Dynamic Media Meets Digital Storytelling Lisa Harris PBS TeacherLine Tech 345.11 March 2011

Winnacunnet High School Winnacunnet is a four-year, comprehensive high school located in the seacoast region of New Hampshire serving the towns of

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  • Winnacunnet High School Winnacunnet is a four-year, comprehensive high school located in the seacoast region of New Hampshire serving the towns of Hampton, Hampton Beach, Seabrook, Hampton Falls, and North Hampton. These communities are largely residential, made up of a wide range of socio-economic groups, and local industry is comprised of light manufacturing and tourism. The high school serves students in grades 9 -12, and enrollment is approximately 1265. 80% of students continue on to higher education. We utilize a trimester schedule with five 70-minute blocks daily. CMS tools available: Google Docs, Sakai, PowerSchool 2010-2013 Technology Plan - IT Goals 1:1 Access Initiative (Computer to Student) by 2013 (850 computers currently) Classroom Presentation Systems 102 systems by 2014 (82 currently) Professional Development for Integration of Technology (define technology competencies for teachers ~ publish PD options ~ schedule in-house options) -Winnacunnet School Profile -Winnacunnet Technology Plan
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  • Blogs Videos Video Blogging Video Sharing Social Networking Social Bookmarking Web Pages Place-Based Media RSS Feed Compilers Wikis PodCasting Animation -Bull & Garofalo Examples
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  • The best way for me to learn is by doing. The tools are listed clockwise: Tagxedo.com Tagxedo.com Blogger.com Blogger.com Wordle.net Wordle.net Voki.com Voki.com Animoto.com Animoto.com Images are linked to my samples
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  • Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. - Leslie Rule, Center for Digital Storytelling source http://www.storycenter.org/index.html
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  • Digital Stories can be used: In all content areas At all grade levels For different purposes Instructional Persuasive Historical Reflective nce upon a time O
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  • This video was embedded in an article in the Washington Post Online 10/26/2010 A funny, scary 'education' conversation by Valerie Strauss http://voices.washingtonpost.co m/answer-sheet/school- turnaroundsreform/ha-funny- scary-education- conversation.html http://voices.washingtonpost.co m/answer-sheet/school- turnaroundsreform/ha-funny- scary-education- conversation.html
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  • The Computer and I, My Life in the Digital Age http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/movie_personal_reflection_03.html Keeping Score http://storiesforchange.net/node/2368 Garbages http://www.bridgesweb.org/flash/video_player.html ?url=videos/GarbageProjectMovie.flv
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  • So what do you get when Dynamic Media meets up with Digital Storytelling? You get creativity You get engagement You get ownership You get a voice You get to share You get deeper understanding http://techlearning.com/article/8670
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  • Bloom's Revised Taxonomy
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  • Start with an essential question Write the script that answers the essential question Gather your media photos, graphics, audio, video, music Document all the information you will need to cite your sources Choose a dynamic media tool to put the story together - Regina Royer and Jeff Royer Students must
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  • How can the use of digital storytelling and dynamic media promote the development of understanding in the classroom? How can digital storytelling and dynamic media be integrated into the classroom in order to promote understanding?
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  • Why is it important for students to learn how to communicate through digital storytelling? Students already use digital media. This is an opportunity to reinforce some of the basic standards. We revisit the ideas of voice and narrative. We emphasize digital citizenship by requiring citation of sources. How does the use of dynamic media change the story? When silent movies got sound the story changed When color came to the cinema the story changed When hypertext came into the main stream the story changed again. One can only hope that dynamic media will change storytelling for the better. It will make it more engaging, more vivid.
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  • NBEA National Business Education Association http://www.nbea.org/newsite/curricul um/standards/images/cqemodel.gif ISTE NETS*S http://technology.sau16.org/images/NETSS_graphic.jpg Partnership for 21 st Century Skills http://www.p21.org/images/stories/p21_rainbow_id254.jpg WHS graduates will be: I ndependent Lifelong Learners C reative and Critical Thinkers A ctive Contributing Citizens R esponsible Decision Makers E ffective Communicators
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  • I created a digital story project for my yearbook class. Here is my first attempt at walking the walk. I will be sharing this with my students so I can point out what worked well and what didnt. I chose to link the image instead of embedding it to keep the size of the presentation down.
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  • ExemplaryAcceptableEmerging Write Effectively Create a clear and cohesive script that has a beginning, middle, and end. The order or presentation of information enhances the essential question. Use an individual style that is clear, compelling, and establishes a connection with the audience. Choose words that are precise, vivid, and appropriate. Enhance meaning by using sentences that are fluent and varied in length and structure. Create a cohesive script with a beginning, middle, and end so that the audience is not confused. Use an individual style that establishes a connection with the audience. Choose appropriate words so that audience can understand the authors meaning. Communicate meaning but do not always use sentences that are fluent and varied in length and structure. Create a script without a clear beginning, middle, and/or end. Do not use an individual style to connect to the audience (e.g. writing does not engage the audience because of an undeveloped topic, and/or lifeless or mechanical writing). Choose words that interfere with rather than contribute to the writers meaning. Do not use sentences that are fluent or varied in length and structure to communicate meaning. Speak Effectively Articulate well-developed ideas and information that can be clearly understood and are relevant to a selected audience. Use an effective order of ideas and supporting details while making strong transitions and explicit connections so that the audience is highly engaged. Articulate ideas and information that can be understood by a selected audience. Use an order of ideas and details, make transitions and connections that the audience is engaged and able to follow without confusion. Cannot yet articulate ideas and information that can be understood clearly by a selected audience. Use ideas that are disorganized and lack detail so that the audience is confused or disengaged. Present information or ideas using visual, artistic, and digital mediums. Use highly effective visual, auditory, artistic, and digital mediums to produce a digital story so that the ideas and information are clearly understood by a selected audience. Use visual, auditory, artistic and digital mediums so that the basic ideas and information are understood by a selected audience Limited use of visual, auditory, artistic, and digital mediums to produce digital story. Work independently Possess organizational skills to support academic success such as setting priorities, planning, gathering and documenting materials needed for the task Planning time effectively to meet deadlines with little or no supervision. Possess organizational skills to support academic success but need supervision to set priorities, plan, gather and document materials needed for the task Plan time effectively to meet deadlines. Have limited organizational skills for academic success resulting in work not being submitted on time or at all even with substantial supervision
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  • 2009 Winnacunet High School Profile. Retrieved from http://www.winnacunnet.org/images/guidanceimages/2009%20profile.pdf http://www.winnacunnet.org/images/guidanceimages/2009%20profile.pdf 2010-2013 Technology Plan for Winnacunnet Cooperative High School. Retrieved from http://www.winnacunnet.org/images/pdf/technolgy/whs_technology_plan-2010-2011.pdf http://www.winnacunnet.org/images/pdf/technolgy/whs_technology_plan-2010-2011.pdf Andrugtsang, Tenzin Wangchuk. Garbages. Retrieved from Bridges to Understanding. http://www.bridgesweb.org/flash/video_player.html?url=videos/GarbageProjectMovie.flv http://www.bridgesweb.org/flash/video_player.html?url=videos/GarbageProjectMovie.flv Bull, Glen and Garofalo, Joe. Dynamic Media. Learning and Leading with Technology. February 2009 p. 40-41. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/moodle/file.php/2946/docs/bull_dynamic_media.pdf http://www.pbs.org/moodle/file.php/2946/docs/bull_dynamic_media.pdf Center for Digital Story Telling. Image retrieved from http://www.storycenter.org/index.htmlhttp://www.storycenter.org/index.html Churches, Andrew. Blooms Taxonomy Blooms Digitally. Retrieved from http://techlearning.com/article/8670 http://techlearning.com/article/8670 Collaborative Planning Video. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVXhA_hs2J8&feature=player_embedded#at=12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVXhA_hs2J8&feature=player_embedded#at=12 Educause Learning Initiative. 7 things you should know about... Digital Storytelling. Retrieved from http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7021.pdf http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7021.pdf Hatch, Shannon P. Keeping Score. Stories for Change. Retrieved from http://storiesforchange.net/node/2368 http://storiesforchange.net/node/2368 ISTE NETS*S http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-students/nets-student-standards-2007.aspxhttp://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-students/nets-student-standards-2007.aspx
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  • Jakes, David. Basing Learning Experiences in Essential Questions. Retrieved from http://www.docstoc.com/docs/4971377/Basing-Learning-Experiences-in-Essential-Questions- David-Jakes-It http://www.docstoc.com/docs/4971377/Basing-Learning-Experiences-in-Essential-Questions- David-Jakes-It Microsoft Clipart - MS Office 2007 - 00441338.png NBEA Standards. Retrieved from http://www.nbea.org/newsite/curriculum/standards/index.htmlhttp://www.nbea.org/newsite/curriculum/standards/index.html Partnership for 21 st Century Skills. Retrieved from http://www.p21.org/documents/P21_Framework_Definitions.pdf http://www.p21.org/documents/P21_Framework_Definitions.pdf Royer, Regina and Royer, Jeff. Developing Understanding with Multimedia. Learning & Leading with Technology. April 2002. Volume 29 Number 7 40-45. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/courses/tech305/docs/tech305_article2.pdf?cc=tlredir http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/courses/tech305/docs/tech305_article2.pdf?cc=tlredir Rule, Leslie. What is Digital Storytelling? Retrieved from http://www.umass.edu/wmwp/DigitalStorytelling/What%20is%20Digital%20Storytelling.htm http://www.umass.edu/wmwp/DigitalStorytelling/What%20is%20Digital%20Storytelling.htm Strauss, Valerie. A funny, scary 'education' conversation. Washington Post. October 26, 2010. Retrieved from http://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/school-turnaroundsreform/ha-funny-scary- education-conversation.htmlhttp://voices.washingtonpost.com/answer-sheet/school-turnaroundsreform/ha-funny-scary- education-conversation.html The Computer and I, My Life in the Digital Age. University of Houston, Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. Retrieved from http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/movie_personal_reflection_03.html http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/movie_personal_reflection_03.html Winnacunnet High School ICARE Statements. Retrieved from http://www.winnacunnet.org/images/curriculum/mission.pdf http://www.winnacunnet.org/images/curriculum/mission.pdf Winnacunnet Technology Department Icon. Retrieved from http://www.winnacunnet.org/services/it-department/37 http://www.winnacunnet.org/services/it-department/37