WILLS AND ENDURING POWERS OF ATTORNEY working together Family Law Experts Sunshine Coast www.pippacolman.com

Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney...By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you get to choose who will administer your financial and/or personal affairs. Unlike a General Power

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Page 1: Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney...By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you get to choose who will administer your financial and/or personal affairs. Unlike a General Power


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Family Law ExpertsSunshine Coast


Page 2: Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney...By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you get to choose who will administer your financial and/or personal affairs. Unlike a General Power

A Will is a legal document which takes effect after your death. It appoints an Executor and expresses your wishes about the division of your assets between your beneficiaries.

If you pass away without a Will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy, which could result in:

With no Will in place, you have no say in who administers your estate and who takes the assets you built up over a lifetime.

A Will is a complex legal document which should be prepared by a solicitor. A solicitor will make sure that your Will is properly prepared so that your wishes are set out clearly, and that your completed Will is executed correctly.

You are able to change or alter your Will at any time and as often as you like.

Your circumstances change over time so it is advisable to review your Will regularly. Particularly:

◊ the forced sale of assets like the family home, so beneficiaries can claim their share; or

◊ your assets being passed to the government, when you don’t have any living relatives.


What will happen if I don’t make a Will?

Preparing your Will

Changes to your Will

What is a Will?

We all accept that one day we will pass away and if you don’t have a Will in place, your assets may be treated in a way that you would never have wanted and those who you love may miss out.

If you have a proper Will, your assets will go to your loved ones.



We at Pippa Colman & Associates Law Practice,

would love to help you.

◊ as relationships change◊ as your assets change◊ if you move to a different state◊ as laws about estate planning change

Making a Will

Page 3: Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney...By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you get to choose who will administer your financial and/or personal affairs. Unlike a General Power

By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you get to choose who will administer your financial and/or personal affairs.

Unlike a General Power of Attorney, the powers under an Enduring Power of Attorney continue if you lose the capacity to make decisions for yourself.

An Enduring Power of Attorney allows you to give your appointed Attorney the power to make financial decisions and also personal and/or health decisions.

An Enduring Power of Attorney enables you to set out what actions your Attorney can perform on your behalf. You can nominate more than one

Attorney and say when their powers will begin.

You can give your Attorneys the authority to make most decisions that you could legally make yourself or limit their powers to terms set by you.

You should make an Enduring Power of Attorney if you are 18 years or over and have the capacity to understand the nature and effect of the power you are giving to your Attorney.


What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

Who should make an Enduring Power of Attorney?

If you are unable to manage your own affairs, it may be too late to make your wishes clear to those who will care for you unless you have an Enduring Power of Attorney in place.

Making an Enduring Power of Attorney

Page 4: Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney...By making an Enduring Power of Attorney, you get to choose who will administer your financial and/or personal affairs. Unlike a General Power

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