Wink Hastings, RLA National Park Service Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program Barbara L. Hopkins, JD, ASLA Executive Director NeighborSpace

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  • Wink Hastings, RLA National Park Service Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program Barbara L. Hopkins, JD, ASLA Executive Director NeighborSpace of Baltimore County, Inc. Community Engagement in Conservation Planning within the Inner Ring Suburbs of Baltimore
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  • CONTEXT- Chesapeake BayBackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps
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  • CONTEXT- Mapping Valued ResourcesBackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps
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  • CONTEXT- Community ConservationBackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps
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  • 1. Social Improving the health, welfare & cohesiveness of communities within the URDL 3. Economic Enhancing property values, reducing exposure to pollutants and environmental degradation, & improving efficiency of environmental services 2. Environmental Improving environmental quality, protecting habitat, & reducing the effects of fragmentation BackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps Mission of promoting more livability communities by protecting and improving land within the URDL embraces 3 goals:
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  • Environmental Goal Improving environmental quality, protecting habitat, & reducing the effects of fragmentation Objective A Conserving land to improve air & water quality Objective B Conserving land to protect habitat &/or reduce fragmentation >PROXIMITY TO TRIBUTARIES & VEGETATED BUFFERS >HARDENED SHORELINES SUITABLE FOR REMOVAL >BURIED STREAMS OR STORMWATER OUTFALLS >SUITABILITY FOR REFORESTATION >PROXIMITY TO NATURAL LANDS NETWORK >POTENTIAL FOR WETLAND CREATION OR EXPANSION >EXISTENCE OF CORE HABITAT Criteria (GIS Layers) for Conservation Land That Will Achieve the Objectives Results Necessary to Achieve Goal BackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectivea & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps
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  • A. PROXIMITY TO NATURAL LANDS NETWORK B. POTENTIAL FOR WETLAND CREATION OR EXPANSION C. EXISTENCE OF CORE HABITAT A.PROXIMITY TO NATURAL LANDS NETWORK B. POTENTIAL FOR WETLAND CREATION OR EXPANSION C. EXISTENCE OF CORE HABITAT Strongly Prefer 3 Prefer2 Somewhat Prefer 1 Equal0 Pairwise Comparison Using Pairwise Comparison to Rank the Criteria for Objective B, Conserving land to protect habitat and reduce fragmentation Rating Scale Resulting Criteria (Layer) Weights A,3 C,3 BackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps
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  • Actual Pairwise Comparison Questionnaire and Results for Objective B PARAMETERNEIGHBOR SPACE SCORES STAKE- HOLDER SCORES COMBINED SCORES ENVIRONMENTAL GOAL Improving Environmental Quality, Protecting Habitat, and Reducing the Adverse Effects of Fragmentation 0.34650.46900.4158 Objective B: conserve land to protect habitat and/or reduce fragmentation 0.40420.50640.4620 -existence of core habitat0.27910.08870.3025 -potential for expansion/creation of tidal wetlands0.29040.65840.3106 -proximity to natural lands network0.43040.25290.3868 BackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps
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  • Linear Weighted GIS Mode From Pairwise Comparison to GIS Maps Via a Linear Weighted GIS Model BackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps c 1 = GIS layer for criterion 1 GIS Map Results = {(c 1 ) (w 1 ) + (c 2 )(w 2 ) +(c 3 )(w 3 ) .} w 1 = Weight for criterion 1 Where The Model = {(existence of core habitat)(.3025) + (proximity to natural lands network) (.3868) .} GIS Map Results The Results
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  • High: Including & Adjacent to Moderate: Within 200 ft Low: Within 300 ft of wetland High: Within network Moderate: Adjacent Low: Within mile Development of Metrics BackgroundMissionStakeholders Objectives & Criteria Ranking / Weighting Maps Development of Metrics Calibrating the Map Layers: Development of Metrics
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  • For More Information: Barbara L. Hopkins, JD, ASLA Executive Director NeighborSpace of Baltimore County [email protected] 443-377-3760 Wink Hastings, RLA National Park Service at the Chesapeake Bay Program Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program [email protected] 410-260-2481 Web Page on the Conservation Planning Effort (and a copy of this presentation)