WINTER BAZAAR | 2nd Annual Event | Scan for Vendor Ads, Commercials, & Websites Thursday, December 10th · Forest Heights STEM Academy · Gifted & Talented Program · 700 Building Hallway · 10:00 am to 2:00 pm · FHSA Event Coordinators: Gwendolynn Millen Combs & Dr. Christine Deitz Dr. Maurecia Robinson, Principal Pamela Dial & Shana Loring, Assistant Principals Maria Garcia, Volunteer Coordinator

Winter Bazaar Catalog

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Page 1: Winter Bazaar Catalog

WINTER BAZAAR | 2 n d A n n u a l E v e n t |

S c a n f o r V e n d o r A d s ,

C o m m e r c i a l s , & W e b s i t e s

T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 0 t h

·Forest Heights STEM Academy

·Gifted & Talented Program

·700 Building Hallway

·10:00 am to 2:00 pm



Event Coordinators:

Gwendolynn Millen Combs & Dr. Christine Deitz

Dr. Maurecia Robinson, Principal

Pamela Dial & Shana Loring, Assistant Principals

Maria Garcia, Volunteer Coordinator

Page 2: Winter Bazaar Catalog

W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

C o o k i e z w i t h a K i c k

Cookiez with a Kick specializes in helping sweet-toothed people who want a little kick in their cookie. Cookiez with a Kick's cookie mixes enhance each sweet bite with an extra kick of spicy, sour, or sweet flavor. We put the ease in cookies!

P A ’ c o n

PA'con specializes in helping breakfast lovers who don't have enough time to make bacon with their pancakes. PA'con's pancake mix with bits of real bacon saves time and makes a delightful breakfast. Don't eat an ordinary breakfast; eat PA'con!

T h e M i c r o - B a k e r

The Micro-Baker decreases bake time of your favorite cake by creating a dry, microwavable mixture. Just place in a mug, add water, and become a Micro-Baker!

Price: $3.00 Proprietors: J. Jolly, C. Ekeanyanwu, X. Martin

Price: $6.00 Proprietors: X. Garcia, J. Graham, A. Hernandez

Price: $4.00 Proprietors: N. Millender, J. Hill



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

W o w ! I s T h a t H o t C h o c o l a t e ?

Wow! Is That Hot Chocolate? specializes in helping chocolate and peanut butter lovers of all ages who are seeking a unique hot chocolaty peanut-buttery experience. We have solved the problem by creatively combining two awesome tastes into one spectacular hot chocolate experience.

W i l d W a t e r z

Wild Waterz specializes in better-tasting water. Our innovative product is for everyone who is bored by plain H2O, but wants the benefits of hydration. Wild Waterz provides a sweeter more interesting beverage choice by combining powdered mixes to make extreme, delicious, and unexpected drinks that you will enjoy glass after glass.

C o c o a o n t h e G o - G o

Cocoa on the Go-Go is a new and innovated way to enjoy delicious hot chocolate. Our pre-mixed and pre-measured product instantly creates a tasty drink on the go-go! Cocoa on the Go-Go transforms ordinary, boring hot chocolate into a yummy home-made treat that will warm you from the inside out.

Price: $1.00 Proprietors: W. Heird, A. Pfeifer, M. Rike

Price: $4.00 Proprietors: N. Dortch, M. Brown, C. Elebeke

Price: $4.00 Proprietors: K. Hicks, J. Manning



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

G l i t z G l o b e z

Glitz Globez specializes in helping everyone have fun. These unbreakable glitter globes are fun and perfect for the holidays, since they can be enjoyed by everyone because... There's Always A Surprise!

O r n a m e n t s o f D e l i g h t

Ornaments of Delight specializes in helping people who love holiday decorations but hate it when they break. Our beautiful, hand-crafted designs are made of plastic instead of glass, so they won't break and will last a long time.

S c e n t s a t i o n — F a n d l e s

Scentsation Fandles specializes in helping anyone who is tired of humdrum candles. Our products consist of uniquely shaped and scented candles. Scentsation: "For all your scentsational needs."


K r a z y K a n d l e s

Krazy Kandles specializes in helping candle lovers who are tired of plain, white candles. These kid-created candles will add a lot of color to your homes, and all you have to do is just light it up.


Price: $5.00 Proprietor: D. Connors

Price: $10.00 Proprietor: D. Simpson

Price: $22.00 Proprietor: T. Phillips

Price: $5.00-$7.00 Proprietors: K. Oates, K. Bell



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

S u d z y C r y z t a l C l u s t e r z

Sudzy Cryztal Clusterz revolutionizes soap into soap cryztals that will make boring hand-washing z most fun experience for the whole family. We provide an awesome way to stay clean and healthy by motivating people to wash their hands which prevents you from catching germs and getting sick. So keep clean with z amazing Sudzy Cryztal Clusterz!

O a s i s C o f f e e S c r u b s

Oasis Coffee Scrubs specializes in helping coffee lovers and self-pampering people achieve glowing smooth skin. Awaken the natural beauty within every face by applying our organic product designed to bring you closer to your favorite morning beverage.

S c e n t s a t i o n — B a t h G l a m

Scentsation specializes in helping anyone who is tired of blasé soaps. Our products consist of uniquely shaped, fun soaps. Scentsation: "For all your scentsational needs."


S c e n t s a t i o n — W h i t e b o a r d C l e a n e r

Scentsation specializes in helping anyone who is tired of the chemical stench of white board cleaner. Our products consist of uniquely scented white board cleaner that has health benefits like lowering stress and/or boosting memory. Scentsation: "For all your scentsational needs."


Price: $2.00-$6.00 Proprietors: K. Crosby, O. Martin, J. Jones

Price: $3.00-$8.00 Proprietors: R. McMillen, J. Rice

Price: $2.00 Proprietor: T. Perry

Price: $4.00 Proprietor: R. Zorn



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

B o w W o w B o n e s

Bow Wow Bones specializes in helping dog lovers everywhere find a good treat for their good dogs. Gourmet Bow Wow Bones come in 3 delicious flavors made with healthy and dog-friendly ingredients. Now you have a delicious and healthy dog treat that will leave your dog bow-wowing for more!

B o o m t a s t i c

Boomtastic specializes in helping dogs who don't like their dog treats have healthy and delicious dog treats to enjoy. Boomtastic's fun shapes make great treats for greater dogs.

M i n i P e t s

Mini Pets specializes in helping people who don't have pets or friends. Are you allergic to animals? Do you have a hard time making friends? These portable, little fuzzballs will become your best buddies!

Price: $2.00-$4.00 Proprietor: J. Cole

Price: $2.00 Proprietor: M. Crisp

Price: $1.00-$2.00 Proprietor: C. Berryhill



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

S u p e r S t r e s s B a l l s

Super Stress Balls (SSB) specializes in helping children and adults by relieving stress and having fun. SSBs are specifically designed to build hand strength and relieve stress by squeezing. Our SSBs can be juggled! There are hours of fun and relaxation with our Super Stress Balls!

S t r e s s l e t s

Stresslets specializes in helping people who worry more than necessary. Made of durable rubber, Stresslets are designed to provide soothing textures. If you are a worry wart, then Stresslets are for you. Don't stress yourself; express yourself.


T h e I r r i t a t i o n H a n d l e r s – D i s h n e t

The Irritation Handlers specialize in helping people who struggle with irritations. The Dishnet prevents protects dishes on dish racks. Irritation Handlers' innovative products remove irritations to help people focus on the important things.


Price: $3.00 Proprietors: A. Farrar, C. Satterfield

Price: $2.00 Proprietors: E. Hicks, P. Abston, G. Hatfield, J. Satterfield

Price: $7.00 Proprietor: J. Wilson



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

L S w a g

L Swag specializes in making magnets and bookmarks for children's lockers, homes, and books. L Swag came about when the founder had a hard time finding suitable decorations for his locker, so he decided to make his own.

O r i g a - Y o u

Origa-You specializes in helping students keep their notes in order, while ordinary flash cards don't. This innovative origami flash card system helps you quiz yourself by hiding or showing answers to questions and notes.


P o p - P e t s

Pop-Pets specializes in entertaining younger children by giving them a fun, new way of using puppets. With Pop-Pets, children can have popping fun at any time and any place. They are fun to play with and great for all children!


Price: $4.00 Proprietors: C. Lewandowski, B. Brotzman, T. Nguyen, I. Adams

Price: $1.00-$2.00 Proprietor: J. Lanaux

Price: $1.00-$2.00 Proprietors: K. Daniels, T. Mitchell



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

Z - F u z z

Have you ever struggled with a pencil grip? Well, you don't have to worry about those problems because Z-Fuzz fixes all of them. It slips on and off easily, and pencil users still have that nice fuzzy feeling.


P e n c i l P a l s

Pencil Pals specializes in helping people whose pencils are stolen. Pencil pals are little faces you design that customize pencils without blocking erasers. No one will create the same pal, so your pal won't get confused with someone else's.


P o u c h e e z

Poucheez specializes in helping students who are tired of the same boring pencil pouches. Handcrafted and fun, Poucheez are just the right pencil pouch because they come in lots of colors and designs.

Price: $3.00 Proprietors: S. Collier-Tenison, P. Pruss

Price: $1.00-$5.00 Proprietors: X. Parker, N. Vazquez-Grell, G. Clesi

Price: $5.00 Proprietor: G. Hernandez



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

P r o d u c t s B y P e o p l e

Products by People specializes in helping people who want a pleasant scent without chemicals. Products by People’s zipper pulls, necklaces, key chains, and paracord bracelets with natural cedar decoration smell great and look stylish.


W o o d t o g r a p h

Woodtograph specializes in helping people who want to protect their pictures and picture frames from getting destroyed. These pictures transferred onto wood come in different sizes, shapes, and styles while putting a beautiful twist on nature.

P a p e r i n g s

Paperings specializes in helping women and girls who suffer with the problem of skin irritation when they wear metal earrings. These colorful paper earrings reduce skin contact with irritating metals. Experience paper's modern style!


Price: $7.00-$10.00 Proprietor: A. Richardson

Price: $3.00-$5.00 Proprietors: S. Robinson, A. Magann, S. Gordon, O. Murdock

Price: $5.00 Proprietor: S. Eswaran



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

E l a s t a b a n d s

Elastabands specializes in helping people who constantly lose their keys. With this fashionable key-fob bracelet, you will hang on to your keys! Available in a variety of colors and designs, Elastabands are a new twist for your wrist!


P . V . K . K e y c h a i n s

P.V.K. Keychains specializes in helping people customize quality keychains for less. P.V.K. Keychains are fun, colorful, and creative for all ages. Remember: You're one of a kind, and your keychains should be, too.


L & L B r a n k l e t s

L&L Branklets specializes in helping women and girls who want to look stylish without paying the price of being uncomfortable. Our bracelets and anklets flatter you with many designs and colors and ensure comfort. This pretty doesn't hurt!

Price: $3.00 Proprietors: J. Collier-Tenison, A. Coleman, L. Cooper

Price: $4.00-$5.00 Proprietors: E. Bradford, E. Scott

Price: $2.00 Proprietors: L. Allen, L. McKnight



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

T h e N a t u r a l S e l e c t i o n

The Natural Selection specializes in helping kids and adults who like cool clothes and want to keep our Earth clean. Our socks and shirts come in a variety of colors made of natural berry juice - fashion with a passion for non-toxic dyes.

I n f i n i t y a n d B e y o n d S c a r v e s

Infinity and Beyond Scarves specializes in helping on-the-go women who want comfort and the ultimate fashion. Infinity and Beyond Scarves are cute and comfy, made from recycled t-shirts, and reduce waste. Go beyond a great scarf!


R e s p e c t C l o t h i n g C o m p a n y

Respect Clothing Company specializes in helping people who are tired of plain, old, boring T-shirts. Our T-shirts are colorful and will have people asking you, "Where did you get that shirt?" Our shirts are different because we take the time to apply cool, original details and designs by hand. This makes each shirt a customized, respectable experience.

Price: $4.00 Proprietors: A. Davis, P. Free, O. Johnson

Price: $5.00 Proprietors: J. Jordan, K. Harris, E. Ramey

Price: $7.00-$9.00 Proprietors: R. Weatherton, B. Heflin



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

P o k I t

Pok It specializes in helping everyone who needs an extra pocket and protects objects you need to keep close. Our stylish Pok Its hold your flash drives, pencils, and more in a safe place - stuck to your clothes or attached to a lanyard.

C u s t o m - M a d e

Custom-Made kills 2 birds with 1 stone: Replace breakable headbands and provide the perfect bow. Custom-Made headbands are paired with 2 interchangeable bows to match your wardrobe.


C l i p - O n P o c k e t s

Don't you hate it when your clothes have no pockets and you have money and a cell phone to carry in your hands or that giant expensive purse? Well, we have the solution: Clip-On Pockets, fashionable pockets to hold everything. With many colors and materials to fit your personality, all clothes can have pockets.

Price: $5.00 Proprietor: L. Meredith

Price: $2.00-$4.00 Proprietors: S. Barrera, S. Joheim

Price: $6.00 Proprietors: W. Roberson, C. Fisken



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

S h o u l d e r S a v e r s

Shoulder Savers rescue tired shoulders due to over-loaded backpacks. These amazing shoulder savers will make your back and shoulders feel like heaven. These come in different vibrant colors and patterns with different sizes and quantity. "Keep your shoulders feeling great with shoulder savers!"

T j a y ’ s T e c h C o v e r s

Have you ever been poked by or felt the discomfort of a bulky Otter Box? Do you want more uniqueness in laptop bags? This is the product for you! Express yourself with color and give your electronic device a comfortable grip. Remember: Have passion for fashion!

S c r e e n S c r u b b e r s

Screen Scrubbers specializes in helping people eliminate smudge marks and greasy fingerprints from electronic devices and eye glasses. These carefully crafted microfiber cleaning cloths clear the way for you to view this dynamic world.

Price: $10.00-$12.00 Proprietor: T. Hendrix

Price: $3.00-$5.00 Proprietor(s): J. Saravanan, N. Niwa, R. Foster

Price: $2.00 Proprietor: T. De Vries



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

S t u c k M a t z

Stuck Matz specializes in helping portable computer owners avoid costly repairs from breakage. The cool and colorful no-slip, no-slide surface of Stuck Matz keeps your laptop on the table to keep it safe.

G e e k y G r i p s

Nerds Rejoice! Geeky Grips specializes in helping nerds stop dropping the pencils perched behind their ears. Colorful Geeky Grips slide into place on glasses or headbands, improving functionality with a touch of style-with-a-smile.

G o l d e n S y s t e m s C o m p u t e r s

Golden Systems specializes in producing high-quality, reliable and fast computers for every application, user, and workload. Our computers solve the problems that arise with many of today's pre-built, low-quality computers. Our computers use the highest quality components and are fully tested before being sent to satisfied customers.

T h e I r r i t a t i o n H a n d l e r s – U n h a n g l e r

The Irritation Handlers specialize in helping people who struggle with irritations. The Unhangler prevents headphones from being tangled. Irritation Handlers' innovative products remove irritations to help people focus on the important things.


Price: $1.00-$2.00 Proprietors: L. Daniel, K. Pearson

Price: $4.00-$9.00 Proprietors: X. Parker, J. Brennan, J. Thrower

Price: Free Estimate Proprietor: A. Golden

Price: $2.00 Proprietor: Brandon Courtney



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W I N T E R B A Z A A R S e c o n d A n n u a l E v e n t

G r i p z

Gripz specializes in helping active children unleash their inner monkeys, providing extra traction on wet balls and monkey bars. Non-skid gloves control slippery balls, and non-skid grips eliminate blisters on monkey bars.

T h e I r r i t a t i o n H a n d l e r s — B r u s h a w a y

The Irritation Handlers specialize in helping people who struggle with irritations. Brushaway keeps grass out of vehicles after playing golf or other sports. Irritation Handlers' innovative products remove irritations to help people focus on the important things.


T r i c k S h o t M a s t e r s

Trick Shot Masters specializes in encouraging people to get active. Trick Shot Masters' DVDs combine comedy and instructions in various sports. Our colorful baseball will be your lucky ball. We make it rain buckets!

E C o a c h

E Coach specializes in helping kids in who want to improve their skills in athletic and academic sports. The E Coach DVD gives kids a coach 24/7. After all, this is the next generation of coaching.

Price: $30.00 Proprietor: J. Gilbert

Price: $13.00-$15.00 Proprietors: J. Anderson, I. Kamanga

Price: $4.00-6.00 Proprietors: E. Easterly, J. Rowe, J. Myles, W. Smith, D. White

Price: $3.00 Proprietor: E. Ayres