INNOVATION 2.0 Windows Communication Foundation Enterprise Applications WCF Goals and Reasoning Why it is still Valid for Enterprise Level Software Concepts and Details of WCF © Johan Lindfors https :// slideplayer .se/slide/2406010/

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Windows Communication Foundation

■ Enterprise Applications

■ WCF Goals and Reasoning

■ Why it is still Valid for Enterprise Level Software

■ Concepts and Details of WCF

© Johan Lindfors


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Dilemma in the Enterprise IT World

Technology/Know-how is aging Young (&Wild) but not "Enterprise Ready"




… as soonas we get

a tow

Hi! we're the hotopen-source startupwe can help with allof your app container-ization needs


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVMS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docker_%28software%29

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Corporate IT World - Bullshit Bingo 2020(D)

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The Challenges ofEnterprise Applications


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Enterprise Application

Initial Problem

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1. Step: Separation of Concern


Darstellungs- undInteraktionssteuerung

Darstellungs- undInteraktionssteuerung

KontoKonto VertragVertrag





■ Definition of "Entities" with clearly specified Interfaces and Tasks

Konto Übersicht JSFKonto Übersicht JSF


Konto DBKonto DB


DB AdministrationDB Administration



Peter Tomczyk

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2. Step: Assignment to Tier-"Role"


Darstellungs- undInteraktionssteuerung

Darstellungs- undInteraktionssteuerung

KontoKonto VertragVertrag








■ On which Tier the entity is located: Presentation, Logic, Persistency

Konto Übersicht JSFKonto Übersicht JSF



Konto DBKonto DB


DB AdministrationDB Administration



Peter Tomczyk

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3. Step: Separation of Shared Services





ApplicationClient Container


■ Separation of domain specific and domain agnostic parts



Presentation- andInteractioncontrol

Presentation- andInteractioncontrolKonto Übersicht JSFKonto Übersicht JSF

technical, domain agnostic -><- domain specific

Konto DBKonto DB DB AdministrationDB Administration

PersistencyContainer z.B.Database

Peter Tomczyk

Persistency ManagementPersistency Management

Security ServiceSecurity Service

Transaction ControlTransaction Control

State ManagementState Management

Directory ServiceDirectory Service

Livecycle ManagementLivecycle Management

Monitoring & ConfigurationMonitoring & Configuration

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Enterprise Architecture

■ Die Architecture describes the responsibilities and interaction of the parts of the


Application ServerApplication Server

App ContainerApp ContainerBusiness LogicBusiness Logic

Client / Web ContainerClient / Web Container

Application Server

Client / WebContainer

Client / WebContainer

App Container

Business LogicBusiness Logic

Communication Backbone

Service BusService Bus Data SourcesData Sources

Client LogicClient Logic


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Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)


BrowserClient HTTP

Application Server


Web Containerz.B. Tomcat

Web Containerz.B. Tomcat







EJB Containerz.B. Glassfish



ApplicationClient Container



"HTTP Interpreter" i.e.Browser


z.B. MQ

ApplicationClient Container

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Comparing Azure SF vs. JEE Stack

Azure SF




Azure Service BusAzure Service Bus

Service FabricService Fabric







https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-overview http://radar.zhaw.ch/~rege/ea_fs16/ejb1.pdf

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Future of SOA - probably 2021

■ Cloud Native

■ Core Technologies for Cloud Native■ Docker: Container for Microservice■ Kubernetes: Orchestration of Containers■ gRPC: Communication Protocol



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App Container (EJB or SF)

■ Is the runtime environment of services

■ EJB and WCF are SOA Containers

■ Every "Enterprise Level" SOA Container

has to provide a specific set of 7 services

Persistency ManagementPersistency Management

Security ServiceSecurity Service

Transaction ControlTransaction Control

State ManagementState Management

Directory ServiceDirectory Service

Lifecycle ManagementLifecycle Management

Monitoring & ConfigurationMonitoring & Configuration

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Monitoring & Configuration

■ Monitoring of a System and its resources

at Runtime■ Status Monitoring/System Health Check■ Logging / Tracing (Log across platforms)■ Error Tracking, Diagnosis, Debugging■ Alerts in case of errors■ Performance Analysis -> Indicators for Tuning

■ Configuration of a System and its resources

at runtime■ e.g. Logging/Tracing Level Options etc.

■ Problems■ Number of Systems to monitor■ Different Standards on different levels■ Is done by operations who does not really understand/know the application

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State/Context Management

■ State refers to general condition of something■ a car that is moving is in the state of motion (active)■ a car not moving is in a stationary state (passive)

■ Type of State Information

■ The amount of State to be preserved determines scalability■ the less state the better the scalability

■ Goal Stateless: only state during the active call (no intercall state)

Typical States of EJB Resource

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Livecycle Management

■ An additional State: does not exist

■ To handle system resourceseconomically not all services are

loaded into memory

■ On demand the service is "brought to live"

■ Relevant States in this Context■ Does not exist: In this state, the service instance simply does not exist.■ Ready state: An instance in the ready state is tied to particular client and engaged in a

conversation.■ Passive state: An instance in the passive state is passivated to conserve resource.

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Directory Service

■ A federated database, that handle mainly static data■ data changes are relative rare

■ Typical Products■ LDAP, Active Directory, JNDI

■ Directory for Users■ the users that allowed to access the system■ Names, Credentials, Roles etc.

■ Directory for Resources■ Directory for Hardware and Software Resources■ e.g. Database Resources

■ Directory for (Micro-) Services■ for service discovery also a directory is used■ -> allow for location transparency (serverless computing)

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Security Service

■ Authentication■ User has to be authenticated in a standardized way■ he/she provides Credentials and become a

■ Managed Identity■ An identity in the Directory that is automatically■ Directory also manages the credentials for authenticating .

■ Service Principal■ A security identity used by applications or services to access specific resources/services. You can

think of it as a user identity (username and password or certificate) for an application.

■ Access Control■ Preferably a role based access control schema

■ User■ An individual with a profile in the directory

■ Group■ A set of users created with same roles and rights

■ Required Role to access a service can be defined via Attribute in WCF

[PrincipalPermission(Role = "MarketServiceSuperUser")] public double GetMarketPrice(string symbol)

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Transaction Control

■ Distributed Data■ By design, each microservice encapsulates its own data,

exposing operations via its public interface. If

■ Problem: implement a transaction across multiple services?■ Solution 1: Distributed Transaction

■ Container Managed Transactions: complexity in infrastructure

■ Solution 2: aborts the operation and invokes a compensation operation■ saga Pattern: complexity from a programming point of view


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Persistency Management

■ Functionality to facilitate Access to persistent data containers

■ Handling of Connection String■ Is highly sensible: credentials to access all data on database■ Has to be stored, administrated and federated in a secure manner■ e.g. Azure service vault

■ Pooling of established Database Connections■ pooling/reuse of once established db connections

■ Mapping of Relational to Object Oriented form

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WCF Goals

■ Was originally invented to replace different technologies■ .NET Remoting■ ASMX: ASP.NET Web Services■ MSMQ■ Web Services Enhancements■ COM+ (DCOM)

■ WCF is - much - more complex compared to ASP.NET Web API i.e. ASMX

■ But offers more features■ reliability, transaction, security

■ If you don't need these features WCF may be the wrong choice




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Communication Technologies in WCF

■ WCF is the foundation for a "connected system" in a Microsoft Environment

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What can be learned from WCF

■ Flexible hosting for components and services■ WCF can be hosted in ASP.NET runtime■ Windows Service■ COM+ process■ WPF Application for peer-to peer computing

■ Declarative behavior■ Attributes can be used to define aspects of service

■ Communication Channels■ WCF offers multiple channels to communicate: HTTP, TCP, IPC, custom

■ Security Infrastructure■ Standardized security environment, such as defined in WSE 3.0

■ Extensibility■ .WCF allows for custom channels, formatters and proxies■ may inject functionality inside the message flow

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… What can be learned from WCF

■ Aspects of WCF in an overview


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■ Unifies today’s distributed technology stacks■ Appropriate for use on-machine, cross machine, and

cross Internet

Microsoft: "The unified programming model for rapidly buildingservice-oriented applications on the Windows platform"

■ Interoperates with applications running on other platforms■ Integrates with Microsoft’s own distributed stacks


■ Codifies best practices for building distributedapplications in a service-oriented style and mannerServiceService


Windows Communication Foundation


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Advantages of WCF over SOAP

■ Interoperability■ SOAP is the preferred protocol for WCF■ but WCF services are also interoperable, with a variety of network protocols such as

■ https, TCP, MSMQ etc.■ Applications or services are designed for distributed environment using a single model.

■ Security and Reliability■ Security is a key element in any SOA, and it is provided in the form of

■ authentication, authorization, confidentiality, integrity and auditingof messages shared between the client and the service.

■ Support also for Plain XML, Ajax and REST■ formats that are no more restricted by SOAP■ share plain XML messages between clients and services■ share also JSON messages via Formatters

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WS-TransferWS-Transfer WS-EnumerationWS-Enumeration WS-EventingWS-Eventing

XML SchemaXML Schema


WS-ReliableMessaging WS-CoordinationWS-Coordination








Infrastructureand Profiles

Infrastructureand ProfilesWS-ManagementWS-ManagementWS-FederationWS-Federation Devices







XML InfosetXML Infoset

XML 1.0XML 1.0 XMLNamespaces


Step 4 – Approved StandardStep 4 – Approved Standard

Step 3 – StandardizationStep 3 – Standardization

Step 2 – Workshops & Community DevStep 2 – Workshops & Community Dev


SOAP Specification (2018)



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Hello WCF


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1. Declare ServiceContract

■ Console Solution and name the solution

as "LibraryServiceSolution".■ rem: we do not use WCF Project types because we

want it to do step by step

■ Add a new Interface name "ILibraryService" and follow below steps.■ Add a reference to "System.ServiceModel" assembly. System.ServiceModel assembly is the base

assembly of WCF Service.■ Add the "System.ServiceModel" namespace in the namespaces section.■ Add the [ServiceContract] attribute above

the interface ILibraryService.■ ServiceContract attribute describes that

this interface contains the methodssignatures of WCF service.

■ Add method signature"Book SearchBook(string bookName)" into the interface.

■ Add the attribute [OperationContract] onthe method.

■ attribute describes that this method isincluded in WCF service

using System;using System.ServiceModel;

namespace LibraryServiceSolution { [ServiceContract] interface ILibraryService { [OperationContract] Book SearchBook(string bookName); }}

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2. Declare Data Contract

■ In WCF, data contract is used for serializing custom data types.

In the interface, We are returning the custom type "Book" as a result of"SearchBook" method.

■ Create a new class name "Book"■ Add a reference to "System.Runtime.Serialization" assembly.■ Add the namespace "System.Runtime.Serialization" to the namespaces section.■ Add the [DataContract] attribute above the

class "Book".■ DataContract attribute specifies that this

class is used in WCF service■ Add a new property "ID" of data type int in

class "Book".■ Add the attribute [DataMember] to "ID" property.

■ DataMember attribute specifies that thisproperty is part of data contract.

■ Add a new property "Name" of data type stringin class "Book".

■ Add the attribute [DataMember] to "Name" property.

using System;using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace LibraryServiceSolution{ [DataContract] class Book { [DataMember] public int ID { get; set; } [DataMember] public string Name { get; set; } }}

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3. Implement Service

■ Create a new class name "LibraryService" and follow below steps:■ Inherit from interface "ILibraryService"■ Implement the method "SearchBook"

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace LibraryServiceSolution { class LibraryService : ILibraryService { private List<Book> books; public LibraryService(){ books = new List<Book>(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i){ books.Add(new Book { ID = i, Name = "Name " + i }); } }

public Book SearchBook(string bookName) { return books.Find(w => w.Name == bookName); } }}

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4. Configure Service

■ An endpoint is the defined by an "App.config" file■ Address defines the location of the service■ Binding in simple terms specify the transport protocol of the service.■ Contract list the operations of the service which we already defined in the "ILibraryService" interface<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="LibraryServiceSolution.LibraryService" behaviorConfiguration="LibraryServiceBehavior"> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://localhost:9999/LibraryService" /> </baseAddresses> </host> <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="LibraryServiceSolution.ILibraryService" /> </service> </services> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="LibraryServiceBehavior"> <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" /> </behavior> </serviceBehaviors> </behaviors> </system.serviceModel></configuration>

name: class of the service implementation.behaviorConfiguration: see below

the metadata of our service

base addresses of our LibraryService

endpoint, containing address, binding and contract.Address is blank, so, our final WCF service addressis "http://localhost:9999/LibraryService" + ""

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5. Host Service

■ For hosting the service, we use the "ServiceHost" class.■ We need to pass type information of our "LibraryService" service and call the open method.

■ Run the program as Console Program:■ not in VS because we need it for building the client■ run the program from with administrator permissions

using System;using System.ServiceModel;

namespace LibraryServiceSolution { class Program { static void Main(string[] args){ ServiceHost server = new ServiceHost(typeof(LibraryService)); server.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Your service is started..."); Console.ReadLine(); server.Close();

} }}

C:\Users\Karl Rege\source\repos\LibraryServiceSolution\LibraryServiceSolution\bin\Debug\LibraryServiceSolution.exe

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6. Access Client

■ To check whether service is running

■ Enter url of the service address http://localhost:9999/LibraryService in Browser

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7. Create Client Program

■ New Console Project and name the Project e.g. "ConsoleApplication1"

■ Add a Service Reference with NameSpace LibraryServiceSolution

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8. Implement Client Program

■ Create an instance of "LibraryServiceClient" class.

■ Call the SearchBook method.

using System;using ConsoleApplication1.LibraryServiceSolution;

namespace ConsoleApplication1{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { LibraryServiceClient client = new LibraryServiceClient(); Book book = client.SearchBook("Name 12"); Console.WriteLine("Book ID : " + book.ID); Console.ReadLine(); } }}

Congratulation, your firstWCF Service

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WCF Architecture

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WCF Architecture Layers

■ Contract■ define interface of service

■ Runtime■ define runtime behavior

■ Messaging■ define properties of the Messaging


■ Hosting and Activation■ Type of Host■ When Service is activated

Windows Communication Foundation is a multi-layered architecture thatprovides developers with a rich set of functionality.

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Contract First Design

■ Contract first design■ first: design the service contract in terms of the data, messages, and interface it will expose

■ Usually these contracts are called "IDL"■ second: generate the service interface code from the contract■ From there, you can implement the code behind the service interface that performs the processing


■ Advantage: This allows you to concentrate on the format of the messages and

the data types they use at the beginning of the process to maximizeinteroperability and compatibility.

If technology has to be changed, these contracts can be transcribed

■ SOAP however has suffered from a unreadable contract format: WDSL and XSD.

■ Contract First requires comprehensible contract format -> WCF does


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■ Code First: Avoid

■ Contract First: do it

[ServiceContract]public class OrderEntry { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] public void PlaceOrder(PurchaseOrder order) { return; }}

Programming of Contract

[ServiceContract]public interface IOrderEntry { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void PlaceOrder(PurchaseOrder order);}public class OrderEntry : IOrderEntry { public void PlaceOrder(PurchaseOrder order) { return; }}

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WCF Contract Types

■ WCF contracts define what service and operations would it provide to the clients■ exchange messages■ provided services■ optionally

■ decides if a transaction is required■ security and access constraints

■ Can defined in any .NET Language; C# is preferred■ Attributed C# Interfaces are used for contract specification

■ Structural Contracts■ DataContract

■ Behavioral Contracts■ ServiceContract■ OperationContract■ FaultContract

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■ Every Field that is Attributed as DataMember is serialized i.e. transferred

■ Not same contract is defined on client and server■ With Name Attribut data to each other as long as the data contracts are equivalent on both

sides:a mechanism is provided to map types and members to those names.


using System.Runtime.Serialization;[DataContract(Name="PersonType")]public class Person {

[DataMember]public string name;[DataMember(Name="AgeProperty")]private int age;

[DataMember]float salary;


[DataContract]public class PersonType { [DataMember] public string name;

[DataMember] public string AgeProperty;}

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■ Collections may have different Element Types■ KnowType: the types that should be included for consideration during deserialization.

… DataContract

[DataContract][KnownType(typeof(Book))][KnownType(typeof(Magazine))]public class LibraryCatalog{

[DataMember]System.Collections.Hashtable catalog;


[DataContract]public class Book{…}[DataContract]public class Magazine{…}

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■ For a new Version additional optional fields may be added

… DataContract Versioning - non Breaking

[DataContract]public class Car { [DataMember(IsRequired = true)] public string Model; [DataMember(IsRequired = false)] //default public int HorsePower;}

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■ Version management, planed in advance

... DataContract Versioning - non Breaking

[DataContract]public class Person : IExtensibleDataObject { public virtual ExtensionDataObject UnknownData { get { return this.unknownData; } set { this.unknownData = value; } }

[DataMember] public string fullName;

private ExtensionDataObject unknownData;}

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... DataContract Versioning - Breaking

■ If breaking changes are immanent, NameSpace should be changed

[DataContract NameSpace="http://www.zhaw/Service/1.0"]public class Car { [DataMember] public string Model; [DataMember] public int HorsePower;}

[DataContract NameSpace="http://www.zhaw/Service/1.1"]]public class Car { [DataMember] public string Model; [DataMember] public int Watt;}

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■ Defines the names of the Service(-Interfaces)

■ Controls how structural contract is serialized■ e.g. define SOAP Formatting Style


[ServiceContract][DataContractFormat( Style=OperationFormatStyle.Document)] //Or Rpcpublic interface IOrderEntry {...}

[ServiceContract][XmlSerializerFormat( Style=OperationFormatStyle.Document, Use=OperationFormatUse.Literal)] //Or Encodedpublic interface IOrderEntry {...}

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■ Used also for versioning e.g. Non-Breaking simply by Extending Interface■ NameSpace defines also WSDL PortType■ New NameSpace -> Breaking Changes

ServiceContract - Versioning

[ServiceContract NameSpace="http://www.zhaw/Service/1.0"]public interface IOrderEntry{ [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void PlaceOrder(PurchaseOrder order);}

[ServiceContract]public interface IExtendedOrderEntry : IOrderEntry{ [OperationContract] PurchaseOrder GetOrder(String orderIdentifier);}

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■ Implementation■ An implementation of an interface■ Naming Convention: The class is usually called "...Service"

ServiceContract - Implementation

[ServiceContract]public interface IOrderEntry { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void PlaceOrder(PurchaseOrder order);}

internal class OrderEntryService : IOrderEntry { void IOrderEntry.PlaceOrder(PurchaseOrder order) { //Your code goes here }}

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Operation Contract

■ The operation contract attribute under the service contract defines various

characteristic of the message. Characteristics such as■ a) The data type of the message■ b) Whether the method returns any value or it is a one-way operation■ c) etc.

[ServiceContract]public interface IBook{

[OperationContract()]string BookPrice(string sBookName);[OperationContract()]BookDetails GetBookDetails(string sBookName);


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[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]void Chat(Message request);

[OperationContract]Message Chat(Message request);

[OperationContract(AsyncPattern=true)]IAsyncResult BeginChat(Message request, AsyncCallback cb, object state);

Message EndChat(IAsyncResult call);

… Operation Contract

Message Exchanges Pattern

■ One-way messages modeled using OneWay=true operation contracts

■ Correlated Request/Reply modeled either as synchronous method

■ or using IAsyncResult pattern

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■ Map to SOAP Action Property■ SOAPAction HTTP request header field can be used to indicate the intent of the SOAP HTTP

request, see http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508/#_Toc478383528■ only one service operation: the Action property set to "*".

■ can also be used as fallback for wrong action defined in message

■ Action property is used to control the action of the method's input message■ action is used to dispatch an incoming message to the appropriate method

… Operation Contract

[ServiceContract]public interface IOrderEntry {[OperationContract( Action="http://contoso.com/GetOrder", ReplyAction="http://contoso.com/GetOrderReply")] PurchaseOrder GetOrder(String orderIdentifier); [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true, Action="*")] void ProcessUnrecognizedMessage(Message message);}

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[DataContract]class MyFault { [DataMember] public string Reason = null;}[ServiceContract]public interface IOrderEntry { [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(MyFault))] PurchaseOrder GetOrder(String orderId);}public class OrderEntry: IOrderEntry { public PurchaseOrder GetOrder(string orderId) { try{…}

catch(Exception exception) { MyFault theFault = new MyFault(); theFault.Reason = "Some Reason"; throw new FaultException<MyFault>(theFault); }


■ The FaultContract defines what should be done in case of an Error->Exeption

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■ Fine grained control of (generated) WSDL by WCF Attributes

■ <wsdl:definitions>■ <wsdl:portType.../>

■ <wsdl:binding.../>

■ <wsdl:service.../>

<endpoint name="MyServiceEndpoint" bindingNamespace="http://myservice.com/binding"

[ServiceContract(Namespace="urn:gadgets-org")]public interface MyServiceContract {}

[ServiceBehavior(Namespace="urn:my-unique-namespace2")]public class MyService : IMyService

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Summary Contract Features

■ Service and Operation Contracts■ Duplex, Sessionful MEPs■ One-Way, Request-Reply, First/Last Operation, Faults

■ Message and Data Contracts■ Message Schema■ Schema Versioning■ Fine-grained Message Control

■ Action, Direction, Headers, Body, Wrapped/Bare, RPC/Doc, Literal/Encoded

■ Later: Selected sets of features are packaged together to so called "Bindings"

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New InstanceConcurrency

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■ .PerCall■ A new Instance for each call

■ .PerSession, .Shareable■ a new Instance per Session

■ .Single■ a single Instance per Server

Live Cycle: New Instance

[ServiceContract] public interface IEcho{ … }

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode= InstanceContextMode.Single)]internal class MyService: IEcho { …}

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■ .Single■ With additional constructors


[ServiceContract]public interface IEcho{ ... }

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.Single)]internal class MyService: IEcho { private string myData = null; private MyService(){} internal MyService(string startUpData){ this.myData=startUpData; } ...}

public class MyHost { MyService service = new MyService("The initial data"); using(ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(service)) { ... }}

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■ .PerSession


[ServiceContract][ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession)]public class Math { private long sum = 0;

[OperationContract] public int Add(int i, int j){ this.sum = this.sum + i + j; return i + j; } [OperationContract] public long GetTotal() { return this.sum; }

[OperationContract] [OperationBehavior(ReleaseInstanceMode = ReleaseInstanceMode.AfterCall)] public void Clear() { this.sum = 0; }}

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■ Concurrency can be one of three modes■ Single (which is the default setting)■ Multiple■ Reentrant

■ Not relevant for instances per call


[ServiceContract]public interface IEchoContract { ... }

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode= ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]public class EchoService: IEchoContract { ... }

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■ Can be used to limit load■ Simultaneous calls, instances, connections

■ Use Case: Server/Infrastructure crashes or degrades if load exceeds a certainlevel

■ Throttling becomes to the only viable option


<behaviors> <behavior> <throttling maxConcurrentCalls="2" maxConnections="10" maxInstances="10"/> </behavior></behaviors>

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]public class MyService { ... }

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Transaction Control

■ Atomic or compensatory■ Choose between linking or complexity

■ Atomic transactions■ Easier to develop

■ More complex infrastructure

■ Negative impact on performance

■ "Tighter" coupling

■ Compensatory activity (not covered here)■ so called Saga Pattern

■ More more complex to develop

■ Better performance "Looser" coupling

■ Choose model based on the situation

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Atomic Transaction Control for SOA

■ Problem 1: "Nested Transaction": A service may call another transactional

service, that needs transaction (begin end)

■ This service may even be remote

■ Semantic and implementation of nested transaction is highly complex

■ Problem 2: If transaction is started on the client side, if the connection is lost or

client dies, then we have orphan/open hanging transactions






begin…commit …

-> BMTD nur in Ausnahmefällenverwenden (Anfänger am bestengar nicht)

-> BMTD nur in Ausnahmefällenverwenden (Anfänger am bestengar nicht)

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Solution Container Managed Transactions

■ Container takes care of transaction demarcation■ Transaction is started when needed■ Container also handles error cases, e.g. rollback when needed

■ To control the behavior of the container, the service describes its transactional


■ E.g. Transaction Required:■ When calling a service that requires a transaction a new transaciton is started■ if this service calls other (transactional) services the now existing transaction context is passed■ when the original service returns (and no error occurred) the transaction is committed.

Service Call Servicebegin



Service Call

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[ServiceContract]public interface IMyContract{ [OperationContract] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.Required)] bool Transfer1(Account from, Account to, decimal amount);

[OperationContract] [TransactionFlow(TransactionFlowOption.NotAllowed)] bool Transfer2(Account from, Account to, decimal amount);


… Transaction Control

■ Participate in a transaction

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… Transaction Control

■ Developer of the Server■ Transaction completion is controlled by the Server (when Service returns)

■ Transaction completion is controlled by the Application/Service

public class MyService: IMyContract{ [OperationBehavior( TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete = true)] public bool Transfer1( Account from, Account to, decimal amount) { ... }

[OperationBehavior( TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete = false)] public bool Transfer2( Account from, Account to, decimal amount) { ... OperationContext.Current.SetTransactionComplete(); }}

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… Transaction Control

■ Use Transactions■ client side

TransactionScope transaction;

using (scope = new TransactionScope()){ proxyOne.Transfer1(AccountOne, AccountTwo, amount); proxyTwo.Transfer1(AccountThree,AccountFour,amount); UpdateLocalCache(AccountOne, AccountTwo, amount); scope.Complete();}

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… Transaction Control

■ Control of transactions■ Container/Server managed Transation

<bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="SampleBinding" transactionFlow="true" /> </binding> </wsHttpBinding></bindings>

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■ Several Features may be enabled

by configuration■ Logging/Tracing■ Tracing■ Performance Counters■ Event Logging■ WMI

■ Log Level i.e amount of logged Data mayalso be configured

■ Sources■ System.Security.Authorization■ Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics■ System.IO.Log■ System.Runtime.Serialization■ System.ServiceModel■ Microsoft.TransactionsBridgs.Dtc

■ Levels■ All, Off■ Critical, Error, Warning■ Information, Verbose■ ActivityTracing

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<system.serviceModel> <diagnostics> <messageLogging logEntireMessage="true" maxMessagesToLog="300" logMessagesAtServiceLevel="true" logMalformedMessages="true" logMessagesAtTransportLevel="false" /> </diagnostics></system.serviceModel><system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging"> <listeners> <add name="MyListener" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData="C:\logs\Clientraces.e2e" traceOutputOptions="None" /> </listeners> </source> </sources></system.diagnostics>

■ Login is simply enabled by configuration

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■ Turn on counters per service■ Can also be put into machine.config

■ Can be analyzed on four levels■ ServiceHost■ Endpoint■ Operation■ (AppDomain)

■ Displayed by Performance


<configuration> <system.serviceModel> <diagnostics performanceCountersEnabled="true"/> </system.serviceModel></configuration>

Performance Counters

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Encoding - Data Format "on the Wire"

■ Text■ For best interoperability

■ Binary■ For best performance WCF to WCF

■ MTOM■ Message Transmission Optimization Protocol■ To attach binary extensions■ Uses XML-binary Optimized Packaging

<bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="MTOMBinding" messageEncoding="Mtom"/> </wsHttpBinding></bindings>

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■ When a client wants to have access to a WCF service, it needs to locate the

actual location of the service.

■ An address is the endpoint location that provides the service to the outer worldespecially its clients using a network protocol.

■ The address is usually in the form of an URL.

■ A typical URL would have these elements defined with specific values.■ a) Protocol: The transport protocol used to transfer data (messages) from one location to another.

Protocols such as, https or HTTPs ("s" stands for "secure").■ b) Location and Port: The location of the service and the port number where the service is running

■ Eg: "//localhost:1995" - A locally hosted service using "localhost" and a port number "1995".■ c) Path and Service: The actual path and name of service, which is running


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Server Address

■ Per Server by Code■ One base address per mode of transport

■ Per "Endpoint" via Configuration■ The address is relative to the base address (of the machine)

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost( typeof(EchoService), new Uri("http://localhost:8000/EchoService"))) { host.Open(); Console.ReadLine(); host.Close();} } }

<service name="EchoService"> <endpoint address="Echo" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="IEcho"/></service>

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Client Address

■ With code and Configurationusing System.ServiceModel;namespace MyNamespace { public interface IEcho { string Echo(string input); }

public class Program { public static void Main(string[] arguments) { IEcho proxy = new ChannelFactory<IEcho> ("EchoService").CreateChannel(); Console.WriteLine(proxy.Echo("Ping")); ((IChannel)proxy).Close(); } }}

<system.serviceModel> <client> <endpoint name="EchoService" address="http://localhost:8000/EchoService/Echo" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="MyNamespace.IEcho"/> </client></system.serviceModel>

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■ WCF bindings represent a collection of elements, which will describe the various

aspects of communication between a service and its clients.

■ Its three main characteristics are,

■ 1) What protocol it shall use for the communication?■ An optional feature, a protocol defines information related to security, reliability and transaction flow

of the message.

■ 2) How does it transport the message?■ It will define the means for transporting message from service endpoint to a client endpoint. The

transport you may use can either be an https, HTTPs, TCP and MSMQ etc.

■ 3) Do we need to encode the message?■ This feature is required to specify the encoding of the message, which can be either a Text or

Binary message. The default message encoder is XML or Text for https and HTTPs transports,binary message encoder for other transports.

■ WCF provides many different types of pre-defined bindings

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Inside Bindings











Security RM

BindingBindingHTTP TextText TXSecurity RM


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WCF Defines 9 Standard Bindings

■ Basic binding■ designed to expose a WCF service as a legacy ASMX web service, so that old clients can work■ To be preferred if compatibility is key requirement

■ Web Service (WS) binding■ this uses HTTP or HTTPS for transport,■ offers a variety of features such as reliability, transactions, and security over the Internet.

■ TCP binding■ uses TCP for cross-machine communication on the intranet.■ It supports a variety of features, including reliability, transactions, and security, and is optimized for

WCF-to-WCF communication. it requires both the client and the service to use WCF.

■ Peer network binding■ The peer network-enabled client and services all subscribe to the same grid and broadcast

messages to it.

■ IPC binding■ Uses named pipes as a transport for same-machine communication.

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WCF Defines 9 Standard Bindings

■ Federated WS binding■ a specialization of the WS binding, offering support for federated security.

■ Duplex WS binding■ similar to the WS binding except it also supports bidirectional communication from the service to

the client.

■ MSMQ binding■ uses MSMQ for transport and is designed to offer support for disconnected queued calls.

■ MSMQ integration binding■ to interoperate with legacy MSMQ clients. Using this binding is beyond the scope of this book.

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Binding Features

■ Bindings have semantics■ Session, Duplex, Transaction Flow, ..

■ Asserting Semantic Requirements in Code

■ Features■ Encoding

■ Text, Binary, Custom■ Transport selection

■ TCP, HTTP, Named Pipes, P2P, MSMQ, Custom■ End-to-end Security

■ Confidentiality, integrity, authN, authZ, federation■ Credentials: X509, User/Pwd, Kerberos, SAML, InfoCard, Custom

■ End-to-end Reliable messaging■ Transport independent QoS (in order, exactly once)■ Volatile and durable queues for availability

■ Transactions■ Shared transactions for "synchronous" operations■ Transactional queues for "asynchronous" operations

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BasicHttpBinding BP 1.1 T O

WsHttpBinding WS T | S X X O

WsDualHttpBinding WS T | S X X X O

NetTcpBinding .NET T | S X X X O

NetNamedPipesBinding .NET T | S X X X O

NetMsmqBinding .NET T | S X X

NetPeerTcpBinding .NET T | S X

T = Transport Security | S = WS-Security | O = One-Way Only

Protocoll Features and Standard Bindings

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Which Binding To Use When?


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WS-* Protocols

WS-* Protocols

MSMQ Protocol

MSMQ Protocol








WS-* Protocols

WS-* Protocols











WS-* Protocols

WS-* Protocols



Which Binding To Use When?

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Bindings: Select one Standard Binding

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="MathService"> <endpoint address="http://localhost/MathEndpoint" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="IMathService" /> </service> </services> </system.serviceModel></configuration>

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Bindings: Adjusted

<configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="MathService"> <endpoint address="http://localhost/MathEndpoint" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="MTOMOption" contract="IMath"/> </service> </services> <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="MTOMOption" messageEncoding="Mtom"/> </wsHttpBinding> </bindings> </system.serviceModel></configuration>

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Endpoint in WCF

■ Provide the necessary resources and directions, which help clients to

communicate with the various services WCF offers.

■ An endpoint completes WCF. We commonly refer the three elements (attributes)as ABC. Where

■ 01) A stands for Address

■ 02) B stands for Binding and

■ 03) C stands for Contract

ClientClient ServiceService




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Address, Binding, Contract







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ClientClient ServiceService

ClientChannelClientChannel AA



Creating Endpoints







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VS Studio Project Types

■ In VS there a Library and Application

■ Service Application: has a .svc file■ When started by default by a ASP.Net Development server is started■ You can see in the window on the right when entering the url.

■ Service Library■ thus,a WCF Service Library is e.g. self hosted.

■ hosted within another program

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Host Architecture

■ Every WCF service must be hosted in a Windows process called the host


■ The host can be provided by■ Self Hosted: as part of the application■ IIS (http only)■ WAS the Windows Activation Service (not covered here)

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class HelloHost


static void Main(string[] args)


ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(WCFServiceLibrary1.service1));


// Wait until done accepting connections





class HelloHost


static void Main(string[] args)


ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(WCFServiceLibrary1.service1));


// Wait until done accepting connections





■ The developer is responsible for providing and managing the life cycle of the host process.

■ Self-hosting is used to■ cross a process (or machine) boundary■ using the service in-proc (in the same process as the client)

Self Hosting

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<system.serviceModel> <services>

<service name="WCFServiceLibrary1.HelloService"


<endpoint contract="WCFServiceLibrary1.IService1" binding="basicHttpBinding"/>


<add baseAddress = "http://localhost:8082/*" />






<behavior name="MyServiceTypeBehaviors" >

<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<system.serviceModel> <services>

<service name="WCFServiceLibrary1.HelloService"


<endpoint contract="WCFServiceLibrary1.IService1" binding="basicHttpBinding"/>


<add baseAddress = "http://localhost:8082/*" />






<behavior name="MyServiceTypeBehaviors" >

<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />







For a process that hosts a Service a configuration file has to be provided

Service Configuration

to allow for "?wsdl"

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IIS Hosting

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Service="HelloService"CodeBehind = "HelloService.cs" %>

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Service="HelloService"CodeBehind = "HelloService.cs" %>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="WCFServiceLibrary1.HelloService"

behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceTypeBehaviors"> <endpoint contract="WCFServiceLibrary1.IService1"

binding="basicHttpBinding"/> </service> </services> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="MyServiceTypeBehaviors" > <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" /> </behavior> </serviceBehaviors> </behaviors>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="WCFServiceLibrary1.HelloService"

behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceTypeBehaviors"> <endpoint contract="WCFServiceLibrary1.IService1"

binding="basicHttpBinding"/> </service> </services> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="MyServiceTypeBehaviors" > <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" /> </behavior> </serviceBehaviors> </behaviors>


web.config located in \App_Code

No BaseAddress

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Client Implementation via VS generated Proxy

■ Service Description is accessible

■ Visual Studio■ Add Service Reference


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■ Command Line

SvcUtil http://localhost/HelloService/HelloService.svc /out:Proxy.cs

■ Channel generated via Factory

class Client { static void Main() { IHello proxy = new ChannelFactory<IHello>("HelloEndpoint").

CreateChannel(); string r = proxy.Hello("Christian"); Console.WriteLine(r); }}

class Client { static void Main() { IHello proxy = new ChannelFactory<IHello>("HelloEndpoint").

CreateChannel(); string r = proxy.Hello("Christian"); Console.WriteLine(r); }}

<system.serviceModel> <client> <endpoint name="HelloEndpoint" address="http://localhost/HelloService" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="IHello" /> </client></system.serviceModel>

<system.serviceModel> <client> <endpoint name="HelloEndpoint" address="http://localhost/HelloService" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="IHello" /> </client></system.serviceModel>


defines wherethe Service islocated

Client Implementation via CLI

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Features Summary - WCF

AddressAddress BindingBinding BehaviorBehaviorContractContractHTTPTransport





























Externally visible,per-endpoint

Opaque, per-service,endpoint, or operation

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Questions ?

I like WCF buthate meteorites

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Security in WCF

■ The Security of WCF offers two things■ Secure transmission of messages between entities■ Access Control - Restrict access to resources from entities

■ Entity■ Person, business, application

■ Resource■ Files, server, operation

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Message Security

■ Confidential

■ Integrity

■ Authentication

■ Authorization

■ prob. Logging/Auditing

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Testimonials of Credentials

■ Evidence■ Information about an entity■ Used to control access to resources

■ Statements■ Certified statements by ratings of a trusted instance

■ Proof of Possession■ How an entity proves its statements

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The Safety Model in WCF

■ Based on Evidence and Statements■ Can offer desired safety requirements

■ As Safe as the basic setting■ Except for interoperability

■ Consistent between settings (bindings)

■ Consistent between ratings

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Transport Level Security

■ The security requirements are offered on the transport layer

■ Advantages■ Good performance■ Common implementation■ Small changes

■ Drawbacks■ Limited Scope i.e. application■ No end-to-end Security

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Transport Level Security

■ Transport Level Security can be enabled by configuration

<endpoint address="https://localhost/calculator" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="SSLBinding" contract="ICalculator" />

<basicHttpBinding> <binding name="SSLBinding"> <security mode="Transport"> <transport clientCredentialType="None"/> </security> </binding></basicHttpBinding>

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Message Level Security

■ Security is provided on the message level

■ Advantages■ Wider scope

■ Expandable■ end-to-end Security

■ Drawbacks■ Standards and usage are extremely complex■ Some impact on performance

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Message Level Security

■ Message Level Security can be enabled by configuration

<endpoint address="http://localhost/calculator" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSBinding" contract="ICalculator" />

<wsHttpBinding> <binding name="WSBinding"> <security mode="Message"> <message clientCredentialType="Windows"/> </security> </binding></wsHttpBinding>

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Mixed Mode

■ Compromise between security at the transport and message level

■ Transport The level offers privacy and confidentiality■ Benefits for performance

■ The message level handles credentials■ Rich set of possible "evidences", expandable

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"Mixed Mode"

■ Set by Configuration

<endpoint address="https://localhost/calculator" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="MixedBinding" contract="ICalculator" />

<wsHttpBinding> <binding name="MixedBinding"> <security mode=" TransportWithMessageCredential"> <message clientCredentialType="Windows"/> </security> </binding></wsHttpBinding>

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Username/Password as Credentials

■ Can be set by the application/ client - code

Console.WriteLine(" Enter username[domain\\user]:");string username = Console.ReadLine();Console.WriteLine(" Enter password:");string password = Console.ReadLine();

CalculatorProxy wsProxy = new CalculatorProxy();wsProxy.ChannelFactory.Credentials. UserName.UserName = username;wsProxy.ChannelFactory.Credentials. UserName.Password = password;

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■ Built in Windows User Credentials may be applied

[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="Builtin\\Administrators")]public double Mul(int a, int b){ return a * b;}

<behaviors> <behavior name="BuiltinSecurity"> <serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode="UseWindowsGroups"/> </behavior></behaviors>