable, energy efficiency measures within industry and distributed programs that can be scaled- Create the business case to show how a potential project idea can create the transformational change to sustainable green growth and quantify the funding gap if identified

Open tender $10,000+ Month 4

Consultancy Services2.1.1 Energy sector analysis

- Collate bottom-up activity data to prepare Mozambique's emissions baseline for energy- Emissions baseline development and finalization for review- Develop list of and costing of mitigation options for the energy sector, and prioritise based on a scientific criteria and consultation- Develop BaU and emissions reduction scenarios- Prepare mitigation target (ranges) for submission

Open tender $10,000+ Month 4 Month 3

Month 3