Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)




    The rapid proliferation of wireless networks and mobile computing

    applications has changed the landscape of network security. The nature of mobility

    creates new vulnerabilities that do not exist in a fixed wired network, and yet many

    of the proven security measures turn out to be ineffective. Therefore, the traditional

    way of protecting networks with firewalls and encryption software is no longer

    sufficient. We need to develop new architecture and mechanisms to protect the

    wireless networks and mobile computing applications.

    1.1. Vulnerabilities of Mobile Wireless Networs

    The nature of mobile computing environment makes it very vulnerable to an

    adversary's malicious attacks. First of all, the use of wireless links renders the

    network susceptible to attacks ranging from passive eavesdropping to active

    interfering. Unlike wired networks where adversary must gain physical access to the

    network wires or pass through several lines of defense at firewalls and gateways,

    attacks on a wireless network can come from all directions and target at any node.

    amages can include leaking secret information, message contamination, and node

    impersonation. !ll these mean that a wireless ad"hoc network will not have a clear

    line of defense, and every node must be prepared for encounters with an adversary

    directly or indirectly.

    #econd, mobile nodes are autonomous units that are capable of roaming

    independently. This means that nodes with inade$uate physical protection are

    receptive to being captured, compromised, and hi%acked. #ince tracking down a

    particular mobile node in a global scale network cannot be done easily, attacks by a

    compromised node from within the network are far more damaging and much harder

    to detect. Therefore, mobile nodes and the infrastructure must be prepared to

    operate in a mode that trusts no peer. Third, decision"making in mobile computing environment is sometimes

    decentrali&ed and some wireless network algorithms rely on the cooperative

    participation of all nodes and the infrastructure. The lack of centrali&ed authority

    means that the adversaries can exploit this vulnerability for new types of attacks

    designed to break the cooperative algorithms.


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    To summari&e, a mobile wireless network is vulnerable due to its features of

    open medium, dynamic changing network topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of

    centrali&ed monitoring and management point, and lack of a clear line of defense.

    1.!. T"e Nee# for Intrusion Dete$tion

    ntrusion prevention measures, such as encryption and authentication, can

    be used in ad"hoc networks to reduce intrusions, but cannot eliminate them. For

    example, encryption and authentication cannot defend against compromised mobile

    nodes, which often carry the private keys. ntegrity validation using redundant

    information (from different nodes), such as those being used in secure routing, also

    relies on the trustworthiness of other nodes, which could likewise be a weak link for

    sophisticated attacks. To secure mobile computing applications, we need to deploy

    intrusion detection and response techni$ues, and further research is necessary to

    adapt these techni$ues to the new environment, from their original applications in

    fixed wired network. n this paper, we focus on a particular type of mobile computing

    environment called mobile ad"hoc networks and propose a new model for intrusion

    detection and response for this environment. We will first give a background on

    intrusion detection, and then present our new architecture.


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    Har#ware &(e$ifi$ations

    *ard isk + -/ or !bove.

    0!1 + 2341/ or !bove.

    5rocessor + 5entium 6 or !bove.

    &oftware &(e$ifi$ations

    7perating #ystem + Windows 3--- or !bove.

    5rogramming 5ackage used + 8ava 2. or !bove, #wings.


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    ).1 E*ternal Interfa$e Re+uire,ents


    The user can interact with the system through the user interface. There are

    different screens are available for the users to enter the details. 9rror messages are

    also generated.

    Har#ware Interfa$es

    :etwork cable, :etwork interface ;ard.

    &oftware Interfa$es

    The operating system used Windows 3---. ! can be viewed as a tool to help

    generate knowledge for the 0ule /ased #ystem (0/#).

    Co,,uni$ations Interfa$es

    The 5rotocol to be used is T;5

  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    ).!.) &oftware %ualit- Attributes

    Using genetic algorithm at run time the set of new rules will be generated.

    nitially, there are only fifty rules. =ater, there will be more than thousand rules. The

    set of rules will be reused. #o it is flexible, reliable, secure and maintainable


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    ! mobile !d"hoc network is a collection of nodes that is connected through

    a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. The ynamic topology of

    wireless !d"*oc network allows the node to %oin and leave the network at any point

    of time. This generic characteristic of wireless !d"hoc network has rendered it

    vulnerable to security attacks. !ttackers maybe of any type. dentifying the attack

    type and providing the solution to the real time attacks can be done in real"time, by

    forming multiple numbers of wireless nodes in the cluster, cluster head, and

    implementing the ynamic #ource 0outing (#0) protocol, detection of attack types,

    prevention of attacks, etc.

    There are several ways to categori&e #

    Misuse #ete$tion vs. ano,al- #ete$tion+ in misuse detection, the #

    analy&e the information it gathers and compares it to large databases of

    attack signatures. 9ssentially, the # look for a specific attack that has

    already been documented. =ike a virusdetection system, misuse detection

    software is only as good as the database of attack signatures that it uses tocompare packets against. n anomaly detection, the system administrator

    defines the baseline, or normal, state of the network>s traffic load,

    breakdown, protocol, and typical packet si&e. The anomaly detector monitors

    network segments to compare their state to the normal baseline and look for


    Networbase# vs. "ostbase# s-ste,s+ in a network"based system, or

    :#, the individual packets flowing through a network are analy&ed. The

    :# can detect malicious packets that are designed to be overlooked by a

    firewall>s simplistic filtering rules. n a host"based system, the # examines

    at the activity on each individual computer or host.

    Passi2e s-ste,vs. rea$ti2e s-ste,+ in a passive system, the # detect a

    potential security breach, log the information and signal an alert. n a reactive

    system, the # respond to the suspicious activity by logging off a user or by


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    reprogramming the firewall to block network traffic from the suspected

    malicious source.


    From the point of view of intrusion detection and response, we need to

    observe and analy&e the anomalies due to both the conse$uence and techni$ue of an

    attack. While the conse$uence gives evidence that an attack has succeeded or is

    unfolding, the techni$ue can often help identify the attack type and even the identity

    of the attacker.

    !ttacks in 1!:9T can be categori&ed according to their conse$uences as the


    4la$"ole+ !ll traffic are redirected to a specific node, which may not forward anytraffic at all.

    Routin5/oo(+ ! loop is introduced in a route path.

    Networ Partition+ ! connected network is partitioned into k (k ?@ 3) sub

    networks where nodes in different sub networks cannot communicate even though a

    route between them actually does exist.

    &elfis"ness+ ! node is not serving as a relay to other nodes.

    &lee(De(ri2ation+ ! node is forced to exhaust its battery power.

    Denial-of-&er2i$e:! node is prevented from receiving and sending data

    packets to its destinations

    #ome of the common attacking techni$ues are+

    Ca$"ePoisonin5+ nformation stored in routing tables is either modified, deleted or

    in%ected with false information.

    'abri$ate# Route Messa5es+ 0oute messages (route re$uests, route replies,

    route errors, etc.) with malicious contents are in%ected into the network.

    #pecific methods include+

    a) False #ource 0oute+ !n incorrect route is advertised into the network, e.g.,

    setting the route length to be 2 regardless where the destination is.

    b) 1aximum #e$uence+ 1odify the se$uence held in control messages to the

    maximal allowed value. ue to some implementation issues, a few protocol

    implementations cannot effectively detect and purge these ApollutedB messages

    timely so that they can invalidate all legitimate messages with a se$uence number

    falling into normal ranges for a fairly long time


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    Rus"in5: This can be used to improve Fabricated 0oute 1essages. n several

    routing protocols, some route message types have the property that only the

    message that arrives first is accepted by a recipient. The attacker simply

    disseminates a malicious control message $uickly to block legitimate messages that

    arrive later.

    Wor,"ole:! tunnel is created between two nodes that can be utili&ed to secretly

    transmit packets.

    Pa$et#ro((in56! node drops data packets (conditionally or randomly) that it is

    supposed to forward.

    &(oofin5+ n%ect data or control packets with modified source addresses.

    Mali$ious'loo#in5+ eliver unusually large amount of data or control packets to

    the whole network or some target nodes.

    .!.1 IDENTI'0IN7 THE ATTAC3&

    For each attack, we call the node that runs the corresponding detection rule

    the AmonitoringB node, and the node whose behavior is being analy&ed (i.e., the

    possible attacking or misbehaving node) the AmonitoredB node. For attacks related to

    5acket ropping, the monitoring node is a 2"hop

    :eighborhood of the AmonitoredB node. /oth the attack type and the attacker can be

    identified because the monitoring node can overhear traffic within its 2"hop

    neighborhood. For /lackhole attacks, the monitoring node is also the monitored node

    because the detection rule relies on information that is available only on the node

    (obviously, if an attacker has full control of the node, then the detection modules can

    be disabled unless they run on some tamper"resistant device). For Flooding and

    1aximum #e$uence attacks, only the attack type, but not the attacker, can be

    identified by a monitoring node. We now describe some notations of statistics

    (features) used in these rules. We use 1 to represent the monitoring node and m the

    monitored node.

    C(DEm)+ the number of incoming packets on the monitored

    node m.

    C(mED)+ the number of outgoing packets from the monitored

    node m.


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    C(mGED)+ the number of outgoing packets of which the

    monitored node m is the source.

    C(DEmG)+ the number of incoming packets of which the

    monitored node m is the destination.

    C(sGEm)+ the number of incoming packets on m of

    which node s is the source.

    C(mEdG)+ the number of outgoing packets from m of

    which node d is the destination.

    C(mEn)+ the number of outgoing packets from m of

    which n is the next hop.

    C(sGE1Em), the number of packets that are originated

    from s and transmitted from 1 to m.

    C(sGE1EmG), the number of packets that are originated

    from s and transmitted from 1 to m, of which m is

    the final destination.

    C(sGEdG), the number of packets received on the monitored

    node (m) which is originated from s and destined

    to d.

    These statistics are computed over a feature sampling interval, denoted as =s. n

    addition, we often need the same set of statistics that are computed over a longer

    period. These longer"term statistics can be computed directly from basic features by

    aggregating them in multiple feature sampling intervals. We use F9!TU09= to denotethe aggregated F9!TU09 over a long period =. We always assume that time interval

    = is multiples of =s, for simplicity. For example, the notion,

    C=(DEm) are computed by summing up all C(DEm) in =@=s rounds of feature

    sampling intervals.


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    We also need finer"grained statistics on specific types of packets, e.g., the

    number of certain route control messages. These specific statistics are denoted by

    appending a predicate to the corresponding feature. For instance, C(DEm)

    (TH59@009I) represents the number of incoming 009I (route re$uest) packets on

    the monitored node m.

    The other common problem with this systemis one where the operator or the users

    start cheating. n either way, the misuse of the system cannot be detected by the

    system proposed so far. The system misuse problem is clearly discussed below.

    .!.) &0&TEM MI&U&E

    The system presented so far works as long as cheaters stay out of the game.

    Why should a user cheatJ The main reason is to get an advantage over other users.!s stated in before, nodes can alter their network card random back off times and

    get an advantage over unmodified ones. n detail, a modified node will win the

    contention for the channel more often, getting a higher bandwidth share. 7ther

    techni$ues to do so are to launch o# attacks against other nodes, like %amming or

    eauthentication. !nother possible reason would be to get the fee from the operator

    when the Io# is good in the commercial scenario we outlined above. For the

    following, we>ll consider this later case. ;heaters modify their lists of events to

    pretend to have bad Io# while it is good to get the fee from the operator. We>ll

    explain how to treat the other case later on .;heaters will make the matching of the

    event list fail. n fact, a cheater will provide a list which is (at least in part)

    incompatible with the correct ones provided by the other honest nodes.

    For example, let>s imagine that a node receives a packet K and claims not to

    have received it. The sender will of course report that it sent the packet. The receiver

    will alter his event list by marking packet KL2 from the sender as K, packet KL3 as

    KL2 and so on. When the matching will take place, it will show this difference. We

    modify then our algorithm, and for every event we keep track of which nodereported it and of clashing and incompatible events. n the example above, assuming

    ! as the sender and / as the receiver, the list will report Achannel free (reported by

    node /) !: packet K from ! to / (reported by node !)M Mpacket K from ! to / (/)

    !: packet KL2 from ! to / (!)M,Mpacket KL2 from ! to / (/) !: packet KL3 from

    ! to / (!)M. Under the hypotheses that all nodes are in range of each other, and that


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    each node is either honest or cheater, when we try to build an aggregated list of

    events we>ll end up with all honest users agreeing on a list, and cheaters disagreeing

    from it (eventually agreeing among themselves). What we are doing is building

    clusters from the different lists of events. Under an optimistic assumption that most

    nodes are honest we>ll end up with a big cluster of honest nodes and a small number

    of outliers, representing the cheaters.

    *owever, if we don>t assume the general goodwill of the users, cheaters can

    coordinate their attack and become the bigger cluster. n this case, since there are

    no trust mechanisms we cannot decide which cluster represents the honest users

    and which one the cheaters. !s we note that each node can trust only itself, we

    modify the matching algorithm+ each node runs the basic 3"list matching algorithm

    between its own event list and each of the other nodes> lists. For each event, we

    mark if it>s shared among the two nodes or not. !t the end, the number of matched

    events will be a measure of similarity between the two lists. When all the matching

    will be done, each node will know how many other nodes share the same opinion as

    itself and thus how many other nodes are honest users or cheaters. This system will

    %ust tell how many nodes agree or disagree with a given node.

    To make every node know the opinion of all the other nodes, each node

    repeats the matching algorithm using the list of events of another node (instead of

    its own) as starting point, and iterates on all nodes. This modified algorithm will

    re$uire n 2 iterations to match a list of events with all the other ones. To match

    every list with all the other ones, if we do not repeat the already made matching (for

    example, when matching node C2 with every other one we match C2 with C3, CN


    .) E8I&TIN7 &0&TEM

    Traditional systems in place for intrusion detection primarily use a method

    known as AFinger 5rintingM to identify malicious users. They are complex.

    They are rule dependent. The behavior of packets flowing in the network is

    new, then the system cannot take any decision. #o they purely work in the

    basis of initial rules provided.


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    The rules in the database are static unless the network administrator

    manually enters the rules. t does not provide any option for generating

    dynamic rule set.

    t cannot create its own rule depending on the current situation.

    t re$uires manual energy to monitor the inflowing packets and analy&e their


    t cannot take decision in runtime.

    f the pattern of the packet is new and not present in the records, then it

    allows the packets to flow without analy&ing whether it is an intruder or not.

    The packet with a new behavior can easily pass without being filtered.

    . PROPO&ED &0&TEM

    t uses matching algorithm, which is an artificial intelligence problem"solving


    # compare learned user characteristics from an empirical to all users of a


    t includes temporal and spatial information of the network traffic.

    t is both network based and host based system.

    t can take decision in runtime.

    .9 ADVANTA7E&

    t eliminates the need for an attack to be previously known to be detected

    because malicious behavior is different from normal behavior by nature.


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    Using a generali&ed behavioral model is theoretically more accurate, efficient

    and easier to maintain than a finger printing system.

    t uses constant amount of computer resources per user, drastically reducing

    the possibility of depleting available resources.

    7nce installed, there is no need for any manual energy to monitor the


    t promotes high detection rate of malicious behavior and a low false positive

    rate of normal behavior classified as malicious.


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    &0&TEM DE&I7N

    9.1 NETWOR3 MODE/

    The rapid growth of WiFi networks over the past years is due primarily to the fact

    that they solve several of the intrinsic drawbacks of cellular data services such as


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    ndeed, without an appropriate scheme, only large stakeholders would be

    able to operate their network in a profitable way, and would impose a market

    organi&ation very similar to the one observed today for cellular networksE one of the

    greatest opportunities to fuel innovation in wireless communications would bemissed. The second problem is the lack of a good $uality of service guarantee for the


    9.1.1 A##in5 a new no#e to t"e networ

    :ode addition to the network can best be explained by use of an example.

    ;onsider a building with an existing wireless network maintained by an already

    present maintenance team. uring an intervention, a rescue team enters a building,

    and, to maintain connectivity, regularly deploys new nodes. /ecause of the nature of

    this procedure, the network will have a relaying character. We assume that each

    node has a maximum of two wireless interfaces. /ased on this scenario, the dynamic

    channel selection algorithm, assigns channels to each link, in such way that, for each

    node the uplink and downlink connections are configured at different channels.


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    Fig.O.3. !dding a node to the network

    To reduce interference between non"ad%acent links, each newly deployed

    node will scan the environment and will assign a channel that is not yet in use, to

    one of its interfaces. The other interface is set to the default channel, as seen in

    Figure 2. While the underlying character of the network is a mesh topology, due to

    channel assignment, a relaying network is created. To dynamically assign the

    channels when a new node is deployed, several messages are exchanged


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    'i59.) Pa$et 'low


    The modules contained in this pro%ect are as follows+

    istributed detection.

    a) 1ulticast the packet to detect the intruder.

    1atching the =ist of events.



    New Node New Node



    Channel SwitchChannel Switch


    Resue OLSR Resue OLSR


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    1ulticast the intruder to the neighboring nodes.

    #ending data to destination.


    The basic idea is to set up a monitor at each node in the network to produce

    e2i#en$esand to share them among all the nodes .!n evidence is a set of relevant

    information about the network state

    ! monitor can be thought of as an instance of the ethereal network packet

    sniffer+ t captures the traffic and displays the detailed information on it.For each

    captured packet 9thereal displays a complete view of packet headers (i.e. from

    9thernet to the application level) and payload and add some general statistics as the

    timestamp, frame number and length in bytes. For our purposes we>ll look at the

    9thernet level header, and as we>re focusing on 4-3.22 frames we>ll consider source,

    destination and /##d addresses, se$uence number, frame type and subtype and the

    0etry flag. Together with the captured packets, we add relevant statistics collected

    by the device driver, like counters for transmission retries and for frames received

    with wrong F;# (other papersPG use different statistics as signal strength and

    carrier sensing time), and packet transmission time. We built in this way a list of

    eventsat each node. 9ventsare the single transmitted packet or the times in which

    the channel is idle, which can be inferred from the timestamp of the packets and the

    packet transmission times.

    The combination of different list of events leads to the better understanding of

    what happened in the network, in particular in distinguishing the %amming attacks

    and channel failures, where packets are sent by one peer and never received by

    other peer. /oth the channel failure and a %amming attack make the F;# check of

    the packet fail, thus the packet in transit will be incorrectly received and dropped,

    incrementing the AdroppedframesM counter in the device driver at the receiver.

    The difference between the 3 cases is the amount of incorrectly received

    frames at the receiver. #uppose if the receiving station is under %amming network,

    where the packets which pass through the %amming area get scrambled. The monitor

    placed at the sender>s side will see the number of frames sent on the channel and

    the monitor at the receiver end won>t see anything received correctly, and will keep

    on increasing the incorrectly received frames counter. The sender will retry the


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    transmission a number of times and all these retransmissions will be dropped as

    well, incrementing the counter.

    We are able to detect the attack by combining what both monitors saw, as a

    single one is not able to do the same+ the receiver>s evidences (no packets received

    and counter updated) are in fact not enough to distinguish the attack. For the

    receiver, receiving incorrect frames can happen for various reasons+ frames from

    stations at the limit of the radio range, frames from neighbor networks or noisy

    channel are all examples of this. f the counter is not updated, then staying idle

    without having transmissions aimed at it or experiencing a device failure is

    undistinguished from being under attack. 7n the other side, the transmitter cannot

    tell if the other peer is out of range given the retransmissions only.


    The initial process is the training process where the source sends the packet

    with events to all the nodes in the network to detect the intruder. This process is

    known as multicasting. /efore sending the packets to all nodes, the source node

    initiates the timestamp for the packets. This training process is stored as an initial

    event list C2 in the source node. 0eceivers receive the packets which contain the

    timestamp and send appropriate !;Q replies. 0eceivers store the received packets in

    their event list. !fter receiving all the packets from source

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    first node was %ammed), so we swap the 3 lists and run the matching algorithm


    The final output is a single list of events which combines the two. 8amming

    and channel failure have the same basic signature (which is packets transmitted and

    never received), but differentiate on their position in the event list. ! few packets

    disappearing here and there are index of channel failures, while a se$uence of

    disappearing packets is considered as %amming. ! large number of non"consecutive

    channel failures are index of bad Io#.

    #ince all nodes participate in the detection process, we extend it in order to

    match multiple lists. The idea is to merge one list at a time with the result of the

    previous merge. n other words, we merge lists C2 and C3, and then we match the

    result with list CN, until we processed every list. We obtain in this way an

    aggregated list of all events which happened in the network in a given time frame.

    We have to notice here that a node might not overhear the traffic of every other

    node because of range. We supposed that each node has relevant information to

    offer, but this is not always true.

    The key feature here is that the monitoring system is distributed. ! single

    station alone cannot tell if it is experiencing an attack or %ust a temporary network

    failure, and cooperation among all nodes is re$uired for the nodes to understand

    what is going on. The event lists are shared among all nodes in the network.

    !ll nodes send their evidences to every other node in the network. 5art in the

    protocol. 9very node executes the matching algorithm to generate the aggregated

    event list to have a clear view of what happened in the network in the given time



    The matching algorithm will invoke after receiving reply events from the

    network. t compares events from the other nodes with that of the initiator. f

    anyone from the received !;Q packets is not matched, then that particular node is

    the intruder to be found. :ow that the intruder is detected the address of theintruder is sent to the entire network by multicasting. :eighbor nodes receive the 5

    address of the intruder and store it in the event lists to prevent future attacks from

    that node in the network. The multicasting of the intruder address is done source.


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    The data send process is done by splitting the chosen text file into packets for

    transmission. The data send process is invoked after the source finds out an intruder

    free path. n the case of %amming path. estination receives the data in the form of

    packets and checks for anomalies to detect any loss of data in the data due to


    The control flow and se$uence of events of the pro%ect is described in the

    diagram below.

    'i59.Intrusion Detection System flow chart


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    9.) PROTOCO/& U&ED


    ynamic #ource 0outing 5rotocol is a simple and efficient, reactive

    7n"demand routing protocol used in multihop wireless adhoc network. #0 makes

    the network self"organi&ing and self configuring. Two important mechanisms in #0

    are 0oute discovery and 0oute maintenance. :odes discover and maintain routes

    through the net work using these mechanisms. #0 uses source routing, which

    allows routing of packets to be loop free and allows caching of routes in nodes for

    future use.

    0oute discovery is the mechanism by which a node # wishing to send a

    packet to destination node obtains a source route to . 0oute discovery is used

    only when # attempts to send a packet to and does not already know a route to .

    0oute maintenance is the mechanism by which node # is able to detect, while

    using a source route to , if the network topology has changed such that it can no

    longer use its route to because a link along the route no longer works. When route

    maintenance indicates a source route is broken # can attempt to use any other route

    it happens to know to , or can invoke route discovery again to find a new route.

    0oute maintenance is used only when # is actually sending packets to .


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    CHAPTER 'ail $riteria The buttons should navigate to the correct pages and should

    produce the correct results.

    In#i2i#ual test


    Test $ase 16

    Test $ase i#entifier+ 0esort /utton

    In(ut ?16 User enters a valid *ost :ame and clicks

    resort to start the training packet process.

    E*(e$te# out(ut1+ 0outing table initiali&ation with

    display of role played by coherent nodes in network.


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    E*(e$te# out(ut"!E 0esort button ;hanges to #end


    In(ut!+ User enters an invalid *ost name or leaves

    the *ost name field blank.

    E*(e$te# out(ut!6 isplay an error message and ask

    for reentry.

    En2iron,ent6 8ava, Windows 5latform.

    Pre$e#en$e an# #e(en#en$ies6 This test case has to

    perform at first itself. This test case has no


    Test $ase !6

    Test Case I#entifier+ /rowse /utton

    In(ut ?16 User enters valid *ost name of node in


    E*(e$te# out(ut16 ;licking on /rowse button, opens

    a file selection dialog box.

    E*(e$te# out(ut1.16 #elected file is of text type and

    is displayed in #endata field before sending it.

    In(ut?!6 User enters the invalid *ost name and selects

    invalid file.

    E*(e$te# out(ut!6isplay an error message and ask

    for reentry.


    o 8ava, Windows 5latform.

    Pre$e#en$e an# #e(en#en$ies

    o This test case has to perform at first itself. This

    test case has no dependencies.

    Test $ase )6

    Test Case I#entifier+ #end /utton

    In(ut6 User selects the specified button.


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    E*(e$te# out(ut

    o The data is split as packets and sent to the

    destination node. :o. of 5ackets and destination

    node>s receipt of those packets is shown in the

    routing table.


    o 8ava, Windows 5latform

    Pre$e#en$e an# #e(en#en$ies

    o This test case has to perform at first itself. This

    test case has no dependencies.

    Test $ase )6

    Test Case I#entifier+ ;lear /utton

    In(ut6 User selects the specified button.

    E*(e$te# out(ut

    o !ll data in the #endata and *ost name fields

    are deleted and cleared.


    o 8ava, Windows 5latform

    Pre$e#en$e an# #e(en#en$ies

    This test case has to perform at first itself. This test

    case has no dependencies

    Table =.1 User Interfa$e testin5

    =.!.! Mo#ule Testin5

    Test $ase 5rou(

    i#entifi$ation1atching !lgorithm and 1ulticasting of ata packets.

    'un$tions to beFunctions Tested nclude the main functions for


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    teste#o 1ulticast#ocket

    o ;omparator



    Testing whether the packets are multicast to all the nodes.

    ;omparing and detection of packets received to find anomaly by use

    of matching algorithm.



    The matching algorithm should detect anomaly in packets received.

    !ll nodes should receive training packets and destination node

    should receive re$uest packets from source in 0eceivedata text


    In#i2i#ual test


    Test $ase i#entifier+ ;omparator

    In(ut16 0eceive the packets and compare with initial event


    E*(e$te# out(ut 1

    o The 5rogram should display coherent nodes and their

    role as source or destination or intermediate in the

    routing table.

    In(ut!6 0eceive reduced packet number from unassigned


    E*(e$te# out(ut !6

    o The 5rogram should display unassigned node as

    intruder and show intruder free path in 5ath table.


    o 8ava, Windows 5latform.

    Pre$e#en$e an# #e(en#en$ies6 This test can be done

    after the training process.

    Table =.! Mo#ule testin5


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    @.1 CONC/U&ION

    The istributed ntrusion detection system proposed here detects intrusion by

    distributed collection of relevant information from the nodes and is also capable of

    detecting %amming attacks. We also suggested a commercial use of the system, in

    order to provide a better service to customers+ however, this use allows cheaters to

    come into play. !nyway, their impact is limited+ we showed that the operator cannot

    lower the $uality of service under a certain threshold (as without such a system),

    otherwise unhappy users will take over and get a pay back. We also showed that

    cheating users cannot push too muchE otherwise the system will go towards the total

    shutdown. We achieve two goals+ we detect more attacks and force the operator to

    give a decent service. We allow cheaters to come into play, but their impact is self"

    limiting as a working network is needed for them to play. 7ne interesting scenario to

    analy&e would be with cheaters who don>t care about the service, thus don>t stop

    cheating when Io# gets too low. This might be a sabotage attack from a rival

    provider to get more market shares. t would also be interesting to add trust and

    user reputation mechanisms to the system, to improve the matching algorithm

    @.! 'UTURE WOR3

    To,orrows ID&

    ue to the inability of :# to see all the traffic on switched 9thernet, many

    companies are now turning to *ost"based # (second generation). These products

    can use far more efficient intrusion detection techni$ues such as heuristic rules and

    analysis. epending on the sophistication of the sensor, it may also learn andestablish user profiles as part of its behavioral database. ;harting what is normal

    behavior on the network would be accomplished over a period of time.


    ! strong # #ecurity 5olicy is the *9!0T of commercial #

    5rovides worthwhile information about malicious network traffic


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    ;an be programmed to minimi&e damage

    ! useful tool for ones :etwork #ecurity !rmory

    *elp identify the source of the incoming probes or attacks

    ;an collect forensic evidence, which could be used to identify intruders

    #imilar to a security BcameraB or a Bburglar alarmB

    !lert security personnel that someone is picking the BlockB

    !lerts security personnel that a :etwork nvasion maybe in progress

    When well configured, provides a certain BpeaceB of mind

    5art of a Total efense #trategy infrastructure

    APPENDI8 1


    package com.gts.src.UE

    import com.gts.src.=ogic.*ello0eceiverEimport com.gts.src.=ogic.1ulticstE

    import com.gts.src.=ogic.7perationsEimport com.gts.src.=ogic.0eceiverE

    import com.gts.src.=ogic.0e$uestEimport com.gts.src.=ogic.#enderE

    import com.gts.src.=ogic.TimerEimport %ava.io.DE

    import %ava.util.6ectorE

    import %avax.swing.DEimport %avax.swing.table.!bstractTable1odelE

    import %avax.swing.table.efaultTable1odelEimport %avax.swing.table.Table;olumnE

    import %avax.swing.table.Table1odelEimport %ava.awt.DE

    import %ava.awt.event.!ction9ventE

    import %ava.awt.event.!ction=istenerE

    public class esign extends 8Frame implements !ction=istener

    0eceiver receiverE

    Timer timerEpublic static 8TextField destinationE

    public static Text!rea data,recievedata,msgEpublic static 8=abel

    msgl,destinationVl,senddataVl,recievedataVl,intrudVl,pathVlEpublic static 8/utton send,browse,close,clears,cleardE


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    public static 8Table tableEpublic static efaultTable1odel data1odelE

    public static #tring receivetext@BBE public static #tring se@B#endataB,re@B0eceivedataBE

    8#croll5ane scrollpaneEpublic static =ist pathE

    public static #tring destnode@BBE

  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    senddataVl @ new 8=abel(BataB)E senddataVl.set/ounds(N-,X-,2--,2O)E


    data@ new Text!rea(O,N-)Edata.set/ounds(N-,23-,NN-,2P-)E


    recievedataVl @ new 8=abel(B;oherent :odesB)E



    recievedata@ new Text!rea(O,N-)E recievedata.set/ounds(N-,NNO,32-,2-)E


    send@new 8/utton(B0esortB)E


    panel.add(send)E send.add!ction=istener(this)E

    browse@new 8/utton(B/rowseB)E browse.set/ounds(2-X,O--,4-,3P)E



    close@new 8/utton(B;loseB)E close.set/ounds(3-3,O--,4-,3P)E



    clears@new 8/utton(B;learB)E clears.set/ounds(3XP,O--,4-,3P)E

    panel.add(clears)E clears.add!ction=istener(this)E

    return panelE

  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    table @ new 8Table(data1odel)E data1odel.add;olumn(B#ourceB)E

    data1odel.add;olumn(BestinationB)E data1odel.add;olumn(B5B)E

    data1odel.add;olumn(B75B)E data1odel.add;olumn(B0oleB)E


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    if(return6al @@ 8File;hooser.!550769V75T7:)


    #tring op@BBE int d@-E

    Filenput#tream cont@new Filenput#tream(newFile(chooser.get#electedFile().get!bsolute5ath()))E

    while(([email protected]())Z@"2)


    data.setText(data.getText()Lop)E cont.close()E

    catch(9xception e2)



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  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    new *ello0eceiver()Enew 1ulticst()E


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    APPENDI8 !

    &CREEN &HOT&

    T"e basi$ 7UI of ID&Monitor


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    Multi$astin5 to #ete$t intru#er


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    Intru#er #ete$te# b- t"e sen#er


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    Intru#er #ete$te# b- t"e re$ei2er


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)


    &en#in5 #ata to t"e #estination


  • 8/13/2019 Wireless IDS & New Attack Model-Report (1)



    2. !ime 1 and ;alandriello (3--O). Aistributed monitoring of WiFi ;hannelM.

    3. /ellardo 8 and #avage # (3--N). A4-3.22 denial of service

    attacks+real6ulnerabilities and practical solutionsM. n proceedings of the 22th

    U#9:K security symposium, pages2O"24, Washington .;, U#!.

    N. *erbert #childt A8ava 3 the ;omplete 0eferenceM.

    . 0aya 1 and 8acobson 1 . A0eputation based WiFi deploymentM.

    O. #17/=9 1ob.comput.commun.

    S. #hannon ;.9. and W. Weaver A! system to etect greedy behavior

    P. n 999 4-3.22M.

    4. #teven *ol&ner AThe 8ava 3 /lack /ookM.

    X. \hang H, =ee W and *uang H. Antrusion detection techni$ues for

    2-.1obile wireless networksM.

    Web resour$es6
