Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' W IN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico Fivo Cents fr^PA-Stnke Skirmish Costs^ liceman^ Life ROOSmi’8 I akdhealuckl ' m acuis-jcar-' hflBBOT^r^w^caaN^^Bna ^'.JllMPREPilRES III PHI IIMII iCROPSAlE AKDHEA LUCKfNUACn, l9-jcar-'] old >iclrt:d, who IcU 't Loii{ Is* land e»Ute with IS »ervinU for lore in A ISS-s>manUi r«Ctan> bui an rx lu H.OOO to mike the col. tatc more livable arur a Ntw York court (rantrd litr tlie extra al- lowance from ^ruat fucdi her .- Uther, tig u Ltjchtnliaeli, eul off, f when iho nurHcd nillf nobbt. • ■- - • - Mfi. Dobb* • ' Bills > Carry Out $2,800^ mb.OOOUndina-Prflgram ' For^^elf-Ltpuidatl'ng' Projects Given Congress (By Tlie Auocliilwl PrcM) -WASHINGTON, July 10— P r c i 1 d' e n t Roosevelt’s new .lending urogram, rcduced to writing nnd tntroduccd in congrcss, orbuscd such cxton> - slw^pnosltlon today aa to # /eave ihc fate of tlic mcnsurc In doubt. The bill, presented by Scn- . p fttor BorUey (D-Ky). the ~ • DcmbcruUo leader .iiiid Cjialrmnn ' Sliasall <U-Aln) of Uie lioiuc bank- —Ian cmnmlUec!. called lorjonnj .toW*_ ing H.80(),000,000 UirouRli n p o (ind the Inipori Export biinK. for the purpose of revllAUtlns biulness. . . OuUlde Cudrel - -eponsors-of Uje mciwure »ald the «(Jvnuce5 would so for project* which over a period of yean would pay for tlietnselvcs, nnd,thus rclrabutso Uie Rcn-cmmenl. The money would be nbed throusl) tho tnls of bonds --— by-tho-HPO to th8-pumc> ,ln any, wtiy U was planned that the entire - operiitJon ihould b« kept apart Ironi the regular' budijel of Uj8 treasi Move Started for New Rules'Repeal Coinmuhist? Britain-Bted^ed-to^ight AriyrNttzi^^ B tripofror Iha bin ntipeartd to in the houw. There, nepubllean . - leader* ■were privately -cliimlnB ■ ^ ^ ♦ n o a a a -t’o t a tn ilrfrnt lllfl. progntin commltttB. ..-. I, * Nei*-ExccuU«re Pawen . They based, tlitlr opposition UBC?>. « contention Umt the 'meuure ini* properly SMcaate*. .conKte«loaal k^r'lKW srs'to .r&ndenVKj»i'«cltt •- fT ,..: yUepnsenldtln-^Wimmt.lD-JdoK . ' • the .commltlet'a hjiklnc Democrat, said that U tbs committee ahould- begtn cotuildcnUioii of ’.lhe blit wltli _ .... - . tlie Jdea of. rcjwrtine It al this ta- aion. It undMbtedly would be at least ---------«l3L-»eeki-J)eI(ire an? acUon was taken.- . ' • “ ■■r don't ImaRlne tliat will be done," he said. "We mlghl Imve BDmo hcBl-lnBS and puss it ovor to tlie - next session.-■•'^ai's my idea of w-lial slifiuld be done. If the ndmtn* _li5txation.lnsIalj_on q^vkiro nl thl* WsJlon. we wUl bM cre until Eept. I'AmiAKER .iSKH t j INQUIRY'INTO AAA LONDOK, July ICl-Prlmc Minister Chamberlntn told roeft- Fa}hRr«ln-La(w_Af!fiiM{3^n rcr-AdoK Hitler today, through a carefully-worded statement ; J^:5p.r^TO rTadln tRc housc“6 r c ^ ^ t --J oloQgsldoJ’olond Jfrnecessary to prevent G erm any Utmvtak-^ iod/~,d/ ChiJd ' inffthefrefBaJtJcpxat ofDanilgbiclcinto ttierelch. f Hitler was not morftftncd by name, but there was no mis- taking that the statement, approvecT In adyaiice by both Po- land and rranco, was Written ior hJpi. Reiterating Brltaln’fi prom-, iscto support tho’Poles Jf they' TougHl“l?n5rotecrthulrintie-- pcnrtencc.-ChfttnberRln -s41d; •■rite Vistula mi;er> Is Poland’* only waterway to the Baltic, and the port nC iOt mouUi (Diuizig) !»' then:*’ lore of.vltal.sirateslc'aDd Monomlc SA tr, LAKE c rry , July lo (/?>-' Donald Pxestoa, 23-j-«ar-old 'W PT worker, was.dead tonlsht of i fJiot w-Qunrf in Ills breiul titd hla, 7a1Ecrnn^7T.TnicrTctmanrsi; wtUi first degree mur- ctlon with Uie slaying which Sail ^ k e City delcciKes saU cllmnxL^ a family quart«l over ciiS' UWy of-prcston'sjnfanl daughter. Del Uw.c used to 'build up ‘'prMfuro 'KToupg" for farm teglsliition. Roprs- eentatlve Andrev.-s (R-NY) de- manded t(^ay a eoiisrc-'jUonal In- vcstlpitloa^or the "political and olh- e e CTtiaiwotD»-BcUvlUw'.^t>Uia-ag^ —rtraiiur^aajiistmcnt-udmmtrtnF “I am convinced," ho told the hcmsc,"“that-thl.t-whiJlc JiltuaUon re- quires In the cublle laler«j;l a lhor- “ Tmgn Kiid ujiprcjiidicKnhTcsOBii^ i Utin • • . ___________ . asalnsl Peterson be- fore .JudR e^berl E, Elicit, nine fioars after thff shoollrff. Prc.iton was shot on the lawn of JiUJ>oma.fts.he,sasitavlng.lQP work tliLi 'morning. Wounded, he stag- Rcred'to his feet, lunged toward his JFLASHES of tlFE— her Oefinan police . to guard her cofe at night aftei eloscs. . ' . ■ Opening the cafo yesterday eho found $60 had been taken by rob- bers .who had smashedNuriTar win- dow, tossed .Prtt* a hambone. and . Ujra raMCked the plaee. J Plenty of Oaah__ __ . W {ROBIKSON, IU.-W. R.'W oll"^d cold cash for hJs new re/rtecrator— and- lola of It. , • .."If you don’t believe Uiere are 31.0&0 pennies there, count ’em.’' he «Ud. sliovlng H quarts of coppeta • toward Salesnfin A.'O. Beja. . ' ' -III take your word for.-ft," Rcld replied. Timoly MUhap DALLAS—IHsoked mighty "black • for.Doh-Pllch-when a Mn<i snapped on .his t8llb03t-durlnr-«-r*ee:r-Hls *a« came flutle^B down. ' .Sut whlls ho sweated to' repntr It •..squftll came up and capsltcd'lhe other M boa&. " .5 1 t«l» sMled aerwa the. line a-win- •'ner* while lake'pollce and boatmen nacued his rivals. .-..No.Trbwblfl,, : OONNEE BPRINds, ids,-A bur-. glAr awakened htrs. Oraee Bluett. __ _i ' harm • •’W, roll," ho said. ^ " .........'Ut ^ li~W3:3r^~Mrt,~tlliletfi !•'> ..•poeketbook and then'told her; ' K“ ' “Now'lf youH.bo-klnd enouBli to S9t up uid lel'tae out theTeac doort 1,.: 1^11» ROlns."' II'.';' .Qra.BIssetturJock^thft’doorasd K;; watched him disappear. Mrs, Donald Preston, moiher of tljo two-year-old baby, died In child- • , I..., *nr» Th»r»nft»r ih« fburf BERLIN, July. 10 W — Oerman was plaecd Icmpotarlly house and collapsed, crying •'Mama. Neighbors'wltnc.«ed Jlie incident and helped In captuilfiR Peterson, whom, - Uiey told Detective T. Vf. SouUiworUi. C. P. Pierce and J. 3G5aoRFU»i=tt' ....... -T h e slaying, the detectives. Informed, followed a vollent quar- rel.— ''If-you-don’t4et-.aa>-s«e-ti»L ba^-, r i l . kill you." Mrs. Roland In city jail, Peterson admitted the killing w Dctcctlve CsplAln E, A. Hedman and said ho had loaded- n j}Htol, soige tJmejifro nnd ''tried t5 '"'rtfetcotTTdr fouf'dftj-s." . . jn' habehfl «rpus proc«dlngs‘ brought by. her father, the child was awarded to-Preston.' *eER«. TESlffi TliU BtAtement was gencraUy' In- :rpreted as Britain’s acceptance of le Polls}! claim Uial Danzls U vital to Polish Independence, which Brit- ain has guaranteed. of commons to the lobby Cliamberl&ln finished, nnd there ipparently all parties agreed Oat It clear, unequlvocsl ' which could be.interpreted only ns warning lo the German fuehrer. It wKf«. members said, an attempt of tlie GermnnSmrBe tfiat Britain did not state clearly when and whom she-would-fi?ht-ln-IM4.---------------— Chamberlain held, little hope for —mnedlKte 'dlseussl^ns-betwew^-'Po— ^ Jind amfOfrmany over DimzJf, but cotyluded the ataUment by pltad- 1ns "with sll concerned" .lo •'de- clare ai^ show uielr determination .) allow any Incidents In (xnnec- tlon with Dnulfc to assume .sucii BurgundefTeils ‘dwn Story’ fn Sfaying of Two -•'Salesmen'x _ Forecast Indicates Surplus _j\nci_ Fcclcraf—Aulhoritics Hint at Strict Market- ing Quota Enforccmcnl (By 'Tlie Ar.ioclatcd Preis) WASHINGTON. July 10 — Soon ftfler the crop reporting' hoard had forecast ,n 2,570,- 705,000 bu-^hel corn crop for this year, officials indicated today that they m ight have to. move to Invoke strict m ar- keting quota provisions of the farm law in order .to copc with the surplus problem. . n.oia and iiO.000.000 bushels from pro'lous jenrs, would pile Or supply that mlKhl require a farm- r referendum on marketing quotas. Uie ctdclals rnld. A (Icclslon B» lo whether to hold rtf5rtncliim will til the August 10 crdp report. Seeded^fe-is Cam AllhoURh farmira coopemt«(}-wlih llie aBrlculture department's plant- Ing [irogrnm by seeding Jews corn this J'CSr. coiuUIerably higher than had IB38-37 arenure'Of 7S3,953.000 tnish- eU; Tbe estlm.ite wm . divided'as ftUowamttie typwi: WtnWfwhMf 6ZZ.7l7JDttL bushtilsr- 30,ew,000 busheU a n d o U i e r . s p ^ ' vhesc »TJlS3,<m bushels; Protpeeta Itnprofe bo.\rd aold ngrlcultural prosptcts Improved markedly dur- ing June, reflecUng mlnfoU which averagtd more than normpl over a latpe part of-tha eountrr. Ttu, tndlffttcff.,Botnto..crop_was 3«,074,000 busliets, compfired with 309j31fi00 lost',year, and 373.1*3,- "10..the.10-year avemce., . , Production of other cropw in- tlleated bw July i c House Conmiiltee Cliah-iiiiiii Sponsors Bill to I{(^vise Troiihle-IMakiiig .... ; -------- \Va!j;(!l{e<riilali()ns ' ........... ...... IIAItllV ntttnGFIS. . . JtllUUnl wa- Urfront Ubnr leader teitltlr* hearing al wfilrli Uie govrrnmcnt »cfin hl> drporlallon hr If an alien hut that he haa never hM-n a mfmber of Uie Com^unUl partj. BiGESIENlES RE Facton conliibuilhg to'the unex- pectedly- huga crop. prCBiTects. the board_jald, were unusually favor- _____ aBle »calh*i^sondinon5'ltrJtm«nd -=—r ‘ ' , ‘ >» * ~ n ‘’ ^ ’f»in •TaimiTiirinCTeiiitrTwtirffeB-pianiOT -Testimony C on flicts at -CIO toTiIgh-i-lekmiiriiyljrJd ' cord.------ ^ -------------- . — ----------------------------- The Indicated w heat production ts In Ilpe with anllctpatcd needs. Hie boaVd forecast the crop at 710,- 053,000 bushels eomptvred wlth_B30,- susoTlisn ‘ — - - Leader's Deportation Hearing ^ SAK raANCISOO/July lo j;r» ^ _ ^ « m m e n l wlUlliW. ajU fiul:*>- dar os Harry* Dndges’ deportaOor hearing opened thal.he had aecom. periled the wMt-eoo.it C50 leader lo Communist meetlnsa.-but Bridges flaUy denied he was & CommunW party member. The denial by Uie 30-year.old leader was followed by tesUmony of Utjor Laurwee A. Milner of Oregon, that the Australian-born Heated bw. . . .. . . .. ijmpaniUVe <Ifnireu foi" la w .y ea r findllbie' lO^year Bvenifie: PHOEKIX, AMt. July 10 (/TVA :athlng denunciation of society, Ita 10 enforeement' officers and Its ................. Uona WM made'betorB .. Jury today, by 22:.year-a)d Rob- ert Ourgunder. testifying In his defcnacjga.lnat a murdee-chargi “P cPRkUT areiteff-Bna-oimeuslr en- }oylnc his Ions (iwalted chance to relate ,hls "own atory.” the hand- collcglnn BlSmed" ah uncto^' - )l{_dc.Hrft_ t o , ' experiences in a Wnahlngton formatory for tiLi present plight. Tcstlf>'lng over tils attorney’s oh- le*ilon.vhe described himself soclal ralillt. . . culms Mind'Alfeelfd Living In a world orlHrninjiirfer tl3 months affected his mind and outlook on llfp. Biirsunder.tesUried n,:,i ,i„r I leading up-to the murder of S! ISiJ-PlMMir-OTraintr-Mch-lht _____.Mlnlticr.__________________ laroUon. of the British position on Danslg. asserted tonight hls’.stato- (CoBUflurf oo r>t« J. Caluma i: ADMITTED TORSO SLAYERr :m HE DETECTORlTESt which his famer testUleU - - by nnpther mnn whom he has fused to nor "Wlien I went to Uie reformatory I.knew Uiere was aotnethlng wTOng wflft-me. and thetn» Btlll b," Bur- gunder told the iury after glvlng'an account of tho SentUe drug store holdup which caaied him' lo be sentefteed lo 16 years-Imprbon- CLEVSLAND.'July. 10 lAVFruik Dolczol, who confexsed BlAylng one of Cleveland's 13 -torso. murder' vlcUrn* led.BUthorlUes-tonlght to a ' third spot’where he saW hO'dls- , -osed of Mra. Plorcnce PcllUo's ead. • . The. s2-ye<ir.old bricklayer who told to n. aljrned confessan of kill- : Ing Mr8..PoUllft four je aa age and • dlameojberlnff her bod}-.- pwlously ' afstrtcd.'..lhalihe.threw::iha,iietd - la Lalto Crte. -men he said <he burled 11'In' tlie'Klngibufj^'nun , sector of Olcveland’a •■Harlem"-ftrca. Eicavotors failed-to lacate It- rtceat street injprovements.' • ahcrl^^. MarUn L. OXtonneli’aold , Doieial volunteered io "show Uie' plAcel. itltcr-.iatenslvo quaUonin^ . wltn the aid of-a ite detector. •Paul.BeclK*.opcralor.of the.poly- . cmph 'dlo detector) trlctLiJlati_of 100 questiona;;lnemed;j^j^ O’Donnell -said patlon:- -•-When wcjeam thatto:our «at- isfacUon, ve wni hive enough of a CM«.to present .to tha eouuty prosV cuton.t added O’Donn’ell, who ao- mm , rOANK DOLBZAL . nouticcd: Wddjr'. tlial Dom1 83-' yoar'.6ld brlUtlaj-er. 'and buWier, confessed the Pouno slK^ns. lem," hi N^ntinued. *BUUr AtUtode" n to realize something wu ....... . tlie youth testified, m de- scribing hls-reacUon to the reform- alory. -r-*ofa bitter attitude. The refonnatory made criminals, and didnt save them'." ‘ ^Vhlle In his teena and spending oiuch tijne In the otllce of his fa- .' thcr. Robert M. Bursupder. former " SealtW prosecntoTT'nrTKqulred a - dUlnul^-offictrx-Burguailtr.con:. tlnued. ' ' - Burstmder, chtirged with-killing .rsck- Petersoo and EJlls M. KouJT. atitohioblle salesmesTwho were dcm- anstratlng a car for him, took the wltnsss sund over the protest of hl> attomey.'O. T.' McKlnnej-, who told . the court that Uie youth woul^ not - heed hisladvlce'to rflfttkln'from les* tifyinj.' . ..: ' Previously U>e father testified hb • io h ' dchIrt7*kinWK“ PcitreDn- .and - -deacrtr-and-insisted . that a •iS55a^paf^^*ori«ir»ni: The code he learned whlls lo the rt- fonnatory forbade him .revealing the .-purported fcUlcrt IdenUty. the elder Burgundcr said th« twy told Rye il.m.OOO bunhels, eompartd wlUi 80.»0.000 an d fi8.7C5.000. V- .. DeansJdry edible) Il,837«io bag* of loo pounds, 'compared with iS,- 388,000 an d 13,838.000. Sugar cans for sugar 5.T76.000 tons, compared with .TJ.720.000 and 3,000,000. Sugar beets ,10.103.000 . lon.% com- pared with 11.814^100 a n d 8,4C8.000. -Peache*Hll,<m,00» ' ' ' pond « ilh sl.tOQ.otK)' nnd 5^151.000. • Pesn 30.783,000 bushels compared with m n j o o finrt w ,«4 0(y>. Gnpes 3.805,000 tons, compared 1 -1*2 GamesJ>f Lcagae Leading Cardinals PIOKKBn 6 bjU5«!K -J ’a , rmliiu •( U«bl«B. .OHm I t tUlM. 4NI|ll n m « l. r Junbr'McNamee icd'a Cow- boy 10-hlt assault on chucker Verne Jphnson last nfght by blasting,.a-homer witK'thc. basu loaded Ut' ihd ilfth^as Twln^Falls'lamipcd'the •Salt Lake City Bees 14 to «. ■Closo'behind McNomcc In the heavy b'aiting dejDartment was his' teammate;- Stove Bog- danwf, who hit for lhe'TOund-trtp Intha fourth'With two aljoard. - ’TTie Bees eot-to MUcerBodnlcJc-for to hits, but It-wos the.Cowboys* unmereiful-.tbellloK. of - Johnson that-ipelled'.^efeat-'Tor-tiiMJtahas. -Budnick,.itrnck_out Bcvro-Bees.. -TbcrTteter-uti - - - withia a sam e'ttd a'batf oT Uie; Idle.PooateUp: Cardinals. lo«en of' two n a u euDdajrr a tJayof« park. LMt'nHhf«,*ifae.'fl»t of ajwrles tOceUauwt oa VaT* X OBhs&a 9) . “a very able.'jaembcr. of the Com- munist port>’.“ On Uiese two llt>ea was the twue draw beforo James M. Landis, d«ui of •Harvard university law scIjooI aha prtsidlDf trial-oiamlnff whwi the'labor deportment's henrlns op- ened at Angel W and. Immlitralloa station ln.&J^ Fnndsio bay. Landis toldNlefensc counsel that the government spdclfJcally charged Bridges,- wlw caoso to Uils country In ItlJO, with being a member of (he -Communist party In'Amerlca. The complaint ehorcrd him of be- longtng to an orpmltatlon which ■'idvocslefl the.overthrow by foree m violence of the government of le United Slatea" .^Jhnwi ,who rrally-.prcBttred-tht. case against Bridges fiate Qrfdgu Uie CIO and most of alt unloni" the.defense chatted in an opening to hold • .............. ... -. . ... crowded Into It. was quiet andleni wlpi expectancy when Bridges, n .-‘I- L __________ _ _.wii. ^-1. FMGROUPS my Tlip A.'.-.ocl.ilcil Pic.v.l WASII'INGTCJS. ,Tuly ifi—An outburst of vlolcncc on WPA' ■ picket llm'.'i led lo Iho clcalli.of a Minneapolis policeman’lo- day while IcRlnlatlon to revise, llie ;,lrll:c-provol:lnR wage regulallon.i of Hit new rcllrf .'^rl war, bclnc presented to con- gre.i.s. A nh.v.--(cl.iH,.iUribfifcd ihc pollcomnn's ticalh to .strain on’ hl.^ hc^iri from cxcllcmcnt after a beating by the demon- strators. . ' ------------------------------------------ -The .officer wa.v Patrolman Frank Gcariy. 40, heaten on the head and shoulders, com- panions,said, ns ho and an- oUior-oJtor cicortcd iioii-tai-lklni: W A wki-r.i frnm a Mitineipolls project: 0 !li<.-ri 'In 'th e pollre de- Inlt Wore |>f(ied wi(Ii i.tones, btclccn glsM nml other mL'Jllti. Stubborn OpimUlion- Rep. Sfibnlh <D-Ill) chntrmail of Ihn.-lnfliiciitla) rule.i commltlfe. In- Inxluccd llie flMl bill for repeal nf the- luiv,' aasa rcKulailons. Hb mctisurr Would .re.-.tore- the former re<nilre’mcnl tlini WPA W(jrlcer.i re - ceive the iirevnlllnK losnl wnur for llie’type ol s'ork on whlclj they nre cntrncwJ. —lt-wa« <ippamiU.hQKCY£r_iiyil.n(L chrnse would bc'tnnde In the law without ovrrcomliiR siubUOm oppo*. ilUon. Reprcrititntlve Woodnim ID- VaV-chsirmBn-flf-Uie-ftjiproprlftUoas- subi^mlttcc which linndled (he rc: l l e f ^ l . Indlcnlefl his opposition. Otnir.developments;.................... . Wllllnm Green, president of Uir •AmrrtCTTt-ftvlenillon-«f-Labar.-ijkkL that tf coocre.M did not rrvLro tli> law' th'ere would'M— slrlkes'and jtrtke.i." lU demand for revBlon of tho r ___________ announced that the f«dcml' th««ter-. project' w-o«ld be lltpjidaKd bnJuljr:3i-r«}thoush-ccn- g n u . which decreed Its end. luid .................... - 30 /«• :*« laf.t emplo>'es to be removed from the payroll....................................... V»w Iteiulatloni The ncK_A>^e rtgulAHons, pre- sc;)t>ed by congress and effecUve July 1. require a worker la wort at.ltaBL130Jloun.ft monOi.to i a "security wage," to be determined by liie 'locAl cost of living and nmoUnline.:at the maximum. )o (90 month. ,'nie MW regulations.'which qulred iSne wotkera lo work iwleo long to' earn ihe^Bame amount monev. resulted tn ths widespread walkouts oi WPAl. projects * ' week. TRousands sUll remained away from i^tflr Jobs today, bufreporU ifnuidM Twi'l.-ColumB'lX Expectcd Appointment Stirs Talk Hoosier May G e t. FDR’s Blessing-. WASmNOTON. July IfKt-T^An I nutliorlUllve report that Pauls.J^/ lia.' accepted- nn <nppolnt- ment as head of tlie new federal se- curity acriicy developed eonsres- formec Indlnha governor definitely had lied ItLi polltlrjii destiny to that of Uie admlnltUnllon. - ny g ---- commiBloner to the Phlllpplnco: «!• ready are working actively lo make him—the De'mocmtlc- prrtldcnllnl-'. nominee In 1040. McNutl has said he ■woiild'-- not“ 'oppo.'.c“ T rtsia cn t: RocBci-eiL l^.Uic. ittUer shoi;W,.e<ek_ . Uilrd term. ; _ ! ___ _ Linked WUh Ho<afyflt ' There were reports thaL Mr. Io05evell*^'auld announce McNutt’s -Th»-Zn<IJ- Beah Producliou - Decline Forecast WASHINGTON. July 10 (/JV-'Hie S^rieuHurBj.department esUmated today the 1PM ;^ucH oR"cf' aJj” edible beans In 16 producing states 11.807,000 bags compared with cach) with 1038 comparisons follow: Monlani. l(i,VOOO and 3:8.000; Ida- 0, IJ48 and IJCS; Wyoming, 429,> 000 and 478,000: .Oregon, 1 4 ^ and 13,000. CONTINUING EIGHT FOR KAVQAB c i t y , .July 10 (/I>-Mt*, Carrie Chapman Catt. 80-year-old fighter for women's stiffroge, urged raemben of her sex tonight to '’keep Uie banner of women's rights flylne unUl tntr vesUge of the old-tradl- tlq'n ordering subjection has been cliased from the earth." '''’ -TTje-nnfiBbJeTcmlnlst-spofcrfrom her home at Now Rochelle. N; Y, and her message wjis carried by. radio to th e '1.700 delegates here for the biennial convanUon of the National FederaUon of Euslnirjs and .Professlon»l ;?omen^ Clute. lae. " IS also.was broadcast.' ' —lOraUnc 100 years—1839- hard fought batUes to ad- _____ie cause of eflual'rlghts for, women, Mn. Catt nald -the mostlm- porlant Ihlne that happened Iti.lhat ccotury .was .the, otsaolted-womaa taorement and-what It did." AfUie b^lnniartrf that century,- (he legal and social status of women was almost, unbelievably restricted.*^ 'JJow. lit.U39.'’ :»lie r e n te d .,“no ,.jm*n U uneducated-fpr the: want of sch6als<Evef7 woman tuur make a wiu. co6trol- her. property.and collect-.her, wagafc-. svory-Jroauin fflsy- hsvtf-..a.-bank-.account. Bod. carry her own pockatbook. No wage' eaml&g position.Is tegalty-closed.to JEOmcn.- rJlMlfW to- a new •emptoyment. depends Uie apprevaf of pubUe optoten."- Answerins. her own . question “What furthCT-ls.to.be done?;* Mr*; eimsaid.. ' .^Where therrts ns •»eSi;Ttb«n:am:i$' oppttr. . bieile«o‘tt.VBut Mmp .ftt .po cohciuslDns: set op'DO'.-baU.'coQild- tr ^ :pf6J^:’.buat^:M'ffiU^^ nitl frinr-lrnn rnn»"' alresdv had .accepted the Job,.„-tJi ^ whieii tie wruld’Tiave'fitnerlfl-iuf-.r-:: perrtiiw V er tlie social'security ' ’, boort, CCC. naUonal youth admln- latrsuon and other government welfare agencies. - (The Ohio SUto Journal rej>orted St Columbus Uiat McNutt said he had rejected a tender of U»e prcsl- -. Heney ol Ohio Slate university be- cauie he already had acceptcd the- s ledcrul-iKnrltrpQst)------------ -------------- The new agency U one of the blft^. . -. gfst In the government. The CCO .. alone.has about 30.000 supervisory--. emplo>-ea Ihroughoul the eountrr, and the social security board about 9m. ----------- Senator Johnson (D-Colo) told reporters that acceptance of tha po- sIUwi -tlet McNutt up diw U y wllJr-' the presldenl for -Uie 1040 cam- . ' palgn.'* McNuU, Johnson addeij. “is placing- Wa whole political desto^ in Uie president’s h9nds,“ X " Prom Senator Wheeler (D-McnO : came a stotement that Ui« piirposo of the appointment was ‘'to buUd up McNutt for IMO.- - It wa» pos. - slble.^Wliceler asserted, that the ad- •. mlnlstfstlon might have McNutt in -mlnd-fbf-a-vli dldatc. EUn Wide Interest (Oonunuaj oo Ps«» J. OXuaiB n Bomm D E C u is WLfRflW Neutrality (ttestion in > Committee . WAsraNOTON, July 10 OP] - Senator Borah (R-Idaho). oppo- • nent of- the admmistratioa'a neu- ' irshly proposals, was repnaented.* today as beUeviaj tWpreferahle to thesenste'for^ ■The' commlttee-wUl.consiiieV tha- •' hDuse- approved neutrality bUl -» 4 - oth<r pendlnf measures tomoiroW. ... A major-test of strength between. ..i.' the adatlsistmUOQ -asd-lU-loes-K' V; crpected. ' • - ........ After-conferrinff with senators .r; LaTWIette (ProB-WU). Johnkm (R- V i ______ _, — Jcan 'oo- ite eoaj--'.. )QlttM, told- repotlm>'(buo.:had V; ^Q.DO-acrenh^tn- whether-tb^^ 6 Ue«nf,the " '

WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,

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Page 1: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,

• U i- T® I f E # A J y b S N E \ ^ S r TO D A Yr


W I N FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 P rico F iv o C e n ts

f r ^ P A - S t n k e Sk i r m i s h Cos t s ^ l i c e m a n ^ L i f eR O O S m i’8 Iakdhea luckl'm acu is-jcar-' hflBBOT r w caaN Bna '. J l lM P R E P ilR E S


AKDHEA LUCKfNUACn, l9 -jcar-'] old >iclrt:d, who IcU 't Loii{ Is* land e»Ute with IS »ervinU for lore in A ISS-s>manUi r«Ctan> bu i an r x lu H.OOO to mike the col. ta tc more livable a ru r a Ntw York court (ran trd litr tlie extra a l­lowance from ^ruat fucdi her .- U ther, t i g u Ltjchtnliaeli, eul off, f when iho nurHcd nillf nobbt.

• ■- - • - Mfi. Dobb* • '

B ills > C a r r y O u t $ 2 ,8 0 0 ^ — m b .O O O U n d in a -P r f lg ra m

' F o r ^ ^ e l f - L t p u i d a t l 'n g ' P r o je c t s G iven C o n g re ss

(By Tlie Auocliilwl PrcM) -W ASHINGTON, Ju ly 10—

P r c i 1 d' e n t Roosevelt’s new .le n d in g u ro g ra m , rcd u c ed to w ri tin g n n d tn tro d u c cd in co n g rcss , o rbuscd su c h cxton>

- s l w ^ p n o s l t l o n today aa to # /e av e ih c f a te o f tlic m cnsu rc

■ In d oub t.T h e b ill , p rese n te d by S c n -

. p f tto r B o rU ey (D -K y ). th e~ • DcmbcruUo leader .iiiid Cjialrmnn

' S liasall <U-Aln) of Uie lioiuc bank- —Ian cmnmlUec!. called lorjonnj .to W*_

ing H.80(),000,000 UirouRli n p o (ind the Inipori Export biinK. for the purpose of revllAUtlns biulness.

. . OuUlde Cudrel- -eponsors-of Uje mciwure »ald the

«(Jvnuce5 would so for project* which over a period of yean would pay for tlietnselvcs, nnd,thus rclrabutso Uie Rcn-cmmenl. The money would be n b e d throusl) tho tnls of bonds

- - — by-tho-HPO to th8-pumc> ,ln any, wtiy U was planned tha t the entire

- operiitJon ihould b« kept apart Ironi the regular' budijel of Uj8 treasi

Move Started for New Rules'Repeal


Britain-Bted^ed-to^ight AriyrNttzi ^

B tr ip o f r o r Iha bin ntipeartd to in the houw. There, nepubllean

. - leader* ■ were privately -cliimlnB ■ ^ ^ ♦ n o a a a - t’o t a tn ilrfrnt lllfl. progntin

commltttB. ..-. I, * Nei*-ExccuU«re Pawen

. They based, tlitlr opposition UBC?>.« contention Umt the 'm euure ini* properly SMcaate*. .conKte«loaal

k ^ r 'lK W srs 'to .r& ndenV K j»i'«cltt •- f T , . . : yU epnsenld tln -^W im m t.lD -JdoK

. ' • th e .commltlet'a hjiklnc Democrat, said tha t U tbs committee ahould- begtn cotuildcnUioii of ’.lhe blit wltli

_ . . . . - . tlie Jdea of. rcjwrtine It a l this t a - aion. It undMbtedly would be a t least

---------«l3L-»eeki-J)eI(ire an? acUon wastaken.- . '

• “ ■■r don't ImaRlne tliat will be done," he said. "We mlghl Imve BDmo hcBl-lnBS and puss it ovor to tlie

- next session.-■•'^ai's my idea of w-lial slifiuld be done. If the ndmtn*

_li5txation.lnsIalj_on q vkiro nl thl* WsJlon. we wUl bM cre until Eept.


LONDOK, J u ly IC l-P r lm c M in is te r C h a m b e r ln tn to ld r o e f t - F a }h R r« ln -L a (w _ A f!f iiM { 3 ^ n rcr-A doK H itle r today , th ro u g h a c a re fu l ly -w o rd e d s ta te m e n t; J ^ : 5 p . r ^ T O r T a d l n tR c housc“ 6 r c ^ ^

t --J o lo Q g sld o J’o lo n d Jfrnecessa ry to p re v e n t G e r m a n y U tm v tak -^i o d / ~ , d / ChiJd ' i n f f t h e f r e f B a J t J c p x a t o f D a n i lg b i c l c in to t t i e r e l c h . f

H it le r w as n o t m o rftftn cd b y n a m e , b u t t h e r e w a s n o m is ­ta k in g th a t t h e s ta te m e n t , approvecT In a d y a i ic e b y b o th P o ­la n d a n d r ra n c o , w as W ritten io r hJp i.

Reiterating B rlta ln’fi prom-, is c to support th o ’Poles J f they'T ougHl“ l ? n 5 r o t e c r th u l r i n t i e - - p c n rte n cc .-C h fttn b e rR ln -s41d;

•■rite Vistula mi;er> Is Poland’* only waterway to the Baltic, and the port nC iOt mouUi (Diuizig) !»' then:*’ lo re of.vltal.sirateslc'aDd Monomlc

S A tr , LAKE c r r y , July lo (/?>-' Donald Pxestoa, 23-j-«ar-old 'W P T worker, was.dead tonlsht of i fJiot w-Qunrf in Ills breiul titd hla, 7 a 1 E c rn n ^ 7 T .T n ic rT c tm a n rs i ;

■ wtUi first degree mur- ctlon with Uie slaying

which Sail ^ k e City delcciKes saU cllmnxL^ a family quart«l over ciiS' UWy of-prcston 'sjnfanl daughter.

Del Uw.c

used to 'build up ‘'prMfuro 'KToupg" for farm teglsliition. Roprs- eentatlve Andrev.-s (R-NY) de­manded t(^ay a eoiisrc-'jUonal In- vcstlpitloa^or the "political and olh- ee CTtiaiwotD»-BcUvlUw'.^t>Uia-ag^

—r tra iiu r^ aa jiis tm cn t-u d m m tr tn F

“I am convinced," ho told the hcmsc,"“that-thl.t-whiJlc JiltuaUon re­quires In the cublle laler«j;l a lhor-

“ Tmgn Kiid ujiprcjiidicKnhTcsOBii^ i Utin • • .

___________ . asalnsl Peterson be­fore .J u d R e ^ b e r l E, Elicit, nine fioars a fte r thff shoollrff.

Prc.iton was shot on the lawn of JiUJ>oma.fts.he,sasitavlng.lQP work tliLi 'm orning. Wounded, he stag- Rcred'to his feet, lunged toward his


her Oefinan police. to guard her cofe a t night aftei

eloscs. . ' . ■Opening the cafo yesterday eho

found $60 had been taken by rob­bers .who had smashedNuriTar win­dow, tossed .Prtt* a hambone. and

. Ujra raM Cked the plaee. J

P l e n ty o f Oaah__ __ .■ W {ROBIKSON, IU.-W . R .'W oll"^d

■ cold cash fo r hJs new re/rtecrator— and- lola of It. ■ , •.."If you don’t believe Uiere are

31.0&0 pennies there, count ’em.’' he «Ud. sliovlng H quarts of coppeta

• toward Salesnfin A.'O. Beja. . ' ' -II I take your word for.-ft," Rcld


T im o ly M Uhap DALLAS—IHsoked mighty "black

• for.Doh-Pllch-when a Mn<i snapped on .his t8llb03t-durlnr-«-r*ee:r-Hls *a« came f lu tle ^B down.

' .Su t whlls ho sweated to' repntr It •..squftll came up and capsltcd'lhe other M boa&.

" .51 t«l» sMled aerwa the. line a-win- •'ner* while lake'pollce and boatmen

nacued his rivals.

.-..No.Trbwblfl,, :■ OONNEE BPRINds, id s , - A bu r- . glAr awakened htrs. Oraee Bluett.

__ _ i ' harm• •’W , roll," ho said. ^■" .........'Ut ^ li~ W 3 :3 r^~Mrt,~tllile tfi

! • '> ..•poeketbook and then'told her; ' K“ ' “Now'lf youH.bo-klnd enouBli to

S9t up u id lel'tae out theTeac doort 1,.: 1^11» ROlns."'II'.';' .Q ra.B IssetturJock^ thft’doorasd K ;; watched him disappear.

Mrs, Donald Preston, moiher of tljo two-year-old baby, died In child- • ,

— I..., *nr» Th»r»nft»r ih« fbu rf BERLIN, July. 10 W — Oerman was plaecd Icmpotarlly

house and collapsed, crying •'Mama.Neighbors'wltnc.«ed Jlie incident

and helped In captuilfiR Peterson, whom, - Uiey told Detective T. Vf. SouUiworUi. C. P. Pierce and J.3 G 5 a o R F U » i= tt '. . . . . . .-T h e slaying, the detectives. Informed, followed a vollent quar­rel.—''If-you-don’t4et-.aa>-s«e-ti»L ba^-, r i l . kill you." Mrs. Roland

In city jail, Peterson admitted the killing w Dctcctlve CsplAln E, A. Hedman and said ho had loaded- n j}Htol, soige tJmejifro nnd ''tried t5 '" 'rtfe tco tT T dr fouf'dftj-s."

. . jn ' habehfl « rpus proc«dlngs‘ brought by. her father, the child was awarded to-Preston.'

*eER«. ■ T E S l f f i

TliU BtAtement was gencraUy' In- :rpreted as Britain’s acceptance of le Polls}! claim Uial Danzls U vital

to Polish Independence, which Brit­a in has guaranteed.

of commons to the lobby Cliamberl&ln finished, nnd there ipparently all parties agreed O at It

clear, unequlvocsl 'which could be.interpreted only ns ■ warning lo the German fuehrer.

I t wKf«. members said, an attempt

of tlie GermnnSmrBe tfiat Britain did not state clearly when and whomshe-would-fi?ht-ln-IM4.---------------—

Chamberlain held, little hope for —mnedlKte 'dlseussl^ns-betwew^-'Po— Jind amfOfrm any over DimzJf, but cotyluded the ataUment by pltad- 1ns "with sll concerned" .lo •'de­clare a i^ show uielr determination

.) allow any Incidents In (xnnec- tlon with Dnulfc to assume .sucii

B u r g u n d e fT e i ls ‘d w n S to ry ’

fn S f a y in g o f T w o

■ - • 'S a l e s m e n 'x _

F o re c a s t I n d ic a te s S u rp lu s _ j \ n c i _ F cc lc ra f— A u lh o r i t ic s

H int a t S t r i c t M a r k e t ­ing Q u o ta E n f o r c c m c n l

(By 'Tlie Ar.ioclatcd Preis) ’ WASHINGTON. J u ly 10 —

Soon ftfler th e c ro p r e p o r t in g ' hoard h a d f o re c a s t ,n 2,570,- 705,000 bu-^hel c o rn c ro p for th is year, o f fic ia ls in d ic a te d to d a y th a t t h e y m ig h t h a v e to. move to Invoke s t r i c t m a r ­ke ting qu o ta p ro v is io n s o f th e fa rm law in o rd e r .to c o p c w ith th e su rp lus p ro b lem .

. n.oia and iiO.000.000 bushels from pro'lous jenrs, would pile Or

supply that mlKhl require a farm- r referendum on m arketing quotas.

Uie ctdclals rnld.A (Icclslon B» lo whether to hold rtf5rtncliim will

til the August 10 crdp report.Seeded^fe-is Cam

AllhoURh farmira coopemt«(}-wlih llie aBrlculture departm ent's plant- Ing [irogrnm by seeding Jews corn this J'CSr.

coiuUIerably higher than had

IB38-37 arenure'Of 7S3,953.000 tnish- eU; Tbe estlm.ite w m . divided'as ftU owam ttie typwi: W tnW fw hM f 6ZZ.7l7JDttL bushtilsr- 30,ew,000 busheU a n d o U i e r . s p ^ ' vhesc »TJlS3,<m bushels;

Protpeeta Itnprofebo.\rd aold ngrlcultural

prosptcts Improved markedly dur­ing June, reflecUng mlnfoU which averagtd more than normpl over a latpe part of-tha eountrr.

Ttu, tndlffttcff.,Botnto..crop_was 3« ,074,000 busliets, compfired with 309j31fi00 lost',year, and 373.1*3,- " 10. . the.10-year avemce., . ,

Production of other cropw in- tlleated bw July i c ‘

H ouse C onm iiltee Cliah-iiiiiii S p o n so rs Bill to I{(^vise Troiihle-IM akiiig

....;-------- \Va!j;(!l{e<riilali()ns ' ........... ......

IIAItllV ntttnGFIS. . . JtllU Unl wa- Urfront Ubnr leader teitltlr* hearing a l wfilrli Uie govrrnmcnt

■ »cfin hl> drporlallon h r If an alien hut that he haa never hM-n a mfmber of Uie Com ^unU l partj.

B iG E S IE N lE S REFacton conliibuilhg to 'th e unex­

pectedly- huga crop. prCBiTects. theboard_jald, were unusually favor- _____aBle »calh*i^sondinon5'ltrJtm «nd -=— r ‘ ' , ‘ >»*~n‘’ ^ ’f»in•TaimiTiirinCTeiiitrTwtirffeB-pianiOT -T estim ony C o n f l ic ts a t -CIOtoTiIgh-i-lekmiiriiyljr Jd ' cord.------ ^ -------------- . — -----------------------------

The Indicated w heat production ts In Ilpe with anllctpatcd needs.Hie boaVd forecast th e crop a t 710,- 053,000 bushels eomptvred wlth_B30,- su s o T lis n ‘ — - -

L e a d e r 's D e p o r ta t io nH e a r in g ^

SAK raANCISO O /July lo j ; r » ^ _^ « m m e n l wlUlliW. a jU fiu l:*> -

da r os Harry* Dndges’ deportaOor • • hearing opened tha l.h e h a d aecom. periled the wMt-eoo.it C50 leader lo Communist meetlnsa.-but Bridges flaUy denied he was & CommunW party member.

The denial by Uie 30-year.old leader was followed by tesUmony of U tjor Laurw ee A. Milner of Oregon, that the Australian-born

Heated bw . . . . . . . .. ijmpaniUVe <Ifnireu foi" law .yea r findllbie' lO^year Bvenifie:

PHOEKIX, A M t. Ju ly 10 (/TVA :athlng denunciation of society, Ita 10 enforeem ent' officers and Its................. Uona WM made'betorB

.. Jury today, by 22:.year-a)d Rob­ert Ourgunder. testifying In his defcnacjga.lnat a murdee-chargi “ P cPRkUT areiteff-Bna-oimeuslr en- }oylnc his Ions (iwalted chance to relate ,hls "own atory.” the hand-

collcglnn BlSmed" ah uncto^' - )l{_dc.Hrft_ t o , ' • experiences in a Wnahlngton formatory for tiLi p resen t plight.

Tcstlf>'lng over tils attorney’s oh- le*ilon.vhe described himself soclal ralillt. ■ .

. culm s M ind'A lfeelfd Living In a world o rlH rn in jiirfe r

tl3 months affected h is mind and outlook on llfp. Biirsunder.tesUried

n,:,i ,i„r I leading u p - to the murder of S ! IS iJ -P lM M ir-O T ra in tr -M c h - lh t_____.Mlnlticr.__________________laroUon. of the British position on Danslg. asserted tonight h ls ’.stato-

(CoBUflurf oo r>t« J. Caluma i:


which his fam er testUleU - - by nnpther m nn w hom he has fused to nor

"Wlien I w ent to Uie reformatory I.knew Uiere was aotnethlng wTOng wflft-me. and thetn» Btlll b ," Bur- gunder told the iu ry a fte r glvlng'an account of tho SentUe drug store holdup which c aa ied him' lo be sentefteed lo 16 years-Im prbon-

CLEVSLAND.'July. 10 lA V Fruik Dolczol, who confexsed BlAylng one of Cleveland's 13 -torso. murder' vlcUrn* led.BUthorlUes-tonlght to a ' th ird s p o t’where he saW hO 'dls- , -osed of Mra. Plorcnce PcllUo's

ead. • .T he. s2-ye<ir.old bricklayer who

told to n. aljrned confessan of kill- : Ing Mr8..PoUllft four je a a age and • dlameojberlnff her bod}-.- pw lously ' a fstrtcd .'..lh a lihe .th rew ::iha ,iie td -la Lalto Crte. -men he said < he burled 1 1 'I n ' tlie 'K lng ibufj^ 'nun , sector of Olcveland’a •■Harlem"-ftrca. Eicavotors failed-to lacate It-

r tc e a t s tree t injprovements.'• ahcrl^^. MarUn L. OXtonneli’aold , Doieial volunteered io "show Uie' plAcel. itltcr-.iatenslvo quaUonin^ .wltn the aid of-a ite detector.•Paul.BeclK*.opcralor.of the.poly- .

cm ph 'd lo detector) trlctLiJlati_of 100 q u e s t io n a ; ; ln e m e d ;j^ j^

O’Donnell -said patlon:--•-W hen w c jea m tha tto :o u r «at- isfacUon, v e wni hive enough of a CM«.to present .to tha eouuty prosV c u to n .t added O ’Donn’ell, who ao-

m m


nouticcd: Wddjr'. tlial Do1«m1 83-' yoar'.6ld brlUtlaj-er. 'and buWier, confessed the Pouno slK^ns.

lem," hi N^ntinued.*BUUr AtUtode" n to realize something w u

........ tlie you th testified, m de­scribing hls-reacUon to the reform- alory. - r - * o f a b itte r attitude. The refonnatory m ade criminals, and

■ d idn t save them'."‘ ^Vhlle In his teena and spending oiuch tijne In th e otllce of his fa-

.' thcr. Robert M . Bursupder. former " SealtW prosecntoTT'nrTKqulred a- dU lnu l^ -offictrx-B urguailtr.con :.

tlnued. ' '- Burstmder, chtirged with-killing .rsck- Petersoo and EJlls M. KouJT. atitohioblle salesmesTwho were dcm- anstratlng a c a r fo r him, took the

’ wltnsss sund over th e protest of hl> attomey.'O. T.' McKlnnej-, who told

. the court tha t Uie youth woul^ not- heed hisladvlce'to rflfttkln'from les*

tify in j.' . ..:' Previously U>e fa th e r testified hb

• io h ' dchIrt7*kinWK“ PcitreDn- .and- - d e acrtr-and-insisted

. tha t a • iS 5 5 a ^ p a f ^ ^ * o r i« i r » n i : The code he learned whlls lo the rt- fonnatory forbade h im .revealing the .-purported fcUlcrt IdenUty. the elder Burgundcr sa id th« twy told

Rye il.m.OOO bunhels, eompartd wlUi 80.»0.000 and fi8.7C5.000. V- .. DeansJdry edible) Il,837«io bag* of loo pounds, 'compared with iS,- 388,000 and 13,838.000.

Sugar cans for sugar 5.T76.000 tons, compared with .TJ.720.000 and 3,000,000.

Sugar beets ,10.103.000 . lon.% com­pared with 11.814 100 and 8,4C8.000. -Peache*Hll,<m,00» ' ' 'pond « ilh sl.tOQ.otK)' nnd 5^151.000. • Pesn 30.783,000 bushels compared

with m n j o o finrt w ,«4 0(y>. Gnpes 3.805,000 tons, compared

1 -1*2 G a m e sJ> f L c a g a e

L e a d in g C a r d in a ls

PIOKKBn 6 bjU5«!K

- J ’a ,

rm liiu •( U«bl«B..OHm I t tUlM.4NI|ll n m « l. r

Junbr'M cN am ee ic d 'a Cow­boy 10-h lt a ssa u lt on chucker Verne Jphnson la s t n fgh t by b la s tin g ,.a -h o m er w itK 'th c . basu loaded Ut' ih d i lf th ^ a s T w ln ^ F a lls 'lam ip cd 'th e • Salt Lake City Bees 14 to «.

■ C lo so 'b e h in d McNomcc In th e h eavy b 'a i t i n g d e jD artm en t was his' te a m m a te ;- S to v e B og- danwf, who h it for lhe'TOund-trtp In tha fourth'W ith tw o aljoard.- ’TTie Bees eot-to MUcerBodnlcJc-for to hits, but It-w os the.Cowboys* unmereiful-.tbellloK. of - Johnson that-ipelled'.^efeat-'Tor-tiiM Jtahas. -Budnick,.itrnck_out Bcvro-Bees..- T b c r T te te r -u t i - - - •withia a s a m e ' t t d a 'b a t f oT Uie; Idle.PooateUp: Cardinals. lo«en of' two n a u euDdajrr a t J a y o f« park. L M t'n H h f« ,* ifae .'f l» t of ajw rles

tOceUauwt oa VaT* X OBhs&a 9) .

“a very able.'jaembcr. o f the Com­munist port>’.“

On Uiese two llt>ea was the twue d ra w beforo James M . Landis, d«ui of •Harvard university law scIjooI aha prtsidlDf tr ia l-o iam ln ff whwi the'labor deportment's henrlns op­ened at Angel W and. Immlitralloa station ln.&J^ F n n d s io bay.

Landis toldNlefensc counsel that the government spdclfJcally charged Bridges,- wlw caoso to Uils country In ItlJO, with being a member of (he - Communist party In'A merlca. The complaint ehorcrd h im of be- longtng to an orpm lta tlon which ■'idvocslefl the.overthrow by foree

m violence of the government of le United Slatea".^Jhnwi ,who rrally-.prcBttred-tht.

case against Bridges fiate Q rfdgu Uie CIO and most o f alt unloni" the.defense ch atte d in an opening

to hold • .............. ... -. . . . .crowded Into It. was quiet and len i wlpi expectancy when Bridges, n. - ‘ I- L__________ _ _.wii. ^-1.


m y Tlip A.'.-.ocl.ilcil Pic.v.l WASII'INGTCJS. ,Tuly if i—An o u tb u rs t of vlo lcncc on W PA ' ■

p ic k e t llm'.'i led lo Iho c lca lli.o f a M inneapolis p o lic e m a n ’ lo - ■ day w hile IcRlnlatlon to rev ise, llie ;,lrll:c-provol:lnR w age regu la llon .i of H it n e w r c l l r f .'^rl war, bclnc p re se n te d to c o n - gre.i.s.

A nh.v.--(cl.iH,.iUribfifcd ih c pollcom nn 's tic a lh to .s tra in o n ’ hl.^ hc^iri from c x c llc m c n t a f te r a be atin g by th e d e m o n ­s tra to rs . . ' ------------------------------------------ -—

T h e .o ffice r wa.v P a tr o lm a n F ra n k G cariy . 40, h e a te n on th e h e a d a n d sh o u ld e rs , c o m ­p a n io n s ,s a id , ns ho a n d a n - oU ior-oJtor cicortcd iioii-tai-lklni:W A w ki-r.i frnm a Mitineipolls project: 0 !li<.-ri 'I n 'th e pollre de- Inlt Wore |>f(ied wi(Ii i.tones, btclccn glsM nml other mL'Jllti.

Stubborn OpimUlion- Rep. Sfibnlh <D-Ill) chntrmail of

Ihn.-lnfliiciitla) rule.i commltlfe. In- Inxluccd llie flMl bill for repeal nf the- luiv,' aasa rcKulailons. Hb mctisurr Would .re.-.tore- the former re<nilre’mcnl tlini WPA W(jrlcer.i re ­ceive the iirevnlllnK losnl wnur for llie’type ol s'ork on whlclj they nre cntrncwJ.—lt-wa« <ippamiU.hQKCY£r_iiyil.n(L chrnse would bc'tnnde In the law without ovrrcomliiR siubUOm oppo*. ilUon. Reprcrititntlve Woodnim ID-VaV-chsirmBn-flf-Uie-ftjiproprlftUoas-sub i^ m lttcc which linndled (he rc: l l e f ^ l . Indlcnlefl his opposition.

Otnir.developments;..................... Wllllnm Green, president of Uir

•AmrrtCTTt-ftvlenillon-«f-Labar.-ijkkL tha t tf coocre.M did not rrvLro tli> law' th'ere w ould'M — slrlk e s 'a n d jtrtke.i."

lU demand for revBlon of tho r

___________ announced tha t thef«dcml' th««ter-. project' w-o«ld be lltpjidaKd bnJuljr:3i-r«}thoush-ccn- g n u . which decreed Its end. luid .................... - 30 /« • :*«

laf.t emplo>'es to be removed fromthe payroll.......................................

V»w Iteiulatloni The ncK_A>^e rtgulAHons, pre-

sc;)t>ed by congress and effecUve July 1. require a worker la wort at.ltaBL130Jloun.ft monOi.to i a "security wage," to be determined by liie 'locAl cost of living and nmoUnline.:at the maximum. )o (90

month.,'n ie MW regulations.'which

qulred iSne wotkera lo work iwleo lo n g to' earn ihe^Bame amount monev. resulted tn ths widespread

walkouts o i WPAl. projects * ' week.

TRousands sUll remained away from i^tflr Jobs today, bu frepo rU

ifnuidM Twi'l.-ColumB'lX

E x p e c tc d A p p o in tm e n t S t i r s T a lk H o o s ie r M a y G e t .

F D R ’s B le s s in g - .WASmNOTON. July IfK t-T^A n I

nutliorlUllve report th a t P au ls.J^ / lia.' accepted- nn <nppolnt-

ment as head of tlie new federal se­curity acriicy developed eonsres-

formec Indlnha governor definitely had lied ItLi polltlrjii destiny to that of Uie admlnltUnllon.

- ny g ----commiBloner to the Phlllpplnco: «!• ready are working actively lo make him—the De'mocmtlc- p rrtldcn lln l- '. nominee In 1040. McNutl has said he ■ woiild'-- not“ 'oppo.'.c“ T rts ia cn t: RocBci-eiL l^.Uic. ittUer shoi;W,.e<ek_. Uilrd term. ; _ ! ___ _ “

Linked WUh Ho<afyflt 'There were reports thaL Mr.

Io05evell*^'auld announce McNutt’s -Th»-Zn<IJ-

Beah Producliou - Decline Forecast

WASHINGTON. July 10 (/JV-'Hie S^rieuHurBj.department esUmated today the 1PM ;^ u c H o R " c f ' aJj” edible beans In 16 producing states

11.807,000 bags compared with

cach) with 1038 comparisons follow: Monlani. l(i,VOOO and 3:8.000; Ida-

0, IJ48 and IJCS; Wyoming, 429,> 000 and 478,000: .Oregon, 1 4 ^ and 13,000.


KAVQAB c i t y , .July 10 (/I>-Mt*, Carrie Chapman C att. 80-year-old fighter for women's stiffroge, urged raemben of her sex tonight to ' ’keep Uie banner of women's rights flylne unUl t n t r vesUge of th e old-tradl- tlq'n ordering subjection has been cliased from the earth ." '''’ -TTje-nnfiBbJeTcmlnlst-spofcrfrom her home a t Now Rochelle. N; Y , and her message wjis carried by. radio to t h e '1.700 delegates here for the biennial convanUon of the National FederaUon of Euslnirjs and .Professlon»l ;?om en^ Clute. lae.

" IS also.was broadcast.' ' —lOraUnc 100 years—1839- hard fought batUes to ad-

_____ie cause of eflual'rlghts for,women, M n. Catt nald - th e mostlm- porlant Ihlne tha t happened Iti.lhat ccotury .was .the , o tsaolted-w om aa taorement and-what I t did."— AfUie b ^ ln n ia r tr f th a t century,- (he legal and social s ta tu s of women was almost, unbelievably restricted.*^

'JJow. lit.U39.'’ :»lie r e n te d . ,“no ,.jm*n U uneducated-fpr the: want of sch6als<Evef7 woman tu u r make a wiu. co6trol- he r. property .and collect-.her, wagafc-. svory-Jroauin fflsy- hsvtf-..a.-bank-.account. Bod. carry her own pockatbook. No wage' eaml&g position.Is tegalty-closed.to JEOmcn.- rJlMlfW to-

■ a new •emptoyment. depends

Uie apprevaf of pubUe optoten."- Answerins. her own . question

“What furthCT-ls.to.be done?;* Mr*; e im sa id .. '.^Where th e r r t s n s

•»eSi;Ttb«n:am:i$' oppttr. . bieile«o‘tt.VBut Mmp .ftt .po

cohciuslDns: se t op'DO'.-baU.'coQild- t r ^ : p f 6 J ^ : ’.buat^:M 'ffiU ^^

nitl frinr-lrnn rn n »"' alresdv had .accepted the Job,.„-tJi ^ whieii tie wruld’T iave'fitnerlfl-iuf-.r-:: perrtiiw V e r tlie social'security ' ’, boort, CCC. naUonal youth admln- latrsuon and other government welfare agencies.- (The Ohio SUto Journal rej>orted

St Columbus Uiat McNutt said he had rejected a tender of U»e prcsl- -. Heney o l Ohio Slate university be- cauie he already had acceptcd the- sledcrul-iK nrltrpQ st)------------ --------------

The new agency U one of th e blft^. . -. gfst In the government. T he CCO .. alone.has about 30.000 supervisory--. emplo>-ea Ihroughoul the eountrr, and the social security board about9m. -----------

Senator Johnson (D-Colo) told reporters that acceptance of th a po- sIUwi -tlet McNutt up d iw U y wllJr-' ‘ the presldenl for -Uie 1040 cam- . ' palgn.'* McNuU, Johnson addeij. “is placing- Wa whole political d e s to ^ in Uie president’s h9nds,“ X "

Prom Senator Wheeler (D-McnO : came a stotement th a t Ui« piirposo of the appointment was ‘'to buUd up McNutt for IMO.- - I t wa» pos. - slble.^Wliceler asserted, th a t th e a d - •. mlnlstfstlon might have McNutt in -mlnd-fbf-a-vli dldatc.

EUn Wide Interest

(Oonunuaj oo Ps«» J. OXuaiB n

Bomm D E C u i sW L fR flW

Neutrality (tte stion in > Committee .

WAsraNOTON, July 10 OP] - Senator Borah (R-Idaho). oppo- • nent of- the admmistratioa'a neu- ' irshly proposals, w as repnaented.* today as beUeviaj tW preferahle to

th e s e n s te 'f o r ^

■The' commlttee-wUl.consiiieV tha- •' hDuse- approved neutrality bUl -» 4 - oth<r pendlnf measures tomoiroW. ... A major-test of strength between. ..i.' the adatlsistmUOQ -asd - lU -lo es-K ' V;crpected. ' • - ........

After-conferrinff w ith senators .r; LaTWIette (ProB-WU). Johnkm (R- V i

______ _, — Jcan 'oo- i t e eoaj--'..)QlttM, told- rep o tlm > '(b u o .:h a d V; ^ Q .D O - a c r e n h ^ tn - w h e th e r-tb ^ ^

6Ue«nf,the " '

Page 2: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,

T w r a PALLS NEW S, TW D J-FA LLSr I l)A H O . .n n !S n A I ,_ M O R m G jr a L T y j .U S M


0 , /> R w a n sn n B uried a( Rich- -r^ond-Aftfir-Stale Funoral-

- in W ashirio tonRICHMOND. Va, July 10 lA’r -

Secrelary o{ (lie Nivy CUude Au> .guitus 8wunu>n. for tlm u l ImK •. ccatury » le»der in tb« public lifo or the ilnto «ad niUoa, km burled in lUclimond'* hlsUirlc Hollywood Mmclcry todny altw » *Ut* funeral In Wnahlnston.

Short bul Imprcislve ctrcmanlM were held mt the Siruwrn T»ult. on a hUh luioll overlooking ihp June* rl»er. Tliere U»-flr»l Jd». ew ui' »oti la Mirled.

*. CopUln Robert D. Workmin, be*d '• chapUsln of the tiary, » id a »hon

tw y'» frlendi:wer«:»-ypi)le<J:r--— Balteiy A of liie lU lh field »rtll-

Icry.flrtd a anlule ol 19 pm j and M Ihe sun aank low behind r bon): of cloudi. ■ hish Khool ctdel blew Up«. •. A crowd of ihouMndi b|mked < the <t<cp knoll ttood with beidf covered untU.Uie tound of the butledied tw»y, ui be followed by an echo

' busle e*ll bloft-n from a’tpcl «ver»l ■ hundred yards away.

The crowd. Including blgb oKl cUli of U)» navy and th t^ largut oalherlns of official* In the public ilfe of VIryfnIa icen here In maflf. yean, waited reipeetfuUy while Ur*.

lT_ aw#nson. on the ahn of her wn, — DouglM Hall, went Into'the vault,

before-eaterlM - an.auicmoblk..lo leave the eemettry.


(CosUsui4 (no r m II • ment "thangea abwlutely nothlnt'

— n i ie r c H if t7 s ~ B n a m r * iu r ” cn- couraglnj PoUih chauvlnlim" and o tf l ih«t ■Ithnuah » -rtationabia

Him rntilrt b« fountl — ‘____pw jil£ proljlem, j;fr?ni_BerUn__Uie

righ t atmosphere for luch.a aolu*, tloa cannot be peitelved." .

' . “I t U parUcularly deplorable." It wa« laid In thcM auarUn. 'th a t

. 'CKanib?rJiln''dJd ho>'mehUori Iho__^wlahc» er the D andj eltlteni."-.......----- r T o thls-wai added thelroniccom-'

. tnent tha t ~of couru 11 la realized here th a t Orltaln. never m par«

- Ucularly etrong for Mlf*dcUrmlna* tloa of peoplei. Otherwlie the

-----BrttUh-emplre wouldtiot-atand-- ’*

_ - D « n i l ( '« ' p o p u u u o n .u ^ n n i i i u ^

’■*' - .W iU ia A ^ u ly 10 tin '-an iu f le d• I*olt* tonight erprtsjed the belief

th a t Prime Minister Chamberlala’i promise to eupport Poland In oppos> Jng O cnnan aStorptlon of Oanxlg ahoulfi do much toward eoalng the

' fituatlon In eaatem Europe by ahov> tng tha t Poland bos the support of

- . western powenf, .,, The statement #^n the BrltUh

- . hom e of ocmmons todty came as "■-welcome'reasaunmce lo .a nation

h u v lly . moblllad almoit. four months and uhder severe ner^’om and financial strain,

• • WWie official .sourcei expressed ■''iaUsfaellon..... -a l" 'C nm M rla ln?

- -wortls. popular opinion went further- - end greeted his atatcnient with en­

thusiasm. Newspapers carried head- Hoes hailing U a* uP»i]slori: decU.

>-..” jiSmoilUlive . Poles: teUeyeiJ the ■ British prime mln'liter had'done

' much to dispel two tmplclons In ' Polbh public opinion — that DriUln

had not fully accepted the Polish .view ' regarding Danrlg and that Britain might not be prepared to

' share the Polish attitude toward . " nibveralve acUvlUes In the free city.

- m i M i r - :

BBEVITIESCoast V acatlon-M m H. Drliee

and soai a rc upending Uie next t»u montlis In California on a vocAtlon visit.

Mr. and Mrs: C. O. DennU of Twin Falls , Saturday a t ' Wood's^ f^lvat*- SanltarluiR.

• I lttu m from Oregsn - Hr. and Mrs. Hugh Laienby relumed Sun^ day from s atx weeju' vtilt In Port­land. Ore. . ______

Visit Knn Valley 4 Mr. and Mn, A, J . Llndcmcr and wn of T»’ln r t l l s and Miss Jean Undemer of San Francisco are on an outing trip to Ketchum and Sun Valiev.

'A ttend Funeral — fclr. and Xtrs. L. O. Cowan liave relumed from Bloux Rapids. Is., where they at­tended fu n cn ir iin f lc « for Mrs. H. Rr^owartr-tnother-ef-Mh-Cewan:—

VlsltMi~LcKve — Mr. and Mrs. James Tracy, >'ho have been vlili* lnjT'ierrifirTm*t*two-w«it*-fti.-uja home of their'daughUr."M ra'. Ed Waite, have returned to their home. In San Diego, Csllf.

T ransferred lo UU beth oldftU ey;, employed . . UouniAln States Telephone and Telegraph company, has been tronj- ferred to BOll Lake City.'She'lefc lo r the U inh capliaJ Saturday.

Here from WalUce - Mrs. Beule Thomas of Wallace Is the gue.it of her parents. Mr. and Mn. O. H. EJdred. a h e and lu r hosts were din- ner guesu Sunday a t the home of her b rother and'slster-ln-law. Mr. and Mrs; M . O. Eldred of Jerome.

VIslls’ P o w il i iM r s : W ayne'Jolmr son of Beverly HUls, CsUf., arrived Sunday to spend the summer with her porenU, U r. and Mrs. J . E. WlJlte. She was accompanied iy her yoimg nephew, 'Michael Boles, also of Beverly lUlls,

' Coes to Coast— MUs Inez Wheeler le ft Sunday on a vacsUon trip t< e«».%Francl8Co, She will be accooi' p ille d home by her sister. Itlrs. Veia C. O'Leary, and her nephew, Paul

I O'Leary, who have been visiting In rOregon a n d CallfwTji

M n, R. Z . Bobler. hive returned, to the ir hom e' in 'Chicago, 111. Mrs, Moralas U the alsler of Mrs. Bobler of tw in PalU and of Mrs. Elsie Olsen o f J e r 6 r '‘‘— ' — ' -------

— rrwrCTAr-Boom s - Announce' m e n 'r iiu been made by Mrs. Helen Henderson. Y,W,C.A, seaetary, th a t Y .W .C .A , rooms have ibeen closed ’ u n til September. Anyone

. --. v lsh lng~ to ' usc~the rootns'may-con*' "f M'»-«^Trene Lopes. Margaret a is«


from the field.In the final gome or the Pocatello

sfriM .Tom R obello .ffueenl.to the shower* after kicking on k decision by Umpire Ulrich. Last nlglit tn- rlch's working partner. JIbpp, eject- ■ed'Edfllfi-MttlUfnn;-chler)cetper and

;r of the Oees. Mulligan's

(Cntloufj rna Fut U

—th*'*trlklnii-W PA'W orkers opper- •ently wos'lnfluenced by the WPA’s rule that those remaining away Jive days would lose their J**” -,

MINNEAPOUS, July 10 l/T) - A policeman was fatally Injured Iste today In a clash between pickets and non-striking WPA worker* on a sewing project.'

. Patrolman John Oesrty died In c cn e ra l'h o sp l^ . He eras one of 30 patrolmen ulio escorted some.isp women and a few men from a

''building a t ' second avenue north and Second street In a hall of

-■pebbles and stlclea from the dem onstraton protesUhg the new JtO- hour work -month.-

Ona woman fainted And several men suffered- mlnor-^ scraCchcs.! w hen the pickets herded the strikers Into a parking lot and e d . them w ith saijd. »nial>-- and sticks.

. J V ^ ^ : W o r k ^ 8 t o

V R e c o r d P r o t e s tClosed meeting of members of the

, Worker* AnianceTWPA worker* and - unempldyed In tlie Twin Palls vl-

•• d r tlty wni be held at S m. toi ' n igh t a t the probate court rooms'to •• p t9U tl recent action by.WPA au-- UwriUes-.to- boosting -the-monthly

.. w o ft *eale from 100 to UO hours- p e r month with no Increase la pay.'

MffUJii .vrn r*ii)ii hr 1 r w ho Mid t h a t '“we want td ' faow",

■■' ■■fcettier-o m o trtdaha's-WPA wort*' - ■ tf t Bi}d onetapW fd are golni '■-/MAd for tU * action."'

. . ‘TTataeaddfl vUt probably also pro*'

________ ________ Cherrlll, will'arrive Wednesday for a .visit a t the home of Mr. and Mrs, Max Buck> entln, Rev. Curtla. pastor of . a Spokane Christian church, was a form er pasto r of the local Christian, church.

Striekm on TrsTcls— Mrs. Eugene' Cooper. who'wOs stricken with Bell’s paralysis while 6n a recent trip. In the so u th lan d southwest, returned Saturday e\’enlng and li convales­cing a t h e r home. 80« AdfUson. Mr. and Mrs. ' Cooper were In New Mexico v h e n she became 111,

Uome From 1 i, '0 .C. p a tn o tt .ftnd her daughter, Mrs. Lamond Shiirtleff, who Li visiting here from Huntington Park, Calif., have returned from Longhorn'lodge, In - th e Sawtooth mounuins. where Uiey were cuests last week of- Mrs. Z. B, Johnson,

Mr. Uvengood, left the latter piirt of -last week for a vUlt with rela­tives In Portland, Ore.

D aughter VUlU — M1.U Marlon. O rnham _of_Dolie__arrt;ed ,Bunday 'evening to.spend a two wee^' v

B. A,^Graham.

Conclude Visit—Concluding a visit art the home of Mr. and Mr*. 0 . D. Anderson. MV. and Mrs, W. R. Steele and Charles Anderson, accompanied •br'M lss Vlrglnla-Rynn-of Bcrfcdey.- C allf, have , returned to their home

•«. -inderscIn v iB m .thU the 'sU le r of Mrs. Cii.\rle.i U the Anderson.

Here- from India—MUs Henrietta Ing ljifp rlnclpal of the'Presbyterlan mLulon school for high school girls In Allolitibad, Indln, is a guest tills week a t th e home of Kir. and Mrs. J . D. B arnhart. Mr, and Mrs, Barn­h a rt met Miss Inglls In Wells, Nev., Sunday a n d brought her to Twin m i l s for th e week. Tbdsy they wUl visit Sun.\(Blley and the Craters 'cf the Moon and Wednesday the group plans to ( 0 to Boise.

n o n o i^ a t Plenle ~ Mrs. Ray Sm ith of 'Loveland, Colo., was the guest of honor a t an outing a t Sho­shone folia Sunday, other member* of tlie p a rty were Mr. and Mr*. J.

-E> W hite, Mr*. EmesUne Kellara And.son, M r. and Mr*. Cent White and 'son of T w lnT ans.-intrM rriB d Mr*. H, M. B u tn n m d son. BUI. aiyl daughters. Barbara afid Cherry of Buhl. M rs. Sm ith' Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J . E. White sad Mr. and' Mrs. Butler. ■

At the' Hes^ltrJ—Among the pat­ients. adm itted to th s T^ln PWls county- g tn e ra l hospltoTVirt M. K. Jonrls and Charles Seckman of T«ln Falls; L loyd Ollmer cf Filer, MhL< M arr Mathew* of , Oakley. -Mi*. Olodys-Roppe of Hansen. Mni.'Earl .'WUsca of Dowoey and Mrs. £ . A. ■Wilson of P a r t City, y ta lt PaHenU

Uhg, MfaT Bdwtn Mye'n ancf-.i

lo rd , and son, Fred Leopold, James W right. U oyd Newland and Mr*, s a r i - Bickford .of_TiTln.PalU; _Mrs, J u s t Schoth of Hansen, Mrs. Charles M ink .of Kimberly, Mrs. Klmbsl) & • quU t of Onkley and H. A. Synersoa

[of M urtaush .

EasUm er Uera - M is* E\elyn Sm ith of Philadelphia, P a , Is Uie house guest o f’Mr. end Mr*. J. A. Dj'geiL..,

Filer were sdmltted to the Twin Falls couniy general hospiul last evening.

Son n?m —A son was bom to Mr., and Mrs. E. L. Barr^’mon of T«‘ln Foils yesterday morning a t the Twin Palls county general hospiul • • tcm lty hom e.' .

ne tum s to Coast—M lu Margaret Magel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B, F . Magel. returTied Sundoy to hr home in Oakland. Calif., following visit with her parents, .Lnil week Ml-« Mngcl, her-porcnts, and her sisters, MLu Bette Magel and Miss Nancy Mngel, enjoyed an ,outlng

Sentenced-W arren W , t a i ls resident, arrested by local police on petty .larceny, charges yes^. terday.pleaded juUtywhen arraign­ed OEfore- Municipal Judge J. O. PUmphrey and was sentenced to serve 16 days In the county Jail. He was accused of stealing a hatchet, valued a t tl,2S.

Return te Coast — Mrs. Everett MaeDonald-and-sons.-rvortlt-Mac' Donald. Jr.. and Richard, left Satur­day by'motor for their home In Ana­heim, Calif.,. foUowbg a visit with Mrs. MacDonald's mother, Mrs. Sar­ah Bower, and her slsten, Mn, Howard l-anen and Mrs. Plor* An­derson.

Called t« Illinois—CaUed to Rock­ford, nU by the 'serious condllion or~Mr,"Anderson’s'Tatner.'Mr. -ind Mrs. Carl N, Anderson ;eft Balt Lake City .airport a t 4 a m. Sunday by transeontinent^i] p lane ,' The elder Mr, Anderson sustained critical ln> Juries In a fall from a chair. ‘Word from Rockford yesterday Indicated th a t he b.A ot expected to-lire.

.tile,•'■Ljt ji'lll be.the first time ^haVDean- Tctunlly dumps flsli'frb'm ' a tank' fhlcli he bad constructed In the for ward cockpit o f hls.alrplane. -

I t will be a further test of his* new cfjulpment.

Accompanying Dean will be La- molrie Sievens. who will act as re­lief pilot. 'Uiey have a contract with the Idolio fish and game commbslon <0 p lant the fish.

Actual planting wlU take place about 10 s. m . today, Tlngey said. Pathe newsreel cameramen will film the plnntUig from the ground and from the air.

Dean-said his tanl( will, hold 40 gallons of f ish and wat«r. In order to keejfthe flah In exoellei\} condi­tion, the tank-Is-aerated by a belt drlvenTiump opera ted 'b jr 'i' fan ' In the slipstream. •

T^e 40'gallon tank empties In four seconds through an eight Inch valve. During tlie four second period. Dean sold, the plane will travel 400 feet.

Dean and Stevens wlU use the Cape Horn landing field, about 35 miles horilieast cf Redflsh lake. I t will taks 30 minutes to fly from the field to the lake. .

FUh-wlll be brought to the landing field in a hatchery tank-truck. U te r, as Uie fisjj and game depejt.

of four, dropped the Bees to sn'In le a^ e standings. .

For the second 'consecutive night

protest' against Ua; a .ball to -BogdonolInn ing .'T he 'um p lr________ ___den t was' followed by Bogdsnoff't homer. .

W ith one man out In the fifth, RejBsolds'bntted n two-bagger. Carl­son singled, and Schulmerleh singled, scoring Reynolds. Farrell walked, filling the bases, and Fol- coni was safe on K ill 's error, per­m itting darlton to run home. Bog' danoff singled. scorlng^BchuImerlch and leaving Uie bases'still loaded. McNomee walloped llie bnll o^er the centerfleld fence tolclear the tacks, A fter that'-Budnlck. Reynolds and Carlson *each made singles, but two more outs left Uie Co».tcys' total for th^ frame a t seven.

Five singles brought in-UirK more Twin>8118 runs ih the sixth,.

McRam'ee dro%-e In five ruM dur­in g the contest and Bcgdanoff cent to u r men across the plate.

The teams meet again tonight at 6:30 o'clock,

n«>illbKo;.. :

................................ - .I a 0)Uiilnl,k. r ■ - -

REDS 17. PILOTS 5 , BOISE, July . 10 OTV-The Ogden

n e d s exploded b^.v blows all over the ball park herc-loulght and when th e barrage .lifted there were. Uie BoLie Pllou alone In the cellar. 17. to 5.

The visltori su rted out with tJiree . a n s In pie third, saw the home- towncrs collect four In their half, then chased Con Rasmussen, start­ing pilot hurler. from the mound in the fourth with a su-counter at- tack-' From then on everj-body In the

park knew the Reds, who've shored the basement In the Pioneer league standing wlth-the.PUoU these many week-t, had a t U>t found the etalr- w ay .'^ •

Blaslnskl replaced Rasmuuen but TtU luckTm ithe'M ms-ittirbxfl.'S tan W est, Ogden pitcher,''llmlwd the t>iloU to. nice blnglei

ILbtrt. :b

TKliu— II-IT ___ -Ori*n"ol*! _____'________ 6ei«09I»— »

Erron — I,<iii>nua t,. lltbtri, lluthn.

South Carolina's 19ia'cotton crop w as the sm a lin t In Ifl yean whUs th e yields of wheat, oau and sree t potatoes »et new high records.

R O U I P M GFlying-CounoHman-to-Dump

|~^^nbWs~in~SaWtooth'• 'Waters Today

In order to demonstrate the com-' plete feafrom t h e ... . ... ............ ........... _ —Falls’ flylng'clty commlosloner,-will dump M W al tanks of Rainbows this momlDj; from his airplane as he clrelcs over Redflsh lake in the Saw­tooth mountains.

Jack Tlngey. former president of the Frontier club, active sponsors pf fish planting by air. said last hight tliat tlie preliminary planting of trout today will be to "further prove the feaslblUty to the forest service, who ha>-s agreed to fully crapen te in stocking barren, lakes

I time to .place In thelink'.I WIUilii lOdnya 'Hngey sold, plant- jlng of fish In other lakes wUI>begln I in earnest. •

U P O fl.y G H Il&T w o .F i r e s 'R e p o r te d in 'B oi5B .|

N a t io n a l F o re s t , ^ o l - , lo w in g S to rm

BOISE, July 1 0 ^ —-yghtn ing storm* swept over touihwestem Idaho mountain areas today, d a r t ­ing a t least two tires in the Bolse^ national forest.

The two biases, one. on Cartwright creek northwest of Shaffer moun­tain and' the other on Clear creek northeast of the.butte. were spotted Immediately and Fire Warden Walter Derry„*ald he believed they would be supprejj'ed wlthout^ l f f l - '

! , -Rnngeni report storm wSbltlons sppear likely ovrr mticH of the forest and we may get s4me more

■ fires." said Berry.Meanwhile, report* of the Boise

and Payette national forest* showed that up lo today 33 fires hsd been started within boundaries, of the forest a rea ' '. . . . . . y .Tiiey burned a to j* J » ^ only Six

n re s adjacent to the forest bound­aries. however, have burned several hundred acres of timber. •.

-TORTOOLLINS,-Oolo.i July 10 or>

%ea spread 'to within half A the camps M mllej north- Tfcrt Collins.b.EruetZer. Roosevelt forest

, ’reported the .fire wa'i

In the ares and that farmers were, nwaltlrig a’ warning lo abandon' tte lr homes.

HANNA. WJ-o, July '10 OT) - A ew forest fire blazed today In the

Oreen mountains west of Splltrock. while 300 CCO enrollces were batUlns a fire on Bennett Ptnl( ■Khlcli had . blackened more timn 1,000 acres.'

Tlie peak fire was reported nearly under control and some of the fight­ing force wa« Jio^-ed to the new fire scene. atMut SO miles west.

Forest ransers said tlie Qreca mountAln fire was making rapid headway through hea\7 growths of ;plne, cedar and aspen.

Graveside Rites For Bickford Babe

- -□ r f te a ia r ^ tu - T tu r T i« n ic i i~ s r i 7;15 pi m, today. In Twin' Falls cemetery f o r 's ie n e MIrie Bickford, jl-d a y ^ ld daughter, of Mr. and Ml*. E arl 0,'Blckford, who died y u - terday nom ln ir a t her home.

Rev, .Mark O. Cro'nenbetger wlQ officiate, ^Vhite mortuary wUl direct Interment. . ' ,

Mr. and ISiiTX}. A. BlckfonJ, grandpartnls. who were ow a trip to Yellowstone park,' returned last night fo r funeral rites.- Be«ldes--the-pare'nu, one-elsler, Barbara Bickford, (]OT1

W e a t h e rI IOAHO: PaHly.Haudy T u ^ . »nd Wednesday! scaltered Uiunaer- atorma ever nauataln*: tUgbUy

partlrreloudjt-baromeU..30^4; humidity-12 to fg per

c<nl ---------------. (By 'Die Associated Prei3).._

A trougli of relatively low barom­etric pressure, covers the In t^ o rwest from Arizona lo nortaero W ashington and Montaiis, It* tern- p«dturf.s are well above normal, alUiough no t as hlgli as yeiteNoy, The Pacific high Is off the Oregon- Washington coast, and apparently.!* beginning to advance Inland. Brok' en cloudiness Is reported over tn# entire area west of the Rockies, and scattered thunder shower* have oc­curred In Oregon. Nevada and south, western U uh .

Max. M ia free. Wthr.Cheyenne ........M . « .00 Clear-Chlearo •_____ IS M ,M nearneiena~ ::r:::;z :79 '**5r-.w -aB nar Kansas City _,M 51 .00 Clear U s Vega* ,.,...11* 71 . .04 EalaJLei.Anreles.....M ^M.^Cl-y.O m aha-^-..___M « ,« CTew ■Peeatello O .00 PL 01^

Salt Lake City 08 74 • .00 OondySan Francisco 68 B .00 OearSeatUe ....... ,.,-74 U T CWrSpokane _____ .05 61 .00 P t n ’j.TwlnJ-alls____09 M . -OO PtiCTz,

D M E S I G H li O R s r a i p

G m r n W e W o M c a s i e T s P r e ? d ie t R e d u c tio n of B eet,

C a n e P re d u o tWASHINO'TON. July 10 yp>-Th«

crop reporting board predicted today a sugar beet production this year-of I0. in .000 tom compand to 11,014.*' • » tons In 103B.

ILi report placed sugar cane pro- iiciioti In Louisiana and Plorlda a t

l.Chade8_Wfisley-QuIaley.BBr-tums-WittrOtflcks-tiJ—— ~ ~ T m n m s r ~ r ~ ~a r o i x s f . July 10- S h e r i f f r .

ieorce.Furth and County DetecUve O. Gain win le a n tomorrow for

the AtlanUe 'cboat with" Charles We*' fey Quigley, eoofessed slayer of b li m other 14 year* ago.

■Upon arrival tn the e u t Quigley [-wlU be -lodged in th i Burlington eounty JaU a t M t Holly, N, J , to B v ^ t tr ia l on a first degrn m iudff

|charge. Mt. B olly 'ii 'iust i s ' i ^ e s from T ^ t o n , K. «h«^ B rm o

the U d n a p l^ 'a o d murder of the Infant to a of Mr. and Mr*. CharUe

|a . U ndbcrgh.: : .T .:» ra .-.bo^jUd-tflrsa-jrouisiBTtold a reporter,.although he 'knew th a t perhaps be;face<l'deilb In tM electric chair. I f permitted to live he u ld he>vanted to take up a study and rehabU ltatt himself. - ' I t was on the desert, where he bM tram ped.for.three ds}-s without food, ‘M m only the shrill shrieking oTthe coyote* broke U«allence, th a t Quigley decided to oonfess the m ur­der of hU mother. At the port of e n b T 'a t ’ the Utah-Idaho line a t Malta, Idaho, he flrgt told the atorr c( the m urder to a u te Patrolman ZTeaa Barbnr, wtio. brought him to Burley.' Tlierv he'again'related the tUxj. to Deputy.'6he:lff.aeorse.B ^. In th e Cassia county Jon he ta lk - , ed_frtely..af_tbe.fourleen»year.old.| murder, tol9 bow -be plotted, the death of bl« mother and a boarder, WUltam Herbert Molntcah. by tub- sUtuUns gasoline In a kerosene can to'Cause the explosion w^ilch killed h U ’ m other. McIntosh, who w u away a^ the time hli mother'started ihe. f l r e 't o prvporerths- nen lng meaJ. de livering' for the OoUlna F ru it and Nuniery farm, esca'ped, bu t 1* now dead, having'; according to DetecUve Cain, died' about. 18 m onths a»o from tuberculosis tn ■flKmrirn. W. .T ' '

planting to bM[s was 1,001,000 acres,

donmrnt would leave about S37.000 Tor'liolTtit.'TCldded'growing

condlUon.1 on July I Indicated - a yield of 10.8 loa% per. acre, .

The 1030 (,URor beet crop w u the, iM suromecOTdritcMflniff tn r f« -- | mer record production of 1J33 by5M,000 to n * ............... ................... '

Tlie Indicated-i039 production In CAlUonitn was placed a t 3J30.000 ton.1. compnrcd with 3,120,000 In 1938. Colorntlo's crop was e.nUmated at .l.OSWi, a-ilecrtase from last-rtar’a 3,001,000. .


toiOT^ Quigley family of BurUng- tOT count7 'New Jersey, -staunch member* of the Eplseopsl church, according to Detective Cain, who said th a t Mrs. Quigley, mother of I t te .'s laye r,"w * j • Tespected cltltenrl

' ItT-wa* on the Collins Fruit and N ureeryfarm , ow ned-brthe Collins family th a t made famour the Miami- Beach and boomed the toa-n of Miami, Florida.-that slie lived In a four room house' with her son And Melnt<k:it.-the boarder. Quigtey said he thought tha t his mother and Mo-

a t Mi.000 tons, against 1,009,000 In 1938, while Montana's production was predicted to decline ft«m'8»7,-

'.0 003,000. NebrMka’s production placed a t 809,000, compared to

1,111,000 la st yesr, whUe Idaho's was expected to decline from 1,113,- 000 to 803.000,


.C o lo red R i m W ith ; S o un d A o o o m p a n im e n l S how s

C a m p u s A ctiv itiesREXBURO. Idaho,- July ID

Onlverslty of Id^o .actlritlei will be depicted Iri colofed moUon pictures, with sound_j^companlment, for alumtU clubs/ovCT the 'slate this' summer. B u r t ia J - ^ o o r e , Rexburg editor a n d -n l^ d e n t of the Univer­sity Alumni aasoclatIon,',sald today.

■ The "p ic tu re • was compleled a t graduation time last mc^th snd de- plcu activities- of studentrand-fsc-

lU e film was previewed a short time aeo by the schw Im uU a' club, attending - summer school a t Mos-

,cow and was declared .to be an ex- jceptlonol Picture." Moore ttld.

“ Two copies of tills film soon will be available for showlni - -

a en t.to athe naUon."

btoore said the fllA would be pre­sented a t-Id a h o PalU, Twin PalU and Bolae somitlme next month.

"Plans call for making three more such pictures.- Moore <ald, “Each will deal with different phases of the university and will tend to give the people something of an.ldea of the work being done there. -

Sex Storm Center Claimed by Death

LONDON, July 10 OTl - Henry Havelock d l ls ; who started BstUlog tsboos on sex In the midst of prim V ictorian era, U dead a t E..

Bothered. )>y a throat oUmsnt, which m ade epeech difficult, knd a general decline In health, the autl;^ pr._dO «J«r._I*l'.W I^n .and sclen-; ' ( 1st was forced to dUcontlnue his writing two months ago.

m died Satorday night a t Hln- 'Uesham..'.reac_lpewlch in Buffolk to which he n t lr e d a year ago.'


ISI Srd Ave East->^reond noe r U hr. Phone Berries No. IH-W ' Sbarapoo, Plnger Wave, ;oolw K n M - a n d - Wantcun-eomplete

DOBIS BUCK,' Masoger

i l B S U i ; l O i i l R I A

iDisaW^-Veterans Announce Meeting

Twin PaU* chspter,.'D lM ^l^^ e r i c a n ' -Velerans-or'the-W otldwar, WlU hold a regular meeting a t fl p. m. today a t the American Legion > — .

Any World war veteran, whellier »_m em btr of the organliatlon

' ..IbIm - istfnrftnr

widlock-and .Wfs.jcalous-M.htf .mo­ther's affection*. He w u working a t ano ther f o in 'a t the tim e'and stole over tb the little frame house and placed the gasoline in the kero-

me can and awa)ted the-reiults.W hen tr ie d ' ih the Kew Jersey

courts, .Quigley’s case wUl first come before Supreme. Judge Joseph P. Penkle, who may permit it to be Uansferred ^ t h e county court where Judge f tan k Henderson may hear tt, ^ different form of pro- cedure-ln New Jersey courts from Idaho-courts. Deteotlve Coin jwld- th a t Immediate steps woulU be taken by Prosecutor Howard Eutvood o f , -Burllngton-eottnty-to -present- the ■ case to th e grand Jury, If'convlct- ed, h a said, the final decUlon u to Quigley's fate may be made by Oov- e m o rH a n y Moor# of New Jersey. -

OAGEDMAIRONf u n e r a l S e rv ice s ! P e n ^ t i i g

. D av id so n-Tuneral seTvlees'ars pending for

Mrs. Catherine Da^-ldson, 80. who died .a t 9:48 p.' m. Sunday at. her

■Jl U1U jum •yuii .sail*'®'” * ' _____

' from rclatiyes, offlclaU of ih* Twin Falls mortuapr. where the bod/ resu, said yesterday. .

Bhe w at bom OctAber'7, 1888, in Washington. Iowa. i - 'S h e Is survived by the following sons: 0 . ' J . Davidson ottd Everett Davidson,. Twin FalU; Howard Davidson, Monrovia, Calif,; Orovcr Davidson. Riverside, Calif.; a c d lta y Davidson. Bend, Ore. . . ' -

^ 3 0 sunlvlng ate Jofm' Hunter, Memphis, Mo., a brother, and Mrs. Alice O tt, Iowa City, la ; a- olster;

WILLIANIS C O .UH a i,. Poq u .^ --

^ h o e - in W / j tFLIES

UaiB* terstns an '• t e r a e t l v a l y ;

the pe ik^ p e ilt

K M IN doom .nONT1‘4 ' a IMS •

M* 't n kf*« »ln «U |)M

VAT t S '.rV

V M w aoMu a d t ______

ir»ZM tneiuiHi e u t i v ,0 ; B . i t f l L L I A M I C O c

U3« r tr o t Ave.'8a. . BeMtliTfiraab.

ed 'tO -B tH nd., . . .William R . . Woltcr. su te opm-

mander. and a*.C. Van Ausdein. s u ta • adjutant, will report to vet- erans op Infbrmstlon Uft here yes­terday by -Oeorge McPall, contact officer of the Bobe veterans', bu-

OnESl )BLf : # i O l l D E B

W e fc U ^ “'^ i f r T 0 5 “ S0?iaay - as Twin Balls Sats,,

a heatTw in ra lla sweltered I wave' yesterday as ths themometa soared to trr degrees, following Sun' day'*' outstanding performance bj "Old M an'Sol.” when the mercuty reached 108 degrees - the hottest July.day in Jha.hUtory.of the Twin Falls w eather bureau.

Tlie' h eat -brought a heavy n ln ' Itorm In th e kimberly'region at about B:SD p. m. yesterday.'a dust a to m tn t ^ 'u t r e m e east end of th e cou^ity and a thunder. and U gh tn lng 'stom In Twin PklU tha t ............... power l ln e * ^disrupted pm t i o o s ^ o r ^ s

I'park swimming pool drew.capa ______ _______ , ..............e ther a,lM fah i attendlng-’ths’bas*- ball game Buoday n lgh t'at Jaycee park In ^seeking respite from the h e a t

Constunption of domestla wster in Twin Falls forced the filter plant to' work fa r above iiormal rates.

T lie blazing sun Suiidey contdb- u t« d - _ ^ L ^ * ^ _ o f . i e r « l s u n t ^ cases, according to several Twin Palls physicians eohUcted. None

08 serious.Ta-o druggists reported heavy calls

' to-troat-sunbum.-

OTte .rcftdlng-.of', iO«; degrtfs — Sunflay-wu-lhaJiflltM fJuly.dai.In.the S3 years tha t weather.sututlca have been kept a t tRe weather obicr- vatlon station here. .- Bhady-portlons-«f .-Hanmsr-and- a t y parks were taken by resldenU over, the-.yrekend.seeklng-comfort- durlng.the.heatiw ave^.............. .... .- More beds appeared cn back lawns In residentia l-dU trlcU 'as citizens took to sleeping‘oitl of doors.

Children w ere.the only'ones that' 'seemed ta enjoy Ihe hei

Free Trip Given Daily to Jerome

Announcement wai made lost eve­ning th a t anyone desiring io attetul the Indoor camp meeting of the ' Church 6f God. being held this week, a t Jerome.' '.stffiv'd • meet ^ t , th6 Claud 0. P ra tt Bales company or a t the X inc'oln-grpcery-on AddUon where they may.'secure free -trans­portation to Jeroms.■ ■throughthecourtesyofthe.Unlon I to to r company ..and. Claud-Pratt, ^ truck will leave the sales company a t 7:15 p, m,. Boch.cYenlnL. tbU week, ta d wUl stop a t tb s Lincoln grocery to pick \ip poasenAr*. -

Speakers for the comMneellng. which opimed .Saturday, night, wll} Include Rev. H. H. Slaughter of 6po-- k a n ^ Rev. h . M. Nichols of Walla Walla. Wash., and Rev. J. Smart of. Billings, Mont.1 •

Top Figures for Debaiie ^ : ^ l » t t e ( t ) o r . : ^ l r s t = ^ ___ — H a l l j L Y e a c ^ ^ ____

SAN Fn/N O lSO d. j i l b W W ) - Residential Imlldlng made more .

................. th of new Job* .

T liat was more home building _ian h u gone on l a the west since comparable figure* have been,gath­ered. going back virtually'10 year^

Building of residences reported to < the federal reserve bank of San m n d sc o from 148' clUes and four unmcorpoTated county a r m toUled -• tlBJU.OOO In Ju n e .

Taking seasonal trends Into con- olderaUon, the Jtme rate w u up ' ,about-io pfr *»iim Mny, wnrl______ Iwith the exception of January this year, the highest In a decade.'

While, a t .top flgu ra for this de- '.de.'fiolldln* Of residences was only— UtUe'more than half, that going I IS years ago. based on compar­

able figures available a t that time. Residential building pennlts:(In ihoutandi of dollan):

- . » 3 » - -IBIS- June May Jilhe

Idaho 103- 145 128-N evada_________157 • IM 141O regon '------------- 635 - eS3 ■ 4i0TJtah __________ 33 0 372 398_W ashington_____1.188 W O eoo'-

T^taU ______ I8JS81WinS,48'l

(OmllDu^d r'raa ^ tn t)Wide Interest on Capitol Bill. Som» senatsrs,' osk in f 'tha t'-.thd r :names not be used, asserted U&t the posl-Uo'n’wbadTc'e'eplIbNUttTBTllinrab:-------lie' eye between now and 1040 and thus might benefit hlnrtpoUtlcally.

On tlie o ther hand, it was aald,Itprobobly-would-be-lmpoeslble-for-------the Indlanlan, after accepted the new 'postrW TiuU te'an Independent j ae« for' the presldentlsl rusnlna-

'the -preslg F ril-W H g rra v o r ------his candidacy.'' Bome'leglilalors-aaJd on4*eff«t'of------the sppolnUnent might be to obtain the support o f McNutt followen for 'any-candJdate-the-adm lnlslration-------might back for the 1B40 preildenUal

There generAlly were predlcUons that'M cN utt would'make a capable administrator, with Johnson ,exr pressing confidence .that "he will ■- .ao .excellent Jebv”i___^ ..

, . Fly to.New YorkThrough th e ' courtesy of the .

Pennsylvania Rubber o o m p a n y , Claud c ; P ra tt U going to New York City, where h e wUf deliver the »et- tnon a t the Orov* Avenue Churcn of Ood, o n d ' ^ the World's fair,of Ood, ond , M the World's and to Jeanofle. Pa,'w here he ^ the guest of . the


Rubber company for three daya 'M r. P ra tt will leave Salt Lake City '

Sunday,-jDly 16, a t 13:09 a. m. on a United-Alrtlnes.ship and will a rriv e ," tn New yo rk City a t 1:04. o. m, An ordained m inuter of-the-Church o f - aod..M rJratt-wU l-ileU vei.thB;aet-. . mon a t the N e? York church a t 8 ' p.m .'Sondayevealng.,, - .t. ■

Two days' wIllTbe spent in-New ‘York City, seelnf -the sights and vis- ttlng the ifau-. before he goes to FennsylTanla where he will remain a s the guest of the P e n ^ lv an la Rubber company'fdr thtre da}*.' He ' ' expects to be gone from Twin PalU about a'week.

This in ^ sound Silly•We're really hot trying lo s e ll you a ca r w ith thia ad . . W e'd mnch prefer you’d look over ou r presen t a ^ r t - m cnt. F o r we frankly believe t l ^ th e cars th’cffiwrvcs . . . and their lov p rlccs . . . d o ^ th e «elllng needed. '

37 Chevrolet M aster Dli? Sedan :................—38 V -8 Coupe ........... ........................— ?B25 -37 C hevrolet M astocDlx Sedan', hcftter, r.• radio, spot light .......... : . . . .y ^ ........ — 166985 Chryfller A irstrcam Dlx S ed ah ................ .....$6958 6 ,Plym outh D eluxaSedan....... .......................> ..^9187 V-8 Coupe;'heater, T fld itr^potllgh t. ^

w ind winffB, many e x tra s ........ ................. ..— $408. B6 Deluxs Fordos^Scdan......... .........t,.,.,-8426

' 36 V .^ Deluxe Fordor Sedan ______ ^t432634 Chevrolet M aater Sedan ....;............_..„.._w.529687 F ord Stahdard.Fordor. — r.---------1---------$460 ,32 'M o d d 'B Tudor Sedan . . . .36 W illys S ed an .........

. 30 M odd.A^Tudor Sedan-..,..,34 Chevrolet Pickup. 4 .Speed 38 F o rd Model B Pickup .......37 y - 8 . Stake. Body P. U. ...

• 88 in ternational P. U. .... 86 V -STruck, nfew motor, 1 6 7 ------

37 Chevrbjot Tnick, 1B784 V -8 Truck,-167.....;...... .................

_aa-2-:Ton i^e£al,.31x7-.T irea,.new .

___ ;?185..... :___ ;.-_..$195...........-------------- .-- .t$ 2 96............. ..........$196

— $366 -................ ....... $ 96......L --------- $476

_____:$aoo—{ F6 t'd dealei' l l n i i b v

Uniori M otor Co.. Ford — JrlercurjT '~ Llrtcolh Zephyr,

•H -

Page 3: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


^ C o m m it te e ’s . R eco m m en d a ­t io n fo r l-O -N E S e n s io n

_ _ _ - _ _ A n n o u n ced .—iin i f i r . Jiilv !D«%-Oteson #cored one oil Ifiolio ”

W. C. MnrkJitim of W ^ilriston, D, O.. t<crfUiry of Um A aerlcaa A • fioclBtlon o fS lnK HIjhway O/IlcW . sent thin letter lo H. H. Flint. Idi •

......lio 'fi nctlng eommlsslontr of publicworka: ................ '-"This eitccullve coramlUte dcjln i me to notify you lliat they 1>r' j

•approved exieiuion of U. S. 05 from U.1 prcTJrnt totilliem terminus i I

. We!f.er. fdnljo. to ft Junctfon wK t U . S. 60 and U. S. *0 ea»l of DlytHe.

...----- Calif." ■ • .U. S. D5 l5 commonly luiown 11

th e North nnd Soulti hU hiay wi 1 extend« in Id iho ffow the Csniidla i.

. , - llae.4aSnU lcs.»0U lh .l9 .W ete ii... .F lin t recommended thnt It be es •

tended throuRh Payette to Homi • dale to the Junction west of Man •

------ -lHH-ftiMi-thaa«i.over-llieJdnh(}rK!. vndA-tJrcKon rond to the latUio-Ori •

son line.B ut the commhlce rrcommendc 1

Ih s t the route nm from Welfcr I > P.Vyetto to Ontario, Ore.. and ihenc ! nouth on the Oregon aide lo ctjnnci t will) the I-O-N ftt>iJs!lojf mneh 1 i .OrcBon.

•Tlie commltlre's rKommcnd* • tloiw nre made lo Ihe federal bi • f ra u o ; public rovd.i and usually followed." Held n in l, who added;

•Tlila action of Uie committee. , • })0KCV'er. probably will expctllto eom-

pletlon of Oregon'* part of Uie l-O -N . which provltlM a &liort cut

- « • — from-tauUtu’e^liimJilaliQ to aoutll- W u-estem United States."

M U B T A ® i

n e tu m t JVom Utih*M tfj B eale Goodman htiA retumrd afler spend- I115 two ^-ec)a- with her ib te r In Proi-o, Utnli. She was accompanied

-A —Jinm e_hv .h r r bmlhfr.ln.lnw and - s *l*ler. Mr. nnd Mt», II. Q, 8 loke#,

u'lio will visit relatives here and In Twin Fnlld,

natledge left Tliurwlay for I/is An-■ -ffelcs-aftfr iM tl/ip rtla tlrfs here.

D aushler Bom — Mr. and Mr».■ Le.uer O mff are the parent* of

here. • ;............ lU tu m From Wyomlot—Mrs.' D.

O. Moj’c.i Riid children Ivnn .U anA and Arlren relumed Friday’ from

^ L>Tnan, Wyo„ where'Ihey visited relftUves.

Attend Awemblj —iTlie M lw * ^ Ruth. L om n-and ' D sie 'D avu-nna

E ifloy ■Hot*Spnnin'to“nttCTd-the..... .. ■ BnptLM iy«mBly camp fer ten' days.

. I fu h - Vl»i!«fir Mr; .and Mr*. Leroy Chrljtoffcnwn «tid dnuehters a re spendlne ft week with relaUvea » t Bprlns City, Salt Lake u id

• Losan. Utah.ltnderr>e« Operation—Mrs, Oliver

Johnson underwent an optrallon a t / the T*-ln Poll! hoipllal Friday

inom lns.netacB* From C o iit-D . D. Dlfi-

ecm tis.f returned from OaUnnd, C alif, P h tre ho vLilted his mother. H e also attended the exposition a t

-------Q in Prapelseo,------------ —Recent VUItor»-Recenl pieata of

• Hr*. .Willlani Goodman and family — 're rc 'N ; O.-Tcnney and o n c irLniio-

of Prescou. A rit, and Dr.-and Mrs.• ■•0 . O. Moyoj! and douRhlw. M*r-

Jorlo, Mrs. Charles Ehmanti and •on, Charlei, of Ojden, .UUh.. .

Attend Reunion — Mr. and Mr*........ -Clyde Perkins and-L. M..Perklw(

. . a re In C ub.R irtr. Wflho.,«ttendta8' ft Perkins fftmlly reunion.

Teaeher Vl»lt« _ MiM Mary Me- — ^ _ N a ro ‘_o{J3cllc^ue. u .apciidlnfi.ten ' “ H d Jamrj..home..

^ MLm McNarry waa a former teacher here. ~

Fftmlly Reunlon-M r.. and Mti. - Alvin -Konleek and. Mr. and Mrs.

B m lnard Davii attended a family.......... m in lo n -a t aooTltnf.-Jolyc---............------------l>lL"J[L« «‘-^,>-Mla_BlnQre- nob-

e ru returned to to s Ang<!a JVed- nrrMay after vlsltlnc her parent*. Mr. nr.d Mrs. J . \v. nobert*.

. UUh V'ritoM ~ Mr. arid Mrs. Leonard ChrlMi— ~ -

M A r'C O LLlEB, who dire* from • IM-foot ladder Jn(o a tank .of five feet .of water « Ibe White City 8how*.el»lini to be the only, woman h l(h div«r Id the eountry today. Jic r act ti ooe 'er the foor,aerial cireat a tun ti.to be presented fieh n lih t thU « tk ,a n a « t a Saturday matli While City Shorn, u id .lo bo lh«. Jar»e»t company of lU kind on PKCifle eoait,. opened Monds7-D l|bt a l EUU p u k . Twin F a lk under Ametlcan Letlon aw pleei.-• - • • ~~ • »

mm,W o r l i /F o u n d l o r '3 , 2 4 9 P u r -

in g f u n s ; 1 4 ,9 1 6 S till- : o n 'B o l i s

BO lS?, July 10,(41 — niV Idaho mproymcnt'iK-ylce found Jobj for

workers durlu;;. June but.stlll< •hirf llD lfl uncmployed .on It*' ro la

a :-D .-H »y«-ref>orl^-t^3y.vF o f 'th e . flrjt :alxTmdntli»‘o r the

year.’ Hai'.i eald. Jobs tn '.prlvat'tf Industry nnd'arrleuliure were found for B.8S8 workers, ■

TJurlne . Ihe" mohtii ' 5,(5« new nam es were added to the rolls.of Job seeker.1. Hays said, brlni;lns lo 13.415 the number of appltcaUons.iecfflvcfl BO fftr In 1039. • .

“Private placements- .Increased 30J per cent for June and O per cen t for th e .f i rs t nix monilu of 1039 over, the urrespondlnS-perlbdof lP38.” Hi>y«.<mid,;,........;•

T he Lewiston office lead Iti.plaee- m enta'both fotWude, with l,l«..<utd f u r i h c ' jlXTBient>is.;'.j)trl(>(ii; wiih

' i n seco i^ place, for .June vu i P reslbn. with 30«r«thoU£h BfiUe u - u . second for the six-months period,-wIUj 1,««. - .

Plkcementa. by otjwr .offices .Jh*. eluded: Twin Pnlls: 3fi3 Ior June OSS for the s it months; Colctweir, 105 nnd 780:,Jerome, 138 and 107; aandpolnt, 130 and 6a8: 'Pni'eite, 130 Bnd'3O8:-at-.'Anthony,’ lO la n d 4 0 l: Poc8tello;-»-«nd esS: Co«ur.d‘Al«ne,. 30 aiyl'M ai'aranseTille. 37nnd'l30; W allace. 1i and 1« ; Moscow, JO'and.12s ............................. _______

-------- ^ u u ; J r 'trc . i« c m t .s i ie * i_ ^. CUrUtensen's parents, Mr. and M n.

Hyrum Plckrtt.PJ> j o UW»-Bob rerlrtns aecom-

' ■ ney of Oakley lo Bear U ke. Ut«h’ where they wlU attend a Cmnney

' ' family reunion.' v L«n,?,!cnko

_ of tako. Nev„ b u been- vlsllinz her W renti, Mr. and M«. D.

bert Bigcera o f- Tulsa, okla a. , m p l,™ M Mr. a j t o T ■

O kbhonu V lu i ,» - i i r . u iS M n. O. -A. BeUca and Mr. and M n ’ H arjy Boaeh of Tulsa, ■ O k h ..m

^ v b i u n s a t t h t o . 0 . Callen home.' -i^T ^ey-ftM i en tDUlo to Hollywood

where they • will vUlt Mr.'-Beltes* cousin, a u m " of Uj» i«o> cf “LSm #ad . . .

, Burley Rites for Accident Victim

BonLinr.- • icrrfccs; for John Uennls' McKay

^ accident a t Jarbidse, Nevada, were IMd a t

- - a p. nj. Sunday a t Uie Chdstian church, hn-p' wHh_ tha. n .v . I..,-

. K lelnfcldt o f f f t l a i i n r ^A prelude. "Lftrgo," was’playod by

Miss Jean Oochnour a t the pl&no and DoanJd MeClaflb plaj-lne tha.

. . violin. Mrs, Alvlh Klelnfeldt. and . . Mrs., W .' A. Sowers sans a duet

“Unanswered Y e r aecompnmed by ^ l s 8 Shirley Oochnour. Scripturo

_rLrcftcllas:"flnd..prayer.-ly.;,th«..Jiflv,- ,K te tn fd d t foJlowd and Mn..ffleln*

. ti|r(JI a te of Somewheri."•V, obituary, was'read.by. t . L.

Wer» by the Rev. .Klelnfeldt abd th e ' , posUude “Oolrv*'Home“-was hy ja iss

Ooclinour . ’jind.' Mr.' . MeCUHlln, Burial Vai In th« Barley cemetey.

Consumption o f —.Sugar Incrcascf

, NEW. YORK. July' io-^ofisum p- tlon of;SUB«r In-the t)jlrt<cr>_prln-


lir.-------------Wed., Tliurs.—" n ie Gbdlalor,

Joe E. •Brown; also first run fen m rviiW olf.CaJI,- UovUa.-jQhn-Car-.

!ll. ■ r r i„ Sflt.—"OKoet Town Riders,*

B ob 'T snar.':-------T

oR P rtC m f ■ . , Last'dBy—"Juarex;" 'Paiil Muni,

BsU elD nvu.......... >.------______ ^,Wed„ 'Tl>urs,-^:i3 Ti»-''6 un ' Ne;»r

sjn!,” u m HJitnDBity. u s u y u fn ir

sPrI,; S!\l,-4*'Hen’;i kll^cn/'^D ead End.Kldj.:MarKa>et Llndsny. : '.Sun,. Mon.. Tiies.-"lnvltnllon t(

Happiness." Fred MacMurray, h tn i Dunne. . . . , '

; IDAHO . :LMt ',d'ay—"AlexawlerV'RarUme

Band.” Tyrone Power, Alice Fny». Don AmeeJie. '

Wed., Thufs.—“The Crowd Hoars," Robert T « lo r . -Uauretn, O'fluJllvan. ,' Prl... fint.—"Inside Informallon," Dick Foran, .June 'Lnnc. , .•8un„- Mon:, Tue».-;“Mllllon Dollar

Less.:: Bett3'.'Or»bIc,.Ja'cflo Cbosan, Busier CrAbbe. '

Urst.^nlnB-mftntha.oX.iUie.cmTent, crop'yeftr', 8eplember’lIl38,throu8h Moy:>D3U„toWled «,lM,4E5;ioti* Com , mw suRar value, as,eomoftred with

almllor period last season, ar. crcfuie .of , 4B3.CH3 .um s' or. approxi­mately. .8 J- p^r-ecnt.- atcopilnB-tb LamBoni'&X pimy.' ’ :'

su s 'a r \-s t» a p on ih&nd.: for.,lhese' eountxiea.oa‘Juno'l.'lMO;anjourtled‘ la a.W8.800 ton#-«s »B»lnsl:3j93500 tons on the some.dale In lOSo.'a.de- crease of 39^400 tons-.or apnroxl- m ^ely . U .0 per cent.'

' Tna :,a tlm a led '..bM t',so« l^ ,.fo r the.current.seastm fo r'the thirteen principal Zaronefto-.coUntrJei,-kc- cordtnc to'ftdvlces.reoelved ttoJn.p; O.' Llcht,' the' European ,'subir' au< thor/iy., l*;PJ*«d:«t;.f(?!(f.70o.«c«s. u compared ,w lth.Jail.900,4i«i:ia . th e previous seaun .'u i'Increase of. 1&6.100 acrci. or approxljn'«tely'-4 per cen t.-T hese 'eountrlesrp^ueed 8,540.000 .Ion ; Ions of lu ssr'-la st season, • . . . , ,

T he thirteen.counties'.Included la.theTfohrey are-Belflum, BulekrU, Pnuieo, Germany, Holland. -Hun- Bary.-,:Irlsh Prt;»,;Stfttt IUly...po- land . RouManla. Sweden. "T;n)ledK m sa o m .'T n d th e '.l’riiteetoMU.'fil 1 3 o h e au -M M av iir:-T ^ h —

R ites a t PraiiW.in. ForBiirleylG uestl (M ..Ju lr :io . i - n io ’ h«ly:oi:

Mrs.. Eslber Loulsa }Utch. who died S a turday raomlug t t : thi\3iDics. ’'— =— aw ch.’,-"-------- •a«er - 0f-. thei A n a l ;u i in e a .j3m'' •compMy.^-wae-Ukea^ftVUVRC-sii,- V em ;B ; McCulloiai;af.'.tb#-.Bur fuBemi_n»iflxte:her:i ‘ -

wUl. be. heH.Tuebijiy: a t ' 3' p.'-a;, arid In te ^ tn f Jw iB bi'.liMlde- tKo •gr*Vi' o f her.huj>blajd,.Eyniia?HAt^!;«b9' pipeeded;bctln:< le»th;lj^8U .'‘r

Early Pioneers’’: Daughter .'Dibs

BANDPOINT. Idaho. JUJy 10 «> — Mrs. Mftrto M c!?^land, 70, dauihter of jjlflneers: who Kiwfortune* made tn d ic«il In .western mining -camps, dled'& ttu rday.’

She-WM bom In the-boom mln- Ine town of Vlrsinla city, Nev,. site of the fftbulous Coiutoek lode. .Her parents, hfr. and Mrs: John Pendy,

; hsd snileJJ a j ^ c \ Oape Horn to/5*n Pranclseo. ' ‘

In'fBTor'oI’ fiirjn life. movlnj to Walla WallA. Wsah.-.,homstead.-but: the widowed Mr*.-Bcndy want .with i c i L j l i ............................................

■ Mrs, Pfndy ■?m;onfl'flf.U»B orfatail locatera'of Uj« rich,Ocm Vnhie neat

>\nK tim*.p ro fl to f, *30;55<i;monlhly..'

CAN YOU BEAT I fy w m -

Joycfi. ;- v : - " Twta-'F»I>- •' •■ -ID B O V I.'T H E -- ',-,’-


^ E S ON .One Gallon

_ _ "O fO is .:• o tta^ eW C T i-y ttte rfliy :w n r *

- ^ C L T O m A B S E N.,• . C T o v e r - B ^ ^ B ^ - , w jlh :- ' '

3 5 r m l e s : p ^ r . g a l l d n- - E A B t C b O K '

■.-Bt-.-4.'BBU.‘'a 8 d . V - - '• R lR . 'S P A U L D IN G ':

• ,iTwln.T*Ua',wlU)<--v^--;

p i ^ m j l e ^ p ^ a i mrlm rni: ta< Ited 'to ' t«y V yew i ddu

a W E i r J E . 4 J j : £



M y s te ry V e i ls S lay ing o f • P a y e t t e M a n ; Bo.dy

F o u n d o n - D c s e t l . . . . .p a y :

diico any suspects — . .of ElwUi Perry. 4J-year-old disabled World w ar w U ra n . ' whose bullet- pierced body was found In desert three miles eost of here last night.

Mrs. E aith U ndon . one of Idaho's two women coroner*, convened* Ui# Jury th a t viewed the bodly-decom- posed body, heard tMllgiony of doc­tors and officers and then’ eon* eluded th a t Perry "met death by sunshot wounds Inflicted by * p v - •jn or persons unknown,"Perry had been- mliulns from his

home here' since July 1.Prosecuting Attorney John T.

Kcnwajfl sold he believed Peny was iihot t i i f a c h tlic head and hb body

.... had been driven InW the bruih. the body loosed oul and .the a.ulomoblle'tlien.bailed, in d turned nrouhd. ' ---------

Tlie body wa.%’ found by rabbit hunters Inte yesterdsy In” desert countri’ two miles from a market rond.

Tlirce physicians. D. C. Paxton «nd Dr. I, R. Woodward and Dr. J. C. Woodward, conducted an au­topsy. They sn lfl. Jndleatlons were Perry was sho t by a imall-callber bullet—probably a which struck him ori th e lower left Jaw, coursed through th e kend and left through the upper rlBht Jaw.

■'Perry was an Incompetent end r rr r lv rr t.q .monthly veterans', pen­sion of SlOO." Kenward said,

‘'His -Tiffatrs ’were-handled-by-a BoU a-ttust-com pany-aiid . h t w u pfcrmltted only »3S monthly. He could no t have had more than t 21

m w ith him a t the 'Ume he dLwppearcd.“

Sheriff H arry Muir said there was0 money round on Perry's body.Kenword said Perty was last re-

Dortod seen a t a Payette service s ta ­tio n July 1 when he was in an au­tomobile w ith two unldentlfledrCet; sons. Perry allshtcd from the car— not his own—to put air Into the tires. Kcnward aald. HU own au- -tmnobtls—lute:— WM-found-parked

1 ft Pnyctte street.Pcriy wjui ft bachelor and lived

here with his mother, ^^^s. Anna

Puneeal aervlces were’, ccnducted here, tonight b>' the Payette Amerl-

Legion ^

M urtauglTGroup to”*“ “ -i-Jo in ; 'Gclcbration

J> w n x ^ v a H . July lo-DftURhteVs of tha Utah-Plonecrfl met Thursday ftftcmosn a t U»e home of Chaplin M lriolc Pickett. .• . . .

Olie.il!< -from • Twin Falls' werej 'Ohapll............. - ..............

ile .JilaM r._Jennie - Crowley. .Mrs. Tommy Cnrro! and Mrs: Alma Wells and Mr:?. Mnry p le n of Kimberly. .

During the bu lness meetlnB plans ftro made to Join Uie Pioneer cele­

bration a t Quhl July 24. and for the MurtAURh cftmp lo present a pioneer pfogrom a t the L, D, S, church July 3 3 ., .—The-h(M l«u-wu.«s(Ut»d-by-Urs. Annie. Goodman and Mrs. Georse Strlneer.

AMSTERDAM.f tetum s ( « 'M lehlfan—Neal Pns-

toor. ‘.who has been vuitlns ot -the home of his parents. Mr. And Mrs,

Postoor, lell Monday (or hu home a t Grand Rapldi. Mich.-

Visit* in Porslelle —Miss t^ ls Kunkel U vbltlnR Mr, and Mr*. Clenn Kunkel of Pocatello, and will also spend a few dnys In Ball U ke c ity before returning home.

AUorocys Suggest Each County Must Present ■ Own Claim

Homer Roberts of A»hton are visit- irents. Mr, and

Mr*, a: E. Kunkel.VUlt Itesort—Mr. find M b. Stan­

ley Strlckclliig nnd 23obby and Dee spent several days tlie post week ai Magic h o tjp r ln ss retort,. Fona'c l B e i i d i a . 1—U lia Qracc Holmqulst of Hughion. Cnllf.. wlio formerly-lived here. Is \-tsillng here and In Twin Palls,

Holiday rien lc-M r. and Mrs. A. .E. Kunkf} were hosu a t a rtju rlh of July, evctUnB picnic at Ihelr home. Quests liwluded Me. and Mrs, Olenn Kunkel and family of Pocatello, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Dean and Lee Dean of ilolllster. Mr, and Mrs, C. L. Kun­kel and family. Mr. and Mrs, Dnle Kunkel and family, Mr. and Mrs. UerjJ Kugkel nnd family. Anllioiiy Hardman..Orln Jones and Ora Jone:,

Former Teacher Vlslu — Mr, and i l n . Hnrold •einplclon and baby of

dlni.ner Bucsts and vl^iltors a t the . Kunkel home. Mrs, eupleton formerly MIm llllln Rice, who taught, the Amslerdnm «hool.

Former Resldcnii Vlill—Mr, arid MK, 'PW llp UrlellnB of ilodesto, Calif,, Mr. and Mrs, Fleckarhcn nnd small dnuRhter of Manhfttlan, Mont Mi-M rieekiimon of Holland. Nelh- .erlnnds. and Sieffen Bos of Twin Falls, all former resldentJi thl» locnllly. were Thursday Ruesl.i of .Mr. and Mm. Ed Pastoor and /tm lly

II Tihetlier fircn-nr the rctinilr.'; miiM lire* sent clnlnu to ilii' bo.ird of esam- liiera for lliclr prrioitlc sliiires of Hie 11,000.000, Pro rniiing Attorney K ninelli 0 l,r:ir>’ pointed out. lodny

er }t; fitld Aftt/tnry Oeiier.il J.Tnylor iiKrtetl there foulcl be no

rehenrlnf;.Tlie nurrniiriit c.iw the pourt Uie

rlKlit Inimcdliitriy lo l:..iue It.i order (llrectliiK Ciilvlu K. WrlKhl, auditor, to psv Acl.i roiinty’s clilm for approxlm.itel.v $:3.noO.

"SOt the (luc.tton nf ,whether the Olhcr coiiiit»c\ mii’.i prer.ent indf- i^Uiinl cbim*. for tiirlr rhiirc.-.. nntl '^ c ih e r A'Jn coiiiiiy,,mii5l i"j/i(riuturc..c;\t;J<_<i” .i.i'er_h onr iiiiit_ rc:fls Iftrtclv--UI- tlir hnlldT'oT'ni’J’ r.tiitp boiircl o l,. r\iiriiliirn, whlfll mlclitr.,ild O'Lr.trv, 'vlio l:i'.tltuteil the or- iKlnliil le.-.t fUlL In ll;r nnme of Ada county.

Covrninr C A:'n'iltolf:.i*n, Taylnr nnd Serre'.ary .of 3',.i'.r'Ocorce Cur- tfcs are member.'; oI ilif board.

Jobs Listed for “ Idalio^Gfiuliiatcs

MOSCOW. Tdnho, July 10-EiRhty per cent of the englneerlns seniors who rccclved desrees nt Ihe Univer­sity of Idaho Jtme S hud securcd' employment lo Ihelr llkinB up to July 1. reports Dc.m K, J. Duchnnnn. head of the coIleRe of enBlneerinB.

•Tills totn! does not Include addi­tional lempornrj’ Jobs, but only em- plosment which can be classified a.' reasonably permnnenl,’’ explains

• p is c e a tc rD m m je n jn J r ’A iiw sn - re'hopc to have prnctleally 100 per en t plncement of Ihe 1039 grodU'

for the comliiR year.”Plfti’-tm?*- ........

rare jrronted at Idaho this year. Placement bv divblons up to July 1 follows; civil eniilneerinB. 17 out ,of.,18.BrndualM;.eleclrlcnl engineer­ing. 13 out of 15; mecUanlcal en- Blneerlnit. S out.of 8; chemicnl en- Blr^eerlnR.' 4 out of O; and ogricu]-tiirnl enRlneerinir, S 'f lu fo r i . ........ -■ Most of Ihe younjc'etiilnecrs'hiive been placed- In the Pacific nor^h- w cjt..O ne mart was employed by.ji s u w r n l l l ' l n Hawaii,-Others-i

«fesl, an'd_lhe east.' ^■--Prlvnie iriduAtrleVwbioK.lobk-Wa"-. ho men tnel\[diid (he petroleum In'- dustrs'. gentral contraellns firms, power compnnles, milronds, ajr con- dltlonlnR. aircraft manufacture, the chemical Indmtry, and tlie sugar In­dustry. Governmental services In the list Include nim l eleclrlflcftilon. aoU cnns£rvaUotL:aerYJcf._foren service, the V. g , army, Uie Idaho Highwaj' department.

HOISF:, July 10 (.V.-5'here will be •) tpiwiil lor »*reiir»TliiK on thi' inno'Tliiil riiir~OlTrtT*

the rcceiilly drrldrd $1. p n.i'.ulliir

Lindbergh Urges - Aviation Study

WASlIlNaTON, July 10 W>- Col. Charles A. UndberEh urged coiixVe;j todiy to auUiorlte expen- dlture of J10,OTO,000 lor an aero- rnu ilc j TTsearch station a t Sunhy* vale, Calif, lo help develop mllliary and comniercl.-il nlrplsnes of Increas­ed .•■Ire, jpcril 'and fsiisc.

Tlie fiimoii.i flier appeared before houie nppropriaiions subcoMmli-

l£t_wliich_iircvl£iui' ' • - down the projwr-il.

n r n i i T n n n i i i i E e i ^

G overnor Quits To.iii- of-Forests

McCALU -ldflho.-July- 1 0 - T l i ^ n t e coopr n tlv i- tmrd_of for_- " iour conilnnrri on fd iiorili-

t olflrliih Joined II but Gover- C. A. notKJIT.M'ii !i'fi-io return

lo the enpllol.ComlnK here frotn Boise lodny ere John \V- Coiirtie, slnte .superln-

iciidenl of piibllr lir.lnictlon, nnd Cnlvln WriKhi, slnle nudllor...T lie o r l B l n n l p.irty s e t 'o u t from Bol.-e Siitiirtlns',' expecllUK to spend JO dnys in the sIMe-owned forest Innds studying forentry prob­lems; ~

Governor Bottolfjen snid-he wns TorJiSTbrm c - j 'o r i l . i t nreturn to'BoUe from.here.

Bohcmlfin BrcwcrlBs, Inc. Twin FAlGTlJiino T

FinisIiT rip A lone

lod ftO uv lilt! lost Ihelr mother and brother. Jnmrr.. 16, rn roiile lo Call' fomU from thrlr home cliy, Oni.ilin

They f.iiri they bee.imn sriurnicd

V e t e r a n s G a t h e r

— A t - C o e n r d ’A l e n e - 1^COnJR.d'ALENE. Idaho J u l y 1.0 ,

W*,—More tlian 70 veterans of the Spanish war and 60 women of their Auxiliary wrre refrliered here to­day for tlie 12th ftimuBl encampmrot-------

■ the United 6 panLth War Veter- •ii.oMd^liP . , ,Delejates expeele<l Oeorse Seelw,• Pocatello, lenlor vice commander,

sua'ced \7. B. MeCnrti;ey, Coeur

..nusl election torpuiiuw.Mf« Worn Faloon, ol Twin Palli,

pie'<-nt Aii\lllnr>’ chspliun, wts ex* peeled lo huccrecl Mrs. Anna WUson. of Sandpoiiii, n.i Auxiliary president.

Karly Potato Crop 'Decline Predicted

WASIIIKGTON. July 10 (-7>>-Tli» crop reporllnB bonrd today e»tl- mnled IS‘'0 produclion of early po- tatotn In II producing states IC 3J,- S«3,000 biirlirU compared with 37.- ’ Wa.OOO bu»hcT» hnrve.^led l.Vst year.



-C annL Band Iiistrummtx

•lot 11 keep Him t her el■-Gibson G uitars, Violin.-’, UkulelcR, Baiijo.^.,._

^ o p ^ ni, Holincr anci W iirlitzcr Accordi,-

: : :^ .’:7rt)lft“ AT.Tt'?>v .aijH; cnmplplc RUprJjT JO^: ?'!______

Durhas-W arner“T h e- E x c l u d e M usic S lo ra ”

___________________ r Klka nidg. _________

Page 4: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,



i K in PuMUftiai Co.

n Of u»«ij J.

^ r .Bit-monlb«. pukbl* li Tbm taoDUu. L Bjr Un tnsoU l___-----


aun u tm « Auodtud r

i Buft^'Tet cwuitUoBI. neraM EXTA w ia

mcj 00 flskDcim raponilbllltr I but ID 'cu* «&nt tt* p*^r'b» yuM uaSVuacut^eSS*-


tl by Uw Of i r »10 b* fuBIU6»d w w r «

u taUM tSlfilen U » i of W»bo.

T H E 'C A S E /O R TOLERANCE n i e c a rs o f th e f n to lc ra n t In th is c o u n try

■ ' sh o u ld c c r lo ln ly h a v e b u rn e d o n 't n c F o u r lh - of Ju ly , p tir llc u la r ly su c h c a rs tis w ere I ls tc n -

' Ing to r ad io b ro A d c as ts on t h a t day. P a tr io t* lam a n d d c m o crn cy rec e iv e d a generous sh a re of th e p ro g ra m tim e , b u t th e o th e rs d id n o t

• s to p w ith th e old s ta n d - b y Ideas.A h e av y ve rb a l a tw c k w as m ade o n in d l

: - v i d u a l s o r o rg a n iz e d g ro u p s In th is c o u n try • Who a r c 'S t i r r i n g u p in to le ra n c e a n d r a c ia l

p re ju d ice . S u c h le a d e rs a s G overnor O lson of r C a lifo rn ia a n d P u b l is h e r W llllam AIlen W h ite r]

' th e S ag e o f E m p o ria , w ere on th e a i r c a llin g• • fo r u n i ty a m o n g A m e ric a n s in su p p o r t o f th e ■•■nation’s t r a d i t io n a l to le ra n c e a n d ItS 'B lll o l

■ Rights. •--t^.T-We-hO'VG'nddcd l a d l t r t o '.... . .

- p u b lic fo ru m a s a. m e d iu m o f fre e speechM n- ' to le r a n t vo ices h a v e b e e n h e a rd on th e a i r In ■ th e la s t y e a r^ b u t t h e vo ices o f to le ran c e h av e - been g a in in g la te ly In- n u m b e r a rid volum e.,

■ ^ T ^ f i a r i r w e n r w r a o 'n o l 'n c c a " 8 l i p p r e s s ! o n T 3 r fa lse d o c trin cs . b u t c le a re r p re se n ta tio n of

" t r u e A m e ric an p r in c ip le s a n d beliefs, T hey —^ Ti r t • 3 tron y -g n o as tT 7 to -h o ld - th c lr -o T O -ln -<— ’-w ord*ba tU c of " lam s ." -

tO“th t r p r e s s jneiuu*

lh e - j '= p « r u j’:

r n A i . S U P P L YH ow m u c h coal th e r e Is In th is c o u n try ,

■ o r I n a n y p a r t i c u la r re g io n o r s la te , depends- on th e fe llow w h o does th e estlm atinK . N o-

: ^ b o j 3y j;ca ily -know 3^ b u t .iL g o o d .c ^ e r t .c a n give,- y a f o lr guess.

- A -8ta t« in e n tjn a x le - la lc ly _ b y j^ - r c p r e a e n t^ :~ tlv e -o r -- th e -N a U o n a l-C o a l-A B 8 0 C la U 0 n -j« iy ;

th er e Is en o u g h - W - la s t - f o r a - ^ l l i e n m m r ; i r t T S a t T n e a n s a t h o u s a n d y e a n , b u t n e e d n 't be

t a k e n lite ra l ly . An-, in q u ire r , w ould w a n t to know , too, w h e th e r th e e s tim a te covers on ly

- r e g u la r co al o f t h e h a rd a n d so ft v a rie tie s , o r a lso a p p lie s to lig n i te , w h ic h Is coal a b o u t h a if -w o y f o s s lll ie d . a n d o f w h ic h - th e r e Is s a id to be b lillc ffs o f to n s In som e o f th e

. , w e s te m a n d n o r th w e s te r n s ta te s .• T h e e s tim a te r e f e r r e d to w as i j ^ e d

'f c o n su m p tlo n r a t e - a b o u t t e n 'y e a r s ago . T h e - - '• y e a r ly r a t^ , w hU e v a ry in g g rea tly , r ise s p reU y “ " s te a d i ly f ro m ge n era ltlo n to generA tlon. a n d

‘ m ig h t d oub le o r t r e b l e in a n o th e r g en e ra tio n , ' ' ~ ‘We s h a ll u s e 'i r to r c a s th e 'p e t r o le u m '> la y s

o u t. A n d -th c .A ir ic rlc a n .p e o p lc -w il i:p rQ b a b ly- b c h e re , w a n t in g , f u e l fo r a long , lo n g tim e .

• " • •T h e m o s t a c c e ss ib le d eposits , too , nr(;_U8ed■J u p m o s t r a p id ly , so t h a t a f te r a w ljlle th e

r 3 co al Is h a r d e r to g e t o u t o f th e g ro u n d . .T h e re Is n o c a u se l o r a la rm , b u t . l t seem s

■j: o n ly com m on se n se to re tr ird th e c o nsum p- ■*. tio n o f th is w o n d erfu l 'fue l and : raw m a te r ia l.

. “ w ith 'i ts e v c r - In c rc a s ln g uses, by u til iz in g so -■ '•• la r a s possible- w a te r p o w e r -w h lc h : la self- ...T r e n e w i n g ‘ - ’ <

' h E A C H - U F E .• ^ A book e d ito r a d v ise s p e o p le , n o t to .ta k e

‘ i j w l u ' w ith ’ th e m tb'^ thc_beachei.-t<L j:ieA cL .whll«» th«i h o t sun Is shining, c LJ^ocka.

■ ■nie su n is .n e a r ly .a lw a y s to o stro n g , in tensl- t ie d a jM t- ls 'b y re n c C tlo n fro m th e w a te r a n d s a n d , h e sa y s . I t I sn ’t so b a d w ith a -p ro p e r n a lr of-nun-gla.sBes. b u t even th e n It Is J e t t e r

. to av o id t h e r e a d i n g ^— A '~ lo t~ o r" w m n e n ^ » ~ w a n t- ttrk n o w at-once-

w h a t th e y a r e g o in g to do>lf th e y c a n ’t read , p r a t le a s t p r e te n d . th e y ’re r ending , w hile b a sk in g a n d id lin g o n th e b e ac h jW e ll .^ ie rc s a su g g e s tio n , w h ic h m a y a p p e a r e x tre m e b u t I t is possib ly w o rth t r y in g w hen b a th e r s jfe t

• b o red . T h ey m ig h t t r y sw im m ing .

T V ■ r a i l r o a d s ON PARADE - • O ne o f th e e x h ib i ts a t th e g re a t N ew .Y ork 'i W o rld ’s F a i r h a s a lm o s t li te ra l ly " la id ’em ; in th e -ulsles." T h a t Is t h e e x h ib it p u l o n ' by

. " A m e ric a ’s r a i l ro a d s , u n d e r th e t i t le "B alli -, TOftda o n P a ra d e ,” I t Is n o t o n ly an In d u s tr ia l

exh ib it^ b a t a r i jv ^ e ', 'c o m p le te ’w ith ” mUAie,“ s to r y .a n d d a n c in g , a n d I t h a s m e t W ith th e " ove rw hdlm lnp: p r a is e o f ty n lc a l d ra m a tic c r i t - - I c i a s Well u th e g e n e r a l pub lic .

, I t ' i A l i t t i n g th in g t h a t th e ra il ro a d show ♦ s h o u ld b e o u ts t a n d in g , a t th e fo jr, fo r th'e

' - r a i l ro a d In d u s try h a s be en d iits ta n d h ig In *r A m e ric an h is to r y . I f V a s i f T r tu c h m o re t h d n 1 . 100 y e a r s a g o w h e n th e f i r s t s te a m focom o-

■ ■ '.tlve , a t in y , slow , u n c e r ta in th in g c o m p ared to th ^ ^ p le n d i^ r o a r in g m o n s te rs th a t se rv e u s . to d a y , w a s .p u t ih 's e r v ic e . A nd m en a re slllTI

^ ^ ^ I v l h g ^ h o - c a n - rc m c m b e r - w h f n th e G olden- S p ik e w a s d r iv e n a t .p ro m e n to ry , an d , th e tXfo

r ; g r e a t o c e a n s ' i e r e lin k e d w ith sp a n s of s tee l, -• - Ir> t h a t b r ie f c e n tu r y w h ic h h a s been th e 2, life o t th e r a i l ro a d s , th i s naU o n h a j com ?

■; i r o m li re la t iv e ly -p o o r , undeveloped , c o u n try to l t s p r e .M h t,p o s ltio n o f w o rld leade rsW p Ui

^ In d u s try . In ^ f ln a n ce . in com m erce,'In ' th e a r ts . • » ... . . . . . — 1. . . — An d th e re. <n All I

. ::;4 s n o t a s l n ^ e a c h i e w m e n t in w h ic h th e r ^ -

ft d o m ln a n t- 'p o r t . - I t w as th e r a il ro a d s - th a t j inaple p ossib le t h e w in n in g o f t l j f i ^ c s t , a n d

i r th e e s ta b l is h m e n t Of s re a t• c I l lc s T r a r m s a n d ! ^ I n d u s t r l c s In a o n c e b a r r e n -land . I t w as th e r r a l l r o a 'd s t h a t m a d e p o s s ib le .th e d e y e lo p m e n t

o f o u r 'g r e a t ’E fslerT i’in'dustrlfll c en te rs . W h ich •g ive Jobs w te em in g m llllons.und .pw lftly a n d e c o n o m ic a l ly se rve c o n su m e rs- th o u sa n d s o f m i l e s a w a y . I t w as th e ra ilroads w h ic h Im ­m e n s e ly b ro ad e n ed th e markeV fo r th e f a r m —I e r , to th e e x te n t t h a t a c itrus f ru i t g ro w e r in t h e - S o u t h c a n se ll h ls 'w ares -ln C h lc a g o .-a n d a p o ta to r a l .« r In New E ngland fin d s b u y e rs In t h e S o u th w e s t.

B n h i .r t - r n l f m ; tn nf th e New York M ir ro r . tn c ru iird 'ad

s e r v e s a 2 l->gun sa lu te ." T liere c an b e n o l im i t t o I h e - s a lu tc the-rftU roads-deserve l o r t h c l r . e n o rm o u s ly im p o rta n t role In b u ild in g t h i s v a s t n a t io n of ou rs .

/ ' f l U S t p H n r ^ W - W E R E N T ” A T T H E ' K A IR I 'D S A Y IT w ;

. T H E “ H A N D IW O R K O F ’ T H A T ^ BRAT N E X T D O O R W H O S j

A LW A Y S D E C O R A .T IN S ,

Other Poiiils of View*nEAIUUSO THE NAZIS

-TUe rw enl hilling of elilpmtnUof *er»p Iron from France to Cerrn&ny uIU altcnUon to ths fuel th a t ever itnc# Hiller began tearmlng Oemiiny he h a i obtained-hU ImporU of baile -war m iltrU li mainly Irom the counlrlcs tliat will Iiavc <o oppose hU assrea- Klon If anyone docs. Eitclimd Is sUU cxportlns thU Ingredient for Otrmiin guns »nd >hell4.'>nd the only rea ion Pninee quit li lh»t she ne«l«l oU h er acfap Tfon a rh o m e . ' ^

J ^ t year nu rty h»lf of Oersnany’* eiiormoui Im­p orts of scrap Iron u m e from the United Stales, and nearly all the remslnflcr c»me. In order, from Deljlum, O rc a t BrlUtn, NetherUndJ. Prance and Luaemburi— a ll countries Uj« Nati« »re likely to altacfc If war

quanUUes of Iron ore and copper ore fbr'munltlon* u.\e. BrlUsh Sotilh A frl» provided most of her m anja-' ne#e ore and Csnada supplied her » llh nickel ore.

T lm -W hU e the Bovemmcnu of Uie democracies h av e been trying to w»nl off Karl aggression, export -todiulrles the-dem ocradei.tavi..been luoptylna materials for aermnny's wnr macliln»-and they sttll a rc dolns m>, While, of count, one nation cannot re* gard onollier os an enemy lU long aa diplomatic relations ore nomlunlly frfendlj. It appeart U « t tha democracies Imva occasion to Jeek belter coordination between Indualry and govemmeDt In a Itfng-range de­fense procmm.

We denied-Germany tlie right t? buy our helium because we suapectcd she wanted It for *Tir uses. I t would be only-logical lo apply Uils prlnelple to o tlter eommodlUe(.-Th« Inwiedlalc losscs.lroa.nich.a.polley

.^ o u ld be leas severe than lho« accompanying a m ajor.r th a t othernUe might be encouraged.-Dalla* Ne«

THE C0N8EJIVATIVE HOUBE,Originally It vos ezpectc3 thst the senate would be

the stronghold of property r ljh u In Ui« United S U U s Bovemment-as against lh« more Xurbulent in d ny - BTOTO )MBsg of represtnUUvts. And-ao It proved iin ttl ifte r Uie HUi amendment Intnxlueed ib e ct election o t

.ina to rs .In the current session, however. U>e house of repre­

sentative* has shott-n Itself dlstincUy more conservative th a n the sennte. I t opposed longer the addition of un - tjudgeted-jarm-sub-ildy psymenti-to-the-agriculttiral- appropriatioT) bill: It «TOie various limiUUons Into the relief bl!!: It voted geogrsphlcal reslrtcUoiis on th e spread of the Tenneaate vslley auU>orliy: It origtnated

. by w iuiihiUmntl-neeeaaHy-tte-tft»-rrevUtonIn a id of buslneu.___,___

•nils more conservatfveVend In Ihalow tr'liouieniay- a l tlic moment be duo la Isrje part t<rthe effect of laat

ilnnaa-hlfih cbftnge4-appmitamiy..6l)-se>t3.o f the house while two-Uilrds ot the Aeavily dem o- e ra tio senate, of course, lield over. But poliUcal ob- sep 'e ri have remarked an Incretsed number ot liberal, lhaurgerit. progressive’or oUierwlte'populwly-mUided lenfllori ^ind rr -

W lien Jefferson, returning fnsm hU diplomatic poat In Paris, a-iked Waahington_ why Ui« eansUtuUonal

rconVenUO«'‘Kiircst*blUhed the. lensle on a mor# ■arlilbcrallc>ninehi” nisn“the 'houserW ashti!tion-t»

~Maa~ t6~ n m H piita ' ' iM i it w u m tf iu ittiPia tion m ight be poured out of the cup Into the saucer to cool.' W h a t may It’signify IT now legiilallon from 'the.steam - ing cup of the senate must be coaled la the oaucer.of the house?—ChrlsUan ficl£.nce Mooltor.

ANOTHER ONE FOR T lir COURTS Now well have the wpreme courl passing on an im -

p o rtaa t administrative meaiure. For Uie senau last evening p#.v<ed Ute bill supposedly kilted in a ••filibust­e r" last Friday which would have exltndcd Mr. Roo»o-_ veil'* power to lop off snother nine cents from th e gold value of the dollir. and allowi his Uensury secre­tary to play iiflXmatlonii cheu with iwo billions o fAmerican dollar*;- - ................................................ .........

in view of the f a d lh«t Uie-mensure pUA*^ wan worded to •'exlend'’ for two ycsri ihe powers Inherent fo the president-In Ihe' currenr Iftw, Uiere If s ra re - doubt that, piv.ued after June 30. lh li.”exteniilon‘;._of power was a iejai extension. •

Republican eongre-iimen A.uert Uist when the ex- U tlng law-riled a t mldnlRht June 30, ihe jw o bllUon dollars in the sUbllliation fund reverted from this npeeial setup back to the general fund, It cannot now be Uken without a new set of congreis. The presidenfa jwwcrs to devalue the dollar likewise ispMd a t-m ld - n lgh t, June 30.

T he ren.i6n. of course, why admlnlslhaUon leaders d idn 't 'w on t tills philosophy lo prevail wax th a t, did the old slatuKsJaiwe, a now law weuld have to be In­troduced—and 'go through tJie r e ^ r anTTedloua legislative mill. II couldn’t have been-gottea:oul.Ior. a \-ote during the current seulon o f ccngrew. The tim e element would have been the block to consider** Uon of a new measure,

I • W hethef; of course, llie"e*l«n*lt>n'!-Wll-Uiataow..ifl. -“ IttW ^ts-lecaM aw-wm-be-fui- Uie luuiU to decideT-

t-Mt- tilf rourts will b« given) declde.-Mo»cow Blar-Mlr?or.

-------- H'ASHIKCTONBy Ray Tucker

DI9AR.MCD. House RepubUcans resorted to extremely smart s tra t- rgy In defeating U>e Roosevelt-HuU leuiraUiy-meatura.aad-preparlng-lt or a desth blow in Uie senate. I t Kaa a splendid coup for "Ham

I riah , whom Uie president likes to lj>«Utae_ .TOe nlrt, Han fard- . ta ckle -J. I handled tlie bill In the absence of | ^

Cinortty Leader Jo* Martin:-----------T he -DemocraU sent their ablest

tfoemen ^ Spealt-erB iH H ieW rT ii- lorlty Leader.Ilay.- hum and • TVjr-

aelgn-Affairs Mem> l?ecJ-utbfr.Johni. « n . of Texas - Into the oratorical trenches, Leaving


AN INDICTMENT OP JUDGES, whole, a very unsclenllfic Job of determining

atmenl should be Imposed upon those con- n« It hfing-dane br most Judges. ttny_}udgM-»re.Darelei*W Itnrgttr _

posing of coses Involving youthful first otfendera . . .I frenuenlly pUclng them on probsUon in the custody

nf pwrfn tj Of relatives whQ have demonstrated laclc of control pvec them .. . . '

Judges need mora ipeclallud training In thone Aciences titot are makbg'slgnlflMnt contributions to the study of human behavior If tiiey are to exercise • dom inant power In delerintnlng what treatment ahall be given to persons convicted of crime.. . .

Offhona'crtUcinn Bfthe courU-by theo«Ueal-*odal-worlcers? Impractical Judgments of welUtntepUoned b u t Inexperienced professon and law teachers? N ot a t aU. These are the considered indlctmenta of crim ­ina l Judges b f a committee of the American Bar asso-' elation. naUonal ChanUatlon ot prscllclng lawyersa o d member* of the bencb.___.*___________________. B u t they ara-only-a-few-of-the oompialntA. The hunch system of sentencing convicted person* Is ad ­m itted by many Judges. TUs the commllUe condemns- aa an unjustified subsUlute for a thorough study a t th<ue Individuals. The Inference Is plainnhat many

-Judges simply are too laxy to do the work-necessary to be vroperly Informed as to persons to be sentenced.

. T h e conjmba practlct of being unduly lenient on •defendanU who plead guilty Is also hit hard. Baring th e alate.trlaJ oosU is desirable, the eommltlee agrees, b u t economy nusk-iiot be set a t lueh au?remium th a t Justice Is tnocked by light sentences. The sentencing records of many Judges show well-dHined personal biases. And » c n . '■ T lieT eport Which Governor XJ'Connor of Maryland, t membtrjf-tln.cQmmH{{t.jHiirs. I,t t luiuble.docus. n ie n t In'the llteralure of criminal Justice In the United 8U U S.- The bench should receive it u an.lavenlory. wdrthy of careful study and calling for certain correc* tloo.. All courts need to Join ih removing the M anton

-blot from the Judtclarj'.' The Amerlean Dor ossoclaUon group’s bill of complaint should be Uieir program of actloov-S t. LouU.rost-DlspaUh. ' -

Breakfast Food/.!Lih4_»liliptce4 finally.

" W hat would you do?“H t threw out 'his cliest In all the glon^ of young

miuJiooa. T d travel.- said h e . ............H e feu her .soft girllshliand slip into hi*. A ludden

quick pressure and ehe was gone. He looked down.-And 6 iere In his hand w a*-a nickel.

T h e Realists

National ■ Whirligig N ew s Behind

T h e News

ith fe -r

head uttered emotional plea to stand by the pres, ident, t h e r e b y making it' a parti-

Uka of which Mr. Fish quickly took advonUge. He allocated his last 30 minutes of debate to yoyng new-_______ ., memijers who had Ire-Qiieatly voted for ,Ne*r Deal meos-

mdtd-velerans of theW orld w ar................................■ Had Mr. Fish called on veteran O.

O- P.-erj-W adsworth .of New,York. Mapes of-Michigan. Englebright of Cnilfomis—lie woulrt hava motched . ... " . . . ■ - - - - I '- s - b m e r - p.irti.wn Usue of Uie' neutrality ques- Hon.- But hi* reliance upon- young- ;er* disanned llie DemocraU. and

tiiey proYldcd'eoough vole# lo'aovti the mandatory embargo provblon which the ^WliU* House delesu.

DEFIAN'CE.. Congreu will walk out of Wuiiilnglon within a monllt if President Roosevelt n y s the word. “ U“ It~ «m *T * 'd '-b itie r-w ord 'ta r

n„andJi£.pn)b»bly..wlU not ;nen . tIon It.

Both house and senate are poised to defeat the two major Roosevelt

,_ jaaure* sUll on the. congressional Itilendar-neu tra llly .-and -th i *“

.................. .;amtd hinf tha t -hestands lo lose, on boUi polnU if hi demand* a showdown. TDey hovi suggested that he let 11 be knows quietly that he favors an immedi­ate adjournment, thus sparing him-

8 0 far ’the president h u refU-ied to accept his advisers! warning. Hi Is insisting tha t congreu vote on Uii Two^twpftiTtiCewrrtiiBnBtrtnrTr liilt may' be a personal defihim . Hi plans to Uke the Issue t< the country In hU August or Sep lember trli^to the coast. He tiiinks

wlthhtm and against

- GIFT. President Rooserelt’s road experts don 't share his belief tha t toll bridge* and hlghwsya .wiU pey Uieir .Taj' o r their 4hare of the $].• 660.000.000 lend-tpend outlay. I t asv;' ''•■irs tha t there w u a i*ck of team-

rk In framing the »elf»llquldating.ifoiBM:

__ fc_majQr.ltem.la.F.-D. R.‘4 schemefor reviewing the Keavy bdustries ta rosd-1 and bridges which will sui-

I'tnin— a n d — anwrtlie—IhesuelreAj ihrouch tolls. But a tew yean ago h li ' highway aharps prepced a ’T P per-hlghvay prog»m for him whlcU

the r f iu lt of a three-year study ■ irmllllonToIIan. ThecoslIhL ____________ -

Idea was to discover some field In which billions could be expended In a a .efiort. to-stimulate-eaplayment

actounta fo r the'houte decision to ejilbargo ‘'lethal" weapons. But If de r Fuehrer moves into Diuuig, thereby preclpiuung a World war before Uie measure reaches o final oliowdown la the senate, i t Is prob-. able th a t Capitol nlll patriots woiild reverse themselve.i so as lo allow

tie of arm s lo our old allies. .In considering Uie • neutrality

..;«aaur«,' - ^ D8T<ir7me-itnr-tt-Tn- keep_thl* country oui_of war. But If the long pfedlcled’confllcfcoraei In July o r Auguit—while the con-

liteM i-< in se.ulon—and If* German I alirLofles bomb ParU and Lonooii-1 possage of a neulrolltj' act favoring O reo t Brita in and Ftance U a cer­ta in ty ; So Hitler m »y_nor.m o^ or'm arc lj utiliriKc bop and glrli on Capitol hill go home.

I t was a most excellwt and de- Ulled studj-. But the highway.hlglv •light was th a t toll bridges and roadi , do NOT p a y -lh a t they represent! a gift to tlie moloriiU on which' neither the sUtes nor the federal government will ever rKoup.

BUSTtrp. The majority of the DemocraUc notlonsl committee must be priiiT to Inside JnfonnatlSh, for they are proceeding on Ihe Iheorj’ th a t President Roosevelt will Tiot run again. In their preliminary can­vasses they disregard 7. D. R. com- pletely.• T lje ir ticket appears to 'be Cor­dell Hull for preiidenfand'Post* master Oerieral Farloy-for.vlceprti- Ident. Many memben favor the O am er candldaq-. but-they *»v off from open endoriement because they don't believe that Mr. Rooseyelt would support his NO, a man. And they reolire. as does Mr. Gamer himself, th a t no Democrat can br elected In lOtO unless he has thi active and iagretslv* backing of the president. .

Thg com mltte g .la .ehleflv intent on .p reren tlns t party split wlilcti m ight Insure -not only a IMO lick-

eec reu ry of commerce has been to rcvolutfTOTW’;W'rrroducC::Af a- na- tionol m atch company. And he Qld th a t by proxy.• One of Harry'* -mstch experts burned hi* llngtxs In lighting clBorette wlih tlie match con pnny's gadget. 8o he niRgesled thi th e strliclnR (or abrasive) side be shifted to the bsck ot the lighting

tlie danger ofsetting all Uie matches bn fire.

Tlie company accepted .the Idei ..,-nt a *1.500 check to Harry's ma.. a n d ' youll ■see’ thenon-InfUmable product on the market within- few week*.

Jng but a___ Democrstlc organltAllon.TheyVe thinking of IBU and 1D« M-wel1-a»-lfi«0. And -thcy-.believi th a t a Hull-Forley slstj, represent-

Roocevelt’* cnblnet. wUl save Ih. [party from a bu.itup,

KEY. H tJ r Hltler'must walch hli Blfp w ithin the next fe? weeks.-It he w antj the American congress

' ■■ f-jas_«lilcli_s'llll his potenllaTTol

nd France—fr. .. . laterU ls In tlie United B

block _any attempt by President Boosevelt to farer the ’'demoera-' cles~ a* against the' dictators. Tlieir' plague-on-boUi-your*hBU*es inood

. Joe Lotiis' knockout of Jack Roper lo .Los.Anpelc* on April » led Mel Hlreln*,- Shelljyville.-lnd.r poolroom owner, to send the color^ .world heavyweight boxing champion o tele­g ram -ran ing him for ‘;plcking'on jid men."’ •' . . .

" I can* name three people In thi* vlclnlly," wired Hlgclw, "who could give you a good whippmg."

Lotil* walled unUl after his knock­out Yjctory o« r 'B eer Bartel Tony Oalento In New York, June 38. and « ien replied:* “Am. stilt champ," ’ the Brown Bomber-telegraphed lOggln*. T e e l I am now ready to fight-Ihasa three 'Shelby county fannham

sum-Web*Ur,'Twin Falls barber,' enjoyed good fishing 13 miles below Sunbeam on the Salmon rirer Sun-

.*He reports ^ Jw ing long slnigglea to land two ulmon, one-welghlnf IP pounds and the next one 30. wtth light line and a bamboo pole.

fglm iLird.iutlmmi r m fnr hult__

O f all paintings *ubmltted,^'v hlgh^ ■iehb6r'ana'prepafal<^'*choor itu - ’ denta In Idaho, one by, A)-a Ccclllft Sato, graduate of Tain Pail* high

I school tti* apring, was the only one In Idaho to receive honorable mcn- Uon In a‘oon |^ lheld by’the Aoier<>

Icon Magaxli The young Jspines* girt lives in

T w lnT fllsriran ifrT U in trir iT e ji- ' denta of J'ocatette.

Shs-wiU receive a certificate ot _onor»ble mention in the 1P38-1B39 compatlUon of the American Youth' Forum of a r t awordJ,

•nie. August edition of the magi Zina lists eOO students who won spe­cial tlO, ^ and hmorsblt mention oward*. •

MU* Bato w u the only Idahi O ther wlnnem wlii be announced

next month.

■■With the temperatuie in -t^ /c lty ■■■erlc-a o n ie ^ -MaT-thB_»2_dtgrte. m ork,-H. O, {Bert) Edmunds, ac­countant, was'lQlIIng over the city book* in hU annual-aUdlt. ‘

"Any sigiui yet oT Indictments em bealem ent chargesf quered N,E.

. T h a v e n t called a grand Jury yet.'"! an lled Bert, who lost yeir cctnmend' '^ • . la B cJty for the accurate; and excellent condiUon of the book*.'. Bert toiled away a t the apparent-

Iv'm enoUinnus work of checking

'•I don't. thlnJr I ’d have.the pa- 'iience. B e r i. ' ta f l r i n T hofofflc« and check figures.^* commented NX

'I f you were half-craxy enough to . become- ah aceouhtaat, you'd prob-' ably, have the patience, " only remark.

Tlie Literary Guidepo8t

"BLACK«NARClSSU8," by Rumer Oodden- (LIlHe, Brawn! JZJO). The temptation to attempt to read

Jie auUior'a "character" tn m her •Black NarcLisus"'!* almost over^

p ow erln r’by 'the. tlme'one has fln- lahed th is strange and delightful noVel. T he author Is far and awAy more Interesting than anylhlng’ln the book—which U uylng much, for th* book U an extraordinary Job. - I f u r t a 'p u i 'l t - bleakly, tiie-ttory if_w hat hoppened when a grour j f Anglican sClers wenCTlSlo” ®' mouniain* near Darjeeling to es­tablish a .ochoot and hospital' In i 'palace"' built and .rather-'shock­ingly used bj- the fomier ruler of the slate', now- happily dead and

■ ;«ded by a. son ot quite differ- irnrtpn<

: general style,

II no traces of .the Brothers left; the a i i t e r * seemed

touRher,But the atory is not 1ft Uie frami

work, bu t In the impUcations. One m ight-alm ost say-lt-ls-la-the-prose. stxie of the author. lo.weU doe* m u fit h e r material. This style Is. by ihe-w ay, only a lltUe ttmm'cd from preclousnes*. I t Is oily, n th -

' self-conscious, yet strong wllhal. U likes on. once In a while, the

novor of Jomes-Branch'Cabell. but lot for long.,There is a little too nuch pollsli a ftim es. but the.pol sh l)r expend^ on sound >nd ti«- ut matter, not on frlTOlou* Jewel*.

Mr*. Oodden make* you wonder Ju-it w’ho Ciodagh, Uie-'Bistdr-Su­perior,-was. Bhe te lis 'a lot., b u t n e « r quite all.-Similarly, you,find yourself IfWfied by the current ruler of the 8 taU -he U -elwoyj

iggestlng something tha t Is 'not, quite reoilud, Ria agent does not give h lm ^ f away, and. even the

laon-uitAiiittve ihe-reeerve-ln^Mr*. ■Qoddea'a book. ihat- .they..j n lg7 ‘ have in life. This woman.wrttes_- book - about stm nge.' land* and strange habits without saying er- ery paragraph that the-thlngi ahe writes are unusual.. Blmllarly. she wrlte.1 about a set ot frustrations, and.doe.i no t once confute fruslra- llon 'w llh futility.' ' • : '

T ha-one . thing IhU-reviewer .did no t ;Uke about. "Black NarClss'Ua" Ii i u self.c<say Just What this meoae-Uiere ta. however,, a quaUty. in. the-book w h lc ir*«m s,lo say Umt I t ’U about people because it must be. but th a t the author really likes book* betU r th a n ' sfit likes people: Ukes Jxwka for ihelt - 'm lsfr likes gold.

Table-Poimding ]Vew Dealer ^ Heads New Feaeral AgencyNEW YORK w iinH JO IO

. _ .B y Jata«a.UcMullln ..AGGItESSIVE. John.M. Cannody.

lead of the new federal work* nd*- nlntstratlon which tupm edes PWA, »—*~airfl-rh lltlM .. .table-poundlns

New Dealer. He won the post prt- marUy on his record a i chief of the rura l artinlnlitratlon.He h u a go-getter ^raonalliy, nev- r slirinks from a batUe and never lesltdte* U) Indulw In caustic per-

sonaliUe* when someone oppose* him. I n general, although he hasn't had nearly aa much-publicity, hi* [neUiods and manner* are very alm- lla r . to those of Secretary Ickes. New York Insider* understand that he got the call over Ii;kes tor this prlte plum from the reorganisation orchard because he could devote il* fuU time and energy to the Job,

Curiously. Camtody lists himself .n -W ho'* Who" u an IndusUlal execuUve, He had many yean of ex-jx r ltn c t^ iU J liL 'S 'd e j’fJiLsIn the structural a ie e l im d . gar­ment fields, and wa* also at one lime the editor of a McGrawrHlil publicadon.

C a r m ^ enW;HL.lhe mi _ie New Deol by way of the i . . . . Labor'Bbard and the NaUonal Labor Relation* Board*. He is on cordial

i w ith Tommy Corcoran and into the Corcoran “machine."

He -ha* repeatedly clashed sharply with the private uUllUes In hU cnpa- tlty- o*’RI.A radm inlstTator snd-ln- tormed New York Kurcea expect him to play an agm sslve 'and outspoke) pa rt In m e renewed antl-uUllt. campolgn which figure* heavily.-In the •‘braln trusfs- 19W plans.

conservoUve backing. Evidently ha feels O u t his liberalism Ui so well establi*ned-Uiat’ It doesnt requlralurslng.

^VlLi,lNC. AnoUier' Wlille^nouMi'" aspirant who hw been r u f f lo r r t ^ a pMiible UcKct mate for Mr, Roose- . veil if the President should decide to run again Is Philippine High Com- ml-uloner Paul V. McNutt. •

This report wakes much belter sense Uian Uie one «boul 'Wheeler, m e debonair Paul sUU earnestly' ilms to be the next Pre.Irtent him - lelf, bu t lie rea lto i Uiat he cnnnot iucee.-ufuny buck P.D.R. tf th e lut- ter reolly wonU to try for a Ihlrd,lerni. In Uiat case. McNuU might M ,«-ell run for Vice President if Uie pnjt i r offered lo him. I t would be the only offlcc open to him m at would keep him actively in pollUc.5,. which he feel* .is necessary if Ills malS ambition U ever to be rcaJlred.

MeanwhUe McNutt's game' U 'to - ’ pi«y hall with the Prr-'ldent tn_eyejx_ way he eon. He and his backers flg-

- hla best chance of oclUev-

AMBIT10C8. Those New Deali who epprooched' Senator Burton-.K. Wbeeler (M ont) on Uie lubjeet of accepUng th e vlc'e-presidentlal nom- inH U onw a-tleket-headedby.-Preai-’ dent Roosevelt rate an award for. naive. opUmlaai.. The .Jfon tanan doesn't propose to b t the tall of any- b o ^ ’s Ute. least of all FJ3JI.'*.

There, Is no love lot between Wheeler and th e White House. Their

......................................ed UWrtamou* feud over U>e flupreme Court | bin, 'Wheeler ha* been U g jtd aa a ' "fighting llbernl" for, so'many yeor* lliat he fell he hod tome to rt of copy- -Ight on the UUe, and resenled what 1* Interpreted aaPresldentUl poach-i ng on h it pet reserve*.Wheeler coailder* himself lerloutly

h ih e .ru n ^ s io tU ie ISWDemocra-

.le 'h a s ’not attrocted an'impressive popular following, bul-Uie fact-Uiat Senotor Johruon. of Colorado has publicly launched a 'Wheeler boom m m a ^ h a t -he-will-bear-walehlng-

now on. The amblUous Mon- liman s W o o reason why he cannoll irtn thejiupport^jf bpmjh«r?ew.PM l ails coatervoUve camps. He figures tha t hU fight to prevent the “pack­ing" of the Supreme Court give* h im , a claim on con»rvatlve graUtudetl an d rh e ljlp ff in 'i .« " ; how_Ui«., New' Dealer* con tu rn him down in view of his long liberal record. At present, I •Whceltr I j conccntmUng behind the

on U rlng to. line up definite

Ing'hls goal in ItHO )ie.i In Uie long . .allot, hope of obtalnlhg Mr. Roose- ^

hV^irnf.Jcr-hl^ ranflitiacy— —------c o o i r -------- —

hR SI. R. Lawence Onkley (it the ‘ firm of Maynard. O.ikley and Law­rence, receiiUy retired as a member of the New York Stock Hxciionge. Financial lailder* wy 'tlia l Uie t x - ehivngo ones him a debt of grati­tude -it- can -never - ........

lioras In io n . but didn't come to- Wall Street unUl 1021, He started ai a runner, rose to be caitomer'a mnn and bond snlesman, and helped or- _ ganUe the firm nf wlildi he is a » partner In 1938. One of Uie firm had to be-a floor partner. None of them wanted to be. so Uiey tawed ^ a coin. Oakley lost—and became a wmember-of UieE*ehango.-Tliat-«iulik.------of luck made subsejuent 'Wall Street hLitory. _ y'

OlUtley waK chUmian of tlie Slock Exchange nominating committee In 1P35, Richard'Wliltney’s regime was then under serious fire for the flrnl time tjecauM of It^ Inept handling o f . , public reloUons. Oskley't commiliefl refused to' renominate Whitney for president, naming Edwin F..Ofty in^j7e'ad. TTiu . Infuriated the' "old guard." ond every conceivoble prc.i*

. 8Uro_w’M; .brought t9. a ^ _ p n O al:,-_ ley and h li colleaguia' lo change Oieir decision and renominate the aTOgODt O ^Je^^s^ck to

hadn't been fo r-0 »k!ey‘i firmne.-j • W hltney-mlihl aUU have been rre si- _ deni of the Exchange when the acan- dol broke-ond wouldn't th a t iwve h eea^w ctll__________________ ____

HEIR. Supreme Court Ju.itlce Wll- .iiftm'O.'rDcaiitBa itc'entiy.bougbt ■. .— I/onnH h the aUte of Waahlngton.New York aiiarps inferpret this na a quiet preliminary, movo by Douglas ^ lo qunUfy hWitelf geographicaUy for W UiB P re s ld e n U il'i^ ln a tlo n -lf Uio. D em ociiile'party can be.persuoded* • to accept him as -Mr.- Roosevelt’a - -- --logical he ir,--Copyright,-M cC lure ...........Newspaper Syndicate.

%Oi/r Children'^bti/lntfelo PaM —

A LITTLE LIGHT A lilQe ligh t il a g reat help In

Uie darkness w hem tr th a t be Uie •darkness Of night o r , Uie darker Wacknesa.-Of lgnornnc«,..Ch,lldnn are often beset by fear*. They do not know why th* fear comes upon them, and neither do we.-Theyonly know th a t they suffer' kad a n

;y turn for aelp t j us •never certain -Ju s t^ha t

to do.-'When one does Jiot know the of Uie fear it 1* difficult to

ire It.- ••Courage cannot ba forced from

_ie.-outiide...It Is lu te leu to u l l a child, "Don't -be sUly. There’s noUi- Ing- to-- hu rt-j-ou .- You-knitw’- th lf house from lop to bottom. Go righi along and bring me.U iat bolUe oft Uie to p 'sh tlf in my.tloi*!-" T hat wonX-help. Jn u it_*oat..t4ke ..th fl, thill out of his spine, npr the weight Off his 'lega.'"'rti*Vwofi*t""pTCTent‘-the- panle .th a t m a m * him race down Uie su ir* .w ith Uie breaUi.of the evil blackness .^n the back of hi* n e ck .'I t will make'Uiingi wone.

D on't make a 'c h i ld #mo fear* the dark enter it without a ligh t

about the house. Look into closets, jgo 'in to atucs. Investlgate-all-ths I places where'fear-lurk*. Don't dis- 'cus* the fear. Ju it 'have occasion to ; go to UiCM places and have-the ■ child go-afeng’to-cany-'eomcthlBg, •

,or Help .arfange a shelCO f course, b 'ou never tell him about ,the bogey,' or threaten him w ith the dark

r. You teach courage by example^ You train for conlldcnco by belng.worthy of it. -

.Mr. Palri-will give pertonal a t­tention to laqulriei from parents and icheel teacbert on tbe 'earc and deTClepment of ehlldren..Writc him

\re of Twin Falls News, enelos- || . . r-inrePcent-TtaTnprdrtelf»ad'r^

I drewed envelope for reply.

TT-thfl’6-M e“ h ( n t8llt r-etre-^rtnpn^laah-ilaht. i \

m e errand casually,- u you would In ony case, and le t. lt go a t 'th a t. Talking about Uie dark, about his being brave, only em phatliu his lear. Save .all m at for the daytime

, UtUe children show fear .e'arly. Head i t otf by taking m em out into m e night, when you- can. ahow m em m e aky. m e s ta n . me-moon, and m e beauUful toflnets Of night's shadows, m e p le u an t voice* flf me (slgjlt: Let m em lUten. to ma -wlnd. in^the Uees, to m e chlrpinf and twittering m a t goes o s In me g rau and la the trees. Make 'm em- ■cqualnted.wim m e moods'of ;the

.lig h t Tell mem how lovely it U and recite poema to Drove I t Please don't begin. wlUi. m a t ' fearsome one, "Did yoif-ever hear the wind go W hoo-oo-oo."'U I sn 'fm e one yon w a n t ^ e g ln wim “sta r ligh t *tar b r lg h tr o r “twinkle twinkle," and .don't forget "Wtnkln .and.Bllnkln and Nod. one night," and ting lulla- bieaJhat-sooUia m#.<canomt, eplrit

G ive, m e child-who-w akena In m e. night and 1* afraid, a light' h is bed to th a t by moving a finger he has light. Teach him to do this wimout caUing on omera. Tell him m a t most of us wake In me night, tu rn over and go to »l*ep- again w im out wakenUig anybody else.... l f_ th li .'fort ot. chUd has to. get jup lo m e n igh t to fo to the bam-

c i n d u i £ B J u i o j/en len t to h u h a n ^ leave a light for him. &y ^ d by-you wUi be-able t ,teac lf h litf’ to switch It off and go back to bed secure in hb-minST B ut In m e beginning let him have m e light w lth o u tv ^ u u lo n .-D uring ' m i day make' occasion

t o ' take '.m il child, o h ' excuretoftl

J U K L E Y -

Cooneiiman Re*Im»-^oe Weldon; ne ot Uie recenUy elected city

councllmen. resigned T h u r s d a y night because ot 111 heaim. His res- IgnoUon it to become effecUve im­mediately.

Leaves Htwiltal-BlU J^ n n le h a n , ten reTeMetrfrom mo CoUage hos-

for-bloOd poisoning,-

I—KeU ttreiTW tsM IW TJinrCiitJi^:----------erine Baker of Bucoda, Wash.. 1« visiting her ount -and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. U Darcttf here. Mrs. Barclay's bromer, Don Baker, atop- ped'here'W ednesday night for an ov£m lght-vlaU _»im -his..alsttr_and. — family enrouie to h b home' a t , Phoenix, Aril., from. Nampa.

B irtlu . Announced — A e o n ' was , bom July 4 to Mr. and M n . 'VlrgU ISmim; a son. July j . to-M r.-and Mrs. Pete MvUndale: ■ son. July 4, to W . and-'M rs.-L .-D .-S tone.'^*-'- and a daughter, July j, to Mr. and Mra. Alfred Hunsaker.

Tnterialna Clu*-M erobe» Of m e 'J . O, C. Sunday school class o l me ChrUilan church were entertained . Friday evening a t the a

’ ro M t’took, place, preceded byw arioua game* on me lawn. ' •• Oroap ricnle—Rev.. Alvin Klein- fe ld t pas,tor -of me F ln t 'C hristian church, accompanied a group o f . Christian Bideovor member* oa> a.

.Jilcnic_t0-H 0well’a._can^_<h a last■of the week,,'- -- • - - - --------------

More ta Dob«l»-F. O, Klnipton and ' Mrs. KlmR(on have. gone to Dubois, to moke melr home» where, Mr. Klmpion; who for tome t lm e - haa been an operator a t me Burley Airways communiuUon service, waa traniferred,

ftOLUONTU FINGEBFRINT J_5A K LAN D .^«U /.,W >T-‘n ie re are /A-, ' tin o w 1WJ.000 law abld ln?-clttten i’ m —

who hove voluntarily filed . the ir -flngwprlatt'^oridentU U iiU oanuflQ n-------’Qid'federal-bureau of InvuUga'Uon, ’Thla w ae.rereiled.whfo Ray Wealejr Conover, IJ, of UiU city vaa In-.' ' formed ba was number 1,000,000 o s the-llst

Page 5: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


Quest From India at Batnhart ..^-^Home. to Be Feted-ai Outhigs.

I n s p i r a t i o n f o r a se ries o f o u tin g s a n d ,tr ip s to sc e n ic e o ln U In I d a i j o ; ^ l s w e e k Is M iss H e n r ie t ta Ing lla o f A lla h a b a d , In d ia . W ho Js a g u e s t a t th e h o m e o f M r.and M rs. J . D . B a m '

' h a r t , M ias I n g i l s Is p r in c ip a l o l th e P re s b y te r ia n m ission schoo l f o r h ig h s c h o o l g lr ls - ln A lla h ab a d , a n d is o n a n e ig h ­te e n m o n th s ' le a v e o f ab sen c e fo llow lntf se v en y e a r s o f con ' U nuous w o rk a t th e school. ' J “

M rs, B a r n h o r t Jind M J« I n g lla ivcfc. h Jg h 's c h o o l /r J c n d s Jn B ou lder. C olo ., a n d la te r M issIn g ils g r a d u a te d fro m th e U n iv e rs i ty o f A n n A rbor In A nn A rb o rt M ic h . I n 1010 Rho vicnt W Iiidl.t and has onJy been bnck to America on two oUier oe- CtvMQllS.

'■ TclltnK of her worfe; Miw lnBlia/ __ -fxplnlnrtl Hint tlio j^liool Is man-

BScd under Uici\ll sludeiita in «f«cwl epctkUJg En;llMi. I n 't h e lower grsdea, Uie c lrij leam E nalhh tunguiije -- -

(tiplr nviii lanpiagc."Wlien cxumltiatloiis are - given,

llip Engllili governmetil gives Uiem, not the icaclicrn: which mnkes Uiem more itJindnrdlMd.” ahc added.■ •'Ccotiimes of Uic glrJj Are very

• cr.tcetiU. C llled 6nrl. Oicy>e made...........«f. ft piccc oL-cIoUi-llvo-ond-onc-- half ynnl:* long anO about loriy

Indies wide." Mlw inglLi suted. “Tlio Klrls wind U)Li long, eolorlul itirlp ol dolt) nboul Uielr bodies to

^ form a c*slume U>at Is worn by all." P ' “A great dcul of the n-ork a t the

wJiool Is done by the girls to earn iliclr adiool cxpcnac money. All of

b them piny llic name Karnes M Amer- ■ lean girls. IncludlnB basketball, bad-• mitiinn, vnll,>y bAll.Iin<J.Tl'rlOUS.k(nd»

of loot niccs.”■ , i)c«rl()(ns. -Oic gtallon. U

■ ' the' sccond in rse s t' In Indlt,- Miss Iii;lLs slot«d th a t there were about teventy-hve workers there. Besides

.U ie .h lgh school, o f which she la ‘.principal, vast nprfeultunil .studies ■ are conducted: ti mcdlcal center U malntalnedi- a Un?e men's collego b maintained; end work with the bllnd-Ifcftri-lcd on. ,

Since her arrival In Vlelorla. B. 0., Canada. June 10, Mlts InglU ha* jp inrfom rtanffTliJtlnsrT rlth/rifnds In Waahlngton and Ortgon; luui.vls* UM the W otld'a F a ir a t San Eran-

' T the Nrtlonal-

Garden Supper P la n n e d fo r V a c a tio n is ts

. InspiraUon for % gnla carden party this evening nt tlie home of Mr. and Mn. Robert B inw n U

^ u d iu jd aumb«r.of.out>&t,lflftTL-ftiieaH.-I>:■■ "■ " and Mr*; c, .B, U naw y will ’prcaaB

a i eo'hosteues ^with Mr. and Mn. Oenson,

Cl?5s ; «ti4_«tt< rded the Nrtlonal- EducaUon meeting Hdd.list.wecTIhSan Proncbco.■ Today, u the guest of Mr. in d Mk . Barnhart, she will be taken on

■ iilns tr ip which-will Include• « * lE h ^ ln s tr ip W hich-w in m W became the bride of Emmanuel

parly plans ft-trip lo.Bolae,■ XfLu IngJJ* plpjj# tp ipenfl Uie

mnlnder of Uic sum m er visiting with her slitcr. Mrs. O re n t Levequo, In

• -Brlchton. Oolo„ and thi* wloicr »IU talA post graduftte work * t the Unl-

■j|i — -v m itjr of A on-A rbor.-

'm m E S O T A V i S / T 0 « 5 _ l ' _ ' F E TE D A T P lC N iC . ■■ ■

Mr. and Mr«; John Schllchtlng of Austin, Minn., were lh« honoree* a t a gaJIjt. Informal ftl frcuco nipper a t (he picnic e n u a d t fiho*h«2s '2«U*. Ia«t ctcslng.

Other members of the party . M r.‘ and Mr*. Edwin a i e r ^ t a d

. and family.Mr. and Mrs. Schllchtlng, who u a

enroute to the -World’a fair kt San rrandsco . will t e puesU a t the Ed* win Ehler'i home a ll this week.

Membtfr* of the sroup also aiUend- ed Uie - X.ulheran-«elebraUon - In^tbnervnaea.ot th e tenih-annivem iT’of the church dcdicaUon held Sun*

•day At the Tw in ralI*.'countyfalr- jround* In n ie r .

' TH R E E A D M IT T E D TO . T H E T A J m O - C L U B . . . _

Tlircc person*. M rs. Mabel Young. Mr*. Mertie Soudera and Mlji Char*

.. intie lUchordaon. were odm ltt«l to. ' mcmberahlp tn Ute TheUi lUio club

a meetlng o f 'th e group lu t ic the Odd FelIo«i half.

. Following tliB builneis meeting. ------ refrethawntt-ttcrc-JOT-cd-bjt-M lM

\VilKin and MlM. Vlrclnla Wf~awbWd by M m C larlco Wolter.


Mlts Anna Mary De Mj'er of Princeton. Ky.. will be the guest of

—honor-aU-g-tca thia afteroooa^vea- for her by Mtaj Ann Peavey. whose home gueat slie l« this w eek.'

Peavey.........The girls were classmates last

, year a t S tephens college. Columbia,

McNnrt Gets Bid - From Ohio State

C0LX7MBt;S. 0 . , 'j u l r 10 (/IV-The ^ board of trustees'Of Ohio state tml* 9 - A-crslt; woa reported tonight to have

decided to ask Paul V. McMutt, V, . S. high commissioner t« 4h# phuip-

plno Islands ond 'fofm er Be»eraor or Indiana, tl. he would .consider the pfMldency. of tije unlrerslty.

on lo 'SU te haa been wlihffut _ president since the resignation of Dr. Oeorge W. Rlghtmtre more than a year ago. . '

M urtaugh 4-H Club Has Demonstration

. MTOTAUOH, Jldy lCk-Hio a O. s club'm et TliurKjay'Mtemoan

. wlUi MSTCoTa’TfSiritkOTraaioM " using Uie sewing inachlne. UUt.Koh

«nd M fu W itoa Je an U odw u Han- onstfaUd the u*e of attachment*.

During the business meetlnj. tn c h a rg e .o U ^ lu Olalr FeiU iu, M lu. Wllma O rlsK un.w aj elecltt]<*ecre- lary-

...... .-PoUowlDe ,Ui(L«rvlng. of; refreah-.mentfl by the hostess's mother, Mr*.

N ' ■ Hurry Noh. the glil*. went to, M«ir- » — Uugh lake..w here they ^.enjoyed

twlmmlng. - _ . ____l.

T7!8 honey preducUeo os' becsfla affected t by w et and dry weather

.-prrtty m u'ch-M -ftrm-croR.produo-

noses will form Uie floral moUf (or the a1 fresco event .^nd the dlvertlsemenl of Uie evening wUl be cords.

Mr. and Mrs. C arrD ciisoii son. Emil Denson, who recently arrived here from Miami. Fla., to spend ttie eummet; will be-nmoiii: the honorees. Another eon, noDerl Benson. Is now in McCoU where ••Korthwcst Pa«Mce" Is being The B ew wu are former resident* of Twin FaUs. ■ ~

MUs Evelj-n Emltli of Phlla* delphla. Pijnn.. who . I* a .vncntlon giiest a t ihe hoiae' oflCr.'aKd M rs;'?: A. Dyseri. wJJl also be jm oul*of- town guest. Otbera -will be Mbs Marian Oraham who Is here from Boise, and M lu. Janet Felt who 1* here from Oregon for a vacation vh lt wlUa her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pelt.. Tft'enty guesU will l>e present at the n ’ent.

ChurchJWedding_ For Filer BrideIn the presence </. one hundred

guestJ, Miss LaVerfie Reiman, djiughter of Mr. and Mre. Jake Rel,-

8:30 Sunday evening In the Seventh D W Adv«ntlJt:ctturch • wiut,_™ er a . W. Cfiamber* offlcfitlng.

Qlven In marriage by her fatlier, the bride wore a white taffeta go«7i with .a floor-lcngth veil. Her brldnt bouQuet.wM.of.BladlolM...

I, bav# Vi . mntropof honor, wore a turquoise bluegoTiT). oM carried an a n n .bouquet of nations.

Dave Wlll'oT Filer w ai best man, and FVed McNeil and DaveJVennen- burs were mher*.. M n. Fted McNeill played the pro*

cesslonal and recesslonhl.'Berorc'tlie ceremony. Mri. R. A. Drake sanj;

Ynn T n ily * nrr-nmpanlrtt M by M ill’Pearl T en , . ^ T ji’ - Immediately following the ewe- many, JAT. and Mr*. Relriian enter- bilned fifty guest* a t a recenUoD <it their home honotbg the bride, and bridegroom. • /--•Mr. and M n .-w iu plan to m*o- their h ao e In PHlen-............ - -

mOE:Cash Prizes Totaiirg $125 Bn5iv6iroir“

Pioneer Day

f l o a t * , pioneer portrayal* and m archeri In the Pioneer day parade here bcglnnlnt a t 10,». m, Monday. July 34, It was announced here to­night. . '

Headed by Mitchell H unt, chalr- lonrtheparade-oommltteerworklog-

under the Buhl Chamber of Com­merce. named specific floats and

, »h ifh cashftwiinli would*

There U no entry fee fo r,the par-ade. Uie commlttefl emphasUM.' Following are the awards: Be»t-hone float, 116; beat aluto-

mobUe float. tlO; most beauUful horse-floal. llOi most beautiful aU ' tomobUe float, (10; beat tlx-hone ‘ 'clgbUng teaj

shlcle.-n.50.3e«t club or lodge float, IS ; 'b u t

corered vaeon 6uitlt, (5 ; best team and buggy, U ; oldest car.m oving under own power, l i ; oldest pioneer couple, married more than 60 year*, Ml.best'Xndlan charactertzatlon. *3.

Beat •wUdUfe-. oxhlbft,-.- »3r best ■oowboy and hone, t2£0 ; best cow­girl and b en e , u .50 : outstanding hand cart exhibit, t t j o j - best proe- pector or trapper, ,f3Jso; m ost com­ical. >3i0; beat chanicterltiition. m o ; largest ,o*cn.- »3 i0 : largest horse, w ao j 'bes t Iclddles pony and rii^ r, i m

Attorney N a m e d ^ ' -

SOIBE. Ju u ' 10' u n - Attoreey General J. W. Taylor nam ed Edwlo Snow. Boise lawyer, today-to repre­sent Cknremor 0.,.A..BoUclDiea.-ln connection:..with.. tho~. Impending supreme' eouri review 0f the chief execuOre'i "ouster dr B lrd 'N .'B a * - ley of Melba f ro m 'th e iia te fish' and gnmaw mmlM ion.. ; - ^ , < ...Bnow's appointment waa mads the sovonor'a reecmiDendatlon.

S now ^W flttT o 'i'^e jJU iy :!

The ease.Is.expected tis tome up I the :taJ lor a^u m e n b . -,

Captivates Broadway

LIVELY CAIUklEN MlltANDA (aborel U llte Jatr.it lilol of ,^UnIlalCan•» llieatcr and n icb t elub-goera. fibr'ii a Rraiillan sliiRrr and comedienne, and critics hall w hat her hipt, hands aiiU cy:s ran add I b V ifmple song.

Camp Em-Ar-Ei Makes Plans for Pioneer Day, July 23 Programs

A t a m c e tl iii ; yc iite rc lay tif lc rn o o n '.o f. Jiid.m bcrs o f C am p E m -A r-E l o f t h e D a u g h te r s of.'- the U ta h P io n ee rs , h e ld a t th e h o m e of C a p ta in E d ith W ells, p la n s w ere c o m p le ted fo r a p ro g ra m to b e p r e s e n t e d 'a t ' t h e F i rs t .w a rd L .D.S. c h u rc h 6 u n d j3 y 'O v e » ln sr-y » ly -i!3 r-n n d -p la n s-v ;n ro -d l.s cu ssc d -fo E _ lb cP ionee r d a y c c lc b ra t lo n to b e he ld in B u h l Ju ly 2A.

All m e m b e rs o f C a m p M ary-I^ols a n d C am p E m -A r-E l In • ^ tn -F n l ln r n n .f i ftf t h " '• " m r '; In T^uhl, M u r ta u g }ij yp ttK L m r,berly , w ill d r e w I n p io n c c tc o s - tum cs a n d “s u h Ijo n n e .U T ^ a c h ' cam p w ill p a r t i c ip a t e In th e p f tr a ,d o -a E d J n .L h c .s tu n ts -a h d games planned for the day. i • Camp- Em-Ar-S l members- end Ihfir"Ml;}Ulii tt’j l l 'w j c n j n h r -In Buhl ................... -dinner, l l i e picnic la affair for tiie members.

Ictludcd on the procram-numbcra planned •for-flundny evening; M n. Qraoe Kllboume, Mrs, Evicldn Bow- en,' Mr«-"^.lyra; Barlow arid Mrs. Blanche p'ortcr will prc--'ent »peclal mujlc; and n ten minute talk wUl be given by M n. Minnie Dlfticr. who will tell of the d u tW .o f the camp, snd Mj3, J bbc Onrdnor. who will

;II of her family history; Followlns a ^oclnl ‘hour. Mrs,

I Peck. Mrs, Maudc.Crimip and Mnucle Klr^imnn. fls;,li.UiJ b;

mcnts.Guejt.1 were Mrs. Velma Jp1in.ion

and -ilra. MeCowcn of Twin F^lls; Mrs. Clara Chrbtlauscn o f Boise and Mrs. Nebcclter of Buhl.

H A N S E N '

VUll S e n s-M r.-ahd iIr*.-;E. W. Durk relumed Saturday fronvElJto and RuUi. Nev., where Utey -«pent two weeks vlslUrig the ir ^ou^ wns, Ed, Frank', Ralph and O lfford Durk, and tliklr families.. Go (o WeUer — Clarence Hughes left Thursday for W eljer lo r a visit wlUi hb brother, H erbert Hughes ih o U enrolled U>ere In t he K.YJ . ncSool! Accompanying wereRichard MothersJicnd, Morris Reyn­olds, Nonh Oliver, ond Joe Smith, studenls of the school, who spent the

L-Oor.Sedow and son. Clark, le ft Sat­

urday for Sacramento. Calif., w ith tlielr broUier and sister, Mr. and Mni. Charle.^ Bedow of. Sacmmcnto. who .had been visiting he re while

route from ^owa. T he Clarence .. low rplarrto-TlsitT itr-tbe-P aclflr Intcrriauonal exposition before re­turning home.

CenclBdB Y acaU on-M r. and Mrs.

turned TJiursday from a sU weeka’ vacation to Moscow. Ida., and points In Waslilngton.‘ To t i r e Here—Mi. and Mrs. John lleacoek, father and m other of the former champion bronc-rider.♦ ar­rived recently from a aU m onths’ -tslt wlUi the ir four sons tn £ lto r

and Marshfield. Calif., to make the ir home In nausea . -

Return frem Fark—Blake and Joe msellch, Jr.. and L eiter P o tter i t - turned Tuesday lr(#n A pcveral days’ trip to YeUowstone park.

.'The Italian ormy U «ald lo liSve

- ........... .* p a rt of Its offensive. It*pilot* showerlns enemy troops with crude, hand-thrown bombe while a tucU nr TMpoU in 1S13. :

Durlng'the p ast year th e 'e o st of air travel Iruurance waa reduce^ ao- proxlmately ?S ^ cent. .

Bail Voyage-for'~ M r^W .E rP a ^

H onor g u e s t a t & sm a r t ly a p ­p o in te d bon voyage p a f ty S a t ­urday^ a f te rn o o n a t th e h o m e o f 'M rE ,'0 : C. H a ll.w a s M rs. .W. E. P a e y ; w ho Is leav lnR n e x t w eek for .W nlln .Wft!ift, TVash, to Join h e r h u sb a n d ,'-w h o "has been tran .s fe rrcd to t h a t c ity . T lie farew e ll c o u rte sy took th e fo rm of a 1 o ’clocJc lu n c h e o n folloiicd by an iiflemoon of trnct and Chlnc.'e checkirs.

Bolh Mm . Pney and her hur-baiid liftve-bMn-aiiK^clatcd-wlUi .tlio-bu^ rcau of entomo!oRy here. OursU a t Ihe luncheon were InUmate friends of Mrs. Paey.• Gueflu were Jie'nled a t tlw e 'tab les

centered with arrnnRoment* of sweot -peas In p:ixiel shades, and tlie roon;s were trlmmcdT.’lth mtxcd iwutiueta.

Honors n t contract V en t 'to Mr*. I . E. Hinton and- Chinese cliecltcrs award went t? Mrs. J . D, DeCoursey. Mrs. Paey T,-as pre.^erted with a fare­well token.

Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hall entertained n la rje Rroup of mend.i. showing moTl»jKiileiurea-they took on a recent trip R r Ihe Hawaiian Islands. Also shown were movies of the Golden ( ^ te Intematlonal ex- poiftlon In San Francisco, nntl other polfita of Interest In Cnllfnmla.

SE A T T L E W E E I N G ...........FO R F IL E R G IR L

M rj_ an d _ ^^ Ja'.epli G ^ rc n . . rifer.announce thn muirlaBo oTlilblr

■.................-<3rlU«nr-(o-Maynard Henning of Se ttle,Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Henning of Marshfield, Wls.

.The ceremony.took place May ’13 In the pamonage of S{. Janjf* Cuth-oUe-cUurchJtt-SeatUo;— :--------------

Mr. and Mrs. Henning are making their 'liejnea' In Setuie. where the bridegroom 1* employed.


Members of the TwtnFalLi Orange ‘took a beating’’ a t the hands of tlie

younger geperatlon a t the ball giune played Sunday afternoon In connec­tion with the annual picnic of the group.

More than flfiy-ftve. Granges and their families attended the ouUne sugcd j i t H arrington fork on Koclc c »ek .''A n elaborate luncheon was lerved cafeteria style a t 3:30 o'clock.

Besides the"basel)iui g&me.'hlklnff and conversation > e re the diver-, slons of the afternoon,

Coming EventsU.MTy CLL'R •

_U iiU y-^uh-K liL mtcf-Wcdiiciilm: afternoon at ::30 o'cloelf ot home of Mrs. George Bice, &« Fourth nveniie norlh.

SU tli avcnue-nortn.' • - •

GOOI) W lU . i 'L l’B ■- Ooort ivill eltiB win mrel Wcdnr

clny fttteniooii a t I o'clock a t 11 home of Mn. Harry Stephens, 301 SUtli avenue norlh.

MAROA ^'OMAN'S CLUBMnroa Woninn's club will .

T liundny alltrnoon a t tiie tcliool hoiir.n -w iih mrmbern of tiie Filer WomKn's club m Ihclr gueals.,

ryX U IA N SISTKIUS Pylhinii KLMci-s Social club ...

mrr.t Wcdneiilny evening nt'S o'clock UHlw^^K>i5ie-ol .-Mn.-Aima, Joluu.ofl. ^ Fllmorc »ticel-

H tiN ^iiiN i; ('nici-F.Smu.lilne Cirrle club will

Uin home ol .Mr.v Wlllliim G<1 Tlilrd nvrinieea.il, Wednt.Viu/ nt 3 p. m. Roll r.ill rc.ipomes will be

; jiAlrlotlc (jiiiMAUoii.i, ■

siiAM KOiru f:i.un Hluunrocli club will meet Tluirs-

diiy uftci'iioou nt the home of Mrs. Lcllle Albcc. Holl. call rejpoiwei will be pntfJotJc (juoialJonj and the pro-

B o y s - a n d G irls F ro m N in e C o u n t ie s E n ro ll fo r S ix - '

- W e e k s Period


FAI.US CLUB■ M em t^r! on tic j^illi-Avenue fliiS' ond the ir Inmllle:; will meet a t tin home of Mrs. .NolUo Oletkes Wed. nesilny evenlnc, July 13 for Ihelr annuiil pirnlc, E.ich member Li n.ikcd to brliiR dishes and allverware for .he r {,imily and ono or covered tjuiicj. • ..

IIAN.SKN COUNCIIi PICNIC RCKulrir nnmial picnic luncheon of

Uip .Han.'rn Women’s Communliy council win be held Tliursday


n u ilL . July 10 - Tlie ninth an- nu,-«l cnnip lor yomger clilldrtn nt McClu'.ky opencd^unday for a six week* period will; 74 chiWren en­rolled. More children are expected

bring the nuoL. to »boi|i M.■>1jb couniiei rcnreiented are as

follows; -f^ilii m is 38, Jerome B, Uoniirvillr 3, Cnj.-l»‘J, TVankliil 3. P aycttf <. B,in/incfc 6. Uiieoln S. Cniiyoa 3. ^^lere•^r* 24 bo)s In Ihe Boy's doriiiitory. and 41 girls In the girl* dormlioo'.

'Jlie pcrioanel la headed by three mulroils. M^ . wiikerwn of Filer, .matron for the 'older girls; ,Mrs. Robcrtn Moore, I’ller' younser girls. ;jn<l Mn.. Jei.iie Gordon of Burley, boy's miiiron,, . ,

I-he tencher.\ . have clmrjic . of rccrcatloii and craiu. Tliey arc. lor older girl;., MIm Grace Hunton. Filer; liilermeilliit** girls. Mbs B arbra . Rrliclmrd, Dulil. primary £U i5..iyii_iiii£;yyjiaim ig;..cait3e- lord; older boys, .MUvJrene Bcott. Hoiwcn; youuKPr boys. Mlss'Neva Hardin. Twin K.ilLi,'

Tlie kllchrn mid dlnliii; room U under the iiiperv^ilon ot-Mra. Mona Balkwill of Buhl. She li assisted by .Mlia Retla Hill, EWe Carnelt, Mrs, Viola Rpyhnlds, Mn, Hdlle-Bonk- hend, wllh Mrr.. Anna Mitchell do.

1C the bnkinK.Tlie WPA project for UU.i camp la

ncarliiR-coiiiiiletioii and coiislus of a concrctc wadlr^g pool and Isolation ward.

Mrs, H um ' wiljon of Bulil, Twin F'nILi county uniniealtJi nurse, will vUlt the camp eacli day and ad ­minister to Uioje children needing special—cart.— sne - weighed "and measured all the children Monday m onjing. All ilio.-e chllQcen under weight will be given cod liver oil cnch morning.

Mrs. Clara Howard, formerly Ml. s Putm an and at one time superinten­dent of the camp, now is county health nune of Dannocle-coimtr She vlalled a t ihe catnp Sunday; She wn.li accompanied by Mr. and Mr.i. Smith- Tliey broughi. five chll-

from Danndck county for the

recilon of Uie lioii.*,e committee. Reg- ulnr council mcellng' will follow. Anyone Intere.-.ied Is Invited to bring S h o o t i i i g ^ o f B r i d e

— A l H R ^ i i o - P i ’o b e d


lndlcated“Snrplus,^S u b i t ... ... dized. .Compeiitiqi}'■ ■■■■.^Complications';;^':"cniC A aO .-Ju ly 10 - world

w heat prices tank today to Iowa tlm t had not- been Uiuctied this early In the season for six to eight jTnr*.

While rcpresentfltlves'of tlie Icad-

don In n new attempt to chart course by which their govemmentfl hope to solve llie International wheal problem, nniln traders In Chicago, Winnipeg aiid'. Liverpool, the prin­cipal markets, sold on Uie ptospKl

: . a hugo world surplat. . .. W ith fsrmew Jhrougheut the

northern hemisphere marketing 1039 ffrain or preparlnj to hanxst It, new wheat from a crop almost as large lost yesr^ bfgan pOUr- Ing Into bins already crowded with carryover supplies.

This deveioiancnt. together with, wocld-wlde government suMldlted competition for International trade on a Male seldom, if ever, equaled before,- confronted-the confere« a t London. ' ’

RENO, Nev., Jtlly 10 (^V-Coroner H arry Dunaealli loday lenlatlvely •M5t II a .m . tomorrow a.1 tJiB time for a n - ln q u M t- ''

he believed the shMllng to have

•r have complelMl my. Inv.Kllgn- - .-n ," he snid. ‘•and linve Ji

"evidence of foul p liy n t ' of suicide."- -T he-b ride o f-a few-weeks'-.__found' fatally wouiiflfd-ln her bed­room here Saturday, a pistol lying near her.

" I know of no motive for Uie sui­cide," Dunseath said. »nd cannot see why tinyone conlemplatlng. sui­cide would shoot herself lii the spot the bullet struck Mrs, Wallers."

He explained the bullet pierced n e r - ie f r m o u T a e n M 'v r t r e . r T n artery.

OjUtlook caune - -

For Apple CropWASHINGTON, July 10 UV-The

United States c p p rejwrUng board said loday the July 1 condition of Ih*" cntftmrrcisL applr crop was (II per cent of normal, compared *1lh 53 per cent, on Wie fsme date last ycor. and a te n 'y e ir UKJ-OV) av­erage 01 61 percent.

Growing condition* In June were favorable in nearly all areas of the .......................;wr<t.—the-bosrfl-raid:

POLITICS TANGLES WIB£B - SIMLA,-Iwlla. <flv-Ttje- la i t tn a .-J io n n ijitu a t lon_la_<lelaylng JfjidlaU

Cool nlistits and moderate tempera- lures reUrdca IniccL acUvlly. Con­trol of codling muilis lo d«le In the iiorUiwTJt hofl 6fe.T mote effective than for apy of Uie past sfversl jcars . ■

Dropplns wa.v reported liea\7 Ip Idaho nud Colorado, and in Idshb pro-,i>ccti ttpre'ieiwrtfd bfiosrater- asc, ProipecM Jfi Afo;i/anf tnd 'were reported favorable.


FILER. July 10—Friends Irom three town.i, (tmhered Bslurday ut the home of Mrs, J . W^Creed ol F iler' 10 rrlebrate the birthday o( Mrs. T . . Dan Connor. Mrs. O.- T. Parkla-on and Mrs. J. W. Wursler, Jr,. of Buhl. Mrs. O, W. WItliam and tlr .i, J,W,tVursfer. sr., of T»'ln Falls, and Mrs. K. M. Raybom, Mrs, Peter Erlcson and Mrs. Mary Kelly of Filer I.imrliNm waa followed by "cohfrir '•* ' '

North Carolina'* s»rel potato yield per. acre Increased from a 87- busliel average during )937-39 to 108 bur^hels ln-1S3B. - ..............

program of communications lm« provements. by holding tip dcllTcrtea • I Of wire eQulpnwntr - ..............

The ancient Greeks wen th« flrsi-to-u«-t>c<lsprIncs.~ Huy.cOB—- listed of braided thonss of stout leather placed between Uie heayy boards a l th e side of the beds.


CASH WIILN NEEDED . la h e r waJUng for you. Our Auto' L oau.plan^U m lnaies completely the tcdloua "red tape’’ Uial makes borrowing elsewhere so Irksome. Our aim, first, liLst, and always.' Li to 'm ee t nuto owners' cash needs—fully and without delay.

wonts, and d'rive awny with evfF? worry sctyed.

W estern Financc CoinpanyP rrrlne Hotel DIdg.


Reserve BojtPflDs-*REGULAR-JUNIOR a n d SUPER

■ Q U E S T ~ ^ - - ~ ^DEODORANT .

ToilctricR nnd NoU.on Section*'— M ain Floor

Idaho Department Store

Rotation Urged At AAA Session

WA3RINGT0N. Juli- 16 OT) "Nearly, loo rcpresentaUvei 'of s ti lF ngrlculttiral adjustment commltteea discussed mechanics of the-AAA progm m here today a l Uie -opening ses-nldn of a-lhree-day naUonol fercnce. . , •—D rr'JrxrB oatm iinrC ffln ijo ; partm en t of a g i^ t tf r e extension official, told th|T conference Uiere «'OUJd be no far^n luqiluses In this

pracUced. hotaUon. he said, would reduce U)o acreages planted to crops of wlilch Uiere are pow surpluses.

- Kiddles 1 0 < Anytime ,— TOtCLt JOE-K’8 --------

Don’t Let the Heat Get YouI t’* ' h a rd , lo b(«it fftiod

H O M E R ^ D E -Ic c Crcnm.

G o o d 'fre e z e rs a t

$ 3 .7 S , $ 5 .5 0 '. Also see the

- E I jE G i’RIG-freeEW fii—:—

.SctLQUcjDlcDdilElcctric. H o t Plates. E ight kinds' to choose from., Bilher one Jicat or three heat • $1 .1S , $2 .50 $5 :50 to

$2.50, $ 6 .5 0 , $ 8 .M . We also, have RUBBER BLADE SAFETY fans. . '

Thi^'AIR CONDITIONER is-one of the best Inventions-you h^ve «ver- Bccn., COOL, MOIST air Is much more i-cfrcahrn* and cooling than any amount of .alr'ftom the ordinary fan. Bo Sure and See i t ■, ■

Water- Coolers. /rBN-KDjfDS -and

to $ & 9 S . l i i e coolor ahown l i e n fa

.>>sanlt^. T he ice 'being in a » e i» n te

compartment fro m 'th e -w a te r . P i ^

CQienian range?

Other ■ Colflgian’' ’8 to,viM -'fa^

■ 'O f ;


a i l

m m

Page 6: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


FOUR- B y f i a w i n R u n -

■ tM U rday; Pr»[>Hf ih r la rir>cl>r North U lliF mo>l bcaulliul g(tl <n Jlie wofJif. ih f hi* » heart

,T»cki- tlory th»l h t saw hrr on -Uhe f lr rf l , and M l for her Uit

rcrJen* SundtT. r a rk y ju p p fn rd B be oul of lomt (or the wfrk-


CliapKT Six:___Mlj* DoroUiy Snulh

•*nie trrrnc'e of Itif PriiEuTri Club WM (Urtrrtrd of'n il '-AVP Gu», llie tumcntlcr. when 'rncr.i rftiirnfrt. IJn enltred Oua'b domnlii with lirnvy tread and cloancn« eyK. In imili, Mr. Adiimft Vn» not ircllnK fo wtll,

ait,»-fla-tW«rlfPe'''F: <l'e r-'mf « n - Milan Uiftt lie huu MvrrnJ yrarr. previously wlicn. In IhP Ynlp-Unr- Turd tim lo A beniillful lorv.'1'nl paw b « i rallciv Iftlo Ills armn Ijcnmd the

•c tea ao soaUUhc en<l Uf liari lub- •equcntiy let It .'lip MhrouKti libi

• Tlnser#. T hai Imd b « n n dccltlfclly linnlcniant tcclliiK. nm Jt no vof^e ihni)- H)f onr whlrJi nfJUctnl

r Mr ynry Ariim^ liad nincloft Aom-

Of .coiin^', . II wniilrtnJ ‘linve bf«J ImjKirtmit Imrl liol trlcl* North been iivlp —sttd l, Uke Mils rn'lrlfln Norlli. ncoll hU elbows on Ilin b.ir, Tnck-i Kainl vacanlly Inio «pscc imd innr\elril

'upon Ihc alillllns HiIm of Life, An hour rsrller hi* had ^rt forth upon Wb ml.isloii. whole of henrl nnd iiiney-frec. Hr woiilil' hnvr b prepared to .b e t rent money liint* he would rrtiim In the mi dlllon. And tm(J he? had

On Ihe way bnc>; from Piicdy'* «p(irlmei)t iie had hurt (hr frrHnn M of one who X'nlK In chnhia.

-How.-»1tli-the-M>und.nf- ' mlng door only Ju-'t begltminc to

hf-i he wjia per-eelving ■why. lie -was in love, thnl was all. suddenly, de.'perately ■ In love,■ 0«* cut In upon Ihe.-e riark inuj.1n»i. .

-.-■aiave. niiyililnq, »ir?" lie In- qulm l profrjmlonnliy.

Tsckfl reKnrtlrrt him with mtlnn- eholy eye.

--"U M en , -CiiLv" he tild . ••whnl'fl th e he.'t drlnlt when ynii're feellnc

O w I'Pt (l m^el for wrtffhfy ipeeeli.

"Wei!, now. I'll tell you. air,” herairt “If vm.Vr* inrU'hf pot B lltllc

*tmsett»n' -o/ yoiJr i»l»nimJffcrtJ>cre ■ftln't nolhlni; llltn a nice Klar.i of gin’ nhd blttfrji." He eyert Tacks wprovlnHbv “If more of yon

■younff Bentlemen waa to ilrlnk_»liL wiyi a diif.h of bltlern In U nn’ lew of- ihese persnnoii.i w k u lk . youVi

-be--t!o ln«-«-bcticr-4ob-io ;..yo’,iri 'MIVtj. I often says tn my ml.Mit', I My* . .

Tnckfl Inlerruptcd. He cr\red jio t:3rtint;OtB-ofien M P »" hl.v.mHius,

"put ft bolile of eln where 1 cnh se t nC It." he ordered.

—r.Oiui- rcftched-for-llia.-boUit.niul ‘ Tnclui returned 'to Ws rclf-upbrald-• Ing. If only he'd. h«d the eommon aenw lo pul hi? fool Jn Uie door-

. wny. M Jumbo had done, and pro-voke Pfttriciiv Into plrntlni: her •dorablc riuht fW In hti eye!

T hat would haxc been better thitn noUilnR.

;...Boractli)nK_.vlo'ent_ nMaultrrt his CAiulni; his teeth to chnttcr.

ItB turned hi* head wearily. Jvitnbo '•Cutler and-'Vfln IlrirftncM a(o<*'• <*>ere, prlnnlne hatefully,

“Hey, T actv" *nld Jumbo, In ' i l i i m . “Whnt'* the matter? You .iodk' «ort 0/ - eecfit and kicked ■ •n u r d ."

feel .iort.,of .[frren and klck'e<l Brtund, Co ftway. wlU you? I want

- te .> n J o n e .- - ' ■CalloojneM

. "WhRt'fl blilnc you, guy?' Mid y«n.• "NoUilns." Hvld T«ck,i f.linrllv,

. - .-Oono to fee your sir! yet?" In-

. qulred Jumbo. imwittliiKlv, nib- Wn8 »att-ln an openVwnund. '.

. . “No," lied Tacki.■ i r f tf ' ^aM Vnn'. wiih f(frfri,-n

' penctmtlon. "fll bet - th e mUKcr witli him. H'- protiably

MW -her nnd nhe sivve him Ihe nir, ;vW elf,-cheer ‘ lip. Ti»ek»;-niy-lwy.

Anyhow, •you didn't rtlek your ,eyeoul lite^ um bo ----------- * ~

T jck .1 ■trinred.- W hat callowne.vil■"WEal bnilallly!----------------------------, "I don 't care to ffL'.cu.v' mV—er—

M lti North with you," he r ilrfr “Okayl Let'll oil down and )iiive

one. By tlir wnj-. Dlir* out^nmklnc a Pft.is h t the E.'tui Jjrotfier.i."

lialleiuly.■"'V tin ordered drlnkn.

" I kno»j" iie (I!M, “Hint i nere«f ■'U 'cVny for~m ir (o'DiTns'ime'

of these East fellons to this nliln- —» r ' ......... .

M/le.il . .T h r telephone, JnnRhnc behind

tfte bar. Inlemipted him.,. “Bar." &alrt Oils, an.'wertne II. "Who'a that? Jw l n mlnute."-lle beekoncd Ti'ck.i. "For you. fllr.'

To Uio parxy on thr-^Uifr end of the , wire Tfleks' upokc for neveral mlniite*. A'nd Uie a.nute oh,yr\er

■ »Dmd have Eftlherrd linnfedlniety thn t tjie per.-fln cnlllnc'Tvns plead- tn s «1th .Tiieka f o r ' somethlns,

. Wh&tnvcr tha t wmeUilnB was. 11 Meemcd \a be Jjlchly limi 'M r.-A danw. Dt^plle the

‘ welRhla oppre.v'lng hU soul. • crln •»prend alowly ever his face. .

T jB prmon .'at Iho oUier end of . tho wire nppearcd to yammer.

“Now. no*." wild Tocks isooUv Insly. "don't net ejclted, J a i t take

“ It like, a man and wr'll be around • •hortlj',-^ •

n e replMcd llie .receiver, joined Vnn'iCnd Jumbo,

"Wlio wft3 that?" Van demanded i - a h a tp b 'f .

"Dm." wild Tacks, »Ull arlnnlng. .W e ll, wtiat dKl ha want?’’ .

.w anu *us.” Mid Tneki. "I? eem i 'aroand to . Uie Forly-sixlh Street PollcB Stntlon end b ill him out. I don’t know the details, but

. -tilt d itirse U.nswuU and battery.J t appe.irs thnl Wllllnm ha.t jwlteti

, Bome Rtty called Dlffenrierfer In the

FralUtM Fenclnc ! '■ "Ape." said MUr'Dorothy SouUi." >oinitta~Pinrini?re tnnin*than

of hU mriil.\l (jiiallflculloiii. Co'.dtl hall n hlur, ■K nlllle. l;

iln-c-croppt-tJ hc.Ml; the iicck m ii fsrs wnlcll

coiild tinvc been sold for tent l|n |i' h'o iliing ot beauty und.joy lor ever. .Mr, C nlntl. Ho IcM.ked In fuel' llte ^olnfthlnx which urrlv'ca livthr ttte Mna' hour.i nfter a bout with loljilcr a l.-v NewbiirK nnd plslnchlo Ife c-rr.im. lUil H not cxncUy lunrt- ronie, Mr. Colettl Ravr an iftiprci- jlOTi of -cMlrenie cftpiibllliy. Ue.wai fllinrt niul s<liUl,'\vUh'loo-lniiK nrm> and i«v.Trful Mfouldec.i. bilUl Kch- enill}' along lis t luimt Jliie-i ji biirije <le. l :llcrt for heavy work armmd the buck .^lr^ets of Venice. He por.-e.v<-d^ .pnir ,ot sriinll bendy OfA, llBht- blue UL-calar.-liiOVjiicli. Iciipt not the ll^ h t of Imman Inieill- Knice, Tlie*e eyes ftuvfTrandcrrd nrcr Ihe lithe tlifurc of MLm Dorothy South M he nimmaBed what h« wa.» plf.v.rd lo ciill hU-miiul.,for toilic jallablc rejoinder to her lc r« slate- nient renirdtnp th e cnntenW of hl. crunhim. He V,uccretlr<l finally In farliiRlng forth n tilfty.

■n ,oJ "Ape" hud been bestowed >n him, n u t though th« horror Harold wii.i lar.l becomlllK ft ■int: memory, memory still

TIccJ'iU .........."Nobody." ih<- Ape Haled

;:in ciitl in« Hnrold an' Bet owny wu! u,~

rJLv, South waved a hand.•'Im no t InirrcMtd in your fool'

If.h name." the .wld, "I'm n. klnl: t l you kiinw who' Van'/l)}>prr

•'An' I 'm lelltiic yoii.“ replird Ap<-, ••dm I , ain 't never hold of Jiini."

"Which r.linv,;., jsld Ml.'4 Soulli promptly, "that il you'd did n IllUi! niore^ reading of the Social nfcli- l<T nnd lU ltlle In/.i oTD.illy Ilaclnir I'oriiir 'you 'd k iio tf 'T a n ' Ttypper' Hsrhne.Tv c(ini'‘j - from ono-ol.-Uio oliltM nnd richei.t fumlllea In New Yoik."

Contfniiril Inmorrow tCopyrlKhl, 1B33)

"Y'-ah," conllrnicd M lu lirtiith, 'Iiiwiilne you hiivlnR iiir cnist 10 bs-Al me out—M lil Wh>', you tin; bnbt)Oii, but for me you'd h a v e been overloniihiK the Goltlen Giitj. from ft ihlrcl-.'ifory 'window Alcalrnl Jvur uko.” t

Ape Coletll .nljoiit hln»found Ik cntivriilent *l:ible a n d pounded II with-liiitry fbt,

-L tven," JiP Milrl, "(Ml ain't irn! niittln^ 10 do wld It. Wot I'm .lellln'

If 1.1 d li; V ry iitn’L jto dnmc.ran e me de nin-rtroiuv.'^ 'Wcll,-(J,irJlnff," f.iliJ South,

lu dulcet lone.',, ''who'.! glvlrii! yi ir run-around?" .Mr- Cbleiirtrro.-.i--nn(ri>Ointfd-

short nccu.'lnK flncer a t MIm South. So mlKhl Napoleon hnve'compori. ed himijrif wlien he cnt the Rtod.?

the Einpre.vi Jor/-phlnc, So mtRhl great Ciie.-.nr have chnrsed Clenpntm with belnu p lt^•o•llme , But It lhe*e Inclles quiilird before

•ful (licit, they were liol of lie cnllbrr fts Mi^ South.

AH.-J5 Eoudi m erely rnwoilied her plittlnum hair rvlth shm left hand and ln u K h ^ In-^li^. Cfiinir.' fncr.

she Krtld. '.'mnnV's the 7!(mib'n>rTn)siir.“ rnn ir-jion iff-iT ir lower East Side. But you win the buck-tootiied r.hnvtiiR-hni.-.h.'

'Is dn t ft' \vl.'.ecrnck7" Inquired

Lniiih Poo! Heads — T o ^ B n s t c r n ' M a r l s

^ 'o u r curload'' of Innibs were nhlp* P'cl Siiturdny from T*ln rn lh niiif llllhl a. th r fltr.l July loiidliiR.s of riif 'r " lii piiih. County Uve.Mock

>t«it;eilnx lur.nclntlon.I’ciol n f J.OPl Jninbs »eJc)j|j!5 W,-

pounct-i went lo tlic Omahn nnd .' liiux City nuirkrtjs. imld' Bert Bo- llncbrokr, eniinly aRcnt.

, .^ixty-Ilve (>hlpper» pooled 1,-uiibv

W E N D E L t

Veterans Exempt -TTi Vi'P .\ Layoffs

V.'ASHINCTO.’i, JcilTjo f-r>- W. T tieranj will l>e the only Wi'A wotkrni exeuipled from layoffi to b"-rt.tned-aiiptanbce-l-ln-ac<x>r<l- anrc tilllt Uir iirv jy ]M Jat'.

•file BCl rrriutici nil p rojed vork- er-1 who h.-vve been on the rrllr. 18 moiitlu. or more lo be furloushed 30 (lays. 'I 't 'rv cnji be reslorriJ work only up-on rc-cerUllcatlon oflE c lfonly worker', rxcppted, ^•o provL-.lon

fnmilirs or otherr. who may be In tiee(f.

Cul. r . C. HarrliiKlon. work.', prn- )cct. eouiiiil'.: KJi'fr. ii;i.s critlci.-ed Ihe rlKldltv n! UiLi- proilMon. He e.'ttmnled tfi.U more tlisn CW.OCO

u*.or_i.n<--lf)urih gt all tho< e role-., MoiHcl i)c aifecteri.

Benes Discusses Bullies and in Ecllcr to Youngster■War

—CJllCAQO, .luly JO /J",—Dr. Ed' iiard lieiirs. former presH rnl of Ciccho-.luvskla. look time oul today on the eve of hU d'‘P'vrture for U)n- don, lo re|ily to i> le tte r from .in 11- yeur-olil Huichlnion. Knn., boy di - eu--ilng btilllc:, wKr and worfcf a!-'

"My (Imlilv wa.i III llie la;.t w\ir but I Jjppc 1 »UI| iirver hlive tn Ro nnd I hope llini ^';mc d«y there wULbe * '•w'Tiy' W ftop 'C rrTnanjr-nnd-ollier

powerful eouDlrien from taklns land TTom tmallcrsnfl Ira-pow crtul ccun« ines." •

Dr. Benes repUe<l:"II Is IntefesUiiK to rend your

r to e

lOU T rlliJcrrf hnvc.toler boy*other war;, or any other ..............

yourself, for tliat .m a tte r. Vet you ma^Jiare to be a soldier aome day your^If.

•'1 EUCis you know* os well as I do lhal bullltn are ftlways tn ln g to lahe thbSB away from boyi .who JtiH waul lo piny and 'be left alone. And «oinoUmaa-a.boi'-Uu..lo-ilslit. thoie

buUles.to maka them quit that tort of thins. _

•'7 'especially liked what you said about-hoplng-there Trill-be-a-way-to olop Uir bulhci In Europe froiu la);- Ins land awny from wnnlfe- and :t.’J powerful countries. That's whal I am iioplng for and worklns for all the time.’: ______ _____

Dr. Bcnc.\ who been )ccturln£ III tlie UnUtrMly Of OhlcaRo jln Febnijv^ry. will leave here Tue;.d*y rjll fo? Eneland Wedncj.aoy. .

- J l U E E E l .

. Ouenlj Depart—Dr, aiid Mr.v Ode Weber and children, John nnd LoU,' who have been house Kuc:.t.< of Mr, iind Mrit. Alan Goodman, left S.ii- urdiiy for Ihclr home In Nb;,!iwbc1i. Minn;


phy leffflam rday for Fairfield for a tliree weeks' trfsJf irttlt h e r broiber,C. L. Konce. • - "—W Mmary-.Cfoupt M felwI110-lll- Itrmcdlate .TrlAnBle sroup of the Uiisfanmy eoclcty c l thc^ltrU U ai} churth and Hitlr sponwr, n r* . E. r . York, met Tliurwlay aften io o n .a t the country home of Dnvld and Dale 'i liack trT o r’ l h e 'f i m lew jn—cm — •'Christ and the World Community." Durlns Uie bu-ilneis ’fic;.5lon f*erry Vork, p r e s i d e n t , appointed Lois rrlde as librarian for tire ciiiUUic - year.

rA iiT iiL '^STT^on'nr--------- "BAHROW. Alajkn (/V,-—neciiu;« of I influx of natives from, ihc e;c.t- 71 Arctic co.vit. America's fan h -

..t-iiorth kIiooI—Uie Indian »<rv- Ice institution here—hiis five tench-

and an eiiroII/Jicnt 0/ SOO jiiiiHJ.i.ihh jewon.


.TU ST K I P S - I N T H E I N T E R I M

^TTTcmcttr .................Mi.-ji SouiiriKnbred llilr;"LIsleri, Arx*," rh^ ;,nld, "flo you

know who th iit p ty In?"__"It don't m nkr no ni"Mr. Coletll R.iKl. ''Nex 11 him parkin ' nrouiV dL Joint, l ‘m Koniia klA-. him to hard wlil a pair bf~lriu :r:K huax~m rr7 inrto inc~to- all einrred tvllh eiuhy rooi-^"

■•Jii lh a l Ml?" raid .MIm South. - "I sAj'.i d a l's .',0 ,"Mlr.T South nppenred to consider

It lime to drop this Irultle.-.vfenc-hiR. • • _ ^

'till <^owh;''Ap<'p"” iA ien iiL ;'rro bPKhl with, the Reiiilenian that's KDt you iill ho i ftiid hoiherrd li nnnc, oilier thnn Mr. Van nypper Hark- le.'j." • •

Mr. Coletll looked ns K he aoiild

"Is It," ML<-n .S<)iiih- liiiiiilrr<l .’Sfclly. "M i- ivor.--f llJ)>n H.unlcl?" ' Mr. Coletll winced, ^AnloiiK tlu; other nilllslone.i which -Jiad been htmit nround hU rhino neck ,nt birth Wfts llie wholly un.'.iillsblc pamr of lI .iro ltl. ' Under "Hamid" Ihe .Pride of the Coli-ltls'lmd lircn forced to c h rtc iinlU. havliir. won his ppurr. In 'cnnKlnnd. the plcture.-ifiue anti Acceptable cc

AUrnd» Camp - r Marcnret Ann CsilyJcfl la^t. werk for Ihe McChi'ky Hr.ilth cnmp in Huhl.

i;«pec(etf Ifome—Mr. nnd Mrs.* Wllllnm DorrhiK are cxpecled to re- turn to Wriidcll In Ihe near future from North Dakou* where they Have brut vbKJnc .iliscc uhoa) cJasf!},

SInnUna Vl»ilor*-.Mr. and Mrs. 1.1'flny-nhouwcUcr and .family and Mi\i Sarah Carb.on epenl a few'days »ie /(riL nS the wwk vJjltJjif /riends fti Dlllon. Mont.

.Move lo Bolv—Mr.i,' Anna 'D.'vis an(l>_'On. Jnekle. Irf i Tuesdny (nr

m T e'7A ‘ W:.V#-fJjf)r Tiivrjer been hou.-,ekecphi(t for M, O.-McCo/ for the pa-'t :.>'veral monllw..

_:^llrhlgan cTTesls—Mr, and Mr,i. W. ~,Hprrn£rr .-inri Airs, w. J. Van '

•SjT.Kie. nnd (jauKhler.'nn'CfT5attIo ' Creek. MIcll., arrived lasl week. Mr.i. Van Syckle Is vWllne here with her. .pBreJiia_Mr—B5d.liIr3.,.H.-i.O. . Sprenpcr, nnd will return lo Battle Creek. Mr. nnd Mrs. W, E. SprenRCrjn l f j l i j ^ j im a ln here. __________

rnTniiule’io Co!i»i~Mr. and Mrs. Rdwln Snffler of Mohne. Kans.. en mute lo the fnir at Ssn Franct?£o. iinicfl'la;f-« 'ccK m .the .Ocotkt-E,£ook home,

from C(n*l—Tlie riev. and • .^tirTf.-nalph.-Smlth.BTidTMrTnnd " Mr*, j . E. MnNwell relumed Tliuri<- d.iy from a vnentioh trip lo Cali­fornia nnd the ^Vbrld’s fair.

Home from Cna^t—Mr. and Mr.v Austin Schouwetlpr and dauKhiets relum ed Snttirday from Cnllfonifn. where «Ii<y' .'.na' fite Inlr and itiltn} Mrs. Schouweller's rchUvei a l Lorn: ' Bcjirti. ' / - •

K nia ted by llesorl—Mr. and Mrs. •r.v Lantler nnd Mr. nnd Mrii. K:im

D I X I E D U G A N — “ S T D 'C K I N G T n ’-

j ^ 'une.' V .M rrxp

Page 7: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


E otte R e p la c e Twin Falls ~€litb Gains on PioneW^League Leaders——JimmjtFoxx-in

Baseball ClassicAmerican League’s ,Putst9nding Players

One-Sided Pavoritea to Trim Na- tionals atN ew Yorlf

. U y BID FEDEa----------N E W -Y O R K , Ju ly ' 10 ( /P H B o a a tln g a to p - h e a v y edge bo th

i n ’th e p l t c h c r ’3 Box a n d Bt the plrfto , t h e A m erican Iqajuo n l l - s ta r te a m ru led a onc-5lded fa v o r ite t o n ig h t to tr im th e

J i a t l o n a l le a g u e rs in th e s e v e n th -a n n u a l e d i t io n o r .b a ic b a irs " d re a m ” g a m e tom orrow a t Y ankee s ta d iu m .

•D o m in a ted by m em bers o f th e tw o p e n n a n t f a v o r l tc s - th e_____N cw -Y Q rk _ Y a n k c c 3^ n n d _ th e _ a n c l n n a t l_ R c d s - lh e

picked iqufl()3~ g e rih c ' annual- extravaganza of the diamond -

^=^1icC^Mm'BlrWins“Wimb}cdon Net Gromi^

u n d e r w a y a t 1 p . m . (E.8.T.) be fo re rv c ro w d th a t Is alm ost su re to h i t th e 60,000 m ark a n d m ay c a tc h u p w ith the, a ll- mar hish of 09,812 posUil »t Olevc- land In 1W6. - ■

The two managers. »(yBre*Jawc(l Joe McCftrUiy. boia ot-Uie world champion New York Yankeu, aiirt a n e w u s , snjnipy Qnbby Hnrt- neU. plloi ot Uie Nfttlonoi^leaitue iwnimni-holdlng ChlcBRo Cubo, an­nounced A pair o f Iliicupi totfay Uwt would Blvc- (iweel drem i " “ ' leader of any club. Onty of anjr moment found n

' -(rf-th«'-YMtkA.-Instead.o(>Sm Uo '<' beltlna Jim m y roxx. on third boia lor the Americnn teasuen, and bU Bill'Lee, pitching a t le u thu i a .SCO pace (or the Cubs tills year,

one of the thiM clbowem for e natlonaU.

Q u^ed Al 9 la 211 Sln'cc'tHa American leafuen." for

the first time, bo Into the »Il*Jtar tu t bow tlne A pitching as well as

- a -b a ttin g edso.-Sreodwa)' belUng comnilsaloners tonight couldn't u e

__IhfJJR tJop*! even wllhileid BlftMea. *TTie AmericaSrTi'ere quoKd a t « to » to s-all: oil with their l lf th victory in fceVen all-«t*r'

__meetinpi •T. th the ' tenlor. circuit,'while the” NaUoniU ^ r e held a t a

_BOOCl B_to 5, tt_prlc« ih4t2£»n*W5 conilderoble Bhowlnjt" M moiiey'for Ford Frtclc'a loop to repeat their


u-lUi u n on the American-lineup 'a i id 't i ie RcdrwluTfive-oiFUirNfi-

eionaf leocuo («iun, »cro tA« bijr KhoR In the uinounctmenU from McCarthy Bod’H artnelt. And. with theM two club* lAvored to finlih on- top in Uiclr pennant parades,

wflA-eni'y UiaiiLC -MTr ~

By Game BoardG o m m iss lo n -C li^o k s Q ilec ticn^

• T O *tober'a World s c rJ a ibmocmw.

Ruffinx vs. Dcrrinftr In Tiddltton to Rolfe. McCarthy

rametf a sMrOntr Wnetfp wftjcft alw included, from h u own club. Joe Dl- MkrsIo.I o center field, BUI Dickcy catehin*. ©««Be Selkirk In left. Joe

----- -Oor<lon-onV«cond-ht.M,--and-aufm• the Red Ruffins u hiU'Ier tor' the

f ln t three ^ n in g s . From the Bedi. H artnett drew for his all-ttar Na­tional league lineup Lonnie Prey at

• - aecohd. Ivftl Goddmaft'la H jtit Tleld,Buck McOormlck on first, E»nl# LombtnU catching aa i PavJ Der-

■' TtaB»r w n u k tc ir -H u liJ n j on 'U;moudd for the first Uitee fratucei-

■ / , A/t«r the EuffUig'Dcrrlnser.auel. provided neither take« an early wnllc to the ahowers. tiie tvtrlbg

. tuislB .ffUl be picked, un by Ttouny Bridses. big m a n . of the Oetroic Tigers thla year, and Le«. Big BIU. who clbowod the Cubs to'lasl yeafi pennant, h a sn 't been n !n g u y too

' weU durinff the c u r r m caapalfn; ^ shoving K record just notr of S woa r fi lost.- T o r . this eeaun, It had-----U fem txpc trtw rtlnck rW B lte tsr^ l '

cow" or Cincinnati's drive this sea- • - -* o n with J3-\1ctarles-ftff4liuf8 set­

backs. j> r either S t Louis Lon W ur neke -or Boston Lou Fctte each w ltli

----- 9-and-8-fOT-the-7tsr,-mlth»-|et-theJ___call.___________•

w inding up" the afteraoon on tKe hill, unless some of Um elbowcrs Is

'belled ' ou t before his three-lnnlne' thick if done, will be Bobby Feller!

f~ and his tlp»bftll from-ClexcI&nd for' I the Americana and Whltey WJratt,'

-V - '.tm defeSttd - tseweonierr'-tif’-Brcoklyn Dodgers—w inner' of rlirhi. iiivifftii > —for the.NaUooals.,

■Amateur GolfersW e s te rn • A s s o c ia tio n iH ea d

t . ‘ T e r m s F le ld F a s te s t 'ih ^ H i s t o r y o f E v en t


More th an 300 sun*bro»aed fallow ,ers of Uio fairways, tnciudlnj most; of the top-ranking perJoimen who p:*y for fun. toed the m a rt tonight fo r the Western Oolf assoelallon'i

^ <Oth omnteur tournament,*It'A Uie fastest field in the hU-

• t o y of the tournament." said Les ■ Oooks of Chicago, ouoclatlon prtsl-

Bent, 0,1 he surveyed the entry list contfllnlng names o f , lour, former champloos -and » quartet of 'one-

‘ t4me W alker s ta r j. . — ----------. ^ T m days wUl ,b«. required for. Ihe

qualifying irlalt ,«-tlh the. 61 low scorers moving into ihe first round

• of m a t^ play Ttiursday to bitUe for . ' Uie Utle now ,held by Bob B sbbl^• colleglattf sharpshooter from Detroit

vnh-cnlt>-.' Ous M o r tto d •of Peora, m , hoId‘

^ f r of^the’courso record. w u among &ie..lat« anlnds..who.<iHpped.under Uts wire on Uie eve or the nm C

L._ ■niejjthoa.ita.iBdaiHw i.tojiion-.

ALICE MAItBLE (left), of 8aa Kranelsfo li sliewTJ reeeltRiiir conrralufflloni from Kay Rlammm -uT tfr beatlnc the Eotllib (Irl 6-2. 8-0, and addlne (he WlmblMen *Vorid tciiiiU to her UnlledState*’ crown. The picture w u radioed from London to New Yorlt. ^ ,


• -rA cm c.C O A S T l eaq ue _

Farrell'W ins Clouting Honors; Coivboys High in Team Records

Oforyt rttfrcll. Cowboy third ) ucker. Is the lesdlns producer n( i [ ty o-baac ItHs I g the Pl<j;ieer lengi

“ by connecUng lor doublcj In e» oL.iiic three gomes wllh.Llie Poca­tello Cardinals hore over tlie week- end..rjirTe!I pu.ihed hl« lo la l'to :J ja_jiose_:out_n icnfam!>tf, corky Carlson, who ranked second in the rntlrcTlnonjriU iJ;.'

^ t o S O O r A p p l i c a n t s f o r - - -

M P o s i t io n s

l)uarfet Ties ForIce examinations given last month m | i l l * i f lMedMist Honorstoday the conducting of civil si

ment.Chairman Georse E. Booth of

Burley., said the commission was ’checking over-the cuMttonijskNl

“ Ve exawlnaUon to be sure\liey applicable to Idaho."

_He.-S&id. a ppo ln tm u ts .. rouKlus from the. test, vould not be isadc for- “several weeks." ' . .- o.- J, PoweU of Boise, supervisor of. the examlnnUons conducted in 10 titles, said I t vou ld -take unUl Sep­tember l-t« complete grading of-Uttf OOO papers.'.......................... ; ■ - -

Tlie gams cammlsslon studied rtc-. ommend&tlotu « f sportsmen's groups for dates for closed snd open hunt­ing teasona In various .aectfons of th6 state w tU w ut'reachlnt definite decision. '“ "Wt; uUl JIIUU UlUM SUHUCSIIOQS- difrlng ^ha.'oex t sevoffl-days but probably wiu have do announce- menta f4r two o r three weeks on def'- Inlte approvals." Booth said. " lU p b r to s lo.'lKn’ * - - ' - - ' '

of Chicago, cIglit-Ume western win­ner. and WUforf''Wehrlo'of Racine, WU.. Who w on liie 'tn ie In « n . - - .

U orrlaod Mt tha ocuns.record

_____________ . ,_ . . i- a a rd in i,■Tiny were Man.ifleld Shepherd of St. U ortcj, Je ss .Robertson e! K«- mltth. Qrovcr O. Davt/" of Filer. Thomas J . Mizer' of Hailey. Louis Lehrbas'.of Pocatello,. L(e Clark of Chain*. Alvin Seeley of Ashton and ir w . 'B iw n - o r B a n a p o ii i i ; - : - —

.A. B. Roth, fish bloloebt for the department, discuued plariV for the

SUNt>AYSi30RES........... PIONEEIt LEAGUETwls Folia 13-3; Pocatello t t- i.

'Ogden 14. S a lt LAkt'13. , Boise 12. Lewlston l l .

AMERICAN LEAGUE _ Boston-<-6„ New York 3-1 '^ W o ih fc g to r^ io ; PhiladelphU 4-3 , Chicago 4.flT jUetrolt J-3. Cleveland U -6. Bt. Louis S-L‘ •

NATIONAL LEAOtJE New-York 3, Brooklyn 3.St. Louis 7-^J. PltUburjh J-8. ClnclnBftU 13. Chicago 1. Philadelphia 3-7, Boston 1-B.

SCI " l e a g u e . ' Shoshpne 1. Kimberly i.Eden 10. O oodlns,a.Bulil U. Surley fl. - ‘ HagMman W,.TulUe.lO.. '

Unofficial record* for all gspies up lo last night's ns compiled by Ffed Slone showed tha t the Tuin Tails and PocftWllo clubs ,we;t tied a l the top. o fstlie .twortJBSCtr^departmcnt. fith totals of 130,

Ing • double-plny pcrforiiieiC"!!!?)'' have exccuictl Cl ).v,-ln. kllllnss. 11 more.than the Octlen RtVls who ran& j ecOTdr-'n tf-fln lt—Lake Dees -haTO ^ mtnle Uie smslleil number of double p itt'v 'i^sfr ■

T3urn5J“ C6Wc'ii abethce from- the lineup while in the eiut lo perform

minor Ifnijiir nli-Jlar, the Poca- - m a y g «r..honsu ri.hU-mj iX-jQ.

T r'Ih FtilLi mid Salt Lake City learnt are dcnritoeked fortop base- 1 li';nii«'irc>norCXach“chib has pll- ffifPd 33 St'Clt.'ii_________ ■ ' ■

t a grand total of S3 home run*, - j more ilian have been made by

the Cowboy F. wtio rank second In the rotmrt-trtp drpartmcnt.

murcowboiT.nrc iU U :rthc.ou t* l;n^ i ;c liedJfo^ indlTldual bomer honors.

man. and HiirIim of " the Ostlen Rcclii, licive circuit wallopsaplfice.______^ ______ •_________

.In iho Kclfct ."big six^.biiiliiiB illvltion — Dlttvers who have slopped up to' rSoplBlf a t lc a in sn im c fi'= ' Hughes has po.Xed a .<0J nveraBc to take flrr.t plncc,Reser of th* Lewl.v ton Ifldlann had a J9T mark while Schulmerlch. :wos_ihlM _»lth '

Fo i« ' S h o tm a k e rs P o s t 1 7 2 s w I n Q u a lify in g R ound a f •

. P .G ,A . T o u rn eyNEW'YORK. July 10-tST— EJM-

KocsU, of Orion, Mich.. fm> lihed in the face of a strong wliul Isto.thls afternoon to post a live- under-par .97. and SO hole total .of 13B th a t tied him for medalbt hon­ors In the .(lunltfylng roupd of tho nslTdhal P.'O. A..chunplonshtp v lth Ben’ Hoffan. ej(-T4xea from -WhlU PJslns, N. y .; K y UStoon of Bavlna. BL. and E. J. (Dutch) ^arrtson, of Oak Park,' HI. • - • • . ,—W »ll*-th4jhbcl..&3M -jrard^\irw of. the Pomoook. country..cljb. took Uie w ont beating it's ever suffered, UiLi <iuarte', flrlslied wlihln two shold of thQ toumsRient qualifying iecord."and"DnminDt*alifna-of-nay Xfnnimim. the “human Ko. 1 Iron" from OU;mont, Pa,


NEW TOniC. July 10 (,?) - Hero '*T« thB BUrUnr-UneDt- and re­serves for the American and NaUooal Ie«tue sqaads in lomorraw'f*>tHft*i 2>a/>ebaJI rune, wllli aver-a jrts-fof the fielders and won-lo.1 reco tis 'fo f pllehcn, u well as Ibe iHBplres for both leanei:


Hack, Chicago, 3b------------— .2M“ ...................... ' .. .307

Attracts 90.000

Three Undefealed"- Ih S. C. {.League

B u h l, S h o s h o n e and Eden ' C lu b s i . c a d in -Second-

H a lf P e n n a n t RaccBuilt. 5lln^lI'^nr and Eden tfiini

of the South Cnitral Idslio Irasue m aliiialiifd perfect rccordtfor play m tlir second-huK ol llie kewon by winnln;: .Suiutay alieniooii coiiloi.n. llip oLlirr viriorv In the el£ht-club- ioop v,'iv3 po'.lccl tiy Haseman. .

Mnuro Diirra, [nrititr Tola Falls Cowboy ntiiccr. pitched Bulil to victory o\ci- n iiilc., the Weil fiid iciim winnliiK ll-C. Duces wiib tilcked lor 12 liiu u hlip liolhton of Burleyincfxcj -T3: '.v-ini.'iKTr rirlircnmta'sy nil ovfrlloaiiix irrigation dllch, marred ilir snmr

Slio-.huiu. iinartui KHiiljtrly'artff capturcd u 7-4 ivtn m a liallle Ira- iiiriiiK •.^rvca-lili intcliliic i)y bo'.h viliclcloii .Mi.'CoiiiiHl, lomie; cenler* Arldcr of llir O.’dcn fttilv «.llO iiurleri f<ir and Jan Ilan-nr». the viriliotr.' mound ace.

Wliltiiy jp iik iiu limllpd CwKlIng to <v.'o lilt."; ii.s lll^ ienniimilo.1 bat­ted Ihclr wjiy lo n 10 lo 3 vletory, •Irnklns' tliu .'y perlornmncc and Oooilljjj; iiij.-pl.iy.-. r'pmWnfd lo «lve

:olumn by--How.’nliif; Tutlle, 15 .., ii_ft_eluEi;liiz_m(iicli_niJliigcraiin,

T^e home tcnm^lcfl-Trom Hart to flttHh. ■*

iFlve Barnes rcm;ilii on each team's V liedulc. Winners of first and fecond hfjlf piny will’ mpft In pl^ynffi foi« losing the clorr of the rcRUlir tea-

KimberlyTeiuiis-iStarJinsiT itleA r t W a l k e r C a p tu re s Singles

— U n a m p io n s h ip - o t- -A li '- S o u th Id a lio M eet

. KXitDERLY:^.Julj-.-:0-'njc. men's .iliiRle.1 diamplonAhlp of the first all-so'uth ■ ■lodfi/helattRt'trto'TiYnvm ei'.Tnwr ber/y rncquet nee. '

Walker defeated Dr. E. 8. Hobln- in of Gooding. B-i. 3-C, fl-4 in a

final m atch hero . Sunday. After TiklnB a ^ r l l l l a n l firiiV « t; Walker

Prey. ClneinnaO. 2b . ..„ (ioodman, Onelnaall. rl

When he..won the .tranj-lUsiluljjpI UUo here, in 1633 with a blliterlng Q, w h h ^ -n t- ’th a t time w u elght ODdtr par. ' '

T h e only time ve had a fidd ..hlch-eten-approjiehed.ibU one In c tsn - ira r -U io -u m - tonniim tnf » t U a Angelea.r aaid Bay Pnilt. extca- Uve teeretary of the aasociatlon,;


pnjppsM U) c to d o e f tM w i te Iron hb t springs a t Bej'kir. thrtmJh

Spes.-to'W ruiB 'hoilJM in Reykjtvlk for beatln t purpcssi. '

Kungrum f/red tiie bei^ is-hole round of the entire tournament, a SO. six under stAndard figures, that boosted him Into nfth place, & stroke behind the leadens, nt 130.

w ith all o f"the fkrd“Tk“ lH iS ' wert: SB men ulU rscorw of l « or better, sixty-thred'-places were Avail­able- fo r-th ^ I ln t - a a t c h . mnur

iivo places open ia......... playoff ftt'148.I t remained ta be seen, fianwcr,

whether the, eiecuUve c o m m l^ decided to . permit ’ Denny Shbli, two.tlm*-former- choftiplon- who qualified a t 143. to play through; I t they decide ag aian hlnf-it Vould

'mean six pUce* H fncn, but according ta th e tfajTr's sUUmehtj tt.a lio -would m ean-that all of the top-notchers would withdraw,

By. hU finish' KocaU bFbu^t about Ihe l ln l tour-way tie tor ifte medal ■ ta the P. G ..A 's history, narrlsori and Hosjm were co-mcdallst# ' their n n t P. O. A. appearances.

With men Uk» Gene SaraKti. Dick Metz and H enp ' Picard at, HO: Horton'Smlth and Ralph Ouldahl a t H i: Harry Cooper. Johnny Revdl- t f and Billy Burke. »t H3; shu te and -open Champion Byron- Nelson at 143 and W aller Hagen, vc tcrw of the f lr tt P .'O . A. In j9jg. j^ z m r ThomsoB-and-Jug M eSpadw.at H4. there wtr#.X«w^tAra. who .failed tomsko the 'g rade . • -----------------

8am Sijead. who .{ost~Uis open when -It was within h b graip.' im - lshed..a shot outside the p i a j ^ f toundary ,*l 1 « . and Tom Oreavrof Albany. 'N-, c h M u r '- - ............flalshed with a_bad;li3.

Burtey "Juniors; -r O v c rw h cb u B iiE l

Ju ij.iW n Lfpton lu n te r b iw h .n t.*m

iu second .trtirn^ii tn''dli-'trtcfrtvalry here euiuUy,.impthervtnt th e 'B u h l youngsters under’ ajQ-3 *eor«; .

Medwick. St. Loals. If,;.

DwTtBrer. Ctaelnnall----------HL « . ChlMgo .... ...... ...............SWyatt, Brooklyn — ____ 8 0■--------TA-MERICAN-'LEAQUE-

Cramer. Boilon, rf— n e llt , New r<jrir, 3fr.._Dinugglo. New York. cf..._..... -Wckcy, New York, o--------------X iGrtuiberr-.DelroU. lb.--------Cronin. Boston, as---- ---------•SeIkhX~New t oik. lf.r::r^--rr Gordon. >'ew York. 2b


Feller, Clerelaod National Leagoe reK rrn t Infietd-

e n MUe, .St. U bIs, J » : Ciroiui. Ucx»klyn, .2S7; lUrmao. Cblesco, Ji70: Jarre*. New York. ,2<1; Miller. Boston .lln plaoe. of Xarsgetto. Brooklyn). .2Et; oatflelder*—Anie- vleh,' rhlUdelphU. J S J i .r . Moor*. 61. Louis. J43i - • -New York, J l l ; Phelps, Brooklyn,: 067: pitcher*—iralten ; anelnaatl, JJ-Si Vander Meer. ClBclmuU. 4-7; C. Davi*. GC Louis, 0>10: Wamekei St. LobLi , 8.3; Fette. BoiUn, 9-L'

American Leagw .reserves; In< fleldert—Fozx. Boston. J5S; Me- Qnlnn, SU Lonls. JS9; Croseltl. .New York,' .20S; Appling. Cbleago. .29!: oatffeldersH iosi. St. Lonls, JIO; iolmson. rblUdelphla, Case,Washlnglon. J31j c Uye*.Philadelphia. i iU Hemiley. Oere- Und. .238: pllcIltr>-^NpirMrm. t)e- trolt. S-B; Gomes. .ATaw l>ri<. M ; G ro re .'^ s to n . t-2; Lyons, Chlcato. '• a ^ M u rE ^ . NewriToek. 1 - f

» n p l r S r * i r t o u , , lo i r . . - MRommel and Csl Habbsrd; NsUonal le a n e — Ceorte, M aprkorib and Larry Goet*; :

' •' LEK nARVBY WINSLONDON. July' 10 Hal*

vey, Critlsli and Empire light heavy- TWlghf ehampfuri. -woo a ,t5-foun<f doclsion over Jock blcAv?y tonight in a bout blUed.M being.for Uie world hratw elBht champion* 'ihlD •• • • ■ •_:iA jm <kaD 0.ddQ "jit_vztilU 2iiiL stadium saw Harvw.'fiolsh'Stnmgly t o ' ta k i’ thet decblon after being floor«d fot; a count o | one in the eocoDd round. >. •

D o d g e r O ffic ia l G ets C re d i t f o r B o o s tin g T u rn o u t

a t B rook lynBy n iL L m ilT E

NEW YORK. July 10 (Jv-W hcn the American Society of MaglclAns hands out lu annual award for the neateaL trick of the year, don't be surprised lf.L«l8nd 6. lU rrr ) Mac- Phall Is the recipient.

Tliat.i U*ppy chuckirn'(t sound you hear Is MacPhall, the general m an ­ager of tn* deflnltely-not* dnfty- Dodgers, whose personal mngle lured some 90,000 fans throughjlhe tu m - .stUes a t Ebb<TU Held lotffweek-end w ith ivstuntsoastut* tliat-UiejncTTy. ,M(ic U safely csconsed as the Nation- 'a l league's moat potent publicist.

Nominally a QTBHt-Dodger seriea is-cood.box. office-TOs-ft’eckJt

epic IU Caster's lost slsnd. in a net- .tlng ho tter than the hell hole of Cal­cutta, and as dedslre as Waterloo.

aa to tako place.Actually Uier^Is a rivalry between

the‘ ts.-o flubs tha t Is strictly kosher.'B in^rfeFhonTanherth'e'TIanieA' to

fever pitch by making excellent “ »"«t werk's.Lw Di

U tU e^ ii'r^ on ih^f*leI(rWcharged r -* n d very publlclj'-lhat Colonel W ill Terry m s <T>-lnK to run tho league and tho umplrei, thst Bon- um 's life, wasn't Forth one of his tKloved bananu ; and hln'tM that for the price of an adrntulon ticket you a fg h t se« a Claat-Dodser feud w ith , a sUght c ■w■ of bloodshed throw n in .

So on Friday some 38,444 vended lo Brooklyn., prepared to root like m ad for the Ettdetns (always a wise procedure fn Brooklyn) and hoping the guy n tx t to you was uttle enough to 'bop, Uie bloodthirsty tuned out

■ •• That .standing

.And w hat actually happened there oR' the Bui\ scorched turf of EblkUs field? ' Not a thing except .a very good base'ball game. U was a good gamo, acid so were the ones that fo% low ed,. but tha t wasa't .(ho point.' Expectantly ..the crowd sat' poised, f e ^ fo r the 'k lll th a t never hap­pened. “ n ic re was a fuU-thraated, pulsating Brooklyn b&j evtry Um# aoriuTft ta tted , a hopeful murmur when Durocher gor on t in t base,fuul atood th e re w ith bls.enem)'; and* ft- chtickle when aomebc^ taoed o u t ■ banantv a t-B onun, but that's about

veim tn flrcd 'C ut shots-to-the-cor.’ ners, and ' tnen 'cnm e bsct to win ijic dectilon under a sliding sun.

Aflcr the match trophies were prc.^ented lo W aUer and the follow, /nff winncnt c i e telltr Utia duhis: Margaret Hacon. Twin Palti. wom­en's slnglesuW alker and BueU War- ner, • Kimberly, men's doublesi. and Dorothy Dcnn HuddlCMn and Huel

- P iU * -.The Walkcr.Robln.ion mfttcli vs»

played as p a rt Of meet between Kim­berly and Ooodlng tennis tesms which the locals caplure^ 9*I.. B uell. W arner .defeated Bran* Bird, e-4, 4-0. 6 '^; Dr. H uiy Alban

i defeated »o1t2, 0-3. 0-3; Dean An- derson defeated John Lundy. 2-9, •0-3; Anderson and Walker won over Robinson and Bird.. 10-8, 7-S. and Uie Ooodlng pa ir. Luody and Boitt,M>nniii*r«i}rwnMipp »nrt Alhu

EngeB Competes iJn Jo rw a y Je e tS u n V a l le y A ce to R epresent

■ - U r s r l n - W o r l d s k i —

€ 0 W B 0 ¥ S - G L 0 S E -i N O M C A R D i N A L S

P u n c h e r s Continue Triuniphiint Drive

Toward Top(/I) 1 l \ t AawJrtatcd rresO

H o t te r th a n th e liilcrn io iin - tn ln o r o n c a f t e r n. tw in too th - sk tn n ln R t r iu m p h Sunday over th e P l o n tc r le.igiie's IcodlnR P o c a tc llo C n rd ln rr ts r th c Tw-Jn Fall.s C o w h o y s Insl n lg lu m e t th e S a i t L a k e p i.ty Bcc,^ In th e o p £ u ii ;c _ o l-a jo u r-c a m c -;3 c rk i w h ic h hn .'i ,1 d ln 'c l d i e d on th e u p p e r b rac k cts -o f th r lo o p standings. ... .j,‘ T lir Co;vbo)'»‘m m rt wlihin one lid n linlf Kiinifi o! lli« lille lenders

by cruslilllK ihe Bees. H to 5.Mcaniliiic the Onden Ileflj Journey.

ed.m Qol.M' for a r.ImlUr lour-round cnsaKcmcnt which, if it does iiothlnB eLie..v.UI p:-ove-for-.tht-iionce wlilcli of llie two <-lub» Is tlie league's nioit fuOfr opcnitfon. Ostfcn and Bol^e wound up their re.ipectlve weekend sorlp.s SBalnM-mnre potent competi­tion In a pUolo-flnWi lor Die cellar stakM....^HxafW llo and LcM^lon re.ited M onrtax_” *B>lL while eiiroule lo no rih 'lclahb ancTwill ope'n'twiay in Lcwl.non.

Twin F.-»lls’ Sunday victories, over Pocatcllo were byscorM of I3-15 and 3-3. and tlicre wn* even more luck Involved in the outcome ihftn the Cowboys' scan t niRrRliIii would In­dicate. I n the blK-woro opener, for Instance, ttio Ctrds miinulftctur- ed 20 h its . Including three succe.i- slvc home runs, nnd still couldn't outdistance the Cowboys, »;hoje ac­cumulation of • btnnes numbered bnly 13.

ol-Poeatelfo Umtled Un oppotUlon to three hlU . but T«’ln Palls' for­tune continued to Ode hlih, and U nuL m rce- n m g #r» - abS T f o T ^ more ru n ' than Uie ten the Cards collected off Bill Bcliubel,-Cowboy fllnser, Result was that Pocntellfl's league lend was reduced to two games, ' '

-At Ogden the Olden Reds took ■Bome-of-thfr^>Bllah-ot^Me^-MltrlowB’ pllsienJng mound reecnj, nJfklns ths accomplished Bee southpaw forjlve .runs a fte r twg v'ere out In the fllUi and five more after -two were out rn 'th e s ix th to compile a 14-12 vlc-

_Shortstop_ Del Bstei! line.drlva In 'ih e - lf u i t^ f- th e ninth-with-two motes abo(W brouBht Boise from behind In an 11-10 victor}- in a Sun­day game on Boise's'home lot and

Utah Chiefs Take --SoftbalH)eciBion

Two hom o runs and.nigfert's six- h it pitching formed the winning combination In lost nljhl's" softball batUe a rH arm 'on ' field as the UU}i aiIe£a'cdiT«d out tfw. Ofaas .Acd; Pain t team . 7 tO.9. . '

W. Olbson and Ray WeUs-bangcd. out hom ers for the victorious Chiefs.;

Clark Supports BasebaUMove

Id a h i j - F a l i s M a y o 7 ‘ D ec la re s C ity W o .u ld ju p p o r t

- - - - - - - — L e a g u e C l u b ----- —IDA H O FA L L S. Ju ly 10'f;p) '

M ay or A. C lark .■i.-vld to - 'n T E h T U ia r‘hc'"b'L‘licVcd an " a r - " rn n G c m c n t *coii)d be w orked ^ t If t h e L ew is ton club of th e P io n e e r ' leag u e want.^ to tn m s f e r I ts f ra n c h ise to I d a ­ho F a lls ,

" I w as iip p ro a c licd by re p - • rc .sen ia tlve .s o t th e Lew istonbaichall club.t-iO-wccki aso.and ln * _ form ed 'tlia t they wmilcd to Ixate here." the mayor said,

it th a t .lime I told them to c o n -, . fijrccr itiid Park Commissioner .

E. V. DerB to determine Uie cost ta . the c lty .under suc lra plan. ,

"Mr. DcrK now Infomis me tha t , the-only cosf-wmjia-bc the-tnstalls-— lion ot flood^lR hts at illghland park and I ^ c v e the city council mlRht con.ilder.,ihe pisn if the cost ends there." -

Tlic mayor said/he was Informed ' that Lcu'bioii IX loo long a trek for the other teams of the Pioneer leaB<ie, “I 'th in k Jdnlio ra ils would'’ support a good professional taauj,’ ,the cUy's chief execuUve added. ,

Cobh to Try for ; ;; New S p c^ MarlT"

........t j - to d a y T h a i-J c h iro s iiB r"BritI.rh, anortsman. again will a t­tempt a new automobile speed reo»

Bonneville salt flats. Utah, inISlf'l.----- roacIiTd a speed ot 3M mile*

an hour In September, mas, but Im* - •n ie tiii ite lrh tm iR rr 'w aim itn rtd -B y ' Cflpi. O, r . T . sysion, Another Brit- bher. who apod the mea-iured mile a t 337J miles an hour, nn even &u . miles a m inute. He will drive a three-ton c a r designed by neld RaU- .•

hh lit . h y _ -TayJor or.London, -


l h a m p i o n s l i l p sNEW 'YORK.. July 10 - Skr

Jucnplns and e ro d country metnbers o t ^ e U. B. 'ski team to compete In tho -wprld championships in Norway next-wlntec^-vere-announced.todan by R oland Polmedo. chalnnsn tclectlon-coffimittee. •


boro. V t.: .AValter, Bletlla of Ish. pemlng. M ic h , Alf. Engen of Sun Valley, Id a h o .‘and John Utchlleld ot D artm quth. a* group one anif Roy. BleUIm Oeorge Rotlsrek. Gun< n a r Oman. Sigurd tnisnd, Ebgene Wilson and T ed ZombefsU as group two.

W arren »nd ' Howanl Chlrers; Dartmouth- s ta rt, were nsned In group- one of th e combined Jumping and crosa country. Included ln> group two wera Eagen, Ulcbfield, Dovld Bradley. 8«Idcm Hannah,' Magnus S a tra and Geom GusUv. son. tho Utter-a-eross-wuatiT. n e r orUy.

Here’s Real Threshing Efficiency; for You—in a Low-Priced, 6-fodt:b McCORMipK-DEERING Combine9 O u t © r'fa te m a tjo n a l H af- pn 'ccd co.m bin* w id io tit veater'm lo n E ' experi^nc* w ilh • i ic e o f th r w h in g e f f ic ie n c y .- '-^ - in * co m bine* cornea t new 6-foot T h ep u rc iiM e o fa eo m la jiaM \-;.i ,v tM c h in e t h a t i i « real combinc ' tut i m M r ta n t i t e p ia o n y m ^ « ’- ' in e v e ty - p t r t » n d fea ture.. I f , ' l i f e . B c f o r * y o u U k e th H ;* ^ / bring* yesu b ig combine itiird i- lU p ,bo *U r« . to m q th i i oew.i-,:;;.; noM,. thxeaW ng efficiency, a n d I n te rn a tio n a l H arv ea te r Q u a l .- , ;v ; long l i f e i n ‘a machine t h i t i ty P ro d u c t. ' doean'-t c a w y a p o u n d ^ f n e e d . W e ’l l g l a d l y tc ! yott.alt.r;.^^^^ to B w e ig h t: • h o u t th e M cConnjck-D <enBg;*.t:iS

T h e r e a re a lo t of farmera : N o. 60 H a r v e e t e r J . h r e i h e r^ a ro u n d lieiro w ho 'need a ' c o t^ - a n d . i h w : y o u T i d w y o t f « i ^ ^ b in e t o c u t a h d threah »1! .of . i t o n th e c o n v e m e it l o e e o ^ r ? '^ th d ra B M lI g ra in* .e tc . J f fe - a r e 'rP u r th u d P l a n ; g la d - w c ^ a tU p iJy one th a t - o n - th a - p b o b e ,

.w in p v o y o u th e co t^V em ence.r^ .> ^o r8 M t t i i w , . ^a n d e c o o o m jr’o f a -a a ia lliJo w -v .'to w i.- ■, -•l.'i.’::.',

A U X m A H y E N G I N E . , / ^ a

M c V E Y X

Page 8: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


■ I I I I E S G l -ittS iWT r a n s f e r s oT 2 8 2 ,8 0 0 S h a r e s

— • -A m ong—S m a lle s t— loi P a s t-1 7 Y e a rs

; M a rk e ts A t A 'G fa n c eS tw VOHK, Juir l« HI”

Hr,.! ;!

n r niEoErtiC K GiiRnsKii . ■ ■ NEW YORK. July 10 (-V)

• .fitlccUd lisuei (llfplnycri n rmnl — niliyinf tinB t-tn-toasyr-stocirm ftr-'

ket bul mMiy lenders ftvllrtl to blos- u m on (he- Onlni ran to more tlinii a polnl Bt one lime for f#vorlle.v Top pinrki «erc «hndf(l In moat cn.-.cs nl (lie

- cIo»^.. I t w«J nnoiher nnc of lll0^e

npnthfllc im lonc wllh Uit trans* fera Of J12,8M Rhnrti bclnc nmone the smnlleai for ilie post n years. They compared . wllli 327,070 In«l rrldnj-. Tile Auoclnled TrcM nver-

y » te of CO Atockj.mftnBced (o rctn(n nn Bdvsnce of .1 of n poiiil a t

Dusliicii fieR'j conU;iu«l tnlrly cheerful nnd there wn.i little clinnKc lor the worse In (he foreign picture.

At the um e time ipread of the Oeneral Motor* »trlk« and labor un». •attlcmcni In oUier directions helpM rtitrnln the •peculaUve urse, Brok- •rs said.

8 t« l i . on the rlinld were' tinre- uponilve to » rebound m th b week's mill operatitiflTWe of U 3 points

' followlnt the thnm production re>■ ‘ lapse In .the Fourth o f-J iily ^ ce k .

■ The queatlon of illver kept Wall a tree t ci/ealne.

U.'S. Rovtmnienl «curlU ei pul on .. B .btlik uplum In.Hie J»nd deparl-■ -n en li 'b u i corporate loam moved W 'f ^ n Indefinite route.

■Commodillcrwcreninrvjn.-Tvntiicr n l Chicago lott \ to IS cent-i n bwhel (ind corn wiu down '.i to 'i .

- CmKia-jAii- THJ'.nt ilie . lrHt__n-»i' nnlahed wlUi advance* .of 60 lo U5 eenLi a ' bale. EuropctiD niarkelji were no belter than steady.

Improved In Uie curb were United -^aU -i>ap«r,.a«l|..A U ciafl,-decU lc.:

Bond * Share. Atnfrlean Cynnmld H ’' and conjolldstecl'coppcr Mines.

S t o c k A v e r a g e s

N ewV n r V s t o c k s :


L i v e s t o c k M m k e t s

T r e n d o f S t a f / i e s


M e t a l s

NEW Yf)HK—Todtr'i (or d»II.rrrf w.t C-PP»r. KWtmlHif :

QuIcWIIftr. i nATi M ta unlnaLToanVo., tiewiijti

-------------- .XILVrB -. N»W TOBX-ll>Rdr A Ilcn dxUn, lodk/ «unlr-l

. pit krquibt Iba «ui>uti»n il«wn '-lh« nftnril U r*h( dlifounl inrD tS« l/*«

•-.♦I1P7'* prl«« wWeh wm rtdutrd TU ir U }t en.li «a «««(•.

.«/l» trnir r In m 'l

OMAHA nvRsrncK

/•-^ku.eowLiiulxhalct.wk'i..**; «prilCM ; ljr iir JHT tr\.tV»H-(nV1

.irnU IT.Hi foiif JouV),» gl 1h. lit* • r>l'V«r. .ilfWJ .tuniir I9.» tlralsh

ClAGOiEAT- T h ^ i s l n f c g r a t i o n o f a G o ld S h o w e r E n t h u s i a s t

S e llin g B a s e d on In c r e a s in o — R nr.i!iiit5 -an it F a v o r a b le -

C ro p C o n d itio n sny KKANKUN .MUI.LIN

CltlCAC.O, July 10 1,1V — Tlie price-of ttfieat here ptuilRcd more limn a rriit n bushel today to the lowest Irvcl II iia.\ been thla early ln_UicJiary'-;llnB-ici>wn..lrj, r-fvpn years,

A t n Inv nf OS'.i, contracts tpecl- fyins ddlT«ry of pr.iln ihl* montli were only 2 ctiila above the sen­sor.'* loas fklabllshed late lost yenr.

TJie birak In world wheat values, a coiuiniintlon of the alniost steady dedltic tliai l i u been under way for mnrc Ilian n month, wa ' result of . elllnK based larRcly < creaalnE rccelpta and niarkcL nllog nf nrw U.-8. grain.'vprv fnvnr- . nble ctoi> cnnillltona to f sp tlns M»'rt T,heat. [larilculiirly In Canartrx, and fill no morn than norma! consumer

-Btiyinit-emlHed-lo eo r, siiort.'i nrcrpilns proIlLA particularly in the Mhrat pit brouRht some rally in nil iirlciw before the close but wheat iitil.-.hrd " i-1'^ lower tluin

Uurdiiy, July C5’i - ‘i, aeptcmber Corn w a.i-'i-:; lower, July

.- \ .S '- j iir in b e r< 7 -« ’4; onU un- iHKrd 10 •. doU'n: rye off

and Inril l^ lo 17 lower.

CHlCAr.0-''ri'r'lln’‘rmn1“’' “

& :IP ^

•> pnml^«l;.t».h .1

R r tv r a joCK

S’ ’.'"is" ;'’'.'-'

■■ciiiCAr.n i.ivKJiTorK

i.uno; /f»ir I'-n ‘ 10.40; I10.a»: nvntmit ,

1C_. Jo. cuuld£ii.:^u,^ i::o in'u.ioV

hr .-r ^ ■'linn w*ri

P<all>7 OJ« erit. ■! n.Bck) ifB*. o/rf « pounrli _ _

Colof»>1 hrtv*. I ta ( pound*



I^hom li«n<, undfr SU roufi<1» _ ].echorn h»n>. ovcfli) .- ' ' --m .. l« «'•irrr.. oTtr 4 pound. .

1 pCTlUT onr^itlt pri«»

sntQ. !M'pou4dJiou „ .. Al». Itllu Ttl- dlumi''t'tVriK7VMiv'<W.M.* "*

Tumltu. 1 bundin ] r»u[


I; PllMTnumpSiL,~SrJlurr<iu>llt7.<l

•« •W Inf iiiotud'

Tdabmne. hurd «I TriuB^bt. **>M. I CAT

itu iktirA ifjif* .Tfjj: 3_.

—B n t t e r a m l E g g s

R i i p e r l U r g e d l o

l > n J i W . - P . I W n rnuPKIlT. July lo — lla rry ~ L~

Snfnre, University of Idaho exten­sion afironomlM. wa* the principal i)oSr“ a f ^ f irnirerT'hirellHK^htlil'

■ S.itunlay •nliei‘noon-ln-Uv«-41itrlct.m »-iih Counly jli rn t C.~W.

DslRh preildlnft. . ^I Mr. ppcncf. In addition lo hand- : ling tilucailonni work In the Held

n connwion w»h crop producUon.............. r.’.lly. also Is state aecd

cotnmL'iinner an d lia i 'b ceri one of . twhnlcal-flaimoni. on;the-. Vf. P.'

A', weed comrnj proBrntn, The meet- ' j wft.< callwt to' furjher Interest

weed control.Mr. Spence rtnl<-tl th a t 5S men on

\v, p.A. rolls ivorklns, with them- Ical* could do notliliii; more than

■ 'rom Incffa.ilng,1 necessarr for

farmer* lo Cake more Inlerest In liie allon of weeds nnd prci'cntlnc 1

r Infcsutlon, Mr, Bpence said the main wcfrk lor Uie fanner* to'.do a t this tlm» of year In the Inlereal


n lr th d a y -C -.B -L o lir hlfl l i s t birthday Friday cvenlnK h li home. Relatival wid frlendji i tended.“ Ga><Ien'nepilrtJiwnl=ThP'Citmrnrtopartmen t of Ihe File r Woman's ^ u l) ‘Will m eet T u«day. afUrhoor Ju ly n . a t the home of Mr*. Edn ■Sctioltfn, Mra. T. E. AlWn U the

tw chalnrnn .Guentt Lc»t« — Mr. and Mr*.

asorae-W e«cU and family of Crta- ton. In.. Ipft F riday afier a vUll at ih'e''E(irl Morclfttid home.'TJie'lwo fRmllleaT-apehlvThursday-ftt - Sunvmiey.

if weed control. to prevent weeds from solnB to seed.

About 30 DWsons attended Ihli npcime lncliidlngl_thf_bwird_.<)f. «un iy commLMloncr*.

o th e r speakers were J, 71. Ciil/ey if nupcrt, Mlnldoktw-county weed u jw lf lo r : L. P. Oldham of Jerome,

district weert«.suixrvl*or and John - ' J r . , of Rupert. --

K i d n , - i p i n g D e n i e d

I n P r i s o n B r e a k-6AL.1DA. Colo.. July 10 UV, -..SIX CkiloTndo reformatory prbonen who wired Warden Walter H. Jo!m-ionHA' in* .. ...................plMd(^ Innocent to ’kldnsplnji diarjcaTloany. ~ T ^.Thf) ^Ix were recaptured after they

had relea.'td tlie warden and wan­dered wlthotiL food In 111* ruKRcd mountain country *OTTOunillnj Bue-

vmiA.' • • -- n f 'th r iinrlrr.thr

C o lq ^ o kidnaping statute provld- inir a“w aiiiauni ‘pfria1ty"6r 30-yenn Imprlwinment when Uie kIdnapInK victim U not liarmed was approved by G ow m or Ralph U Cstt, They will be tried probnbly In July.

F r e i g h t R a te C ut B u t N o B e n e f i t to C onsum er,

- T a y l o r A s s e r t s -C O Eim D'ALENE. Idaho. Ju’y 10

r/l-) — E- T. Taylor of Coeur d'Alfr.p, •Jdnljo sU U sran«e ma-nlcr. m lvcd his attack on trasollDe prlccs (odav In a telegraph to the Idaho pubUc uillitle* con\ml“ 'o'’'

------Hc-dlipafched- lhb-lelepflm--U>------ '—the commission:

•The Idaho stale Erance cnlla , your nttcnUon to tlie facl41iftt the

rpcent reduclloi;* In freight rates on 'gk . RBsoUnc from the coast to southern ^

Idaho haa not been reflected In re* duced prices ofUiB product lo eon- aumcm. • • .

"Why doesn't the consumer K"t the benefit of the cut Instead of th« producer?^

• 'T ie cranKC ask* that yoiJ Insll- iu te proceedings a f once to see th a t •Jur.llce li done In Uili matter. Gn*' •prl(rej"hiive'l3cim” o o r 'o f - : l tn « - fo r - '- -» —

■ years m tliktem teo '.PrK cntactlna- of dliUlbutors aitgravnlrs an n il. ready Intolerable sItuaUon. GrnnR« slnnds are ready _to aid In on? way possible.^' '

A t Boise, members of the com- ml-'Jlon aald they could not Immcd-. lately reveal Ihelr plans to cope with tlie situation Taylor'* mentioned, but promised to make a » u t« ie n t later.• n j c commkslonrn are neef> M. H nttnbaug|i n . H, 'VounE and Jamw Cornell.

W o m a n N o w P a y s •

- - F o r - E a s y M d n e y -NEW YORK. July 10 ffl^-Mr*.

U lllnn Schreln. convicted of lorcery nnd prand larceny on complaint of .Martin Beck, -thealrlcal producer and her former employer, was acn-

^ te n c e d today to 3 to 4 year* In th«V om en’a prison I t Bedford IIIIU;N. Y. .

^f^*. ScJcreln, mio It 38 and «*« motlier of two dilldren. vnw aeeii.ned jiC_atciillnt_lM.O(XLfrom.Jha_aLsed producer. •

r m rln ; the trinlMrs,Sehreln..yire_______nf Bcck'a nephew, Oertrnm Schrpln. testified Uiat she was the producer'* mblress: tha t he Uvbbed money on her. nnd tha t their relations led her-----B elI^'v~yiniV d"rTi:1ilT -----------

n n m fto check* whlch-ahe u w l - pcnvonally. Beck contradlcteiS her slor>'- • :

A l l h k a i L j 3 j s c a r ( I « . J ___

P a n t s i n S t . L o u i soT. LOUIS. July in - A (JMcKnln

to the Elka' tiatlonal convention J | from Falrbanbi, Alaska.' wa* arTe.*.t- pd In thn lobby of-a'doftTtlown hrj. i j * , tei'ioday for walfcliis arbUltjritVTiM “ “ :im dorw ar.“ Ho-eoinplalnrt :lt-wa3—^ - too ho t to wear pant*. u J

Some of Un.boyi.took im a cnUec- on to buy him a piiJr. of khaki


JEROMEPmtn, MUaourl—Mrs. C. A. Appli

cate o n d .b e r daualiter, Edna, of Trenton. Mo..- nrrlved- ^Ylday to make .an extended vLilt with their

m: Bnd. Acplegate, and family. SrAtfl* Visitor—MUs Ann Bums.

Itistnjctor o f English In the Beattie schools, Is-a housa-ttuest here-a t tho holmes of Mni,,Idft.Ccibolh aod Mr.-

id Mr*, Jotin Parkinson. Ml.-w . irns Is pliinnlne to leave thU week for n summer vacation trip, to Bouth America.

Vldlton ne p a r t-M r.^ n d Mrs, W. C. While ot'Son Pedro. Calif.rwere' Juuita guHt.n ftt Uiff'linmt! nf Mr..t\nd. Mm, Virgil Llckle>\_Tliey lott Mon- day ftilcr Bpcndlng a week here, ^ 1 » I U llome-MLvi Joliannn Arp*, dnushler of Mrs. Catherine Arps of ■tfiuiU f , ' I t l Uitliih liun a t -—jaoiber's-liom e Ior-a-X£w..wecia.___

niun Xakea ritnie—Forty ynimR- stera o f the Jerome recrcnllonnl project'Accompanied by the ir In-J ■stnietortHnotornjnm ne iojj oi the Clear Lnkcs Rra'rte Friday and hiked down to the bottom where they en- jqj'cd an nftemooii playing fiamei- and nlciilcklnK, T lif yotmgcr srotipr will be given a picnic later, offlcleli M'd. , ,, „ . _

R ea l E s t a t e T r a n s f e r ;

F uraiihed by Ihs Tirln Palls T1U«• to d A b jtm t Company

Saturday, Jiijy ?•'Uet^d. B. f i Sweet, tniiie«'.to EtUi

Stafford $150. Lot 0, Block 1. Sweet's lUMlvlslon. Twin rnlLi. "

D eed..Bert A. Sweet, tru.itee to E. Bohr IMS, Lot I. Block 1. Sweet'*, Twin Pall*.

Dcfrd. B. P. Gilman to W. O crbrr *t.00, L ou U , 13. Block lOfl. Twin IMUs.-

Seventeen dlfferent 'klndii. of oil- ..lay be uspd for th» maniifnrture of bu tlfr lubatllute*; Includlnjt rice oU.-

, G e l Y ourPLAIN

■'•atid- ■- E N i a H E E E D — t -

' V C A N SA n a 'c w B f i lm i t '*

zKUTTciyjum " In if- th r-c o u n lry -b t-a l^ rW * . are conUnulas our-*»l* »o*

other week In order, lo move another carload.You can look o\-er,tli«ie prices here. Then do Just hkiniuiKlreda

of others are doing, Come quick to the r r a l t . Sales Co. and look over a tlre-that has beat all prc<.iou.ii world rccords In mll^a<e and lasUni Qnalltlft. I t Isn't built like othrr tires. Only TennsylTanU tires can.give you the advnnlaKP of »uprr*prwiore curing. shove* the rubber clear, through the cnrcMfl Just like you woQd shove your foot dowi Into nn old boot, I expcct'lo be locking over die plant a t Jeannette. Penn,. July-jDih.-Some pedpls a r t afr»ld to ride on an airplane unleti thty keep one foot on the ground. ThAfa ea*y. Because you ^an tjvke n buekjt oC d irt with you,'But In Claud Prat's ease I wTStuld have to U ke.a tub of dirt sfe I have made UD my mind that I won’t Uke anythlnK b u l 'a n open mttid.to Uvs nnd learn. J f I don't get back Uke good c ire oM he wife and k J ^ B ut m be sw ins you all next wptk-whcn you come alter ArtoiBfai ^Jplor o n and PennsyWanl* Tltes.


- . . 4-PIy ■. lOOfo Guarantee

■ 4 .7 5 /1 9 $ 5 .6 8

5 . 2 5 / 1 8 ' 6 .2 0

5 ,5 0 / 1 7 ■ 6 .5 2

6 .0 0 /1 6 7 .0 5

i r>,.» 4 .7 5 /1 9 7 .1 8 .4-rJy

Pennsylvania5 .2 5 / 1 7 7 .7 8 :

5 .2 5 /1 8 7 .9 7 . .Advanced DeL-uxe

. . 5 .5 0 / 1 7 / ? 8 .4 8100!^ Guarantee

6 .0 0 /1 6 r 9 .2 0

Heavy Duly. Advnnccd T w irS ix

-100^0 G uaral1 tc^^

-'•5.50/17 — 9.3Z-- -m m

C lau d C P r a t t S a le s Co.O ft'the Road to th e Hospital

g e t th e ~ .T W IN F A L L S N E W S

,You necdrtH mte# a singie iMtK whila you’re on- your vacation thfs-summer.. \'Ail the news and happenings from back ....hom «winm chybuprom pU y,'whereTer ' you are, and.Just a t the time when you can 'really enjoy roadinK“CTcry itcm l.'


r ie a so send m y hojne N,EWS every day to ..

(T oim ) {Slate)


.H O M B A D D R E S S ..

m -

Page 9: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


*Many People Are Looking for Furniture...What Have You to Offer! 1WANT AD BATESr o r - ^ U a t l c a to ^

. i u £E3 to d tfEWB RATTS PEB U K * PBB

T hrtt dv». P« UBi'O u d«y. P « Um --------- ------------**"

88 1-Sro D iscount For Caah

f lu b tfUcount fcUowtd If idrtT' tuement U p tU lor wlthis w reo

—diji“oI ■mt^'lnsBrtlonr---------------. No cl«uUl«d ^ ^

lh*D 60c. IncIutUoB dlKOunt t i n t ot cluiU led »dverUrtns com- pul«4 oo bi*«'» of flv« medium- leo*tb wort* p e r ^ f c

Tr-a TW IN.PAIX8 . P U ^ J8 or » FOB A D T ^ C B

-IN JEROME ^ • L urt.A d5 fti S & W Root Beer


i i fT lU S S 't iu i HZWB'VUB'tO mU« 11 cleu- t0 ibelr reader* Uiat

' ‘blind tds" <td» eoauln lo t'% box number Ui ctrs of tne two p«pen) •r< ainctly eoQlldenUaJ uid no la- formttlon can be flveo oonMmlnj U» •dvortiur. A ooai waDUng.u uuver s dajsiried'ftd unrlrtK « TAI£8*NCWS box QUmtW tbguld wTlta (0 that box ajvS eiUier mtU or brtm 11 to tliB n uE S 'N E n’B Offite. TStre u 00 oxtr* ch trjt 'lor 601 nuaben.

SPECIA L NOTICESPETIT Lake Rimfli cotUigM, fbh-

■" inifp'iiack'trtpsrboiinJ-tnd lodgln®. .Cidl Mra. D. F. Cfttrk. SS7. •

GOOD THINGS l 6 EATrW ES, milk, crcam. Ph. 01B3-IU.

' LAST CALL-Seml-awcel clitrrle*.fipe iind cJeUcloM. WUcnuin O r-

— diftrdirHeyfiurirATB.-W.-Phf nSJi

rr?mOLEaOMB-pMUurC«Jj-S2 IU. “ M ltK —5c gal. B rins’ coalftlner*:

Tauog'a D tl^ . Truci; 1>U&GRAIN and milk ted R«d frytra,

Public Market, i i ml. N, Waahlng- toofclioo l.------

>Vho!»— tnlltlO c caL^Put up la galion con'

talncny Cwli wid earn'- T 0U N Q 3 D Amv.TRUCC-LAlIS


1 VVE WANT 10 Rcltet reliable ------- now fmployed. with. torc.ilKht. fa ir

• ,educdUon nnd meclmiileal Ircllnn- Hanj, n'lJUnff lo train e p sn Urn#

' - er cvc'>)iRi>B, to become InslMlaUon and service exHcrU.bn all types Am CON D m O NlNO and Beclrle Hefrtfforatlon'‘ equipment. Wrllo fully, s 'v ln j anc.- present occupa* tlon. UUUUca, Im U NewJ-Ttoea.



. l o s t AND FOUND .

LADY and a-chlWren desire ride to or liear Oeahlcr. N e t r tW s’ ^ 'M t

— ebare.c*M’li-J557.AN InocpenilTS W ant Ad wUl sdll

yeur unnoeded artlclerqulcklr and Inexpensively. Phone 38 or 83 to- dayl Ask for tho AdUker.


I t and IS ware* U prloe. Sbampoo and fln je r w ire Wo. Idaho B ariw

^ BMtuty Shop. Ph. ta*. *

BSAOTZ ARTS A0A0EU7 ' o a 'P e m a n e n ls a i low aa |L .... " JQfilor S tudent work freo. Ph. 301 - jj5M alB WMt.

■ -M A R C nX E 'S.feM aln E”Tho shop . of uhusiia) pennanenU and last*

. 1 ^ (tnger ^avca. o il ahAmpoo tn d t'-flnser wnva 60c. Evenings by aj)- >polntinea^ Phone 383. ■

SITUATION!EXP. Elrl wanU iuewk. 1 1 9 ^ ec. So

EXP, barber. &ox s n , Klmberljc. •

FEMALE HELP Tv^ANTED' onU f (or sen. hsewlc co honu

n u h u . 13 a week. 1313- Sth'iE..' WP*nHiTTfTTrpTO wantwl la nriTmnrf;

“ 'I tiD rom e'liW 'm an and a -icu m ii ' ^ ch lld . J . 0 . Blair. 317 Main Eatt;

HELP wanted^ male;

130 W E Z ^ Y ^O ro w , M ushnomi. ..CHUarTTSed. W e . buy„«)o_lb .

World's ta n re s t Company. ?REE . BOOK. Mtuhroom<.'30l8 Sndi.Be' jitUe, W ash.-

' ,,,^— r - *, <

“We were busier than a g r o c e r y s t ^ "

on Saturday night”—This iK-whni -H 8tttis£icd-«'Ant.Hd.usciLlo!d_

a NcwB-TimcR nd U k er a fte r his nd hnd brought buyers on the run, All m erchan­dise wns 80W . . . an d Bold.throuffh a cl«s* sified. Tho*advcrCiaor also roports th a t ho got much more fo r th e 'fun iilu rtT tlia irK e thought he would! Here's the ad th a t pull­ed iueh excellent resuJU ;.

------ --------- rnrtr.-6rt-^rrtnf9,--m ««re«,-niB ,-------------equity In retrlg, All practically

- - new, 613 3rg,Avt. W. ■


JPH pryS 32 or 38 '

Ask for the Adtakcr


If you imve a car. can finance youncif for one week, cmawcr this aBv., FuUire nwurea.' loc:iJ_ teiTl- lorj’. Box 10. Ncws-'rlmci.'

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESGOOD builnca opportunity for rich t

perwn wltli casli. Cand and bar room, Jerome bar. Box 25; Jeroms, Idaho.

U N FUnNISHEDa p a r t Si e n t s

l7WrU7or ~ipnva»r,~«okcr-hc*t lurnljlied; • siroEc. *25 mo. Ph. 7n before 7;30 p. m.

PURN. U(,\. 219 6th Ave. B.MOD. 3 n a v 331 6lh Ave. E.

2-Om. AduJta..W3.«th,Avw NL.3.LX tukpg.’ rms, rfflt. 1347 fillz-

Rxrat.T. t p t S59 3od Ave. N. I3C6.

MOD. Adults. 821 7th A

JUerrAMERE Ina. Ph. «56. Oaal* 071.

3-IUl. fum. Bungala'w apla.V and E.'

HOUSEKEEPING ROOIvlS1 rOBN. rm; M. 353 iU» Ave. E.


BU raad bd. Sdl 2nd .W .Pb. 1213.

"BS . and rm.- 637 la tn E. Oarage.-

jU R N |S tl(pD -R O O M SBLSEPnio foorrj4’gtt^Jlc. 430 3 r d ^

NICE front bedrtwm. 810-sth Ave. E.

rD oftm ut to bath. U3 4 lh Ave. N.

OENTLEMEN TOmeta"wiihtcd.'ModJ -.cm prlvnle home,.board I f 'd e sy ;^

Clean, cool rooms, congttilal ai> mophere. Ph. 30U.

UNFURNISHED HO U SESiw , mod. hoB»; w. o . am ita

4RU.bouie.S3T.4th eu.E .. P b . . m

SMAIIj 4-room hotuc; Hardwood ' nboa. MQd. except h e a trP tirlB U r

•• ndgli,jY eompl. 5 rm.- hoOse. Excel

Ig^rhood . J. E. O a« y .-W .

..FURNISHED HO U SESrURH. house a sd apt. Ph. 0386-RX

MOD. .turn. 8 rms. 8 is Sad Ave. H.


^■'ItOOStrhoiue,' 14x74,' Ui luore.' SS 'B!UB UtatrBlTd,*

KM down.' K. L. JehklB*.'


GOOD 4-room modem Iwuse with glaued In sleeping porch. Wired

for-rauga. Furnace heat, garage, nice thadft and lawn. N orth part.

•»2,7«): 1350'cash and poues- slon.

boO D 3-room house and I room houic on 1 lot* In no rih part, only IB50 with terms.

canli. S33 monthly. BEAUOHAMP i i ADAMS

13S Shoshone 6t. Bouth

PROPERTY—S A L E - .— OR-TRADE.--------

For nale: Good Twla Falls: .-RESIDENCE PROPERTY; Well locaUM,' paying over 13'J on

-Write P.-.O.-Box lOl, Burley. Ida ,- ,NEW 4-nn, house, all hardwood

you? Trucic or car as down, pay­ment. S#*t oB'ner a t MS J ftte n o n St. after 8 p. m.


Pred P. S a to —NortherE Life In*, e g , Peavey-Taber DIdS. Ph. 1378.


IT . McCormlck-Deerlpg Binder wIUj pood cnnvoaa. *76. . , .

HAIUIY M O S O n A V E ___

ONE Model B 10 ft. R«d n ivc r 6p»> elal .coihWne 'xllii new rubiwr tlrei! Mountain States Implement Company. - - . -

alCaKa seed a tuchm ent. Doth m a­chines Iti 1st elaaa condition. Priced low for quick sale. Address. Jamoa. ,t» ninrk. Ph. fian«. W e n a ^ . Ida.

1—n o international trac tor, used- -less u>aa 30 daya.— ■ — ____t —10 /£. tlcConalck ■Power Wnd«r. ■l~S8-lnoh-RumUy-cnLln t.tin?flhgr>_« «A ft KII.JH ..AJMkilMa '


H A Y t G R A IN . P E E D ,

HAYTirbeat and -barlay. • 038 (-R l -


SPOTTED yrlB Pony. '5 W . i ' i B.

NICE sows and Btlls to farrow eoon. 1 ml. E \ N. o IB w t Hcfiise.

J *niOBO0OHBRED ■■ Hampshlra rams H ml. W. !4- M; H a n m Benrlce^Stttlqa.

WEU/ T o * a , Bmooth.' y/blttStte jrttTllna ewM, E4 WfiUa. 1410 8ta ATe.E,-r. .. ■


RED fryrra for salo.' P h . 03S3-JS.

y a n ^ W b iu s Rocks- l a d Red*. PI3 Of a Pto. P e g A. Bradlay.

BIK^, POCs,^BABBITS - L ifc ’S'Like ThatR A BgltS and.l)Utches. Ph7lM3-W .


TnonESrprtCfs-palrt-Jor-Totir-Int clilckcns end (urteys. Indepcudent Meat Company.

B y N e h ' e r


000 FEEl'-O- . SPIRA L P IP E -

State condition and price. Near Sal­mon river, pre/erred.-

W. S..Coak..Pox.;M.,pe!u,JJ ^MISCELLANEOUS

: FOR SALEFOn-BALB-jPSJnt-afld-paJa^tera^

luppllea. Muresco In all colors. KRENOEL‘6 HARDWARE

Ga lv a n ized water pipe, wou cas . Ing pipe fUUnEs. valves and plumbing Jlxtures. Krengtl's H ard-

EpII those IhlriEJ you never .use— Muk# your fncome higher.

You've aU to gain and naught to lose. And baritiins for the buyer.

‘.i INCH and' Inch, round rod.' CAbJe, wcod pipe. sJiiks and bath- iiib.1, rough lumber, tires, boots and rellners.

IDAHO JUNK HOUSE J53 2nd Ave. Bouth Ph. 325-W.

Roin’ .on n picnic


SPECIAL All Garden Hose 30r. DISCOUNT

PflcfA lowctl In town .._ Buy How—Save Money

r ; o i r S 'o 'L I D A T E r )WasoB i t Michlna Co. •*-'

AunUe had-a» old-';ttralgbt elghl‘i_ Wanted a new one Qulck.

Auntie hadn 't long lo wait,- A W ant Ad did the trick.

■TRUCKS AND TRAILERSTRAILER houie, »50 . 332 Monrot.


\ l^illt.lns. O’Connor.

MAJESTTC range, 120 Van JBtirea.

FDRNlTURE ior tale. 314 iSvAve. E.NEW, smalt* deluxe traUer houte,

builc^n.'?, ruii“ iriiter. v.Urf. n r ivc. nr:ii'.- 303 Ith-Ave.-E;^—

S T A G E J IL D R i-i O L L O m i SYounger G e n e r a t io n on

Broadway Begin Careers in Theater



condition. 0 . C. Ai^erson Co,

BEDROO.M «uit«, 5-plcc«. new M7W, Ilunyl We have bu t a llnv -Ited number, iB lL M o o n 'a ^ iu m J.

lMJ>tEDlATEli’l> necr.wary for fu r^ ' m u re , incluaing daveno. ,^aiio .

living room suite, etc. Good con­dition. 3i3 3rd North. • ■'

BARGAIN FOR CABHI -!as-^nt«ntM4«ii*V-W«laip—


FOLLOW lhl» coUwm dally for o u ti — Btandlng.bui'ii'ln househoia lU l^

nlahltitf. Shop and sive the W ant

____________ijia.iM_____________.iRcbored. valves ground, new besr- Inc.i. pistons snd rlnga. long whccl- b:i.':e..l-i>prrri trnn*mln*loa Now bat; tc iv. retread lirw ,' new . gaa fahk. JiLstrfp.iltitrdby Ray’s Lacojicr shop. T h e new pulnlTob hTSTffilljriiuaes I t look goM but'Wfl always keep It up mechanically,


younger Renfratlon on Drosdway today Is puAhlnB.l'ard at the glided hecb of tliptr <-fle»rated pircnta^.AJMM.t-n.-timlng.fAily.

rjra-wayr— A U T a > A R T S ^ T IR E S rZ

1 Uie theater,LtL'rtTTiL'ajn *'htn D »ljlit Deere

AVimanJ3e£Bn.rfi!^f?.*!*«f bi»TOu*sleal. "StJira In YtPJr feftT 'tt-lln Jlmmle Dunvnte and EtJM Mermanln~nirTenamr-roi«^n« *ai^,ap*pronehcd by hU 3l-yeBr-(jtd, de­butante dnuKhter, - ^

Pretty Nancy Deere wiman, bom jn_N '^ '_London/. Conn., and edu- ta te d l ln J o u r cprinecucut'lintthlfts

VSED p a ru snd tralJersnS'Connbr,THINK Of Itl i n u super deluxe e .f -

cu. ft. Montsomery-Ward refrJg- erator.,on m Ib until July 33-. . . *133.00, *i douTi.'Phorvj 181 after •I i>, m„ or mall card—A, J . P u t­nam. liS AfaJn N „iorflppoIn!m cnt


FOR SALE OR .TRADEWE have a number of r.lnRle betls „ r i.^r ^ nllu

flelnK.lliem a t half their n-iJtllar^ pricc.Far Inst'nncr, *10J 0 bed. now I5J5. Moon’s. PhoiieJS^

AUTOS FOR s a l e

New •Hutlion’. delivered..............$850NewDeSoto. 9vcrdflvo..JlEDUCEDl. . . . STATC motor. 130;i)AV.N.Ph. 708. bouts.

no\i.vG r o r u u n BATON ({lOUGE. La. t-n-BoxIng

U bccomlns Increailnaly popular as a sp o r fa t Ixrtiblana State unl«ral- ly. In a recent Intramural boxing tournam ent .623,, studenU fouaht


DIRECTORYA u to R e p a ir s

B l z U cs frunfl and axle alignment, wheels itra!shtened.-eipert body,

_Iend8r.'fork,„Auto ilaw . pajntlnit. .•Floor a n d c r s . to - re n t. FOBS

BODY WORKS. Ot)p: Fll/1 House,

. Bicycle- Repafrim

Sales and Oervlce REDOCED PRICES ,

Cycierj’. 338 Main 8.

' BoatB and liIdUrs~«• Cht{si 336 Mato S. Ph. 785-M.

ChiropractorDr. Johawn. 834.3d Aye. E. Ph. ,314.

Curtain ShopDraperfM. iHp eorert. C u m in .m Q

Drapery Shop. Blsbeo Sldg.-8Q3;

Abbott Plumbing is Hty. Co, Ph. fli

Bomes and CofiBtruciion

■ -Insuraiaep jrt, into. Lou Heller. Phone MB.P»aTey*T»ber Oo, jne; ^Phms 30L

Plre and aatd.tnnrtnc*.

&ey Shop " . _Blaslni Oyelen^. Phona 181.

fichade Key Shop. LAWN M O W ^SHARPENED. 138 2nd ^ a . BackOf Idaho Dept. Store.

Moving '

»ABU and c u j loam 4»•ftctto. ewlm in rsrt. O a Pho- 5P1-

0 . Jones for loans on homes, Rooffl.J,' Bank a» TtustB ld*. PtL 3041.- '•

----------r --------------s '------ iH o n e y - io -L o iu i -^

t e l

READY CASH,yoy_need, Itl____

*5, and I'UK* SIGNAT?IRErDNt7“

i t you are slsadUy employed k » us and get extra cash to pay bUts, eo-

- c a s h ' c r e d i t c o . ..Rms. 1 & 3. Burkholder Bldf. Ph. 77fl

-;;Psieopaihic~Bhydciaii-Dr. O. W. Rose. 114 M all N. Ph. P37.

Painting and Decoratinga. E- Kunkle, contractor. ph..2!fl3.

Planing MiUModern planing mill and shop.

B elt of work-at reas. prices. TW S{ P A U 3 LDllBER Co. Ph. AU

Plimibing and Beating

' Radio Repairing .POWELL RADIO-PHONE 800.'

q . VERJi TA TEa • - Phone 7(8.

Shob Repairing.naJph-E . J ttm e r a t Hudaon-Clark'fc

XrailerBT r tn tr ten iw «.~q^ T t» a ^ o s r~


■erfhr4Ur- s b a . ^ \

Woodworldng S laeh in^g

spplamc-Aa. Ujci’.bcgln their careers

Fred Grhrli; h president o[ tlii Slio* aiicne Gun and Tiod eJt;!?.

Trfp — Lincoln county, 1-M live­stock Judclng clubs toqK.a.irlp.io. Gooding county on Wednesday, ac­companied by County Agent H. S. Gaoli, A .Sandy.AlScolt, F,Hend«r-

and W. B. WhlttlkUmn .Summer Sehoot — MIm Evelyn

H fbt .ipcnt Dip iioJIdaj’j wJih Jjfr mother, Mrs. Ssfah Heist, return­ing to Caldwell wltlv Mr. and Mrs. Applegate of Ontario. Ore., on Tues­day. Mrn. Applegate is' a sliter ofM lM'Helit.’ ------- •----------- ---- —

>Urrlrd — Grace Liles and Joe L. Clifton of Cheyenne obuined a marriage license Saturday.,And the couple were married. Ihe e w s day by, Rev. B. D. ’Trefen a t the Method- Jil eJiurch.

To Challls — Mrs. R. Schuppen* In and daughters left Friday for th llr home In Challls after spending t»o weekaiat the Albert Otto home'

llel’um *-- Mrs. I t C. Hill retumed to her. homo T hunday from Balt

dnuBlinn-. Mrs. Harry Oatlierum.To .Salem — Mr. and Mrs. O. R.

Maxwell and daughter left Saturday _^or^v l3 lt wlth ^ ^ latlvca a t SalemTina' poniima. __ ___ _____and daughter remained for a fortfer vliiu Mr. Ktaxwell returning home •early th is week.>•111— ^Mn.-<J.-p.-Mlnk-ls-qult*-m at the Tft'ln FalU hospiul thU week, aecordlnK to -word from her home 'iT K lm berf,'” ■whei’e '3iS .'ind"M A ' Mink moved t» th ls spring.-

Trip — Mias Dorothy Swope left Sunday for ten-day ;ls lt a t Evsns- ton,-Wyo.-

V O^MUlral coroed>’ ■icUcM."'- Bne-TOW :her-father.-w^ haa produced many Broada'aj Wt mualcala in the past 15 years. I want to,^h«sln 'In the chonis.

W lnt Cheer*S o Into the chorua line ol "Stars 1 Your E j (»." she went, won cheers

.o r her beauty and next season, she will move up to be a minor, prln- ■C$imMn-one-Ol4«UalhtL>JU2dE.'- tlon5.

Vlrslnlft Dtmnlng, al»o 31. lO' herJta h e r acting (Jilrtits from her fnther, PhJItp D\mnlng, M .v— nulte an actor untU he quit to c author In drama.- •'Broadway," and.

1 WTlU. and- prod«*e other stage Its. , ■Mlsa E>uanln^ made hrr stage de-

, i t a t th* ripe old ag^.ot three In Chloago. Made up as a messenger boy. BhB .was. supposed to walk on jta ce nnd to y the ona line in. which he r falK rr ‘hello foUts,"

Came tho perlormanee, she made he r .entrftnce, looked out- ;vl Uie packed hoa-.e in utter amarement and crletl.—“o6hl-Look-at-all the peopleal"■~A‘7iBr-l*WT'8h»-y»yed-ltv-a.ja0i.. a o n picture with a io rtt Si«n*m. bu t ah«-.w aant .................... -

ahescored Arrtent.}))tas the daugh­ter In "Suaan and.God.” She has done a couplo ot bit parts on Broad- way. and nex t season wU] be a prin­cipal In h e r father's new drama.VOUier M icr B rw dw ay ' produccTi- and,- stars m aklne good procress In the thea-ttr .

young nm ot.Actor-playw rlsht-D lrector Frank <lld well w ith W» performance la,it season a s the romantic and tragic ■j-ounj m nn In the TTiorown IVlWer dram a, "O ur Town." Hli father played thft leading role, ^

M a rja rc t 'P e n r. red-hatred'daiigh- te r of Proflucer-DlftttQr Antoinette perry, la one of the lUmio's leading Ingenues.

A nather Barryinere D ian a . ' Barrymore, daughter-«f

John B*TTymore, recently one of New Torfc’s most attruUve debu­tantes, now U pla>ln«.lR'the Sum­

ter theate rs and plans a career a: n aoLreafi..M adeline Hojmes, dsughtcr of Ac­

to r Tkylor liBlmsir and sister of Actor PhUUps H ^ u , Ss another Inseaue doing well a t the start ef h e r career. ' ' — .

PJaywrtpht Sugeat OVeUl't ton _ a dianw 'Instructor and recently h i^ published a Tolume ecotalnlnf h u Tsraloaa of the ancient Greek tmgedle.^.•. Claudia Morpm. blonde and chic, la. th e ' dausUter of Ralph MoniB. lone one of Brofdwa;^s better ac-

And Robert ,Rlce. sJ-yiu^oM aon of lU yw M sht E ta e r Rle*. is dra-

toff. T elefraph and. therefore privl- Jesecf (o. ajc U ^ d ^ o t on his own fa th e r s - pUya. -IUM:. has had ooi play since his m b became a crltlo and.young.Robert delegated the re- V lewinK:orthat-ta-anoth*r member of the W le ^ p h ' d r t a ^ itaM . . . . .u rs. -Y ouas Rlc* a y s be U ' l .. . to s e n d ' 'Mwn pinfh h i t t e b trx to le riew h is '.tether's n s ^ play. Ju s t w ants, to-see U pa p p y 'm take

'SHOSHONE'7,000 I)r«d — Farmer* anrmd

Dietrich have been busy «1th rabbit drive the paxt week. Some 7,000 bun- n(»* were pu t out of - commlsalonr- More drives arc planned this week awinrt nil Lincoln county.

tlmijilnr Pool — Amfrlt«n'B*d Croii t.ponsorshlp of two weeks lUej aavlng campaign a t Mary L, Good- tnc p/irJf, started. M anaty wlilt MKi Eltiabeth C ^ ln , In charge, H,,K, .Punier ts llfetsaving fhalr-

lee C»»fs — G, C, Hopper, gultfe L Ice caves, reports that on Uie

FourUi there were S*J visitors registered. Mott of them were from out of Idaljo and every su te repre-

Rolary Inai/ruratei — New prejl- dent. L. N. Erpeldlng; v|ce*pre}ldent T - H ^O qodlng;_ f.Kretary, B! t. We'cks: treasurer. II. A. Stoner: new boanLiiI_dlrcctorj. E, L Gomes. Lee Kennedy and II, F. Wlllmorth have been Inaugurated by the Ro­tary club. Committees for the yesr ■ Ihf p r f' Kport«iuni ■^^A'meeiinf Qrsno- shoiie f.port-'.men w u hfid last week a t Boston cafe. 60 sportsmen and aonie from nearby toaiis attending. T. W. Dlc», offlclaud

Camping— -jjr .. and Mrs.-Hsnii' Ifafger and twys sp c n n h e holidays tramping and fishing fn the MuldoonMuatrj-. ' ^ r ..............

To Boiae — Mr. And Mrs. A I. McMahon and Mrs. Chas. V. Prthick left Sunday for Boise to -be with Mrs. R. w. Grove of Mountain Home- tf 'eir daughter and sister who Is In hospital there.

Since the first i—180S—ln~ th»-JJn lt«^ ilaU )

States the reglstraUons have in- creaaed each year except In ■■■ and In the years 1031*33, '

E l l l l l i N I l f ™. B i U B I E B S E L :

S u p re m e ( ^ u r t A d v is e s , R e ­v iew o f E v id e n c e i n /

A d a C a s e--BOISE. July 10 £,T>—T he’- s ta te .. iiiprfnie T^url reversed today In one of tlufe opinions handed -.down', the conviction In Ada' county d b - trfct court of Homer B aker on a charge of rapo.

Tlie court ordered Ute case re- ctjurt wlth“ ln»“ '

a ntw.trlai.'- '.... -Tlie case then either could be re* .

tried or dlsmLssed. the cou rt said in • an otfinlon by Justice Raymond Z* a irrjB U jfl-toncuireu In-ftchl* w jn .— elates with Uie exception of Justice William AL Morgiin, who did not psrUclpate. : , . ."TTie court affirmed, . In another

pplnlon. Judgment of Ju d g e 'A . H. FesUierstoiie of WaUnce who ruled tliV A. C. Frost and Co.. Inc.. of Sratlle need no t pay an assessment made on 175,000 shares of stock In Uie Couer d'Alene Mines Corp.. of Spokane,

Justice E M, Holden, who wrote the opljjlon, noted U iat the stock wss purchased w lt^ tho understiad* Ing It wat non-assesaable';

U te r . the etockholdexa voted to asse,is It to raise additional funds,.

.Chief Justice Jam s#’ T. Allshle. and Justice' Alfred- B udgerco tscurj-' red- Justice Givens dissented.

In the third opuilon tlie court sustained an Industrial accident board award to Mrs.’ M amie Rand of Coeur d'Alene for the deatli of her

tv. P. Mftcheji. from an tn - ’ duitrlal accident A'hlle employed by the Lafferty T rar«portatlon com- pa*y.

Justice HolfU n 'f r rote th e .opinion and Budge a n T ^ lv e n a concurred. The others did no t participate.

Local Negro Held' ; .Qn Felrtiiy .Qinrge

—jfs s c - Dow«nj;-3«.—T w ln - ^ f t t is - Negro, waived preliminary hearing when arraigned Saturday after­noon be fore-M unklpaW udge-^r-O r- Pumphrey on a felony cha/ge of a s - ■

.tau 't.»1 t.h jijlcad ly ji'e® en ._He S'M chaffed with -elratln*' hTn. '

Belle Cole. Negress.-on th e back ef the head with a brick th e night' of July 1.

Bond w u -set a t 11.600,-but no’t b tln tjum lehfd .h i> j;-as '4 timed.. o\-at— to custody of the sheriff of Twin r»llLcoimty..t<3. RWBjt#ctls»n.oC,.th« district court. —.......... .............. -


fllm .ba/«! on the reocnt vestpocket.. Rtoso-japanese war a t Changku-' feng Is In production h e re . EntlUad T e r Defense of the Pistherland.'' U. ponraj-A—according to advane* So*.

Army destroying the Japanese Sa­murai. who plotted again st the sa­cred Soviet land."


C harter Ne. t t lM • Bcaerra Ofatrfct Wo. Bnepoft nf Candltlen of the

FIBELITV NA'nONAL BANK-------ef-Twlp-Talls.lnJhU<U?«jU daho. - _“ aU b tC I-IM ie f B a s in g on Jm eJ.O U ?J» "

Published In nr.ipon.v5 io'CairM ade^yTSom ptroller’ of L _- Under Seetloa asii. O..S. a«-lsed Statute*

; ASSET81. Lonai and dl.vcouiits (Including *Jfl,ll overdrufU --------- 1 74J.8303J3. Olilted .States aovemmeM obUgaUons, direct and-. g u o r tm te e d ------------------ - J -----------------------— --------- l#»,U6X* -

I . Obligations of SUtes and poUtlcaViUbdlvtslons----------------134.0S7J9'~4~O thei‘T>onas.- r trt<Tr ftnd-detnflturu-.V.__ _______ ______ j — a i,i8 M » -6. Corr>onttc stocks, mctudlng stock of Federal Resen-e bank 9M0M6.* C ash ,• balanceS'.Tlth hwnw ztscttb* -----

balance, and ca.ih Items In process of collection....... M7iWMl '■ 'B ty ik prcml.wa oa-hed Ml.lOO.OO.' furnltura 'a n d r n * -------- ------------------

tures >7,13 .00 (Bank premises ou-ned are subject ti

». Total AsseU .

Total Depoall 33. Other UablllUes .


Total UabUltlas .^ - CAPITAL ACC00NT8

3J." C ap ita l'S tock :'; ............ ....................................( a ) ' Olaas A preferred, total par *33,000.00, retlrable ) value *32.000.00 (Rate of dlrldendi on reUrable value ) ’ 1SO,000.00 Is 3 per cent) > ■ (0) (^jmmtm alock, total par *116W»«» ’ ) '

jfl. Burriua ___ L ....... ---------------------------------------------------M .ooa« fm -U nd lv Ided p ro flta ------ ---------- ------------------------------------- ' 10AW31 •.28. Reserves (and retlrememt aeeount for preferred stock)— U.809W-,'

19. Total Capital *rr«„n .. ..s

Total ^ablUUeii an4 Capital.Accounti..—^ - . . . --------

MEMORANDA..............................P letto d assets (and lecurlUet loaned) <book vaius):W .Unltsd Btatas Oovenunsnt obllgiUbns. d l r « t an’d.

suann toed . pled(ed’ to secure.OepociCs 'u d - o th e rother liabilities • -— :-------

>1) O ther fssets pledged te<secure deposlU s a d other UabllttlM '(Ineladtns ne lu and bnu redlsonrntM -and securlUes ^ under reptuxhasi a«reem ent).-,;,~ .W . :i4o,oai»S^

» . '6«ctu«d UablllUes:'(a) D ep t^ ts .sewred by Pledged- assets ifarm >nt_

rcqulretnenU of Uw ........ ., ' ,

6U U bf I d ^ County of Twli TalU, I , Roy Painter.'cashier M the,-*-“

th a t the abov# sUtement Is tnie to the best of-my km nfltW .M d:lw

Page 10: WIN FALLS, IDAHO, TimSDAY MORNING,. JULY 11,,1039 Prico ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · • Ui-T ®IfE #AJybS NE\^S r TODAYr ParlliTClpudy:' WIN FALLS, IDAHO,


- fO R IP E N HWUlie Wiips


Id aflo A d v e r tis in g C on im is- ■ -.-sjon Fi n d s . _

. Im p e rille d' B016L', Ju!>-'10‘'f .r/-C t<i''.c ii M

early Idalio iK>!aloc.\ wfrc Uxlny ilmi shipment ot imiiisliiip tubfrs and liailc In KfUlnK Ilii'm iold rndi.iiscrliiff llic ninrkrl lor

’» cro[> n o w - m i i i o i l »'. 1500,000 and inlKhl affw l ui>iv:iTih ef 10,000 pro.Iuccrs wlio will liarvi's: Uiflr crop lawr la lli;' 5c,ir.

Orottcr.i, slilpiirr^ ami nirnitKT; tlir Wiilio ntlvcrll'lii« co;mill':lon.

, Wlllcll WM crralfti Ijy llic 1930 Ir,;.'— i!lanirr"tn"rwWtrin~thr-i;!s'>-'s-po»

tnlops nntl oiiion, Joined In lli'" wnrnlng. < ■

Wlili AnuTlM'A ’ iiouto Wiis." Jw Mnr.iliiill of Ts-ln

l^ o f . the wninUiil5li_Jni!‘.U?.''''?P” 'iIhc iiicmtxTs bt Ih-r commL-. loii iS'

I -tu td llili stAlrmciil lo 'l l i t prc.'n:••A ccrlaln tvmniint_nl mnnrv l»

f|)cnl~lor'a'(ivcrtL?lni; idiOin“■"pornlocn...........

Quality K«»cntlal ." In ortlfr to (ift- nny 'bciirlll from

eufli «dvml.sliit! ymi mu.M have «liiallly. bfcaiisf (ninllly 1 bfliiK «<!■

• - Tpntsrt: anrt by tjiiaJtty v.-e mpnr pot.itots Buinclcmly m;Miircd fo rlh r morhet.

“Tli« money bflns .'Pfiil for nfl- vertlstnc Li llio srowors' monry. .

"By [WllliiK poor finality polaliy;. on the market w^oioi only fiitlftiiwr the bcnedl of wicli ndvcrtliliiB but we producc a rcscUon iliat may flU/fW fon.^Jdfrtblf oicome. U mislit takf an much m jreara to ovcrcomc tJic evil rffreli m a te d Uib.ycar by the marketlnf! of potatoes In poor condition.'*

Tlie''<aiirj»tAta'trop-t}inr-U;-iitw bclnir markciAl U prtxliicrd InrKfly Jn ca-itrm Orcson and soutJiWM|cm Maho, •

E. N, PetlyKrovc.. slate commLv ftlonei of RKrlcultur . who vnx elect*«d chairman of tlic rw nO y ap/- pointed commLylon, isjUNl " "

, “I t liT iir obwnatlon that by far the mnjorlly of potaloea now bring »hlpp«l from Wftllo aro &o jfcen and, •taimature tliat most of the »Un L?

Spcetol.OlL.UJt J»!ntoT!< _befotr_thry leave Idaho. It Is rilfllcuU to W! WhcOicr they are red or while po- totccj.

.•■Potfllof.< In Uib condition ean- not po;,allily acilver oii llic omcr emi

' ' ‘ nJ'itucfT*lhR'ron.Tumer UnuLjjjh the retail m-ickel In a condition which Will command’ a satbfnelorj-’ prlee,--------------STm rtrA m ctefl-------------

-----“Sioiild heavy siilpmcul* contlniie-for Hie next, few days Di#condition upon nrrlvnl In Chlcaco remain wi uiwalhlactory na In recent days ft reverse'In the marlail 1* bound to result"

_ p e U y s r o « _announc«l _t ____recmmI«[on trnd d«lried to conllnu# -—as under the otd'hiw —lo cnllrct !:{hb'~onc-limr^'int h\indred-« ls h l , tA» on [wiotMs and onion* with stamp.''.H. O. Peckham of WllcJer uiis elect­

ed Tlco chairman and Le.ver Sar­gen t of JkiL'ie waj retftloed as .audit­or lUid w retflrj'.

B«ldes Pettynrove. Matnhall and Peclchftm of Uie commliilDii arc E.A Whit.- nf I>iyHton, L, L. Hurst of

, Cftldwell. CUnrles '; ton. William Wulf of Idaho FalU AOd Prank We.-ilfall of Aberdeen.

• auplJortlnK the commLylon'astalc- i jnen t rejardlns markellnR Of Ini- ! ” niftture potatoes were siattmcnU

Irom feTcml ctlier denlers.. H u rj l flf CaldRcU. dcakfrmpmtxr • of Uie cotnmLvilon. who rtxenlly

j returned fcom a' trlp.throuRh middle I weatem market centers, jjiirt:■ •'II l i my opinion Uiat, if we let

|--K iihrA i and M liisurl‘maikct th d r

of the Avay In' 10 day.i to t« « e lc j, Idftha'SrOBcrs urm have Btich more profitable outlet fc

.the ir crop duo lo the fnct that both KATVtas Olid MlMourl .-.er^e exactly

■•the same markets, Abo. tlie condl*

beU eM rf w °‘”w l “ tuan^^^^ "■...now."..... . . . . . .----- Uelter Chanee

lo r the n e jt CO to 70 days,"■ P. G. B.if!rWllcIcr denier, ^ald li

■concurred” In the commUiion’s italement, and ursert In nddlilnn th a t CArly potatoes nhould not be slut: wHlle the gfoitnd I* wet.

c.~WatKin.—ot-Pnrrnn— uicr . -

-would help the maricct. to hold u. (ihlpmenl.^ for a few dav,^ until enrlv

~^Cilo5rfrw noll.er-iIinc'ruY rc* '-----^ed up."

■•Our norroarm arket doe.'n’l open un til next weeh: moving Uilfi r.liiff out tha t U.green make.-, for an 'iin -

..henllhy market eondltjon," .'nlrt John Snov. Nampa dealer.

“I feel tha t if slilpmenu w UUed the Broaxr Mtmld have a much better eJiance to obtAln a hlsher price." said Henrj' Chase, another Namp* dealer.

LewU Toder of Nampa^mnde •;. ibn llar :)tatement.

•'l '«l>li I'd Hird back Ihere Hlirti ji)U fduld hr a plratr. Wlirii jnu £fl blfrn'olij:!! lo to ndvcnlur* .ln '-iiuu^icre.^u 'l-iiu ttiiii’_lo.i]a. but x rt.a jnh In a C,C,C. ramp.

im m mF lo yd G ilm er, F ile r . -R ccov -

c r s I o n s ^ o u s i i T s T a l - H o sp lla l . —

Uiijd, OllmiT, 21. r.oiv ol Ml.v Mnl)cl Ollincr o( Filer, recovered conrclounnrvi yf’iffiby nfleriioon

wn-i teporleil much Improved al ‘i'liiH J'.'iIJj cot::ily nciieral hoi- pltal.. Tlie joiiiiK miui was Injured eiirly Bundny momlns whm the nutomo- bllr In uiiich he v,ni r ld t^ vreretl

C O U N i ORO[RS - A U D l I f BOOKSF in a n c e C o m m iss io n e r W ill

S io n .’ C o n tra c t .W ith^

Grover Davl.i, jr.. and Dean Mus- wr, nlr.o o rcupiuiu.^f the .car. e.'fcaped Injuo'. rtate^^lccr/i r.iild.

Davis was reijorlcdvio be the driver of the car. •

State police raid that the ro.id as fiiralRht a t the jinliit where the XT left 111" lilKhway, No blame wa*

plnreil byjvohre.—No-oUicr-automoLUnvaa.Involved in the cra.ih.

i l c a J L l e l d J [ t u : _ _ i .

----- Joglina”W ar(leli‘ ^l(iu^irr^■wte"liit^^(.y■liw!ly ffufir

urday nfternooii as a host of Irlendii and rel-.:ivc.i jr.thcrctl for funeral rttes-hP’d 'fo r jQMiua M. Warden, nnrcltnii farmer,, w ho‘died July i.

Mr. Warden .who wiu VS year, of .RC, c*me to Uic Bden-H.uelton section to farm hi 1M7.

_________ of My Soul." with Mr/i.,BcHlm Dclniont a.v, accoinpiinlsi. •BWiop J. O. O w dncr-iann "Not Unflcrstood," with Mm, Madelyn DcuEla.1 playmi: nccompaiihnriiL,

A duct. "Je.'iu.i 8,-ivlor Pilot Me," nx «n ic by Mrs, B, B, Oordfln and

Mra. Arthur Emllh. .Mrr.. noy Gor- 's n w u accomp.%nt.M. a

BLihop U tllr of Edrn save tlie hu'ocntlon and Hev. Charlc.i Haw-I-]' Prr.tlJ.t.ton, preached the funeral jemmn. Bbhop Lyman HardhiR Rave the clanhiK prayer. BWiop Gardner ded­icated the [rmve.

Odd. rcllow* lotUB eoiulurlrrt. n ritual at the »;rri\'cjltle In Uie H.iicl-

)u cemctery. • . ' >pAllbeorera were Tex Burdick,.

Es'eretl Vlnyanl, Oil.-, Siephrm, El- Ollver, I'Tank DatLs.and Waller

H .C .,E d m u n d s- r in a n re - Commlwioner -Paul r,iber w 'i.v aulhorlied by TR'lii J'alls euy council iMt ulghl to oicn

wlih H. C. Edmund.s, n imiitnnt, lo nutlit the<lty books, lidniundi iin> held the elty nudlt-

iK contract for .leverals^f Tiibcr. iicilns as mayor in the

licence of Joe K. E.' R. Koehler, lio U In S;ui m iick<o on a vnca- lon. presided nt the resular meet-

ifu; of ilir roiuirll last_evenlnR.'in T h e iram.Vcilda'of routine bunlp

ijjJ^ the rfi'.lon wnj dull extcpt !()i- II huinorou.s htlerlude when An- irru' McQiia>;cr. architect on d lie ifw jiO.OOO municipal llbmrj'. ;u^ked .o-cui down *ome trees.

Spare Uie Trees,—McQuaUrr-pnlnted out tha t two liirfi- trees on the south ,slde_ of Cliy park, hloL-ked ’bfr d 'v ie w 'o f ihi* muiilctp^il Iltirar^and asked Hie opinion of CQuiicllmcn In replBclnB

with Mirubbery.•ver vote- for tliat." t.nld

Cnnunlv.loiirr Leonard Avant. "You rto'Aii a tree In o' city

pnik uiile.-j it's <teart, or the people would lynch you."

1 lauRli. Taber » ld "Mac. WIc vieivpolul Is KcttlnK

jth r of jour iwual (rood Judg-I ninit. "pic people sUll talk about’n [m 'p iliat a miiyor ordered cut down a few years nKO," _

So two City park trees Mil ron- tlnbc to blot partially from vleW' the municipal library.~T Jie ‘ council'nuthomcfl' r- fourth payment of J9.74B.<4 to A. D. Bobler fnr work on the municipal llbrarj-. He U Keneral contractor.

IleltenitlnK their requc.ll lo the PWA fo r 'an extension of time to eoniplele llie muiiiclpil hbrao'. H>e council In ii renolutlon supplied add­ed <leialli: lo ilic federal ncency oul- llnhm the'work yet to be completed, and rennoo.% why time wa-i lor.t earl-- ier in the je:i» on conntrucUon.^ Delay

I /]« of timTwKIch'Held'tip'’ work' Included inability lo procPed on excavation and pouring of cement l'.flraiito-nf-frott-3nrt-fallure,of ma-.


Bliss Gunmen ....Turn lo Court

— nbI6t7,-Id«ho. July’ JO i / n - Mnybe the Run-totln'^boys of the old west are IwlrjK tlieir nene ,'. .

Anyway, the oliS timers grinned and sliook ihelr heads today as word KOI around about a eouple

.of_romplaJim-XJJat3sKh_JastV;e- "Of~ThC”I’iTicc u llbe rt Brl7iton of Qoodlni;.

Prnncti Root of Blli.s cliartred Fred nil-., rancher, fin.t hhcrlfr nf QootlliiK founiy and r-on of the founder of IliLi desert vlllufie, with •■exhlbilliif: a de.odly weapon 4nd threatonlnk". Fount Fro.it. oper* alor of n ln'<’r piirlor hrre.

■And llllv. up and filed nn al­most tdi'htlriil complaint against Fro.'.t.

The fniyiL . a t which ieveml nhol.i frriin revolvers »w e fired, allegedly iiccurrcd the evenhic of July < - l t was nureed /!»• both eomplnliuiniA—In front of Prw t’s

.place,Jiullcr of (he Pcace Drinton re-*

~leued bolii men (vlUioul bond and Auld lie would conduct a for­mal hearluK on tlie cJiarRcs later.

Jim BILv., fatlicr_of Pred Bllu. was reix/rlifl cd iinnrd 'lb hi.i b « r becftiM ot a IW flKlit fn Uie samc_ fra ca s.'" '...............* »

G O i [ R IlLLS

C ro w d o f 2 , 0 0 0 'G a t h e r s ' f o r O e m o n s tra tio f? o f T ire

• S a f e ty •.^ftfe drivlnc practices and Uie

'(iimhur.^ o( ■ » ■ niitte'naUy ”kiidii.'ii' automobile lire when used on wet pavement were capably demoaitrat- ed before 1.300 Twin Fall.i resl- denu yc.iierdny.

Tlie event t<)o>} place on Shothone j.lreet, 'two bloek.i pnrallelinc City park beiuK blocked to traffic Ins Uie demoivtmtlon.

Driver of llic oar. Jan .King, skidded the ear on the wet pave­ment nt tn 10 miles per'hour. ilemoailraiuiR the ftblllty, of tho ttro5-to“ Rrip-w(‘r-pftvem cncT liitc control an ea.':>' m atter and forestall overturning.—In-4UK>Uiur.

I N E M B S li-E B C N B i m i l V

O rego n M in is te r A d dressee

a t P ie n icOiiri! ?|iri'Her nt Hie atuilvertary

.\ervlre.'! held fiunday In Hie Mcr- cliivit.\' building a t Hie T*in Palls caui^- rmrgrouiids In' Pller by mem­bers of llir I'oncregatloa of Hiejm- maiiucl Luuicran.cliurch wa'E. Elchumnn of PorHand, Ore.. pre.\ldrnt of the Luthcrsn church who adilrc'.;-ctl'three Imnilred snd fcvrr.-y five nirmbers of the churcii gathered there for' tli® opcnluf of the day's activities.

Uiinu liie .text. "Tliy KhiKiloih Couie," Rev, Fachmaim aikcd the congreiuillnn to' make tlio^e word* their niuiivei-r.ai7 prayer. Occasion for thu iiil-clfty cclcbratlon.was U15 lenih anniversary of Hie dcdlcatlBn of Hie rmmanucl Lutheran church bulldlnj.” irrre. Rev. M. H. ZsRel i.i pii;,tor Of the church. -

.■■'nic.coailiiE.of Ooct'j kiDKdom Is Ui> purpoi.n wlildi every trae Clirts- tl.-\n church munt serve." he staled. “Thl? purpose can be nceoinpllihed only by ihe'preachbig of Uic eternal Inilhs of man's nalvaUon tlirou;:;!!' faith In ChrlM. a.i Uiey are reve^td

In Holy scripture," he ad/ed.

In‘'rh r iiftenioon {lev, told .or lil,\ work among mute.', of ihe.iiorthwe.Nt.

1 ft- b.viket -luncheon the picntc grounds wlllt

Helen. DolL-.e, Mrs. Viola Oster- loh and Mrs. Dorothy Doliso In chnrKC of luyangements.

Tlie annual gundav r^hool picnic,

Lighlniug Bolts “ “ Hit PowerLincs

Service departm ent of Uie Idaho Power compiJiy reported la«t nlijht Uist UiTM llghUilng' bolts struck dlstribuUon »nd traiismlsstoa lines In Ui« Twin Palls vicinity during K, tbondcr and llsh m in s storm At>onr T | S p. yesterday.

Fills bul s brief; Ijilenae riln fell ill the east end of Ihc county.-

Power company empJoK* fsld that lllhtnlns hit Uie 44.000 volt .txans- mls.ilon line th a t extends fro.n Thousand Springs to Shoshone falls, dlsruptlns’ power momentarily. Hio “-olt h it east, o f Tw in Fallj,

Second U i'i^ e rb o in ill near n«ni- «Se strett, burning ou t a transform- r In the South Park addition.One or mora .lightning botts-hit;

dUtMbutlon lilies east, west luji' KmUi of Uie.clt>\blowlnK out'35 t«« transmlulon fi^ses. M. E. Shot- well, service foreman anid.

All service had been restored'by 7:U p. m.. EliotweJl eald . He added that liTwaatlon.to OiiraaBC and hnlt- In j'o f pow r tran w ilu lo n to con­sumers, It was. Uio w orst Uiunder- ilorm of the summer.


■heme ‘M any L o n g ' Y e a r s

AuBUst E v e n tIhem e of Uie-American Legion

parade during the Idalio depart-^ ment convention here August- 13. M. 15 nrd 18 will be “Many Long ■years »SJ." occordlnt to Ralph E. Leighton;^ psrade marshal.

Tlie porade will be staged the afternoon of Tuesday. August J5, and an old gray, sway*backed carrying "the largest m an w find In.Twin Falls." to lead- the marchenv Leighton said.

C«-sh prises will Ije given" to wln- bi each section o l the parade

Streel tlRliW were ordered In- 3faIIcd=aCrrmTrth'RTcnnc'we.':r and Oak and .Fourth avenue v - ' *"'< '[lie ^iiy iJniTrS~lii(ersf5lI5iJ'

ReporUi from dcpifrlment hend.s a? nrcpptert by thc'eouncll IficUidtd Hio Jollovhig.

Charle.*: E. flowcllffe. city welgh- niJi.Mer.- collecllons of IM.

Je.^^Ie Frft.Mfr. Iibmrtnnrcol--

p.OSO Iwoks in June and IIS new ‘readers.

..Dr. -E.Nl.-Prl'-p.-elly meiil- niid dairy Inspector, l.flia animals killed, three farcrisje.n and 323 condenuieil.

Q ilrf of Police Howard W. 011- lefte II:,ted -IS arre.^is for vlolaHons of city ordinances, 152 traffic viola­tions, 22 nrre. ls foyliunkenn'eis and :.Ix for mLvleqi5i<^rs.

Ills report showed 230 persons ■

dlnanees and 314 eninplalnU wera InvesllKaletl.

Collections for Munlelpnl Judge J. O. r>iimphrey for Ihr month oU un» vox >350.----------- -- •

rn isoN F.n .s Aftv: i.infi.ST.';TAVISTOCK, ruKlsnrt iSV-Con-

vlcl.i At DarUnoor. Britain’s lone­liest prl.'.on. are becoming llngulr.la. French. lAUshJ by a Tivhiock gl'am- uwr schoolmasler, 1 now one of the

il(lt;./rouli.onrt rcnt.^ 'h iclj ... .. 45-liidi Incline while Irav-

ellns a t rates of speed from 45 to S3 miles per hnur. Tlie car did not

D.unard Auio company sponsored the <lfmoi"!mtlon.

Pa/.',engcrr. wlUi King o n -^ ^ e '■fLs dare <li".’il .itunt.i Included Bill

Barnard and Mr. . n«-nry Mills, wife of—the-ill.»lilct -Goodrteh-tlro-dls-

nitUOGISTS’ KF-CRETARV IDAHO Palls. Idaho. July 10 (/?’) —

J. Earl Evans ot Idaho Falls, chair- f)f the stale pharmaceutical

board, named Jame.s Lynch of Boise today to ic n e as secretary of the Ixiard at a r.alat)’ of |12S a month.

[licliiiiliig a iiuinber of aihlcUc cl.. tesLs, ronducted In the after-

, ith .Mr.-;. Cordelia Wyatt, Mrs. Lj'dlii .Miller and Mrs. Elemior Z&gel In chnrce.

A bn.'.rijall Kamc. horr.eshoe pltch- Inj; and other entcrHJnmenl fe»- turc'f, were arranged for the adults.

No'Suiifisy.sen'lces were held at the church. '

M;i«;i.slraleIVaiuc(l “IirDi \ orc<rA‘ClioiiHenley-T.', Bolnrtd. one ef Twin

rnlkJuU lrM _nf_ the_j> fn« ._B 'M .name<l clefendaDl In a dlvnree suit wnicnT.Tr?:~Donie'Boiiind'f[iii'fMin dLsirlct.eoiirt In Twin Falls-yestcr- day. She ' ' ......


■': SuM c n j l ormA brief but Intense nUn-storm,

ssld,^by residents In th e affected srea lo be one of th e hardest-to strike In recent years, h it the farm­ing section located lo u r miles south a n d ' t u f o f T w l i n ^ l l a 'and Into Kimberly late yestcrdtiy aftcmoon.

Tlie rain waa oeoompRnled by a hesvy wind tlia t ripped llmbj from trees and disrupted telephone service briefly In rurnl sections outlaying from Klmberlx,and Horpsen.

Ih e rain stnjclc a t about 5:30 p. m , tU dcnts ot the ai«a snid. e.nd lasted fron tlve to e ight minutes.

IXtch riders for th e Twln-Fnlls cailRl company reported th a t canals and laterals filled rapidly, but that therBTmrTio'dnmaae:--------------------

Slorm died about ns It pawed Hansen and eant of th a t area fanh

I. rfpnrtj^ « "rynl trluhndust atorm."

Orootes. eommcrtlul— fl«tjt,- bnnds and drum and bugle corps.

Approximately 15 bands and 3rum ind'buglfl'Corpi U avo'nircsdr signified-Uielr IntenUoo to parUel- pate In tlie parade, marching and pajing eontMts. Paul R - Taber Is In charge of tills feature.

•ThB American Leglon*ls 31 years

Court’s Decree m - rEstate—SoIicited

WlUUtn A Chllder# of 'Iv in PnlLn applied to the probate court here - j ^ t e r t a j for iLflecn* th a t.th e e i- tnter-of-hli-W fc, MT8.'M ln n lc E. ChUders,.»as conununlty property. Rtrs. Chllden died Dee. 23. 1030. Ilearing on the peUUon was « t for ' Aug. 15. next. W. A. Babcock of Twin FaUs ts the peMUoncr'fl a t-

ol age 'tfiis y(#r." said Lelght n . • " It has come of age; — - -

“Judson Clark h u cliarge of a section of -Uie parade In which glrla ranging from one to-31 ye ari'o f ago will appear lo represent one year tn the life of the organization.

•The strli will ti l appear In theparade. TTiose Uiterested arc urged __to conUct Ur, Clark ImmedlaUly,"— % Lelgliton said,

A squad Of soldiers Is to'be d reued as soldiers were 21' years ago. Leighton a id . wlUi •■r-rmhlngiiiJi the kitchen sink draped on th em >

Twin Falls municipal bond wiil lead UieNparide vlUi the Buhl n a ­tional gUftrd unit to fellow aa .color guartl. “Hien comes, the “old gray mire."

All fmtemal and patriotic <k - ganixaUons have been Invited to cn- leyTIoatrRnaiestures lt '

Only one restriction Is placed on - firms ood (ygsnUaUoan entering flosta -> Uiey ore asked to "stick wlUi the Ainerltan. Legion them# of ‘many losg years ago’."

Aftendaiice.Mark : Now Over 32,000 .A crowd nf npproxlmnlrt? 2.000

fans a t U'le final game o f the Poca- tello-Twln Palls scrlM r.cnt Uie non attendance a t Jaycee park the 32,000 mark.• The Ihree-gnme /erles with

Cardinals attrac ted '4.100 customers,' sceordlns to -HliBh Puce; Cowboy

btislneaj* -mnnflser.' 'w h o '.Jw p e .th a t Uie final f lcu rr -a t the • iHase of the se.i.wn wTH be abore --W.eoo.- Arrtvftl'Of w arm 'weather. It Ts bellflve'd, will re.-nilt tn a hcalUiy

r lnn;ea.sc lA tum dub for Uic 30 lioma ~ ff imrg",Tcmalnlng on the Cowboys’

schedule,. .


■■Tuesday morning a t « o^ctocic a t the Goodman mortuary chapel In Hupcrt-

I'i Burlal i l i i b* In Rupert eeme- • to y ; '

“We,proudly presenrArrow's CQmmon-'Sense Sportswear

T h a n k s o o d n « s , r tx Arrow people' —

—h a re -Io flg -ro« l« -lbo -b« t-^ -----A ~ \ -j - a i i r n nn rarrh

have n w turned tlictr kux i 0 o ^ iJ o c r 'M ic s J

F oe-ibc-iau lc ‘ sci^nblc, the

sportswear you have ercr seen. Room in the r t ; ^ p lK O (ftrm hole, shoutden vk! h ip s )^ ta ic o lin e co k w ^—oo b tiaffe hoes. Aod do

- p d g e ts , no trick, dkasl lo o k k o»erj before yon ,

. -*»|T o t iw . jpoRSi