Wings of Fire-a book report

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  • 8/12/2019 Wings of Fire-a book report



    Wings of fire is an autobiography of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

    with Arun Tiwari. Arun Tiwari was the junior collegue of Abdul

    Kalam since 1982. They became close when Abdul Kalam

    visited him at the Nizams Institute ofMedical Sciences,

    Hyderabad when he was fighting for his life.

    This story is an account not just of his personal triumphs and

    tribulations but of the successes and setbacks of the scienceestablishment in modern India, struggling to establish itself

    in the technological forefront. This is the story of national

    aspiration and of cooperative endeavour, and as Dr. Kalam sees

    ,the saga of Indias search for scientific self sufficiency and

    technological competence is a parable for our times.

    In this book Dr. Kalam has described the individuals who had a

    profound influence in his life. This book is also a way of a

    submission of thanks to his parents and immediate family and

    also to the teachers and preceptors that he was fortunate to

    have in his student and professional life. This is also a tribute

    to the unflagging enthusiasm and effort of his young

    colleagues who helped to realize their collective dreams. He

    owes a great debt of knowledge and inspiration to the

    distinguished lineage of Indian Scientists that included

    Vikram Sarabhai, Satish Dhawan and Brahm Prakash.

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    Through this book, Dr. Kalam has come to personally represent

    to many of his countrymen the best aspects of Indian life.

    This story of Kalams own rise from obscurity and his personal

    struggles inspires the youth population of India to enter into

    the development of science and technology in India. He wishes

    that todays youth to help India in gaining both economic

    prosperity and strong security for growth and development.

    Through this book he wants to convey his young readers that

    they should come up and take part in the scientific

    development of India. He feels that if we take the combined

    technological strength of the scientific institutions present in

    India, it would certainly be comparable to the best found in

    the developed world. He wants to convey the youth to havefaith in the TECHNOLOGY VISION-2020 which has certain

    schemes and plans for economic growth and prosperity of the

    nation. His life and his experiences inspires the todays youth

    to do something valuable on their part to contribute towards

    making our country a developed nation.

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    Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was born into a middle class Tamil

    family in Rameswaram. His father Jainulabdeen possessed

    great innate wisdom. His mothers name was Ashiamma. Kalam

    was a short boy with rather undistinguished looks, but his

    mind was nurtured by his father who made him understand

    cmplex spiritual concepts in very simple down to earth Tamil.

    He has tried to emulate his father in his own world of science

    and technology.

    His father made him understand that there exists a divine

    power that can lift one up from confusion, misery, melancholy

    and failure and guide one to ones true place. And once an

    individual serves his emotional and physical bondage, he is on

    the road to freedom, happiness and peace of mind.

    Apart from his parents, persons who influenced the life of Dr.

    Kalam was Ahmed Jallaluddin who was a close friend of his

    despite the age difference. Jallaluddin inspired Kalam with his

    talks about God, educated people, scientific discoveries,of

    contemporary literature and of achievements of medical

    science. He made him aware of the real world beyond the

    narrow confines of Rameswaram.

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    Prof. KAV Pandala and Prof. Narasingha Rao shaped his

    thinking and helped him built his professional career. They

    shared a common impulse of the capacity to feed their

    students intellectual hunger by their sheer brilliance and

    untiring zeal. During his last year at MIT, he was assigned a

    project to design a low level attack aircraft together with 4

    other colleegues. Initially he could not impress his teacher but

    he performed extremely well under stress.

    From MIT Kalam went to Hindustan AeronauticsLimited(HAL), Bangalore as a trainee. There he gained hands

    on experience and was ready to take up job either in

    DTP&P(Air), Ministry of Defence or Air force. But Kalam could

    not make it for Air force. He was deeply disappointed and

    dejected. But he met Swami Sivananda who inspired him and

    told him to accept his destiny and go ahead with his life.Hence Kalam took up the job at DTP&P(Air) as senior

    Scientific Assistant. There he was asked by the director of

    the ADE to lead the team which was to develop an indigenous

    hovercraft prototype as a ground equipment machine. His

    team had very limited information and resources available but

    he proceeded with that only. His seniors did not believe intheir capabilities except Krishna Menon the Defence Minister.

    He named the hovercraft Nandi. Krishna Menon even took a

    flight on it. His project was completed before schedule but

    could not go ahead. Kalam became disappointed and

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    disillusioned. But he got new opportunities as he got selected

    into INCOSPAR. There Kalam was made to train in rocket

    launching techniques at NASA. Then Vikram Sarabhai met

    Kalam and talked with him about SLV. Also he told Kalam to

    take up studies on rocket assisted take off system (RATO)

    for military aircraft. Kalam worked in Thumba Equatorial

    Rocket Launch Station(TERLS). There they developed the

    first rocket named Rohini. After that he worked in close

    association with Prof. Sarabhai in developing rockets and

    launch vehicles. But in between the progress of the project

    Prof. Sarabhai died. It was a great loss to the nation and to

    Kalam. He was very much disturbed and he realized that

    mistakes can delay or prevent the proper achievement of the

    objectives of individuals and organizations, but visionary like

    Prof. Sarabhai used errors as opportunities to promote

    innovation and development of new ideas.

    Next Kalam worked under Prof. Dhawan and Dr. Brahm

    Prakash and was appointed the project manager of SLV. He

    visualized his team which was to work under him as a group in

    which each member worked to enrich the others in the team

    and experience the enjoyment of working together. Thepeople in his group were in the habit of celebrating their

    success together which generated good morale and helped

    them a great deal to accept setbacks and to revitalize

    themselves after periods of intense work.

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    Dr. Kalam shares with us what we can do to strengthen

    personal freedom. First, by building your own educational

    skills. The more up to date knowledge you posses, the more

    free you are. The second way is to develop a passion for

    personal responsibility. Be active. Take on responsibility. Work

    for things you believe in. if you do not, you are surrendering

    your fate to others.

    In the process of development of the SLV, Kalam lost his

    friend Jallaluddin, his father and his mother in three

    successive year. He had to the very strong to give total

    commitment to his work in order to keep performing. He

    became a workaholic.But he faced a setback in his SLV

    development when stage-2 of the SLV went out of control.

    Kalam was frustrated. But Dr. Brahm Prakash helped him

    endure the pain he felt. Kalam overcame this setback and then

    on 18thJuly 1980, SLV-3 lifted off successfully giving

    required velocity to the Rohini Satellite to enter its orbit.

    Within a month of the SLV-3 success, Dr Kalam visited the

    Nehru Science centre in Bombay for a day, on an invitation to

    share his experiences with the SLV-3. He went to Delhi and

    handed the members for giving an opportunity to work on a

    project like the SLV-3 and prone the scientific strength of

    our country.

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    A minor tussle over Dr Kalams services occurred

    between ISRD & DRDO. Kalam joined DRDL where he

    proposed projects with government sanction. These projects

    were christened in accordance with the spirit of Indias self-

    reliance surface to surface weapon system was called Prithvi,

    tactical core vehicle called Trishul, Surface to Air area

    defence system named Akash and Anti tank missile project

    Nag. He gave the name Agni to his long cherished dream of


    IGMDP was launched which was like a bright flash on the

    Indian Scientific firmament. For Trishul, Kalam looked for a

    man who not only had a sound knowledge of electronics and

    missile warfare but who could also communicate the

    complexities to his team in order to promote understanding

    and to earn his teams support.

    For Agni, his dream project he needed somebody who

    would tolerate his occasional meddling in the running of the

    project. Meanwhile, PM Indira Gandhi visited DRDL and

    encouraged them and showed promise in the ongoing work. But

    her death was tremendous loss to the scientific community.

    She had given impetus to scientific research in the country.

    By summer of 1985, all the ground work had been completed

    for building the Missile Technology Research Centre. Trishul

    took off from test range at Sriharikota on 16thSept 1985.

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    Prithviwas launched on 25 February 1988. It was an epoch

    making event in the history of rocketry in the country. The

    launch sent shock waves across the unfriendly neighborhood.

    Dr. Kalam helped in firmly established the Indian Core

    Competence in rocketry. Agni, Kalams dream. Its team

    comprised of more than 500 scientists. Many organization

    were networked to undertake this huge effort of launching


    Agni took a perfect launch. It was one of the greatest

    moments of Dr. Kalams life. It was a fantastic culmination to

    their labour of love. On Republic Day 1990, Dr. Kalam along

    with his two other colleagues received Padma awards. It was

    the first time in the history of free india that so many

    scientists affiliated to the same institution found their names

    in the awards list. He was touched by the recognition

    bestowed on him by his countrymen. A large number of

    scientists and engineers leave this country at their first

    opportunity to earn money abroad. It is true that they

    definitely get greater monetary benefits, but anything could

    not compensate for the love and respect from your own

    countrymen. A gust of memories swept over him. In a state of

    trance, he acquired his double statusas a child of heaven and

    earth. It was during this period that he decided to put his

    memories and express his observations and opinions on certain

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    issues. Kalam feels that the biggest problem that the Indian

    youth faces is lack of clarity of vision, a lack of direction.

    Kalam says that no one , however poor, underprivileged or

    small, need to feel disheartened about life. Problems are a

    part of life. Suffering is the essence of success. He hopes

    that his experiences could help children liberate themselves

    from bondage of their illusionary backwardness and

    hopelessness. Irrespective of where they are, they should be

    aware that God is with them. He has observed that most

    Indians suffer unnecessary miseries all their lives because

    they do not know how to manage their emotions. They are

    paralyzed by some sort of psychological inertia. People should

    try to prove their self worth and discover pathways to

    organizational successes. Let the latent fire in the heart of

    every Indian acquire wings, and the glory of this great country

    light up the sky. Kalam has quoted :

    God has not promised skies always blue,

    Flower-strewn pathways all our life through;

    God has not promised sun without rain

    Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

    But god has promised, strength for the day,

    Rest for the labour Light for the way.

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    DONE BY:-


    SAMRIDHI (10BIT0217)