Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17 th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools Access to your School email account / SharePoint Access to online learning platforms e.g. Seneca Learning, Doddle, MyMaths, Linguascope Make a daily plan of which subjects you will be working on Take breaks between work sessions avoid using computer screens for too long Talk to your family about the work you are doing Submit work to your teacher based on their instructions Contact your teachers or friends for support or help if you need it For online platforms e.g. Seneca, Doddle, MyMaths, Linguascope ask your teacher for help with access. For access to your email account/SharePoint you can email [email protected] If you need extra help then you can email your tutor, Head of House or [email protected]

Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

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Page 1: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020

Time to get

back to


Distance Learning Checklist ✓ Access to Go4Schools ✓ Access to your School email account / SharePoint ✓ Access to online learning platforms e.g. Seneca Learning,

Doddle, MyMaths, Linguascope ✓ Make a daily plan of which subjects you will be working on ✓ Take breaks between work sessions avoid using computer

screens for too long ✓ Talk to your family about the work you are doing ✓ Submit work to your teacher based on their instructions ✓ Contact your teachers or friends for support or help if you

need it

For online platforms e.g. Seneca, Doddle, MyMaths, Linguascope ask your

teacher for help with access. For access to your email account/SharePoint

you can email [email protected]

If you need extra help then you can email your tutor, Head of House or

[email protected]

Page 2: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Message from the school Monday marks the start of a new term. We have had time to reflect and hopefully time to

rest. There are lots of stories about when schools will reopen – at present we have no

firm information; but we all hope that it will be before the summer break.

In the meantime, we have listened to many of you to put together a more structured

approach to learning. Over the last 2 issues we have detailed how work will be set, where

to get help and how to submit work. Please make sure you have read it carefully, so you

are ready to learn.

Working at home is not the same as school: at school, teachers plan lessons carefully and

can support you during the lesson when you find things tough. At home it can be difficult

to get help – the most important thing you can do is try. The work we set will not be used

to grade you or ‘set’ you. We are planning it so that you have an opportunity to review

things you have already learnt and expand your knowledge in other areas.

Your teachers will be trying to balance supporting you, supporting their own families and

checking work. Please do ask for help but be clear about what you need and be patient

with the teachers’ responses.

We will be asking teachers to tell us who is sending work back. This is so we can see who

might need support - if you don’t send work in, your teacher will prompt you by email. If

we don’t hear from you, we will contact your family to check what help you need.

This is a unique situation and a big change – we are all finding it difficult. Just remember

the staff at Winchcombe School are ready to help.

Mr Templeton

Extra Activities Be an Entrepreneur Imagine you are an inventor (one day you may well be).

• What product can you create to help with the situation facing the world?

• What materials do you need?

• What other equipment is needed?

• What transport is needed to ship your product?

• How much does each item cost per unit/per 100?

• Do you make a profit? What would you do with your profit?

• Can you create a slogan/marketing campaign for your product? Where In The World? Describe a holiday or work destination of your choice.

• Why would you like to visit/work there?

• What would the climate be in April?

• What are the usual weather conditions in April?

Page 3: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

• What is the currency? How much would it cost to buy a loaf of bread (or equivalent)?

• What skills/qualifications are required to gain employment in this sector in the country you have selected?

Write The Diary Of … (with accompanying images - you could draw these): a) a duckling:

• cracking out of the egg,

• what is first seen,

• learning to swim,

• finding food etc.

b) a daffodil:

• a bulb being planted (by a person) or dropped (by an animal),

• bulb to bursting through the soil,

• experiencing all the weather conditions of spring in the United Kingdom,

• impacts of temperature: hot spring days and cold frosty nights,

• being picked or cut for an Easter display or to be sold in a shop etc.

c) an Easter egg:

• design,

• being made in a factory,

• transported to a supermarket/shop,

• being selected as a gift,

• being given as a present,

• eaten and enjoyed etc. Imagine you are a Michelin Star Chef (one day you may run your own restaurant).

• What meal could you make for your family?

• What ingredients would you need?

• How much do these cost: a) Per item? b) Altogether? c) Per head?

• How long will the meal take to: a) Prepare? b) Cook? c) Clean up!

• Write a review of the meal for a local paper? Teague’s Tips:

• Creativity is key. Have fun. What are your ideas?

• Consider your: a) Purpose? b) Audience? c) Form?

• Be as precise and detailed as possible.

• Try to imagine yourself in this new role/character?

• Employ a wide range of vocabulary for effect and impact.

• Use sophisticated language to express your ideas.

Keep well and look after each other.

Ms Teague

Page 4: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Winchcombe Work Endless world of Uncertainty by Joanna (Y7)

The sun is up,

The crisis is yet to cool down,

It causes many a thought unknown,

Though the birds sense no change.

Endless birdsong,

Endless caws,

Endless nature calls,

And endless green blooms again.

Flowers of Spring bloom,

Flowering forget-me-nots to ever vibrant blossom,

Ivy creeps in every corner of unknown,

Leaves flutter as peacefully as the now silent roads.

Roar of traffic,

Roar of garden parties,

Roar of restaurant laughter,

Roar of everything is no more.

Bars and cafes,

Pubs and night clubs,

Escape rooms and parties,

Are silenced throughout.

The sea of the sky's royal blue,

The gentle hum and buzz of bees and wasps

Trees and plants show off their calming colours,

The world has been silenced by a much feared hand.

The sun is an encouraging face,

To look upon for sunny smiles and laughter,

Although nothing is normal just for now,

Enjoy what we do have in these times.

Visit the woods,

Relax in the garden,

Enjoy the sun,

And feel more 'at home'.

These times are strange,

Nothing seems the norm,

Once this is over,

Everything will be back, just the same.

One positive for this time, a thing you must know,

Pollution has plummeted at an amazing rate,

Keep it this way,

For now, 'till later, when everything's back the same.

So for now,

There is only one thing to say,

To each and every one of you,

'Garder en securite!'

Page 5: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Mr Watson’s Album of the Week This week’s unearthed gem is the 1994 album ‘Grace” by Jeff

Buckley. The album never made the top 30 in the U.K. and it is his

only album as he drowned quite soon after releasing the album. It

has a lovely indie, folk, rock vibe. It is an album that I call as

‘grower” it takes more than one listen to get into it but it grows on

you every time.

If you like this try this is by “Mercury Rev’ give “Godless on a highway a go” and then try

the album deserters songs.

Bitesize Daily


It's a strange time to be a school pupil right now but wherever you're doing your

lessons, BBC Bitesize is here for you - more than ever.

From 20 April, you’ll be able to access regular daily lessons in English and Maths, as

well as other core subjects, in an expanded version of our website and also on

special programmes broadcast on BBC iPlayer and BBC Red Button.

New Maths and English lessons will be

available every day for all ages. These

will be created with resources from

Bitesize, other parts of the BBC and

other education providers. The content

of these lessons will be backed up by

new videos, practice tests, educational

games and articles. Regular lessons on

other core subjects, including science, will also be available. Mums and Dads can

get advice on how to teach anyone who is home-schooling and the Bitesize website

will also have guides for pupils with SEN (special educational needs).

In addition, BBC Sounds is also launching separate podcasts, aimed at either

primary or secondary pupils, to support everyone learning at home. The daily

shows, each around 10 minutes long, will link with content on Bitesize which

supports education and also your other needs, in what is likely to be a confusing

and worrying time for many young people as we continue to live in lockdown.

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Winchcombe Cooks

Ms Brooks has been encouraging students to get cooking at home.

Her helpful cookbook is available on the school website – Link Here

Here are some great looking results – Well Done all!!

Abigail (Y8)

Harry (Y8)

Jack (Y8)

Shay (Y9)

Page 7: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Distance Learning Plans Until it is decided that schools can re-open, we will be providing learning tasks remotely for students. This is a

difficult situation which we could never have planned for.

We are looking to find a balance that allows students some structure to their lives, gives them learning

opportunities and keeps them engaged with learning.

We know there will never be a perfect solution that works for all students so your feedback, both positive and

developmental, is welcome to help us refine our offer. Over the next couple of pages are the plans we have put

into place for the next term, beginning Monday 20th April. Until then students should continue to work on the

tasks previously set.

1. Keeping everyone safe is our top priority. Although our students are not currently in

school, staff will be in regular contact with them via school approved platforms. The

school’s E-Safety policy is still in operation. Staff, students and parents must

conduct themselves as professionally as they would were the school to be open as

normal. Students and/or Parents should also appreciate the staff well-being and only make contact during

normal school hours Monday-Friday. Any concerns should be reported to: [email protected]

as soon as possible.

2. Work will be set for each class using Go4Schools. This is so parents are aware of the

expected work students need to complete and how and when work should be

submitted. If students are emailing their teachers, they should only do so via their

school email address. Teachers will feedback to students via email or through

personalised online platforms e.g. MyMaths, Doddle, Seneca etc.

3. Work will be set fortnightly. Enough work will be set to cover the amount of sessions that a student

would normally have in that subject (see table below). It is up to families to decide how to structure the

learning of a student – a suggested timetable was included in the last newsletter. A ‘Session’ might not be

the same as a 1 hour lesson – they are different pieces of work which teachers are setting over two weeks.

Table to show how many ‘Sessions’ of work to be set, fortnightly, per Subject per Year Group:

Subject / Year Grp Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

English 8 (incl, Reading) 8 (incl, Reading) 8 (incl, Reading) 8 (Lang & Lit)

Maths 7 7 7 8

Science 7 7 7 10

Computer Science 2 2 2

MFL (Fr and/or Sp) 4 4 4

Geography 4 4 4

History 4 4 4

RS/Ethics 2 2 2 1

Art 2 2 2

DT 2 2 2

Hospitality/Food 2 2 2

Drama 2 2 2

Music 2 2 2

Y10 GCSE Option A 5

Y10 GCSE Option B 5

Y10 GCSE Option C 5

Y10 GCSE Option D 5

Page 8: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Y10 Blocks: Option A Option B Option C Option D

2019-2020 Art

Design Tech

Media Studies



Cambridge Nat



Computer Science

Design Tech




Religious Studies




Media Studies

Triple Science (set 1)

Additional Science (set 4)


Design Tech






4. Go4Schools will contain details of: what the work is; where the resources can be

found (this will often be SharePoint) and how the work should be submitted.

Teachers will be monitoring submission of work and may give some feedback to

improve work. This may not always be possible as many teachers are also at home

with their own children – please be patient with requests for help and follow the

communication guidance in last week’s newsletter.

5. Work will not be ‘marked’ in the traditional sense. We will not be having formal

summative assessments and progress this year will not be graded. This is because we

have no mechanisms to ensure that all students can have the equality of time and

support with their work as they would at school. Where we are concerned that a

student isn’t submitting any work we will, in the first instance, email parents to see

what support is needed. If problems occur, please let us know.

6. Much of the work set will be consolidation tasks to ensure students do not forget

the knowledge they have already learnt. It may also be research tasks to prepare

students for new learning. Where structures allow it e.g. through online platforms,

new learning/topics may be introduced. The reason we need to restrict the amount

of new learning is to make sure that we can support students with misconceptions –

doing this remotely is problematic.

7. Years 7 to 10 will be expected to work in all the subjects they are currently timetabled in. For Year 9 this

will be reviewed at the end of the next half term with their chosen option subjects taken priority alongside

the core subjects. Year 11 students should continue to follow the advice published previously on the

school website.

8. Much of the work set will require the use of an electronic device. We are aware that in some households

these may be shared or that connectivity might be difficult. Please let us know if you need help and we

will do our best to find a solution. It is also important that students take frequent breaks when using


9. At present we will not be conducting any streamed or recorded lessons. As a small

school we have not yet go the required technology configured to support this for all

students. We are also aware that this puts a huge strain on both the students and staff

involved. If the current situation remains in place, for an extended period, we will revisit this option.

10. We are all trying to do our best in a difficult and changing situation. We all need to be patient with each

other and remind ourselves that this situation is happening across the country. Sometimes learning will

have to take a backseat when other difficulties occur. Mr Clarkson

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Winchcombe Work - English Miss Rose’s Year 8 English Groups, were asked to reflect on the work they had been

completing in school and the current situation that we are finding ourselves in. In school,

pupils were using poetry to explore and understand our Human Rights, and in doing so,

also understanding what it means to be ‘free’.

Miss Rose asked pupils to explore the notion of Freedom VS Isolation, by completing a

series of reflective tasks. These tasks were based on learning that took place in the

classroom, but also on the experiences of pupils, at this given time. The end goal of this

task was to produce a poem titled, ISOLATED as well as an abstract image to

communicate how isolation and/or lack of freedom might make an individual feel.

This work was completed by Harry:


Covid 19,

It seems pretty mean,

Getting stuck inside,

But this is a rule which’s been applied.

People going mad for toilet paper roll,

This pandemic is taking its toll,

Staying indoors for more weeks than five,

But this could make people survive.

People are now joining together,

Building new hospitals no matter the weather,

We will get through this difficult time,

It’s just a ladder we need to climb.

Page 10: Winchcombe Weekly · Winchcombe Weekly Weekly updates during school closure – Friday 17th April 2020 Time to get back to learning! Distance Learning Checklist Access to Go4Schools

Winchcombe Work - Drama Miss Rose’s Drama Groups were tasked with a Drama Project, whereby pupils could create and develop

an idea that would be fit for performance.

The project was broken down into Seven Stages, which allowed pupils to: respond to an image; develop

an idea; build characters; write a short script; plan, market and budget a small-scale performance; and

design a stage set. This enabled pupils to continue to use a range of cross-curricular skills – Maths and

Drama, who knew?!

This work was completed by Abigail:

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The London Lamp Post - Script

Act 1- Scene 1

The streets of London are quiet and grey. The path is uneven, and the buildings are broken. Esther walks in on

stage left and Ant and Joe walk in on stage right.

ESTHER- Where is it? (looking in her bag) (for a map)

JOE - I don't know do I (looking at Esther)

ANT - Are you sure you even packed it? (walking away from the others)

ESTHER- I’m sure I did (still looking)

JOE - Ok then you had it last

ANT - Come on guys let's go we could find a map anywhere, we are in London

They walk down the street a little further.

ESTHER - Wait! I found it! (waving it in the air)

JOE - About time (hitting her on the back)

ANT - Come on be kind to each other now we have found the map.

JOE - Alright then (looking at Ant)

ANT - Lets stand under that lamp post out the way so we can read the map (pointing at the lamp post)

JOE - Lets do it quickly then, there are a bunch of teenagers in hoodies coming.

Teenagers rush past them making a lot of noise.

ANT - Right where are we?

ESTHER - We are right

JOE - Whoaaa!

ANT - Whoaaa!

ESTHER - Ant, Joe where did you go?

Esther's feet begin to rise.

ESTHER - Oh no I am going to.

The lamp post starts to shake, and the lights start to flicker. Stage lights dim and the background starts to spin.

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This is my Drama project that I made. I made

it out of recycled materials. The scene I chose

was Machu Picchu. It is the lost Inca City in

Peru. The Incas were a tribe in Peru. On the

stage are all the characters from all the

scenes. The pole on the stage is the lampost

which the Londoner’s travel through on their

adventures. The three children go to Machu

Picchu, The Great Barrier reef and a Spanish

zoo. In Machu Picchu the children meet

Gabriela their tour guide. She shows them the

sites and the llamas they were everywhere

when the Incas were there. The llamas used

to give the people wool and materials by

saying a thank you to them the Incas used to

make golden llamas.

Free School Meals – Changes in circumstances During these unprecedented times we have seen reported in the news that nearly a million people have applied

for Universal Credit in the last two weeks. If you have been affected by the current situation and your

circumstances have changed, you may be eligible for free school meals. Although your child may not be attending

school at the current time, we are providing food vouchers for supermarkets in the absence of being able to

provide school meals for families that are entitled to this provision.

If you think you may be eligible to apply for free school meals and would like further information or to apply,

please see our website or follow the link below.



Ms Franklin

Information We are posting regular information on our dedicated web page on the school website.


We know that many of you will be anxious to have information – once we receive and process it, we will

put it on the page and let you know there has been an update.

The site is open for a very small number of people to minimise contact. If you need help or

have a query please email [email protected] this email address is monitored by

the SLT and admin teams.!