Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope

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  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


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    Resources ( ) f I-JoIJeClIltme , Democracy, Socialism

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    RAY tv! () N J) WI L L I A t\t SI :dilcd hy I ~ o h i l l GahleWith an Inl roductioll hyI{ohin Blackhurn

    'l'Ot-iBO. : '114!j fJ 11:3DD- FFLCI{-f);:3P

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    t PHd 011 . N,'w t t l lk

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  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


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    ~ j ; . _ , l < h ' ~ ~ " ' ' ' * . 'itTWiftftrte. lr'

    MAunlcfOCulture is Ordinary


    The hU5 Slop was olliside Ihe ("alhl'd,al. 1hatllll'Cfl Ipoking allhe Mappa"'llIlItii. wilh ils liwls 11111 01 l"II:llIi.,I'. alld OIl Ihc dtailll,tllihrary, whereit pally 01 rkrgYllll'lI had gol ill l'Ilsily, hilI WhCfl' I had wailed 1111 hourlI11d cajok" II wrger hefOll' 1 I'Vt'fI saw the ('hains. Now, across the~ 1 1 l ' e l , a cinema a d v c l l i ~ I ' d Ihl' S;I-I- / I ' ( ' .\jweill land a cmlooll versiol1 of(;II/Ii I ('/

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


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    ;rholll, and lalcl 10Camliridge.~ ( ' u \ l ; l I e t ' ; = ~ ~ l r y : Ihal is whell! WI' IIIml slall. ' ~ ~ , l r n i D ~ J , !CCI!lII!IY w a ~ c . . t ; I IC shape (.f ;r cullllle, and its IlIutirs 1 ~ _ I : ' ! ! l ! ! I . . ' : i , . ; Ic ( ~ 1 011 the 1ll00llH"ins HIHIIook llOllh to lite l a l t l l ~ :JntlllH' calh cdral. Of $(lulh til Iht! "noke Hlld the lIall': 01 the hla,t flllnace lIIaking asecond s \ l n ~ ( ' 1 . To grow lip in Ihal lamily was 10 Ihe ~ h a p i l l g ofrnillds:the lealning ( o l r i ' I ~ - " v r ~ I 1 t < ; ~ l f l c - s f l i i t i i l g o f l e l a l i ( l n s h ~ i p s , Iltt'elltC):gencC;;C d i f f ~ c l I l 1 ; 1 I 1 ~ l I a g c and hk':ls: 'Kly"glHndlalhcr, a hig haldI"Four-cr, \Vcp(\\'fiTIe' Til;sPllkl', l i i l l ; r Y : ~ l l d cxcill'tlly, al Illl: P;II IIlceting, of being 11II11I.:d 0111 of his wllage, [alhcr, not IlIlIg klOle hedied, spoke quil'lly a II I happily of when he had started a II atle-llnionhrallch allli a I "hour !'aiIY gloup ill the villagc, and, wilholll hillcrncss,(If Ihe 'kept Im:II' 01 the IICW politics, I ~ p l ' a k ;r dilll'!l'nt idiol1l, hili I

    I ~ i n k of thesl' ~ a l J 1 \ ! I h i l l g ~ ,, f Culture is ordiualY: that is Ihe first lart. EvelY hll!tWIl sociCly has its'own shape, ils own pUlposes, ils OWII l1Il'lIllillg\, Evcry hlll1l:1I1 socielYexpresses these, in i l \ s t i l \ l t i l l l \ ~ , alld in arls and lealning, The llI

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


    6 /)rjillillg (/ IJelllocral;c ( '//ItllfeI know, frolll the most ordinary experielll'{:. that the interest is thcl e, thecapacity is there, Of course, farther along that hus journcy, the 0111 socialorgani7ation in which Ihese things had their place has bcen hroken,I'cople have hccn ilJivclI alllt concentrated into m'w kinds of WOl k, newkinds of r c l l \ t i o n ~ h i p ; work, hy the way, which hllilt the p;" k walls, lindthc hOll;, hili those Ihat lIlallclcd wcre Ihree, (\II" , "@ jIst, I hey sa II I < ~ ' . ! . ! ~ !I!' ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ a l l y _ l " tcrJ 11 ' d b l rc ! l ~ I L ! ! U } S I"'f""Cii nderlying system ,IlL C ! ( H I I l t : I ~ ! 1 ' I havl' arglle(rHiis theoretically else-:: 'here - it is a !lillie diflkult i,ka Ihan il looks - hut I slill accept its( ) Illphasis, Evcrything I had secn, growing up illt"al bonIer country, h l l l ~ " ~ ~ '/"o I lite l{)w:llt1s Slll'h an clllphasis: a ClllltllC is II whole WIII of liCl\und , yI'}'g, tie ails are pari of a s ( l d a l l H g ~ ' l I i l i l T I ( l n \ v h i c f l ~ i . ' ~ : ; " l m l l l c cl,a,igcdcru:ii ( ~ ' j i

    '" lea i i l ~ ~ l - I s : rdill 1I(lt h:lvl;t-()-jlc' 1;',uglifl.fiSsaf!sni'd 1(111 with lhe cxist-', I g eCOllomlC system, hilI lite slIhseqllenl qUl'stlons ahout our culture-c ~ - < : ere, ill Ihl'se lerms, vaglll'. II was said Ihat it was :1 c l a s s - d o l l l i n a ~ e d'0 1 1 ~ l l I l ' , tldiltcrate]y ~ I ' s t ' i t ' l i I l L ~ ' ! ( ' 0 1 1 I . ! I I I I " j I J h ~ ~ l i t a n e ~ : d ! L l L ~ l ' i ~ i & ,... \ lile leavillg the l I l a s s ~ U u I ! l , L a l l l . The fact of rcstrictiolJ I accepled _ it..... IS stl (I )VIOIlS Ill:iIonly thc-"I'.\en;lIg poor get IIIl1ch educational

    0ppollunily. and I was in no lIIoml, as I walkl'd ahoul Cumbridge, tofeci glad thai I had heclI thollght tlcst:l'villg: I was 110 heller und noWOISC thall Ihe Pl'Ol'1L' I cllmc frOIl1. Oi l the olher hantl, jllst hc(,'ulise oflitis, I got angl y al Illy It iends' lalk ahollt Ihe igllt)llllll lIIasses: OIlC kindof Cunllllllnisl has always talked like Ihis, 111111 has gol his ullswer, atI'olllan alltl Iltldapest, as the illlpctialists, "","illg tht' sallie assumption,wele an.\Wl'I't't1 in India. in Indo-( 'hina, ill Alrica, Theil' is all EnglishI t tIll gl'( tis l'l! It I It: ... \ ' " H l l i l ~ , l l ! I ~ t ! " 11!l l U C " ~ J t t l L l l ' L - J j ! ; ' ! J l I i I ~ ; ~ t E E l i l r . . , u i ' f f i ? ~till ions, in close ('t)lIlal'l \ \ f i t h J h c , ; ! ( t ~ W J ~ I , ; t ; R l U ; , , ' b . . < J I J W ~ ~ ~ Tn suy thatlIIost \V(')f king If('i'ij')fc"";ile-cxl'hHltd fl n;1I Ihese is sell-evidenl, t l ~ o u g h IhedOOIS, IIlHk,. suslained p l e S ~ I I I t ' , arc slowly opening, Bill to gil 011 tn sayIhal wor king people ale excluded hom EIIl{lis,11 c u l l ! ! I j . ; j , ' L W 1 ! 1 ' i . e l ! ~ ~ ~ they

    c _,_ ~ ~ ~ " - = : - . : : : . - = = " ; ~ " " , : . ~ - : : ~ - = : : . , , , _ ; , _ ~ , , : : _ ' , "

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


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  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope



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    I () [ J r r i l l i l l ~ II /)I ' III(/(f11lic CI/II",('Yet IIPt all. Once I g()t away, and thoughl ahollt it, it didn't really lit

    p r o J 1 ( ~ r l y . For IIlle thing I klll'w this: at home we well' glad 01 the Indm-trial J { ~ ' V ( l l l l l i o l l , alld (I f c O I I ~ e q l l t ' n t ~ ( ) r i a l and political rhallges.True, we lived ill a VCIY hcaulillliialtllillg v a l l l ~ Y , alld the valkys heyolldthe lil11l'stonl! we 1.:011111 all Sl'C were IIgly. I\ut thcll' was OIlL' gilt Ild\ wat;ovcrridillg, olle gill whkh al allY plicc Wt' wouldlak!.', Ilrt: "ill of pOW e/ 'that i\ cverythillg to 111111 who have WOl ked wilh thL'il h,,"ds. It was ~ I ( ) win coming to 11\, ill all its l:Iket:-., hilt ~ l l ' a l l 1 POWCI, the petlol t'ngille,clel.:trieity, these

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


    t, ! I klm;lI} : II t )/'111111'1(11;/' ( ' l / fOII "h ~ ' ; I I t 1 III, '\ hc had lIew l'Ofllllll'll'ial ullliliC l'll I H' (Ill I 01 III(' sOl'ial

    dlao, 01 tlltill'.llialislll, awl 11111 01 llie ~ , \ l c t : c ... ill Ihi .. chaos, 01 Ihc'1I1a-;\rs' 11II11I1I1a, 1101 11111 III 1'''1'111;11 edllcalillil. NOllhdiHc did Ic:wworsc IlIill!!" Ihall siall I h i ~ lIIylh, 1111 whik Ihe t'ollllel'Ij,," hclWl'l'1l hadt:ultwc alld Ihl' sodal d l l lO\ of jllllllSlli.llislll is ~ , i g l l i l i r , I I I I , IIIL' cOlllleclioll

    h c l \ ~ e C I I il and poplliar educalioll i, \ ' i r i t l l l ~ , 'I Ill' Nonhdilk Revolution,hy Ihe way, a .atlkal t:hallge ill Ihe tllland . 1s ti l lCll l iC or the PICSS,ba

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


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    [)I!fi"illl: a Dem()cratic Cuitllrt'expanding culture (If our kind. I could IIot have begun this work if I had, not learned from the Marxist!; and from l.cavis; I cannot coll1plete itunless I radically amend some of the idea!; which they and others haveleft liS.I give myself three wishes, one for each of the SWHns I have just beenwalching on the lake, I for things Ihal arc pari of the ethos of ourworking-class movement. I lI!ok thai we may he strong and humanenough to rcali7e Ihem. And I ask, nallll'ally, ill illY own fields ofinlelest._ L ~ i 1 i h . J i t ; ~ I , thai we should recogni7e that cdllcation is ordinary: thatit is, hcforeevcrytl,lnlf c ~ c , tfic process or giving to t h l ~ ordinaryrnemhcr5 of society its fnll COllllllllll llleHnillg", and the skills thaI willenahle thelll to amend these Illeanings, ill the light of their personal amicommon expelience. If we start fro III that, we can get rid of the rClIlaining restrictions, anti make the necessary changes. I do 1I0t mean onlymoney restrictions, though these, of course, arc ridiculous ami must go, Imean also restrictions in the mind: the insistence, for example, that thereis H hard maximum IIl1mber - a fracliolJ of Ihe population as a whole ,capahle or really profiling hy a universilY education, or a grammarscllool education, or hy allY full wurse of liberal studies. We all' toldthat this is nol a question of whal we lIIight personally pida, hilI of thehard cold filcts of hllman intelligence, as shown by biology and psychology. But leI liS he frank about thi,,: arc hiology :Ind psychology differentin the USA and USSlt (earh (olIIflIitlrd to expansion, and not III allYclass rigidities), where mudl larger numbers, l\1uch larger hactions, J l a ~ sthrough cOlllparnhle stages of education'! Or were Ihe Fnglbh merelyhehintl in the qlll'lIe for inlelligence'! I helieve, myself, Ihat 0111' cducational system, with its goldclI Iractiolls, is too like OUI ~ o r i a l systl:1II .. atop layt'r of leaders, II middle layer (If supervisors, alaI ge bottoll\ layerof operatives - to he coincidence. I Cllllnllt an'ept thaI education atraining for johs, or for lIIaking \lsd\ll citil,cns (that fitting into Ihissystem). It is a society's confirmation of its COIIHllon meanings, lIlId ofthe hUllIan skills for their arllcndlllenl. .Iohs follow from tltis l'onfirmatioll: the purposc, and then the wOlking skill. We ale lI Iov illg intoan economy where we shallncetl lJIany 11I0lC highly tlained specialists.For this precbe reason, I ask for a common education Ihat will !(ive oursociety its cohesion, and prevenl il di!-ointcgl ating inlo a seties of special-ist departments, the nation become a firm.But I do not mean only thc reorgani7alion of entry illto particularkinds of education, thollgh I wekorne alld walrh Ihe cxperiments in this.I mean also the rethinking 01 conlellt, which is even mOle important. Ihave the hOllour 10 work for all organii'atioll through which, qllite pme-

    ( ' l i l t / i f( ' ;,\. Ordill"ry, I Jlically, wOlking 1IIl'1I arm'lItled Ihc hl!.\lish 1Il1iVl'rsity curricululll, Hknow as it was IIlell: Iltl' (klcct is l Iot what is in, hut what is nut. It will he '11 test of our CII II III al SCI iouslll'sS whelher we can, ill the coming gener- 'at;on, Iedesign our syllahuses 10 a poillt of filII IIIIlIIan relevance nndcontrol. 1 should like to a !.\ftllll' work ill!! on this, and offering itsconclusions. For we need not fear change; nhJness fIlay or may not be'lelevant. I cOllle fwm an old place; if II l11an tells me that his family came:over with the N o r l 1 1 a n ~ , I say 'Yes, how i n t e r e s t i n ~ : and arc you liking it :here'!' ( ) I d n e ~ s is Ielative, anef many 'il11memOlial' English II'odltions iwell' invented, just like that, in thl' lIinctcl'nth celltury. What that vitalcenllllY did fm ito; own n l ' l ' d ~ , we rail do lor (lUIS; we clIn make, in ourtUrtl, a tnre tWl'nlil'lh'cl'lltlll Y ~ y l l a h l l s . I\nd hy Ihi . 1 do not l11eansimply mOle technology; 1 mL"1Il a llIlIlihL'laledllralioll lor l'Vl'ryone in ,our sodL'ty, and IhL'1I lull speci.disl Irainillg to cHIn our living in tt'rlllS (If:whal we wanl 10 lilah' of 11111 lives. ()"r ).l'l'dalisl11s will he finer if theyhave grown horn a COIIIII\on culture, lather than heing a d i ~ t i n c l i ( ) 1 1 fromit. I\ml we III ist al all eosls aVllid Ihe polari7alion of our culture, of 'whidl Ihere arc growing ~ i g l 1 s , Iliglt Jitl'racy is clCpamJing, in direct,relalion til exceptional l'ducalional opportunities, and the gnp hctweellthis and cOl1Jmon lileraty may widen, 10 the great damagc Ill' hOlh, andwith great consequent tellsioll, We must emphasizc lIot the ludder butthe common highway, for every lIIall's ignorance diminishes me, andevery man's skill is a comlllOIl gain of hreath.. My second wish is COll1ph:I\lt'J1lary: for more and l110re active puhlie 1provision for Ihc III Is and fOI adllit kaming. We now spend 2I1,OnO,ooo 'annually Oil all ollr lih,aries, 1 1 I 1 1 ~ I ' l I l m , galkril's, IIldll'stras, .. I the Arls ,Council, "lid 011 all forms of adull nhfl'alillil. AI Ihe same lillie we spend'365,000,000 annually on advcllising, When Ihese ligures nrc reversed,we c:tn daill1 SlIlIll' S I ' I I ~ 1 ' 01 pI 01'111 lion alld valut'. I\IHI IInti l Ihey IIrcrevel lei Ihell' he 1111 )'l'lnlOIlS 11(1111 t tl' l'slahlishllll'1l1 uhoutmalrrialislII: this is thl'ir way (II Jill', 111 Ihl'lII lOll\.. at it. (Ullt then: is nl)shame ill thcrn: lor Yl'ars, with their (lwn dlildren away at school, theyhave lectured WOl king-dass mol hers on the virlue'; of family IirCj this a

    ~ i l 1 l i l a r rasl!.)1 ask for increased provision on th,ee conditions. II is not to he 1It l i ~ g l l i ~ e d way of kel'pillg lip l'OIlSlllllpti,,", hut II thing done for ownsake. 1\ minisler in Ihe last Laholll' government said that we didn't wontany gcniuses in Ihl' lillll i l l t l u ~ t l y: hl' wanlcd, pn'slIlIIlIhly, jusl to keep ..the till list ill'S clicking. The shOll allswer 10 Ihis is Ihal we don't wunt anyWanlour Street thinkers in the leadership of the Lahour Party. We want'leaders of a society, nol Iqmir-wlIl kers on this killd of clllluntl economy,

    '1 he second condition is that w h i l l ~ we lIIusl ohviollsly pn'serve andexlend the great nalional institulions, wc IIIl1st 1111 something 10 ~ e v e r s e

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  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope




    1(, /JeJil l i l l f, 1/ /)(' /I/(/(' /(l l ic ( 'I IIIWI'the concentration of this part of 0111 1:1I1t1l[e. We ~ h o l l i t l Wdcllllle,encourage and f o ~ t c r Ihe Icndencies 10 Iegional 1e('ll,,,tion Ihat arcshowing Ihemselves; for cllltllie is or tii IHII y. you ~ h ( l l l l ( \ not have to go 10London 10 finll it.'1 he Ihird l:onditioll iii c ( ) n t r ( ) v c r ~ i a l . We should not seek 10 an

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


    1H J)eJ;,,;/I}! II /)t '/IIorrt/I;/, ('11111/11'milliolls iii Fnglalld who ~ I i l l hawn'l gill iI, w h l ' n ~ Ihey WOI k allli lcd,There. as always, Ihe II HII"IOIl1Iing CIIt'1 gy, and IIl l: I!lIsilll'SS of Ihesociali!>t inlelleclual whal it alwayo; was: to allack Ihe damps (Ill Ihalenergy _, in i l l d l l ~ t l i a l rdalion .. , puhlic athnini,;ltalioll, educalioll, for a51:lrt; a II I to work in hi-; IIWII ticlll on ways in which Ihal ellell'Y, asreleased, can he concentrated anti ferlile, The ledlllicalllWalls arc difliCIIII e n ( ) \ I I ~ h . hilI Ihe hi!!gcst (lilliclllty is ill :tcn'pling" deep ill om minds,the value!; ( I I I which Ihey tkpeml: Ihal the ordillary people shouldgovern; Ihlll c\lltllfe and CdUl'lIlioll arc ordinary; thaI thele an.' 110masses to !>aVl'. 10 capture. or to direct, Inillathcr this crowded people illIhe ('OlHse (If un cxlraordinarily rapid and confusing c x p a n ~ i o l l of Iheirlivcs, A writer's jnh io.; wilh individllallllc;llIillgs. and with IIl

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


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    2() /)e/ill;1I8 a lJellloCTmic ('"lllIresystems, 'I he history of the pless in Ihis cotlllllY i'i a history 01 a longfight again

  • 7/30/2019 Williams, Raymond - Resourses of Hope


    2tV / ) t ' l t l l i I lK II IJ l 'moCl l l l i r ('11111111'

    IOllg. Ycl Ihc 1111(' has hcell SII dl'afly like Ilial -- 1I rnall of grcal sl/cllglhin Reilh who Iell Ihal witll Ihie; POWC/fll1 Ill'W Systelll, Ille v i / l t l l ~ lIIulcharaclcr of Blilaill were ill l I i ~ keeping. Sf) we gol very high idcals ofpuhlic se/vicc, very lIigh ideals of moralily, vcry high ideals of Ihl'English Sunday: ill gCllen.r a 10lle whicll is qllile Ulllllislakcahll', Ihc IOllcliS il has recently l'l'CII unkindly dcscrihcd hy Ihe colIl/nclcial Ielevisionpeople OIl. Ihal 01 Iltl' goldcn hoys, Ihe pall c i a l l ~ , who will ('dllcale amienlighlen Ihe Brilish people, hilI 011 Iheil OWII lerllls.

    Now Ihe poilll I walll 10 /lIakc is Ihal Ihe Bllt' has hccl! a grl'al alld,in spill,.' of everylhing, lortullalc cxceplioll 10 Ihe 11()l1I1:I1 11I0CCSS IIIcultural IftovcloPlIll'lI1 in IIlmit:1II B,ilai". II was all exceplioll hccausepeople Ihlll/ghl or il illlpOllllll1 for 1I1IliollalliL'kncc alld scctllily, and(lllre you lotlch Iho!.c IhinJ!s t ' x { ' c p l i ( l l l ~ Gill "l' lIIadc. Jlul il was lighlagainsl Ihe ordillaJ Y Irl'lId ill 11 II 11m 01 her i l l ~ 1 illil iOlls ovc, Ihe laslhundred ycars. II was an islalld; alld who would haw Ihollghl Il'lI Yl'arsago Ihal il w:'s :III i ~ l a l l d Ihal Ihe sca would evcr (ollte lip over, or Ihalwould cvell he IhrealclH.'d wilh e/mioll? Pl'0l"c lell: well, Ihal's Ihilaill.II hswe C:1Il conceive il. ,,"less we can hegin to Ihillk aholll il ill tlelail, Ihepresenl situalion will COlllinue; Ihe good d C I 1 l t . ~ n l s in palernalism \\-ill illany casc disappcar; Ihe had cicmellts ill COllllllcrcialisl1l all' qllile CC/lainto colltinuc 10 f1ouri'h. Papels will l ~ ( I 1111 bcillg closed down. The dll'clive cllntmillf whal (lcople sec alld ht,,,,, alld I cad will Will illllt.' 10 he illvery few hands. Ncw liphcrcs will he illvatlcll - I Ihillk Ihe (Jlle 10 walchnow is hooks, hecause hooks arc gelling to a siage, reachcd hy lIewspapers IIhllul fiflY yt.'lI!s ago, when Ihcy arl' heillg I('ad fly a lIIaj"rily of

    ( '0/111111111;("(/1;01/\ t l l l t ! ( 'ml/1" ,m; ly 29Ihe p"l'lIlalioll for 11)(' li,sl lilli\.', alld so Ihl'/l' b 1ll0lll'y ill Ihclll, parlicu-'lally wilh Ihe clevdol'"ll'nlol Ihl' pape/hat:k. II is 110 Mllillise, 10 anyonewho knows Ihe h i ~ I O I y or Ihc Ilcwspapcr p'ess, 10 scc the Ihings nowhappcning in pllhlishillg -- lllnalgamalitlllS, lakeovcrs, COllrelllralion ofCOlllrol, Ihe elllry of a lIew killd of rapilal, which plcviously would nothave bl'l'lI i / l l l ' r c ~ l c " in hooks al all, alld illdl'l'" il i'i nol i l l l c r c ~ l e d illhooks now, hecause Ihal is 11111 why YOII invcst. 1\11 Ihesc Ihings, so farfrom heing lemp"rary incidenls, Ihe odd disaslers which we hope willnol happell again, ,IIC del'p " 11l'IHI in I " i ~ soci"ly Ihal Ilolhing callSlOp Ihelll, nOlhillg I"" a hell('r (',,"n'pl ion and a helle! SYSll'lII. I\ml youSl'C I alII lull SIIIl' Ilral Ihl' palL'lIIalonL' is hl:lIl'1, alld ill any l'ase I IhinkIhl' lillll' has IOllg J l a . ' i ~ l ' d ill lllilaill whl'II you l'lIl1ltf gl'l a paternalcOllccplioll Ihrollgh; IlIl' I'rt'SStlll'S I!ollll '\'l'/y wlll'll' aIL' 100 slroll!', (or it10 hold, We havc 10 look Ihl'II, 1m a IIl'W syslcm; a dClllocralic systcm.Now ill a delllocralic SY1>ICIII 01 l'Ol1llllllllic:llioll, whal is Ihe firsl

    c s ~ c l l l i a l ? Surely Ihal t'Oll1l1lllllicalioll is sOlllclhing Ihal helollgs In thewholc society, Ihal il is sOlllethillg whil'h depends, if il is tn he hcnhhy, onlllaXilllUIII p:ulicipalioll Ity Ihc ilulividllal'i ill 11ll' ~ o l ' i l ' I Y , Since COlli-1I1ll/Iit-alioll is Ihc Il'CO/d 01 hlllll:lll g/()wlh, it has 10 Itl' WI Y vHlit'd, It has10 tfispc/sc ilsl'lf illl(\ many dilll'Il'/I1 and illckpc/Hkll1 syslcllls,all ofwhirh, howcver, havc 10 hc SCClI/l' l'lHlllgh 10 mainlain themselves. II has10 gd lid of Ihc idea thaI COllllllullkalioll is Ihe husilles'i of II minorilylalking 10, inslillfling, leadillg Oil, Ihe lIlajority, II Iws, filially, to f.:et ridof Ihe false ideology of WlIlllllllliL'aliolls as we have leceived il: theideology of people who arc illle/cslell ill CO/lllllllllicalions ollly as II wilyor ('olllml/ing pcopk, or "r makillg 1I1111ll'y lIul 01 Ihelll.

    FO I il a Icnilyillg Ihoughl Ihal mosl (I f Ihe Ical work (III cOlllll1ullicalion is now hl'illJ!. dom' hy advcllisl,.'rs, 10 discovl'l" /lHl/l' ell"eclivc wllysof ~ l ' ' ' i l l g Ihe I" "duds 01 \\hllcvel h i l l : , ~ Iltl'lII. II i:-. jll,,1 .." haellhat ulmostall 0(11 1I'IIIlS III" lalking aho,,1 eOllltt"I/lil'aliltll CIIIIII . r'OIll Alllerit'a,whcre YOll have lllllllllg sOllle good ~ ( ) d l l i o g y 11 very largely dehased lindhiled sOl'iology. There nOlhing is :111 clfl'lt or an impression, il is alwaysall impact. Peoplc cvcn are nol Pl'Ople, Ihl'y mc lIIass lludicnccs. Iheyare sociO-CCOIlOlllic groups, Ihey mc Ill! gl'tS, Ami Ihe aggressinll wilhinthOSl' lelllls, Ihc aggres.,ion wilhin 'illlpacl', Ihe uggn:ssioll within'largcl', h Ihe e x p / e ~ s i o l l of Pl'OPIl' who wallll(l COIlIIOI. Bul the hasis ofII ellloeialic sy:-.lt:1II Is Ihal orditt"r}, pellple sholli d have COIIII'III ill IheirOWII hallds, thaI Ihcy shollld 1101 he largl'lS tor anyhody.

    Now I Ihillk Ihal whal we havc 10 do is III discovcl a syslel11 whirh is(TI taillly Ihl' ( I " p o ~ i l l ' of 11111 I II l'l c i : r l i ~ I I I , hll I whkh is eCI hlillly also (j,tlilCIhe opposile of slall' COil II 01. Sucialism, which Ollghl 1o havc Ihe answers 10Ihis, is so sadly ladillg 11I:c,,,'sc il is a 1 > ~ o c . : i a t e d ill pellple's minds, illlhislit'll!, wilh lTIII/ali/alioll alld wilh l " e l l w / ~ h i p . Anef I l l i ~ is /1111 Ollly Ihe