Windmaster Module Catalog 2

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  • 7/22/2019 Windmaster Module Catalog 2


    Module Catalog

    Master of Science in Wind Engineering


    Center of Excellence for Wind Energy


    Participating Universities

    Christian-Albrechts State University of Kiel

    Kiel University of Applied Sciences

    University of Flensburg

    Flensburg University of Applied Sciences

    West Coast University of Applied Sciences

    Nordakademie Elmshorn (Private University)

  • 7/22/2019 Windmaster Module Catalog 2


    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)



    Course Structure and Curriculum...............................................................................................3

    Noise & Vibration ...................................................................................................................... 4Structural Strength & Materials ................................................................................................. 5

    Aerodynamics and Aeroelastics ................................................................................................. 6

    Sustainable Energy Systems.......................................................................................................7

    Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems ........................................................................................9

    Power Train Components......................................................................................................... 10

    Applied Environmental Science............................................................................................... 11

    External Costs of Energy.......................................................................................................... 13

    Trading Energy......................................................................................................................... 15

    Grid Integration and High Voltage........................................................................................... 16

    Generator and Power Electronics ............................................................................................. 17

    Control Systems and Automation ............................................................................................ 18Environmental Science............................................................................................................. 19

    Advanced Windturbine Systems .............................................................................................. 20

    Off-Shore.................................................................................................................................. 21

    Advanced Engineering Mathematics .......................................................................................22

    Measurement and Certification ................................................................................................ 23

    Business Economics................................................................................................................. 24

    Date of update: 16. Feb 2009

  • 7/22/2019 Windmaster Module Catalog 2


    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Course Structure and Curriculum

    The master course in Wind Engineering will start in winter semester 2008/09 and comprises

    three semesters.

    All lectures, laboratory training, project works and examinations are held in English.

    The course is taught on a modular basis. The studies are held on two Campuses, Flensburgand Kiel (University of Applied Sciences). The summer lectures are held in Flensburg, the

    winter lectures take place in Kiel. It is possible to start the study either at the Flensburg

    Campus in summer or at the Kiel Campus (University of Applied Sciences) in winter. The

    first two semesters are interchangeable.

    Summer Semester

    at the Flensburg Campus:

    Noise & Vibration Structural Strength & Materials Aerodynamics and Aeroelastics Sustainable Energy Systems Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems Optional courses:

    o Power Train Componentso Environmental Science, Advancedo External Costs of Energyo Trading Energy

    Winter Semester at the Kiel Campus

    (University of Applied Sciences):

    Grid Integration and High Voltage Generator and Power Electronics Control Systems and Automation Environmental Science, Basics Optional courses:

    o Advanced Windturbine Systemso Off-Shoreo Advanced Engineering


    o Measurement and Certificationo Business Economics

    Third Semester:

    Master Thesis at University (of Applied Sciences) or in industry (preferred).


    Noise &Vibration

    Structural Strength& Materials

    Aerodynamics Add. Courses(see below)

    Shaping SustainableEnergy Systems


    30 CPs/Sem

    SustainableEnergy Systems


    Power Train




    Grid IntegrationGenerator andPower Electr. .

    Control Systemsand Automation

    Add. Courses(see below)

    EnvironmentalScience (Basics)

    Trading Energy

    External Costs

    of Energy

    Add. Courses


    Add. Courses

    (see below)

    Measurement and


    EnvironmentalScience (Advanced)



    1 Module = 5cp:



    Laboratory Course

    Project Work


    Pre-Semester (on demand)



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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Noise & Vibration

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Noise and Vibration, Measurement & SimulationAbbreviation: Noise & Vibration

    Subtitle: Basic Knowledge about Character, Measurement and Simulation of Noise andVibrations in the Power-Train of a Wind TurbineYear: Summer SemesterResponsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel KrapothLecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ernst Reimers, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel KrapothLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind-Engineering

    Mandatory CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    4 Hours Lectures (2 hrs lectures and 2 hrs exercises and project work)

    Workload: 75 hrs present at university and 75 hrs homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: Undergraduate Mathematics and Mechanics, Basic Knowledge of the FEM,

    Basic Knowledge of Machinery AcousticAims: Introduction into the simulation of structural elements of the wind turbine

    system, with special emphasis on the power-train; Introduction into noise andvibration measurement methods and systems

    Contents: FEM Theory and Applications in Dynamics and Theory of VibrationsImportant Types of Structural ElementsEigenmode DynamicsTime Integration Operators in FEMSuperelement AnalysisFEM and Multi Body DynamicsModelling Wind Turbine BladesModelling a Power TrainLoadsFFT-Analysis of noise and vibrationNoise Intensity MeasurementsFrequency Response FunctionMobilityImpedanceModal Analysis (MSscope, Measurements)

    Exams: 2 hrs written examMedia: Blackboard, Overhead, Presentations, Hands-On Training with the Codes

    ABAQUS, SAMCEF, B&K Pulse and MSscope, Bruel&Kjaer Modal AnalysisSystem Pulse


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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Structural Strength & Materials

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Structural Strength & MaterialsAbbreviation: SSM

    Subtitle:Year: Summer semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Krapoth, University of Applied Sciences FlensburgLecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Krapoth, University of Applied Sciences FlensburgLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master Course Wind Engineering

    Mandatory CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    Lectures, home excercises / 4 h per week

    Workload: 60 h presence studies, 90 h by oneselfCredit Points: 5 ECTS pointsRequirements: noneAims:

    The students learn how to calculate or to use- the loads on rotor blades and towers- the section values of thin walled structures (moments of inertia, moments

    of first order etc.)- forces and moments at rotor blades and towers- bending and buckling of plates- the stress distributions (normal and shear stresses) in different structures

    under combined loads- eigen frequencies and vibrations of structures- the behaviour of metals, fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) and sandwiches

    (stiffnesses, laws of elasticity)- the life cycle behaviour of structures made by different materials- calculation methods (analytical, numerical)

    The students should be able, to calculate the stresses and safety factors underwind loads in the structures of wind energy converters made by differentmaterials as steel, FRP or sandwich.

    Contents: - the different coordinate systems used for wind energy converters- section values for thin walled structures including sandwich- load types on wind energy converters (onshore, offshore)- applying of the loads on the structures- laws of elasticity for isotropic and orthotropic materials- classical laminate theory for FRP- stress calculations (tension, pressure, bending, torsion, shear, buckling) for

    rotor blades and towers

    - eigen frequencies / vibrations of blades and towers- analytical calculation methods for assumptions (bars, plates)- numerical calculation methods (introduction)- life cycle calculation methods

    Exams: Work written under supervision, marked exercisesMedia: Blackboard, PC / Projector, script,References: Szilard: Theory and Analysis of Plates, 1978

    Kossira: Grundlagen des Leichtbaus, 1998Chawla: Composite Materials, 1998Gasch: Windkraftanlagen, 2006Roark: Formulas of Stress and Strain, 1975Germanischer Lloyd: Wind Turbines, 2003Klein: Leichtbau Grundlagen, 2006IEC 61400-1: Wind Turbine Generator Systems, 2006DIAB: DIAB-Sandwich Handbook, 2003

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Aerodynamics and Aeroelastics

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Introduction into Windturbine AerodynamicsAbbreviation: IntroAero

    Subtitle: Basic Knowledge about use of Blade-Element-Momentum MethodsYear: Summer SemesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. A. P. SchaffarczykLecturer: Prof. Dr. A. P. SchaffarczykLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind-Engineering

    Mandatory CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    4 Hours Lectures (3 hrs lectures and 1 hour problem solving)

    Workload: 75 hrs present at university and 75 hrs homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: General Knowledge of Undergraduate Mathematics and Mechanics, Basic

    Knowledge of Fluid MechanicsAims: Introduction into the classical method of blade-element and momentum theory.To be able to understand and use standard BEM Codes like FLEX-5, e.g.

    Contents: Momentum-theory of Wind-TurbineBetz-Lancaster-Limit, Glauert ExtensionVortex-Theory of Wind-TurbineThe Blade Element Momentum Theory2D aerodynamic Profiles, Sources of LossesDifferential Methods for flow investigationsCFD with Navier-Stokes SolverExamplesCode: Wt-PerfDesign of a 5 MW Wind TurbineLoads

    Exams: 1.5 Hrs written examMedia: Blackboard, Overhead, InternetReferences: M.O.L. Hansen: Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines

    D. Spera (Ed.): Wind Turbine Technology(Ch. 5 , 6)

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Sustainable Energy Systems

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Foundations of Sustainable Energy SystemsAbbreviation: FSES

    Subtitle: Foundations of Sustainable Energy SystemsYear: Summer semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLecturer: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: M.Sc. Wind Engineering

    Mandatory Course for the Summer semesterSectioning /hrs per week:

    Seminar/ 4 SWS

    Workload: 45 hours of teaching and 105 hours of student workCredit Points: 5Requirements: Admission to the M.Sc. Wind EngineeringAims:

    Students will learn to differentiate the competing definitions of sustainabledevelopment. They will learn to identify the major requirements and obstaclesfor sustainable development of the energy system. At the end of the course theywill be able ot analyse every present and future energy system fot its propertiesrelevant to sustainable development.Competencies covered:

    problem solving analytical thinking life long learning interdisciplinary knowledge economic competence technical competence ecologic competence methodological competence social and ethical responsibilty self organisation and teamwork project organising skills conflict solving skills interdisciplinary communication

    Contents: The following topics will be covered in the module: What are the different concepts of sustainability? How does sustainable development relate to the properties of energy

    systems? What are major problems of present energy systems towards

    sustainalbe development? Detailed analysis of the German energy system and its non sustainable

    aspects Detailed analysis of the energy systems of a developing country (like

    India) and its non sustainable aspects Analysis of the driving factors for the development of energy systems Analysis of probable future development of the German energy system

    under a business as usual scenario Analysis of the probable future development of the energy system of a

    selected developing country under a business as usual scenario Identification of the most important necessary changes and

    interventions to steer towards more sustainable energy systemsExams: Continuous presentation of the results of the different teams in the seminar and

    a final written report by each teamMedia: Group work and lectures with projector based presentationsReferences: Costanza, Robert (ed.) (1991): Ecological Economics: The Science and

    Management of Sustainability. New York, Columbia University Press

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Chichilnisky, Graciella (1999): What is Sustainable Development? In:Hohmeyer, Olav und Klaus Rennings (eds.): Man-made Climate Change.Economic Aspects and Policy Options. Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag. S. 42-82

    Deutscher Bundestag - Enquete Kommission Nachhaltige Energieversorgung

    (2002): Abschlussbericht.

    OECD (2004): World Energy Outlook 2004. Paris

    WEC (World Energy Council) (2003): Drivers of the Energy Scene. London

    Plus specialised literature and statistics on the countries analysed.

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Shaping Sustainable Energy SystemsAbbreviation: SSES

    Subtitle:Year: Summer semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLecturer: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: M.Sc. Wind Engineering

    Mandatory Course for the Summer semesterSectioning /hrs per week:

    Seminar/ 4 SWS

    Workload: 45 hours of teaching and 105 hours of student workCredit Points: 5Requirements: Foundations of Sustainable Energy SystemsAims:

    Students will learn to design consistent scenarios of sustainable energysystems avoiding major interference with the global climate system andavoiding large and long term risks and irreversible damages. Students will beable to identify necessary energy policy measures to secure such sustainableenergy development and to compare the internal and external costs of differentenergy systems.Competencies covered:

    problem solving ability to act strategically analytical thinking life long learning interdisciplinary knowledge economic competence technical competence ecologic competence political competence methodological competence social and ethical responsibilty self organisation and teamwork project organising skills conflict solving skills interdisciplinary communication

    Contents: The following topics will be covered in the module: How does sustainable development relate to properties of the energy

    system? Basic scenario techniques Analysis of driving factors of the development of energy systems Analysis of existing status quo scenarios for Germany Analysis of existing sustainable energy scenarios for Germany Building a consistent sustainable energy scenario for Germany Building a consistent sustainable energy scenario for a selected

    developing country (like India) Analysis of the internal and external costs of the different scenarios Analysis of the necessary energy policies and instruments to secure a

    sustainable energy systemExams: Continuous presentation of the results of the different teams in the seminar and

    a final written report by each teamMedia: Group work and lectures with projector based presentationsReferences: Robert Costanza, John Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland,

    and Richard Norgaard: Introduction to Ecological Economics, ,

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    forthcoming. Enquete-Kommission Nachhaltige Energieversorgung unter den

    Bedingungen der Globalisierung und der Liberalisierung: Endbericht.2002 (PDF verfgbar)

    OECD: World Energy Outlook 2004. Paris 2004 World Energy Council : Drivers of the Energy Scene. London, 2003

    Plus specialised literature and statistics on the countries analysed.

    Power Train Components

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Power Train ComponentsAbbreviation: TPCSubtitle: Basic Knowledge about the Power Train at Wind TurbinesYear:

    Summer semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. ReimersLecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Krapoth, Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. ReimersLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind Engineering

    Elective CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    4 Hours Lectures ( 2 hours lectures and 2 hours laboratory )

    Workload: 75 hours present at university and 75 hours homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: Basic Knowledge in Mechanical EngineeringAims: Introduction into main the elements of the power-train of wind turbines, the

    students have to learn the different design strategies for power-trains in thisapplication including power-split and CVT gears; Within laboratory exercisesthe students have to study the dynamic behaviour of the power-train and itselements and practice the use of condition monitoring systems as amaintenance tool.

    Contents: Fundamentals of Power Trains at Wind TurbinesGearbox Systems - -Planetary / Spur Gears

    - Power split gears- CVT Gears

    Fundamentals of Gear box DesignModelling of Power Train LoadsPower Train DynamicsCondition Monitoring Systems

    Exams: 2 hours written ExaminationMedia: Blackboard, Overhead, Internet, Laboratory-EquipmentReferences: Lechner, Naunheimer: Getriebekonstruktion

    Hau: WindenergieWirth: Condition Monitoring Systems

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Applied Environmental Science

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Environment, Elective (Environmental Science, Advanced)Abbreviation: -

    Subtitle: -Year: Summer semester(S 1 scheduled for summer semester in Flensburg)

    Responsible: FH Flensburg: Dr. rer. nat. Hermann van RadeckeLecturer: FH Flensburg: Dr. rer. nat. Hermann van Radecke

    et al.Language: EnglishCurriculum: Master Course Wind Engineering

    Elective Course summer semesterSectioning /hrs per week:

    Course of lectures with practical laboratory exercises4

    Workload: Attendance: 60 hPrivate study: 90 h

    Credit Points: 5Requirements: NoneAims: Through investigation of the effects of wind on wind energy plants the students

    will acquire advanced knowledge of energy meteorology and through study ofthe impact of wind energy plants on the environment gain advanced knowledgeof types and levels of emissions.Students will be able single-handedly to make and evaluate prognoses of wind-energy potential.They will know and understand the physical, technical and legal aspects ofwind energy plants with regard to their emissions.They will be able to calculate and evaluate emissions.They will be able to predict whether the installation and operation of projected

    wind energy plants will comply with the approval procedures for land and off-shore plants.

    Contents: 1. Energy meteorology (global and regional wind systems, boundary layers,profile, turbulence, WAsP, mesoscale models, wind atlases, referenceoutputs according to Technical Directives Parts 5 and 6, long-rangedependency (wind index), measurement, short-term forecasts)

    2. Emissions and influences on the environment, noise (measurement andcalculation), shadow (measurement, calculation, control), critical values,turbulence as a form of emission, landscape aesthetics (planning,assessment, visualisation), measurement of environmental data (IECDirectives, Technical Directives)

    3. Calculation of environmental data and emissions (Program modules

    Windpro, Windfarmer, WAsP, et al.)4. Practical exercises including program modules on subjects such as energy

    potential, noise and shadow emission and landscape aesthetics5. Effects on off-shore environments (birds, sea creatures, marine habitats, sea

    bed)6. Approval procedures for off-shore installations

    Exams: To be determinedMedia: Blackboard, transparencies, in-class experiments, PC and video projector, e-

    learning platform, lecture notes, laboratory experimentsReferences: Foken, T.: Angewandte Meteorologie. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2003

    Troen, I. and E.L. Petersen: European Wind Atlas. Ris National Laboratory,Roskilde, 1989Stull, R.B.: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology. Kluwer AcademicPublishers, 1988Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Rogers, A.L.: Wind Energy Explained. Wiley,2002

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    External Costs of Energy

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: External Costs of Energy and Climate ChangeAbbreviation: ECE

    Subtitle: Analysis of external costs of energy methodology and major studiesImpacts and external costs of climate changeYear: Summer semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLecturer: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: M.Sc. Wind Engineering

    Elective Course for the Summer semesterSectioning /hrs per week:

    Seminar/ 4 SWS

    Workload: 45 hours of teaching and 105 hours of student workCredit Points: 5Requirements: Admission to the M.Sc. Wind EngineeringAims: Students will learn different methodologies to analyse external costs. Students

    will be able to analyse major international studies of external costs of energy(ExternE and USDOE/RFF/Oak Ridge National Lab) and understand thespecific differences of the competing approaches. Students will understand themajor impacts of climate change and the possibilities and difficulties of derivingthe external costs of these impacts.Competencies covered:

    analytical thinking life long learning specific knowledge in external cost analysis interdisciplinary knowledge economic competence ecologic competence methodological competence social and ethical responsibility self organisation and teamwork project organising skills conflict solving skills interdisciplinary communication

    Contents: The following topics will be covered in the module: The basic concept of external and social costs Internalisation of external costs versus policies securing strong

    sustainability Damage costs versus control cost approach Marginal versus average costs Impact pathway approach and marginal costing Valuation approaches

    o Market prices and cost measures of valueo Travel cost methodo Hedonic pricingo Contingent valuation methodo Discrete choice methods

    Major external international studies of external costs of energyo ExternEo DOE/RFF/Oak Ridge

    o New York State I and IIo Hohmeyer 1988

    Impacts of man-made climate changeo The IPCC Third Assessment Report

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    o Mitigation, adaptation and impactso Impacts on hydrology and water resourceso Impacts on ecosystemso Impacts on human settlements, energy and industryo Impacts on insurance and financeo Impacts on human healtho Impacts on the different regions of the world

    Possibilities and problems of monetization of external costs of climatechange

    Internalization of external costs in the context of sustainabledevelopment

    Exams: Oral presentation of the results of the different teams in the seminar and a finalwritten report by each team

    Media: Group work and lectures with projector based presentationsReferences: Cline, William R. (1992): The Economics of Global Warming. Institute for

    International Economics, Washington D.C.

    European Commission (1995): ExternE Externalities of Energy. Volume 1

    9. Office for Official Publications of the European Commission, LuxemburgGarrod, Guy and Kenneth G. Willis (1999): Economic Valuation of theEnvironment Methods and Case Studies. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham

    Hohmeyer, Olav (1988): Social Costs of Energy. Springer, Berlin

    Ottinger, Richard et al. (1990) : Environmental Costs of Electricity. OceanaPublications, Dobbs Ferry N.Y.

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Resources for the Future (1994): ExternalCosts and Benefits of Fuel Cycles A Study by the U.S. Department of Energyand the Commission of the European Communities. Utility Data Institute, no


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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Trading Energy

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Trading EnergyAbbreviation: TE

    Subtitle:Year: Summer semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLecturer: Prof. Dr. Olav HohmeyerLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: M.Sc. Wind Engineering

    Elective Course for the Summer semesterSectioning /hrs per week:

    Seminar/ 4 SWS

    Workload: 45 hours of teaching and 105 hours of student workCredit Points: 5Requirements: Admission to the M.Eng. Energy and Environmental ManagementAims:

    Students will be familiar with the different energy markets, the different financialinstruments like futures and options as used in energy markets. Students willlearn to use fundamental and technical analysis as far as they are relevant toenergy markets. Students will learn about the specific aspects of trading electricpower in liberalized energy markets. Students will understand the role of futuresand options markets to hedge against risks. Students will be able to develop theirown fundamental analysis of the electricity market in Europe.

    Competencies covered: analytical thinking life long learning specific knowledge in energy markets specific knowledge in finacial instruments specific knowledge in fundamental and technical analysis of energy

    markets economic competence methodological competence self organisation and teamwork project organising skills conflict solving skills

    Contents: The following topics will be covered in the module: The different energy markets

    o The oil marketo The gas marketo The coal marketo The electricity market

    OTC markets Spot markets Futures Options Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis Risk management and hedging Using fundamental analysis on the electricity market in Europe Strategies for electricity and gas producers in liberalized markets Strategies for electricity consumers and gas in liberalized markets

    Exams: Oral presentation of the results of the different teams in the seminar and a final

    written report by each teamMedia: Group work and lectures with projector based presentationsReferences: Kleinman, George (1997): Mastering Commodity Futures and Options The

    Secrets of Successful Trading. Financial Times Management, London

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Schwager, Jack D. (1995): Schwager on Futures Technical Analysis. JohnWiley and Sons, New York, N.Y.

    Schwager, Jack D. (1995): Schwager on Futures Fundamental Analysis. JohnWiley and Sons, New York, N.Y.

    Schwager, Jack D. (1996): Futures, Study Guide: Fundamental Analysis. JohnWiley and Sons, New York, N.Y.

    Schwager, Jack D. (1997): Schwager on Futures Study Guide to AccompanyTechnical Analysis. John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y.

    Grid Integration and High Voltage

    Program: Master of Science Wind Engineering

    Module: Grid IntegrationAbbreviation: GridIntSubtitle: Part 1: Electrical Energy distribution, grid integration and protection, Lightning

    protection and EMCPart 2: Network disturbances and grid connection

    requirementsYear: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. ScheibeLecturer: Part 1: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Scheibe

    Part 2: Prof. Dr.-Ing. HinrichsLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind-Engineering

    Mandatory CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    Part 1: 1 hours lecture , 1 hour laboratoryPart 2: 1 hours lecture , 1 hour laboratory

    Workload: 90 hrs present at university and 60 hrs homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: Basic knowledge of the electrical engineeringAims: Integration of wind farms into electrical energy distribution systemsContents: Part 1:

    Introduction to electrical energy distribution, Three-phase-systems, High-voltage direct-current transmission, Grid-integration, Electrical Grid Protection,Switchgears, Lightning protection and EMC

    Part 2:Introduction to network disturbances, short circuit power and networkimpedance at the point of common coupling, determination and assessment ofvoltage change, flicker, harmonic and inter-harmonic voltages, compatibilitylevel, reactive power compensator, filter circuits, grid codes

    Exams: 2 hours written examinationMedia: Blackboard, Overhead, InternetReferences: Part 1 :

    Burton,Sharpe,Jenkins,Bossanyi: Wind Energy Handbook, WileyHeier, S.: Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Wiley

    Part 2 :2.1 : Technical Rules for Assessment of Network Disturbances , VDN 2004

    2.2 Grid Code, High and extra High Voltage, E.ON Netz GmbH 20062.3 New Supplementary Regulations for Grid Connection by E.ON Netz GmbH

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Generator and Power Electronics

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Generator and Power ElectronicsAbbreviation:

    Subtitle: Study courseYear: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. Friedrich FuchsLecturer: N.N.Language: EnglishCurriculum: Master Course Wind Engineering

    Mandatory CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    2/3 lecture course, 1/3 exercise course/ 4 SWS

    Workload: 75 hours in courses, 75 hours homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: Basic knowledge in electrical engineering, especially electrical energy

    engineeringAims: To have basic knowledge on steady state performance of Three phase AC

    Mains, Induction Generators,Synchronous Generators and Power Electronic Converters for AC Machines asused in wind power stations and be able to calculate their performance

    Contents: 1. Three phase AC Mains2. Induction Generators3. Synchronous Generators4. Power Electronic Converters for AC Machines

    Exams: Written examinationMedia: Lecture, calculation of examples, blackboard, overhead transparency,

    powerpoint presentation,References: - Mohan, N.; Undeland, T.M.; Robbins, W.P.: Power Electronics:

    Converters, Applications, and Design, 3rd Edition, Wiley 2003- Bradley, D.A.: Basic Electrical Power and Machines, Chapman & Hall- Erickson, R.W., Maksimovic, D.: Fundamentals of Power Electronics

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Control Systems and Automation

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Control Systems and Automation of Wind Power PlantsAbbreviation:

    Subtitle:Year: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner SchttLecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Schtt u. a.Language: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind-Engineering

    Mandatory CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    2 SWS lectures, 1 SWS practical work, 1SWS project work

    Workload: 150 hrs, 15 x 4 hrs present at university, rest homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: general knowledge of undergraduate mathematics, general knowledge of

    automation and control, general knowledge of electrical drives and powerelectronics

    Aims: The students know and understand the control systems for pitch, azimuth,speed and power adjustment, the management as well as the possibilities ofthe process control, the remote controlling and maintenance systems. Theycan layout and optimize the subsystems. They can judge, which can be fulfilledtasks in which automation levels and with which characteristics.

    Contents: Introduction to the control and automation levels for wind energy plants Basics of control engineering for wind energy plants Azimuth, pitch, speed and power adjustment Advanced control procedures for wind energy plants Management of wind energy plants and wind energy parks Remote supervision and remote maintenance

    Exams: 2 hrs written examination or 20 min oral examination or project work,acknowledgment of the practical work as test in advance

    Media: Blackboard, overhead, projector, internetReferences: Leonhard, Werner: Control of Electrical Drives, Springer Verlag Berlin, 2001

    Heier, Siegfried: Windkraftanlagen Systemauslegung, Netzintegration undRegelung, Teubner Verlag Wiesbaden, 2005Schtt, Reiner: Control and Automation of wind power plants, Skript zurVorlesung, Fachhochschule Westkste, in BearbeitungSchrder, Dierk: Elektrische Antriebe 2: Regelung von Antrieben, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995Schnfeld, Rolf: Elektrische Antriebe, Bewegungsanalyse, Drehmomenten-steuerung, Bewegungssteuerung, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2001

    Lunze, J.: Regelungstechnik 1 und 2, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1997Dorp, R.C., Bishop, R.H: Modern Control Systems, Pearson EducationLondon, 2005

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Environmental Science

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Fundamentals of Environmental ScienceAbbreviation: -

    Subtitle: -Year: Winter semesterResponsible: FH Flensburg: Dr. rer. nat. Hermann van RadeckeLecturer: FH Flensburg: Dr. rer. nat. Hermann van Radecke et al.Language: EnglishCurriculum: Master Course Wind Engineering

    Mandatory courseSectioning /hrs per week:

    Course of lectures with practical exercises4

    Workload: Attendance: 60 hPrivate study: 90 h

    Credit Points: 5

    Requirements: NoneAims: Through investigation of the effects of wind on wind energy plants the studentslearn the fundamentals of energy meteorology and through study of the impactof wind energy plants on the environment gain knowledge of types and levelsof emissions.Students will be able single-handedly to make and evaluate prognoses of wind-energy potential.They will know and understand the physical, technical and legal aspects ofwind energy plants with regard to their emissions.They will be able to calculate emissions and evaluate them in relation to criticalvalues.They will be able to predict whether the installation and operation of projectedwind energy plants will comply with the requirements of environmental impact

    assessments.Contents: 1. Energy meteorology (global and regional wind systems, boundary layers,

    profile, turbulence, WAsP, mesoscale models, wind atlases, referenceoutputs according to Technical Directives Parts 5 and 6, long-rangedependency (wind index), measurement, short-term forecasts)

    2. Emissions and influences on the environment, noise (measurement andcalculation), shadow (measurement, calculation, control), critical values,turbulence as a form of emission, landscape aesthetics (planning,assessment, visualisation), measurement of environmental data (IECDirectives, Technical Directives)

    3. Calculation of environmental data and emissions (Program modulesWindpro, Windfarmer, WAsP, et al.)

    4. Effects on the surroundings (humans, birds, domestic animals and wildlife,habitats)

    5. Environmental impact assessments (critical values, land use, FederalBuilding Code, Federal Pollution Control Laws, approval procedures)

    Exams: Written examinationMedia: Blackboard, transparencies, in-class experiments, PC and video projector, e-

    learning platform, lecture notesReferences: Foken, T.: Angewandte Meteorologie. Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2003

    Troen, I. and E.L. Petersen: European Wind Atlas. Ris National Laboratory,Roskilde, 1989Stull, R.B.: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology. Kluwer AcademicPublishers, 1988

    Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Rogers, A.L.: Wind Energy Explained. Wiley,2002Lalas, D.P., Ratto, C.F.: Modelling Atmospheric Flow Fields, World ScientificPub., 1996

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Technische Richtlinien (FGW-Richtlinien) Teil 1 Bestimmung derSchallemissionswerte, Teil 5 Bestimmung und Anwendung desReferenzertrages, Teil 6 Bestimmung von Windpotenzial und Energieertrgen,FGW, Kiel, 1998 ff.Handbcher Programme Windpro und WindfarmerSwift-Hook, D.T. (Edit.): Wind Energy and the Environment. P. Peregrinus Ltd,

    United Kingdom, 1989

    Advanced Windturbine Systems

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Advanced Wind-Turbine SystemsAbbreviation: AdWTS

    Subtitle: Introduction into non-standart Wind-Turbine systemsYear: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. A. P. SchaffarczykLecturer: Prof. Dr. A. P. SchaffarczykLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind-Engineering

    Elective CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    2 Hours Lectures and 2 hours advanced seminar

    Workload: 75 hrs present at university and 75 hrs homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: Basic Knowledge about Wind-turbine systemsAims:

    Presentation and discussion of non-standard wind-turbines systemsContents: Small wind-turbines according IEC 61400-2Aerodynamic performance and load calculationVertical Axis WTsDiffuser systemsOther: Counter-Rotatinf, Solar-Chimney, etc.

    Exams: 1 Hrs written exam oral presentationMedia: Blackboard, Overhead, InternetReferences: Recent articles from journals like:

    Wind Energy and Wind Energy and Industrial Aerodynamics

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)



    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Offshore Foundations for Wind Energy ConvertersAbbreviation: OFW

    Subtitle:Year: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Dannenberg, University of Applied Sciences KielLecturer: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Lothar Dannenberg, University of Applied Sciences KielLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master Course Wind Engineering

    Elective CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    Lectures / 4 h, exercises

    Workload: 60 h presence studies, 90 h by oneselfCredit Points: 5 ECTS pointsRequirements: Structural Strength & MaterialsAims:

    The students learn about or how to calculate- the general differences between onshore and offshore wind energyconverters (WECs)

    - the different general types of loads on offshore foundations- water wave theories (introduction)- the wave loads on different types of structures- current effects and ice loads- the different types of fixed and dived foundations (monopiles, jackets, tripods,

    tension legs a.s.o.)- ground effects and the consequences for the foundation types- eigen frequencies / vibrations of structures- materials for foundations, corrosion effects- the life cycle behaviour of foundations

    - installation procedures for offshore WECsThe students are able to design and to calculate the different types of offshorefoundations for WECs depending on the environmental conditions and waterdepths.

    Contents: - differences between onshore and offshore WECs- offshore loads- water wave theories- Morrison equation- wave, current, fouling, ice loads on foundations- types of foundations- ground behaviour- eigen frequencies / vibrations

    - scour effects- materials for foundations (concrete, steel, corrosion)- construction and installation

    Exams: Work written under supervisionMedia: Blackboard, PC / Projector, scriptReferences: - Germanischer Lloyd (GL): Guideline for the Certification of Offshore Wind

    Turbines, 2005- Roark: Formulas of Stress and Strain, 1975- American Petroleum Institute (API): Planning, Designing and Construction

    Fixed Offshore Platforms, 2000- Det Norske Veritas (DNV): Regulations for the Design of Offshore Wind

    Turbine Structures, 2005

    - Gigawind: Reports 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Advanced Engineering Mathematics

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Advanced Engineering MathematicsAbbreviation: AdMath

    Subtitle: Advanced methods in Engineering mathematics, esp. partial differentialequationsYear: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. A. P. SchaffarczykLecturer: Prof. Dr. A. P. SchaffarczykLanguage: EnglishCurriculum: Master-Course Wind-Engineering

    Elective CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    4 Hours Lectures (2 hrs lectures and 2 hours problem solving)

    Workload: 75 hrs present at university and 75 hrs homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: Good Knowledge of Undergraduate MathematicsAims: Introduction into classical theory of partial differential equations as to used in

    advanced mechanics and fluid mechanicsContents: Complex functions:

    Holomorphic functions, complex integrationCauchy-Riemann Equations, complex velocity potentialsResidue theorem, conformal maps, Theorem of Kuta/Joukovkie1. order PDE, streamfunctions2. order PDE, Potential-, wave- and Heat- equations3. nonlinear PDE: 1D, Burgers equation4. 3D, Navier-Stokes Equation

    Exams: 2 Hrs written examMedia: Blackboard, Overhead, Internet, MathematicaReferences: Shaw, W.T., Complex Analysis with Mathematica (Cambridge, 2006).

    R. Courant and D. Hilbert, Methods of Mathematical Physics, vol I andII. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1962

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)


    Measurement and Certification

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Measurement & CertificationAbbreviation: MeasCert

    Subtitle:Year: Winter semesterResponsible: Dipl.-Ing. Volker Khne (Managing Director of WINDTEST Kaiser-Wilhelm-

    Koog GmbH)Lecturer: Dipl.-Ing. Volker Khne et al.

    (Heads of Departments of WINDTEST, Heads of Departments ofGermanischer Lloyd Industrial Services, Business Unit Wind Energy)

    Language: EnglishCurriculum: M.Sc. Wind Engineering

    Elective CourseSectioning /hrs per week:

    a) 2 hours lectures per weekb) 1 project work in a teamc) 2 excursions (1/2 day each) to WINDTEST

    Workload: a) 30 hours present at University and 30 hours homeworkb) 15 hours present at University and 25 hours homeworkc) 10 hours at excursions and 40 hours homework

    Credit Points: 5Requirements: Basics in wind turbine systems

    Basics in wind energy theoryAims: Third party measurements and certification has become a common issue while

    selling and buying wind turbines world wide. With this approach quality andreliability of wind turbines is secured for a long lifespan of the machine.Throughout the measurements the characteristics of a wind turbine like powerperformance, noise emission, grid quality are assessed and the loadassumptions for the design approval are validated.

    These characteristics are input to the certification process, including designappraisal, quality checks, control of components and sub-suppliers as well asperiodic monitoring within the lifetime of the wind turbine until the end of thelifespan.Students will learn about the system of accreditation and certification, aboutmeasurements and standardisation. This is always connected to practicalexperience from the work of the lecturers, interpreting the results of the workbased on the knowledge of theoretical basics of wind engineering.In the project work the students will handle easy measurement cases orperform steps in the certification process. The excursions to the premises ofWINDTEST will give a deep insight into the engineering work of a accreditedmeasurement laboratory which has clients worldwide. In the workshop typical

    measurement equipment can be handled.Contents: Characteristics of wind turbinesMeasurements of characteristics of wind turbinesCertification processMarket relevance

    Exams: Combination of Written Examination (2 hours) Evaluation of the project work

    Media: Power-Point-PresentationsReferences: Windkraftanlagen: Grundlagen, Technik, Einsatz, Wirtschaftlichkeit

    Erich Hau792 Seiten

    3. AuflageSpringer-Verlag

    Windkraftanlagen: Grundlagen, Entwurf, BetriebProf. Dr. Robert Gasch, Prof. Dr. Jochen Twele

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    Module Catalog Wind Engineering (M. Sc.)

    5. Auflage, 2007ca. 600 SeitenHrsg.: B.G.Teubner, Stuttgart

    Windkraftanlagen: Systemauslegung, Netzintegration und RegelungDr. Siegfried Heier4. Auflage, 2005555 SeitenVerlag B.G.Teubner, Stuttgart

    Nutzung der WindenergieDr. Siegfried Heier1. Auflage, 2007Verlag TV Media

    Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and ApplicationBy James Manwell, Jon McGowan, Anthony RogersHardcover, 590 Pages, 2002. Wiley & Sons, publisher.

    Business Economics

    Program: Master of Science Wind EngineeringModule: Business EconomicsAbbreviation:Subtitle:

    Year: Winter semesterResponsible: Prof. Dr. Arno MllerLecturer: Prof. Dr. Arno Mller

    Language: GermanCurriculum: Mastercourse Wind EngineeringElective Course

    Sectioning /hrs per week:

    Participant Centered Learning using the Case Method /4 SWS

    Workload: 90 hrs present, 60 hrs homeworkCredit Points: 5Requirements: noneAims: Knowledge of methods for decision making and the elements of leadership and

    the ability to use these knowledge in the wind energy industryContents: Processes of decision making, organisation and control (Management

    Process) Strategic Planning and Management by Objectives Sales Management and Marketing Organisation and Process Management International Supply Chain Management Human Resource Management Evaluation of Investments Accounting and Calculation Financing of project with high investment

    Exams: Written Examination, 120 MinutesMedia: Projector

    Flip ChartReferences: Thommen / Achleitner: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Umfassende

    Einfhrung aus managementorientierter Sicht, Gabler Verlag

    Vahs / Kunz: Einfhrung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Schffer PschelVerlag