Winter Recital December 2010

Winter Program

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Big House Music WInter Recital 2010

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Page 1: Winter Program



Page 2: Winter Program


On the Sunny side of the street

Food Glorious Food

PIANO( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Clare Byrd: Down by the Riverside and Distant Bells

Juli Rufolo: Apple Tree Waltz and Rocky Mountain Train

Sawyer Chernov: Jingle Bells and Weeping Willow

Emma Renwick: Clock Shop and I’ve Got Music

Sara Ziemke: Jingle Bells

SAXOPHONE ( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Richard Freivald: Blues Adventure and We wish you a Merry Christmas

PIANO ( Instructor: Valeriya Tuz)

Vikram Ganti: Oh When the Saints Come Marching In

Andrew Louis: Dudelsack

Jaqueline Barron: Having Fun With Black Keys

Karina McClard:

SAXOPHONE ( Instructor: Deandre Hampton)

David Powell: Scrapple from the Apple and Minuet Duet

PIANO ( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Matthew Motiwalla: Jingle Bells and Time Machine

Julia Erickson: Silent Night and the Nutcracker

Hunter Dallison: Bumper Cars and Dance of the Irish

Abigail Martin: Coconut Shuffle and Jingle Bells

VIOLIN ( Instructor: David Gold)

Isabelle Cohen And Liza Erickson: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

CHORUS ( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Silver Sleigh Ride

O Desayo

PIANO ( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Alisa Stellini: Forest Drums and Dinasaur Stomp

Emily Katoni: Rainbows and The Dance of the Irish

Alicia Lopez: Forest Drums and I’m too sad for Love

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Gabrielle Redfern: Forest Drums and I went to London

Lily Stevens: Coconut Shuffle and I’ve Got Music

Jasmine Dallison: Forest Drums and Rainbows

Sophia Motiwalla: Rocky Mountain Train and A Day at the Carnival

Lara Rufolo: Coconut Shuffle and In the Prairie

FLUTE GROUP ( Instructors: Deandre Hampton and Jorge Continentino)

Laura Gyan

Maya Hampton

Gabrielle Redfern

Pearl West

Emma Berratta

Jingle Bells

PIANO ( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Jenna Hayes: Dragon Hunt and Silent Night

Laila Gold: Forest Drums and A Fairy garden Dance

Cate Huetz: Dragon Hunt and A Day at the Carnival

CHORUS ( Instructor: Holly Slater)

Christmas Calypso

It don't mean a Thing if it aint got that swing!

Special guest: Richard Freivald on saxophone

Maya Hampton

Pearl West

Emma Berretta

Gabrielle Redfern

Simone Kelly

Sadie Tuohy

Alice Condry

Alyssa Nielson

Jeremy Nielson

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Isabella Cohen (7 1/2 years old)likes playing the violin because it's fun to play all thenotes and David is a nice teacher. Isabelle likes art, read-ing, writing, soccer, singing and science. Would like to bea First Grade Teacher.

Abigail Martin (7 years old)likes piano because she gets to learn new things and“you have fun doing it.” She likes swimming, baseballand Disneyworld. When she grows up she would like tobe either a teacher or a vet.

Alice Condry (8 years old)likes singing as it is fun. She likes Harry Potter and watch-ing television. She also likes to read Harry Potter. Shelikes to swim in the summertime. When she grows up sheis really not sure what she wants to be.

Alicia Lopez (7 years old)likes piano because it is a “great, lovely instrument inmusic” She likes archery, painting, play dates and catsand London. She has a cat called Buka. She loves sundaesauce that her dad makes. When she grows up she wouldlike to be a scientist.

Alisa Stellini (9 years old)likes swimming and has 1 brother. She likes piano be-cause she likes the music she learns. She goes toMartha’s Vineyard and when she grows up she wants tobe a scientist or an inventor or a singer!

Alyssa Nielson (9 years old)likes singing because she can express her feelings. Shelikes arts and crafts, gymnastics, asking questions andplaying with friends. She does not know what she wantsto be when she grows up but her favorite places are Italy,Germany and Hawaii.

Andrew Augustin (5 years old)likes to “jam” on the piano and play music. Wants to bea superhero.

Cate Huetz (8 years old)likes to dance to music, likes making music on the piano,likes to sing and also to draw. She likes going to Vermontwhere she visits every year in the summer “where theyhave camps for grown-ups too.” She would like to be adentist or a doctor.

Clare Byrd (12 years old)likes piano as it is inspiring. She loves to learn new songsand have other people enjoy what I am playing. She likesto hang out with her friends and listening to pop music.She also loves card games. She might be a teacher ormaybe a clothing designer when she is an adult.

David Powell (14 year old)has been playing saxophone for 4 years. David firstplayed clarinet then switched to alto saxophone. David’smotivation for playing saxophone has been from histeachers and the sheer sound of the sax.

Emily Katoni (6 and a half)likes school, Disney, her puppy and reading. She likespiano because she likes to play with her fingers andmake her fingers move. When she grows up she wantsto be a teacher.

Emma Berretta (8 years old)likes singing in chorus as she likes to sing. She likeskarate, swimming, playing on play dates and even moresinging. She likes going to France and Italy. When shegrows up she would like to be a dog-walker.

Emma Renwick (7 years old)likes piano because she loves music, any kind of music.

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She loves hip-hop, singing, ice-skating and would like tobe the next “Taylor Swift” when she grows up.

Gabrielle Redfern (8 years old)likes music (piano) because it is fun as you get to dance,listen to the beat and you get to learn new things fromit. She likes having play dates and seeing her friends.She also enjoys ice-skating. Her favorite place is Mexicoand when she grows up she would like to be a vet.

Hunter Dallison (10 years old)likes music because it is a “time-waster” and is a goodthing to do if you don’t have anything else to do you cansit at the piano and write a song. He likes swimming andwrestling. He is currently running for school presidentand he is not yet sure what he wants to be when he growsup.

Jacqueline Barron

Jasmine Dallison (8 years old)likes piano because its fun. She likes ice-skating and ice-cream and books. She loves visiting Hawaii. When shegrows up she would like to be an ice-skater.

Jenna Hayes (7 years old)likes piano as she likes the songs. She loves gymnasticsand is very active. She loves cats and hermit crabs. Shehas 3 hermit crabs that she found in the ocean. She likesgoing to friends houses and when she grows up shewould like to be in the Olympics as a gymnast.

Jeremy Nielson (9 years old)likes singing “Walking in the Air” He likes playing sports,baseball, basketball and football. His favorite place heever visited was Hawaii. When he grows up he would liketo be an author.

Juli Rufolo (8 years old)likes piano because she enjoys the sound it makes. Shelikes to do Irish step dancing, playing with her friendsand jumping on her trampoline. When she grows up shewould like to maybe become a teacher, but she is notsure.

Julia Erickson (8 years old)likes playing piano as it is a fun exercise. She has 3 sis-ters. She likes playing softball, art and social studies. Herfavorite vacation spot was London. When she grows upshe is not sure whether she will be a geologist or anartist.

Karina McClard (9 years old)likes to figure out favorite songs on the piano, loves tosing and make art. Wants to be a scientist or an artist.

Laila Gold (6 years old)likes piano because she gets to learn a lot of notes. Sheloves B major scale. She likes playing with Sawyer. Sheloves the song called the Juggler and when she grows upshe would like to be a director.

Lara Rufolo (8 years old)likes piano as it is fun for her to exercise her brain byusing musical instruments. She likes to skateboard, hula-hoop, color pictures and she does Irish step-dancing. Sheloves Punta Cana and she would like to be a musical vetwhen she grows up.

Laura Gyan (8 years old)likes to play with her American Girl Doll. She also likesto dance ballet and she has been dancing since she was3 years old. She goes to the New Jersey School of Ballet.She enjoys playing the flute because it makes a coolsound.

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Lily Stevens (8 years old)likes piano because she likes the songs that she learns.She likes to swim and she has a brother who is 5. Shelikes school and doing math. She loved Florida for theocean but does not remember if the water was warm ornot as she was only 4 years old when she was there! Shewould like to be a teacher.

Liza Erickson (6 years old, turning 7 in 3 wks!)likes violin because it's a challenge for her. She enjoysreading and writing. Would like to be an artist.

Matthew Motiwalla (6 years old) likes piano because it is fun and sounds good. He likeshaving play dates with friends. He likes baseball, soccerand basketball but these are just his 3 favorite sports.He has been to 6 baseball games and when he grows uphe would like to be a professional baseball player!

Maya Hampton (8 years old) likes singing because she likes to sing and express her-self. She likes ice-skating, playing with friends, havingparties, and she loves celebrations and special occasions.Her favorite places to visit are California and England.When she grows up she would like to be a dancer or asinger.

Pearl West

Richard Freivald (10 years old)has been playing saxophone for nearly a year now. Hethinks that it is fun and likes the sound of the instrument.His Uncle Kevin also played the saxophone. He likes toplay DS, run around and build things. He is not yet surewhat he would like to do when he grows up.

Sadie Tuohy (8 years old)likes chorus because she likes to sing and learn new

songs. Singing makes her feel happy. She enjoys doinggymnastics, and dancing and spending time with herfriend Simone. When she grows up she would like to bea dancer.

Sara Ziemke (7 years old)likes piano because she likes playing random notes andplaying her own songs. She likes playing, drawing art-work and having play dates. She enjoys going to birthdayparties and also having her own birthday party! Whenshe grows up she might become an artist.

Sawyer Chernov (6 years old)likes piano because she likes the songs. She likes todance and loves play dates. Her favorite place that shevisited was Ocean City and she loved the carousel. Shewould like to be a ballerina when she grows up.

Simone Kelly (9 years old)enjoys singing in chorus. She also likes gymnastics, foot-ball and loves to have play dates. When she grows upshe would like to be either a vet or maybe the presidentof the United States.

Sophia Motiwalla (8 years old)likes playing piano as it helps her to stretch her fingersout which is good as she needs them stretched ‘ready forgymnastics”. She likes to swim and do gym and dance.When she grows up she will decide whether she wouldlike to be a teacher or a piano player.

Vikram Ganti

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A note from Holly….It is with greatpride than I lookat the childrenwho startedtheir musicaljourneys a yearago with BigHouse Music.The improve-ment in their

skills, their enthusiasm and their contin-ued eagerness to learn has provided mewith the desire to continuously look fornew ways to expand and develop notonly the size of Big House Music, but thecontent, the curriculum and the wide va-riety of classes offered.

The past year has seen Big HouseMusic move through many locations. Fornow, it has found a home at the BurgdorfCenter for Performing Arts and also atthe BHM studio on Maplewood Avenue.This last year we have seen registrationdouble and we have been able to startclasses in chorus, guitar and flute.

As we enter into our second year, I amthrilled to announce that in addition toproviding a musical home of creativityfor children in the Maplewood and SouthOrange area, Big House Music is alsoexpanding to provide after-school musicprogramming for Farbrook school inShort Hills in 2011.

For the upcoming winter session, BHMis excited to continue to offer classes inchorus, flute and guitar. There are a fewnew classes that I am excited about. “Allthe world’s a Musical Stage” offers 5-7year olds the opportunity to bring booksto life by creating songs themselves. An-other exciting new class is “Songs andDances from Around the World” whichtakes you on a journey around the world.I also want to stress how thrilled I am towelcome a new faculty member who willbe teaching the Brazilian art-form of“Capoeira”, where song, movement andmusic come together.

Please do come (bring your friends) toour FREE week of group classes to tryall of these classes out (January 18-22)

For 2011, I hope to see the BHM creativ-ity classes come to life, as we offer a va-riety of interesting classes for yourchildren to help them with their privatelessons, to provide them with a love ofmusic, to create the “teamwork” elementthat translates to so many other parts oftheir education, to offer them the free-dom to become songwriters, performersand creators of music.

Thank you and Happy Holidays ☺

Holly SlaterDirector: Big House Music

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Big House Music would like to thank all of the families for their

dedication to their children’s musical education.

Also, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of all of the instructors for

their efforts and inspiration. The teachers at Big House Music are incredibly

special people who truly care about the musical growth of your child.

I would like to say a special thank you to Valeriya Tuz who has not only

kindly provided BHM with the space it currently uses above Bank of Amer-

ica, but who has also been a strong presence with the planning and devel-

opment of BHM…thank you Valeriya, I have not met many people in my

life who are as generous and kind as you ☺

I would like to say a big thankyou to Kari from Karis Café who has provided

us with the wonderful apple cider, tea and light refreshments this afternoon.

Please visit her coffee shop at 1883 Springfield Avenue (corner of Prospect

Street)…it always smells like freshly baked cookies in there ☺

I would like to thank Adam West for all of his design work with the website

and the graphic design and the ability to come up with new flyers at short

notice..thank you Adam☺

I would like to thank Wendy West for helping me out with chorus every

Tuesday..she provides an extra voice and is incredibly helpful ..thank you


I would like to thank the Burgdorrf Center for Performing Arts for the use of

the Community Room.

WELL DONE to all of the students….a great job, lets look forward to 2011