Williamstown, Nov 17, 1822

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  • 8/12/2019 Williamstown, Nov 17, 1822



    LettersRanger Family

    Williams town [Nov?] 17 8122

    Dear brother & sisters

    Permit me to inform you that under a kind providence that I and mine enjoy a comfortable state

    of health and the rest of our Friends generaly but aun Hannah Torrey who has been confined to

    her bed some weeks while was writing David Torrey came in he wishes you to give his respects

    to Mrpeck & wife the family are well (except Aunt) she has lost the use of one side and Partially

    affected her reason

    I have just received inteligence of the death of Father

    may it admonish us to be ready to follow our deceased Father may we suitable notice this

    dispensation of Providence and may it be [tanlified?] to our spiritual good

    they inform me that Father made no will and they wish us all to meet as soon as we can [dunate?]

    to them that we [layant?] to be there at that time

    give my respects to all my relations and Friends and accept of the same to your selves


    Joseph Torrey

    Father died the eighth of Nov 1822