Wisdom and Intelligence for Life

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  • 8/14/2019 Wisdom and Intelligence for Life


    Wisdom and Intelligence for Life

    2 Peter 1:3-4

    3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through

    our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through

    these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them

    you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world

    caused by evil desires. NIV

    God promises a relationship, and He delivers. God promises forgiveness, and He

    delivers. God promises heaven and everything we need to get us there, and He

    delivers. God also promises growth and transformation into His likeness, and He

    delivers. God promises to meet our basic needs, and He delivers. God promises to

    meet our spiritual needs, and He delivers. God promises workers for the harvest

    field, and He delivers. God promises that we can find joy, security, fulfillment,

    sustenance, salvation, strength, faith, encouragement, and inspiration in Him,regardless of the circumstance, and He delivers.

    These promises are reiterated in different ways in the scriptures, and God has never

    failed, and will never fail to fulfill these promises in the lives of those who

    wholeheartedly seek Him.

    Yet, what about everything else that I face in life? Since God is silent on all of these

    other things, can I assume that these things are not promised or guaranteed; and if

    I request them, is God is not obliged to answer? The obvious answer is that we

    dont know. What we do know is that when God is silent, the only thing that I should

    expect is for God to be God. Meaning, that the only thing that I should expect is

    that I cannot expect God to do something or be something that He has not


    Then why pray for what God is silent on? We pray because there is a chance that

    God may positively answer out of His whims and His discretion. Then, should I take

    matters into my own hands? Absolutely, because God does expect me to be

    responsible for my life, whether He answers positively or negatively to my prayers.

    Therefore, I need to handle the areas of my life that I am responsible for, that God is

    silent on. The good thing is that God arms us with great tools to handle the

    situations that we face in life, even though the outcome may not result in what we

    truly want.

    Wisdom for Life

    What has God given me to help me through life?

    1. The right attitude and perspective: God has given me the right perspective

    to have in the midst of the different circumstances that I face on a daily

  • 8/14/2019 Wisdom and Intelligence for Life


    basis. Though the circumstances may be different, the perspective remains

    the same. The correct perspective is that in God, I have all of my most

    important and desperate needs met, which I need to live a fulfilling life in

    spite of the circumstances that I face. In God I have: a loving, unfailing,

    everlasting relationship with Him, the forgiveness of my sins, the Holy Spirit,

    prayer, and the opportunity to go to heaven. This is truly all I need for life (2Peter 1: 3-4).

    a. In these I find love, joy, peace, fulfillment, security, satisfaction,

    inspiration, motivation, strength, encouragement, examples, guidance,

    and wisdom.

    b. In spite of the circumstance, and regardless of the circumstance, by

    maintaining this perspective, I will rise above any circumstance

    mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, which also affects me physically,

    and socially.

    2. Godly principles from the word of God to live by: Through following Gods

    principles in scripture, I will have the mental, emotional, social, and practical

    principles that will most successfully enhance my life and provide me with

    wisdom and intelligence to face the plethora of situations I face in this life.

    a. I will have godly wisdom and values as a foundation for all of the

    decisions that I need to make in my life, from the most important to

    the mundane.

    3. A support group: With all of the godly principles that I apply, I will make

    sincere, loyal, selfless, loving, encouraging and endearing friends who will be

    a great support for me, as well as I for them, during difficult times and during

    pleasant times. I will also have friends that will share in my struggles by

    praying to God for me (Rom 15:30). Who knows? God may answer their

    prayers, to help them in their faith, which may result in me getting help in my


    4. The ability to learn, grow and become better at all that I do: The ability is

    within all of us to learn and practice something to grow in our aptitude, ability

    and competence and become better at what we do. This can help us to face

    the challenges of life, with understanding of the situations that come at us,

    and the knowledge to persevere and overcome.

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    Since God is silent, and we are able to overcome many circumstances in our life,

    should we take the credit since we take matters into our own hands?

    What we cannot forget is that without the help that God has provided, we cannot

    overcome with our relationship with God and our life intact. What I mean is that

    God provides the right perspective, the right principles, the right people and thepotential to succeed in the circumstances we face, and glorify Him by the outcomes.

    That is what gives us 99% of the victory, with the remaining 1%, as our choosing to

    actually utilize what God has provided. We can try it on our own, and we may

    receive the outcome that we want, yet if we glorify the god of self, we cannot glorify

    the true God, and this lifestyle will shipwreck our relationship with God, and

    ultimately our life.

    Also, even with all of this help from God that we receive, God is who ultimately

    determines the outcome of our decisions. Therefore, if things go well, we need to

    thank God, because He allowed them to go well. If things do not go well, He never

    promises they will anyway, and we accept our lot with joy and reverent submissionto the outcome He has allowed.

    Therefore, we are to have faith in Gods promises, and take responsibility where God

    is silent in our lives. Yet, God has given us all of the tools to live a great and

    fulfilling life in a loving and enduring relationship with Him; through the forgiveness

    of sins; through the joy of knowing that we can go to heaven; through the Holy

    Spirit; through godly principles found in His word; through a support group of loving,

    safe people; through the human potential to learn and grow; and through the power

    of prayer. We truly have everything we need for life and godliness, as long as we

    maintain the right balance in our life and ultimately give God the thanks and praise

    that He deserves. To Him be the glory forever and ever, amen.
